Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Organization of job search includes. Ways to find a job. What should be the preparation? I am Vasya, I am going for an interview at the Romashka LLC company. What is important for me to find out exactly and prepare so that I can at least pass this interview well?

“Employment and Unemployment” - Forms wages. Unemployment. Causes of unemployment. Wage. Forms of unemployment. Sphere of demand formation. Labor market. Human capital. Consequences of unemployment. Factors. Activities of people. Types of unemployment. Living wage. Negative underutilization of economic potential.

“Types of unemployment” - Statistics. Unemployment among foreigners. For a long time. Voluntary unemployment. The presence of hidden quantitative unemployment. Hidden forms of unemployment. National concepts of unemployment accounting. Present tense. Low chances. Frictional unemployment. Specifics of Russian unemployment. Socio-economic phenomenon.

“Forms and consequences of unemployment” - The role of the state in ensuring employment. Types of unemployment. I'm looking for a job. Types and forms of unemployment. Population of the country. Consequences of unemployment. Economic situation. Introducing students to the phenomenon of unemployment. Companion to the market economy. Unemployment. Forced character. Good. Causes of unemployment. Command economy.

“The essence and types of unemployment” - Labor market diagram. Macroeconomics. Acceleration of inflation. Actual and natural unemployment rates. Total workforce. Busy. Frictional unemployment rate. Natural level growth factors. Reverse formula. Unemployed. Okun's Law. Work force. Population structure. Potential GDP.

“Labor market and unemployment” - Place in the labor market. Inflation. Unemployment. Natural rate of unemployment. Report from the creative team on in-demand and undemanded professions. Blitz survey. Work. Employment of young people. Unemployment rate. The man lost his job. What is a resume? Judgments about the unemployed. Professional education.

“Inflation and Unemployment” - Phillips Curve. "Rule of magnitude 70." Who can be recognized as unemployed under Russian law? Government regulation prices Causes of inflation. Inflation. Topic 3. Macroeconomic imbalances: inflation and unemployment. Social consequences. Types of open inflation. Types of inflation.

There are a total of 14 presentations in the topic

Job search tactics are the nature of your actions in resolving this issue, taking into account the influence of various circumstances:

If you are unemployed for a long time (more than six months), then it is more likely to set your job search tactics in such a way that the main goal is to get a job in general and with a good wages in particular. At the same time, you should not be scrupulous about your qualifications, work experience and other professional qualities, which may not be taken into account when determining your salary level or position. On the contrary, being unemployed, you should constantly remember the axiom where the time factor determines everything and everyone, and not our desires and moods. It is he who destroys the continuity of seniority and calls into question professional competence. Therefore, your job search tactics should be based on the real state of your affairs. Therefore, first – employment as such, and after adaptation to a new workplace, it will be possible to substantively understand your prospects in this organization.

If you work in one organization and want to move to work in another organization. Of course, here you should show maximum attention to your prospects. The basic rule is that “you should prepare for the transition from organization to organization in advance, and not in last moment, when the need arises." In this regard, it is advisable not so much to independently analyze information on the labor market, but to choose a specific recruitment agency (and more than one), that is, an organization that will professionally begin to resolve this issue. Thus, setting up this work , will allow you to: cover a wide range of offers from employers, navigate the working conditions in various organizations in your specialty and compare market offers with yours. This approach will allow you to optimize your search options and achieve clear or positive results.

If you have not worked until now and decide to get a job. First, it is necessary to clarify your position: it is one thing if you have just graduated educational institution; it’s another matter if after studying you immediately found yourself on maternity leave and didn’t get to work; third, if life has not worked out for you to work in a timely manner, but your current situation forces you to do so; fourth, if you are or have become disabled. Naturally, these options can be “intertwined.” To understand your prospects here, you should start by carefully reviewing all your official documents: education, advanced training courses, various certificates, and so on. At the same time, on one side you should put aside what in your opinion (and for this, check the information on the labor market) is still relevant, and on the other side, what in your opinion is outdated or is no longer interesting to you. If at least one official document falls under relevance, then do not mope, and act through a recruitment agency, as well as on your own. If you fail with current documents, then focus on self-employment and take on any job, even not in your specialty. Because, in market conditions, you should first decide on your financial situation, and then only think about resolving the situation in principle. Therefore, it is especially important for students to gain work experience in their specialty during an internship, which should be properly documented in accordance with current legislation. Do you have even a small practical experience(from several months) will fundamentally distinguish you from your colleagues in study or in a similar position, which will increase your chances of finding work conditions acceptable to you.

If you want to improve your official position in the same organization, that is, to advance in position, first of all, you should strengthen your rear and relationships with colleagues and immediate supervisors (managers) of divisions (departments, workshops) of the organization. At the same time, it is also advisable initially to clarify for yourself what is more acceptable for you - the position of a leader (manager) or a leading specialist, possibly with an equivalent salary, but also with a greater production load. If you decide to go for a higher position, worry in advance about your successor, who will definitely consult with you, and become familiar in advance with managers of a similar level of management in the organization so that they do not expect any unpredictable surprises from you. If you still decide to remain in your previous position, then try to let as many of the organization’s personnel as possible know about it and, as compensation, achieve the maximum official salary and other incentive payments. This will be received positively by your colleagues and co-workers, which will seriously improve your business reputation.

A job search plan in an organization can be presented as certain stages or stages of search work:

Indicate the beginning of the search, where to formulate the main tasks to achieve the goal.

Start your search, taking into account the peculiarities of the action of various labor market factors.

Provide options and schemes for job search, including features of searching via the Internet, as well as independently, through an order, or in combination.

Decide how to maintain personal safety during the search.

Determine control over the work being carried out and prompt assessment of its results.

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To make your choice, you must take into account the qualities that you possess today and understand what type of personnel you are. Correctly determining your type will allow you to get serious competitive advantage in the job market, because with this mindset you have every chance of becoming the best in your field.

Practical advice

The first and most important step to a successful career is the right choice of your path, the professional field where you will realize your potential.

If you are attracted to some other role - for example, you want to work in the area where "corporate people" are most successful - then first of all, evaluate what you will need to do to acquire not only the external attributes, but also the inner essence of a corporate person "If you are already in a situation of a certain choice and have begun your professional path, then you also need to understand what type of people in your chosen profession are most successful. Then you need to evaluate yourself, understand what type of employee you belong to, and based on this develop and build your career.

In business, only rare people, depending on the situation and goals, are able to move from one type to another. They are the most successful employees of the company and most often become managers.

The effectiveness of your job search depends on your activity. It is important which path you take in your search.

Ways to find a job:

1. Appeal to friends and relatives.

2. Constantly calling companies.

3. Reading special publications.

4. Contacting recruitment agencies and employment services.

(Employment agencies should be distinguished from personnel selection agencies (recruiting agencies).

Employment agencies provide jobs. Recruiting agencies look for workers at the request of employer firms.

5. “Mr. Case.”

Organizations, institutions, companies, firms increasingly prefer open competitive selection to other methods of finding an employee, including hiring on the recommendation of friends or relatives. Many conduct lengthy interviews and psychological testing with applicants.

The most effective way to find a job is to use the capabilities of your parents, their acquaintances, as well as the parents and acquaintances of your friends and classmates. Try to inform everyone who can really help you about your plans and intentions.

Give up the idea of ​​keeping your plans secret from your parents. Consultations with older family members during employment are essential. Firstly, when applying for a job in some organizations, written permission from parents is required, and secondly, at the first stage you may need certain financial investments. For example, payment for services recruitment agency to provide assistance in finding a job.

Looking for a job nowadays is not an easy task even for highly qualified specialists.

By dealing with the problems of your own employment, you will understand how to communicate and behave in a business environment, get acquainted with the offices and operating principles of various organizations, learn to comply with the agreements reached, as well as be punctual and organized. If you have a habit of being late or not showing up at all, if you think that others should delve into your problems, the employment process will quickly rid you of illusions and force you to seriously engage in self-education.

In the business world, such tricks don’t pass on the first try, because no one will teach you if you don’t know how, and no one will force you if you don’t want to. One or two delays, solving personal problems at the expense of working time - and an offer to break up forever follows. This is what many reputable companies do in relation to their employees without making any allowance for age, professional or life experience. So your employment, regardless of its results, will teach you to solve your problems on your own.


To reach potential employers you need

carry out self-marketing (promotion) competently and effectively.

Setting a goal.

Types of goals when searching for a job.

1. Professional.

2. Financial.


(Napoleon Hill's method based on the book “Think and Grow Rich”).

The same person can receive different offers from employers - according to position, according to the content and conditions of work, and according to his pay.

How to correctly evaluate yourself without underestimating or overestimating the price?

To find out the correct “price of a product”, start selling it.

“I am the Product”, “I am the Seller”.

Main stages of self-marketing:

Determine your job search goals;

Work intensively to communicate information about yourself to potential employers;

Write a resume correctly;

When making telephone or personal contact with a potential employer, try to present yourself favorably as a future employee;

Negotiate and negotiate wisely profitable terms work;

When you go to work, do everything necessary to gain a foothold and be a good specialist.

4.Preparing a resume.

Majority business letters is a request or statement.

The CV that you send to employers is also a kind of request.

Personal resume is yours business card, containing information about your professional merits, qualifications and work history.

This is an essay on the topic “I am the best candidate for this vacancy.”

Purpose of the resume.

The purpose of a resume is to interest the employer and receive an invitation to a personal interview.

Therefore, you need to try to ensure that the information is comprehensive. There is no single standard for writing a resume.

Employers prefer to see a brief, one-page resume organized in chronological order.

To present professional merits in a favorable light, involvement in work that may interest the employer.

Don’t forget - the role of a resume is quite large: you will not have a “second chance to make a first impression” on the employer!

Your resume should stand out in the general flow of information. If you talk to an employer in person, then your resume will help him quickly figure out what kind of specialist is in front of him.

Rules for writing a resume.

Exist various ways writing a resume. But in any case the rules must be followed:

For a vacancy and something new every time;

Brevity (this is not an autobiography or an extract of their work book)

Accuracy and literacy;

Achievement orientation;

Information is supplied in blocks,

The goal is clearly formulated;

You can't lie.

Resume style.

On average, it takes no more than one minute to read a resume, so it is very important to immediately attract the employer’s attention, interest him and encourage him to schedule an interview with you.

It represents summary the most important facts about your biography for a potential employer, mainly related to your work experience, skills and knowledge.

IN modern society people often change their place of work. Today there is no shame in working in one place for no more than 5 years. They will not look at you askance if you are looking for your place in the sun. What methods of finding a job exist? Read about it below.

How to find a job

Have you recently quit your job? Or maybe you just graduated from university and don’t know where to go. What are the stages of job search? Effective ways job search can be divided into several points.

  • Writing a resume. Before you think about where to find a job, you need to think about what knowledge you have and what you can offer to the company. Write your resume. What should it look like? You can find a standard form and make your resume according to the sample. But this option is not welcomed by all companies. HR managers pay great attention to how a person positions himself. You need to be creative when writing your resume. Write down everything that you think a future employer might like. You should definitely mention your work experience, if any. Write yours best qualities, which will help you stand out from your competitors. It is advisable to tell short stories in two or three sentences that will show you from the best side.
  • Posting and sending out resumes. Once the document has been completed, it must be sent. Send your resume to various companies and post it on relevant websites. But you shouldn’t wait for a miracle and wait for responses. If after a week you still haven’t received a call from your dream job, call them yourself and check if your resume has arrived.
  • Go online independently and send your resume. Feel free to call and ask about available positions in the companies you would like to work for. Managers do not always update vacancies on time; perhaps there are vacancies in the company and you will be the first candidate for an interview. Ask your acquaintances and friends, maybe they can advise you something. You can check with your former colleagues who have changed jobs to see if their company needs employees.
  • Passing the interview. The last stage of the search is direct personal contact with management or manager. Nice resume- this is not yet an indicator of your abilities. Try to behave confidently when meeting in person and not worry about whether you will be hired or not. Remember, there are always options. Don't grab the first option that comes your way. If you worry too much during an interview, you will make a bad impression.


The best way to find a job is to independently study all possible vacancies. You should look for them on the Internet. Today there are many sites, for example, “Avito” and “My Advertising”. Such virtual spaces allow you to find work in any specialty and with any skills. You need to select the appropriate section and subsection. This method of searching for a job involves looking at not just one source, but at least three. Do you think vacancies are the same everywhere? This is a false statement. All employers post their recruitment advertisements on different platforms. Yes, they may duplicate vacancies on several popular sites, but not on all of them. To find a job, it is not enough to look through advertisements once a week. Job openings appear every day. View advertisements and make your responses.

You can find your dream job not only on specialized sites. What are the different ways to find a job online? You need to look through social networks. In official groups large firms you can find the latest information. You can view groups of those companies that interest you. Be sure to pay attention to contextual advertising. If you persistently look for a job for 3 days, links with job offers will periodically pop up on your monitor. Don't ignore them.


It's easy to find a job if you live in a large city. What if your registration is in the provinces and you don’t want to leave? Ways to actively search for a job in this case is to look at local newspapers. Such printed publications come out every week, and the information in them is updated regularly. Browse various periodicals. They will offer all kinds of vacancies, which will be divided into subsections. But keep in mind that company management does not always know in which section to advertise. Therefore, you should consider all related areas of your profession. The main ways to find a job in newspapers is to carefully study all the columns. It's easy to find a job if you don't have a specific area of ​​expertise. It is much more difficult to find a vacancy for a person who wants to work in the profession acquired at the institute. So don't limit yourself to finding your niche only in newspapers. Consider other options as well.

Submitting a resume

One of the most popular job search sites today is On this site, every person applying for any vacancy must leave his resume. Then you should find those offers that interest you more than others and respond to them. Your resume will be considered not only by those companies to which you have submitted a request, but also by those that are interested in your candidacy. Such modern way job search makes the task easier for both specialists and managers. But this approach has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. You will not receive personal communication with executives or managers. It will be possible to become familiar with the working conditions only during the interview. But wages often play a big role for people. In the ad it may be one thing, but in reality it is completely different. And in the end, it turns out that a person spends a lot of time on interviews that are completely uninteresting to him. But still, there are undoubtedly advantages. You may be noticed by those who are interested in your candidacy. You can receive a request not only from your city, but also from neighboring regions. Independently monitor work big city very difficult. So for a person from the provinces, thanks to such servers, it is quite possible to sign up for an interview in the capital or in another large city.


Job search methods via the Internet are very convenient, but they do not always help you find your place in the sun. And then agencies come to the rescue. Such institutions are engaged in selecting ideal candidates for a particular vacancy. By turning to a specialized agency for help, you will definitely be sure that the work that will be offered to you will not turn out to be just another scam. It often happens that a person finds a job as a lawyer through an advertisement and signs up for an interview. But in reality it turns out that the office is engaged in trade and all that can offer the candidate is the position of manager. There is no point in wasting your time on such dubious organizations. Agencies vet employers and candidates. So it’s no longer possible to get a pig in a poke. And this fact is very seductive. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, one of the ways to find work and find employment should be through an agency. It gets its money deservedly, as it provides guarantees for the services provided.


Do you like to attend various social parties and take all kinds of courses? For some, it may be a revelation that attending such events is one of the effective ways to find a job. People gathered at the opening of an art gallery can invite a guest to become their employee. If a person is interested in finding a job in a particular field, he will be able to freely find out from experts at the party how to start a career and where it is most profitable to do this. There is no shame in talking about work at events. People come to such meetings to socialize and get to know each other, so don’t consider visiting museums, galleries or courses a waste of time and money. Think of these hikes as another way to find your place in life.

Finding rational ways to organize career guidance work can lead a person to courses. For example, if a girl has wanted to become a florist all her life, she can undergo two weeks of training, and then talk to her teachers about finding a job. Teachers of these types of courses always have a wide circle of acquaintances, which allows them to quickly find employment for their former students. If you are unsure that you will get a job after completing your studies, ask this question before paying money for such courses.

Visiting potential jobs

It’s one thing to look for a managerial position, and quite another to try to get a job as a doctor or teacher. Effective ways to find a job for those who are looking for something specific is to bypass budgetary and commercial establishments. You can rarely find a vacancy for a dentist in advertisements, but by direct contact with the management of one of the clinics closest to your home, you can get a good idea of ​​the situation throughout the city. If there are no places for you in a particular hospital, the telephone number of the clinic where a vacancy is open will be found for you. Not always budget and commercial organizations touch. Therefore, you should try two or three different establishments. Based on the information received, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about where it is better to go and where you should not go.

Such rounds can be done not only by those who are looking for work in a specific specialty. If you want to work as a salesperson, go to your nearest grocery store and call the manager. Explain your situation to the person, tell them about your work experience, and ask if there is a vacancy for you. Personal communication helps build trust, and the person will do everything in their power to help you.

Job fair

If you have already tried all the methods and methods of finding a job, but the experiments were not successful, then you can wait until the beginning of the next quarter. Every season, job fairs are held in all cities. At such events you can find work in any specialty. If you are a doctor, cosmetologist, builder or librarian, feel free to go to the job fair. At such events you can get detailed information about most large and medium-sized urban companies. Each visitor will have the opportunity to communicate with managers or company leaders. You can immediately go through something like a mini-interview. You can ask any questions and receive clear answers. There will be no need to linger at one table for a long time. You can exchange contacts and promise to send a resume. If you are really interested in any vacancy, you can immediately sign up for a full interview.

A job fair is a place where college students and graduates can come. Young specialists will be able to find jobs in the professions that interest them. If students do not have work experience, they may be offered paid internships or the position of assistant specialist.

Labor exchange

Don't want to look for a job on your own, or don't have the money to pay an agency? Then one of the ways to find a job is through the labor exchange. Of course, not everyone can take it up, but only those who have not yet worked, or those who have been fired. If you left the company due to at will, the road to the stock exchange is closed to you. But everyone else is welcome there with open arms. All kinds of methods and methods of finding a job take a lot of time and effort. By joining the labor exchange, a person gains more than he loses. Firstly, the minimum wage will be credited to your account monthly. Secondly, you will find vacancies in your specialty in trusted companies. Thirdly, if you cannot find a job, you will be sent for free to study at your choice. Some people even manage to cheat by specifically joining the labor exchange in order to take some courses for free. You can train to be a cook, seamstress or hairdresser. The specialties, of course, will not be university ones, but after the courses you are guaranteed employment.

Poll of friends

One of the ways to find a job is to find employment through connections. In our country, people often get jobs this way. If you have someone you know in the administration, at the labor exchange, or in some other large company, then feel free to contact him. There is no need to be shy here. It won't be difficult for a person to find you appropriate place, and you will need it. Think you don't have connections? Everyone has them. An adult who has graduated from school and university can find acquaintances through acquaintances. Talk to your friends and classmates. Perhaps someone they know has a place they can hold for you. Don't be afraid to reach out to your teachers or mentors. Students cannot always find a good place without work experience, and teachers can help them solve the problem. Think about your colleagues or friends. Finding them will be easy thanks to social networks. Chat with your friends and then ask if they have a suitable vacancy. Why does this method of employment work better than others? Your friends know you and are aware that you are a competent specialist. This is how you will be introduced to the management of the company. And when the director of the enterprise has the opportunity to hire a trusted person or look for someone who may not be suitable, he will make a choice in favor of you.

Word of mouth

What other ways to find a job are there? Finding a job through friends is a good option. But not everyone has an uncle in the administration or an aunt who is a school director. Those who are less fortunate will have to achieve everything on their own. How? Should be earned good reputation. This job search option is only suitable for those who freelance. Specialists need to collect a strong portfolio, and then go with it to all kinds of offices. If you are a good artist, then start your own blog or post your work on Instagram and VKontakte. Thanks to your creative approach, you will be able to earn your first subscribers. It is these people who will be able to bring you your first money, and then popularity. Create to order, create just for fun, but remember that you need to do not only what you like. Draw for people. You need to gain your audience, because it is thanks to them that you have a chance to become famous. People who create music, draw, dance, or invent creative ideas for business development, they can create a name for themselves through their efforts. You need to offer your talents wherever they may be in demand. Don't forget to tell all your friends and family about what you're doing. And whenever possible, mention your field of activity to your new acquaintances. Only after you make your name known will it start working for you. Until then, you will have to work day and night to earn a piece of bread. But such a game is worth the candle. After working for two or three years, you won’t think about where to get a job. You will be able to make money from something that brings you pleasure. When a hobby is a job, we can assume that the person is not working. A free schedule and the ability to plan your day the way you want will be a pleasant bonus.

How to get a good job high paying job and build successful career Shevchuk Denis Alexandrovich

7.3. Organization of job search

Organizing a job search includes not only identifying those places where you can find an acceptable job option, but also the methods and means by which you can carry out this process, choosing acceptable options, considering them from different angles, taking into account the time factor. This will allow you to systematize your actions in this direction, take into account requirements and desires in accordance with priorities and determine a chain of sequential events.

For example: salary level, nature of work, service, relationships. Or: the nature of the work, the level of wages, relationships and service. Or: the position of the organization, the level of wages, attitude and service, the nature of the work.

Thus, depending on the priority option, a proper job search is organized. At the same time, it is important to use the necessary techniques and methods to bring the search to a successful result.

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