Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

How to advertise online for sale. Post a free ad and get a lot of customers. Earnings on placing banners

A company is not just an office, documents and licenses. Without qualified personnel who know their duties and perform them efficiently, the quality of your entire enterprise depends. The phrase "Personnel decides everything" - determines the importance of the problem in the selection of personnel.

The employer should take into account the factor that a competent publication will give a lot of advantages:

Unsuitable candidates will be immediately “screened out” and you will not need to spend time on an interview;

Efforts are concentrated on a narrow circle of optimal candidates.

How to write a vacancy announcement in order to attract the “right” employee to your company?

1. Clarity. The applicant must be clear about the requirements for a particular position. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly indicate not only which employee the company needs, but also his job responsibilities.

2. Compliance corporate culture. Each company has its own character, image. The ad must necessarily convey the character of the company. Depending on what kind of employee you need, choose the style of submitting a vacancy.

3.Transparency. Re-read the submitted information - make sure that you have fully indicated the specifics of the work: business trips, knowledge of languages, what you will have to work with, in a team or independently resolve issues. Only in this way will it be possible to avoid the recruitment of unqualified employees.

4. Accuracy. Indicate in the vacancy only those skills that are necessary for a particular employee. If it is required that the candidate for the position perform additional duties, indicate this in the announcement.

5.Easy submission of information. Do not use complex sentences. Where is the guarantee that the applicant will read your ad to the end? Write simply, in short sentences and without mistakes. Illegally written text is not credible.

6. Brightness and PR. Are you looking for the perfect employee? The correct presentation of information should interest the applicant and cause a desire to work for you! Is your office located in the center? Are you the best in your industry? Boldly declare your achievements - this is the only way you will attract the best candidates.

7. Specify the correct contact details (it is better if these are phone numbers). If possible, add your company's website.

Our site, where you can post a job ad in Moscow without registration, offers to place a vacancy for free. All you have to do is fill out the form in detail. Please note - in some fields it is necessary to describe in detail all the information.

We can place an ad to search for employees in Moscow, both agencies and direct employers. We do not limit you in the number of vacancies, you have the right to post them as many as you need.

Do not forget that the more detailed you describe the position and working conditions, the more applicants will respond to your job information.

After filling out the form, the data becomes available to all visitors to our portal.

Earnings on advertising on the Internet are most accessible to owners of their own websites and blogs. If you have your own website or blog, then you can earn money in this way. All that is required is to place ad units on the portal pages and get paid for it.

  1. Independent search for advertisers- most often, for these purposes, a special section is created on the site, which lists all possible ways of advertising and its cost. In the event that the advertiser liked the portal, he can contact its owner through the return form or by e-mail. As a rule, this method is most often used by owners of large and promoted Internet projects.
  2. Placement of advertisements through special advertising services- this method is one of the most popular on the Internet. On the this moment exists great amount various services that can significantly simplify the interaction between advertisers and webmasters. In more detail about what services exist for placing ads on your site and how you can earn money with their help, we will talk later in this article.

Earnings on placing banners

One of the most simple ways making money on your own website is the placement of advertising banners. All you need is to provide special places on the pages of your blog for advertising. involves paying for impressions. As a rule, either a specific number of impressions is paid or an advertising space is redeemed per day, week, month, etc.

Earnings on placing banners does not depend on the number of clicks on it. The cost per banner depends on site traffic, topics. The more unique visitors a day your resource has and the more in demand the topic is among advertisers, the higher the earnings on banners will be. Examples of popular topics: loans and credits, construction, medicine, etc.

The most popular service for making money on placing banners is the portal. Each site, in order to get to the service, undergoes manual moderation. Attendance requirements - 100 uniques per day. Sites with traffic less than 100 uniques are not displayed in the general directory. Moderation averages 1-2 days. After moderation, you need to place a special code on the pages of your site, as well as generate and place special HTML codes for each banner.

Immediately after adding the code, a stub banner will appear on the page, the image on which can be adjusted to personal account on the . When all advertising spaces will be generated in your personal account and the code will be added to the pages of the site, advertising banners will be available for sale. The advertiser, using the search on the service, can order advertising. The webmaster can see all redeemed and paid banners in his personal account. All banners are placed on the site automatically. The webmaster does not have to track the payment and placement of new banners every time. Receipt of payment, placement and removal of advertising banners will occur automatically.

The cost of placing a banner is indicated directly by the site owner. When specifying the cost, you can be guided by similar sites of similar topics and traffic that are already present in the catalog. For sites with traffic of 100 - 300 uniques per day, the cost for each banner will be from 30 to 100 rubles. At the same time, several banners can be placed on one site at once. The most popular places to stay:

  • in the header of the site;
  • under the title of the article;
  • sidebar;
  • after the article.

Earnings on the placement of contextual advertising

This is the most popular way to earn extra income online. The webmaster only needs to add the site to one or more contextual advertising networks and place a special code on the site's pages. After that, contextual ads will be broadcast to visitors. Unlike earnings from placing banners, income from contextual advertising will directly depend on the number of clicks made by visitors. The more clicks visitors make on advertisements, the higher the income will be. At the moment, there are 2 most popular contextual advertising networks:

  1. Google Adsense;
  2. Yandex Direct.

Yandex Direct is a Russian network of contextual advertising from Yandex. It is the most demanded among Runet webmasters. Earnings on Yandex Direct is one of the main sources of income for most Russian portals. To place Yandex Direct contextual advertising, you need to add a website and go through manual moderation.

Yandex makes a whole list of requirements for added resources. Only the best sites can count on the ability to broadcast contextual advertising from Yandex Direct to their visitors. However, all these requirements are more than offset by a high cost per click. The cost of one click in Yandex Direct can reach 30-100 rubles and more.

It strongly depends not only on traffic and the subject of the portal, but also on the design of advertising blocks and their placement. The most popular and clickable places are: under the headline and after the article.

Earnings on the placement of an advertising line from

The promotional line from is another way to get passive income in the Internet. Earnings on the placement of an advertising line is similar to earnings on banners. After registering on the service, you need to add your site to your personal account and place a special code on it. The code must be added right after the body tag. The advertising line will be shown at the very top, immediately after the browser search line.

The cost of advertising placement is specified by the webmaster. For sites with attendance from 100 to 500 people, the cost can be from 20 to 100 rubles per 1000 impressions. The service is directly responsible for placing, removing and paying for advertising. Thus, by adding a special code once, the webmaster can receive passive income.

Earn money by posting links

This is another popular way to make money on your own website. You can make money by placing links even on an unvisited site. As a rule, earnings occur through an intermediary - a special exchange of links.

At the moment, there are several proven and reliable exchanges on the Internet:

  • - one of the oldest stock exchanges of Runet. After adding your site to the exchange, the owner can earn by placing both temporary and permanent links. Also, for the owners of large portals there is an opportunity to earn money by posting articles. The price for links is set by the owner. For example, for the Tits 0 site, the cost of one link is 1 ruble per month. Selling 1 link from the page and having 100 articles, you can earn 100 rubles per month. For a year, earnings from such a site can be 1200 rubles. Which is quite good, given the fact that attendance is not required to earn money.
  • is a popular exchange of permalinks. To post links, you must go through preliminary moderation. The service allows you to earn on the placement of permalinks. Advertisers are interested in placing eternal links in new, thematic articles. The webmaster must publish a new post on his blog and place the specified link in it. The link can be either anchor or non-anchor. The average cost of a permanent link for sites with Tit 30 is from 100 to 300 rubles.
  • - A popular exchange of articles. After adding the site, you must specify the cost of placing 1 advertising article. After that, you need to wait for the receipt of applications. After posting an article, you must provide a link to it to the advertiser. After checking the placement of the text, the money is credited to a personal account in the office. The cost for each article depends on the performance of the site, subject matter, and the need to write the text. For posting a finished article on a site with Titz 30, you can get from 100 to 200 rubles.

In this article, we examined in detail the main ways to make money by placing ads on your own site, and in this article you can find out how and. As a rule, earnings on advertising placement occur in a passive mode. Having a visited site, its owner can earn money by placing banners, contextual advertising, selling links and advertising articles from the pages of his resource. In order to start making money on your own website by placing ads, you need to register on special services, add your website and place a special code on it. All other efforts to find advertisers, place ads and make cash payments are handled by services and intermediary exchanges. The webmaster can only withdraw money to his wallet, develop and promote his portal on the Internet.

Yes, yes, maybe this is not new, but still a very good, effective and fast way to advertise your business on the Internet. The largest bulletin boards: Avito, From hand to hand and ... (everyone in the city has their own). The rest of the boards are less effective, but still, even on small ones, you can place yourself and find your client. I myself sold, sell and will sell with the help of boards, so I am writing this paragraph not “from the lantern”. People are actively looking for products on message boards, so your products and services must be there!

Social networks

Here you can also advertise for free. In social networks, by creating a group or account, you can also advertise your products and services for free. Most people use social networks and this advertising tool has a place to be. You can post thematic posts in groups (some groups and publics will allow you to post information for free, but you need to look for such), you can create an account and add all potential customers as friends (create a human account with a First and Last name, otherwise they will be banned), you can create your group and add people to it and ask friends to send invitations to their friends, etc..

Also all social networks use hashtags. E that word or phrase preceded by a symbol# . Users can combine a group of posts by topic or type using hashtags - words or phrases beginning with #. For example: #how to make money, #business and so on. If you publish posts from your account on a wall or in a group with thematic hashtags, then users in the search will be able to find you faster when searching for specific information. All of the above advertising tools on social networks I myself have used and continue to use!

Subscription Services

Like Subscribe, Surfingbird. You can post your entries in thematic groups in which access is open, and access is open there in many groups. I also post links in groups to my thematic articles and the traffic is active. There are several other similar services, but I do not use them.

Your blog

A very effective advertising tool, but it will not give you results here and now, but it will give you great results in the long run. I already once wrote that I don’t understand companies that don’t have their own blog! If every company would blog and share useful tips in their niche with readers, then the problem with poor quality content in runet. For example, you sell auto parts, then on your company blog you can write interesting articles on how to use these parts, that is, how to repair a car or a separate part of it. I can give many examples for almost every type of business and this tool will work everywhere.

Why is it free? Because you write articles yourself, search engines "eat" them and show them in search results to your potential customers. You can also promote your blog and there is an article about this "". I'm sure that if you really give useful advice to your reader on your blog, then he will buy a product or service from you. Yes, you need to wait for the blog to be indexed, you need to write articles, you need to promote, but it's cheap or even free and you need to use it. I use, and you?


For example questions-answers Mail. If you find the question: "Where to buy ...", and you have an answer, then you can provide a link to your product or service. If the person who asked the question is interested in your offer, then you will get a client. It turns out that you are not spamming, but helping people by answering their questions.

city ​​portals

Each city has its own Internet portals and advertising in them also works. For example, I post my posts and information about my store on the Omsk forum, in the Omsk media, where there are categories for online stores and there is an effect, although not great, but it's free! Look for portals and media in your city and see if you can be placed in their directory.


Now you know what free advertising exists on the Internet. I have listed everything that I use myself, but there are still interesting options that I wrote about in an article about. Of course, you can still spam in groups and on sites in the comments, but I myself don’t like this and I don’t advise you, so I didn’t pay attention to these methods of free advertising on the Internet.

If I missed something or you know your own ways, then write them in the comments and I will add them to the article! Thank you for your attention and use free advertising on the Internet while you can!

Sales Generator

Reading time: 11 minutes

We will send the material to you:

The question of whether there is free advertising on the Internet is of interest to a huge number of entrepreneurs. If the business owner has money, then there will be no problems with advertising. Much more important are low-budget advertising methods when finances are limited. Given the close attention to this topic, we will describe it in this article in detail.

Free advertising on the Internet - myth or reality?

Having begun its existence in the 1990s and continuing to develop in the 2000s, online advertising is considered the youngest direction of marketing in general. It was only in the current decade that this way of promotion began to be taken seriously, seeing significant potential in it.

After all, you see, the Internet has firmly entered our lives. There is not a single area of ​​activity in which the capabilities of the World Wide Web would not be used (especially for large cities).

At the beginning of its development, advertising on the Internet was used by a few enterprising businessmen who easily achieved success in promoting in the virtual space. Now the possibilities and tools marketing communication on the Web is much wider and more accessible, but at the same time, competition is higher.

Advertising can be both paid and free. But in any of these options you need to invest something. If in paid promotion methods we invest money by hiring specialists, then for free advertising on the Internet we spend our time.

Today, the market is replete with specialized agencies that provide services for the production of high-quality advertising on the Web. All of them use many methods and tools for this, some of which are not available for free use.

Effective advertising on the Internet is presented in graphic, text, animation, as well as audio and video formats. But the greatest efficiency is achieved with the competent combination of all the above options, paid or free of charge.

As we already mentioned, to give free advertising on the Internet, you need to spend your personal time. And time is the most valuable human resource, eventually converted into money. Therefore, we can say that there are no absolutely free and no investment methods of advertising.

However, when we talk about free, we mean exactly the absence of financial investments, and from this point of view effective advertising services on the Internet for free is quite feasible. What's more, many successful entrepreneurs have started an online advertising campaign with an empty wallet. Obviously, such projects have clear advantages:

  • free at the start is the most significant factor in business;
  • advertising on the Internet, today's most progressive environment for finding customers.

At the start of a business, all the more, you should not worry about paid advertising, because often it has a completely opposite effect on the Internet audience - it rejects the product with its obsession.

Today's consumer clearly understands that the cost of a product already includes the cost of advertising it, and he is unlikely to want to overpay for this product. It is much easier to find the same or a similar product on the many free classifieds services on the Web.

Another thing is when a business becomes really large and it becomes unworthy to save on advertising. In this case, it is better to entrust this part of Internet marketing to specialists. Saving on advertising is advisable for start-up entrepreneurs who actively use the opportunities of the Network for the free promotion of goods and services.

13 options where to advertise on the Internet for free

On free classifieds boards

Free bulletin boards are still very popular among all categories of Internet users. There are a huge number of such sites on the Web today.

However, you should carefully choose a board for placing free advertising, since most of them are overloaded with spam and are not in high demand among potential customers. Therefore, when choosing a free board on the Internet, you need to evaluate its actual attendance and the quality of the ads placed.

Only a few message boards are known to users, whose Internet address is known to everyone. Most free sites are accessed through search engines. To search for a high-quality and proven board in a search engine, you need to specifically indicate the goods and services that you are going to promote.

The resources received in the issue will be suitable for free advertising, since this is how your potential customers will find these resources on the Internet.

Among the popular free classifieds boards that visitors go directly to are Avito, Yula, From Hand to Hand.

On sites aggregating goods and services

This method of placing free advertising on the Internet is somewhat similar to the previous one, with the difference that your goods or services will be placed as in an online store with attached photos, prices and all related information. In addition, you will have the opportunity to publish news.

Among the popular resources, we highlight,, etc.

Naturally, such aggregators, being initially free, want to make additional profit, so they often impose any paid services. You can use them if you are going to be placed on the Internet only on one aggregator.

But it is more rational to work with several resources, making the most of their free features. Saved money is better to invest in your own website.

There are many aggregators, as well as free classifieds boards, on the Internet, and the principle of selection for placing free advertising in this case is exactly the same: look for products and services from your niche in the search engine and select the most suitable resources from 50 results in the search results.

On the forums

As a rule, forum owners and moderators do not want to see free advertising on their portals and in every possible way oppose its publication. Therefore, randomly registering on all the forums found on the Internet and posting advertising posts there is a bad idea.

Your messages will most likely be deleted, and you risk being perceived by visitors and forum administrators as a malicious spammer. A more thoughtful strategy is needed here.

First of all, you need to find the largest thematic forums on the Internet, as well as local city and regional portals, and register on each of them. You need to carefully read the rules of conduct on these forums, published messages, gradually getting involved in free communication with users.

Having delved into the atmosphere of the forum, you can start implicitly advertising your products or services, trying not to break the rules. In some cases, it is worth agreeing with the forum administration on placing a free advertising post in a specially designated section, where you, as an expert, will also answer questions of interest to visitors on your topic.

You can choose forums and portals on the Internet both by their attendance and popularity, and by the position in the search engine results obtained as a result of a thematic query.

Q&A services

You can easily leave free advertising by providing a detailed and competent answer to an urgent question on a topic that intersects with your niche. If such a message really solves the problem of Internet users, no one will delete it, even if the text contains advertising.

Among the popular resources are the well-known "Questions and Answers" from Google and from

In "Youtube"

Having account on YouTube, on your channel you are free to show both informational videos and promotional videos. You can post your video content on YouTube, and on any less popular video hosting on the Internet.

Here it is important to correctly write a description for your videos, because it is on it that visitors will find your free advertising. Movie descriptions are also taken into account by search engines, so videos will appear in search results for relevant queries.

You must make as many detailed description- this can greatly affect the position of your video in the search results and even move it to the top positions for a while.

As for the content, its subject should be really in demand. target audience. All kinds of reviews of any products, services and games are very popular on the Internet today. At the end of the message, you can unobtrusively recommend your products and services by leaving a link to your site in the description.

In social networks

For free advertising in social networks, you can use both your personal page and a specially created group or public page. You can also post interesting and useful posts on your topics there, inserting free advertising from time to time.

Invite friends to your pages, recommend them to friends of your friends, in a word, actively fill the sites with live subscribers. Do not forget to ask to like the most liked articles, to repost them - this way you will attract even more visitors.

In gratitude to the most active Internet users, you can make some kind of gift or provide good discount to your product.

On the maps

  • "Yandex maps"

This one is not entirely obvious, but effective method free advertising on the Internet is not known to everyone.

Its essence is that many visitors to popular search engines use not the main issue, but the search results on the map. This is especially true for smartphone users with enabled geolocation, which allows them to find the required points of sale in the immediate vicinity.

First of all, you need to add your organization to the Yandex map. It is not difficult to do this - you just need to register with Yandex and follow detailed instructions. Placement of the company on the Yandex map allows you to specify a link to the site on the Internet, opening hours, description of activities and other relevant information there.

Adding an organization to the Yandex map is free, but there are also paid options that allow you to distinguish your location from competitors. However, these services are quite expensive today and you should not spend money on them right away.

It is also extremely important here that a well-formed accompanying text is provided with keywords and phrases that potential customers can use to find you. That is, the description should include not only the field of activity, but also the specific names and brands with which you are dealing, since it is by the names that the visitor searches for the product of interest on the Internet.

  • Cards Google

Working with Google maps is similar. First, you need to find the corresponding link on the search engine maps page and then follow the instructions of the system. The advantage of Google maps is that they are used by default by Android devices, one of the two most popular mobile systems.

In the 2GIS directory

This directory is constantly expanding the geography of its presence, its popularity on the Internet only grows over time.

Basically, 2GIS is used by firms and entrepreneurs. If your field of activity is related to the provision of services for legal entities, you should take advantage of the free placement of your company in this directory.

In subject directories

Once on the Internet, thematic directories were very popular and were serious competitors to search engines. Their former fame faded over time, today more modern and technologically advanced advertising channels are in the foreground, but you should not completely discount catalogs.

Pay attention to free thematic catalogs that are actively used by a strictly targeted audience. Try to find on the Internet sites not only on your subject, but also related. You will most likely find a small number of directories with free advertising.

In comments

Among all the sites in the search results, blogs and sites with the ability to leave comments often come across. They can also be used for free online advertising.

From the issue, you should choose thematic resources not lower than the 10th line. Next, you just need to leave a comment on a popular article or post and unobtrusively advertise a product or service.

Pay attention to famous bloggers on your topic. Leave a couple of meaningful comments on multiple posts.

Popular blogging platforms include LiveJournal and liveinternet. You can also use local blogs known in your city. They will be able to attract potential customers from the region.

On city and regional portals

All important information for each major city is usually concentrated on the city forum or portal. Most of them have sections specifically designed for free advertising.

There are many examples of such forums on the Internet, you should find the main portal specifically for your city or for the nearest large settlement to you. This is where a significant portion of your target audience lives.

On the partner site

When your business has already acquired a stable client base, you can negotiate with another company that is in the same niche as you on mutual advertising. This is a simple but very effective free way to attract additional buyers - you acquire your partner's clients, and the partner receives, in turn, part of your customers.

There are a lot of ways to implement mutual PR, the easiest of which is to place free advertising on each other's Internet pages. A more complex option is to provide the client with a significant discount on the product or service of the partner company after he has purchased something from you.

Through special services

We are talking about free trials of originally paid advertising products provided by advertising companies and mobile applications.

For example, some resources provide an opportunity for free, but limited use of their mailing service or service for publishing landing pages on the Internet. Webinar demos are also available to promote your products or services.

To get started, you need to register in the appropriate service, choose the appropriate package, limited, for example, to a 30-day free period. At the same time, it is important to familiarize yourself with the user agreement, which comes into force after registration.

How to make free advertising on the Internet: step by step instructions

How else can you advertise online for free

3 Common Mistakes of Free Online Advertising

Mistake #1. Completion of work on advertising immediately after its launch.

Be sure to evaluate the effectiveness of the methods of advertising on the Internet - this will save a lot of time and effort in the future. Using several sites for advertising on the Internet for free, track views and link clicks.

In addition, it is worth asking existing customers how they found your company and how they would rate the advertisements by which they found you. Asking customers directly about this is another way to improve the effectiveness of free advertising on the Internet.

Mistake #2. Incomplete or redundant information in an advertisement.

You need to find the optimal balance between brevity and conciseness, on the one hand, and sufficient information content, on the other. Finding such a balance can be very difficult, and this is evidenced by the frequency of making this mistake by advertisers.

You can avoid it by contacting professional copywriters for the service, however, such advertising on the Internet is no longer out of the question - good text costs good money. How can you save money in this case?

Here are some tips:

  1. Eliminate the commanding tone from your ads, use soft motivation.
  2. List in plain language all the advantages of your offer that your competitors do not have.
  3. Use more numbers that clearly display facts.
  4. First, inform the client about discounts and promotions.
  5. Do not force the client to look for your contact information, it should be displayed in one place and in full.
  6. The text of the ad should be easy to read, and the design should be attractive and not repulsive.

Mistake #3. Use of famous successful people in free advertising.

Many people may find it attractive to depict celebrities or mention them in the text of a free ad.

In addition, the use of other people's images is fraught with copyright infringement, which entails certain consequences.

Almost free advertising on the Internet and without registration

We figured out how to place free advertising on the Internet. It is clear that the effect of such methods will be much more modest than the results of activities on a paid basis. Therefore, it is worth looking for a compromise between conditional free, stable efficiency and manageability.

There are such options, and although they cost money, the cost of advertising in any case will be much lower than the cost of professional services. advertising agencies. Many newcomers to business start their own advertising campaigns thanks to these methods.

  • Landing page + YAN/KMS.

Everyone knows contextual advertising. Although flexible and customizable, this advertising channel will require a significant investment to achieve tangible results. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to the connection between the Yandex advertising network and the Google Display Network.

Clients received through these networks are several times cheaper, and you will have to pay for clicks on an advertising link, and not for views by the target audience.

The bottom line is this. Through these search engines, advertising is launched on the Internet, which will be shown on thousands of partner sites of Google and Yandex. These include popular social networks - VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.

By correctly linking a selling one-page site (landing page) to customized advertising in advertising networks, you can achieve truly impressive results.

You can create your blog, fill it interesting articles and promote them to search engines SEO methods. The cost of each visitor as a result will be mere pennies. But keep in mind that using SEO tools requires certain skills, and learning the basics of search engine optimization costs money.

To promote a blog with articles, you must properly optimize the site. The total cost of this method is not particularly significant and, if used correctly, will soon pay off.

We have analyzed all the main ways of advertising on the Internet. The main thing you need to understand is that there is no absolutely free advertising. In each method, you must invest something - either money, or personal time, or the labor of the involved employees (for which they need to be paid).

The first task is to understand what you are willing to sacrifice. This stage sometimes takes a lot of time, but it is better to decide in advance than to overpay for mistakes made later.

If you are an experienced businessman, then free advertising on the Internet will obviously not be for you. It is better to use low-budget, but paid advertising tools.

Array ( => 25 [~ID] => 25 => 22.10.2019 21:33:47 [~TIMESTAMP_X] => 22.10.2019 21:33:47 => 1 [~MODIFIED_BY] => 1 => 22.10. 2019 21:33:47 [~DATE_CREATE] => 10/22/2019 21:33:47 => 1 [~CREATED_BY] => 1 => 6 [~IBLOCK_ID] => 6 => [~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID] => => Y [~ACTIVE] => Y => Y [~GLOBAL_ACTIVE] => Y => 500 [~SORT] => 500 => Articles by Maxim Pushkarev [~NAME] => Articles by Maxim Pushkarev => 12012 [~PICTURE] = > 12012 => 9 [~LEFT_MARGIN] => 9 => 10 [~RIGHT_MARGIN] => 10 => 1 [~DEPTH_LEVEL] => 1 => Maxim Pushkarev [~DESCRIPTION] => Maxim Pushkarev => text [~DESCRIPTION_TYPE ] => text => Maxim Pushkarev's articles Maxim Pushkarev [~SEARCHABLE_CONTENT] => Maxim Pushkarev's articles Maxim Pushkarev => stati-maksima-pushkareva [~CODE] => stati-maksima-pushkareva => [~XML_ID] => => [~TMP_ID] => => [~DETAIL_PICTURE] => => [~SOCNET_GROUP_ID] => => /blog/index.php?ID=6 [~LIST_PAGE_URL] => /blog/index.php?ID=6 => /blog/list.php?SECTION_ID=25 [~SECTION_PAGE_URL] => /blog/list.php?SECTION_ID=25 => blog [~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID] => blog => blog [~IBLOCK_CODE] => blog => [~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID] => => [~EXTERNAL_ID] =>)

Sergey Kuprienko

2020-03-07 22:24:47

I registered the site and the company in the list of firms directory. There were real applications from it. And so are the classic versions of Yandex map and other classic passages.

  • Use the services in your personal account:
    Your ad, being in the general list, rises to the first position, as if it had just been added.

    " class="tooltip service-link-ad-up">Uplink ad

    Your ad stands out in a special way, attracting the eye of a potential buyer. According to statistics, highlighted ads are viewed 2-3 times more often than others. Valid for 30 days.

    " class="tooltip service-link-ad-special">Special announcement

    Your ad, being in the general list, rises to the first position, as if it had just been added, and remains at the very top until the service expires. Valid for 30 days.

    " class="tooltip service-link-ad-top">Top ad

    Your ad starts to appear in a special block of Hot ads in the section of all ads on the site. Valid for 30 days.

    " class="tooltip service-link-ad-hot">Hot ad

    The service package allows you to maximize the sale of goods and at the same time save 33% of the cost. Valid for 30 days.

    " class="tooltip service-link-ad-package">Service Package

    Group service. All your ads, being in the general list, rise to the first positions, as if they were just added.
    The more ads, the cheaper the raise.

    " class="tooltip service-link-ad-multiup">Multiup Ads

    Group service. Valid for all ads posted by you. Every day, one of the ads below all in the list is promoted to the first position, as if it had just been added. Valid for 30 days.

    " class="tooltip service-link-ad-autoup">Auto up ads
