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An essay on the topic of the future should be multicolored. The future of humanity. Philosophical Foundations of the Information Society

The future really depends on us. We ourselves determine our path to the future and our destiny.
And each person has different hobbies, different tastes. Everyone chooses his own path. Someone walks along it proudly and confidently, others encounter obstacles on the way, and still others do not reach the finish line at all. This is how the world works. But, one way or another, regardless of whether you are a lucky person or not, it is worth working, you need to achieve something in life. Just sitting back and not thinking about the future means losing the ability to actively act, to achieve your goal. Of course, you can later return to the unfinished path and start all over again from that place, but that time has passed and it is no longer possible to return it.
This does not mean at all that you should try yourself in only one area. Quite the contrary, only after recognizing in each work the positive and negative sides, you can judge it. It is worth trying everything before setting a goal for yourself, not even knowing what could attract you much more.
Postponing to “later” means, most likely, never to do it again. If there is an opportunity to move forward, why not use it?
An equally important role is played by the character of a person. Be kind, sympathetic - they will help you too. They will give good advice, prompt, push on the right path. This is also the future. This is the environment in which you have to live, so do not spoil it.
The future depends on you... A person is formed in life, acquires new skills and knowledge. All this will help him in the future, nothing goes in vain. Even mistakes, and those help a person. He understands that he did it wrong, and the next time he does not repeat it.
It is very important to set yourself a goal. Without it, there will be no such confidence in the future, there will be nothing (which is important) to achieve. Without a purpose, life no longer has so much meaning. There are people who, having received one miss and thus not reaching the final stage, give up. Most likely, this is because they are not accustomed to life's difficulties. Such people do not go far, they stand still.
And you just need to develop willpower, not be upset in vain, hope for something better in life. And then not only everything will turn out, but luck will smile at you. After all, it is not in vain that there is a proverb: "He who seeks will always find." It is worth trying to reach your goal, trying to achieve something with all your might - and then everything will be fine in the future. There are no unlucky people, there are those who do not want to become unlucky.
In order for you to have a wonderful future, it is worth working now. You should look at all the ways of further work, choose the most suitable among them, set a goal and be just a good person.

I wrote this essay in 8th grade. But even now, rereading it once again, I discover something new for myself, and, perhaps, just remember the well-forgotten old.


"The future really depends on us." This is not entirely true. The fate of any person depends on his environment. Therefore, you need to carefully choose with whom to contact. "They will give good advice, prompt, push on the right path." It's somehow unethical to push on the right path. "Everything is worth trying." You don't have enough time to try everything. "Even mistakes help a person." I have already said, I will repeat once again - only fools learn from their mistakes. “He realizes that he did it wrong, and next time he doesn’t repeat it.” Nothing in life is the same, life is very diverse. “Without a purpose, life no longer has so much meaning.” Aren't you afraid that when you reach your goal, you will lose the meaning of life? After all, the goal is no more! "There are people who, having received one miss and thus not reaching the final stage, give up." This is about - the authors close their pages (before reaching the final stage - world recognition). “But you just need to develop willpower, not be upset in vain, hope for something better in life.” We must hope for something doable, otherwise you can be upset seriously and for a long time! “And then not only will everything work out, but luck will smile at you.” In my opinion, everything turned out and luck smiled is one and the same. "Set a goal and just be a good person." It's hard to comment because it's hard to understand. As I understand it, you claim to be a philosopher. I am the founder of a new school of philosophy - the philosophy of happiness. Therefore, I also want to say a few words on this topic. Being a fanatic of an idea is both good and bad. Good, because you have a better chance of reaching your goal than a lazy person. But only if fate gives you this chance. It's bad, because by giving yourself to one thing, you lose in another. Opposites attract. If you are some kind of extreme, then your opposites will stick to you in life. If you are a fanatic of goodness, then all sorts of moral monsters will stick to you. These are the cosmic laws and we have to put up with it.

Essay "The Future of Mankind".

Performed by a student 017-13

Lavrenyuk Tatiana.
People of the modern world, living their small lives, run through the streets of big cities, hurrying about their business, rarely looking around, wondering and looking only into the near future, which concerns only their families and loved ones, and constantly looking back. And so every day they do a lot of unnecessary, harmful to the world and other people deeds, destroying not only what nature has created over hundreds of thousands of years, but also the culture of their people, so close, dear and unique. It turns out that only a few seriously think about the future of mankind.

The question of the future evokes different reactions among people, frankly confusing some, others, forcing them to talk about the technical development of the world or suggesting thoughts about the end of the world. It all depends on the value system of a person, his education, interests and other small factors. For me, the question of relations between people is more important, about how the behavior of a person as a unit and a person among a group of people will change. It is important what the human essence itself will become and whether it will depend on the state. Will the family remain a cell of society or will it be replaced by a "free society".

Arguing on the topic "The Future of Humanity", I came to the conclusion that there are several options for the development and formation of society and the world around it.

The first way is the way of globalization. By virtue of the established policy, the arrival of a new culture is possible, which is a more developed and improved culture. European culture, but not so convenient for other inhabitants of the globe. Globalization will most likely not equalize the situation among the people of the whole world, but will only emphasize the level of development of the advanced countries of Europe and the backwardness of developing countries and third world countries. The centuries-old heritage of various peoples will probably be lost forever.

In another way of the development of the world, I see its disintegration, the localization of certain parts of the Earth, continuous wars, nuclear explosions. And in the end, the destruction of all mankind.

It is also possible peaceful coexistence of already existing states with tougher control over the import of weapons, relations between conflicting countries, and the introduction of any new security measures. However, not everyone is striving for a peaceful life, as evidenced by the recent events in South Ossetia during the Olympic Games, although all wars have long ceased at this time. And how bitter it is to hear that young guys are dying somewhere in hot spots, especially if your loved ones can be there too.

Society often in such situations becomes a victim of information wars, not being able to obtain reliable information. In connection with the development of technology, falsification of facts becomes possible, which the average person watching the news on TV or on the Internet will not notice. But here you can put the question, does that person need it? Or he wants to be deceived.

What can be said about the change in human psychology?

Already looking at modern society, we can talk about its degradation. No matter how scary it would be to look at the fact that women with children are giving way to women, just as beer is sold to minors in stores. No matter how disgusting it is to look at smoking children. This is only a small part and this will not change.

However, not all society is like this. There are also people who have a good upbringing and also bring up their children. Becoming popular lately healthy eating, classes physical education, reference healthy lifestyle life, but only among a certain layer of people.

IN Lately The Internet is developing very seriously, which affects the awareness, behavior, social circle of people. This influence can be both positive and negative, because, as we know from our own practice, the Internet is addictive and sometimes separates from real life.

Although people's value system is changing, it's still nice to see people united by something in common, for example, how Russians cheer for their own at the Olympic Games or how a handful of fans drown out the rest of the stadium with their charges at the European Football Championship . Such positive moments in life say that not everything is lost yet. One has only to hope and make a small contribution to the development of society.

The question remains as to where people seek the truth. Should they believe in God, or can they just dream about this unpredictable, mysterious, beautiful or terrifying future.

So, the future depends entirely on each person taken separately, but his role is so small that sometimes it seems pathetic.

Shakirov Vladislav, consultant: Kozlova Tatyana Evgenievna, teacher of Russian language and literature

Modern society requires people who are independent, able to take responsibility for their future, creative, related to own development as values. Young people are looking into the world more and more closely, their inner work in search of self-determination is getting more and more intense: “What awaits me in the future? What will I be when I grow up?" The older our children get, the more we think about these questions. Amazing dreams of an easy and carefree life are born in their minds. But soon they realize that this adult life is not so simple, because it is full of worries, problems and requires them to be responsible in making independent decisions. It is on these decisions and firm actions that their future depends.



Shakirov Vladislav MBOU "Taksimov secondary school No. 3"


The future of Russia depends on me

Modern society requires people who are independent, able to take responsibility for their future, creative, who treat their own development as a value. Young people are looking into the world more and more closely, their inner work in search of self-determination is getting more and more intense: “What awaits me in the future? What will I be when I grow up?" The older our children get, the more we think about these questions. Amazing dreams of an easy and carefree life are born in their minds. But soon they realize that this adult life is not so simple, because it is full of worries, problems and requires them to be responsible in making independent decisions. It is on these decisions and firm actions that their future depends.

And the future starts today.

Russia needs well-educated people, whose worldview corresponds to the modern achievements of science. These are the requirements modern societies but to personality. And what are the needs of the personality of the modern child? And what should it be?
Remember a good children's movie about a robot boy? The electronics became the prototype of the child of the future, who had unlimited memory capabilities, extraordinary thinking, many talents, but at the same time not devoid of simple human feelings: love, kindness, responsiveness, understanding, compassion, justice. This is how children of the 21st century were presented to society. And, probably, a lot of efforts were made by people who are driving pedagogical progress in order to achieve the cherished goal.

And who is this modern young man? What does he value most in life?

My contemporary is, first of all, diverse. One cannot find ideals of goodness in him, and he cannot avoid mistakes. If he solves any problem, he often makes many mistakes. Many, without suspecting it, limit their freedom - and this is their main mistake. Because everything that is more precious than any words, any concepts and views is life and freedom.

My contemporary cannot solve all problems without making a single mistake, he is not perfect, but he is interested in the future.

Nikolenka Irteniev in the work of Leo Tolstoy "Youth" writes "Rules of Life". He tries to make a moral leap, but he fails, and Nikolenka forgets about these rules. However, having made a big mistake in his life, he again returns to them, as he realizes the importance of moral development in the life of a young man.

My contemporary is, first of all, a person. And this personality is individual, and it does not stand still. The soul of a contemporary is constantly striving for development. The young man of today is individual. He does not imitate anyone, but first of all, he wants to show his "I".

The well-known psychologist Viktor Frankl singled out three groups of values: the values ​​of creativity, the values ​​of experience and the values ​​of attitude. These values ​​correspond to three main ways in which a person cannot find meaning in life. The first is what he gives to the world in his creations; the second - what he takes from the world in his meetings, experiences; the third is the position he takes in relation to his position (if he cannot change his fate).

Adults, it seems to me, have come up with a lot of problems for themselves that could have been avoided. They are dependent on someone else's opinion, envy, outside interference in their problems. They need to be a little more free and independent. Maybe I'm wrong, I'll grow up, plunge into the world of social conventions and become a "gray mouse". But I will always try to defend my point of view, the weak and mediocre can retreat. Although mediocrity can also be argued!

And what can I personally offer, what opportunities do I have to make the "tomorrow" of my country even a little better? I am a schoolboy, respectively, my, and every inhabitant of our country, worldview is formed precisely by the school. This is the stage of our life when we understand, realize: what is better, what is worse, and at the same time, we can give a sober assessment of many things around us. Therefore, I, first of all, propose to consider the school as the main "engine" of any country in the world.

What is a “school” and what are we like in it?

“We are at school as a single team ....” - and yet surprisingly correctly in our song it is sung: the school, indeed, has firmly entered my life. And why? Because I come here not only for knowledge, I am learning here to be an active citizen of my country. Yes! Our school is an open school, it is both public and active. And the school is us. We make her face. Here it is smiling merrily - the school has another birthday of the children's and youth organization "Together". All our guys take turns declaring themselves, their victories and talents.

We, schoolchildren, have the main thing - we have a student brotherhood. We are like children from the same family. We are many and few. There are few of us when in the spring we clear the "planet" of garbage, put everything in order: the school yard, the long road to school and the place of our school events - a clearing near Lake Bezymyanny. It is not easy. Everyone becomes diligent, and the face of our school takes on a concentrated expression. But we are doing a good job! And we have many such cases. We hold campaigns "Help children get ready for school", "Help war veterans". We bring different things to school, and with such gifts we go to the Raduga children's children's home for children with disabilities. And we also bring them our songs, poems, dances as a gift. At such moments, we all work with our souls, and such a skill is very important for all of us. With this skill, I think we will learn not to leave anyone in trouble ever.

The school has undergone significant changes since it embarked on the path of implementing the project " open school– cooperation for the future”. Class and school-wide self-government began to work more actively in our country. We, the students, have become more independent. When we were given a certain freedom of action, we did not even expect what results we would come to. It turned out that independence develops responsibility, self-discipline, mutual assistance, partnership. Our classes have become more united.

As part of school government, we have many responsibilities. And the main thing is taking care of the people around us, taking care of the nature around us. We patronize the initial link, for example, we help organize and hold holidays for them. We hold campaigns “Hurry to do good”, “Veteran”, etc. There are so many people around us who need our help. Sometimes, a person wants to be simply listened to, and sometimes someone needs help with a deed. We often communicate with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, with Labor Veterans. Elderly people especially need our attention and participation. We will always listen to them and help. On holidays we organize concerts for them. And in our school museum "Heritage of the Ages" we hold tea parties for them. And it is very gratifying when you hear only words of gratitude from people. You immediately feel the importance and seriousness of your work. Yes, and our veterans are happy to come to us for cool watch, events, tell us about the Great Patriotic War, about their lives in the difficult post-war years, talk to us on various topics.

This is how my classmates and I help to live in harmony within the country, thus providing the most favorable atmosphere for any changes. Because the spiritual harmony of the inhabitants of the country is one of the most important points for the happy future of the country.

And so, having considered the school as one of the factors shaping the future of the country, let's approach it from a different point of view - more political and already somewhat distant from school settings.

The hopes of any state are connected with youth. “Today, Russia urgently needs well-educated, energetic people who can make bright, interesting decisions. Both the personal professional achievements of young men and women and the confident future of Russia largely depend on the activity of the younger generation, their sincere desire to benefit their Fatherland,” said President of Russia D.A. Medvedev at a meeting with students.

Today in our republic there are a large number of youth public associations, initiative groups. Young activists take part in the social and political life of the country. In our country, various youth and children's festivals, contests, olympiads, reviews, promotions, sports events are held. For many years, the traditional action "Youth against drugs" has been held. Every year on June 27, Russia celebrates Youth Day.

We are the first to use Newest technologies to become the basis for the interaction of the politically active youth of the country. We, youth parliaments and other associations, increase the effectiveness of youth participation in the life of the country, region, municipality. This makes it possible to formulate and bring the problems of youth to the authorities, to propose mechanisms for their solution and to solve them. I believe that thanks to the existence of the youth parliament, effective interaction will be established between "youth - power" and "power - youth" in our country. Thanks to youth associations and parliamentarians, the number of young people in government will increase. Political parties and authorities will be able to fill vacant positions from among promising youth deputies. Therefore, youth parliaments are already today considered a personnel resource of modern youth.

By involving young people in the process of making important decisions for our country, we strengthen the political system of the country's development. I think that young people are obliged to express their ideas, because some of them will definitely find their need in Russian politics.

On this moment our country is at the stage of modernization, which will certainly be followed by new people in politics. It seems to me that our country would change a lot if not people of high ranks, but schoolchildren or students were seated at the President's table and in the places of deputies. There would be a lot interesting ideas and proposals that would surely interest tens of thousands of people.

What would I do if I had the opportunity?

First, I would try to stop social stratification.

Secondly, I would try to allocate funds for social development progress in science and sports. Why did I focus on these areas of activity? The facts speak for themselves... Every time a new discovery made by a Russian scientist is reported in newspapers or on TV, but, unfortunately, not in Russia, but in China, the USA or some other country. Why cups, medals and other prizes are awarded to those countries? The answer is simple: they do not skimp, but rather try to collect as much as possible Money, and direct them to the activities of science.

Also, I would like to carry out many actions, the purpose of which would be to provide jobs for young people and persons under the age of eighteen. Plus to all this would be an increase in the number of social classes and the opening of new directions in the service sector. It seems to me that such a proposal would be to the liking of many.

Here is such a small assessment of the activities of modern youth and my ideas about a “better” life that can be created with just a few simple and unpretentious steps for the state. Although, I may be wrong, and these are personal "drawings" of my imagination ...

How many plans, how many hopes and everything falls on the shoulders of the youth. And there is no need to feel sorry for her, she must get used to all the hardships and strive to do everything “the very best” for her country.

Life is so arranged that generations are replaced by new young sprouts. They certainly drive progress. Something is lost in this rapid run, but there are also positive changes.

The "old men" were always dissatisfied with the youth, they considered it more free from moral values, replaced by material ones. Our time is no exception in this regard. All the same, the elders are horrified by the change that follows them. And life goes on. We, too, someday will become old men, and we will look with sadness at the young, we will find something to be dissatisfied with. And yet, if only life existed, more and more new generations would be born, leading the country to progress - I believe in this.

Global problems: signs, essence, content

feature modern stage The history of mankind is that an increasing number of the main problems of social development, which previously took place and were of a local nature, are acquiring global proportions. Global problems do not arise somewhere near pre-existing ones, but grow out of them. And their solution in this or that country or region is no longer enough, since it is closely related to how these problems are solved in other countries and regions, as well as in the world as a whole. Global problems form a system within which there is a dialectical interconnection and interdependence of components, their hierarchical subordination, dependence on the whole. A characteristic feature of this system is that it is extremely complex. The system of global problems is represented by the following structure:

1. intersocial problems related to the interaction of states, various socio-economic systems (problems of peace and disarmament, world socio-economic development, overcoming the backwardness of countries and regions, etc.)

2. anthroposocial problems related to the relationship between man and society (problems of the scientific and technological process, education and culture, population growth, health care, biosocial adaptation of man and his future)

3. natural and social global problems that exist in the interaction of man and society with nature (environmental problem, problem of resources, energy, food)

These problems, to one degree or another, have an impact on the future of human civilization, and often the most direct one, which does not give any time intervals for mitigating threats, no delays. What are these threats? And how to overcome them?

Perhaps the first of these still persists - the threat of a thermonuclear fire. The ghost of "doomsday", "omnicide", the global destruction of everyone and everything still roams the planet. The possibilities of the emergence of a "burning flame" and the subsequent "nuclear winter" are by no means abstract, they have visible features.

Another 38 session of the UN General Assembly declared the preparation and unleashing of a nuclear war the greatest crime against humanity. In the 1981 UN Declaration on the Prevention of Nuclear Catastrophe, it was stated that any actions pushing the world towards a nuclear catastrophe are incompatible with the laws of human morality and the lofty ideals of the UN Charter. However, nuclear weapons have not ceased. The moratorium on underground nuclear tests is violated every now and then, either by China, or by France, or by other members of the "nuclear club".

Jonathan Schell, author of the famous book The Fate of the Earth, said bitterly: “We are sitting at the table, calmly drinking coffee and reading newspapers, and the next moment we can find ourselves inside a fireball with a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees.” And precepts, values, ideals, subtle movements of the soul will all turn out to be powerless before the open mouth of the atomic monster. And these are not cartoon "horrors", not horror stories, but a sober assessment of the current state of affairs.

Indeed, a number of treaties on the reduction of strategic nuclear arsenals have been signed while they are being tacitly respected, but have not yet acquired the status of current law. In reality, only a few percent of the huge nuclear stockpiles have been destroyed so far. The process of nuclear disarmament may drag on for an indefinitely long period. Only in the USA and former USSR by mid-1995, there were about 25,000 nuclear weapons. And how many today, hardly anyone can say for sure.

Now the danger of a direct military clash between nuclear "superpowers" seems to have decreased, but at the same time, the threat of a blind technological accident of the "Chernobyl option" has not disappeared, and even increased. Still not well known established causes catastrophes in Pripyat. There are many versions, but the versions are not yet true. Any technique, as history testifies, sometime we break. And no one gives an absolute guarantee against a repeat of Chernobyl or an even more horrific tragedy. We must not forget that more than 430 nuclear power plants. And their numbers are multiplying.

In addition, nuclear technology is on the rise. Already in production nuclear weapon India, Pakistan, South Africa, Israel and a number of other states are ready for this. There is a growing danger that nuclear weapons will fall into the hands of irresponsible political adventurers and even criminal elements.

Of course, one cannot fail to say that nuclear weapons have been a serious deterrent for the past half century and, in the conditions of the achieved parity, prevented a direct clash between the two main military-strategic blocs - NATO and the Warsaw Pact. And yet it did not prevent the undying hotbeds of local wars, each of which can become the fuse for a world war in which there will be no winner. B. Russell (1872 - 1970) wrote: “humanity is facing an alternative that has never before arisen in history: either war should be abandoned, or you should expect the destruction of the human race. Many eminent scientists and military authorities spoke about this danger. None of them would argue that it is no longer possible to defeat either side - to win in the sense that has hitherto been understood; and if the battle between scientists is not stopped, after the next war, most likely, no one will be left alive. Therefore, the only possibility of mankind is either peace achieved through agreements, or the kingdom of death.

The second threat is looming proximity ecological disaster. For many centuries, man has been using nature, extracting resources from its depths, not caring about their replenishment. Progress in science and technology aroused interest in computers, in the use of outer space, but at the same time, man forgot about the biological foundations of his being, called "earth", "water", "air", which are essential for preserving life and the survival of mankind. Poisoning of water, air, acid rains, devastating exploitation of lands, which led to their desertification, deforestation and soil erosion, loss of unique biological species - all this has created a threat to human life itself.

What is the essence of the environmental problem? Generally speaking, in the clearly revealed deepening contradiction between the productive activity of man and the stability of his natural environment. The mass of all inanimate objects and living organisms artificially created by man is called techno-mass. Calculations of scientists show that the techno-mass produced by humanity in one year is 1013 - 10 14, and the biomass produced on land is 10 23. The artificial environment gradually and inevitably steps on the natural one and absorbs it. The problem of environmental pollution, including harmful emissions from production, is becoming especially acute for people. Each inhabitant of the Earth now accounts for more than 30 tons of industrial and other waste per year. More than 200 million tons of sulfur and nitrogen oxides enter the atmosphere every year.

Now it is clear to a person that any biological species is able to survive within a fairly narrow ecological niche, i.e. a combination of various conditions and environmental factors. Man is a biological species, although more universal than any other. Its biological organization allows it to adapt to a wide range of conditions. However, its possibilities are far from limitless. There are such threshold values ​​of external conditions beyond which a biological organization cannot withstand and humanity is threatened with death. In the conditions of modern technogenic civilization, the possibility of adapting the human body to conditions external environment close to exhaustion. At the same time, one should keep in mind not only physical factors associated with environmental pollution, but also psychological.

Another important threat is the demographic situation. Man appeared on Earth more than 3.5 million years ago. However, for a long time the population remained small and stable. Its natural increase was 0.004%. According to rough estimates, at the beginning of a new era, 250 - 270 million people lived on Earth, by 1000 the planet's population was 265 million people. Slow growth was due to high mortality, epidemics and wars. In the next 650 years, the population increased to 545 million people. If from 1750 to 1850 the population increased by 61%, then during the 20th century it increased by 115%. The rate of doubling of the population is increasing: if in the distant past it took 2,000 or more years, later - 200 and 80 years, now - 37 years. Such rates are primarily due to demographic changes in developing countries, especially since the 1960s. From 1970 to 1993 the world's population increased by 1.6 billion people. If such growth rates continue, then by 2030 the population will increase to 10.0 billion people. Moreover, the population of developing countries is growing at a very rapid pace. If in 1950 the ratio of the population of developed and developing countries was 1:2, then in 1985 it was 1:3. However, the "population explosion" that began in the 1960s fell to 17% by the mid-1980s. This phenomenon is explained by the theory of demographic transition, according to which the levels of fertility and mortality are determined not by biological, but by socio-economic factors.

Demographic transition means the process of successive changes in natural population growth as countries develop socio-economically. There are three phases of this transition:

1. high birth rate - high death rate

2. high birth rate - reduced mortality

3. low birth rate - low death rate

Unlimited population growth leads to serious consequences: environmental pollution, the accumulation of a huge number of people in big cities, and an increase in the socio-economic backwardness of developing countries.

In high developed countries Population growth has been greatly reduced, and in some it has stopped altogether. In some countries (Germany, Austria) there is a demographic crisis (the birth rate is lower than the death rate). The decline in fertility and natural population growth in many European countries is primarily due to an increase in the number of elderly people and a decrease in the number of children. This process is strongly influenced by economic and social factors. As a result, the number of divorces is also increasing. Thus, the solution of the demographic problem becomes the concern of all mankind.

The fourth threat is the danger hanging over the human corporeality. Under the sword of Damocles is not only the "external" nature, the ecological niche in which we live, but also our "internal" nature: our body, flesh, human corporality. As soon as they did not evaluate it in a long human history, from the ancient Chinese philosophers - the Taoists “given to us a natural cover” and to the domestic poet Osip Mandelstam: “I was given a body. What should I do with him, So one, And so mine? . Yes, we are spiritual. We have a mind. And, as theologians assure - spirit and soul. And spirituality elevates humanity above all other natural phenomena. Not everyone repeats that the human personality is a bodily-spiritual unity. The body is no joke. We come with him to this present world and leave our mortal bodily remains, leaving it. The body brings great joy and cruelly torments us with ailments and ailments. Physical health is always in one of the first places in the system of human values.

And it is all the more alarming to hear the growing warnings of biologists, geneticists, physicians that we are facing the danger of the destruction of humanity as a species, the deformation of its bodily foundations. The shattering of the gene pool, the dashing steps of genetic engineering, which opens up not only horizons, but also ominous possibilities. These are only the first reminders of impending troubles.

Biological versions of the "ghost of Frankenstein" sound more and more insistent. They are afraid of getting out of control of "mutant genes" that can distort human evolutionary adaptations in an unpredictable direction; the possibility of breaking the main genetic code as a result of ill-conceived interventions in its structure is not ruled out. The genetic burden of human populations is growing. A sharp weakening of the human immune apparatus under the influence of xenobiotics and numerous social and personal stresses is recorded everywhere.

There are visible consequences of this phenomenon. The chilling word "AIDS" is increasingly invading human life. This misfortune that has befallen mankind is the first global pandemic in history, sowing death, which so far no one and nothing has been able to stop. A number of researchers believe that this is not just a disease, but some stage in the biological existence of the human race. It is also connected with the unbridled mass intrusion of people into the natural foundations of their own being. AIDS today is no longer a narrowly medical, but a truly universal problem.

The ocean of chemicals in which our daily lives are now immersed, the kinks of politics and the zigzags of the economy - all this affects the nervous system, reproductive abilities and somatic manifestations of millions. There are signs of physical degeneration in a number of regions, an uncontrollable, truly epidemic spread of drug addiction and alcoholism.

This list can continue indefinitely. Only between 1971 and 1981. about a dozen large-scale global problems have been formulated. These threats are real. They cannot be seen. However, you should not give up, fall into hopeless pessimism, despair and cruelly dramatize everything and everyone. There are threats, but there are also hopes. One can confidently point to certain and fundamental prerequisites for overcoming global crisis collisions, blocking and diverting the universal threat from humanity.

The first such prerequisite is the deployment of the information (computer) revolution as a technical and technological basis for a possible way out of the situation of "survival", overcoming obstacles to the unification of mankind. The creation on its basis of a certain new civilization is still being revealed at the level of prerequisites. The contours of such a civilization are still poorly discernible. But there are real trends towards the deployment of a more humanized and prosperous world community in the foreseeable future.

The second prerequisite is the possibility of establishing as the dominant type of the world economy - a mixed market and, as a rule, a socially protected economy with elements of a convergent type. This is the form economic relations can contribute to linking the interests of different economic entities, harmonization of links, finding a balance between economic efficiency and social justice.

The third prerequisite is the formation of the principle of non-violence and democratic consent in foreign and domestic policy, in group and interpersonal relations. Regrettably, but aggression, violence were the eternal companions of history. Wars, coups, blood permeate all significant events, permeate the entire generic existence of people. F. Nietzsche, arrogantly calling a person "super chimpanzee", believed that violence is an organic way of communication for people. Sigmund Freud considered aggressiveness an irremovable moment of human behavior.

At the same time, many large-scale thinkers from M. Gandhi and L. Tolstoy to Erich Froman and Pope John Paul II believed that aggression, violence, destruction are by no means eternal and do not necessarily play a leading role in human motivations.

The fourth prerequisite is a steadily ongoing interethnic and intercultural integration while maintaining the autonomy and uniqueness of each ethnic group and each culture. The universalization of cultural life is increasingly unfolding against the backdrop of ensuring the identity of all participants in this process. International, economic and cultural contacts are rapidly expanding. The thesis about the “impenetrability” and complete isolation of self-sufficient peoples and their way of life has long collapsed. An intensive exchange of values ​​is accelerating. Synthesis and mutual influence prevail over hardened isolation.

Along with these prerequisites, it is also necessary to construct a global ethics, universal moral principles that strengthen all-human solidarity. Wisdom and conscience are above straightforward truths, dry rational knowledge. Knowledge that is not ennobled by eternal values, that is not multiplied by the idea of ​​good, that does not affirm justice, can lead to universal destruction. So V.S. Semenov in his article “On the prospects of man in the 21st century” singled out the main directions of human development. And one of these areas, in his opinion, is “the development and elevation of a person with an emphasis and priority on sociality, socially just relations between people, on the development of relations of social equality between them, human and comradely brotherhood, on the initiation of social and vigorous activity of people, their communities and organizations. Without an ethic of human solidarity, threats cannot be deflected and hopes cannot be met. These are the grounds for getting out of the global crisis in which we are immersed.

Philosophical Foundations of the Information Society

Terms such as information, information society, globalization have firmly entered the everyday vocabulary of the academic and popular press. They are used to describe the context within which the social life. Undoubtedly, in the characterization of modern civilization, one of the key, fundamental concepts is the concept of "information". Information (from Latin informatio) is a concept that has been used in philosophy since ancient times and has recently received a new, broader meaning due to the development of cybernetics, where it acts as one of the central categories along with the concept of communication and control. The concept of information has become common to all particular sciences, and the information approach, which includes a set of ideas and a set of mathematical tools, has become a general scientific research tool. The initial understanding of information as information was preserved until the middle of the 20th century. In connection with the development of communication means, attempts have been made to measure the amount of information using probabilistic methods. Later, other variants of the mathematical theory of information appeared - topological, combinatorial, etc. - which received the general name of syntactic theories. The content and axiological aspects of information are studied within the framework of semantic and pragmatic theories. Development of the concept of information in modern science led to the emergence of its various ideological, especially philosophical, interpretations.

What is the information society? In the 50-70s, mankind entered a new stage of its development - the stage of building the information society (IS), the road to which was paved by the rapid development of technology and, first of all, computers, and scientific and technological revolution as a whole. The presentiment and understanding of the inevitability of a sharp turn in the historical destinies of mankind, associated with the transition to a new civilization, is already noticeable in the works of thinkers of the first half of the century. This was expressed earlier than others by O. Spengler, back in the 20s. proclaimed the decline of the current industrial civilization, but has not yet outlined the contours and content of the new one, which is to be replaced. In the 40s. The Australian economist K. Clark has already quite definitely spoken about the advent of the society of information and services, a society with a new economy and technology. At the end of the 50s. The American economist F. Machlup put forward the thesis about the advent of the information economy and the transformation of information into the most important commodity. None of the philosophers who wrote about this problem doubted the radical renewal of the entire life of mankind within the framework of this new formation, but most of them analyzed the problem one-sidedly, whether from a political, economic or social point of view. This gave rise to a huge variety of names and definitions. It is curious to note that almost all the proposed names have the Latin prefix “post-”, i.e. “after-”, as if their creators are waiting for some kind of worldwide cataclysm, a global revolution in technology and in the minds of people, after which a new era will suddenly begin, a new era, a new society will arise. That is why it was so important to find a fundamentally new name, at the same time showing the continuity and fundamental novelty of the coming society. And this name was coined by Toffler “information society”.

At present, the philosophical concept of a post-industrial or information society has received great development - it was formulated in the works of A. Bell, A. Toffler, I. Masuda and others. It discusses the prospects for the development of modern civilization in the context of the existence of global problems and the formation of an information society. In addition, it claims to be a general philosophical theory of the progressive development of mankind.

The concept of post-industrialism proceeds from the fact that non-primary sphere of the economy prevails in modern society ( Agriculture), not secondary (industry), but tertiary (services), in which information plays a decisive role. It is argued that the microelectronic revolution, which is unfolding in a post-industrial society, makes information, and not labor, fundamental social factor underlying the development of society.

The information society arises on the crest of the third wave of human civilization, when industrial society in which labor, raw materials, capital are the main factors, there comes one in which the increase in profits is achieved not by the fact that the producers work harder, but by working faster. Significance and satisfaction with work acquire a greater value than its productivity. Accordingly, the information society challenges man, his moral and creative powers, his adaptability to a new type of social communication. And this contributes to the formation of a completely different world community, which is distinguished by a different system of values, new forms of behavior and social institutions. Toffler, describing the information society, wrote: “Much in this emerging civilization is contrary to the traditional industrial civilization. It is at the same time a highly technically advanced and anti-industrial civilization. The “Third Wave” brings with it a truly new way of life based on diversified, renewable energy sources; on production methods that obsolete most factory assembly lines; on some new (“non-nuclear”) family; on a new institute that could be called an "electronic cottage"; on the radically transformed schools and corporations of the future. The emerging civilization brings with it new code behavior and takes us beyond the concentration of energy, money and power.”

Education, according to A. Toffler, will be “one of the most major industries third wave. It will further become an important export industry.” Education should be fundamental and at the same time diverse. It needs to be personalized as much as possible. This can be achieved, of course, only on the basis of modern intensive teaching technologies using video equipment and a computer.

The new economy requires not only the ability to think logically, to easily operate with abstractions, but also to be free in the world of images and symbols. It will lead to an increase in the status of well-educated and cultured people who will constantly reproduce and increase cultural values. As A. Toffler notes, “we are entering a period when culture matters more than ever. Culture is not something petrified in amber, it is something we create anew every day.”

The new society, relying on highly productive labor, will finally be able to focus its attention on the problems of raising children, people's health, and their education. Old age and loneliness will be the subject of his special concern. It will be, according to A. Toffler, a society of true freedom of the individual, in which a person will harmoniously interact with nature.

Thus, the “information society” is a civilization, the development and existence of which is based on a special intangible substance, conditionally called “information”, which has the property of interaction with both the spiritual and material world of man. The latter property is especially important for understanding the essence of the new society, because, on the one hand, information forms the material environment of human life, acting as innovative technologies, computer programs, telecommunication protocols, etc., and on the other hand, it serves as the main means of interpersonal relationships, constantly arising, changing and transforming in the process of transition from one person to another. Thus, information simultaneously determines the socio-cultural life of a person and his material existence.

The society emerging as a result of the information revolution is significantly different in that information, and especially knowledge as its highest form, occupies a very special place in it. T. Stoner wrote:

“... tools and machines, being materialized labor, are at the same time materialized information. This idea is true of capital, land, and any other factor in the economy in which labor is embodied. There is not a single method of productive application of labor that is not at the same time the application of information. Moreover, information, like capital, can be accumulated and stored for future use. In a post-industrial society, national information resources are its main economic value, its biggest potential source of wealth.

It is important to understand that information has some specific properties. If I have 1,000 acres of land, and I give 500 acres of it to someone else, I will only have half of the original area. But if I have a certain amount of information, and I give half of it to another person, I will have everything that was. If I allow someone to use my information, it is reasonable to assume that he will share something useful with me. So while transactions over material things lead to competition, information exchange leads to cooperation. Information is thus a resource that can be shared without regret. Another specific feature of information consumption is that, in contrast to the consumption of materials or energy, which leads to an increase in entropy in the Universe, the use of information leads to the opposite effect - it increases human knowledge, increases organization in environment and reduces entropy. Thus, T. Stoner demonstrates fundamental difference information, from other types of economic and social values, highlights its peculiarity and value.

Informatization of society, integrating, synthesizing and accumulating a number of technical and technological sub-processes, outgrows the framework of a technological problem. It acts as a process that implements the socio-technological information revolution taking place before our eyes. Both this process itself and its result - the information society - are not only moving into the focus of philosophical research, but are gradually occupying, so to speak, the entire field of philosophical vision, because, in fact, we are talking about changes in the structure and essence of human existence, the system of personal and impersonal relations, the level of human self-comprehension and the possibility of penetrating into the mysterious depths of human thinking, into the secrets of creativity, which for thousands of years constituted the main riddle of any serious philosophy.

Mankind faces a historic choice

IN early XXI For centuries, mankind has been confronted more acutely than ever with formidable questions: where are we going? what lies ahead for us? will we survive? the situation in all spheres of human life has long been critical. Above the planet hangs the sword of Damocles of self-destruction in the event of a nuclear war. All stronger in the world escalate ecological problems acquiring a truly planetary significance. Humanity is torn apart by property polarization into the countries of the "golden billion" and "unprivileged" countries, into the rich, powerful West and the weak, poor East and South. Violence reigns everywhere, which is glorified by popular culture. Crime, drug addiction, AIDS seem invincible. All mankind is threatened by lack of spirituality, demoralization, cynicism, conformism and the cult of consumerism. Aggressiveness at the state level is becoming the dominant trend in world development. As a result, the vast majority of the people of the planet are sinking into despair, pessimism and apocalyptic moods. The pictures of the future that futurologists paint are most often sustained in gloomy dances: world war, slow death from resource depletion, spiritual savagery, the disintegration of the world into a number of permanently warring civilizations.

Of course, the future of mankind is shrouded in mystery. It is unknown and unpredictable, which is why it is so scary to look into it. It is intimidating and intimidating. The past has already happened. It can be interpreted, rethought. But you can't change what was. And the future is not programmed by anyone. It is an open page, the past years, the current affairs create only the framework in which the generations of the coming XXI century will write their lines.

Will humanity one day be able to dispel all the threats and troubles hanging over it and create a mature society that would wisely manage and reasonably dispose of its earthly environment? Will this new society be able to end the current rift and create a truly global, stable civilization? Or, in order to avoid more severe crises, humanity will prefer to more entrust their fate to technology, developing, somehow hopefully predict futurologists who absolutize the role of science, “post-industrial” or “information” models of society? Will this path turn out to be a miraculous way out of the current impasse and will not a person finally perish with all his limited abilities, weaknesses, aspirations and spirituality in a system that will be far and alien to his nature? Will not this choice ultimately lead to the creation of a purely technocratic, authoritarian regime, where work, law, social organization and even information, opinions, thoughts and leisure will be tightly regulated by the central government?

Or will humanity be so overwhelmed by its own complexity and uncontrollability that the prospect of final decay and death will become real for it?

One can draw an infinite number of different scenarios for the future, more or less plausible, but, of course, none of them can claim to be absolute. The tense situation in which those now living on Earth find themselves is a direct consequence of what our ancestors did and did not do in previous years, and even ourselves. From a historical perspective, it is not so important how common these other advantages and disadvantages are among people. And even if someone sometime in the future is held responsible for something done or not done in the past, it will be of little use. The most important thing is to think deeply today about what will happen to the billionth population, the planet tomorrow - and this almost exclusively depends on what we all together from now on will or will not do (A. Peccei) .

Concepts are being formulated sustainable development”, what academician Nikita Moiseev called the strategy of mankind. In terms of building this global strategy, a predictive search is underway. At the center of it are those actions that the people of the Earth must take to ensure and the associated development of Man and Nature. The planet's biosphere has already entered a non-equilibrium state, and this instability is becoming more and more aggravated. How to restore the parity of society and the biosphere? How to correlate environmental, technological and social programs in order to harmonize them in a holistic unity? And how, finally, to establish peace and tranquility on the planet and in every country? How to moderate or completely remove social tension? It is already clear that people will have to optimize their consumer appetites. And first of all - excessive pride and pampered comfort of the ruling elites. Whether the prosperous tops like it or not, there will be no rest without the approval of justice.

Ultimately, it depends on the activities of living generations whether the beginning of a new millennium of world history will become its tragic epilogue or an inspiring prologue of universal human solidarity. Never in the past has the historical choice facing man been so clear and unambiguous, so insistent and categorical. But it has never been so difficult. Innumerable obstacles stand in the way of humanity's progress into the future. And many of them are rooted in the minds of people. That is why the development and dissemination of new thinking is of such importance, which can ensure the exit of mankind from the epochal crisis. Many years ago, A. Einstein pointed out that the new era needs new ways of thinking. He said that the release of atomic energy had changed everything in such a way that our old ways of thinking were obsolete. People faced catastrophic events, unprecedented in past times. If humanity is to survive, it needs entirely new ways of thinking.

In modern conditions, in the first place on the way to the formation of a new style of thinking is, first of all, the imperative of choosing a global consciousness and full awareness of the fact that our world represents a single integrity, and we all must live together on one planet. Advances in science and technology are making the world smaller and smaller, and soon it will become the so-called world village. The idea of ​​unity, mutual dependence and mutual assistance should replace selfishness, mutual suspicion, deceit and become the fundamental principle of relations between people. Global problems can only be solved through the joint efforts of people. An outstanding Soviet teacher and writer A.S. Makarenko wrote: “A person who determines his behavior with the closest prospect is the weakest person. If he is satisfied only with the prospect of his own, however distant, he may seem strong, but he does not evoke in us a sense of the beauty of the individual and its real value. The wider the collective, whose perspectives are personal perspectives for a person, the more beautiful and higher the person is.

It is also necessary to change the approach to nature. We can no longer wastefully extract resources from it. Instead, a more harmonious relationship between man and nature must be established.

Man has subjugated the planet and now must learn to manage it, comprehend the difficult art of being a leader on Earth. If he finds the strength in himself to fully and completely realize the complexity and instability of his current situation and accept certain responsibility, if he can reach the level of cultural maturity that will allow him to fulfill this difficult mission, then the future belongs to him. If he falls victim to his own internal crisis and fails to cope with the high role of the protector and chief arbiter of life on the planet, well, then a person is destined to become a witness to how the number of his kind will sharply decrease, and the standard of living will again slide to a mark that has been passed several centuries ago (A. Pchchei).

We should not forget that: “The creation of a new society and a new Man is possible only if the old motivations for making profit and gaining power are replaced by a new one, namely, to be, to give and understand; if the market character is replaced by a productive, loving character, and the cybernetic religion is replaced by a new, radically humanistic spirit” (E. Fromm). If the old principles of the pursuit of profit are preserved in the new conditions, then the region of exploitation of developing countries by the leaders of the ultra-fast civilization will expand on a global scale, and this can lead to a global dismemberment of man.

For all the important role played in the life of modern societies by the questions of its social organization, its institutions, laws and treaties, with all the power of the technology created by man, they do not ultimately determine the fate of mankind. And there is no, and there will be no salvation for him until he himself changes his habits, morals and behavior. The real problem with the human species at this stage of its evolution is that it has been culturally unable to keep pace and fully adapt to the changes it has brought to the world. Since the problem that arose at this critical stage of its development is inside, and not outside, the human being, taken both at the individual and at the collective level, then its solution should come first and foremost from within him (A. Peccei) Gurevich I.S., Stolyarov V.I. The World of Philosophy: A Reading Book. Part 2. Human. Society. Culture. - M .: Politizdat, 1991. S.562 - 563

Semenov V.S. On the prospects of man in the XXI century // Questions of Philosophy. 2005 No. 9. P.31

Gurevich I.S., Stolyarov V.I. The World of Philosophy: A Reading Book. Part 2. Human. Society. Culture. - M.: Politizdat, 1991. S.568

Semenov V.S. On the prospects of man in the XXI century // Questions of Philosophy. 2005 No. 9. P.29

Gurevich I.S., Stolyarov V.I. The World of Philosophy: A Reading Book. Part 2. Human. Society. Culture. - M .: Politizdat, 1991. S.560

The future depends on us

"The joy of seeing and understanding

is the most beautiful gift of nature"

A. Einstein.

I'm in the 10th grade. In the lessons of social science, we talk a lot about man and nature, about their interaction. It would seem that everything has long been known for a long time. From early childhood, we hear the word "nature", perceiving its meaning as natural environment human habitat. Of course, one can also imagine such a fantastic situation when people will be forced to create and live in some kind of artificial underground or alien world, where, with the help of sophisticated technology, the necessary conditions human existence: the right temperature, pressure, air circulation, etc. And even if we imagine that people will be able to adapt to these conditions and their race will not end, then, obviously, something essential will be lost. About the irresistible craving for the colors of the earth, for the warmth of the sun in children taken by their parents to rainy Venus and forced to spend almost all the time in shelters, we read in the story of the American writer R. Bradbury "All Summer in One Day". In the short interval between the rains, at that rare hour when the sun appears, the children left their basement. “The guys laughingly threw themselves on the continuous growth, as if on a living, elastic mattress ... They rushed among the trees, slipped and fell, pushed, played hide and seek and tag, but most importantly, frowning again and again, looked at the sun until tears flowed, and stretched their hands to the golden radiance and to the unprecedented blue, and inhaled this amazing freshness ... And suddenly ... Rare cold drops fell on the nose, on the cheeks and on the lips. The sun was covered in a misty haze. A cold wind blew. The guys turned and went to their basement house, their hands hung limply, they no longer smiled.
This, of course, is fantasy. In fact, nature is a huge (until recently, it seemed inexhaustible) storehouse of those resources that a person needs in production activities and in everyday life. Active waterfalls, navigable rivers, timber, ore, metals, coal - all this is actively used by people. Now a person will refuse to use, for example, fossil hydrocarbons - oil, coal - and civilization will collapse. We will return to the stone age again.
What place did the emerging man occupy in the world of nature? The ancient Chinese arranged all living beings in the form of a ladder: plants below, fish above, animals even higher and a person, of course, at the top. Since then, science has come a long way. However, people's general ideas about evolution as a ladder on top of which man stands have hardly changed. Man is the king of nature. Her crown. So the people themselves determined their place under the sun. And for a long time nothing could shake these ideas. On the contrary, new confirmations were given.

First, man is endowed with reason. This allowed him to make a huge leap in the development of the world.

Secondly, the ability to accumulate information about many specific phenomena, to generalize it, opened up the possibility for a person to create something that does not exist in nature. This "second nature" created by the knowledge and labor of people, according to M. Gorky, is "culture in the exact and true sense of the word."

Thirdly, the emerging human society began to obey its own laws, among which the requirements of morality came to the fore. It was a huge step in the development of mankind. Moral norms began to regulate the relations of people. This means that mankind has risen to new stage development - from the primitive herd to public organization of people.

Thus the power of the human mind, deliverance from the laws wildlife, the creation of a grand building of culture led many to the conclusion that man is a higher being and lives according to his own laws, and nature is a source of resources for human life.

With the development of mankind, the needs of people increase, as a result of which a person began to treat nature predatory, thinking that "there is enough for our age." At present, a huge amount of fertile land is annually put out of action and turned into a barren desert, more than 10 million hectares of forests are cut down and die from fires and harmful effects. The number of landfills is increasing. The number of plant species listed in the Red Book began to increase rapidly. Already people themselves become victims of their rash actions. Here is one fact. The number of children born handicapped due to unfavorable natural conditions is growing in the world.

In a word, the 20th century crushed the ideas about the inviolability of nature that had been held for thousands of years. The words about the ecological crisis, even about the ecological catastrophe looming over the world, are getting louder and louder.

I want to live on a clean planet, I want to have a high ecological culture. Observing the constitutional and moral obligation to protect nature, I try not to litter, not to organize landfills, and do many other things to protect the environment.

Stop! You are a Human!"

Around the bottles and leftovers,
Everywhere factories black smoke,
Waste is dumped into rivers
And the world seems empty to everyone!

Where did the greenery of the forest go?
Hedgehog rustling in the grass?
Everything was eaten by a caustic veil,
Its creator is a man!

You yourself are suffering!
What are you sick of?
Indeed, in a polluted atmosphere,
The lungs will not be clean!

And it's getting dirtier every year
Lakes, rivers and seas.
Nature is already crying out to you:
"Stop! I beg you!”

After all, you live with one judgment:
"Perhaps enough for my lifetime."
Will not be enough! I ask! Come to your senses!
Stop! After all, you are a MAN!”

I really hope that the humanity of the entire planet will be able to agree on joint ways to solve global problems.
