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The fastest jet plane in the world. The fastest planes. Planes that break the sound barrier

We admire how fast a regular passenger plane can reach and how quickly it can get us from one part of the world to another. Few people know, but the speed of passenger airliners usually does not exceed 900 km / h. Almost any jet fighter will be able to overtake such a vessel, developing a speed of about three times as much.

But there are aircraft whose speed exceeds this indicator - hypersonic aircraft. Hypersonic devices are devices that are capable of reaching speeds several times higher than the speed of sound in flight.

A specific indicator that would allow aircraft to be classified as hypersonic has not yet been determined by researchers.

Another criterion that causes constant controversy is the way the device is controlled. Some researchers are of the opinion that only those ships can be called aircraft, managed by a person. According to another point of view, drones can also be classified as aircraft. Such a division can be considered quite justified, since unmanned vehicles have more advanced technical characteristics. Also, the subject of dispute is the ability of the aircraft to take off independently or using other powerful carriers.

Be that as it may, most researchers are of the unanimous opinion, according to which the determining factor in classifying a particular model as a hypersonic model is the maximum speed of the aircraft that it can develop while in the air. This approach allows several times to expand the list of models of hypersonic aircraft, which are being developed by engineers from all over the world. Of course, many are interested in what is the fastest aircraft in the world that is already cutting through the sky, and what characteristics it has.

Celestial Speed ​​Rating

To answer this interesting question, let's make a rating: "The fastest planes in the world Top 10". In it, we will celebrate those models of air transport that rightfully deserve to go down in history due to their characteristics.

10th place: Tupolev Tu-144

Photograph of Tupolev Tu-144 aircraft

The speed performance of the Tu-144 would not allow it to enter the top 10 fastest aircraft. However, it would be wrong not to mention him in this rating. Tupolev took an honorable tenth place, as it is the first supersonic passenger airliner in the world. Its first flight was dated back to 1968. This event was literally a gift for the field of aviation development, as the flight took place on December 31, just on the eve of the New Year celebration. But the most significant event in the history of the Tu-144 took place on June 5, 1969, when he managed to overcome sound barrier at an altitude of 11 km. Tupolev Tu-144 is the fastest passenger aircraft in the world, accelerating up to 2,500 km/h.

9th place: General Dynamics F-111

In ninth place is a tactical bomber, accelerating to a speed of 3060 km / h. Unfortunately, the model was decommissioned in the late 90s. At one time, the device became the first aircraft that could change the sweep of the wing, which gave it a significant advantage in the air.

8th Place: McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle

8th position is given to the American all-weather fighter, which is one of the most successful aircraft. Now this model is still important part armed forces of the US Air Force and will not leave the system until at least 2025. In addition, the American command plans to produce these devices for about three more years. The vessel can gain speed equal to 3065 km/h.

7th place: MiG-31

Domestic sky guard MiG-31

The seventh line was occupied by a domestic aircraft capable of accelerating to 3463.92 km / h. The device boasts the presence of two powerful engines, allowing it to develop supersonic speeds at both high and low altitudes. Unfortunately, the production of this combat vessel was stopped in the first half of the 90s.

6th place: XB-70 Valkyrie

Sixth place went to the strategic bomber, whose main task during the Cold War would be the delivery of nuclear weapons. It was assumed that the speed of 3672 km / h would be needed by the device in order to elude Soviet interceptors, but, more importantly, still not fall under the consequences of a nuclear explosion. Only two aircraft of this model were created.

5th place: Bell X-2 Starbuster

The next place goes to an experimental aircraft, the main purpose of which is to study the conditions of flight at high speeds. According to preliminary data, the aircraft could reach a speed of 3911.9 km / h. The first flight of the device took place in 1954, but two years later this program had to be stopped. The fact is that after the plane has reached its maximum speed, the pilot will no longer be able to control it.

4th place: MiG-25

The MiG-25 aircraft was built especially for organizing interceptions of American reconnaissance aircraft, which took an honorable fourth place. The device has unique features:

  • develops a speed of 3916.8 km / h;
  • strikes targets at an altitude of up to 25 km.

The aircraft proved to be excellent in some conflicts and is still in the ranks of the armed forces of some countries. In total, 1100 aircraft of this type were created.

3rd place: Lockheed YF-12

In 3rd place was the device, which was developed as a prototype of an aircraft capable of reaching a speed equal to 3.35 the speed of sound. This aircraft model received several honorary titles, which later moved, roughly speaking, to Lockheed's "brother" - to the SR-71 Blackbird model. Both devices were designed by designer Clarence "Kelly" Johnson. The maximum speed that the YF-12 could develop was 4100.4 km / h.

2nd place: SR-71 Blackbird

"Blackbird", and this is how the name of this model can be translated into Russian, was used by the US Air Force and NASA. Moreover, the first plane was needed to carry out strategic reconnaissance missions, and the second - for research purposes. A total of 32 ships were built, since the creation of the apparatus was associated with an important problem: high temperature apparatus, to which he warmed up in flight. In addition, this model requires special fuel to operate, and refueling can only be done in flight. Thrush speed - 4102.8 km / h.

1st Place: North American X-15

The fastest manned hypersonic aircraft

The speed of the fastest manned aircraft is 8200.8 km/h. The model was developed specifically for research related to hypersonic flight, in which the vessel is controlled by a pilot. The aircraft is equipped with a rocket engine and launches from a strategic bomber. It is noteworthy that the ship can rise to a height of 107 km. Actively used until 1970.

Unmanned Rivals

The jet-powered Boeing X-43 is now the fastest unmanned aircraft in the world. The first flight of the device was unsuccessful, as the plane crashed after only 11 seconds in the air. But already the third flight of the X-43A was crowned with the setting of a new world speed record - 11,230 km / h.

Orbital Sciences Corporation X-34 could get the title of the fastest aircraft, but this is prevented by one "but". In theory, the ship can accelerate to 12,144 km/h. However, during the experimental flights, he could not catch up with his main rival and gained speed less than 11,230 km / h.

Dangerous competition

Chinese WU-14 hypersonic developments deserve special consideration. In essence, the WU-14 is a guided glider mounted on an intercontinental ballistic missile. Missile complex launches the device into space, from where it dives sharply down, while gaining incredible speed. During testing, this device was able to develop a speed that exceeded the mark of 12,000 km / h. But many researchers are of the opinion that this development does not belong to the class of aircraft, but to be classified as a warhead.

In contact with

From the very first flight of the Wright brothers, it was obvious that the aircraft in the future should become the most fast transport on the planet, because even in order to just take off, you need to at least quickly accelerate. In the first quarter of the 20th century, aircraft flew at speeds above 200 km/h, new speed records were set almost every year, and by the 1940s the bar was close to 1000 km/h. At the same time, in the 40s, turboprop aircraft were replaced by new jet fighters capable of accelerating more than the speed of sound, and for the first time the supersonic mark was reached in 1947 on an experimental American aircraft Bell X-1.

Civil aviation, with the exception of a few exceptions, eventually froze at the speed mark of 800-1000 km / h due to economic feasibility, but the development of the speed characteristics of military aircraft could only be stopped by the laws of physics, and the military was of little interest economic indicators, they needed the best aircraft in the world, because there was an arms race between the two superpowers in the world. The speed indicators of combat vehicles grew very quickly, and perhaps they would have exceeded hypersound long ago, but the cost of one flight hour of such an aircraft would cost too much even for the military, and that is why most aircraft in the world now fly at approximately the same speeds, but even among a large number of aircraft there are unique machines, which will be reviewed.


Tu-160 is a strategic bomber-missile carrier. This unique aircraft began to be developed back in the 70s. At that time, supersonic Tu-22s were already in service, but the radius of action did not allow performing all the necessary tasks, the first of which was the nuclear deterrence of the United States. A more advanced aircraft was needed, capable of flying farther and higher than its predecessor, and at the same time having combat capabilities no lower than the Tu-95. The development of the aircraft took almost 10 years, and in 1981 the Tu-160 took to the air for the first time. Testing and acceptance of the aircraft took another 5 years, and in 1986 serial production of the Tu-160 began at the Kazan Aircraft Building Plant. A total of 35 bombers were manufactured, of which 16 are now in service and on combat duty.

Already the first flights showed that the Tu-160 is a unique aircraft capable of breaking through the air defense of any enemy, while so far no one in the world has created anything like it. All the main combat indicators, such as the practical ceiling and combat load, remained inaccessible to other vehicles of this class. In 2010, thanks to two refuelings, the aircraft covered a distance of 18 thousand km and was in the air for 24 hours, which is such an excellent indicator.

  • Maximum Speed, km/h — 2200
  • Practical ceiling, m - 21900
  • Practical range, km - 13 800
  • Maximum takeoff weight, kg - 275,000

Tu-22M3 is a long-range supersonic bomber with a variable sweep wing. Despite the excellent performance of the Tu-160, due to the high cost and complexity of production, it was not the main bomber in the USSR. The most massive was the Tu-22M, which has been produced since 1969. Its design turned out to be so successful that the modifications created on its basis fully meet even modern requirements. The modernization of the Tu-22M2 in 1976 almost completely changed the appearance of this aircraft. supersonic bomber, leaving intact only general principle designs. A year later, the Tu-22M3 took to the skies; it went into serial production in 1978. At the same time, in its final form, the aircraft was put into service only in 1989, since many manufacturers of various components of the Tu-22M3 could not develop and supply for it in time latest equipment according to requirements. The aircraft was produced until 1993 and a total of 268 such flying machines were built. In service with Russia this moment there are 69 such machines.

  • Maximum Speed, km/h — 2300
  • Practical ceiling, m - 13300
  • Practical range, km - 6800
  • Maximum takeoff weight, kg - 126,000


Tu-144 is the only Soviet supersonic passenger airliner. Despite its unique characteristics, this passenger aircraft had a short life, becoming another expensive toy in the ideological war between the USSR and the West. The reason for the development was the joint Anglo-French project "Concord". The Soviet leadership wanted by all means to be the first to launch such an ambitious project. As a result, the Tu-144 made its first flight two months earlier than the Concorde, which took place on December 31, 1968, but it broke the supersonic barrier only 6 months later. The refinement of all Tu-144 systems was carried out until 1977, and again, the launch of flights was made not for technical, but for ideological reasons. Concorde had been making flights for a year now, and the Soviet Union could not finalize its program in any way. Flights began in November 1977, and were quite successful. The country's leadership has already made plans for flights to the most distant corners of our vast country, as well as access to international transportation. However, seven months later, all commercial flights were terminated on Tu-144 aircraft. The reason for this was two reasons: the high cost of transportation and the catastrophe with the upgraded Tu-144D, which was an improved version of the T-144, was supposed to consume one and a half times less fuel and become the main supersonic aircraft of the USSR. The Tu-144 was produced until the mid-80s, but they could not finalize it to acceptable performance and it did not go back to Passenger Transportation limited to special flights. A total of 16 copies were released, currently all of them are either disposed of or are in museums.

  • Maximum Speed, km/h — 2500
  • Practical range, km - 3080
  • Maximum takeoff weight, kg - 195,000


Su-57 - the latest Russian fighter fifth generation, which has not yet gone into the series, but at the moment 11 copies have already been released. The project for the development of the PAK FA (Perspective Aviation Complex of Frontal Aviation) was adopted in 2002, but funding began to come only after 3 years. In 2010, the Su-57 took to the air for the first time. Serial launch and start of operation is planned for 2018.

At the moment, the Su-57 is one of the best fighters world, and perhaps even the best. Despite the fact that the Russian armed forces have one of the best sets of combat aircraft, the new Su-57 surpasses them in all respects, including speed. If previously the fastest fighter was the Su-27, capable of accelerating to 2,500 km/h, now the fastest fighter will be the Su-57. At the moment, most of the information on the project is still classified, but approximate characteristics already known.

  • Maximum Speed, km/h — 2600
  • Practical ceiling, m - 20000
  • Practical range, km - 4800
  • Maximum takeoff weight, kg - 37,000

MiG - 31 long-range supersonic interceptor fighters. Its main combat mission is to intercept cruise missiles, as well as low-flying satellites. The airframe of the aircraft was developed on the basis of the already proven MiG-25, and the most significant difference in the design was a double cabin. The Mig-31 also installed the latest electronic equipment for those times and used the most modern materials: the proportion of titanium and aluminum alloys was 50%.

It flew its first test flight in September 1975, and went into series production in 1979. A total of 519 MiG-31 aircraft were built. Currently, the Russian Aerospace Forces are armed with 247 vehicles, as well as 25 are part of the air forces of Kazakhstan. Some of them will be upgraded to the MiG-31BM version, the rest will be decommissioned, as they are not subject to further operation. AT recent times it is the aircraft of this model that most often get into accidents and need to be replaced more than others. However, despite its age, it is the MiG-31 that still has unsurpassed performance, and is a kind of "special forces" in the air defense of the Russian Federation.

  • Maximum Speed, km/h — 3000
  • Practical ceiling, m - 20800 (dynamic - 30000)
  • Practical range, km - 2400
  • Maximum takeoff weight, kg - 46 750


AT Soviet time was conducted great amount the most unusual developments. Progress in creating various military equipment was so great, and the tasks for the designers were so complex that sometimes such unique machines were developed that it would be very difficult to repeat this today. One of these unique machines was the T-4 bomber bomber, nicknamed "weave".

In the 60s, a competition was held to create a supersonic missile carrier, a "hunter" for aircraft carriers. Design Bureau "Sukhoi" presented its project T-4, which was ahead of the projects of Yakovlev and Tupolev. One of the main difficulties in the implementation of the project was a strong frontal resistance at high speeds, and an unusual solution was invented: when accelerating, the cockpit was closed with a nose cone and the aircraft turned into a kind of rocket. The pilots completely lacked any visibility and they moved exclusively on instruments. On the other hand, at high altitude and high speed and nothing is visible. The first and only aircraft took to the air in 1972. The aircraft conducted 10 test flights, the military was already ready to order a batch of 250 aircraft, but in the end the project was canceled. There are many reasons for this, but the main ones are the high cost and lack of production capacity for mass production. But for its time, the aircraft had fantastic performance, it could easily break through any enemy air defense and launch a missile attack on a target. But the project was not destined to go into production, and the only copy of the T-4 is now in the museum.

  • Maximum Speed, km/h — 3200
  • Practical ceiling, m - 25000
  • Practical range, km - 6000
  • Maximum takeoff weight, kg - 135,000


At the end of 1961, a project was launched in the USSR to create a high-speed interceptor fighter capable of intercepting absolutely any targets, including high-speed US reconnaissance aircraft. At the same time, the interceptor was supposed to hit high-altitude targets at an altitude of 25 km. Despite all the difficulties, it took 3 years to create the first machine, and in 1964 the first MiG-25 took to the air. It was put into operation in 1970. Currently, it is in service with the air forces of Algeria and Syria, and it is also planned to upgrade for further operation in Azerbaijan.

Already during the creation of the aircraft, it became clear that its characteristics would be simply unattainable for its time. It flew higher and faster than any fighter in the world, and when used correctly, it was completely invulnerable. The case in 1997, when the MiG-25 of the Indian Air Force flew over the capital of Pakistan, causing panic among the population, is very indicative. The planes of Pakistan that had risen to intercept simply could not catch up with him, let alone intercept him. The aircraft was also very successfully used in the Middle East conflicts. Even during the Persian Gulf War of 1990-91, Iraqi pilots opposed the Americans on MiGs on equal terms, and this despite their huge numerical superiority. Iraqi pilots had to engage in battle with a seriously superior enemy, the gap in the electronic warfare systems was especially strong. The most famous incident occurred on January 19, 1991, when the MiG-25PD was able to dodge a group of 8 F-15s and attack their EF-111A EW cover aircraft. As a result, the EF-111A turned to the base, after which one of the F15s was shot down by ground-based air defenses, left without cover. Most of Iraq's 25s were destroyed on the ground, not in the air.

The MiG-25 holds two combat aircraft records. The first is the maximum flight altitude, which was set at 37,650 in 1977. And the second record, this is just not an official speed record, and oddly enough, the record was recorded in 1973 by the Israeli radar, which detected an aircraft moving at a speed of Mach 3 (about 3400 km / h). At that time, it could only be a Soviet MiG-25 sent to conduct reconnaissance against Israel in Syria. This fact looks even more surprising in the light of the fact that the maximum speed was not to exceed 3000 km / h and at speeds higher, the engines could quickly fail. This record for combat aircraft has not been broken to this day, and only reconnaissance aircraft and missiles fly faster than our MiG.

  • Maximum Speed, km/h — 3400
  • Practical ceiling, m - 23,000 (dynamic 37,650)
  • Practical range, km - 1865
  • Maximum takeoff weight, kg - 41 200

With the advent jet engines appeared unique opportunity make the aircraft fast enough, and therefore less vulnerable to enemy weapons. A fast aircraft needs less time to intercept an enemy target. The race for speed continued until about the beginning of the 80s of the last century. It cannot be said that the speed of military aircraft has faded into the background, but at the moment it is not decisive in the effectiveness of the use of combat qualities.

This is explained by the fact that 5th generation fighters are capable of hitting targets with missiles at considerable distances, and the quality and characteristics of the missile come to the fore here. Also, the detection of enemy targets and the preparation of information for defeat, that is, the formulation of the correct command for the rocket, comes to the fore. The stealth of a fighter for radar is also crucial.

Listed below are the fastest military aircraft of all time. Speed ​​is in Mach number. The Mach number is the speed of sound at a certain height. The speed of sound in the earth's atmosphere depends on altitude. So at the surface of the earth - the speed of sound is 340 m / s, but at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the speed of sound is 300 m / s.

10. F-14D Super Tomcat - Mach 2.34

F-14D Super Tomcat - first flew in 1987. It was designed as a night fighter capable of simultaneously detecting and leading up to 6 targets.

In 2008, the aircraft was taken out of production because it was obsolete. A total of 712 of these aircraft were built. At the moment, the aircraft are still in service in the United States, but are gradually being disposed of by grinding.

9. MiG - 23 - 2.35 Max

The MiG-23 is the first aircraft in the USSR with a variable-swept wing. He is recognized as one of the best fighters in the world. The fighter made its first flight in 1967, entered service in 1973, and was withdrawn from service in 1994. The aircraft was produced until 1985, at that time 769 twins and 4278 single-seat fighters were produced. Currently, the MIG-23 is in service in 11 countries in Africa and Asia. The main armament of the aircraft were 4 guided missiles.

8. Su-27 - 2.35 Max

The Su-27 was created in response to the creation of the F-15 and F-16 aircraft in the USA. The first flight was made in 1977. Serial production of the aircraft began in 1981. At one time it was the most modern fighter in the world, it successfully competed with the F-15 and F-16. At the moment, according to various sources, about 450 aircraft are in service with Russia. Ukraine has about 80 aircraft and Belarus has 20 aircraft.

The fighter has 10 suspensions to accommodate various missiles, and the total mass of ammunition reaches 6000 kg.

7. F-14 Tomcat - Mach 2.37

The aircraft began being produced in the early 1970s. It was designed as a long-range fighter-bomber. At the beginning of operation, problems with the engine were identified. The engines have been upgraded to increase fuel capacity. Serial production of aircraft was discontinued in 1996. At the moment, these aircraft are used in Iran, since a batch of aircraft was delivered to this country in 1976. A distinctive feature of the aircraft was its armament - missiles could suppress targets at a distance of up to 100 km. They were used to protect aircraft carriers.

6. Su-24 - Mach 2.4

The aircraft made its first flight in 1967. Adopted in 1974. The aircraft is a medium-range bomber with a combat radius of 560 km. The main advantage of the aircraft are laser-guided missiles. It is a precision weapon that makes the aircraft very effective at hitting targets.

In total, about 1,400 Su-24 aircraft were produced. At the moment, the aircraft are being taken out of service and are being replaced by more modern Su-34s (based on the Su-27), which began to enter the army in 2014.

5. F-111 Aardvark - Mach 2.5

The F-111 Aardvark is a long-range fighter-bomber that first flew in 1964. Initially, it was supposed to use the aircraft on aircraft carriers, however, due to its large dimensions and significant mass, this idea was not implemented. During the Vietnam War, a significant number of aircraft were shot down. In 1998, the aircraft was withdrawn from service.

4. F-15 Eagle - Mach 2.5

The F-15 began development in 1965. The task was to develop a long-range fighter. The aircraft made its first flight in 1979. This aircraft is still in service with the US Air Force. The F-15 is considered one of the most successful aircraft ever made. The F-15 is also in service with the Israeli, Japanese, and Saudi Arabian air forces.

3. MiG-31 - Mach 2.83

The MiG-31 replaced the MiG-25 and made its first flight in 1975. The aircraft is designed as an interceptor for high-speed aircraft and cruise missiles. Adopted in 1981. For the first time in the world, a radar with a passive phased antenna array was used on an aircraft. Until 2000, he was the only one in the world with a similar radar. It is currently in service with the Russian Air Force. The aircraft is not produced.

2. MiG-25R 3.2 Mach

MiG-25R - was created not only as a fighter, but also as a reconnaissance aircraft. The MiG-25R prototype made its first flight in 1964. Serial production of scouts was established in the period from 1982 to 1985. The aircraft is still in service today. The main reconnaissance is optical reconnaissance.

1. SR-71 Blackbird 3.2 Max

1 SR-71 Blackbird - out of production and service, but its speed record has not yet been broken by production aircraft, including the most modern ones. The first flight took place in 1964. The task was to create a reconnaissance aircraft that would be less vulnerable to interception than the U-2. A total of 32 aircraft were produced, 12 of them crashed due to a technical malfunction. In 1998, 1 SR-71 Blackbird was withdrawn from service and from that moment its flights were discontinued.

When it comes to speed, it's breathtaking. If we are talking about planes flying at supersonic speeds - this is something fantastic. All of these aircraft are masterpieces of engineering, equipped with the most advanced technologies of their time.

Top 10

He has a truly fantastic speed in 11,230 km/h. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Developed using a technology alternative to turbojet engines in our time.

Although its maximum speed is listed as 12 144 km/h He's not in first place. This is explained by the fact that at the time of testing, the X-43 record was not broken. Both the first and second aircraft were developed by NASA using the latest technology.

It is rightfully considered one of the fastest aircraft with a pilot on board. The maximum speed it can reach is 8200 km/h. This is almost seven times the speed of sound. The aircraft was designed for research into hypersonic flight. X-15 is equipped with a rocket engine. However, it can take to the air only on board a strategic bomber, from where it starts. The maximum altitude reached by the aircraft is 107 kilometers.

  1. "Blackbird" or SR-71

The aircraft is reconnaissance in the US Air Force. The machine was produced in limited quantities - 32 aircraft. The first aircraft equipped with stealth technology. Max speed approx. 4102 km/h. The plane was actively used for espionage.

  1. YF-12

Outwardly, it does not differ from the Blackbird, except that it carries air-to-air weapons. It was the predecessor and prototype of the SR-71. Max Speed: 3,661 km/h.

  1. Legendary MiG-25

It was designed to intercept the American Blackbird and had a speed of 3916 km/h. The characteristics of this combat aircraft are impressive - at a speed of more than 3 times the speed of sound, it was capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 25 kilometers. It proved itself very well in a number of military conflicts.

What makes it unique is that in 1954 it reached an unimaginable speed for that time. But after an unsuccessful flight, the release program was closed. Max speed: 3,370 km/h.

  1. "Valkyrie" XB-70

A truly super-powerful Cold War aircraft. Designed to deliver nuclear weapon for a short time. High speed (3672 km/h) allowed to escape from the consequences of a nuclear explosion, as well as from enemy interceptors.

  1. MiG-31

With a speed of 3464 km/h. This aircraft, thanks to its most powerful engines, was able to develop such a speed at any altitude. The technical radar filling made it possible to control several aircraft over a fairly large area.

It's incredible, but this aircraft has been in service for 40 years and will serve the US Air Force for at least another 8 years. His speed is 3065 km/h, as well as specifications and scope make it indispensable for the Air Force.

Top 4 passenger aircraft

  1. Tu-144

The legendary Soviet supersonic liner, had a speed of 2430 km/h. A truly fantastic result for that time among passenger aircraft. By the will of fate, it gave way to Concorde, which for a long time (until 2003) carried out passenger transatlantic flights.

If we talk about the projected passenger aircraft, this model deserves a place in the top. Even from the name it becomes clear that the future aircraft will overcome the speed of sound ( 2335 km/h). The aircraft will be designed for any category of passengers.

Reaches speed in 1153 km/h. The fastest civilian vessel with the status of a business aircraft. Used mainly as a private for wealthy businessmen and business people.

And, finally, the fastest scheduled passenger aircraft is an engineering masterpiece by Airbus. The latest aircraft, which, in addition to its speed, is also the world's largest double-deck airliner. Max speed: 1,020 km/h.

Military aircraft

The fastest military aircraft in the world can be called the Russian MiG-25 and the American SR-71. An interesting fact is that the Soviet fighter was created in fact to neutralize the American intelligence officer. The MiG set a lot of speed records of its time. The pilots who piloted this machine claimed that the aircraft was able to overcome the mark of Mach 3.5 (speed of sound). This value is greater than that of the American Blackbird. However, this is not documented anywhere. In turn, the SR-71 did not have sufficient reliability. In the entire history of its flights, a third of the vehicles produced have been lost.

Combat aircraft

Much has already been said about the champions of military aircraft in various years. The fastest combat aircraft currently in use is the MiG-31. The fighter is designed to destroy targets in the air at any altitude and in any weather conditions. It is not a problem for the machine to use thermal and radio interference by the enemy.

Designed to intercept cruise missiles. Nowadays, they are used in military conflicts to solve a wide range of tasks. For some time they were used as "special forces" in the Russian air defense forces.

The video shows the takeoff of this high-speed car

turboprop aircraft

A truly unique aircraft that has been in service since the distant 1952 (!) Years. The speed for that time was amazing - 924 km/h. Engines, with a capacity of 15,000 forces, set a Guinness record for screw engines. The aircraft is still in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces and performs a wide range of combat missions.

An interesting fact is that the speed of the Tu-95 is slightly less than the speed of the jet American B-52. The armament and technical characteristics of the aircraft make it possible to safely hit targets beyond the range of enemy radar equipment.

The relevance of the machine is also confirmed by its use in the military conflict in Syria, where the bomber regiment successfully completed a number of tasks assigned to it.

In conclusion, it should be noted that aircraft production technologies do not stand still. However, those aircraft that were discussed above will firmly take their place in the history of aircraft construction as advanced aircraft at that time. Who knows what records await humanity in the future, and what goals the new hypersonic aircrafts. All this will show time.

Although many of our compatriots are convinced that the fastest, most highly maneuverable and, in general, the most-most in all areas are American fighters, however, this information, gleaned from American ratings, is somewhat biased.

In fact, the fastest fighter in the world is still the Soviet single-seat MiG-25 aircraft, which has held the palm in terms of speed among serial combat vehicles for half a century. Although its officially declared speed is only 3,000 kilometers per hour, there is a lot of evidence that this aircraft crossed the threshold of Mach 3.5, i.e. over 3700 kilometers per hour.

The history of the creation of the MiG-25

The 1950s and 1960s were truly the golden period of world aviation. During these years, conceptual developments were created that predetermined the direction of design thought for decades to come. One of these developments was the MiG-25, the brainchild of the famous design bureau of Mikoyan and Gurevich.

The official birthday of the MiG-25 can be considered March 10, 1961, when A. Mikoyan issued an order to begin work on a new type of fighter. This machine was supposed to successfully fight the American XB-70 Valkyrie bombers (which, by the way, never went into serial production due to many structural insurmountable flaws) and the B-58 Hustler, which developed speeds up to 2100 kilometers per hour.

Soon, the designers developed a prototype fighter, which was called the "E-155 project." During the design, many difficulties had to be faced, but all of them were eventually successfully overcome, and in 1969 the serial production of the MiG-25P interceptor began, which became the first of a large series of combat vehicles.

Wikimedia Commons / Alexander Beltyukov ()
An atmosphere of heightened secrecy reigned around this aircraft from the very beginning. It was forbidden to disclose even the basic performance characteristics of the machine. Therefore, for many years, American fighters reigned supreme in the world ratings, which still have not surpassed the MiG-25 in a number of parameters.

MiG-25 modifications

The single-seat jet turned out to be such a successful model that for many years it was produced in numerous modifications. These were fighter-interceptors:

- MiG-25P;

- MiG-25MP (prototype MiG-31);

- MiG-25PD (a number of modified aircraft equipped with more powerful weapons and electronics than the base model, as well as R15BD engines).

In addition, reconnaissance aircraft were created on the basis of the MiG-25:

- MiG-25R (high-speed reconnaissance);

- MiG25BM (anti-radar aircraft for breaking through enemy air defense);

- MiG-25RBT (for radio intelligence);

- MiG-25MR (for meteorological research).

MiG-25 records

- This is the first fighter produced in the series, which has overcome the speed threshold of 3,000 kilometers per hour.

Wikimedia Commons / Pavel Adzhigildyaev ()
- In 1967, the MiG-25 climbed to a height of 30,010 meters, which was a record for that time.

- In 1977, an absolute record was set for the height of the aircraft, which amounted to 37,650 meters, which has not been overcome so far.

In fact, the maximum speed of the MiG-25 was never set. The fact is that when accelerating to Mach 2.83, the thrust of the aircraft engines increases sharply, and then acceleration occurs very quickly, which can lead to loss of control over the aircraft and destruction of the wing structure.

Of course, some highly qualified pilots flew at ultra-high speeds, but officially this was strictly prohibited.

Stories related to the MiG-25

A. Belyakov, the general designer of the MiG-25, said more than once that when the speed was exceeded by Mach 3, the glider part of the fighter wore out too quickly, while the engine perfectly withstood such a load. Therefore, officially pilots never exceeded 3,000 kilometers per hour for safety reasons. At the same time, in 1972, during the Arab-Israeli conflict, both sides involved in it recorded MiG-25 overflights at speeds of over 3,600 kilometers per hour.

It is said that when the MiG-25 first appeared in the skies over Israel, the observers could not believe their eyes, mistaking the Soviet aircraft for a UFO.

Intelligence all over the world sought to get the drawings of our fighter. In 1976, one of the pilots, V. Belenko, decided to take the opportunity to get rich and hijacked a plane to Japan, asking for asylum in the United States.

Wikimedia Commons / Alan Wilson ()
In a matter of days, Japanese designers dismantled the MiG-25 that fell into their hands to the last screw and copied all the details. Subsequently, the aircraft was returned to the Soviet Union.

This incident forced all MiGs to be re-equipped with new electronic devices, which, by the way, benefited the aircraft, as it increased their visibility and controllability.
