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Create an exchange for remote work. The best freelance exchanges for remote work. How much can you earn with a freelance exchange

Hello dear readers and guests.

For those who have not yet worked with exchanges and do not know where to start, I advise you to read my previous article, in which I talk in more detail about .

Exchanges and freelance sites by category

The best freelance exchanges

Here are the most popular sites among freelancers and customers, where you can find tasks in all possible ways:

  • is the No. 1 freelance exchange in Russia and the CIS. More suitable for professionals with a good portfolio and experience, it is difficult for beginners to break through there. For full-fledged work, you need to pay your account monthly.
  • - in my opinion, the second most popular site for freelancers and offers their services. IN this moment has more than 3 thousand open orders.
  • is an exchange for beginners, you can find thousands of different simple tasks and try your hand at freelancing. Read.
  • - remote work for professional freelancers with a good portfolio.
  • - the site allows you to offer and sell your services at a single price of 500 rubles.

Exchanges for copywriters and rewriters

If you can write and know how to type on the keyboard, then on these exchanges you can easily find tasks for writing texts, selling articles, translations, etc.

  • is a popular exchange remote work for copywriters, rewriters and translators. Order and sale of articles on any topic. See detailed.
  • is a large service for copywriters and rewriters. There is also an article store and various scripts for checking texts. Read.
  • - a site for selling texts, there is a rating of popular topics on which you can write articles and sell them at competitive prices.
  • is the No. 1 content exchange. There are many different tasks for the authors of texts, there is a store for buying and selling articles.
  • is a rewriting and copywriting exchange with low prices for articles.
  • is a relatively young project, orders for copywriting, rewriting, naming and other microtasks. See.
  • is a service with microtasks, you can earn money by writing comments.
  • is a bureau of professional copywriters, here you can sell texts from 100 rubles per 1000 characters.
  • is a very popular exchange, a lot of orders. To become a performer, you need to pass a test in Russian. Also on the site you can study several copywriting courses for free. See.
  • - this exchange has 16 types of specialization, orders for articles, poems, naming, resumes, etc.
  • is a simple and very convenient copywriting exchange. The main types of orders are copywriting, rewriting of texts, articles in a foreign language.
  • is a site that brings together webmasters and copywriters.
  • is a service for posting assignments and searching for remote work in the field of writing texts.
  • - content exchange and article store.

Sites for 1C-specialists and programmers

I found not so many specialized sites for IT-specialists and programmers. Further, when we consider these professions in more detail, I will give many more examples of various forums and portals where you can find a good remote job for programmers.

  • an exchange for programmers and 1C specialists from all CIS countries.
  • is a service for IT specialists, programmers, startuppers and other professionals that allows you to quickly create a team for your project.
  • another site for 1C professionals.

Many have already heard about what remote earnings on the Internet are. Moreover, at the present time, many people are striving to find a job on special sites for freelancers. They will be discussed in this summary. In my opinion, the 3 best freelance exchanges deserve the closest attention.

They are also the largest in RuNet:

FREELANCE.RU is also a big marketplace and is considered one of the best freelance exchanges. It occupies the second place in RuNet in size. The site has fewer all kinds of services and "chips", if you try to compare it with However, this does not prevent users from working successfully. Some freelancers prefer it, ignoring FL. Perhaps there is one explanation for this - this project for a freelancer is quite stable and does not throw up unpleasant surprises.

Interesting projects on is enough to make a decision about registering here and boosting your account. This can be done in parallel with the creation of an account on FL.

WEBLANCER.NET is quite interesting and also one of the best freelancing exchanges. There are far fewer freelancers out there. There are not so many customers, and, accordingly, new projects. However, there are orders with good price tags, so it is definitely worth considering Weblancer as an alternative source of orders.

I would also like to add that there is some kind of magical atmosphere of calmness and tranquility on this site. No one pours mud on anyone, the people on the forum communicate adequately. unpleasant surprises admins also do not throw up their users.

It makes no sense to tell something else about these projects, since you need to register for them and see "what's what" in practice.

KWORK.RU all services for 500 rubles

- I would like to consider it separately from the main ones, since it differs from the first three sites and, indeed, rather resembles a service store, where everything costs 500 rubles.

Very interesting idea, good implementation. The store is relatively new and there is no competition here yet. I strongly recommend it, regardless of what other platform you plan to promote your account on. There are no redundant orders.

Freelance exchange aggregators

As you probably already understood, an aggregator is a site with a simple, concise design that performs one single function - displaying on your computer screen all the projects that appear on the exchanges controlled by it.

For example, you are registered on all three sites for remote work described above. It is unrealistic to work and monitor them all at the same time in order to catch a “delicious” order.

You need to constantly keep a bunch of open tabs that interfere with full work. The aggregator solves this problem. See how it looks in the screenshot:

An excellent solution for "catching" good orders.

Pay attention to the time when projects appear - they appear almost without delay (for PRO status). You receive information about the placed order almost immediately, as it appeared on one of your sites - competitors will not get ahead of you.

It is advisable to set up a display only from the 3 aforementioned sites, but if you wish, you can monitor orders from 14 resources at once.

There are, of course, financial implications as well. Immediately after registering on this resource, your account will be assigned the Lite status.

This means that you will only see new projects 1 hour after they are published.

If you want to monitor in real time, you will have to “pump” your account to PRO status by paying the service a small amount of 70 rubles.

But, this is not at all necessary, since 1 hour of time delay does not play a big role.

Employers usually collect feedback from freelancers for about a day to select the best offer.

However, the PRO account has another, already indisputable, advantage over Lite - the ability to use the project filter.

You simply tick off the items you are interested in, select the sites you need and filter out all the “garbage” at once, displaying only what could potentially interest you. Undoubtedly, this is a very handy feature. is not the only exchange aggregator for remote work, it is just taken as an example, plus it is the least overloaded and pleasing to the eye. you
you can choose any other aggregator that will satisfy all your needs.

  • - discussed above

If you have recently found out that it is quite possible to make money on the Internet, or just now you feel ready to start such work, then one of the most valuable tips from experts in this case concerns sites where you can get a job. There are many freelance sites on the Internet, where it is not difficult to find a job even for beginners.

  • 1 What is freelancing?
  • 2 How to establish permanent remote work?
  • 3 How much can you earn with a freelance exchange?
  • 4 List of the best sites for remote work
  • 5 weblancers
  • 6Fl
  • 7 Freelancers
  • 8
  • 9 Workzilla
  • 10
  • 11 Kwork
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19

What is freelancing?

Today freelancing is most often called remote work in the Internet when you negotiate cooperation with customers and employers via the Internet. The convenience of freelancing lies in the fact that you yourself choose exchanges for finding work, look for clients and manage your time yourself.

The motto of freelancing for both beginners and experienced ones is freedom of choice, which is embedded directly in the very name of the work (free).

The ideal freelance job looks like this - you choose exchanges for job search, find customers, complete tasks and receive payment via the Internet. Money is usually sent to electronic wallets of WebMoney and YandexMoney systems. For beginners, the question of getting paid via the Internet usually becomes the most incomprehensible, but in fact, for freelancing, finding a permanent job or a source of regular orders is much more difficult.

How to establish permanent remote work?

For beginners, first of all, you should accurately determine what kind of work can you do online. This can be writing texts, posting on forums, SMM, text translations, moderation and site administration. Even if you are a specialist in design, photography, programming or in another narrow profile, then for beginners it is advised to make maximum effort in the first time of work to achieve a high reputation.

Unfortunately, on the Internet, few people are ready to take a word that you are a highly qualified specialist, so examples of completed tasks collected in the portfolio and job reviews will tell you for you.

Kwork - convenient freelance services store: Tens of thousands of services, speed of execution and a money back guarantee - freelancing has never been so pleasant!

When looking for a permanent job, you will need a good freelancing exchange, patience and diligence. Many employers may offer test, before starting work - do not refuse to complete trial tasks, but be careful and do not rush to perform large amounts of unpaid work. Keep in mind that any freelance exchange is home to scammers who simply lure jobs from beginners and do not pay for them. Try to work with employers with a high reputation on the site and good reviews.

How much can you earn with a freelance exchange?

Making money through the Internet is a wonderful thing, because everything is in the hands of the artist, even the size of it wages. You can take the first job that comes across and agree to low pay, or you can try find high paying jobs by spending more time and effort looking for a job. Also, earnings depend on the time that you are willing to devote to work, as well as on your productivity.

The advantage of freelancing is that you can work on weekends, and start earlier on weekdays, or vice versa, work until late.

If you want to earn more - just work more, if for you comfort is more important and rest, shorten the working day.

List of the best sites for remote work

Top exchanges for a beginner, these are large platforms that ensure the security of transactions and closely monitor compliance with the rules of work. Quite good criteria for the reliability of the exchange are a guarantee of payment for the task and a system for protecting the rights of all users, even beginners.


good project for beginners - here you can always find a lot of tasks. Unfortunately, this exchange has ceased to be free - in order to respond to projects, you need to select and pay tariff plan. The cost is from 1 USD, while for a number of services offered, for example: naming and slogans, transcription, the tariff is free. The more specializations a freelancer chooses, the more he has to pay for using the weblancer exchange.


One of the largest and most famous freelance platforms is the Fl exchange. Full-fledged work on this resource is possible only with a PRO account, the price of which starts at 1,500 rubles for one month of access to the resource. Without it, you will be able to contact only those customers who themselves leave their contacts in the text of the assignment, but cannot respond to projects. In the case of direct contact with customers, the site does not guarantee payment for the task. To be guaranteed to receive payment, you need to have a PRO account and work through the Safe Deal service. This resource is not recommended for performers with above-average cost of services.


The Freelancer exchange website has a user-friendly interface and provides the opportunity to work both through a secure transaction and without it. You can work on the exchange for free, but if you are interested in submitting more than three applications per day, you need to purchase a higher level account that gives additional features. Price for access to personal account starts from 590 rubles.

The exchange is quite young, but with good prospects. More than a hundred thousand freelancers have already registered here. The site has a good design and user-friendly interface. The main tasks are for designers, copywriters, programmers. You can start working on the service for free, as there is no need to purchase additional PRO-accounts. It is enough to offer services and customers themselves can contact the freelancer.


On freelance exchange workzilla great amount specializations. You can choose the task you want to complete from the list of tasks published on the site. The system protects freelancers from fraudsters: it takes a commission from each order, but guarantees the customer a refund if the work is not completed in accordance with the terms of the task, and the contractor is paid for a job well done, even if the customer does not want to pay for it. In order to work on the exchange, you need to buy a subscription - the cost of access to tasks for 3 months is 490 rubles + commission.

You can work on this exchange without even registering - the system allows you to view orders and see the contact details of the customer, so you can contact him directly. There are different orders here: website development, copywriting, crowd marketing, etc. This resource has many useful information: articles, courses, both for beginners and for those who already have experience. provides information about other Internet resources (stock exchanges) for copywriting.


Freelance exchange Kwork positions itself as an online services store, and this is a one-price store - 500 rubles. You can offer your services for this price and wait for the customer to choose you. True, the system withholds a commission of about 100 rubles. For a beginner, it is interesting because you can gain experience and rating almost for nothing. This will allow you to take applications at an adequate cost in the future.

This exchange provides its services to freelancers of different directions. Currently, it is characterized by rather low activity. There are offers for one-time projects, but vacancies for remote work are more common. You can always find a large number of ads on the site, but some of them may turn out to be fraudulent, since there is no secure transaction service on the exchange.

This exchange grew out of a freelance blog. Now you can find quite a lot of orders here - mainly for programmers and designers. The majority of customers are quite experienced and technically competent specialists. After registering on the exchange, you can respond to 5 orders daily for free. For more active work, it is possible to purchase subscriptions or responses. Payment for a subscription is based on the price per day - from 20 rubles, and depends on the purchased subscription period: the longer, the cheaper.

Watch the video - TOP 10 sites for making money on the Internet without investments on freelance

This is a kind of store where the performers themselves offer services and set the price for them. The range of services is different: texts, websites, graphics, web design, etc. The cost starts from 100 rubles. Now more than 10,000 current offers from freelancers are posted on the website.

This site contains advertisements with customer contacts, so that freelancers can contact them directly. There are many vacancies for copywriters, layout designers, programmers, managers. It is more suitable for professionals. It is quite difficult to get into the freelancer directory - the requirements for the portfolio are quite high. A newly registered user may find himself on the first pages of the catalog, as it opens in random order. At the same time, the registration procedure is quite simple, one might say - ordinary.

There are not too many orders here - maybe 20-30 per day, but there is little competition. You can work both through a safe transaction and without it. Using the resource: registration, portfolio creation, selection and application for projects is completely free. For a small additional fee of 30 rubles, you can highlight your application when included in the project. There are vacancies from employers in various fields on the exchange. Of the nuances: from the accounts of users who have not logged in for 6 months, a maintenance fee of up to 100 per month is charged.

The team started its activity in 2015. Now more than 9.5 thousand performers are registered on the Ujobs exchange. Freelancers can place their ads on their own or respond to customer requests. It is possible to work through a secure transaction. There are tariffs that allow you to respond to a larger number of applications. The cost of tariffs - from 15 rubles per day.

This is perhaps the most popular exchange for copywriters, so if you consider yourself a copywriting specialist, then be sure to try working on this exchange. There is a service for checking the text for uniqueness, in case of a match, it gives complete information. The portfolio is constantly being updated. A distinctive feature of the resource is very low prices. For a beginner, there is a chance to gain experience and rating. To do this, however, you will have to take on any work and perhaps just a review. The exchange has implemented another affordable source of income - the sale of already written articles.

It positions itself as the number 1 content exchange. The site is suitable for copywriters, rewriters, translators. On the Advego exchange, you can put up your articles for sale or take orders from the site. The advantage of the resource is that there is no need to run after customers - you can choose a job from the list of available ones and immediately start working on it. True, for a beginner, the prices will not be too high, but here you can “fill your hand”. The system takes a 10% commission, but guarantees payment for a job well done.

Recommended: copywriting exchange

This is a decent income for copywriters and the opportunity to order text from professional authors.

Here you can unleash your creativity or purchase unique articles for your website needs.

Most of the freelance exchanges listed above are broadly specialized. Even a beginner can try his hand there, although there are many professionals with vast experience among those working on these resources.

If you know exactly what kind of activity you want to earn a living, then you can also register on highly specialized exchanges - for copywriters, photographers, designers, programmers, etc.

Making money on the Internet is quite real, and freelancing is just one of the possible ways. Want to know more? All actual information Here 50 ways to make money online

In fact, there are many more sites on the Internet suitable for freelancing - these are,,,,,,,, , and others.

The main thing is to choose a niche for yourself for your own work, be patient and start looking for jobs. The most important thing in freelancing is, perhaps, experience, so if you become a good specialist, you will find a job on any exchange.

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Whatever direction freelancers choose, a remote work site largely determines the prospects for earning and professional growth.

I offer a selection of 107 relevant freelance exchanges, sorted into narrow areas, with which you can earn money without leaving your home.

The right to be included in the rating of the best freelance exchanges are those platforms that offer the most convenient conditions for cooperation for customers and performers. The main advantage of top services is their wide popularity, which greatly facilitates the search for performers and provides excellent prospects for choosing suitable projects for freelancers.
The top 5 freelancer websites rating includes the following universal sites:

  • is the first universal freelance site in Moscow, Russia and the CIS, which is ideal for experienced freelancers with an established portfolio.
  • is one of the most convenient sites for remote job search.
  • - on this service you can find orders for 23 vectors: from SEO to video content processing.
  • - online job for experienced freelancers with an established portfolio.
  • - here anyone can find a job or a part-time job at home. The main advantage of this exchange is free access to the order table and the absence of paid PRO accounts.

Freelance exchange for beginners: 6 services

If you are an inexperienced freelancer, the job board for beginners is best for you. Such sites host not only tasks that require specific knowledge and skills, but also simple tasks that a person with any kind of qualification can complete. For example, on freelance sites, part-time work for beginners can be represented by the following offers:

  • edit the image in Photoshop;
  • set up a site on WordPress;
  • call the database of suppliers;
  • process the Excel spreadsheet;
  • fill the online store with goods;
  • translate text from English and others.

When choosing sites for beginner freelancers, you should take a closer look at microservices exchanges. On such sites there is a wide range of different types of one-time orders that do not require much time.

Freelancers will be able to find such a part-time job on the remote work site for beginners:

  • is a microservices service developed by Yandex.
  • - a site for remote work with payment from 100 rubles per hour (to get access to the table of orders, you must pay a monthly subscription of 390 rubles);
  • - job site for freelancers offering boxed services at a fixed price;
  • - a site of freelancers in Russia, where all kworks (services) cost 500 rubles;
  • - on this site you will find a lot of online tasks, as well as assignments that you need to complete in reality (from cleaning the apartment and minor household repairs to the services of a promoter and flower delivery).
  • is a microservices website with an average cost of a job from 500 to 1000 rubles.

Freelance website: 7 projects

Aspiring freelancers who do not yet have earnings are interested in free services to search for remote work, which do not require the preliminary payment of a monthly fee or payment for a PRO account in order to gain access to the table of orders.

Among the exchanges with free registration and payment of commission from the amount of the transaction include the following:

  • (all orders for 500 rubles, 100 rubles are deducted from this amount as a commission);
  • (the range of prices for work is from 250 to 57 thousand rubles, the system commission is 30% of the transaction amount);
  • - search for freelancers and placement of ads and tasks is free of charge (no hidden fees and commissions);
  • - placement of projects and your portfolio without paying for PRO accounts;
  • - free placement of projects and examples of work;
  • - an exchange for freelancers, housewives, students and schoolchildren. For a “deal without risk”, the commission (11% + 35 rubles) is withheld only from the customer;
  • Moguza is a free site for freelancers, where a commission is charged only from the customer in the amount of 20% of the cost of the service provided.

A novice freelancer can choose sites for earning money in accordance with the chosen specialization.

Exchanges of copywriters for beginners: top 19

Freelance exchanges for journalists and copywriters guarantee the security of the transaction, quick resolution of disputes and payment for the completed order.

These sites can be found the following types assignments:

Some services offer Additional income from selling unique photos and posting articles, posts or links on your own website.

You can find solid orders for beginners and experienced pros on the sites:

  11. (service for making money on comments and reviews);
  19. (naming service).

Website for freelance programmers: 6 best services

The services of freelance programmers are especially in demand in RuNet and are generously paid by customers.

On remote work services in the field of IT, you can find the following types of tasks:

  • system administrator services;
  • creation of databases;
  • website development;
  • development of games and applications;
  • web programming;
  • development of online calculators;
  • creation of utilities, scripts, macros, plug-ins;
  • information protection and others.

You can find a remote permanent job as a freelance programmer or a one-time income on the following portals:

  • - a highly specialized exchange for specialists in the field of it and 1C;
  • - a service where mainly 1C projects are presented;
  • is a highly specialized earnings exchange for IT specialists;
  • - a project that will help you quickly find orders for a freelancer and gather a staff of specialists for customers;
  • - orders for website development, SEO, project support are placed on this site;
  • - a portal where different categories of jobs are presented, including the field of programming. Its key advantage is the absence of intermediaries, commissions and overpayments.

Website for freelance designers: top 6

Designer services are a promising direction for making money on the Internet.

Particularly popular are following directions design:

  • interior;
  • Web design;
  • architectural;
  • polygraphic;
  • graphic;
  • industrial.

The following types of tasks are presented on freelance exchanges:

  • website design development;
  • animation;
  • character creation;
  • Vector graphics;
  • corporate style development;
  • package design;
  • design of promotional materials;
  • creation of icons and infographics;
  • font development;
  • design design, etc.

Designer vacancies are presented on freelance exchanges:

  • - an online directory of creative professionals;
  • - a portal where you can publish a portfolio so that customers can find you themselves;
  • is an English-language directory of professional designers;
  • is a tender service for verified designers. Here you can hold competitions to select the best creators for your project;
  • Dlance - a platform where you can put up for sale a ready-made website design;
  • Prohq is a site for professionals in the field of design.

Websites for freelance illustrators: 7 exchanges

Artists and illustrators have the opportunity to realize themselves in creativity without leaving home. People of this creative specialty can earn money on freelance exchanges by doing for editorial offices, advertising agencies, design studios the following types of orders:

  • creating drawings for books and magazines;
  • development of graphics for computer games;
  • creating illustrations for cartoons, videos, films;
  • postcard design;
  • creation of graphic content.

Anyone can find a source of income on freelance sites:

  • - a service that helps to earn money by developing unique trademarks, logos for the desired domain, corporate style;
  • - drawings, art and illustrations to order;
  • - portal of professional artists and illustrators;
  • - the leading freedancer-illustrator firm;
  • - an English-language service that allows anyone to publish their offer of services;
  • - Russian-language freelance exchange;
  • - directory of pros from different countries peace. The interface is made on English language, so this site is suitable for those who are not afraid of the language barrier. Here you can post examples of your creative works and receive orders from customers.

Websites for Freelance Translators: Top 10 Services

Today, freelance translators earn extra income by completing private assignments on remote work sites. And customers on such exchanges can save a lot of money, time and effort on performing one-time tasks. The most demanded on Russian exchanges are translations from Russian into English and vice versa. In second place in popularity are German, French, Italian, Polish.

Translator exchange Tranzilla

The following types of transfers are especially in demand on such services:

  • technical;
  • legal;
  • medical;
  • art;
  • notarial;
  • economic;
  • translation of audio and video;
  • text editing.

For those who urgently need freelance translators, remote work sites will help you quickly find a specialist with the required qualifications in the shortest possible time:

  1. is a portal where projects are published that instantly get into the order line and are viewed by specialists of different skill levels;
  2. - site for pros;
  3. - online cafe for professionals in the field of linguistics;
  4. is a highly specialized translation exchange.
  5. is a service for finding translators, interpreters, and editors.
  6. - portal for linguolancers.
  7. is the most popular English-language exchange of linguists;
  8. is an exchange that supports over 75 languages;
  9. is another foreign resource for finding projects for translators.
  10. - a service for finding linguists and translators.

Freelance Accountants Marketplace

You can get a job as a remote accountant on general freelance exchanges (,,, or through a specialized platform:

  • - search site financial professionals and customers. Here you can both find a job as a freelancer, and perform one-time tasks.

On this service, you can find the following types of one-time orders:

  • preparation of the annual report;
  • preparation of a tax return;
  • accounting for individual entrepreneurs;
  • restoration of accounting;
  • preparation of the liquidation balance sheet and other tasks.

3 exchanges for lawyers

On the freelance exchange for lawyers, you can earn on the following types of tasks:

  • express consultations;
  • drawing up an employment contract;
  • legal analysis;
  • drawing up claims and complaints to the court;
  • liquidation of firms and others.

Professional lawyers with different levels of qualifications and experience can find an additional source of income on these sites:

  • is a specialized exchange for lawyers and attorneys where freelancers can earn money by providing online advice and answering questions.
  • - legal service for remote earnings on legal services.
  • is an exchange for specialists in the field of law.

3 personnel exchanges

HR officers will not be left without a part-time job, thanks to the prosperity of specialized freelance exchanges in the field of HR on the Internet:

  • - narrow niche exchange of personnel services;;
  • - specialized service for freelance HR officers;
  • is an HR services project where the exchange guarantees the security of the transaction to both parties.

These exchanges feature tasks such as:

  • recruitment;
  • conducting personnel records management;
  • training and coaching;
  • personel assessment;
  • employment services;
  • development corporate culture and others.

Freelance site smm (social media marketing): top 4

The profession of a social media manager is gaining more and more popularity these days. The duties of such an administrator include brand reputation management, attracting new customers from social channels (Instagram, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Telegram), building a positive image, increasing the level of trust target audience to the product and company. SMM specialists can find remote work on universal freelance exchanges:


On these sites, you can earn money by performing various kinds of tasks in the field of marketing:

  • preparation of posts for publication in social media accounts;
  • setting up targeted advertising;
  • development of a promotion strategy;
  • maintaining groups, publics, accounts and channels;
  • collection of subscribers and many others.

Website for professional photographers, photoshoppers, videographers: 12 sites

Photographers with the help of freelance exchanges will be able to find new clients. 1 hour of filming costs an average of 1500-3000 rubles. The most popular professional photo shoots are:

  • wedding;
  • family;
  • children's;
  • in love story format;
  • portrait photography.

In addition, potential customers often apply for photo processing in Photoshop, which can bring additional profit to photoshoppers and photographers.

Freelance videographers have the opportunity to earn with:

  • video filming of family celebrations, corporate events;
  • advertising and promotional videos;
  • video clips;
  • creating video instructions;
  • presentations;
  • video editing;
  • animation and other services.

Freelance exchanges for photographers and videographers that are most popular:

  • - catalog of pros who profile on photo and video shootings;
  • - exchange creative people involved in the preparation of wedding celebrations;
  • photovideozayavka.rf - a convenient freelance exchange where you can post examples of your the best works and find customers directly.
  • - service for finding photographers and customers.

Photographers have an excellent opportunity to create a source passive income, putting up for sale on photo stocks their unique photographs:

  • iStockPhoto;
  • Shutterstock;
  • Depositphotos;
  • photo exchange

Best Student Work Sites: Top 9

  • - quality work from qualified artists.
  • - a service that gives the possibility of a responsible contractor for any type of work;
  • - this exchange that helps to order works directly from tutors of leading Russian universities;
  • is the largest freelance exchange that allows you to earn money by helping students.
  • - student service for earning money for freelancers;;
  • - specialized exchange for qualified authors;
  • - an excellent service for earning money for people with a mathematical mindset;
  • Studwork - an online student assistance service where orders such as writing a business plan, preparing a report, solving a test, and others are published;
  • - a platform for any kind of order academic work from experienced performers with a guarantee of results.

Construction order exchange, private orders for repairs: top 13

Saving on construction and repair is a task that will always be relevant. With the help of exchanges of repair and construction services, customers can save the lion's share of the budget on the performance of work and assemble a team of competent specialists to solve any range of tasks. The benefit of private craftsmen is independence from the employer and interaction directly with customers at the best prices, which avoids intermediary commissions.

Finishers, foremen, planners, designers can find orders on the following specialized sites:

  1. - a service that facilitates the search for experts;
  2. - construction exchange for pros;
  3. - a platform that helps customers save up to 60% of the budget on repairs;
  4. - tender portal for designers;
  5. - a tender service for remote work for design engineers;
  6. - a young exchange of construction and repair orders;
  7. distant work for designers;
  8. - a freelance portal that will facilitate the search for orders for finishing;;
  9. - directory of professionals;
  10. - an exchange where private craftsmen and teams compete for orders in the field of construction and finishing works;
  11. - private tender service;
  12. is a directory where you can offer your services.
  13. - search service for private masters from the company "Petrovich".

Earnings exchanges for seo-specialists and webmasters: 7 sites

The largest exchanges for SEOs and webmasters that help monetize your site or knowledge of SEO and site building.

On such services, the following types of tasks are found:

  • assistance in creating and configuring websites;
  • SEO (linking, preparation and optimization of content, improvement of behavioral factors, compilation of a semantic core);
  • filling the site with content;
  • placement of banners;
  • buying and selling links;
  • publication of posts and others.

Top profile exchanges include the following:

  • - SEO services portal;
  • Blogun - guarantees income for posting articles on your resource;
  • - rental links service;
  • - a portal for buying and selling ready-made sites, including profitable ones;
  • - service for buying and selling links forever;
  • is another link service;
  • Miralinks is an article marketing exchange.

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