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Business on creativity and needlework. Stories of successful needlewomen. Needlework as an educational project

Below are six realized ideas for those who crave craft creativity and the business success that goes with it. These examples should be considered not only as guidelines for complete imitation - but rather as a source of inspiration for the invention of new areas of needlework.

Transparent resin jewelry, a platform for sellers of their goods, is the place where the serious multi-thousand business success of Silvia Tsalus, who invented and creates costume jewelry from transparent epoxy, began. Her idea - immersing in hardening resin balls of moss, dried wild flowers and their parts, especially dandelion fluff - after a number of sales on this platform, aroused great interest on Reddit, Pinterest, Tumblr, where Etsy visitors copied images and descriptions.

In the blogosphere, photos and descriptions of her products have been reposted on many popular portals. different countries dedicated to design and crafts. And this free advertising has not yet created competitors for her - on the contrary, it has contributed to the emergence of not just orders for Sylvia, but also permanent contracts, often with foreign business buyers. Currently, up to 80 percent of its revenue comes from abroad. And more and more often, Sylvia receives special bulk orders for art objects - for example, she was ordered a collection of jewelry by the famous Canadian "Art Gallery of Ontario" from Toronto.

Her brief business history is as follows: Silvia Tsalus has been making money as a needlewoman for more than a decade. Previously, she worked as a researcher at one of the institutes of the Academy of Sciences, but she left this career to focus on creativity; and after that she completed serious jewelery courses. Then the initial investment in equipment and the initial volume of materials amounted to $ 3,200. And having received the first serious profit and having consolidated her success, Sylvia took a chance - and immediately hired several employees: as for routine technological processes and a secretary to communicate with customers.

“Delegation in such a small process is not an easy task, but without it it is impossible to move from a money-losing hobby to profitable business. With employees, I quickly and repeatedly increased the amount of jewelry produced, for which I alone would not have had enough time. I feel that it is precisely the volume of handicrafts offered that is the step that makes it possible not to earn extra money with this occupation, but to completely saturate oneself in a big way,” Sylvia Tsalus is sure.

Clothes and toys to order: an ancient idea, but long forgotten by the townspeople

One of the incentives to try your hand at crafts is the desire to create something that standard stores are not able to offer. This rule is especially promising in the field of products for children.

More and more parents are turning away from the repetitive designs of clothes and toys offered in stores - hence the demand for individual designs and ideas for these products.

“When I went on maternity leave, even before the birth of the child, I managed to take courses in tailoring and fashion design. I bought fabrics and accessories, and already with the baby I began to produce all the clothes and sewing toys for him. At first, I was sure that this would just be my maternity hobby - the implementation of a personal commitment to natural eco-materials in the spirit of conscious parenthood. However, maternity leave in Poland is the greatest driver of enterprise; thanks to my posting on the social network information about my products, which my friends actively reposted, I began to order tailoring of products and “to the side”, to strangers: often at once with extensive sets of a mass of fabrics. The implementation suddenly went off the rails, I slowly had to hire assistants. And a few years later, my husband was surprised to see that he was already earning less than my mini-workshop for individual tailoring, ”Monika Munoz-Washtyl, who previously worked as a surveyor, tells her story.

Fra bagsGdesigner's cops, puzzle jewelry

It would seem that Lego pieces can only be used for playing. Meanwhile, Agnieszka Bernacka from the town of Gliwice has been decorating jewelry, flash drives and household gadgets with them for several years, and most of all, bags that are actively sold at prices up to $500. Agnieszka simply buys all these products (blanks) in cheap formats - and sells them many times more than the cost price. And if in the first years you had to buy Lego sets, then over time, the manufacturers of the designer “recognized” the artisan as their colleague, created the agabag website for her products and began to provide her with fragments of their designers in bulk for free.

“I got the initial idea from the French fashion designer Jean-Charles de Castelbayac, who presented a dress trimmed with Lego fragments at one of the shows. However, his product remained single, and I immediately realized that I could produce something like this in large quantities. After a thorough check, it turned out that no one "sits" on this idea yet, Agnieszka recalls.

Currently, its products are actively sold abroad; especially for some reason in Japan. The craftswoman is sure that in the next year more than half of her earnings will come from abroad.

Monika Roth, a student at the Department of Jewelry Design at the Academy of Arts in Łódź, also discovered a similar original niche in the market. As one of the course exam papers, she ordered a casting of typical "puzzle fragments" from shiny elite plastic - and simply added it to various blanks for jewelry. And then the demand for this ironic and mysteriously semantic decoration turned out to be unexpectedly significant.

Knitted youth

Knitted youth clothing by Marta Ivanina-Kochanskaya, a graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Arts and the London studio of designer Tom Dixon, is increasingly appearing at major fashion shows and fashion fairs in different countries (Fashion Week Poland, Bread &, Butter Berlin), sold in boutiques. The types of modern and non-trivial clothes designed by her are purchased from the knitter by large specialized corporations for thousands of dollars.

“The business idea was born naturally: knitting has always been present in my family. And what I wore aroused the interest of my friends: I came up with such types of knitted underwear, accessories, jackets that were not on the market.

But you can’t connect much alone: ​​you need a flow, mass character; a business designer in the field of knitting should only come up with a cut and knit original new elements, giving any repetitions to the performers. And someone else needs to negotiate with customers. I was looking for start up funds and was lucky enough to receive a $5,200 grant from the Polish Employment Office to hire staff and start a business.

And thanks to the fact that I was an intern in London, my London contacts found me both the first buyers and mentions in the English-language media. As a result, all the first orders were from abroad,” Marta Ivanina-Kochanskaya recalls the beginning of her business success.

Watches and glasses made of wood

A good way to "surprise, laugh, please" the customer is to use conventional materials in the home-made production of items "uncharacteristic" of these materials. Such materials can be wood, concrete or linoleum.

For example, Michal Naperala at home produces milled oak wood wrist watch(Mechanisms, of course, inserts purchased ones: Citizen firms). And Lukasz Mazhetsky creates glasses with wooden frames and arms - including exotic woods. By the way, every time an eco-artisan spends a part of the income from each pair of glasses sold on planting a new tree.

Even more unusual is the proposal of Sylvia Kochanets: she produces costume jewelry from concrete, cast in miniature geometric shapes - hinting at modern architecture, metropolitan life.

Ordinary bags of extraordinary quality

And in conclusion, we recall that in addition to avant-garde ideas, needlework can give business success in the field of traditional solutions - which, in fact, included knitting.

A typical example: Magdalena Purol (designer) and her brother Marcin (entrepreneur) at home produce and mass-sell high-quality bags, covers and accessories of minimalist design from ordinary felt (a kind of felt, dense fabric made from felted wool). They quickly became very popular and bring a decent income to the brother and sister.

So, needlewomen and artisans - to work!

Selling websites for handmade manufacturers (Polish experience)

To make money on needlework, it is not necessary to create, for example, unique costume jewelry. The founders of the Internet services and have found their niche by becoming intermediaries between manufacturers of handmade goods and buyers. And these portals have grown into a business with a decent profit - the Pierwszy Milion portal tells two business stories, translates the site

The story of a business start ten years ago: cheap and almost by accident

“It was a classic business for one dollar,” Mateusz Wojczakowski recalls the beginning of - In 2005, just $25 was enough to launch a portal that unites handmade designers. The graphics of the site were our own, the idea of ​​the engine was also our author's, all expenses were limited to buying a domain and paying for hosting. Then every day I filled this or that niche in e-commerce. We sailed in this wave and found our place.

But what is curious is that initially the creator of the portal, Julita Voychakovskaya, perceived the project only as a common hobby with her husband - something that helps to sell her crafts, mainly to Julita herself. And then the newlyweds seriously planned to make money on the site “on a trip to the cinema”, this is the maximum. Today, Pakamera is the largest selling handmade portal in Poland, organizing a number of educational projects in the field of needlework at its own expense.

In general, 2005 was a special year for the development of handmade trade on the web throughout the world. It was then that was born in the United States, which has long since become the world's largest service of its kind. In the same year, independently of Warsaw's Pakamera, the portal began its operations in Wroclaw.

“Our incentive to launch the business,” says Basya Cerny, founder of Decobazaar, “was similar sites in Germany. Our Berlin colleagues in home crafts were "sold" on numerous sites already in the early 2000s. Decobazaar also did not require significant resources to launch, although we immediately created a business plan for deploying a large (by Wroclaw standards) project. And they invested only $ 2,600 at the start: they went mainly to create outsourced software and also for printing flyers, posters and advertising on the Internet.

The beginning of the rise of the business

The interest of users quickly began to exceed the expectations and capabilities of the founders of both portals and their husbands, co-founders of the portals. Less than two years later, the launch of Pakamera, an activity linked to the successful competitive development portal, there were so many that Mateusz Wojczakowski had to either fully devote himself to this project, or delegate authority. And although he worked in a promising position in the international consulting company Deloitte, he decided to link his business life entirely with Pakamera.

And he did not lose: in the crisis of 2008, hired employees were fired in large numbers; but sales of relatively inexpensive handicrafts, on the contrary, then and subsequently grew steadily. This is happening against the backdrop of loss of income for millions of buyers who previously purchased expensive, more mass-produced products, and due to the rapid development of eco-approaches, and due to consumer fatigue from the globalization of the sameness of shopping products around the world.

As sales grew, so did portal revenues. “Profitability was reached almost immediately. The start-up costs unexpectedly paid off after a few months, ”recalls the founder of Decobazaar.

It was in the crisis years of 2008-09 that both portals outgrew a “family business for two” (besides, both families had children just then) and switched to hiring staff. Since then, all these years, both services have been using five employees each - plus outsourcing external execution of a large number of works on the site. The founders of both portals call their advertising locomotive viral marketing, as well as positive customer reviews.

“Funds for development were used from only one source - our current income. Although recently we have often received funding offers from the USA, Germany and Poland itself - and at the start, we probably would have taken advantage of this - but now, however, our business already has strong reserves and is not looking for investors, ”admits the founder of Pakamer .

There is nothing surprising in the interest of investors, which millions of entrepreneurs cannot even dream of. Both portals, Pakamera and Decobazaar, already work with thousands of needlewomen and artisans; each site is visited monthly by over five hundred thousand users, who generate an average of 5-7 million page views per month, and during the holiday season even 10-15 million page views. On Facebook, the Pakamera page has 220 thousand fans, and Decobazaar - 90 thousand (the difference in development success is mainly due to the metropolitanity of the Warsaw Pakamera versus the regionality of the Wroclaw Decobazaar). Potential Income on such a flow of visitors is obvious to any investor. In addition, every year the scale of both businesses is increasing by 15-20 percent.

Where is the profit from?

Both sites charge a commission on every craft sold. In the case of Pakamera, it is up to 23 percent - but it becomes less under loyalty programs and during promotional discounts from the portal. Similar fees are inherent in Decobazaar. This does not deter handmade manufacturers: for example, Decobazaar annually has a sales turnover of several million dollars; and Pakamera has entered into an offer agreement for almost 500 thousand products, of which it sells 70-80 thousand products per year.

Simple, convenient, efficient, very fast and very polite interaction with manufacturers and customers, both entrepreneurs call the key to the success of this kind of service. “We provide tools effective sales, and ways of presenting products. We are the only ones who deal with such things as complaints and returns, without touching the manufacturers for this,” adds Mateusz Wojczakowski.

An important part of the business services of the portals is the advertising of the products presented on it on the Internet, including outside the .pl zone (for example, the “random photo” service provides hundreds of context-oriented displays of photos of each exhibited product on different sites on clickable banners). Both companies freely rotate the product display at the top of the subpages for each of the product categories. The portals themselves are actively interviewing needlewomen and artisans. And sometimes they give recommendations on needlework.

“Working with needlewomen goes beyond purely business relationships: we get to know most of our Warsaw clients personally and assume a share of responsibility for their business development,” says Yulita Voychakovskaya. - In addition, it is important to understand and subtly highlight the difference between groups of artisans. Otherwise, it will be unpleasant for professionals to exhibit mixed with beginners. And amateurs, in turn, will be afraid to offer their modest “samples” against the backdrop of the masterpieces of experienced needlewomen.”

Needlework as an educational project

Finally, for the future founders of such portals, the founders of Pakamera and Decobazaar emphasize: their success would not be possible if crafts were not their hobby, and if the popularization of handicrafts were not an important goal of the development of portals.

Thus, articles on Pakamera about trends and ideas in the world of needlework and design have grown into a separate educational project - the online magazine, whose business plan also includes turning into a glossy printed version over the years.

Pakamera has a permanent showroom in Warsaw. It is used not only as a store-fair, but, in particular, to promote the goods sold among stylists, who can quickly rent them here for photo shoots or video clips. In addition, the Pakamera team organizes every year an event that immediately became the flagship event in Warsaw in the home craft industry - New Year's Fair of Handicrafts (Przedświąteczne Targi Rękodzieła).

And finally, it remains to say that the next stage of development of the founders of both sites was the expansion beyond the Polish market of needlewomen and artisans. And they already have a lot of orders from abroad - including from the distant USA, Canada, Japan and Australia.

Business idea: homemade (hand-made) cosmetics

It is impossible to make a cream suitable for absolutely everyone. Therefore, players in the hand-made cosmetics market are convincing Ukrainians to switch to individual organic cosmetics.

Following homemade things, jewelry and interior items, the female half of the country rushed to master the cosmetic business. Retailers of ingredients for making homemade natural cosmetics are struggling to keep up with growing demand.

8.1 Eco-improvisations

Homemade cosmetics are 30-60% cheaper than branded ones. And this factor turned out to be a weighty argument not only for consumers of mass-market products, but also for more expensive cosmetics. “8-10% of our clients previously used elite cosmetics, but with the onset of the crisis, they switched to individual (DIY cosmetics - ed.), - says Vitalina Reznik, co-founder of Aroma-Vita.

As a result, over the past year alone, the number of orders from stores selling components for DIY cosmetics has tripled - by this moment each a store serves an average of 300 customers per month, still showing a growth trend of 10-15% per month. The average check increased by about the same amount - from 150-200 to 200-250 UAH. But this seems to be just the beginning.

“The niche of individual natural home-made cosmetics is very promising, and interest in it will only increase,” says Mikhail Chernyak, strategic analyst and trendwatching manager at RA THINK!. - Since this direction meets several trends at once - "do it yourself", "eco", "thrifty lifestyle" and "healthy lifestyle". 90-95% of consumers of such products are women, and they are more involved in trends related to the environment and in a healthy way life.

“30-40% of clients are cosmetologists, chemists and doctors, who, if something happens, can also advise you,” Ms. Reznik jokes. - Trying to reduce the cost of cosmetic procedures, some cosmetologists prepare, say, serums on their own in order to ensure the salon's competitiveness. And although these creams, serums or handmade soaps are not certified, they are successfully sold.

The manufacture of hand-made cosmetics involves the observance of a certain technology. However, like all DIY products, it leaves room for improvisation. Component dealers benefit from these experiments. Having tried once, clients, according to market participants, in 90% of cases continue experiments, trying more and more new components, often increasing the amount of the check. Contributes to stable demand and short term the validity of the received cosmetic "improvisations" - from one week to two months.

8.2 Network beauticians

The Ukrainian market for trade in components for DIY cosmetics is not even five years old, and only five players are its operators. Located in Kyiv, Zaporozhye, Kharkov and Ternopil, they sell their products exclusively online, which provides them with an all-Ukrainian scale - parcels are delivered courier services or mail.

Each of the players needed over UAH 100,000 to organize the business. Almost all of this amount is spent on the purchase of raw materials abroad (in Russia, Great Britain, France, Germany, China, Belgium, Holland, Denmark). Purchases have to be made exclusively in bulk - these are the conditions of suppliers. So, for example, the minimum supply of cosmetic oils is 25 liters (from? 15/1 liter), and there should be at least 50-60 such positions in the line of a DIY cosmetics dealer at the start.

To store them, you need warehouse space(up to 100 sq. m). Together with office space, you will have to pay 4.5-8 thousand hryvnias for rent every month. Another 3-12 thousand UAH. will go to the salaries of employees, the number of which depends on the scale. Minimum - one person (administrator of the online store). A complete "set" - five people (programmer, accountant, cosmetologist, store administrator and courier).

A beginner who has applied to an online store for the first time is consulted by a full-time cosmetologist online, by phone, helping to determine the type of skin and its basic needs and shortcomings. Then the optimal recipe is selected - and the client orders the ingredients. On average, the cost of one cream is from 26 to 100 UAH. The competitiveness of companies operating on the Web largely depends on the established database, recipes and master classes that are posted on the site and forum.

8.3 Crisis aside

Sellers of components for DIY cosmetics position it exclusively as organic, citing the fact that the ingredients they sell consist of only natural ingredients, do not contain chemical preservatives, synthetic additives and surfactants that violate the protective layer of the skin. And they seriously believe that home-made cosmetics can compete with professional, pharmacy, and in some cases even the mass market.

“Organic cosmetics will attract up to 15-20% of pharmacy and professional consumers, since they are aimed at correcting specific skin problems and are more affordable,” suggests Tatyana Kruglik, director of Aroma Shop. Presumably, in two or three years, the share of organic cosmetics in monetary terms will be about $150-200 million.

It is curious that abroad the niche of DIY cosmetics is not limited to the sale of components for home creaming. Perhaps this practice will subsequently be adopted by Ukrainian companies.

So, for example, American Jill Quillin founded a business selling LipStix ReMix System kits (set price - $ 20), designed to repair and create lipstick at home. Thrifty young ladies can collect debris, pieces and other fondant leftovers, melt them in the microwave and pour liquid lipstick into a special mold. The cured lipstick is back to its normal cylindrical shape and fits easily into the case. In addition, you can mix and melt the lipstick of "unfortunate" colors and create new shades. Her business has been in existence for four years. During this time, Jill managed to acquire an offline point of sale and forked out on TV advertising.

And the founder of Eco-Me, Robin Levine, decided to use her great-grandmother's recipes and ingredients to return the cleaning industry to the natural sources. The company develops and markets kits for customers to compose their own natural cleaning products, hair and skin washes. There are pet grooming kits. In an interview with the American magazine Entrepreneur, Robin Levine said that by the end of 2008, sales should have been about $1 million.

But on this stage Ukrainian players plan to receive additional benefits only from holding master classes (from 300 UAH per hour), developing new areas (for example, selling components for mineral decorative cosmetics- powders, shadows, blush).

“It is not advisable to open offline points of sale because of the narrow assortment compared to traditional cosmetic stores,” says Irina Lilovaya, director of Aroma City. But it is worth thinking about opening an office-warehouse in million-plus cities, providing up to 70% of total sales.

Such additional income will be the most optimal for mothers who spend time on maternity leave or women who are looking for a new high paying job in need of additional financial resources. modern woman periodically encounters financial difficulties. For various reasons, this or that type of activity becomes impossible, then the question arises - how to feed yourself and your family? A wonderful option if the husband in the family earns enough to cover all expenses. But the reality is that more often than one salary is not enough for all needs and you have to find various ways to earn extra money.

Who else is good at working from home? To all those who strive for independence, love a free work schedule, need additional financial support, and most importantly, love to create unique handmade things with their own hands.

Business plan: how to make money on needlework at home

If you are serious about making money from needlework, be sure to write a business plan that includes deciding on a niche, audience, training, materials, place of work, finding clients, etc. Below, we will briefly review each section.

Often, mothers on maternity leave, and even just housewives, strive to become independent and find some kind of occupation that will generate income. Many of us are excellent needlewomen, we like to do what we love, so let's turn our skill into an additional good earnings. We will describe some types of needlework on which you can make good money. Any needlework is easy to master if there is a desire and desire to master the necessary skills.

Knitting is a great needlework for making money, because knitted things never go out of style. Only styles and preferences of people change. If you have knitting skills, you like your creativity, then you can safely start your own home business. Surely every knitter has her own social circle, which will become the first clientele. Then you can post your products on social networks, attracting more customers.

Starting with one knitted thing, over time you can expand your scope of work, offer customers additional types of knitted products:

  • children's products (booties, hats, socks, overalls, etc.);
  • set of hat and scarf-collar for adults;
  • cardigans;
  • toys;
  • gloves, handbags, shirt-fronts, etc.


In order for the product to be in demand, you need to do the work responsibly, using high-quality material.

This type of income requires some investment. For example, for one knitted sweater, you need 500 grams of wool blend yarn. The cost of 100 grams is about 200 rubles. From the calculations it follows that one sweater will require 1000 rubles, plus the cost of fittings.

Taking into account the money and time spent (on average, a sweater is knitted in 3-4 days), the manufacturer independently sets the price for the product. On average, a sweater will cost the buyer 3,000 rubles. The revenue will be approximately 1500 rubles. Agree, this needlework for making money at home is quite profitable.

For their beloved pets, the owners try to purchase special furniture and toys. For dogs, clothing for walking is additionally purchased. This is needlework for making money with minimum investment. For sewing clothes, you will need a sewing machine (as a rule, many needlewomen already have it), threads, fabric, and other accessories. But after the sale of the manufactured item, your costs will pay off doubly.


For example, the minimum cost of a warm overall for dogs is 1,500 rubles, and the cost of fabric and accessories varies from 400 rubles.

If you take on the manufacture of furniture for animals, you need a jigsaw, foam rubber, fabric, plywood, boards, a construction stapler, ropes, sticks, and more. It will also take a certain amount of money.

Ideas for creativity can be drawn from the Internet. Many customers independently choose a model of clothing or furniture. High-quality performance of work guarantees a stable good income.

This type of needlework for making money with your own hands includes great opportunities. This creation:

  • greeting cards;
  • jewelry and bijouterie;
  • artistic modeling;
  • wedding accessories;
  • soaps;
  • aromatic bath bombs.

For the manufacture of handmade products, you need to show imagination, creative ambitions. In addition to your own options, you can draw ideas from the Internet, listen to the wishes and preferences of the customer.

Earnings and investments!

The costs depend on the type of needlework, but on average, the first investment will vary from 2000 rubles. To get started, you can do a few jobs for your social circle. Further expand the range of customers by posting ads describing the type of work and photos of finished products.

Sewing at home has long been popular. If there is talent and desire for this needlework, it will be a great idea to make money at home with minimal investment, since you probably already have the most expensive item for work (a sewing machine).

And before and now people turn to seamstresses, as often in stores the thing they like does not fit in size, or is not sewn to the figure. Sewing on individual orders has always been popular, while craftswomen can get quite a decent income.

In addition to clothing, tailoring services can be offered:

  • soft toys;
  • curtains;
  • bed linen;
  • blankets, etc.


If you have never experienced sewing but want to start a home business, the first step is to get familiar with the basics of sewing. Learn how to make complex patterns, use a sewing machine, know all types of seams, how to complement a product with accessories, and so on. This will take a lot of time and patience.

This type of needlework appeared in the ancient era, when the decoupage technique was used on wooden products. Various patterns were cut out on flowerpots, figurines and other elements, cleaned and varnished. IN modern world decoupage came in completely at a different angle. The basic principle is gluing various cut-out drawings or patterns onto a specific piece of furniture. After gluing, the surface of the object is varnished.

All types of needlework, which can make good money, require a meaningful approach, knowledge, skills, craftsmanship, and imagination. Having all these criteria on the decoupage technique, you can earn good money, and the costs will be minimal. To get started and earn money, you will need:

  • item for decoration (bottles, flower pots, stools, tables, plates, boxes, etc.);
  • PVA glue;
  • patterned napkins or magazine clippings;
  • sandpaper;
  • alcohol;
  • primer;
  • acrylic paints;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • scissors;
  • stationery files;
  • small roller;
  • paint brushes.


All this will take a minimum of funds, but for the time spent and originality, a high monetary reward awaits. For example, the minimum cost of a cutting board made using the decoupage technique is 500 rubles. A box for spices - 1000 rubles, a cup for tea - 350 rubles.

Prepared items can be put up for sale through social networks, supplementing the ad with a photo. Having gathered a clientele, you can easily build your own small business houses that bring good income.

Increasingly, from the population of our country you can hear the question, how to make money at home on needlework? Yes, very simple. The main thing is to decide on the choice of creativity and acquire the material necessary to start work. Here, for example, the technique of weaving from a vine is very popular in the modern world. Products from the vine are environmentally friendly, safe, do not contain chemicals, and therefore have found their calling.


If you are interested in this type of income, you need to undergo training, get acquainted with the technique of performing work, watch several master classes, make something for yourself, your loved ones, and then start selling your products.

Weaving material (vine) is made independently or ready-made rods are purchased from suppliers. Finding suppliers is not a problem - the Internet always comes to the rescue. When the first products easily go on sale, you can think about expanding production. Involve your loved ones. Together organize your own workshop at home, or rent a special room.

The cost of tools for one master is from $ 100, plus necessary material for weaving (rods, paints and varnishes, accessories). As you can see, the costs are not quite minimal, but it's worth it. The cost of one basket varies from $10. On the day the master can make 4-5 products. It turns out that after 2-3 days the cost of the tool will pay off.

This is a fairly profitable business that requires effort and certain skills. For manufacturing, you will need a special machine and a refrigerator for storing finished products. It is advisable to allocate a separate room with a low temperature for work. If candles are made for cakes or pastries, excellent sanitary conditions are needed. All these nuances should be considered when starting a business organization.

Costs and income!

On average, to organize a workplace, taking into account the cost of the machine and consumables, it will take from 6 to 10 thousand rubles. The income from the sale is high, especially during the holidays. The minimum price of unique candles for handmade souvenirs is 300 rubles, a set of decorative scented candles is 1000 rubles.

Sweet bouquets are made from various types of sweets. Education and special skills are completely optional here, the main weapon is talent and imagination. To make the work original, beautiful and elegant, you need a sense of style, the concept of color matching. You can come up with compositions on your own, or you can draw ideas from the Internet.

It does not require large financial investments to operate. All that is needed is:

  • corrugated and colored paper;
  • textile;
  • multi-colored ribbons;
  • wire;
  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • sticks;
  • various decor;
  • candies.

Costs and income!

The production of several types of compositions will require about 2000-3000 rubles of initial capital. The cost of one simple sweet bouquet is 1500 rubles. The more refined the composition, the higher the price. For one bouquet you can get 4500 rubles.

Author's jewelry at all times enjoyed great popularity, because how you want to have a beautiful necklace made to order. This idea will make your dreams of a stable income come true without leaving the walls of your home. The work will require an amazing talent to bring to life the most extraordinary sketches.

Jewelry can be made using the following techniques:

  • weaving from beads;
  • woodcarving;
  • soutache embroidery;
  • weaving from leather and other materials.

If you have a desire to earn money in this way, learning the skill is not so difficult. The main rule is to familiarize yourself with the execution technique, but ideas already need to be taken from your head, because each author has his own style. You can sell the goods according to the standard principle, first we lure our relatives and friends, then we post our photos on social networks, advertising our talent.


Earnings on the sale of designer jewelry depends on your desire and perseverance. The more products you make, the more profit you can make. To start, you need to purchase consumables, it will cost about 7-10 thousand rubles. In a couple of months, these expenses will pay off, since the cost of one designer jewelry varies from 200 to 1500 rubles, depending on the complexity of the work and the quality of the material.

For getting extra income you can conduct master classes with departure. In today's world, people are often interested in various types earnings at home, bringing a good income.

Embroidery is one of the most popular types of needlework, which has not lost its uniqueness in our time. Our grandmothers also embroidered pillowcases, blankets, curtains, etc., thereby creating an unusual comfort in the house.

There are several types of embroidery:

  • smooth surface;
  • stalk;
  • chain;
  • cross;
  • embroidery with ribbons and beads.

Many people turn their hobby into an exciting job at home. Craftswomen can turn the most ordinary thing into an amazing work of art. Now embroidered shirts, blouses, dresses are very popular. But besides this, you can offer your customers embroidery on tablecloths, pillows, towels, napkins, bed linen, paintings, etc. Surely many will like this gift.

To do embroidery as an income, consumables are needed:

  • floss threads and acrylic;
  • gold and silver threads;
  • tapes;
  • beads.


The purchase of these materials will require minor costs. They will be about 5000-7000 rubles. Income from the sale of hand-embroidered products will be quite high. For example, the price for one shirt embroidered with simple technique will be from 700 rubles. The price for exclusive items can reach up to 7000 rubles.

Bubbles today are very popular among those who strive to keep up with the times and organize their interior according to the latest fashion. Soft chairs can complement not only the home interior, but they are also used in offices. It's easy enough to do them. Having familiarized yourself with the technique of execution and having watched several master classes, you can make one chair in 2-3 days.

You can work on manufacturing at home, and sell goods through social networks. To get started, you need to purchase the following materials:

  • sewing machine;
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • scissors;
  • tapes;
  • various decor.


The cost of purchasing material for one bubble will be about 1000 rubles. The minimum price of one chair will be 6000 rubles. As you can see, the profitability of this type of earnings is 500%.

Every parent tries to keep the drawings of their children as a keepsake. Sometimes they turn out so funny, but at the same time they carry a lot of positive and positive emotions. To save amazing unique images, more and more often parents resort to the help of outsiders, ordering them to display the drawing in the form of a soft toy. Imagine how pleasant it will be for a child when his hero takes on a physical form!

You can do the work with any technique, sewing from scraps of fabric or crocheting. To get started, you can try to make a toy according to the drawing of your baby. If everything worked out, then earn money ahead. To get started, you need some consumables:

  • acrylic threads for knitting;
  • hook;
  • textile;
  • sewing threads;
  • needles;
  • synthetic winterizer or other filler.


Initial costs will be minimal, they will amount to approximately 1000 rubles. Earnings will depend on the number of orders and the size of the toys. For example, one soft toy a small size will cost around 250 rubles. You can first look for clients among friends, and then offer services through social networks, posting examples of your past work.

This is a completely new direction of needlework, where you can earn good money. Florarium is a living garden in a small glass container, made by hand. Such compositions can be purchased at large floristic salons. Their cost is quite high. But if you look closely at a small wonderful garden, then we will understand that it is very simple to make it with our own hands. To perform such work requires patience, accuracy, scrupulousness and, of course, imagination.

To get started, you need the following materials:

  • glass container of original shapes (you can use ordinary small aquariums);
  • priming;
  • stones;
  • colored sand;
  • small plants;
  • various figurines for decoration.

There are many creative ideas. You can arrange a forest clearing, seascape, mountains and much more. IN modern society There are a lot of florarium fans, so there will be enough customers.


The initial capital for investment will be approximately 5,000 rubles. Many compositions can be made from the purchased material. The price of one simple florarium is from 1000 rubles.

In this case, it is used various material(wood, shells, beads, sequins and other decorative elements). Interesting ideas and execution schemes can be scooped from the Internet. When there are enough customers, you can fulfill orders according to their preferences. This type of income will be profitable, as handmade things have always been valued.


The initial capital will be from 3000 to 4000 rubles. And the cost of one small box of simple execution will be from 1000 rubles.

Many believe that this work is not serious and will not bring big income. But it's not. In fact, making souvenir magnets can make good money.

You can make the following types of magnets:

  • with congratulatory inscriptions;
  • with jokes;
  • funny and funny;
  • educational for children;
  • calendars;
  • dedicated to certain events and holidays.

For the manufacture of magnets, you will need the following materials:

  • magnet;
  • material for the product (wood, plastic, glass, clay, etc.);
  • acrylic paints;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • beads, sequins and other decorative materials.


To start, you need to purchase these materials, which will cost about 7,000 rubles. Next, let's get to work. For 1 working day, you can make from 5 magnets. The cost of a unique product starts from 100 rubles and more, depending on the complexity of the implementation.

We presented 15 needlework business ideas, which one to choose is up to you. Try, experiment, if the first time does not work, do it a second time. The main thing is desire, aspiration, perseverance and perseverance.

Handmade business from scratch: where to start, what to do to find customers, business mistakes.

Do what you love and you won't have to work a single day in your life! The catchphrase that flooded social networks, business books and even self-development trainings beckons and scares at the same time.

It would seem that I love needlework, I can just do it around the clock, but how can I earn money without it? In this article you will find answers to all your questions, and if not, write in the comments and we will definitely answer them.

Needlework. home business

To begin with, it is worth understanding some questions and understanding whether you are ready for such a step in life:

  • You can make money on needlework without much difficulty if you find an intermediary seller who has an already recognizable trading platform and regular customers. The intermediary provides you with an order and raw materials, you send the finished product. All communication with the client, force majeure, etc. in this case, go to an intermediary, which greatly facilitates the life of a creative person, but at the same time, on average, 50% of the income will go to the intermediary, and you won’t make a recognizable brand like that
  • Opening own business very laborious process. The first time (it can be a year or five years) will have to work all the time. You should prepare in advance that orders will not fall like from a cornucopia. Therefore, if your income is the main one in the house, at first you should not leave a permanent place of work, but combine it. Or temporarily find an intermediary and in those moments when there are no orders, pick up the intermediary's orders

  • Perfectly master the type of needlework on which you plan to earn. As soon as you feel like a professional, start mastering the next areas of your needlework. For example, if you specialize in embroidery, master the maximum number of techniques, especially rare and impressive ones.
  • Remember, customer service is an art. Didn't work in sales? Attend relevant trainings, or at least read relevant business literature. If the soul does not lie at all in communicating with the client, hire an intermediary. After all, 90% of the sale depends on contact with the client and only 10% on the product itself.
  • Be prepared that the customer is always right. If the client is not satisfied, the work will have to be redone. There are also cases of urgent orders. In this case, it is necessary to work practically without sleep, but payment for urgent orders is usually 10-15% more

Home business: needlework from scratch

So, you've made up your mind. We will immediately assure you that you are not alone in this endeavor, at this very moment in many corners of our big planet, wrapped in cozy blankets, thousands more women and men are planning the same thing as you - their business. Some of them are handmade business. The main mistake of many novice home-grown businessmen (but they don’t teach this at school, so mistakes in this case are quite acceptable) is silence. Do you know what the power of sales is in in social networks? In the notorious word of mouth. And you can start it only by declaring yourself. No need to invite friends and acquaintances to buy something from you.

Just brag about your work! And complement the fact that you do this work, both for the soul and to order. Also be active in social networks, post your work, both on your page and in thematic groups. All photos and videos must be watermarked with your name or logo.

  • Photo. See which photos do you like the most? Clear, bright, saturated. Make sure that your photos are attractive, otherwise the rest of the effort will come to naught

Your creations are a commodity. Most will be made to order, but if there is finished products, it should not gather dust on the shelves in your home. Find shops, art cafes in your city ready to take your goods for sale. Take a photo of the item and take measurements. This is useful in order to put up for sale on social networks and on marketplaces.

Exhibitions and fairs of handmade

This is a great opportunity to express yourself. It is necessary to prepare for such an event in advance. There should be enough work on your counter so that there are no empty spaces in the window. In addition to your creations, prepare yourself. You are the face of the brand - you should look accordingly.

You need to take business cards with you, which will indicate the type of activity, your data, as well as links to your web resources. Today it is more important than the phone. Do you want to make it easier for the client and stand out from the crowd? Place the QR code on your business card. A small nuance will attract a younger audience.

The fair of handmade craftsmen will allow not only to declare oneself and sell their works, but also to make new acquaintances, get acquainted with the works of other participants, and perhaps draw new ideas.

If this is a third-party type of needlework, you and the master are not competitors to each other. Pretend you want to buy. Specify the price, and at home you can analyze it, perhaps you should also create such works.

Shop for needlework business

The brand must have its own website. Especially the handicraft brand. Depending on the budget, the site can be ordered from a specialized company, or you can create it yourself. WordPress is one of the simplest and most popular website builders. Initially, it is absolutely free, but there are also paid features.

For the promotion and recognition of the site requires an impressive budget. When opening a business, most often the budget is very scarce and there is no way to promote the site in a quality manner. In this case, start taking the first steps on bulletin boards, auctions, and handmade-oriented marketplaces.

Important: the post-Soviet space, unfortunately, is most often not ready to pay worth money for manual work. Therefore, your goal is a European and American client. To do this, study the conditions and opportunities of the world trading floors and be sure to check them out. The coverage of the solvent audience is amazing. Best sites: eBay, Etsy, Amazon, zibbet.

Business plan for a needlework store

Unfortunately, most start-up entrepreneurs do not pay enough attention to business planning. Accordingly, the business develops chaotically, and as you know, such a business most often disappears after a short time.

If you do not plan to attract investments, then a full-fledged detailed business plan may not be appropriate. But still there are points that need to be put in writing and stick to it.

Here are some details to consider:

  • Inventory. Write which one you have, which one you need to buy. Thus, investments will no longer be chaotic, but pre-planned
  • Raw material. If you already have a start-up business, and not a hobby in which you can invest as much money as you like, then you need to start deliberately purchasing raw materials. Retail Stores leave it to the fans. Look for wholesale or small wholesale warehouses and conclude contracts. Thus, with the same number of orders, you will raise profits by 10-30%

  • Planned income. Write real numbers, based primarily on how much you can produce. For example, a knitter can knit a cardigan in 10 days. Accordingly, it is simply not advisable to set the amount of profit per month more than the profit from 3 cardigans. Having received this figure, you will really take a look at your business and finally decide whether you are ready to work for this amount without days off for the whole month. Not ready? Change the technique or type of needlework, the work of which is more appreciated
  • Where do you plan to sell, how much are you willing to spend on advertising, on creating and maintaining a website, social pages. Remember, creating a little, you need to constantly maintain a resource and attract more and more new customers. No clients, no income. The sale of hand-made goods is a very laborious process and must be approached thoroughly.

business art supplies

Needlework is a business in itself. Have you found an excellent wholesale warehouse, but there is not enough turnover to cooperate with it? Consider selling craft supplies. You, as a master, will be able, like no one else, to tell the buyer about the product, recommend something, and even unobtrusively offer related products. Selling products that you know absolutely everything about is clearly a successful business.

Handmade ideas for a needlework business

Types of needlework for business can be very diverse. It is impossible to say in advance whether this or that type of needlework will be in demand, because today individuality, uniqueness, and, of course, high quality are valued.

Do not forget that in order to open your own business, you first need to be a master of your craft, and also understand that the business process is very extensive, and success will require not only to create, but also to sell your creations professionally.

Handmade bracelets

Handmade goods are very diverse, one of the types of goods that sell well is bracelets. The cost of such a product is affordable, the decoration is in demand in everyday life and both fashionistas and hand-made gifts are happy to purchase it.

handmade toys

Usually, any handmade fair or exhibition is overflowing with handmade toys. And you know what? By the end of the fair, the toy sellers' counters are mostly empty, and a list of orders appears in the notebooks.

Toys can be very diverse. These are ethno-dolls, and key chains for phones, bags, and goods for children, and hand-made dolls with their own hands, as well as an interior doll. Note that the interior doll is the most expensive of this series, but it takes a lot of time to make such a doll.

Handmade for home

This creative niche is regularly updated with new and new types of work. It seems like we've seen everything. But no, new types of needlework for business are sure to appear. By the way, such goods are best purchased for presents.

When developing a business in the niche of home goods, do not forget to mention gifts, exclusive gifts, etc. in advertising. Handmade decor is in demand in themed coffee houses, cafes and other themed establishments. Don't discard great regular customers. Prepare special offer and send it to the directors of institutions

Handmade painting

This type of creativity has undergone many changes in recent years. Ten years ago, the picture was associated either with landscapes made of straw and other natural materials, or flowers and leather decor, or oil paintings. Today, in the age of electronic technology, graphic design also refers to creativity. And the works of designers printed on canvas are sold for very impressive amounts.

Wedding handmade

Here, in addition to the main business development, we can recommend the conclusion of contracts with wedding salons, wedding organizers, toastmasters, etc. If you have a website at the time of concluding contracts, offer to place free advertising on your website, prepare offers with discounts for organizers, etc. In general, your offer should be significantly more attractive than those of your competitors.

Handmade leather

Handmade handmade leather products top quality in a single copy. Do not make the mistakes of some masters - do not create two or more duplicate products. Just once, customers will see their thing on another person, and your reputation will forever be ruined. The handmade brand is a brand of individuality.

Handmade flowers

This niche is crowded today, but if you are truly a master of your craft, you will easily win over your audience. But in it, like nowhere else, you will need to create unique products.

And in conclusion, we add - it is always scary to start. We've all heard how many businesses open and how few stay afloat for more than a year. But this is not a reason to give up and continue to do unloved work.

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