Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

We wish you gratitude. Instructions for writing a letter of thanks for the assistance rendered. Reference data on the organization

Thank You Letter(a sample is given below) is made to express gratitude for any action or service rendered. It is sent to the organization or directly to the person they want to mark.

A letter of gratitude can be written in any form. But at the same time they use a warmer, more friendly manner of presentation than is usually done when compiling business letters. A letter of thanks can be initiative or written as a response to a congratulation, invitation, etc.

The text mentions the event in connection with which the letter of gratitude is sent. Or you can list the merits of the recipient of the letter of thanks.

For the help

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The management and coaching staff of the Sports and Youth Sports School "Champion" are sincerely grateful to you for the material support provided in holding the regional championship "Olympic Future".

We look forward to your continued interest in promoting healthy lifestyle life and importance of sports among children and youth of our region.

We would like to wish you success in your activities and new victories!


Peter Ivanov.


Thank you teacher

Dear Olga Ivanovna!

Please accept my gratitude for your high professionalism, competence, pedagogical talent and devotion to your noble cause for many years. I express my sincere gratitude for your responsibility, goodwill, enthusiasm and individual approach to each student.

I wish you good health, happiness and good luck in your business!

director of GBOU secondary school No. 791
Zhukov A. A. Zhukova

It is better to issue gratitude to teachers, a class teacher on a holiday postcard or on the letterhead of an educational institution.

Kindergarten teacher

Sample thank you letter to kindergarten teacher

We, the parents of children attending the "Pchelki" group of kindergarten No. 1, want to express our gratitude to the educators of our group - Alekseeva S.G. and Andreeva A.V.

For all the time that our children attend the group, both we and our children receive only positive emotions from communicating with teachers.

Our children are always happy to go to the garden, which means that they like being in a group. And a great merit in this belongs to our educators. Children are happy to communicate not only with each other, but also with teachers.

The classes that Svetlana Gennadievna and Anna Valentinovna organize and conduct for children are varied and very interesting. Our children are happy to make a wide variety of crafts - applications, drawings, various modeling and other types of creativity. Thanks to teachers, our children learn a lot of interesting things about the world around them and the rules of behavior in it. Classes that teachers conduct with children are very interesting and really captivate the kids.

They are very successful in instilling in our children a sense of collectivism and friendship. And they sincerely strive to make sure that the children do not swear, do not quarrel, but make friends all together. As a result of this, a unique children's team has developed in the group, in which all the kids feel like members of one big friendly family. They always support each other, and almost never quarrel. And the whole group supports someone's individual success. Many of us have older children, and we can say with full responsibility that we have never met such a friendly group anywhere before.

They never heard from the children that the teachers somehow punished them, or scolded them. This means that Anna Valentinovna and Svetlana Gennadievna find the right approach and the right words to the souls of the children. And they bring up children not only obedient, but, first of all, independent, open, honest and kind people. Personalities with a capital letter.

We have no doubt that our teachers are not only distinguished by pure kind hearts. Our teachers combine the highest professional quality, and deep knowledge of child psychology, and extensive experience.

Cleanliness, order and comfort always reign in the group room.

We sincerely respect the educators of our children, and express our deepest gratitude and gratitude to them.

Thank you, Svetlana Gennadievna and Anna Valentinovna!

Parents of children of the "Bees" group, kindergarten No. 1

For good work

Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

Delo LLC expresses its gratitude to both [name of organization] and the employees of your company for professionalism in work and efficiency in the execution of ordered work. Our organization looks forward to further cooperation in the future with your company.

Petr Petrov

Letters of thanks for the assistance provided are one of the types of service letters. Their name speaks for itself, there is no need to explain what is meant by it. But what should be the text for the assistance rendered? After all, after all, this is an official paper, and not just a message in social network or a nod in person. In this article, we will tell you for the help provided, and give examples to make it easier to understand the compilation.

Courtesy code

Business communication has its own characteristics. It does not tolerate familiarity and excessive emotionality. At the same time, special forms are intended to express certain feelings in it. for the assistance provided (a sample will be presented below) - a common practice for establishing partnerships, as well as a guarantee of pleasant cooperation.

When is it appropriate to express gratitude in the form of a letter?

Of course, it’s not worth compiling a whole paper for some minor trifles. In this case, the text of the letter of thanks for the assistance provided will not exceed a line. But still, it is also not necessary to wait for something completely large-scale - the usual cooperation is more than suitable.

Why give thanks?

Practice shows that in the post-Soviet space, letters of thanks for the assistance provided have not yet been popular. Perhaps due to the fact that the mentality does not favor such a form of expressing one's feelings. And for good reason: it has many advantages.

First of all, this is a great way to stand out, to be remembered. Secondly, it is a guarantee of further successful cooperation. And thirdly, it is simply polite and pleasant. It will also be nice to receive in the form of a letter and the one to whom it is directed.

How and what to write?

Letters of thanks for the assistance provided are written almost in free form. The most important thing in them is to express their gratitude, and not to make demands.

Depending on the scale of assistance provided and other nuances responsible for how official the letter will be, the following rules will need to be followed:

  • Always write an appeal first. In a strict, solemn letter of thanks, this may be the characteristic "respected", but in a simpler, friendly note, you can completely use a personal address by name and patronymic without any epithets.
  • As for the personal character, there are two pieces of advice: on the one hand, do not complicate the text of a letter of thanks to the sponsors for the assistance provided (or to anyone else) with turnovers and pretentiousness, on the other hand, arrange everything almost pompously. Which one to follow? The second option is more suitable for a letter from the organization, while a letter of thanks from the organization for the assistance provided personally from the specified citizen will be much better perceived if it is drawn up according to the first advice.
  • Typing on a computer is optional. It is quite possible to write for the rendered or other kind of support by hand. Even if you decide to print the text on a PC, it is recommended that you set italic or calligraphic font that sets the tone for a friendly "thank you" rather than a stern notice.
  • Do not be afraid to use epithets in any case and write in reality beautiful words. Although letters of thanks for the assistance rendered are considered to be business style communication, they have no place for dry officialdom, but sincerity is more important, otherwise they will seem like a necessary measure.
  • Tell us what you are grateful for and how important it is to you. It's not as difficult as it seems.


After the theoretical introduction, we come to much more illustrative examples.

Some people advise you to prepare letterheads for thank you letters in advance. Not a bad idea, but you need to remember that a letterhead means a prepared font, background, frame. You should not make a form similar to the model for the contract, in which you need to fill in only the name and surname of the recipient, this gives the unfavorable impression that the sender stamps such "thank you" without really caring about them. The purpose of the correct form is to think over which letter would be most pleasant to read and perceive.


An example of a letter of thanks to sponsors for their assistance is presented below.

"Dear Nikita Petrovich!The administration of the Yekaterinburg Theater of Young Talents sincerely thanks you for providing sponsorship in organizing the city competition for young directors.

The success of the project would not have been possible without your contribution, and we thank you very much for helping us to implement such a large-scale event, which, without a doubt, raised the cultural level of our society and allowed many children and adolescents to express themselves.

We wish you and your team continued success, successful projects, well-being in all activities and assistance from partners.We hope that you will realize all your ideas.

Sincerely,Mikhail Sorokin and the staff of the Yekaterinburg Theater of Young Talents.

Sample #2

"Alexander Igorevich!The public program "Prosperity - in every home" expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your support. We guarantee that all financial assistance provided by you will be used to clean up the buildings of nursing homes and, in addition, to purchase the required medicines in order to improve the condition of people of retirement age.

We admire your mercy, as a result of which the lives of those who need our help will become a little better.

We wish you not only prosperity in business, financial well-being and career development, but also so that all the goodness and happiness that you helped bring to the world of the disadvantaged will return to you and your family in a multiple amount.

Respectfully,Ivan Surikov.


A letter of thanks to a deputy for the assistance provided can be sent to the chairman of the State Duma in the name of the relevant official or be a personal appeal to the person who provided support. Its content is also different: from gratitude for a specifically indicated resolved issue to generalized gratitude.


"To the Chairman of the State Duma Koreshkov A.S.

Thank you letter for your help.

I would like to express my gratitude to Andrey Sergeevich Mashkov, a deputy of the State Duma, who always responds to the requests of citizens, resolves issues in a timely manner and generally contributes in every possible way to the improvement of our city.From myself I want to wish him all the best and success.

Sincerely,Vyacheslav Mironov, resident of Yekaterinburg.

Personal appeal

"Dear Eduard Semenovich!Many thanks to you from our entire family for solving our housing issue. We thank you for your responsiveness and wish that your kindness does not go unnoticed, and that you and your loved ones are always happy!

Mironchuk family.


A letter of thanks from the organization for the assistance provided can be sent as to CEO companies and individual employees. It can also contain an appeal to the entire team that has shown special assistance in a particular case.

In addition, letters of thanks for the assistance provided from one organization to another have their own characteristics: often, after expressing gratitude for the support, the clarification of agreements, a proposal for further cooperation, advertising, etc. are often written at the end. Papers of this kind are more related to business communication, since the business benefit of each side is mixed with gratitude.

Below is an example of such a thank you letter.

"Comrades!Let me express my gratitude to you for the reception given in your company to the representative of our company. We hope that all the agreements reached at this meeting will be fulfilled.Also look forward to a pleasant cooperation with you!

Sincerely,the staff of the organization "Cosmotour".

From an individual

"To the General Director of Darena LLC.

Thank you letter.

Many thanks to your employee, Mikhail Sergeevich Aravtsov, who quickly and efficiently resolved my issue.I hope you appreciate his accomplishments.

Sincerely, Nikita Skvortsov."

Frequent turns

As you can see, some turns are repeated in all samples. They are typical for all papers of the type in question.

  • "I express my gratitude";
  • "I want to express my gratitude";
  • "thank you for your assistance/help/support";
  • "want to say thank you", etc.


It would seem, where does the interview and the preparation of letters of thanks? But the West is already instilling new traditions in us. Increasingly, a thank-you note is received after an interview.

The fact that in the post-Soviet space many have not even heard of such a thing is even a plus - you can stand out among competitors in workplace, to be remembered in the eyes of the employer, to show oneself from the best side, which means, most likely, to get a vacant position.


In addition to these properties, a thank you letter after an interview can fulfill another purpose, namely, to help correct mistakes made during the interview. Of course, gross blunders cannot be smoothed out, but it is very possible to say something, to send the file that was mentioned during the meeting.

Three times to write a thank you note after an interview:

  • if you are truly grateful;
  • if you really want to get a position;
  • if you do not want to get a position, to explain the reason for the refusal.

Differences between Western practice and the usual thank you letters

For a Russian person, at the mention of a letter of thanks, something similar to a solemn letter appears in his head. Perhaps that is why there are problems with writing it - it seems that there are so many requirements and if you make at least one slip, everything will go awry.

But it's not. In most cases, it is enough to actually express your gratitude, write to whom, from whom and why the paper was drawn up. good example are not framed sheets of A4, but simple notes written by our Western colleagues, they briefly and clearly express the essence and there are no unnecessary elements.


In this article, we tried to tell you in as much detail as possible about how to write a thank you letter. It also has enough examples to help you figure it out. They clearly illustrate what this paper should be. There is no need to write according to samples - sincerity in such a matter speaks for itself.

One important piece of advice: if you don’t want to thank, you don’t see the need for it and you don’t feel gratitude, it’s better not to really thank.

All parents of students attending our kindergarten and other individuals and legal entities have the right to provide charitable assistance to the kindergarten.

Voluntary donations are one of the types of charitableactivities. Charitable activities, according to the Federal Law dated 08/11/1995 No. 135-FZ "On charitable activities and charitable organizations" (as amended on 12/23/2010), is a voluntary activity of citizens And legal entities by free transfer Money and providingother support.

The main principles of assistance:

1. voluntariness

2. desire

3. gratuitousness

4. Documentation of donation (a donation agreement of funds or property, an act of registration, a report to parents on spending money)


Dear Dionis Samsonovich!

The team of the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten" Cherry "s. Red"

Expresses gratitude for the sponsorship in the manufacture and installation of "magic" gates in our "Cherry"

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who is able to perceive other people's problems as their own, and how wonderful

that such people still exist!

Your warm heart, generosity, responsiveness and kindness make life better.

We wish you health, interesting ideas and their

successful incarnations, bright significant events,

personal happiness and further prosperity.

May your kindness and generosity return to you a hundredfold.

We look forward to further cooperation and mutual understanding. .


Dear Dionis Samsonovich!

90 children, 180 parents and 23 employees of MBDOU express their deep gratitude to you and sincerely thank you for participating in the New Year's Action "Gifts for Children".

Your help is an invaluable contribution to the development of charity and, undoubtedly, a tangible support to budget-funded organizations in need.

Good deeds do not go unnoticed - they shine like beacons to those who are waiting for help. We are sure that your example will be indicative for other philanthropists.

By helping you donate not only material values and give joy and hope.

May your kindness and generosity return to you a hundredfold. I wish you all the best, health, prosperity and more warmth on your life path.

Guys middle group created the composition "Thank you for the kindness of the heart", which, with words of gratitude, was presented to the sponsor of our preschool educational institution as a keepsake.

Sincerely, Petr Petrov Letter #10: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, The administration of orphanage No. 2 expresses its sincere gratitude to LLC for the charitable assistance provided to orphans and children left without parental care. Your gift is very desirable for our graduates, it will allow you to keep in touch with people close to them and will certainly bring joy and good mood. We look forward to further cooperation in the interests of orphans. Sincerely, Petr Petrov Letter #11: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, The administration of [institution name] expresses its sincere gratitude to you for providing targeted support to children from large families, foster families and single-parent families living in Moscow, as well as for holding festive and socially significant events. We look forward to further fruitful charitable cooperation.

Thank you letter for help

Boarding school is getting better every day! On the eve of the New Year, I would like to once again express our gratitude and wish you health and happiness, success in everything! Let your strength and energy only grow, all your ideas come true! Sincerely, Petr Petrov Letter #20: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, [name of institution] expresses deep gratitude to you for your help, for your kind heart and responsiveness. We wish you good health, happiness, success in professional activity and further prosperity of your business. Sincerely, Petr Petrov Letter #21: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, In our difficult time, when there are more and more people in need of care and financial assistance, it is difficult to find a person who is able to perceive other people's problems as their own, and how wonderful that such people everything is just like that! Your warm heart, generosity, responsiveness and kindness make life better.

Thank You Letter for Help (Samples)


Letter No. 1 Dear Victor Alexandrovich, The Administration of the Theater of the Young Spectator expresses its sincere gratitude to you for sponsoring the organization of the children's theater competition "Theatre Stages". The implementation of such a socially and culturally significant project for our region would not have been possible without your participation. We sincerely hope that you and the staff of your company are only waiting for successful projects, professional well-being and financial growth.

We wish you an easy realization of all your ideas. Sincerely, Petr Ivanov. Letter No. 2 Dear Viktor Aleksandrovich, The leadership and coaching staff of the Sports and Youth Sports School "Champion" are sincerely grateful to you for the financial support provided in holding the regional championship "Olympic Future".

Thanks for the help - samples, examples


Sincerely, Petr Petrov Letter #12: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, The administration of [institution name] expresses its sincere appreciation and gratitude for your assistance in purchasing a play complex for playground equipment. Thank you for taking part in the creation of modern playground which is very conducive to the physical, psychological and emotional development pupils. With your help, the life of orphans has become brighter and more meaningful.

We wish you and your entire team inexhaustible energy, prosperity, health and well-being. Sincerely, Petr Petrov Letter #13: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, We are well aware of how many kind and good deeds you do for people.

Thank you letter for help sample

Sincerely, Petr Petrov Letter #17: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, The administration of [name of the institution] expresses its gratitude to Maxim Afanasyevich Shchukin for the assistance rendered to the pupils of our institution in obtaining toys and for the caring attitude towards families in need of social support and protection. Sincerely, Petr Petrov Letter #18: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, The Association [name of institution] expresses its sincere gratitude to LLC for its active participation in organizing a charity event for International Day child protection. Thank you for the stable partnership! We wish you to develop dynamically without losing your positions.
We look forward to further fruitful cooperation.

How to write thank you letters for help? sample letter

Letter #5: Dear [name of recipient], I express my sincere gratitude and heartfelt gratitude to you for providing financial support for the trip [trip]. I wish you health and well-being, your company prosperity in the Russian and international markets. Letter #6: Dear [recipient's name], Administration, staff and pupils of [institution name] express their deep gratitude to you and your glorious team for systematic charitable assistance in purchasing children's goods, clothes and toys for orphans, for human cordiality and mercy.

We wish you further prosperity, success in your noble cause and personal happiness. We look forward to further cooperation.

Thank you letter for your help.


I wish you all the best, health, prosperity and more warmth on your life path. Letter #5: Dear Ivan Ivanovich, I express my sincere gratitude and heartfelt gratitude to you for providing financial support for the trip [trip]. I wish you health and well-being, your company prosperity in the Russian and international markets.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich, The administration, staff and pupils of [name of the institution] express their deep gratitude to you and your glorious team for systematic charitable assistance in purchasing children's goods, clothes and toys for orphans, for human cordiality and mercy. We wish you further prosperity, success in your noble cause and personal happiness. We look forward to further cooperation.

Lawyer's Handbook

Thanks to cooperation, our company has increased its turnover, and this is primarily your merit. We look forward to a long and fruitful cooperation. Good luck and prosperity to your company. Yours faithfully, the director of firm "Mikroblok".

How to write a thank you letter for help Very often, budget organizations such as schools, kindergartens and theaters need additional funding. This may be a one-time financial assistance, or it may be sponsorship of an event. And sometimes there is simply nothing to thank for the good deed.
Although patrons rarely accept any gifts from the donee, everyone is pleased to receive written confirmation of their generosity. Therefore, an excellent way out would be to present a letter of thanks for the assistance provided. Example: Dear Petr Ilyich, thank you very much for financing our performance.

How to thank for Christmas gifts? sample thank you letter.

We sincerely wish you good health and success in all spheres of life. Sincerely, Petr Ivanov. Letter No. 6 Dear Viktor Aleksandrovich, I would like to address you on behalf of the entire management, staff, and pupils of the Solntse orphanage. Over the years, you have repeatedly sponsored the needs of orphans, and only thanks to your support we were able to purchase several computers, sports equipment, stationery and clothes for our orphans.

We sincerely thank you for your kindness, and sincerely hope that all your plans will become a reality. As you understand, children deprived of parental care can only count on the support of caring people. Therefore, we will be sincerely grateful to you for any help in the future.
Sincerely, Petr Ivanov.
We wish you and your team good health, energy, optimism, success in work, happiness, financial well-being and good luck in everything. Sincerely, Chairman of the Board V.V. Sleptsov Option No. 6 The Municipal Cultural Institution "Library System" of the Chapaevsky District of the city of Yelets expresses gratitude to Goncharova Elena Viktorovna, a deputy of the City Duma of the city of Yelets.

Yelets for providing financial assistance in carrying out the current repair of the branch of the library. M. Gorky (street Troekurovskaya, 1) Director of the MUK BS of the Chapaevsky district, Yelets T.I. Smirnov 01/28/2018 Option No. 7 We express our sincere gratitude For an individual entrepreneur Popov Maxim Yuryevich for the help provided to the children of the Orphanage, for generosity and breadth of soul! Let what is given to children today return to you tomorrow multiplied many times over. Chief Physician I.V.

Letter #1

The administration of the Theater of the Young Spectator expresses its sincere gratitude to you for sponsoring the organization of the children's theater competition "Theatre Stages".

The implementation of such a socially and culturally significant project for our region would not have been possible without your participation.

We sincerely hope that only successful projects, professional well-being and financial growth await you and the staff of your company.

We wish you an easy realization of all your ideas.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #2

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The management and coaching staff of the Sports and Youth Sports School "Champion" are sincerely grateful to you for the material support provided in holding the regional championship "Olympic Future".

We hope for your further interest in promoting a healthy lifestyle and the importance of sports among children and youth in our region.

We would like to wish you success in your activities and new victories!


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #3

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The public organization "From Hand to Hand" expresses its sincere gratitude to you for your assistance. We guarantee that all the money you donate will be spent on the improvement of nursing homes, as well as on the purchase of necessary medicines for single pensioners.

We admire your mercy, thanks to which the life of disadvantaged people will become a little more comfortable and happier.

In addition to professional success, our entire team wishes you that your generosity will return to your family a hundredfold.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #4

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

Volunteer organization "Kind Heart" sincerely thanks you for the purchase New Year's gifts for pupils of the orphanage "Malyutka".

Let the sincere joy of children left without parental care become your talisman in life and help you make all your plans come true.

Separately, we want to thank you for your human mercy, which is so necessary for all people.

Our team wishes you unlimited happiness and good health.

We will be glad to new cooperation.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #5

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The administration of the orphanage is in a hurry to sincerely thank you for sponsoring a trip to Germany for our pupil Maria Ivanova and her trustee Anastasia Koroleva.

Thanks to your help, the girl underwent the necessary medical diagnostics and appropriate treatment was prescribed.

We sincerely wish you good health and success in all spheres of life.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #6

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

I would like to address you on behalf of the entire management, employees, and pupils of the Solntse orphanage. Over the years, you have repeatedly sponsored the needs of orphans, and only thanks to your support we were able to purchase several computers, sports equipment, stationery and clothes for our orphans.

We sincerely thank you for your kindness, and sincerely hope that all your plans will become a reality.

As you understand, children deprived of parental care can only count on the support of caring people. Therefore, we will be sincerely grateful to you for any help in the future.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #7

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

I, as the head of the municipal institution "Mercy", express my sincere gratitude to you for organizing and sponsoring a trip to a health camp for children with cerebral palsy.

During a week-long trip, children who, due to their physical condition, cannot lead an active social image life, not only improved their health, but also acquired new impressions and acquaintances, which is extremely important for their psychological health.

Our team expresses its sincere gratitude to you. We want to wish that in life you are surrounded by the same kind and generous people as you are.

In the future, we look forward to working with you, as well as to your assistance in the implementation of socially important projects.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter No. 8

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The administration of the orphanage "Sun" thanks you for your sponsorship, thanks to which we were able to purchase four new computers, a printer and ten chairs for classrooms.

Please accept our sincere admiration for your kindness and generosity.

We wish you, your family, as well as your company success and prosperity.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #9

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

I hasten to express my admiration to you and thank you and your company for your invaluable support municipal institutions our city, which provide assistance to disadvantaged people.

Such a generous and merciful person like you would like to wish inexhaustible health, unlimited success and great happiness.


Peter Ivanov.

Letter #10

Dear Victor Alexandrovich,

The directorate of the orphanage "Solntse" expresses its heartfelt gratitude to you and your company "" for the assistance rendered to our graduates.

Thanks to your gift, the holiday of children who leave the walls of our institution has become much brighter and happier.

In turn, we want to wish you and your team good health and boundless happiness.

We sincerely look forward to further cooperation with you in the interests of orphans.

