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Technological project on technology. How to make a project project on technology on the topic. Choosing a project theme

"Relaxed T-shirt"

Stages of the project:

1. Search stage:

2. Technological stage:

Workplace organization

Product testing

Project protection

Selecting a project topic.

Justification for the need to manufacture the product

Technology lessons inspired me to create an original and unusual thing. I wanted to make some original T-shirt for the summer because... This is not only a great opportunity to demonstrate your skills acquired in technology lessons, but also good alternative ordinary products from a store that are not particularly exclusive. And the T-shirt own production It has great amount advantages: I can sew a T-shirt in the color scheme that suits me, its size will exactly match my parameters and it will be one of a kind. Since I have an active lifestyle and don’t like things that restrict movement, my choice fell on a loose-fitting T-shirt.

Formulation of requirements for the designed product

Practicality of the product

Fairly dense, lightweight fabric

Loose fit

Quite long

Round neckline

Neutral, dark color (preferably black)

The neckline should be clearly highlighted (by color or cut)

Large and loose sleeves

Development of several product options and selection of the best one

I settled on the last option.

Development of product design and manufacturing technology

1. I’ll take my measurements

2. I will make increases

3. Using these measurements and the product option I have chosen, I will draw the base on graph paper.

4. I will cut out and transfer the pattern to the fabric.

Selection of material and tools

Viscose fabric

Tailor's chalk

Graph paper





Sewing machine

Household overlock


Tape measure

Tailor's scissors

Iron and ironing accessories

Workplace organization

My workplace should be clean, well lit, the light should fall from the left side. I should sit on a comfortable chair with a backrest. Each tool is located in its place so that time and effort are not wasted on unnecessary movements. I will put needles, pins, scissors, and a thimble on the right. Threads and other accessories that may be needed are on the left. The entire middle of the table is free, the product is laid out on it.
All needles and pins must be in special boxes intended for them or stuck in special pads. Having finished sewing, the needle must immediately be inserted into a pad or into a piece of foam rubber placed on the bottom of any small box. Under no circumstances should you stick needles or pins into the side of your clothing or pocket, much less keep them in your lips. An unexpected inhalation or cough can lead to big trouble. Scissors also require careful handling. I will not leave them open on the table or carry them from place to place, holding them with the tip up; The scissors must be passed from hand to hand with the hands closed, with the handles facing the person taking it.

After finishing work, I will definitely unplug the electric sewing machine from the power supply.

Total: 335 rubles

Product testing

The T-shirt turned out great. I like the way it looks, the colors I chose - black and pink - go well together. I feel comfortable in it.

Project protection

My T-shirt came out well. I chose black fabric and did not regret it: it is non-staining and practical. I highlighted the collar brightly – it’s pink. The colors go well together. The T-shirt fits me well, all my expectations were completely justified. It is loose, light, does not restrict movement, great for walking in the summer or for wearing at home.

Creative project on technology

"Relaxed T-shirt"

Completed by: 7A class student A.D. Pogodaeva.

Believed: technology teacher Zhavoronkova O.L.

Stages of the project:

1. Search stage:

Selecting a project topic. Justification for the need to manufacture the product

Formulation of requirements for the designed product

Development of several product options and selection of the best one

2. Technological stage:

Development of product design and manufacturing technology

Selection of materials and tools

Workplace organization

Manufacture of the product in compliance with safe work rules

Calculation of manufacturing costs

3. Final (analytical) stage:

Final control of the finished product

Product testing

Analysis of what worked and what didn't

Project protection

Selecting a project topic.

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Creative project using the “Bouquet of Joy” technology Completed by: Anufrieva Svetlana Baykova Victoria, 10th grade student Supervisor: Domikova V.A. technology teacher in the village of Verkhnyaya Trinity, 2011

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Project components 1.Identification of need. Problem formulation (Rationale for choosing a topic). 2.The history of the origin of ribbon embroidery. 3. Set initial ideas. 4. Study of one or more best ideas for interior. - The product is in the form of a sketch or picture. -Place of manufacture. Production time. -Selection of tools and devices. 5. Manufacturing of the product - Drawing up criteria for the future product. -Technological map of product manufacturing. In the process of creating a product, exercises are performed that teach certain skills and abilities. -Analysis of ideas and selection best options -Economic justification. -Ecological justification. -Product advertising. 6. Conclusion. -Self-assessment of the product, whether it meets the criteria. -Assessment of your activities during design. 7. Bibliography.

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1.Identification of need (justification for choosing a topic) We love interesting handmade products. Handmade is always beautiful and valuable. At the end of 10th grade, we wanted to complete our product and prepare a report. We decided to do embroidery with satin ribbons as a gift for the class. Embroidery with satin ribbons is unusual, original and beautiful. We are attracted to embroidery with satin ribbons by its simplicity and availability of materials. Embroidery is a very interesting and exciting activity and is possible not only on canvas but also on fabric.

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2. History. If you tie a ribbon around the simplest box, it will become a GIFT! If you tie ribbons to any car, everyone will immediately understand that it is going to the HOLIDAY! And how a ribbon woven into her hairstyle decorates a girl or a woman... The ancestor of silk stripes was a rope made from plant fibers: having first turned into braid, it waited for the invention loom and became an exquisite ribbon. The ribbon is a symbol of holiday, celebration!

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3. A set of initial ideas. After working through all the options, we decided to make product number 6.

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4. Development of one or more best ideas for the interior. A product in the form of a sketch or picture. -Place of manufacture. Production time. Service labor workshop of M.I. Kalinin Secondary School The product was designed from September to May 2011

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-Selection of materials, tools and devices. Materials and tools for making a painting. 1.Synthetic fabric. 2. Colored ribbons 3. Thread 4. Needles 5. Scissors. 6.Glue. 7.Wire 8.Safety pins 9.Beads 10.Iron 11.Iron 12.Frame

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5. Manufacturing of the product Drawing up criteria for the future product. Interior products - paintings, photo frames, pillows, boxes and bags for cosmetics - must correspond to the overall design and form a single whole. The color of the ribbons should be chosen so that the combination is harmonious. Products must be well ironed and decorated

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Technological map for manufacturing the product Selected the fabric Measured the required size 60*30 Cut strips of brown and beige satin ribbon for the basket Placed in the center and glued

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We made roses from red, pink, white, yellow satin ribbon. We arranged the roses in a chaotic order and sewed them. We made leaves for the roses from green satin ribbon and sewed them on. We prepared beaded butterflies in advance, placed them on the panel and sewed them on. The finished product was ironed. The panel was inserted into a frame. To work looked complete, roses with leaves were glued to the frame

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-Economic justification. Item Color/material Length/quantity Price 1 piece Total Green fabric 1 m Available Threads Black 1 piece 10 rub. 10 rub. Red 1 piece 10 rub. 10 rub. White 1 piece 10 rub. 10 rub. Yellow 1 piece 10 rub. 10 rub. Pink 1 piece 10 rub. 10 rub. Set of needles Metal 10pcs 2rub. 20 rub. Wooden frame 1 piece 170 rub. 170 rub. Beads White 1p. 20 rub. 20 rub. Black 1p. 20 rub. 20 rub. Blue 1p. 20 rub. 20 rub. Yellow 1p. 20 rub. 20 rub. Red 1p. 20 rub. 20 rub. Ribbons 0.5 cm White 10m 10rub. 100 rub. Red 10m 10rub. 100 rub. Yellow 10m 10rub. 100 rub. Pink 10m 10rub. 100 rub. Green 4m 10rub. 40 rub. Total 780 rub.

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-Ecological justification. When carrying out a project, it is necessary to take into account that the product is environmentally friendly and does not cause harm to the health of yourself and others. Conclusions and conclusions: The implementation of the project contributes to the development and improvement of one’s capabilities in the field of cutting and sewing, as well as project activities; mastering technological skills; development of artistic taste and creative attitude to the work performed. The painting project we had planned has been completed. In general, it turned out what we had in mind at the beginning of the work. We consider the goals set at the beginning of the project to be achieved.

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7. Bibliography 1. Donatella Ciotti “Embroidery with silk ribbons” M. “AST-PRESS” 2003, translation from Italian. 2. Joan Gordon “Ribbon Embroidery” encyclopedia ART-SPRING 2008 Translation from English. 3. Helen Dafter “Fantasies from Silk Ribbons” CONTENT 2007 translation from English. 4. The art of ribbon embroidery. Chernova A.G. – Ed. 7 – e. - Rostov N/D: Phoenix, 2006. Information resources =1&from_pos=24&ed=1&text=embroidery%20ribbons%20on%20clothes&rpt=image


Creative project– this is a complex work. The structure of a creative project includes the following components:

- explanatory note,

creative work(product),

– protection of a creative project.

The design of an explanatory note is primarily subject to the same requirements as a printed work. The text must be written on a computer in font Times New Roman No. 14, line spacing – 1, page orientation portrait, page margins – left 2.5 cm, top, right, bottom 1.5 cm. The text part of the explanatory note is written in a single font and in black. Pages must be numbered. The work must have a content that must indicate the pages on which this or that section is located. Sections of the explanatory note are highlighted in bold. Colored inscriptions are allowed only in tables, diagrams and drawings. The explanatory note can be illustrated with photographs and drawings on the topic of the design work. It is necessary to pay attention to ensure that the work is not overloaded with photographic materials. In general, the volume of an explanatory note for a creative project should not exceed 10–15 pages of printed text.

The title page of the explanatory note must reflect the title educational institution, subject, topic of project work, author and teacher. The topic of the project should reflect not only the title of the work, but also the technique of its implementation.

Municipal government educational institution

Secondary school No. __, _______

Creative project on technology

"Valentine's Day"

Completed by a student of ____class


Head - consultant

technology teacher


1. Justification of the problem and need that has arisen.

2. Scheme of thinking.

3. Identification of main parameters and limitations.

4. Theoretical information.

5. History and modernity.

6. Bank of ideas.

7. Sketch development of the basic version.

8. Product requirements.

9. Design specification.

10. Tools and equipment.

11. Materials.

12. Safety rules during work.

13. Manufacturing technology.

14. Quality control.

15. Ecological justification.

16. Economic justification.

18. Self-esteem.

19. Glossary of terms.

20. Literature.

Justification of the problem and need. This section provides a rationale for the chosen project topic and reflects answers to the following questions: why this topic was chosen, why it is interesting, what is its significance. Special attention In this section it is necessary to pay attention to the practical significance of the work being performed.

Scheme of thinking. The outline should include the main aspects of the project. When starting a project, a student may not yet have an idea of ​​what kind of work he will be doing, but he should clearly know the sequence in which it will be organized.

Approximate scheme of thinking

Identification of main parameters and limitations. In this section, it is necessary to establish the basic requirements for the work being performed, that is, to determine the framework within which work on the project will take place.

Example. The product must meet the following requirements:

· The product must be made carefully.

· The product must correspond to the chosen style.

· The product must be beautiful.

· The product must be durable.

Theoretical information. This section outlines theoretical basis the selected project topic, on the basis of which the product is subsequently developed.

History and modernity. This section provides historical background on the selected project topic. In addition, it is important to show the connection between history and the present of the issue.

Bank of ideas. After collecting the necessary information, students put forward various creative ideas for making a particular product. Products can be combined by technique, style, and purpose. There must be at least three product options. Each of the options considered must have brief description, which may include the name of the product, its purpose, and a description of the execution technique. Information can be presented either in text or in the form of a diagram or table. Making a decision to choose one or another proposed option can be done by using the “Decision Grid” marketing technology.

Conclusion : Based on the evaluation results, we can conclude: the most optimal option is option 2. The product is useful and multifunctional, with a universal style solution.

Sketch development of the basic version. The contents of this section are detailed description the final version of the product selected for further production. Here it is necessary to have a detailed sketch of the product and its photo.

Product requirements. Product requirements give visual representation about the main properties of the manufactured product and are presented in a table according to the form.

Design specification. It is a diagram that clearly represents the main aspects of manufacturing a product.

Tools and equipment. This section provides a description of the tools and equipment used to manufacture the product using the selected technique, as well as the rationale for the selected tools for the product subsequently manufactured. Information can be presented either in text or in the form of a table or diagram.

Materials. This section provides a description of the materials used for manufacturing in the selected technique, as well as the rationale for the materials for the product to be manufactured in the future. Information can be presented either in text or in the form of a table or diagram. This section may also contain confection card, which provides samples of possible materials used.

Safety regulations. Sanitary and hygienic requirements. This section contains information about the rules for the safe performance of certain types of work. Theoretical material is presented to students in their own words and may be accompanied by illustrations.

Manufacturing technology. This section contains technological map manufactured product. In this case, the technological map should be presented in the form of a table and contain the following columns:

In addition, information such as technical and technological conditions, safety precautions, etc. can be added.

Quality control. This section lists the requirements that the completed product ultimately meets.

Example. The finished product meets the following requirements:

· The color combination of materials is harmonious.

· All elements of the composition are made smoothly and accurately, in accordance with technology.

· The work is designed into a finished product.

· Overall, the product makes a favorable impression.

Ecological justification represents a justification for the environmental safety of the product being manufactured, the waste-free nature of its production, the possibility of recycling or the environmental safety of disposal.

Economic justification. The section is devoted to economic calculations of the cost and price of the product, as well as the size of the expected profit.

Example of section design:

Cost: C = C1 + C2 + Ao.

AO - depreciation (wear and tear) of equipment - 0.05% of the cost of the equipment.

Self-esteem. The importance of this section cannot be underestimated. At this stage, the student develops critical thinking, logic, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

Glossary of terms. In this list it is enough to include from three to five basic, most frequently used terms in the project. Of course, it is better if these terms are directly related to the main topic of the project.

Literature. When working on a project, various sources of information are used. Therefore, it is important to tell students about copyright and the conditions for using various sources of information, including the possibilities of the Internet.

An important part creative project is checklist. The checklist is compiled and filled out by the teacher. Its structure depends on the topic of the creative project. Important terms for a teacher when preparing a checklist, the following are the clarity and objectivity of the assessment, coverage of all stages of work on the project, and clarity of the assessment results.

Prepared by Svetlana Anatolyevna Mikhailova, technology teacher at the Pushkinogorsk Secondary School named after A.S. Pushkin

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Project components

  • A project is an independent creative completed work of a student, completed under the guidance of a teacher. It consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the project is an explanatory note, and the practical part is a specific model, product layout, video film, etc.
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    1. Title page.
    2. Table of contents.
    3. Introduction.
    4. Chapters of the main part.
    5. Conclusion.
    6. List of used literature.
    7. Applications.

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    Title page

    It is the first page of the explanatory note and is filled out according to certain rules.

    The full name is indicated in the top field educational institution. On average, the name of the project is given without the word “topic” and quotation marks. It should be as short and precise as possible - consistent with the main content of the project.

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    If it is necessary to specify the title of the work, then you can give a subtitle, which should be extremely short and not turn into a new title.
    Next, indicate the last name, first name, school number and class of the designer (in the nominative case). Then the surname and initials of the project manager.
    The lower field indicates the place and year the work was performed (without the word “year”).

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    Text should be written or printed using the following margin sizes:

    Left - at least 30 mm
    Right - at least 10 mm
    Upper - at least 15 mm
    Bottom - at least 20 mm

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    It contains all the headings of the explanatory note and indicates the pages on which they are located. They cannot be shortened or given in a different wording, sequence or subordination.

    All headings are written in capital letters and without a period at the end. The last word of each heading is connected by an accent to its corresponding page number in the right column of the table of contents.

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    It substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, the purpose and content of the tasks, formulates the planned result and the main problems considered in the project,

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    interdisciplinary connections are indicated, who the project is intended for and what its novelty is.

    The introduction also describes the main sources of information (official, scientific, literary, bibliographic).

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    It is advisable to list the equipment and materials used during the project.

    Relevance is a mandatory requirement for any project work. Its justification includes an assessment of the significance of the project and expected results, and the possibilities of their use in practice are revealed.

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    From formulating the project goal, it is necessary to move on to specifying specific tasks to be solved in accordance with it. This is usually done in the form of an enumeration (study..., describe..., establish..., identify... etc.).

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    Main part

    The first chapter of the project (beginning of the research) discusses the proposed methodology and technique for its implementation, provides short review literature and other materials on the topic (historical information, current state, market analysis, thinking star, etc.).

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    • In the next chapter (search) it is necessary to develop a bank of ideas and proposals for solving the problem considered in the project. It is important to give an objective assessment of each of the proposed options, and you can use a number of specific criteria.
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    Technological part of the project

    • It is necessary to develop a sequence for executing the object. It may include a list of stages, a technological map that describes the algorithm of operations indicating tools, materials and processing methods.
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    Design options1st option

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    2nd option

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    Particular attention must be paid to the environmental assessment of the project: justification that:

    a) the manufacture and operation of the designed product will not entail changes in environment, disorders in human life.

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    b) possibly using production waste;

    c) makes it possible to reuse product parts at the end of their service life.

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    It consistently presents the results obtained, determines their relationship with the general goal and specific tasks formulated in the introduction, and gives students a self-assessment of the work they have done. In some cases, it becomes necessary to indicate ways to continue researching a topic, as well as specific tasks to be solved.

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    After the conclusion, it is customary to place a bibliographic list of used literature.

    Each source included in it must be reflected in an explanatory note. All borrowings must necessarily have subscript references to where the given materials were taken from. Works that have not actually been used should not be included in the bibliography.

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    Auxiliary or additional materials that clutter up the main part of the work are placed in appendices. The applications are very diverse in content and form. They can be text, tables, graphs, maps, drawings.

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    Each application must begin on a new sheet (page) with the word “Appendix” in the upper right corner and have a thematic heading. If there is more than one application in the work, they are numbered in Arabic numerals (without the No. sign), for example: “Appendix 1”,
    "Appendix 2", etc.

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    The numbering of the pages on which appendices are given must be continuous and continue the general numbering of the main text. Its connection with applications is carried out through links that are used with the word “look” (see), enclosed together with the code in parentheses.

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    The explanatory note is made handwritten, typewritten or using a computer on one side of a sheet of white paper, preferably in A4 format (210 x 297) with two to one and a half line spacing with the number of lines per page no more than 40. Each line should contain no more than 60-65 characters, taking into account spaces between words. The minimum font height is 1.8 mm (12 point).

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    All illustrations in the project must be numbered. Their numbering is usually continuous, i.e. through all the work. If there is only one illustration in the project, it is not numbered. In the text of the illustration, references are made containing their serial numbers (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.).

    Each illustration must be provided with a caption that must correspond to its content and the main text.

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    • L.N. Morozova, N.G. Kravchenko, O.V. Pavlova, Technology, grades 5-11, project activities students, Volgograd, publishing house "Teacher", 2008
  • View all slides

    The teacher’s task is not only to teach the child the basics of his subject and how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, but also to instill in a person a sense of beauty. Music teachers cope most successfully with this last task. visual arts and technology. The use of various projects helps them in this. Creative ones are especially popular for girls.

    What it is

    A creative technology project involves students working on creating this or that thing. Often the process takes several lessons and is carefully supervised by the teacher. The teacher helps you decide on a topic, find or make a sketch, complete preparatory work to create a product.

    Through the use of creative projects, girls can try themselves as designers or cooks, show off their skills and abilities, and most importantly, realize their potential.

    When planning to use creative technology projects for girls in teaching, the teacher should carefully consider their themes and connections to curriculum. The main directions in which projects can be set:


    Satin embroidery;

    Patchwork techniques;



    Making toys and dolls;

    Manufacturing of products for interior decoration.

    When to introduce?

    One of the most frequently asked questions is when to introduce creative technology projects for girls? 5th grade is the ideal time to introduce projects. Children will quickly grasp the essence of such tasks and learn to perform them quickly and efficiently. This will all be a huge plus, especially if you plan to give such assignments throughout your studies.

    What does a technology project include?

    What is included in the project? Often, a technology project includes choosing the direction and topic of work, selecting materials and manufacturing a particular product from them. Each stage of the work is recorded and then formalized by the student in the so-called To defend the project, a presentation is also required.

    For example, consider creative technology projects for girls (5th grade). The apron is one of the main topics studied. You can offer children not just to sew a standard item according to finished sample, and prepare a sketch of the product yourself, make patterns, select suitable fabric and sew it.

    Further evaluation can be carried out on a competitive basis, taking into account not only the type of product, but also the quality of the stitches and the correctness of the drawings when grading.

    The optimal time to implement such creative technology projects for girls is 5th grade. An apron sewn during their execution can be an excellent March 8 gift for your mother or grandmother.

    Sample project topics

    Depending on the topic and its goals, you can select such tasks for creative projects.

    When studying decorative and applied arts, the following topics can be suggested:

    Panel of cereals;

    Making souvenirs from scrap materials;

    Products made from salt dough;

    Photo frame;

    Products made from papier-mâché.

    At the beginning of learning technology, such creative technology projects for girls will be very interesting. 5th grade just involves simple, simple tasks.

    The second block of sample topics is related to the study of handicrafts. Implies the ability to sew simple things both with a machine and with a simple needle. These include the following topics:

    Making a talisman doll;

    DIY kitchen mitt;



    The age for which these creative technology projects for girls are suitable is 6th grade.

    The next block of tasks is related to the topic “Weaving”. In most cases, these tasks involve working with beads and beads. Before starting work, it is advisable to explain to children the features of working with beads - how to choose them correctly, how to choose fishing line or wire for weaving, additional materials. These may include the following subtopics:

    Beaded gift

    Beaded decoration.

    Making flowers from beads.

    The age range for which these creative technology projects for girls are suitable is 6th grade, end of 5th, beginning of 7th.

    One of the largest topics that is given a lot of time in technology lessons is embroidery. The topic involves mastering several embroidery techniques - embroidery with ribbons, satin stitch, cross stitch, and beads. For each type, the following assignment topics can be suggested:

    Embroidery painting;

    Embroidered napkin;

    Embroidered tablecloth;

    Embroidered towel.

    You can also let the children choose their own project.

    Another group of project topics is suitable for consolidating the knowledge and skills acquired while studying the basics of knitting.

    So, you can use the following tasks:

    Making a heating pad;

    Knitting a soft toy;


    It is best to use these topics when consolidating crocheting skills. For knitting needles you can use:

    Warm socks;

    Knitted vest.

    The age for which these creative technology projects for girls are relevant is 7th grade.


    DIY apron;

    We sew a skirt;

    We sew shorts;

    Summer top.

    Please note that the creative technology projects listed above for 8th grade girls are best suited.

    The older the child gets, the more complex the theme of his work becomes. After 8th grade it is important to ask big projects, the completion of which will take at least one quarter, maximum - a semester. Main topics for such large-scale projects:

    Creating a fancy dress;

    Modeling and sewing of a sundress;

    Sewing a dress.

    The age at which children can master such creative technology projects for girls is 10th grade.

    It is worth noting that another project topic is related to cooking. This type of creative project can be given one or two lessons, during which children can find or create their own recipe and cook the dish. It is best to do this at the end of the semester or academic year.

    Main stages of work on the project

    All stages of performing creative tasks are divided into:

    1. Search, when the child chooses a direction, searches or creates a sketch or drawing, and selects material.
    2. Technological - during which the main work on a product or project is performed.
    3. Analytical, during which the child evaluates the result obtained, its merits and advantages.

    Operating procedure

    Basically, creative technology projects for girls are carried out according to the following plan:

    1. Selecting a project topic.

    2. Drawing up a sketch.

    3. Drawing up drawings or patterns.

    4. Selection of materials.

    5. Manufacturing of the product.

    6. Preparation of an explanatory note.

    7. Preparing a presentation.

    8. Protection of the finished project.

    Explanatory note

    As already mentioned, ready-made creative technology projects for girls should contain explanatory note. It consists of the following elements:

    Title page;


    Rationale for choosing an idea;

    Product sketch;

    List of materials used;


    In the case of tailoring a product - laying out patterns on the fabric;

    Samples of used seams or types of knitting, other techniques;

    List of devices;

    Ecological validity;

    Economic calculations;

    List of sources;

    Safety regulations appendix;


    A big plus when defending a project is the presence of a presentation. When preparing it, you should use photographs of the finished product and the stages of its creation. You can use historical information, which will indicate when and where it originated this type art.


    Let's look at an example of how creative technology projects for girls are assessed. 8th grade involves sewing any item, for example, a skirt. When assessing, you need to consider:

    1. Correctness of taking measurements.
    2. Correct construction of drawings and patterns.
    3. Stitch quality.
    4. Appearance of the model.

    It is important for the teacher to identify all assessment criteria in advance and explain what exactly he will pay attention to. It is important that projects ultimately receive “excellent” or “good” ratings. Otherwise, students may be disappointed in their work.

    You can also involve other students to evaluate the received projects, for example, to vote on which products they liked the most.


    One of the lessons that a creative project involves is technology. Girls love needlework, especially if they are given freedom of choice when designating a topic or task. Thanks to its use, teenagers learn to apply the knowledge acquired during training in practice and develop creatively. Projects are best used if the topic lasts more than 8-10 lessons.
