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How to open a recruitment agency: documents and requirements. How to start your own recruitment agency

MS Word Volume: 38 pages

Business plan

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Clearly structured business plan recruitment agency will definitely help those who want to develop recruitment activities. Despite fluctuating demand in modern economy, skilled workers are needed constantly. The population needs good nannies and governesses, managers and marketers are needed, and specialists in working professions are needed. Personnel service- this is a promising occupation, but to open it, some specific points should be taken into account.

A quality document on the organization of a recruiting agency will allow you to gradually collect an excellent database of representatives of various specialties. Someone is looking for a job, and someone is looking for qualified employees, your task is to bring these interests together, help the two parties meet, one - to find exactly their employee, and the other - an excellent job and a chance to prove themselves.

An example of a finished document will dot the “and”, for a small fee, your clients get the opportunity to establish themselves in the professional field, as well as find qualified employees, you just need to correctly approach the stages of formation of this company. In addition, you should know that such an undertaking will not require you to have a special license, and the diversity of such a case will allow you to vary the possibilities at the initial stage to determine optimal structure your company.

The client base and recruitment technology are two elements that determine the success of such an undertaking as opening a recruitment agency. A manual for dummies is unlikely to be useful here, because necessary knowledge usually developed with experience. You can buy it by working, for example, for some time as a consultant in a foreign recruitment agency. Thanks to this, you will be able to explore the entire kitchen from the inside and assess the capabilities of potential competitors as accurately as possible.

Where does the base in a recruitment agency come from? As for the base of a personnel or recruiting agency for employment, you can either buy it or create it yourself, working as a consultant. A business like a recruitment agency does not require a large initial investment. And this fact can be added to the category of significant advantages. You will need money to rent an office for a recruitment agency and pay salaries to employees, who may be few in the beginning. You will also need a minimum set of furniture and office equipment, you will not be able to do without repairs, because appearance office is of great importance.

Employees in the agency can work for a percentage of the transaction, or on a fixed salary. As a rule, in large recruitment companies, specialists receive about $1,000 per month; in smaller companies, a consultant's monthly salary is no more than 10,000 rubles.

As the analysis of the market of recruitment agencies shows, the first money will begin to flow to the cash desk not earlier than after a couple of months of activity. And this fact should be taken into account when forming the company's budget. Under the condition of competent business management and proper organization of the work of a small recruitment agency, the average monthly income can be approximately 5-7 thousand dollars. But the formation of profit to a greater extent depends on the abilities of the agency's specialists.

Main directions personnel policy of a recruiting agency lies in the understanding that recruiters are not trained in any university. Therefore, you will have to take people practically from the street, and grow professional specialists inside the company. In parallel with staff training, you will have to deal with the promotion of the agency. And here, too, there are peculiarities. Conventional advertising is considered ineffective. A significant role belongs to the Internet: you can create your own website, or post vacancies on well-known specialized portals.

When organizing a recruitment agency, a businessman may doubt his abilities, not knowing exactly how to open a recruitment agency, how to promote it in a short time. If such doubts overcome you, take as a basis a competent business plan of a recruitment agency, and act in accordance with its recommendations. This document contains detailed description work of a recruitment agency, and tells about the various intricacies of this business.

The first recruitment agencies in their current form appeared in Russia in the mid-nineties. Problems with employment forced citizens to seek help from specialists who, for a fee, helped the suffering find Good work. Along with reliable recruiting companies, firms that are engaged in banal money-raising without providing quality services have flourished and are flourishing.

An entrepreneur who decides to open a recruitment agency needs to know all the pros and cons of this business, but it is even more important to understand that the company's reputation is the key to its stability and prosperity. It is necessary to clearly understand what difficulties await you at the start, when opening a recruitment agency from scratch. There are many of them, although this business does not require a significant initial investment. The main difficulty lies in the fact that to find a sufficient number of clients who will be able to provide good profit, extremely difficult.

Much depends on how correctly you choose the specialization of the agency. There are several options for entering this sector of the market. Along with the usual recruitment agencies, highly specialized companies are also successfully operating, for example, in the selection of domestic staff. Try to determine which agency format is right for you.

Having decided to open his own business in the personnel field, an entrepreneur often finds himself at a crossroads. The choice of the format of the company, first of all, depends on the source of profit, as well as its volume. Opening a regular recruiting agency assumes that its main clients will be people who want to get a job. By paying for the services of the agency, they thereby form its profit. The cost of services can be fixed, when a person pays for access to the database, or for the company to provide several addresses of organizations where they need an appropriate specialist; but increasingly in Lately a different payment method is used, when the client gives the first salary to the agency after successful employment.

Opening a recruitment agency has a fundamentally different approach to working with clients, which are the employers themselves. For the selection of personnel that meets the necessary criteria, agencies take a fixed amount of payment, usually equal to the candidate's average monthly salary. Some entrepreneurs prefer narrow specialization, opening, for example, its own recruitment agency for the selection of domestic staff. In large cities, such services are used good demand, since wealthy citizens do not risk hiring people from the street as maids or nannies.

Opening a recruitment agency for the selection of home staff is more profitable, of course, if you can provide services to clients High Quality. To do this, you will need to carefully check each candidate so that there are no annoying punctures in the future. How should the organization of personnel work be built, where to start if you decide to open a recruitment agency in small town- you will find answers to all these questions in a professional recruitment agency business plan. It will become your reliable support both at the stage of creating a business and in the process of its development. And if you decide to open a branch of a domestic staff recruitment agency in another city, you do not have to study other documents. With our business plan, you will always stay on top.

The attractiveness of the recruitment business is due to several reasons. Firstly, they will always look for work, ignoring even cataclysms in the financial markets or the geopolitical situation. Secondly, in the labor market there is always a certain shortage of workers who are competent in their field.

Finally, opening a recruitment agency does not require too high capital investments. And the competition in this area is not as high as in many other areas of commercial activity.

Recruitment agency is best suited for single tax on imputed income, which means that you will have to fill out either the UTII-1 form (for LLC) or the UTII-2 application (for individual entrepreneurs). This completes the registration process.

Types and types of recruitment agencies

A recruiting company can be of several types:

  • An agency that selects personnel for a specific employer. In this case, the services are paid by an organization interested in finding employees.
  • An organization that provides employment services. In this case, all the efforts are paid by the applicant.
  • An information service company. Such companies have a rather low reputation due to the fact that they often provide unverified or even false information.
  • A recruitment agency can combine two or three points in their activities listed above.

There are also highly specialized types of recruitment agencies - the so-called "headhunters" ("headhunters").

Their task is to purposefully search for leading specialists, professionals in their field, highly qualified employees. The goal is to find or lure the best shots in your area.

Sample recruitment agency business plan

Establishing a recruitment agency does not require too much expense.

Costs of opening a recruitment agency

The main costs that this type of activity involves consist of the following items: v:

  • Office rent;
  • Purchase of furniture;
  • Purchase of office equipment;

Office space does not have to be astonishing in its scale. At first, it is quite possible to get by with a 20-meter room with a table and a couple of chairs. The most necessary office equipment - a computer and an MFP - can even be brought from home. But it's not worth saving on advertising.

We must not forget about the need for and carrying the staff of the agency itself. Typically, a recruiting manager receives 10 to 30% of the amount received by the firm for closing the deal.

Costs are largely determined by the location of the enterprise. In large cities, they are much higher than in the outback.

In Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other megacities, the cost of renting even a small office in the city center can reach up to 50-80 thousand rubles. Whereas in Kostroma or Abidjan you can rent a quite decent office for an amount that is 5 or even 10 times less.

Approximate costs of opening a recruitment agency in the average size of the city of Russia

  • Company registration: from 1,500 to 6,000 Russian rubles (depending on the form of ownership and region of registration);
  • Office space rental: from 5,000 to 80,000 units of the national currency;
  • Purchase of furniture, office equipment and equipment will require spending in the range of 15 - 40 thousand;
  • Advertising costs: here the range of values ​​can be very different;
  • Staff pay: from 10 to 30% of the company's income. But at first, the heads of the recruiting agency have to set some for their employees, because in the absence of orders, none of them will work for free;
  • representation expenses, overhead costs. Depending on the activity of the agency, this item of expenditure may be limited to 5 thousand rubles, and a much larger amount (about 20,000) at the initial stage.

Providing free services

The best place to start is by providing free services to employers. To do this, you will have to try:

  • Needed weekly ring up large enterprises , offer their services free of charge, inquire about open vacancies, record the contact details of the personnel department or personnel service.
  • Need to actively promote the agency in the media, on the Internet, in other places, offering popular vacancies. Even if they are fictitious, it is initially necessary to “call” applicants by any means!
  • After the applicants reach out to you (and they will reach out if the advertisement was placed correctly), you need to enter their personal data into a database in order to immediately respond when vacancies appear, sending this data to a potential employer.
  • How additional service, can encourage applicants to write a professional resume. This is also money! Small, but at first they can help a recruiting agency to stay afloat.
  • If the work was given sufficient attention and it was of high quality, after a certain time, the enterprises themselves will begin to apply to the recruitment agency with willingness to pay for his services. Depending on the region, the type of activity of the enterprise and the quality of the required personnel, organizations pay the agency 20-50% of the salary of an employee of the relevant specialty.

Recruitment agency profitability

The question of the profitability of personnel Here, regional characteristics, dense population, and the presence or absence of large or city-forming enterprises are important. But on average, the profitability rate of a recruitment agency is approximately 10-15%.

In other words, in a large city, recruiting agencies earn 300,000 rubles, and even more per month. The profitability of this business is not as high as in the field of trade or production, but opening a recruitment agency requires minimal investment.

Only now we must be prepared for the fact that this business will not start to bring income immediately. The practice and experience of successful recruitment agencies shows that it takes from one and a half to three years to develop a customer base. The first 2-3 months the business will be unprofitable in any case.

Orders will not immediately fall, but it will be necessary to pay for rent, communications, and taxes. And only then will orders begin to appear, the payment of which will fluctuate in the range from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

Pitfalls when opening a recruitment agency

In the recruiting business, almost everything matters. If the agency several times offered an enterprise interested in finding an employee a candidate that does not meet the requirements, the organization easily refuses further cooperation.

On the other hand, very often applicants themselves provide false information about themselves.

For example, about bad habits, about work experience in the specialty and even about education. This leads to the fact that the company dismisses the employee before the end of the probationary period. This means that the recruiting agency does not receive their honestly earned money.

How to open a recruitment agency? Watch the following video instruction:

versatility modern life stimulates a person to achieve a certain social level. Using the latest achievements of progress, it becomes possible to significantly improve the comfort of existence, bring more bright colors to everyday life and diversify leisure, gain new meaning and style of your own life.

Unfortunately, success today is associated with sufficient material support. In pursuit of building a career and enrichment, there is not enough time and energy left to solve everyday problems, raise children, and organize a household.

Therefore, the involvement of home assistants is rapidly gaining its popularity. The domestic staffing industry is justifiably gaining momentum.

A professional search and recruitment agency for family and home is a great business idea. The demand for these services is due to their main value - saving the client's personal time, professional approach to home improvement, impeccable housekeeping.


The successful activity of a domestic staff recruitment agency does not at all depend on the number of inhabitants of a particular locality. The lack of such services can be traced in all sectors of society and the search for "your" client depends only on the proper organization of the business.

Substantiation of the idea of ​​developing a business for the provision of domestic staff services.

Latest trends modern society demonstrate that they use the services of governesses, housekeepers, nannies, drivers and other assistants great amount families. These professionals help people who are too busy professional activity in solving everyday problems.

A specialized agency focused on the search and selection of the necessary domestic staff contributes to satisfying the client's need for qualified specialists.

The basic principle of the functioning of the agency in a sense copies the work of a standard employment office:
– search and selection of required specialists;
– constant expansion of our own database of job applicants;
– attracting potential customers by promoting the services provided.

Simply put, a certain database is created about professionals who offer their services. On the other side are clients who want to use the services of some specialist.

The agency in such a case is presented as a kind of link, carrying out bilateral work, while pursuing the maximum satisfaction of the interests of job seekers and potential employers. Clients pay the agency for the provision of the necessary personnel, and job seekers pay for the employment service after the fact.

Thus, the reputation and fees of an agency providing domestic staff services directly depend on the responsible approach of agents to the performance of their duties, and can take on a very impressive appearance.

Registration of an agency for the selection of domestic staff.

The intended business refers to a variety of doing entrepreneurial activity. To start officially working in the market for the provision of services, it is necessary to register a business in accordance with established norms and legal rules.

To legalize a domestic staff recruitment agency, it is easiest and sufficient to issue documents for an individual entrepreneur - an individual entrepreneur. The advantage of this form of registration is a simplified form of filing documents, the absence of a mandatory authorized capital, statutory documents are not developed, the presence of a legal address is optional.

The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur can be used by:

  • - able-bodied citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 at the time of submission of documents;
  • - minors, in the presence of a court decision or guardianship authorities on legal capacity, permission of parents (guardians), as well as those who have entered into a marriage union;
  • - stateless persons and citizens of other states, upon presentation of a document that certifies the identity of the owner with a mark of temporary residence or issued residence permit.

Until the submission of documents for state registration Individual entrepreneurs, it is recommended to decide on the future taxation system, OKVED codes, check in at the local employment center.

The latter is necessary for the subsequent compensation of all material costs that the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur will entail (state duty, notary services, production of seals, stamps, letterheads, etc.).

The rules for state registration are regulated by the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ “On State Registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

The registration procedure is carried out tax office, which operates at the place of permanent residence of the applicant and is guided by the Regulations on the Federal Tax Service.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is a simple, but painstaking process. It is necessary to prepare a mandatory set of documents:

  • The initiator of IP registration draws up an application in accordance with the established form P21001 Appendix No. 18 "Application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur." You only need to fill out sheet A, the second part of the application (sheet B) is filled in by a tax service specialist. Lacing, numbering, sticking the label “laced and numbered ...” on the reverse side and signing is necessary at the notary. The application must contain an indication of the OKVED codes that classify the further activities of the entrepreneur. When filling out this line of the application, it is necessary to operate with the current edition of the corresponding collection. Subsequently, if such a need arises, it will be possible to make adjustments or additions to the nomenclature of codes.
  • Original passport and photocopies of pages with full name and registration on a single sheet.
  • Original identification code with a photocopy attached.
  • The original receipt confirming the payment of the state duty is charged for registration of IP. Details for paying the state duty must be requested at the relevant tax office where the individual entrepreneur is registered.
  • Two copies of the application for the application of the simplified taxation system in the form No. 26.2-1. The simplified tax system is optimal for conducting business activities for the provision of services for the selection of domestic staff.
  • Additionally, depending on the type of activity, a certificate of non-conviction may be required.
  • Foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons, must submit identity documents and confirm the right of temporary residence or a residence permit.
  • Minors additionally need to prepare a notarized permission of their parents (adoptive parents, guardians) to conduct business activities, or a copy of the marriage certificate, or a copy of the decision of the guardianship and guardianship authorities or a copy of the court decision on recognizing the registered person as fully capable

As a rule, registration of an individual entrepreneur is carried out within five to seven working days. Today, the tax service works on the principle of the so-called "one window" and independently informs the pension fund and the statistics department about the registered individual entrepreneur. Therefore, within the agreed tax period, the following are issued:

  • Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP).
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP).
  • Notification of registration of an individual entrepreneur with a tax authority Form 2-3-Accounting.
  • Notice of registration of an individual entrepreneur in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.
  • Notification of the assignment of statistics codes from Rosstat.

Rejection of IP registration can be caused in case of providing false information, having a criminal record, bankruptcy less than a year ago, errors and omissions in the documents to be filled out, an incomplete set of documents, sending documents to an inappropriate registration authority.

Opening a bank current account and subsequent provision of information about it to tax service, purchase of a seal for individual entrepreneurs and cash register is not a mandatory requirement.


Success in the development of any enterprise depends directly on the right team of specialists. Qualification and professional potential are fundamental factors in the selection of candidates.

For the full-fledged work of an agency engaged in the selection of domestic staff, it will be necessary to form a staff: an administrator or office manager, a specialist (manager) in working with clients, a specialist (manager) in recruiting, a psychologist, a system administrator.


A good administrator indispensable worker office. His responsibilities include receiving and forwarding phone calls, coordinating the work of other employees, organizing order in the office space, making the necessary purchases, organizing jobs, and other management functions.

A candidate for the position of administrator must have a higher education, preferably experience in a similar field, knowledge of the features of office equipment and PCs. The office administrator must have the following personal qualities: ease and clarity of presentation of thoughts, sociability, pleasant appearance, ability to persuade, energy, responsibility, accuracy, organizational skills, etc.

Account Manager.

Mobilizing new clients and maintaining existing relationships determines the effectiveness of the agency as a whole. The task of finding, attracting and accompanying customers falls on a customer service specialist. Organization of a meeting, negotiation, filling out an application for recruitment, concluding contracts for the provision of services, formation client base- far from an exhaustive list of duties of this employee.

Competence, courtesy, tact, skill business communication, basic knowledge of psychology, the ability to make the right decisions allow the manager to reach a certain level in professional growth. The manager is required to have higher education majoring in psychology, marketing or management.

Recruitment Specialist.

Consideration of applicants for the vacancy of this specialist should be approached with particular seriousness. In this case, the presence of practical skills in the recruitment industry is simply necessary. The employee will be required to competently search for the required candidate, conduct a comprehensive interview at the highest level and complete the most sought-after vacancies by applicants.

The recruitment specialist (manager) forms and maintains a database consisting of detailed information job applicants. In many ways, the positive reputation of the agency depends on the qualified and serious execution of its official duties Responsible for quality recruitment.

System Administrator.

The office of the agency is necessarily equipped with computer and office equipment to optimize work processes. For timely maintenance, adjustment, prevention of equipment, installation of various programs and office applications, creation and maintenance of existing databases, server administration and many other maintenance tasks information systems and communications in the office comes to the rescue such staff unit as a system administrator.

Its main task is to organize the smooth functioning of all computer and related equipment, to ensure safe operation information networks, administration of server systems.


At the initial stage of business development, this position may well remain vacant. Or use one-time jobs this specialist carry out if necessary psychological trainings for the team, testing clients or applicants, etc.

In accordance with Labor Code individual entrepreneur When hiring a new employee, he is obliged to conclude a written employment contract. If the agency start labor activity- a work book is started.

If there is a previously issued labor certificate, a corresponding record is made about the admission to the staff of the employee. At the same time, the entrepreneur is additionally registered in pension fund, insurance authorities as an employer and insured. An individual entrepreneur pays the necessary contributions to the FSS and PF, and also pays taxes on income individuals, i.e. worker.
To top it off, the employer has the right to take out health insurance for employees.


A favorable image is the key to successful promotion of a business project in the market of goods and services. The image of a domestic recruitment agency reflects the recognition and trust of clients, creates a certain impression in public circles, provides a firm position in a tough competition in the domestic recruitment market.

Measures to create and improve the company's image is a long-term, scrupulous and labor-intensive business process, consisting of a great many separate areas.

The office is a business tool.

For organization effective work employees, negotiating, scheduling meetings and performing other functional tasks of the agency, you need your own office. The visual impression of the room carries a representational orientation. It is beneficial to attract the attention of potential customers or partners to the company's activities through a well-thought-out appearance of the office.

The organization of the workplace of each employee, observing the rules of ergonomics and personal space, should ensure the possibility of comfortable performance of professional duties. Spaciousness, sufficient illumination of the room, proper placement of office equipment and necessary furniture significantly improve the overall atmosphere.

But, the office serves not only as a place of work for agency employees, but also as the “face” of the company. Therefore, the arrangement of space should be organically combined with the main activity. Each visitor to a domestic recruitment agency should feel a cozy atmosphere, feel at ease and comfortable.

Alternatively, the office can be decorated in the style of a studio apartment or living room, supplemented with fresh flowers and compositions, an indoor fountain, an aquarium or a bird cage. The possible waiting area should consist of a sufficient number of comfortable seating (sofas, armchairs), a coffee table with up-to-date press and brochures containing complete information about the activities and features of this company.

When choosing an office space, consider Special attention on the appearance of the building, you should not dwell on neglected buildings, former factories, hospitals, etc. The territorial location of the agency should not cause difficulties in finding and driving.

Agency name and corporate logo.

The validity of the saying about the relationship between the name of the ship and its sailing prospects has been repeatedly confirmed in practice. The most ordinary product under a resounding brand sells more successfully than its higher-quality, but “nameless” counterparts.

Choosing the right name for the agency will require a lot of work and ingenuity. First you need to get acquainted with the names of competing companies already existing in the region, excluding possible duplications. The uniqueness and originality of the name will help not to get lost in the crowd and will favorably affect the prospects for the development of activities.

The name should be concise, while carrying a semantic load. Abstract and too short names are difficult to perceive and remember. Dictionaries, special vocabulary, thesaurus will be useful for finding a couple of original options. It is unacceptable for the name to exist autonomously, it must evoke certain associations that are somehow related to the type of agency activity. In the future, the name invented today can become a highly paid brand.

A good name, like an expensive wine, requires aging. There is no need to rush to make a final decision, after a few days frankly weak ideas are eliminated, leaving a really worthwhile option. A worthy name always works for the prestige of the company.

With the logo, things are about the same algorithm - monitoring of ideas, associations, ease of perception, information content, color scheme. This is a brand name, which over time is forced to become quite recognizable, but not lose its relevance.

Development of a personal website for an agency.

Due to technological progress, a person solves many everyday tasks using Internet resources: paying bills, buying goods, making an appointment with a doctor, etc. Searching for a job or a necessary service in a particular city is no exception. Therefore, the presence of the site will significantly save personal time and material resources for tedious searches and luring potential customers and job seekers.

The site contains complete information about the types of services provided, available vacancies, the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation, guarantees, costs, contacts, etc.

A business card is a miniature business presentation.

In modern business circles, having your own business card is considered a sign good manners. A well-designed business card has a representative look, fully reflects the profile of the activity and the image of the owner. One of the methods effective advertising- exchange of business cards - a special ritual focused on seducing new customers and strengthening business relationships.

The advantage of this attribute business style is accessibility and maximum information content. The layout developed by specialists should elegantly combine the name of the agency, logo, attractive slogan, brief overview of the type of activity, contacts.

To business card was not visually overloaded, you can use the option of two-sided placement of information.

Already in the process of full-fledged functioning of the agency for the selection of domestic staff business reputation consists of the professionalism of the involved specialists and the quality of the services provided.

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Create successful business- this is important, but no less important is the achievement of success in personal life:


Marketing research of the social level, lifestyle of the population and the market for the provision of services in a particular locality will help determine the main areas of activity, namely, the most popular services and vacancies for home assistants.

Business development requires a large-scale advertising program. Dissemination of information on the recruitment of candidates for the positions of home assistants by the new agency in specialized printed publications, free regional newspapers helps to attract potential customers. In addition, you should independently study the available job offers of job seekers and the demand for the required personnel.

Agency employees review candidates' resumes, make appointments, conduct interviews to double-check qualifications and professional skills, check the reliability of recommendations from previous places of employment.

Thus, the base of job applicants is formed. Filling the base with a sufficient number of candidates of various specialties allows you to meet the individual requirements of people who need the services of domestic staff.

For each applicant, the agency's specialists draw up a in electronic format separate card with:

  • - full name of the applicant;
  • - age;
  • general characteristics personal data;
  • – information about education, qualifications, completed courses, etc.;
  • - data on work experience;
  • - the position for which he is applying;
  • - desired level wages;
  • – possible work schedule;
  • - contacts;
  • - other.

Mandatory support of the electronic personal file with photocopies is required required documents, references from previous jobs, a color photo, a current medical examination certificate, a certificate of no criminal record.

Those wishing to use the services of domestic staff must fill out an application for the selection of the required specialist. The application displays the following information:

  • - FULL NAME;
  • - area of ​​residence;
  • - contacts;
  • – profile of required services;
  • - requirements for a job applicant;
  • - range of duties;
  • - requirements for the performance of work;
  • - Estimated work schedule;
  • – possible salary;
  • - deadlines for the execution of the application.

From the moment the client fills out the application, the search and selection by the personnel specialist of a candidate that best meets the requirements of the customer begins. Depending on the degree of complexity of the order and the requirements put forward, the application can be processed from several hours to several days, after which a personal meeting between the applicant and the employer is agreed.

The meeting takes place in the office of the agency, people get to know each other, clarify possible nuances, and if mutual interest in cooperation is achieved, the duration of the probationary period is agreed. After the client confirms his readiness to hire a test subject, a tripartite agreement is drawn up, which describes all the working conditions, payment for services, the duration of the agreement, the obligations and responsibilities of the parties.

The contract is drawn up in triplicate - to the employee, the employer and the agency represented by the individual entrepreneur.


The active position of the agency for the selection of domestic staff pursues the main goal - to quickly and efficiently satisfy the wishes of its customers. There is no universal database of vacancies; it depends solely on the demand for the services of a particular specialist. The most popular are:

  • - nannies;
  • - housemaids;
  • - cooks;
  • - governess;
  • - gardeners;
  • - managers;
  • – drivers;
  • - security guards;
  • - nurses;
  • - couples.


Professional babysitting services are aimed at comprehensive care and upbringing of the child. Focusing on the individual wishes of the parents and the age of the baby, all nannies can be classified:

1. Nanny for babies. The candidate must have medical education, baby massage skills, know the developmental features of a newborn, the rules of hygiene for babies, have practical experience preparation of proper and healthy nutrition, taking into account the state of health, apply the methodology for the development of fine motor skills, tactile perception of objects, organs of vision and hearing, perform exercises with the child to strengthen muscles and joints. The duties of a nanny include comprehensive care for baby, regular walks, physical and psychological development, keeping the children's room and toys clean, caring for children's clothes.
2. Nanny-educator. Works with preschool and toddlers school age. He has a pedagogical (musical) or medical education, a certain work experience in his specialty. The duties of an educator include intellectual and physical development, spiritual education, assistance in preparing school assignments, organizing leisure activities, comprehensive care, and first aid.
3. Governess. Designed to look after children from three to four years old. In addition to the duties performed by nannies, the governess is engaged in the education of the child, helps in the formation of his personality, develops logic, memory, culture of speech, a sense of taste, tact and aesthetics. At the discretion of the parents, the governess teaches languages, helps in mastering musical instrument, the basics of choreography and painting.


The name speaks for itself - it ensures proper order and impeccable cleanliness of housing. The responsibilities of a housekeeper include spring-cleaning of all premises, washing dishes, washing linen, ironing, caring for furniture, clothes, indoor plants, pets, putting things in order at the direction of the employer, purchasing the funds necessary for the performance of duties, and performing a number of other minor assignments.


The level of professionalism should be sufficient to provide the family with tasty, healthy and balanced meals. The chef independently purchases products, composes and coordinates the weekly menu, taking into account the taste preferences of all family members, prepares and serves dishes, controls the quality and freshness of products, keeps the kitchen clean, organizes banquets.


Performs all the work of growing plants in the garden and flower garden, mowing lawns, cleaning open areas, implementing ideas for landscape design, maintains the working condition of garden tools, controls the performance of communications.


The personal driver is responsible for the timely delivery of the car and the safe movement of family members around the city and beyond. In addition, the driver personally diagnoses the car and monitors the serviceability of all mechanisms and systems, and, if necessary, carries out business assignments.


The services of this specialist are required for the care of the elderly, incapacitated or sick people. Responsibilities include monitoring and informing employers about the state of health, timely use of medicines for patients, assistance in hygiene procedures, accompaniment on walks, feeding and cooking, quartzing the patient's room, airing the room, cleaning, changing clothes, purchasing medicines and products.


The manager ensures the organization of the entire range of housework, supervises the performance of the duties of other service personnel, and maintains financial statements on the costs of housekeeping.

Married couple.

Some clients express a desire to employ a married couple. Usually, the owners of country houses use the services of a married couple. With a large amount of work around the house, there is no need to hire several strangers at once, who will spend some time building interpersonal relationships.

The family is already a well-coordinated team. All housekeeping duties are conditionally divided into male and female. In this case, there is a conflict-free and rational distribution of work around the house. A woman is engaged in cleaning, ironing, washing, caring for clothes, looking after pets.

On the shoulders of a man lies the responsibility for carrying out minor repairs, maintenance of the adjacent territory, landscaping on personal plot etc.

The requirements put forward to the staff are individual and vary in accordance with the wishes of the client.


The search and selection of domestic staff is mainly carried out in order to establish long-term relationships between the customer of services and the direct contractor. Clients appear who require a one-time provision of services, for example: a babysitter for the evening, a gardener to trim trees, a carpenter for minor repairs, etc.

The agency has the ability to provide the client with an appropriate high-level specialist. Payment for services is made on the basis of the total employment of a specialist - actually worked man-hours.

Hourly work is also distinguished by professionals whose services are not required on a daily or full-time basis:

  • - the hairdresser;
  • - massage therapist;
  • - trainer;
  • - manicurist;
  • - psychologist;
  • - Feng Shui specialist;
  • - stylist;
  • - tutor and others.

The task of the recruiting agency is to ensure that the professional skills of their candidates are improved. It is possible to conduct trainings, refresher courses, educational seminars and lectures on your own only with licensing of activities.

Care should be taken to establish contacts with institutions that will provide training on a commercial basis with the subsequent issuance of a supporting document.


Achieving the goals set in the service sector for the provision of domestic staff services is associated with gaining trust and recognition of the agency's activities by an audience of potential clients.

First of all, it is necessary to create a friendly, comfortable atmosphere in the agency team. Each specialist must have an understanding of the features of the work performed by other employees and, if necessary, replace them at the workplace.

Personal initiative in the work of each employee, mutual respect and striving for a common goal strengthens interpersonal relationships, creating a favorable socio-psychological climate.

The prestige of the leader in the team is the guarantor of the prestige of the entire agency. The ability to competently build work processes and relationships in the team is transformed into successful business activities to attract domestic staff.

Responsible and qualified performance of duties of each specialist makes it possible to create a high-quality data bank. A holistic approach to the selection of personnel eliminates the risk of offering a client an unscrupulous employee.

The Agency is responsible for each proposed candidate. If the customer is dissatisfied with the quality of the work of the home assistant, the agency undertakes to replace him with another specialist as soon as possible or compensate for the costs.

The management provides personal staff and applicants with regular training to improve professionalism, improve skills, and acquire new opportunities at work. There is a constant personal growth, which contributes to the perspective development of the agency.

The agency operates on the principles of confidentiality and ethical code. This affects not only the information obtained in the office. Each specialist working in the family undertakes not to disseminate personal information about the employer, the level of his social position, personal life facts. Relationships are built on the laws of honor and morality.

Without unified system selection of the required specialist, each application is processed individually, taking into account all the requirements of the customer. An individual approach satisfies even the highest requirements of the client.

The agency does not interrupt its support of clients and applicants at the time of signing the contract and receiving payment for the services rendered. Related work is carried out throughout the actual period of service provision. You can get qualified help, support or advice at any time. Acting as a link, the agency represents and protects the interests of both parties.

Agency employees are interested in providing quality services, because each client subsequently leaves a review about the work of the agency and letters of recommendation for staff. A high percentage of positive reviews and recommendations indicates the right business strategy.

Do you know how to succeed in business thanks to the experience of successful entrepreneurs?

Clients, turning to a domestic staff recruitment agency, trust us with the most precious thing: children, home, family. A conscientious attitude to the duties of the entire team of specialists, a sense of personal responsibility, the correct determination of the motivation of candidates, a diverse verification of the reliability of information and personal qualities make it possible to justify the highest degree of customer confidence.

The style of a successful agency is open, transparent, sincere and strong relationships with clients, preferential individual approach, always high-quality service provision.

Sometimes it is very difficult to find an interesting job with a decent one. salary, then the employer is unreliable, then the salary is too low. But for employers, the search for worthy candidates for a position is no less a hassle. Sometimes a small business or firm does not have a human resources department. Therefore, they do not have people with the necessary skills to select qualified personnel. Therefore, a business that allows you to bring the employer and employee together will be quite in demand.

How to open a recruitment agency

Today there are several types of recruitment agencies.

Recruitment Agencies

Such agencies are busy looking for employees commissioned by enterprises and firms. Accordingly, the employer pays. This form is convenient for both employers and job seekers. By submitting an application to a recruiting agency, the employer expects a competent selection of suitable personnel.

job search agencies

As a rule, the unemployed apply to such offices so that the agency finds them a suitable vacancy. Services are paid by the applicant.

Combining the search for employees and the search for vacancies

This type is the most common. In such a company, a database of job seekers and employers is created. They can work both at the request of the employee and at the request of employers.


These are special agencies involved in luring highly paid employees from one company to another. The provision of such services is associated with certain difficulties. The search for highly qualified employees is complicated by the fact that they, as a rule, already have a job, there are not many of them, and it takes a lot of effort to get them to change it.

What is needed to open

Consider what needs to be done to open a recruitment agency step by step. Here are the main steps to go through before starting a business:

  • draw up documents for the right of ownership;
  • choose a room;
  • purchase equipment;
  • draw up a business plan.


First you need to register with the tax office. Registration can be carried out as an individual entrepreneur (IP), or you can register a company with limited liability(LTD). To become an individual entrepreneur and pay a single tax, you need to select the codes of the all-Russian classifier of types economic activity(OKVED).

Below are OKVED codes, which must be registered to open a recruitment agency:

  • provision of employment services work force 74.50.1;
  • provision of recruitment services 74.50.2.

Why is a recruitment agency as a business attractive to new entrepreneurs? There are two main reasons: small initial investments and weak legal control over the activities of recruitment agencies.

Here we will look at information on how to open a recruitment agency, a business plan for opening it, and what you need for this.

Who is the client of such agencies

Clients of recruitment agencies are companies that, for one reason or another, do not want to independently engage in the search and selection of employees.

Such reasons may include:

  • The need to maintain their own staff of HR managers.
  • The presence of a large number of related chores, such as reviewing resumes, communicating with all calling and incoming candidates, selecting the best of them, etc.
  • Need for additional investments, because access to specialized Internet resources is often paid.
  • Slow search speed the right employee. At the same time, the mechanism of work in recruitment agencies is well-established, and the selection is carried out faster and more productively. In addition, recruiting firms have an extensive database of applicants, which greatly speeds up the search for the right employee.

Business plan

Here is a detailed finished example a business plan for a recruitment agency with all the possible and impossible calculations. Do not forget that all numbers are conditional, because. in each case they will be completely different, because they differ from city to city.

Please note that this species Entrepreneurship requires very little investment, which makes it even more attractive to you. In addition, in many cities there is still a lack of such or low professionalism of those who already have, so you will have plenty of work.

How to open a recruitment agency

The scheme of work of a recruitment agency is quite simple. The company-employer submits an application for the search for an employee, which specifies the requirements for the candidate and the timing of the order. The recruitment agency starts searching the database or, in the absence of the required number of suitable applicants, gives advertisements for vacancies. Applicants who, according to the managers of the recruitment agency, in more correspond to the requirements put forward, are sent for an interview to the customer-employer. If the applicant is given a place in the company, the recruitment agency is deducted a fee.

List of recruitment agency services

The standard list of recruitment services includes:

  • Search and selection of applicants for the position. The issue price is at least 7-9% of annual income, if we are talking about a qualified worker, and at least 10-15% for a top manager.
  • Drafting a screening resume. Simple and cheap option. In fact, it is a mechanical selection of applicants from the database according to specified criteria (gender, age, education, work experience, etc.). At the same time, neither the personal qualities nor the motivation of the candidate are considered.
  • Organization of trainings and advanced training courses. An optional service that recruitment agencies introduce in the later stages of their existence.

Types of agencies

The presence of high competition in the field forces specialization. As a result, recruitment agencies are divided into:

  • recruiting. The fee of such recruitment agencies is 10-20% of annual income, depending on the degree of complexity of the search and its urgency. It is possible to narrow the specialization to providing services to employers from a particular business area. For example, work only with customers from the service industry, or plant managers, or foreign companies, etc.
  • Specialized. They are engaged in the selection of employees of a certain profile. Some are looking for domestic servants, others for cooks, and still others for builders. However, the head of such a recruitment agency cannot do without special knowledge in the selection of candidates.
  • Headhunting(from eng. “head-hunting” - “headhunting”). This is a special, elite type of recruitment agency. It is on their shoulders to attract the highest class specialists to the customer company, the number of which in society is always limited. To successfully cope with the task, headhunters have to resort to unthinkable tricks, but one such closed application means a couple of months of a comfortable existence.

Location of interviews

It should be comfortable for the applicant and inspire confidence in the recruitment agency. Sometimes general positive impressions about the company can remain even after a simple cup of coffee, which the manager offered with a smile. And from transport accessibility office directly depends on its permeability and, accordingly, profitability.

Politeness as a professional quality

The applicant must be informed of the refusal as politely as possible. If this is a good specialist, other customers will definitely be interested in him, so it is very important to maintain mutual respect.

Starting a Staffing Business: Benefits

  • Low initial investment. At first, you can even work at home, there would be access to specialized Internet resources, such as and, and a room for interviews. Of course, advertising and having your own website play an important role.
  • It is not required to obtain a license - registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC is enough.
  • To achieve success, the presence of special knowledge is not necessary (the exception is specialized recruitment agencies).

Possible difficulties

  • Sometimes the terms of the contracts between the agency-applicant and the agency-employer are not respected.
  • The employer may well evade repayment. For example, take the proposed employee on probation and fire. And then call for work again, but bypassing the recruitment agency.
  • Candidates do not always provide truthful information about themselves. And if managers fail to recognize the catch in time, the employer has problems with the employee, and he remains dissatisfied with the work of the recruitment agency.
  • "With a catch" may be the employer himself. Then the claims will fall on the part of the candidate.

We considered the question of how to open a recruitment agency. We hope this information will help you in this business.
