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Benefits of headhunting. Headhunting Secrets. How to search for candidates for a vacancy. What are the mistakes in writing a resume?

The current situation on the labor market is developing in such a way that almost the only way to find a highly professional top manager is headhunting or "headhunting".

Headhunting is the search for senior staff, rare specialists, the "top flight" of recruiting.

Headhunting can happen in two ways:

  • The customer himself calls the recruitment agency the person he wants to lure into his company;
  • Outstaffing of a specific person, the employer does not name and in the course of a targeted search - Executive Search - the recruiter goes to a certain circle of companies where candidates suitable for the client's requirements work, establishes contact with them and finds out under what conditions they will agree to change jobs. This is followed by the selection of one candidate and its presentation to the customer.

In the first case, there is no stage of searching for a candidate as such, this is in advance a famous person. the main task headhunter - "go to" it, it requires a special talent, combined with the use of a certain technology. The "hunter" must be competent in the field of psychology, as well as have knowledge in the field in which the candidate works. In addition, of course, such qualities as sociability, diplomacy, even gambling are necessary. In headhunting, the ability to apply non-standard methods to fulfill non-standard orders is valued, most often it concerns access to rare specialists and large top managers.

The headhunting process is impossible without constant interaction between the agency consultant and the customer. For a headhunter, it is important to be aware of the specifics of the client's corporate culture, because it depends on how quickly and successfully the employee adapts to new conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only the qualifications, but also the personal qualities of the candidate. In addition, it is important to know how the company positions itself in its market segment.

Headhunting is based on the connections and experience of the “hunter”, he must have extensive experience and be able to extract the necessary information from various sources, analyze the situation in each specific industry and the labor market as a whole.

The client, in turn, presents a candidate for an employee who needs to be lured, or formulates a set of requirements in accordance with which it is necessary to search for a specialist. After the selection criteria and obligations of the parties are agreed, the process of entering the right person. The most important stage of headhunting is preparation for personal contact with the candidate. To develop an effective interview, it is necessary to have an idea about the status of a specialist, about his motivation, official duties etc. However common methods, according to headhunters, they do not work here: each candidate needs an individual approach. In other words, you need to find weakness» person, and after that make such an offer that he cannot refuse. The key factor in headhunting is the ability of a recruiter to motivate a person to change jobs. Most often, the candidate is quite satisfied with the position he occupies, so it is important to determine his motivation, understand his life aspirations and ambitions. If they coincide with the requirements of the employer, then the recruiter has the opportunity to present the proposed position in the best light, to interest the person in the opening prospects. Sometimes the main incentive for changing jobs is not money (an equivalent amount of compensation can be offered), but the acquisition of greater powers and resources for professional self-expression.

One of the biggest difficulties headhunters face is the unwillingness of a person to change an established lifestyle, a stable salary, and a familiar team. However, there are those who strive for greater self-realization and are not afraid to take risks. In this case, the headhunter can only point out the opportunities that open up in the new job.

With the help of headhunters, qualified specialists find themselves in more significant positions, and others, less experienced, but also promising, take their place. Thus, a natural business process is carried out that contributes to the development of companies.

However, the attitude of the business community towards headhunters is ambiguous and sometimes biased. They are regarded as a kind of "tempters". But it is necessary to take into account the fact that such a specialist is a conductor and carrier of the latest market trends and its requirements. Being an intermediary between the employer and the candidate, the headhunter creates the conditions for their possible meeting and joint work, however, in the end, the will of the candidate turns out to be decisive.

For a company from which an employee is poached, his departure becomes a certain signal indicating that problems and internal contradictions may have ripened in the company.

Modern business needs qualified, experienced top-level specialists, but their number, like the number of large companies, is limited. Therefore, the practice of headhunting or poaching employees has already become generally accepted. However, between big companies there is often an agreement that they will not poach each other's personnel.

Headhunting companies are usually guided by an unwritten code of business conduct, which creates a solid reputation for the company and the trust of customers. In addition, the reputation of a headhunter depends on his ability to soberly assess the situation and always keep his promises. He is responsible both to the customer company, undertaking to persuade a certain specialist in its favor, and to the candidate, describing to him the advantages of the proposed position.

The Headhunter Code consists of the following unwritten rules:

  • Completion of work on time and in accordance with the funds spent;
  • Spending funds in accordance with the planned budget;
  • Providing objective information about the candidate;
  • Refusal of the practice of poaching those candidates who have already been hired;
  • Termination of work on the order in case of deterioration of the conditions for its implementation by the customer;
  • Guaranteed replacement of the candidate, in case of his departure from the client within six months, without additional remuneration;
  • Presenting a candidate to only one client at a time;
  • Constantly informing the customer about all stages of work on the vacancy.

Today, the demand for headhunting services is growing. However, headhunting makes sense precisely when attracting specialists to key positions in the company, because is a very time-consuming and expensive type of personnel services. A company that resorts to this method of attracting employees must know exactly what financial benefits will be obtained as a result.

The personnel policy of any organization is the most important component of its correct functioning, the key to future success. Only a professional employee performs official duties with maximum efficiency.

Today we will consider a popular way to search for specialists - headhunting, its features, goals and objectives.

Headhunting is a popular area for finding narrow specialists, top professionals. management team. The objects of attention of consultants are: chief accountants, managers of industrial facilities, lawyers.

Key stages of headhunting.


  1. The search for qualified employees is conducted in the profile market. There is a possibility to lure a specialist from a competing organization. The use of other methods leads to the loss of the potential opportunity to acquire an already employed specialist.
  2. Complete confidentiality - direct search allows a senior manager to study the proposals of consultants without damaging the reputation. Less flexible methods involve an open search, which will cause complications at the current place of work.
  3. Circle of acquaintances - if the candidate is not ready to change his place labor activity, he may have a list of people who would gladly become employees of the organization in question.


  1. Your candidate can be poached by competitors, so guarantee payments to a professional are widely practiced.
  2. The conscientiousness of the consultant is questionable, since the interested party is able to bribe the official.
  3. A headhunter often demands confidential information for unknown purposes.

It's important to know! Russian headhunting originated in the 90s along with foreign assets. Today more than 50 domestic companies provide recruitment services. The pace of development in this direction inspires optimism.

Differences between a recruiter and a headhunter

It would seem that employees of the same profile, but their methods of direct search for personnel are fundamentally different. So here's a little comparison:

  • strategy - recruiters adhere to a passive position, place hundreds of ads, wait for a suitable candidate. Initiate a search only among active job seekers (unemployed on this moment). An experienced headhunter also studies the market of passive employees, creates a network of contacts, useful acquaintances in a particular area. The recruiter's search circle is 15-25%, his colleagues in the craft - 75-90%;
  • Internet search - an HR specialist posts vacancies on a couple of job search sites, opens the reception of resumes on the company's personal website, and spends hours looking through candidates. A professional artificially creates a larger search radius: paid resources, industry review sites, forums. Headhunter is fluent in the specifics of search engines;
  • work with recommendations - the recruiter considers the recommended candidates only as a last resort. A higher-level specialist creates a network of recommendations using a wide range of contacts.
  • task - an HR employee seeks to close the vacancy as quickly as possible (from among the active applicants). A craft colleague looks at the entire job market to find the ideal candidate, even if he is not looking for a job.

Staff headhunting methods.

Candidate Search Stages

For the "acquisition" of each employee, an individual project is created that provides for the specifics of the position in question. Headhunting involves the following stages of implementation:

  1. Assessing the needs of the company - a specialist to get acquainted with information about the structure, specifics and workflow of the organization. He clarifies with management the position on: wages, bonuses, labor obligations, necessary qualities prospective employee. This includes an assessment of the financial position, development strategies and the place in the market of the organizational structure.
  2. Information analysis – professionals collect information about competitive organizations, their security, wages, insurance and the nature of work. Based on the received data, a long list of passive candidates is formed. After careful consideration of each, a "shortened" list of promising applicants is compiled.
  3. Selection of the best candidates - the headhunter contacts each person from the short list, finds out their interest in the proposed position. The main thing is to establish contact with a specialist. The results of the conversations are recorded in the report.
  4. Interview with a representative of the company - the customer selects worthy candidates from a pre-compiled list. A personal meeting is organized, the consultant acts as an intermediary, helps the parties find a common language.
  5. Post-employment counseling - a headhunter for some time acts as a third party in the relationship between the employee and the organization, helping to solve emerging problems.

Important! A kind of supervision of a hired specialist lasts from six months to a year.

Features of the selection of top managers

Headhunting can work wonders and masters of their craft can lure even a specialist from the top management of a competing company into the organization. Among the characteristic features of the selection can be identified:

  • professionalism - the consultant must correspond to the level of the position held. As a rule, top managers know their own worth and will not stick to the offer of a dubious person;
  • information flow - a headhunter is obliged to use as many sources as possible to reveal the hidden sides of the object's nature, to find weak sides or methods of influence;
  • reliability of the customer - the owner company allocates an appropriate amount of funds and resources for carrying out prospecting work, material and privileged incentives to attract attention.

When selecting management specialists, it is important to develop a correct evaluation technology. Applicants are considered:

  1. Objectively - the general opinion or first impression does not affect the decision.
  2. Reliable – success or failure, rainfall or sunny days do not play a role in evaluating a top manager.
  3. Reliable - only verified data about professional qualities and the ability of the applicant.
  4. Comprehensively - not only the satisfaction of the requirements of the organization is considered, but also a worthy response to the requests of a potential senior manager.


Headhunting is an effective tool for selecting narrowly qualified specialists. The developed methodology involves an active search for job seekers in the labor market, passive, employed employees.

The high level of qualification of the consultant will certainly create a professional team in the organization in question.

Secrets and principles of recruitment by headhunters - in this video:

Handhunters are hunting exclusively for real gurus, super-specialists in a particular field, which every employer wants to get. So, how does a bounty hunter need to most effectively set traps so that they fall into a unique highly skilled professional?

The term "HeadHunting" is of English origin and translates as traditional method targeted and direct search for highly qualified specialists (head - head and hunter - hunter). This process involves "poaching" key workers from one company to another. Such specialists represent the "golden" reserve of the organization, because it is thanks to their brilliant developments and ideas that it successfully develops, gaining leadership positions. The number of truly talented specialists today is small, each of them is closely monitored and it is they who become the target of bounty hunters.

A headhunter searches for a specialist according to two predefined criteria: having data on the name and surname of the employee, or simply having information about the requirements for him. Thus, the company entices the most talented specialists, top managers, successful professionals, who from the first days of work will bring profit to the company.

Clients for headhunters are usually successful companies that occupy a leading position in the market, because services for headhunters are not at all cheap. So, what principles do they follow in their work? What should be their actions in the process of targeted search? How difficult it is to find an "expensive" candidate. Let's try to understand the technologies for selecting leading specialists and other secrets of headhunting.

Principles of activity of a headhunter

Undoubtedly, everything is important for such a business - quality, reputation, strict confidentiality, excellent knowledge of candidates, and, of course, an understanding of the customer's business.

The most important aspect of the headhunter's activity is the privacy policy, which is mandatory when working with both candidates and clients. And, of course, mutual respect.

Algorithm of actions, methods and stages of headhunting

There are two types of headhunting. The most difficult is the first option, when the customer indicates the specific name of the person he wants to see in his company. The essence of the second selection method is that the headhunter receives information about the requirements for the candidate, and then independently creates a holistic image of his “target”.

If the client has given the specific name of the required person, the headhunter prepares in the most thorough manner for the upcoming meeting with the only suitable candidate. Since he has no right to make a mistake, the expert carefully studies the person's biography and thinks over what motivation will be most effective in this situation.

Speaking of the second method, called " executive search”, which is more common - in it, for a start, based on the conversation with the customer, a description of the position is created. Moreover, close interaction between the consultant and the client gives much more chances for a successful search. It is possible that the customer has certain priorities among competing companies whose key employees he would like to get. The next step is identification, that is, the study of information about people in positions that fall under the description of the qualifications of the required employee. Further, the headhunter proceeds to a very important stage - the initial contact with the desired candidate. The outcome of the first conversation determines whether the headhunter is able to interest the candidate, and, most importantly, whether they will meet. After that - an interview and selection of 3 potential candidates that meet the requirements and wishes of the customer. Having learned all the missing details of the candidate's resume, the headhunter finds out the reputation of this employee in the market and adds his comments to the CV. It is imperative to find out the reputation even before meeting with the customer, because there are cases of refusals to meet with the candidate due to his bad reputation. Yes, and about the competence of the headhunter, in this case, questions may arise.

However, a headhunter gives a guarantee for its services that lasts 1 year, therefore, even if new employee leaves the client organization, a replacement must be found absolutely free of charge

The search begins with determining the profile of the required candidate, for which the business is carefully analyzed and corporate culture of the customer company, the tasks of the position, requirements for the employee are determined, and a search strategy is developed. After that, the planned strategy is implemented: selection of potential candidates, which are discussed with the customer, conversation with them, collection of recommendations, analysis of their professional activity and an assessment of strengths and weaknesses.

After the interview, a few of the most suitable employees for a given role are presented to the customer, helping him in his choice. In the process of determining the finalist, comparative analysis all applicants.

Having agreed with the best candidate, the headhunter’s work does not end, ahead is holding a consultation that would help the new employee quickly adapt, interacting with the client and the candidate, obtaining feedback from them, as well as assistance in building effective interaction and cooperation.

A special area of ​​headhunting that requires perfect knowledge of candidates and modern market is search for senior managers. There are several stages in the search for the necessary candidates.

In the process of work, a direct search is used - according to our own database of talented candidates and according to their recommendations. Having at its disposal the description of the position, a detailed assessment and selection of the necessary candidates is carried out. Further, we bring the wishes of the customer and the candidate in line, because this is a kind of compromise of interests, either they correspond, or the search continues further. The most suitable candidates, with whom we have already worked, are determined by a selection method from a long list presented to the employer.

Headhunter Code of Conduct

Here are a few key points that apply in the field of executive search, and in any other work with clients: always act in accordance with the interests of the client, while adhering to ethical standards on interaction with candidates and clients, respecting confidentiality; provide a quality service, informing the client about all stages of work. The consultant must be “flexible”, but able to defend his point of view in case of disagreement with the client.

The most important thing in the work of a headhunter is the 100% secrecy of the information received from the candidate and the client. This business is based on this rule. Second important rule is the untouchability of the client. The expert does not have the right to involve employees of the client company.

According to the executive search rules, the consultant does not have the right to offer a job to the candidate he was recruiting, unless the specialist himself left the client organization.

Maintaining constant contact and feedback with the candidate and the customer is another rule. The client must be aware of everything that is happening regarding the project. In most cases, this works best in a "consultant-client" relationship, but since executive search is characterized by close cooperation with clients and candidates (because their level is very high), each candidate can then become a client.

Special training for a headhunter

Of course, in order to work in the field of executive search and to competently evaluate highly qualified top-level candidates, a consultant must have the appropriate experience, knowledge and undergo the necessary training.

However, only in the process of work can you fully and completely immerse yourself in technology. Of course, no one denies the importance of specialization. Consultants often start out as generalists, gradually acquiring industrial or functional specializations that greatly increase their value as specialists. The relationship between the client and the consultant should be based on a business partnership. An expert is not only a project executor, but also a source of new non-standard solutions”

A person needs to be familiarized with the algorithm of actions, the basic principles of the headhunter, as well as the rules for conducting an interview. Everything else depends on the personality of the person. A "bounty hunter" is simply obliged to show curiosity, because without this quality it will be difficult for him to achieve success in mastering the profession of a headhunter, and also to constantly look for new non-standard ways to select candidates. Human experience is also a very important aspect. For example, Western experts are people whose age is much older than 40 years, who have rich professional and life experience. It is very important for such experts to be able to find various necessary information in sources, to conduct a thorough analysis of the situation, both in specific industries and in the labor market as a whole. In general, there is an opinion that for this work there is no need for any special education.

Advantages and disadvantages of headhunting

The advantage for a client who has realized the need to attract an employee is the help of professionals from a specialized agency in the selection and search of top managers. Such an agency will help you quickly find key employees of competing companies, which would be difficult to find on your own. AT similar situation the reputation and credibility of the headhunter in the market play an important role. Are there any downsides? - rather difficulties. For example, it is very difficult to choose the best from a short list of candidates, each of whom deserves respect. Conducting more face-to-face meetings with candidates will help resolve this issue.

A non-standard creative approach to work is an undoubted advantage of headhunting. In the search for a candidate, there can be no standard scenarios, because sometimes they can be found in the most unpredictable places. So, for example, there was a case where a successful candidate would be found on the beach while on vacation.

The disadvantages of headhunting are only the rather high cost of the services of a professional expert, as well as the duration of the order (sometimes it can last about a year). In addition, such activity is, first of all, work with people. And something unforeseen can always happen: either the client changes his mind about looking for an employee, or the candidate last moment refuse the offer new position. In this case, the search must be started from the very beginning.

Today, when with the help of the Internet everyone has received general access to information, through networks such as LinkedIn, customers have the opportunity to select candidates directly. Naturally, although this does not replace the work of headhunters, it significantly complicates it. The second difficulty is “access to the body”, namely: the protective shield of the secretaries of candidates of such a high level is so not penetrating that it can sometimes be very difficult to talk to him. But even in this case, headhunters have their own tricks.

A clear advantage of contacting a recruitment company is that its specialists are perfectly familiar with the candidate market, have a serious analytical resource and will be able to quickly find necessary specialist in accordance with business development strategies and the current tasks of the customer. For the mass recruitment of company employees, the technology of direct personnel search is very expensive and time-consuming.

Increasingly, headhunters are faced with such a difficulty as a shortage of truly worthy leaders. Moreover, this applies not only to Russia, but to the whole world. That is why many companies, in order to replace a departed employee, are preparing a replacement from among the company's staff, but this is a topic for a separate discussion.

  • Recruitment and selection, Labor market


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The main technologies for selecting candidates (screening, recruiting, head-hunting). Their characteristic

There are three main technologies in the recruitment market: screening - selection according to personal data, recruiting - selection on formal grounds and executive search (headhunting) - search and selection of personnel for a specific business task.

All three technologies have the right to life and solve different problems: screening is in demand when selecting for standard, mass jobs, but in this case, without taking into account the real experience of the candidate and his motivation, the probability of a successful vacancy closing is minimal. Recruiting is a higher level of screening. It emerged as a result of executives' concern about the poor performance of recruiting on resumes alone. When using recruiting technology, the result (probability of accurate selection), depending on the experience of the agency, ranges from 10-40%. Executive search - headhunting, headhunting, selection key managers and specialists. The search is carried out in a "direct" way - without announcing a vacancy in the media, for a specific task, taking into account the characteristics of the company and the workplace, psychotypes of senior managers, with a full study of the business and personal qualities of the candidate. Executive search is a technology that gives the highest, almost 100% probability of finding and selecting the right candidate.

Screening - a service aimed at creating a stream of resumes of applicants who are actively looking for a job and selected based on the voiced requirements;

Full cycle recruiting - search and selection of specialists based on the requirements of the Customer within a clearly defined time frame. The process is carried out from receiving an application for selection to the release of the found specialist for work;

Direct search ("Executive Search") - search and selection of senior managers and rare specialists;

Head Hunting (“Head Hunting”) is a recruitment technology aimed at luring a specific specialist from a competing company to a customer company;

Subscription service is an economical recruitment technology that guarantees a constant influx of personnel to the company and does not limit the number of candidates hired;

Selection of temporary staff ("Temporary Staffing") - is carried out in case of temporary need of the Customer in specialists;

Mass selection - search and selection of specialists for the same type of positions in large numbers. The service is indispensable for staffing shops, factories, hotels, call centers etc.;

Regional search - search and selection of personnel in all regions.

To date, there are actually three recruitment technologies.

Screening - "superficial selection" on formal grounds, when the agency acts as a supplier of approximately suitable candidates, and the selection is carried out by the customer himself.

Recruiting-selection, taking into account the real characteristics of the workplace and business qualities of the candidate, carried out on the base of candidates and on the response to advertisements in the media.

Executive search - "quality search", taking into account the characteristics of the customer's business, workplace, business and personal qualities of the candidate, organized in a "direct" way, without announcing a vacancy in the media. In screening, the probability of closing a vacancy is qualitatively approximately 10%; in recruiting, depending on its quality, it fluctuates in the range of 10-80%. Executive search is a technology that guarantees the highest, almost 100% probability of finding and selecting the right candidate.

Depending on the implementation technology and the level of the vacancy to be filled, the search is divided into special (direct search), responsible (executive search) and head-hunting. The first recruiting technology is to find a candidate who works within the business defined by the customer. Often, direct search is used to select specialists of various levels, from salespeople to middle managers.

To find top managers or especially scarce specialists, recruiters usually use special search and head-hunting. As a rule, in this case, the personnel officer offers potential customer at least three to five candidates for a vacant position.

Head-hunting is the highest skill level of a recruiter, as it involves “hunting” for a specific specialist. And if, in the case of a responsible search, an order can be completed even though several candidates have refused the recruiter's offer, then the hunter must fulfill a specific order for a specific candidate. Such skill implies a high professional level of the recruiter himself, as well as great opportunities for the agency.

Executiv Search helps to find the best in the labor market, and the selection technology in recruiting makes it possible to make a full-fledged monitoring of specialists who are currently looking for a job - and choose the most suitable of them.

The head hunting service, unlike the standard personnel search, is aimed at attracting specific professionals who are currently successfully working in companies. Often, they are experts in a particular industry, have knowledge and experience in a particular market segment. These specialists are able to bring new technologies, key partners to the company, bring the organization to a new stage of development. In most cases, headhunting (headhunting) is used when we are talking on the selection of top managers, "narrow" specialists, the selection of middle managers (management selection). This method is based on "poaching successful working professionals", it requires serious qualifications and targeted work.
Experience of the best professionals is at your service. Profi Group Human Resources Agency has been operating since 2003, we guarantee professionalism and confidentiality.

The search for employees using the headhuntig method (headhunting) involves the following steps on the part of the consultant of our personnel service:

personal meeting, departure of an agency consultant with a representative of the customer, identification of the profile and tasks of a vacant position, client's expectations;
detailed analysis of the client's market (major players, segmentation, etc.);
identifying "interesting" companies, compiling a short-list, agreeing with the customer;
formation of a legend, search for specialists, access to the “necessary” employees, direct search;
establishing contact with potential candidate who needs to be interested, initiating a personal meeting;
conducting an interview with a potential candidate, collecting information, assessing for compliance with the position, tasks, customer expectations;
bringing information to the customer, coordination, presentation of the candidate; in case of interest, organization of an interview, collection of recommendations;
feedback, assistance in agreeing on the terms of cooperation between the customer and the candidate, tracking the results of cooperation;

In the practice of our personnel department, there were and are orders that any other recruiting company in Moscow would consider difficult, or even impossible. We have repeatedly solved and continue to solve interesting and complex problems, including poaching employees. If you need a specialist with experience in your particular market segment, we are ready to conduct an analysis, a high-quality pinpoint search, negotiate with a potential candidate, get him interested and provide you unique opportunity"choosing from the best".

Profi Group personnel service uses non-standard methods in its work, including access to "interesting" candidates through social networks. networks, professional business community, including visits to thematic exhibitions (crocus, expo center). In addition, in certain cases, we use a “direct approach” to a candidate working in a competitor company. Profi Group HR consultants, as well as the best executive search agencies, have knowledge, life experience, a broad outlook and practical skills of “exit”, “poaching of personnel”, including when it comes to the direction of “poaching of managers”. Our recruitment agency, whose staff uses headhanting technology, is able to find "narrow" and select "rare" specialists in a given industry.

The cost of agency services and payment terms headhunting, personnel from Profi Group

The use of non-standard methods of approaching candidates (headhunting technologies), a unique own base, connections in business circles and the professionalism of our consultants allow us to work in the direction of headhunting, headhunting (poaching specialists, successfully working professionals), according to a fixed rate of 16% per annum income accepted employee.
The warranty period for a free replacement is from 6 months. Depending on the item, it is possible to extend the warranty period for a longer period.

A few years ago, the best recruitment agencies in Moscow used head hunting (“head hunting”), as well as, as a tool for finding employees for managerial positions. To date, recruiting agencies in Moscow and the regions are using this method not only when looking for a “top manager”, but also when selecting “middle managers”, when it comes to a specialist “from the market” - a professional who is capable of the shortest time bring tangible benefits to the company - the customer. Also, this method is relevant as a selection of specialists or professionals of the "narrow" segment of the market. Access to professionals in the direction of headhunting (headhunting), as a rule, is characterized by the fact that candidates are currently not in search new work, are not interested in vacancies and, of course, do not publish their resumes in open sources. A potential employer is more interested in such a specialist than the candidate himself. A business recruitment agency, in most cases, must maintain confidentiality, the vacancy is not announced on popular resources, sometimes it is not even posted on the recruitment agency website. When using the headhunting technology ("headhunting"), the services of a recruitment agency are much more expensive than when using the technology, when the recruitment of personnel is carried out by agencies using their own database, Internet resources, including popular paid ones.
In order to provide your business with rare employees, headhunting agencies must have certain resources, after all, a number of specific requirements are imposed on the employee, the presence of which can only be formulated and controlled by a recruitment agency, whose staff will take into account all the subtleties and features of the customer’s business, position profile, tasks and client expectations from the results of the “skunk employee” activities.

We love our work, value the time of our customers, thanks to which we are trusted to select professionals who are able to provide key assistance to the development of the client's business. If headhunting (headhunting) or is relevant for your company, call us personally at the numbers listed in the section and make sure of the professionalism of our consultants, consultations are provided free of charge. A preliminary application for the selection of personnel, executed on our official website, will allow the consultant to preliminarily analyze the need, after which the consultant will contact you at a convenient time for you.
