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Animal breeding business. What animals are profitable to breed for business? Breeding turkeys, chickens. Business plan for breeding rabbits. Pig breeding. What animals are profitable to breed

Animal husbandry is one of the most popular varieties entrepreneurial activity, which is practiced as those who live in countryside as well as city dwellers. The only condition is that the livestock business, like any other, must be approached responsibly and thoughtfully, otherwise the whole idea will be empty. What animals are profitable to breed for sale, and how to organize your own business?


One of the most profitable and popular types livestock business- breeding of rabbits. They have hypoallergenic, dietary and very healthy meat, which is in great demand, especially among residents of big cities, where every second suffers from allergic manifestations and problems with the digestive system. The cost of meat ranges from 7 to 16 dollars per kilogram, and on average you can earn about 8-10 thousand dollars per year. Like any other type of business, rabbit breeding has its advantages and disadvantages that a novice farmer should consider.

The farmer will have to learn the basics of slaughtering rabbits and cutting carcasses
  • high fecundity of animals (one female gives about 25-30 rabbits per year);
  • the opportunity to receive income not only from the sale of meat, but also from the sale of fluff, skins, litter;
  • minimum costs for the maintenance of livestock.

Breeding cons:

  • considerable time and labor costs (animals require constant care, examination, vaccination, etc.);
  • susceptibility of rabbits to various diseases that can destroy almost all individuals in a short time;
  • in some regions, it is quite difficult to find markets for the sale of products.

Rabbits can be kept in cages or pits, fed with compound feed, and enough hay can be prepared for them for the winter.

In order to start breeding rabbits for sale, you first need to find suitable premises. The best option- a separate shed in the courtyard of a private house, insulated, without drafts and holes into which pests can climb. Some breeders keep rabbits in garages, but with a large number of animals, they will in any case give off a smell that can disturb the neighbors.

To begin with, it is enough to buy 2-3 females and an unrelated male, the breed is chosen depending on the breeding purposes.

Livestock care is reduced to cleaning and disinfection of the premises, feeding and regular inspection of animals. If at least one of them has alarming symptoms, it must be isolated immediately, otherwise pestilence may go through the rabbitry.


Keeping chickens is a convenient and low-cost activity. Chickens are quite calm and peaceful birds, practically do not cause trouble for the farmer and do not require special care. Eggs and chicken meat are among the products that are in demand regardless of the season or where the farmer lives, and in the absence of markets, products can be sold to friends. Profit depends on the purpose of breeding birds and the selected breed. On average, poultry farmers earn about 7-10 thousand rubles per month from 30 hens, but this figure can be significantly increased.

It is obligatory to have a small courtyard where the birds can walk

Business Pros:

  • minimal costs for equipping the premises and food (for the sake of economy, chickens can be released for free range so that they find their own food on their own);
  • simple technology of poultry care, obtaining eggs and meat;
  • absence of business seasonality;
  • good opportunities for selling products - to wholesale and private buyers, shops, bakeries, restaurants, etc.
  • high business competitiveness;
  • chicken meat, and especially eggs, is a perishable product, and in the absence of established distribution channels, there is a risk of losing products;
  • the need to regularly care for birds, buy them special supplements and vitamins;
  • chickens, like all other living beings, tend to get sick and die, it can be extremely difficult to protect them from danger.

Chicks can be bought at the age of 4-5 months, when they are less susceptible to diseases and are already “ripe” for laying eggs.

Bird care includes regular cleaning of the house, feeding a properly balanced diet, treating diseases if necessary, and collecting eggs. The number of chickens should be no more than 5 heads per square meter.

You need to buy roosters only if you plan to get new chickens - laying hens lay eggs well even without males.


Among farmers, ducks are the second most popular, as their meat and eggs are of higher quality. One of the great advantages of breeding these birds is that you can choose special breeds of birds designed to produce liver and cook the popular dish foie gras, which is highly valued. The profitability of the business is about 65%, and given that one carcass costs an average of 270 rubles, the net income can be 100 thousand rubles a year.

Access of ducks to growing greenery and water is very important, as it creates a natural habitat for birds.
  • ducks are peaceful, behave calmly, rarely make noise and rush around the yard;
  • you can save money on keeping birds if you give them the opportunity to free-range;
  • individuals are omnivorous, consume and digest almost any food;
  • You can sell meat, eggs, liver, fluff, feathers, carcass waste (paws and heads are used to feed animals) and even droppings.

Breeding Disadvantages:

  • keeping ducks in cages, although it is the simplest, negatively affects egg production and the condition of birds, so it is better for them to equip a special room;
  • for normal growth and development, individuals need a natural reservoir.

The size of the house depends on the number of ducks - 3 birds can live on one square meter. The room should be insulated, equipped with additional lighting, protected from drafts and rodents. Be sure to put a thick layer of straw or hay on the floor so that the birds can nest. The main attributes of the poultry house are drinking bowls and feeders, and next to it there should be a yard for walking and a pond.

Ducks should be carefully examined to prevent the development of diseases

The feed is selected balanced, consisting of grain waste, greens, vegetables and mineral components (bone or fish meal, salt etc.). The room where ducks are kept should be regularly cleaned, bedding changed and disinfected.

To save money, birds can be slaughtered before the first frost, as the cost of feed and other needs increases in winter.


Turkey meat has an excellent taste and is valued higher than the meat of other farm birds, but it costs much more. Individuals are quite unpretentious, get along well with other inhabitants of the farm, in adulthood they rarely get sick and die. The cost of turkey meat is from 170 to 350 rubles per kilogram, the profitability of the business is at the level of 60–80%, depending on whether the novice farmer can properly organize the breeding process and establish distribution channels.

Be sure to need a courtyard where turkeys can walk, as they are prone to obesity, which can adversely affect their health
  • turkeys, unlike chickens, quickly gain weight and give more meat;
  • relatively low competitiveness of the business;
  • the possibility of selling down, eggs, feathers and chicks;
  • unpretentiousness of adults to the conditions of detention.

Business cons:

  • high mortality of turkeys in the first week of life (in the absence of proper care, there is a risk of losing the entire livestock);
  • in Russia, such meat is less in demand than in other countries;
  • breeding turkeys is a more complex process than keeping chickens;
  • birds are large in size, so they need a spacious room to accommodate them.

The most difficult period in keeping turkeys is the first week of the life of young animals, so it is better for novice farmers to buy older chicks. For livestock, you need a spacious poultry house (at least 45 square meters per bird), which is equipped in a dry, ventilated room. Special attention should be given to the absence of dampness, drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

In winter, the poultry house needs to be equipped with additional heating.

They feed turkeys with special feed or grains with the addition of soy, greens, chalk and vitamin E (the minimum set that is necessary for the health of birds). In addition, individuals require a strict diet - 7 times a day for young animals and 4 for adults, meals should be at the same time.

Veterinary check-ups include regular vaccinations, and you should not save on it, otherwise the turkeys will get sick and die.


Nutria have tender, tasty meat and valuable fur, which is widely used on an industrial scale and in individual entrepreneurship. Keeping these animals is a simple process compared to raising more capricious animals, and the profitability of the business is quite high. A kilogram of nutria meat costs about 400 rubles, and the cost of the skin of one individual is 600–700 rubles, and with a well-established business, the net monthly profit can be about 200 thousand rubles.

The presence of a small pool is an important factor in keeping livestock

Benefits of animal breeding:

  • unpretentiousness of animals (they do not require special conditions, eat almost any plant food);
  • animals reproduce quickly and easily - the process occurs independently and does not require outside intervention;
  • nutrias are resistant to negative factors and get sick much less often than rabbits or other animals.
  • despite the fact that nutria rarely get sick, livestock require regular veterinary care;
  • animals have an unattractive appearance;
  • establishing distribution channels is more difficult than with more popular farm animals - this should be considered before buying livestock.

Nutrias need small houses that can be bought, built or rented - at least 1.5 square meters of space should fall on one individual. Animals are kept in special insulated cages with mandatory access to water. When arranging the premises, one must take into account the fact that nutrias like to gnaw holes and climb onto cages, which is why they are often injured.

The room should be equipped with additional lighting and ventilation, as nutria require good air exchange.

Feed (vegetable raw materials) must contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, otherwise the quality of the skins will decrease significantly. The room where animals are kept should be cleaned at least twice a day - nutria are clean and do not tolerate dirt. Residues of food should be removed immediately, the water in the drinking bowls and the pool should be changed as often as possible.

To disinfect cells, it is necessary to purchase special chemicals and carry out the procedure regularly, as well as fight harmful insects and rodents.

Raising animals for sale can be a lucrative activity, but it requires careful organization and a clear plan. Do not forget that a lot of work needs to be invested in such a business, but in the end, all the money and time spent will pay off with interest.

Products home production will always have an advantage over the factory ones. That is why for people who live in villages or have own site land, raising animals for sale is. However, first you need to figure out which animals are profitable to breed for business.

Rabbit meat is a dietary product that is especially valued in the diet of children and those who suffer from food allergies. In addition, it is very well absorbed and quite tasty. When breeding rabbits, you can also get by selling their skins.

A small initial investment is required. To open a farm for a thousand rabbit heads, you need a plot of less than six acres. You can also save if you make drinking bowls, cages and feeders for animals yourself.

Before opening a farm, you need to choose the form of registration of your farm, usually it is either the status of an individual entrepreneur, or running a personal subsidiary plot. If there is a prospect of selling meat and skins to acquaintances or at agricultural fairs, then it is better to choose the latter option, since then it will be possible not to pay taxes. However, to maximize profits, by increasing the options for selling products, the first option is more profitable.

The best system for keeping rabbits is shed, which automates almost the entire process. It consists of two rows of cells under one roof. The passage between the cells is filled with concrete, and if they are placed in several tiers, you can save space.

Important points:

  1. Before you start building a rabbit farm, you need to find out from the local administration the requirements, for example, how far from the settlement it should be, otherwise you will have to pay a fine.
  2. The breeding male and brood rabbits should have separate cages, the rest can accommodate young animals, but no more than eight individuals together.
  3. Mating occurs every three months, feeding rabbits for at least two. Thus, if there are 14 females, then about 300 new individuals can be obtained per year. For a thousand, respectively, three sheds are needed.
  4. For feeding, it is optimal to choose compound feed, all components of which are selected by experts based on the maximum nutritional value. In summer, you can additionally feed with fresh grass from pastures, and in winter with hay. Pregnant rabbits are best fed with vitamin and mineral supplements.

To summarize, to start a rabbit breeding business you will need:

  • (leased or owned)
  • farm documentation
  • construction of a shed, cages and storm drain system
  • : drinkers, feeders, forage equipment
  • rabbits for breeding (40-45 heads)
  • wages of workers for building a farm

The list of fixed costs for the maintenance of the farm includes feed and veterinary care. Thus, with the content of 15 rabbit cells, of which 14 females will require about 126,000 rubles for food, 12,600 for a veterinarian. At the same time, the income from the sale of meat per year will be about half a million rubles, taking into account expenses, about 30,000 thousand rubles every month.

Business plan for cattle breeding

To start a medium and large breeding business cattle You can get a grant from the Ministry Agriculture as part of the support for novice farmers, but even in this case, an investment of personal funds will be required. The main direction will be the sale of meat as wholesale organizations and at agricultural fairs.

The first stages will be the search for a land plot and the reconstruction or construction of a premises, the creation of feed stocks, the purchase of young animals and the selection of personnel. It is also necessary as a peasant farm. Income tax in this case will be 6%.

The technology involves the cultivation of six-month-old calves up to the age of 1.5 years. Usually by this time they weigh about a thousand kilograms. To do this, you need a corral (calves spend most of their time outdoors) and food: silage, root crops, haylage, compound feed and green fodder. The total for growing one individual is usually twenty thousand rubles.

It should be borne in mind that the main competitors will be more large complexes agricultural products. Although today the demand for high-quality cattle meat is very high, so there will be no problems with sales.

Potential annual income for one bull is 42,000 rubles. The amount is based on the fact that one individual can get 250 kilograms of meat, and the wholesale price is 170 rubles per kilogram.

  • ensuring constant access of animals to clean water
  • well-equipped room without drafts
  • vaccination against diseases
  • dry and clean floor

A medium-sized farm usually requires 4-5 employees, whose duties include: slaughtering, purchasing feed and accounting.

Poultry farming business plan

One of the most profitable areas is breeding chickens. They grow quickly and start laying eggs as early as five months old. Some breeds can do it all year round if you maintain the temperature and light in the house.

Before you start, you need to calculate all the costs and own possibilities. A lot of space is not required to build a poultry house, so chickens are bred even in cities. If there are plans to expand the economy, then it’s better, this will greatly facilitate the receipt of various permits and certificates, but you will have to pay taxes on profits.

There are two types of keeping chickens: in cages and floor, but the first is rarely used for growing laying hens. Egg quality is affected by how active the birds are and how often they are outdoors. In addition, cells will have to be bought and cleaned.

You can build a bird house yourself or buy a ready-made one. The first option is, of course, more economical. You can build from slate, boards or gas silicate blocks. The latter material is more expensive than the rest, but it will last longer. The temperature in the house should not be lower than 2 degrees and not higher than 27.

Among the costs, of course, you need to take into account the purchase of feed. Chickens need compound feed, and adult birds need grass, potatoes, food waste. It is useful to include vitamins, chalk and eggshells in the diet.

And the costs should be taken into account that on average one chicken costs 100 rubles, one chicken eats 35 kilograms of feed per year. Thus, when managing a farm for 40 chickens per year, you will need to spend 20,000 rubles. Domestic eggs cost an average of 70 rubles per dozen, from 40 hens you can get 1,200 dozen eggs a year, which means that you can get at least 60,000 rubles a year in a year.

Business plan for breeding exotic animals

AT recent times it is becoming popular to keep exotic animals at home, so their breeding is quite. However, in order for the animal not to die and be born healthy, their maintenance and cultivation will require special conditions and knowledge. There are several areas of this business:

Is it possible to breed pets on a personal plot, in a country house, if there is no experience and knowledge? The Russian people are by nature an optimist and innovator, and are accustomed to face the challenges of fate and time without fear. So, the introduction to the territory Russian Federation restrictions on the import of imported products raised the question for people not “how to continue to live?”, But what everyone can do personally so that he is not affected by a possible shortage certain groups goods.

Without rushing into a panic, one should have a clear idea of ​​​​the sector of products, the restriction of imports of which can worsen life to one degree or another common man. So, in connection with the restriction of the import of imported meat and dairy products, one should be prepared for an increased demand for local products - beef, pork, poultry meat, eggs, milk and products from it. Although the risk of food shortages is not so great, alternative replacements for missing goods should still be considered in the daily lives of ordinary people. It will be about what almost everyone can do: about domestic animal husbandry and about who it is profitable to breed from animals for themselves, and perhaps for sale in small volumes.

What animals are profitable to breed in the country

If there is a plot of land, albeit a small one, then you can get chickens, rabbits, nutria, and always be sure of the quality of meat, eggs, and, in addition, get fluff and feathers for pillows and feather beds or warm and valuable fur. By the way, few people know about the whole industry in industrial production warm sports uniform made of down and feathers of domestic waterfowl (goose, duck). The cost of a kilogram of waterfowl fluff ranges from 175 to 300 rubles, the feather is less in demand. In general, with waterfowl, you get an excellent way to earn money: both a private trader and various industries are always willing to buy meat and offal, and down and feathers can be handed over to feather collection points (in Krasnodar, for example, this is the Kuban-pero organization). A prerequisite for waterfowl and nutria is access to fresh water, both running (drinking, bathing) and a reservoir with natural pond-type water.


Raising chickens is one of the most profitable types of livestock. The main cost items are the construction of a chicken coop, the purchase of chickens and feed. The room where the chickens will be and rush can be built from any materials at hand, the main thing is that it be warm enough and with good ventilation. Hens have been laying since 6 - one month old, and the presence of cockerels is not at all necessary (if the eggs are used for food, for sale). Breeding chickens from scratch, namely from buying a rooster and a laying hen, or buying already hatched chickens is a matter of preference, in the latter case, a grown chicken will be somewhat more expensive, but not significant. Chickens feed on table scraps, grass and grains, so that the cost of breeding and keeping chickens can be minimized, and the benefits become even more obvious. On average, each chicken will take about 3-4 kilograms of special feed per month. By the way, read about the maintenance and breeding of kecliks (partridges) at home.


Breeding rabbits is very beneficial for the breeder, but somewhat troublesome and requires an upfront cost. But rabbit meat is considered dietary, fertility is high, for a year some females can give 6 litters and up to 30 rabbits, reaching 3-3.5 kg of live weight by the age of five months. This applies to the breeds Giant, Flanders. For successful breeding rabbits in a small area will need appropriate cages located in the fresh air. If you want to breed rabbits all year round, then you will need a suitable indoor area, which should be warm enough so that the animals do not freeze and spacious enough to accommodate at least 15 cages, 50x30x27 cm in size, made of wood and equipped with drinkers, feeders.

To start breeding, it is enough to purchase one rabbit and two mature rabbits, having previously selected the breed and made sure of their health and take care of the feed. Rabbits eat fresh herbs and grains in the summer, in winter the diet is more limited, it is dry food and the basis is hay. The benefits of breeding rabbits are obvious: in a year, one healthy female can bring offspring of 60-80 kg, in terms of net weight, and if you choose a meat-skin breed, then at least 20 skins. The demand for rabbit fur/skins is also specific. So, if you are planning to get more meat, then the silver breed, butterfly, chinchilla, downy breed is unlikely to suit you. Keeping downy rabbits will require special conditions of detention, and an almost sterile infrastructure.


Breeding nutria can become a real business if you approach it with all responsibility. Here, meat is rather a pleasant addition to the ability to sell quite valuable fur. Nutria fur is divided into two main categories: dyed and elite natural color. The first can be attributed to Canadian zonal, to the second - selected Transcaucasian, blue, mother-of-pearl. Although the taste of nutria meat is highly regarded by professionals and nutritionists, its use is not as common as rabbit meat. But in vain, the weight of one carcass reaches 2.5-3 kg of pure meat, due to the inactive content, which has a moderate fat content and special tenderness, without any unpleasant aftertaste or smell.

The content of nutria is somewhat more expensive than rabbits, they bring offspring less often and gain weight longer, but the value of the skins interrupts all possible disadvantages. For breeding, there are enough equipped cages and the availability of a supply of grain feed, and in the summer the opportunity to feed them with fresh herbs. And most importantly - the constant availability of renewed water, even if it is small troughs in cages, for bathing.

Which of the animals can be bred in the village

Having your own house in the village, there are much more opportunities to start breeding livestock for later consumption. The abundance of fodder grasses allows you to keep not only rabbits and nutria, but also to graze geese, ducks, goats or a cow. With goats, the situation is as follows: the meat and milk of these domestic animals is in limited demand, and this is hardly suitable for direct, basic income. The same can be said about sheep, the demand for meat of which in Russia is limited to the southern and remote regions. But in the village, much is available for free, if it is hay or leaves for feeding rabbits, which can be especially noted. Cows are the most difficult option for starting livestock activities in the countryside, and without many months of experience in observing work with cattle from the outside, it is highly recommended not to start keeping them yourself.


Breeding geese in rural conditions is a complete benefit and pleasure, the main thing is to have an assistant who will make sure that the geese do not run away from the territory designated for grazing. Finding a suitable area with greenery or planting it yourself, equipping a pen for keeping in the yard and buying grain feed - that's all you need. It is most profitable to breed geese in the summer, when special conditions are not required for their maintenance, but if the goal is to serve a goose on the Christmas table, then you should take care of a warm, ventilated room where the geese will spend the winter. Twice a year, at the beginning of autumn and in the winter cold, geese can be partially plucked in the sternum area, valuable fluff and feathers will be a good bonus in earnings. The loss of thermal cover compensated by internal fat eliminates Negative consequences plucked.


Breeding goats in the village is very advisable. Goats are unpretentious in care and maintenance, in the diet they are content with fresh herbs and fodder vegetables, they give healthy and nutritious milk, and the meat of a young kid is identical in taste to lamb. For enhanced feeding, it is customary to include ground fodder grain (tear) in the diet, this stimulates an increased return of milk in goats. Males with increased nutrition gain weight quickly, but without proper separate feeding, their weight will increase due to internal fat, almost unsuitable for food, wax-like. The skins of goats are also of value, which makes their breeding especially profitable.


Breeding pigs on a private farm, in the conditions of the village, is profitable, but quite troublesome and expensive. If you do not try to make a business on this, then almost any family can feed one or two piglets to a decent size. AT Krasnodar Territory there is a restriction on the yard keeping of pigs, no more than two heads at a time (private sector). Pigs are omnivorous, true, and gluttonous, but in terms of eaten and market prices for meat, growing them at home is undoubtedly more economical. Pigs consume up to 2 kilograms of grain per day, mixed with other components, which makes maintenance a rather costly business.

Having carried out a superficial analysis of the advantages of breeding certain animals in a small summer cottage and village, we can conclude that, if necessary, livestock can be a serious help in matters financial support families. You can not only provide yourself and your family with the necessary meat and milk, but also earn money from it. For sale, the breeding of rabbits and nutria can be the most profitable. The first - because of the high fertility, rapid growth and skins, the second - because of the valuable meat, expensive fur and the program state support nutria breeders, consisting in tax incentives for the sale. Participation in special programs may differ depending on the region of Russia.

Raising and breeding animals can be a profitable business if you approach this business with the mind and some knowledge. Of course you need start-up capital and related premises. Now a variety of species are bred. What animals are profitable to breed for business? Let's take a look in this article.

Business plan: pig farming

Animal husbandry can become a profitable business with the right approach to its development. Most often, farmers resort to breeding pigs. These pets gain weight well and are unpretentious in the process of feeding. To properly start the breeding process, you need to draw up a business plan. Pig farming has a number of advantages:

  • payback rate within 6 months;
  • constant demand for meat;
  • high ratio of meat production to feed consumed.

This type of animal husbandry is also used for breeding and selling piglets. The method of making a profit is more cost-effective, but requires more investment of effort and knowledge.

The disadvantages include a large number of costs physical labor. You will also have to invest cash for equipping premises with mechanized equipment. Therefore, it is quite simple to answer the question of which animals are most cost-effective to keep for business. Having spacious premises and capital, it is better to acquire pigs. It is especially profitable on your own in stewed meat or sausage in the presence of additional branches in the field of production.

Rabbit breeding business plan

The meat of these animals belongs to the category of dietary and is valued among gourmets and people who adhere to proper nutrition. This product is the first to be introduced into complementary foods for babies from all types of meat. It is more often used by allergy sufferers, as it practically does not cause negative reactions.

Breeding rabbits has its advantages:

  • high fertility;
  • good profitability - obtaining meat and skins;
  • small labor costs;
  • small amount of food.

These points allow even novice farmers to engage in rabbit breeding. The only big disadvantage is the high percentage of morbidity in animals at an early age. To deal with this problem is quite simple - vaccination of young animals. Only in this way can rabbits be protected from pestilence.

To accommodate 1,000 livestock, approximately 6 acres of land is needed. On the site it is necessary to build cages and bring water under the drinkers. In the open air, rabbits can be from April to October. In winter, the cages can be hidden under greenhouses. In this case, you need to take care of the lighting.

For larger scales, it is desirable to build animal sheds during the cold season. Litter can also be used for sale as a fertilizer - humus. Thus, net profit will increase by a sufficient percentage.

The customer base can be developed gradually. First, products can be offered to relatives and friends. Then client base expand with their feedback. You can also sell your products to restaurants and cafes.

Often carcasses are purchased by resellers. To sell meat, you need to take care of a certificate from veterinarians about the suitability of meat and the health of livestock. A rabbit breeding business plan will help you calculate the amount of capital investment and monthly expenses for maintaining the farm.

Growing turkeys

Breeding birds is very often used in this type of animal husbandry is also popular among small and medium-sized farmers. Turkey meat enjoys good demand among the population, as well as in institutions Catering.

Turkeys gain weight well with proper feeding and care. They grow to fairly large sizes. One bird reaches a weight of 30 kg. The meat of this bird has practically no fat and contains a large amount of useful proteins and amino acids.

You need to start with a business plan. It spells out the main points of organizing a farm:

  • purchase or lease of land;
  • choice of breed of birds for breeding;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase and cultivation of feed;
  • purchase of young animals;
  • costs for veterinary services;
  • sales of products.

Turkeys are distinguished by good egg production. This is another business payback point. Their litter is also used as fertilizer. These birds are characterized by good disease resistance. This argument is a huge plus for their breeding endeavors. What animals are profitable to breed for a small business? The answer is obvious - turkeys.

The first income from this business can already be received in 4-6 months. These birds are very demanding on the purity of the water in the drinkers, so breeding turkeys requires special attention in caring for them.

Raising chickens

The meat of these birds is the most demanded in the food market. Growing chicken as a business gives excellent results. You can choose several directions for the development of this business. Breeding broilers makes it possible to get a good weight gain and profit from the sale of meat in a short time.

You can purchase breeds of chickens that are light in weight, but give excellent egg production. Thus, the profit is obtained from the sale of eggs. Most often, farmers combine two types of business and breed several breeds of birds.

For growing meat breeds of chickens, the option with broilers is perfect. You can start a business by purchasing one-day-old chickens or eggs for an incubator. For those who are planning a long-term business, it is advisable to use the second option. In this case, it will be possible to sell extra chickens and increase your profits.

If birds are raised for meat, then when buying chickens, you can ignore their gender. You just need to properly transport them to the farm. Often novice breeders get big losses at this stage of breeding.

Young animals need to be transported in small boxes with holes, each with no more than 20-30 chickens. It is also necessary to take into account the temperature of the air outside. You can not transport the bird during the daytime during the heat.

Features of keeping broilers

Growing chickens up to 1 month old requires special attention to air temperature. It should be at least 24-26 0. Then 11-12 degrees will be enough. Drafts should be avoided and good ventilation should be provided.

To protect chickens from attack by rats and other predators, finely broken glass is often laid out on the floor, which is covered with straw. Particular attention is paid to bird feed. Chickens eat according to a special diet and schedule.

Growing chicken as a business requires a special approach to feed preparation. This process uses cottage cheese, milk powder, vitamin supplements and various ways preparation of cereal ingredients. Many farmers, before starting to draw up a business plan, think about how much a broiler grows. The answer is very simple. Already after 2-3 months, the bird gains 2-3 kg in weight.

Breeding laying hens

To obtain the maximum number of eggs from this bird species, an uncomplicated approach to their rearing is required. For this type of business, special breeds of chickens are used. They slightly gain weight, but are able to carry up to 300 eggs per year.

According to experienced breeders, this type of business will pay off 100% in 8-10 months. This is the answer to the question of which animals are most profitable for business. Caring for such breeds of chickens is simple and does not require high costs for feed and equipment. It is necessary to make a one-time investment in the organization of the premises and keep it clean with periodic small contributions for current repairs.

Small farms cannot compete with large poultry farms, but you can get regular customers due to the nature of the product. This nuance is achieved by proper feeding of the bird without the use of artificial additives and by preparing the feed yourself.

Rare animals: breeding nuances

Now among small and medium-sized farming, the cultivation of exotic individuals is gaining popularity. In the country, you can find entrepreneurs who breed small crocodiles.

These animals are often bought as gifts for executives. large companies and members of government bodies that have their own small zoos. It will take about 50 thousand dollars to acquire the initial number of young animals. This amount includes the arrangement of pools for them and the purchase of food for the first time.

Often this direction is used by large farms as an additional one. To save on feed, crocodiles are fed with waste from the processing of chickens or turkeys. The type of business is quite risky, but with the right approach, you can get a 300% payback.

Other destinations

You can also find farms that grow snails and shellfish. Basically, these are small breeding turnovers that focus on the work of restaurants or sell products to large supermarket chains.

Farms on and chinchillas will not surprise anyone in our country. This type of business has been established for several decades. Actively begin to grow fish for red meat throughout the country. This direction requires initially significant capital investment. Breeding of rare animals as a business is gaining momentum every year in all regions of the country.

Profitability of animal husbandry

According to experts, the most profitable direction is the breeding of chickens for both eggs and meat. For a small home business it is more profitable to keep pigs for sale by live weight or meat. Farmers often wonder what kind of animals it is profitable to breed for business. The answer to this question depends on the region in which the animals will be kept and the amount of starting capital.

Breeding birds does not require large investments in the construction of premises, but there will be significant costs for the purchase of young. Raising pigs requires presence work force and mechanized equipment.

Which animals are profitable to breed for business - only the farmer can decide. This will depend on the area of ​​land and premises and the ability to grow food on their own.

To create an efficient and profitable business breeding livestock, you must have specialized experience. However, it can be obtained by doing the business itself, but for this you will have to arm yourself with the relevant literature. The essence of the ideas: to breed and grow livestock for the purpose of subsequent sale.

What to breed?

Previously, we considered current ideas with breeding. We recommend you check them out:

On the this moment meat is in great demand, respectively, it is best to breed chickens, pigs, rabbits, beef. Of course, in order to raise pigs and beef, you need to have your own farm, and not everyone can afford it. However, you can even grow chickens in your own private home. Many do just that. Meat is easy to sell - stores will be happy to buy it retail, cafes and restaurants. If the business involves breeding a small number of chickens, then you can organize your own point of sale in the market and sell yourself.

This also applies to rabbits. You can always sell them on the market. Restaurants and cafes will also not mind stocking up on meat, which is in great demand in their establishment. Plus, rabbits aren't just profitable because of the meat. Their skins are also expensive. However, unlike broiler chickens, they will take longer to grow, and they will cost more. Therefore, it is necessary to pre-calculate and determine what is most profitable to grow and sell.

Frogs are also gaining popularity in cooking. They say that their paws are very tasty and resemble chicken. Breeding frogs is easy, just like selling them. In any reputable restaurants there are dishes from frog legs, and the legs themselves are sometimes difficult to find due to the lack of suppliers. You can always become this supplier and sell these products.

Spiders deserve special attention! If you breed karakurts, whose poison is very valuable in medicine, you can also earn decent money. However, be aware that it is very dangerous! For details, see the links above, where plans for organizing a business are described in detail.

The nuance of the business of breeding animals

If you grow livestock for the purpose of the subsequent sale of meat, then you should know that it will not work just to sell meat on the market or supply it to catering establishments. At a minimum, you must register as individual entrepreneur, and all your meat must be controlled. Plus, you'll need a food distribution license. Otherwise, there is a risk that you will simply be closed and fined. It's always best to follow the law. To determine exactly what documents you need for a livestock breeding business, contact your lawyers.
