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How to quickly recruit clients for the studio. Atelier for tailoring, how to open a sewing workshop. What equipment is required

A tailoring workshop is a place where each of us can place an order for such types of services as tailoring and repair of casual, festive or outerwear. Many sewing masters are interested in the question: how to open your own tailoring studio? It is worth knowing that for each type of business everything is very individual, there are no universal tips in this area.

If you have the ability and a great desire to work in the public service sector, then this is not enough to start working and making a solid profit. To launch the project at full capacity, you need to have the skills of a psychologist, competent coordinator, teacher and entrepreneur. If we add to all this entrepreneurial spirit, knowledge of tax legislation and financial sphere- you are guaranteed success.

The competition in this market is quite strong. Therefore, in order to compare favorably with competitors, the emphasis in work should be on quality and a non-standard approach to each client.

Experts distinguish two types of such an enterprise:

  • a small studio in your own house or apartment;
  • atelier in a rented room.

The Need for a Sewing Workshop Business Plan

If you have already decided what type of business you will be engaged in, you need to carefully plan your work, i.e. write a business plan. This is a step-by-step plan for the success of your future enterprise. If you do not draw up a document, the risk of failure will be too great.

This estimate is necessary for everyone: both the one from whom you plan to take funds for the implementation of your plans (money investors and bankers), and your future employees who want to know their prospects and tasks. But most importantly, the entrepreneur himself needs a business plan for opening an atelier in order to carefully analyze his ideas, to understand how vital and reasonable they are.

This document should describe the main points of the future enterprise, analyze the possible difficulties that you will encounter in your work, and describe possible ways to eliminate them.

Purposes of this document:

  • for external use - to present your business in the most favorable light to investors;
  • for internal use - in this case, the business plan is used as a management tool.

Market analysis, competitiveness assessment

Before you start implementing your plan to open an atelier, you need to analyze the market in your locality. This will help you understand how much competition there is in this industry, whether your business will be successful in the city where you plan to do business.

In addition, you will be helped by the analysis of errors and shortcomings in the work of competitors. Only then will you be able to understand what will be best for your business and what will need to be avoided. Inaccuracies and shortcomings in the work of competitors will prompt you for new, optimal solutions and marketing moves.

How to start a sewing business: registration and documents

It's worth knowing that this species business is segmented. What does it mean? You can open a workshop only for tailoring, others want to do only repairs, and there are those who are ready to combine both. Therefore, you must immediately decide on the direction of activity.

So, what do you need to open a studio? This type labor activity must be legally registered with tax service. The substantive form can be chosen in any of the options: or. In order to make it easier to keep accounting and tax records, it is better to focus on individual entrepreneurship.

Selection of workers

Minimum staff should consist of:

  • the person who will take orders,
  • couturier designer,
  • master seamstress.

The fashion designer will need to be paid good wages. At first, you may not be able to afford it. Therefore, you can invite to work, for example, a female student with no specific experience, but with a desire to work and acquire skills in their specialty.

The tailor must have extensive experience in this field. The receiver must be able to accurately take measurements.

You can hire people from among your friends or acquaintances or through agencies.

It is necessary to conclude an agreement with a seamstress, in which it is necessary to prescribe her liability. Since customers sometimes bring in very expensive material or items for repair, in some cases an inexperienced technician can damage the item. Therefore, he must know that he is responsible to the customer for the damaged item.

Another important condition in the selection of personnel is that your future employees must be able to communicate with people and be decent.


Studio services include:

  • tailoring;
  • repair and restoration of clothes.

It is worth knowing that this type of business is subject to seasonality. This will be especially noticeable if you plan to do only repair or tailoring of outerwear. Seasonality also applies to those ateliers that work with knitwear or specialize in sewing dresses, raincoats, coats and fur coats.

How to "untwist" the studio?

After all are done preparatory work, you need an advertising campaign for your production. This is best done a few weeks before opening.

  • posting information leaflets on advertising boards in your city;
  • announcement in in social networks and on local television;
  • distribution of invitations in mailboxes;
  • advertising in stores and shopping centers.

Financial part: costs, profit, profitability of a tailoring studio

Estimated costs in the first year of the atelier's operation with such services as tailoring of outerwear, workwear, uniforms for hotels and restaurants, repair of women's and menswear, look like this.

To implement the project, you will need 2,300,000 rubles.

For the first 12 months of work, you can get income in the amount of 3.5-4 million rubles, the next years it is planned to increase revenues by 20%.

Net income from the work of the studio- 2,800,000 rubles. As you can see, the project pays off in 10-11 months. Thus, one can speak of high profitability atelier as a business.

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  • What documents are needed
  • What equipment is required
  • How to attract customers

Multi-colored dresses and sundresses, light windbreakers and jackets with fur, children's suits and pajamas with appliqués - which is just not available in modern stores and shopping centers. But even with such an abundance, there will always be those who want to sew a dress or suit to order, especially since the price / quality ratio today leaves much to be desired, since either inexpensive goods from China are sold on the market, or clothing prices are unreasonably high. Finding a really high-quality and stylish thing is not so easy. It is even more difficult to choose clothes for a person with a non-standard figure. Therefore, the sewing studio remains relevant in small towns and cities. Another thing is that only real professionals can run this business, who not only have an idea about the sewing business, but know all the secrets and nuances of the sewing business.

Sewing business: where to start

You need to start by studying the market and determining the services that the studio can provide. If there is an establishment nearby that specializes in sewing clothes for women, it may be worth opening an atelier for men. Or include in the list of services that competitors do not provide. The more services - the more customers you can attract in a short period of time.

Here is a sample list of services for clients;

  • tailoring by individual order;
  • copying models of famous designers;
  • design and tailoring of evening dresses;
  • repair of old things.

The list can be shortened or expanded, depending on the capabilities and desires of the entrepreneur, but it is worth thinking over it well before starting to draw up a business plan for a sewing studio

How to choose and decorate a room

A small studio, in your apartment, but it is preferable to immediately rent a room. For this, areas in shopping centers or the first floors of houses in residential areas are suitable. Consider the pros and cons of such a lease.

In shopping centers

  • high traffic, hence easier to attract customers
  • buyers who need to take in or shorten a newly purchased item can contact.
  • there is security.

In living quarters

  • difficulty in attracting customers;
  • additional costs for security or signaling;
  • the difficulty of finding an atelier, despite signs and signs.

For the premises of the studio, an area of ​​at least 25 square meters is suitable. m., and it should house a room for receiving visitors, a fitting room and a room for work at the rate of 7 sq. m. per person.

What documents are needed

To conduct legal activities, you need to complete all the documents. First of all, you need to register as individual entrepreneur and indicate OKVED 93.5 “Provision of other. personal services population"

Depending on the services provided, you need to choose, for example, OKVED code 18.22 for the production of outerwear or OKVED code 52.74 "Repair of household and personal items not included in other groups."

After that, you need to get permits from SES and State Fire Supervision.

What equipment is required

For a small studio you need a minimum set of equipment
  • sewing machines - 3
  • cutting table - 1
  • overlock - 1
  • mannequin -1
  • iron - 2
  • ironing board -1
  • rack -1

Everything will require from 75 thousand rubles. It is also necessary to turn on lamps, patterns, scissors, needles, threads, zippers, buttons. That is, another 30 thousand rubles will be required. Furniture for the visitor's room - 25 thousand rubles.

How to find qualified personnel

Many owners of prestigious studios hire only employees with at least 3 years of experience. Although in some cases they accept graduates of vocational schools, who are trained specifically to work in their institution. The main thing you need to pay attention to when taking seamstresses is the accuracy of seams, cutters - so that the fabric does not “ride” in the first minutes.

To begin with, 1 cutter and 2-3 seamstresses will be enough, who can receive from 30 to 40% of the order and 1 cleaner. It is likely that other employees will agree to perform the functions of a cleaner.

How to attract customers

The key to a service business is customer acquisition. Advertising campaign is, of course, needed. But for a small studio, it makes no sense to spend money on serious advertising. Enough posts on social networks, bright signs and signs. It is possible to get good customers through paid advertising on the Internet.

The promotion of the atelier is also possible thanks to special “chips”, for example: a cutter's visit to the house, the purchase of fabrics, sewing on credit, etc.

You can also talk to the sellers of the nearest stores, who are interested in selling as many things as possible. They can reassure and direct customers to you who need to sew or hem a thing.

How much does it cost to open an atelier in 2017: the profitability of the enterprise

Depending on the city, the location of the atelier, the cost of materials and equipment, the cost of opening an atelier may be different. If you include the repair of the premises, the purchase of equipment, paperwork, advertising, you should count on the amount of 180 thousand rubles. Every month you will have to spend money on taxes, salaries to employees, rent, purchase of consumables, depreciation.

Earnings will depend largely on the number of services provided. Sometimes it is possible to earn no less or even more on the repair and “fitting” of things than on orders.

With the work schedule of the atelier from 10 to 20, you can take 15 orders per day from 200 to 500 rubles, as well as 5 orders for 1500 rubles and more. But to put a patch, for example, it will take 3 hours, and to sew a dress - at least 3 days. A good atelier can receive an average of 20-25 orders for tailoring and 200-250 for repairs. Earnings per month can be from 70 thousand rubles, while the net income will be 30-35%.

The costs, as a rule, pay off in a period of 3 months to a year, and if desired, it will be possible to think about expanding the business or include new "chips".

It's good to open a franchise studio. We can offer several options.

  • "IMPERO exclusivemanufacture" - atelier-shop of men's clothing - 350 thousand rubles.
  • "Nimble weaver" - a network of ateliers for emergency repairs clothes - 100 thousand rubles
  • "Calabrio" - a network of shops for individual tailoring of business suits - 274 thousand rubles.

Although there will be more costs, the promotion of the enterprise will not be required. You can choose any option. The main thing is that sewing studios are in demand and their services are in demand.

Download business plan for a sewing studio

A tailor-made business can become truly profitable. To be successful, the owner needs to find premises, purchase equipment and find qualified designers and seamstresses. However, one should not forget about another important aspect, namely the advertising of the atelier. This article is designed to help entrepreneurs develop the right marketing strategy, highlighting the most effective methods promotion and excluding the most losing and inappropriate options.

Point decoration


The main requirement for the design of the facade can be formulated simply - the more and brighter, the better. Whether your atelier is located in mall or on the street, try to make sure that the maximum number of people notice it. Bright colors, large signage, advertising banners - all this should be used to attract the attention of potential customers.


Signage should be large, bright and informative. Informativeness means either the thematic nature of the name, or the presence of the inscription "studio" on the signboard. Such measures are necessary so that every passer-by can accurately determine the profile of your enterprise. As for the backlight - you decide. Not many atelier owners order LED signs. This is explained simply - it is unlikely that a person, just passing or passing by, decides to come in and order a dress for himself. Groceries, bars and restaurants, etc., have the need to be visible at the right time, but in the case of an atelier, this is not necessary. However, if you still want to order a luminous structure, it certainly will not harm the business.

Outdoor advertising


It is necessary to place bright advertising banners in the immediate vicinity of the studio. Develop a striking design, come up with a slogan and list the services. After that, the matter is small - you just need to order a poster in the printing house.


Whether your atelier is located in a shopping center or complex, or on a line of houses, a pavement sign is a great eye-catcher. Make sure that the word "atelier" is immediately noticeable, and the list of services is easy and quick to read. You should not list your advantages in small print, because it is unlikely that a passerby will stop to read small and long inscriptions.


Pointers are an obligatory element of outdoor advertising in the event that your studio is poorly visible from the street, or is not located in the most passing place of a shopping center or complex.

Internet advertising


Despite the fact that the site is an invariable attribute of business success, you will have to consider whether you need it specifically. If you have a small atelier in a shopping center or shopping mall, where you mainly repair or fit clothes, you don’t need a website. But if you are aiming specifically at tailoring clothes for a large number of people, or if you are positioning your atelier as an elite one, you simply need a business card site. The main advantage of such a resource is that you can publish photos of your best models. It is better to indicate prices under the photo - visitors will definitely appreciate their availability. This is explained very simply - it is much easier to immediately calculate the approximate cost of the thing that they need than to visit an atelier to find out this issue.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time to select the necessary resources to create it and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

contextual advertising

Ads on ad sites

In any city there are free resources, ad sites and forums where you can advertise a studio for free. Try to place your advertising messages on all such sites, because the more often your name is mentioned on the network, the better for business.

Printable advertisement


In the printing house you need to order a batch of leaflets. You can develop the design yourself, or order flyers from advertising agency. Offer a discount to the bearer of the leaflet, this will interest potential customers. Remember, the slogan and sentence on this small piece of paper should “hook” the person and explain to him why he chose you. So, if you are an elite atelier, tell us why you are better than others. If you are betting on moderate prices, emphasize that you have high quality combined with the lowest price in town.

business cards

Business cards are a real "must have" for every tailoring studio. They should contain the most important information about you: a list of basic services, contact details, website address. Of course, they must be distributed to each client. Moreover, they should be distributed to the nearest stores, especially if trouser suits are sold there.

Advertising in newspapers and magazines

Advertising in printed publications can bring significant benefits to your studio. Using advertising modules in magazines is a good way to promote, but you should also try more trendy advertising options today. So, for example, many magazines are beginning to publish a lot of stories about new businesses, interview owners, study their success stories. An article like this about your studio will be much more effective than a simple advertisement that the reader can simply ignore. You should also remember that in such an interview you need to mention absolutely all the "titles" of designers, the owner, etc. In other words, if you mention that the person responsible for developing the models studied abroad, won competitions, etc., it will definitely play a plus. As for newspapers, it is better to use them for placing ads. In the "services" section, you can publish a small private ad about the repair and tailoring of clothes. Such advertising costs little, but consistently leads customers.

TV ads

TV newspaper and running line

As in the case of leaflets, your ad in a TV newspaper or a running line should be as concise as possible, but informative and enticing. You do not have to pay for the daily broadcast on local TV channels - it will be enough to advertise on the weekends.


Discounts for regular customers

Develop a system of discounts for customers. On the second order, you can make a discount of 3-5%, on the third and then 5-10%, depending on your pricing policy, costs, etc. It is not worth working at a loss, but also saving too much. Such bonuses significantly increase customer loyalty.

Carrying out price promotions

Spend special promotions. Try to make them relevant, for example, give a discount on tailoring summer dresses in May, and on work with fur coats in November.

Participation in exhibitions and shows

If you can start producing interesting models, launch your own, albeit a small line, and participate in some, albeit small, show or showcase your work at exhibitions, this will be a significant plus for your business. However, remember that for this fact to be useful, it must be widely announced through all available advertising channels.

word of mouth

In this business, word of mouth plays perhaps the most important role. If you are making clothes to order, hire only the best designers and seamstresses, because the quality and look of your products is what customers will discuss with their friends, colleagues, relatives. And if people from your visitor's environment really like your work, there is a high probability that they will come to you.

Which advertisement is not suitable for the studio

  1. Radio advertising. Audio clips and announcers are a good promotional tool, but, unfortunately, not for a studio. Judging objectively, there are few fashionistas, rich women and respectable men among radio listeners, who are the main target audience of such enterprises. That is why advertising on the radio will be comparable to firing a cannon at sparrows - you will spend a lot of money, but you will get very little benefit.
  2. Videos on TV. Despite the fact that a TV newspaper and a ticker are good means of advertising, creating your own studio video and broadcasting it simply will not pay off. Moreover, it will be a huge blow to the company's budget. That is why it is better to abandon such promotion in favor of less expensive and more effective methods.
  3. Billboards and banners. Such advertising costs a lot, and for it to bring any noticeable effect, you will need to place billboards or banners throughout the city. Moreover, despite the fact that tailoring services are in demand, the bulk of the population prefers to buy ready-made clothes, rather than ordering them from a tailor shop. Therefore, the cost of such massive advertising will simply be unjustified.

Examples of tailoring slogans

  1. All for lovely ladies!
  2. From skirt to coat.
  3. The embodiment of ideas from the best furs in the world.
  4. Image from the needle.
  5. Wardrobe for the soul.
  6. The perfection of individuality.
  7. Style, fashion, art...
  8. We make your dream come true.
  9. The costume plays a role!
  10. Individuality of your style for your victory.
  11. Affordable luxury.
  12. Always flawless.

A sewing studio most often closes due to non-profitability of production, which is affected by: high rents, inconsistent orders from customers, high supplier prices (relevant for those who buy material and produce things themselves), strong competition and other factors. Despite all the negative prerequisites, there is an opportunity to "raise" a sewing studio and give it a second life. Consider how to increase profits, the main 5 areas that can give a significant impetus to the development of your studio.

How to increase profit: search for new customers!

The most important thing here is PERMANENT work. Even if you have an already established circle of regular customers, no one is insured that it will never decrease.
It is especially dangerous when there are 1-2 large clients who suddenly refuse to cooperate or begin to dictate their terms at their prices, and then the financial situation will begin to fluctuate.
With a constantly growing customer base, you can be more confident in the stability of your business.

Behind permanent basis you need to take weekly monitoring of potential customers and buyers, thereby it will be clear where to go and how to increase profits. To understand who and how to monitor, first determine who exactly your target audience is.

Consider, for example, a sewing studio for designer tailoring for women. Who is its main audience?
You can answer this way: my clients are women who want to dress stylishly and exclusively with a perfect fit.
And another option to say this: my clients are women aged 23 to 50 with an income of 30 thousand, who most likely work as managers, top managers, own their own business, who need to conduct business negotiations and make a solid impression, etc. .

The second description was specific. You can also add where a potential client can visit, relax, what this client appreciates.
dove detailed description your audience, make it easier to find new ones.

What kind of clients are there?

Visitors to the tailoring studio of individual tailoring can be conditionally divided into 4 categories.
1. business sector. Its representatives, as owners own business and company leaders.
I can assume that top managers value time and quality very much. Therefore, when they come to the designer's atelier, they want a business suit or set, but at the same time, so that the design is not boring, but with a twist and very modern.
And when the master knows in advance what the category of his clients likes, namely modernity, courage, perfect quality, he will offer a ready-made solution, and the client will be satisfied.
2. It will not be correct to believe that only business people will come to you.
Also, a design studio can be visited by creative people who do not want to dress like everyone else, but who have their own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits style and can themselves say what they specifically need.
3. In the next category, there are usually clients who need to dress for some significant event, like a wedding, anniversary, graduation.
4. And the fourth category is not very numerous, but it always exists, these are those who have a violation in the proportional structure of the body, both congenital and acquired. They find it difficult to find clothes in ordinary stores, so they need things made especially for them. These clients will be with you all the time.

How to attract the target audience to a sewing studio?

Having dealt with the main categories of customers, give them a description by age, occupation, income level. And then you can already use advertising that they can see. Here are some tips for finding potential clients:
1. Cooperation with related sectors.
For example, advertising in magazines that your target audience can read.
You can negotiate with beauty salons, fitness clubs, restaurants, i.e. places where your audience can be and place your catalogs there, discount cards, discount coupons for your services. A good option is advertising in a fabric and accessories store.
2. Creative approach to outdoor advertising.
Sometimes people are embarrassed to enter a beautifully decorated atelier, fearing that the services will not be affordable. In this case, you can make a sign with prices for services in front of the studio. This method in live practice raised the attendance of the studio at times.
You can also announce promotions, discounts, gifts in outdoor advertising - all people love it!
3. Advertising via the Internet.
An individual website + a group on social networks will be excellent platforms for attracting. You can also use various boards of free and paid ads, like Yandex direct, as well as paid advertising in social networks. networks.

Parse the full list of expenses!

One way to increase profits is to audit all items of expenses. Determine from them large and permanent items of expenditure. Most likely, this article can be attributed to the rental of premises. Think about what to do with it, it may be more profitable to find a new place for rent and how the change of place will affect attendance.

And so, for all items of expenditure, conduct an analysis and possible solutions to reduce costs. After analyzing the advertising promotion, identify and cancel ineffective advertising platforms.
Analyze professional staff, make a decision on hiring a professional, downsizing.

Create favorable conditions with suppliers!

The main expense item may be the purchase of material for your own sewing workshop. Here you can try to reduce consumption by agreeing with the supplier on additional discounts for the volume, ask for a deferment or installment payment.

In a conversation with suppliers, you can mention that a supplier offers more favorable conditions and offer to make similar conditions so that you do not go to another. Suppliers also benefit from not losing customers, so they can make concessions.

Technology of sales and negotiations!

Pay attention to how they communicate in your atelier with clients in the hall and on the phone. Often, despite the professionalism of the master, people can leave because of a rude or inattentive attitude. It's nice when they meet with a smile, communicate politely and attentively, when you feel a desire that they really want to help the visitor solve his problem.

Another moment when the staff does not know how to properly respond to an objection, claim or refusal of services. Especially the refusal introduces into a stupor when a potential client justifies his refusal that he is already working with another studio and he likes the quality of services there.
In general, you can find a refutation for any refusal, the most important thing is not to be upset about this and not to avoid them. When building work with refusals and objections, you need to understand the main points:
What don't your customers want?
- what do they want?
How can you suggest solving his problem? What will be his benefit when working with you?

The most important thing when dealing with refusals is not to try to push through, sell, it only causes rejection. Communicate on an equal footing and with respect.

What benefits can you provide to customers?

This advice comes from dealing with objections. Usually everyone wants favorable conditions what can be offered here?
in mass production and wholesale own products can offer the following benefits:
- at the end of the season, you can exchange unsold goods for the necessary ones;
— carry out prompt replacement in color, size;
- offer to bring urgently needed goods to short time. Only here it is necessary to take into account the distance to the client to whom you offer;
- organize free shipping with certain purchase volumes, everyone loves it.
— allow deferred payment for a certain period;
- help with the promotion of your product by providing promotional products.

What should be a successful atelier

The guarantee of the quality of the atelier and the lure for the client is direct contact with its owner. “The atelier will not work if the owner comes once a week to withdraw the proceeds. You have to live here. You need to communicate with customers, be their friends. You need to feel that this is your family, ”says Elena Velichkina. Entrepreneurs say that regular customers, inviting a representative of the institution to the house, often insist on the arrival of the owner, and do not want to communicate with hired employees. Podosenov admits that he serves 70% of the trips himself, the rest he gives to his subordinates - there is not enough time.

Two in one

Well-known designers work according to the "ready-made collection plus work to order" scheme. And she really redeems herself. However, serious investments are needed here, first of all, in the development of your brand.


It should be well understood that many clients come to the studio as if they were going to a polyclinic. There are those who visit their favorite place every day. Such close communication back side established over the years of friendship. You need to keep in your head (or in an electronic database) all the most private information about the person and be able to ask the right questions. It is also important to be able to work with unfounded claims and high expectations. “The most difficult client is middle managers. These people want to show that they have reached a certain level, but they do not always understand that they want to. It is easier with owners and top managers, they can explain what they need or trust the taste of the master,” says Dream Suite.


Experts recommend visiting thematic exhibitions as often as possible. This makes it possible to monitor the appearance the latest technologies, techniques and materials and as a result save time and money. “We did the beading in the “old-fashioned” way, and it took 5 hours. And then it turned out that for two years now there has been a new device that simplifies the process almost twice, ”recalls Elena Velichkina.


For self-insurance, experienced atelier owners recommend establishing a guarantee for sewn items and specifying the conditions for caring for the item in writing. The thinnest silk dress washed in the washing machine and presented as a claim will complicate your life. After all, the customer, most likely, with foam at the mouth, will prove that you sewed it poorly.

Stock of consumables

For tailoring, in addition to fabrics, lining fabric, accessories and other attributes are needed. It should be noted that some of them take quite a long time to order or produce, sometimes more than a month.


save in garment business You can mainly rent premises. For example, the Dream Suite atelier organized the work of cutters at home. Sergey Podosenov tried different options for work, placing his office either in a shopping center or in an office one. And finally, I found my format - an apartment. “It turned out cheaper and customers like it more here - they relax. Clients who are accompanied by security do not need to cordon off the building, as is usual in a crowded place. In addition, firefighters and trade inspection are unlikely to accidentally look into the apartment.

Atelier of the average price level does not make much sense to strive for the city center. When scheduling the work of the atelier, keep in mind that in residential areas people visit the atelier, as a rule, on weekends, in the center - in the evening on weekdays.

What do you need to open a studio

Equipment, fabrics, people and other necessary expenses


When starting a business, it is best to buy used equipment - many studios closed during the crisis and they are gradually getting rid of equipment. When choosing equipment, pay attention to how long and in what mode they worked on it. You should not buy machines that have experienced a lot of stress in a large sewing workshop. The ratio of price and quality is most optimal for Japanese manufacturers. Discount on used equipment from the original price can be up to 70%.

Fabrics and accessories

Atelier owners recommend having at least 4-5 key suppliers and constantly changing them. This is necessary, firstly, in order to expand the range and be able to satisfy the most ambitious needs, choose the most favorable prices, follow new trends. Secondly, a small studio, due to modest volumes of purchases, cannot afford to work with large wholesale firms, and small ones may go bankrupt tomorrow. So it's better to have a reserve.


For the functioning of a full-fledged atelier, 10 tailors are enough. Many start with 3-5 tailors and one designer. If you yourself do not take on this mission, then the studio needs a designer. The atelier strictly needs an electrician and a technician servicing the machines (at least once a week it is necessary to adjust the equipment).


Each tailor - a car, plus a cutting table for the designer, a few mannequins, a press, ironing equipment. When choosing a place for an establishment, keep in mind that your masters will use energy-intensive equipment, and the cables must be appropriate.

Money spendings

Used equipment in total will cost 100-150 thousand dollars. Here you need to add the salary and rent of the premises for three months, when the studio will work "on the table" and sew samples. Masters in an average atelier earn 30-50,000 rubles, a designer 50-100,000 rubles.


It is enough for an average atelier in a residential area to have fifty regular loyal customers. The more your friends and close acquaintances among them, the more stable the business. The optimal proportion is 70% of relatives, the rest are random people.

Preparing for the opening

It is better to dedicate the first six months of the studio's work to debugging technologies. Hired tailors and cutters will sew items for the atelier's showcase collection. It needs to include things of various styles. The simplest assortment is a coat, an evening dress, a few skirts and blouses. In parallel with the collection, craftsmen must sew things for your close friends. It is advisable to do this for free, in extreme cases, at the cost of materials.

The base collection, and then the client items (with the permission of the owners) must be photographed. The album will be needed to showcase your work during home visits.

How to find good tailors

Entrepreneurs share their experience in recruiting staff for ateliers

Sergey Podosenov, Premier Mesure:

“Several years ago I opened a shop for sewing men's shirts in Moscow. Thirty people work there now. According to my personal statistics, I take on average one person out of a hundred.

Elena Velichkina, "Classic Costume Workshop":

“I hire craftsmen with three years of experience and give them probation at least three months. All this time they work with samples under the supervision of an experienced designer, then they start sewing simple, not “risky” things. payment - completely piecework - XX%, schedule - free. For the first three years, I performed the administrator's work myself, but it is impossible to drag it out forever. Now this is done by the administrator (he receives a salary plus%) - accepts, executes orders and monitors their movement.

Oleg, Dream Suite:

“We decided that cutters could work from home. It takes longer, but this way we save on equipment and rent. In some factories in Italy, for example, trousers are not sewn, but given to home workers.”

Anna Kuznetsova, "Ani Taylor"

“Our selection is advisory - we call the places where the person used to work. We are constantly recruiting staff - we are looking for talents in reserve. I put off the profiles of people I like for the future. After all, we cannot be left without any employee for a single day.
