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Equipping the hot shop with equipment. The equipment is a hot shop. Hot shop inventory

Is a hot shop. The place where most of the technological processes necessary for preparing the main dishes are carried out has several variations of its device, which depend on the format of the enterprise itself.

So, the equipment of the hot shop in the restaurant is very diverse and makes it possible to cook a wide range of dishes at the same time. Meals are served in small (or even single) quantities, based on the wishes of each client. Whereas the kitchen of a large public dining room assumes the uninterrupted delivery of set meals of several varieties and in large volumes, which, of course, determines the special specifics of its design.

general characteristics

In the kitchen, the preparation of broths, sauces, cutting and mixing salads, thermal processing of semi-finished products, frying and stewing meat and vegetables are carried out. The inventory of a hot shop in a large establishment should also provide the possibility of baking bread, rolls and confectionery, brewing hot drinks and dispensing other gastronomic delights. In addition, it usually processes ingredients intended for an appetizer or dessert.

The scheme and its location in the building relative to other premises primarily depends on the volume of dishes produced. An establishment with several dining rooms can include both several kitchens and one large one, located on the same floor as the hall with the largest number of seats. At the same time, the hot shop should have free access to the warehouse, blank shop, washing and, of course, ideally fit into the distribution system.

The kitchen device includes the assembly of equipment for heat treatment, as well as the connection of electrical and mechanical appliances, electronic scales, tabletop mechanisms for preparing complex dishes with a large number of ingredients.

Equipment location requirements

The scheme of the hot shop directly depends on its strategic location. In addition to all of the above, in the immediate vicinity there should be a spacious and comfortable washing room with a large number of sinks for cleaning kitchen utensils and tableware. The medium-temperature refrigerating cabinet is located strategically - opposite the window for supplying products to the kitchen.

The height at which the ceiling of the room is located must exceed 3 meters. To cover walls and other surfaces, light-colored paint is more often recommended. In addition, panels with ceramic cladding are often installed at a level of up to 1.7 m from the floor. The materials used for finishing the hot shop must be sufficiently waterproof, easy to clean and have an anti-slip structure.

Organizing your workplace, the cook of the hot shop should use equipment installed in sections, which allows you to significantly save the working surface and combine the cooking processes.

Workspace organization

In accordance with the capacity of the institution and the dimensions of the kitchen, the equipment of the hot shop can be located in different ways. In rooms with a small area, it is placed along walls equipped with strong forced ventilation. In parallel, a line is often equipped: a stainless table, as well as surfaces for inspection, cutting, processing and preparing products. In large areas, as a rule, there is not one, but a number of jobs for acting chefs. In such cases, space zoning occurs depending on the specifics of the activity. One cook of the hot shop prepares soups. The other - second courses, etc.

In the zone for preparing liquid dishes, as a rule, there are a cooking boiler, pots of various capacities, pans, a table equipped with a special bath and other devices, and other equipment from the category of small-scale mechanization.

Special attention restaurants pay attention to the speed of issuing ready-to-serve dishes. Of the equipment in the kitchen of canteens, there is usually a medium-temperature refrigerating cabinet for cooling food. As well as cutting boards, spice containers, cooking pots and a rack.

Hot shop equipment

The main requirement for the equipment of the workshop for the preparation of hot dishes is the efficiency of the working space and the creation of the most productive balance that fully meets the professional needs of the kitchen, depending on its specifics. In this regard, in such premises are used:

  • cutting table;
  • refrigerator;
  • electronic balance;
  • boiler for cooking;
  • beaters, etc.

The most productive work of staff helps to optimize frying surfaces, grills, devices that combine steam and high temperatures, ovens, cabinets for preparations based on dough, etc. In general, the scheme of the hot shop includes various kinds of features, depending on:

  • type;
  • area;
  • frequency and saturation of visits.

In the most optimized cooking room, there should be both desktop scales and large floor scales - with a dial. Not so long ago, gas or electric stoves were the main heating equipment in the kitchen. Today, professional steam-based boilers for cooking all types of dishes, electric frying surfaces, special barbecue ovens and more are becoming increasingly popular.

Hot Shop Safety

Since the great honor of working in the kitchen is the operation of high-temperature appliances, special attention is paid to safety in addition to the usual hygiene standards. The most common of its rules are as follows:

  • it is allowed to dismantle, clean and lubricate the equipment strictly after it is turned off and when disconnected from power sources;
  • in containers with hot fat (for example, a digester) only dry products are loaded, while the laying is carried out only in the forward direction (“away from you”);
  • Boiling liquid containers weighing more than 15 kg are recommended to be removed from the stove only in pairs.

Knowledge of these rules is subject to regular checks, as well as the layout of the workshop, as well as compliance with the norms. fire safety. The latter is one of the most important conditions work in the hot shop. To this end, everyone who enters the kitchen undergoes special training. An unscheduled test of knowledge of fire safety rules is carried out in each individual case, when the production technology changes and new equipment is purchased.

Ventilation in the hot shop

The air exchange system in the kitchen of a restaurant or dining room is very different from the same device in industrial or residential premises. At the same time, the ventilation system in the hot shops of each catering establishment also has its own characteristics, which depend directly on its profile. So, for example, in a small cafeteria or canteen with a small throughput, where from the entire extensive list of professional equipment there is only a cutting table and floor scales, there is no need for abundant air circulation, which cannot be said about establishments with several dozen seats.

A special approach deserves the organization of the ventilation system in the kitchen of the restaurant, which has halls for smoking hookah or tobacco consumption in general. If, for example, in the hot shop of a pizzeria, it is quite enough to provide air exchange with the help of a supply and exhaust scheme for organizing vents and sleeves, then in a large and serious institution one cannot do without complex special equipment. A high concentration of hot vapors, products of thermal processing of food and combustion - all this requires not just elementary air circulation, but powerful ventilation in the form of a serious engineering system.

Hot shop design

To achieve the most productive results when designing a kitchen, due attention should be paid to a whole list of details. Because the main task are to ensure compliance with all technological standards and create maximum comfort for the work of personnel, the project must certainly include a layout of all equipment.

The kitchen is often located so that its windows are on the north side. The equipment in this case must be installed in series in order to provide the most comfortable and efficient circuit, through which all the processes provided by the technology will be properly implemented. Great value at the same time, it is paid to comply with the sanitary and technological rules for such premises, as well as compliance with the high requirements of product processing procedures. The scheme of the hot shop includes cold and hot water supply, as well as ventilation sleeves, hoods and vents.

Ensuring safety at work

The basic requirements for working on each specific equipment come, firstly, from its design. Hazardous high-temperature appliances may only be operated after appropriate instruction. Near such equipment, a fire extinguisher, which is marked on the diagram, must certainly be located. Moreover, a fire-fighting tool kit should be located in each room of the hot shop. It also requires a box with enough sand.

Devices that involve working with high temperatures (for example, a digester) are actively used in every hot shop. In large restaurants, their operation requires the use of different types of fuel, from natural coal to gas for heating. Which necessarily implies following the relevant rules when designing the premises and the location of such equipment in accordance with all fire regulations.

The width of the passage corridors and the number of exits from the premises, representing in their totality evacuation routes in case of fire, must correspond to very specific established standards. The scheme of such tracks is usually placed in a conspicuous place in the hot shop, and is also included in its approved plan.

Preparatory procedures

After signing the lease agreement for the premises in which the catering establishment will be located, all available technical documentation should be requested from the landlord. It must certainly include the BTI plan, on the basis of which it is necessary to start designing and drawing up a diagram of the hot shop.

First you need to contact a qualified specialist who will perform all the necessary measurements. Only after that it is possible to start planning the technology by which the workshop will work. Having a ready drawing, you need to make a choice construction company and specialized equipment suppliers. Almost all companies involved in the sale of such equipment are simultaneously engaged in the provision of project development services, focusing on the specific tasks that the customer sets for himself when planning his enterprise.

The most common mistake novice restaurateurs make is building an establishment without a ready-made technological project. In this case, the workers begin to organize the electrical wiring and water supply system without regard to any plan, which ultimately, of course, leads to the inability to ensure the work of personnel adequately to the tasks set.

Common Mistakes

An equally important requirement when planning a hot shop is the competent organization of the execution of all construction documents. So, each version of the drawing should have a number indicating when it was approved, and the signature of the compiler. This approach will help to subsequently protect the customer from all sorts of troubles. For example, from such as conducting work according to an irrelevant plan, which fell into the hands of builders due to a misunderstanding.

The most common mistake is to search for production organization technology on the Internet. An attempt to find a suitable scheme for a hot shop on the Web, relying on the similarity of the field of activity, leads to the fact that the future restaurateur orders it from an unfamiliar person and pays a lot of money for it. The resulting material (no matter how high-quality it may be) in this case is completely inapplicable. The main reason for this is the fact that all catering establishments (even those that have an identical format) are individual: different manufacturers and equipment quality.

Technological project

Technological project- this is one of the main stages on the way to creating an enterprise of any format. His tasks include answering questions regarding the location of the hot shop in accordance with all existing standards, the layout of the premises, taking into account considerations of convenience and economy. Technological design avoids the intersection of raw materials and finished products and makes the work of the hot shop the most constructive.

Industrial premises occupy more than 40% of any serious enterprise. A competent calculation of all the necessary nuances helps to avoid extra costs associated with the acquisition of excessively productive and energy-intensive equipment, which is not needed, and eliminates the loss of customers.

A competent designer is able to solve the problem of rational arrangement of equipment in such a way that every centimeter of the room will be used as efficiently as possible. Usually, specialists who know the peculiarities of cooking and are well versed in a wide range of equipment are involved in such work.

Correct organization of the hot shop can save usable space, increase labor productivity and revenue. Before purchase technological equipment it is worth deciding exactly on the kitchen project, approving the arrangement of equipment, its quantity, dimensions, performance, power.

Organization of a hot shop. Basic Steps

Each owner of the establishment and each chef has his own vision of the organization of the workflow, but there are a number of primary principles that are important to consider.

The hot shop is the center of professional cuisine, the place where all dishes are prepared, semi-finished products are produced and prepared. It should be located next to the area for dispensing dishes and washing rooms, have a convenient location in relation to the warehouse and preparation rooms.

Requirements for the premises

The room should have natural lighting, while supplemented with artificial lighting to fully illuminate the working areas and eliminate the distortion of the color of products and dishes. Wall and floor decoration should be made of materials that are easy to clean. It is important that the floors are non-slip, and the height of the ceilings is from 3 meters. The optimum temperature in the room is not more than 23 degrees.

How to arrange hot shop equipment

The linear arrangement is the most convenient option, which is proven in practice, besides, it saves production space by 25%. When arranging, it is important to take into account the technological process of preparing dishes, and accordingly, you should think over the menu in advance. In this case, it is possible to arrange in the format of an island or one or more production lines, for example

  • line 1 - for first courses
  • line 2 - for side dishes, second courses, sauces

For convenient use, the standard distance from the floor to the working surface of 850 or 900 mm is taken into account. The passages between the equipment must be at least 90 cm. This will allow the staff to move freely around the kitchen, bend over, carry food and equipment.

Organization of a hot shop includes ensuring the correct outflow of hot air, steam and odors. Exhaust hoods with grease traps must be installed above the heating equipment. The umbrella should protrude 10 cm to the side of the heating equipment, 10 cm in front of the stoves, 20 cm in front of the stoves.

Hot shop equipment from the Academy of Kitchen

Every enterprise Catering has its own production program, the successful implementation of which is influenced by:

  • personnel qualification
  • product quality
  • comfortable kitchen layout
  • reliability of professional equipment

For a restaurant with 100 seats, the Academy of Kitchen offers the following hot shop equipment:

Important about security

Compliance with safety regulations, the availability of medical books for staff, timely maintenance of equipment are not just formalities, but natural factors in the work of a catering enterprise.
Be successful and confident in your business, consult and complete hot shop equipment with the Kitchen Academy!

- This is one of the premises that catering establishments are equipped with. This is where the cooking process takes place. Main hot shop assignment- preparation of hot first and second courses. Among the varieties of this production - restaurant hot shop where dishes are made to order. The volume of work here is not so great, but the equipment for the workshop needs a variety of things to meet any food needs of visitors. On the other hand, less demanding on the variety of equipment is considered canteen hot shop designed for cooking according to a pre-designed menu. Dishes here are prepared not in single portions, but in complex batches, which creates a certain specificity in the work.

Organization of the work of the hot shop

Hot shops are an integral part of any catering establishments. They are present in almost any cafe, restaurant, canteen, etc. Organization of a hot shop includes a set of thermal and electromechanical equipment for the preparation of various dishes, which include first courses and second courses. The organization of the work of the hot shop includes different features related to: type of cuisine, area, number of people eating, etc. The work of the hot shop is traditionally organized in one and a half to two shifts, depending on the work schedule of the institution itself. The shop is being equipped necessary equipment for the preparation of all main types of dishes offered in the menu (first courses, second courses, frying, boiling, stewing, baking, etc.).

Hot shop equipment

Hot shop equipment- thermal, refrigeration, electromechanical and neutral. It allows you to effectively allocate space and create well-balanced work areas, depending on specific needs. The Hot Shop uses equipment and inventory for cooking first courses - cooking pots (tilting, non-tilting), steamers, etc. For the preparation of second courses: frying surfaces, grills, combi steamers, convection ovens, proofers, etc. The use of modern technological equipment in a hot shop can significantly optimize the work of staff, as well as reduce the time of processing and cooking.

Hot shop design

Beginning hot shop design many details must be taken into account. The main task is to comply with all technological standards and at the same time create comfortable working conditions for the staff. Hot shop project necessarily includes a specific layout for each type of thermal equipment, electromechanical, refrigeration, neutral, etc.

Hot Shop Safety

Regular use of thermal equipment requires employees to strictly comply with certain norms and rules. safety precautions. No less important are the sanitary and hygienic standards, the implementation of which is mandatory for all catering establishments.

The heart of any catering establishment, be it a canteen, cafe or restaurant, is a hot shop or kitchen, where highly qualified chefs "conjure" their masterpieces. But, regardless of their experience and skills, an efficient process for the production of catering products should be organized in a professional kitchen, which directly depends on the correct selection and installation of all the necessary thermal, electromechanical and auxiliary equipment.

A hot shop is provided in all catering establishments, both blank and pre-cooking, regardless of their capacity and the range of dishes produced. It is the central site of production, where all types of heat treatment of products (frying, boiling, baking) are carried out for the preparation of first, second and third courses coming for distribution. It also carries out heat treatment of vegetables, meat, fish, seafood, which are sent to a cold shop for further production of salads and snacks from them. In the hot shops of pre-cooked food enterprises, the production of flour products can be organized and equipment for kneading, shaping, proofing and baking can be installed.

Requirements for the premises of the hot shop

The space-planning solutions of the hot shop should ensure the rapid receipt of semi-finished products from the vegetable and meat shop, convenient connection with the cold shop, distribution and dining room, which helps to reduce the time spent on moving products. Washing kitchen and tableware is located near the hot shop.

The height of the walls of the hot shop should not be less than 3 meters. For hygiene, they are painted with light-colored paint and include panels lined with ceramic tiles of at least 1.7 meters. The floor material must be waterproof, non-slip and easy to clean. Hot and cold water supply must be provided in the hot shop. In the absence of centralized hot water supply, flow-through boilers are installed or digesters are used to produce boiling water. Particular attention is paid to the lighting of the hot shop, which must be sufficient so as not to distort the color of the finished dishes, which is one of their quality indicators. Natural lighting should be supplemented by artificial lighting and evenly illuminate the working area of ​​the hot shop cooks.

A hot shop is a room where, during production process a significant amount of heat, vapors and gases are released, for the removal of which a supply and exhaust ventilation system must be provided. However, it is not enough to maintain an optimal microclimate at the workplaces of cooks, therefore, an exhaust hood must be installed above each unit of thermal equipment. The recommended air temperature for hot shops is not higher than 25 "C.

Determination of the production program of the hot shop

The production program of the hot shop is determined on the basis of the menu plan, as well as requests from buffets, culinary shops and other branches. The precise implementation of the production program of the hot shop depends on the following factors:

  • rational organization of workplaces;
  • timely provision of necessary products and semi-finished products;
  • equipped with modern technological equipment;
  • availability of qualified personnel.

The work of the hot shop is always coordinated with the mode of operation of the dining room, taking into account the methods of serving consumers, based on which, the schedule for the exit of cooks is determined. At the beginning of the working day, they receive products in accordance with production program And technological maps, which indicate the norms of the bookmark, select the necessary equipment and proceed to the direct execution of their duties.

Technological processes of the hot shop

The main technological operation of the hot shop is the heat treatment of products for the preparation of a certain range of dishes. In accordance with this, the workshop provides for two main technological lines:

  • for the preparation of first courses;
  • for the preparation of second courses, side dishes, sauces and drinks.

Technological line for the preparation of first courses

The preparation of first courses includes:

  • preparation of broths;
  • cooking first courses.

In accordance with this, areas are distinguished where they are produced:

  • preparation of products for heat treatment;
  • preparation of broths;
  • cooking first courses.

The production line is equipped with a production table, a washing bath, hanging shelves for inventory, kitchen racks for storing a small supply of food, as well as one or more cooking pots in which broths, soups, and drinks are prepared.

Broths, both regular and concentrated, can be prepared in advance and stored in refrigerated chambers, which contributes to the rational use of boilers.

In small catering establishments, as well as in restaurants where first courses are prepared as needed, stove-top boilers are used for cooking them, and the cook’s workplace is equipped with electric stoves. To calculate the required volume of stationary and stove-top boilers, the number of dishes to be cooked, as well as the norms for laying all products, are taken into account.

For sauteing vegetables, which is necessary for preparing soup dressings, electric frying pans or frying surfaces can be installed.

A small amount of sautéed vegetables is cooked in stove-top pans or stewpans. Based on the required number of dishes to be cooked in the cookware, the number of burners of electric or gas stoves is calculated.

Technological line for the preparation of second courses

Food establishments, as a rule, offer consumers a wide range of second courses, as well as side dishes and sauces for them. All these dishes require both simple and combined types of heat treatment, for the implementation of which they organize a technological line and equip it with thermal, electromechanical and neutral equipment. Depending on the specifics of the canteen, cafe, restaurant, as well as the capacity, from one to several technological lines can be organized, on which cooking, frying (both in the main way and deep-fried) and baking products are carried out. To organize jobs, electric stoves, frying pans or frying surfaces, ovens, deep fryers, combi steamers are installed. The equipment of the hot shop is located along the technological process and is supplemented with neutral tables for auxiliary operations. It can be placed both along the walls and in an island way, when two or more parallel lines of certain types of thermal equipment are installed in the center, and production tables and racks are placed around the perimeter of the workshop.

If necessary, electromechanical equipment is installed in the hot shop, which is used for cutting vegetables, wiping products ( mashed potatoes and puree soups), mixing the ingredients and kneading the dough. You can install a universal kitchen machine that performs all these technological operations efficiently and efficiently.

At small catering enterprises, given the small volume of products, it is advisable to install specialized heating lines such as "Tavern" or "Tradition 2008", which are compact and functional. With their help, they organize the preparation and short-term storage of second courses and side dishes. Heating lines are completed depending on the production needs of the hot shop.
In the kitchens of specialized enterprises, the following equipment is installed for the implementation of technological processes: in a kebab room - a kebab machine, in a pancake bar - a pancake machine, in grill bars - a grill for chickens or sausages, in donut shops - a donut machine, etc.

Petrokhladotekhnika designs hot shops and equips them with all the necessary equipment. Our catalog contains the most modern and successful models of thermal and electromechanical equipment for professional kitchens from foreign and domestic manufacturers. They are designed for both budget and commercial catering establishments. In addition, our specialists carry out competent installation, testing and service maintenance equipment purchased from us. If you decide to start a business in the field of catering or want to improve your business and reconstruct the hot shop, Petrokhladotekhnika will provide all the services you need at the highest level.

Catering kitchen traditionally consists of hot, cold, vegetable, flour, washing shops, the structure and size of which depend on assortment, menu, concept, number of seats. But not a single catering business will function without a hot shop, with the possible exception of bars, ice cream parlors and the like, because heat treatment of products- this is the main technological process cooking most meals. That is why the initial and paramount when opening a cafe, bar, restaurant, canteen or any other catering establishment is choice of heating equipment.
First, it is determined whether the main equipment in the kitchen will be electric, gas or induction. Now very popular wood burning stoves. In Europe, they are often used as the main heating equipment in an establishment and all menu dishes are cooked in them.
If gas is supplied to the enterprise, then it is possible to purchase a gas stove, a gas combi steamer and other gas equipment for a professional kitchen.
If only electricity is present in the kitchen of a restaurant or cafe, then equipment with an electrical connection will be selected.
Modern equipment allows you to significantly save electricity - induction cookers reduce electricity consumption by five times, and coal stoves allow you not to use it at all.

The most popular equipment are professional electric stoves, two-, four-, six-burner, with or without an oven. With large volumes of food production, as a rule, a stove with an oven is not enough. Roasting and baking cabinets, convection and steam convection ovens are purchased. Also, the listed equipment is used for baking - confectionery products are baked in steam convection ovens and baking cabinets.

Thermal equipment for horeca is the main means of production. It is difficult to imagine a canteen or restaurant without hot dishes. Even a small cafe or fast food cannot do without a deep fryer, a small electric stove or a baking oven, depending on the specialization. Only, as mentioned earlier, bars at restaurants or hotels and ice cream parlors can do without thermal cooking.
And so, the main manufacturing facility restaurant and canteen - a hot shop, which prepares 70% of the range of dishes.

The key issues when equipping a hot shop are:

  • Facility menu
  • Number of seats
  • Expected permeability
  • Available Energy Sources
  • Location of the institution
  • Area allocated for hot shop

The concept of the institution defines the types of equipment to be used in the hot shop.

For the preparation of first courses, stoves, wade sauce apparatus, and cooking pots are used.

For cooking and frying side dishes, stoves, deep fryers, devices for cooking side dishes, tilting pans, and frying surfaces are also used. Also gastronomic steam convection ovens and combi ovens are used for the preparation of side dishes. All of the above applies to the preparation of main dishes.

If your establishment offers European cuisine and feeds its guests with full meals, then you will make a choice between stoves, ovens, boilers and pans. Boilers, tilting pans, ovens are bulky equipment of an average price niche, which is used mainly in canteens with a large number of visitors.

Hotels, restaurants, cafes strive to interest and attract visitors not with speed and cheapness, but with the unusualness and exclusivity of their menu, so the restaurant equipment market is constantly updated, dynamic, and constantly offers new cooking methods and technological solutions.

Benefits of charcoal stoves and grills:
cheapness energy source,
no need to pay utilities neither for its connection nor for its use,
the taste of dishes cooked on a real fire,
popularity among visitors to the grill menu.
This category includes josper charcoal stoves made in Ukraine and Spain, wood stoves for pizza made in Bulgaria, charcoal grills - Argentinean grill, etc.

Depending on the location - in the city, outside the city, freestanding, location in a shopping or business center, it is necessary to carefully consider the ventilation system to ensure fire safety.
It is necessary to choose equipment that meets standards, with sufficient wall thickness to maintain the required temperature and fireproof parts in constant contact with the flame, with a strong and reliable design of moving parts.

The number and types of pieces of equipment for the hot shop also directly depend on the area of ​​the shop. Arrangement must be carried out in accordance with sanitary and fire regulations, with ergonomic requirements for the convenience of personnel. Is it possible to place the required number of stoves and frying surfaces or is it necessary to purchase a multi-level combi steamer that can replace them, our designer can tell you when planning the arrangement of equipment in the workshop.
