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Business plan for an animation studio. Russian animation business, its features

business & finance

Create an animation studio. And become a professional animator

Now, as well as in the future, the CG direction will be in great demand. And that’s why we need to start recruiting now creative team, unite together, exchange knowledge and develop each in their own direction. So we are four young people and after graduating from university we want to open our own company and start making money from animation. It is quite difficult, but at the same time incredibly interesting. You will have to learn a lot: drawing, animation, programs, master perfect English. We have an artist, a fashion designer, a special effects specialist and I am an animator. And in order for your cartoons to start showing on TV, you will have to work very hard. All big companies started small and we also need to start somewhere. Subscribers and readers who are also crazy about animation and infected with creative enthusiasm, please do not pass by and support us on this difficult path, and maybe start moving up with us. Forward to your dream and not a step back!

Goal Accomplishment Criteria

Work in a studio after graduation and develop professional skills

Personal resources

Computer graphics studio, creative team

Drawing kit, books and video courses, computer and graphics tablet

Hungry enthusiasm and desire to achieve your goal

Irina Kornechuk


By creating innovative models of developing educational environment, ensuring the effective implementation of the main general education preschool programs education

Kornechuk Irina Viktorovna teacher

highest qualification category.

Novosibirsk 2014

Target: Creation of a cartoon studio to create films and presentations.


1. Draw up a business plan for creation of a children's cartoon studio.

2. Equip a room to accommodate a cartoon studio.

3. Familiarize employees with the process creation cartoons and presentations.

4. Create material and technical base in preschool educational institutions for creation cartoons and presentations.

5. Enter in staffing table director position.

6. Develop new forms of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and social partners.

Short description project

The the project was developed to create a cartoon studio, How means of development creative activity of children in the process creation own media product.

Project aimed at achieving strategic goals education and the formation of a developing educational environment, ensuring the effective implementation of the main general education preschool programs education. Organization of new, meeting modern requirements, educational space for development children preschool age.

To get the expected result at the preschool educational institution conditions have been created for the educational process, which ensure maximum use educational potential, materials and equipment for development and self-realization of each child and correspond modern features pedagogical process and project of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education:

Personnel support Educational and methodological support Material and technical support Subject - development environment

Teachers of the experimental animation studio "MEDIA";

Senior teacher;

Teacher speech therapist;

Initiative group of preschool teachers; -Internet resources;

Scientific and methodological literature, periodical literature;

Methodological office;

Digital voice recorder;


Music Center;

DVD player;

A printer;

Digital camera;

Internet access. - audiovisual aids;

Attributes for musical and theatrical creativity;

Thematic sets of toys;

Information facilities education and training.

Coordinated work with society:

Social partners Joint activities.

Parents of participating children project.

Assistance in implementation project by parents (production of some attributes)

Experimental Animation Studio "MEDIA" Assistance in implementation project from the studio teachers


According to a sociological survey conducted by teachers of our preschool educational institution, children spend about 40% of their free time watching TV screens and computer monitors. The multimedia space today is the main carrier and transmitter of ideas about the world, relationships between people, and norms of behavior.

Due to high sensitivity to visual images, due to the lack of life experience, a critical attitude to reality and due to targeted, calculated influence cartoon creators, children easily assimilate the scenarios offered on the screen and behavior patterns. Unfortunately, these models and scenarios often have a devastating effect on the psyche of children.

Undoubtedly, there is a responsibility of adults on whom depends "multration" children. But, if in early childhood it is possible to control the quality of the films they watch, then in the future we will not be able to completely protect our children from the media. Accordingly, in order to counter something to this flow of information, it is necessary to form in children a certain internal filter, a moral core, a sense of beauty, aesthetic taste, and spectator culture.

But, before you ask your child to do conscious choice in favor of real works of animation art, it is necessary to teach him to understand the plot of the cartoon, to distinguish figurative means by which it is transmitted, to understand and perceive beauty and humor images created by cartoonists. It is necessary to form a preschooler’s view of animation from the perspective creative person who has his own experience creating cartoons.

Of the 120 children we surveyed, 100% like to watch cartoons and 80% would like to see them create yourself. The current level of equipment for children's educational institutions , schools, gardens, creative houses, families allows you to try yourself in a new capacity. The result of children's participation in such projects thinking becomes liberated, development creative potential, developing the ability to observe, fantasize, compare, experience what you see, reflect your impressions in creative works, improve communication and socialization skills. Children begin to consciously choose their "multration", seeing in cartoons not only entertainment, but also hidden meaning, irony.

Relevant today is self-realization and social adaptation of preschool children in the process of implementation educational preschool programs education. Introducing children to sociocultural norms. Development interest and motivation of children to understand the world and creativity, implementation innovative educational technologies in educational process preschool educational institution, promotes development of harmoniously developed, proactive, emotionally stable, independent and socially active person.

The project allows you to satisfy the needs of children who want to participate in creation own cartoons. According to new educational standards and state requirements for subject matter development environment, the project will allow you to create conditions and makes it possible to use the equipment of the cartoon studio in preparing presentations, during matinees and children's entertainment, theatrical activities and NOD.

Formulation of the problem.

Computerization of early childhood is an objective reality today. How to include in preschool education information and communication technologies with minimal risks and maximum benefits. Answer - Creation own multimedia studio for joint creativity.

View project.

long term (7 months) group joint child-parent creative practice-oriented with variable results.

Place of sale project.

municipal government preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 443 combined type" city ​​of Novosibirsk

Implementation period project.

Educational areas.

1. Communication

2. Socialization

3. Artistic and creative development

4. Cognition

Participants project.

1. Initiative group of preschool teachers

2. Social partners - experimental animation studio


3. Children - pupils of the preschool educational institution

4. Social partners - parents of students, participants project.

Stages project

I. Preparatory stage

1. Drawing up a business plan for creation of a children's cartoon studio.

2. Preparing the premises for a children's animation studio.

3. Training of personnel to work with children in a children's animation studio.

II. Main stage

1. Creation logistical support with the help of social partners - parents and teachers of the experimental animation studio "MEDIA".

2. Purchase necessary equipment, Supplies.

III. The final stage

1. Installation and connection of equipment for working on project.

2. Creation your media product.

Action plan and cost estimate

Activity Time frame Required resources Costs

(thousand roubles.) Result

Organization of a creative initiative group for development cartoon studio project"Dolphin" October

2013 DOW employees Approval project to create a cartoon studio"Dolphin"

Preparing and decorating the premises for the cartoon studio October

2013 Premises available Creation favorable conditions for placing equipment.

Prepare cost estimates for implementation project

"cartoon studio" October

2013 Preschool educational institution employees Preparation for the purchase of equipment.

Familiarization of the initiative group of preschool teachers with the process of working on the cartoon for the 2013-2014 school year. Teachers of the experimental animation studio "MEDIA"- social partners. 12 Increasing the professional competence of teachers in using innovative technologies

Purchasing the necessary

equipment, furniture and consumables for

cartoon studios November-December

2013 Acquisition


video cameras with tripod 40 Introduction of modern innovative technologies to create a unified educational space, allowing us to develop a unified approach to the education system and education in preschool educational institutions.

Purchasing a laptop 14

Purchasing wireless microphones and speaker system 70


for hand-drawn, plasticine

animations 60


interactive set-top box and projector 65 Information Technology will increase the motivation of preschoolers to educational activities , therefore, the level will increase development cognitive abilities and level of program mastery.

Plasticine, watercolor, colored paper, cardboard, cereal. 50

Increased efficiency educational process aimed at development children's creative potential

Additional funding


Teachers of the experimental animation studio

Equipment installation and December

2013 Equipped animation studio.

Mastering and applying multimedia technologies in practice. 2013-2014 academic year Creation and viewing the first media product.

Expected Result

As a result of the implementation of this project, a business plan will be drawn up for creation of a children's cartoon studio, the premises have been prepared, employees have been trained to work with children, equipment and consumables have been purchased and installed. Launch of a cartoon studio for creation presentations and animated films.

Joint activities in a children's cartoon studio can develop creative potential of the child, influencing cognitive activity, emotional-volitional sphere, forming needs and value orientations in preschoolers. Purchase of additional equipment for collective creation presentations and animated films, implementation of ICT in educational process of preschool educational institution, enable children to revive their ideas about the world, happiness and teach to interact with each other and with adults.

The cartoon studio will give a child the opportunity to discover his talent - that means helping him find an attractive activity, investing time and effort into it, gradually complicating the conditions of the classes and improving his skills. So way, he will enjoy his occupation and achieve success in it, and it is possible that he will acquire, step by step, a profession for the rest of his life.

In the future, adults and children will begin to work together to implement the common plan: creation own cartoons and other media products.

1. There will be no opportunity create necessary and sufficient material and technical base.

2. Social partners will not show interest in implementation project under the proposed conditions.

3. Difficulties in selecting and training an initiative group from among preschool educational institutions employees.

4. Loss of interest in project directly to the project participants - children.

5. Passive position of social partners - parents for implementation project.

Implementation principles project.

1. Versatility - animation includes an unlimited number of activities.

2. Integrity - in progress creation cartoon erases the boundaries between certain types activities.

3. The relationship between creative and cognitive processes - Creation cartooning is not only creativity, but also research activity.

4. Development planning activities of children - the path from inventing a scenario to implementing the plan.

5. Formation of personal qualities - target guidelines that are determined by the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education– formation of such personality qualities as initiative, sociability, perseverance, responsibility, hard work.

Strategy for achieving your goals.

Most of the program material is implemented in the course of free communication with children through the organization of creative activities of children, in the process of speech games, productive activities, familiarization with computer equipment, mastering the skills of animation techniques. One of the types of cartoon creativity is inventing a new ending to a famous fairy tale. At the stage creation our first cartoon, it was important for us to teach children how to work together: together we make scenery, come up with a plot, fairy tale characters, etc. During the discussion, we choose characters, decide what kind of cartoon the cartoon will be - hand-drawn or plasticine, or we will combine these figurative means.

Next, we complicate the task - we compose our own fairy tale and create based on her cartoon. This is a team effort. IN development speech production of preschoolers are used various methods and techniques: methods development children's speech creativity by J. Rodari "The Grammar of Fantasy", TRIZ methods, creative speech games.

By the end of the implementation period project Children can independently conduct time-lapse photography using a camera and can independently record sound.

We invite parents and friends to the first viewing. They become active spectators, give advice, and show a desire to become full-fledged participants in the cartoon studio.

The result obtained.

At the end project the preschool educational institution has its own cartoon studio, created the necessary material and technical base, an initiative group of teachers has been prepared, partnerships are being formed with an experimental animation studio "MEDIA", the parent-child team is united by a common idea and plans, and is interested in continuing to work on creation own cartoons. Created two own cartoons. Requests from children wishing create own cartoons, satisfied with at this stage fully. Every child is given the opportunity to realize himself as a creative personality, the framework of ideas about the surrounding reality has expanded, and new, non-standard skills for transmitting the information received have been formed. At preschool educational institution created conditions conducive to the formation of harmonious developed, proactive, emotionally stable, independent, creative and socially active person.


Continue working on project, complicating the task - making cartoons based on the plots of children's songs and choosing new types of artistic and creative activities. For example, drawing with sand, semolina, simple geometric shapes, etc. thereby maintaining interest in this species activities, create new areas of development creative potential.

During implementation project I adopted the method creation small clips or cartoons in the process of conducting GCD, as a final work, or based on the results of work on the topic of the week. This motivates children to be active and helps them maintain interest in work. develops creative initiative.

We present to your attention the project "Cartoon".

The business plan is developed based on the actual data of the existing enterprise.

Highly qualified employees with experience in the industry took part in the creation of the project.

The business plan complies with international and Russian standards(UNIDO, TACIS, EBRD, MEDT of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Agriculture) and will adequately present your project in Russian and international banks, as well as government agencies at all levels.

If necessary, our company’s specialists will promptly make adjustments to the financial calculations and the descriptive part of the project in order to ensure full compliance of the business plan with your parameters.

The project is provided in the format of working files, which you can make changes to yourself or by qualified employees: a financial model (based on Excel) and a Word file (Powerpoint).

Main project parameters:

Quantitative indicators: 0

Investment size:
  • in dollars 3,633,652
  • in euros 2,675,242
  • in rubles 112,000,000

Project payback period, years: 2,2

Basic document parameters

  • Number of pages – 67
  • Number of charts – 25
  • Number of tables – 19


1.1 Project goal

The project involves the creation of a full-length animated 3D film "ХХХХ".

A story in the XXXXX genre, designed to be perceived by viewers of all ages and nationalities. The "XXXX" project does not have any national coloring and is multicultural.

The film "ХХХХ" is based on the wonderful story of the famous writer and screenwriter XXXX (the author of "ХХХХ" and "ХХХХ"). The name of the screenwriter will, of course, already at the initial stage of work attract the attention of Russian and foreign media. To work on new version The famous American screenwriter XXXX (XXXX - he has more than 300 scripts and episodes of animated films, including “XXXX”, “XXXX”, “XXXX”, “XXXX”) will be involved in the script.

Russia, Europe and Asia are considered as the main territories for film distribution. Theatrical release in the United States is also possible, however, it is not considered the main goal of the project.

1.2 Project participants

Production will be handled by one of the oldest Russian animation studios, XXXXX. The studio has experience in cooperation with XX, XX, XX and XX companies.

The film will be co-produced and co-produced by major animation company XXXX. Assistance in promoting the film to Western markets will be provided by the famous producer and director XXXX (XXXX) - the head of the company XXXX (XXXX).

Film distribution in Russia and the CIS will be handled by one of the largest film distribution companies in Russia, "XXXX" (the XXXX cinema chain). A preliminary agreement and a letter of guarantee have already been signed. The project is supported by XXXX (contract signed).

1.3 Project development prospects

At the moment, a scenario package has been formed (5-6 very interesting stories), which can be implemented in the next 4-5 years.

1.4 Market

Box office of animated films and forecast estimates of box office volumes

The total box office of animated films in Russian film distribution increased over the year by 66.8% - from 3.62 billion rubles in XXXX to 6.03 billion rubles in XXXX. At the same time, the box office of Russian cartoons increased more than seven times: from 96.8 million rubles to a record 721.9 million rubles (2.4% of all films released in XXXX). Foreign releases added 50.8% to 5.3 billion rubles.

According to "XXXX" estimates, box office receipts in cinemas in the CIS will amount to 15 million US dollars, of which 8 million is the share of the copyright holder.

1.5 Project financing

Requirement for financial resources and financing structure

The need for financial resources for the project is 112,000.0 thousand rubles.

It is planned that this project will be financed through:

  • own funds - 7,000.0 thousand rubles;
  • funds XXXX - 15,000.0 thousand rubles
  • funds of company XXXX - 30,000.0 thousand rubles;
  • investor funds - 60,000.0 thousand rubles.

Conditions for raising funds

Raising investor funds occurs in stages in accordance with the following schedule:

  • November XXXX - 10,000,000 rubles;
  • March XXXX - 20,000,000 rubles;
  • June XXXX - 20,000,000 rubles;
  • March XXXX - 10,000,000 rubles.

Terms of repayment

Repayment of investor funds is carried out in January XXXX in full.

Loan interest repayment

Interest is not accrued on investor funds.

1.6 Analysis of the project cost structure (revenue distribution)

Most in a simple way To analyze the main cost flows and their share in the total costs is to analyze the distribution of total revenue over the project period (3 years). The structure of revenue distribution into main cost groups and profits in descending order will look like this:

  • investments - 51.77%;
  • profit - 34.95%;
  • taxes - 13.27%.
The chart below illustrates the fact that the share of project revenue that goes to cover investment costs and net profit is 35.0%.

1.7 Project indicators

The economic viability of the project was confirmed by calculating traditional financial indicators used in project analysis.

The project calculation horizon is 36 months (3 years). The investment period of the project (until the launch of the project) is 25 months (2.1 years). The working period of the project (from the moment of launch) is 11 months (1 year).

Table 1. Financial and investment indicators of the project


1.1 Project goal
1.2 Project participants
1.3 Prospects for the development of the project
1.4 Market

Animated films box office and box office projections

1.5 Project financing
1.6 Analysis of the project cost structure (revenue distribution)
1.7 Project indicators


2.1 Technology
2.2 Key project success factors

Animation quality
Plot of the film
The quality of directing, staging and script
Cost-to-income ratio
Promotion of the film in the national and global markets


Studio "ХХХХ"
Film company XXXXX



5.1 box office box office in Russia
5.2 Growing popularity of domestic film production
5.3 Animated films
5.4 Development of cinemas in Russia
5.5 Forecast of the development of the Russian film distribution market
5.6 World market


6.1 Target audience

Cinema owners
Characteristics of the target audience

6.2 Promotion abroad
6.3 Formation of the revenue side of the project

Cinema distribution
Additional rights


7.1 Volume and structure of investments


8.1 Project implementation management (enterprise management)
8.2 Stages of project implementation


9.1 Types of income received under the project
9.2 Income parameters
9.3 Pricing policy
9.4 Structure and volumes of income


10.1 Analysis of the project cost structure (revenue distribution)
10.2 Break-even point analysis

Assumptions in break-even analysis
Break-even analysis for the entire project

10.3 Analysis of the budgetary effectiveness of the project


11.1 Conditions for attracting investment resources
11.2 Cash flow plan indicators
11.3 Profit and loss plan indicators
11.4 Financial indicators of the project


12.1 Factors affecting the company’s activities
12.2 Quantitative risk analysis (sensitivity analysis)


1.1 List of tables

Table 1. Analysis of cost structure (in relation to revenue)
Table 2. Financial and investment indicators of the project
Table 3. Distributors of the "XXXX" project
Table 4. Box office of animated films in XXXX
Table 5. Box office receipts and production costs of animated films in the world
Table 6. Predicted profitability under various implementation scenarios
Table 7. Investment budget
Table 8. Calendar and financial plan
Table 9. Income parameters
Table 10. Selling prices finished products
Table 11. Parameters of other income
Table 12. Structure of income by area of ​​activity during the project period
Table 13. Income generation plan
Table 14. Taxes
Table 15. Analysis of cost structure (in relation to revenue)
Table 16. Distribution of tax payments by budget level
Table 17. Financial and investment indicators of the project
Table 18. Impact of changing individual parameters on project performance indicators
Table 19. Project sensitivity analysis

1.2 List of drawings

Figure 1. Structure of distribution of sales revenue into costs and profit
Figure 2. Project payback, rubles
Figure 3. Scheme of formation of added value of a film product
Figure 4. Project "XXXX". Geographical distribution of income, thousand dollars
Figure 5. Project "XXXX". Income items in the CIS and Baltic countries, thousand dollars.
Figure 6. Dynamics of film box office in Russia, million dollars.
Figure 7. Average box office of films, million dollars.
Figure 8. Dynamics of cinema attendance in Russia
Figure 9. Growth dynamics of the average cost of a movie ticket
Figure 10. Dynamics of the shares of Russian films in the total box office
Figure 11. Growth in the number of modern screens
Figure 12. Channels marketing communications
Figure 13. Structure of investment costs
Figure 14. Project implementation stages
Figure 15. Schedule for financing investment costs, rubles
Figure 16. Schedule for financing investment costs, rubles
Figure 17. Film production diagram
Figure 18. Revenue structure
Figure 19. Structure of tax payments (for the project period)
Figure 20. Structure of distribution of sales revenue into costs and profit
Figure 21. Break-even point of the project as a whole, rubles
Figure 22. Structure of tax revenues of budgets of all levels (for the project period)
Figure 23. Cash flows according to the project, rubles
Figure 24. Project payback, rubles
Figure 25. Critical deviations of key project factors (based on NPV indicator)

Developing a cartoon, even a very short one, is a very difficult task. But even this pales in comparison to the task of creating a new animation studio. However, Pavel Muntyan at the webinar lifted the veil of secrecy about this problem and gave some important advice. If you are ever planning to open your own studio, you should definitely read this article.

Step one: creating a quality product

Opening an animation studio is an extremely costly endeavor that requires appropriate funding. However, no one will invest a large amount of money in a fledgling startup. This involves risks that cannot be minimized. It’s better to start with small steps and small budgets than to immediately get carte blanche to create your dream project and get into trouble with it.

In general, at first, no matter how much you dream of opening a Disney or Pixar, you will have to come to terms with reality and understand that such mastodons have been bred for decades. With this awareness and a clear understanding of what you want to do, start looking for active and interested people who will help you in this plan. The main task the beginning of your journey should be the creation of a small short cartoon, which, for all its simplicity, will have to have well-written characters and a clear story.

Step two: finding investors

If you have your first high-quality product in your hands, feel free to go to market with it and attract investors. It is better to look for them in the USA, no matter how fantastic it may sound. The thing is that Hollywood controls more than 15% of the global multimedia world. And this is a huge figure, since the remaining 85% are scattered in different parts of the world, nowhere having such a powerful influence.

Moreover, only in America is there a unique phenomenon for the entire film industry. Firstly, investors with a budget of about ten million dollars are not listed there, they are simply not taken seriously, so you can definitely find a partner with a decent amount of money in your pocket. Secondly, only here it is often the startups who dictate the terms of the deal, not the investors. It’s impossible to imagine this anywhere else, but in the United States this is common practice, because startups are the main source of ideas.

Step three: opening your office in the states

Agreeing with an investor is only half the battle. It's much more difficult to hold onto it. Hollywood is a huge market that has a hard time trusting newcomers. Rest assured, if you come to an agreement with a person and then go abroad, thinking that he will continue to finance your cartoons anyway, then all your work will be wasted. He will no longer be interested in you. Because no one is going to work there in eternal impermanence. Who will guarantee that you won’t simply run away with the proceeds?

So creating an office in the states is a completely logical and justified step. It is not necessary to transport the entire team there, but it is necessary to leave your own person, the producer-ideologist, in Hollywood. He will promote the startup, look for new investors and constantly confirm your status.

Well, if you have completed all these steps, you are on the right track and success will definitely await you soon! The main thing is not to get hung up on the desire to quickly become a competitor to Disney. Develop, learn from your mistakes, take small steps and one day, after years of long and fruitful work, your studio will definitely rank with the largest representatives of the industry.

Soviet animation and its traditions have deep roots. The Russian market, it is believed, is still not established. Many professional animators have to look for income from commercials to “adult” cartoons and mobile animation.

Igor Ganzha has been the owner of the Antimult Msk studio since 2008. He bought the studio from the previous co-owners and joined the project, whose annual turnover amounted to $1.5 million. He was going to cover new areas of sales of his goods, one of which was the creation of cartoons at the request of TV channels. Antimult Msk actively works with all media. The studio also worked with the Advertising Industry magazine, the Internet portal and others.

IN this moment participants on Russian market animations in search of income. Few are lucky. For example, the cartoon “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” collected $9 million at the box office, which is a good estimate for Russia.

You may be wondering, where is the money made? The answer is simple, on advertising. After all, it is she who brings in the main money in the cartoon environment. Even many animation studios in Russia have portfolios that contain various videos.

If you think about it this way, advertising is profitable in the cartoon environment. For example, Alexander Timofeev, CEO animation studio "Tunguru", said: "Advertising is the most profitable point, an addition of strength to start-up studios." The animation studio "Tunguru" was involved in advertising and production of music videos.

Everything would be fine if it weren’t for animation’s competitors on the market – video spots. After all, animation is handicraft work that costs more than regular commercials. This process has its difficulties. Inexpensive ads will cost 5 thousand dollars, since every second costs at least 400 dollars, based on this, such work is much more expensive. There are cheap cartoons too, 15 seconds of release for $750. At the same time, the final result will be discreet, no details, modifications, or background.

If advertising business will rise upstream, and constant orders will come in, keeping the operators busy, then the studio will be able to earn good money. Small studios can produce up to 3 videos per month, which allows them to make a turnover of up to 50 thousand euros. But the client does not like to order simple animated advertising, because he considers it not serious. Therefore, no matter how sad it sounds, such a stereotype covers the whole world. To do this, you have to endure strong rivalries.

Where to get money to start own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In this article we have revealed the most current ways to obtain starting capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Perhaps the studio is able to survive at the expense of some large clients for whom animation in advertising is not an empty phrase. However, this is a risk. A small number of orders will not give confidence in tomorrow, and at one moment all this can collapse. Only those who have achieved recognition on TV can escape from such a situation.

To a certain extent, cartoons were and are a part of television, but at the moment the direction is moving towards the adult generation. The companies “Tunguru” and “Antimult” have proven themselves remarkably well in this area. All this thanks to the still-famous actress Nelli Uvarova, who played the role of Ekaterina Pushkareva in the TV series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.” After its broadcast, the series became famous, and the Tunguru animation studio began creating a parody of the series. Initially, supporting a television series was an idea, but the series soon fell in ratings and became less famous, taking on a life of its own. And then it was decided to release new episodes of this series, which made it more likely to look optimistically into the future.

In addition to all this, the studios intend to produce animated series for a group of people 16 and older. Without fully understanding the true possibilities of such animation, TV channels of various kinds of projects show significant caution. And in many ways, price plays a major role, since a decent cartoon has a price of 200–300 thousand dollars, which is considered much more expensive than ordinary TV series. The animated medium has very little airtime, only 5 - 10 minutes. Channel 2×2 is actively engaged in purchasing all animated content from Russian animators, earning itself significant popularity among children and adults. But still, the channel is not ready to buy out the rights to content or invest large amounts of money to support animation studios, since the issue of price has become acute.

There is another source of income. For example, let’s take the Pertsemolka animation studio, which was born in 2007 and offered its works to Channel Five. On the one hand, this is considered economically profitable, since the channel was able to buy content at cost. You will probably think that everything is bad... However, there are people who believe that all is not lost for Russian animation. The solution here is not recognition on TV. Such demand for products arises only from potential customers. It is believed that animation in the near future will be able to take a major leap forward due to development on the Internet, Mobile TV, and so on. If you bypass TV, you can acquire your consumer, and this means continuous orders for studios and opportunities for stable growth and development in the future.

There are channels available that operate on mobile network, this can also be attributed to the sales market. However, animation currently has a small percentage on any TV channel, and the conclusion is that animation is still only a small part of mobile channels and information.

Now Russian animation continues its journey of improving its qualities. New ideas and options for stable income are being developed, this allows you to look forward optimistically without looking back. But we have to talk about this in the future tense.

But still, I would like to hope that everything will work out, and Russian animation will take pride of place on television and computer screens. In the meantime, we will watch how she moves towards this goal.
