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How can you make money in the fall? How to choose a popular product for your niche in business. How and where to look for Chinese goods

From September to December, many different businesses cater to the growing interest of users. And not only for strictly seasonal goods, such as heaters and thermal underwear. Even if you sell swimsuits and fins, you should prepare for a surge in demand in December, on the eve of the January holidays. Yandex analysts spoke in more detail about consumer trends for the next two to three months.

Autumn is the time for parties and shopping. When the Indian summer gives way to darkness and cold, people are actively looking for an alternative to walking and a way to cheer themselves up. Usually at this time interest in posters of cultural events, tickets for matches, concerts, musicals and cinema reaches its peak.

In addition, users are actively looking for warehouses to store everything summer (tires and wheels, crops, etc.), putting on shoes and clothes for children for winter, hunting for seasonal sales and buying heaters.

In November there is a lot of interest in sheepskin coats. Surely people are not only replenishing their own wardrobe for winter, but also looking for gifts for the winter. New Year for loved ones.

Among the popular gifts that people start looking for early are home theaters and smartphones. Users are already reading reviews and, if possible, pre-ordering new models.

Interest in equipment for New Year's events is beginning to grow. They are looking for everything: acoustic sets, flower arrangements and other decorations, accessories for catering, of course, wholesale purchases of souvenirs, chocolate and delicacies.

Here are a few examples of categories for which the peak of interest usually occurs in November: wholesale New Year's goods, sleds and snow scooters, ready-made clothes, heat guns, etc.

In December, everyone wants a Christmas tree... and a solarium! In winter, you especially miss not only the warmth, but also the sun. In this darkest month of the year, users begin to become interested in solariums, and salons - in equipment for them. Interest in this category continues to grow after the New Year holidays and reaches its peak in the spring.

Also in December, the demand for goods for fishing and hunting begins to grow, Mobile Internet in roaming and exercise equipment for home.

And, of course, the most active interest of the audience in December is gifts. And not only for the New Year, but also for all subsequent holidays, up to March 8th.

What is the “Locust Strategy” and “Assortment Adjustment”? How does seasonality affect retail sales and how can you maximize revenue during this period? Find answers to these questions in our next article.

Seasonal factor in trade

All companies have different business strategies, but it is not uncommon for stores when sales are affected by seasonal factors.

At different times of the year, the demand for certain goods drops to zero, and then novice entrepreneurs begin to get nervous, but experienced retailers are no longer surprised by this seasonal factor in trade.

Some stores rely specifically on the high season: for example, a company selling fireworks just a few weeks before and after the New Year can make revenue comparable to a year of operation of the trade enterprise.

At the peak of consumer activity for seasonal goods, businessmen receive “extra profits.” Other stores are trying to sell goods in accordance with the season or switch to other types of activities.

A decrease in demand for goods under the influence of seasonal factors is noted by almost 90% of stores of various types.

“Seasonality” in marketing refers to an economic process that is directly related to the changing seasons, as well as holidays, weather factors, purchasing habits and consumer stereotypes.

Marketers distinguish three main types of “seasonality”:

  • “hard” seasonality - directly related to certain events, activities, dates, and after their occurrence, the product loses its relevance.
    For example, this is Easter, when the population buys Easter cakes and chicken eggs in large quantities, or Valentine's Day, when valentines are popular, Stuffed Toys, image of hearts, etc.;
  • “moderate” seasonality – does not cause significant damage to the business, since the decline in demand within such seasonality is no more than 20%, and the enterprise will remain “afloat”.
    But in any case, it is correct to take moderate seasonality into account when annual accounting planning of a store’s activities;
  • “bright” seasonality is the most common type of seasonality among stores. The decline in demand during such “bright” seasonality can be up to 40%.
    In this case, it is necessary to take measures to increase sales during the off-season so that the store remains afloat and does not go bankrupt.

During the season, it is important to serve customers quickly and without errors; the program for automating the work of a Business.Ru store will help you with this. Thanks to it, you can sell both according to availability and place goods to order. Automatically calculate sales prices, set individual discounts and markups on products.

How to manage sales in a seasonal business. Video

Selling seasonal goods: how to support sales during the off-season

Diversifying activities

One of the most effective ways to support sales of goods during the off-season is to reorient the business, sales markets, and expand the range of products in order to obtain economic benefits.

To survive in the harsh conditions of the economic crisis, a trading company today needs to sell goods in several different directions, in other words, the business needs to be diversified.

But in order for business diversification to be of any use, an entrepreneur at the initial stage must assess all the risks, set clear goals and determine the resources that are planned to be attracted. A good example diversification are shops that sell Christmas trees in winter, seedlings in spring, and flowers in summer.

Keep in mind that seasonal products may be out of demand. This risk especially concerns food products that will expire if they are not purchased on time.

Notify customers about a seasonal sale through the built-in email client. This service is available in the Business.Ru store automation program. The system will tell you the results of the mailing - the number of letters sent, the percentage of letters delivered and read.

We launch “new items” for sale

If you are faced with a seasonal decline in demand for the products sold in your store, it is a good idea to take care of introducing new products or unusual seasonal offers in advance.

The best months for this are considered to be July and January - they are the most “dead” in the winter and summer seasons, no special events or events take place, which means your new bright product or product will attract more attention from buyers.

It is during these months that you can try to interest buyers with discounts or gifts, focusing their attention on the fact that the sale of a unique new product begins, accompanied by pleasant bonuses. By “promoting” new items in this way, it will be possible to even slightly inflate their prices.

We are holding sales

It is also widespread among enterprises retail a way to sell goods during the off-season period. Many retailers believe that it is better to sell all goods that are “dead weight” in warehouses during the off-season, and put them into circulation even at a slightly reduced price.

Bright signs: “Sale of seasonal goods!” will attract the attention of customers and sell snow shovels in the store non-food products It will be possible in the summer, and swimsuits in the clothing store at attractive prices - even in the winter.

We adjust the range of products

Another quite profitable way to stimulate demand for goods during the off-season is to adjust the assortment. To do this, the company must “adjust” its product range to each season.

For example, for an enterprise Catering this is the introduction of “warming” drinks and dishes in the winter, or vice versa, the sale of cooling drinks, okroshka and jellied meat during the hot winter months.

That is, a trading enterprise should not focus on selling “illiquid” goods during the off-season; it should devote all its efforts to selling “hot” products. It is through its sale during the off-season that the store will be able to stay afloat.

The change of seasons is not a problem for active entrepreneurs. The arrival of autumn should be considered not only in the context of the onset of cool weather and the rainy season, but also as another opportunity to make good money. What areas of business are profitable to develop in the fall? We made a small selection of promising ideas.

Time for harvest and big income

Agricultural work is perhaps one of the most profitable areas of the autumn season. Farmers across the country harvest their crops and sell them to wholesalers. In a good season, due to an oversupply of products, people are ready to give away agricultural products for pennies. The simplest option that does not require much effort is resale. For this you need a truck with sufficient capacity.

The scheme for building a business is extremely simple: we agree with the farmer on the purchase of goods on the one hand, and subsequent sale to a wholesale base on the other. If you want to earn more money, instead of a wholesale warehouse, you should try to negotiate with small store owners.

School time...

September is traditionally associated with the beginning of a new school year. Schoolchildren and students go to stores to buy stationery: pens, notebooks, folders and other things. Great business looming for the fall. First of all, you need to find a supplier with favorable prices for goods, open a point in the market or rent a boutique in a shopping center.

Most parents buy stationery in August. Be prepared to open the location at the end of July.

Another one current business an idea for fall is tutoring. After the summer, many schoolchildren want to improve some disciplines, especially on the eve of exams. The service is most popular among 11th grade graduates.

At the end of summer, newly graduated students, having arrived in a foreign city, begin looking for housing. Renting an apartment is a good opportunity to earn money. However, you need to select tenants carefully if you don’t want to end up with damaged repairs and drinking until the morning.

Collection and sale of mushrooms

After generous autumn rains, mushroom hunting begins in the forests. Thousands of amateurs go to harvest, some for themselves, and some for sale. This is one of the most affordable types of business that requires absolutely no investment. The main thing is to understand mushrooms so that, God forbid, you don’t feed people toadstools. Carefully study existing poisonous species.

Porcini mushrooms and chanterelles are especially popular. There is also quite a high demand for boletus, boletus and honey mushrooms.

Fresh mushrooms are marketable within 24 hours. If you do not have time to sell the goods, it is better to cook and preserve them. Some enterprises can help with this by providing a boiler with a capacity of 100-150 liters.

Do not miss:

Autumn foliage - money under your feet

Autumn leaves are a real springboard for building a business. Firstly, you can assemble a team and provide leaf removal services. To do this, you need to purchase the necessary inventory and advertise. Adequate prices and high-quality work will help you quickly find clients.
To ensure that the collected foliage does not go to waste, you can simultaneously start making fertilizers. Experts say that fallen leaves are an excellent raw material for fertilizers. However, first of all, you should understand the manufacturing technology.

And a few more business ideas for the fall

In addition to the above activities, there are several more promising areas that you can do in the fall. With the arrival of cold weather, the demand for home insulation services increases, which means you can gather your team and rush into battle.

Also, don’t forget that it comes alive in the fall. business activity. The labor market is gradually waking up from the summer holidays, and new vacancies are appearing. Perhaps your skills and abilities can bring more money at work than when organizing a business.

As long as money exists, or objects that can replace it, trade exists. Every day we run out of bread, butter, vegetables and fruits, we lack new clothes and shoes, and household appliances. The desire to get something new brings people to the market, where, after studying a wide range of products, they choose exactly what is needed in a particular situation.

A purchase is made, as a result of which the seller receives the required amount of money, and the buyer receives the desired product. At first glance, the transaction is mutually beneficial and satisfies the interests of both persons, but in fact, the entrepreneur involved in the market finds himself in a more advantageous situation, since he was lucky enough to overtake his competitors and get this buyer. The latter is important in maintaining trading business. The lack of buyers makes it unprofitable and leads to the closure of the outlet, which is what many novice businessmen fear most of all.

Trade has been and remains the most profitable business from the point of view of quickly making a profit.

Main trade rule– creating your own extensive customer base, as well as selling in-demand goods. With skillful goal setting, a small initial capital and strong confidence in your own luck, trading specific goods can become the main source of income and provide a 100% return. For example, as the owner of a retail outlet on the market that sells household chemicals, you can earn a solid income without worrying about damage to the goods and a decrease in their value. There is always a demand for goods such as potatoes, onions, peppers and other vegetables. People need clothes and shoes constantly and at any time of the year. Selling bakery products, not a single entrepreneur is left in the red.

The only thing about worth remembering for a beginner businessman:

  • trade can be profitable only when the number of competitors is minimized;
  • everything depends on the buyers;
  • The investment will definitely pay off, so in an effort to save money, you should not overstep the boundaries.

The ideal option is a family trading contract, in which all family members take part. In this case, the costs for the loader, the seller and even the accountant are reduced to a minimum, which allows you to save significant amounts on this item of expenditure, going to the family budget.

Features of organizing a retail outlet on the market

Having not yet decided on the product, but having an idea of ​​what type it will be, you should start search for a place under outlet. The most advantageous places are considered to be places with a greater traffic of people - entrance, exit, first rows adjacent to them. Naturally, they are all occupied or rented out at inflated prices. Most often, newcomers are offered remote boutiques and pavilions, the rent for which is as low as the possible profit from sales from this location. In no case should you agree to this option; it is better to take a more expensive one, but near places with large crowds of people.

Having decided to organize a retail outlet, you should decide on form of doing business. The easiest way is to register as a s. Registration in this capacity will not cost more than 1000 rubles, which is important at the initial stage.

To rent a place to sell goods, you must receive new status, since this will greatly simplify relations with the market administration and future suppliers.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically and signed electronic signature and is sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Selecting a product to sell

Trading always begins with the choice of goods to be offered for sale. The type, shape and name of the product occupy an important place in receipt. If possible, you should trade inexpensive but exclusive goods that are highly competitive and in demand among consumers.

Before looking for a supplier, you need to spend a few hours researching trade assortment, located near commercial premises competitors' boutiques. Having spent very little time, a novice entrepreneur will be able to avoid mistakes and purchase exactly the product that is lacking in this market segment.

So, if in a neighboring pavilion they sell cleaning products for furniture, floors, stoves and bathtubs, washing powders and dishwashing detergents, it is advisable to stock various kitchen utensils and bath items in your own outlet: towels, dishes, shelves and plastic cabinets, mops and the like. If we're talking about about the sale of T-shirts and sweaters, then you should bring trousers, skirts and jeans to your own retail outlet. In addition, the choice of products may depend on the time of year and demand for it.

For example, in the winter season boots and outerwear are in great demand, in the summer – dresses, blouses, sundresses and sandals. You should also pay attention to fashion trends. Last spring-autumn season, sneakers were in great demand. This spring, the demand for them fell; buyers prefer shoes with wide heels or platforms.

Assortment analysis depending on location

Small city

In terms of trade small towns have their advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, the population in such cities is small, which means that profits will be distributed extremely unevenly, which makes you think about carefully choosing the location of a retail outlet. On the other hand, in Small town It is possible to bring quite ordinary goods and sell them at high prices, due to the lack of competitors.

To this kind goods may include:

  • inexpensive but fashionable clothes and shoes this season;
  • household chemicals from foreign manufacturers;
  • confectionery;
  • alcohol.

The choice of goods is extensive and depends entirely on the location of the market. So, if the market is located in a residential area, it is advisable to start selling buns, bread, sweets and consumer goods, which people will not specifically go to the supermarket for, but will willingly buy when they go down to the entrance. Near gas stations you can sell spare parts for cars, oils, cigarettes and alcoholic drinks.

Big City

Large cities provide a lot of opportunities to choose the location of the market where you plan to open a retail outlet.

So, planning to sell things, shoes, sports equipment, you should rent premises for clothing market. If trade is related to household chemicals, vegetables and fruits, you need to rent a trade kiosk at the food market. In addition, there are also construction and mixed markets. Do not forget about the high popularity wholesale markets, where goods can be sold not by grams, but by tens of kilograms at a time.

Planning to open a retail outlet selling accessories for mobile phones, earrings and other jewelry, it is advisable to place it near a university or school. Students and schoolgirls will become regular customers and bring in a good income.


When planning to open a retail outlet at a market in a village, you should carefully study the contingent of local residents. The goods for filling the counter should be selected depending on the needs of customers, keeping in mind that most of the village residents are elderly people who do not need branded clothing and the latest modern technology.

Most Popular The village uses such goods as:

  • bread;
  • flour;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt;
  • matches;
  • sugar;
  • sweet water;
  • ice cream.

It is advisable to purchase a certain amount washing powder And detergents, kitchen towels, clothespins, men's and women's socks, underpants, work gloves. Such goods always find their buyer; they are not perishable, so the benefits from their sale are obvious. Don't forget about alcoholic drinks too.

Center or outskirts

If we are talking about a retail outlet downtown, then you should understand that people go to the center for a specific purpose: to take a walk, go to the theater, cafe, meet friends. In the city center you can open a retail outlet with flowers, clothes and shoes, or grocery store, the assortment of which will include alcoholic and carbonated drinks, buns, bread, vegetables, fruits and sweets.

Nobody buys quality clothes and shoes on the outskirts, chemical trade, building materials and small equipment will also not be successful. The purchase of significant goods is always deliberate; the buyer wants to have a choice and therefore goes to the city center for shopping. On the outskirts it is allowed to open only a grocery store with a small cafe where you can order coffee, tea, breakfast or dinner.

Embankment and other recreation areas

When planning to open a retail outlet on the embankment, in parks, at bus and railway stations, near a parking lot and the like, you should understand that despite the large crowd of people, selling large and expensive goods will not be profitable.

Ideal products are considered:

  • seeds;
  • ice cream;
  • hod-dogs;
  • coffee Tea;
  • hamburgers;
  • pies;
  • sweet and sparkling water;
  • alcohol;
  • napkins.

Analysis of the assortment depending on the area


Planning to open your own retail outlet at the food market, it should be understood that big income You won't have to wait at first. On average, no more than 6 thousand rubles are collected per day from one food outlet.

The assortment should be selected based on the information above; personal preferences should not interfere with the desire to earn money. It is most profitable to trade potatoes and other relatively perishable vegetables. Potatoes, carrots, onions and beets will always be in demand. It is no less profitable to trade meat. In the latter case, the business can become virtually waste-free.


The non-food sector of trade should include, first of all, the sale of things, chemicals, dishes, small household appliances, and electrical appliances. You should choose high-quality, but not expensive goods, the markup on which will not make the buyer want to pass by.


Selling construction products requires not only studying the market in order to find a free market, but also having certain knowledge in the construction field. Not all buyers can clearly explain what thickness of timber they need specifically, what quality of paint they expect and how many rolls of wallpaper they need. If the product supplier does not know this, the business will not work out from the very beginning.

Selection of products sold depending on the season

When trying to get the most benefit from trade, you should focus not only on the location of the market and the number of competitors, but also on the season, especially when it comes to trading vegetables and fruits. In winter, it is most profitable to trade potatoes, carrots and onions.

In spring you can make good money selling strawberries, cherries and fresh vegetables. In summer, tomatoes, cucumbers, plums, pears, apples, peaches and apricots are in great demand. In autumn, you can organize wholesale trade in sweet peppers, eggplants and cabbage.

The same goes for clothes and shoes. The assortment of a retail outlet must change with the changing seasons, otherwise the entrepreneur will not benefit from the business he has started.

Typical mistakes of novice entrepreneurs in the field of trading on market squares

You should not count on the fact that by purchasing goods on the cheap, renting a retail outlet and finding several buyers, you can build a real business that you can pass on to your own children.

Many entrepreneurs stay afloat for only a few years, or even months, after which they close down, having come to the erroneous conclusion that such a business is unprofitable.

In reality, such problems arise due to numerous mistakes made during the trading process, here are some of them:

The listed reasons are far from the only ones, but in most cases they have a negative impact on the trading business.

The impact of the crisis on trading on the market

Successful trade largely depends on the purchasing power of citizens.

During crisis years, buyers have less money, and accordingly, they go to the market less often, which leads to a decrease in the number of sales and the closure of many retail outlets.

In crisis years the most profitable way to trade products and basic necessities. Clothes, shoes and small items Appliances are in less demand, as are interior items. A crisis is detrimental to trade, but having extensive experience in this area, you can adapt to it.

There are several options for doing business in the fall, which are the most profitable and worthy.

To start your own business in the autumn period of the year, the following are most suitable:

1. Renting out apartments (rooms). There are times when housing is rented regardless of the time of year, but this is not entirely true. It is at the beginning of the school year that rentals are especially popular. Students and applicants who do not regret living in dormitories are our main clients. And it is not necessary to rent out the entire apartment; rooms are in particular demand. The business idea is suitable for residents of cities where there are many educational institutions for single people, or people who own large apartments and houses. By the way, owners of private houses can also attract domestic help in this way.

In order for the business to bring additional profit, it is advisable for the entrepreneur to prepare for the start of the school year in advance. Also, it is not necessary to rent out your own apartment. The best option would be mediation. Choose several different apartments, the location of which is as close as possible to educational institutions. The income will be a percentage for the service, which you can install yourself (4-6%).

2. Autumn business idea for the southern regions. Selling (collecting) walnuts is another profitable activity during the Indian summer. This type entrepreneurship requires minimal investment. There is no need to create, plant or build anything yourself. Having looked around the countryside (plantings, abandoned houses and villages), you can find a large number of wild walnut trees that no one needs.

By doing the collection yourself, you can also save on hiring workers. It would be logical to connect friends and relatives for a fee. This will contribute to the prompt and coordinated collection of fruits. Cleaning nuts is a more complex and time-consuming process. It is worth noting that you can get almost five times more for a peeled product than for simply selling only nuts in the shell. You can also clean food with the help of friends. Implementation does not require much effort or complexity. Hand over nuts to a store, sell them through an online resource or on the market - everyone has the right to choose the most preferred option.

3. Collection and sale of mushrooms is the simplest and lowest-cost option. During the rainy and humid season, this product is consistently in abundance. The main condition is impeccable orientation and knowledge. You can’t go for mushrooms without understanding them!

4. Creation and sale of hand-made goods using acorns, cones, leaves and other things– a business that requires effort and creativity. This option is mainly preferred by the fairer sex. With free products you can create real works of art. Ideas for implementation can be found in souvenir shops and at master classes on the Internet. After creating a product, all that remains is to implement it. This can be done through the Internet or gift shops.

5. Firewood procurement is also considered a popular business. To implement this idea, you must have permission to chop firewood, freight car and a chainsaw.

6. Sale school supplies optimal for autumn business. This option requires investment for renting premises (market points, fairs, etc.), purchasing clothes, office supplies and other goods. Despite the impressive amount of initial investment, there is no doubt about decent profits.

7. It is in the fall that collecting fallen leaves is a very popular service. Cleaning the areas of private houses requires a broom, shovel, and a special vacuum cleaner that collects leaves. You can make yourself known and find clients by advertising on websites, in newspapers, etc.

8. The sale of fertilizers is closely related to the previous method of earning money. The collected leaves do not have to be disposed of. They can be processed, packaged and sold as fertilizer. Agricultural enterprises are the main customers in need of this product.

9. Mediation in the sale of potatoes (apples) is a business that requires a minimum of investment and a little ingenuity. It won’t be difficult to visit villages and villages that are far from the city and buy products at the lowest cost. The next step will be to sell goods at a much higher cost.
