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Estimator's professional skills in resume. Estimator resume sample. Engineer resume for work: ready-made examples

Looking for a job or planning to look for one?

Our sample of filling out a resume for the position of an estimator (an experienced specialist or a novice without work experience) will help you. Competent resume greatly increase your chances of getting a job.

There are two types of resume template

  • For experienced professionals.
  • For those with no experience yet.

Template Benefits

1) Frequent invitations to interviews. We have already helped many people to create a “selling”, strong resume and understand what works and what does not. This estimator resume sample has been tried and tested.

2) Standard format. Every hr-manager and director will instantly find necessary information in resume. Everything is simple.

3) Compactness. If you think that someone needs 4 sheets with your work experience, you are deeply mistaken. HR managers love it when everything is clear, convenient and simple. Our sample is an example of the correct preparation of a resume for a job as an estimator.

4) Important things are at the top. What is important to the employer will be located at the very top and will immediately catch the eye of those involved in the selection of personnel. This will give you an advantage over other candidates.

5) Resumes can simply be changed depending on the vacancy. To quickly find Good work, it is most effective to slightly change the resume for each vacancy. It's simple - download and use our sample of how to write a surveyor's resume. It allows you to make changes instantly.

Click on the link below to download a sample CV.

1. It is difficult to write a unique resume for all professions. For each profession, it is important to indicate the most important aspects in the resume. For example, for the professions of a salesperson, it is important to show how you can earn money for the company, for a designer - what creative projects have been implemented. It is important for estimators to show that they have different skills and knowledge.
2. A successful resume must include achievements for every job. For example, in six months of work, the company's sales increased by 20%.
A successful resume should show career advancement logic in the description of duties, names of companies, positions held.
3. Resume should consist of simple words and expressions, there should not be complex structures, sentences.
4. A successful resume must be written in a specific sequence:

5. Resume Formatting: font Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial size 10 or 12. It is better to refrain from using tables in a resume.
6. In a successful resume, it is better to combine many jobs into one. HR employees do not like it when a candidate changes jobs every 1-1.5 years.
7. The volume of a successful resume is considered two pages. One page is like a resume for a beginner, three or four pages is too much, valuable information may be left without attention.
8. State your personal qualities with examples.
For example, initiative - developed technical task for a new IT product that brought the company out of a crisis situation.
Try not to use words "sociable", "stress-resistant", "good performance", "punctuality". These words are so common on resumes that they have become meaningless to many HR employees.
9. The name of the resume file must contain the last name and the desired position and is saved in Word (.docx) format.
10. Attach covering letter to your resume, in which indicate who you are, why you want to work in this company, what you have already done for other companies.

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Example of a successful estimator resume

Smirnov Ivan Ivanovich
Date of birth: 03/20/1990
Email: [email protected]
Tel.: +7 926-240-35-67

Career objective: Engineer estimator
Desired income: 80 thousand rubles Key competencies: Professional in the preparation and verification of budget documentation. I know how to work in the programs, PC "RIK". I'm not afraid of difficulties, I like to achieve goals.


  • 2005-2010 Moscow State Construction University (MGSU), Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering (PGS)
Advanced training courses:
2010 - courses "Estimate business in construction with the practice of compiling estimate documentation", 500 hours. Training.

Professional experience

  • Lead Estimator
09.2016 - to date Sfera LLC
Achievements: over the past six months, I made 20% more estimates and agreed with the customer, increasing the company's profit by 15%.
1. Compilation and verification of estimate documentation for general construction and repair work in regulatory framework FER, TER, TSN, volume calculation;
2. Drawing up acts KS-2‚ KS-3‚ M-29;
3. Work with contracts, execution of work contracts, control over signing;
4. Coordination of estimate and contractual documentation with the customer.
  • Engineer estimator
01.2013 -07.2016 Stroyka LLC
1. Drawing up estimates (FER, TER) for finishing work, heating, heat supply, electrics;
2. Drawing up acts KS-2, KS-3, accumulative statements KS-6;
3. Control and cost analysis.
  • Assistant Quantity Engineer
04.2010 - 11.2012 Design Bureau "Business Projects"
1. Preparation of estimate documentation in the programs, PC RIK;
2. Departure to objects to calculate the amount of work;
3. Control and analysis of changes in the level of current prices for materials, products, structures.

Additional Information
Citizenship: Russian Federation

English - upper-intermediate

Knowledge of software systems
Experienced user: Excel‚ Word‚, Consultant Plus,, RIK PC, AutoCAD

About me

  • Experience in working with people, ability to negotiate (with designers, contractors, customers)
  • I constantly strive for professional growth and expansion of my knowledge
  • ability to read construction drawings, good knowledge of estimated standards
  • category B driving license, own car

Article from the best selections resumes of different professions.

A resume is the second thing a potential employer pays attention to. The first one is appearance and the ability to behave. When applying for a job, not only your clothes, but also your resume should be in order. A well-written resume promises you 50% success, and the rest is up to you. If you are applying for a job for the first time and do not know how to write that resume correctly, then our article will help you a lot with this.

Resumes for the work of an accountant, accountant-cashier, chief accountant: ready-made

The position of an accountant requires accuracy, attentiveness and the ability to perform a large amount of work in short time. The summary below will serve as an example for you of what it should look like. good resume accountant to interest the employer.

The key skills for an accountant are:

  • stress resistance
  • punctuality
  • diligence
  • attentiveness

Without these skills, you will hardly be able to get a position even as an assistant accountant.

Accountant resume.

remember that an accountant must be able to multitask

Accountant-cashier, this is a person who deals with issuing wages employees. Such a person should be extremely attentive and stress-resistant. When dealing with other people's money, there is always a risk of miscalculating, which can have an extremely unfavorable effect on the financial well-being of the company.

accountant resume

The chief accountant is responsible for the financial part of the entire company. This is one of the most important positions in which a responsible and purposeful person must certainly be.

Chief accountant resume

Very responsible position Chief Accountant companies

Lawyer resume for work: ready-made examples

A lawyer is a person who perfectly knows all the laws and knows how to apply them correctly. When we say “correctly”, we mean “for the good of the company”. More or less without your own lawyer large firm it can not be. There are always some disputes with clients, suppliers, and a lawyer must be able to settle everything in the best way for the company.

The lawyer must be:

  • sociable
  • stress resistant
  • visionary
  • cunning (sometimes)
  • responsible
  • independent of other people's opinions
  • dedicated

Lawyer resume

Estimator resume: ready-made examples

The estimator or estimator works with documents, finances and objects under construction at the same time. The task of the estimator is to calculate all volumes, areas, the amount of material and send it all to higher authorities. Estimators also work with equity holders and contractors. The work is very nervous, hard both physically and mentally. An estimate engineer must be stress-resistant, patient and attentive.

Sample resume for a construction engineer

Here is another example of how to write a good resume for a cost estimate engineer.

Economist resume: ready-made examples

The person who solves all emerging economic issues in the company, who monitors stocks, is an economist. Such a person can be attentive, purposeful and responsible. If you do not possess these qualities, then it is better not to indicate them in the resume.

Economist resume example

Resume of a personnel officer for a job: ready-made examples

Human Resources Specialist, or more simply "personnel officer" - the person responsible for recruiting. Such an employee should be able to conduct interviews, communicate live with candidates for other positions, be able to recognize sign language, facial expressions of the interlocutor. Important qualities are restraint, politeness, the ability to present oneself.

HR Resume

Resume for the job of a sales consultant: ready-made examples

A sales assistant is a fairly common profession these days. Almost all shops have consultants. Their task is to help the buyer choose a product. Also, the sales assistant must be able to competently answer all the questions that the client has, be polite, patient, courteous.

The position of a sales assistant is now very relevant, because every day the number of stores that need qualified employees is growing.

Driver resume: ready-made examples

The job of a driver is physically demanding. Long business trips with stress, fatigue, excessive tension do not go unnoticed for health. The driver does not need to have higher education, enough school. Plays a decisive role driver's license and the availability of rights necessary for certain transportation categories. Experience plays an even bigger role. An employer is more likely to hire an experienced driver than a novice even with the best performance.

Qualities required to be a driver:

  • attentiveness
  • stress resistance
  • responsibility
  • diligence

Driver resume

Resume for work: examples ready for the storekeeper

The storekeeper deals with thousands of items every day. The work is responsible, complex, requiring maximum attention, concentration and good memory.

Job resume: examples ready for a merchandiser

The merchandiser is engaged in the selection of an assortment of goods for each outlet separately. He must understand the names of goods, the specifics of the location of stores, and also be able to navigate in stressful situations, which are enough in the work of a merchandiser.

Resumes for work in a bank: ready-made examples

A bank employee is engaged in issuing loans, communicating with customers, consulting, drafting and verifying contracts, attracting new customers. Since the field of activity is quite extensive, then the resume must be compiled correctly in order to reflect all your positive and important qualities for work.

Bank employee resume example.

Resume for work: examples ready for the administrator

The position of administrator is usually present in restaurants, cafes, shops, beauty salons, hotels. In other words, in all institutions related to serving people. The administrator communicates with a large number of subordinates and clients every day. Competent speech, courtesy, politeness and the ability to hear the interlocutor are the most important qualities for administrator.

Restaurant manager resume.

Salon manager resume.

Restaurant administrator - a person who knows the answers to all organizational questions

Job resume: ready-made examples for a surveyor

Surveyor is not the most common profession. Many people don't even know it exists. Nevertheless, for sure all residents of more or less large cities have come across people from this profession. Have you seen people in vests with reflective elements standing near roads and settlements with strange apparatus resembling a camera with a tripod? This is what geodesists are. They make a map of the area.

Surveyor resume.

Engineer resume for work: ready-made examples

The importance of the engineering profession cannot be overstated. In addition, it is currently one of the most sought-after and highly paid specialties. To get a job as an engineer in a good company, you need to work hard in writing a resume.

Sample resume for an engineer.

Resume #1

Women working in the police are quite common.

Resume for the job of a school principal: ready-made examples

Being a good school principal is very difficult. You manage not only the teaching staff, but are also responsible for children who are just in the process of becoming a personality. The future of your little wards depends on what the atmosphere at school will be like.

Important qualities for a school principal:

  • courtesy
  • Example #2

    Video: How to write a resume? EXPERT speaks


Wishes for the place of work

Expected Salary:


Working mode:

Free / flexible hours, full-time, at home / remote work


6.2006 - 12.2011, 5 years and 6 months


Management of the department (subordinate to the estimator). Collaboration with PTO and accounting. Preparation of estimates (TSN, MTSN, TER, FER, GESN) general construction and finishing works, engineering networks (heating, water supply, sewerage, heat supply, electrics) for project documentation, defective statements, on the basis of an inspection with a site visit. Drawing up acts and certificates (KS-2, KS-3) of accumulative statements KS-6, consumption of materials and write-offs (M-29, M-19), summary estimates. Checking the budget documentation. Preparation of consolidated estimates before the start of the project, economic analysis. Negotiating with the contractor and the customer, work with subcontractors. Drafting of contracts, as well as coordination of estimate and contractual documentation with the Customer. Preparation of estimates for tenders.

3.2001 - 3.2006, 5 years

Head of SDO (Middle Manager)

LLC "Prodmontazhstroy"

Construction, improvement

Drawing up estimates (MTSN, TER, FER, GESN) for general construction and finishing works, engineering networks (heating, water supply, sewerage, heat supply, electrics) according to project documentation, defective statements, based on an inspection with a site visit. Drawing up acts and certificates (KS-2, KS-3). Cooperation with accounting. Checking the budget documentation. Drawing up consolidated estimates before the start of the project, economic analysis. Conducting negotiations between the contractor and the customer. Drafting of contracts, as well as coordination of estimate and contractual documentation with the Customer.

8.1998 - 2.2001, 2 years and 6 months

Head of SDO (Middle Manager)

LLC "Ekotrans"

Construction, improvement

Drawing up estimates (84g., MTSN) for general construction and finishing works, landscaping and gardening, engineering networks according to project documentation, defective statements, based on an inspection with a site visit. Drawing up acts and certificates (KS-2, KS-3). Cooperation with accounting. Checking the budget documentation. Drawing up consolidated estimates before the start of the project, economic analysis. Work with budget organizations. Drafting of contracts, as well as coordination of estimate and contractual documentation with the Customer.

6.1985 - 1.1998, 12 years and 7 months

Qualified Engineer (Qualified Specialist)

State enterprise

Industry, production

Drawing up estimates for general construction and finishing works, equipment, engineering networks (heating, water supply, sewerage, heat supply, electrics) according to defective statements, based on inspection of objects. Drawing up acts and certificates (KS-2, KS-3)

Professional skills

Knowledge of estimate bases TSN, MTSN, TER, FER, GESN, 84g.
PC knowledge: estimated programs:, Smeta-2000, Winsmeta. office programs: Word, Excel, internet, etc.
Work with project documentation.
Drawing up estimates according to project documentation, according to a defective statement, based on an inspection of the facility.
Drawing up acts of work performed and certificates (KS-2, KS-3), accumulative statements KS-6, consumption of materials and write-offs (M-29, M-19), summary estimates.
Ability to negotiate and conclude contracts with the contractor and the customer.
Coordination of estimate and contractual documentation with the Customer.
