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Account Manager job responsibilities. Key account manager job description, key account manager job description, sample key account manager job description

What are the responsibilities of an account manager and how best to convey to the employee the essence of the tasks assigned to him? Job description and template job description with examples of filling - in the article.

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The position of Customer Service Manager is present in staffing most organizations that supply goods and services. The field of activity of such employees is very extensive and is aimed primarily at finding and attracting new individual or corporate clients, as well as retaining and developing an existing client base.

Customer Service Specialist Responsibilities

The functional responsibilities of a customer service manager are formed taking into account the specifics of the goods or services offered by the employer. Wholesale and retail trade, advertising, tourism, fitness industry- each area economic activity requires a certain profile training from the manager. For example, in the area retail one of the key tasks is to expand the client base, while in advertising the ability to find an individual approach to each client is appreciated. The manager does:

  • organizing and conducting negotiations;
  • identifying potential customers and analyzing their needs;
  • development of methods for finding clients and efficient schemes their attraction;
  • maintaining contacts with regular customers;
  • market analysis, evaluation of competitors' offers;
  • deal making and product demonstrations.

In some companies, a separate managerial position is created for a specialist who is entrusted with working with key accounts (key account manager). He is engaged strategic planning and building strong relationships with each of the key customers, develops and coordinates the most important projects for the employer.

Business Account Manager Responsibilities

Legal entities (organizations, enterprises) that purchase goods or services in large quantities at once, belong to the category of corporate clients. For many commercial companies, it is corporate clients that make up the lion's share of the business, and attracting even one such buyer significantly increases the level of income.

To work productively with them, a manager must be well versed in the criteria for attracting such customers and know how to properly build a dialogue not only with ordinary representatives of third-party companies, but also with top managers or middle managers. Specify the tasks and powers of the manager for working with ordinary or corporate clients, having developed an intelligible and convenient job description.

Answer prepared in collaboration with the editors

Answered by Nina Kovyazina

Job descriptions are mandatory only government bodies ( ). It is impossible to fine an organization that is not a government agency for not having instructions ( ). At the same time, there are strong arguments in favor of the fact that it is better to issue a job description. Its presence will allow the organization ...

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Account Manager Job Description

The preparation of job descriptions, as a rule, is entrusted to HR specialists, personnel officers, and clerks. To ensure that the instructions accurately reflect the nuances labor function employee, his immediate supervisors are involved in the work - heads of departments and services, senior managers, leading specialists.

The head of the organization approves the procedure and terms for the development of the document by order. You can take as a basis job description, which consists of five sections.


General provisions

Reflects the place of the employee in the corporate hierarchy, the knowledge and practical skills necessary for him to work, the procedure for appointment and dismissal

Job Responsibilities

Contains a detailed list of tasks assigned to the employee, characterizes the areas of work

Focused on employee rights

A responsibility

Establishes the main types of responsibility, taking into account the requirements of current legislation

Procedure for revision of instructions

Establishes terms and conditions for review

With the last section, everything is simple: the job description of the account manager, as for other positions, can be reviewed both on a planned basis (at least once every five years) and ahead of schedule. In practice, the main reasons for the revision, as a rule, are technological or organizational changes in the company: job renaming, changing the structure of the department, introducing new methods of work. To supplement or modify the instructions approved in the standard order for local regulatory documentation, it is enough to issue an appropriate order.

It is more difficult to make changes to a document developed as an annex to an employment contract. You will have to discuss innovations with the employee in advance and conclude with him supplementary agreement. In addition, the nominal instruction will have to be re-compiled at each change of frames, which is also not very convenient.

The answer was prepared jointly with the editors of ""

deputy director of the department medical education and personnel policy in health care of the Ministry of Health of Russia

If an employee refuses to sign an already approved job description in new edition, draw up an act about this, in which there will be signatures of at least three persons. If the employer unilaterally changed the job description, this is a change in the terms of the employment contract, in particular, labor function employee (Article 57, 72 of the Labor Code, ).

Sections 1-4 contain information about a specific labor function, therefore, they are drawn up taking into account its features. Prescribing duties, rights and employee responsibility, use clear and simple language that cannot be interpreted in two ways. When compiling a list of qualification skills necessary for a manager, do not limit yourself to the requirement for higher education or work experience. List all conditions point by point, for example:

  • knowledge of economic legislation and management theory;
  • possession of methods for developing business plans, commercial agreements, contracts;
  • ability to process information using a computer, modern technical means communications and communications, etc.

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Job functions are written in no less detail:

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Additional agreement to the employment contract

You can approve the instructions either by a separate order or by the stamp “I approve” affixed to the document itself.

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Additional agreement to the employment contract

A well-written job description "Account Manager" will facilitate the process of setting work tasks and employee appraisals, will provide an opportunity to reasonably justify the dismissal of an employee due to inconsistency with the position held or to prove in court the legitimacy of a disciplinary sanction.

How well do you know what wording is needed in the job description, and what is better to exclude? Pass!

Key account manager- one of the key figures in the enterprise. He enters into contracts with clients that bring the company the main income. Responsibilities key account manager consist of many points, and the main result of his activity is the completed (or better, overfulfilled) plan. In case of non-fulfillment of the plan, the variable part of the KAM salary may decrease significantly.

Key account manager job description

Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Key account manager belongs to the category of professionals.
1.2. The key account manager is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the commercial director.
1.3. The key account manager reports directly to the head of the sales department (development director, commercial director).
1.4. During the absence of a key account manager, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the organization's order.
1.5. A person with a higher education and at least 2 years of experience in sales is appointed to the position of a key account manager.
1.6. The Key Account Manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the company, Internal labor regulations, other regulations companies;
- the established financial and economic practice in this area;
- rules for concluding and executing contracts for the supply of products;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a key account manager

The Key Account Manager is responsible for: official duties:

2.1. Based on the plans of the department, it plans individual sales volumes and individual targets for the development of an active client base.
2.2. Plans a schedule of visits and calls to clients on a weekly basis.
2.3. In accordance with the schedule (and, if necessary, outside the schedule), he regularly calls and personally visits existing and potential customers, conducts all necessary negotiations with them on the conditions for the sale of goods and the procedure for making payments.
2.4. Organizes the preparation and conclusion of contracts with new customers, if necessary - re-registration of contracts with existing customers.
2.5. In accordance with the procedure established at the enterprise, it carries out a set of measures to verify the reliability and creditworthiness of customers.
2.6. Personally takes orders from all key customers, transferring technical work (entering orders into a computer) to the sales support department.
2.7. If necessary, advises the client on the optimal preparation of the order, based on the specifics of the business this client and from the company's strategic focus on long-term cooperation with this key client.
2.8. Within the framework of the conditions set out in clause 7, and also taking into account the quality of the client's existing debt and his credit history, he strives for the maximum order size not only in terms of volume, but also in terms of assortment.
2.9. Based on the rules and regulations in force in the company, determines the size of discounts (price list column). In the event of a non-standard situation, consult with the head of the department.
2.10. Performs merchandising.
2.11. Keeps records of the execution of orders made and mutual settlements with its customers. Analyzes cases of returns and failures. Takes steps to prevent similar incidents in the future.
2.12. Conducts work on training client personnel in methods to increase the efficiency of sales of the company's goods.
2.13. Provides timely and full return of receivables of its clients. Takes all possible measures for the immediate and full collection of overdue receivables.
2.14. If necessary, and in accordance with the rules adopted at the enterprise, participates in the preparation of acts and other documents for shortages, regrading, etc.
2.15. Keeps a sales history for each of his clients, and also collects and systematizes all available information about existing and potential clients in his market segment, their needs, and prospects for developing trade relations with them.
2.16. Collects and systematizes all available information about competitors, always tries to keep abreast of all changes in the market, is always ready to adequately respond to the actions of competitors.
2.17. At the request of the management, he evaluates the sales prospects in the market segment assigned to him, prepares proposals for adjusting the assortment and prices.
2.18. If there are relevant decisions of the management, it works to stimulate sales, to implement special programs of discounts and bonuses, and other sales promotions.
2.19. Constantly improves his professional level.
2.20. Ensures timely and reliable execution of all required reporting and other working documentation.
2.21. Provides a trade secret mode.
2.22. Maintains good working relationships within the workforce.
2.23. Performs official assignments of his immediate supervisor and direct superiors.

3. Rights of a key account manager

The Key Account Manager has the right to:

3.1. Represent the interests of the company in relations with customers on sales organization issues.
3.2. Get acquainted with the decisions of the company's management regarding the procurement and marketing of products.
3.3. Submit proposals to improve sales of products for consideration by the commercial director.
3.4. Communicate with employees of all structural divisions enterprises.
3.5. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor information and documents from the heads of departments and specialists necessary for the performance of their duties.
3.6. Report to the immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings in the activities of the enterprise identified in the course of the performance of their duties and make proposals for their elimination.

4. Responsibilities of the key account manager

The Key Account Manager is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. For causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. For non-fulfillment of the sales plan, the plan for the active client base, the plan for new customers - within the variable part of the salary.

An employee holding the position of a manager can be found in the management apparatus any company. The heads of various departments, administrators, managers of various levels are called the name of this profession, specialists who have mastered it are in demand in the labor market and employment. They control the execution of tasks in the area entrusted to them, managing certain group workers.

Do not confuse ordinary sellers of goods, perhaps their employer elevated them to a similar status for greater significance on job position consultant, seller, trader. On it they perform their duties, are not organizers of functional production departments, but with a virtual name and professional status, unlike a real manager who earns on the effective work of employees under his subordination.

Types of managers and characteristics of activities

To understand what function managers perform in production, it is necessary to define the science of management.

It includes in its sections:

  • proper management of production processes;
  • development of measures to achieve efficiency in the work of firms;
  • control over the economic, financial system;
  • organization social sphere in a collective.

The responsibility of management includes solving problems of different nature:

  1. Organizational– levers are created that operate from the very formation of the enterprise with managerial functions, norms and standards.
  2. strategic- here is the area, responsibility is imposed on it in achieving a long-term goal, it is placed immediately after the registration of the company in front of the management personnel. It is necessary to select a qualified personnel, find out about the availability of professionals in a given region, organize consumers for manufactured products, and achieve efficiency in production.
  3. Tactical- aimed at solving problems, immediate prospects by middle management.
  4. operational- responsible for current production tasks, providing a material base, determining resources, setting and answering priority questions.

At these levels of management, educated people carry out their activities, with knowledge production processes, the ability to promote and sell products - managers. They lead in various management levels in a certain position. Employees at this level are given the rights and responsibilities to make responsible decisions, which improves production productivity.

Collaboration with clientele one of the important directions of the company no matter what kind of work she does.

Trade area managers find a network of consumers for long-term cooperation.

They are obliged to create relationships in which there will be no room for doubts about the performance of the proper functions of the organization, with all the client's wishes, in a quality manner, within the agreed time frame. As a result of the competent functionality of the manager, mutual income will increase with the help of the accumulated personal client structure.

To be successful, an individual must have qualities:

  • courtesy;
  • tolerance;
  • the right attitude towards people, their customers;
  • high communication skills.

Skill level comes with experience throughout many years. With the presence of professionalism, the ability to set up reliable trusting relationships with partners begins. One specialist can manage several customers, an entire chain, or become a key account manager. It closes the connection with a significant part of the customers.

Employees in this area are associated with the marketing of the company, participate in all activities in this area. They are informed not only about the company's product, but also know everything about competing organizations, the quality and volume of their products. Knowledge alone will not bring profit to the company, you need to be able to process information with the help of competent analysis, to draw a conclusion.

Managers are:

  1. Melancholy with unhurried conduct of business, unbalancing customers with its slowness.
  2. Erudites informed in various fields activities, their education attracts a clientele. They have an analytical mind, which allows them to clearly assess the situation, get out of a difficult situation. Customers can calmly cooperate with such partners, they are confident in the preparation of documentation, purchased goods, services.
  3. Performers, they work according to the plan, fulfill all the conditions in accordance with the rules, but they never have their own initiative proposals.

The ideal managerial scheme provides for the presence of specialists of all types in its staff. Each of them can bring benefits to the enterprise, which together will create effective productivity.

General provisions

The level of cooperation with clients, the direction of services depends on what the company is doing.

The manager must be knowledgeable core subjects:

  • marketing;
  • administration;
  • legislative norms;
  • interpersonal psychology;
  • business etiquette;
  • ways of communication;
  • awareness of the products sold by the enterprise, its functionality;
  • working conditions in the company, shift schedule, established requirements for duties and employees;
  • holding presentations, various events to increase successful performance;
  • draw up, prepare agreements, documentation, business plans.

A specialist acting in the partner community must:

  • quickly assess the situation, resolve the problem;
  • politely conduct telephone conversations;
  • be tactful and resistant to stressful situations;
  • be able to cooperate according to the rules of the company;
  • learn innovation.

Managers of all levels are characterized by external attractiveness, charm, neatness, they act in the interests of the employer's company.

Positions in the customer service department

The production department responsible for communicating with the customer base of an enterprise can be called a customer relationship department, a support service, a service structure - in any case intended to serve the firm's production strategy.

The complexity of the production of manufactured products requires the recruitment of serious personnel for its implementation. Functional management is being created at enterprises, which is performed by people on the basis of their job responsibilities in various production structures.

Employees are bound by the tasks assigned to them:

  • plan production activities;
  • analyze the informative flow;
  • draw up reports;
  • interact with employees;
  • train staff and improve their skills.

A citizen hired as a sales manager provides the company with customers for the products sold.

He possesses personal qualities:

  • sociability;
  • charm and sociability;
  • self-confidence;
  • developed thinking.

The department will not function adequately without office manager.

His functions include being an administrator and supply manager if the company cannot have a large staff, while he manages a group of workers subordinate to him:

  • cleaners;
  • couriers;
  • secretaries.

Such an official organizes efficient operation office, provides employees with stationery, office equipment.

top manager is the head of the enterprise, which means that his responsibility is to manage all departments, including customer relations.

He belongs to top-level managers, he is required to:

  • create a strong team of like-minded people;
  • be an experienced production worker;
  • control the performance of the company's personnel.

The manager is responsible for the activities of the company in all its positive and negative aspects.

Below are some basic tips for working with clients.

Main responsibilities

The responsibilities assigned to each employee in the customer service department directly depend on the activities that the company is engaged in.

General characteristics can be presented the following list of activities:

  • perform an analysis of society in order to find new buyers, identify their needs, orientation;
  • plan relationships with existing consumers, develop interaction tactics, build further relationships;
  • coordinate events, attract client flow;
  • organize negotiations with customers who are interested in cooperation;
  • offer projected agreements with visitors, coordinate the disagreements that have arisen within the limits of authority;
  • develop further communication with profitable partners;
  • communicate with the client base to identify dissatisfied consumers in order to eliminate such cases in time;
  • work with claims, protect the interests of the organization in a timely manner;
  • form, complete, lead client base;
  • monitor the implementation of agreements with customers for internal divisions of the enterprise;
  • study, analyze competition policy in various areas of their activities;
  • prepare reports on their activities to a higher structure.

A similar list of duties is included in the job description of managers working with clients.

Features of work with corporate and key clients

For the full productivity of the enterprise, good development, needed stable client base in sufficient quantity. Retail buyers bring in some profit, but the core of profitability is consumers from the category of corporate customers.

Citizens belong to legal entities, organizations, firms that purchase products in large quantities. Many commercial companies function through such connections, they contribute the main contribution to the business.

To work with key partners, a separate staff unit as a corporate client manager.

His duties include:

  • find growing businesses;
  • interest them in goods or services;
  • conduct surveys with the management of organizations;
  • form proposals;
  • hold profitable meetings;
  • organize exhibitions, events;
  • enter into agreements;
  • draw up documentation;
  • maintain corporate ties;
  • participate in negotiations, correspondence;
  • comply with reporting.

Execution of a certain employment contract activities are supplemented or simplified, it depends on the employers and the company.

Responsibilities of a bank manager

It is impossible to imagine the functionality of a bank without well-organized management. Managers in this area have a prestigious and responsible job, but there is always a shortage of personnel, advertising is full of calls for a decent salary and good conditions labor.

These employees are required to the following actions:

  • fulfill the sales plan;
  • accept and process orders;
  • work with commercial offers;
  • conduct consultations;
  • inform about banking products;
  • draw up documentation on credit cards, deposits;
  • draw up reports.

Each bank makes its own list professional duties, this may include the need to control users of loans on mandatory payments, telephone communication with customers to answer their questions, and resolve various problems.

Legal powers and responsibilities

Each employee has their own individual rights and responsibilities, which are detailed in the job description.

The client manager in the company has law:

  • choose a convenient method of working with the consumer, establish business relations according to your own scheme;
  • use accountable funds for representation expenses;
  • sign the executed documents within their powers;
  • be a representative of the interests of the company;
  • offer management the best conditions for the sale of goods;
  • interact with structural divisions;
  • inform the management about the detected errors in the work of the enterprise.

The employee is responsible for violations in the working order according to all standards labor law. If the offense was committed in legal area, the punishment will be in accordance with certain Codes of the case. A material offense provides for regulation from labor, civil laws.

Advantages and disadvantages of work

Each work is characterized by different pros and cons that are present in the field of management. Employees who communicate with production partners in the field of banking, any industrial structure, have advantages in that, having gained experience, specialists become in demand, they are not in danger of falling into the category of unemployed citizens, while decent earnings should be taken into account.

This kind of activity should be chosen by people with irrepressible energy, lovers of an active lifestyle. Those who are not afraid of a large flow of people and new acquaintances, the ability to communicate and dispose the society to the offered goods, services, offers.

The virtues of a profession are closely related to its shortcomings. The salary depends on the ingenuity of the manager, the volume of products sold, the executed contracts, translated into cash. Employees are entitled to a minimum wage, and bonuses are paid according to concluded deals.

Another disadvantage of the specialty is inadequacy of some clients. Often conflict situations are formed, which the manager is obliged to exclude, listen to those who are dissatisfied, and find solutions to problems.

Resume writing

Managers are quite in demand in various fields of activity. Employers are interested in hiring a competent employee, an experienced professional.

In order for the leader to evaluate the ability, you need to correctly compose summary. For this, only good personal qualities are indicated, the bosses learn about the bad ones in the course of their activities. You will need good reviews from the past management, and if you were satisfied with your previous job, you can leave contact information. A description of the experience, skills of working with clients will not interfere.

Additional information on the profession "Account Manager" is presented in this interview.

Account manager or client manager is a key figure for many companies in the field of trade, service, advertising, project management. The list of tasks that such a specialist solves is extensive and includes the entire process of interaction with the buyer: from attracting and informing about the services to determining satisfaction with the results of cooperation. Let's talk about what's included functional responsibilities customer support manager and what requirements employers have for job seekers.

A customer service manager or, more briefly, a customer manager is a specialist who interacts with the customers of a store or company at all stages of the provision of a service. Such specialists often first attract buyers themselves, tell them about the services, make a deal or sell a product. In fact, they become the face of the company, with which customers associate it in the future.

The position of a client manager is most often found in trade and in the service sector, sometimes in marketing and advertising companies. Similar names (this is the same profession):

  • account Manager;
  • customer support manager;
  • account manager.

An account manager's salary consists of a fixed salary (usually very low) and a percentage of sales or deals made. There is no upper limit, income actually depends on the ability to sell. This approach to payroll should motivate specialists to work more actively, but in fact creates high competition between colleagues within the same company.

Some companies appoint key account managers. These specialists work with corporate or very important buyers for the company. This type of position is considered more advanced, usually employees with impressive experience or who have shown themselves well in business are usually accepted for it.

Customer support manager or client manager - a job for sociable people

Functional responsibilities of a customer service manager

The service manager handles a huge list of tasks. High competition in the market, when sellers of similar products compete precisely in marketing and service, make this profession in demand, a key one for such companies. By supplying the same products, stores strive to outperform competitors precisely with the help of high-quality interaction with the audience of buyers.

What exactly an account manager does in the workplace depends largely on the area. Typical Responsibilities of a Customer Relationship Manager:

  • search for potential customers, database development, cold calls (sometimes a separate search specialist does these, but most often positions are combined);
  • informing potential and existing customers about products, services, new features and benefits of the product, promotions and discounts;
  • product demonstration;
  • receiving incoming calls, letters, messages in chats and in social networks companies;
  • work with objections;
  • selection of the optimal product, service option, tariff, taking into account the maximum benefit to the buyer and the company;
  • building customer loyalty, identifying additional needs and creating interest in the company as a whole;
  • conclusion of transactions, support of sales;
  • preparation of reports;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of different methods of interaction with customers;
  • development of new service options, cases, methods;
  • study of successful practices of competitors.

Consider an example. In the shop led lighting employs a recruitment and service manager. The main part of the day, he interacts with the incoming flow of customers: he welcomes them, identifies needs, helps with the choice and accompanies them until the purchase. During “dead hours”, for example, during the day on weekdays, he additionally calls the database of potential customers, and also replenishes it by finding suitable contacts in social networks. Every day he fills out a report on the work done in the online spreadsheet.

It follows from the example that the work of any account manager involves several areas: customer service itself, as well as several accompanying actions - search, engagement, analysis of service methods, reporting.

The list of duties of a client manager depends on the scope of work

Requirements for a candidate

The requirements for escort managers rarely concern education and are grouped around specific skills and qualities. Some employers require higher professional education in the field of management or marketing, but in reality it matters little.

Experience in sales will be an advantage, while the area is not important. Service and interaction methods are approximately the same in all industries.

The following characteristics are of fundamental importance:

  • sociability, sociability, the ability to arrange the interlocutor;
  • knowledge of the company's product and the industry as a whole (the ability to quickly learn and memorize new information);
  • knowledge of sales techniques;
  • PC at the user level;
  • the ability to quickly and unobtrusively identify the needs of the client;
  • attentiveness;
  • purposefulness, focus on results.

In some cases, you need to know English language and own a car. Neat is welcome appearance, charisma, good diction. Such a profession involves constant interaction with people, that is, it is more suitable for extroverts.


Working as an account manager involves attracting and servicing customers or customers. This profession is suitable for active, sociable people who love to sell and are able to find a balance between the interests of the buyer and the company. What exactly the account manager will do in the workplace depends on the field of activity of the company.

An account manager is a specialist who first talks about the company's services or products. Whether a potential buyer becomes a real one depends on his professionalism. Read the article about how much such an employee is paid and what his duties are.

Medium wage: 50000 rubles per month




entry barrier


The profession of a customer service manager is relevant for many areas. entrepreneurial activity and is in the top 10 most requested. It depends on the level of work of this specialist whether clients will trust the organization and use its services in the future, whether they will recommend this company to their partners.

From the history of the profession

As early as the century before last, American manufacturing enterprises felt the need for a qualitatively new approach to working with customers. At the same time, the doctrine of the totality of management methods - management - was born, and professionals appeared who successfully applied it in various areas of business.

Entrepreneurial, resourceful, inventive employees - the first client managers - specialized in working with customers. The success of the organization depended on their effectiveness in the struggle for each buyer and consumer of services.

Description and characteristics of the profession

A customer relationship manager is a specialist who is actively involved in attracting, servicing and maintaining a circle of consumers of goods and services, planning relationships with them. Other job titles are client manager, client manager, account manager.

The functionality of an account manager depends on the industry to which his company belongs. But his main task at a particular workplace is all kinds of interaction with clients, which implies:

  • identifying and consulting potential customers, maintaining relationships with them, analyzing their needs;
  • development of methods and schemes for finding and attracting customers, organizing work with them;
  • preparation of commercial offers;
  • conclusion of contracts;
  • presentation of the company's products and services;
  • control of payment of accounts;
  • control of the completeness of the product range;
  • participation in presentations and negotiations;
  • support for the implementation of projects.

The functions of a specialist and the mechanism of communication with clients depend on the professional field.

In banking

The client manager of the bank must have the appropriate education. It is aimed at selling products of a financial and credit institution. His work includes receiving and processing requests from enterprises, advising those who asked for help, searching for and informing clients by phone. The scope of the specialist's duties also includes the preparation and submission of the necessary reports.

In sales

A specialist often has to serve those who, not being a client of the company, are interested in its products or services. It explains the conditions of purchase and the specifics of the product. There are situations when a buyer is looking for one product, but after it turns out that other items in the assortment are more suitable for him. The account manager finds out the needs and offers exactly what will solve the current issue. Moreover, this must be done convincingly - so that the potential buyer becomes real.

In marketing

In this area, the largest number of vacancies for client managers. The main function of a specialist is to provide advice by phone and e-mail. the main task- to interest a potential buyer who applied to the company for the first time and encourage him to come to its office, store, etc.

The second item on the list of responsibilities is accepting requests for service or advice. The main goal is to build communication in such a way that after it a transaction is sure to follow. Thus, in marketing, the client manager is focused on increasing sales and expanding the customer base.

Specialties, universities and USE subjects

You can often hear that for customer service it is enough to be very sociable, to be able to manipulate the buyer, not forgetting, of course, about politeness and tact. But this is fundamentally wrong.

First of all, a client manager needs specialized knowledge and education. Employers are most willing to take an employee from among applicants with higher education. Depending on the direction of the company's activity, it can be economic, commercial, legal, financial, psychological or technical.

An even greater likelihood of employment for the position of account manager is for graduates of managerial specialties. They are valued for a quick understanding of the specifics of the organization, knowledge of marketing and techniques effective communication the ability to use them.

There are faculties of management in many Russian universities - you can study in different regions of the country. For example:

  1. RosNOU (New University).
  2. St. Petersburg State University.
  3. Bryansk State University named after academician I. G. Petrovsky.
  4. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
  5. MIREA - Russian Technological University.
  6. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
  7. Tuva State University.
  8. Sevastopol State University.

Each of them has the most suitable study areas with the level of training from bachelor to master:

  • economy;
  • management;
  • state and municipal administration;
  • finance and credit;
  • jurisprudence;
  • advertising and public relations;
  • psychology;
  • international relationships.

Admission to management specialties is based on the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, social science, and mathematics. Educational institutions technical orientation may require an assessment in computer science, physics, and humanitarian - in a foreign language.

Range of duties

The key responsibility of a manager is to find clients and then develop relationships with them. The profession obliges to do everything necessary to ensure that important partners are satisfied with the company, work with it and give it excellent recommendations. Moreover, a real pro must understand that a client is not only a source of income. This approach is easy to read and repels. It is very important to be able to balance your own benefit with the interests of consumers.

Often, the duties of a client manager are merged with the functions of a sales manager. This symbiosis is very common in trade. A likely candidate for the position needs to be ready not only to maintain an existing client base, but also to expand it, increase sales.

Who suits the profession

According to the results of surveys conducted by various employment agencies, men and women interact equally effectively with clients, the age of a specialist also does not matter much. But the analysis of the labor market shows that 71% of vacancies are filled by women under 30 years old, most of them graduated from a university, 15% know English. This is a generalized portrait of a client manager.

When selecting an employee to serve partners, the employer is looking for balanced, patient, friendly candidates, and they give preference to them.

In daily work, the client manager will need:

  • Excellent PC skills.
  • Knowledge foreign language. Among the clients may be foreign organizations.
  • Possession of psychological techniques. Will have to communicate with different people. When working with the same foreigners, knowledge in psychology will help to predict the likely difficulties that arise against the background of differences in views and mentality, and to prevent disagreements. Moreover, non-conflict and developed intuition of the employee himself is important.
  • Stress tolerance. Often you have to quickly and independently make very responsible decisions, work in conditions of limited time.
  • Good diction, pleasant voice, delivered speech. The speed of responses, especially on the phone, makes the first impression. If the manager is lost in a conversation about a service, interest in the dialogue disappears.
  • Initiative, ability to cooperate with colleagues, dynamics in action, reliability.

A customer service manager is exclusively a mental worker. He must be erudite, inquisitive, rational, have developed analytical skills. Among other conditions - impeccable appearance, the presence driving license(sometimes a visit to the client is required to conclude a transaction).


Add to list highly paid profession Excluded. According to experts, their salary depends on the range of duties, the scale of the organization's activities, and the region of the country.

An analysis of open vacancies at the beginning of 2019 showed that almost 50% of Russian employers offer a salary of 20 to 40 thousand rubles. In 21.1% of ads, earnings up to 60 thousand rubles are indicated. According to statistics, in 2018, in Russian cities, the real salary of an account manager ranged from 20 to 100 thousand rubles.

Career Formula

Having gained experience and becoming a highly qualified specialist, you can count on a solid income. But first you need to show yourself well - to show an increasing number of closed deals. This is followed by several career options:

  1. Expansion of powers - servicing VIP clients, communicating with corporate partners, negotiating with top managers of companies.
  2. Promotion on leadership positions- Head of customer service, sales or development department.

The future of the profession

The need for employees who are able to win over, able to solve difficult situations, increases with the active growth of the banking sector, the formation of firms providing services, engaged in advertising, sales. Therefore, the profession of an account manager is clearly in the category of promising ones.
