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Sparrowhawk layout. Quail breeding business plan. Breeding birds for meat

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Breeding and growing exotic quails on a farm is one of the most promising, actively developing areas of business activity, which has not lost its relevance at the present time.

A carefully crafted quail farm business plan focuses on the most key types products: meat and eggs obtained from quails, as well as bird feathers and guano (dung).

General section

A well-designed business plan of an enterprise becomes an important link for its transition to a new direction. When wisely organized work, such a farm will bring a considerable profit to the owner.

The income here is based on a moderate investment of funds and the quick sale of the products obtained (dietary meat and quail eggs are in great demand).

Features of the quail farm

Quails begin laying as soon as they reach adulthood (after about 5-7 weeks of keeping).

This means that investments begin to pay off through the sale of eggs.

Birds of this breed are unpretentious, they do not need a special approach or attention.

Quails easily tolerate various weather conditions, they will feel equally comfortable indoors and outdoors.

The best option is mixed conditions for growing birds.

The main task of the quail farm employees is to feed and water the pets in a timely manner, clean the manure daily, collect and complete the eggs.
It is better to choose a room for breeding birds on the outskirts of the city.

The size of the farm is determined based on the planned number of quails. At first, it will be enough to purchase about 500 birds.

Bird nutrition

On the this moment there are no special, ready-made feeds for quails. In view of this, the feeding ration should be based on a combination of different types of crops.

The following feed composition will be optimal:

  • Wheat (30%);
  • Corn (25%);
  • Barley (5%);
  • Vitamin supplements - fishmeal and sunflower meal.

Description of farm services

Quail carcasses can be sold both wholesale and retail. At the same time, the features of the sale must be worked out in advance in the business plan of the quail farm.

Quail eggs are in high demand in the market, due to their dietary and medicinal qualities. The scope of their application is quite extensive: they normalize the work of the digestive tract, circulatory system, improve appetite in children.

Quail eggs are successfully used in the treatment of diabetes, tuberculosis, headaches and kidney disease, as well as obesity.

Sales market analysis

Due to the fact that this line of business is quite new for our country, the level of competition is not high. Therefore, for a correct analysis of the sales market for products, purposeful work with an established circle of customers is needed.

It is very important to pre-conclude an agreement on the supply of basic products (meat and eggs) and their implementation.

Buyers can be various organizations: cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, trade pavilions, recreation facilities, individual entrepreneurs.

It is important to remember at the same time that when selling meat to food establishments, it is necessary to obtain a certificate for products that meets accepted norms and standards.

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In this material:

The quail breeding business plan provides not only for the high profitability of this small business. Investments in this project pay off very quickly. If we expect that the poultry farm with quails will accommodate from 500 to 1000 heads, then the investment will pay off in 2-3 months. And this despite the fact that there is nothing complicated in the process of growing quails.

The advantage of a quail farm is that it can be operated by a staff of two people. An ordinary family will be able to cope with it. The main thing that will have to show creativity is the organization of constant sales. Please note that large enterprises, factories or corporations do not breed quail. This niche is at the mercy of exclusively small businesses.

Features and benefits of this business

The benefits of quail farms are undeniable. This type of business has a very high turnover. It takes only a month, a maximum of 40 days, for the quail to reach productive age. One bird produces about 300 eggs per year. With an initial investment of 1-2 thousand dollars and the purchase of 500 poultry, in a few months they will be fully returned. Already after a year of operation of the enterprise, the number of quails can be increased by 10 times.

Quail poultry farm does not require large areas. For breeding quails, the bird is kept in so-called batteries, which are constructed from several cells, based on a metal mesh. This design allows you to place about 100 birds on an area of ​​\u200b\u200b0.5 m², and up to 300 quails per 1 m². All this farm, which is located on such a small area, can be looked after by one person.

You can count on the success of the business if you strictly observe the conditions for breeding quails:

  • the correct composition of the feed;
  • temperature regime, which is maintained at 18ºС.

Please note that the industry does not produce ready-made feed for this type of bird. You will have to cook it yourself. To do this, use the following recipe. For 100% of the product, a quarter of the volume of corn is taken, about a third of the volume of wheat and 5% of barley and ground shells. The rest of the volume is made up of sunflower cake with fishmeal. In practice, a very effective composition of the mixture comes out.

It should be noted that this type of bird is not only egg-bearing, but also meat. The first ones weigh no more than 120 g, but give 270-300 eggs per year, while meat breeds weigh 2 times more, but give 1.5 times less eggs - no more than 200 pieces per year. Another important point is that meat breeds are difficult to sell through restaurants. There is a lot of one such carcass per serving, and it is inconveniently divided into 2 parts. For meat, they are more willing to buy Japanese quail-layers, which reach 2-3 months.

At the age of 2 months, the bird begins to rush. However, after a year, its productivity decreases, which requires updating the livestock. The by-product that the poultry farm produces is manure. Cooked feed naturally produces either a good fertilizer or a source of biogas, which is used to heat the farm.

What should be considered at the initial stage?

Before proceeding to the organization of the business itself, you need to do some calculations. To do this, take the following steps:

  • go around shops and food markets, retail outlets, pay attention to whether there are quail eggs and carcasses for sale and at what cost;
  • negotiate with owners outlets who can become wholesale buyers of products;
  • analyze all possible distribution channels, among which there must be not only markets, but also shops, restaurants and other catering establishments, hospitals, sanatoriums, rest houses, etc.

This approach will require some negotiation and communication skills, but these are essential skills for any business.

It is worth considering opening your own outlet. Calculate the rent of a kiosk in the market, but keep in mind that it will not work to sell only quail eggs in it, you need to supplement the assortment with other products. These can be related food products such as chicken eggs, sunflower oil, spices, etc.

The production of 500-1000 or more eggs per day will require an established marketing, otherwise the business will not pay off.

And it is necessary to solve this issue already at the stage of preparation for the launch of the poultry farm, and not when there are already finished products on hand that require urgent sale.

Negotiate until you enlist the support of several outlets through which you can sell 120-150% of the intended products. Keep in mind that when making deliveries, someone may back out of the original promises for a variety of reasons.

After assurances have been received in the sale of products, you can proceed to the organization of the farm itself. You can choose any room for breeding quails in which the required temperature will be maintained, and it is convenient to feed the bird and clean up the droppings after it. With drafts and lower temperatures, the bird rushes worse.

As equipment, you can buy a new one that is produced at the factory, make it yourself, order it from private craftsmen, or buy a used one. You will need shelves, an incubator, feeders with drinkers and brooding boxes. Often they resort to self-production of everything necessary, which reduces the initial costs.

Consider how exactly the issue with the accumulated litter will be resolved. In addition to being used as a fertilizer and biofuel, it can be sold directly from the poultry farm, providing additional profit. This is a non-waste production, where waste is a source of income.

If it does not work out, then the litter must be processed into a fertilizer that is highly effective. Such a fertilizer is an order of magnitude better than any organic means. You can use it in your field or sell it - there will be no difficulties with its implementation.

You can buy a bird at a quail farm, and if there is none nearby, then through the Internet. In the latter case, you need to contact those sellers whose sites and ads have been online for a long time, they have real positive reviews. This ensures that the purchase of the bird does not come from scammers or one-time sellers who want to sell a bad product.

While the poultry population is growing, take care legal registration your business. To do this, it is enough to register as a private entrepreneur.

This will make it possible to conclude contracts with wholesale buyers, which will give confidence, allow for clearer planning for the expansion of the project, in which poultry farming can be brought to a large scale - 5 thousand heads or more.

We carry out calculations

On average, the cost of one quail egg is 1.5-2 rubles. A poultry farm of 500 heads produces 300 eggs per day. Expect that out of 100% of the purchased eggs, 80% of the chicks will hatch.

Therefore, in order to get 500 birds, you will need to purchase a minimum of 600-630 eggs. Of these chicks, 150 will turn out to be cockerels, and the remaining 350 will be hens, which lay eggs.

Their egg production rate is 70%, and this gives 245 eggs or 11-15 thousand rubles per month.

Add the proceeds from the sale of cockerel meat, which is another 3.5-6 thousand rubles, and the sale of litter - 3-4 thousand rubles. Total for the month - 17.5-25 thousand rubles. The cost of maintaining the farm, mainly for feed, is in the range of 1-1.5 thousand rubles. Extracted profit 16-23.5 thousand rubles per month.

But these are approximate calculations for 500 quails. This amount is enough to get used to this business within 2-3 months. If the project is developing successfully, there are no problems with implementation, then you can easily breed 4-6 times more livestock - up to 2-3 thousand quails.

Accordingly, the profit will grow to 64-141 thousand rubles per month. And this is 2-5 average salaries in Russia.

Quail is not exotic. Their dietary and medicinal meat, eggs are a very convenient product in the trade area. And this ensures the success of the poultry farm project.

Investments: Investments from 5,900,000 rubles.

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The poultry (meat and eggs) market in Russia has been steadily increasing since the early 2000s. Despite the many producers, including large ones, this sector is open to new entrants, especially if we are not talking about chickens.

The quail market shows a positive development trend. Now, given the clear trend of transition to healthy eating the idea seems to work. This material - detailed description features of the organization of business with the economic calculation of profits and costs.

Features of the Russian quail meat market

The volume of production and consumption of poultry meat and eggs in Russia is growing. In 2017, the provision of poultry meat in the country was already 98.7%, eggs - more than 100%. Volume Russian market eggs for this period exceeded 160 billion rubles. (more than 400 million eggs).

In 2017, each resident of Russia ate a little less than 300 pieces per year. eggs, this figure is growing at an average of 2% per year. Consumption of quail meat during this period increased by 3.1 kg to 33.5 kg per person.

The market is considered saturated. But we take into account that more than 90% of the products are chicken meat and eggs. The consumption of other products, including quail, is also growing, but the demand for them often remains unsatisfied. The potential is huge: for example, the capacity of the quail egg market in Russia is 20 times lower than in Japan. According to experts, with increased competition, consumers in stores will pay more attention to analogues of chicken meat and eggs.

Competitive advantages of products

Quail eggs and meat are much healthier than chicken - and these advantages should be used when promoting products.

The composition of quail eggs is much richer. They contain (compared to chicken):

  • potassium (more than 5 times);
  • iron (4.5 times more);
  • vitamins B1 and B2 (2.5 times more);
  • vitamins A, B 1, B 2, P, K, iron, phosphorus, cobalt;
  • several amino acids.

Quail meat is a delicacy: it is more tender, juicier, more aromatic than chicken. In terms of chemical composition, there is also a difference. In him:

  • more proteins, vitamins and minerals;
  • less fat;
  • contains a large amount of fatty acids (polyunsaturated).

The health benefits of consumption have been known for a long time. Meat has immunomodulatory properties, improves the condition of internal organs and strengthens bones.

And, of course, quail meat is much tastier than chicken and rabbit.

Which is better to produce: meat or eggs?

The quail business is good because the production is practically waste-free: you can sell both meat and eggs. What is better to choose? It is better to choose right away, since there are two subspecies of birds: meat and egg.

  1. Quails of meat breeds with proper care and feeding gain 300-330 gr. (normal slaughter weight) in less than 3 months. Few eggs are laid. However, such birds are more demanding to care for. When growing meat birds, you will have to devote a lot of time to care.
  2. After the first month of life, the quail begins to actively lay eggs; average productivity of 1 laying hen - 23-25 ​​eggs/month. In this mode, they bear fruit for 10-12 months, after which they age.

Business plan: quail breeding - basic expenses

Quails are demanding on the conditions of detention. You need the right temperature, lighting, cleanliness. Therefore, when organizing a business, you should not save.

According to the business plan for breeding quails at home, the following costs are assumed for organizing a farm for 500 heads:

Expenditure item

Cost, rub.

IP registration, obtaining permits

Creation of a farm (40 sq. m.), interior work, poultry house equipment.

Purchase, installation, adjustment of equipment (incubator, brooder, refrigerators)

Buying a bird, 300 pcs.

Purchase of feed (for a month, 450 kg)

Wage, 3 pers.

Additional costs (inventory)

The population will quickly reach the indicated value of 500 heads.

Registration and documents

First, decide in what form to conduct business. It all depends on how the entrepreneur intends to sell products.

If you plan to work with small shops, private sellers, you can organize a business as a private household plot - a personal subsidiary plot. It's easier, cheaper, fewer documents are needed. You need to get certificates, an act of inspection, a certificate from the veterinary service.

If a businessman wants to sell meat / eggs through retail chains, you need to register an IP enterprise. This is more expensive, because you need to go through a lot of checks, get technical specifications, quality certificates. In general, this can cost about 50 thousand rubles.

By the way, an entrepreneur engaged in breeding birds may qualify for some assistance from the state (in obtaining loans or financial grants).

Quail breeding room

It is believed that the quail is not a particularly whimsical bird, but this is only partly true. The premises for the quail breeding business should be selected in accordance with the following requirements:

  • The constant temperature must be maintained at 20°C, it must not exceed 25°C or fall below 18°C. Otherwise, egg production drops noticeably.
  • Constant level of air humidity - 65-70%. Otherwise, the birds will feel uncomfortable.
  • Maintain lighting for 18 hours a day. It is better to use lamps to regulate the time yourself. In this mode, the birds will live and lay eggs longer.
  • The intake of fresh air into a room with animals should be at least 1.5 cubic meters in winter and 5 cubic meters in summer. It is important to avoid drafts.
  • 1 cubic meter should be allocated for 50 heads. m of space for better egg production.

Quail breeding business equipment

Birds will live in cages (so-called batteries) that are arranged in several rows. Such batteries can be installed vertically - this will facilitate maintenance. In addition, there will be more space in the room.

Drinking bowls, feeders, containers for litter are installed inside. For eggs, special trays for rolling are equipped to make it easier to collect them (birds rush to the floor of the cages, it must be done at a slope of 12-13 degrees).

Enough light must enter the batteries (rows of cells) - for this, the lamps can be installed at an angle.

Quail Care

Growing quails and caring for them will not take much time. The main thing is to keep clean:

  • wash batteries, remove ingrained dirt;
  • once a month, disinfect feeders and drinkers;
  • daily clean the cage trays from dirt, droppings, egg residues;
  • conduct monthly general sanitary cleaning of the farm and poultry house, disinfect using a quartz lamp.

You can increase the humidity in the house with a humidifier. Or just install plates with water - but then you can’t keep track of exceeding the permissible level of this parameter.

Once a week, place bowls with sand and ash in the cages. Birds take a kind of "bath" in them, getting rid of lice in feathers.

The farm should be located away from sources of strong sounds (highways, loud music) so that the birds do not get nervous.

Food and breeding

The better the forage base, the healthier they will be and the more eggs they will bring. You can't skimp on food.

Buy high-quality balanced feed. At the stage of growing up, birds need to be given feed with protein. Adults are fed with food additives - various vegetables, herbs. All this gives vitamins and improves performance. Half of the feed consists of cereals (wheat, barley), the rest is occupied by nutritional supplements.

You need to feed 3 times a day, strictly on time. One bird per day eats 20-30 gr. - it is important to adhere to this value. All food should be finely ground.

Fertilized eggs mature quickly in the incubator. After the chicks need to be raised in a brooder - a heated device that replaces the perch and allows the young to quickly gain strength.


Quail farm for 500 heads as a business does not require many workers:

  1. 1 person is capable of serving and caring for birds. The worker does not require special qualifications. He must eliminate the factors that irritate quails in time, create comfortable conditions and take care of the birds. The employee must monitor the condition and behavior of the birds, monitor changes in their life activity.
  2. Sales Representative. Will establish relations with cake networks, conclude contracts for the supply of products.
  3. Driver with car. His task is to deliver goods to the points of sale on time.

A veterinarian and an accountant can be outsourced, although the latter is needed only if available. legal entity. An individual entrepreneur can deal with all reports independently.


Before transporting eggs to retail outlets, they must be packed. To do this, order plastic containers of a suitable size. They need to apply their own labels, which should be pre-ordered and printed at the printing house.

The sale of quail eggs and meat is the most difficult issue. This product is perishable, the demand for it in Russia is only being formed.

There are several ways to sell farm products:

  • creation of a small company store;
  • sales, including wholesale, to retail chains;
  • sale directly from the farm;
  • delivery of eggs / meat to restaurants, catering establishments.

You can also buy a car, install refrigerators in it, come to sleeping areas and sell goods directly to residents. Or distribute among your friends and acquaintances.

An additional way to make a profit is to sell young animals to other farms.


In the absence of widespread demand, it is important to organize effective advertising your farm. In order to reduce costs, it is recommended to use publicly available means of informing: ads on the Internet, newspapers, in social networks, on Internet forums. BTL methods are also effective:

  • distribution of leaflets at shops;
  • distribution of promotional materials by mailboxes;
  • holding promotional events, promotions directly at retail outlets.

An effective method is "word of mouth" (that is, the dissemination of information by word of mouth through friends / acquaintances, acquaintances of their acquaintances). It is worth participating in agricultural exhibitions - it is possible to find wholesale buyers there.

Focus on the real benefits of quail eggs, on the fact that with their help you can improve your health, recover faster from certain diseases.

Profitability calculation

According to the quail breeding business project, an investment of about 300 thousand rubles is required to open a small quail farm.

  1. 400 birds per month will bring 10,000 quail eggs. 100 heads will be slaughtered.
  2. The cost of 1 egg on the market is an average of 3 rubles. Accordingly, the monthly revenue will be 30 thousand rubles. The price of 1 carcass is 100 rubles, that is, 10 thousand rubles. monthly. Total revenue - 40 thousand rubles.
  3. The cost will be approximately 30% of this amount (most of the costs will go to feed). In monetary terms, this is 12 thousand rubles.
  4. The net profit indicator is 28 thousand rubles. per month.
A small farm will pay for itself in about 11 months, and then it will bring a stable income.

Pros and cons of growing quail as a business

The quail business at home has several advantages:

  • the farm needs a little space;
  • birds grow quickly and begin to lay eggs;
  • quail is easy to keep;
  • quail rarely gets sick;
  • production can be made waste-free, even litter can be sold (as a fertilizer);
  • no need to spend money on a large staff of workers;
  • weak competition in the market with growing demand;
  • products are good for health.

There are not many disadvantages:

  • The bird is sensitive to noise, temperature, humidity and light.
  • The consumer market is not yet developed, demand is unstable. Because of this, problems with the sale of products are possible. This results in longer payback periods.

Quail farm is a promising direction. Despite the obvious risks and the “unaccustomed” Russian consumer to quail meat / eggs, an entrepreneur who will deal with this business now may be at the heart of the formation of a new market in the Russian Federation, gradually diversify the business and open large production. The step-by-step plan given in this article will help you evaluate the profitability of the business and open a farm, being aware of the possible difficulties.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

300 000 ₽

Minimum starting capital



3-5 months


20 sq. m.

Minimum area

The quail breeding business is highly profitable and quick payback. Within the framework of this business, two main directions can be distinguished. The first is directly the cultivation of laying hens, each of which can lay up to three hundred eggs per year (an average of two hundred and fifty), and the second is the production of dietary quail meat.

As a rule, both of these directions are combined within the framework of one farm. Quail meat is rich in easily digestible protein, has good antioxidant properties and high palatability. Despite all the advantages, with stable demand, competition in this area is still not very high, which opens up great opportunities for novice farmers.

The minimum number of birds from which one should count on sufficient income from the business in the presence of a sales market is 500-600 heads. Quails are characterized by high fecundity and grow quickly, which allows them to increase their livestock by 8-10 times in just one year. The quail begins to rush at the age of 30-40 days. With 600 birds, you can get up to 1800 eggs per year. To accommodate a quail farm does not require large areas.

To save space, cages with quails are usually arranged in several tiers, which allows up to 200 birds to be placed per square meter of the house. The profitability of the production of quail eggs is estimated at 50-100%, and the production of meat is two to three times lower (on average 25%). Due to the short production cycle (2-3 months), the payback of such a project is much lower than in the industry as a whole. Experts evaluate it within six months.

Legal nuances of the quail business

If you are going to sell products (in our case, eggs and carcasses) produced on the lands of personal subsidiary plots (LPS), then you need to take into account the fact that the sale of products produced on such lands does not apply to entrepreneurial activity. According to the law, PSF is a form of non-entrepreneurial activity related to the production and processing of agricultural products. LPH is run by a citizen and members of his family in order to meet their personal needs on their own land. Accordingly, agricultural products grown under private household plots are the property of a citizen running a personal subsidiary plot, and the sale of agricultural products by citizens running private plots is not an entrepreneurial activity.

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If you still intend to sell your products (or rather, their surplus), then you will need to obtain a document from the local administration confirming the presence of private household plots. Submit a document issued by the authority local government, the boards of the gardening partnership. This paper confirms that the products sold were produced on a land plot owned by the taxpayer or members of his family, and used for private household plots, gardening, horticulture or summer cottage construction. In addition, you will need to register your private household plot, which is maintained in household books based on information provided by citizens on a voluntary basis.

The household book contains basic information about private household plots: last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the date of birth of the owner of the land plot, the full name of all family members living with him, the number of available farm birds (in our case), the area of ​​the land plot occupied by crops or plantations , your property or other right to agricultural machinery and vehicles. After receiving this document, you will need to invite a commission consisting of veterinarians for the preparation of an inspection report. If the inspection results are positive, you will receive an inspection certificate in your hands, after which your farm will be assigned to one veterinarian.

It is from him that you will receive from him veterinary certificates of the established form for the sale of products through trade organizations. In addition, the veterinary service will issue you a veterinary certificate, on the basis of which you will subsequently receive Form No. 2 certificates.

Please note: if you intend to sell your products as an individual entrepreneur, then the algorithm will be about the same, with only one difference. You will need to pay additional taxes and receive a certificate of conformity for your products with a certificate of their quality. Unlike individual entrepreneurs, private household plots sell surplus products originally received for their own needs. IP is intended for the sale of agricultural products, originally produced for sale. That is why private household plots can sell their products only in markets and public catering establishments, and there are no such restrictions for individual entrepreneurs.

Poultry equipment

To keep quails, you will need a dry, warm room. Its area depends on your capabilities and planned volumes. So, on an area of ​​​​about 20 square meters. meters when placing cages on several floors, you can keep up to a thousand birds (although a population of 600 individuals will be located with great comfort). In general, quails are quite easy to care for and are not demanding on the conditions of detention. For their normal development, it is enough to follow simple rules. First, you will need to keep the house at a constant temperature of 18-22°C. In the southern regions, it is recommended to use air conditioners in the summer. Try to eliminate any possibility of temperature fluctuations or abrupt changes temperature regime otherwise, it can cause stress in the bird, lead to the development of diseases in it and even to its death.

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In addition, in the room where quails are kept, it is also necessary to maintain the optimum level of humidity - 65-70%. It should be well ventilated, but drafts should not be allowed. Lighting is best done dimmed with the possibility of regulation. Finally, since any sudden loud noise can stress the bird, which in turn leads to the fact that he begins to grow poorly and stop laying eggs, you need to ensure that the house is well soundproofed. Should not be placed quail farm close to various manufacturing enterprises or building projects.

When planning a poultry house with an area of ​​​​15-20 square meters. meters, divide it into several separate rooms. A minimum of 4 “sectors” will be required: for keeping adult birds and a brooding room for young animals, a room for placing incubators, for storing and preparing feed mixtures. These rooms can be separated by light walls made of chipboard, drywall, or even cell batteries of six cells. Adult birds are kept in cages, which are equipped with feeders and drinkers. The floor in such a cage is made at a slight slope, which facilitates the process of collecting eggs.

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One battery of six cages, in which it is quite possible to accommodate about 250 individuals, will cost about 3,000 rubles. If you have the time and skill, you can save on this expense and make your own birdcages from plywood sheets, metal, rebar and galvanized welded mesh. The cost of the battery in this case will be 1.5-2 times less. According to experienced quail breeders, for the manufacture of one cage in which up to twenty birds can be kept, 1 sq. meter of galvanized mesh, and for one cell battery per hundred birds - about 1.5 square meters. meters of metal sheet, 0.7 sq. meters of plywood, 4.5 sq. meters of galvanized mesh. For cages per thousand birds, up to 50 square meters will be required. meters of the grid, 6-7 square meters. meters of plywood and 16 sq. meters of sheet metal.

For growing young birds, as a rule, ordinary wooden or plywood boxes of standard sizes 65x65x25 cm are used. Boxes can also be made by hand. Additional costs include equipping such pens with special lamps for heating and lighting, which help create optimal temperature and light conditions.

The main drawback of quails is their lack of the instinct to incubate eggs as a result of domestication. Therefore, to breed them, you will need an incubator that maintains a temperature of 37 to 39 ° C. Like cells, an incubator can be made independently, on order, or purchased at a store. Drawings for the construction of an incubator can be found on specialized sites on the Internet. The cost of this equipment can range from 1000 to 15000 rubles. Such a wide range of prices is due to the features of a particular model. Larger Incubators with additional features and features (e.g. temperature and humidity control devices, automatic egg turner ten times a day, etc.) will cost more accordingly. Good models can be found for 5000 rubles.

Additional equipment includes a feather removal machine for plucking feathers from a carcass. Of course, this can be done manually, but with large volumes meat production this operation will take a lot of time and effort. Feathering machines help to significantly improve the quality of products and their appearance, since when using them, the skin of the bird is not damaged during plucking. The process of removing feathers is as follows. Carcasses of birds are placed in a drum. During rotation, they hit the hammer fingers and lose feathers (at the same time, the processing quality is quite high - automated equipment can remove up to 95% of feathers). The water entering the drum washes the removed feathers and down into the tray. The cleaning time of carcasses per load is several minutes. In an hour, a low-power machine allows you to process about a hundred carcasses. The cost of such equipment is 7500-10000 rubles.

Quail feeding and care

Quails grow quite quickly: the weight of newly hatched quails does not exceed 6 grams, but by the end of the first month it increases 15 times! After 2-3 months, they gain sufficient body weight and begin to lay eggs. However, this is possible only with proper care of the bird and the competent organization of its feeding. An adult quail eats about 30 grams of feed per day. However, experts advise planning a daily feed consumption of 35 kg of feed per 1000 birds. Feed can be purchased ready-made or mix feed mixtures yourself. Ready-made feed for quails, which have a more intense biochemical metabolism than the other Domestic bird, are dry or moistened mixtures of crushed cereals (corn, wheat, barley, millet), which contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, soybean or sunflower meal, chalk, premix, etc.

In the diet of quails that lay eggs, there should also be mixed feed based on animal products - fish or meat and bone meal, milk powder. Meal worms, earthworms and various insects can also be used to fill the deficiency of animal feed.

Experienced farmers prefer to prepare feed mixtures on their own, rather than purchase ready-made feed, which may require a grain crusher and / or grass cutter (the cost of such specialized equipment is 3500-5000 rubles). All feed must first be thoroughly crushed, and then mixed.

Compound feed for quails can also consist of the following components (as a percentage of the total mass of the compound feed): yellow corn - 20, millet - 15.7, wheat - 19, sunflower cake - 4.9, powdered milk - 4, meat and bone meal - 12, fish meal - 12, dry yeast - 6, herbal flour - 3, ground shell - 2, table salt - 0.3, mineral additive - 0.5. 100 g of such compound feed contains 22.6% dry proteins, 2% calcium, 1.6% phosphorus and 0.6% sodium. adult bird give food 2-3 times a day at the same time. In winter, quails are fed with sprouted greens of millet, onion, oats and wheat, and in summer they give unlimited amounts of cabbage, beet, alfalfa, nettle, lettuce, clover spinach leaves. The exact recipe for the feed mixture (composition and proportions of ingredients) depends on the forage base of the region where the farm is located, and, as a rule, is compiled independently by each farmer.

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The cost of feeding birds depends on several conditions at once, but primarily on the region and ingredients. Quail fattening for meat begins when they reach 30 days of age. For such fattening, special feed for broilers (80% of the total feed) plus boiled peas (20%) are used. Good performance can be achieved by increasing the content of corn and feed fat in the diet of poultry. But in no case should birds be abruptly transferred to a fattening diet, otherwise this can lead to illness or death of quails.

Such a transition is carried out within three to four days, replacing part of the old diet with a new one. For example, on the first day, a little more than half of the old food is given, and the rest is the new food. In the next three days, the percentage of the usual feed is constantly reduced. Quail meat is fed for about a month. At the same time, for the first three weeks, dim lighting is maintained in the cells of the fattened young animals around the clock.

Subsequently, females and males are kept separately. The cells of females are illuminated intermittently: for one hour of light - two hours of darkness, and for males, daylight hours are reduced to eight hours. In fattened birds, a layer of subcutaneous fat is visible on the chest. Their mass reaches 200 grams in two months (for comparison, egg-laying quails at the same age weigh no more than 130 grams).

Two or three people will be required to care for a livestock of 600 birds. At first, these functions can be taken over, and then, as incomes grow, hire assistants who will feed the bird, care for it, clean the cages, collect eggs, and monitor the optimal quail keeping conditions.

Sales of products

Quail carcasses are sold through markets, supermarkets, as well as restaurants and cafes, kindergartens, schools, sanatoriums, tourist camps, etc. A quail carcass is sold at retail for 80-90 rubles. Quail eggs cost from 2 rubles apiece, depending on the region. An additional source of income for such farms is the sale of quails at the age of up to one week at a cost of up to 25-30 rubles per head and at a monthly age at a cost of 40-45 rubles.

The initial costs for the arrangement of such a farm for 600-700 heads are up to 300 thousand rubles, taking into account all costs, including equipment. The payback period in this case is, as mentioned above, 4-6 months, due to the high fecundity of birds.

Many farmers who do not have sufficient capital in the amount of 250-300 thousand rubles to organize industrial production start by buying a small number of quails, followed by their breeding and cultivation. Gradually, they increase the necessary livestock, which can take up to six months. This is a good option for a small farm, but you should take into account the fact that the payback period for such a project will be significantly higher (up to a year), and the profit, respectively, will be lower.

As a rule, experienced farmers who do not have much start-up capital, practice the following scheme. They buy several hundred hens under two months old, as they cost half as much as adult layers, as well as several dozen males under one month old (about 15-20 hens per male). Then the birds are grown to the desired age. In this case, groups are first formed to carry eggs for incubation.

It is best to initially establish the sale of eggs, since they can be obtained in the very first two months of the farm's existence. First, they can be sold to acquaintances and friends, and then develop new markets. It is advisable to purchase incubators at the very beginning of the existence of the farm, which will increase the profitability of your business. Thus, you can start with a population of 300-400 birds, and then within a short period of time (about six months) increase it to more than 1000 units, not counting the young and eggs kept in the incubator.

It is best to sell eggs and carcasses through retail chains. This will require additional packaging costs, but it's worth it.

To increase profitability, many poultry farms are trying to use every opportunity. For example, large poultry enterprises even sell quail manure, which is an excellent natural fertilizer purchased by both individual private households and large farms.

Another source of income is the sale of educational materials and even full-fledged quail breeding courses. If you know how to do something well, then why not make money on your knowledge and experience? To do this, you can create your own website on the Internet (the minimum cost of such is 1500 rubles). Prepare detailed text and video materials and sell them at a price printed book(500 - 1000 rubles).

Sysoeva Lilia

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