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How to organize shift work. Shift method of work: samples of basic documents

Shift work schedule is what is the mode of work, how convenient is it and for whom is it suitable? People of what professions are involved in work on a rotational schedule and what is the peculiarity of the organization of work on a rotational basis? The answers to all these questions are below.

What does shift work schedule mean?

The concept and methodology of work on the principle of shift is given in the resolution of the USSR State Labor Committee of December 31, 1987 No. 794 / 33-82 (hereinafter - Resolution No. 794 / 33-82). The document has been repeatedly amended, today it is valid only in terms of standards that do not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These regulations are in addition to 47 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In Art. 297 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the concept of a rotational method (hereinafter referred to as CM) is given, from which it can be seen that two documents (the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Resolution No. 794/33-82) are very close in principle positions:

  • workers are recruited to work far from their places of residence;
  • they do not have the opportunity to return home to rest between shifts, so the employer must provide both working conditions and conditions for rest on shift;
  • with VM, the principle of summarized working time is used (Article 300 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • employees spend the time between shifts far from the workplace, most often - at their place of residence.

Ch. 47 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates work with VM, providing shift workers with additional social guarantees. Along with the rules of Ch. 47 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Decree No. 794 / 33-82, it is necessary to take into account other articles of the Labor Code relating to the regulation of labor, work and rest time, holidays.

Commercial enterprises have the right to go beyond the scope of the Labor Code in terms of establishing compensations if such compensations exceed the norms approved by law. If the adopted internal standard worsens the position of the employee in comparison with the norm of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then it is recognized as invalid.

Shift work schedule - what is it?

When using VM at the enterprise, a schedule is created for the entire accounting period, including the time of work and rest between shifts.

The main principles that must be taken into account when forming a schedule for VM:

  • the rhythm of the production process (even distribution of workload and rest);
  • normal (established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) duration of the working week - 40 hours or another (for certain categories of workers, for example, those working under harmful and difficult working conditions, a reduced working week may be provided - 36 or 24 hours);
  • working hours are calculated on the principle of summed working hours;
  • the duration of the shift cannot be longer than 30 days (up to 3 months - upon agreement with the trade union of the enterprise in case of production necessity);
  • duration work shift during the watch can not be longer than 12 hours;
  • the time between shifts of rest cannot be less than 12 hours (clause 4.3 of Decree No. 794 / 33-82);
  • persons under 18 years of age, pregnant women, women whose children have not reached 3 years of age, and persons whose health does not allow to work on a watch should not be involved in the work of the CM;
  • processing time (overtime) can be summed up and taken into account in the calculations: compensated by additional days of rest or additional payment for overtime hours;
  • the time of an employee on the way from home to the place of dispatch to the shift is included in the period of rest between shifts.

Shift work schedule - sample calculation


The worker takes over the watch. The duration of the shift is 12 hours. Lunch break - 1 hour. The duration of the shift is 28 days (4 weeks). The number of mandatory days off is 4 (clause 4.3 of Decree 794/33-82).

Then for the shift the employee will work:

11 × 24 = 264 hours.

The working hours will be:

4 × 40 = 160 hours.

Let's calculate the difference between the actual hours worked and the normative:

264 - 160 = 104 hours.

This is the overtime on shift, which should be taken into account when determining the period of rest between shifts. It will depend on the actual processing and the norm of working hours per day with a normal working week (in our case 40 / 5 = 8 hours):

104 / 8 = 13 days.

After working 28 days of shift in 12-hour shifts, the employee must receive 13 days of additional rest between shifts.

The summarized accounting of working hours does not cancel the use of work shifts during the shift.

You can find out how to organize shift work and what are the nuances of legislation in this direction if you read the article .

Shift work schedule - sample

The proposed table gives exemplary sample section of the work schedule on the watch in the rhythm of 15 to 15.

Full name of the employee

Job title

Matveev I. N.

Watch Master 1

Ivantsov G. S.

Watch master 2

The schedule must be approved by the head of the enterprise and agreed with the trade union committee (or a body that performs the function of representing the interests of workers).

The change of the composition of the watch expedition is carried out according to ...

The composition of the watch expedition is approved two months before the watch. Not later than this time, all members of the expedition must be familiar with it.

After the composition of the expedition is approved, its change can be made only in special cases by internal order:

  • in connection with the illness of someone from the expedition;
  • by the decision of the management to strengthen the watch with new people;
  • when sending people for training.

Operational plan for keeping and changing watches

Each enterprise on the VM has an operational shift schedule, which already contains the specific names of workers and the days when they should be on watch, as well as when one leaves the watch and the other steps on it. The schedule is subject to change and clarification due to objective circumstances.

The shift shift operational plan is an internal document that has the force of internal regulations. It can be accompanied by reports and weather forecasts, the procedure for transferring a shift from the watch team to the watch team taking over the watch.

In maritime affairs, an operational watch change plan is an internal document that describes in detail the procedure for changing watches between the captain’s officer on duty and his shift, changing watches at all nodes of the ship during its course and parking.

Schedule of parking and running watches

In the terminology of marine shift workers, there are such concepts as a lay watch and a running watch. In addition, there are a number of specific watch names associated with the performance of specific work on a ship or offshore platform.

A lay watch is a watch carried by seafarers when a ship is in port. The team is mainly released ashore, and the watchmen are on the ship. When the lay watch is associated with some exceptional, emergency conditions, the team is prohibited from going ashore. In this case, the berth watch is carried out by a larger number of people than during a normal berth with the crew going ashore.

Walking watch. We can say that this is work during the course of the ship at sea. The watch schedule on the ship is compiled by the ship's commander.

Watchkeeping on a ship while sailing and watchkeeping on land are two different methods of watchkeeping. The work of the CM on land has common features with keeping a watch on a ship, but nevertheless, ship everyday life is very different from work on land.

Ship watch - what is the work schedule?

A watch on a ship may have a shorter working time than a watch on land. As a rule, the ship's watch is 4 hours. For helmsmen and observation guards, the watch is even shorter - 2 hours. But this has to do primarily with warships. On cargo and merchant ships, a 12-hour work schedule may be applied for certain categories of workers. Compliance with labor laws is also mandatory.


The work schedule on a rotational basis is compiled based on the length of working hours established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for each category of workers. The shift method should take into account not only the interests of the employer, but also labor rights workers, providing them standard time to rest between shifts and between shifts.

Works will be applied in the organization when:

  • the place of work of the employee is far from the place of his permanent residence or from the location of the employer;
  • limited transport accessibility employee from the place of permanent residence to the place of work;
  • it is more efficient than conventional methods of organizing production and labor.

This is stated in article 297 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

An approximate list of such organizations (for which it is advisable to use a rotational method of work) was approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the USSR Ministry of Health dated December 31, 1987 No. 794 / 33-82. The norms of the specified resolution are subject to application in the part that does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 423 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

During the performance of work on a rotational basis, employees live in shift camps (field towns). In addition, employees may be accommodated in other specially equipped housing and paid for by the organization living quarters. For example, in practice, for the accommodation of employees on shift, the employer may enter into lease agreements for residential premises.

This follows from the provisions of part 3 of article 297 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and clause 1.2 of the Basic Provisions approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the USSR Ministry of Health of December 31, 1987 No. 794 / 33-82.

Situation: is it possible to establish a shift method of work in relation to all employees of the organization or, conversely, one employee?

Yes, you can.

Labor legislation does not contain prohibitions on shift work for all employees of an organization, its individual divisions, several or even one employee (Articles 297–298 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Similar explanations are contained in the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 13, 2009 No. 3-2-09 / 64.


The following categories of employees cannot be involved in shift work:

  • adolescents under the age of 18;
  • pregnant women;
  • women with children under the age of three;
  • fathers and guardians (custodians) raising children under the age of three without a mother;
  • persons with medical contraindications to work on a rotational basis.

These restrictions are established by articles 264 and 298 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Body check

Employees on duty must pass mandatory medical examination in the manner prescribed by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n (Articles 213, 298 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Since construction and other works in remote, sparsely populated, hard-to-reach, swampy and mountainous areas (including on a rotational expedition basis) are included in the list of works during which preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out (approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n). Medical contraindications when working on a shift are established by paragraphs 48, 49 of the Procedure approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 No. 302n.

Sanitary book

For each employee working on a rotational basis, it is necessary to have a sanitary book, in which the following should be noted:

  • preliminary conclusions (when applying for a job) and periodic inspections, as well as an examination by a therapist before being sent to the watch;
  • vaccination information.

This is stated in paragraph 8.7 of the Basic Provisions approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the USSR Ministry of Health of December 31, 1987 No. 794 / 33-82.

Registration of a sanitary book paid by the employer (Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

When organizing work on a rotational basis, it is necessary to take into account the following features.

Watch duration

The duration of the watch cannot exceed one month. An exception is work at individual facilities by decision of the head of the organization, agreed with the trade union (if it exists in the organization). In this case, the duration of the watch should not exceed three months (Article 299 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Moreover, if work using shift method are held within a period exceeding one month, the organization has separate subdivision at the place of watch (clause 2, article 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Accordingly, the organization is obliged to register for tax purposes at the location of such a division (Article 83 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Similar clarifications are contained in the letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 12, 2012 No. 03-02-07 / 1-250 and the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 19, 2012 No. PA-4-6 / 604.

The duration of daily work (shift) cannot be more than 12 hours, and daily (between shifts) rest, taking into account lunch breaks, less than 12 hours (paragraphs 4.2, 4.3 of the Basic Provisions approved by the Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the USSR Ministry of Health of December 31, 1987 No. 794/33-82). Days off must be at least one calendar day for a full calendar week (paragraph 6, part 1, article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 4.3 of the Basic Provisions approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the USSR Ministry of Health of December 31, 1987 No. 794 /33-82).

With the rotational method of work, it is established summarized accounting of working hours (Article 300 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). With this accounting, an employee can accumulate rest days from overtime hours during calendar year followed by additional days inter-shift rest (part 4 of article 301 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Guarantees and compensation

For employees working on a rotational basis, the legislation provides for a number of guarantees and compensations (Article 302 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In particular, for the days of stay at the facility during the shift and the days of travel from the location of the employer (collection point) to the place of work and back, employees are paid an allowance (part 1 of article 302 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For more information about payments due to employees for working on a rotational basis, see. What allowances are due to employees for working on a rotational basis . In addition to monetary compensation, there are a number of social guarantees. For example, employees working on a rotational basis inregions of the Far North or equivalent areas , put annual additional paid leave (part 5 of article 302 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Transition to the shift method

The organization establishes the rotational method of work independently taking into account the opinion of the trade union (if it is in the organization) (part 4 of article 297 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The decision to switch to a rotational method of work is made by the head and approved in the form of an order (clause 1.4 of the Basic Provisions approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the USSR Ministry of Health of December 31, 1987 No. 794 / 33-82). The legislation does not provide for a unified form of such a document, so draw it up in free form .

In order to organize a shift method of work in an organization, proceed as follows:

1. Develop a draft internal document that will reflect the working conditions on a rotational basis, for example, Regulations on the shift method of work . It may be an application to collective agreement or Labor regulations . Such a conclusion can be drawn from the provisions of Part 1 of Article 8, Article 252, Part 4 of Article 297 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

2. Make a project (part 1 of article 301 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 4.2 of the Basic Provisions approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the USSR Ministry of Health of December 31, 1987 No. 794 / 33-82). The unified form of such a document is not approved, so draw it up yourself.

3. Coordinate the drawn up internal documents on the organization of the rotational method of work.

Take into account the opinion of the trade union (if he is in the organization) (Article 297, Part 1 of Article 301, Article 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If there is no trade union in the organization, then coordinate the draft shift work schedule with another representative body of the organization (if any) (part 2 of article 8, part 1 of article 31, part 3 of article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the organization does not have a trade union or other representative body, the employer has the right to independently determine the procedure for applying the rotational method (part 1 of article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

4. Familiarize employees who agree to the new working conditions with internal documents on the organization of the rotational work method. Familiarize yourself no later than two months before the start of work of employees on shift (part 2 of article 74, part 1 of article 301 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

5. Make a transfer employees to a different mode of work, if the rotational method is not established for a new accepted employees(Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For newly hired employees, write down the condition for engaging in work on a rotational basis in the employment contract (part 2 of article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Situation: how to schedule shift work?

Schedule is compiled for an accounting period (usually one year), and it reflects:

  • working time on shift (no more than 12 hours a day);
  • time between working days on shift (at least 12 hours);
  • days off (at least one calendar day for a full calendar week);
  • time inter-shift rest ;
  • the time required to transport employees to and from the shift, which may fall on weekends or days inter-shift rest .

These registration rules follow from the provisions of articles 103, 301 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and clauses 4.2 and 4.3 of the Basic Provisions approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the USSR Ministry of Health of December 31, 1987 No. 794 / 33-82.

Time tracking

Keep records of working time and rest time of each employee working on a rotational basis in the timesheet according to form No. T-12(or by form No. T-13), approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

To organize the accounting of working hours, you need to use the following codes in the timesheet:

  • the letter code "VM" and the digital code "05" - indicates the duration of the working time per each working day of the shift;
  • the letter code "B" or the numeric code "26" - indicates days off on duty;
  • the letter code "OB" or the numeric code "27" - indicates inter-shift rest .

Such designations are established by section 2 of the instructions approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

When reflecting in the report card of days between shifts of rest, consider the following features:

  • days of rest between shifts should not coincide with weekends and non-working holidays. If the day of inter-shift rest coincided with a day off, then it is transferred to the next working day (part 4 of article 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • days on the way to the place of work and back are marked as days of rest between shifts (paragraph 2, clause 4.2 of the Basic Provisions approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the USSR Ministry of Health of December 31, 1987 No. 794 / 33-82);
  • the time between shift rest can be joined by hours of overtime, not multiple of whole working days, accumulated while working on a shift (paragraph 3 of article 5.4 of the Basic Provisions approved by the Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the USSR Ministry of Health of December 31, 1987 No. 794/33-82).

Now let's figure out how to indicate in the report card the days spent on the way to the place of watch and back. There are no statutory codes. Enter an additional designation, for example, the letter code "P".

There are no alphabetic and numeric codes for this case in the time sheet. But at the same time, the time spent on the road must be noted (for the subsequent calculation of wages). Therefore, the organization can enter the code additionally and designate it at its discretion. This follows from paragraph 2 of the Procedure, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 24, 1999 No. 20.

It happens that for a shift worker, the travel time from the place of collection to the place of work is one day. In this case, pay as work time and travel time. To do this, separately reflect in the timesheet how many hours the employee worked that day and how many spent on the road, through the “/” sign.

The time sheet with the rotational method is filled out taking into account the peculiarities. The days that the employee spends on the way to the place of watch and back are also reflected in the time sheet. To do this, you can enter an additional designation, for example, the letter code "P".

With regard to the payment of these days, employees who work on a rotational basis are paid a daily rate for the days they travel to and from the place of work. If the employee worked part of the day, and part was on the way, then reflect the corresponding number of hours in the time sheet. This follows from part 8 of article 302 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Situation: what should the employer do if the end annual leave employee falls on the days between shifts rest?

If the end of the employee's annual leave falls on days between shifts, the employer can:

  • prior to the start of the shift, provide the employee with another job in the organization;
  • transfer an employee to another shift;
  • by agreement with the employee, provide him with unpaid leave.

Such options are provided for in paragraph 3 of clause 7.1 of the Basic Provisions approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the USSR Ministry of Health of December 31, 1987 No. 794 / 33-82, and do not contradict the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

An example of how to take into account working time with a shift method. The employee has a summarized accounting of working hours

At the facilities of Alpha LLC, work is performed on a rotational basis. The watch lasts one month. The accounting period is six months. The work schedule in May 2015 for the site foreman A.S. Kondratieff found:
- for the period from May 1 to May 31 - 26 shifts for 11 hours;
- days off on duty - May 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31.

Days off in the organization are Saturday and Sunday.
The normal working hours for an employee is 40 hours per week.

In fact, Kondratiev worked 26 shifts in May (11 hours each).

The normal number of working hours that an employee must work in an accounting period is determined by general rule based on a five-day work week with two days off and a work shift of 8 hours (previously holidays- 7 hours) with a 40-hour work week.

Normal working hours in May to production calendar:
– 143 hours (17 working days × 8 hours + 1 working days × 7 hours).

The actual duration of Kondratiev's working hours in May was:
– 286 hours (26 working days × 11 hours).

The accountant defined the excess duration of Kondratiev's work as the difference between the actual and standard:
- 143 hours (286 hours - 143 hours).

The work of an employee on a holiday must be paid double (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). There are no exceptions in this regard for employees working on a rotational basis in the legislation. Therefore, charge shift workers additional payments for work on holidays in the same manner as ordinary employees.

So, in May, part of the working days according to the schedule on the shift coincides with non-working holidays. Namely, May 1 and 9. Such days pay double:
– 22 hours (2 working days × 11 hours).

Thus, pay Kondratiev:
- work on working days - 264 hours (286 hours - 22 hours) - at a single rate;

- work on holidays - 22 hours - at a double rate.

Calculate the days between shifts that Kondratiev is due based on the total number of hours of processing:

143 hours: 8 hours = 17.88 days

That is, Kondratiev is entitled to 18 days of rest between shifts.

These days Kondratiev will be paid at a single rate (part 3 of article 301 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Overtime hours within the shift work schedule that are not multiple of a whole working day (in the situation under consideration - 0.88 days) are accumulated during the calendar year and summed up to whole working days with the subsequent provision of additional days of rest between shifts (part 4 of article 301 of the Labor Code RF).

An example of a reduction in the norm of working hours. Watch duration less than a month

At the facilities of Alpha LLC, work is performed on a rotational basis. The watch lasts 20 days. The accounting period is a month.

Travel time for arrival at the watch and departure from the watch is two days. Days spent on the way to the place of work and back are not included in the norm of working hours (clause 4.2 of the Basic Regulations approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, the USSR Ministry of Health dated December 31, 1987 No. 794 / 33-82).

The schedule of work in June for the site foreman A.S. Kondratieff found:
- for the period from 6 to 25 June - 17 shifts of 11 hours;
- days off on duty - June 9, 16 and 23.

The normal working hours for an employee is 40 hours per week.

The shift is less than the accounting period. Therefore, the rate of working hours must be reduced proportionally. That is, it is 2/3 (20 days: 30 days).

Normal working hours in June according to the production calendar:

– 167 hours (20 working days × 8 hours + 1 working days × 7 hours).

The norm for Kondratiev is 111 hours (167 hours × 2/3). And in fact, he worked 187 hours (17 × 11 hours). Processing for June was 76 hours (187 hours - 111 hours).


In search of a decent income, in our difficult time, questions about the rotational form of earnings are increasingly being raised. Such employment often involves work outside the home, in the areas of production, industry, expeditions. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity? Before agreeing to this species cooperation, learn about your rights and obligations, the length of the working day, vacation period, days off and other issues.

What is a shift work method

Traditionally, the shift method is a shift activity, seasonal, temporary or permanent. Do not confuse shift work and shift work. After the end of the working day, shift workers cannot go home and stay for some time at the production site, and shift work is when they have worked their working hours and went home.

More frequent vacancies in the Far North and its sparsely populated areas, where there is production. If you search on the Internet, you can find many shift vacancies, both for specialized qualified specialists and for simple laborers, cooks, security guards. The main direction is production and industry:

  1. Logging.
  2. Mining of oil and gas.
  3. Exploration and extraction of minerals, precious metals, coal deposits, etc.
  4. Railway transport.
  5. Fish farming and others.

What is the reason for the popularity of the method? The main function is the need and instruction of the employer in a large number of employees. Although such labor is paid more, more costs are required, the industry employer is ready to provide workers with everything the necessary conditions, ensure all payments. After all, the main criterion is the result - a well-established manufacturing process without failures and interruptions (for example, in the production of petroleum products, it is important to comply with all technical and time deadlines).

Where is this type of employment most common? In the first place - hard-to-reach and sparsely populated areas in Russia - for example, in the Far North. Reconstruction and construction of large objects of industrial or cultural significance, their further support and maintenance, is carried out by shift workers. Long experience is not required. Attracting foreign citizens for employment in factories, manufacturing factories, and in the service sector is also a shift work.

Features of the organization of the watch in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Not only in the North, but also in large cities, there is a great need for labor force. And large companies are more loyal to employees and do not always look at the experience, seniority of employees, education and existing skills. Large cities such as St. Petersburg and Moscow are constantly expanding, which naturally increases the need for construction companies.

The vacancies offered in the labor markets in the capitals are associated not only with construction, but also with the increase and improvement of infrastructure, foremen, drivers, loaders, security guards, workers in super and hypermarkets are always needed. Not every woman will be able to find such employment for herself, but there are vacancies for them - a warehouse manager, a nanny, a nurse, an au pair, a cashier in a store, and everything related to the service sector. In all these areas of activity, there is a lot of competition, which increases the number of vacancies.

Such an organization of labor is beneficial to the employer, because it significantly increases productivity. At the same time, the hiring party must provide employees with all the conditions for living, ensure reception. These are either specially created residential towns, or places in hostels. And, before going to work on a shift, it is worth clarifying the issue of living conditions with the employer.

Legal regulation

Before finding a job in a company on a rotational basis, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the Labor Code Russian Federation; such activities are regulated by a certain article of the Law. According to article 297 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a watch is a type of legal labor activity when the daily return of the worker to the place of registration is impossible. This type of employment is not business trip, a shift is considered to be all working time spent on production (shift), and rest between shifts. Registration is carried out under an employment contract.

Working hours should not exceed one month in duration, although the employer may increase the term of service up to three months, having previously substantiated his decision with an order indicating the reasons for increasing the shift and facilities. The duration of the working day according to the law should not exceed 12 hours. Everything that is over can be considered for processing and is paid additionally (part 1 of article 299 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The schedule is set by the employer.

On a watch, work time goes on constantly, without days off, the working day is 12 hours, then, taking into account these hours, processing takes place and unused days off remain, which should be at least 4 per month. These overtime hours are compensated by pay at the rate of the daily wage rate, or days off. Time off or leave, in this case, is carried out outside the rotational facility at the place of residence (part 3 of article 301 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Often the shift is located at a considerable distance from the place of residence of the employee and you need to somehow get to the point. From the collection point, which is appointed by the employing company, to the office, the fare is paid by the employer, while the days spent on the trip are considered working and are paid at the daily rate (part 8 of article 302 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But the employee will have to get to the collection point on his own, according to the law, the employer does not pay for this distance, unless otherwise provided by internal orders and contracts of the watch object.

What is a watch according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The shift method is a special form of implementation labor process“far from home”, the basis of which is the impossibility of ensuring the daily return of workers to their place of permanent residence (part 1 of article 297 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is understood that the employer guarantees the provision of all conditions for living, provides life support, organizes delivery from the collection point to the destination.

Order of the enterprise on the organization of the rotational method

Before making a decision on the introduction of the rotational method of organizing labor, the enterprise conducts a technical, economic, economic calculation, on the basis of which the expediency and effectiveness of the transition to the new kind labor activity. The administration or the head issues an order that the enterprise transfers or introduces shift work. Order approval includes:

  • the fact of change, transfer and their implementation at the enterprise;
  • summed time tracking;
  • for what period the summarized working time is taken into account;
  • terms of remuneration, specifically:
  • private enterprises set their own level of watch allowance; V public institutions this allowance is regulated by law;
  • district coefficient;
  • allowance and percentage of the allowance "northern";
  • the duration of the shift, the number of days of work and days of rest;
  • sometimes a list of employees who are prohibited from being involved in this type of activity is displayed;
  • a note on the minutes of the meeting of the trade union (why is the trade union protocol needed in this case? The trade union is a means of regulating and agreeing on all the terms of the agreement with employees so that all procedural and legislative acts are observed);
  • a note is required that employees familiarize themselves with the contents of the order.

Watch types

Watches are different - intra-regional and expeditionary, or between regions. If the intra-regional type assumes a not too long period of activity - 2 weeks and the object itself is not too far from the place of residence of the employee, then the second one is longer. The shift-expeditionary or inter-regional option not only lasts longer than a regular shift, but the object is located further. A research expedition can also be considered a rotational method of work.

What is the difference between a shift and a business trip

Not to be confused with a business trip. There is some difference:

  • A business trip is a trip to perform some assignment from the management. The watch is a full 12-hour shift.
  • Payment. On a business trip, a tariff working day, plus some allowances. During labor activity, a separate legal contract is concluded, which also stipulates the conditions of remuneration, composition, volume of work and the term of employment.
  • Passing a medical examination when traveling on a business trip is not required, while for long-term shift work, a medical book is required (a contraindication should be noted).
  • On a business trip, there are no restrictions on the length of stay away, neither minimum nor maximum. On watch, the duration of service is no more than one month (in some cases up to three months).

Conditions of organization of work when working on a rotational basis

Such employment is beneficial for both the employee and the employer. But, it should be understood that this type of activity is not only remote from home and living on the territory of the employer, but also difficult, many days physical work, in harsh climatic conditions, which not every person can do. It is very important to understand that only a healthy person in good physical shape can work without undermining his health.

Who can work

The most important selection criteria for applicants are physics and human health. To get a job in this area, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, which will help not only to identify diseases that prevent hiring, but also to prevent the risk of their occurrence. Permission is required from a general practitioner, a cardiologist (the risk of cardiovascular diseases in the Far North is very high), a narcologist and a psychiatrist. Examination by other doctors is regulated by the enterprise, depending on the type of activity, and is approved by an internal order and a local act.

Employment restriction

  • minors;
  • pregnant women;
  • guardians of three or more children;
  • persons who have not passed a medical examination, or who are not admitted based on the results of a medical examination confirming disability. Such citizens may be prohibited from serving on a watch or a restriction is introduced.

Organization of the regime of work and rest

Counting working time is different from counting service normal look. The accounting displays the entire working period, including the time spent on the road, rest between shifts. The duration of the working day should not exceed 12 hours, including a lunch break. You can't work two shifts in a row. The number of rest days must be at least 4 and fall on any day of the week.

The shift schedule and its appointment are set by the employer. The optimal schedule is 2 weeks of work, 2 weeks of rest. But, at some facilities, the shift period can be 30 and 60 days. Rest between shifts is called inter-shift rest; it is carried out by the employee outside the service facility. It is assumed that the place of residence. This type of holiday is periodic and is provided several times during the year. At the same time, vacation is paid at a standard rate, without allowances for the harsh climatic region and working conditions.

Full cycle of shift work

In general, you can display the time taken into account when calculating for a watch from and to in the list:

  • time spent on the road from the collection point (set by the employer) to the final destination;
  • the time spent on the direct performance of the direct duties of the employee;
  • and vice versa - the days spent traveling from the place of work to the collection point;
  • the time period allotted for inter-shift rest.

shift schedule

To optimize and normalize working time at an enterprise working on a rotational basis, a special schedule is created. It displays the entire cycle of activity. All shifts are indicated for each employee, indicating how many hours this or that employee worked by surname. The document displays the time spent on the transportation of workers from the collection point to the shift and back, and the period of rest between shifts. The immediate supervisor is responsible for maintaining the schedule.

Shift duration

As already mentioned, the duration of the daily shift should not exceed 12 hours, while during work time is provided for a break and lunch. Sometimes the shift is increased to 14 hours a day, but no more than double. And the total time of employment at each enterprise is set individually. This is a multi-time continuous schedule 10/10 (10 working days for 10 days of vacation), 14/14, 30/30, but not more than 60 days according to the law of the Russian Federation.

Time relax

After graduation labor day it's time for rest. All the time that is left at the end of the working day can be considered rest and the employee does not leave the territory of residence at the facility. The rest period between shifts is set at each enterprise individually, the employee travels outside the territory of residence at the facility, such vacation periods are considered long - from 10 to 60 days.

Place of residence for shift workers

It is legally established that when sending workers on a shift, the employing company must provide them with housing or a place to stay. When applying for a job, we advise you to pay attention to what conditions the employer offers for living. There were cases when this clause was not discussed in the contract and the employee had to settle himself at the place of service.

They are considered temporary housing, they are specially equipped for 1.5-2 years in the immediate vicinity of the work site. The construction of such buildings is optimal if it is not profitable for the employer to rent housing, the object of work is located in a sparsely populated or remote place. The arrangement of the town implies not only the presence of residential apartments, but also household premises (dining room, first-aid post, bathhouse, shop, etc.) and the infrastructure should be developed.

The room must comply with sanitary and technical standards and must be equipped with the necessary furniture, household appliances, household inventory, bedding, means of providing fire safety. Conducting communications - heating, sewerage, plumbing, lighting is a necessary norm. The material used in the construction of settlements is different - wood, sand blocks, slabs, but in Lately collapsible container blocks with connected communications are becoming popular.

Work without building a residential complex

Not every enterprise can afford the construction of an autonomous camp with all communications and important infrastructure. Often, an organization (especially a construction company) provides construction trailers for accommodation. Large enterprises allocate a hostel for several people or a separate building. If the business is located near a community, the institution may provide rental housing or pay rent.


The shift method of work differs from the usual one in some changes in wages. There are guaranteed allowances for shifts, housing is provided or paid for separately, and travel in both directions is paid at the daily rate. There are also district (regional) allowances and payments for work in the conditions of the Far North, additional paid holidays. The taxation of shift pay is calculated in the same way as other income.

There are several payment systems:

  • time-based;
  • tariff;
  • piecework;
  • piecework premium;
  • time-bonus;
  • salary system.

Shift workers are paid:

  • Workers-pieceworkers - for the amount of work performed according to current standards and prices.
  • Time workers - for all the hours actually worked, based on the established tariff rates of the assigned categories.
  • Foremen, foremen, heads of workshops (shifts) and other line (shop) personnel directly exercising leadership at the facility (site) - for all the time actually worked according to the schedule (in hours) based on the established monthly official salaries. The hourly rate of employees in these cases is determined by dividing the monthly official salary by the number of working hours according to the calendar of the billing month.
  • Other managers, specialists and employees working on a shift - for the actual time worked (in days) based on the established monthly official salaries.
  • Any action, circumstance that entailed changes in wages, is regulated by the legislator.

Summarized accounting of working hours

It is used when, for various objective reasons, the working day or working week is not standardized. In this case, the accounting of working time is kept in a schedule with a mark on the number of hours worked by a specific person. Wages are accrued for a certain period of time - for a week, for a month, for half a year. The basis for calculations is either the tariff rate per hour, or monthly salary a certain position. Accounting for working time is carried out by months and in general for the accounting period.

Allowances and surcharges

The amount and procedure for paying the allowance is established by law and is based on Labor Code(Article 302 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), but there are some nuances. So, allowances are set, depending on the funding (state, budget, private, and so on):

  • Government of the Russian Federation for employees of organizations funded by the federal budget.
  • Local state power and self-government for budgetary subjects of the Russian Federation.
  • Collective agreements, local acts and orders of organizations and trade unions for employees of organizations not funded from the budget.
  • The amount of the allowance is established by law (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 51 dated February 3, 2005) for budget organizations:
  • in the Far North and equivalent regions - 75% of the tariff rate (salary);
  • in Siberia and Far East(and other similar climatic region) - 30% of the tariff rate (salary).

Compensation for irregular working hours

The law does not indicate that the employer must pay compensation for irregular working hours. Some organizations establish such payments by issuing a local order and consider them as overtime. Most often, hours or days are added to the annual paid leave for overtime hours worked. This point, how irregular working days are compensated, what compensation is implied, should be discussed with each employer individually in advance.

Severe work allowances

Employees who work in the Far North or in regions equivalent to it are entitled to a separate allowance. This allowance has nothing to do with the shift method of work, that is, it is considered separately, regardless of what mode of work an employee of a particular organization has and is compensation payment. The calculation of this allowance is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Providing days of additional leave

Employees working on a rotational basis are entitled to receive not only an annual paid leave of 28 days, which labor law provides, but can also count on, additional paid leave if the employee works in the conditions of the Far North (24 calendar days) or in a region equated to it (16 calendar days).

Payment for inter-shift rest

Due to the fact that each day of the shift can be considered irregular, then the objective vacation between shifts is considered differently, for each calendar day, and is compensated for by the days and hours worked. Calculation algorithm:

  1. Calculation of the normal number of working hours for the accounting period.
  2. Calculation of the number of working hours according to the schedule.
  3. Determination of the number of hours and the standard for processing or underworking in relation to the norms established by law.
  4. Establishing the number of hours and whole days that relate to the days of inter-shift rest.
  5. The received processing in whole days is paid according to tariff rate or salary, and the hours are added together and can be accumulated and transferred to another type of vacation as soon as enough hours are accumulated to receive additional days added to the vacation.

Advantages and disadvantages of shift work

Every job has its pros and cons. And their attitude is different. We list both those and others for the rotational method of work:


  • You can always find a job in your specialty in another city or region without planning to move.
  • An important advantage - good pay labor and high wages.
  • Between shifts, a long vacation is provided, which can be spent at your discretion, because decent money has been earned. Many employees travel around the world during their holidays.
  • In the process of work, you can gain new knowledge that will help in moving up the career ladder.
  • Working in difficult conditions provides a number of benefits in the form of benefits and compensation. For example, you can retire early or get a housing benefit.
  • Free accommodation and meals. You can not spend the money you earn on providing for yourself, but save it for some needs and needs.
  • You can take a break from gadgets, although civilization has climbed into the remote corners of Russia.


  • The main disadvantage is extremely hard and harmful physical labor in difficult conditions, both climatic and psychological (“variegated” team - it is difficult to live and work in the same territory with the same people for a long time), moving to remote regions.
  • Each person has their own approach and their own comfort zone from which they have to get out.
  • A long and difficult working day is 10-12 hours, and there is only one day off.
  • Not every specialty is suitable for working on a shift (if not a handyman, but then the salary is lower), and if the specialty is in demand (for example, in the field of geology), then you need to be a highly qualified and qualified specialist in your field.
  • You live for weeks away from your family and home. Although the distance and the test of feelings, but not many families can withstand a long separation from the head of the family.
  • Living conditions are often camping, the lack of the benefits of civilization and remote deployment. A person who is accustomed to all the benefits of civilization will find it very difficult to adapt and deny himself everything.
  • There is a possibility of fraud. Not all employers are crystal clear, it happens that the salary received does not correspond to the declared one at all or it is not paid at all. Therefore, the source of information about the vacancy must be verified and reliable and have at least one positive review. The conclusion of an employment contract is considered mandatory, the violation of the clauses of which is punishable by law.
  • In conclusion. Bad habits. They will have to be abandoned. For drinking alcoholic beverages and being in drunk Penal sanctions have been introduced at many enterprises, up to and including dismissal without severance pay. Yes, and expensive. After all, there is no special assortment in stores.


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Shift work method - what is it: features of working and rest conditions

Shift work is suitable when the organization has branches in other areas. How to find an employee for a vacant position, what he can count on - read the article.

From the article you will learn:

What is shift work?

The shift method is a special form labor relations on a periodic, permanent or seasonal basis. Workers perform professional duties away from the place of residence, not being able to return home daily. They operate in a branch of their company or in a third-party organization that is a partner of the employer.

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The head office is located in Moscow, and its branches are in small villages. In this case, it is easier to send employees on rotation than to select employees from a small number of applicants at the location of the subsidiary.

By law, the employer is obliged to provide workers with suitable living conditions in another territory. If employees live in rented accommodation, expenses are paid at the expense of the organization. The expediency of working on a rotational basis is determined by management, based on production or economic significance.

The answer was prepared jointly with the editors "Systems Personnel ».

Answered by Nina Kovyazina
deputy director of the department medical education And personnel policy in health care of the Russian Ministry of Health.

The organization establishes the rotational method of work independently, taking into account the opinion of the trade union, if it exists in the company. The decision to switch to a rotational work method is made by the head and approved in the form of an order. The legislation does not provide for a unified form of such a document, so draw it up in any form. In order to organize a shift method of work in an organization, proceed as follows ...

The full version of the answer is available after free

The shift method of work of employees of organizations is not a kind of business trip. A person going on a business trip performs official assignments, receives a fixed salary and allowances. The shift involves a trip to a separate facility to perform work, not instructions. Therefore, a contract is drawn up, where the salary and working conditions are prescribed. It is not necessary to change the document for business trips.

If you have not previously worked in a company on a rotational basis, review local acts in which working conditions are fixed. Stick to the order established by law. Do not send employees on shift if their employment contract specifies a different nature of work. Any violations are subject to fines.

When a company does not have suitable candidates for a job in a company branch in another region, consider applicants. Pay attention not only to professional, but also personal qualities of employees. Only at first glance it seems that there will be no problems in the selection of personnel ready to work away from home.

How to find an employee on a rotational basis?

Entrust the selection of employees to managers. When searching independently, use the available channels, track ads in newspapers, the Internet. If you keep profiles of people who previously applied for a position in the firm, contact them. It is possible that some of them will agree to your terms.

Indicate in the ad:

  • work schedule, location of the organization, living conditions;
  • size wages, additional payments;
  • requirements for qualifications, experience, education;
  • desired personal qualities, age, gender.

When there are no applicants matching the criteria in open sources, check with the company's employees about the presence of acquaintances who are looking for an open vacancy. Keep in mind that not all categories of persons can work on shifts, as the law provides for restrictions.

If a position requires a rare specialist or manager, do not select yourself. Contact a recruiting agency. Managers will draw up a profile of the candidate, conduct an initial screening and evaluation. Some companies give guarantees that allow you to replace an unsuitable employee if he did not perform well in the first months of work. Pay attention to this clause of the contract.

Do not overestimate the requirements for the candidate, otherwise you will not be able to find an employee on a rotational basis. Compare the level of wages in relation to labor costs, qualifications.

It is also possible to select personnel for work on a rotational basis among long-term employees. Take a closer look at colleagues, choose those who are ready for horizontal or vertical rotation. Give preference to promising people who have shown themselves well at work. This way you will solve the issue of finding specialists, and also motivate displaced persons.

When recruiting or transfer of previously employed employees on shift pay attention to the presence bad habits. Workers with alcohol, drug and gambling addiction will not be suitable. There is a risk of waste Money issued for housing, food or travel for other purposes.

Why does shift work not attract applicants?

  • Specialists know what a shift method is, so they are not always ready for radical changes. They do not want to leave for a long time in another settlement, spend a lot of time on the road, live away from their families.
  • Applicants are worried about uncertainty. Employees doubt that they will be paid money for the work performed, since in Russia it is not uncommon for situations when they are charged less than what was agreed.
  • Employers do not always conclude employment contract when working on a rotational basis, and all conditions are negotiated orally. The absence of a social package, vacations, guarantees is what scares candidates for a position.
  • Unfavorable conditions that negatively affect health repel people. Only some specialists are ready to consider a vacancy if they are offered a high salary.

When talking with applicants, explain about the shift method, what it is, how it differs from normal work. Decorate everything Required documents in which working conditions, wages, schedule And so on. So you will avoid long searches for specialists, as well as problems during inspections by the labor inspectorate.

Payments when working on a rotational basis

When hiring new employees, immediately include information about the type of work in the contract. When transferring already employed specialists, prepare an additional agreement to the employment contract. Familiarize employees with the TD, the provision on the rotational method under the signature.

Set wages on a rotational basis. It is based on general economic methods not prohibited by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The calculation is based on the rate per unit of production or per hour. Tariff scale covers all positions, professions of the organization or concerns only certain categories of employees. The payment on a rotational basis includes allowances and benefits guaranteed by law.

What allowances for the shift method to pay:

  • increasing coefficients;
  • allowances for work in the North;
  • additional paid holidays.

When concluding a contract for a shift method with an employee, include information about salary, compensation, benefits, payment terms. Keep in mind that the employee is entitled and sick pay, even if he was not on duty during the period of temporary disability.

Shift work leads to additional costs that must be taken into account when recruiting. If the organization is not ready to compensate for travel, accommodation, pay increased salaries, look for employees at the location of the branch.

- (German Wacht, Wache guard, guard). Guard on the ship, as well as the time of the change of guards. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. WATCH 1) guard or duty on a warship; 2) the time of this duty (in ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

WATCH- thrift. Pub. Pathet. Campaign for saving energy, fuel, raw materials. BMS 1998, 68. Dog watch. Jarg. arm. Night guard. Kor., 266. Labor watch. Pub. Pathet. Intensive continuous work of what l. team in honor of what l. events … Big dictionary of Russian sayings

WATCH- female, marine successive guard on a military ship, to manage it, as well as | term, the time of this guard, from noon to midnight, two six-hour watches; from midnight to noon three four-hour. The team or crew is divided into two watches, officers on ... Dictionary Dalia

WATCH- (Watch) 1. special kind duty on board a ship, for which part of the personnel is sent to certain posts and for several hours a day, but not more than 6 hours continuously. 2. Part of the crew of the ship (half, third), which is ... ... Marine Dictionary

watch- shift, brigade, duty, guard, shift Dictionary of Russian synonyms. watch n., number of synonyms: 12 brigade (28) ... Synonym dictionary

WATCH- (from German. Wacht guard) 1) the main type of duty on ships and vessels, ensuring their navigation, safety, and in the Navy and combat readiness. It is divided into general ship, special, running and anchor. 2) The period of time during which one ... ...

WATCH Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

WATCH- (trifol) a genus of perennial herbs of the shift family. 1 species, in the Northern Hemisphere. Grows in swamps. It is used as a choleretic and appetite improving agent ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

WATCH- WATCH, watch, women. (German Wacht) (Mor.). Another job, the duty of a part of the ship's crew in the military and merchant marine. Stay on watch. || The composition of the shift on duty. I'm from the second watch. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

WATCH- WATCH, s, wives. 1. In the fleet, at polar stations: duty, shift work, as well as a shift, a group carrying such a watch. Stay on watch. Be on duty. Winter c. polar explorers. 2. A person or group of people working in shifts. Morning, afternoon, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

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