Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Business on your own site in the city. What kind of business to open on your site. In the footsteps of past publications

First of all, on your site you can grow various crops.


One of the most promising options -. If you purchase a greenhouse, you can harvest up to 5-6 times a year. A simple greenhouse and seeds for planting will cost about 50 thousand rubles, and you can earn about 20 thousand rubles selling greenery at retail or wholesale (cafes and restaurants). per month.


This profitable business with high demand for products. The most common are oyster mushrooms and champignons, besides, they are the most unpretentious in care.

Growing can be done in a barn, as mushrooms need a special microclimate and high humidity. It will take about 20-30 thousand rubles to purchase a substrate, mycelium, various additives and ensure climatic conditions, and in this way you can get from 30-40 thousand rubles a month.

Cheese production

Homemade cheese is highly valued on the market, so this is an incredibly profitable project. You need a workshop space (minimum 50 square meters) and special equipment.

The costs will be at least 200 thousand rubles, but the monthly income after a few months of operating the “client base” will be from 40 thousand rubles.

Breeding rabbits

Looking for an idea what kind of business you can do on your site, pay attention to the always popular fur animals. At the same time, there is not too much competition in this niche yet.

For a mini-farm for breeding 700-1000 per year, you will need a plot of 600-800 square meters and equipment (+ the animals themselves) in the amount of 140-160 thousand rubles. On the sale of rabbit carcasses per month, you can get from 50 tons.

quail farm

You can count on net profit after six months of work, and per month it exceeds the figure of 110 thousand rubles.

Mini smokehouse

Homemade smoked meats will certainly appeal to many, it is a real alternative to store-bought products. Buying a mini-smoker will require an amount of 20 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on production volumes and quality.

You can install it in an extension on the site, in order to equip a room for such work, you need to lay out another 16-20 tons. But such a project can start to bring profit in the first two months of work. In particular, you can count on a monthly income of 20-40 thousand rubles.


In this business, you can earn not only on honey, but also on medicinal products produced. Make sure that there is an orchard nearby, and there are no pig farms nearby, bees also “do not like” dogs.

Hives should not be too close to each other, count their number based on 20-30 square meters per hive. The amount of investments for an apiary for 20-30 hives will be about 250 thousand rubles, and the net profit per month will be from 55 thousand rubles.

Having decided on that, study the sales market and boldly get down to business!

Own land is a good opportunity to create your own business. What type of business can be organized on your site?

1. Growing greenery

Using a greenhouse, you can harvest five or six times in one year. The cost of an ordinary greenhouse and seeds is about fifty thousand rubles. Selling only greens, you can provide an income of about 20 thousand rubles a month.

2. Growing mushrooms

This profitable business. Mushrooms are in very high demand. Champignons and oyster mushrooms are the most popular mushrooms that are grown on your site. They are absolutely not demanding to care. Growing can be done in a barn.

There you can create ideal conditions for mushrooms. To organize the cultivation of mushrooms, approximately 20 to 30 thousand rubles will be required. For a month with their help, you can earn about 15-20 thousand rubles.

3. Cheese production

Cheese produced at home is very much in demand and highly valued. Therefore, the idea associated with its preparation can be very beneficial.

For the organization of production requires a room with a minimum area of ​​fifty square meters. In addition, you will have to purchase equipment. The initial investment is quite significant and amounts to about 200 thousand rubles. Having formed a constant client base for several months now, you can regularly earn from 40 thousand rubles.

4. Breeding rabbits

There are not many competitors in this segment. For a small farm breeding up to one thousand rabbits per year, a land plot of 600 to 800 square meters is required. In addition, you need to buy special equipment and the animals themselves.

This will require from 140 to 160 thousand rubles. By organizing the trade in rabbit carcasses, in one month you can get from 50 thousand rubles.

5. Quail farm

Quail breeding does not require a lot of space. Income can be obtained from the sale of meat and eggs. To acquire a hundred heads and organize a farm, you will need about one hundred thousand rubles. The minimum monthly income is thirty thousand rubles.

6. Flower business

Flowers are equally in demand all year round. The maximum demand for them is noted in holidays. To grow flowers, it is necessary to install a greenhouse with an area of ​​​​about one hundred square meters. The total investment amount is approximately five hundred thousand rubles.

Roses are among the most popular flowers. You can recoup your investment after six months of hard work. The minimum amount of monthly net profit is one hundred and ten thousand rubles.

7. Small private smokehouse

Homemade smoked meats are in great demand. The purchase of a mini-smoker will cost 20-30 thousand rubles. It is better to install it in a separate room.

To purchase equipment, you will need to spend another 16 to 20 thousand rubles. The initial investment pays off in about two months of work. Every month, your own mini-smoker can generate income from 20 to 40 thousand rubles.

8. Beekeeping

This business allows you to earn income not only from the sale of honey, but additional bee products - on propolis, wax, etc. It is desirable that there is a garden with fruit trees next to the apiary. However, bees do not like pigs and dogs. Hives do not need to be placed very close.

There must be sufficient distance between them. Approximately twenty or thirty square meters should be allocated per hive. To create an apiary, consisting of about 25 beehives, it will take about 250 thousand rubles. The minimum net monthly profit of the apiary is fifty-five thousand rubles.

By choosing a suitable occupation for yourself on your own land and carefully studying the sales market, you can start your own business.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 12 minutes


A plot of 20 acres is an ideal springboard for opening own business. Country or household plot of this size can be adapted for growing vegetables and seedlings for sale, renting it out, breeding animals on it. There are many other productive ideas for using land as a valuable resource. Consider the most effective and profitable of them.

Growing herbs, vegetables, fruits for sale

The most common way to use a land plot for organizing a business is horticulture and vegetable growing.

It can be organized in two directions:

  • Firstly , outdoor cultivation of seasonal vegetables and fruits.
  • Secondly , construction of a greenhouse for the cultivation of heat-loving fruit and vegetable crops, as well as for satisfying and vegetables.

The first option is characterized by minimal investment: the entrepreneur will only need to purchase seedlings and seedlings, as well as take care of timely watering, dressing and fertilizing. The second option requires the construction of a greenhouse structure, the organization of a heating and irrigation system in it.

It is important to understand that the sale of seasonal vegetables and fruits will not provide the entrepreneur with such a serious profit, compared with the sale of exotic crops, as well as berries and herbs in the cold season.

At the first stage of organizing a business, you can manage on your own, but with a gradual expansion of the business, you will need to attract hired workers seasonally - during the period of planting seedlings, harvesting, etc.

Implementation Options finished products there are also a few:

  1. Wholesale supply into major outlets(supermarkets).
  2. Independent retail in the market or in a stationary vegetable tent.
  3. Selling products directly from the farm , which requires advertising in local printed publications.

Business Benefits

  1. Consistently high demand.
  2. Significant cost of agricultural products in the winter season.
  3. Relatively small investment.

Business Disadvantages

  1. High probability of a force majeure situation (death of seedlings, crop failure, pests).
  2. The finished product does not have a long shelf life.

Breeding and raising domestic animals

If the available land is by no means distinguished by fertile soil, then it makes sense to adapt it for breeding domestic animals.

In this case, you can make a choice in favor of one of two options:

  • Firstly , if there are places for grazing, you can make a choice in favor of cows or sheep.
  • Secondly , in the absence of such, you can start breeding chickens, rabbits or ducks.

Caring for pets is a daily systematic work. That is why already at the first stage of organizing a business, you should take care of hiring 2-3 employees.

What are the nuances of this business:

  1. On the site, you will definitely need to equip animal pens, protected from rain, wind and cold.
  2. It is extremely important to follow a preventive vaccination schedule for animals, which will protect the business from unexpected loss of livestock.
  3. Care should be taken in advance to form channels for the supply of feed and vitamins for animals.

The most profitable and popular options livestock business in a summer cottage, breeding of geese, rabbits and ducks can be considered:

  • Breeding ducks . To begin with, you will need to purchase about 100 ducklings (the price of one ranges from 80 to 120 rubles) and purchase food. It is worth noting that ducks are very unpretentious to eat and are able to eat even boiled potatoes. In 3-5 months, the animal reaches a mature state and is ready for sale (the cost of a mature bird is 400-800 rubles).
  • . Small rabbits are sold on the market at a price of 70 rubles apiece. Their maintenance does not require large enclosures and places for swimming. Rabbit food is represented by herbs and grains (corn, wheat, barley). In 4-5 months, the animal reaches an adult state and can be sold already for 700-1000 rubles. Moreover, rabbits give a very significant offspring.
  • . Breeding geese is similar to breeding ducks. However, these birds do not require serious structures (they are not afraid of cold and rain). In addition, they consume less feed. Goslings can be purchased for 90-110 rubles apiece, and adult birds aged 4-5 months can be sold for 1000-1500 rubles.

It is most convenient to sell products in the order of wholesale deliveries.

Business Benefits

  1. High demand for products from supermarkets, restaurants, meat production.
  2. Medium investments.
  3. A simple organization algorithm.
  4. Acceptable in any climate zone.

Business Disadvantages

  1. High probability of a force majeure situation (illness and loss of livestock).
  2. High level of competition in the industry.
  3. Requires significant labor costs.

Growing seedlings, seedlings for sale

In spring, seedlings and seedlings are in high demand on the market. Moreover, in Russia, only 40% of the market is occupied by such products created on an industrial scale. Mostly seedlings are supplied by summer residents.

There are two ways to organize such a business:

  • Growing seedlings . For this, wild trees are grown from the seeds of apples, cherries, pears, etc., which, at the age of one year, are split with branches from various cultivated varieties of fruits and berries. A few months after the plant takes the cutting, it can be sold on the market.
  • Growing seedlings . In this case, you will need to purchase special containers or boxes in which the seeds are placed. Since it will be necessary to present seedlings for sale in early spring, special greenhouses will be required for its cultivation.

The most popular products on the market are:

  • Berry bushes - raspberries, currants, gooseberries, blackberries.
  • Fruit trees - apple trees, pears, plums, apricots, cherries.
  • Vegetable crops - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, eggplant.

The sale of seedlings and seedlings will have to be carried out independently: as a rule, large agricultural farms independently provide themselves with young plants.

Business Benefits

  1. High seasonal demand.
  2. Minimum investment.

Business Disadvantages

  1. Seasonality, high probability of a force majeure situation (plant death).
  2. Significant competition in the industry.
  3. The need for knowledge of agrotechnical subtleties in matters.

Organization on the site of a recreation center or boarding house

If there is a forest, a grove, a picturesque lake or a river near the backyard or summer cottage, organizing a private boarding house becomes the only right decision. You should not think that this is an unbearably difficult task: you can start with a fairly simplified version.

  • Firstly , for delivery to vacationers, you can equip the house on the site or install several cabins on it, designed for a different number of people (from 2 to 5 people).
  • Secondly , you need to take care of the conduct of water, gas, electricity, sewerage.
  • Third , a bathhouse or sauna, gazebos with tables and benches, barbecues, children's and sports grounds, a frame pool, etc. should be built on the site.

If we are talking about a specialized recreation center, then it is possible to organize the provision of special equipment for rent (for hiking, swimming, rock climbing), as well as provide for the positions of instructors and guides in the staff.

IN general view the staff of such a company should consist of an administrator, security guards. cleaners, medical worker, locksmith, as well as cooks and waiters (if you plan to organize a dining room).

An important aspect is the organization of secure parking for customers' cars. Cabins can be rented on an hourly and daily basis. With an efficient heating system, houses in a picturesque area can be rented all year round.

Business Benefits

  1. There is significant demand.
  2. High income.

Business Disadvantages

  1. High initial investment.
  2. The complexity of the organization.
  3. Payback in 2-3 years.

Lease of land, cottages for rent

The simplest but least profitable option is the lease of the land.

There are several options for such a business option:

  • If there is a house on the site - it can be rented out for recreation.
  • If shrubs and fruit trees are planted on the site - it can be handed over for harvesting seasonally.
  • If the soil is fertile , then it can be rented to farmers for the warm season.

Delivery announcements are usually placed on electronic bulletin boards on the net, as well as in local printed publications.

Business Benefits

  1. Ease of business organization.
  2. No upfront costs.

Business Disadvantages

  1. Low profitability.

Organization of a petting zoo

An innovative idea of ​​land use is the creation of a petting zoo. It can be imagined as numerous open and closed enclosures that house horses, rabbits, ducks, geese, turkeys, sheep, goats, and perhaps even ostriches.

It is noteworthy that such a zoo can be combined with a subsidiary farm (“exhibition” goats do not stop giving milk, and chickens do not stop laying eggs). That is why it makes sense to organize a point for the sale of agricultural products on its territory.

What interesting activities can such a petting zoo offer for visitors:

  • Firstly , standard excursions.
  • Secondly , classes for schoolchildren.
  • Third , feeding animals together with visitors.
  • Fourth , horseback riding, etc.

The entrepreneur will need to take care of the competent organization of the zoo space, the installation of enclosures, the purchase of feed, the beautification of the territory, and the formation of a work schedule.

Animal care will require 3-4 employees, including a full-time veterinarian. In addition, it is important to take care of hiring 2-3 guides.

Advertisements can be placed in local print media. The zoo's income comes from ticket sales, agricultural products and additional services(photos with animals, pet feeding, playground rental, sale cotton candy and ice cream)

Business Benefits

  1. The possibility of combining with agricultural activities and providing a range of additional services.
  2. Significant profitability.

There are a lot of interesting and cost-effective ideas for starting your own business. Despite the modern variety of information, many rural residents do not even suspect what enormous opportunities are hidden in the provinces.

Far from the variety of urban offers, more opportunities to expand faster and more efficiently, it is easier to achieve the first profit. The village has several original ideas, which will allow you to implement business on the ground, With minimum investment in 1-2 thousand rubles. This may be a service for selling berries or fruits from your garden, selling flowers, selling seedlings.

In 2017

Today, there are business ideas and start-ups that differ from the standard proposals that are currently being implemented in countryside.

Business Startup Ideas for Car Owners

The most common option for own business for car owners is private cab or local taxi. In the countryside, this is a great way to move at affordable prices, because the transport interchange in any village or village is not very developed. Be sure to take into account that the cost of the trip and monthly earnings should cover gasoline-gas, as well as the depreciation of the car.

Such a business will be most effective in the area in which there are not only rural residents, but also urban summer residents. To implement this idea, you need to put up ads in the village, create ads on Internet resources and repair the car, waiting for a call from customers.

If you have a car, you can take orders from neighbors, the elderly, the elderly for foodstuffs and engage home delivery of goods, for a small percentage. Often in demand are products such as clothing, household chemicals, products, conservation, etc.

The most profitable ideas in agriculture

The most effective and cost-effective ideas for starting your own business in rural areas are fishing and livestock farms. If there is a pond or a small lake on the territory of a summer cottage, a private house, it would be a great idea to breed fish.

Perhaps in the future it will be possible to offer customers not only fresh fish, but also frozen, salted, smoked.

  • In the absence of a pond, pond, lake, you can do breeding animals, for example, large cattle . Initially, you will need to have 5-6 thousand rudders for the purchase of several young individuals (goats, pigs, calves, etc.)
  • Creation of an apiary- breeding and growing bees, collecting honey is always an effective and cost-effective business, because 1 kg of honey costs at least 700-800 rubles. Sales can be established not only to individuals, but also to shops, food bases, boarding houses, etc. To start the development of such a business, you will definitely need to learn the basics of breeding bees.
  • rose business or any other flowers (lilies, hyacinths, snowdrops) requires 2-4 thousand rubles of investments for planting material, fertilizers. Greenhouse arrangement for a start requires 2 thousand rubles of costs, agricultural technology will cost 3-5 thousand rubles. Initially, you will need to negotiate with flower shops (bazaars, spontaneous markets or hand-made sales), ads on the Internet, creating groups in in social networks.
  • Directly start growing strawberries will require from 5 to 7 thousand rubles of costs for planting material and fertilizers, but the payback will be visible in the first year of growing strawberries. However, if you do such a thing not seasonally, but constantly, in winter, strawberries in greenhouses require artificial pollination. To do this, it will be necessary to invest at least 10 thousand rubles.

Business on agricultural land

Regardless of the type of activity chosen, in a region separated from the city, constant work will be an important factor. The resulting profit will be the key to the development of new areas of activity or the expansion of an existing type of income.

On the farm land ideas you can start growing and subsequently selling turkeys, chickens or quails. In addition to poultry meat, you can also sell eggs, down, feathers for the production of pillows. Today, the cultivation of pheasants is of great relevance. For breeding poultry, initially you will need to have 3-4 thousand rubles to buy young animals. The arrangement of the territory for growing will cost 10 - 12 thousand rubles (poultry house, paddock for walking, food, etc.).

Among the common business ideas in rural areas, no less relevant are options for breeding and selling mushrooms, both fresh and pickled, salted or dried. Today oyster mushrooms, champignons are offered for cultivation, White mushroom, as well as medicinal shiitake mushrooms.

Despite the fact that apples seem to be in every yard, they are in great demand on the sales market. Therefore, the business of growing and selling apples will require no more than 2-3 thousand rubles for the purchase of mature trees, and will also give payback and the first profit in the first year. The profit can be spent on buying trees to expand the garden.

Along with the cultivation of fruits and berries, potatoes are in no less demand, because today even many summer residents have refused to grow them on their own.

Among the original interesting ideas to develop your own business, you can consider wormwood cultivation. This idea is best suited for those who have their own land in the private sector. Wormwood will bring considerable profit almost immediately, because it can be sold not only to pharmaceutical companies, homeopathic pharmacies, but also to those involved in the production of alcohol. Wormwood is one of the main components of the creation of the absinthe drink. Among all existing species plants, the only one sold is Wormwood or Artemisia absinthium. Average, from 1 hectare, you can get at least 3 thousand dollars for the sale of culture.

Business from scratch

Few are ready to start a business from scratch, because this is a risky undertaking that requires some expenses and, of course, a lot of effort to work.

  • For those living in the village there is an opportunity to create their own business selling frozen berries and fruits. Natural products are always needed and many city dwellers try to buy it from private traders who do not use GMOs and various pesticides. The product can be sold through posted ads on modern resources on the Internet. Ask relatives and friends to create a "word of mouth" chain, create social media groups and announcements, etc. Initially, you will need 3-4 thousand to buy a garden or shrubs, packing bags, and you will also need to purchase a new or used freezer (at least 5-6 thousand rubles).

A quick payback, no more than 2 years is demonstrated by the following ideas for small business in the countryside:

  • Breeding, selling or renting horses. Business requires some investments, horses require constant care, initial costs, more than 50 thousand to buy a horse.
  • Are very popular, namely the process of their breeding and subsequent sale. Rabbit meat is dietary, and modern consumers are increasingly thinking about healthy eating and taking care of your own health. Rabbits give birth every year, and after reaching the age of 4 months, they can already be considered a commodity for sale. Rabbit meat costs 400 rubles, one rabbit weighs 1.5 - 2 kg, which means that the rabbit will cost 600-800 rubles, with the cost of feeding and arranging 2 thousand rubles for 5 rabbits.
  • Pig farming has always been considered profitable(1 kg of meat - 300 rubles, fat - 250 rubles), making a profit. A pig is a non-waste animal, it is completely sold for meat, lard, offal, heads, etc.
  • No less popular than apples and strawberries, sea ​​buckthorn is in demand in the food market! It is not difficult to create a sea buckthorn garden: one seedling costs 1000 rubles, 2-3 seedlings are enough for a start. Profit per hectare planted can be approximately 1000 euros. Sea buckthorn will be profitable only 2-3 years after planting.

Although there are many ideas for those who are looking for what kind of business to open on the land, each of them has pros and cons.

Registration of business in agriculture: procedure, documents, advice

The most acceptable option for developing your first business and saving start-up capital is the lease of land in farmland or settlements. This process is listed in civil code, but for this the tenant will need competent paperwork.

Leased land can be:

  • Land for agricultural use;
  • Lands of water and forest fund;
  • Lots that include real estate or proposed construction, etc.

The following lands are officially considered agricultural land:

  • arable lands, plantations, hayfields, pastures;
  • forest belts, land under outbuildings and yards, etc.

Cultivation and breeding of fish, crayfish implies the need to lease the lands of the water fund, which will include the necessary water area for breeding fish, crayfish, creating sports entertainment companies, etc.

In this case, on the rented coastal strip it is strictly forbidden:

  • Create gardens, vegetable gardens, plow the land;
  • Apply herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, chemicals;
  • Graze cattle;
  • Erect, auto repair shops;
  • Organize waste dumps.

To do business in the village, you can buy land or use a summer cottage (if any). But if it is planned to lease land, the following documents should be prepared in advance for the village council to sign the lease agreement:

  • A self-written statement;
  • Passport and TIN code (copies);
  • Lease contract;
  • Calculated payment.

The use of land outside the prescribed purpose threatens the tenant with termination of the contract.

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