Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Essence and classification of project management. Methodological aspects of project management. Concept and classification of projects

The need for project management, namely the need to coordinate the use of human and material resources throughout life cycle project through modern methods and management techniques to achieve an appropriate level of income for project participants, High Quality products associated with a massive increase in the scale and complexity of projects, an increase in requirements for the timing of their implementation, the quality of work performed.

The beginning of the development of project management was the development in the 30s of the XX century by Soviet scientists of scheduling methods using cyclograms. One of the first methods of management was developed in the West in the 50s by network planning methods, in the 80s the first computer programs for optimizing the management process appeared.

Today, project management is a globally recognized methodology for solving organizational and technical problems, it is a philosophy of project management. Market conditions are becoming more finicky, and the pace of change is accelerating.

As a result of complex economic transformations that are taking place in the Russian Federation, new ones are being created, existing models and mechanisms for building modern economic relations both in the state and in the enterprise.

Accordingly, any entrepreneur understands that for further profitable activities, first of all, it is necessary to perfectly manage production and economic activities. An important place in this case belongs to project management, namely, the need to address the following issues:

how to plan and coordinate project implementation;

how to attract funds from external sources of financing for project implementation;

how best to manage your own funds;

how to achieve maximum profits at minimum cost;

how to create a team of employees for project implementation;

how to motivate staff to work effectively;

how to avoid conflict in the project team.

Solving all of these issues, we are faced with the problem of project management, that is, with a special art that can be distinguished and studied.

So, we determine that during radical changes, it is the project activity that becomes the most adequate management mechanism, which is a distinctive characteristic of the organization of work in science, education, culture and other areas that require constant innovation, initiative, the ability to attract resources and make managerial decisions. It is project management, or project management, according to most experts, that is becoming an important and relevant area of ​​activity, allowing the socio-cultural environment to constantly develop.

Project management is characterized as a type of management, as a method of management, or as organizational structure for the development of projects and programs. All these approaches reflect different aspects of the interpretation of this multifaceted concept.

Consider the essence of project management.

Project management is a field of knowledge for planning, organizing and managing resources in order to successfully achieve the goals and complete the tasks of the project. Sometimes identified with program management, but a program is actually a higher level: a group of related and interdependent projects.

The term "project" (from the Latin "thrown forward") was recently interpreted by specialists as drawings, an explanatory note and estimates, on the basis of which it is possible to build an aircraft, structure or plant; or is it a text that precedes a document - a plan, contract, agreement.

Here are a few more options for defining the concept of "project", which are found in the literature:

A project is a single enterprise with specific goals, which often include requirements for time, cost, and quality to be achieved;

A project is a specific task with certain initial data and established results (goals) that determine the way to solve it.

A project is understood as a complex of research, design, socio-economic, organizational, economic and other activities related to resources, performers and deadlines, respectively formalized and aimed at changing the control object, ensures the effectiveness of solving the main tasks and achieving the relevant goals for a certain period. The ultimate goals of the projects are the creation and development of new equipment, technology and materials, which contributes to the release of domestic products to the world level.

A project is an idea (task, problem) and necessary funds its implementation in order to achieve the desired economic, technical, technological or organizational result.

In general, a project is a time-bound process that has a defined start and end, usually limited by a date, but may also be limited by funding or results, carried out to achieve unique goals and objectives, usually to bring about beneficial changes or to add value. . The temporary nature of projects contrasts with business (processes), which are repetitive, ongoing, or semi-permanent activities to produce products or services. In practice, the management of the above two systems is often different and thus requires the development of separate technical skills and the use of distributed management.

So, we see that a fairly large number of project definitions, analyzing which, we can propose the following: a project is a temporary activity to create value, due to the unique property of the project product as part of achieving the mission of the socio-economic system

The concept of "project" according to the Economic Encyclopedia - "an idea, an idea, an image, embodied in the form of a description, diagrams, drawings, calculations, justifications, numerical indicators" combines a variety of activities. Despite all the diversity of results, scales, nature of costs and timing of implementation, projects have several common characteristics:

focus on achieving specific goals, i.e. the project is a one-time phenomenon containing a sequence of interrelated actions that are carried out for a limited time and are aimed at achieving a clearly defined result;

originality, uniqueness of each project;

compatibility with changes and coordinated implementation of numerous interrelated actions;

limited implementation period with a certain beginning and end;

effectiveness and efficiency and social significance of the project.

Based on the essence of the project, it should be considered as a tool for development, implementation of strategies and implementation of transformations. Therefore, today the methodology of project management is increasingly used in almost all areas of activity of state, public and commercial structures.

management project russia

The above definition takes into account the main distinguishing features of the project in the modern sense. These include the creation of value within the framework of a specific mission of a specific socio-economic system (3) (see Fig. 1). It should be understood that it is not the product of the project that creates value, but its unique properties that are manifested in the process of using the product.

Figure 1 - Project and its distinctive features

Where the system can be either an individual or a group of people, a community, an organization, a city, a district, a region, a state, etc. They exist in an environment that is constantly changing. At the same time, changes occur dynamically and very often unpredictably. Therefore, today the implementation of projects and the use of their products takes place in conditions of uncertainty.

This is primarily due to the fact that civilization is at the post-industrial stage of its development, which is designated as the era of knowledge. Therefore, today the development of any socio-economic system is impossible without the introduction of innovations. Innovations become the basis of the business idea of ​​any project ((5) Fig. 1).

The main task project management is to achieve all the goals and objectives of the project, while meeting the obligations under the predefined project constraints. Typical constraints are the boundaries and content of the project, time, budget. A secondary task, but an ambitious one, is the optimization, distribution and integration of the tasks necessary to achieve predetermined goals.

Since ancient times, mankind has carried out the implementation of projects, such as the construction of the Egyptian pyramids or the construction of the Great Wall of China, but only in the second half of the twentieth century, project management was formed as a field of knowledge, professional discipline and Professional area activities with their own methodology, conceptual apparatus, ways, methods and means.

Acceleration scientific and technological progress in the post-war period contributed to an increase in the total volume of ongoing projects in the share of projects of high complexity, huge scale and high requirements for deadlines and quality of execution in conditions of limited resources. In addition to the complexity of projects and an increase in the frequency of technology changes, the interconnection and mutual influence of projects with the external environment (economic, political, environmental, social, cultural) has increased, planning and pricing errors have become private and tangible, risks have increased, and the number of intractable conflicts and contradictions in the implementation has significantly increased. projects.

The implementation of projects of this kind using traditional organizational forms (hierarchical, functionally oriented) and management methods has ceased to be successful: the deadlines for the implementation of projects have been violated, cash were overspent, the quality requirements for the final results were not met.

Thus, there was a need to create professional tools and management methods.

The beginning of the formation of the project management methodology in the modern sense is associated with the development in 1937 by the American scientist L. Gulik of a matrix organization for the implementation of complex projects, which were first put into practice in the mid-50s.

The birthplace of project management methodology is the United States, where in the late 50s, planning methods and techniques were developed, which became the basis of project management. Being in demand, the methodology began to develop rapidly not only in the United States, but also from the beginning of the 60s in other economies. developed countries. This is how national and international project management organizations began to appear, which to this day make a significant contribution to the development of project management. In 1965, the professional association of international project managers INTERNET was registered in Switzerland, later renamed the International Project Management Association (IPMA). In 1969, the Project Management Institute (PMI) was founded in the USA, which later became one of the leading professional associations in the world for project management. Later, the Australian Project Management Association (AIPM), the Japan Engineering Development Association (ENAA) and many others arose. Over time, close links have been established between national and international professional associations, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experience.

Since the 90s, the stage of development of project management begins in Russia. In 1990, the Project Management Association SOVNET was established, headed by Professor Voropaev V.I., which was soon admitted to the International Project Management Association IPMA.

It is worth starting consideration of the essence of project management with the definition of the concept of "project". There are several definitions of this term, here are a few of particular importance.

The most common and universal concept of "project" is given by the US Project Management Institute (PMI - Project Management Institute).

Project (from Latin project - thrown forward) - a set of actions or processes that bring results, during which human, financial and material resources are organized in a certain way so that the result meets the approved specifications, cost and time costs both in terms of quality and in terms of numbers.

The Austrian Institute for Project Management defines a project as "a unique set of interrelated activities (works), with specific start and end dates, designed to successfully achieve a common goal."

In the UK standards, "a project is a unique set of coordinated actions (works), with certain thousands of beginnings and ends, undertaken by an individual or organization to achieve certain goals with established deadlines, costs and performance parameters."

The World Bank in Operational Guideline No. 2.20 interprets the concept of a project as “a set of interrelated activities designed to achieve, within a given period of time and within an established budget, set goals with clearly defined goals.”

Domestic book “Fundamentals of professional knowledge. National Requirements for Competence (NTC) of Specialists” interprets the project as an event that is limited in time and is aimed at creating a unique service or product”.

D. Shapiro, N. G. Olderogge, I. I. Mazur gave the following disclosure: “the project is a purposeful, pre-designed and planned creation or modernization of facilities, technological lines and processes, technical, as well as organizational documentation, material, financial and labor resources, management decisions and measures for their implementation”.

After analyzing the above definitions, we can conclude that today there is no single approach to the disclosure of the term "project" either in Russia or abroad, but the definition of "project" has the following general characteristics:

Achieving specific goals. The project, as a rule, involves a whole range of interrelated goals that make up a hierarchical structure. It is important to accurately define and formulate goals, starting at the highest level, and then gradually moving down to the most detailed goals and objectives. The purpose of each part of the project must be subordinated to the overall goal;

Coordination of numerous interrelated activities. Projects carry out intermediate tasks that cannot be completed until other tasks are completed; some tasks may interact in parallel, and so on. If the order of performing various tasks is violated, then the entire project can be jeopardized. A project is a system that is made up of interconnected parts;

specific time requirements. All projects are limited by clear time frames. They have a more or less clearly defined start date and end date. The project terminates its activity when all the set goals are achieved. A lot of effort when working with a project is aimed at meeting deadlines;

One-time - all projects are a one-time phenomenon. They have a beginning and an end, leaving behind specific results that will be different from everyday duties and activities;

Uniqueness. The project, in contrast to the production activity, which is cyclic in nature, is each time a unique event of its kind. Each of the projects, regardless of the results, has something unique, characteristic only for him. Uniqueness can be associated with both ultimate goals project, as well as the conditions for their achievement. The higher the uniqueness of the project, the more difficult planning and management.

Some definitions contain quantitative or qualitative indicators of the logistical, financial, time, labor-intensive, etc. plan, but they describe the results of the project stages. Therefore, in order to study the discipline "Project Management", first you need to reveal the very concept of "project", then determine what "implementation of the project" is, and then reveal the concept of "project management".

The above definitions show that a certain event (action) is called a project, at the same time the project is a product that is subject to sale and purchase. These approaches reflect the dualistic nature of the concept of "project", which is important to consider when studying this topic.

By analyzing the main components of the projects, you can give a comprehensive, most accurate definition of the project.

A project is an idea and measures for its implementation with the aim of creating a service, product or other type of useful result.

The implementation (implementation) of a project is a set of measures and actions aimed at achieving the goals set for the project. The result of the project is the created product or service in accordance with the requirements specified in the project.

The term "project management" (PM) is also ambiguous with several different interpretations, so the study of various interpretations is significant.

As defined by the standard, ISO 10006:1997 “Quality Management. Guidelines to quality management" "project management involves planning, organizing and controlling all aspects of the project, as well as managing them as a continuous process aimed at achieving the goals of the project."

Russian researchers I.I. Mazur and V.D. Shapiro give the following definition the concept of "project management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life cycle of the project by applying modern management methods and techniques to achieve the results defined in the project in terms of scope and scope of work, cost, time, quality and satisfaction of project participants."

Hans Knopfel, vice president of the IPMA (International Project Management Association) in the early 1990s, defined PM as "the art and science of planning, controlling, and regulating under limited opportunity and time."

Summarizing the above definitions, we can conclude that project management is the science and art of the specific organization and management of material and intangible resources in order to change the existing system in accordance with predetermined requirements for the quality of the result in conditions of limited material and intangible resources. And the most valuable resource for project management will be people. It is they who generate ideas, look for and solve problems, carry out all the required work.

To make it convenient to analyze and synthesize projects and project management systems, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the emergence of new projects, to understand who is the subject and object, what kind of methods are used in project activities and classify them according to certain criteria.

There are a number of reasons for the emergence of new projects. According to the Project Management Institute standard, projects are the result of the following six needs or requests:

1. Market demands. Changes in the economy depend on changing habits of consumers, as well as changes in supply and demand in the market. For example, rising energy prices may lead to the implementation of new projects that will be associated with the development of alternative energy sources;

2. Business needs. Increasing economic efficiency, reducing costs are the reasons for the implementation of new projects;

3. Customer needs. Customer needs are always the source of creation and implementation of new projects;

4. Social needs. Such projects include the prevention of infectious diseases, cleaning drinking water, charitable projects to help seriously ill children, the creation educational programs or organizing an ethnic festival;

5. Legal requirements. New legal requirements are emerging in the public administration system, which may include regulations designed to guarantee the safety, protection environment etc.;

6. Technological needs. Living in information society, people will have more and more needs to have a mobile phone, pocket computers (tablets), digital cameras and a huge number of other devices that determine the life of a modern person.

Each of the above categories represents different opportunities, needs or challenges. The decision on how to respond to them is made by the leadership of the organization, and such decisions as rules lead to the emergence of new projects.

The elements of project activity can be designated as the subject, object, means, methods and conditions for the implementation of the project.

The subject of the project is always both project managers and organizations, teams, social institutions, the purpose of which is the transformation of reality. In addition to them, the participants in the development and implementation can also be: state and non-state organizations, scientific and expert councils, capable of taking responsibility for the development and implementation of the project, capable of attracting the attention of the public and the media.

Project objects can be: material culture (the construction of a new building or the creation of a new technological device), intangible objects (for example, projects aimed at obtaining information about the client, changing his attitude to a particular problem). Such projects are called "influence projects", they can be:

Processes (in this process, new communication channels, social technologies, ideology, education system, etc. can be developed);

Organizations (within the framework of organizations, ideas of any scale are realized, for example, social service institutions, industries, management, etc.);

Events (preparation of mass events, sports, business or festive events can be carried out, first of all, using project methods);


The conditions of project activity are a set external factors in relation to the object, which affect its functioning and development. Here it is necessary to take into account the external environment of the project and the conditions where it will be implemented.

Means - a set of actions to achieve the goal. These can be: verbal descriptions, tables, diagrams, networks of interactions.

Methods are a set of steps, actions to achieve a goal and solve problems. Project management methods include: brainstorming, peer review, analogy, scheduling, resource planning, structural decomposition, logistics.

Methods, in turn, depend on the scale of the project, the timing of implementation, quality, limited resources, place and conditions of implementation. The methods used in managing projects depend largely on the type of project. The division of projects by types is carried out, first of all, for the needs of their management. As a basis for highlighting various kinds projects take, as a rule, one or more of their character traits. For example, projects have the following classifications:

1. By scale - microproject, small, medium, megaproject:

A micro-project is a project that is done for oneself and one's own and, as a rule, it may not require outside funding, special equipment and be created from manual funds;

Small projects are small in scale and easy to manage, because they allow some simplification in design and implementation;

Medium projects are the most common form of projects. Implemented over several years and involve significant costs;

Megaprojects bring together many interconnected projects that share common goals, resources, and time frames.

2. By the duration of the project - short-term, medium-term, long-term.

3. By the nature of the project (the level of participants) - international, state, district, local.

4. By fields of activity: construction, engineering, financial, marketing, socio-cultural, environmental, scientific, educational, etc.

5. According to the methods and sources of financing: investment (where the investor seeks to make a profit), sponsorship (the sponsor finances the project, thus he advertises and forms a certain image of his company), credit, state budget, charitable (Funding of such projects is carried out through the form of patronage and pomegranate form);

6. According to the requirements for quality and ways to ensure it - defect-free, modular, standard. Defect-free projects aim to improve the quality of a product or service; modular - to ensure quality in any particular area;

It is worth emphasizing that with all the existing variety of methods for qualifying projects, in the end, it is not the type of project itself that is important, but a modified approach to managing it, taking into account the specifics of the object (project).

Each project goes through various phases during its implementation, which are collectively called the project cycle or project life cycle. The phases may differ depending on the field of activity and the adopted work organization system.

It is usually customary to single out four interrelated sequential phases of the project, which are a set of interrelated project activities, during the completion of which one of the main results of the project is achieved. The phases of the project life cycle are referred to in some sources as follows:

1. Beginning (conceptual), development (organization), production (operational), completion;

2. Concept, planning and development, implementation, completion;

3. Concept (initial phase), development, implementation, completion;

4. Project definition (concept), project development, project implementation, project completion.

Despite the fact that the names of the phases of the project life cycle vary somewhat in different sources, the essence and content of the phases are basically the same.

Each phase of the project is divided, in turn, into smaller detailed components - stages and stages.

Based on the study, analysis and generalization of the composition and content of the project life cycle, you can provide your own project life cycle system that contains:

The initial phase, which involves the development of the project concept (project initiation, project definition, development and approval of the project concept);

Development phase. On this stage the development of the main components of the project and preparation for the implementation of the project (appointment of a project manager and formation of a project team, development of the project content, structural planning of the project) are underway.

Project implementation phase. Here, the main work necessary to achieve the goals of the project is carried out (Conclusion of contracts, organization and execution of work on the project, confirmation of the completion of work);

The final phase involves summing up and closing the project (handing over the work (object, service) to the customer, evaluating the results of projects and summing up, preparing final documents and closing the project).

For the successful existence of the project, two aspects must be taken into account. The first of these is technical, it consists of orderly and logical parts and is related to planning, control, cost-benefit assessment, risk management and quality.

The second aspect is the socio-cultural process. He, in turn, is characterized by the contradictory side of the process. The main thing in this aspect is the interaction between the internal (design) and external environment. Employees working on a project have a responsibility to create a project culture that encourages teamwork and a high level of personal motivation. It is also assumed that the project manager must be able to meet the expectations of clients and build mutually beneficial cooperation between colleagues and clients with different beliefs and views.

The rational relationship of these aspects is reflected in the result and economic indicators project. As a rule, project managers pay more attention to technical aspects. However, this is wrong, since socio-cultural aspects are of considerable importance not only in the implementation of projects, but also in the current functioning of any enterprise. The socio-cultural features of the project will be discussed in detail in the next paragraph.

A project is a temporary venture designed to create unique products or services.

"Temporary" means that any project has a beginning and will certainly come to an end when the goals are achieved, or there is an understanding that these goals cannot be achieved. "Unique" means that the created products or services are significantly different from other similar products and services.

The uniqueness of the products or services of the project necessitates a consistent refinement of their characteristics as the project progresses.

Examples of projects include construction, development of any new products, repair work, implementation information system at the enterprise, conducting an election campaign, filming a movie and much more that meets the above definition.

Project management is the application of knowledge, experience, methods and tools to the work of a project to meet the requirements of the project and the expectations of the project participants. To meet these requirements and expectations, it is necessary to find the optimal combination between the goals, deadlines, costs, quality and other characteristics of the project.

Project management is subject to a clear logic that links the various areas of knowledge and project management processes.

First of all, the project necessarily has one or more goals. By goals, we will further understand not only the final results of the project, but also the chosen ways to achieve these results (for example, the technologies used in the project, the project management system).

Achievement of project goals can be realized different ways. To compare these methods, criteria for the success of achieving the goals are needed. Usually, the main criteria for evaluating various options for project execution include the timing and cost of achieving results. At the same time, planned goals and quality usually serve as the main constraints when considering and evaluating various options. Of course, it is possible to use other criteria and restrictions, in particular resource ones.

Project management requires leverage. It is possible to influence the ways of achieving the project results, goals, quality, timing and cost of work by choosing the technologies used, the composition, characteristics and assignment of resources for the performance of certain works. Thus, the applied technologies and resources of the project can be attributed to the main levers of project management. In addition to these basic, there are auxiliary tools designed to manage the main ones. Such auxiliary control levers include, for example, contracts that allow you to attract the right resources at the right time. In addition, for resource management, it is necessary to ensure the effective organization of work. This concerns the project management structure, the organization of information interaction between project participants, and personnel management.

The information used in project management is usually not 100% reliable. Taking into account the uncertainty of the initial information is necessary both when planning a project and for the competent conclusion of contracts. Risk analysis is devoted to the analysis and accounting of uncertainties.

Any project in the process of its implementation goes through various stages, collectively called the project life cycle. To implement the various functions of project management, activities are required, which are hereinafter referred to as project management processes.

Project is a temporary venture designed to create unique products or services.

"Temporary" means that any project has a beginning and will certainly come to an end when the goals are achieved, or there is an understanding that these goals cannot be achieved. “Unique” means that the created products or services are significantly different from other similar products and services.

The uniqueness of the products or services of the project necessitates a consistent refinement of their characteristics as the project progresses.

Examples of projects include construction, the development of any new product, repair work, the introduction of an information system in an enterprise, an election campaign, filming a movie, and much more that meets the above definition.

Project management- is the application of knowledge, experience, methods and tools to the work of the project to meet the requirements for the project and the expectations of the project participants. To meet these requirements and expectations, it is necessary to find the optimal combination between the goals, deadlines, costs, quality and other characteristics of the project.

Project management is subject to a clear logic that links the various areas of knowledge and project management processes.

First of all, the project necessarily has one or more goals. By goals, we will further understand not only the final results of the project, but also the chosen ways to achieve these results (for example, the technologies used in the project, the project management system).

Achieving the goals of the project can be implemented in various ways. To compare these methods, criteria for the success of achieving the goals are needed. Usually, the main criteria for evaluating various options for project execution include the timing and cost of achieving results. At the same time, planned goals and quality usually serve as the main constraints when considering and evaluating various options. Of course, it is possible to use other criteria and restrictions, in particular resource ones.

Project management requires leverage. It is possible to influence the ways of achieving the results of the project, goals, quality, timing and cost of execution of works by choosing the technologies used, the composition, characteristics and assignment of resources for the performance of certain works. Thus, the applied technologies and resources of the project can be attributed to the main levers of project management. In addition to these basic, there are auxiliary tools designed to manage the main ones. Such auxiliary control levers include, for example, contracts that allow you to attract the right resources at the right time. In addition, for resource management, it is necessary to ensure the effective organization of work. This concerns the project management structure, the organization of information interaction between project participants, and personnel management.

The information used in project management is usually not 100% reliable. Taking into account the uncertainty of the initial information is necessary both when planning a project and for the competent conclusion of contracts. Risk analysis is devoted to the analysis and accounting of uncertainties.

Any project in the process of its implementation goes through various stages, collectively called the project life cycle. To implement the various functions of project management, activities are required, which are hereinafter referred to as project management processes.

On present stage development, project management is recognized as the most effective tool for doing business. The number of problems (energy, environmental, resource, social) is constantly growing, and they can be solved only with the use and innovative technologies and management decisions. The organization of work according to specific plans is characteristic of most foreign companies and is increasingly being introduced in Russia, and not only in business, but also in government agencies.

To answer the question of what project management is, it is necessary to understand the distinctive features of project implementation from other ways of activity. It is characterized by such features:

  • Focus on a specific result. All actions performed during the implementation of the idea are interconnected and aimed at achieving in advance established goal. It is the completion that is important, if some processes are completed without a tangible result, then this is not a project.
  • Limited availability of resources. As a rule, any initiative is implemented taking into account the available resources, primarily financial, human and time. An exact or approximate deadline for the completion of all work is always set, as well as an estimate and implementation schedule.
  • Uniqueness. This refers to the fact that it is supposed to release a product for the first time or introduce a new service.

Designing is an activity for compiling and developing an undertaking from the inception of a concept to its implementation into reality. To bring the idea to life, a plan is drawn up, which is a scenario of all subsequent actions, broken down by time periods and ongoing processes. Processes can be carried out both in parallel, independently of each other, and in close interconnection. Innovative developments require in-depth knowledge in various areas of human activity: economics, construction, finance, work with people. Implementation of an idea always entails certain changes, and in order to manage them qualitatively, a person with specific knowledge is appointed - a project manager.

We can say that project management is professional activity a person, the essence of which is to use the most modern knowledge, methods, means, technologies for and influencing people in order to achieve the desired result. Traditional operational management is not able to quickly change and integrate into the rapidly developing and changing environmental conditions.

Project management is based on the stages of the life cycle of an undertaking:

  • Initiation(preliminary assessment of timeframes, required resources, setting goals and risk analysis).
  • Planning(search for an investor, calculation of the budget, targets, risks and schedule of actions).
  • Implementation(control over the implementation of the plan and the achievement of intermediate results, phased financing, making the necessary changes to the plan).
  • closure(assessment of the degree of fulfillment of the tasks set, the time spent, the profitability of the idea, work on the mistakes).

The use of project management (Project management) in international practice is a tool for the implementation of innovative ideas and a highly effective management technology in unstable and uncertain systems that are rapidly developing and changing. This primarily applies to tax, legislative, resource systems. By applying such a management system, it is possible to solve complex problems of an industrial, scientific and social nature.

Some company executives use Project management in certain areas of their activities that require the promotion of new technologies and products, or use them to solve individual applied tasks with a creative component. A kind of "enterprise within an enterprise" is being created, which does not negative impact for major production tasks. In addition, the production of large complex products (aerospace industry, shipbuilding, military-industrial complex) can serve as a classic example of this approach.

However, there are also so-called project-oriented companies, the mode of existence of which is precisely a unique activity for a certain period of time, aimed at the final result. Their distinguishing features are:

  • strategic approach;
  • teamwork;
  • self-organization;
  • openness in communications;
  • outward orientation.

Project management arose and initially developed in highly specialized industries. However, after a few decades, constantly developing and proving its effectiveness, it embraced various areas business. Its influence is especially noticeable in such areas as:

  • IT sector and development of new software;
  • development of new types of industrial products and their implementation;
  • reconstruction and construction;
  • carrying out design, research and scientific work.

In both the corporate and government sectors, visions are often bundled into portfolios or programs. Several interrelated initiatives focused on achieving one common result can be combined into a program. For example, a program to improve the provision of citizens medical care may include projects to improve the training of medical personnel, modernize and develop new standards of treatment and release modern effective drugs for certain diseases. If we are talking about about the portfolio, it assumes the presence of initiatives of different directions, they are united only by a single source of financing.

In specialized literature, one can sometimes see differences in the understanding of the terms "Project management" and "project management". This is due to a different approach to basic concepts, the type of design and other factors. According to the ISO 9000 standard, a project is a process, while according to the ICB IMPA standards, it is an action or an effort. Accordingly, in this matter, management is often understood as a certain professional culture and activities in social systems, and under control - the impact on the implementation of certain processes. However, in most sources, these concepts are recognized as identical, adjusted for the specifics of market relations.

The main functions of project management

Project management is a synthetic discipline that combines both professional and specialist knowledge. The latter illustrate the features of the area to which the undertaking belongs (construction, ecology, research, education). However, it is of great importance to study and analyze the patterns inherent in realized ideas from different areas of human activity.

The traditional functions of project management include:

  • goal-setting (formation of an idea, its initiation and concept development);
  • planning (creation of a clear structure and sequence of processes, relationships between them, scheduling of work, contracts, supply of resources);
  • organization (implementation of the approved plan, creation of an office and formation of a team, information exchange, conclusion and support of contracts, placement of orders for goods and services);
  • motivation (development and implementation of an incentive system for all participants in the work);
  • control (preparation and submission of reports on the progress of work, monitoring of costs and deadlines, quality control, study of measures to reduce risks, implementation of contracts).

There are significant differences between functional and project management. Each system has its strengths and weak sides, but work on specific specific ideas is recognized as more flexible, progressive and capable of transforming under the influence of new conditions.

The functions of general (traditional) management include:

  • stabilization of the existing state;
  • a clearly defined range of tasks to perform;
  • powers are approved by the management structure;
  • work is carried out in sustainable organizational structures;
  • responsibility is determined by the prescribed functions
  • definition of success - achievement of certain intermediate results;
  • low level of variability of working conditions.

Based on the above factors, we can conclude that the main features of functional management are stability and predictability.

The principles of project management differ from functional:

  • activity is characterized by uncertainty, there is a constant work with changes;
  • powers may not be clearly defined;
  • the range of tasks may vary depending on various factors of influence;
  • tasks can be cross-functional, but within the framework of the project cycle;
  • activities are focused on innovation;
  • conflict resolution is one of the most important tasks;
  • performance is determined by the achievement of the ultimate goal.

Consequently, this type of control is aimed at reaching the required result in unstable conditions in a certain period of time with a limited resource. To do this, it is necessary to select and organize the work of highly qualified personnel, as well as introduce new technologies and management solutions.

At the same time, these two management systems cannot be completely opposed to each other. They can intersect and complement each other. So, for example, in general management There are a number of fundamental concepts that every competent project manager should know.

Project manager and requirements

A distinctive feature of project management is that the main rights, as well as responsibility for the results achieved, are concentrated in the hands of a small group of people or even one person - the project manager. This does not imply that the project manager is able to know all the specific features of each process, it is his job to use his skills to select and most effectively distribute specialists, as well as the division of labor between them.

The main function of the manager is to control the execution of three main parameters:

  • Quality of work. There are proven methods of material and by human resourses, such as load diagrams of used resources, matrices of responsibility of performers. Here the problem may lie in the fact that it is not easy to formulate tasks, and then to control them yourself. In such cases, developed methods for quality control are used.
  • Time. To help the manager, various programs have been developed here for the formation and tracking of calendar schedules for the execution of work.
  • Budget. The specialist forms a financial plan and ensures that there is no overspending.

The competence of a manager in the implementation of a new idea is assessed by the following components: experience, knowledge, skills, professionalism, ethics, mentality (professional thinking). Requirements for the competence of specialists are prescribed in the Body of Knowledge (Knowledge Codes), which are supported by national or international professional associations. More than 125 states have approved such Codes (PM BoK) and their own certification systems.

The largest organization for the certification of managers is IPMA, which consists of 55 countries. Their standards are developed, approved and adjusted on the basis of the main regulatory document of the ICB IPMA organization. In Russia, on its basis, the SOVNET Association developed the National Requirements for the Competence of Specialists (NTC), according to which managers are certified. Countries that are not members of this organization have their own certification systems. For example, PMI in the USA, ENAA in Japan, AIPM in Australia.

Often the right project manager determines the success of the entire enterprise. This specialist must accurately manage the external and internal factors that affect the initiative being implemented:

  1. Regarding external factors, management is required to:
    • operational adaptation of all processes to changing external conditions;
    • management of sustainable interaction with other entities related to the work performed.
  2. Control action on internal factors consists of the following actions:
    • rational distribution and timely redistribution of resources allocated for the implementation of the undertaking;
    • constant coordination of interaction between project participants.

In addition to controlled and managed internal parameters, such as development costs, product manufacturing, marketing, production volumes, capital investments, price, there are a number of external uncontrolled parameters. These include economic conditions, environmental conditions, competition, consumer tastes, legal framework, social environment, access to resources. It is very difficult to influence them, so the structure must establish and change its activities in a timely manner, taking into account these factors.

Advantages of the project management method and its disadvantages

An increasing number of business structures, government and municipal organizations introduce elements of project management into their daily activities. This approach has been promoted in the last few years even by the President and the Government of Russia. What are the benefits of this working method?

Studies of reputable international organizations prove that the introduction of project methodologies into management allows for a significant increase in performance indicators in the first few years. A 20% cost savings is quite real, as well as a reduction of 20-25%. The costs of directly integrating new methods into work amount to a few percent of the total amount of the entire idea and pay off, as a rule, within 1-2 years.

A new management approach opens up business and government organizations these perspectives:

  • clear definition of activity priorities;
  • unambiguous statement of expected results and goals;
  • the practice of investing initiatives in clear structured forms of projects or programs;
  • competent consideration of possible risks and search for ways to level them;
  • reaching clear criteria for the success of the work;
  • optimization of the company's resource costs;
  • increasing staff motivation.

The disadvantages of switching to a new technique include the following factors:

  • Transition period. It can drag on because management doesn't know the basics of Project Management, or because of sabotage by middle-level managers who can lose their influence.
  • Lack of resources. The dispersion of funds between different plans can negatively affect the company's core business, especially if it is limited in financial capacity.
  • Personnel. Without a qualified project manager, the process can stall. Often you have to involve a manager with his team from outside.

However, despite all the difficulties, project management around the world is gaining momentum. It does not stand still, it develops rapidly and constantly corresponds to the situation prevailing on this moment time.
