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Contract for tailoring a fur product (executor - individual entrepreneur). On the basis of what the IP acts in the contract: sample Individual entrepreneur called

Hello. Tell me, please, which is correct: an exhibition of achievements of entrepreneurs or entrepreneurship?

Both options are possible.

Question #301896

Hello! Please tell me how to write correctly: "the decision to admit IP Filinov Evgeny Gennadievich as a member ..." (IP - Individual Entrepreneur) or "the decision to admit IP Filinov Evgeny Gennadievich as a member ..."?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The name should be declined, the first option is correct.

Question No. 301792

Hello! Is it permissible to use the word "entrepreneur" in relation to a woman entrepreneur, or does it have a negative connotation? Thank you!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Such a word can be used outside of any "negative" context.

Question #300920

I didn’t find it in the answers, please tell me how to write correctly: IP Ivanova Ekaterina Nikolaevna was created (or created?) At the request of the chief accountant.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both options are possible depending on the semantic agreement (entrepreneur or organization).

Question #300726

Hello! Is the sentence written correctly: "Instead of the previously sent letter dated May 16, 2019 No. 75 individual entrepreneur Ivanov sends information about the expected costs."

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question #299547

How to write correctly: "IP (individual entrepreneur)<фамилия, инициалы>created or created ... "- in case the entrepreneur is a woman? What rule applies? Suppose, with the words "director", "doctor", "teacher" the surnames belonging to women agree in the feminine: "Director Petrova did. ..". However, an individual entrepreneur is not a position, but an organizational and legal form.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct agreement in Zh.R.

Question #298539

Hello, is it necessary to separate with commas the subjects "Creditor LLC", Individual entrepreneur ...? Creditor LLC "Akmus", individual entrepreneur Ivanova Anna Alexandrovna, in the framework of case No. measures in the form of a ban on holding a meeting of creditors of Akmus LLC, as well as in the following phrase: until consideration of the claim of the creditor, individual entrepreneur Ivanova Anna Alexandrovna

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Application individual entrepreneur Ivanova Anna Aleksandrovna in both cases, it should be separated either by commas or dashes on both sides.

Question #297930

Hello! "A certification body can be any legal entity or individual entrepreneur, recognizing / IE / IE and complying with its rules." Can you please tell me how to get it right? If "or" is used, then the number in the participle must be singular. But which of the words to agree on the turnover? Or plural?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

If the definition is postpositive (even if there is a divisive union between the words being defined), then it is put in the plural form. Thus, it is true: Any legal entity or individual entrepreneur who recognizes and fulfills its rules can become a certification body.

Question #296307

Hello! I want to understand, I ask for your help. How to pronounce and emphasize correctly in the abbreviation ISOiP (Institute of the Service Sector and Entrepreneurship). Is it correct to read isoip or iesoipe? The key word is institute, should the emphasis be placed on the first letter?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

There is no standard pronunciation of this abbreviation.

Question #294662

Hello! In a book on entrepreneurship, I see the phrase "close the customer's need." Is this combination correct (close the need), or is it better to replace it with "meet the need"

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

This is a colloquial construction, in the book it is preferable to use a synonymous replacement.

Question #293765

Please tell me if the word "loan" is used correctly in the text. Or do you still need a loan? A microloan is: from 30 thousand rubles. up to 3 million rubles for a period of 3 months. up to 3 years; repayment by monthly equal term payments (annuity payments) at the rate of 10% per annum (for individual programs - 7%); absence of "commissions" and "hidden payments"; provision of a grace period (only payment of interest) for up to 3 months; the possibility of full or partial early repayment of the debt after 3 months from the date of the loan without additional costs to the borrower. Microloans in the amount of up to 500 thousand rubles. inclusive, they can be provided without collateral, under the guarantees of legal entities or individuals. The Fund has special programs for providing microloans: for peasant (farm) households; for start-up entrepreneurs - winners of regional and municipal competitions for the provision of subsidies to start their own business; "Tender loan" - for small and medium-sized businesses participating in competitive procedures for the purchase of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs; combination of microloans and leasing financing schemes (under separate agreements with leasing companies).

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In the nominative case singular. numbers are correct only loan, all other case forms are formed from the stem loan-: loan, loan etc.; in plural: loans, loans, loans etc. Therefore, it is correct: microloan, But microloans.

Question #292767

Good afternoon How to write correctly: documents of an individual entrepreneur Uspenskaya Larisa or documents of an individual entrepreneur Uspenskaya Larisa? According to some opinions, if the text is IP (abbreviated), then the full name is not inclined, if it is written in full Individual entrepreneur, then the full name is inclined. And one more thing: which is correct - in the city of Vladimir or in the city of Vladimir? In this case, do the full spelling of the word city and the abbreviation city influence the declension?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: documents of an individual entrepreneur (IP) Uspenskaya Larisa(Surname), in the city of Vladimir.

Question #290487

1. How to correctly indicate the party under the contract, "individual entrepreneur ......... acting or acting on the basis of a certificate" 2. How to correctly indicate the Head of Department acting or acting on the basis of the provision

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

1. True: individual entrepreneur ... acting on the basis of a certificate. 2. Agreement depends on the meaning. If the boss acts on the basis of the position, then it is true: current. If management acts on the basis of the position, then it is true: current.

Question #288548

One of the individual entrepreneurs selling jeans willingly made contact with the correspondent. OR CORRECTLY trading?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both are possible, but they convey different meanings. One of the individual entrepreneurs selling jeans willingly contacted the correspondent all these individual entrepreneurs sell jeans, one of them contacted the correspondent. One of the individual entrepreneurs who sells jeans willingly made contact with the correspondent- an entrepreneur who made contact with a correspondent, sells jeans, and what other individual entrepreneurs do is unknown.

Question #286876

Hello. Rate the snippet term paper, giving detailed answers to the following questions: - are there any deviations from the chosen topic; - whether all the necessary components of the logical scheme of a scientific work are contained in the fragment (goal, tasks, etc.); - is the presentation logical, are there any violations of the paragraph division of the text; - whether the chosen language means are stylistically correct; - whether the norms of the literary language are observed (spelling, grammatical, lexical); - are there any violations of the etiquette requirements for scientific speech. The main problems and trends in the formation and distribution of income of young students Introduction Human resource- the most important in the economic system, respectively, economic system must provide a decent standard of living. Naturally, one of the indicators of the quality of life is income. And if the incomes of pensioners and older age groups of the population are the subject of everyday, economic and ideologically politicized disputes, in which parties are created to defend the interests, then the problem of incomes of an equally important group - young students has not yet received sufficient attention. Of course, there are many possible sources of income for young and energetic students. However, often such incomes turn out to be quite low, often their value is insufficient to meet even the most necessary conditions the existence of people. Exactly low income cause an increase in youth crime and a decrease in the number of young families with children. Thus, the incomes of young people and the sources of their formation deserve close attention, and all the problems associated with them need to be resolved as soon as possible. That is why this topic relevant at any time, in any country, in any economic system, and especially in a transitional economy Russian Federation. I would like to set the following tasks: 1. Consideration of the main problems and trends in the formation and distribution of incomes of student youth in the Russian Federation. 2. To study similar problems and trends of students of the Murmansk State Technical University (MSTU), compare them with the all-Russian ones. 3. Summarize and develop appropriate recommendations. In this work, I used the methods of statistical and factor analysis and questioning. we can hypothetically put forward the following assumption: The income of students will be in the range from 1000 to 3000 rubles. This income consists of the following sources, such as: - help from parents; -scholarship; - temporary income. This income is spent mainly on entertainment. However, in the future, students want to earn about 700 ru. The receipt of this income is associated with work in the field of business and entrepreneurship.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

We don't do homework.

IN Lately more and more people are registering as individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as IP), starting their own business for the purpose of making a profit. To do this, contracts are concluded with counterparties, but sometimes there are difficulties with their legal execution.

The specific status of an individual entrepreneur combines the activities of an individual and a legal entity, that is, in each specific situation, a businessman acts differently. Therein lies some difficulty. On the basis of what documents the IP operates, what to do if a director is hired, how to correctly write all this in the contract - we will discuss this in our article.

Founding documents of IP

Constituent documents are the main documents of an individual entrepreneur, they contain all the information necessary for the full implementation of the activities of an entrepreneur. The absence of such documents makes the work of an individual entrepreneur illegal, so it is impossible to do without them. But they are much smaller than legal entities.

Please note that the term "constituent documents of an individual entrepreneur" is not used in the legislation, it is used "among the people" by analogy with a legal entity.

Unlike legal entities, a businessman acts alone, therefore he doesn't need a charter with a clear distribution of shares in the authorized capital and responsibilities between the co-founders. This greatly facilitates the life of an individual entrepreneur and makes this form of doing business more attractive to citizens.

A simplified package of constituent documents of an IP is:

  • Certificate of state registration of IP. To obtain it, an application of the established form is submitted, personal documents of a person - a passport, TIN, and a state fee is also paid. Authority that issues the certificate tax office. This certificate will also indicate OGRNIP -. Under this identifier, an individual entrepreneur passes in the tax authorities.
  • Extract from USRIP– unified state register of individual entrepreneurs.

Thus, all these documents are issued to an individual entrepreneur after he is registered with the tax authority and information about him is entered in the unified register of entrepreneurs. Identifiers and IP numbers are unique and have no analogues throughout the Russian Federation. A unified registry throughout the country provides reliable accounting and control by the tax authorities.

Rights and obligations of IP

Rights include:

  • conducting business activities provided for by the current legislation;
  • hire employees;
  • enter into agreements with contractors;
  • and other rights inherent in an individual.

Duties include:

  • conducting its activities in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation;
  • obtain all necessary permits;
  • acting as an employer, comply with the requirements labor law, make all necessary deductions;
  • pay prescribed taxes and fees;
  • be responsible for non-compliance with concluded transactions;
  • and the responsibilities inherent in all natural persons.

Advantages and disadvantages of such a form as IP

Sole Proprietorship is one of the most common forms of small business. preferential system taxation, an easier way to register and a smaller amount of paperwork - the advantage of this form. A few words about the advantages and disadvantages of an individual entrepreneur in comparison with a legal entity.


  • full and sole control over activities and profits;
  • minimum costs for starting a business;
  • simplified taxation system;
  • simple decision-making procedure, without protocol, etc.;
  • a simpler type of reporting and less of it;
  • there is no mandatory amount of capital investments - authorized capital;
  • lesser penalties.


  • big risks - he is responsible for his obligations with all his property;
  • you can not engage in certain activities;
  • inability to combine with public service;
  • mandatory payment of pension contributions, regardless of the amount of income.

On the basis of what documents can an IP act?

Civil law has not fully regulated the enforcement of this issue. This is due to the absence of a federal law that would dot the i's.

The entrepreneur must have the following documents in order to freely carry out his activities:

  • The so-called "constituent documents": certificate of state. registration of individual entrepreneurs and extract from USRIP.
  • Certificate from the statistical authorities, which were assigned for the main and additional activities of the IP.
  • Certificate of registration individual at the tax authority.
  • License, if the selected type of activity is subject to licensing.
  • Notice of registration of an individual in the body pension fund Russian Federation at the place of his residence.

Registration with the Social Insurance Fund is also carried out if it is planned to hire hired workers.

Consider some other types of documents maintained by the IP:

  • The most important group is tax documents. They should be given Special attention. Tax reporting is checked frequently, which means that errors in it are unacceptable. If you do not know how to issue a particular type of reporting, seek professional help. This will avoid unnecessary problems.
  • Personnel nomenclature, that is employment contracts, applications for employment, dismissal, etc. If the individual entrepreneur works alone, then these documents are not available.
  • Documents on labor protection. Safety briefing is mandatory even for the simplest and most non-hazardous jobs. The same as the previous view, only if there are employees.
  • Documents on the lease of premises, on sanitary and hygienic standards, on fire safety and etc.

This list is not exhaustive and may be supplemented depending on the type of activity chosen.

What should be included in the contract?

Having registered and collected all of the above documents, an individual entrepreneur can begin to conclude contracts. A natural question arises, which of them should be indicated in the contract, if there is no exact list of constituent documents.

Forms or forms of IP contracts are not provided. The only thing that is established by law is the obligation of an individual entrepreneur in each concluded contract to indicate the number, date and authority that issued the certificate of state registration. Therefore, these data are prescribed in the preamble of the contract. However, these data are not enough to conclude a deal. At the end of the contract, you should carefully fill in the details of the individual entrepreneur: the passport details of the person, TIN, OGRNIP and once again the series and number of the state certificate. registration.

Please note that there is another option that many entrepreneurs use - to indicate the full data at the beginning of the contract.

For example:

Individual entrepreneur Ivanenko Ivan Sergeevich acts on the basis of the State Registration Certificate series 40 No. 123456789, issued on September 06, 2014, OGRNIP 123456789012345, TIN 123456789, hereinafter referred to as ...

Both options are acceptable in the contract and are equivalent, and absolutely do not affect the legal force of the transaction.

What to do in case of a hired director?

The sole proprietor may hire a director to manage entrepreneurial activity. For this in job description enumerate the powers of the director.

At the conclusion of the contract, it is on the basis of a general power of attorney from IP. The director becomes a representative of the individual entrepreneur when making transactions and has the right to sign.

Another important point. Although the director signs the contract, it is not he who is responsible under the contract, but the entrepreneur in whose interests the contract is concluded. This rule does not apply only to criminal liability for an intentional crime.

An example of wording in a contract:

Director Petrenko Vladimir Evgenievich acts in the interests of an individual entrepreneur on the basis of power of attorney No. 677/14 dated 09/02/2014.

Responsible attitude to documentation and drawing up contracts will ensure that there are no problems with inspection bodies and contractors, maintain the business reputation of the individual entrepreneur, and help avoid sanctions from both contractual and regulatory authorities.

How to check whether an individual entrepreneur is legally entering into an agreement with you, what grounds does he have for that, and what is hidden behind the abbreviations of the EGRIP and OGRNIP? Read more in this article.

On this moment Several hundred thousand individual entrepreneurs are registered in Russia. Thousands of transactions and contracts are concluded between them every day. And each of them must indicate the documents on the basis of which entrepreneurs have the right to conclude contracts. Below we will consider complete list such documents, we will analyze special cases and see what pitfalls exist when concluding contracts.

The article will be useful to individual entrepreneurs and those who are planning to open their own business.

Constituent documents of an individual entrepreneur

When registering at tax service as an individual entrepreneur, a citizen receives a package of documents, including an individual tax number (TIN), a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur containing (OGRNIP), an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP).

Each of these documents is designed for specific purposes. Doing economic activity without these documents is illegal business.

Individual tax number (TIN)

TIN - a special code assigned to each citizen who pays taxes. The TIN consists of 12 digits, where the first two are the region code, and the second two are the code of a particular tax office.

An individual number is required primarily by the tax service to control the payment of taxes. When concluding contracts, some organizations ask to attach a copy of the certificate of assignment of the TIN or indicate the TIN number at the end of the contract.

All-Russian state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP)

OGRNIP is a unique number in Russia assigned to a specific entrepreneur. It is the presence of such a number, indicated in the certificate of state registration, that gives a person the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity.

The concepts of OGRNIP and a certificate of state registration have recently been identical. A certificate is a paper confirming that an entrepreneur has been included in the all-Russian list under the specified number.

Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs

This is a document containing complete information about the entrepreneur obtained from unified register. The extract contains the full name of the individual entrepreneur, passport data, legal address, type codes economic activity and much more. Some banks request an extract from the USRIP, the term of which is not more than a month. If any data of an individual entrepreneur is changed, these changes must also be made to the USRIP.

In addition to this list of documents, an individual entrepreneur must have data from the Pension Fund confirming his registration as a payer of insurance premiums, information from Rosstat confirming that he submits statistical data. A document from the tax service indicating which form of taxation the entrepreneur has chosen. If the activities of an individual entrepreneur are subject to licensing, then these documents are also required. In addition, an entrepreneur with bank account, must have on hand the account number and bank details.

According to the law on, will suffer business reputation an individual entrepreneur who has passed this procedure.

An individual entrepreneur should be aware that he can delegate responsibility by issuing in the office or production.

Is a statute necessary?

By analogy with the registration of an LLC, where the charter of the organization must be present, the question arises: does an individual entrepreneur need such a charter. The answer is unequivocal - no, it is not needed.

Registration as an individual entrepreneur provides for greater freedom of action, a smaller volume of constituent documents, a simplified reporting option and more convenient forms of taxation.

At the same time, there are a number of disadvantages in the status of an individual entrepreneur: if the business turns out to be unprofitable and outstanding debts to counterparties arise, the entrepreneur is legally liable with all his property.

Many novice businessmen, first, and then, having strengthened and put the business on its feet, form an LLC, thereby obtaining additional advantages in working with large organizations.

Maybe the director of the IP?

The answer to this question is positive. An individual entrepreneur can hire a person, giving him full control over all operational and economic activities.

Such a decision is formalized by a power of attorney.

It is noteworthy that the individual entrepreneur himself, even if he acts on his own behalf, is not a director. The appointment of an individual entrepreneur as a director, representing the interests of himself, will lead to additional deductions to off-budget funds.

The position of director is introduced so that he can perform representative functions, decide financial questions with contractors and clients in the absence of an individual entrepreneur.

At the same time, an entrepreneur can consider another option for resolving such issues, simply by issuing a power of attorney to perform certain tasks for his employee, without registering him as a director.

In any case, an individual entrepreneur is responsible for the actions of the appointed director, except in cases where the actions of the director were contrary to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Contractual relationship

In their activities, individual entrepreneurs constantly conclude contracts with other organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

The execution of the contract takes place for the supply of goods or the provision of a specific service. The contract itself provides for the main points that will arise during the delivery (rendering of the service): what and how will be provided, what is the payment procedure and the responsibility of the parties for non-compliance with the requirements established by the contract.

In most cases, the supplier company already has standard form contract, in which he simply enters the data of the next customer. Quite rarely, there is a revision of the clauses of the contract at the initiative of an individual entrepreneur. Most often, only the terms of payment for products or services and discounts for certain volumes are adjusted.

However, this does not mean that you just need to sign what counterparties offer. A careful study of the contract can help in defending your position and obtaining more favorable conditions.

The preamble of the contract with the individual entrepreneur - on the basis of what it acts

Often you can find the following wording of contracts:

"Individual entrepreneur Petrov P.P.acting on the basis of State Registration Certificate No.…. . dated 01.01.2015…”.

In this case, the main document, a copy of which is attached to the contract, is a certificate containing the OGRNIP. But at the end of the contract there is always a section “Parties”, where everything is listed in full, OGRNIP, series and passport number, registration address, which is the legal address of an individual entrepreneur, bank details and number, contact details, including the actual address, telephone number of the organization, mailing address And so on.

Sample preamble of an agreement with an individual entrepreneur, which is concluded by the director:

"... Director" Name outlet» Ivanov I.I., acting in the interests of IP Petrov P.P. on the basis of power of attorney No. 1 dated 01.01.2015 ... " .

One has only to add that a copy of the power of attorney, on the basis of which the director concludes the contract, is also attached to the document.

Before concluding an agreement, it is obligatory or OGRN / OGRNIP using the online service provided by the Federal Tax Service. By entering the details of your counterparty, you can check whether it really exists and what its main activity is.

This is done because most organizations require 100% prepayment for their services. If the settlement is carried out by bank transfer, then, having paid the bill, you will have to wait for some more time (from one business day) until the money is credited to the counterparty's account and he will begin to fulfill your order. Therefore, a preliminary check will never be superfluous.

Before you put your signature on the contract, be sure to read each item, checking the accuracy of the information provided. Errors often occur when contracts are concluded through sales representatives, this should be carefully monitored.

And finally, keep all contracts with counterparties. In case of controversial issues, you can defend your position.


Each entrepreneur in the course of his work must use a certain set of documents. Most of them are received at the tax office upon registration. The rest - in the course of registration in other state and financial organizations.

But it should be understood that the list of documents regulating the activities of an individual entrepreneur is not limited to this. Some agreements are also fundamental for signing other documents: for example, a rental agreement will be requested from you by many authorities.

In the event that an individual entrepreneur is also the chief accountant in his organization, many processes can be simplified.

Even if the preparation and completion of documents is entrusted to another person, an individual entrepreneur is obliged to understand the basic requirements of the Tax Code.

Video - is it necessary to conclude an agreement with an individual entrepreneur:

________________ "___"__________ ____

Individual entrepreneur ________________, passport: series ______ N ________, issued by ________________, certificate of state registration N ___________ dated "___" _________ ____, name of the body that registered it _____________________, hereinafter referred to as ___ "Contractor", on the one hand, and ________________________, passport : series _______ N _________, issued by _____________________, hereinafter referred to as __ "Customer", on the other hand, have entered into this Agreement as follows:


1.1. Under this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to tailor the fur product on the instructions of the Customer, hand over the finished fur product to the Customer, and the Customer undertakes to accept the result of the work and pay for it.

1.2. The work is carried out by the Contractor using his own materials (fur, lining fabric, accessories), using his own resources and resources.

1.3. The Customer's task is contained in Appendix N __ to this Agreement and includes a sketch of a fur product developed by _______________ (Customer / Contractor), as well as the Customer's requirements for the material used (fur), lining fabric, accessories.

1.4. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by the Parties and is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations.


2.1. The price of the work to be performed under this Agreement consists of:

The cost of the Contractor's material (fur, lining fabric, accessories) in the amount of _____ (_________) rubles, including ____% VAT _____ (_________) rubles;

The cost of manufacturing a fur product in the amount of _____ (_________) rubles, including ____% VAT _____ (_________) rubles.

2.2. The Customer pays the Contractor the cost of the material specified in clause 2.1 and an advance payment in the amount of ____% of the cost of manufacturing the product within ____ days after receiving the Contractor's original invoice. The final settlement is made within ______ after signing by the Parties of the act of completed work (Appendix N ____ to this Agreement).


3.1. The Contractor is obliged to provide the Customer for review:

Rules consumer services population in the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 N 1025);

Address and phone number of the consumer rights protection unit of the local government;

Sample contracts (receipts) on the performance of work;

Samples (models) of manufactured products, albums and magazines with models of products, etc.;

The list of categories of consumers entitled to receive benefits, as well as the list of benefits provided in the provision of services (performance of work) in accordance with federal laws and other legal acts Russian Federation.

3.2. The Contractor is obliged to start performing work under this Agreement no later than _______________ from the moment of _____________ (options: approval by the Customer of a sketch of a fur product / receipt of a sketch of a fur product from the Customer) and complete the tailoring of a fur product by "___" _________ ___. The Contractor is obliged to notify the Customer of completion works.

3.3. The Contractor bears the risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the result of the work performed before it is accepted by the Customer.

3.4. The Contractor has the right to independently determine the ways of fulfilling the Customer's task.

3.5. The Contractor is obliged to immediately notify the Customer about circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor that threaten the suitability or strength of the results of the work performed or make it impossible to complete it on time.

3.6. If there is a need for additional work, in connection with which the price of the work will increase by _____% of the price specified in clause 2.1 of this Agreement, the Contractor is obliged to notify the Customer about this within _______________. If the Customer does not agree to exceed the price of the work, he has the right to withdraw from this Agreement. In this case, the Contractor has the right to demand payment from the Customer for the actually completed part of the work.

The Contractor, who did not warn the Customer in a timely manner about the need to exceed the price of work specified in clause 2.1 of this Agreement, is obliged to fulfill the contract at the price specified in this Agreement.

3.7. If the Contractor violates the deadlines for the performance of the work or if during the performance of the work it becomes obvious that it will not be completed on time, the Customer, at its option, has the right to:

Assign a new term to the Contractor;

Entrust the performance of work to third parties for a reasonable price and require the Contractor to reimburse the documented expenses incurred;

Demand a reduction in the price for the performance of work;

Terminate this Agreement.


4.1. The Customer is obliged no later than ____________ from the moment of receipt from the Contractor of the notification of the completion of work, inspect and accept the fur product according to the act of work performed (Appendix N __ to this Agreement), and if shortcomings are found, immediately notify the Contractor and agree on the deadlines for their elimination.

4.2. In case of detection of defects in the fur product, the Customer has the right, at his choice, to demand:

Free elimination of deficiencies in the work performed;

A corresponding reduction in the price of the work performed;

Free production of another fur product from a material of the same quality. In this case, the Customer is obliged to return the fur product previously transferred to him by the Contractor;

Reimbursement of expenses incurred by him to eliminate the shortcomings of the work performed on his own or by a third party.

The Customer has the right to terminate the Agreement and demand full compensation for losses, if the Contractor has not eliminated the shortcomings of the work performed by the Contractor within the time period agreed by the Parties. The Customer also has the right to terminate the Agreement if he discovers significant shortcomings in the work performed or other significant deviations from the terms of the Agreement. Under the significant shortcomings of the work performed, the Parties agreed to understand the following: ______________________.

4.3. The customer, who discovered after acceptance of the work significant deviations from this Agreement and / or shortcomings that could not be established with the usual method of acceptance (hidden shortcomings), including those that were deliberately hidden by the Contractor, is obliged to notify the Contractor within _________ s the moment of their discovery.

4.4. If the Customer does not appear to receive the fur product, the Contractor shall have the right, having warned the Customer in writing, after two months from the date of such warning, to sell the result of the work for a reasonable price, and to deposit the proceeds, minus all payments due to the Contractor, in the manner provided for in Art. 327 Civil Code Russian Federation.


5.1. In all other respects not provided for by this Agreement, the Parties shall be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. The warranty period for the fur product is set by the Contractor at ____.

5.3. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by the Parties, drawn up in 2 copies, having the same legal force.

5.4. Appendices to this Agreement:

5.4.1. Customer's task (a sketch of a fur product) (Appendix N ___).

5.4.2. Act of completed work on tailoring a fur product (Appendix N ___).

5.5. Addresses of the Parties and payment details:

Customer: _________________________________________________


Artist: ________________________________________________


