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What are the requirements for the organization of workplaces of employees. Jobs: Roman Stirsky, financier, partner of a private investment and insurance company Job requirements for a financier

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The main organizational form of application of the system processing of economic information at the organizational and economic management object is an automated control system (ACS) of various levels and purposes.

ACS is defined as a "man-machine" system, which ensures the effective functioning of the control object, is carried out using computer, peripheral and organizational technology.

The development of automated systems is characterized by the expansion of the interconnections of individual systems and subsystems that combine control technological processes, operational management, operational and current planning, administrative and economic activities, design and testing of products, etc., and tends to combine them into a common multi-level system of integrated management of the facility as a whole. Such multi-level hierarchical automated systems should provide coordinated and interconnected management of all types of activities, for example, an industrial enterprise, including the management of basic production and technological processes, auxiliary and non-industrial facilities, etc.


In production associations, industrial enterprises multi-level integrated automated control systems have been used. Depending on the characteristics of production, the purpose of creating systems and the composition of functions, a multi-level integrated automated control system is automated, for example production association, may include the following components: an automated system organizational management enterprises, workshops, sections (APCS), automated process control systems (APCS), computer-aided design systems for design and technological purposes (CAD), automated control systems for flexible production systems(ASU GPS), automated control systems technical training production (MSW automated control system), automated control systems scientific research(ASND), etc. These systems are both interconnected and interconnected, and relatively independent.

The first case is possible when the initial (actual) information of APCS, CAD, APCS, GIS, MSW APCS are used in the APCS as input, for example, for compiling summary reports, and the output (for example, planned) APCS information in these systems is used as input. Modern PC complexes used in the form of automated workstations (AWS) of users of various levels and on which system processing of economic information is carried out, as well as local networks that are created within the enterprise, constitute the technical base of the automated enterprise management system (ACS). ARM is workplace personnel of the automated control system, what equipment means that ensure the participation of a person in the implementation of his functions as a specialist or the functions of an automated control system.

The classification of workstations takes place according to the following main features: * by functional orientation - workstations of technical and support personnel, workstations of a specialist, workstations of a manager, etc.; * by the level of use of PCs - low-level workstations, middle-level workstations, higher-level workstations; * according to the form of organization of workers on a PC - individual and group, single-apartment and multi-apartment; * on other grounds. For conditions under which the system processing of information is carried out not only comprehensively, but also in the rhythm of production, and management is purposeful and efficient thanks to new information (paperless) technologies, the most promising and effective will be such a structural approach to building an automated control system, in which the basis of this system will be compose AWS complexes, which are associations for a resource-free basis (material, labor, financial, as well as fixed assets and finished products).

Such an approach to the organization of the system of workstation complexes in the conditions of automated control system will allow: * to ensure the interconnection of the processes of collecting and processing information horizontally (between structural divisions) at each level, for each subject area- resource-safe subsystems; * promptly and comprehensively provide for each subsystem and at all levels (vertically) the solution of functional management issues (rationing and regulation, planning, accounting and control, reporting, excismic analysis and adoption management decisions) for all types of production; * promptly inform managers and specialists of different levels with reliable and complete information about the state of resources, especially priority ones in production management, as well as about the processes and operations taking place at the enterprise and in its structural units; solve the problem of timely automated formation of reliable results of production - economic activity the enterprise as a whole, as well as obtaining consolidated financial indicators for the formation of established reporting for different periods of time.


In practical terms, the system of workstation complexes in an enterprise can have such a structure that will form the technical basis for operational and automated production management at a high quality level. AWP complex for managing production, release and shipment finished products includes the following main workstations: * the lower-level link - the workstation of the master of production operations (it is also for collecting and processing data on the output of workers - piece workers), the workstation of the warehouse manager and (or) storekeeper; * mid-level link - accountant's workstation, rater's workstation, manager's workstation; * top-level link - workstation of a senior accountant for summary indicators, workstation of a planner, workstation of a manager The complex of workstations for managing fixed assets includes the following main workstations: * mid-level link - accountant's workstation, technologist's workstation, manager's workstation; * top-level link - planner's workstation, manager's workstation.

The AWP complex for managing material resources includes the following main AWPs: * lower-level link - AWP of the manager and (or) storekeeper; * mid-level link - accountant's workstation, economist's workstation, rater's workstation, manager's workstation; * top-level link - AWP of a senior accountant for summary indicators, AWP of a planner, AWP of a manager. The personnel management workstation complex includes the following main workstations: * lower-level link - workstation of the master for collecting and processing data on production, timekeeper's workstation, personnel officer; * mid-level link - accountant's workstation, rater's workstation, manager's workstation; * top-level link - AWP of a senior accountant for summary indicators, AWP of a planner, AWP of a manager, AWP of an economist. The AWP complex for managing financial resources includes the following main AWPs: * lower-level link - AWP of a cashier and bank settlements; * mid-level link - accountant's workstation, economist's workstation, planner's workstation, manager's workstation; * top-level link - AWP of a senior accountant for summary indicators, AWP of a planner, AWP of an economist, AWP of a manager. When creating a system of workstation complexes of various levels, it must be borne in mind that the number of PCs at a particular link (workplace) depends entirely on the amount of information collected on this workstation, the timing of its processing and the frequency of issuing it to users.

Therefore, it is allowed for one PC to be used by several users, but each of them must use his own floppy disk. The mode of operation of these workstations is not the same. If the low-level workstations usually work in the rhythm of production, that is, when a production and business operation is performed and information about it is recorded in a PC, then the workstations of the senior levels work in a more "free" or sparing mode.


Information Support systems of workstation complexes provides for the organization of such an information base that would regulate information communications, provide all workstations with the necessary data, etc. A distributed database provides such a fragmentation of it into semi-databases placed on separate workstations; ease of access to any semi-base subject to authorized access; high data manipulation performance, etc. The structure of the information support should ensure the minimum moderation of data, the convenience of organizing an archive, etc. It should be noted that the formation distributed bases data, which are completed conditionally - constant information, in multilevel integrated automated control systems is carried out gradually, in a continuous process, by accumulating data. For example, the marketing service determines a list of products that are in demand on the market and enters these data into the appropriate PC in the specified database. Designers, developing the structure and composition of these products, use the specified information and enrich it with new information. Technologists, in turn, use the information that has been accumulated in the database earlier, supplement it with technological (in terms of operations) and regulatory, etc. All this accumulated conditional - permanent information is then used in the automation of primary accounting, adding to it only new data that determines WHO and HOW MUCH did (see clause 2.1). Thus, the continuity of the production cycle (marketing service - design development - technological preparation - production - accounting - shipment of products - settlements with customers) is fully reflected in the information system.

AWP software consists of general or system, functional or application software, which also includes, as an independent part, mathematical software. General or system software includes the operating system and applications that extend it, interactive mode software, and so on. This type of software is designed to control the operation of the processor; memory access organizations, peripherals and networks; arrays; launch and execution processes of application programs, including those in different languages ​​(Basic, Pascal, etc.).

Functional or application software is designed to automatically solve functional problems in managing an object, including optimization, forecasting, boundary planning and management, simulation modeling, etc. Additional software tools are characterized by a wide range of applications and mass production. Known are the most popular programs that are used for: * word processing system - SUPER STAR, WORD STAR; * computer (LIZA DRAW) and business (LIZA GRAGH) graphics systems; * databases (d BASE III PLUS, LOTUS); * tabular data entry and processing systems (VisiCalc, SUPERCALC).

System processing of accounting information on a PC can be implemented in the MS DOS operating system version 3.3 and higher. Programming languages ​​are data manipulation languages ​​of DBMS FoxBASE, CLIPPER and others. A complex of dialog (interactive) software tools that are organized in the form of dialog systems that provide a "menu" (for choosing one of many actions), "template filling" (for entering formatted information in the form of tables), "question - answer" (for a targeted finding solutions for management processes), etc. The structural system of workstation complexes is combined in the form of global or local networks, in which microcomputers, PCs, terminals and other peripheral communication devices are connected via channels both among themselves and with one or more medium or large computers.

Local networks are used at industrial enterprises, which provide the integration of a large number of PCs located at a distance of up to 2 km from each other installed directly on the ground, where information is generated, collected, processed and used in order to automate production management. The topological structures of networks are of the following main types: centralized, decentralized, ring, radial - ring, etc. Based on the basic functions of local networks (data exchange between users and systems, solving functional problems, entering and selecting information from a database, etc.), they include a working, terminal, administrative, interface and communication system at the logical level. Working system must implement information processes related to the organization, storage, retrieval and computational processing of data. The terminal system organizes the consumption of information resources by controlling the operation of the terminal equipment, preparing user tasks, and also provides a connection to the data acquisition point. technological equipment.

The administrative system manages the functioning of the information computer network, which includes accounting for the operation of the main elements of the network, the accumulation of statistical data, the issuance of various certificates and reports on the operation of the network, control over the diagnosis of network failures, etc. The interface system implements functions related to the transformation of the control procedure and information transmitted to the conditions of interaction with other networks or non-standard subscriber systems. The communication system is focused on performing functions related to ensuring the interaction of all systems that control data flows, their routing and communication. In the system of workstation complexes of the enterprise, in which the PC is combined local network, information flows between users or processes are organized fundamentally differently. For example, actual information about the movement of material assets in a warehouse is generated at the workstation of the warehouse manager (low-level link). Then it is automatically (according to the regulatory information of managers and specialists of various levels) transferred to the appropriate users. Thus, data on the receipt of material assets at the warehouse are transmitted in the rhythm of production: * to the workstation of the accountant of material assets (mid-level link) to control the accuracy and fidelity of posting these materials in the warehouse, as well as to generate data on the procurement of material assets (including identification of the difference in the prices of suppliers and the enterprise), settlements with suppliers, etc.; * at the workstation to economists of the logistics department (mid-level link) to monitor the implementation of contractual deliveries by suppliers and other operations; * on the workstation of the head of the logistics department (middle-level link), and in some cases on the workstation of the head (higher-level link), who is responsible for providing this production resource in general, for making decisions, especially on the shortage of material values; * on the workstation of the senior accountant (link of the highest level) for the construction of data on material values in other aspects of the enterprise as a whole. Thus, using AWS complexes and their networks when applying new information technology, it is possible to organize system processing of economic information both at the management object as a whole and at its structural links.

However, PUOM, united by communications, can be effectively used to process information not only on a given control object, but also outside it.

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This topic is covered during classroom sessions, visits to the enterprise and conversations with a financial specialist of the enterprise (bank, insurance company). On this topic, the student must learn the place and role of a financier in the structure of an enterprise, study the factors that determine the size and procedure for the formation of individual jobs in an enterprise (in a bank), study the office and computer equipment used in financial services and banks.

For this it is assumed:

    The study of methodological material on the topic: the concept, essence, principles and methods of organizing automated jobs for a financier.

    Practical work with office equipment and the Internet.

    Visiting the enterprise, getting acquainted with the principles and practice of organizing jobs for a financier at the enterprise, studying job descriptions, regulations on divisions and other documents of the enterprise (an approximate list of questions for study in Appendix 3, 4).

    A conversation with a Bank specialist in order to get acquainted with the peculiarities of work and organization of jobs for financiers in financial and credit institutions (an approximate list of questions for study is in Appendix 3, 4).

This report should include:

    Basic principles and methods of organizing jobs for a financier.

    Various types of office equipment, their purpose and types of work performed with its help. The main directions of using the Internet in the activities of a financier.

    Principles and methods of organizing jobs for a financier at an enterprise and in a bank. The answer to this item should be detailed. To answer, you can use the standard questionnaires (Appendices 2, 3).

6.5. Overview of Financial Management Software

The information on existing software tools for accounting and financial reporting, financial analysis and financial management in general is presented.

The advantages and disadvantages of various programs are assessed, and comparative characteristics of various programs are given.

The principles of building modern information systems for managing the activities of an enterprise in general and financial activities in particular are studied.

A report on this topic is compiled on the basis of data provided by a specialist or teacher, as well as data from the Internet or from other sources (the student searches for additional information on his own).

The report can be presented in the form of the following table.

Table 2.

Financial Management Software

Name of the software tool

Features and directions of use

Benefits of using

Disadvantages of using

I. Specialized programs accounting

1c accounting


II. Specialized financial planning programs

and forecasting

III. Integrated Enterprise Resource Management



6.6. Maintaining accounting and financial reporting

in the program "1C Accounting"

The report on this topic is a printout of the results of completed practical tasks and includes:

1. Report on the formation of the main documents of the organization (List of employees, hiring order, list of banks, list of counterparties, list of non-current assets, list of materials, list of products, list of production costs, payroll and payroll sheets, etc.) etc., balance sheet, payment documents).

2. Report on an individual task (provide the procedure for accounting for individual operations and the use of elements of the 1C: Accounting program).

Professiogram of the profession "Financier"

I. General information about the profession

) Profession Financier - a specialist in the field of financial operations. In Latin, the term "finance" means "end", "finish" - the completion of monetary settlements of the population with the state. The French called "finance" cash, income. The dictionary of banking terms gives the following definition: "a financier is a specialist who conducts large monetary transactions on a legitimate basis."

The profession of a financier is one of the most sought after. Any company is interested in a specialist who can competently manage finances. One thing is required from the financier - it is profitable to invest financial resources. The rest of the responsibilities relate to the methods of achieving this goal. A representative of this profession must know the economic situation in the country, legislation, and analyze incoming information.

) Related professions: economist, accountant, auditor, insurance agent, tax inspector.

) Career is possible both through the administrative line and through the transition to other, more prestigious and highly paid economic specialties. Thorough knowledge of the rules financial accounting helps with management own business. The place of professional activity of a financier may be state bodies of the federal, territorial and municipal levels; banks, exchanges, financial companies, investment funds, economic and financial services enterprises and organizations.

) Demand in the labor market is quite high, but the employment of young professionals still often causes difficulties. Firstly, employers almost always require work experience, and secondly, due to the prestige of economic education, there has been an "overproduction" of financiers. In case of successful employment, these specialists can count on income levels slightly higher than the average salary in the industry.

. Information about vocational training personnel

) To get a job as a financier in Barnaul or other cities, you need higher education possibly secondary vocational education.

The profession of a financier can be obtained in secondary and higher educational institutions the city of Barnaul, for example:

· AltGU-MIEMIS (department of finance and credit, study period 4 years)

· ASAU (Faculty of Economics, 4 years of study)

· Altai Academy of Economics and Law (Department of Finance and Credit, 4 years of study)

)In order to consider the vacancy of a financier, you need a higher education in the economic direction. There is another way, this is to complete special courses. Enrollment is based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, mathematics, social studies.

)Main disciplines studied:

· Economic theory

· Finance

· Organizational finance

· Banking

· Financial management

· Information Systems stock market

· Stocks and bods market

)Qualification of a graduate of an educational institution.

An economist with a degree in Finance and Credit must be prepared for professional work V government bodies federal, regional and municipal level; banks, exchanges, financial and insurance companies, investment funds, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, economic services of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, in positions requiring higher economic education, according to qualification handbook leadership positions.

)According to HeadHunter, the average wage financier in different cities of Russia is as follows:

Moscow: 43,000 rubles;

St. Petersburg: 37,000 rubles;

Yekaterinburg: 33,500 rubles;

Novosibirsk: 30,000 rubles;

Nizhny Novgorod: 32,000 rubles;

Kazan: 20,500 rubles.

) Career growth of a financier is possible both through the administrative line and through the transition to other, more prestigious and highly paid economic specialties.

Career growth of a financier is carried out according to the following hierarchical ladder:

· Assistant financial department(salary 25-30 thousand rubles)

· Financial analyst (salary 30-40 thousand rubles)

· Senior financial analyst(salary 40-50 thousand rubles)

· Financial Manager(salary 50-60 thousand rubles)

· Financial controller (salary 60-80 thousand rubles)

· Financial director (salary 120-200 thousand rubles)

profession financier labor psychological

1) The most important technological operations of the profession of a financier:

· analysis of the company's financial performance.

· budget execution control

· optimization of planning processes

· analysis of the effectiveness of the use of funds for projects

· financial modeling and business planning

· management of investment relations

· negotiating with auditors

· corporate finance management

· real estate transactions and securities

· execution of exchange operations

· preparation of financial estimates and reports

) The main means of labor of a financier: computer technology (personal computer), his intellectual ability and professionalism, as well as various service programs.

) The financier works indoors (office, enterprise, firm, organization), the workplace requires a computer.

) The prevailing working posture during labor: sitting, movements during labor are made mainly by fingers and hands, the body is mobile.

) The financier does not produce anything. He provides services.

) The nature of the work of a financier is monotonous.

) Overfatigue affects mainly the organs of vision and the spine.

IV. Sanitary and hygienic working conditions

) The working premises of the financier should be sufficiently lit, well soundproofed, these are important for the concentration of the employee.

) The main requirement for the physical condition of the working organism: activity, capacity, endurance.

) Medical contraindications. The work of a financier is not recommended for people with diseases:

· neuro-psychic;

· cardiovascular;

· auditory and visual analyzers;

· speech apparatus.

) Occupational diseases include:

· osteochondrosis

· migraine

· visual impairment and posture

· stress, irritability

. Psychological requirements of the profession for a person

) Financiers are not immune from unforeseen situations, emergency work and conflicts with colleagues. Therefore, it is important to be patient, balanced, especially when communicating with employees and customers.

) The main qualities that a financier should possess:

· logical and analytical thinking

· good mathematical ability

· ability to think globally

· well developed memory

· the ability to express one's thoughts

· the ability to predict the end result

· pedantry

· ability to plan work time

· prudence

· sociability

· stress resistance

· skill to work in team

Separately, it is necessary to say about the organization of maintenance and cleaning of the workplace. The fact is that the cleaning of the premises, the maintenance of the building in the normal state does not occur according to plan, but spontaneously, that is, there is no cleaning regulation.
Next, consider the organization of service objects of labor. Documentation comes to the accountant at the workplace is not regulated, but in the course of its accumulation from the director. In turn, the return of processed documentation often occurs at the wrong time.

Next, consider existing organization maintenance of the director's workplace. It is also a limited space with all necessary means and tools.

In its composition, this workplace has the main technological equipment, working documentation, organizational equipment, etc. The technological equipment includes: a personal computer, a copier, a paper shredder, a paper laminating machine. Work documentation includes reference books, instructions (both on paper and electronic media), manuals, personal files of employees. The organizational equipment includes: a table, 2 chairs, a wardrobe, shelves and racks. Office supplies are technological equipment. At this workplace, there are both general lighting facilities and local ones in the form of table lamps. Also, the director's workplace is equipped with a telephone-fax, which can be classified as a means of communication. For accounting and sorting documents at the workplace of the director there are folders-folders, which by their purpose belong to the working container. To maintain a favorable microclimate at the workplace, there is an air conditioner, and in winter, an oil cooler additional to the main heating. The objects of aestheticization in the workplace include blinds, flower girls, paintings on the walls. Items for the care of the workplace, such as rags, brooms, scoops, buckets, are not available at this workplace.

Consideration of the existing maintenance of this workplace, it is advisable to start with a consideration of the maintenance of labor tools. In general, this service coincides with the service that exists at the workplace of an accountant-economist, but there are a number of differences, the main of which is that the power supply of the office of the manager and the accountant-economist is fully regulated from the manager’s office, since it is in his office that there is an electric switchboard, therefore, until the director arrives at his workplace, the work of an accountant-economist cannot be carried out.

Of the features of servicing objects of labor, one can single out the fact that work on completing documentation, compiling a report on accumulated documents is often not done on time, that is, not regulated.

The employee service at this workplace is generally in good condition, but some shortcomings should be noted. First, the enterprise as a whole lacks catering, which leads to the loss of working time, which is spent on cooking. Secondly, the lack of the required number of clothes hangers, which leads to cluttering up the work area.

Consider the workplace of a storekeeper. There are two employees at this workplace. This workplace is a limited space for warehouse work. Due to the peculiarities of this workplace, it lacks the main technological equipment, which is due to the fact that the warehouse workers use only their muscular strength and do not use additional funds. Organizational equipment includes shelves for goods and a wardrobe. Documentation for the arrival and departure of goods can be referred to working documentation. Household tools for caring for the workplace include brushes, dustpans, brooms, trash cans. There is a common light source at this workplace.

Chapter 3. Improving the planning and equipping of workplaces.

3.1. Rationalization of techniques, actions, movement and methods of work of employees

Familiarization with the system of organization of workplace services existing in SEC "Russia" revealed a number of shortcomings, the elimination of which would allow the enterprise to improve working conditions and save money.

We will start developing measures to improve the organization of workplace services from the workplace of an accountant-economist:

1. At this workplace, there is a light source that is clearly not enough for normal labor process accountant. In this regard, it is necessary to increase the power of the lamps or increase their number.

2. At this workplace, it is necessary to increase the number of aesthetics. It is necessary to equip it with means of protection from direct sunlight - they can be curtains, curtains, blinds.

3. Since there are no housekeeping equipment for the care of the premises at this workplace, it is necessary to equip it with them. First of all, you need to equip the workplace with brooms and dustpans for intermediate cleaning, as well as floor rags, buckets and brushes. It is also necessary to establish the rules of economic maintenance of the workplace.

4. Interruptions in the supply of the workplace with all the necessary stationery which often results in delays. It is necessary to establish both a physical service rate and a strict service schedule.

5. The work furniture of the accountant's workplace does not meet the standards, as the employee makes a lot of effort to work on it. It is necessary to measure the proportions of the performer and select the appropriate work furniture for them.

6. This workplace contains some excess organizational equipment, in particular, work furniture. Due to the fact that in the office of an accountant-economist there is not only his personal working furniture, but also in this moment non-functioning, it is necessary to free the office from excess furniture, which occupies a significant space and reduces the working area and makes it difficult for the employee to move around the workplace.

7. There is no working container at this place, which would serve for storing and arranging objects of labor - various documentation. It is necessary to provide the workplace of an accountant-economist with a working container such as folders-folders, which would be equipped with visual identification means, such as marking or information inserts.

8. Since the employee needs to have a document both on paper and in digital form, that is, in a computer, his workplace must be equipped with a scanner.

9. Due to the fact that natural ventilation at this workplace does not provide the proper microclimate, it is necessary to install a device for mechanical air ventilation (air conditioner or fan).


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Sample job descriptions Job Descriptions various professions! Choose the ones that suit you

10. This workplace lacks all the necessary working documentation and reference literature. Therefore, it is necessary to equip this workplace with all the missing reference and documentation literature.

11. Repair of computer equipment, in case of its failure, is carried out by specialists from different computer companies. It is necessary to clearly assign to any firm the repair of computer equipment.

12. Interrepair maintenance of the main technological equipment (computer and copying equipment) is absent. It is necessary to develop and implement a clear regulation of such services and assign its implementation to specific specialists.

13. At this workplace, the time for cooking, eating and rest is chosen by the employee arbitrarily. In this regard, it is necessary to establish clear rules for breaks and meals.

The modern financial sector is so complex and diverse that only a well-trained specialist can figure out where and how to invest money correctly in order to receive income. And such specialists have their own professional holiday. "Day of the financier" is a holiday of all specialists in the financial sector: heads and employees of banks, financial, insurance and investment companies; government and commercial financial institutions, as well as many people who actively invest personal funds in financial instruments and development of the Russian economy.

Decree of the President Russian Federation No. 1101 of August 19, 2011 "Financier's Day" was established as a public holiday, which is now celebrated annually on September 8. The date was not chosen by chance - on this day in 1802, Emperor Alexander I founded the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

Presentation [PDF] [PPTX]

Test to determine the ability to manage personal finances [PDF] [DOCX]

Target: improving financial literacy and the formation of the civic position of students.


  • formation of information base of financial activity;
  • expanding knowledge about the financial sector;
  • education of financial culture;
  • creating motivation to engage in financial activities.

What associations do you have with the concept of "finance"?

Finance is a multifaceted concept that includes cash, non-cash financial resources, other forms and instruments of funds, as well as financial relations related to settlements in cash between market entities.

What role do you think finance plays in our lives?

Name the area of ​​society where we do not use finance.

How is finance used in each area?

basis financial base any family, business or state makes up the budget. In a family, the budget is distributed and managed by your parents.

Who do you think distributes finances and manages the budget of the enterprise or the state?

A financier is a highly qualified specialist in the field of financial science and financial operations, who deals with especially large monetary transactions, manages capital, and finances projects on a legitimate basis. At the same time, the financier can be either a small clerk in a bank branch or an employee of the Ministry of Finance.

Imagine what the workplace of a financier might look like.

List the main tools of its activity.

Imagine that you are the owner large enterprise. Your company has a vacancy for the head of the financial department. What requirements would you present to a specialist wishing to fill this vacancy?

The sphere of interests of the modern financier includes all, without exception, the movement of money. The specialization of the financier depends on the type of money circulation in which he is engaged.

Name the areas of activity and specialization of financiers.

What personal qualities should a financier have in order to succeed in his activity?

Financiers for work can choose certain financial directions: fiscal, regulatory, methodological, foreign economic, insurance, investment, etc. The duties of financiers include: drawing up financial estimates and reports, conducting exchange transactions and taxation, performing various trading processes, analyzing financial documents.

Which organizations need finance professionals?

Guess where the broker, trader, broker, auditor work.

For reference:

A broker is a commercial intermediary in the purchase and sale of goods, securities, services, and insurance.

A trader is a trader in securities on the stock exchange, acting on his own initiative and seeking to profit directly from the trading process.

Broker − Sales Representative, a professional participant in the securities market, who has the right to carry out transactions with securities on behalf of the client and at his expense or on his own behalf and at the expense of the client on the basis of reimbursable agreements with the client.

Auditor - individual having the necessary authority to check the financial and economic activities of companies.

How important do you think the profession of "financier" is for modern society?

What famous financiers of the past and present do you know?

Do you think people who have achieved some success in the financial sector have been involved in charity work? Name these people. What was their charity?

Name the people who, having achieved success in the financial sector, were patrons of the arts.

Morozov Savva Vasilievich

In business circles, Morozov enjoyed great influence: he headed the committee of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, was a member of the Moscow branch of the Council of Trade and Manufactories and the Society for Promoting the Improvement and Development of the Manufactory Industry, was elected an elector of the Moscow Exchange Society and remained so until the end of his life.

In 1892 "for useful activity and special works under the department of the Ministry of Finance ”Savva Morozov was awarded the Order of St. Anne III degree, in 1896 he was once again awarded one of the highest awards Russian Empire- Order of St. Anne II degree.

Baron von Stieglitz Alexander Ludwigovich

On May 31 (June 12), 1860, on the basis of the Decree of Alexander II, the Commercial Bank was transformed into the State Bank, and on June 10 (22), 1860 A.L. Stieglitz was appointed its manager. In 1866, he was dismissed from this position, leaving at the Ministry of Finance for the credit part and as an honorary member of the Council of Trade and Manufactories. In the same year, he became the largest shareholder of the established Moscow Merchant Bank. In 1862 he was granted the Privy Councilor, and in 1881 he was promoted to the actual Privy Councilor.

It is curious to note that, being a completely independent person, whose capital was readily accepted in all countries, Stieglitz placed his huge fortune almost exclusively in Russian funds and on the skeptical remark of one financier about the imprudence of such trust in Russian finances he once remarked: “My father and I have made all state in Russia; if she turns out to be insolvent, then I am ready to lose all my fortune with her.

Witte Sergey Yulievich

He considered the most important mechanism in the implementation of the internal restructuring of the country to be unlimited state intervention - a set of financial, credit and tax measures, including limiting the emission activity of the State Bank, conversion loans abroad, etc. The initiator of the monetary reform of 1897, he achieved the stabilization of the ruble, introduced gold circulation, ensuring the absolute stability of the gold ruble until 1914. The way to enrich the Russian treasury was the introduction of a wine monopoly (the farming system - on the initiative of S.Yu. Witte - was replaced by excise taxes from each degree), which became one of the foundations of the budget of tsarist Russia and gave up to a quarter of all revenues to the treasury.

Vekselberg Viktor Feliksovich

Russian entrepreneur, manager, President of the Skolkovo Foundation, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Renova Group of Companies. After the purchase by Rosneft in October 2012 of 50% of TNK-BP, Vekselberg became the richest man in Russia: his fortune, according to Bloomberg, increased by $1.5 billion and was estimated at $18 billion.

Kudrin Alexey Leonidovich

Russian statesman, minister of finance Russian government from May 18, 2000 to September 26, 2011, which is the longest term in this position in modern Russia. During the leadership of Kudrin, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation carried out a large-scale tax reform: a “flat scale” of income tax of 13% was introduced, turnover and sales taxes were eliminated, VAT and income taxes were reduced, the total number of taxes was reduced three times, eliminated many loopholes in the legislation used for tax evasion.

Deripaska Oleg Vladimirovich

Russian businessman, billionaire. In 2008 he was named the richest Russian. As of 2016, he was ranked 41st among the billionaires of Russia and 854th in the list of billionaires according to Forbes magazine. In 1998, he founded the Volnoe Delo Foundation, which has become one of the largest private charitable organizations in Russia. The fund, financed from Deripaska's personal funds, has implemented more than 500 charitable programs.

Do you think you know how to manage finances?

Test your financial ability.

The teacher invites students to take a test to determine the ability to manage personal finances.
