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Chamber disinfection. Disinfection of bedding Installation of a disinfection chamber set of premises

DISINFECTION CHAMBERS (installations)- devices designed for disinfection and disinfestation of clothing, bedding, shoes and other objects.

Depending on the disinfectant agent, disinfectants are divided into steam, steam-air, steam-formalin, hot-air, gas, and combined.

IN steam D.C. uses steam at atmospheric or high pressure, supplied from above (above things) to displace air from the chamber. The temperature inside the steam chamber is 100 C and above (corresponding to the steam pressure). Steam pumps equipped with a vacuum pump can operate at pressures below atmospheric. Such chambers are called vacuum chambers.

IN steam-air D. k., which have become most widespread in the USSR, use saturated water vapor as a disinfectant, supplied from below (under things) and mixed with the air in the chamber; temperature of the steam-air mixture is from 80 to 98 °. To increase the disinfecting effect of water vapor at low temperatures in the chamber (40-59 °), when disinfecting leather, fur and other products that cannot withstand high temperature, use formaldehyde vapor obtained in special apparatus(evaporator), all steam-air chambers are equipped in Crimea. Thus, steam-air chambers are also used to disinfect things using the steam-formalin method, which is why they are sometimes called steam-air-formalin chambers. All steam and steam-air disinfection chambers provide disinsection of things (at a lower temperature).

Hot air D.K. is used primarily for disinfestation of clothing, bedding, felted shoes, upholstered furniture and other items. In these chambers, things are heated with dry hot air at a temperature of 80-110 °. In the simplest chambers, the air has natural circulation, in more complex ones there is an incentive movement created by a fan or other device. Hot-air air pumps with natural air circulation, being the simplest in design, were widely used among the troops during the Great Patriotic War.

In gas chambers, various gases are used as a disinfectant: sulfur dioxide, ethylene oxide, methyl bromide, chloropicrin, etc. In the USSR, gas chambers are rarely used, mainly for the disinfection of products that cannot be processed in thermal chambers.

Combined disinfectants are adapted for disinfecting things with several agents, for example, water vapor, a steam-air mixture, and formaldehyde.

D. to. can be stationary and mobile. The former are used in medical and professional institutions, the latter - in epidemics, outbreaks, and also in field conditions. Some mobile clinics are equipped with a shower device for washing people at the same time as disinfecting their clothes. Such installations are called disinfection showers.

Infectious hospitals, maternity hospitals and other medical professionals, institutions, as well as medical facilities are equipped with clinics. institutions of the Soviet Army. D. k. are also used by industrial enterprises engaged in the processing of raw materials (fur, leather, etc.).

Disinfection devices using steam and hot air appeared in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. At the end of 1883 in St. Petersburg, at the barracks hospital, in memory of S.P. Botkin, the building of the first steam hospital was built, equipped with a steam boiler and two disinfection devices. In the same year, the head of this chamber, S.E. Krupin, proposed a disinfection apparatus made of boiler iron, called the Krupin steam disinfection chamber, which is still used in our time.

Steam chambers, as the most reliable disinfection devices, are widely used in Russia. However, disinfection of leather, fur and other items that cannot withstand high temperatures and humidity is excluded in steam chambers. At the end of the 19th century. I.F. Rapchevsky, M. Rubner and others proposed vacuum-vapor-formalin chambers, which at the beginning of the 20th century. were widespread in Russia. Then it seemed that the use of steam at reduced pressure and formaldehyde to enhance its disinfecting effect would help solve the problem. However, experience in operating vacuum-vapor-formalin chambers has shown that they are expensive to manufacture, difficult to operate and do not provide mass disinfection of outer clothing. In 1904-1905 Japanese researchers proposed a steam-formalline disinfection method, which ensures disinfection in chambers that are relatively simple in design.

In 1909, the first steam steam generator was built in Odessa, operating at normal atmospheric pressure. In 1912

S.K. Dzerzhgovskiy, in contrast to Japanese chambers, proposed introducing steam into the chamber from below, which ensured uniform heating of clothes with a denser load.

The Great October Socialist Revolution was a turning point in the development of disinfection in the country. From the very first months of their activity, the health authorities of the young Soviet Republic began organizing disinfection work in the country. From year to year the number of specialized disinfection institutions grew, and along with it the number of hospital clinics grew. Much attention was paid to equipping the hospital clinic.

In the 30s In the USSR, research work was carried out in the field of chamber disinfection. Soviet researchers (N. M. Anastasyev, K. A. Burtsev, G. A. Mikhelson and others) developed a method for disinfecting cloth, wool and cotton clothing contaminated with vegetative and spore forms of microorganisms with a steam-air mixture (without the use of formalin). Formalin in D. is used only for disinfection of leather fur products. Equipping steam-air disinfection chambers with powerful steam boilers by V. G. Shukhov and P. I. Ryabov made it possible to significantly increase the throughput of the chambers due to their denser loading and reducing the time required to warm up clothes.

L. A. Pogorzhelsky in the late 30s. developed a stationary D. k. with a volume of 10 m 3 for disinfection, disinfestation and decontamination of clothing, bedding and other things. The objects being processed were heated by steam supplied from below or by moving hot air. The loading capacity of the chamber is 30 sets of outerwear. The stationary D.C., proposed in the early 30s, was designed according to the same principle. Ya. B. Levinson and N. F. Chernoshchekov. These cameras were quite widespread, but they were expensive to manufacture and difficult to maintain, so their production was discontinued in 1941.

A. G. Makarov, A. N. Karaseva, A. A. Subbotin and others in the post-war years developed stationary steam-formalin boilers with a volume of 3.5 and 10 m 3, designed for centralized steam supply. The same authors developed stationary steam rooms with a volume of 1.5 and 3 m 3, equipped with their own open-type steam generator, heated with wood.

Of the mobile cameras, the most widely used camera was the APK camera (on a car), developed at NIISI in the early 30s. (A.K. Krylov, D.D. Muzykantov, M.L. Hamburg). The operation of the agro-industrial complex chamber during the Soviet-Finnish war showed that its direct-flow boiler did not provide the required amount of steam. Therefore, in the early 40s. the once-through boiler was replaced by a boiler with natural circulation (P.I. Ryabov). In this form, the APK camera was produced until 1963. During the war, washing and disinfection companies that carried out sanitary treatment of troops in the army and front-line rear were equipped with this installation.

During the Great Patriotic War, a road transport vehicle was designed on a single-axle trailer - DKP (P. I. Ryabov, N. I. Komin), which became widespread. In those same years, military units used materials found on site to build aerial households of various designs and sizes. Typically, such a disinfestation chamber was a device consisting of a room for loading clothes (working chamber), a fire heating device installed inside the chamber and heated with wood, devices for regulating temperature and protecting clothes from burning.

In 1942, A.P. Protopopov and N.V. Ostapenei developed the simplest pest control chambers with soft fabric fences for walls and roofs. In one version, army raincoats are used, in the other - overcoats that are subject to disinfestation. In the same year, V. A. Goryushin and A. A. Subbotin successfully found a design solution for a lightweight folding pest control chamber of small volume, which became quite widespread at the front under the name DIOF-21 chamber.

P. I. Vasilevsky and A. N. Krasovsky in 1943 designed and organized the production of the simplest disinfestation chamber with a device for heating water - BDPU (bath-disinsection-laundry unit).

In the post-war period, combined disinfection-shower units on cars and car trailers were modernized and equipped with more powerful steam boilers. In the new disinfection-shower installations, the loading density of the chamber with cloth and paper uniforms has been increased by 2-2.5 times, the time to reach the disinfection temperature has been sharply reduced, due to which the throughput of the chamber has increased by 2.5-3 times.

In the late 60s and early 70s. The All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Disinfection and Sterilization and the Central Design and Technological Bureau "Medoborudovanie" have developed and put into production new disinfection units on cars, equipped with a special cabin for a team of disinfectors, and stationary D. volume 1.7-8 .3 m 3.

Stationary disinfection chambers (Table 1). Disinfection steam-formalin chamber KDF-3 (Fig. 1), designed for steam supply from the network, is a steel structure consisting of a frame, inner and outer lining with an air gap between them to reduce heat loss in environment. The loading and unloading doors, which form the end walls of the chamber, are tightly pressed to the frame with hinged bolts. A steel umbrella is installed under the ceiling to protect clothes from condensation drops.

The clothes to be disinfected, placed on the trolley, are heated in the chamber by steam entering through perforated pipes located on the floor. There are also pipes for drying things in the chamber.

The supply ventilation hole is made at the bottom, the exhaust ventilation hole is in the ceiling. The fan is mounted on the roof of the chamber.

The valves for supplying steam to the chamber and the heater, the formalin evaporator, as well as the neck through which formalin is poured into the evaporator are installed on the control panel. A mercury thermometer is installed above it.

The disinfection stationary chamber with a DKSK-1.8 boiler (Fig. 2) is welded from steel sheets and surrounded by hoops made of angle steel. Wooden blocks are attached to the hoops, which are sheathed with sheets of plywood and roofing steel. The air gap between the chamber walls and the outer casing serves as thermal insulation. Steam enters the chamber through perforated pipes representing a closed rectangle.

The formation of excess pressure in the chamber is prevented by the fact that there are holes in the floor for the exit of condensate, which must always be open. Clothes, dressed on hangers, are hung on strings stretched from the ceiling. To protect it from drops of steam condensation, an umbrella is installed under the ceiling.

The temperature in the chamber is measured with a thermometer inserted from the outside into a screw-on frame. The chamber is produced both in combination with a boiler and without a boiler under the code DKS.

The disinfection stationary formaldehyde chamber KDFO-2 is produced with a steam boiler SZM-1, designed for low steam pressure (up to 0.7 kgf/cm2).

Disinfection steam-formalin chamber KDF-5 A (Fig. 3) is the largest stationary chamber in terms of volume. The set disinfection temperature and holding time of items in this chamber are maintained automatically; There is also manual camera control.

Disinfection of things in the KDF-5 A chamber is carried out in the following order. They connect the camera to the power supply, load it with things (from the “dirty” area), close the door and send a signal to the “clean” compartment. Here, having received the signal, pointer contacts are set on the contact thermometer to the marks corresponding to the temperature of the given mode, and the exposure time is set on the time relay. After this, press the mode button and release steam into the chamber. When the required temperature is reached in the chamber, a signal lamp lights up, indicating the start of the exposure. At the end of the exposure, the warning lamp turns off and an audible signal sounds. Having finished disinfecting, they begin to dry things, for which they release steam into the heater and turn on the fan. After 15 min. open the door in the “clean” area and roll out a cart with things.

The TsNIDI disinfection electric chamber (Fig. 4), which has its own steam generator, is used in institutions where there is no boiler room; it is intended for disinfection of books, documents and other things using the steam-air method, as well as for disinfecting clothing and bedding using the steam-air and steam-formalin methods. The camera is made of metal. The frame is welded from angle steel and sheathed on both sides with thin sheet steel. In the gap between the skin there is thermal insulation material. There are openings in two opposite walls of the chamber that are hermetically sealed with doors. At the bottom of the chamber there is a steam generator, which is an open pan filled with water. At the bottom of the baking sheet there are closed electric heating elements (“heating elements”). To evaporate formaldehyde or ammonia, there are two floating evaporator trays. Formaldehyde (or ammonia) is poured through a funnel, heated through the bottom of the tray in contact with boiling water, and evaporates. The humidified air in the chamber is dried by electric heaters located in the lower part of the chamber. Turning them on and off, as well as the electric heaters of the steam generator, allows you to maintain the required temperature and humidity in the chamber. The temperature in the chamber is also controlled using supply and exhaust ventilation. The electric chamber is controlled manually or automatically using a special thermal alarm device. The humidity in the chamber is controlled using a psychrometer.

The floor area of ​​the electric chamber is 0.9 m2, the volume is 1.3 m3.

The KDP-3 disinfection steam chamber (Fig. 5) is used primarily in maternity hospitals to disinfect bedding using the steam method. The chamber is also adapted for disinfection of various things using steam-air and steam-formalin methods; it can be used to sterilize linen, dressings, etc. In the KDP-3 chamber you can disinfect (using the steam-formalin method) leather, fur, rubber, velvet, nylon and other products that cannot withstand high temperatures.

Disinfection steam-formalin stationary chamber KDFS-5 (Fig. 6) consists of a collapsible steel frame, lined with bricks on the sides, forming the walls of the chamber, and covered on top with a reinforced concrete slab (ceiling). On the inside, the walls and ceiling are thermally insulated with slabs of foam glass or other material. The floor in the cell is slightly raised relative to the floor of the room. Between the floor and the foundation slab there is an expanded clay backfill for the purpose of thermal insulation. There is a drain in the middle of the floor to drain condensate from the chamber. On the floor there are perforated pipes for releasing steam and two corners along which a cart with disinfected items moves. A gable umbrella is fixed under the ceiling of the chamber, which protects the items being processed from condensation. To dry the processed items, the KDFS-5 chamber is equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation with heated air, consisting of a centrifugal fan, a heater and air ducts. Instrumentation and thermal process control valves are located on the control panel.

The KDP-3 chamber has a cylindrical shape; To reduce heat loss, it is lined with wooden slats. The objects to be disinfected are hung or placed in bulk on a mobile carriage. To displace all the air from the chamber (with the steam method), steam is supplied from above and air is removed from below. Below, under the carriage, there are perforated pipes for releasing steam from below (for steam-air and steam-formalline disinfection methods) and a heater. Air and steam are removed from the chamber using a steam ejector. The temperature of the steam in the outgoing pipe is measured with a thermometer. The second thermometer shows the temperature in the chamber. The pressure in the chamber and the degree of vacuum created by the ejector are measured with a vacuum gauge. The safety valve limits the formation of pressure in the chamber above the permissible level (1 atm).

Stationary cameras built on site include cameras KDFS-5 and KDFS-10. Both cameras are identical in design, differing only in size.

Mobile disinfection units (Table 2) are used in epidemics, outbreaks and in the field.

The components of a mobile disinfection unit are: a mobile base (car, trailer), a working chamber in which things are disinfected, a steam boiler (heat source), steam lines connecting the boiler to the chamber. Depending on the mobile base, mobile disinfection units are divided into installations on cars and installations on trailers. Disinfection installations on cars have a cabin for transporting disinfectants.

The UD-2-A disinfection unit (Fig. 7) is mounted on the chassis of a GAZ-52-04 car. The cabin for transporting disinfectants and the boiler room are located in front directly behind the driver's cabin, the camera is located at the rear across the chassis of the car. The boiler room contains a KPP-30 steam boiler and auxiliary equipment necessary for its maintenance. Steam is used to warm things up in the chamber, evaporate formaldehyde and ammonia, atomize liquid fuel during its combustion, and increase draft in the chimney. All valves with stencil indicators are located on the control panel.

The disinfection installation UD-2 X 2-A (Fig. 8) on the chassis of the GAZ-52-01 car is equipped with two identical cameras and a more powerful steam boiler KPP-90.

The UD-2-P disinfection unit (Fig. 9) is mounted on the chassis of a single-axle automobile trailer IAPZ-738. To improve the running properties of the unit, a camera is located along the trailer frame.

Mobile disinfection and shower units (Table 3), mounted on vehicle chassis and car trailers, are intended for washing people and disinfecting (disinsection) clothes, shoes, bedding and other things in the field. Washing of people and disinfection (disinsection) of clothes using disinfection-shower units are carried out simultaneously or separately.

Disinfection shower units DDA-53, DDA-53A and DDA-53B (Fig. 10) are mounted on the chassis of GAZ-51, GAZ-63 and GAZ-66 cars, respectively. The units are equipped with a steam boiler, two disinfection chambers, a steam elevator shower device with an accumulator boiler, a hand pump and an injector for feeding the boiler with water, a piping system, as well as installations with removable accessories and spare parts. Disinfection chambers are structurally identical and operate independently of one another. In the folded and stowed installation position, the cameras are used for storing and transporting accessories and spare parts. Each cell is equipped with two doors. The door located on the left as the vehicle moves forward is used for loading things, and the door on the right is used for unloading. The clothes in the chamber are heated with steam coming through a pipeline from the boiler. To ensure uniform heating of clothes on the floor, a closed steam spray line is located along its perimeter, and above it there is a wooden grid that protects long and accidentally dropped items from being moistened by condensation. Two holes are made in the floor of the chamber through which steam escapes when there is excess pressure in the chamber, and condensate that flows onto the floor is also drained. Disinfection of fur, leather, rubber and other products is carried out in a chamber at low temperatures. To enhance the disinfecting effect of the steam-air mixture at these temperatures, formaldehyde is used in sprayed or vapor form. Formaldehyde is evaporated using steam in a special apparatus. Formaldehyde vapors formed when formaldehyde boils enter the chamber through a perforated pipeline used to supply water steam. The temperature inside the chambers is measured with direct mercury thermometers.

A shower device for washing people (deployed in tents or an adaptable room) consists of a steam-jet elevator, an accumulator boiler, two shower fixtures with 6 grids each, suction and pressure hoses, and wooden gratings underneath. The accumulator boiler is designed for additional rapid (in 2-3 minutes) heating of water to the required temperature (38-42°) and maintaining it at this level during the entire time of washing the shift of people. In addition, the boiler-accumulator ensures reliable and safe operation of the steam elevator shower device (the escape of steam and condensate through the grids is excluded), creates the accumulation of a certain amount of heat, and supplies the boiler with heated water; it can be used to heat cold water to any temperature.

The disinfection and shower unit is controlled from the right side (along the direction of the car). For ease of maintenance, valves and taps are concentrated near the steam boiler. The operating principle of the DDA-53 disinfection shower unit is as follows. Using a hand pump, fill the boiler with water to the middle of the water indicator glass. Then they light the wood in the firebox and increase the steam pressure in the boiler. When the pressure reaches 1 am, they switch to heating the boiler with liquid fuel. Having raised the steam pressure to operating pressure (4 am), steam is released into the elevator and heated water is supplied to shower samples. At the same time, steam can be released into one or both disinfection chambers to disinfect clothing. The steam generated in the boiler is also used to stimulate draft (using a steam siphon) and supply the boiler with water (using an injector).

The DDA-2 disinfection and shower unit is mounted on a ZIL-130 vehicle, has more powerful equipment and is additionally equipped with a motor pump and rubber tanks for storing water.

The DDA-66 disinfection and shower unit is located in a metal body, divided into three compartments: a boiler room, a chamber and a cargo-passenger compartment, located directly behind the driver’s cab.

The DDP-2 disinfection-shower unit (Fig. 11) is mounted on a single-axle trailer and has the same equipment as the DDA-53, but only one chamber.

Hot-air disinsection chambers are used for disinsection of clothing, bedding and other things; in field conditions they are used for drying clothes, footcloths, and felted shoes. The active thermal agent in the chambers is dry air heated to a temperature of 80-110°. Devices are used to heat air various designs, most often manufactured on site using roofing sheet steel, water pipes, heating radiators, etc. Heating devices must have sufficient surface area to ensure disinfestation of items within a specified time frame. The components of the air disinsection chamber are: a room for loading clothes (working chamber), a heating device, devices for regulating the air temperature in the chamber and protecting clothes from combustion. To the Great Patriotic War The simplest hot-air exterminators S-1, the Rubinstein exterminator, tent exterminators, BDPU-18, Nabokov's chamber, etc. have become widespread. All of them have lost their significance.

The hot-air disinfestation chamber DK (Fig. 12) consists of separate panels that form a loading room, and a base in which the firebox and heater are located; the chimney is located outside the chamber. To protect clothing from direct exposure to radiant heat, steel screens are installed above the firebox and heater. The heat transfer from the heater to the chamber is regulated using two dampers located on the side of the firebox. The chamber has supply and exhaust ventilation holes that promote the movement of heated air, which improves the heating of clothes. The floor area of ​​the chamber is 1.6 m2, the volume is 2.4 m3, the surface of the heating device is 2.8 m2. The loading norm is 10 sets of clothes. Weight 280 kg. Dimensions in working position: width 1440 mm, length 1525 mm, height 2410 mm.

Among the light disinsection chambers (70 kg) of small volume (0.8 m 3) for 3-4 sets of clothes, the DIOF-21 chamber (Fig. 13), made of durable fabrics in the form of a bag suspended from a frame, was widespread. One side wall is made folding. The heating device is enclosed in a hopper located under the chamber.

The exterminator-tent made of raincoats allows you to process 10-12 sets of clothes at the same time. The base of the tent is a frame consisting of central and corner posts (stakes) driven into the ground. The upper ends of the stakes are connected diagonally by inclined beams. The temporary furnace, located in a pit, is fenced with a steel sheet, above which there is a grid of poles that protects clothes from burning.

Hot-air disinfestation dugout chambers used in war time, designed for simultaneous loading of 10 or more sets of uniforms. They were used not only for pest control, but also for drying clothes, foot wraps, and shoes. The simplest disinsection chamber-dugout was a small pit (up to 2 m deep) into which a log house was lowered. If, due to local conditions, it was impossible to make a log house, then the walls of the pit, dug with a slope, were fenced with boards, poles, wattle, etc. and coated with clay. Temporary stoves, gasoline barrels adapted for the firebox, or steel sheets covering the ditch (firebox) and narrow flutes (chimneys) were used to heat the air. Flue gases from the firebox were discharged through a pipe made of roofing steel, brick, etc.

More complex to construct, but also more advanced, is the disinsection chamber-dugout (Fig. 14). The dugout room is divided into three compartments by two transverse partitions: loading, chamber and unloading. The floor is compacted with crushed stone, slag, etc. To illuminate the antechamber compartments, windows are made in the end walls near the ceiling. Heating is carried out by a heating device consisting of a brick stove installed in the unloading compartment and a flame pipe dia. 220 mm, the edge passes at the walls of the chamber and goes back to the unloading compartment. Here the fire pipe is connected to a chimney leading outside through the roof. The flame tube is partially or completely enclosed with a metal mesh or wooden grate. Its section at a distance of 1.5 m from the firebox is shielded with a steel sheet. To hang clothes under the ceiling, slats with hooks are fixed. The supply ventilation hole is made in the door of the unloading compartment, the exhaust ventilation hole is in the ceiling; the exhaust pipe is blocked by a damper.

Basic rules for disinfecting things in disinfection chambers. Disinfection of objects in the D. K. is carried out in accordance with the instructions approved by M 3 of the USSR and the camera passport. Must be checked before starting work technical condition D. K. itself and control and measuring instruments. Processing wet items in steam-air chambers is not allowed; they must be pre-dried.

Before loading things into the chamber, check the holes in the floor for condensate drainage and communication with the atmosphere; You cannot work if these openings are closed. Then check the steam lines and the serviceability of the nozzle or formaldehyde evaporator if disinfection of leather and fur products is intended. Before loading the first batch of things, the chamber is warmed up (with the doors closed) to a temperature of 70-80° for 10 minutes. Clothes pockets are cleared of matches, lighters, pens, money and other items that may be damaged during processing in the chamber.

Things are loaded into the chamber evenly. The loading rate and disinfection temperature depend on the forms of microorganisms, the disinfection mode, and the material from which the items are made (wool, cotton, etc.). When disinfecting and disinsection of cotton and woolen items, the loading rate per 1 m2 of usable floor area of ​​the chamber is 10 sets (60 kg) in stationary steam-air chambers and 25 sets (150 kg) in mobile disinfection-shower units equipped with powerful steam boilers. The loading rate for leather and fur items is 4-5 sets (24-30 kg) per 1 m2. A short fur coat is considered one set.

Disinfection temperature: 80-90° for disinsection and disinfection of cotton and woolen items infected with vegetative forms of microorganisms, and 97-98° for disinfection of the same items infected with spore forms of microorganisms; 57 - 59° for disinfection of leather, fur and rubber items. The duration of temperature rise in the loaded chamber must be at least 5 minutes.

At a given disinfection temperature, things in the chamber are kept for a certain time (exposure), which depends on the form of microorganisms, material, and disinfection mode.

When disinsection of cotton and woolen items, the exposure time is 5 minutes, leather and fur items - 30-90 minutes.

When disinfecting cotton and woolen items, the exposure time is 10-45 minutes, depending on the nature of the infection; leather and fur items - from 45 to 210 min. at t° 57-59°.

Disinfection of leather and fur items is carried out with formaldehyde introduced into the chamber after the temperature rises to a given value or slightly lower. The norm of formalin per 1 m 3 of loading space: 75 ml for disinfection of things infected with vegetative forms of microorganisms, and 250 ml for spore forms. Disinsection of these items is carried out without formaldehyde. The amount of ammonia introduced into the chamber to neutralize formaldehyde is two times less.

Steam drums are loaded at the rate of 8 sets (48 kg) per 1 m 3 of chamber volume. In these cells it is allowed to load things in bundles, bundles and even in bulk. The temperature in the chamber is maintained within 110-111°, which corresponds to a pressure of 0.5 am on the pressure gauge. Exposure: 40 min. when disinfecting things contaminated with vegetative forms of microorganisms, 90 min. - for things contaminated with spore forms of microorganisms, and 10 minutes. during disinfestation.

In air chambers, things are rarely hung - 5 sets (30 kg) per 1 m 2 of chamber floor area. Exposure - at least 30 minutes. Fire safety regulations must be strictly observed in these cells.



Technical indicators

Camera types

DISK-1.8 (D KS-1.8)

Chamber volume (m2)

Bandwidth chambers for disinfection of cloth and paper clothing contaminated with vegetative forms of microorganisms (sets per hour)

Chamber throughput for disinfection of cloth and paper clothing contaminated with spore forms of microorganisms (sets per hour)

* Drying clothes with hot air after disinfection.


Technical indicators

Types of disinfection units

Chamber volume (m3)

Loading capacity at the rate of 10 sets per 1 m 2 of floor

The throughput capacity of the installation for the disinfection of cloth and paper clothing contaminated with vegetative forms of microorganisms (sets per hour)

Installation throughput for disinfection of cloth and paper clothing contaminated with spore forms of microorganisms (sets per hour)


Technical indicators

Types of disinfection shower units

Number of disinfection chambers

Number of shower nets

Chamber volume (m3)

Boiler steam output (kg/hour)

Diesel fuel consumption (kg/hour)

Throughput of chambers for disinfection of cloth and paper uniforms contaminated with vegetative forms of microorganisms (without washing people) (sets per hour)

Throughput of chambers for disinfection of cloth and paper uniforms contaminated with spore forms of microorganisms (sets per hour)

Throughput of chambers for disinsection of cloth and paper uniforms (sets per hour)

Capacity of the installation used for washing people (without disinfection of uniforms) (persons/hour):

Installation throughput for combined treatment (washing people and disinfecting their uniforms) (persons/hour):

Bibliography: Vashkov V.I. Disinfection, disinsection and deratization, M., 1956, bibliogr.; Ryabov P.I. Mobile steam boilers, M., 1971, bibliogr.; Ryabov P. I. and Uzvalok M. A. Mobile disinfection and shower units, M., 1970.

Disinfection chambers (installations) are stationary or mobile sanitary facilities designed for disinfection of clothing, bedding, shoes and other things.

Depending on the heat agent used, disinfection chambers are divided into steam-air (steam-formalin), steam and hot-air. In steam-air disinfection chambers, items are heated with steam to a temperature of 80-98° at atmospheric pressure (without air displacement). Chambers equipped with a spray nozzle or an evaporation apparatus are also steam-formalin disinfection chambers that allow the disinfection of leather, fur and other items at a temperature of 40-59°. In steam disinfection chambers, things are disinfected with steam at a temperature of 100° and above at atmospheric or slight excess pressure.

Hot air disinfection chambers are used to disinfect clothing, bedding and other items. The active agent in these chambers is dry hot air at a temperature of 80-120°.

Stationary disinfection chambers are used in medical institutions for disinfection and disinsection of outer clothing, bedding and shoes; are divided into steam-air (steam-formalin) and steam.

Stationary disinfection chambers equipped with trolleys for hanging (stacking) and transporting disinfected items, powerful ventilation and heating devices, electric lighting and alarm systems. The room in which the disinfection chamber is installed is divided by a solid partition into two compartments: loading (“dirty”) and unloading (“clean”).

Rice. 1. Stationary disinfection chamber KDF-3.

Rice. 2. Stationary disinfection chamber DKSK-1.8.

In a stationary chamber KDF-3 with a volume of 3.2 m 3 (Fig. 1), the items to be disinfected, placed on a special trolley, are heated by steam entering through perforated pipes located on the floor. The chamber is equipped with a ventilation and heating system used for drying processed items. The steam release valves and the funnel for pouring formaldehyde into the evaporator are located on the control panel.

The stationary chamber DKSK-1.8 (Fig. 2) is mounted on two separate bases: on one the chamber itself, on the other the steam boiler. The chamber is also available without a boiler for centralized steam supply.

The DKS-1.8 disinfection chamber is a body welded from sheet steel, which is surrounded by steel hoops. The cell has two doors for loading and unloading things. Clothes, previously put on hangers, are hung on strings stretched from the ceiling. The temperature inside the chamber is controlled with a mercury thermometer.

The stationary disinfection chamber KDFO-2 is produced with a steam boiler SZM-1, designed for pressure up to 0.7 kgf/cm 2 .

The main parameters and dimensions of stationary disinfection chambers manufactured by industry are given in Table 1.

Disinfection of clothing, bedding (pillows, mattresses, blankets), leather, fur and other products is carried out in special installations called disinfection chambers.

Disinfection chambers are available in the chamber disinfection departments of disinfection and sterilization centers, in hospitals for infectious patients, as well as in multidisciplinary hospitals and maternity hospitals. Mobile disinfection chambers are available in hygiene and epidemiology centers.

Carrying out final disinfection using disinfection chambers is indicated for the following infectious diseases: plague, cholera, relapsing fever, epidemic typhus, Brill disease, Q fever (pulmonary form), anthrax, viral hemorrhagic fevers, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, tuberculosis, leprosy, diphtheria, fungal diseases of hair, skin and nails (microsporia, trichophytosis, rubrophytosis, favus), scabies.

Chamber disinfection should be carried out on the belongings of not only the patient, but also those who were in contact with him. Items subject to chamber disinfection are sorted and placed in bags separately for disinfection in different types of chambers. For all things sent to the cell, a receipt is drawn up in two copies, one of which is left with the owners of the things, and the second is sent to the cell along with the things. Things placed in bags are taken out and loaded into an ambulance immediately after they are collected. Bags with things must be sprayed with a disinfectant solution on the outside before being removed from the fire.

The cells are manufactured in a factory and are built into the building on site in such a way that the cell doors open into different isolated rooms. One door is in the loading (dirty) half, where things intended for disinfection are delivered and sorted, and the second is in the unloading (clean) half, where things are unloaded after disinfection is completed.

Depending on the active (disinfecting) agent, chambers are divided into steam, steam-formalin, and hot-air chambers.

Steam chambers. In steam disinfection chambers, the active agent is saturated water vapor. When water vapor condenses, it gives off a large amount of heat, and also quickly and deeply penetrates things and warms them up evenly. In steam chambers, disinfection is carried out with flowing steam at normal or excess pressure up to 0.2-1 atm (technical excess atmosphere), which corresponds to a temperature of 100 to 120°C. The fluidity of steam and pressure contribute to faster penetration of steam into things. When carrying out disinfection in steam chambers, care should be taken to ensure that the air is completely expelled from the chamber, otherwise the disinfection regime will be disrupted. For these purposes, steam is supplied to the steam chambers from above, and the air is forced out through openings located in the lower parts of the chamber.

Stationary steam chamber of the Krupin system. The chamber has the shape of a cylinder located horizontally (Fig. 8). The volume is 1.5 or 2.76 m3. The doors are located at the ends of the chamber and open into the loading and unloading rooms. The doors are closed using a central lock, which ensures its tightness. The inside of Krupin's chamber is made of metal, and the outside has wooden lining for thermal insulation.

The heat main leaving the steam boiler when approaching the Krupin chamber is divided into three steam lines: 1) enters the chamber from below to supply steam to the heating batteries; 2) connects to the chamber from above and enters it in the form of a perforated pipe located longitudinally above the umbrella (through which steam is supplied directly to the chamber); 3) goes to the ventilation pipe located in the upper part of the chamber closer to the loading compartment (steam through it is supplied to the siphon (tube inside the ventilation pipe) to stimulate ventilation). Two pipes extend from the chamber below. The first removes air, steam and condensate from the chamber. A thermometer is installed on this pipe to measure the temperature of the exiting steam, and in its lower part there is a valve for releasing condensate. The second pipe drains condensate from heating devices into the condensation pot (Fig. 9).

An angular thermometer is installed in the door of the chamber, which opens into the unloading compartment, and a supply ventilation hole is located slightly lower. At the top of the chamber there is a pressure gauge and a safety valve.

Heating devices are located on the floor of the chamber. An umbrella made of galvanized iron is installed under the ceiling, protecting things from condensation and direct exposure to a jet of steam. The chamber has a trolley that extends in both directions. The things in it, depending on their nature, are hung or placed on a wooden grid.

In the steam chamber of the Krupin system you can process bedding (pillows, mattresses, blankets), cotton items, as well as woolen items that are firmly dyed and straightened. Contaminated laundry should not be disinfected in this chamber, since the stains formed after treatment cannot be washed off.

Operating procedure for the steam disinfection chamber:

1. Before starting work, the chamber is warmed up to 80°C; To do this, steam is released into it through a perforated pipe.

2. The chamber is cooled to 50°C and loaded with things intended for disinfection. Wearable items are hung in the cell at the rate of 10-12 sets of clothing per 1 m2 (6 kg set), bedding is loosely placed in a cart at the rate of 50 kg per 1 m3 of the cell. After loading, the doors are hermetically sealed using a central lock.

3. Things in the chamber warm up and air is forced out of it. To do this, small portions of steam are released into the chamber through a perforated pipe from above. The valve on the source pipe is kept completely open. When the temperature of the exiting steam reaches 100°C, this indicates that the air from the chamber is practically displaced.

4. Maintaining the disinfection regime during the exposure time (Table 12). If the processing of things is carried out at normal pressure, then the exposure time begins to count from the moment the exiting steam reaches a temperature of 100°C. If the treatment must be carried out at increased pressure, then the steam output is reduced, for which the valve on the outgoing pipe is slightly screwed in, but not completely closed, in order to maintain the movement of steam. Once the set temperature and pressure are reached, the exposure count begins. Pressure and temperature during exposure are maintained by regulating the supply and release of steam.

5. Reducing the pressure in the chamber after the end of the exposure time. To do this, stop the steam supply to the chamber and fully open the valves on the outgoing and ventilation pipes.

6. Ventilate the chamber and dry things. Upon reaching normal pressure, steam is released into the heating batteries, the ejector (siphon) and the ventilation inlet is opened. Ventilation of the chamber and drying of things continues for 10-15 minutes.

7. Unloading things at the end of drying through a door that opens to the clean half.

Table 12.

Disinfection and disinfestation mode options

in steam chambers

Disinfection chambers are devices and special structures in which various things are disinfected and insects are destroyed using physical, chemical, or both, means.

Disinfection cameras are installed in health care facilities, sanitary and epidemiological institutions, bathhouses, laundries, as well as in some industrial enterprises, where the raw materials are contaminated materials.

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The main thing in the article:

The importance of a disinfection chamber

In the complex of measures for the prevention of nosocomial infections in health care facilities, chamber disinfection performs one of the main tasks. It is one of the most effective and reliable methods for disinfecting dressings, bedding, linen, outerwear, and shoes.

Unfortunately, in most medical institutions Due attention is not paid to chamber disinfection. Only maternity, infectious diseases and tuberculosis treatment departments carry out disinfection to a fairly complete extent.

Types of disinfection chambers

According to their purpose, disinfection chambers are divided into:

  1. Disinfecting.
  2. Disinsection.

The latter destroy only insects for which the critical temperature is lower than for various types bacteria.

Disinfection chamber device

According to the nature of the device, they are distinguished:

  • stationary;
  • movable;
  • transportable (on a trailer) cameras.

Camera types

Cameras are divided into types:

  • steam;
  • steam-formalin;
  • hot air.

The designs of steam chambers provide for work using steam, steam-air and steam-formalin methods.

Stationary cameras are installed in special rooms - standard or adapted, called disinfection units.

The disinfection unit must have heating, water supply, lighting, and supply and exhaust ventilation.

The area of ​​the disinfection unit must correspond to the dimensions and number of disinfection chambers in it.

Arrangement of a chamber hall

The chamber hall consists of two sections, isolated by a transverse partition:

  • loading compartment;
  • unloading compartment.

One half – “dirty” – is used for receiving, sorting and loading things subject to chamber disinfection (loading compartment).

The other is “clean” – for disinfected items (unloading compartment).

The disinfection chamber is installed in the partition between the loading and unloading compartments in such a way that most of the chamber is in the unloading compartment, and only a small part of it remains in the loading compartment, almost flush with the partition.

With this arrangement of the disinfection chamber, its control front, supply openings, fan and motor are located in the unloading compartment and are accessible for inspection and repair.

All control of the device is carried out from the unloading compartment. The partition provides a hermetically sealed window for the transfer of documents, money and other items that are not subject to chamber disinfection, or a box with two doors.

Dimensions of the chamber hall

The dimensions of the cell room depend on the external dimensions adopted for this type of cell (table).

  1. The width of the room is made up of the outer width of the chamber, the area required to install the electric motor with a fan, and the gap between the installations and the walls.
  2. The length of the room is made up of the outer length of the chamber and the working rooms on the side of the loading and unloading compartments, 2500 mm each; when using a loading trolley, the length of the room increases by 2 chamber lengths.
  3. The height of the chamber hall is at least 3.5–4 m, taking into account the high temperature of 25–30 °C that occurs in the unloading compartment.

At the loading section of the chamber hall, a sanitary lock for disinfectors is equipped, consisting of a dressing room with cabinets for outerwear, a toilet, a shower and a dressing room with cabinets for work clothes. A window and door will be installed to receive things.

Ventilation of the disinfection unit

In the departments of the chamber hall, supply and exhaust ventilation is equipped, ensuring the exchange of at least 8 volumes per hour, while in the unloading department the pressure predominates, and in the loading department there is an exhaust hood to prevent the penetration of infection into it.

Installation of the floor of the disinfection room

The floor is covered with metlakh* tiles, the walls are painted with oil paint to facilitate cleaning and disinfection of the premises.

* Metlakh tiles - ceramic floor tiles - clay tiles fired before sintering with the addition of dyes. The front side of floor tiles can be corrugated, smooth, with a pressed pattern, etc. The tiles are laid on a cement-sand screed or special mastics.

Set and area of ​​premises of the disinfection unit


Area for hospital with number of beds, m2

Receiving and sorting things

Issue of things

Pantry of disinfected items

Disinfection chamber premises

Loading compartment

Unloading compartment

Gateway between loading and unloading compartments

Bleach storage room

Storage room for disinfectants

Room for storing household equipment

Toilet for 1 toilet (with washbasin in the airlock), sanitary inspection room for staff with shower

According to existing standards, the disinfection unit must have the equipment listed below:

  • buckets (2 pcs.);
  • scales;
  • hangers (50 pcs.);
  • hydraulic remote control, chlorine-containing preparations;
  • log of chamber processing of things;
  • instructions for modes, passports of installed cameras;
  • fire extinguisher;
  • mittens (2 pairs);
  • special clothing according to standards;
  • racks for things on the “clean” and “dirty” halves;
  • stools, tables, chairs (2 pcs.);
  • external thermometers (1 straight and 1 angled);
  • containers for liquid;
  • alarm clock or timer;
  • cabinet for disinfectants;
  • hose 10 m long;
  • washbasin, brushes, rags, soap, towel;
  • suits for work at the OI;
  • bactericidal lamps.

As a rule, all disinfection chambers consist of:

  1. From the camera itself.
  2. Heat source.
  3. Equipment for introducing chemicals.
  4. Water supply and drainage systems.
  5. Condensate drainage systems in sewers.
  6. Supply and exhaust ventilation systems.

The number of positions for health care facility disinfectors depends on the number of beds in the hospital:

  • up to 100 beds – 0.5 rate;
  • 100–250 beds – 1 position;
  • 250–400 beds – 2 positions;
  • 400–500 beds – 4 positions;
  • over 500 beds - an additional position is established for every 250 beds.

Monitoring the operation of disinfection chambers

The operation of the device must be controlled by technical and biological methods.

Technical control is carried out in order to establish the serviceability of all equipment (pressure gauge, thermometer, valves), as well as steam lines and air ducts.

The integrity of the apparatus and its equipment can be determined visually. In addition, to check the operation of the valves, its tightness or components, the permeability of steam pipelines, a test start of steam and test heating are used.

If, after closing the valve, the section of pipe located behind it continues to heat up, this indicates a defect in the valve (steam is leaking through). Such valves must be repaired or replaced.

Indications of the operation of disinfection chambers in medical institutions

The accuracy of the thermometer readings is checked as follows: the test thermometer, together with the control (calibrated) one, is immersed in water heated to 60–80–90 °C, respectively, while comparing the readings of the thermometers. The difference in readings between the tested and control thermometers should not exceed ±1 °C.

To check the operation of pressure gauges, a pressure gauge being tested is attached to the flange of a three-way valve, a control pressure gauge is connected in parallel, and based on the difference in the readings of the pressure gauge being tested and the control one, a conclusion is drawn about its serviceability.

The faulty pressure gauge is replaced with a new one - tested and sealed.

The degree of heating in thermal devices is determined by an objective method - thermometry. The graduated part of the external thermometer is located outside, its end with a mercury ball is inserted inside it.

Temperature dynamics are recorded in the following stages:

  • temperature before heating starts;
  • heating to the temperature from which the exposure count begins;
  • maintaining a certain temperature during exposure.

All listed temperature readings are recorded in the chamber operation protocol (Appendix 2).

The readings of external thermometers indicate only the temperature of the air and steam in the chamber, but not the temperature that was in the disinfected things inside during this period of time.

To determine the temperature in disinfected items that provides a bactericidal (insecticidal) effect, maximum thermometers are used.

The effectiveness of disinfection depends not only on the required temperature in the chamber, but also on its uniform distribution in the things loaded into it.

The uniformity of temperature distribution in things in different places of the chamber is determined both vertically (at the level of the collar of clothes and pockets) and horizontally (in things located in the front part, in front of the door to the unloading room; in things located in the middle part, and in things facing the loading door of the chamber).

The uniformity of temperature distribution inside things is determined using 9 or 15 maximum thermometers, depending on the volume of the chamber.

In the loading chamber, maximum thermometers must be placed in the thickness of things (under collars, in pockets or folds of clothing).

To do this, thermometers are placed in special pouches together with test objects and placed at 9 points according to a pattern similar to the arrangement of stamps on an envelope, on two levels: in the upper and middle parts of the chamber.

Maximum thermometers are subject to systematic testing, which is carried out in the same way as external chamber thermometers.

The following cultures serve as standards for bacteriological control of the reliability of disinfection of things in the chamber:

  1. When processing items from foci of infections caused by non-spore-forming microbes - Staphylococcus aureus ( Staphylococcus aureus), strain 906.
  2. When processing things from foci of tuberculosis - non-pathogenic mycobacterium ( Mycobacterium), strain B-5.
  3. When processing items from foci of infections caused by spore-forming microbes, culture Bacillus cereus, strain 96, in spore form (anthracoid).

Test cultures must have typical properties. Bacteriological control of the effectiveness of disinfection of things in the chambers is carried out using biological indicators NIK-ILC, folded in packaging tape.

The media prepared in this way are numbered and placed in a bag measuring 10 × 15 cm, which has a special compartment for a maximum thermometer. The bags are placed at control points.

After testing the biological indicators NIR-ILC, they are removed from the bags and placed in plastic bag and with the appropriate direction taken to the laboratory for further research. If growth of a biological indicator is detected in at least one of the crops, the operation of the chamber is re-monitored.

At the same time, they more carefully check its technical condition, the rate of loading of things, and the correctness of their placement in the chamber.

Disinfection chambers, like other equipment, require repair and timely replacement. After 10 years of operation, the disinfection chamber can no longer work effectively enough, so it is unacceptable to purchase new ones on a residual basis. These costs should be included in programs for the prevention of nosocomial infections in medical institutions.

It is very important to have an exchange stock of bedding for the timely implementation of chamber disinfection, which will allow to increase the volume of its implementation to 100% in all medical departments of health care facilities.

Carrying out complete chamber disinfection of bedding in health care facilities is regulated by the following regulatory documents:

  1. SaNPiN “Hygienic requirements for the placement, design, equipment and operation of hospitals, maternity hospitals and other medical hospitals.”
  2. SP 3.5.1378-03 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activities.”
  3. Order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated September 3, 1991 No. 254 “On the development of disinfection in the country.”
  4. The concept for the prevention of nosocomial infections, approved by the Russian Ministry of Health on December 6, 1999.
  5. Order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated July 31, 1978 No. 720 “On improving medical care patients with purulent surgical diseases and strengthening measures to combat nosocomial infections.”
  6. Order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated April 20, 1983 No. 440 “On additional measures to improve medical care for newborn children.”
  7. Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated November 26, 1997 No. 345 “On improving measures for the prevention of nosocomial infections in obstetric hospitals.”
  8. Methodological recommendations of the USSR Ministry of Health dated September 28, 1989 No. 15/6-20 “Prevention of nosocomial infections in newborns and young children in children's hospitals.”
  9. Order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated August 4, 1983 No. 916 “Instructions on the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime and labor protection of personnel of infectious diseases hospitals (departments).”
  10. Guidelines for organizing and carrying out a set of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures in aseptic departments (blocks) and wards dated 04/30/1986 No. 28-6/15.
  11. Control methods. Biological and microbiological factors. Control of disinfection chambers. Methodical instructions. MUK 4.2.1035-01.

When organizing or major renovation(redevelopment) of the premises of the disinfection unit can be guided by the following documents: “Table of equipment for hospitals and clinics”, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on May 3, 1963 No. 201 and “Norms for the main planning elements of residential and public buildings”, section “Medical buildings. Hospitals. Disinfection departments” NP, approved by order of the State Civil Engineering of the USSR dated March 25, 1983 No. 81.

Despite the fact that these documents have lost force, and new documents regulating the required area and capacity of disinfection chambers have not been approved, the data below can be used to organize the work of disinfection units.

Equipment with disinfection chambers and disinfection block areas

* The height of the disinfection unit is at least 3 m everywhere.

** Disinfection chambers, except VFS2 and VFS3, require a steam source.

Date of chamber processing (day, month, year)

Load serial number and brand of disinfection chamber

Chamber disinfection method (steam-air, steam-formalin)

Address of owner, organization, institution, department of health care facility

Purpose of disinfection (prevention, etc.)

The texture of things, their weight, number of sets

Up to 80 °C using the steam-air method Up to 60 °C using the steam-formalin method

1 time at the beginning of the working day before loading things

Warming up an unloaded chamber

Ventilation time after initial heating (min)

Administration of formaldehyde (% formaldehyde content) in ml

(per 1 m3 of disinfection chamber volume)

Time (min), temperature according to external thermometers


Time (min), temperature according to external thermometers

Ventilation time (+ drying) (min), heater

Time (min), temperature according to external thermometers

Neutralization of formaldehyde

Ventilation time after neutralization process (min)

Material unloading time

Signature of the disinfectant who carried out the treatment
