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Order 216 of the Federal Penitentiary Service on clothing. II. Requirements for candidates to obtain a certificate and qualification mark

"On approval of the Federal Aviation Regulations "Requirements for air traffic controllers and parachutist instructors"

(as amended as of December 9, 2016,
with changes and additions, included in the text,
according to orders of the Ministry of Transport of Russia: dated June 27, 2011 No. 170,
dated 14.05.2012 No. 143, dated 25.02.2014 No. 48, dated 15.01.2016 No. 6,
dated October 24, 2016 No. 297)

In accordance with Article 53 of the Federal Law of March 19, 1997 No. 60-FZ "Air Code Russian Federation"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 12, Art. 1383; 1999, No. 28, Art. 3483; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607, No. 45, Art. 4377; 2005, No. 13, Art. 1078; 2006, No. 30, Article 3290, 3291; 2007, No. 1 (Part I), Article 29, No. 27, Article 3213, No. 46, Article 5554, No. 49, Article 6075, No. 50, Art. 6239, Article 6244, 6245; 2008, No. 29 (Part I), Article 3418, No. 30 (Part II), Article 3616; 2009, No. 1, Article 17, No. 29, Article 3616 ) and for the purpose of implementing the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago, 1944), I order:

1. Approve the attached Federal Aviation Regulations “Requirements for air traffic controllers and parachutist instructors.”

2. Do not apply on the territory of the Russian Federation the Regulations on the classification of civil aviation specialists of the USSR, approved by the Minister of Civil Aviation of the USSR on December 19, 1988 No. 44/I.

3. Establish that this order comes into force 30 days from the date of official publication.


I. Levitin

Registration number 15996

Federal Aviation Regulations
"Requirements for air traffic controllers and parachutist instructors"

I. General provisions

1. Federal aviation rules "Requirements for air traffic controllers and parachutist instructors" (hereinafter - the Rules) were developed in accordance with Article 53 of the Federal Law of March 19, 1997 No. 60-FZ "Air Code of the Russian Federation" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation Federation, 1997, No. 12, Article 1383; 1999, No. 28, Article 3483; 2004, No. 35, Article 3607, No. 45, Article 4377; 2005, No. 13, Article 1078; 2006, No. 30, Art. 6244, 6245; 2008, No. 29 (Part I), Article 3418, No. 30 (Part II), Article 3616; 2009, No. 1, Article 17, No. 29, Article 3616) and for the purpose of implementation standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

2. These Rules establish requirements for air traffic controllers (hereinafter referred to as the air traffic controller) and parachutist instructors when carrying out relevant activities in the Russian Federation when issuing relevant certificates, extending their validity, entering qualification marks, class qualifications and permission to work.

3. To be completed functional responsibilities Persons who do not have a valid certificate are not allowed to act as an air traffic controller.

4. Air traffic controllers carry out air traffic services activities within the limits of qualification marks and marks of admission to work at a specific air traffic control center (sector) included in the certificate in the prescribed manner, as well as the established period of its validity and in the presence of a valid medical certificate on recognition as fit to work as an air traffic controller, except in cases where the scope of activity of an air traffic controller is limited to the performance of functional duties that do not require a medical certificate on recognition as fit to work as an air traffic controller. Air traffic controller certificates contain the information established in these Rules.

5. Medical examination of air traffic controllers and parachutist instructors is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the federal aviation rules governing the procedure for medical examination.

6. A medical certificate declaring fit for work is an integral part of the certificate. License holders cease to enjoy the rights of their ratings when they become aware of a deterioration in their health that would prevent them from safely and properly exercising their rights.

7. The holder of the certificate exercises the rights provided for by the qualification marks and marks of admission to work included in the certificate only if he maintains his qualifications that meet the requirements of professional suitability.

8. In order to extend the validity of the certificate, the air traffic controller must confirm his qualifications within the existing qualification mark(s) by demonstrating the appropriate theoretical knowledge and practical skills during inspections (testing) with the following frequency:

1st class air traffic controller - once every three years;

2nd class air traffic controller - once every two years;

3rd class air traffic controller - annually.

Paragraphs five - eight of paragraph 8 are excluded according to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2014 No. 48.

9. The air traffic controller should not be subjected to additional checks(testing) of theoretical knowledge before the expiration of the certificate, if he carries out his activities without receiving another qualification mark or increasing his class qualifications, except for cases where the actions of this air traffic controller led to an aviation accident or aviation incident.

10. The topic of questions when conducting verification (testing) of theoretical knowledge to confirm class qualifications should not go beyond the scope of the confirmed qualification mark (qualification marks) and marks for admission to independent work included in the certificate.

11. In order to maintain an appropriate level of knowledge to ensure flight safety in air traffic services, the following requirements have been established for the frequency of refresher courses and maintenance of personnel qualifications:

management team must take advanced training courses once every five years;

Flight directors, senior controllers, controller-instructors (including controller-instructors of the simulator), air traffic controllers must undergo advanced training courses according to the programs in accordance with their position in educational organizations secondary vocational or higher education in civil aviation or aviation training centers once every three years.

Persons who have access to air traffic services using the English language take advanced training courses in their specialty and in English under a combined program.

12. Air traffic controllers providing area control service (procedural and radar control controller of the air traffic control area) on international routes, as well as approach control service (procedural and radar control controller of approach) and aerodrome control service (airfield controller, landing radar controller) at international airfields , must demonstrate the ability to speak and understand the language used in radiotelephony communications to at least Level 4 (operational) on the ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale.*


* The requirement applies to air traffic controllers performing radiotelephone communications with aircraft.

13. Air traffic controllers authorized to provide air traffic services using the English language and demonstrating knowledge of the English language at level 4 (working) on ​​the ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale must undergo language certification in English at least once every three years.

14. Air traffic controllers authorized to provide air traffic services using the English language and demonstrating English language proficiency at level 5 (advanced) on the ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale must undergo language certification in English at least once every six years.

15. Air traffic controllers authorized to provide air traffic services using the English language and demonstrating knowledge of the English language at level 6 (professional) on the ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale are exempt from undergoing language certification in English.

II. Requirements for candidates to obtain a certificate and qualification mark

16. To obtain an air traffic controller license with a qualification mark included in it, the candidate must meet the requirements set out in this paragraph and comply with the requirements of these Rules when receiving qualification marks:

2) education - secondary vocational or higher education, professional retraining courses;

3) the candidate has acquired knowledge in at least the following areas:

a) documents regulating the activities of an air traffic controller:

b) principles, use and limitations of equipment used in air traffic services;

c) aerodynamics and flight performance characteristics of aircraft, principles of flight and operation of aircraft;

d) application and understanding of meteorological information, occurrence and characteristics hazardous phenomena weather, measurement of meteoelements;

e) fundamental principles of air navigation, principles, limitations and accuracy of navigation systems and visual aids;

f) theory and practice of air traffic services (control), types of air traffic services, general rules radio exchange and standard phraseology;

and) practical methods ensuring flight safety in air traffic services, aviation accidents associated with deficiencies in air traffic services;

h) English language(for candidates who expect to perform functional duties using English).

4) experience (skills acquired during the internship) - the conclusion of the dispatcher-instructor on the possibility of admission to independent work and the conclusion of the dispatcher-instructor of the dispatch simulator;

5) health status - a valid medical report in accordance with the requirements for air traffic controllers, with the exception of cases where the candidate’s scope of activity is limited to the performance of functional duties that do not require a medical certificate of fitness for work based on the results of a medical examination.

17. Requirements for entering the qualification marks of an aerodrome controller, procedural and radar approach control controller, landing radar controller, procedural and radar control controller of an air traffic control area into the air traffic controller certificate:

1) candidate:

a) graduated from a civil aviation educational institution in the relevant specialization or professional retraining courses ( professional courses training);

b) additionally acquired knowledge that corresponds to the rights provided by the qualifications specified in paragraph 17 in the following areas to the extent that they affect the range of official functional responsibilities:

airfield layout, physical characteristics and visual aids;

airspace structure;

applicable rules, procedures and sources of information;

air navigation aids;

basic air traffic services equipment and its use;

terrain and characteristic landmarks;

characteristic features of air traffic;

special weather phenomena;

emergency and search and rescue plans;

principles for the provision of surveillance-based air traffic services, including rules for maintaining appropriate altitude;

c) has undergone training and testing on the dispatch simulator and has a corresponding positive conclusion from the dispatcher-instructor of the dispatch simulator;

d) successfully provided, under the guidance of a controller-instructor or a duly certified air traffic controller (freelance controller-instructor), air traffic services for the time required to obtain permission to work at a control tower (sector), which determines a specific qualification mark in a specific unit, in in relation to which this mark is requested and there is a conclusion from the controller-instructor;

2) The candidate has demonstrated the skills, decision making, and duties required to provide safe, orderly, and prompt dispatch service at a level commensurate with the credentials granted.

18. The holder of an air traffic controller license must not conduct training of air traffic services personnel in operational conditions unless he is a full-time or part-time air traffic controller instructor and has written instructions from his employer.

19. The rating mark becomes invalid if the air traffic controller does not exercise the rights provided for by the rating mark within six months. The rating remains invalid until the air traffic controller's authority to exercise the rights of the rating is re-established.

20. In order to renew the validity of an air traffic controller certificate, the candidate confirms his qualification class within the framework of his existing qualification mark.

21. To be awarded the qualification “parachutist instructor”, the candidate must meet the following requirements:

1) age - not younger than 18 years;

2) education - secondary;

3) health status - a current medical report based on the results of a medical examination;

4) the candidate has demonstrated a level of knowledge that corresponds to the rights granted in the following areas and to the extent that they affect the range of official duties:

air legislation of the Russian Federation regulating search and rescue flight support;

design, operation and tactical and technical data of rescue, training, landing, sports, reserve, cargo parachutes, safety devices and descent (lifting) devices for descents (ascents) from a helicopter in hovering mode;

design, operation and tactical and technical data of aviation life-saving vessels and rules for their use;

basic flight performance characteristics and design features of aircraft used for landing people and cargo;

technical data and operational characteristics of search and rescue equipment;

rules for conducting search and rescue operations;

rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection, as well as special disciplines;

5) the candidate has demonstrated skills, ability to make decisions and perform duties when conducting search and rescue, evacuation and special works at a level corresponding to the rights granted:

perform training and production parachute jumps from aircraft, descents (ascents) on special descent (ascent) devices from helicopters hovering at an altitude of at least 10 meters, including in difficult conditions, on land and on the water surface in different times days;

carry out air and ground searches for aircraft and people in distress in various conditions, navigate the terrain using a magnetic compass, technical navigation aids and topographic maps;

paragraph four of subparagraph 5 is excluded according to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2012 No. 143.

prepare rescuers to perform parachute jumps, lower (ascend) people and cargo on lowering (lifting) devices, as well as calculate and release paratroopers and cargo;

stow parachutes, prepare lifting and descent devices and aircraft for use;

check the serviceability of parachutes, safety devices, ascent and descent devices, on-board rescue equipment and monitor their correct storage;

use emergency supplies and emergency radios;

ensure survival both individual and group in extreme conditions;

6) experience - the candidate has successfully completed a special parachute training course.

III. Requirements for candidates when assigning class qualifications to an air traffic controller and parachutist instructor

22. Candidates for assignment of class qualifications, as well as persons who have valid air traffic controller certificates, are assigned the third, second and first classes of air traffic controller class qualifications.

23. A candidate for assignment of an air traffic controller qualification class must:

1) know the main provisions of regulatory documents in the following areas:

a) the basics of air legislation of the Russian Federation, air navigation services for aircraft flights;

b) ensuring flight safety, human factor;

c) air traffic services;

d) radio traffic rules;

e) meteorological support for flights;

f) fundamentals of aerodynamics and aircraft performance characteristics;

g) navigation (navigation) flight support;

h) radio and lighting support for flights;

And) paragraph “and” of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 23 is excluded according to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2014 No. 48.

control air traffic in accordance with operating technology, radio traffic rules and standard phraseology;

act correctly and timely in various air and meteorological situations;

competently use radio technical equipment for flight support and aviation telecommunications, radar and other surveillance systems for air traffic services;

promptly interact with adjacent control centers, services and bodies that provide and control flight operations;

provide assistance to aircraft in distress in accordance with operating technology and assist in organizing search and rescue;

3) the candidate must demonstrate practical skills in air traffic services in the following operations:

receiving duty and preparing the workplace;

knowledge of the air and meteorological situation in the controlled area (zone), features of the implementation of the air traffic plan;

compliance with established rules for air traffic services in accordance with operating technology;

use of radio equipment;

knowledge and application of radio traffic rules and correct application of standard phraseology, as well as in terms of performing their functional duties, compliance with the requirements of the report card on the movement of aircraft in the Russian Federation;

maintaining established dispatch documentation (according to work technology).

Checking practical skills in air traffic services is carried out at one of the control towers (sector), where the air traffic controller has access to work, taking into account the current qualification mark (marks).

4) the candidate must undergo simulator training, which is an integral requirement for testing practical skills.

24. The class qualification “3rd class air traffic controller” is assigned to graduates of civil aviation educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher education, as well as to persons who have completed professional retraining courses and relevant internships who meet the requirements of these Rules and have the skills to carry out practical air traffic services , positive assessments when testing practical skills and the corresponding conclusions of controllers-instructors.

25. Candidates nominated for assignment of the class qualification "2nd class air traffic controller" must meet the requirements of these Rules, have the class qualification "3rd class air traffic controller", work experience as an air traffic controller of at least 36 months and permission to independently work, as a rule, at least two control centers or three sectors of the same control center:

1) candidates nominated for assignment of the class qualification “2nd class air traffic controller” must pass a practical skills test with an overall score of at least 4 (four) and have the appropriate conclusions of air traffic controllers-instructors;

2) when testing theoretical knowledge, candidates nominated for assignment of the class qualification “2nd class air traffic controller” must demonstrate the level of theoretical knowledge of the main provisions of regulatory documents in the areas listed in subclause 1 of clause 23 with a score of at least 4 (four).

26. Candidates nominated for assignment of the class qualification “Air Traffic Controller 1st Class” must meet the requirements of these Rules, have the class qualification “Air Traffic Controller 2nd Class”, work experience with this qualification of at least 36 months and permission to work independently , as a rule, at least at three control centers or five sectors of the control center of the same name:

1) candidates nominated for the class qualification “Air Traffic Controller 1st Class” must pass a practical skills test with an overall score of at least 5 (five), and have the appropriate conclusions of air traffic controllers-instructors;

2) when testing theoretical knowledge, candidates nominated for assignment of the class qualification “Air Traffic Controller 1st Class” must:

a) demonstrate the level of theoretical knowledge of the main provisions of regulatory documents in the areas listed below with a score of at least 5 (five):

fundamentals of air legislation of the Russian Federation, air navigation services for aircraft flights;

radio traffic rules;

air traffic services;

paragraph six of subclause 2 of clause 26 is excluded according to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2014 No. 48.

b) demonstrate the level of theoretical knowledge of the main provisions of regulatory documents in the areas listed below with a score of at least 4 (four):

meteorological support for flights;

ensuring flight safety, human factor;

basics of aerodynamics and aircraft performance characteristics;

navigation (navigation) flight support;

radio and lighting support for flights.

27. When testing using computer equipment the tested air traffic controller, taking into account class qualifications, must show at least 75% of correct answers in a section (area) allowing a score of 3 (three), at least 80% in a section (area) allowing a score of 4 (four), and not less than 85 % - for a section (area) allowing a score of 5 (five).

28. A candidate for assignment of class qualifications, as well as persons who have valid parachute instructor certificates, are assigned third, second and first classes.

29. A candidate for assignment of a qualification class as a parachutist instructor must meet the following requirements:

1) have a secondary education and undergo special parachute training.

basics of air legislation of the Russian Federation;

prevention of aviation and emergency accidents during the release of paratroopers and cargo;

airborne manual;

design, operation and tactical and technical data of rescue, training, landing, sports, reserve, cargo parachutes and safety devices;

design, operation and tactical and technical data of aviation life-saving vessels and rules for their use;

organization of search and rescue in the Russian Federation;

search and rescue equipment;

prepare personnel to perform parachute jumps and descents (ascents) using descent (lifting) devices, calculate and release paratroopers and cargo;

stow parachutes, prepare for use lifting and lowering devices, aviation rescue vessels;

check the serviceability of parachutes, safety devices, descent (lifting) devices, on-board rescue equipment and monitor the correctness of their storage;

use emergency supplies and emergency radios.

30. Candidates nominated for the class qualification “3rd class parachute instructor” must meet the requirements of these Rules set out in paragraph 29, have at least 50 parachute jumps and at least 30 descents (ascents) using descent devices.

31. Candidates submitted for assignment of the class qualification “Parachutist-instructor 2nd class” must meet the requirements of these Rules set out in paragraph 29 for a grade of at least 4 (four), and have at least 200 parachute jumps and at least 100 descents and ascents, as well as master the technique of performing them perfectly.

32. Candidates nominated for assignment of the class qualification “1st Class Parachute Instructor” must meet the requirements of these Rules set out in paragraph 29 for a rating of at least 5 (five), have at least 350 parachute jumps and 50 calculated flights and the release of paratroopers and cargo, as well as at least 120 descents, ascents and at least 30 flights for the calculation and landing of rescuers using descent devices and the release of cargo.

33. A parachutist-instructor who caused injury or damage during the release of paratroopers, cargo, or the descent of paratroopers. material damage, to be promoted in class, he must complete at least 50 flights to crew and drop parachutists or cargo, or 30 flights to crew and drop rescuers using descent devices.

34. When promoting in class and extending the validity of a certificate, demonstrate theoretical knowledge and practical work parachutist instructors must carry out at annual training camps held in aviation organizations, institutions and educational institutions, to the extent specified in paragraph 29 of these Rules.

IV. Requirements for candidates when making marks for admission to work as a flight director, senior dispatcher, controller-instructor (dispatcher-instructor of the simulator), air traffic controller

35. To obtain a flight director clearance, the candidate must:

higher education;

as a rule, all permissions to work at control centers (sectors) where the candidate will perform job responsibilities flight director;

document confirming successful completion of flight director training courses;

basics of economics in civil aviation;

principles and methods economic activity organizations providing air navigation services to users of the airspace of the Russian Federation;

documents on organizing air traffic services in your zone (region) of responsibility;

principles and methods of dispatcher shift work planning;

principles and methods of organizational and methodological work in air traffic services and dispatch shifts;

organization preventive work aimed at

rules and conditions of air navigation services, as well as aircraft flight support;

apply in practical activities knowledge in the field of economics;

apply knowledge of regulatory documents regulating the organization of use of the airspace of the Russian Federation in practical activities;

plan the work of subordinate staff of the dispatch shift;

organize the work of control centers in your area of ​​responsibility;

organize and conduct methodological, preventive and educational work with the dispatch staff of the subordinate shift;

organize and carry out constant monitoring of the work of the subordinate dispatcher shift;

organize and coordinate air traffic services (control) in the controlled zone (area) of responsibility;

maintain the documentation established for the flight director and control the proper maintenance of documentation at the dispatchers’ workplaces;

organizational and methodological work of the flight director;

psychological and pedagogical aspects of the flight director’s activity;

ensuring flight safety in air traffic services;

managerial and economic aspects of the activities of organizations providing air navigation services to users of the airspace of the Russian Federation;

reception and delivery of duty;

control over the acceptance and delivery of duty by the air traffic services personnel of the dispatch shift, as well as the organization of the replacement of dispatchers in the process of work;

36. To obtain senior dispatcher clearance, the candidate must:

experience in air traffic services (flight control) of at least 36 months;

at least three valid clearances at control centers (sectors) in the zone (district) of responsibility where the candidate will perform the duties of a senior dispatcher. If there are three or fewer control points (sectors) in a subdivision, the candidate must have all clearances;

a valid certificate and class qualification “Air Traffic Controller 1st Class” or “Air Traffic Controller 2nd Class”;

certificate of successful completion of training courses for senior dispatchers.

principles and methods of personnel management and organization of production;

basics business communication, labor relations, labor protection;

air legislation of the Russian Federation in terms of fulfilling its functional duties;

regulatory documents regulating the organization of use of the airspace of the Russian Federation;

guidance documents on the organization of air traffic services in its zone (region) of responsibility;

principles and methods of planning work in air traffic services and dispatch shifts;

principles and methods of organizational and methodological work in dispatcher shifts;

organization of control over the work of the dispatcher shift;

rules and conditions for air navigation services for aircraft flights, as well as other types of support for aircraft flights;

apply in practical activities knowledge of the principles and methods of personnel management, production organization, business communication and labor protection;

apply in their practical activities knowledge of regulatory documents regulating the organization and use of the airspace of the Russian Federation;

organize the work of control points in their area of ​​responsibility;

organize and carry out methodological, preventive and educational work in the dispatcher shift;

exercise control over the work of the dispatching staff;

carry out, if necessary, coordination of air traffic services in the established zone (area) of responsibility;

carry out the placement of personnel before going on duty and clarify the functions performed at the workplace;

maintain the documentation established for the senior dispatcher and monitor the proper maintenance of documentation at the dispatchers’ workplaces;

monitor the serviceability of radio and communications equipment of control centers;

notify relevant organizations and services of aircraft in need of assistance from search and rescue services, and provide such organizations and services with the necessary assistance in accordance with prescribed procedures;

4) the candidate must demonstrate theoretical knowledge in the areas of:

organizational and methodological work of the senior dispatcher;

air traffic management;

psychological and pedagogical aspects of the activities of senior dispatchers;

ensuring flight safety in air traffic services;

ensuring the activities of air traffic services authorities;

5) the candidate must demonstrate practical skills in the following operations:

conducting training for the dispatcher shift;

reception and delivery of duty;

monitoring the acceptance and delivery of duty by the air traffic services personnel of the dispatch shift, as well as organizing the replacement of dispatchers during the period of duty;

interaction with services providing flight operations;

monitoring the work of the dispatcher shift during duty periods;

conducting an analysis of the work of the dispatcher shift.

37. To obtain permission as a controller-instructor (including a controller-instructor of a simulator), the candidate must:

higher or secondary professional education;

experience in air traffic services (flight control) of at least 60 months;

a valid certificate and class qualification "Air traffic controller 1st class";

permission to work at control centers (sectors), where the candidate will perform the duties of a dispatcher-instructor;

certificate of completion of training courses for controller-instructors.

basics of aviation pedagogy;

basics of aviation psychology;

methodology for planning the educational process;

methodology for conducting preliminary training and practical training on the job during the internship;

regulatory documents regulating the professional training of relevant specialists.

apply knowledge of aviation pedagogy and psychology in practical activities;

apply knowledge of regulatory documents on vocational training relevant specialists;

draw up plans and programs for training relevant specialists and monitor their implementation;

carry out high-quality training of relevant specialists;

promote the implementation of advanced methods and technologies and provide relevant recommendations;

conduct internships for relevant specialists and provide practical assistance to air traffic controllers after they receive permission to work independently;

conduct testing of practical skills of air traffic services personnel in the workplace;

lead necessary documentation;

4) the candidate must demonstrate theoretical knowledge in the areas of:

fundamentals of aviation pedagogy and psychology;

air traffic services;

vocational training methods;

ensuring flight safety in air traffic services;

5) the candidate must demonstrate practical skills in the following operations:

organizing, planning and conducting pre-trainee training;

determining the trainee’s readiness for practical training;

organizing, planning and conducting practical training at the control center and training on the control simulator;

keeping a trainee's diary and filing a submission for the trainee's permission to work independently as a dispatcher.

38. To obtain permission to work as an air traffic controller at a control center (sector), the candidate must:

possess the knowledge specified for the certificate holder and the corresponding qualification mark;

pass a test of theoretical knowledge in the sections specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph of these Rules in accordance with class qualifications;

undergo the necessary internship and testing of practical skills in accordance with the requirements of subparagraph 3 of paragraph of these Rules.

The requirements of paragraph three of this paragraph do not apply to candidates when obtaining subsequent permits at control centers (sectors) within the framework of the existing qualification mark.


to the Rules

Information indicated in air traffic controller certificates issued in accordance with the Rules

I) name of the state (in bold);

II) title of the certificate (in bold);

III) serial number of the certificate assigned by the issuing authority (in Arabic numerals);

IV) last name, first name, patronymic of the owner (letters of the Russian and Latin alphabet);

V) date of birth;

V) owner's address;

VI) citizenship of the owner;

VII) owner's signature;

VII) signature of the official issuing the certificate and date of issue;

VIII) seal or stamp of the authority that issued the certificate;

IX) qualification marks;

X) mark of permission to work;

XI) a note regarding the validity period of the certificate;

XII) special notes (special notes regarding restrictions and/or notes about the rights granted);

XIII) other information.

The language of the certificate is Russian and contains a translation into English of paragraphs of sections I, II, VI, IX, XII, XIII, XIV, the color of the certificate is yellow.

Name customs authority Permission to place goods under the customs destruction procedure N __________________________<1>1. Name, address and place state registration applicant ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Name, location (address and place of state registration) of the person storing the goods ________________________________ 3. Actual location of the goods on the territory of the Russian Federation _________________________________________________________________ 4. Place (address) where destruction operations will be carried out<2>___ 5. Reasons for removing goods from circulation _________________________________ 6. Method(s) of destruction of goods _________________________________ 7. Name of goods _________________________________________________ 8. Classification code(s) according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union at the level of ten digits ___________________________________________________________________________ 9. Number of goods _________________________________________________ 10 . Place (address) of location (storage) of the expected waste that should be generated as a result of the destruction of goods<3>__________________ 11. Intended use and/or disposal of this waste ______ 12. Quantity and period of waste removal (if the waste is intended to be removed from the territory of the Russian Federation) ________________________________ 13. Time required for transporting goods from their location to the place of destruction<4>___________________________________________________ 14. The period required for the destruction of goods, indicating the time of completion of operations for the destruction of all declared goods in the goods declaration by the declared method(s)<5>____________________ Signature of an official Signature, date, seal of the customs authority, certified by the seal of the declarant Note. 1. The registration number of the permit is generated according to the following scheme xxxxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxx ──────── ────── ───────, where: 1 2 3

Element 1 - code of the customs authority that issued the permit, in accordance with the Classifier of customs authorities and their structural divisions;

Element 2 - date of registration of the permit (day, month, last two digits of the year);

Element 3 is the serial number of the permit (starts with one for each calendar year).

All elements are specified using the delimiter character "/", spaces between elements are not allowed.

2. In the case of placement under the customs procedure for the destruction of goods that have been destroyed, irretrievably lost or damaged due to an accident or force majeure, as well as due to operations with commercial or scientific samples specified in subparagraph 1 of part 5 of Article 296 of the Federal Law "On Customs regulation in the Russian Federation" dated November 27, 2010 N 311-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), the place (address) where the event occurred is indicated.

3. In the case of placing under the customs procedure for the destruction of goods that were destroyed, irretrievably lost or damaged due to an accident or force majeure, as well as due to operations with commercial or scientific samples specified in subparagraph 1 of part 5 of Article 296 of the Federal Law, the place shall be indicated (address) of location (storage) of generated waste.

4. Not indicated in the case of placing under the customs procedure for destruction of goods that were destroyed, irretrievably lost or damaged due to an accident or force majeure, as well as due to operations with commercial or scientific samples specified in subparagraph 1 of part 5 of Article 296 of the Federal Law.

5. Not indicated in the case of placing under the customs procedure for destruction of goods that were destroyed, irretrievably lost or damaged due to an accident or force majeure, as well as due to operations with commercial or scientific samples specified in subparagraph 1 of part 5 of Article 296 of the Federal Law.

Name of the customs authority Permission to place goods under the customs destruction procedure 1. Name, address and place of state registration of the applicant ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Name, location (address and place of state registration) of the person storing the goods _______________________ 3. Actual location of the goods on the territory of the Russian Federation _________________________________________________________________ 4. Place (address) where destruction operations will be carried out *1 ___ 5. Reasons for removing goods from circulation ________________________________ 6. Method (methods) of destruction of goods _______________________________ 7. Name of goods _______________________________________________ 8. Classification code(s) according to TN Foreign economic activity of the Customs Union at the level of ten characters _____________________________________________________________________ 9. Quantity of goods _________________________________________________ 10. Place (address) of location (storage) of the expected waste that should be generated as a result of the destruction of goods *2 __________________ 11. Intended use and/or disposal of this waste ______ 12. Quantity and deadline for waste removal (if waste is supposed to be exported from the territory of the Russian Federation) _______________________________ 13. Time required for transporting goods from their location to the place of destruction *3 ___________________________________________________ 14. Time required for destruction of goods, indicating the time of completion of operations for the destruction of all declared goods in the declaration for goods by the declared method(s) *4 ____________________ Signature of an official Signature, seal of the declarant of the customs authority, certified by the seal



*1 In case of placement under the customs procedure for the destruction of goods that were destroyed, irretrievably lost or damaged as a result of an accident or force majeure, as well as as a result of operations with commercial or scientific samples specified in subparagraph 1 of part 5 of Article 296 of the Federal Law "On Customs regulation in the Russian Federation" dated November 27, 2010 N 311-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), the place (address) where the event occurred is indicated.

*2 In the case of placing under the customs procedure for the destruction of goods that were destroyed, irretrievably lost or damaged due to an accident or force majeure, as well as due to operations with commercial or scientific samples specified in subparagraph 1 of part 5 of Article 296 of the Federal Law, the place shall be indicated (address) of location (storage) of generated waste.

*3 Not indicated in case of placement under the customs procedure for destruction of goods that were destroyed, irretrievably lost or damaged due to an accident or force majeure, as well as due to operations with commercial or scientific samples specified in subparagraph 1 of part 5 of Article 296 of the Federal Law.

*4 Not indicated in case of placement under the customs procedure for destruction of goods that were destroyed, irretrievably lost or damaged due to an accident or force majeure, as well as due to operations with commercial or scientific samples specified in subparagraph 1 of part 5 of Article 296 of the Federal Law.

Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated December 3, 2013 N 216
"On approval of norms of clothing allowance for persons sentenced to imprisonment and persons held in pre-trial detention centers"

With changes and additions from:

norms of clothing allowances for women serving sentences of imprisonment, on maternity leave, parental leave, as well as women kept in maternity wards at correctional institutions or having children in children's homes at correctional institutions ( Appendix No. 2);

the procedure for providing food allowances to those sentenced to imprisonment, serving sentences in correctional institutions, and persons held in pre-trial detention centers (

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to Deputy Minister V.V. Fedorov.

Registration N 30647

Registration N 30647

In accordance with Article 99 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 2, Art. 198; 1998, No. 2, Art. 227, No. 30, Art. 3613, No. 31, Art. 3803; 1999 , N 12, Art. 1406; 2001, N 11, Art. 1002, N 13, Art. 1140, N 26, Art. 2589; 2003, N 24, Art. 2250, N 50, Art. 4847; 2004, N 27, Article 2711, No. 35, Article 3607, No. 45, Article 4379; 2005, No. 6, Article 431, No. 14, Article 1213, Article 1214, No. 19, Article 1753, Article 1754 ; 2006, No. 2, Article 173, No. 3, Article 276, No. 15, Article 1575, No. 19, Article 2059; 2007, No. 1 (part 1), Article 36, No. 24, Art. 2834, N 30, item 3756, item 3808, N 31, item 4011, N 41, item 4845, N 49, item 6060; 2008, N 14, item 1359, N 29 (part 1) , Article 3412, No. 30 (part 2), Article 3616, No. 45, Article 5140, No. 49, Article 5733, No. 52 (part 1), Article 6216, Article 6226; 2009, N 7, Article 791, No. 23, Article 2761, Article 2766, No. 29, Article 3628, No. 51, Article 6162, No. 52 (part 1), Article 6453; 2010, No. 8, Art. 780, N 14, item 1553, item 1556, N 15, item 1742, item 1752, N 27, item 3416; 2011, N 1, item 16, N 7, item 901, item 902 , N 15, Art. 2039, N 27, Art. 3870, no. 45, art. 6324, N 49 (part 5), art. 7056, no. 50, art. 7362; 2012, N 10, art. 1162, N 14, art. 1551, N 19, art. 2279, N 49, art. 6753, N 53 (part 1), art. 7629, 7638, 2013, N 14, art. 1667, N 23, art. 2879, N 27, art. 3477, N 30, (part 1), art. 4052), Federal law dated July 15, 1995 N 103-FZ “on the detention of suspects and accused of committing crimes)) (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 29, Art. 2759; 1998, N 30, Art. 3613; 2001, N 11, Article 1002; 2003, No. 1, Article 2, No. 27 (part 1), Article 2700, No. 50, Article 4847; 2004, No. 27, Article 2711, No. 35, Article 3607; 2005, No. 10, Article 763; 2006, No. 17 (part 1), Article 1779; 2007, No. 7, Article 830, Article 831, No. 30, Article 3808, No. 31, Article 4011, N 45, Art. 5418; 2009, N 39, Art. 4538; 2010, N 27, Art. 3416; 2011, N 1, Art. 46, N 7, Art. 901, N 15, Art. 2022, N 17 , Art. 2319, No. 49 (part 5), Art. 7056) and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2004 N 1313 “Issues of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 42, Art. 4108; 2005, N 44, item 4535, N 52 (part 3), item 5690; 2006, N 12, item 1284, N 19, item 2070, N 23, item 2452, N 38, item 3975 2007, N 13, item 1530, N 20, item 2390; 2008, N 10 (part 2), item 909, N 29 (part 1), item 3473, N 43, item 4921; 2010, No. 4, Article 368, No. 19, Art. 2300; 2011, N 21, art. 2927, art. 2930, N 29, art. 4420; 2012, N 8, art. 990, N 18, art. 2166, N 22, art. 2759, N 38, art. 5070, N 47, art. 6459, N 53 (part 2), art. 7866, N 26, art. 3314) I order:

1. Approve:

norms of clothing allowance for persons sentenced to imprisonment, serving sentences in correctional institutions, and persons held in pre-trial detention centers (Appendix No. 1);

norms of clothing allowances for women serving sentences of imprisonment, on maternity leave, parental leave, as well as women kept in maternity wards at correctional institutions or who have children in orphanages at correctional institutions (Appendix No. 2) ;

the procedure for providing food allowances to those sentenced to imprisonment, serving sentences in correctional institutions, and persons held in pre-trial detention centers (Appendix No. 3);

description of items of clothing allowance for those sentenced to imprisonment, serving sentences in correctional institutions, and persons held in pre-trial detention centers (Appendix No. 4);

description of items of clothing allowance for those sentenced to forced labor (Appendix No. 5);

rules for carrying clothing items for prisoners sentenced to imprisonment serving sentences in correctional institutions (Appendix No. 6).

2. Federal service execution of punishments (G.A. Kornienko) to ensure compliance with the norms of clothing allowances for convicts serving sentences in correctional institutions and persons held in pre-trial detention centers.

3. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the First Deputy Minister A.A. Smirnova.

Minister A. Konovalov

Appendix No. 3

The procedure for providing food allowances to those sentenced to imprisonment, serving sentences in correctional institutions, and persons held in pre-trial detention centers

1. Clothing allowances, prepared according to approved normative and technical documentation, are issued to those sentenced to imprisonment and to persons held in pre-trial detention centers in ready-made form.

2. The period for wearing items of clothing allowance is calculated from the moment of actual issue. The distribution of clothing allowances to newly convicted persons is carried out on the day of their arrival at the correctional institution. Subsequent issuance of clothing allowance is made upon the written application of those sentenced to imprisonment and persons held in pre-trial detention centers, but not earlier than the expiration of the established periods for wearing items in use. Accounting for issued clothing allowances is carried out according to personal account. All items of inventory use are subject to branding in the prescribed manner.

3. In the event of premature wear and tear of clothing and shoes or loss of clothing allowance by those sentenced to imprisonment and persons held in pre-trial detention centers, new items are issued to them by order of the head of the institution on the basis of their written statements. With the consent of those sentenced to imprisonment and persons held in pre-trial detention centers, they may be given used items of clothing suitable for further use, with compensation for their residual value.

4. When moving prisoners sentenced to imprisonment from one institution of the penal system to another, they wear the clothes and shoes that they use. When moving, convicts are provided with items of clothing allowance for the season within the limits of the provisions according to the approved supply standards.

5. Persons sentenced to imprisonment who are transferred from juvenile correctional colonies to correctional colonies are provided with a set of clothing and shoes according to the season, taking into account the items in their use.

6. Persons sentenced to imprisonment, released from correctional institutions, may leave in the clothes and shoes issued to them, which are in their socks. Convicted minors who do not have parents, who have lost contact with their parents (persons replacing them), upon release, are provided with clothing for the season according to established standards.

7. In the event that supply standards provide for the issuance of several (the same) items of clothing allowance, the amount of their one-time supply is determined by the management of the institution of the penal system, depending on the remaining term of serving the sentence by the convicted person and other conditions.

8. A replacement fund of necessary clothing allowances is created through its careful, economical maintenance and timely repairs.

9. A carryover supply of clothing allowances is provided in the amount of up to 30 percent of annual expenses.

10. Newly introduced items of clothing, shoes, bedding and soft furnishings are issued as they arrive after the stocks of similar items of clothing of the previous design have been completely used up.

11. The wearing period for newly introduced items of clothing allowance is calculated from the moment of issue, which is made upon the expiration of the wearing period for previously issued similar items of clothing allowance.

Appendix No. 4

Description of clothing items for prisoners sentenced to imprisonment, serving sentences in correctional institutions, and persons held in pre-trial detention centers

1.1. Winter headdress.

The headgear with an insulating lining consists of a head (bottom and wall), a visor and a side with seamless earphones, into the ends of which a cotton ribbon is sewn in for tying the earphones. The head, the lower part of the side with headphones and the lower visor are made of plain-dyed black polyester fabric with a film coating. The upper part of the side with headphones and the upper visor are made of black faux fur. The insulating lining is made of cotton or wool batting. The lining is made of cotton calico in black or dark gray. There is a finishing stitch along the seam connecting the parts of the wall and the wall with the bottom.

1.2. Summer headdress.

The lined headdress consists of a bottom, front and back parts of the wall and a visor - made of polyester-cotton plain-dyed black fabric with a water-repellent finish. On the front part of the wall there is a stitched trim made of gray top fabric. There is a finishing stitch along the seams connecting the front and back parts of the wall, the walls and the bottom, and the edge of the visor. The lining is made of cotton calico in black or dark gray.

1.3. The jackets are insulated.

Insulated jackets of types A, B made of plain-dyed black polyester fabric with a film coating, with a central side fastener with loops and buttons. Front with side patch pockets, trims along the yoke stitching line. Pockets with stitched piping. On the right side of the front in the chest area there is an overlay for placing the convict's chest insignia. The back has a yoke that goes to the front, trim along the line of stitching the yoke, straps to regulate the degree of fit of the jacket along the hips, fastened with loops and buttons. The trims are made of gray upper fabric. Two-seam set-in sleeves. Turn-down collar. The lower collar has a tab fastened with a loop and button. Black faux fur collar. The details of the front, back, sleeves and lower collar are quilted with insulating lining in parallel horizontal stitches. There is a finishing stitch along the sides, yokes, seams for attaching facings to pockets, and straps.

1.4. Men's suit.

Men's suit (jacket and trousers) made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton fabric in black with a water-repellent finish. Jacket with a central side fastener for loops and buttons. The front has trim along the yoke stitching line, side patch pockets, and an upper patch pocket on the left side of the front. Pockets with stitched piping. On the right side of the front in the chest area there is an overlay for placing the convict's chest insignia. The back has a yoke that goes to the front and trim along the stitching line of the yoke. The trims are made of gray upper fabric. Set-in two-seam sleeves with cuffs fastened with loops and buttons, with two folds along the cuff seam, with vertical vents at the bottom of the sleeves. Turn-down collar. The bottom of the jacket has a stitched belt; along the seam of the belt stitching there are two folds on the front parts, four folds on the back. To regulate the degree of fit of the jacket along the hips, there are tabs on the belt in the area of ​​the side seams, fastened with loops and buttons. There is a finishing stitch along the collar, sides, cuffs, waistband, straps, trims.

Trousers with a stitched belt, fastening in the middle seam of the front halves of the trousers with loops and buttons, one of which is located on the belt. On the waistband above the side seams there are tabs fastened with loops and buttons to adjust the degree of fit along the waistline. The front parts of the halves of the trousers have side patch pockets and folds along the seam of the belt, in the knee area there are trims made of gray top fabric. The back parts of the halves have darts along the seam of the waistband. There is a finishing stitch along the fastener, waistband, straps, and facings of patch pockets.

1.5. Top shirts.

Outer shirts, types A, B, made of plain dyed green fabric with a central side fastener with loops and buttons, with a placket, an upper patch pocket on the left side of the front, a patch for placing the convict's breastplate on the right side of the front in the chest area, a yoke and two folds on the back, located in the seam of the yoke. Turn-down collar, with a detachable stand. In a type A shirt, the sleeves are set-in two-seam with vents and cuffs fastened with loops and buttons, folds along the seam of the cuffs. Shirt type B - with short set-in single-seam sleeves. There is a finishing stitch along the collar, placket, cuffs, shoulder seams and yoke seam.

1.6. Knitted sweater.

Black knitted wool blend sweater with a stand-up collar, distinctive gray stripes on the front and back at chest level. On the right side of the front, above the distinctive stripe, a black patch is sewn to place the convict’s breastplate insignia. Sleeves are set-in. Belt, sleeve cuffs, stand-up collar - double.

1.7. Underwear.

1.8. Warm underwear.

Sweatshirt with a straight silhouette, with side and shoulder seams. Long sleeves with double stitched cuffs. The neckline is edged. The bottom of the product is finished with a hem seam using a flat-stitch machine.

Long johns with double split front placket, double gusset and back placket. The front cut of the underpants is edged. The waist is tied with an elastic band. Bottom of long johns with double stitched cuffs.

1.10. Sweatshirt (T-shirt) with short sleeves.

1.11. Underpants.

1.12. Cotton socks.

1.13. Half-woolen socks.


1.15. Pants are insulated.

Insulated trousers made of plain-dyed polyester fabric of black color with a film coating with a stitched insulated belt, widened at the back, quilted with insulating lining with vertical stitches, fastened with two loops and buttons, with five belt loops. The trousers are fastened in the middle seam of the front halves of the trousers with loops and buttons. The front parts of the halves of the trousers have side patch pockets; in the knee area there are trims made of gray outer fabric. The backs of the trouser halves have darts along the waistband seam. Trousers with wristbands, tied at the bottom with an elastic band. There is finishing stitching along the side seams, fastener, straps, waistband and pocket edge. The insulating lining of the trousers is made of non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers, the lining of the trousers and wristbands are made of windproof or down-repellent lining fabric of black color.

1.16. The mittens are insulated.

1.17. Men's (sick leave) suit.

A men's (sick) suit made of plain-dyed cotton flannel, olive green, consists of a jacket and trousers. Jacket of a straight silhouette with a central side fastening with loops and buttons. Front with side patch pockets. On the right side of the front in the chest area there is an overlay for placing the convict's chest insignia. Single-seam set-in sleeves. Turn-down collar. Straight trousers. The waist is tied with an elastic band. There is finishing stitching along the collar and sides.

2.1. Half-woolen scarf.

2.2. Kerchief.

Triangular kerchief made of printed cotton fabric of chintz or calico groups of light colors.

2.3. Knitted hat.

2.4. Insulated short coats.

Insulated short coats types A, B made of green polyester one-colored fabric with a film coating of a semi-adjacent silhouette, with a central side fastener with loops and buttons. Front and back with yokes and embossed seams, with side pockets with leaflets, processed in the cut-off part of the side of the front, along the line of attaching the yokes of the front and back, there are inlays made of gray top fabric. On the right middle part of the front in the chest area there is an overlay for placing the convict's badge. The middle parts of the front and back are quilted with insulating padding in parallel horizontal lines. Turn-down collar. The lower collar has a tab fastened with a loop and button. Black faux fur collar. Two-seam set-in sleeves. On the sides, coquettes, the seam for attaching leaves, the edges of the collar tab there is a finishing line.

2.5. Lined jacket.

Jacket made of green polyester-cotton dyed fabric with water-repellent trim, lined, with a central side fastener with buttonholes and buttons, a stitched placket, pulled together at the waist with a cotton ribbon. The front consists of a middle, side parts and a yoke with a flyaway trim; with patch pockets at the bottom of the side parts of the front, included in the seam of the connection of the parts of the front and in the side seam; an overlay for placing the badge of the convict on the yoke of the right side of the front. The back has a middle seam, with a yoke and a hem. The trims are made of gray upper fabric. Raglan sleeves with stitched cuffs secured with elastic tape. Turn-down collar with stand-up collar. Along the edge of pockets, embossed seams, seams for attaching coquettes and slats, the middle seam of the back, seams for connecting parts of the sleeves, seams for attaching uprights to the upper and lower collars, the fold of the detachable inlays, the collar and sides - a finishing line. The lining is made of plain-dyed cotton flannel in black or dark gray.

2.6. Costume.

Suit (jacket and skirt) made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton fabric of green color with a water-repellent finish. Jacket with a stitched belt with tabs fastened with loops and buttons to adjust the degree of fit along the hips; central side fastener for loops and buttons; embossed seams on the front and back; side patch pockets with stitched piping; a yoke on the back that goes to the front; with flying tapes in the seams of attaching the yoke to the back and parts of the front; an overlay for placing the convict's breastplate insignia on the right middle part of the front in the chest area. The trims are made of gray upper fabric. Turn-down collar with lapels. Set-in two-seam sleeves with vents and cuffs fastened with loops and buttons. There is a finishing stitch along the raised seams of the front and back, yoke, collar and lapels, sides, cuffs, waistband, and the fold of the trim. The skirt extended from top to bottom; with a stitched waistband, secured with an elastic band at the side seams; the front panel is made of two parts: with a codpiece fastener in the upper part of the middle seam with loops and buttons, in the lower part there is a one-sided fold; with two darts on the back panel along the seam of the belt. There is finishing stitching along the clasp and waistband.

2.7. Dressing gowns.

Dress-robes of types A, B made of checkered variegated cotton fabric of small sizes in beige, gray, blue tones, semi-fitting silhouette, with a central side fastener with loops and buttons; side patch pockets included in the relief and side seams; a belt along the waistline, sewn into raised seams and tied at the back; an overlay for placing the convict's breastplate on the right side of the front in the chest area. Turn-down collar. Type A robe dress - front with yokes, seamlessly cut with a back yoke; vertical raised seams from the stitching seams of the yokes to the bottom. The back has two folds along the yoke stitching line. Long, set-in, single-seam sleeves with stitched cuffs. Type B robe dress - front with vertical raised seams from the shoulder seams to the bottom. Back with darts from shoulder seams. The sleeves are one-piece, short. There is finishing stitching along the collar, sides, front neckline, pocket edges, waistband and cuffs.

2.8. Blouses.

Blouses of types A, B made of plain dyed shirt fabric of light green color, semi-fitting silhouette, with a central side fastening with loops and buttons, a turn-down collar. The front and back have raised seams, slits at the bottom of the side seams, and a patch for placing the convict's breastplate on the right side of the front in the chest area. Type A blouse has long, set-in two-seam sleeves with vents and cuffs fastened with loops and buttons, two folds along the cuff stitching seam. Blouse type B - with short set-in single-seam sleeves with seamless cuffs. There is finishing stitching along the collar, sides, and slits in the side seams.

2.9. Knitted sweater.

Knitted green wool blend sweater with a stand-up collar, distinctive gray stripes on the front and back at chest level. On the right side of the front, above the distinctive stripe, there is a green overlay for placing the breastplate of the convict. Set-in sleeves. The belt, sleeve cuffs, stand-up collar are double.

2.11. Sweatshirt (T-shirt) with short sleeves.

2.12. Nightgown.

2.13. Underpants.

2.14. Summer trousers.

Summer pantaloons made of knitted cotton one-colored or melange fabric of light gray color, pulled together with elastic band along the waist line. The lower sections of the trousers are edged.

2.15. Bra.

Bra made of knitted cotton one-colored or melange fabric of light gray color, consists of two cups, a belt and two shoulder straps. Bra cups consist of two parts: upper and lower. The belt is made of three parts: front and two sides. The bra fastens at the back with hooks and loops. The straps are attached to the cups with rings and are adjustable in length with an adjusting frame. The upper section of the bra is finished with facing. Upper and bottom cuts The belts are finished with elastic braid.

2.16. Cotton socks.

Black cotton socks, shaped, single edge with latex thread inserted, knitted heel and sewn toe.

2.17. Wool-blend socks.

Wool-blend socks, black, shaped, single border with latex thread inserted, knitted heel and sewn toe.

2.18. Winter foot wraps.

Foot wraps measuring 90 cm x 40 cm made of woolen footcloth, dark-colored cotton flannel or harsh footcloth.

2.19. Cotton tights.

2.20. Wool-blend tights.

2.21. Trousers.

Trousers made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton fabric of green color with a water-repellent finish, straight silhouette, with a fastener in the middle seam of the front halves of the trousers with loops and buttons, a stitched belt, tightened with an elastic tape in the area of ​​the side seams, darts on the back parts of the halves of the trousers along the seam of the belt. There is finishing stitching along the clasp and waistband.

2.22. The trousers are insulated.

Insulated trousers made of plain-dyed polyester fabric of green color with a film coating with a stitched insulated belt, extended at the back, quilted with an insulating lining with vertical stitches, fastened with two loops and buttons. There are tabs on the waistband above the side seams, fastened with loops and buttons to adjust the degree of fit along the waistline. Trouser fastener in the middle seam of the front parts of the halves of the trousers with loops and buttons. The front parts of the halves of the trousers have side patch pockets; in the knee area there are trims made of gray outer fabric. The back of the halves of the trousers with darts along the seam of the waistband. Along the side seams, fastener, straps, belt and edge of the pocket - a finishing line. The insulating lining of the trousers is made of non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers, the lining of the trousers and wristbands are made of windproof or down-repellent lining fabric of black color.

2.23. The mittens are insulated.

Mittens made of plain-dyed black polyester fabric with a film coating, with a set-in tip located in place of the thumb, tightened with an elastic band on the palm side at wrist level. The insulating lining is made of non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers, the lining is made of black or dark gray calico.

2.24. Dressing gown for women (sick leave).

Women's (hospital) robe made of single-dyed cotton flannel, olive color, straight silhouette, with a belt, with an offset side fastener with three loops and buttons, on the right side of the front there are three finishing buttons. Front with side patch pockets entering the side seams. On the right side of the front in the chest area there is an overlay for placing the convict's chest insignia. Back with a seam in the middle. Sleeves are long set-in one-sutural with cuffs. Turn-down collar shawl. On a collar, boards, cuffs, a belt - a finishing line.

3. Items of clothing for male minors:

3.1. Winter headdress.

The headdress with an insulating lining consists of a bottom, two walls, a visor and a side with seamless earphones, into the ends of which a cotton ribbon is sewn for tying the earphones, and a trim is sewn in over the visor. The bottom, walls, visor and lower part of the side are made of polyester plain-dyed green fabric with a film coating, the trim is gray. The upper part of the side with headphones is made of black faux fur. The insulating lining is made of cotton or wool batting. The lining is made of cotton calico in black or dark gray. There is a finishing stitch along the seam connecting the parts of the wall with the bottom, the lower edge of the bottom in the back of the head, and the edge of the visor.

3.2. Knitted hat.

Knitted wool blend double hat, green, with a gray lapel, spherical in shape with four darts in the upper part, one of which goes into the seam.

3.3. Summer headdress.

The lined headdress consists of a bottom, front and side walls and a visor - made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton fabric of green color with a water-repellent finish. On the front wall above the visor there is a trim made of gray top fabric. The lining is made of cotton calico in black or dark gray. The bottom is tied at the back with an elastic band. There is a finishing stitch along the seams connecting the bottom, the front and side parts of the walls, and the edge of the visor.

3.4. The jackets are insulated.

Insulated jackets, types A, B, made of plain-dyed green polyester fabric with a film coating, with a central side fastener with loops and buttons. The front has stitched straps, side patch pockets, gray top fabric trims in the waistline area, and a patch for placing the convict's breastplate on the right side of the front in the chest area. Back with yoke, trim made of gray top fabric along the stitching line of the yoke. The sleeves are set-in, single-seam, with horizontal vents and cuffs fastened with loops and buttons, two folds along the seam of the cuffs. Turn-down collar. The lower collar has a tab fastened with a loop and button. Black faux fur collar. The bottom of the jacket has a stitched belt with straps fastened with loops and buttons to regulate the degree of fit of the jacket along the hips; four folds on the back along the seam of the belt. The details of the front, back and sleeves are quilted with insulating lining in parallel horizontal stitches. There is a finishing stitch along the front straps, collar, cuffs, belt, back yoke, and straps.

Jacket type A - with insulating lining without removable insulation, for areas with hot and temperate climates, type B - with insulating lining with removable insulation, for areas with cold and especially cold climates. Sections of removable insulation are edged. The insulating lining of the jacket and removable insulation is made of non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers, the lining of the jacket and removable insulation is made of lining fabric made of chemical threads and fibers (polyester or polyamide).

3.5. Lined jacket.

Jacket made of polyester-cotton plain dyed green fabric with water-repellent finish on the lining; with a central side fastener with loops and buttons, a stitched belt, four pleats on the back and two on the front parts along the seam of the belt stitching; a one-piece trim made from a gray top fabric, sewn into the shoulder and top seams of the sleeve; an overlay for placing the convict's breastplate insignia on the right side of the front in the chest area. Sleeves are set-in, consisting of front and back parts; with horizontal slots and stitched cuffs, fastened with loops and buttons, two folds along the seam of the cuff stitching. Stand collar. There is finishing stitching along the collar, sides, cuffs, sleeve vents, and trims. The lining is made of cotton calico in black or dark gray.

3.7. Knitted sweater.

Knitted green wool blend sweater with a stand-up collar, distinctive gray stripes on the front and back at chest level. On the right side of the front, above the distinctive stripe, there is a green patch for placing the convict's breastplate insignia. Set-in sleeves. The belt, sleeve cuffs, stand-up collar are double.

3.8. .

Suit (jacket and trousers) type A made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton fabric of green color with a water-repellent finish. Jacket with a central side fastener with loops and buttons, lapels, a stitched belt with tabs fastened with loops and buttons to regulate the degree of fit of the jacket along the hips; pleats along the seam for attaching the belt - four on the back and two on the front parts, side patch pockets on the lower parts of the front, an upper patch pocket on the upper left part of the front; with a yoke on the back, trims made of gray top fabric along the lower edge of the yoke; an overlay for placing the convict's breastplate insignia on the right side of the front in the chest area. Set-in two-seam sleeves with vents and cuffs fastened with loops and buttons, two folds along the cuff stitching seam. It is allowed to make jackets with single-seam sleeves with horizontal vents. Turn-down collar. There is a finishing stitch along the collar, sides, seam connecting the front parts, back trim, cuffs, tabs, the edge of the side patch pockets and the waistband. Trousers with cut-off top and bottom halves; trims from the upper fabric of gray color at the level of the seam connecting the upper parts with the lower ones; a stitched belt, tabs over the side seams, fastened with loops and buttons, and belt loops to regulate the degree of fit along the waist line; fastening in the middle seam of the front halves of the trousers with loops and buttons, one of which is located on the belt; side patch pockets located below the hip line; with folds on the front halves and darts on the back halves along the seam of the waistband. There is a finishing stitch along the clasp, belt, straps, trims. It is allowed to make trousers with one option for adjusting the degree of fit along the waist line (with tabs or belt loops).

3.9. The suit is working.

Type B suit (jacket and trousers) made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton fabric in black with a water-repellent finish. Jacket with central side fastening with loops and buttons, lapels, trims made of gray outer fabric along the shoulder seams; side patch pockets, top patch pocket on the left side of the front; a yoke on the back, with a trim made of gray top fabric along the lower edge of the yoke; an overlay for placing the convict's breastplate insignia on the right side of the front in the chest area. Set-in two-seam sleeves with vents and cuffs fastened with loops and buttons, two folds along the cuff stitching seam. It is allowed to make jackets with single-seam sleeves with horizontal vents. Turn-down collar. There is finishing stitching along the collar, sides, cuffs, front and back trims. Trousers with cut-off upper and lower halves, trims made of gray upper fabric at the level of the seam connecting the upper parts with the lower parts; a stitched belt, tabs over the side seams, fastened with loops and buttons, and belt loops to regulate the degree of fit along the waist line; fastening in the middle seam of the front halves of the trousers with loops and buttons, one of which is located on the belt; side patch pocket on the right front of the trouser halves, located below the hip line; with folds on the front halves and darts on the back halves along the seam of the waistband. There is a finishing stitch along the belt, fastener, trims, and straps. It is allowed to make trousers with one option for adjusting the degree of fit along the waist line (with tabs or belt loops).

3.10. Top shirts.

Outer shirts, types A, B, made of plain dyed green fabric, straight silhouette, with a central side fastener with loops and buttons, a placket, and an upper patch pocket on the left side of the front; an overlay for placing the convict's breastplate insignia on the right side of the front in the chest area; yoke and two folds on the back, located in the seam of the yoke. Turn-down collar, with a detachable stand. The sleeves of the shirt, type A, are long, set-in, two-seam with vents and cuffs fastened with loops and buttons, folds along the seam of the cuffs. Shirt type B - with short set-in single-seam sleeves. There is a finishing stitch along the collar, placket, cuffs, shoulder seams and yoke seam.

3.11. Underwear.

Underwear made of black knitted cotton fabric consists of a long-sleeved sweatshirt and long johns.

Sweatshirt with a straight silhouette, with side and shoulder seams. Long sleeves with double stitched cuffs. The neckline is edged. The bottom of the product is finished with a hem seam using a flat-stitch machine.

Long johns with double split front placket, double gusset and back placket. The front cut of the underpants is edged. The waist is tied with an elastic band. Bottom of long johns with double stitched cuffs.

3.12. Warm underwear.

Underwear made of knitted cotton fabric lined with a brushed black color consists of a sweatshirt with long sleeves and long johns.

Sweatshirt with a straight silhouette, with side and shoulder seams. Long sleeves with double stitched cuffs. The neckline is edged. The bottom of the product is finished with a hem seam using a flat-stitch machine.

Long johns with double split front placket, double gusset and back placket. The front cut of the underpants is edged. The waist is tied with an elastic band. Bottom of long johns with double stitched cuffs.

T-shirt made of black knitted cotton fabric, straight silhouette with side and shoulder seams. The armhole and neckline sections are edged. The bottom of the product is finished with a hem seam using a flat-stitch machine.

3.14. Sweatshirt (T-shirt) with short sleeves.

Sweatshirt (T-shirt) with short sleeves made of black knitted cotton fabric, straight silhouette, with side and shoulder seams. Short set-in sleeves. The neckline is edged. The bottom of the product and the sleeves are finished with a hem seam using a flat-stitch machine.

3.15. Underpants.

Men's briefs made of black or dark gray cotton fabric consist of two front and two back halves. The upper edge of the panties is tied with an elastic band. The lower edges are finished with a hem seam with a closed cut.

3.16. Shorts.

Shorts made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton fabric of green color with a water-repellent finish, with a stitched waistband, tabs over the side seams fastened with loops and buttons, and belt loops for adjusting the degree of fit along the waist line; fastening in the middle seam of the front halves with loops and buttons, with folds on the front halves and darts on the back halves along the seam of the belt; two side patch pockets, vertical inserts of gray outer fabric on the front halves in the area of ​​the side seams. There is finishing stitching along the waistband, clasp, inserts and straps. It is allowed to make shorts with one option for adjusting the degree of fit along the waist line (with tabs or belt loops).

3.17. Cotton socks.

Black cotton socks, shaped, single edge with latex thread inserted, knitted heel and sewn toe.

3.18. Wool-blend socks.

Wool-blend socks, black, shaped, single border with latex thread inserted, knitted heel and sewn toe.

3.19. The trousers are insulated.

Insulated trousers made of polyester plain-dyed green fabric with a film coating with a stitched insulated belt, widened at the back, quilted with insulating lining with vertical stitches, fastened with two loops and buttons, with five belt loops. Trouser fastener in the middle seam of the front parts of the halves of the trousers with loops and buttons. The front parts of the halves of the trousers have side patch pockets; in the knee area there are trims made of gray outer fabric. The back of the halves of the trousers with darts along the seam of the waistband. Trousers with wristbands, tied at the bottom with an elastic band. There is finishing stitching along the fastener, side seams, waistband and pocket edges. The insulating lining of the trousers is made of non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers, the lining of the trousers and wristbands are made of lining fabric made of chemical threads and fibers (polyester or polyamide).

3.20. Sports suit.

The green knitted sports suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Jacket of a straight silhouette with a central side zipper, with raised seams along the back and front. Front with side pockets located in raised seams. On the right side of the front there is an overlay for placing the convict's breastplate insignia. The width of the jacket at the bottom is adjustable with a cord with fasteners in the area of ​​the side seams. Two-seam set-in sleeves. Stand collar. Straight trousers. The waist is tied with an elastic band.

3.21. Wool-blend gloves.

3.22. Wool-blend mittens.

3.23. Trouser belt.

Belt made of black belt tape, 40 mm wide. The belt is fastened using a dark-colored metal buckle without a pin. The size of the buckle must match the width of the belt.

4. Items of clothing for female minors:

4.1. Half-woolen scarf.

Green knitted wool blend scarf, size 80 cm x 80 cm, unfinished edges are overcast.

4.2. Knitted hat.

Knitted wool blend double hat, green, with a gray lapel, spherical in shape with four darts in the upper part, one of which goes into the seam.

4.3. Kerchief.

A triangular scarf made of printed cotton fabric in light colors of chintz or calico groups.

4.4. Insulated short coats.

Insulated short coats types A, B made of green polyester one-colored fabric with a film coating of a semi-adjacent silhouette, with a central side fastener with loops and buttons. Front and back with yokes and embossed seams, with side pockets with leaflets, processed in the cut-off part of the side of the front, along the line of attaching the yokes of the front and back, there are inlays made of gray top fabric. On the right middle part of the front in the chest area there is an overlay for placing the convict's badge. The middle parts of the front and back are quilted with insulating padding in parallel horizontal lines. Turn-down collar, on the lower collar there is a strap fastened with a loop and button; Black faux fur top collar. Two-seam set-in sleeves. There is a finishing stitch along the sides, yokes, stitching seams, and edges of the collar tab.

Short coat type A - with insulating lining without removable insulation, for areas with hot and temperate climates, type B - with insulating lining with removable insulation, for areas with cold and especially cold climates. Removable insulation with sleeves, quilted, is attached to the short coat along the sides, neckline and bottom of the sleeves with hinged loops and buttons. Sections of removable insulation are edged. The insulating lining of the short coat and removable insulation is made of non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers, the lining of the short coat and removable insulation is made of lining fabric made of chemical threads and fibers (polyester or polyamide).

4.5. Lined jacket.

Jacket made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton fabric of green color with a water-repellent finish, lined, straight silhouette, with a central side fastening with loops and buttons, fastened along the waist with a belt tied at the front. The front has embossed seams, in which side pockets with leaves are processed, an overlay for placing the convict's breastplate insignia on the right side of the front in the chest area. The back has a middle seam, with a yoke that goes to the front, and gray trims made from the top fabric at the seams connecting the yoke to the front and back parts. Single-seam set-in sleeves. Turn-down collar. There is a finishing stitch along the seams of the yoke, the collar, the fold of the trim, the sides, the raised seams, the middle seam of the back and the edge of the waistband. The lining is made of plain-dyed cotton flannel in black or dark gray.

4.6. Knitted scarf.

Single knitted wool blend scarf, green, rectangular in shape, edged at the ends.

4.7. Knitted sweater.

Knitted green wool blend sweater with a stand-up collar, distinctive gray stripes on the front and back at chest level. On the right side of the front, above the distinctive stripe, there is a green patch to indicate the convict. Set-in sleeves. The belt, sleeve cuffs, stand-up collar are double.

4.8. Costume.

Suit (jacket and skirt) made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton fabric of green color with a water-repellent finish. Jacket with central side fastening with loops and buttons, lapels. Front with yokes, vertical raised seams from the yoke to the bottom, in which pockets are processed; in the seams connecting the yokes with parts of the front there are valves. A patch for placing the convict's breastplate on the right side of the front in the chest area. The back has a yoke, middle and raised seams, tabs sewn into the raised seams, extending to the front and attached buttons. Two-seam set-in sleeves. Turn-down collar. There is a finishing stitch along the raised seams of the front and back, the middle seam of the back, yokes, collar, sides, flaps and straps. Straight skirt; with a stitched waistband, secured with an elastic band at the side seams; the front panel is made of two parts: with a codpiece fastener in the upper part of the middle seam with loops and buttons, in the lower part there is a one-sided fold; with two darts on the back panel along the seam of the belt. There is finishing stitching along the clasp and waistband.

4.9. Dress.

Dress made of plain dyed shirt fabric of light green color, straight silhouette, with a central side fastener to the waistline with loops and buttons. Front with raised seams from the yoke to the bottom, in the lower part of which one-sided folds are processed; with side patch pockets with vertical stitched tucks and flaps; with an overlay for placing the convict's breastplate on the right side of the front in the chest area. The middle part of the front is cut off at the waistline. The back has a yoke that goes to the front, and raised seams from the yoke to the bottom. The sleeves are long, set-in, double-seam, with stitched cuffs fastened with loops and buttons. Turn-down collar. The dress is cinched at the waist with a belt tied at the front. There is a finishing stitch along the collar, cuffs, flaps, hem edges, yoke stitching seams and waistband.

4.10. Blouses.

Blouses of types A, B made of plain dyed shirt fabric of light green color, semi-fitting silhouette, with a central side fastener with loops and buttons, slits at the bottom of the side seams, and a turn-down collar. The front has raised seams, darts in the chest area, and a patch for placing the convict's breastplate on the right side of the front in the chest area. The back has a center seam, raised seams and a yoke that extends to the front. Type A blouse has long, set-in two-seam sleeves with vents and cuffs fastened with loops and buttons, two folds along the cuff stitching seam. Blouse type B - with short set-in single-seam sleeves with seamless cuffs. There is a finishing stitch along the collar, sides, cuffs, slits at the bottom of the side seams, and the yoke stitching seams.

4.11. Dressing gowns.

Dress-robes of types A, B made of checkered variegated cotton fabric of small sizes in beige, gray, blue tones, semi-fitting silhouette, with a central side fastener with loops and buttons; side patch pockets included in the relief and side seams; a belt along the waistline, sewn into raised seams and tied at the back; an overlay for placing the convict's breastplate on the right side of the front in the chest area. Turn-down collar. Type A robe dress - front with yokes, seamlessly cut with a back yoke; vertical raised seams from the stitching seams of the yokes to the bottom; back with two folds along the yoke stitching line; long, set-in, single-seam sleeves with stitched cuffs. Type B robe dress - front with vertical raised seams from the shoulder seams to the bottom; back with darts from shoulder seams; Short, one-piece sleeves. There is finishing stitching along the collar, sides, front neckline, pocket edges, waistband and cuffs.

T-shirt made of knitted cotton plain-dyed or melange fabric of light gray color, semi-fitted silhouette with side and shoulder seams. The armhole and neckline sections are edged. The lower cut is finished with a hem seam using a flat-stitch machine.

4.13. Sweatshirt (T-shirt) with short sleeves.

Sweatshirt (T-shirt) with short sleeves made of knitted cotton plain-dyed or melange fabric of a light gray color with a straight silhouette, with side and shoulder seams. Short set-in sleeves. The neckline is edged. The bottom of the product and the sleeves are finished with a hem seam using a flat-stitch machine.

4.14. Underpants.

Briefs made of knitted cotton plain-dyed or melange fabric of light gray color, tied along the waist with an elastic band. The bottom sections of the panties are edged.

4.15. Nightgown.

Nightgown made of printed cotton calico in light colors, straight silhouette, with seamless short sleeves. Front with a yoke of two parts, overlapping one another. There are folds along the stitching line of the yoke. The neckline is edged.

4.16. Bra.

Bra made of knitted cotton one-colored or melange fabric of light gray color, consists of two cups, a belt and two shoulder straps. Bra cups consist of two parts: upper and lower. The belt is made of three parts: front and two sides. The bra fastens at the back with hooks and loops. The straps are attached to the cups with rings and are adjustable in length with an adjusting frame. The upper section of the bra is finished with facing. The upper and lower sections of the belt are finished with elastic braid.

4.17. Cotton socks.

Black cotton socks, shaped, single edge with latex thread inserted, knitted heel and sewn toe.

4.18. Wool-blend socks.

Wool-blend socks, black, shaped, single border with latex thread inserted, knitted heel and sewn toe.

4.19. Winter foot wraps.

Foot wraps measuring 90 cm x 40 cm made of woolen footcloth, dark-colored cotton flannel or harsh footcloth.

4.20. Cotton tights.

Black cotton tights, shaped, with a wedge-shaped gusset, knitted heel and sewn toe.

4.21. Wool-blend tights.

Black wool blend tights, shaped, with a wedge-shaped gusset, knitted heel and sewn toe.

4.22. The trousers are insulated.

Insulated trousers made of plain-dyed polyester fabric of green color with a film coating with a stitched insulated belt, extended at the back, quilted with an insulating lining with vertical stitches, fastened with two loops and buttons. There are tabs on the waistband above the side seams, fastened with loops and buttons to adjust the degree of fit along the waistline. Trouser fastener in the middle seam of the front parts of the halves of the trousers with loops and buttons. The front parts of the halves of the trousers have side patch pockets; in the knee area there are trims made of gray outer fabric. The back of the halves of the trousers with darts along the seam of the waistband. Along the side seams, fastener, straps, belt and edge of the pocket - a finishing line. The insulating lining of the trousers is made of non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers, the lining of the trousers and wristbands are made of lining fabric made of chemical threads and fibers (polyester or polyamide).

4.23. Trousers.

Trousers made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton fabric of green color with a water-repellent finish, straight silhouette, with a stitched waistband, fastened with an elastic band in the area of ​​the side seams, a fastener in the middle seam of the front halves of the trousers with loops and buttons, darts on the back parts of the halves of the trousers along the seam of the waistband. There is finishing stitching along the clasp and waistband.

4.24. Wool-blend gloves.

Knitted wool blend gloves, black, double, five-fingered.

4.25. Wool-blend mittens.

Knitted wool blend mittens, black, double.

4.26. Sports suit.

The green knitted sports suit consists of a jacket and trousers. Jacket of a straight silhouette with a central side zipper, with raised seams along the back and front. Front with side pockets located in raised seams. On the right side of the front there is an overlay for placing the convict's breastplate. The width of the jacket at the bottom is adjustable with a cord with fasteners in the area of ​​the side seams. Two-seam set-in sleeves. Stand collar. Straight trousers. The waist is tied with an elastic band.

5.1. Combined boots (men's).

5.2. Combined boots (women's).

The upper of the shoe is made of yuft (the important parts of the upper and the parts to which the side of the sole is sewn) and artificial leather of the “tarpaulin” type in black. The lining is made of non-woven needle-punched “nap” fabric or black cotton shoe fabric. The insole is made of lining material duplicated with shoe cardboard.

The bottom details are a molded sole made of thermoplastic elastomer (TEP) with a side, a heel counter is inserted into the heel part, and the toe part is reinforced with a toe cap.

The method of attaching the sole is glue-stitching.

5.3. .

The upper edge of the top blank is edged with black knitted braid. The front and back seams of the boot are stitched with cotton braid.

The bottom details are a molded sole made of thermoplastic elastomer (TEP) with a side, a heel counter is inserted into the heel part, and the toe part is reinforced with a toe cap.

The method of attaching the sole is glue-stitching.

5.4. .

The upper of the shoe is made of natural leather (the important parts of the upper and the parts to which the side of the sole is sewn) and black shoe cloth, lined with faux fur. The insole is made of artificial fur, duplicated with shoe cardboard.

The boots have a zipper located in the front seam of the boot, the top and front seam of the boot are edged with black knitted braid. The back seam of the boot is stitched with cotton braid.

The bottom details are a molded sole made of thermoplastic elastomer (TEP) with a side, a heel counter is inserted into the heel part, and the toe part is reinforced with a toe cap.

The method of attaching the sole is glue-stitching.

5.5. Leather shoes.

The upper of the shoe is made of black natural leather. The lining under the vamp is made of cotton shoe fabric in dark tones, the lining under the ankle boots and the insole are made of black lining leather.

The method of attaching the sole is glue-stitching.

5.6. Summer low shoes.

The design of the shoe upper blank covers the back surface of the foot. For fastening on the leg there is a cross-lifting strap secured with a buckle. The vamp parts have perforations and a soft heel pad.

The method of attaching the sole is glue-stitching.

5.7. Summer shoes.

The upper of the shoe is made of black natural leather. The lining under the vamp is made of cotton shoe fabric in light colors, the insole and the lining under the heel (pocket) are made of lining leather in a natural color.

The design of the shoe upper blank covers the back surface of the foot and consists of a vamp and a heel. For fastening on the leg there is a cross-lifting strap secured with a buckle. A soft heel pad is provided.

Bottom details - molded sole made of thermoplastic elastomer (TEP) with a heel, a heel counter is inserted into the heel, no toe box is provided.

5.8. Hospital shoes.

The upper of the shoe is made of natural leather (the additional use of leather used for manufactured types of footwear) is black and consists of a composite vamp, ankle boots, front and back straps. The lining is made of cotton shoe fabric in dark colors, the edging is made of black knitted braid.

The design of the shoe covers the back of the foot, without a toe box or molded heel.

Bottom details: foam rubber with heel.

The method of attaching the sole is adhesive.

5.9. Slippers.

The upper of the shoe is made of smooth artificial leather and vinyl leatherette shoe type "tarpaulin" in black. The main insole is made of shoe cardboard, lined with upper material, and has a soft heel pad.

The design of the shoe upper blank covers the dorsal surface of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot and has only a vamp (type A) or transverse straps (type B). In type A, the main insole and vamp are edged with black knitted braid; in type B, the main insole is covered with upper material, the ends of the straps are folded and secured in the slots of the main insole.

The method of attaching the sole is adhesive.

5.10. Molded pantolets.

The design of the shoe covers the dorsum of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot and is made of polymer material black color based on ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer by casting and foam molding.

5.11. Sports shoes.

The upper of the shoe is made of split leather leather coated in blue with gray finishing details and a soft edging processed into an inversion. The lining under the vamp and boots is made of blue cotton fabric, under the heel is made of artificial leather intended for sports shoes, gray.

The blank design of the shoe's upper covers the back of the foot, without a toe box or molded heel counter. Lacing is provided for fastening on the leg.

The method of fastening the bottom parts is direct casting from plastic material (PVC) of gray or black color.

5.12. Felt boots.

Made from coarse natural sheep wool with evenly cut tops. Felt boots are paired in size, shape, density, wall thickness, finish and color.

6. Bed dress and soft equipment:

6.1. The blanket is half-woolen.

A rectangular blanket made of wool blends in dark shades of blue, grey, green and brown. Blanket size - 205 cm x 130 cm -140 cm.

6.2. Blanket with synthetic filling.

A rectangular blanket with rounded corners made of mixed dyed fabrics of various shades of blue, gray, green and brown containing cotton and synthetic fibers, quilted with synthetic fiber filling. The sections of the blanket are edged. The size of the blanket is 205 cm x 134 cm.

6.3. The mattress is cotton.

The mattress is a fabric pillowcase made of diagonal plain-dyed cotton in dark tones or gray mattress teak. There is a stitch along the perimeter on both sides and at four corners along the height of the pillowcase, forming a border. Pillowcase filled with waste cotton clothing production and quilted with through punctures with fabric reinforcements on both sides.

6.4. Mattresses with synthetic filling.

Mattresses of types A, B are a fabric pillowcase with a synthetic filler. In the end part of the side of the pillowcase there is a hole, fastened with loops and buttons. On the side of the side there is a handle for transportation. Type A mattress pillowcase made of diagonal plain-dyed cotton in dark tones. Type B mattress cover made of mixed dyed fabrics of various shades of blue, gray, green and brown containing cotton and synthetic fibers, quilted with a non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers.

6.5. The pillow is cotton.

The pillow is a fabric pillowcase made of diagonal plain-dyed cotton in dark tones, filled with cotton wool from sewing waste. Pillow size - 60 cm x 50 cm.

6.6. Pillows with synthetic filling.

Types A and B pillows are a fabric pillowcase filled with synthetic fibers twisted into balls. Pillowcase type A made of smooth-dyed cotton teak pillowcase. Type B pillowcase made of mixed dyed fabrics of various shades of blue, gray, green and brown containing cotton and synthetic fibers, quilted with a non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers. The size of pillows types A, B is 60 cm x 50 cm.

6.7. Sheet.

Bedsheet made of bleached cotton calico. The unfinished edges of the sheet are finished with a hem seam with a closed cut. The size of the sheet is 214 cm x 116 cm.

6.8. Pillowcase top.

Pillowcase made of bleached cotton calico with a valve, sides which is sewn into the side seams of the pillowcase. Pillowcase size - 60 cm x 50 cm.

6.9. Towels.

Towels types A, B made of bleached waffle cotton fabric. The unfinished edges of the towels are finished with a hem seam with a closed cut. Type A towel size (including hygienic and foot towel) - 80 cm x 45 cm; type B (bath) - 120 cm x 45 cm.

Appendix No. 5

Description of clothing items for prisoners sentenced to forced labor

1. Men's clothing items:

1.1. Winter headdress.

The headgear with an insulating lining consists of a head (bottom and wall), a visor and a side with seamless earphones, into the ends of which a cotton ribbon is sewn in for tying the earphones. The head, the lower part of the side with headphones and the lower visor are made of plain-dyed brown polyester fabric with a film coating. The upper part of the side with headphones and the upper visor are made of black faux fur. The insulating lining is made of cotton or wool batting. The lining is made of plain-dyed calico in black or dark gray. There is a finishing stitch along the seam connecting the parts of the wall and the wall with the bottom.

1.2. Summer headdress.

The lined headdress consists of the upper and side parts of the head and visor - made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton brown fabric with a water-repellent finish. On the back of the upper parts of the head there is a cutout with a fastener with straps and half rings for adjusting the size of the headdress. There is a finishing stitch along the seams connecting the parts of the head, the edge of the visor, the back cutout and the straps. The lining is made of plain-dyed calico in black or dark gray.

1.3. Jacket with insulated lining.

Insulated jackets, types A, B, made of plain-dyed brown polyester fabric with a film coating, with a central side fastener with loops and buttons. Front with side patch pockets. The back has a yoke that goes to the front, straps to regulate the degree of fit of the jacket along the hips, fastened with loops and buttons. Two-seam set-in sleeves. Turn-down collar. The lower collar has a tab fastened with a loop and button. Black faux fur collar. The details of the front, back and sleeves are quilted with an insulating lining using parallel horizontal stitches. There is a finishing stitch along the sides, yokes, seams for attaching facings to pockets, and straps.

Jacket type A - with insulating lining without removable insulation, for areas with hot and temperate climates, type B - with insulating lining with removable insulation, for areas with cold and especially cold climates. Removable insulation with sleeves, quilted with an insulating lining, is attached to the jacket along the sides, neck, top of the armholes and bottom of the sleeves with hinged loops and buttons. Sections of removable insulation are edged. The insulating lining of the jacket and removable insulation is made of non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers, the lining of the jacket and removable insulation is made of windproof or down-holding lining fabric of black color.

1.4. Costume.

Men's suit (jacket and trousers) made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton fabric of brown color with a water-repellent finish. Jacket with a central side fastener for loops and buttons. Front with side patch pockets, top patch pocket on the left side of the front. The back has a yoke that goes to the front. Set-in two-seam sleeves with cuffs fastened with loops and buttons, with two folds along the cuff seam, with vertical vents at the bottom of the sleeves. Turn-down collar. The bottom of the jacket has a stitched belt; along the seam of the belt stitching there are two folds on the front parts, four folds on the back. To regulate the degree of fit of the jacket along the hips, there are tabs on the belt in the area of ​​the side seams, fastened with loops and buttons. There is finishing stitching along the collar, sides, cuffs, waistband, and straps.

Trousers with a stitched waistband, fastening with loops and buttons in the middle seam of the front halves of the trousers, one of which is located on the belt. There are tabs on the waistband above the side seams, fastened with loops and buttons to adjust the degree of fit along the waistline. The front parts of the trouser halves have side patch pockets and pleats along the seam of the waistband. The back parts of the halves have darts along the seam of the waistband. There is a finishing stitch along the fastener, waistband, straps, and facings of patch pockets.

1.5. Top shirts.

Outer shirts, types A, B, made of plain dyed beige shirt fabric with a central side fastener with loops and buttons, with a placket, an upper patch pocket on the left side of the front, with a yoke and two folds on the back, located in the seam of the yoke. Turn-down collar, with a detachable stand. In a type A shirt, the sleeves are set-in two-seam with vents and cuffs fastened with loops and buttons, folds along the seam of the cuffs. Shirt type B - with short single-seam sleeves. There is a finishing stitch along the collar, placket, cuffs, shoulder seams and yoke seam.

1.6. Underwear.

Underwear made of black knitted cotton fabric consists of a long-sleeved sweatshirt and long johns.

Sweatshirt with a straight silhouette, with side and shoulder seams. Long sleeves with double stitched cuffs. The neckline is edged. The bottom of the product is finished with a hem seam using a flat-stitch machine.

Long johns with double split front placket, double gusset and back placket. The front cut of the underpants is edged. The waist is tied with an elastic band. Bottom of long johns with double stitched cuffs.

T-shirt made of black knitted cotton fabric, straight silhouette with side and shoulder seams. The armhole and neckline sections are edged. The bottom of the product is finished with a hem seam using a flat-stitch machine.

1.8. Underpants.

Men's briefs made of black or dark gray cotton fabric consist of two front and two back halves. The upper edge of the panties is tied with an elastic band. The lower edges are finished with a hem seam with a closed cut.

1.9. Warm underwear.

Warm underwear made of knitted cotton fabric lined with a brushed black color consists of a long-sleeved sweatshirt and long johns.

Sweatshirt with a straight silhouette, with side and shoulder seams. Long sleeves with double stitched cuffs. The neckline is edged. The bottom of the product is finished with a hem seam using a flat-stitch machine.

Long johns with double split front placket, double gusset and back placket. The front cut of the underpants is edged. The waist is tied with an elastic band. Bottom of long johns with double stitched cuffs.

1.10. Cotton socks.

Black cotton socks, shaped, single edge with latex thread inserted, knitted heel and sewn toe.

1.11. Wool-blend socks.

Wool-blend socks, black, shaped, single border with latex thread inserted, knitted heel and sewn toe.

1.12. Trousers with insulated lining.

Insulated trousers made of plain-dyed brown polyester fabric with a film coating with a stitched insulated belt, extended at the back, quilted with insulating lining with vertical stitches, fastened with two loops and buttons, with five belt loops. Trouser fastener in the middle seam of the front parts of the halves of the trousers with loops and buttons. The front parts of the trouser halves have side patch pockets. The back of the halves of the trousers with darts along the seam of the waistband. Trousers with wristbands, tied at the bottom with an elastic band. There is finishing stitching along the side seams, fastener, waistband and edges of the pockets. The insulating lining of the trousers is made of non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers, the lining of the trousers and wristbands are made of windproof or down-repellent lining fabric of black color.

1.13. The mittens are insulated.

Insulated mittens made of plain-dyed black polyester fabric with a film coating, with a set-in tip located in place of the thumb, tightened with an elastic band on the palm side at wrist level. The insulating lining is made of non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers, the lining is made of black or dark gray calico.

1.14. Wool-blend gloves.

Knitted wool blend gloves, black, double, five-fingered.

1.15. Combined boots.

The upper of the shoe is made of yuft (the important parts of the upper and the parts to which the side of the sole is sewn) and artificial leather of the “tarpaulin” type in black. The lining is made of non-woven needle-punched “nap” fabric or black cotton shoe fabric. The insole is made of lining material duplicated with shoe cardboard.

Billet design with soft faux leather cuff and blind flap. Fastening on the leg is carried out using lacing, the lacing holes are reinforced with blocks.

The bottom details are a molded sole made of thermoplastic elastomer (TEP) with a side, a heel counter is inserted into the heel part, and the toe part is reinforced with a toe cap.

The method of attaching the sole is glue-stitching.

1.16. Summer low shoes.

The upper of the shoe is made of natural leather of increased thickness in black. The lining under the vamp, depending on the thickness of the upper leather, the lining under the back (pocket) and the insole are made of black lining leather.

The design of the shoe upper blank represents a closed dorsal surface of the foot. For fastening on the leg there is a cross-lifting strap secured with a buckle. The vamp parts have perforations and a soft heel pad.

Bottom details - molded sole made of thermoplastic elastomer (TEP) with a side, a heel counter is inserted into the heel, no toe box is provided.

The method of attaching the sole is glue-stitching.

1.17. Men's combined winter boots.

The upper edge of the top blank is edged with black knitted braid. The front and back seams of the boot are stitched with cotton braid.

The method of attaching the sole is glue-stitching.

1.18. Slippers.

The upper of the shoe is made of smooth artificial leather and vinyl leatherette shoe type "tarpaulin" in black. The main insole is made of shoe cardboard, duplicated with the upper material, and provides a soft heel pad.

The design of the shoe upper blank provides a closed dorsal surface of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot and has only a vamp (type A) or transverse straps (type B). Type A - the main insole and vamp are edged with black knitted braid. Type B - the main insole is covered with upper material, the ends of the straps are folded and secured in the slots of the main insole.

Bottom parts - porous rubber.

The method of attaching the sole is adhesive.

2. Women's clothing items:

2.1. Half-woolen scarf.

Green knitted wool blend scarf, size 80 cm x 80 cm, unfinished edges are overcast.

2.2. Knitted hat.

Knitted wool blend double hat, green, with a gray lapel, spherical in shape with four darts in the upper part, one of which goes into the seam.

2.3. Kerchief.

Triangular kerchief made of printed cotton fabric of chintz or calico groups of light colors.

2.4. Short coat with insulated lining.

Insulated short coats, types A, B, made of plain-dyed brown polyester fabric with a film coating, semi-adjacent silhouette, with a central side fastener with loops and buttons. Front and back with yokes and raised seams, with side pockets with leaves, processed in the cutting part of the side front. The middle parts of the front and back are quilted with insulating padding in parallel horizontal lines. Turn-down collar. The lower collar has a tab fastened with a loop and button. Black faux fur collar. Two-seam set-in sleeves. On the sides, coquettes, the seam for attaching leaves, the edges of the collar tab there is a finishing line.

Short coat type A - with insulating lining without removable insulation, for areas with hot and temperate climates, type B - with insulating lining with removable insulation, for areas with cold and especially cold climates. Removable insulation with sleeves, quilted, is attached to the short coat along the sides, neckline and bottom of the sleeves with hinged loops and buttons. Sections of removable insulation are edged. The insulating lining of the short coat and removable insulation is made of non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers; the lining of the short coat and removable insulation is made of windproof or down-holding lining fabric.

2.5. Lined jacket.

Jacket made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton fabric of brown color with a water-repellent finish, lined, with a central side fastening with loops and buttons, a stitched placket, tied along the waist with a cotton tape. The front consists of middle, side parts and a yoke; with patch pockets at the bottom of the side parts of the front, included in the seam connecting the parts of the front and in the side seams. The back has a middle seam and a yoke. Raglan sleeves with stitched cuffs secured with elastic tape. Turn-down collar with stand-up collar. There is a finishing stitch along the edges of pockets, raised seams, seams for attaching yokes and trims, the middle seam of the back, seams for connecting parts of sleeves, seams for attaching stands to the upper and lower collars, collar and sides. The lining is made of plain-dyed cotton flannel in black or dark gray.

2.6. Costume.

Suit (jacket and skirt) made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton fabric of brown color with a water-repellent finish. Jacket with a stitched belt with tabs fastened with loops and buttons to adjust the degree of fit along the hips; central side fastener for loops and buttons; embossed seams on the front and back; side patch pockets; yoke on the back, moving to the front. Turn-down collar with lapels. Set-in two-seam sleeves with vents and cuffs fastened with loops and buttons. There is a finishing stitch along the raised seams of the front and back, yoke, collar and lapels, sides, cuffs, waistband, and the fold of the trim. The skirt is widened at the bottom, with a stitched belt, tightened with an elastic band in the area of ​​the side seams; the front panel is made of two parts: with a codpiece fastener in the upper part of the middle seam with loops and buttons, in the lower part there is a one-sided fold; with two darts on the back panel along the seam of the belt. There is finishing stitching along the clasp and waistband.

2.7. Dressing gowns.

Dress-robes of types A, B made of checkered variegated cotton fabric of small sizes in beige, gray, blue tones, semi-fitting silhouette, with a central side fastener with loops and buttons; side patch pockets included in the relief and side seams; belt at the waist, sewn into raised seams and tied at the back. Turn-down collar. Type A robe dress - front with yokes, seamlessly cut with a back yoke; vertical raised seams from the stitching seams of the yokes to the bottom. The back has two folds along the yoke stitching line. Long, set-in, single-seam sleeves with stitched cuffs. Type B robe dress - front with vertical raised seams from the shoulder seams to the bottom. Back with darts from shoulder seams. The sleeves are one-piece, short. There is finishing stitching along the collar, sides, front neckline, pocket edges, waistband and cuffs.

2.8. Blouses.

Blouses of types A, B made of plain dyed beige fabric, semi-fitted silhouette, with central side fastening with loops and buttons, turn-down collar. Front and back with raised seams, slits at the bottom of the side seams. Type A blouse has long, set-in two-seam sleeves with vents and cuffs fastened with loops and buttons, two folds along the cuff stitching seam. Blouse type B - with short set-in single-seam sleeves with seamless cuffs. There is finishing stitching along the collar, sides, and slits in the side seams.

T-shirt made of knitted cotton fabric, plain dyed or melange, light gray, semi-fitting silhouette with side and shoulder seams. The armhole and neckline sections are edged. The lower cut is finished with a hem seam using a flat-stitch machine.

2.10. Nightgown.

Nightgown made of printed cotton calico in light colors, straight silhouette, with seamless short sleeves. Front with a yoke of two parts, overlapping one another. There are folds along the stitching line of the yoke. The neckline is edged.

2.11. Summer knitted cotton trousers.

Knickers made of knitted cotton fabric, plain dyed or melange, light gray, tied along the waist with an elastic band. The lower sections of the trousers are edged.

2.12. Knitted panties.

Briefs made of knitted cotton fabric, plain dyed or melange, light gray, tied along the waist with an elastic band. The bottom sections of the panties are edged.

2.13. Wool-blend tights.

Black wool blend tights, shaped, with a wedge-shaped gusset, knitted heel and sewn toe.

2.14. Bra.

The bra is made of knitted cotton plain-dyed or melange fabric of light gray color, consists of two cups, a belt of two straps. Bra cups consist of two parts: upper and lower. The belt is made of three parts: front and two sides. The bra fastens at the back with hooks and loops. The straps are attached to the cups with rings and are adjustable in length with an adjusting frame. The upper section of the bra is finished with facing. The upper and lower sections of the belt are finished with elastic braid.

2.15. Cotton socks.

Black cotton socks, shaped, single edge with latex thread inserted, knitted heel and sewn toe.

2.16. Cotton tights.

Black cotton tights, shaped, with a wedge-shaped gusset, knitted heel and sewn toe.

2.17. Wool-blend socks.

Wool-blend socks, black, shaped, single border with latex thread inserted, knitted heel and sewn toe.

2.18. Trousers.

Trousers made of plain-dyed polyester-cotton fabric of brown color with a water-repellent finish, straight silhouette, with a fastener in the middle seam of the front halves of the trousers with loops and buttons, a stitched belt, tightened with an elastic tape in the area of ​​the side seams, darts on the back parts of the halves of the trousers along the seam of the belt. There is finishing stitching along the clasp and waistband.

2.19. Trousers with insulated lining.

Insulated trousers made of plain-dyed brown polyester fabric with a film coating with a stitched insulated belt, extended at the back, quilted with an insulating lining with vertical stitches, fastened with two loops and buttons. There are tabs on the waistband above the side seams, fastened with loops and buttons to adjust the degree of fit along the waistline. Trouser fastener in the middle seam of the front parts of the halves of the trousers with loops and buttons. The front parts of the halves of the trousers have side patch pockets; in the knee area there are trims made of gray outer fabric. The back of the halves of the trousers with darts along the seam of the waistband. Along the side seams, fastener, straps, belt and edge of the pocket - a finishing line. The insulating lining of the trousers is made of non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers, the lining of the trousers and wristbands are made of windproof or down-repellent lining fabric of black color.

2.20. The mittens are insulated.

Insulated mittens made of plain-dyed black polyester fabric with a film coating, with a set-in tip located in place of the thumb, tightened with an elastic band on the palm side at wrist level. The insulating lining is made of non-woven bulk fabric made of synthetic fibers, the lining is made of black or dark gray calico.

2.21. Wool-blend gloves.

Knitted wool blend gloves, black, double, five-fingered.

2.22. Women's combined winter boots.

The upper of the shoe is made of natural leather (the important parts of the upper and the parts to which the side of the sole is sewn) and shoe cloth, lined with artificial fur, black. Insole - artificial fur duplicated with shoe cardboard.

The boots have a zipper located along the front seam of the boot, the top and front seam of the boot are edged with black knitted braid. The back seam of the boot is stitched with cotton braid.

Bottom details: molded thermoplastic elastomer (TEP) sole with collar. A heel counter is inserted into the heel part, and the toe part is reinforced with a toe cap.

The method of attaching the sole is glue-stitching.

2.23. Combined boots.

The upper of the shoe is made of yuft (the important parts of the upper and the parts to which the side of the sole is sewn) and artificial leather of the “tarpaulin” type in black. The lining is made of non-woven needle-punched “nap” fabric or black cotton shoe fabric. Insole - the lining material is duplicated with shoe cardboard.

Billet design with soft faux leather cuff and blind flap. Fastening on the leg is carried out with the help of lacing, the holes for lacing are reinforced with pulleys, the overlocks are fixed with holnitens.

The bottom details are a molded sole made of thermoplastic elastomer (TEP) with a side, a heel counter is inserted into the heel part, and the toe part is reinforced with a toe cap.

The method of attaching the sole is glue-stitching.

2.24. Leather shoes.

The upper of the shoe is made of black natural leather. The lining under the vamp is made of cotton shoe fabric in dark colors, the lining under the berets and on the insole is made of black lining leather.

The design of the shoe upper blank provides for closed toe and heel parts. Fastening on the leg is carried out using laces.

Details of the bottom - a molded sole made of thermoplastic elastomer (TEP), a heel counter is inserted into the heel part, the toe part is reinforced with a toe cap.

The method of attaching the sole is glue-stitching.

2.25. Slippers.

The upper of the shoe is made of smooth artificial leather and vinyl leatherette shoe type "tarpaulin" in black. The main insole is made of shoe cardboard, duplicated by the upper material and provides a soft heel pad.

The design of the shoe upper blank provides a closed dorsal surface of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot and has only a vamp (type A) or transverse straps (type B). Type A - the main insole and vamp are edged with black knitted braid. Type B - the main insole is covered with the upper material, the ends of the straps are bent and fixed in the slots of the main insole.

Bottom parts - porous rubber.

The method of attaching the sole is adhesive.

Appendix No. 6

Rules for wearing items of clothing allowance for convicts sentenced to imprisonment serving sentences in correctional institutions

I. Fundamentals

1. Clothing rations are distributed to convicts evenly throughout the year, taking into account the regulations.

The clothing allowance of convicts is divided into summer and winter uniforms. The transition to wearing summer and winter uniforms is established by orders of the heads of institutions of the penitentiary system (hereinafter referred to as the penitentiary system).

1.1. For the summer period:

1.2. For the winter period:

in areas with cold and especially cold climates - until October 1; in areas with a temperate climate - until October 15; in areas with hot climates - until November 1.

1.3. Depending on local climatic conditions, the heads of institutions of the penal system may make decisions on the transition to winter and summer uniforms earlier or later than the established dates.

2. When switching to summer and winter uniforms, the heads of institutions of the penal system conduct drill reviews, at which the presence and condition of items of clothing allowance of convicts are checked.

3. A knitted sweater is allowed to be worn at any time of the year as an independent piece of clothing in combination with trousers and a skirt. A knitted sweater can be worn over a T-shirt, sweatshirt, blouse and outer shirt, or worn under the jacket of men's and women's suits.

4. Slippers are allowed to be worn on squad premises.

5. Molded pantolets are allowed to be worn in the premises of detachments, when taking water procedures, as well as during bathing and laundry activities.

6. Tracksuits and sports shoes may be worn in gyms and sports fields during sports activities and competitions.

7. For sick people sentenced to imprisonment, undergoing inpatient treatment in medical and preventive institutions and medical correctional institutions of the penal system, for women serving a sentence of imprisonment, on maternity leave, parental leave, as well as women, for those kept in maternity wards at correctional institutions or who have children in orphanages at correctional institutions, the rules for carrying items of clothing allowance for convicts are established by the head of the given institution of the penal system in accordance with the specifics of the disease, health status and conditions of their detention.

II. Dress code for prisoners sentenced to imprisonment (men)

Summer headdress

Suit (jacket and trousers)

Knitted sweater

Top shirt

Combined boots

Summer low shoes

9. By decision of the head of the penal institution, when wearing a summer uniform, it is allowed to wear an outer shirt with short sleeves.

Winter headdress

Insulated jacket

Insulated trousers

Suit (jacket and trousers)

Knitted sweater

Top shirt

Combined boots

Men's combined winter boots

Insulated mittens

III. Dress code for prisoners sentenced to imprisonment (women)

Lined jacket

Suit (jacket and skirt)

Knitted sweater


Combined boots

Leather shoes

Summer shoes

10. By decision of the head of the penal institution, during the summer uniform it is allowed to wear a blouse and a robe with short sleeves.

Knitted hat

Half-woolen scarf

Insulated short coat

Insulated trousers

Suit (jacket and skirt)

Knitted sweater


Combined boots

Women's combined winter boots

Insulated mittens

IV. The form of clothing of minors sentenced to deprivation of liberty male

Summer headdress

Lined jacket

Suit everyday (school)

Work suit

Knitted sweater

Top shirt

Combined boots

Summer low shoes

11. By decision of the head of the institution of the penal system, with a summer uniform, it is allowed to wear an upper shirt with short sleeves.

Winter headdress

Knitted hat

Knitted scarf

Insulated jacket

Insulated trousers

Suit everyday (school)

Work suit

Knitted sweater

Top shirt

Combined boots

Men's combined winter boots

V. Dress code for juvenile women sentenced to deprivation of liberty

Lined jacket

Suit (jacket and skirt)

Knitted sweater


Combined boots

Leather shoes

Summer shoes

13. By decision of the head of the penitentiary institution, with a summer uniform, it is allowed to wear a blouse and a dressing gown with short sleeves.

Half-woolen scarf

Knitted hat

Knitted scarf

Insulated short coat

Insulated trousers

Suit (jacket and skirt)

Knitted sweater


Combined boots

Women's combined winter boots

Woolen gloves or mittens
