Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Starting a business with different budgets. Opening a business with different budgets Which business to open for 700,000 rubles

If you have an investment package in the amount of this amount, you can implement a few simple ideas of current focus. With a minimum starting capital, you should bet on:

  • originality of the idea;
  • the need for an entrepreneurial product for consumers;
  • little competition;
  • own skills and abilities, which will become an additional investment, a unique contribution to the opening and development of a business.

How promising and risky such investments will be can be assessed in advance by comparing the values ​​​​of the payback, profitability, prospects and risk indicators. These ratios are easy to present for clarity in the form of a table:

Business payback period (months)Business profitability %Survival outlook %Risk of business failure %
01.12.2015 50 50 50
09.12.2017 70 80 40
06.09.2017 70 90 20
03.06.2017 70-100 95 10
Less than 3from 10097 less than 5

As can be seen from the analysis, the spheres and types of entrepreneurship in which a high and quick payback investments.

The most promising business lines to buy for 100,000 rubles

  1. Provision of services to the population: nail design, landscape design, accounting, lawyer consulting and doing business, massage.
  2. Vending machines for coffee and toys.
  3. Payment terminals.
  4. Mobile points Catering, for example, for the production and sale of popcorn, grilled and shawarma, caramelized apples.
  5. Production of interior items, jewelry, decor and clothing. For example, candles, lampshades, handmade knitted accessories.

At the initial stage, with such a small amount of capital, it is possible to provide services for free, for advertising purposes and for working out target audience, buying interest. Then, after 1-2 months, register with the IFTS. The optimal choice of the form of doing business is an individual entrepreneur, while it is necessary to find the optimal taxation regime, simplified and convenient for beginners. If a patent system (PNS) is provided for the activity chosen by an entrepreneur in the region, it is better to opt for it. It is the cheapest and most convenient for beginners. If the patent is not valid, the USN on income is recommended (6%).

Opening or buying a business in Moscow is impossible without building a business plan. A detailed analysis of all the factors that affect the success of a business will maximize profits.

Ready-made business with a profit of 300 thousand rubles per month in Moscow

To buy a business with a profit of 300,000 rubles per month, you need to take into account the initial purchase costs, expenses during the operation of the business, as well as the payback period ready business. A business with a profit of 300,000 rubles per month in Moscow can be bought for 3 million rubles or more. The average payback of a business is a year. However, the development of each business is individual, therefore, before buying, it is necessary to accurately calculate all the conditions that affect profit.

Buy a business with a profit of 300,000 per month

Buying a business with a net profit of 300,000 rubles per month in Moscow, you are in no way limited in choosing a field of activity. When choosing a niche, it is worth, first of all, taking into account its demand in the market, this will increase profits and quickly recoup the business. Remember that with a professional approach to business, a business with a profit of 300,000 rubles can become a business that brings and big income. The main thing is to develop your business, according to the requirements of consumers and changing market conditions.

The dream of working for yourself and not "for your uncle" lives in the minds of thousands of people.

But at the same time, only a small percentage of them take at least some action to start their own business.

The main reason is the confidence that you can open a business only with a multi-million dollar investment budget.

However, if you delve into this issue, you can find a lot of ideas about what business to open for 500,000 rubles.

And this amount is not so unrealistic, right?

So if you have been dreaming of private business for a long time, but think that only the wealthiest people can handle this option, this article is for you.

Business for 500 thousand rubles for the provision of services

The most popular idea on which you can "put together" your own business is the provision of various services to the population.

And not only on their own, but also by hiring other people - that is, through mediation.

Among such ideas, which business to open for 500,000 rubles, providing services, there are hundreds of interesting options.

And this is only among those that have already been introduced in the CIS countries and are successfully used!

And what does it say about examples of foreign entrepreneurs from whom you can “borrow” a lot of original and actual ideas for startups.

But now let's talk, nevertheless, not about innovations, but about ideas that are familiar to everyone and easy to implement, which will require investments of up to 500 thousand rubles.

Rope amusement park

Capital investment: 300,000 rubles

Payback: 1 season

Usually amusement parks do require large investments.

Especially if the entrepreneur operates in a large city where there are already other parks and you can only stay afloat by being the best.

But enterprising businessmen have “spotted” in Europe a kind of amusement park that can be opened with feasible investments.

This is a rope park - an artificially composed obstacle course for children and adults.

Now is the best time to open such a business, because the competition is still low, and for most such leisure is still a novelty.

Self defense or boxing section

Capital investments: 320,000 rubles

Payback: from 9-12 months

But sections for boxing or self-defense lessons are not an innovation. Nevertheless, they are popular among both teenagers and adults.

Previously, most of the visitors were male.

But now many women have begun to show attention to such an occupation.

The most successful business idea can be implemented by those entrepreneurs who are sincerely interested in the topic.

You can even use a job option in which the business organizer will be one of the instructors.

But in this case, it is worth taking someone as an assistant to solve administrative issues.

For example, organize a “family contract”, involving someone close to work.

Organization of business in the quest room

Capital investments: 100,000 - 200,000 rubles

Payback: from 3 months

Another one original idea which came to us recently.

The bottom line is original entertainment for companies.

Players are locked in a decorated themed room.

For a certain time, they must solve the tasks and get out of it.

This activity is not only original, but also very exciting.

Due to the rather high level of complexity, the main clients are solvent categories of the population: men and women aged 25-35, businessmen, and corporate parties are held this way.

The cost of the game is set quite high, as for simple entertainment.

But since people's craving for everything new is inexhaustible, and such services are not yet very common, businessmen can earn substantial sums on this idea.

Business at children's parties

Capital investment: 150,000 rubles

Payback: 3-6 months

The event industry is interesting because here you can organize a profitable business with little or no start-up capital.

After all, the main thing that is required is sincere enthusiasm.

And if there are solid capital investments, then it is possible to increase the staff and organize larger-scale festivities.

However, such conditions could not but cause high competition.

Here, as nowhere else, it is difficult to break through not only to the heights, but at least to the middle layer and have your own 30-100 orders per month.

Therefore, when drawing up a business plan, you need to Special attention focus on market analysis.

The above list of expenses is an average.

As already mentioned, you can start your own business on holidays with 20,000 - 30,000 thousand rubles.

Costume and accessories rental business

Capital investments: from 70,000 rubles.

Payback: from 6 months

Thematic photo shoots, holidays, parties are becoming more and more popular in the CIS countries.

But not every person is ready to shell out a tidy sum for his outfit to show off in it one evening.

Where there is a problem with the population, a place for organizing a business can be found for an enterprising entrepreneur.

Therefore, the business of renting outfits and related accessories has its own demand.

You can start with 10-15 suits, gradually expanding the "wardrobe".

Business for 500 thousand rubles for mini-production

A business worth 500,000 rubles can also be opened in the production of various goods.

Yes, you were not mistaken, not only the owners of large factories can manufacture products and earn significant money on this.

You can see for yourself by exploring the ideas below:

    Original pastries.

    Such a business existed for a long time, but after popularization social networks it became easier to deal with them.
    If you or someone close to you knows how to cook well, you can make and sell designer cakes, cookies, muffins.
    Original and themed pastries are in high demand.
    Even for a cake for a children's birthday, parents are ready to pay 3-6 thousand rubles.
    And what can we say about weddings!
    It is important to bear in mind that the competition is high.
    Therefore, you will need to invest in advertising, buy only the best ingredients and cook truly unique pastries.

    It would seem that such a piece of furniture as a shelf, no one will search the Internet from the masters and buy it to order.
    But it is not so.
    Everyone strives to make housing especially unique.
    And furniture in stores is made in many copies and under average measurements.
    Therefore, craftsmen who know how to make, for example, the mentioned shelves are in demand.
    If you invest in the promotion of services and establish a process of purchase and delivery, this can become a profitable business.


    This service will never lose its relevance.
    At the same time, investments in business can be minimal: buying a typewriter, a supply of needles, threads and other parts, as well as advertising a business.
    This list can be "packed" in 20 - 50 thousand rubles.
    To reduce the number of competitors in a niche, you can narrow down the scope of work.
    For example, sew only clothes for children or even pets.

Learn more about how to start a tailoring business

and what you need for this, see the video:

The main thing is not even what start-up capital for investment you have.

How business for 500,000 rubles, and for a few million can become a failure.

To prevent this from happening, you need to analyze current situation in the market, to lay an expense of several tens of thousands for unplanned expenses, to draw up a competent business plan.

And, of course, invest time, effort and soul in your business.

Then it will definitely bring you success!

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In this material:

What kind of business can you open for 500,000 rubles, and is it worth starting a business with a small start-up capital? Taking out a loan to open your own business is a risky step, as the business may not bring enough profit. A novice entrepreneur may not be able to fulfill his debt obligations to the bank and will soon go bankrupt. Therefore, it is best to rely only on your own funds. If you approach cost planning correctly, you can start your own business with only 500 thousand rubles. There are many business ideas that bring good profits. It is about them that will be discussed further.

The most common business ideas for 500,000 rubles

Kiosks fast food always attract the attention of customers, they are especially popular in large cities, where people often have a snack on the go. To open such an institution, a minimum starting capital is enough. Naturally, you will not open a large fast food restaurant for 500 thousand, but this money will be enough for a small mobile kiosk. rent outlet it is possible for 100 thousand, about 200 thousand will be required for the purchase of products, equipment will cost 80-90 thousand, and documents can be issued for 5 thousand. utilities and wages of workers. A 24-hour bakery kiosk can be placed in any area.

Family cafes are another attractive business idea. People have become quite serious about the organization of their holidays, they try to visit places where you can have a delicious meal with the whole family. In addition, children love exciting entertainment. Opening a children's cafe is one of the most promising business lines in the fast food industry. This does not require a large amount, rent a cozy room, located away from busy highways, purchase the necessary furniture and hire friendly workers. Successful work establishments will be facilitated by the skillful serving of dishes prepared from high-quality fresh products.

Another good idea is to install vending machines in large shopping malls. They can be used to sell goods. daily demand, food and drinks. For example, you can install a shoe covers vending machine in a dental clinic or a coffee maker in office center. Installing payment terminals is not currently profitable enough, since this area has the most competition.

Trading is a business for those who have enough knowledge in this area. 500 thousand is enough to rent a small trade pavilion and purchase of necessary goods. Women can open a clothing store, food, children's goods, cosmetics. Men are best at selling household appliances, auto parts, plumbing. The business will be successful only if you constantly work on its development.

Women can also open a tanning studio. The demand for such services is growing every year. The profitability of this business does not depend on the season. In winter, women want to have an attractive bronze skin color, in summer they want to give their skin a tan shade before the upcoming trip to the resort. Providing beauty services is simple, profitable and interesting business. You will be required right choice equipment, rental of premises with a convenient location, and high-quality organization advertising campaign. Manicure services are no less in demand. Opening a nail salon from scratch does not require large investments; at the first stage, you can accept clients at home. Having worked client base, you can open a beauty salon and expand the range of services.

The latest business areas: how not to make a mistake when choosing?

These types of businesses include Internet cafes. This is a modern and quite interesting area that attracts a large number of customers. Despite the fact that at present everyone has computers and powerful smartphones, the atmosphere of a collective game, new acquaintances and communication attract many teenagers. Tattoo parlors are no less popular among young people. This is an underdeveloped line of business that does not have high competition. To open your own business, you can rent a small room and hire highly qualified tattoo artists with experience.

To open such a salon, a license is required. Otherwise, the enterprise is formalized in the same way as organizations involved in any other type of business. With a sufficient number of visitors, such a business pays off in short time. For additional income, you can open training courses. You can attract customers with special promotions and contests, it will help you beat the competition.

Investments: Investments 87 000 ₽

Are you still thinking about starting your own business from scratch or buying a franchise? We will tell you how to open a business with a payback of five transactions With an investment of less than 100 thousand rubles. No royalties paid No fixed costs Business-Garant Group of Companies has been successfully operating for 13 years. More than 12 thousand clients all over Russia have used our services. We understand that…

Investments: From 500,000 rubles. We will reimburse 50% of your costs for the repair and decoration of the store. Low investment risks. 40% of investments are exhibition samples, which remain a liquid asset in case of problems.

Any business starts to make a profit. With frendom sofas from business, you will also get a lot of positive emotions. Selling this furniture is a pleasure! Your partner is a manufacturing factory, whose history begins in 2006 in the city of Engels, Saratov region. The company is a permanent participant of international exhibitions. Residents of eighty-nine regions of Russia and neighboring countries ...

In this material:

Business ideas up to 500,000 rubles will help people with small start-up capital to be realized in this area. It is not so difficult to open your own enterprise with this money, it is much more difficult to make it profitable. Here are a few interesting ideas, which can be in great demand among modern people.

Franchising and vending machines

These are the least complex and costly types of business. For 500 thousand rubles. you can buy a franchise or install a couple of vending machines, which has become extremely important in recent years. Vending machines are devices that allow you to sell goods without the participation of sellers. This type of business includes the installation of vending machines that sell coffee, drinks, snacks, toys, and even shoe covers in a hospital. The payback of the initial investment occurs within 1-2 years. The main thing is to choose a place for installing equipment with the greatest traffic.

Buying a franchise involves acquiring a ready-made business from famous company. There are many benefits to starting a franchise business. You do not have to spend money on advertising, development own logo and names. Franchise firm provides support to a start-up entrepreneur from assistance in choosing a convenient location to deliveries finished products and staff training.

If a novice businessman adheres to the recommended business scheme, the business will bring a stable profit. The franchise market has a large number of offers for entrepreneurs with a small start-up capital. For 500 thousand rubles. you can open a flower shop, a tea shop or a small fast food cafe.

Although modern people prefer to buy products in supermarkets, small shops bring their owners a stable profit. For 500,000 rubles, you can open a store that will offer the most necessary goods. Such enterprises have their customers not only in residential areas, but also in high-rise residential complexes. Installing vending machines that sell the most popular goods can significantly save on staff salaries.

Together with grocery stores fast food kiosks selling donuts, hot dogs, pasties are also very popular. Highest Income such establishments are brought in big cities, where people are used to snacking on the go. A 24-hour kiosk in a residential area will bring no less profit; people coming home from work often buy ready-made food, not wanting to cook.

Should I open an advertising agency?

may be highly specialized or provide a wide range of services. If you decide to provide a large number of services, get ready to pay for the work of several highly qualified specialists and rent an office in the central part of the city. You can also open a narrowly focused advertising agency, for example, the production of printed or souvenir products, the development and maintenance of Internet sites.

By opening such an enterprise, you can easily meet 500,000 rubles. The main financial investments will be used to rent premises, purchase office equipment and furniture, and pay employees. To open a highly specialized advertising agency a room of 20 sq. m. Some agencies cooperate with specialists remotely, many programmers and designers are happy to become freelancers. It is not necessary to buy expensive equipment to develop and create printed products, you can sign an agreement with a printing house and act as an intermediary.

Service business

The services of a hairdresser, manicurist and makeup artist are in demand in any city. It will not be possible to open a large salon in the city center for 500 thousand, but this money is enough for a small hairdresser in a residential area, where there will be enough visitors. You can increase the attendance of your salon by installing more low prices, the minimum costs of organizing a business will help you take this step without compromising your own income. By offering the services of mobile masters, you will increase the number of your customers. You can open a small tanning studio, the project will quickly pay off with an attendance of 10-15 clients per day. A place to install the device can be rented in a large beauty salon or sports complex.

For 500 thousand, you can also open a workshop for repairing clothes or shoes. No less popular at present are children's playrooms in shopping and entertainment centers. Relatively stable types of business are: growing agricultural plants, opening a rabbit farm.

The most interesting and new line of business are vegetarian cafes. Many modern people refuse meat, preferring to lead healthy lifestyle life. Regular cafes rarely offer a vegetarian menu, so you can open a competitive establishment. Additional costs when opening such a cafe are not required, working in it yourself, you can save on staff salaries.

In order for a business to generate income, it must be started by a person who has sufficient knowledge in this area.

Another interesting direction is the opening of a rope town. It will be enjoyed by both children and adults. Competition in this business low, so you have every chance to occupy your niche in it.

Investments: Investments 3 350 000 - 5 500 000 ₽

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