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How to start a private cab service. How to make money as a private driver. How can you legalize your activities providing taxi services?

We have all used the services of taxi drivers at least once in our lives. Some people use them almost every day. A personal car often becomes an unaffordable luxury. Perhaps there is nowhere to put it, perhaps there is no means to acquire it - there can be many reasons. But the need for a car can be insurmountable. Traveling with a small child, moving with a lot of things, heavy and bulky luggage, lack of time, and so on. In these cases, taxi drivers help us out. But how much do taxi drivers earn in Moscow and other cities? How to get a job, what is needed at first, and much more, we will consider in this article.

Working in a taxi

Moscow taxi is a good way to make money. The profession, of course, has its own subtleties and risks. But there are difficulties in any other specialty. People don't often pay attention to working in a taxi. Usually they turn here if the main place of employment is lost, there is no opportunity to get a job somewhere, and so on. But this profession can bring no less income, and maybe even more than most formal jobs. Moreover, in this area, earnings depend solely on the person. He is his own boss, he determines when and how to work, how many orders to take per day. This prospect is truly tempting. Here is the first pitfall. The income of a taxi driver depends solely on his hard work and ability to force himself to do business, and not be lazy.

Personal car

A taxi driver's daily earnings are calculated in the same way as in other areas. It is defined as income minus expenses. The taxi driver receives income from trips made. The following items are recorded in expenses: the cost of gasoline spent, consumables, car repairs, expenses for insurance, licenses, parking, payment for dispatch services, car washing, and so on. Accordingly, it is necessary to take all these points into account. A personal car is good because you don’t have to pay for it. Usually it is charged daily and makes up a significant part of the salary. If you own your own car, you are in a much more advantageous situation. However, with constant use it will wear out much faster than it otherwise would. So here everyone decides for himself whether it is worth risking his vehicle on the roads or is it better to rent someone else’s car, but at the same time lose a significant amount of earnings.

Rented car

If you don’t have a personal car or the desire to work on it, you can rent a vehicle. Some owners of such cars may enter into a lease with option to buy agreement with you. This means that you pay the landlord an agreed amount, but once repaid, it becomes your property. This system is quite convenient for taxi drivers. In Moscow, drivers pay from one and a half thousand rubles and more per day to rent a car. On message boards on the Internet you can find private car owners who want to rent out their vehicle to a taxi, as well as entire organizations that have a huge selection of models in their assortment.

Dispatching service

It is most convenient for clients to dial a single taxi number and call a car at the address where they are located. This is exactly what the dispatch service allows you to do. A large number of operators receive calls from the public, record the route, calculate the cost of the trip and send the order to a list of possible taxi drivers. They have a special program that reflects the queue for orders, line congestion, nearest calls by location, and so on. The system is convenient because the flow from clients is constant, and the driver always knows the starting point and destination of the trip. However, cooperation with the dispatch service imposes its own obligations on the driver. How much taxi drivers earn in Moscow, in this case, depends on the prices of dispatchers. Tariff plan The driver does not install it himself, but according to the organization’s price list. In addition, dissatisfied customers can complain about the driver. In this case, he may be removed from the line and, as a kind of fine for violating established discipline, they may stop sending him orders for some time. In addition, drivers must pay for the software and access to the order database. But such a scheme of work suits many and brings much more benefits than costs.

Private transportation

There are also drivers who are engaged exclusively in independent transportation without the use of programs and dispatching services. Usually they stand in places of a large congestion of people and a high need for cars. For example, at train stations, at the airport, at metro stations, and so on. In addition, they can acquire a regular clientele. To do this, it is enough to distribute business cards with a phone number among your customers. It is quite likely that the next time the client will contact immediately by this number. But doing independent transportation in its pure form is not so profitable. Mostly taxi drivers combine work. How much taxi drivers earn in Moscow depends on how many trips they make as scheduled by the dispatch service, and whether they find customers on their own. For example, this is necessary if this moment there are no orders from dispatchers or the driver has been temporarily removed from the line.

What is a license

Any activity requires official registration, tax deductions, availability necessary documentation and certificates. This also applies to taxi drivers. Not all drivers obtain a license. Some people prefer to take the risk without making it official. In any case, the fine will be much higher than the cost of the necessary papers. License to transport passengers - valid required document for a person who decides to constantly earn money through such activities. Cooperation with many dispatch services is completely impossible without proper registration of the taxi driver and his car. The license to transport passengers is valid for five years. To obtain it, you must contact the Ministry of Transport and provide the following package of documents: duplicates of the passport and car registration documents, as well as a copy of the power of attorney (if any). The license will be issued within a month. In order to get it, you must go through all the points presented to the driver: driving experience of at least five years, the presence of taxi identification marks, a taximeter. The cost of the document is about five thousand rubles. In the largest cities it can reach up to 10,000 rubles. The fine for driving without a license is 30,000 rubles.

Necessary things

The question of how to make money in a taxi can help solve some useful design changes. You can significantly save on fuel by equipping your car with gas. It is much cheaper than gasoline with approximately the same consumption. Buy a navigator. Not necessarily the most expensive. The navigator will eliminate the need to circle in search of an unknown point on the map, help you avoid traffic jams, find the shortest path and not get lost in unfamiliar territory. In order to be able to carry passengers with children, install a child car seat or a special belt clip. The car recorder will help the driver in resolving controversial issues on the road. In addition, recordings from the DVR will have a greater effect when contacting the insurance company for damages. taxi driver in Moscow greatly increases when using these simple and convenient items.

What is important to the client

When calling a taxi, the speed of its arrival is important to the client. In most cases, taxis are called by those who are late somewhere. In this case, the time is counted in minutes. And the faster the driver arrives, the greater the chance of earning a good amount. Satisfied customers usually pay more than they were told when ordering a taxi, and they also leave change for the driver. It is also important appearance cars. People who often use the services of taxi drivers want the car to be presentable and comfortable. Also, of course, how much taxi drivers earn in Moscow directly depends on the class of the car. An expensive car is assigned with more tariff rate than an economy car. How much you can earn as a taxi driver in Moscow depends on politeness and tactful communication with the client. Some people like to talk on the road, while others prefer silence and solitude. The driver must behave in the manner required by his passenger. Sometimes it is necessary to maintain a conversation, sometimes, on the contrary, to leave the client alone. A polite, hardworking taxi driver with a good car can easily earn about one hundred thousand rubles in a month. Moreover, working on weekends, lunch breaks and not all day long.

Innovations in working as a taxi driver

The question is also the use modern technologies. Be sure to use useful technological assistants in your work. Special sites will tell you where accidents occurred on the roads and traffic jams formed, find the best route, and so on. Some technical means will help you spot hidden cameras and speed recorders in time. All these funds will help increase your earnings and avoid fines.

Women's Taxi

IN Lately It has become quite fashionable to use a women's taxi. In such services, only a female taxi driver will drive. This service is popular among girls who do not want to risk traveling with unfamiliar men, as well as among women with children.

Risks of the profession

Every job has its own risks. Also, we are not insured against accidents and traffic accidents. Driving in the dark can be dangerous to the health and property of the driver. People can meet different people, both decent ones and those with criminal tendencies. There have been cases when clients simply ran away without paying. This turn of events will not please any taxi driver. However, anything can really happen. Therefore, ensure the safety of your property and personal safety. In this case, by the way, cooperation with dispatch services is very useful, since they record the data of the incoming call.

Many car owners use their own passenger transport as a means of primary or additional income, engaging in private transportation for temporary or permanent basis. Today, in any city there are many so-called bombilas that offer taxi services illegally. Despite the fact that this is a business activity, only a small percentage of drivers prefer to register themselves as individual entrepreneurs and obtain a license to provide taxi services.

Meanwhile, since 2012, the legislation has provided for administrative punishment for illegal private transportation in the amount of 10 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the city. In addition to paying a fine, you may also face removal of license plates or an official ban on using your vehicle. It follows from this that for a driver who wants to earn money or earn extra money as a private driver, it will be more profitable, easier and safer to do this on a legal basis.

How can you legalize your activities providing taxi services?

If you have your own car, and from time to time you give rides to fellow travelers on a one-time basis rather than on an ongoing basis, then this does not require you to take any measures to legitimize your activities. But if you work as a taxi driver in your own car in the evenings or on weekends, earning a certain amount of money, then this requires you to register. To legalize your activities, you can go in two ways:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur (IP). It does not take much time and does not require large financial expenses. By becoming an individual entrepreneur, you will largely protect yourself and your income. After all, illegal private transportation is subject to not only fines from the traffic police, but also sanctions tax service. Like any activity aimed at making a profit, taxi services are a business activity, therefore, they require the transfer of part of your profit to the state. If you are caught illegally entrepreneurial activity, then this can give you a double whammy in your pocket. Therefore, in fact, it is more profitable to legalize your activity in both ways: by becoming a legal private cab driver with a valid license. Obtaining a license is much cheaper than paying double fines to the tax and traffic police. Its cost today averages 5-10 thousand rubles, which is obviously more profitable and will allow you to avoid other problems associated with your work.
  2. Get a job in a taxi service that has the right to provide private transportation. There are probably at least several companies in your city that provide taxi services to the population, and almost each of them seeks to expand the territory of their work by inviting new taxi drivers with their own cars. Having a license from such a company will give you peace of mind. A good and responsible entrepreneur will tell you what conditions must be met while working in a taxi in order not to receive regular fines from the traffic police.

There are several rules and conditions that must be observed to engage in private transportation. They relate to both the appearance of the car and the conditions inside the car. Here are the main ones:

  • the car must have identification marks (lights and checkered marks), indicating that the car is suitable for private transportation;
  • the transport is painted in a color characteristic of taxis;
  • an electronic taximeter is installed in the car;
  • in the passenger compartment, within reach of the passenger, there is information about the rules for the provision of taxi services - rules for transporting passengers;
  • the driver has a check machine or a checkbook with which the passenger can receive a receipt for payment for the service;
  • Seat belts are mandatory for all passengers, including those in the rear seats;
  • To transport children under 12 years of age, a special car seat must be provided.

You can independently provide yourself with these attributes of a legal private cab driver or obtain them as an employee of another company that provides taxi services. Having a license gives each driver certain advantages. So, it would be a good idea to ask your management with whom you work to pay for car repairs or partially reimburse services for inspection and maintenance at a car service center. In case of disputes and complaints from customers, you can receive protection from regulatory authorities.

Important! Even if you are not an individual entrepreneur, but work for a legal entity that is registered individual entrepreneur, you still need to obtain a taxi license.

How to obtain a license to provide private transportation services

To do this, you need to contact the Ministry of Transport or the local city (district) administration for information and a corresponding application. Along with it, you must submit a package of the following documents:

  • a document confirming your ownership of the car (copy);
  • a copy of your passport and/or driver's license;
  • power of attorney for a car if you are not its full owner.

Once your application is accepted and reviewed, you will be issued a license valid for up to 5 years. It will contain the following information:

  • your personal data (full name, passport details);
  • vehicle information;
  • name of the organization that issued the license;
  • information about the company on whose behalf you provide taxi services;
  • driver's individual number;
  • date of issue of the license.

It should be remembered that not every car owner can obtain a license to engage in frequent driving. To do this, the driver and his car must meet certain requirements and criteria:

  • driver experience of 5 years or more;
  • the presence of a lampshade with checkers;
  • car markings in the form of characteristic squares;
  • availability of a taximeter.

What benefits do you have if you receive an official license for private carriage?

At first glance, it may seem that officially registering your car and yourself as a taxi driver is troublesome and unprofitable, but in reality you receive certain advantages and bonuses. You no longer have to fear fines from regulatory authorities if your car meets the mandatory requirements (see above). Official private cab drivers are highly trusted by large organizations, which prefer to order cars to transport clients, partners and employees as part of transfer services to airports, etc. And this is always a guaranteed regular income, often at an increased rate.

You will be able to defend your rights legally when you are presented with illegal claims from “bombs” who do not want additional competition. Their actions, unlike yours, will be illegal and may result in administrative (or even criminal) penalties. In cases of outright “assaults” and moral pressure, you will be able to enlist the support of law enforcement agencies. Illegal cab drivers are always deprived of such an opportunity.

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The fight against “bombs,” as illegal taxi drivers have long been dubbed by the people, has recently intensified significantly. Perhaps with the arrival of Mr. Liksutov to the post of Deputy Mayor of Moscow, perhaps not, however, as it became known, since March 2012. During operational and preventive measures, capital police seized more than 400 cars from illegal taxi drivers. The cars were placed in special parking lots. And no one has ever figured out whether the cars were taken legally, whether there are legal grounds for the seizure of vehicles, and how those same illegal immigrants were caught? The question remained closed until recently, until the following happened.
By the way, in parallel, the Moscow authorities continue to work on legalizing the “black cab” market. Motorists wishing to obtain a taxi driver's license can contact the authorities.
The essence of this struggle, the struggle against so-called private traders, as practice shows, has resulted in such lawlessness and arbitrariness that even I, who have experienced legal issues man, caused great outrage. Have you come to meet a girl at the metro? Are you waiting for a friend? Just stopped and sitting in the car? Then we go to you! Always yours!! We are taking care of you! No, this is not competition, this is a fight against bombers in a new way, without evidence, only on the basis of the testimony of PPS employees, which the world judges (including m/s 369 s/u of Moscow) have no reason not to trust!

Dispute category: O attracting a person according to Part 2 of Art. 14.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offensesfor illegal private transportation.

Interested party: Inspector of the Police Department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for the Central Administrative District of Moscow

Accused: Mr. X (representative - lawyer MJS DEFENSE)

Resolution of the magistrate of first instance:

Find citizen X guilty of committing an administrative offense under Art. 14.1 part 2 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, and impose a fine in the amount of 2,000 (two thousand) rubles and also recognize as legal the retention of the vehicle of the culprit for 30 calendar days.

The decision was appealed to a higher court . By the decision of the Tverskoy District Court, the decision magistrate 369 s/u Moscowcanceled , the proceedings against the accused were terminated.

Brief summary of the matter:Citizen X came to pick up his friend, who was celebrating a corporate party in one of the restaurants in Moscow late at night. He was a reveler himself and asked to meet him in his own car. At the indicated time, leaving the restaurant, he did not find his
his friend or his car. It turned out that as part of the program to combat illegal taxi drivers, carried out by the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Moscow Police Department, a greeter who, to his misfortune, also had an Asian appearance and a non-Slavic dialect, fell under the hot hands of law enforcement officers along with illegal taxi drivers.

As a result, the car was detained for 30 calendar days, protocols were drawn up, and the case was transferred to the magistrate 369 s/u of Moscow. Despite all the arguments of the accused and his defense lawyer, the judge found Citizen X guilty of committing an offense, with the favorite formulation “there is no reason not to trust the testimony of a police officer.” It is worth noting that there is not a single piece of evidence confirming illegal importation, and the fact of systematic (repeated) provision of services (illegal entrepreneurship) has not yet been proven. After filing a complaint against the decision of the court of first instance The magistrate's ruling was overturned as illegal and unfounded, the case against the accused was dismissed.

Lawyer's comment: Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity - economic activity aimed at systematically generating profit from production and/or
sales of goods, provision of services. For this purpose, property, intangible assets, and labor of both the entrepreneur himself and those brought in from outside are used. There are no guarantees that the money spent will be recouped, that the product produced will be sold at a profit. This involves the risk of loss of all or part of the property.
Illegal business - an act that is criminal according to Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Legal business activity is carried out in the Russian Federation subject to state registration of a citizen as an individual entrepreneur or the creation of a legal entity in accordance with the established procedure. Accordingly, it is illegal to carry out business activities without registration or in violation of registration rules. Thus, to establish the fact of illegal business, it is necessary:

1) Each fact of making a profit must be proven documented (usually a test purchase) with the direct transfer of money in the presence of witnesses and establishing the purpose of the transferred money. Without establishing this fact, other facts are not recognized as valid.

2) The systematic nature of profit-making must be established (2 or more times a year, since in civil legislation there is no concept of systematicity-regularity, there is intax legislation this concept (twice or more during calendar year) given in Art. 120 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and is used to hold organizations accountable for gross violations of the rules for accounting for income and expenses and objects of taxation.). If only the first fact is proven, the activity cannot be recognized as entrepreneurial, since it is the systematic nature of making a profit that is implied by entrepreneurial activity.

In addition, even in the case of transferring money, it is worth distinguishing the purpose of the transferred money. If it’s money for a service, that’s one thing; if it’s a donation or a gift, that’s something else entirely. You cannot prohibit accepting gifts or accepting donations. Due to these and many other circumstances, proving illegal business is always very difficult, and often simply impossible. In any case, one cannot neglect the fact that an adequate police officer will come across. Be sure to call your lawyer if you find yourself in a similar case and get advice in order to avoid problems in the future. In this case, the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate will be obliged to compensate for the damage incurred for the illegal actions of incompetent police officers.

Judicial acts:


Administrative case No. 5-533/13


Magistrate of court district No. 369 of the Tverskoy district of Moscow For Tomskaya O. Yu.,

Having considered in open court administrative case No. 5-533/13 under Part 2 of Art. 14.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses in relation to: XXX , registered in ZZZ , married, unemployed, no information about previous administrative liability has been provided,

With the participation of a defender H


XXX . carried out business activities without a special permit (license), if such a permit (such license) is mandatory (mandatory), namely, on September 03, 2013 at 01:50 at the address Tverskaya st., 6, Moscow, entrepreneurial activity of transporting citizens by vehicle without a special permit (license) for this.

XXX . appeared in court, did not admit guilt in the offense, explained that he did not provide services for transporting citizens, and submitted a written petition to terminate the proceedings.

The defense lawyer supported the opinion of his client and asked to terminate the proceedings.

The witness questioned at the request of the person involved explained to the court that he was an acquaintance XXX ., with whom on September 3, 2013, at night by phone, I agreed that he would pick him up from the cafe. However, at the agreed time XXX . was not there. The next day from XXX . he (the witness) became aware that XXX . was detained by police officers.

S.N. Usoltsev, an employee of the PPSM Department of Internal Affairs for the Tverskoy district of Moscow, interrogated at the court hearing. explained to the court that he and his partner were on duty on September 3, 2013, in the framex during an official event, an “illegal carrier” driver was identified XXX ., which was previously monitored and it was established that he was repeatedly in the area of ​​​​the street. Tverskoy, Moscow, provides transportation services for citizens for a monetary reward, but previously it was not possible to detain this citizen. Since patrols follow a constant route, every 15-20 minutes, the specified driver was identified more than once. On September 3, 2013, this driver was detained and transferred to the Department of Internal Affairs to draw up a report on administrative offense, since this driver did not have a license to provide services for transporting citizens by passenger taxi, but he agreed with passengers to transport them for a monetary reward and was engaged in their transportation. Previously from XXX he (Usoltsev S.N.) is unknown and has no grounds for slander.

Guilt XXX . of committing an administrative offense is confirmed by the following case materials:

- protocol on administrative offense dated September 3, 2013, according to which XXX . carried out business activities without a special permit (license), if such a permit (such license) is mandatory (mandatory), namely, on September 3, 2013 at 01:50 a.m. at the address Tverskaya st., 6, Moscow, entrepreneurial activity of transporting citizens by vehicle without a special permit (license);

- reports of the inspector PPSM OMVD for the Tverskoy district of Moscow Usoltsev S.N. that while on duty they were found to have committed an offense XXX ., who carried out business activities without a special permit (license), namely, on September 03, 2013 at 01:50 minutes at the address Tverskaya St., 6, Moscow, he carried out business activities for the transportation of citizens for light transport, previously this driver was repeatedly noticed in providing services for transporting citizens, but it was not previously possible to detain her;

Having studied the case materials, the court comes to the conclusion that the protocol on an administrative offense was drawn up in accordance with the requirements of Article 28.2 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, by an official of the body authorized to draw up protocols on administrative offenses.

Administrative liability under Part 2 of Art. 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is punishable for carrying out business activities without a special permit (license), if such a permit (such a license) is mandatory (mandatory).

The forms of license forms and license cards are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated November 22, 2004 N 36 “On approval of forms of license forms, license cards, admission certificates and access cards.”

In accordance with Art. 9 Federal Law from 04/21/2011 N 69-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation"(as amended by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2012 N 34-F3), activities for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxis on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are carried out subject to receipt legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, a permit to carry out activities for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxi, issued authorized body executive power the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

From the meaning of these legal norms it follows that the activity of transporting passengers in the absence of the required documents is not permitted.

The court does not trust the explanations of the person involved, who denies committing an offense, and regards them as the chosen position of the defense, since they are refuted by the written evidence collected in the case, as well as the explanations in court of the PPSM inspector, the court did not establish any reasons not to trust them.

Explanations in court by a witness also do not indicate innocence XXX ., since he was not an eyewitness to what happened, he knows everything from the words of himself XXX.

As established by the court when considering the case, XXX . On September 03, 2013 at 01:50 a.m. at 6 Tverskaya Street in Moscow, he carried out business activities involving the transportation of citizens by passenger vehicles without a special permit (license) for this.

Thus, having examined and assessed the evidence collected in the case, the court finds that guilt XXX . established, and qualifies his actions under Art. 14.1 part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, since he actually carried out business activities without a special permit (license), if such a permit (such a license) is mandatory (mandatory).

When imposing punishment in accordance with Art. Art. 4.1-4.3 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, the court takes into account the nature of the administrative offense committed, information about the identity of the perpetrator, and therefore considers it necessary to impose a penalty in the form of a fine without confiscation.

Based on the above, guided by art. Art. 29.9-29.11 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences,


Admit XXX guilty of committing an administrative offense under Art. 14.1 part 2 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, and impose a fine in the amount of 2,000 (two thousand) rubles.

Explain to the person brought to administrative responsibility that the administrative fine must be paid by him no later than 60 days from the date the decision to impose an administrative fine comes into force or from the date of expiration of the deferment period or installment payment period for the fine.

If an administrative fine is not paid on time, the amount of the fine on the basis of Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation will be collected forcibly. In addition, an official of a federal executive body, structural unit or territorial body, as well as other government agency, authorized to carry out proceedings on cases of administrative offenses (with the exception of the bailiff), draws up a protocol on an administrative offense, under Part. 1 Article. 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, in relation to a person who has not paid an administrative fine.

The decision can be appealed to the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow within 10 days from the date of delivery or receipt of a copy of the decision through the office of the court district No. 369 of the Tverskoy District of Moscow.

Magistrate Zatomskaya O.Yu.

Cancellation of m/s resolution:


The judge of the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow C., with the participation of the person against whom the administrative case is being conducted, - X, the defender - Novikov M.The.

having considered the appeal of Kh, born on March 31, 1966, a native of the city of Andijan, Uzbek SSR, a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan,

on the decision of the magistrate of court district No. 369 of the Tverskoy district of Moscow dated September 27, 2013 under Part 2 of Art. 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in relation to X,


Citizen X By a resolution of the magistrate dated September 27, 2013, he was found guilty of committing an offense under Part 2 of Art. 14.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, namely that on 09/03/2013 at 01:50 a.m. at the address: Tverskaya Street, building 6 in Moscow, he carried out business activities in transporting citizens by vehicle, without having a special permit for this (license ).

Based on the judge's decision, a complaint was brought in which Citizen X asks the magistrate to cancel the decision of the magistrate, to terminate the case of an administrative offense, considering that the evidence that would confirm the fact of his occupation - Citizen X entrepreneurial activity, except for the testimony of an interested person - police officer S.N. Usoltsev, is not included in the case. He - Citizen X did not transport anyone, did not make a profit, 09/03/2013 carried out the request of his friend.

During the consideration of the appeal Citizen X , his defender Novikov M.V. supported the complaint and the arguments presented, considering that X was unjustifiably brought to administrative responsibility within the framework of an ongoing official event “illegal carrier”, the police officer interrogated by the magistrate was unable to give specific testimony regarding where, when, and under what circumstances he saw Citizen X for doing business.

Having examined the materials of the administrative case, checked the arguments of the complaint, and listened to the lawyer involved, the court finds the decision subject to cancellation on the following grounds.

In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 30.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the judge is not bound by the arguments of the complaint and checks the case in full.

Part 1 of Article 1.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides that a person brought to administrative responsibility cannot be subjected to administrative punishment and measures to ensure proceedings in a case of an administrative offense other than on the grounds and in the manner established by law.

Administrative liability under Part 2 of Art. 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is punishable for carrying out business activities without a special permit (license), if such a permit (such a license) is mandatory.

To determine the presence of an administrative offense under Part 2 of Art. 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the fundamental criterion is to establish in the actions of such a person the signs of entrepreneurial activity listed in paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

By virtue of this norm, entrepreneurial activity is an activity aimed at systematically obtaining profit from the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services, which is carried out by a person independently at his own risk.

Citizen X . He denied that he was engaged in transporting citizens, and explained that he was engaged in private construction and used a KIA brand car for transportation. On September 3, 2013, on Tverskaya Street, there were no passengers in his car when he was detained by a police officer.

Finding guilty Citizen X in committing an offense under Part 2 of Art. 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the magistrate referred to the following evidence: a protocol on an administrative offense dated 09/03/2013, drawn up in relation to Citizen X report of the inspector PPSM OMVD of Russia for the Tverskoy district of Moscow S.N. Usoltsev, his testimony given during the consideration of the case by the magistrate, from which it follows that this police officer has repeatedly seen how Citizen X provides transportation services for citizens in the area of ​​Tverskaya Street in Moscow for a monetary reward, but previously it was not possible to detain him, 09/03/2013 at 01:50 Citizen X was detained as part of an official event as an “illegal carrier.”

Meanwhile, any specific evidence confirming the fact that the specified person is engaged in activities aimed at systematically making a profit, which could be, in particular, testimonies of persons who paid for transportation services, receipts in

receiving Money, bank account statements of the person brought to administrative responsibility, and the placement of advertisements are not included in the case.

A person is subject to administrative liability only for those administrative offenses for which his guilt has been established. Irremovable doubts about the guilt of a person brought to administrative responsibility are interpreted in favor of this person.

Explanations given Citizen X have not been sufficiently refuted by anything.

Under such circumstances, the court concludes that the circumstances on the basis of which the appealed decision was made were not proven, that by virtue of paragraph 4 of part 1 of Art. 30.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation entails the cancellation of the decision of the justice of the peace and the termination of the proceedings.

Based on the above, guided by clause 4, part 1, art. 30.7 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, court


Citizen X's complaint satisfy, the decision of the justice of the peace judicial district № 369 Tverskoy district of Moscow from 27.09.2013, under Part. 2 Article. 14.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses in relation to Citizen X to cancel, the proceedings on the case of an administrative offense to stop.

The decision can be appealed to the Moscow City Court

Since 2011, a law has come into force, which is aimed at cleaning the roads of the capital from illegal carriers, the so-called "bombs". Many illegal carriers who moonlighted on their own car were very unhappy with this course of events, but eventually reconciled. Most of them have ceased their activities.

Even today, many, so to speak, do not admire this law, complaining about the violation of their freedom. It seems like any car owner can give people a ride, and what's wrong if he gets a reward for this?

In fact, if you go at least a little into the essence of the issue, you can understand that the provision of such a service as the transportation of citizens is quite accessible to any driver, but everything must be done within the framework of the law.

Today, any car owner can register as an individual entrepreneur and legally engage in private transportation.

What do I need to do?

First, let's choose a tax system. For small businesses, and private transportation in your own car is the smallest business you can imagine, there are three most suitable options: simplified tax system, UTII and patent. These special regimes will be very convenient for you, as they simplify accounting and significantly reduce the tax burden.

Next, you need to decide on the type of activity (select the OKVED code). There is a special reference book for selecting these codes. It is recommended to select several codes that suit your activity.

Once you have decided on these points, you can begin collecting documents. The package has the following list:

  • Passport, photocopy of passport or a copy certified by a notary;
  • Application for state registration. If a package of documents is sent by mail or courier, this application must be notarized;
  • Be sure to attach a receipt confirming payment of the state fee;
  • Copy of TIN;
  • Notification of the application of the simplified tax system in duplicate.

If your representative will submit the documents, you will also need to prepare a power of attorney.

A few words about how you can significantly save time on at this stage. It's quite simple. You need to shift this responsibility to a third-party lawyer who is involved in registering an individual entrepreneur. Here you will need very little time, since the specialist will prepare the documents himself and submit them to the tax authority.

When the documents are ready, do not rush to go on your first flight right away. There are two more stages ahead.

To transport citizens and luggage by taxi in the capital, you need a permit. This permit can be obtained from the Department of Transport. And here again you need to prepare a small package of documents:

  • Application for a license;
  • A copy of your passport and a copy of the certificate of registration of you as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • A copy of documents confirming the availability of appropriate transport. The car can be rented.

The permit is issued for five years. But that's not all.

In addition to all licenses, you need to equip your car in accordance with the rules for transporting passengers.

What should be in a car?

1) Basic information about the carrier on the front panel of the car, on the driver’s right.

You must specify:

  • Name of the enterprise, for example, “IP Vasiliev”;
  • Terms of payment for services;
  • Business card with a photo of the driver;
  • Department of Transportation contact information.

2) A color scheme indicating that “you” are a taxi (checkers on the sides).

3) Orange identification lamp (can be removable).

Your car meets the basic requirements, you have all the documents in hand and you can go on your first trip.

A few words about finding clients

A good driver will always find clients. However, often the number of clients is insufficient and, after going on a flight, you can stand in vain or travel all night. There is a way out here too.

It's hard to live without knowing what will happen next. So some citizens are afraid to think about tomorrow, because these are difficult times. Therefore, people are looking for any ways to earn money in order to somehow feed themselves and their families. It’s easier for those who have a car, because with its help you can make good money.

However, the question of making money on a car worries many car enthusiasts, because they do not understand how this can be done. I am glad that we know many cases where people got out of the most difficult situations with the help of a car. financial situations, so your car should help you too.

Before you wander the Internet in the hope of finding a favorable method of making money on a car, you should clarify for yourself the price of this issue. First, look at the cost of the service. That is, if you bought a car for 370,000 rubles, then over 120,000 km traveled it will lose approximately 180 thousand rubles, and this is half the price of the car itself.

In addition, if you take into account the cost of car repairs, which will be approximately 12,000 rubles per year, and for 5 years this is already 60 thousand rubles, then it turns out that the car costs its owner a lot of money.

But that's not all. Car drivers spend money on car washes, on gasoline, on all sorts of trinkets, due to which the cost per 1 km will fluctuate within 10 rubles. But the cost also increases due to loan payments to the bank (5 rubles), so the final cost per 1 km ranges from 10-15 rubles.

A small “women’s” car, which has only two seats, is not suitable for making money. You should look at your car as a means of earning money only if it has 4 seats for passengers and a spacious trunk. Don’t forget that the car must be in good working order to avoid incidents on the road. After all, this will lead to the fact that you will not only not be able to fulfill customer orders and receive money for it, but you will also have to spend money on repairs.

So, we offer you 7 simple options for making money from your personal car.

The first option is to work as a courier.

Most companies need couriers, so they post relevant advertisements in newspapers or on the Internet. Finding a job in this field is not difficult: you just need to call the number provided. Some companies offer hourly pay, others give work for a long time.

Who offers work by the hour?

Often this is food delivery. It is carried out on weekdays from 18:00 to 24:00, and on weekends - from 10:00 to 21:00. They won't pay you much - only about 50 rubles per hour, but no one said that you would immediately get rich.

Thus, if your work schedule is only 3 hours, then you will receive 150 rubles, while for a full shift you could get 300. However, you should not forget about the rights of the customer, that is, there are certain rules that cannot be violated.

So, for example, if the pizza is delivered later than 30 minutes, the courier will be fined 15 rubles. But if the driver is late often, he may simply be fired. Consider whether you can get to the right place on time before responding to such an ad.

At night it is much easier to deliver a pizza to the desired address in half an hour, but if you get stuck in a traffic jam during rush hour, you will disrupt the delivery. Having an economical car that consumes little fuel, you can earn about 6,000 rubles per month, working from Monday to Friday. Working only on weekends, you will be able to earn approximately 4,500 rubles per month.

Where can you work full time?

As a rule, online stores provide such work to the courier. That is, it will be necessary to deliver the goods they ordered to customers’ homes. Every day you need to drive approximately 70-100 km. Here you can earn quite well: you can get from 15,000 to 18,000 rubles per month.

However, your task will be not only the ability to drive a car, but also the ability to communicate with people. You also need to understand that you will be responsible for the items you are transporting, because if they are damaged, you will be obliged to pay their value to the owner from your own wallet. The problem is that the person doing the delivery can get robbed.

The second option for making a profit is to work as a private cab driver.

To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to travel around the city in the hope of finding a suitable client. After all, nowadays fuel is not cheap, so it’s not worth wasting it on meaningless driving. It is better to look for clients at bus stops or in places where people usually relax (this option is especially advantageous in the evenings).

This job is suitable even if you have another main job, because you can work at any time convenient for you. But you must remember that for illegally carrying passengers you can be fined approximately 1,000 rubles.

In addition, the most profitable places already have their own established mafia: either other private cab drivers, or security guards of establishments located nearby. You need to “share” with both. Otherwise, they will take revenge on you: for example, they may puncture a car tire or, God forbid, do something even worse.

In the end, in one evening it will be possible to deliver only a few clients to their destination, and if you take into account what will have to be shared, then earnings from one client do not exceed 150 rubles.

With the dispatcher.

Interestingly, this is a fairly relaxed way to make money. First, you need to conclude an agreement with the company and only after that you can start working. For a certain amount, the customer company gives you information about orders. However, you need to drive almost the whole day without a break. At the same time, in 8 hours you can earn about 600-700 rubles.

However, even with this work you may receive a fine for illegal transportation. In addition, a taxi driver’s earnings are not constant, because there may be so-called bad days (no clients).

The third option for earning money from your own car is legal work as a taxi driver.

First you need to obtain a license that allows you to transport passengers or any objects. To receive it you must register yourself as individual who is an entrepreneur (IP).

After this, you need to select a single tax group. What does it mean? You will have to pay 2065 rubles monthly. In addition, you must obtain another license. To do this, you must have not only the entrepreneur’s documents, but also a registration certificate for the car.

It is advisable that a lawyer handle the registration of the license. For his services you will need to pay approximately 6,000 rubles. You must receive a license card along with your license. It is issued by the traffic police completely free of charge.

Before making such expenses, you need to think about whether you will continue to work as a taxi driver or whether this is just a temporary hobby. You can work temporarily without a license. Think about it: even if you have to pay a fine, it costs much less than obtaining a license. It is also possible to become a driver from another licensed taxi driver. Thus, you will only need to pay social security contributions and taxes for yourself.

Option 4 – personal driver.

He receives 18,000-25,000 rubles a month. But it's not that simple. To work in this field, you need to have an “ideal” car, because it requires great amount requirements.

Firstly, the car must be in good working order, but this requirement applies to any work on the car. Secondly, it should look beautiful and impressive in appearance, without any noticeable damage. The third condition for working as a personal driver is the presence of air conditioning in the car.

Your responsibilities will be to transport company employees to different places. In this case, the company itself will compensate for the cost of fuel. However, the amount of this compensation depends on the company you work for and your bargaining skills.

The most favorable option for the driver is when the company reimburses the money for fuel using a receipt. It is also good when the company pays for repairs to the car if it is damaged during work. But there are companies that compensate for the cost of fuel, taking into account its passport data.

But many cars consume much more fuel than indicated in the passport. Thus, as a result, the amount of earnings will be significantly reduced (by approximately 3000-4500 rubles). It is very important that the company provides auto insurance.

The downside to this job is that it is boring. It happens that the car does not get out of traffic jams for a long time or is constantly parked in the parking lot. But not everyone can live a sedentary lifestyle, much less a man.
Event services.

If you are the owner of a luxury car, then you are in luck, as you can become a driver for weddings or other events. Payment is made hourly. You can earn 400-500 rubles per hour. However, you will need to give a third of the money you earn to the intermediary agency.

Thus, you can earn up to 40,000 rubles per month. The downside is that you cannot work here with a machine that is more than 5 years old.

If you do not have a luxury car, then you can also work in this field. However, the amount of money earned per hour will be significantly less: 150-300 rubles.

The fifth and sixth methods of earning money are advertising and car rental.

Renting is suitable for those who do not drive their own car or have an “extra” car that they can rent out. In this case, you can receive 450-600 rubles per day. But you need to understand that drivers will not feel sorry for your car, because they don’t care what happens to it, because it is not their property, which they feel sorry for.

Also, vehicle mileage may be much higher than specified in the standards. It is better for the owner to repair the car, because renters can only take money from the owner while continuing to drive a broken car.

As a result, the car can soon be sold for scrap. If you are a supporter of this method of earning money, then be sure to insure your “swallow”, because anything can happen. It would also be better if you draw up a lease agreement with a notary, who will check the tenant’s data and tell you whether you should trust him with your property.

After all, some scammers rent cars using fake documents and then sell them for spare parts, so be careful. The contract may also indicate the amount that the tenant must compensate in the event of an accident or theft of the car. But if Insurance Company refuses compensation for damage due to the taxi driver’s fault, then he will have to independently reimburse the entire cost of the car.

It would be ideal if you conclude an agreement not with the taxi driver personally, but with a company providing taxi services.

In fact, this is an easy way to make a profit. All you need to do is cover your car with advertising. The salary depends on the size of the car, what year it was produced and what appearance it has.

If you cover the rear window and the side of the body, you will be given approximately 3,700 rubles. By covering only the rear window, you will receive 1200-1800 rubles. However, the advertiser also sets the required mileage (it must be at least 20 km per day).

The salary is issued monthly, but only after you provide the advertiser with your speedometer data. If you cover a car completely, you can get 9,000-12,000 rubles.

And the last seventh option is providing roadside assistance.

This way of earning money will especially please those who have skills in car repair and know how to tow a car on a flexible hitch.


Currently, they pay approximately 1200-1500 rubles for towing a car. At the same time, you can provide tow truck services cheaper so that you are in demand. So, for example, you can help a driver for only 300-500 rubles, while spending 100 rubles on gasoline.

In any case, you will benefit. Having made myself good advertising, you will have many clients, so you will earn 1500-1800 rubles per day.

Minor repairs.

Having the skills of an auto mechanic, you will be able to help a driver whose car has been broken down on the road. Naturally, you will not ensure a complete “recovery” of the car, but with your help the driver will be able to take the car to the service center under his own power.

Right on the road you can replace spark plugs - 300 rubles, start a car with a cigarette lighter - 150 rubles, fill up with water - 600 rubles. You can also help the driver if he got into a non-standard situation for him. It happens that two wheels of a car are in a faulty condition (the driver has punctured them), but there is no tire service nearby. You can seal the wheels and pump them up.

Yes, this method is unlikely to keep the tires intact for a long time, but it will give the driver a little time so that he can bring his car to the tire shop.

Despite the fact that profit on a personal car is not stable, it is still possible. But you can earn 6-9 thousand rubles at a second job. In addition, if you engage in illegal transportation, you can get a fine.
