Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Ural forest exchange. Wholesale of lumber

Sale at the seller's warehouse At present, there is an interesting trend in the lumber market - Buyers are afraid to give an advance payment, and manufacturers do not want to cut without money. This happens for a number of reasons. Buyers, often taught by bitter experience, or having read horror stories about unscrupulous sellers on the Internet, do not want to risk money, and manufacturers, who also know firsthand the inconsistency of buyers, do not take risks.

How to buy lumber?
Sale at the seller's warehouse At present, there is an interesting trend in the lumber market - Buyers are afraid to give an advance payment, and manufacturers do not want to cut without money. This happens for a number of reasons. Buyers, often taught by bitter experience, or having read horror stories about unscrupulous sellers on the Internet, do not want to risk money, and manufacturers, who also know firsthand the inconsistency of buyers, do not take risks. Often I hear from potential buyers a question, reasonable on their part - What is the risk of the seller ?. After all, if the terms of the contract stipulate the principle of “goods-money” at the time of shipment at the seller’s station, then even if for a number of reasons they don’t take the goods, then it still remains with the seller. I agree, the goods are from the seller. And who will count his losses? After all, in order to cut a board, you must first buy a round wood, deliver it to a sawmill, saw it, sort it, pack it, etc. The output from the round wood to the edged board is no more than 40%, i.e. in order to cut 75 cubic meters of edged board (carriage), you need to buy and bring 180 cubic meters of round wood. That's pretty serious money. Further, usually wages are paid to workers at the sawmill according to the volume of incoming timber, i.e. deal. Again, the buyer did not buy, the board is from the seller, but pay for the round timber, pay the workers, pay for electricity, etc. To do this, it is necessary to urgently sell unpurchased lumber. And this is not so easy to do, especially if the lumber is non-standard. So, as a result, the manufacturer got into debt. The workers owe it, the round timber suppliers owe it, the state owes it. Everything seems to be nothing, they say he will sell the board and pay. At the same time, buyers forget that the board tends to deteriorate. different breeds wood in different ways, some turn blue, others turn green, others turn black, but everything deteriorates! Plus, they warp, crack, etc. So, if he did not sell quickly, then he hit at all. And buyers, many consciously, arrange such tricks. The contract is drawn up according to GOST 8486-86, grade 0-3, natural humidity, payment terms "upon acceptance at the seller's warehouse." The receiver arrives and starts to reject. Takes only grade 0-1, the rest they say is not needed. As a result, the seller becomes hysterical. He needs money today! A lot of calls follow to the owner of the receiver, a sea of ​​​​negotiations and shakedowns, as a result of which they find a compromise - the buyer takes all the goods, but 30 percent cheaper. And the seller, most often, goes for it, because. if he is indignant, then the receiver will simply leave, and debts will be shaken out of him (see above). I'm already silent about the cost of Zh.D. wagon, cleaning-feeding, etc. Naturally, after all this, this seller will not work without prepayment.

Saw through a window to Europe...

Many directors of Russian sawmills and plywood mills want to sell their products directly, without an intermediary, but do not know how to do it. Since this problem occurs everywhere, I will try to briefly answer this question in the article.

Russian products coupled with Western

What is direct selling? It is not necessary to explain what it means to sell your products to the end consumer and make a profit much more than if you sell through an intermediary. The final consumer for sawn timber and plywood from Russia is mostly builders and repairmen. And builders, in turn, are divided into professional and non-professional. It seems that everything is simple: Russian boards and plywood must be sold to builders and repairmen, it remains only to invite an interpreter, find addresses in the Western telephone book and establish contacts. But this path is acceptable only for professional construction companies. Those people who make repairs privately buy materials in DIY (Do it yourself) stores - in our “do it yourself” way. This means that in order to sell directly Russian plywood and lumber, you need to contact construction companies and DIY stores abroad. Note that the benefit is obvious for both buyers and sellers-producers: neither one nor the other does not pay intermediaries. However, there is one condition: the delivery interval is 45 minutes if you are selling to a DIY store. And half an hour - if you sell to a construction company. Let's take an example: you have to deliver 5,000 m 3 of pine lumber to a store in Paris on May 25, 2008 between 4:15 pm and 4:45 pm.

It is clear that the organization of such a supply from Russia is impossible. I think that it is extremely difficult to fulfill such conditions inside Russia, and only companies with superbly built logistics, which, in principle, are absent in our timber industry complex, can do it. This condition can be met only in one case: if you have warehouses abroad and an established system for distributing goods from these warehouses. Therefore, the only way even for large Russian sawmills and plywood companies to really sell directly to end consumers is to have their own distribution centers in the countries where they export. All major Scandinavian, German and other forest product manufacturers and exporters have their own warehouses with a distribution system in the countries of export. However, Russian manufacturers, unlike Western ones, will not be able to work only with their own products. After all, even having a warehouse and an established distribution in the UK, one cannot be responsible for the fact that the steamer from Arkhangelsk with lumber will arrive on time. And if you do not fill your warehouse with lumber, it will be empty, and the order will not be filled. You just burn out! Therefore, with the existing system of the forest industry in Russia, Russian sawn timber can be successfully traded directly only in assortment with sawn timber from other manufacturers. That is, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, German manufacturers who will supply lumber just in time, although more expensive than your own.

Buying a distribution center with employees?

Then the question arises: how to get your own distribution center in the country of export? Since no one will build it for you there, you need to purchase a distribution center for woodworking products. And to acquire together with qualified workers, clients, with the system of work debugged for many years. Moreover, the moment for such a purchase is very favorable: in the USA, Great Britain, Japan, which are the main markets for building materials from wood, there is a clear crisis in construction and shops selling lumber and plywood are getting cheaper. I note that all of the above may be of interest only to large Russian enterprises with a large volume of sawmilling or plywood production. Such, for example, as JSC "Solombala LDK" or GC "Sveza". After all, investments in sales abroad are very significant, millions of euros will be required. The first sign of this was CJSC Investlesprom (at the time of purchase - Segezha Pulp and Paper Mill), which was acquired by the Swedish Korshnas along with the distribution network. However we are talking not about woodworking products, but about the production of paper bags. What if you have a small sawmill and want to sell directly? In this case, you will have to forget about the possibility of selling directly to builders, since you will not have the funds to buy and manage such an asset abroad. Best Option is the sale of its products to a distribution center abroad. It can be the center of a large company, such as Finnforest in the English port of Hull. Or an independent supplier without its own sawmill, which sells plywood, lumber, wood-based panels. Such an enterprise is called timber merchant in Great Britain, and lumber yard in America. In Russian, this is best translated as "carpentry trade yard", or, more simply, carpentry. These joiners sell lumber and plywood mainly to professional builders. Such enterprises, as a rule, are more than a dozen or even a hundred years old. Most often, they are owned from generation to generation by one family that knows almost everything about the tree. For many years they have been establishing relations with suppliers and buyers and often have goods from Russia in their assortment. It is these wood merchants who are the best customers for small sawmills to sell Russian sawn timber in order to obtain the greatest profit. They will be able to wait for boards from Russia for a month or two. Today, large Russian sawmills work with some of them. It turns out that such wood merchants are interesting and large enterprises as an object for purchase and as a partner; and small sawmills as the only possible end user.

Where to go as a Russian lumber supplier

I'll start with Finnforest. After all, the system of work of the Finns in the export sales of sawn timber is what we should strive for. Russian enterprises. Finnforest is part of the Metsäliitto Group and produces woodworking products with a turnover of 1.7 billion euros per year.

In order to sell lumber, plywood, wood-based panels in the UK market, one of the main markets in the world, Finnforest acquired a business from one of the largest and oldest British carpentry: Montague L Meyer (MLM) in 2002 sold Finnforest its distribution center-warehouse and planing facilities in the port of Hull, and a system for selling lumber throughout the country. The Finns store woodworking products, accumulate batches and schedule deliveries to end users. It is possible to negotiate with end users on the spot, and this is convenient. Such interesting example it is worth considering the largest Russian timber holdings. I mean the acquisition (acquisition) of a foreign distribution yard for the sale of Russian lumber. This is one of the most convenient options: no need to rebuild the entire distribution system. It is only necessary to keep it in working condition and adapt it to trade in lumber and plywood from Russia.

The deal really strengthened Finnforest's leadership in the UK markets. Finnforest's turnover increased by one-fifth in the UK (to 380 million euros) and woodworking supplies increased from 800,000 to 1 million m3 per year. According to the company's management, this acquisition has improved the quality of Finnforest's supplies to the DIU, industrial and construction sectors. MLM imported 300,000 m 3 of lumber from Scandinavia and Russia. The deal significantly increased the export of sawn timber and other wood products from Finland to the UK.

MLM's main clients are building materials dealers for professionals. Now they have become Finnforest clients. At the same time, the port and processing areas in the Port of Hull were also taken over by Finnforest. By the way, you can sell Russian lumber and panels through Finnforest.

And you can see which woodworking product distribution centers are for sale and think about buying. Why can Finnforest, but, for example, Solombala LDK - no? Currently lumber in the port of Hull at the Finnforest terminal comes mainly from Finland and Russia. In Russia, the company produces sawn timber at its own sawmill, buys it from other Finnish and Russian companies and sells to the UK.

Russia's increase in duties on roundwood exports puts the sawmill industry in Finland in a difficult position: sawlogs are becoming very expensive and many sawmills are closing. This leads to an increase in capacities in the North-West of Russia. And Metsäliitto will be able to sell these products through the Finnforest terminal in the port of Hull.

Why don't the largest Russian sawmills consider buying space in the port of Hull or another port in the countries that are the main consumers of wood products from Russia. A consultant can help you consider these options.

Finnforest UK contact details:
CEO Ari Martonen, tel. +358 50 2406, +358 10 469 4870,
Finnforest UK, Managing Director John Tong,
tel. +44 77 1099 8727, +44 20 8437 8368
Market Area West, Director Ole Salvén, +44 20 8437 8380, tel.: +44 77 1099 8727

Now let's move on to the company Montague L Meyer, which was left only with the business of selling plates. It was created 100 years ago. The company has eight outlets in the UK and sells all types of wood-based panels. The goods offered by the company can be delivered to the consumer within 48 hours. Most of the company's wood-based panels are imported through a huge central distribution warehouse at Tilbary Dock, through which the company's main distribution is made. In addition, thanks to good relations with woodworking companies in Europe, direct deliveries to end users are possible, in which MLM plays the role of an agent. Russian plywood producers should consider selling their products through MLM or another distributor. The company operates through London, it is owned by the Le Meyer family, which is very convenient for negotiations.

Tsar Timber Group (TTG)− a company that sells northern softwood lumber in the UK, mainly from Russia. TTG controls 10% of the Russian lumber market in the UK. Recently, Tsar Timber Group reached an agreement to acquire Pyaozersky LPH, one of the largest logging companies in Karelia, with a logging volume of 300,000 m 3 . In addition, the company owns Russian logging assets in Karelia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and the Irkutsk Region. TTG considers the acquisition of assets in Russia as part of the company's strategy to provide raw materials for its own processing. In particular, Sir Tim Lewin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tsar Timber Distribution, states regarding the purchase of a timber industry enterprise in Karelia: “The purchase of Pyaozersky LPH is the next important step in the development of a vertically integrated company and the promotion of Russian lumber in the European market. We know that currently Russian sawn timber has to be sold on foreign markets at a significant discount to Scandinavian products. This is largely due to the irregularity of deliveries and the lack of work with consumers. We actively advertise Russian products on foreign markets. We hope that the improvement of the image Russian products will help not only our partners, but Russia as a whole.” The TTG group already includes OJSC Kemsky LDZ, so we see opportunities for synergy between the companies. With the arrival of Tsar Timber Group at the Pyaozersky LPH, part of the timber will be supplied to the Kemsky LDZ, which will increase the supply of sawmills in the Republic of Karelia with raw materials. Now the provision of own raw materials in Karelia does not exceed 35%.

Contact Information:

Sampsa Auvinen
Commercial Director, Tsar Timber Group
Email: [email protected]
tel.: +810 44 1405 766666

A German company bought the lion's share of products from OAO Arkhangelsk LDK No. 3 Cordes. Cordes then sold the lumber to other intermediaries or end users. Now the company has become the owner of Arkhangelsk LDK No. 3, and the company will be, together with Tsar Timber Group, the first Russian lumber manufacturer to sell boards to end users.

What conclusions can be drawn to a Russian enterprise when considering the strategy of such companies? There are several of them: firstly, the first role in times of serious changes in the market is played by its own resource supply. Second, we see that companies are basically just adding missing links to the value chain. That is, if you have harvesting and woodworking, but do not have your own sales system, you should think about purchasing it. Of course, the above only applies to the largest companies and mainly to those behind which stand financial institutions. TTG, for example, is managed by an investment fund. In Russia, there are also such companies: as an example, Russian Forest Group LLC and Region Group of Companies can be mentioned.

"Wooden Yards" will help

But the majority of Russian sawmills and plywood enterprises, of course, cannot even afford to think about buying marketing assets in Russia and abroad. What should they do? How to arrange the export of woodworking products with maximum benefit? I think, first of all, it is worth evaluating your real capabilities and, based on them, try to find the end user. And first of all, such end users, as I said earlier, will be the so-called lumber yards (literally: wooden yards) or in another way timber merchants (literally: wood merchants). DIY (do it yourself) and "wood yards" sell lumber and plywood to builders. The time interval for the supply of lumber to DIY stores abroad is 45 minutes. But will a Russian enterprise be able to export sawn timber or plywood with a delivery interval of three quarters of an hour? The answer is obvious. So DIY is out. There remains the only end consumer with whom it makes sense for Russian manufacturers to work - “wooden yards”. They have long delivery intervals, and they take a range of different quality. This means they are suitable for Russian manufacturers. The main sales markets for sawn timber from Russia are Germany, Great Britain, Egypt, China, and the Netherlands. For plywood, the main markets are the USA, Egypt, Korea.

Let's start with the UK's largest distribution center − Travis Perkins Company. This company is an example of how profitable the sale of woodworking products can be. After all, they recently acquired one of the largest DIY in the UK - the company "Wickes". Travis Perkins is the UK's leading supplier of building materials to professional builders and has grown out of a 'timber yard'. The company supplies more than 120 thousand products to professional and non-professional builders, and its main profile is products using wood. The company has 800 stores. Timber sales began in 1900. In 2005, the company acquired 176 Vikes stores. Turnover in 2007 was £3186.7. Travis Perkins sells its products from a wide range of locations throughout the UK. Specialized production units companies are focused on the production of roofing, floors, doors and door systems, joinery, moldings, etc. A wide range of quality lumber, plywood and other woodworking products are purchased through a specialized import department that has established strong relationships with sawmills, joinery and woodworking enterprises all over the world. At present, a good opportunity for export is being organized for Russian companies, since roundwood in Russia, due to the introduction of duties, is becoming much cheaper than in the world, and the lack of roundwood from Russia leads to an increase in the cost of woodworking products in different countries. The company has sawn timber and birch plywood from Russia in its assortment, but buys them from resellers, such as Finnforest, who, along with their materials, sell Russian sawn timber and plywood to the UK. And they, in turn, are bought from Russian enterprises. The Finns bought warehouses and carpentry in the port of Hull from the UK. Why am I talking about this? In order for Russian enterprises to think about the possibility, following this example, to build their own trade. Due to the decline in the construction market in the US, UK, Japan, local tableware manufacturers are suffering losses. Their assets are becoming cheaper and this is a good opportunity to buy warehouses.

Contact Information:

Travis Perkins PLC
Lodge Way House
Lodge Way
Harlestone Road
tel.: 01604 752424

A bit about the Belgian experience

There are several "wooden yards" in the world that have been successfully working with lumber and other woodworking products from Russia for a long time. Of course, these companies have their own permanent partners among Russian enterprises, with which stable deliveries have been established. But this does not mean at all that they are not interested in new suppliers. One such company is the Belgian van Hoorebeke Timber.

The company has two warehouses in Belgium - in Boom and Ghent. In the warehouse in Ghent, most of the products are pine lumber from Russia and Scandinavia. Canadian and American pine lumber is also sold. Warehouse in Boom mainly for tropical timber from South East Asia, Brazil and Africa. What is the logistics for supplying lumber to van Hoorebeke Timber?

Lumber arrives in Ghent by ship or truck and is immediately loaded into the warehouse. In Antwerp or Lissingen, the ships are unloaded and the materials are immediately moved to the warehouse in Boom (except for those deliveries that were sold directly to the consumer). That is, van Hoorebeke Timber also acts as a sales agent here. After the arrival of the vessel, the quality of the lumber is checked. Lumber is sold mainly to Belgium, France, Germany, England, Scandinavia, Spain and Portugal. Surprisingly, to Scandinavia, but apparently the logistics are so well established that van Hoorebeke Timber can ship there as well. In addition to the warehouses, the company has a planing plant at the port of Ghent, right next to the warehouses. The planing enterprise has been operating since 2006 and is located on a site of 6 thousand m 2. It is equipped with modern equipment for sawing and splitting.

The van Hoorebeke Timber trade in Belgium began in the middle of the 18th century. The first lumber import was by sea, from Riga to Ghent in 1842. Softwood lumber is supplied from Russia, Scandinavia, the Baltic states, the USA, Canada and Honduras. Hardwood lumber is imported from Southeast Asia, Brazil and Africa. Companies in Primorsky Krai, where oak, beech and ash grow, should think about selling materials to Belgium instead of China, where they go at very low prices. In addition, van Hoorebeke Timber sells plywood and other wood-based panels. The company's new warehouses in Kluisendok centralize all processes for the processing of softwood sawn timber, and 200 thousand m 3 of sawn timber passes through them annually. Of these, 60% comes from Russia, 25% from Scandinavia and 15% from Canada. Now the share of Russia can increase significantly - the word is up to Russian enterprises.

The company also has a concession of 30,000 m 2 on the pier next to the warehouses. After loading, the lumber is moved to warehouses for marking and stored lengthwise. From 30 to 40 ships with volumes from 1000 to 7500 m 3 are unloaded here annually. Deliveries are prepared within 4-8 hours, and as soon as the transporter appears, the truck is immediately loaded (from 20 to 25 trucks are loaded daily). A planing plant is located near the concession. The total area of ​​the enterprise is 120,000 m 2 , of which 65,000 m 2 is occupied by offices, warehouses and a planing plant. This is how a typical professional "wooden yard" business works.

van Hoorebeke Timber Contacts
Head office
Kluizensesteenweg 1
BE-9000 Gent
Tel.: +32 9 253 86 61
Fax: +32 9 253 98 16

How about over the ocean?

After we've looked at distribution in Europe, let's move on to the US. Very little lumber from Russia is shipped to the US. The reason is obvious: after all, Canada is closer. But the US is a major consumer of birch plywood from Russia.

One of the largest distributors of birch plywood from Russia is the company Holland Southwest. The company sells birch plywood from Russia with a thickness of 3 to 25 mm, which complies with Russian GOST 1055-71.

This company was organized in 1953 by an immigrant from the Netherlands. Warehouses are located in Houston, San Antonio, El Paso, Oklahoma, Memphis and Mexico City. The company makes direct purchases of plywood in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, and Indonesia. Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, Russia, UK Spain and Venezuela.

Contact Information:
Phone: 713-644-1966
Fax: 713-644-7223
E-mail: P. O. Box 330249
6805 Silsbee
Houston, TX
77233 − USA

We briefly showed in the article how the distribution of lumber and plywood from Russia to the world is arranged. It will take years for Russian companies to reach a high level of sales. And now it is worth starting with establishing direct relations with the largest wooden yards in the trade. In production, a well-established chain of coordinated supplies of timber and the work of enterprises is needed. In part, this task in the pulp and paper industry is trying to be solved by Investlesprom, which has acquired the Swedish manufacturer of paper bags, Korshnas. Korshnas has a paper bag distribution network in many countries. We note here another opportunity for Russian companies: the acquisition of a foreign asset, which includes not only a distributor, but also a manufacturer, will minimize the risks of irregular deliveries from Russia, since a Western enterprise will carry out its regular deliveries.

In conclusion, I would like to say that now Russian enterprises first of all need to solve operational issues of resource supply and product marketing. However, the establishment of an export trading network will sooner or later become one of the priority issues for Russian plywood and lumber producers. And the one who prepares the sled in the summer has a chance to ride famously in the winter.


The construction business in Russia is one of the most profitable and relevant business niches. Demand for products, even in times of crisis, is constantly growing. Buyers often opt for quality products, regardless of price. The reliability and durability of the constructed structures depend on this. One of the popular destinations construction business considered the sale of lumber.

Business Features

From 01.07.2017 in Russia there is new system wood accounting from the moment of cutting down to the actual delivery to the end user - EGAIS Les.

The sale of lumber to individuals is carried out according to the passport. Organizations must conclude an agreement and register in the EGAIS service.

The main consumers of lumber are furniture companies, construction and other industrial organizations.

One of their advantages is the low cost of wood, especially when production is located in the Asian part of the country. The competition in this segment is very high. Therefore, when you need to study its features:

  1. Initially, this applies to the products themselves, which are short-lived and quickly lose their presentation. The production and sale of lumber should take place in the presence of an order from the buyer.
  2. Quality products cannot be cheap. The price includes expenses for equipment, rent of a workshop and warehouses, utility and transport payments. Manufacturers often sell defective materials cheaply, which are difficult to sort out in bulk purchases.
  3. Most sawmills work on a partial or full prepayment basis, preferring cash.
  4. You have to be prepared for delivery delays. Often entrepreneurs have to carry out the delivery themselves, which leads to additional costs.

Common misconceptions

Aspiring entrepreneurs doubt that the sale of lumber to private individuals can be quick and profitable. Consider the main myths:

  1. Lumber is sold only in the warm season. This is not true. There is always a demand for good wood.
  2. Buyers only need high quality and expensive materials. Larch is in high demand, but in fact, many construction companies buy inexpensive grade 2 products that go under the skin. You can find clients on specialized sites on the Internet.
  3. Only sale of lumber with low prices can attract buyers. This approach is not economically justified. The difference is 100-200 rubles. does not significantly affect sales volumes, especially for retail sales. Of course, at first you can stand out from the competition. However, a drop in v will increase the payback period.
  4. It is better to have one, but a regular customer. Over time, this misconception leads to the fact that the buyer relaxes, demands a discount, delays payment and imposes cooperation under new rules. To prevent similar situation, it is important to ensure the flow of new customers who will be satisfied with the conditions, price and quality of the material.
  5. When concluding an agreement on the sale of lumber via the Internet, you can run into. Of course, such an opportunity exists, especially in Moscow and other large cities. The scheme is simple: an order is made with the terms of delivery and payment after acceptance. When the goods arrive at the agreed place, the buyer refuses to pay due to low quality and offers to cut the price by half. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately clarify the requirements by which products will be evaluated.
  6. Expensive advertising budget. This is also not true. There are many free strategies and types of effective ones - placement on ad services, forums for builders, billboards.

Where to begin

The first step is registering as a . The second option allows you to establish cooperation not only with individual but also with enterprises. For example, if you plan to wholesale lumber.

The next step is finding a room. Production shops must meet the requirements. It is necessary to obtain permission from the regulatory authorities (Rospotrebnadzor and).

You can reduce costs by using your own land. Since renting large areas with access roads is expensive.

Premises for production should be equipped with cooling devices for machine tools. There must be access to serviceable electrical networks, water supply, sewerage. Production involves certain costs for the purchase of equipment. Possible options:

  1. Purchase of used units. This option is much more profitable than the others, but also more risky. Equipment may occasionally fail. It will be difficult to organize a continuous production process.
  2. Purchase of equipment.
  3. Purchase of domestic equipment. Perhaps the most best option because you don't have to pay customs duties and transportation services.

On average, the purchase of equipment will cost 500,000 rubles. The optimal set of machines for small production:

  1. A simple band sawmill - from 150,000 rubles.
  2. Conveyor belt - from 100,000 rubles.
  3. Edge trimming machine - from 50,000 rubles.
  4. Other accessories.

With the expansion of the range of products, additional units will be required.

Search for specialists

Maintenance personnel will be required to organize the production process. The number of operators depends on the work schedule, targets and type of equipment. Some units may operate in automatic mode.

The administrative apparatus consists of a manager, an accountant, managers for the sale of lumber. Additionally, drivers, security guards, handymen will be needed.

Monthly salary expenses for 20 people - 600,000 rubles. Additionally, you will have to pay contributions to funds and taxes. Their size is up to 20% of the wage fund.

Business Profitability Assessment

To establish the production and sale of sawn timber, the population will need about 1.8 million rubles. This includes:

  1. Registration - 20,000 rubles.
  2. Rent of workshops, warehouse, shop - from 100,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of equipment - at least 500,000 rubles.
  4. Salary - 600,000 rubles.
  5. The cost of purchasing raw materials - from 500,000 rubles.
  6. Other costs.

Wholesale lumber is much more profitable. With an increase in the volume of products sold, the share of non-production costs in the cost price decreases ( wages, transport costs, electricity).

When trading at retail, the average price of 1 cubic meter is 5,000 rubles. With a monthly sales volume of 200 cubic meters, the revenue will be 1 million rubles. Net profit - 250,000 rubles.

Selling lumber from the manufacturer is not an easy business. An entrepreneur must understand the construction industry, be able to establish relationships with suppliers and consumers of products, and constantly study the market.

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

10 000 000 ₽

Minimum start-up capital

127,500 RUB

Net profit



The business of selling timber is considered a very profitable area, the demand for timber almost never decreases, and therefore the seller always has the opportunity to earn a lot of money. wood needed a huge number enterprises, the simplest examples are construction organizations and furniture manufacturing companies. Of course, there may be seasonal fluctuations, but an entrepreneur whose business is developed and has regular customers is very rarely unprofitable.

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However, you need to understand that a considerable number of people want to engage in this direction, which means it can be difficult to get a piece of forest for use, and in fact the vast majority of forest plantations belong to the state, and only the authorities can decide who to give this or that piece of land for use. There are some other problems in this business, for example, there is a stereotype according to which this business criminalized and even in our time, which increases the risks of the entrepreneur.

Setting up a timber business

The first step is to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. However, only if the timber trade will take place not only on the territory of Russia, then you need to contact the Ministry of Industry and Trade, where a license will be issued for customs clearance cargo, which includes lumber, timber and similar goods.

Generally international trade in this direction is a rather complicated direction, since a license is issued only for certain types of wood, for specific volumes, as well as for a limited period, while it must be understood that here in more it is not national legislation that applies, but local legislation, so it makes sense to immediately seek help from a lawyer. However, when working only in Russia, there are also some conditions. Namely, at the moment, an entrepreneur does not have the right to acquire a forest plot as a property for exploitation as a source of timber, today all enterprises engaged in this area lease land from the state, however, the term of this lease can reach 49 years.

This is precisely the first and, perhaps, the main difficulty in organizing this business - in obtaining a site for work. Indeed, it is worth noting that in recent times the government is considering the possibility of selling forest plots to entrepreneurs for felling, but if such a law is adopted, it is still unknown under what conditions. On the other hand, even taking a plot for rent, you can count on a normal profit.

Registration of an enterprise for the sale of timber

Let's dwell on this in a little more detail. So, after registration, an entrepreneur has the right to participate in auctions, which, as a rule, are held by local departments for forest resources (for example, the Ministry of Forestry of the desired region). The entrepreneur himself can find a suitable place for him and apply for a plot, but it is far from a fact that the authorities will be interested in his proposal; and even if the site is indeed ready to be leased, an auction will still be scheduled for it.

At the very first stage, the first difficulty arises - not only entrepreneurs who are going to cut the forest, but also those who are going to use it for other purposes, have the right to get part of the forest. For example, the authorities are especially favorable to those businessmen who are going to use the forest as a recreational area. Moreover, special requirements are imposed on bidders - the user is obliged not only to exploit the land provided to him, but also to take care and look after the forest. In our case, this is an obligation, after felling trees, to restore the integrity of the forest with new plantations, which, after they grow up, can also be used as a source of wood; a sort of unceasing cycle, and the authorities are interested in its being uninterrupted, and not in leaving a bare area after the entrepreneur.

Moreover, the entrepreneur still needs to choose a site depending on own capabilities and simple convenience - for obvious reasons, those parts of the forest that are not in the thicket are most valued. Also, an important factor in the choice is the presence of valuable species of wood, although, of course, there is a demand for almost all trees (for some - because of their qualities, for others - because of their cheapness).

The cost of a site just depends on all these factors, as well as on the density of plantings - for example, a sparse forest will cost several times cheaper than a dense one, which, in general, is natural. There are also local features - in some region you may be lucky to get a plot for rent for a relatively favorable conditions, and somewhere you have to give a lot of money annually. Bureaucratic red tape is very serious here too - auctions are held state enterprises, can be processed and last a very long time, so you need to have a few months in reserve. Moreover, it is not always possible to immediately win this or that auction, there are always enough applicants, and the authorities themselves can make very serious demands - that is, they would rather refuse all participants in the auction than give permission to at least someone. In different regions, depending on the policy and climate, the price can vary several times, but most often it is determined not by the size of the plot, but by the density of plantings.

And tree species. But if we try to bring everything to average figures, we will get about 15-20 thousand rubles per hectare per year. We repeat - this is a very, very rough calculation, since it is quite possible to find offers for 5 thousand rubles, and for 50 thousand (and sometimes even more). In general, here every entrepreneur first assesses the potential of the leased area (the density of the trees, their quality is checked). There are proposals for relatively small plots (up to one hectare), and for plots of considerable size, on which you can work for a very long time (more than 10 hectares).

When a place is found and the entrepreneur has successfully won the auction, you can start organizing your enterprise. Within the framework of this article, only trade in wood will be considered, but not the production of sawn timber or other products; in other words, this business involves the felling of trees and the subsequent sale of the resulting materials, but not their processing. In order to be able to fully carry out the work process, the entrepreneur needs to have a territory for accommodating equipment and work complexes. Usually, on the plot that is rented, there is free space suitable for the construction of buildings.

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So, you will need an administrative building, not necessarily a capital one, as well as at least two warehouses for storing products. The cost of building a warehouse depends on many parameters, but in our case we do not need high-class premises, it is unprofitable to pay for any A+ category warehouse. You can get by with a simple covered room, in which the wood storage standards are simply met (in terms of humidity in the first place). In general, the cost of one square meter of the building being built will cost the entrepreneur in the amount of 5 to 10 thousand. The size of the warehouse is determined depending on the planned amount of timber to be obtained, but still it is rarely less than 500 square meters. The first warehouse is usually supplied with freshly felled timber, and the second warehouse is supplied with somewhat processed wood (that is, “clean” tree trunks, freed from branches).

Next, you need to buy all the necessary equipment to work at the enterprise. In addition to simple devices such as chainsaws, you will also need to purchase machines for felling and transporting trees. These include the so-called skidders and trucks for transporting freshly cut wood. Although in cases where warehouses are equipped directly at the logging site, no additional transportation is required, because the tractor can immediately stack them in the warehouse. Additional equipment is purchased for the tractor - namely trailers, hydraulic manipulators, grabs, buckets and forks. Normal foreign equipment costs from 5 million rubles (meaning not only the tractor, but also all the devices for it in the aggregate). Truck can be bought for an amount of 1 million rubles.

Features of the search for employees to sell the forest

The next moment of organizing a business is the search for employees to perform work. The entrepreneur himself can be a leader. At the same time, you need to understand that sometimes employees have to equip something like a village where they can stay permanently (and this is an additional considerable expense).

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Here you will also need an amount of several hundred thousand rubles - depending on what conditions they provide. But still, it is worth first of all considering the possibility of attracting employees who can attend work close to home. Such workers receive a lot - their salary level starts from 30 thousand rubles, usually amounts to 40 thousand rubles, and can reach up to 50 thousand. I must say, the fellers receive the forest depending on the output, that is, they do not have to pay extra money. At least the same amount is received by the head (if he is engaged exclusively in monitoring activities) and transport drivers.

An average enterprise employs from 10 people, so the average amount that will need to be allocated for wages starts from 400 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, all other business processes that are not related to making a profit by the organization can be outsourced. Additionally, please contact insurance company, which will be able to insure the life and health of employees - the cost of annual insurance starts from 15 thousand rubles per person, tariffs vary depending on the conditions for paying out insurance.

Sales and marketing in a timber business

The next step in organizing your business is to find buyers for your forest. There are many sites on the Internet that allow you to post your commercial offers. Also, an entrepreneur can simply do what he will independently visit potential customers, offering them his product. On the websites of many companies that constantly need wood, there are requests for purchase, and it is relatively easy to find partners and consumers.

Of course, you will have to work with companies throughout the country (and those who have received a license can work with foreign companies, Russian forest, by the way, is very much appreciated). But most buyers work on a system that involves self-pickup, that is, the entrepreneur does not have to organize delivery with his own transport. Only, of course, you need to understand that demand may vary depending on the type of wood, as well as on its quality, and if you are not lucky enough to get a site from which you can extract bad material, then it is quite likely that customers refuse wood. But hiring a specialist before renting a site should solve this problem.

    Registration of a legal entity - 20 thousand rubles.

    Rent of 10 hectares of forest - 200 thousand rubles.

    Building storage facilities with an area of ​​500 m 2 - 3.75 million rubles.

    Purchase of skidders and trucks, equipment - 6 million rubles.

    Salary - 400 thousand rubles.

    Insurance - 150 thousand rubles.

    Fuel and consumables - from 50 thousand rubles.

It turns out a little more than 10 and a half million rubles. Monthly expenses range from 450 thousand rubles. The cost of timber differs depending on the type (deciduous and coniferous are the species that almost all entrepreneurs in Russia are engaged in), but if we take some average figure, then one cubic meter costs about 2 thousand rubles.

Of course, there is also cheap wood, which is sold for less than 1 thousand rubles for the same volume, and some good species can cost more than 5 thousand. If we take the volume of monthly sales equal to 300 cubic meters of wood at a price of 2 thousand per cubic meter, then we get 600 thousand rubles of income and 150 thousand operating profits. 127.5 thousand - net profit. But still, such a business is not very profitable (about 25%), because a significant part of the income goes to cover expenses, which include paying wages (usually the largest figure per month), purchasing consumables, paying rent, and the project itself is always designed for several years ahead.

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Now, without registering with LesEGAIS, it will not be possible to purchase, sell, or make any other transaction even with wooden boards and firewood, which are sawn timber included in a certain list.

What is LesEGAIS

The need to register transactions with wood and draw up electronic declarations appeared back in 2015. From this period, when selling or buying timber, each of the participants in the transaction has an obligation to provide electronic declarations to the LesEGAIS operator (part 1 of article 50.5 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation). This requirement does not apply only to individual buyers.

LesEGAIS is a unified state automated Information system designed directly for the automation of state control of transactions with timber. Reporting to LesEGAIS is transmitted via the Internet to in electronic format, while duplicating and filling out paper copies of reports is not necessary.

To prepare and send reports to EGAIS, the buyer does not need a separate special software. The declaration is provided online via the Internet after registration on the site Step-by-step instruction according to the order of registration is on this portal.

What has changed in 2017

Since July 1, 2017, the list of types of wood, which are subject to the requirements for mandatory declaration of transactions, has been expanded. In particular, the extended list includes products of primary sawmilling (lumber, firewood, beams, sleepers, boards, whips, etc.). Full list given in Clarifications of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 2014 No. 1047-r.

As conceived by the officials, the expansion of the list with products of primary sawmilling is aimed at proving the legality of its origin, as well as at tightening measures to curb illegal transactions with wood and lumber.

Who provides reporting

Organizations and entrepreneurs carrying out transactions with wood and sawn timber according to the lists send a declaration to the EGAIS operator. And spread this requirement and on retail with individuals.

But citizens who buy wood or make other transactions with it, provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, should not report anywhere.

The declaration form and instructions for filling it out were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01/06/15 No. 11.

When and how to report

If an organization or an individual entrepreneur who is a participant in the turnover of wood does not have access to LesEGAIS, they need to register in the system (get a login and password). After registering on the portal, it becomes possible to submit declarations and register a transaction.

The next step is to declare the contract. The participant in the transaction has five working days to register the contract from the moment the contract is concluded (or the execution of an additional agreement to it), but no later than one working day before the time of shipment (clause 3, article 50.5 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation).

A separate declaration is drawn up online for each contract by all parties to the transaction. Those. the supplier, for his part, registers the contract in LesEGAIS, and the buyer does it at the same time. In this case, the declaration is drawn up for the total amount of the contract, even if there are several deliveries on invoices, and they will be carried out on different dates.

After that, reports are drawn up to the submitted declaration. They are filled once a month, they need to show the turnover of the actual delivered deliveries for the month, for all invoices. For example, the contract is concluded in July, deliveries will be made monthly from July to October. The declaration is drawn up for the entire amount of the contract, and the reports are filled out monthly for the turnover of the month, as a result, the system summarizes the reports of all months and they coincide with the amount of the originally sent declaration.

Zero report

In the example above, if in some of the months of the contract, for example, in September, there was no delivery, a zero report form is submitted for this month. Then, having continued to ship or purchase wood under the declared contract in October, a report is provided containing data on shipments of this month.

Agreements concluded before July 1, 2017 - transitional period

The buyer and seller must submit timber transaction declarations to EGAIS for registration and receipt from EGAIS of the number of the timber transaction declaration, which is entered in the accompanying document for timber transportation.

Suppose that the contract for the supply of sawn timber was concluded in June 2017, and the delivery under it began only in July 2017. The question arises, is it necessary to declare this contract? Normative acts do not contain a direct answer to this question. But in private explanations, officials recommend that such a “transitional” agreement be declared and that the number of this declaration be indicated in the accompanying documents.

With "transitional" contracts, there may be problems with missing the date of declaring the contract (within five working days from the date of conclusion of the contract). To avoid disputes with controllers, it is recommended to close old contracts by signing additional agreements to them. At the same time, starting from July 2017, draw up new contracts and report on them in accordance with the described procedure.

Conclusion of an additional agreement to the contract

An additional agreement is equivalent to the conclusion of an agreement. According to the available clarifications, information on additional agreements to contracts should be submitted to LesEGAIS within the prescribed period after the signing of an additional agreement to the contract.

The need to provide accompanying documents during transportation

The form of the accompanying document for the transportation of wood, as well as the rules for filling it out, were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2014 No. 571.

The form of the accompanying document for the transportation of wood.

Normative acts do not establish the number of copies accompanying documents that are required to be issued by the participants in the transaction. From the literal interpretation of the norms, it follows that at least one copy of the document for each transportation must be completed. Moreover, if there are several participants in the transaction, for example, several carriers, it is logical if everyone receives a separate copy (Article 50.3 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation).

In this case, the accompanying document will be filled out for each transportation, if, for example, there were several of them in a month.

Types of transportation and accompanying documents

An accompanying document must be issued for any type of transportation (by road, rail, water or other transport).

You can not draw up a document only when moving around the organization’s own territory within the same complex. If the owner carries his own cargo beyond one of his structural unit to another or to a sawmill, then there are obligations to issue an accompanying document for transportation, despite the fact that its own wood or lumber will be transported.

Transactions with individuals

Reporting to LesEGAIS is provided for all transactions with wood and lumber, including those concluded with citizens who do not have the status of individual entrepreneurs (part 9 of article 50.6 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation). This means that having made a transaction with an individual, it must also be declared. As a result, it becomes necessary to request a citizen for his passport data.

Citizens who bought wood for personal use do not have to fill out an accompanying document for transportation, but in case of verification they need to present a document on the transfer of ownership of wood or lumber.


Provided for administrative liability Art. 8.28.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for violations of the procedure for processing timber transactions.

Please note that the administrative penalty for all the violations listed below and the amount of the fine is determined only by a court decision.

So, in the absence of an accompanying document for the transportation of timber, a fine is imposed:

  • for officials in the amount of - from 30,000 rubles. up to 50,000 rubles with confiscation of wood and (or) Vehicle, which are the instrument of committing administrative offense, or without it;
  • on the legal entities- from 500,000 rubles. up to 700,000 rubles. with confiscation of wood and (or) vehicles that are the instrument of committing an administrative offense, or without it.
Liability for not submitting declarations or providing deliberately false information in them is also punishable by a fine:
  • for officials in the amount of 5,000 to 20,000 rubles;
  • for individual entrepreneurs - from 7,000 to 25,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities - from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles.
In order not to have to prove in court, for example, that the information in the declaration was not knowingly false, the execution of the declaration and accompanying documents must be approached responsibly, which will allow you to avoid making a mistake in a hurry or through inattention.