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I am looking for a franchise for consignment and sale. Opening a franchise without investment. We choose a franchise without royalties and a lump-sum fee. How it actually happens

A franchise is a unique licensing right that allows you to use someone else's trademark while making a profit. Resources are provided by a large company that has already established itself in the market. And the franchisee receives resources, this is most often a start-up company taking its first steps in business. Through franchising, a young company can make its way, and in an easy way, using the experience and knowledge of another company. But a natural question arises: is it possible to open a franchise business without investments? Our article aims to answer this question.

How not to spend

A franchise without investment is joining a large network company without making a down payment. For some entrepreneurs, this is just a cherished dream. But, no matter how fantastic it may seem, it is still a reality. And cheese is not always free only in mousetraps. The main expenses of the franchisee go to. A lump sum is a one-time payment of money required for the right to take possession of intellectual property companies. Those. This is the fee for buying a franchise. And royalties are called periodic payments that are deducted by the franchisee to the franchisor.

  • The owner himself invests.
  • There are no royalties for the user.
  • No initial investment required.


Below we will provide some examples of how to start a franchise business without initial capital.

  1. The franchise owner acts as an investor. This is usually possible if you are an employee of a large company whose management plans to open a new outlet and appoint you as its director.
  2. . If you don’t have your own funds, you can attract an investor to invest in buying a franchise (if the franchise is well-known, it’s easier to get a loan to buy a franchise than for your own business).
  3. The absence of a lump-sum fee is a franchise business with minimal investment. However, you need to take into account that the company enters the business for free, but then you will have to pay from your profits.

In the absence of a lump-sum contribution, the company enters the business for free, but then you will have to pay out of your profits.


Getting a franchise without investments is not a myth, but a real practice. But it is worth noting the riskiness of such an undertaking. After all, in this way scammers can lure their victims. Conditions can be very tough. Therefore, before taking a franchise, you should learn more about its owner, take an interest in his history and look at the documentation. It is important to understand why such an offer is free and assess the risks involved. And read all the papers proposed for signing carefully, looking for inconsistencies and dubious points in them.

Opening your own business on a ready-made business model using the opportunities that a well-known and well-known brand provides, while at the same time with minimal own investment, is the dream of many aspiring entrepreneurs. This opportunity is provided by a franchise (franchising).

Franchise - description

A franchise (from the French franchise - a benefit) is a set of services provided on certain conditions to start and run a business. Includes the granting of rights to use the brand, ways of doing business.

Franchise may be registered trademarks, proven business practices, various technologies. Obligations between the transferring party (franchisor) and the receiving party (franchisee) are formalized by a franchise agreement.

Simplifying specific terms, franchising is a type of trademark lease, as well as a kind of obtaining a license for the right to use a ready-made business model.

It is worth noting: contractual obligations, as a rule, provide for a reimbursable transfer of rights, called royalties - that is, rent. Under Russian law, franchising is regulated by a commercial concession agreement.

Franchise categories

1. Franchise in trade services. The use of franchising in retail is a quick way to promote own business, reduction of terms on time of accumulation of the initial capital. This method is suitable for novice entrepreneurs and large players.

The most demanded directions:

  • sale of fashionable clothes;
  • sale of children's goods;
  • food products;
  • construction and finishing materials;
  • spare parts for vehicles;
  • cosmetical tools.

2. Franchise in catering. It has a fairly high level of income, but requires significant financial investments.

Steady demand is noted:

  • coffee houses stationary and mobile;
  • pizzerias;
  • fast food systems
  • fast food;
  • pancakes;
  • sushi.

3. Franchise in the service sector. This business is distinguished by its specificity, as services are sold first of all. Examples: beauty salon, car rental, advertising agencies full cycle and other directions.

4. Franchise in IT technologies. A dynamically developing branch of the economy. Requires knowledge related to the virtual world. Examples: a web studio for the creation and promotion of sites of various kinds, an Internet reference agency.

5. Franchise in production. One of the most difficult activities. Significant initial investment required. They are distinguished by high lump-sum contributions and regular royalties. At the same time, there is a clear business development strategy, a high degree of investment reliability, and constant support from the parent company.

Franchise: free offers

From the very beginning of its inception, franchising has implied certain initial investments by the host partner (franchisee), a lump-sum fee. This payment is a one-time fee for the right to enter the market with a particular brand. In addition, franchising is the receipt of regular rental payments (royalties).

On the territory of Russia, there are companies offering a franchise without initial fees and subsequent royalties. These are various travel agencies, cosmetic companies, firms selling printed products, tobacco products and others.

How does this happen in practice?

The parent company, interested in the presence on the market of any region, concludes an agreement with a regional partner, who undertakes to represent the interests of the franchisor, provide services or sell its products. That is, in fact, it becomes a distributor of a superior company.

Is there a franchise without investments?

The development of competition in the market caused the appearance of proposals for the acquisition of a franchise without initial investment from the franchisee.

What is a franchise without investment?

A retail-oriented franchise is built on a partnership between the franchisor and the franchisee.

For this, an agreement is made with individual, who performs the duties of the director of the company representing the interests of the parent company in the region. At the same time, this person becomes a partner of the company.

According to the concluded agreement, the director pursues the interests of the franchisor, while not deviating from the general concept of business development, there are restrictions on the choice of suppliers, regulation of costs and other main areas of activity.

The task of the franchisee is to collect required documents, selection of premises, marketing. Registration of trading floors and filling with goods is the prerogative of the parent company. The franchisee becomes a full partner in 1 ... 2 years, provided successful work divisions.

Outcome: in the literal sense of the word, a franchise without investments is a branch of the company, where all costs are borne by the parent company. From the partner-performer, only his work is required.

Companies offering partnerships without investment

The list of companies offering these types of partnerships can include different kinds retail chains selling a wide range of consumer goods. In addition to them, their branches on similar conditions, organize travel agencies, recruiting firms.

Anonymized, companies can be combined into several groups:

  1. The investor is the parent company, the franchisor, bearing all financial and material costs. The director of the branch, the franchisee, works under an agreement that provides for the possibility of transferring the business into ownership in case of its successful development.
  2. The investor is a third party. Her interest is to receive income from free accumulated capital. An investment bank or fund acts as a financier.
  3. The investor is a network marketing promotion firm. Uses the personal qualities of the attracted personnel to promote its brand and products.
  4. No lump sum. Financial interest is embedded in the cost of products sold. Except trading companies, this type of franchise is practiced by manufacturers.

Negative aspects of agreements "without investments"

The phrase, “franchise without investment,” looks very attractive, but it can hide negative points.

The most common:

  1. Reassessing your strengths at the initial stage, leads to a loss of time, effort and, ultimately, the loss of business as a direction.
  2. Tricks of lawyers, constituting the contract in such a way that it contains initially impossible requirements. The result is wasted labor and a sense of deception. To avoid such errors, it is necessary to carefully approach the study of signed documents.

No down payment

No initial deposit- this is a high probability that the franchisor is interested in promoting its brand, goods and services in the regional market. That is, he is ready to incur material costs when opening a branch of the company and reimburse them in the process of business development.

This gives rise to mutually beneficial cooperation: the franchisor receives an additional source of income, and the franchisee, with almost no initial costs, has his own business, supported by a ready-made business model and a promoted brand.

In what cases can you find franchise offers without initial investment?

The most likely options for the absence of initial investments is the desire of the parent company to promote its brand to the market of a particular region, that is, to carry out branding.

Another variant is the sale of their own products. Here, a franchise is like looking for a dealer or distributor.

Remotely, a franchise without investments resembles network marketing. But there is a lot here fraudulent schemes and deceit.

The absence of a lump-sum contribution and royalties is a myth or a reality?

By studying the market, analyzing offers on the market and taking into account your own experience, you can come to the conclusion that the absence of initial costs and subsequent periodic payments has the right to exist.

But there are a number of requirements, restrictions, for example:

  1. Not a single large company that owns well-known brands, and, accordingly, goods, will enter into an agreement with an unknown person or company that does not own certain tangible assets or guarantees from insurance companies. The conclusion is simple - if there is a desire to cooperate with such organizations and thereby exploit the "trademark" sign, then to reinforce the seriousness of intentions, it is necessary to invest in this type of business at the initial stage.
  2. The absence of a lump-sum contribution and royalties also implies the removal of some responsibility from the parent company, which implies a large future investment by the franchisee. That is, the purchase of goods, advertising campaigns, transportation costs and others will fall entirely on the shoulders of the receiving party.
  3. Existing business, for example, a store, cafe, beauty salon - this is a guarantee that, with a greater degree of probability, there will be no initial fee and reduced royalties.

Franchise without investments for implementation, like other purchase options ready business requires an investment of a certain amount. However, if you choose this type of offer from the franchisor, the contributions to entrepreneurship will be quite small.

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The principle of operation of franchises for implementation without investments

A franchise without investment for implementation often allows you to start your own business without paying a lump-sum fee. In addition, franchisors do not require the franchisee to purchase any business assets.

The principle of operation is as follows:

  1. A contract is concluded between the buyer and the franchise owner. The franchisee after the conclusion of the contract receives the right to work under a well-known trademark. However, the franchisor has full control over the operation of the store opened by the franchise buyer.
  2. A novice businessman personally selects store employees and equips workplaces. The franchisor independently delivers goods to the franchisee's outlet. The franchise buyer does not spend his own money either on the purchase of products or on their delivery to the outlet. The formation of the assortment and the development of a pricing policy are also not the responsibility of the franchisee. The task of the franchise buyer is to successfully sell the goods received without payment.
  3. There are two options for the distribution of profits. In the first, the proceeds from the sale belong to the franchisor. Under the terms of the contract, the franchisee receives an agency fee in the amount of a quarter of this amount and does not pay the cost of products sold. In the second option, the proceeds belong to the franchise buyer, but he retains the obligation to return to the franchisor the money spent on the purchase of the delivered goods.

Actual directions for small business

The most relevant areas for starting a small business in 2020 are:

  • sale of goods for children and provision of related services;
  • activities in the field of IT technologies;
  • online store;
  • provision of repair services.

Goods and services for children

Demand for goods and services for children does not decrease even in times of crisis.

You can sell:

  • clothes;
  • toys;
  • baby food;
  • hygiene items.

Services for children include:

  • game rooms in shopping centers;
  • cafe with a special children's menu and bright design;
  • laboratories for various experiments;
  • petting zoos;
  • children's hairdressers;
  • prize rides in the parks.

Children's Cafe petting zoo Game room in the shopping center Miracle Lab Prize attraction Children's hairdresser

Sphere of IT-technologies

You can offer clients services for creating websites and various applications. Understanding by a novice entrepreneur of the principles of writing program codes and the operation of interactive processes will serve good advantage in doing business.

Online store

The advantage of this line of business is that the buyers of the store can be not only residents of the city in which its owner is located. You can organize the delivery of products to anywhere in the country or the world. You can sell various categories of goods.

Among them stand out:

  • furniture;
  • Products for children;
  • auto parts;
  • present;
  • electronics;
  • clothing and footwear;
  • household products;

It is better to focus on target audience as young people, because these people are active Internet users.

Repair Services

You can provide a set of works or choose a specific profile, for example:

  • floor insulation;
  • interior decoration of residential premises;
  • plastering and painting works;
  • cosmetic repairs of office premises;
  • installation of stretch ceilings.

Overview of 2020 franchises with minimal investment

Despite the fact that franchises for sale are not very popular in Russia, there are many different offers on the market. Some companies offer their franchisees a kind of commodity loans, which create the opportunity to pay for the goods received after their sale. Others are willing to provide several batches of products for free. Such proposals are put forward not only by large manufacturing enterprises, but also by ordinary Internet services.

Franchises with minimal investment are described in the video of the HelloBoss channel.

Shoe store ALBA

ALBA is a chain of footwear and accessories stores founded in 1996. In the manufacture of products, the brand uses advanced technologies and high-quality natural materials. Employees of all salons are trained and constantly improve their professional skills in the company's own training center.

Features of buying a franchise for the implementation of ALBA:

Franchise indicators:

  • the total cost of opening a store is 7 million rubles;
  • there is no lump sum;
  • the investments of the franchise buyer are directed to renting premises, finishing work and purchasing commercial equipment.

Special conditions:

  • the first batch of products is delivered without payment with the installment payment function;
  • return periods are specified in the franchise agreement.

Trampoline center Cosmica

The Cosmica network was founded in 2015. During the first three years of operation, 25 trampoline centers were opened under the support of the franchisor.

Program features:

Cosmica brand owners have developed three types of franchise:

Franchise indicators:

  • one trampoline brings income in the amount of 70 thousand rubles per month;
  • The number of visitors to Cosmica centers is increasing by 30% every year.

Franchise of the Russian Tea Company – RChK

"Russian Tea Company" is a network of branded stores that has existed for over 20 years. The concept of the brand is the sale of quality teas collected around the world.

RCHK Franchise Program:


  • there is no lump sum;
  • special condition: deferred payment for the delivered goods.

Group of fuel and energy plants

Fuel and Energy Complex - Leading Russian company Siberian Federal District, engaged in the sale of household and industrial heating equipment. A group of factories was founded in 2016.

Features of the fuel and energy complex franchise program:

Optics "Island of glasses"

The company was founded in 2001. The brand's salons are engaged in the sale of lenses and glasses. eminent designers. In addition, customers can check their vision at each optician.

Features of the franchise program "Island of Points":


The company was founded in 2008. The network consists of 20 concrete plants and 62 franchisees in Russia and the CIS. Franchising from BetonBaza is the operation of a trading house, which presents concrete and solutions for sale.

Features of the franchise program:

The trading house exists in two modes:

  1. With its own concrete plant.
  2. Without own enterprise. In this case, the franchisee joins one of the network's concrete plants and works as its sales office.

The video tells about how the BetonBase franchise works. Filmed by BetonBaza Moscow channel.


FELIX was founded in 1991. The network is engaged in the production and sale of furniture for offices and hotels. All salons of the brand are decorated in corporate identity, and the arrangement of exhibition models is observed in accordance with the requirements of the parent company.

Features of the Felix franchise program:

Franchising scheme:

  1. Prices for products are set by the network seller, which allows partners to sell products at wholesale prices.
  2. The cost of making a salon sign is shared between the parties to the agreement equally. At the beginning of the work, the franchisor provides the franchise buyer with all the necessary advertising materials. After reaching the payback, the costs of marketing activities are partially compensated by the network operator.
  3. The franchise owner regulates the work of his branches and provides their support. Salon personnel receive free training organized by the franchisor.

Artel children's clothing

The brand was created in 1999. Salons sell children's clothing Russian production based in Tula. A feature of the network is the sale of capsule models suitable for adverse weather conditions. The store offers customers to purchase clothes for children aged 0 to 14 years.

Features of the Artel franchise program:

Special franchise conditions:

  1. The parent company supplies the franchisee with furniture for the trading floor free of charge.
  2. The first franchise buyer in the region receives special guarantees for protection from competitors for a year.
  3. The franchisor provides support in carrying out marketing activities and assistance in promoting the store. The head office of Artel places information about the new point on its website and in the brand's catalogs.

Ulyanovsk doors

For more than 10 years, the network has been selling interior doors made by well-known factories. The brand owns five own stores and two franchised branches.

Features of the Ulyanovsk Doors franchise program:

In order to purchase profitable franchise, you need to follow the recommendations of experts when choosing a franchisor:

  1. You should personally get to know the franchisor and pay a visit to the head office of the company. It is necessary to find out the number of open and closed stores, as well as the reasons for the termination of their activities.
  2. You need to visit the points of other franchise buyers and ask questions of the franchisee.
  3. It is better to choose franchisors who have been operating in the market for a long time. In this case, there is a high probability that the franchising scheme has been worked out qualitatively and thoroughly.

Advantages and disadvantages of a franchise for the sale of goods

The advantages of a franchise for the sale of goods are:

  • a franchise agreement allows the franchisee to invest less in starting their own business;
  • Franchise buyer starts operating under famous brand and does not spend finances on marketing activities;
  • a novice businessman does not need to draw up a business plan and calculate payback periods, as well as look for investors;
  • training of hired personnel is at the expense of the franchisor;
  • the products are supplied by the franchise owner for sale without the need for the franchisee to invest their own funds.

The disadvantages are:

  1. Unscrupulous franchisors often offer attractive, but obviously unfavorable conditions, as a result of which a novice businessman loses large sums of money. For example, franchise owners prescribe in the contract too strict conditions that are almost impossible to fulfill. To secure the transaction, experts recommend signing papers in the presence of a competent lawyer.
  2. Opportunity to start your own business minimum investment increases the number of people who want to buy a franchise. Often, in order to become a franchisee, the applicant must prove to the franchisor that he has the skills of successful sales.
  3. The novice entrepreneur does not accept any management decisions and operates according to strict rules.
  4. The franchisor may decide to open his own business in the same region. In the event of termination of the franchise agreement, the franchisee may lose his investment, not having time to recoup them.


The video provides expert advice on choosing and buying a franchise. Filmed by FranchTV.

The opportunity to do business, especially without investments, also under a well-known brand is a dream for any potential entrepreneur. And in connection with the times of crisis, there are more and more such "dreamers". In principle, such people can be understood: they are convinced that their work will make them feel in “ economic security and be free, both in money and in time.

However, these statements are a common misconception. An entrepreneur is a person who takes a certain risk, from which many people working "for an uncle" are insured. This danger lies in the fact that a businessman may receive his profit at the end of a certain period, or may remain with a “broken trough”. While a simple employee working for a stranger, in any case, will receive a reward for his work. Moreover, the working day for the owner of his own business begins early in the morning and ends closer to the night, unlike the usual schedule office plankton"from 9 to 6".

But if you are not afraid of the everyday life of entrepreneurs, and you are eager to try yourself in their role, then you should pay attention to the franchise business.

This scheme is convenient for beginners, as it allows you to reduce risks at the initial stage of work.

To open a franchise, you need to buy it. It would seem logical, because the company, having provided the franchisee with a brand, a business scheme honed over the years and a unique product, cannot engage in altruism and is waiting for mutually beneficial cooperation with a partner.

But what if a potential entrepreneur does not have initial capital? Look for it. Because there are no franchises without investment. At least, such cooperation schemes are not created by successful companies. And working only with trusted brands will allow you to build a truly profitable business.

As the representative of the franchisor correctly noted "Granite Doors" Petr Strukov: “If a person does not invest his own money in a business, then there will be much less motivation to work for the good of the company, so we work with our partners only“ in money ”. There are many young and energetic start-ups on the market today who want to try their hand at business. Whether they succeed or not is the question. But hardly a percentage successful projects will be high while closing outlets can damage the reputation of the entire company as a whole. Therefore, we respect ourselves and our partners, and do not undermine the foundations of business.”

However, there are ways to minimize the amount of money required to open a franchise business.

Franchise offerings include:

  • Commodity credit
  • Special promotions for an easy business start
  • Dealership

​​​​​​​Goods for sale

That is, the franchisee must pay for the repair and rent of the premises, as well as purchase retail store equipment, after that the franchisor grants him a deferral of payment for the purchase of goods for a certain period established by the contract. Moreover, each company differs not only in terms and conditions, but also in the wording of such “indulgences” for partners.

So, for example, the company ALBA" provides goods to new partners on a commission, due to which the cost of opening a new store under the guise of a popular shoe brand is reduced from 7 million rubles to 2.5 million, which means that a novice entrepreneur will only need funds for renting and decorating premises for a store.

The company provides payment by installments up to 180 days, and the Polish clothing brand buys back unsold balances from its franchisees, thereby saving working capital point of sale. Promises commodity credit for its partners and a well-known chain of stores. And representatives of the brand of leather goods " LABBRA» make it possible to use an interest-free product limit for opening a retail outlet for a period of 60 days.

Food producers also provide deferred payment for products. True, such conditions are available only for well-established partners. For example, an ice cream brand ships goods with a delay of two weeks, and new partners, when ordering equipment for a retail outlet, can pay only 50% of the cost, the rest of the amount can be paid to the franchisor upon receipt of material assets.

But in order to enjoy all the joys of commodity credit, it is necessary to find cash to open shops. Meanwhile, there are companies that have foreseen this fact and offer novice entrepreneurs to try out their opportunities by opening a business on a “lightweight” version of the franchise.

Easy start

There are franchise offers that allow you to start a business under the brand name of a large company at a special price.

Such actions are typical for both large manufacturing enterprises and ordinary Internet services.

For example, a company "ECOPAN", a manufacturer of houses from SIP panels, offers to start a business in your region for only 250 thousand rubles. This format will allow you to receive orders for the construction of houses, send them to manufacturers and earn quite decently on a percentage of orders. The main requirement is the ability to work with the customer. In the future, the partner of the company can develop his business to a full-fledged production of houses from SIP panels.

There are similar offers in clothing retail: for example, a manufacturer designer clothes BRUSNIKA offers to start your business by opening a "corner" - a small exhibition stand in an existing clothing store. The required area is from 25 sq.m, and investments are minimal: from 300 thousand rubles.

Internet service franchises and mobile applications also differ reasonable prices, and the opening this business does not imply investment in the lease of office space.

So, for example, representatives of the Internet service " Clean Well" call their business "home" and promise a monthly income of at least 100 thousand rubles, with an initial investment of 106 thousand rubles.

And for those who want to open their business on more tangible things with minimal investment, it is worth trying yourself as a regional dealer.


Any manufacturer wishing to enter the federal level is looking for its representatives in each region who would take on the responsibility of selling the product in the territory entrusted to them.

But manufacturers of really needed goods that are in demand most often turn to large wholesale companies, and small players are not interested in them.

But still, there are franchisor companies that offer potential partners to try out a business niche through a dealer scheme. For example, a well-known manufacturer of office furniture works "Felix". The company offers potential partners two development schemes: franchise and dealership. Moreover, the last category does not imply the opening of the Felix branded store. , but simply gives you the opportunity to sell furniture from the manufacturing company in your store. The franchisee has more opportunities: the entire range of factory products, after-sales service and a sign with a well-known brand. Therefore, according to the representative of the franchisor, many Felix dealers subsequently become their franchisees.

The company operates in roughly the same way. "Karelian monument". To become a partner manufacturing enterprise for the manufacture of monuments and products from granite, it is necessary to rent a room and purchase exhibition samples, and the volume of required investments does not exceed 150 thousand rubles. The task of the franchisee is to ensure a stable flow of orders for the production of the enterprise. Well-established partners, the franchisor also periodically gives bonuses and provides some product samples for free.

So, the main thing is to treat business responsibly, and then your partner will help you with all his might, since the prosperity of the franchisor depends on the well-being of your enterprise.

Most of the projects in the business world often remain unrealized due to lack of funds to start a company. Even the most relevant and unique idea requires financial support, otherwise you can earn money only by selling it. A good way out in this situation is such a type of activity as a franchise without investments for implementation. Where to find it and how to choose, it will be useful for novice businessmen to know.

The essence of franchising is the transfer of a ready-made business model for use, which includes:

  • brand;
  • ways of organizing and conducting business;
  • advertising;
  • education;
  • established channels for the supply of raw materials.

Given the fact that franchise sellers are already experienced companies, it can be said that, along with all this, a newcomer also receives a target audience that is already familiar with the proposed product. The players of such a deal to transfer the business model are considered to be:

  • franchisor - seller;
  • the franchisee is the buyer.

The initial fee for selling a franchise is called a lump sum. Its amount and payment procedure is determined personally by the franchisor. Many companies go to meet buyers and offer installments. Its amount can range from several hundred dollars to several hundred thousand.

In addition, on a monthly basis, the user of the business model will have to pay royalties to the franchisor, which is a payment for comprehensive support and assistance in doing business.

What is a franchise without investment

Sometimes it happens that a successful company is interested in the presence of its branch in a certain region. In this case, she selects a regional partner who is granted a franchise for the sale of goods without investment. In other words, such a representative performs the function of a distributor.

Cooperation is carried out on the basis of an agreement, according to which the regional partner is the director of the company representing the interests of the head office in the region. At the same time, he also becomes a partner working under a franchise scheme, that is, without departing from the established model of this way of doing business:

  • respects the general concept of the enterprise;
  • cooperates with the suppliers indicated in the contract;
  • produces only the product or service that the franchisor wants to see on the market.

A franchise without an initial investment is, as a rule, an opportunity not to pay a down payment to the seller. But this becomes possible only if certain conditions are met:

  1. The franchisee still covers some of the initial expenses for starting a company. This includes rent and renovation of premises, training of employees.
  2. Independent registration of business in authorized bodies.
  3. Search for distribution channels.

The filling of trading floors and the supply of goods is usually handled by the main office.

Ways to get a franchise without start-up capital

A franchise from scratch without investments can be presented in several ways. One of them, as already mentioned, is the entry of a successful company into new markets in new regions. In this case, she herself is interested in finding such partners.

But there are a number of cases when you can become an entrepreneur without having any start-up funds:

  • opening a company as a result of working as an employee with a franchisor. This path provides an opportunity to enter the world of business not only for those who do not have money, but also for those who do not have at least minimal experience. Many large companies offer their employees special programs that allow them to grow into self-employed entrepreneurs. Having passed such training, an employee who has already gained experience gets the opportunity to develop a completely independent unit of the company as a franchisee;
  • receiving funds from private equity funds. Some such organizations themselves offer successful directors of, say, stores, to open a franchise without investment with the participation of the fund. The benefit of such a scheme is obvious - the fund reduces the risk, because it knows the franchisors well and at the same time carefully selects the franchisees. All financial expenses in this type of cooperation fall on the fund;
  • development of a distribution network. This model is especially true for retail when a well-promoted brand attracts small entrepreneurs to cooperation in the field of retail. At the same time, the model of developing a network of online stores is becoming quite popular, when the franchisee receives the goods only upon the fact of its sale. In this case, there is no need to rent a hall or shopping room. It is enough just to equip an office for a call center. Usually used when the franchisor intends to as soon as possible increase the sales of your products.
  • network marketing. Please note: this model as a franchising business without investments will become such if the franchisee is registered as an individual entrepreneur. Otherwise, it will be considered normal freelancing;
  • a franchise in installments without a down payment is also most common in the field retail sales. In this case, it is assumed that the lump sum will be divided into several payment periods. A variation of this way of doing business is the provision of goods for sale. Its peculiarity is that it can turn out to be both very profitable and completely ineffective.

Other options that do not require significant costs from the franchisee include:

  • opening of sports sections, children's clubs, training centers. Most often, the franchisor will insist on having specialized education and work experience;
  • launching a specific type of business. This option occurs when the franchisor brings to the market a service or product that only a specialist in this field can work with. Under such circumstances, the presence of the franchisee's special knowledge and experience becomes more important than his financial capabilities;
  • franchising business without investments is also possible when the seller of the business model is still unknown on the market, and therefore he is ready to distribute the first franchises for free, if only to quickly develop the network.

How to get a business model

Offers from large companies Of course, it's very hard to find just like that. To become the owner of a free franchise, you need to carefully study your region and analyze unoccupied niches. After that, you can look for companies that will be interested in this and try to convince them of the need to conclude such a deal.

An important role in the process of how to get a franchise without investment will be played by the personal qualities of the franchisee:

  • knowledge and understanding of the brand with which to work;
  • ability to negotiate and find arguments;
  • management experience.

The algorithm of actions at startup will look like this:

  1. Conclusion of the contract and appointment of the franchisee to the position of director of the company.
  2. Business registration.
  3. Search and repair of premises.
  4. Hiring and training staff.
  5. Reaching the break-even point and returning the invested funds to the franchisor.

In order for a franchise without a lump-sum fee, royalties and risks to become possible, several rules must be observed:

  • find out why this offer is free. It should be clearly understood what the financial benefit of the franchisor will be;
  • check business reputation seller;
  • carefully study the contract to be signed. It is desirable that an experienced lawyer take up his proofreading;
  • evaluate your own risks.

A franchise business offered without a down payment can be implemented in a variety of business areas. You should pay attention to the following:

  • sale of food products;
  • services sector;
  • tourism;
  • catering;
  • retail sale of clothing and footwear;
  • transportation;
  • auto business;
  • online shopping.

Negative sides of a free franchise

You should never forget that, in addition to the attractive side of the issue, there must certainly be disadvantages, which even experienced entrepreneurs, not to mention beginners, need to take into account:

  • fraud. Franchisors do not always behave with integrity, as a result of which the franchise buyer becomes a debtor, from whom all property is taken away through litigation;
  • the opportunity to develop a business at one's own discretion under such conditions is completely reduced to nothing. Usually the franchisor dictates all the conditions and very carefully monitors their implementation. With this mode of cooperation, he most often needs an ordinary performer;
  • there are practically no franchises that would actually turn out to be absolutely not requiring investments at the start. In one form or another, a novice entrepreneur will still have to provide some funds. Practice shows that franchisors do not really want to deal with those who have no money at all.

This leads to the conclusion - the more loyal the conditions of the seller of the business model, the more likely it is that there may be a catch somewhere. For this reason, to enter into such transactions without legal support Not recommended.

How to choose a profitable franchise: Video
