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When is International Secretary's Day celebrated? Day of the clerk - how it goes. How is Secretary's Day celebrated?

- Day of the clerical service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The celebration of this day was originally established on January 7 (order No. 301 of 05/19/1997). The date assigned according to the old style was changed in 2003.

Order No. 5 of 01/05/2003 on the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Russian Federation announced on January 20th.

The holiday was established in honor of the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Various archival records indicate different years formation of the Chancellery: 1802, 1803, 1804, but the day remains unchanged - January 7.

The clerical service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the same age as the Ministry, established in 1802 during the formation of new centralized government bodies in the country - a fact that speaks of the paramount role of clerical activity in public affairs.

The rules of office work were drawn up already at the initial stage of the functioning of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. V.P. Kochubey, who was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs, studied the work of institutions, identified a number of shortcomings, and changed the procedure for paperwork to eliminate them.

Headed the Office of M.M. Speransky, 45 people served under him. The main functionality of the Office is the protection of state secrets, documentation support for the activities of the Ministry.

The clerical procedure - the solution of any issue and the consolidation of the result in the document arose, probably simultaneously with writing.

Creation of documents, accounting, movement, storage are necessary activities of the administrative apparatus. Oral speech, words, agreements reached and decisions not recorded on paper are often forgotten, distorted, questioned, and not implemented.

For more than 200 years, the employees of the clerical service have been conscientiously engaged in documentary support of the Ministry's administration, they are a reliable guarantor of protection secret documents, accurately process incoming correspondence, accept written and oral appeals from citizens, monitor the timely resolution of situations on them.

The efficiency of the work of people working with documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on the personal competence and professionalism of each employee and affects the organization of the work of the entire ministry.

Recognition of the importance of the work of clerks - holding an annual review-competition "The best employee of the clerical service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation". The Winners have the opportunity to get the next title ahead of schedule.

We wish each employee of this complex painstaking service to be the best, the most competent and the happiest, to receive an extraordinary title ahead of schedule, an increase in salary and a promotion.

When is this holiday held? International Day of the Secretary, also known as the Day of Professional Administrative Workers, is celebrated annually on Wednesday of the last full week of April. In 2020, the date of the holiday falls on April 25th.

History and traditions of International Secretary's Day

We will tell about its history and traditions. International Secretary's Day was first celebrated in the United States in 1952.

The initiator of its establishment was the publicist Harry Clemfuss, who did a lot to popularize labor office workers and changing their status in the eyes of the public.

He worked for the Dictaphone Corporation and considered secretaries to be specialists who deserve recognition and respect.

His idea was supported by the National Association of Secretaries, now known as the International Association of Administrative Professionals (International Association of Administrative Professionals).

International Day of the Secretary takes place within the framework of the Week of professional administrative workers (Administrative Professionals Week), which has become traditional in the United States.

How is Secretary's Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? Usually on this day, office workers congratulate their fellow secretaries and give them gifts. Managers try to load their subordinates as little as possible on this day, and in a number of companies there is a tradition to arrange buffets in honor of them.

The holiday is also celebrated by administrators, assistant directors, assistants, office managers, stenographers.

On International Secretary's Day, these employees are allowed various liberties. So, in Germany, the secretary can cut off his boss's tie. And in England, only on this day the boss can invite his secretary to a festive dinner.

In Russia, this holiday appeared not so long ago, but has already become popular. Since 2005, Secretary's Day has been celebrated here on the third Friday of September at the initiative of representatives of this profession from large cities of Russia, as well as the editors of the Secret@r magazine.

According to sociological surveys, this profession is among the five most in demand in the world.

Modern administrative workers are highly qualified specialists, on which the work schedule of the head, the document flow in the organization, the protocol of receptions and business meetings depend.

The responsibilities of secretaries also include working with courier service, they are responsible for the timely delivery of documents to their destination and much more.

Today, almost every profession has its own personal holiday. Against this background, it would be somewhat unfair if there were no Secretary's Day. But such a holiday exists in the status of international and Russian. Let's take a closer look at the date of its celebration, customs, traditions and history.

What is this date?

Secretary's Day is both Secretary's Day, and Administrative Professionals Day, and the International Day of this specialty.

Who celebrates the holiday? Of course, not only secretaries. This is the day of everyone on whom life depends, the efficiency of the office:

  • assistants (including specialists assisting the management of firms and enterprises, the authorities);
  • assistant manager, director;
  • speech writers;
  • stenographers;
  • office managers;
  • referents;
  • business professionals.

What date is Secretary's Day?

This professional celebration does not have a specific date for celebration. Traditionally celebrated within the boundaries of the Week of Administrative professional workers that takes place in the United States.

An example of congratulations on a holiday: "Let your responsibility be rewarded with success, attentiveness - career growth, diligence - a good material reward, devotion to a common cause - all-round recognition, incomparable personal qualities - personal happiness. Happy Secretary's Day!"

The holiday itself falls on the Wednesday of the last full week in April. If we turn not to the international, but to the Russian version of it, then the date in 2018 comes out on September 21 (the third Friday of the month). A professional celebration is not an official day off either for secretaries or for all workers in general.

National holidays

We light up the celebration international day administrative worker. In addition to it, in a number of countries there are their own national options:

  • Secretary's Day in Russia is celebrated on the third Friday in September.
  • In Pakistan, it is the third Wednesday of April.
  • Australia celebrates professional secretarial holiday on the first Friday in May.
  • In Zimbabwe it is the first Wednesday of September.

history of the holiday

Secretary's Day is a rather young holiday. It was first celebrated in 1952. It happened in the USA on the initiative of the publicist G. Klemfuss (New York).

Then the Administrative Week took place in the first week of June and had a different name - National Secretaries Week. Secretary's Day was celebrated within its framework on Wednesday. Its former name is National Secretary's Day. The holiday had several sponsors. The most serious of them is the National American Association of Secretaries.

Already in 1955 the National Week of Secretaries and administrative staff was moved to the traditional last week of April for today. Its name itself has also undergone a number of changes:

  • In 1981, the name was changed to Professional Secretarial Staff Week.
  • In 2000, the modern name was approved. This is Administrative Professionals Week.

Today APW (Administrative Workers Week) is a registered trademark. It belongs to the International Association of Administrative Workers.

The history of the holiday in Russia

As for our country, in the Russian Federation, until recently, secretaries did not have their own day. The situation changed in 2005. Then an initiative group of workers from Moscow, Novosibirsk, Voronezh, Taganrog, Rostov-on-Don, with the participation of the editors of the magazine "", proposed to allocate a holiday on the third Friday of every September.

How is the holiday celebrated?

Congratulations on Secretary's Day can be different. Basically, administrative workers are congratulated by their immediate supervisors. It can be either a verbal wish for labor success, or a diploma, gratitude, a memorable gift or even an award.

Many companies have a tradition of organizing receptions and banquets in honor of the celebration. And on the working Day of the Secretary, managers try to burden their subordinates as little as possible with the duties. There is a high probability of a festive completion of working hours.

Important about the profession

Let's meet a modern specialist:

  • The secretary-administrator is mainly recruiting people under 30 years old, assistant management - up to 40 years old.
  • Today, the secretary is not a purely female profession. Most often, the employer is not worried about the gender of the employee. Moreover, executive assistants are most often men.
  • IN large companies usually two secretaries work - a clerk and an assistant manager. Depending on the activity, a referent-translator is also needed.
  • The office manager and secretary today is the face of the company. It should show customers, partners that they are welcome, evoke positive emotions.
  • The secretary is obliged not only to successfully cope with his work, but also to help the leader.
  • A successful specialist is stress-resistant, sociable, has a good sense of humor and is fluent in skills business communication with people.

Having dealt with the number of Secretary's Day, we should learn a little more about this profession:

  • In ancient Rome, the secretary was traditionally called confidant, a person who was entrusted with keeping secrets.
  • The first female secretaries began their work in 1880. It was connected with the invention typewriter. Before that, only men worked as secretaries. But in the 20th century, the profession became almost entirely female.
  • Today, a secretary is one of the five most demanded vacancies in the world.
  • The modern specialist not only answers phone calls and is the boss's "walking notebook". This is a highly qualified employee with a decent work experience, on which the whole life of the office actually rests.
  • Today, more than 1 million secretaries, executive assistants, and office managers work in the Russian Federation. The duration of their working day is 8-12 hours.
  • The profession is far from modern. It is known for certain about its existence in the 19th century. Employment was introduced, such as the provincial and In the Table of civil ranks, they occupied the 10th and 12th place out of fourteen possible. The requirements for the secretary then were not the same as in modern reality - the employee was only required to write correctly.
  • According to some sources, the date of foundation of the profession in Russia is February 27, 1720. However, back in the 15th century, the work of people keeping business records was popular.

  • We owe the appearance of the profession in our country to Peter the Great. He even elevated her to a separate rank. Then the secretaries worked for the benefit of the most large factories of his time.
  • First professional courses for secretaries opened in Imperial Russia in 1868 in Kharkov.
  • In 1884, as many as 8 publications devoted to secretarial work were issued in our country.
  • The profession was quite popular in the 19th century. But in 1925, secretaries were leveled with messengers. A new round of popularity of the profession in the USSR fell on the 70s of the last century.

American film actress Jay Fonda once remarked:

An office can do without a director, but it will be lost without a secretary.

It really is. On Secretary's Day, we congratulate responsible, highly qualified and experienced employees.

Clerk's Day - how the working day of professionals goes and when the professional holiday of clerks and secretaries is celebrated. How is a clerk different from a secretary?

Clerk's Day - when the holiday is celebrated

In Russia and Ukraine there is no officially established professional holiday- Day of the clerk, and often at enterprises, the Day of the clerk is celebrated on the day of registration of the enterprise or on the day of signing the order to create a clerical department at the enterprise.

How is the working day of a clerk

The clerk's day lasts like a normal working day for all employees - from 9:00 to 18:00, with a lunch break at 13:00 to 14:00. Of course, there are exceptions in the form of rush jobs due to mistakes and inability of higher management to plan their work, but: do not rush home at 18:00 if you are asked to help. This will pay off handsomely.

Firstly, you can always count on being released to the dentist or on other matters in work time, so don't be greedy about your personal time after 6:00 pm. As one of the bosses said: “You can not go to work at all, but if I need anything ...”

In organizations where it is possible to set a reception time for visitors, receiving incoming correspondence - letters, applications, receiving visitors in the office is planned for the first half of the day. In the first half of the day, incoming correspondence is registered and entered into a common database at the enterprise.

At 12:00, all documents accepted in the morning are registered and submitted for consideration to the head. From 12:00 to the lunch break at 13:00 in the clerical department, they usually “clean up the tails” of yesterday, prepare organizational and administrative documents - print the texts of orders or instructions, prepare reviews for the head.

After the end of the lunch break, the clerks start working again and in the afternoon they are engaged in the so-called “closing” of letters - from all departments, the clerk is brought information about how this or that appeal to the organization was completed or satisfied. The clerk enters into the database links to information about the execution of the document - and thus the document is considered completed and closed. It is the responsibility of the clerk to keep the database of all documents of the organization up to date.

Clerk work plan

The work of the clerk directly depends on external factors- and is based on the fact that the events that need to be reflected in the activities of the enterprise occur unplanned. You cannot clearly say what exactly you will have to do tomorrow. But overall plan there should still be work - this helps to avoid piling up unnecessary instructions from the management.

Once a week

Once a week - usually on Friday morning - a work plan for the next week is prepared and submitted to the higher organization. In part, these are relics of the Soviet past, but: the preparation of the plan can be used for a PR company - yourself and your office management department. Focusing on strengths your department in office work, sooner or later you will achieve any planned goals in the professional arena.

Once a month

Often the duties of the clerk include shorthand meetings collegiate bodies- various tips, commissions, etc. A wealthy firm can afford to invite stenographers for this, the result of which will be the preparation of a transcript of the meeting. On the basis of this transcript, an employee of the records management department prepares the minutes of the meeting, extracts from which, at the end of the meeting, are sent to the direct executors and customers, whose applications were considered during the meeting.

Once a year

Once or twice a year, enterprises practice inviting university students to take production practices . I would like to advise students: try to make the most of this chance and get acquainted with the work of experienced clerks, get acquainted with the profession as a whole, delve into all the nuances of their work.

As a rule, you will be assigned small tasks to relieve your employees - but this will give you the right to ask the clerks about anything you are curious about.

Use your chance to get a job in this organization - be sure to prepare your resume, even if it consists of one higher education, your skills and contacts, and leave it to the practice leader. If you have shown yourself well in the execution of assignments - do not hesitate, you will be remembered. Now it is popular to involve employees from the outside in case of emergency - your help in the future may be very useful, and they will definitely call you.

Responsibilities of a Clerk

The duties of the clerk include: receiving and registering incoming and outgoing correspondence, registering orders or instructions for the enterprise, preparing minutes of meetings of collegiate bodies and preparing extracts from the minutes for applicants. In the absence of an archivist at the enterprise, the duties of the clerk include archiving documents.

What is the difference between a clerk and a secretary

The clerk, of course, is one step higher in importance in the organization than the secretary, since the clerk is engaged in the document flow of the organization as a whole, and not just the document flow of the head. All the same, all the documents in the organization, one way or another, go through the head, but the secretary brings them to the head. Therefore, the secretary is a closer person to the leader than the clerk.

However, a competent leader will always appreciate if the clerical service at his enterprise does its job well.

Office management courses

Office management courses often give very general concept about office work, but they can make you fall in love with the profession of an office worker, or they can turn you away, this is a matter of personal taste. Office work courses teach the basics of office work, introduce standard instruction on office work, with the legislation in the field of office work, they teach speed touch typing skills (by the way, a very useful skill that will serve you good service), as well as teach ethics and rules for conducting business negotiations.

Professional skills of a clerk

Attentiveness, perseverance, attention to detail, responsibility, diligence, love for working with documents, pedantry, calm attitude to the fact that in the work of a clerk it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions.

You are in the documents, like a fish in the sea,
After all, office work is your forte!
Only puzzled you - and then soon,
Everything is ready for you just in time!
We congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish your career to go up,
And in his personal life, unearthly joy
To you, having taken luck, I came!

Official birthday greetings to the clerk

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday
And wish you success in business:
Compile all reports on time
Send out business letters
Let the papers be all right
Let the authorities every day and hour.
He sees that everything is always going smoothly with you,
And he always appreciates you!
Dear clerk!
May work always please
Everything in life will be what you want
And there will never be problems!

Official congratulations to the clerk on the holiday

Lives fly by in a fast run:
An hour and a day, followed by a month, a year...
Happy Holidays to a colleague
Every secretary now carries.
Who is our clerk?
Both an assistant and an employee, and sometimes,
How to write and design a teacher:
Explain, prompt each time.
You are already irreplaceable for us!
So we wish you only the best.
Be forever so beautiful and loved
And let the youth not pass the time!

Serious congratulations to the clerk

Honor and respect, gentlemen,
Guardians of the foundations, "letterheads",
Without you, the system will collapse without difficulty -
Take away all your troubles from her.
Let both hands and eyes be accurate,
Let your hearts beat tirelessly,
Thank you for the order, gentlemen,
We are all proud of you.
