Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Rybinsk Motor-Building Production Association. Bavarian and Rybinsk motors

PJSC "UEC - Saturn" (part of the holding "UEC" of the State Corporation Rostec) is the leading aircraft manufacturing enterprise in Russia.

Administrative building of NPO "Saturn". Photo by S. Metelitsa

1916 - 1924: from the automobile plant "Russian Renault" to aircraft engine building

The history of the enterprise began in 1916 with the plant JSC "Russian Renault". The board of the company was located in Petrograd, and a serial plant began to be built in Rybinsk. The emergence of the enterprise was primarily associated with the First World War and the lack of automotive equipment in the ranks. Russian army. There was no own automobile industry in our country then, and the war made us think about its organization.

On August 20, 1915, the Automobile and Aviation Department of the TsVPK was created, which was tasked with developing the automotive industry in Russia. A year later, the government approved this initiative in the Special Journal of the Council of Ministers of January 29, 1916 on the release of funds to order cars for the needs of the military department. On February 21, 1916, Nicholas II approved this decision, according to which 5 enterprises were selected to issue a large state order for 7,500 cars for a total of 136,885,500 rubles.

In Rybinsk they were supposed to collect trucks. The contract for the construction of the factory buildings of the Russian Renault plant was received by the Danish company Christian and Nilson. Construction began in May 1916 on a plot of land located between the western outskirts of the city and the nearby village of Ivanovo, acquired by the Russian Renault Joint Stock Company from the landowner Khomutov. When designing the plant, the company took into account the convenient geographical location of Rybinsk, inexpensive water freight, railway communication, as well as an excess work force willing to work on favorable terms for the entrepreneur. Previously quiet Khomutovka came to life, filled with people. They dug the earth, carried logs, tess, bricks. 1,304 people worked on the construction, of which 918 were women, who were paid half as much as men. In addition to hired workers, a small group of Austrian prisoners of war also worked on the construction site.

By the end of 1916, the territory of the plant was surrounded by a fence, wooden walkways and central entrance gates were built. The new two-story log building housed the administration - the director, Chief Engineer, accounting, technical department. From the production buildings were built: power and oil pumping stations, four small buildings, two of which (forge and foundry) were still in the "forests".

By the middle of 1917, about half of the buildings had already been built. Part of the equipment arrived at the plant, the other was still on the way. The February Revolution had no effect on the pace of construction, but the October Revolution changed everything dramatically. With the establishment of Soviet power in Rybinsk, the plant was immediately nationalized. All appropriations for further construction were discontinued, since the plant was not of great interest to the new government. Thus, the further construction of the plant became impossible, and on its basis it was decided to organize car repair shops for the needs of the Red Army. Thus ended the first period in the history of the enterprise. The Rybinsk plant never produced a single car, but at the same time it made a significant change in the life of the city. From that moment on, mechanical engineering began to develop in Rybinsk.

The automobile plant remained until 1923. The number of repaired cars was decreasing, and the country, hungry and devastated by wars, had neither the strength nor the opportunity to continue financing the unprofitable production at that time. In 1923, the Government Commission came to the plant in Rybinsk to prepare production for conservation. But already in May 1924, by decision of the Council of People's Commissars, the plant, having received a new name: State Aviation Plant No. 6 (later - Aircraft Plant No. 26 named after V.N. Pavlov), was transferred to the Aviatrust for the development and mass production of a completely new for Russia products - aircraft engines.

During this period, the country was dependent on foreign supplies of aircraft engines. In the 1920s, successful domestic aircraft designs were created, and engines were accordingly required. Therefore, the Rybinsk plant, along with Dneproges, Magnitogorsk, the Yaroslavl rubber-asbestos plant and other large construction projects of the country, during the years of the first Soviet five-year plans, was among the objects of general state significance.

1924 - 1941: the first Rybinsk aircraft engines

The first aircraft engine of the plant was the licensed BMW-6, which was mastered and mass-produced in Rybinsk under the brand name M-17. With the start of serial production of the domestic M-17, the absolute dependence on foreign aircraft engines disappeared. M-17 and its modifications were installed on more than 30 types of military and civil aviation aircraft (in particular, Polikarpov R-5 reconnaissance aircraft, Tupolev TB-1, TB-3 heavy bombers, R-6 fighter, Beriev MBR-2 close-range reconnaissance aircraft etc.), in addition, there were engine modifications that were installed on tanks (M-17t) and torpedo boats (M-17l). For ten years (from 1928 to 1938), the plant mass-produced about 8 thousand M-17 engines.

Already in 1935, the plant in Rybinsk mastered a new engine - the M-100. Its prototype was the engine of the French company Hispano-Suiza 12Ybrs. The name of the remarkable Soviet designer Vladimir Yakovlevich Klimov is associated with the development of the M-100 and the creation of new engine modifications on its basis. In 1935, he headed the design services of the plant. It was under his leadership that the M-100, M-103 and M-105 engines were modified and mass-produced before the war.

For the successful fulfillment of government assignments in the creation of the M-100 engine, which was installed on fighters, Stal reconnaissance aircraft and transport aircraft, in December 1936 the plant was awarded the Order of Lenin.

At the turn of the 1930-1940s, the Rybinsk Aviation Plant firmly took the position of the leader of the domestic aviation engine building. And, according to aviation industry experts, it was recognized the best enterprise precision engineering in Europe. For the first time in 1937, the enterprise used a conveyor assembly of aircraft engines, which made it possible to produce about thirty engines per day. The Rybinsk plant has become a real source of personnel for people's commissariats and others industrial enterprises.

But even such obvious production successes did not save the enterprise from a wave of political repressions. During the years of great terror (1937−1938), dozens of leaders, engineers and technicians and ordinary workers were arrested. Most of them were sent to the Gulag, and 34 people were shot. Among those executed were the director of the plant G. I. Korolev, secretary of the party committee K. V. Pushkin, deputy director S. P. Abramov, chief technologist M. V. Khodushin, heads of workshops and departments B. S. Khukharev, E. D. Reichbaum , L. M. Melnikov, L. N. Klyucharev, B. M. Tyrichev, S. P. Filimonov, I. O. Bezrodny, D. I. Rybak, S. S. Prokhorov, F. I. Liliental, P V. Milintsevich and others. In the late 1950s, they were all rehabilitated.

In 1940, a team of designers led by V. Ya. Klimov created a new engine for the promising fighter A. S. Yakovlev Yak-1-M-105 and its modifications - the cannon version of the M-105P and M-105PF. Klimov's engines were used to power the planes of Yakovlev, Petlyakov, Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov and other legendary Soviet designers.

In the early 1940s, the Rybinsk plant increased the production of engines for combat aircraft, and by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War increased their number to 45 pieces per day! The production of M-105 engines and the production of the first copies of the new M-107 engine, designed by V. Ya. Klimov, were increased. But with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the work was curtailed.

1941 - 1945: plant during the war

At the end of 1941, Plant No. 26 was evacuated from front-line Rybinsk to the Urals, to the city of Ufa. In addition to the Rybinsk plant, a number of other enterprises were also transported here - two Leningrad backup plants (234th and 451st), partly 219th from Moscow, the design bureau CIAM (Moscow), KB-2 MAI from Voronezh. The new enterprise became the assignee of the combined plants and received the number of the head Rybinsk enterprise - aircraft plant No. 26. During the war years, the evacuation of large industrial enterprises from the European part of the USSR was the only way maintain the production capacity of factories.

But already in March 1942, by order of the State Defense Committee in Rybinsk, the resumption of aviation production began. Some specialists and highly qualified workers returned from Ufa. Serafim Maksimovich Sove, the former chief technologist of the evacuated plant, was assigned to head the plant, which received serial number 36. At this time, the staff of workers was replenished by specialists from Perm. returned to the factory and former employees who passed the front and were demobilized. The enterprise received the largest replenishment at the expense of young people on the basis of the Komsomol appeal.

In the autumn of 1943, OKB-250 moved from Ufa to Rybinsk, headed by the chief designer Vladimir Alekseevich Dobrynin, who was given the task of developing a new aircraft engine. To accomplish this super-task, the design bureau had to use the production capacities of the Rybinsk plant. Since that time, the fate of the serial plant and the design bureau have been closely intertwined.

At the end of 1944, the plant mastered the serial production of a motor designed by Arkady Dmitrievich Shvetsov ASh-62IR. The engine was installed on Li-2, PS-35, PS-43 transport aircraft, I-152, I-153 ("Seagull") fighters, and a little later - on An-2. According to its operational data, the engine was not inferior to the best foreign models. After 1952, it was produced at factories in China, Poland and is still used in aviation.

In the post-war period, the plant mastered the serial production of an even more powerful, compared to the ASh-62IR, star-shaped engine A. D. Shvetsov ASh-73TK, which was produced until 1957. These engines, each equipped with two turbochargers, were installed on the Tu-4 strategic bomber, and the ASh-73 engines without a compressor were installed on the Beriev Be-6 flying boat.

In February 1951, the M-253K engine was successfully tested (from the summer of the same year it received the name VD-4K), and on May 1, the Tu-85 aircraft, equipped with four VD-4K engines, flew over Red Square in Moscow, opening a military parade . The Tu-85 bomber was the last in a series of domestic piston aircraft, and the VD-4K was the most powerful (4300 hp) combined engine at that time. It was time for jet aircraft.

At the end of the 50s, a VD-7B turbojet engine designed by V. A. Dobrynin, designed for the strategic bomber V. M. Myasishchev ZM, was put into production at the plant in Rybinsk. In the 60s, this bomber formed the basis of the strategic aviation of the USSR. In September 1959, a number of world records were set on the ZM aircraft.

In 1960, the design bureau developed and mastered the VD-7M engine, which was intended for the M-50 supersonic heavy bomber. This aircraft in July 1960 opened an air parade over the airfield in Tushino. However, the VD-7M was put into mass production for another Tupolev T-22 bomber aircraft.

In the same year, the plant in Rybinsk received the task of setting up serial production of a turbojet engine designed by Arkhip Mikhailovich Lyulka AL-7F-1. As a serial product, this engine was produced by the plant for almost 14 years. It was installed on the Su-7B fighter-bomber and Su-9, Su-17 fighters, developed by the Design Bureau of P. O. Sukhoi.

In March 1960, Pavel Fedorovich Derunov became the director of the Rybinsk Motor Building Plant (he worked in this position with a short break until 1986). And in 1961, after the retirement of V. A. Dobrynin, OKB-36 was headed by Petr Alekseevich Kolesov.

RD36-51A engines for the Tu-144D supersonic passenger aircraft, RD-36-41 for the T-4 supersonic long-range bomber (the so-called “hundredths”) and the RD36-51 V engine for the “super-high-altitude” aircraft were developed and transferred to the design bureau firm Myasishchev M-17. Otherwise, this aircraft was called "Stratosphere". It was created to deal with improvised reconnaissance balloons at a very high altitude. On the M-17, 25 world records were set, and later the aircraft was used to study the upper atmosphere.

The design bureau, headed by P. A. Kolesov, along with powerful turbojet engines, on its own initiative, developed a number of small and light, but rather “strong” lifting engines for carrier-based fighter aircraft manufactured by Yakovlev and Mikoyan. In this direction, the chief designer P. A. Kolesov, one of the first in the world practice of creating a turbojet engine, solved the problem of providing vertical takeoff and landing of the aircraft.

In the mid-60s, the enterprise became a creative laboratory for the exchange of experience in the field of scientific organization of labor (NOT). Between 1967 and the first half of 1968, more than 750 delegations from 140 cities visited the Rybinsk plant. The Rybinsk NOT system, taking into account its specifics, began to be used by more than 800 enterprises. In 1969, a group of plant workers were awarded State Prizes for the development and practical implementation of measures for the scientific organization of labor, production and management.

In the post-war period, the Rybinsk plant produced engines not only for military aviation. From the beginning of the 70s and until now, the basis of the civil segment of the market of OAO NPO Saturn has been the serial engines of the Design Bureau of Pavel Aleksandrovich Solovyov D-30KU and D-Z0KP for the Il-62M and Il-76 aircraft, and since the beginning of the 80s years - the D-30KU-154 engine for the Tu-154M passenger aircraft. The D-30KU/KP family of engines has become a real bestseller in Soviet/Russian aviation. The total operating time of D-30KU/KP engines in operation is more than 60 million hours; over 8000 engines delivered; about 2000 engines are in operation worldwide.

In 1989, the Rybinsk Design Bureau under the leadership of Alexander Sergeevich Novikov won the competition for the creation of engines based on a single generator for the Ka-60 helicopter in the 1300 hp class. and for the aircraft of local airlines An-38. This was an absolutely new class of RD-600 V engines for the design bureau both in terms of dimensions, speed, and basic design solutions. The engine was certified according to Russian standards.

1991 - 2008: in the conditions of the formation of a market economy

The beginning of the 1990s is associated with the transition to a new market economy for enterprises. The serial plant and design bureau were corporatized independently. In November 1992, it was registered Joint-Stock Company Rybinsk Motors. The production and development of new engines continued, systematic work was underway to improve the reliability and service life of engines of the D-30KU / KP family, expanding the types of their repair and maintenance.

By order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia, together with NPO Mashproekt (Nikolaev, Ukraine), the enterprise begins work on the creation and production of a gas turbine unit GTU-110 with a capacity of 110 MW. In 1993, the development of ship gas turbine engines began - first the M75RU, then the more powerful M70FRU. The basis for their creation was the gas generator "product 77", which at that time was a new word in engine building. The Rybinsk enterprise is defined as the basis for the creation of domestic marine gas turbine engines.

In 1996, Rybinsk Motors OJSC was transformed into Rybinsk Motors OJSC. In the fall of 1997, by decision of the Board of Directors and the meeting of shareholders, Yury Vasilyevich Lastochkin was elected General Director of the enterprise, who worked in this position until 2009. In the same 1997, the RKBM became part of the enterprise. This event became one of the most important stages in the creation of the modern OAO NPO Saturn.

In 1996, the enterprise began mastering the manufacture of the engine and gearbox of the DO49R engine. In September 2000, qualification tests of the engine were successfully carried out, and in October of the same year, interdepartmental tests of the GTES-2.5 gas turbine power plant were carried out, serial production of DO49R and GTES-2.5 began.

In March 1999, Gazprom and Rybinsk Motors signed a program to create a block-container automated GPA-4RM unit for underground gas storage stations. Another direction of the period of the late 1980s - 1990s. the creation of a range of industrial fans began, their small-scale production was mastered.

The company has chosen new strategy diversification of production, providing for the transition from the production of a single product D-30KU / KP to a wide product line (for the needs of Gazprom, RAO UES, the Russian Navy). Rybinsk Motors began active work to expand sales markets, develop new types of production in order to increase its efficiency.

In the process of developing land-based topics, it became obvious that customers are interested in the creation of turnkey power plants. To solve this problem in order to increase production capacity JSC Rybinsk Motors in 1998 acquires the property complex of the former Volga Machine-Building Plant (Rybinsk, now JSC UEC - gas turbines»).

In 2000, Mikhail Leonidovich Kuzmenko was appointed General Designer of the Rybinsk Design Bureau. An important stage in the development of the new company was an active increase in its intellectual level and opportunities to enter the military technology market.

On May 31, 2000, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin visited the enterprise for the first time. Thanks to his visit, serial production of engines "ed. 36MT" for unmanned aircraft.

On July 5, 2001, Rybinsk Motors OJSC and Moscow-based A. Lyulka-Saturn OJSC merged (at this time both enterprises are actively working on the development and mass production of the fifth generation military engine), NPO Saturn OJSC was created.

In April 2003, a decision was made to install the SaM146 engine developed by OAO NPO Saturn jointly with the French company Snecma on the Russian regional aircraft Sukhoi RRJ (now SSJ100). For the first time in the history of domestic civil aviation Russian enterprise became a full participant in an unprecedented international project.

As a result, against the background of the stagnation of the industry by the mid-2000s. OAO NPO Saturn has become an enterprise that successfully combines the entire complex of gas turbine engine development, from development to serial production and support in operation. In the complete absence state support industry, the profit received under the D-30KU / KP engine program made it possible to invest in the development of the company, in the formation of a modern research and production association. The best graduates of specialized universities of the country and leading specialists from Perm, Samara, Moscow, St. Petersburg were invited to work at the enterprise.

Much attention was paid to improving the working conditions of designers, the introduction of the latest methods and technologies in the field of designing gas turbine equipment. Thus, for the first time in Russia, the design bureau under the leadership of M. L. Kuzmenko switched to paperless design, an engineering analysis system was created, and a system for the integrated use of information technologies at all stages of new product development. All these activities allowed OAO NPO Saturn to develop the latest next-generation engines for both civil and military aviation. In the same years, a promising design reserve was created for several decades to come. Since 2000, more than ten new developments of OAO NPO Saturn have received type certificates, CSI acts, and conformity certificates.

Since the mid-2000s, an active modernization of the enterprise has begun: the reconstruction, technical re-equipment of workshops, the construction of new production buildings and test benches are systematically taking place.

In 2006, the first SaM146 engine was assembled and delivered to the test bench. Two years later, on May 19, 2008, the SSJ100 aircraft made its first test flight with Russian-French engines. In the same year, the staff of OAO NPO Saturn celebrated another holiday - the first flight of the Su-35 multipurpose fighter with engines ed. 117C".

2009 - 2016: as part of UEC JSC

The global economic crisis has made its own adjustments to the activities of the enterprise. The difficult situation in the country forced the state to re-take control of the fundamental sectors in the domestic industry. In this regard, at the end of 2008, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin visited OAO NPO Saturn. It was decided that the enterprise would become part of OAO Managing Company United Engine Corporation (now JSC UEC). In 2009, Ilya Nikolaevich Fedorov was appointed Managing Director of OAO NPO Saturn. This reorganization served as a new impetus to the development of the enterprise.

In March 2010, the official opening of the Training Center of OAO NPO Saturn took place to train specialists of machine-building companies in more than 30 working and engineering specialties, as well as engineering and technical personnel of airlines, repair organizations and specialists of OAO NPO Saturn, who will be engaged in the maintenance and repair of the SaM146 engine.

In June 2010, the SaM146 engine received an EASA type certificate. This event is called historical in the development of domestic engine building. On June 18, 2010, Vladimir Putin arrived at OAO NPO Saturn on a working visit to hold an industry meeting. The Prime Minister highly appreciated the results of the measures taken by the leadership of the association to bring the plant out of the crisis. In 2010, the first promising engines of OAO NPO Saturn lifted into the air the Russian experimental fighter of the fifth generation T-50.

In 2011 began commercial supplies SaM146 engine and operation of the SSJ100 aircraft by airlines - launch customers. In the same year, at the MAKS-2011 international aerospace exhibition, the engines of OAO NPO Saturn lifted into the sky three newest Russian aircraft: Su-35 and T-50 fighters, as well as the pride of domestic civil aviation - SSJ100.

In 2012, a significant amount of work was done aimed at creating a new image of NPO Saturn, supporting the organizational transformations of UEC, and strengthening the foundation for the further development of the enterprise. An important stage of reorganization was completed, within the framework of which three product lines were formed, the foundations were laid for the creation of production competence centers. The purpose of the ongoing changes was to increase the efficiency of the enterprise by focusing on the consumer at all stages of the life cycle of products, increasing its competitiveness in general.

The enterprise has a financial recovery program that provides for measures to increase sales, reduce the cost of manufactured products - SaM146, small-sized engines, ground-based engines, and measures are also being taken to sell non-core assets, etc.

OAO NPO Saturn has formed a strategy as the head organization of the UEC in terms of civil aviation engines and special-purpose products. It fundamentally reorganized the activities of the enterprise's design services, focusing their attention not only on R&D, but also on increasing the efficiency of mass production as the company's main business.

In January 2012, PowerJet, a subsidiary of OAO NPO Saturn, received a type certificate for the SaM146 1S18 engine for regional aircraft from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). This engine option significantly increases the flight range of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ100) regional aircraft - up to 4,578 km with a full cabin load. At the same time, the engine uses the same hardware as other engines of the SaM146 family, which does not require changes in the aircraft configuration.

On April 12, 2012, another important event took place in the history of the enterprise and the entire domestic engine building industry. OAO NPO Saturn received an EASA certificate for the production of serial SaM146 engines. Thus, the right to independently organize work on the production of products for the European market, supervised production at other enterprises, and independently choose suppliers for the SaM146 engine was confirmed.

In October 2012, the Engines for Civil Aviation division was created as part of the United Engine Corporation, which included NPO Saturn, Aviadvigatel, Perm Motor Plant and other plants technologically related to Perm enterprises. JSC NPO Saturn was determined as the head company of the division. The management of the division was entrusted to the Deputy Managing Director of JSC "UEC" - Managing Director of OAO NPO Saturn I. N. Fedorov.

Throughout 2012, active work was carried out with subsidiaries of OAO NPO Saturn: Saturn Tool Plant (SatIZ), New Instrumental Solutions (NIR), OMKB (Omsk). The result of this work was a significant increase in the order portfolio of subsidiaries. In particular, together with OMKB, Russian assets and competencies in the field of aircraft engines for special equipment products were consolidated. These engines have good prospects in the company's product line. Formed portfolio of orders and implementation of measures of the Federal Target Program “Development of the military-industrial complex Russian Federation"bring JSC NPO Saturn to the mass production of engines for UAVs, comparable to the scale of production that existed before the collapse of the USSR.

Today JSC NPO Saturn continues to develop the program for the production of industrial gas turbine engines with a capacity of up to 10 MW for power generation and gas pumping stations. In 2012, the range of industrial engines produced by the enterprise was expanded with a new high-performance power engine GTD-10RME (efficiency 34.93%). Measures have been introduced on this engine to ensure its operation in marine applications. In order to improve the quality of manufactured products, in 2012 JSC NPO Saturn upgraded the test bench for GTD-4RM, GTD-6.3RM, GTD-6.3RM/8 engines. In 2012, the total operating time of all low-capacity industrial GTEs manufactured by OAO NPO Saturn reached 2 million hours.

In 2012, the acceptance tests of the E70/8RD marine gas turbine engine were successfully carried out. The engine was adopted by a commission appointed by the decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the RKD was assigned the letter "O1".

In 2013, five batches of new D-30KP-2 engines were delivered to a foreign customer. Overhaul of engines of the D-30KU/KP series for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense was completed in a timely manner and in full. Fully worked out manufacturing program for small products. Satisfied the needs of CJSC "GSS" in serial engines SaM146.

In terms of the implementation of the SaM146 project, 2013 was marked by the start of operation of the SSJ100 aircraft with SaM146 engines in foreign airlines, the transfer to the first customer - Gazpromavia - of the SSJ100 aircraft with an extended range with the SaM146 engine modification 1S18. Work continued to improve the economy of the SaM146 engine program and expand the perimeter of cooperation with Snekma, including in terms of initiating new joint projects.

In December 2013, an investment agreement was signed with the participation of RUSNANO, Inter RAO UES and UEC/NPO Saturn on the improvement and modernization of high-power machines based on GTD-110. The first stage of the project is being implemented with the participation of leading energy institutions The second stage of the project is the promotion of a new quality product with improved characteristics (GTD-110M) to the market in partnership with INTER RAO UES.

A significant event for OAO NPO Saturn was the completion of the development of a promising small-sized gas turbine engine. For the first time in Russia, a completely “electric” gas turbine engine has been created that surpasses existing analogues. The act of state bench tests was approved by the customer and solemnly presented on December 12, 2013. It is also worth noting that OAO NPO Saturn has completed testing of a high-pressure compressor for a promising engine, as well as the completion of development work on the AL-55I engine, which makes it possible for UEC represented by UMPO to proceed, in accordance with the contract, with the licensed production of the engine from a foreign customer. .

In February 2014, the 100th SaM146 engine for SSJ100 aircraft since the start of mass production was shipped from the assembly shop of OAO NPO Saturn in Rybinsk to Komsomolsk-on-Amur. By the end of the year, more than 140 serial engines had left the assembly line.

On March 6, 2014, JSC NPO Saturn received an EASA certificate for the right to maintain and repair the SaM146 engine and became the first company in the country to have a full set of serial production competencies certified in Russia and Europe, maintenance and repair of civil aircraft engines.

Significant events include the confirmation of an international environmental management certificate in accordance with ISO14001 requirements and the receipt of an international certificate of conformity for the labor protection management system. IN modern world this voluntary certification is considered good tone for large knowledge-intensive enterprises, thus confirming their responsibility in the matter of preserving the environment.

In 2014, OAO NPO Saturn was assigned a key role in solving the problem of creating an import-substituting base for Russian offshore gas turbine construction in order to provide ships with Russian gas turbine power plants. The design and technological reserve accumulated during the creation of the Russian ship-based gas turbine engines of the 4th generation made it possible to be ready to solve fundamentally important state tasks. The immediate plans of OAO NPO Saturn include the continuation of development work (in particular, the development of the M90FR engine), the technical re-equipment of the enterprise , completion of the assembly and testing complex construction and further deliveries of gas turbine engines and units.

Together with JSC INTER RAO UES and JSC RUSNANO, JSC NPO Saturn is working on the creation of the GTD-110M, a modernized gas turbine engine GTD-110 with a capacity of 110 MW. In terms of the creation of industrial gas turbine engines and steam-gas plants based on them with a capacity of more than 100 MW, OAO NPO Saturn is the only enterprise in Russia, and the engine itself is considered as the basis of the country's energy security.

At the turn of 2015, OAO NPO Saturn fulfilled the state contract for R&D for the development of basic technologies, materials and equipment for combined cycle power plants based on gas turbine plants high power in the framework of the most important innovative projects of national importance. The results of this work became the first step towards the creation of a modernized high-power turbine GTD-110M, which has increased performance and increased resource.

Today, combining production sites and design services in Rybinsk, Moscow, Lytkarino, St. Petersburg, Omsk and Perm, OAO NPO Saturn creates gas turbine engines for military and civil aviation, cruise missiles, power generating and gas pumping units, ships and civil ships . With a high degree of concentration of scientific, industrial and financial resources, the company provides the entire life cycle modern gas turbine technology, from idea to mass production and support in operation. The Design Bureau of OAO NPO Saturn, which since 2010 has been headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences Yuri Nikolayevich Shmotin, was instructed to ensure the organization of promising research and development work for the UEC as a whole.

An important success factor in the implementation of R&D is the formation of developed cooperation in each of scientific directions. Industry institutes, higher educational institutions, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences are involved in the projects. Joint programs are being implemented, including within the framework of state educational and scientific grants. Grants for the best students, graduate students, doctoral students have been announced by OAO NPO Saturn, and competitions for schoolchildren are being held. OAO NPO Saturn is a member of the framework research programs of the European Union. A program of motivation for scientific and rationalization activities has been created. Over the past 10 years, the company has registered more than 400 patents and 200 know-hows.

Subbotin M.I.

1956 - 1960 - Smirnov A.D.

1972 - 1974 - Kuznetsov P.V.

1986 - 1987 - Leonov B.N.

The history of the plant began at the height of the First World War with the Imperial approval by Emperor Nicholas II of the position of the Council of Ministers on the issuance of a large order for the military department to five Russian automobile plants, including JSC Russian Renault. The plant in Rybinsk was built from scratch in the shortest possible time. The main production site of the joint-stock company was located in St. Petersburg (now the Klimov plant). Already in 1917, Renault aircraft engines for the Ilya Muromets aircraft began to be assembled there. At the same time, the Directorate of the Air Force offered to place an order in Rybinsk for the production of several hundred aircraft engines. But these plans were thwarted by the revolutionary events of 1917.

Construction of the first buildings of the Russian Renault plant in Rybinsk, 1916

In the summer of 1918, the plant was nationalized, and began to carry out work on the restoration of vehicles to provide for the Red Army. But already on May 10, 1924, a government decree was issued on the transfer of the plant to the enterprise system. aviation industry, where he received his historical designation: "plant number 26". Thus began the history of the Rybinsk aircraft engine industry. At the end of 1926, it was decided to start production of the BMW-VI engine in the USSR, which became the prototype of the Soviet M-17 engine for R-5 reconnaissance aircraft and TB-1 and TB-3 heavy bombers. Over the next 10 years, the plant produced about 8 thousand M-17s, which allowed the Soviet government to refuse to purchase engines abroad.

Classes on the study of the M-17 motor at the courses of the factory masters

In 1930, pilot production of the M-34 engine began in Rybinsk, thanks to which Valery Chkalov made the first 56-hour non-stop flight on an ANT-25 aircraft along the Moscow-Arctic-Far East route. In 1935, the design bureau of the plant was headed by Vladimir Yakovlevich Klimov, under whose leadership a family of "hundredth" engines M-100, M-103, M-105 was created, for which the plant was awarded the highest award of the Soviet state - the Order of Lenin. However, all these successes did not help the factory workers to avoid the bloody 1937. The plant then lost many leading specialists, including the director of the plant G.N. Korolev, who was removed from his post and shot. Alas, the official chronicle tried not to mention those events. Archival documents contain a lot of information about how difficult the atmosphere at the enterprise was then. So, for example, in the process of recreating complete history enterprise to the 100th anniversary, the plant workers in the archives unexpectedly found the names of 3 more "lost" directors of the plant.

V.Ya.Klimov, V.P.Balandin, P.D.Lavrentiev, D.I.Golovanev, A.M.Myzdrikov, 1939

Then came the hard forties. On the eve of the war, the government demanded a significant increase in the production of engines. From the beginning of 1941, the plant management sent a daily report to the country's leadership on the number of engines produced. But in the fall, fascist troops approached Tver and a decision was made to evacuate the plant to Ufa. In almost two weeks, 14,500 workers, 1,700 engineering and technical staff, 1,300 employees with all the equipment and 300 sets of motors, having dismantled even power cables, left Rybinsk in an organized manner on barges, trains, and cars. At the same time, the operation was so covert that later German aviation carried out air raids on empty factory buildings for a long time, thinking that the plant continued to work. More than half of the bombs (1026) dropped on the Yaroslavl region during the war years fell on the territory of the plant.

Destroyed factory buildings, 1942

Together with the people from Rybinsk, the plant from Leningrad was also evacuated to Ufa. IN short time in Ufa, a giant plant was built, with the creation of which the history of the famous Ufa engine building began. But in 1942, the Nazis were thrown back from Moscow and the plant in Rybinsk began to rise and ash. Already in April, the first echelon with people and equipment arrived from Ufa to Rybinsk. Simply amazing is the will and faith of the people of those years in victory over the enemy, who at the very height of the war were sure that the enemy would never return. There was neither Stalingrad nor the Kursk Bulge yet, Leningraders were dying of hunger in the besieged city, and in Rybinsk work was already underway to restore the workshops of the enterprise. In 1943, OKB-250 was transferred to Rybinsk from Ufa under the leadership of V.A. Dobrynin. In 1944, in the cold workshops of the plant, half-starved workers of the enterprise assembled the first M-62IR engine for Li-2 aircraft, which is better known to aviators as the engine of the legendary "maize" - ASh-62IR (designer A.D. Shvetsov). Surprisingly, the An-2 aircraft were produced right up to 2002 and are still in service.

Production of ASh-62IR engine

In the postwar years, Rybinsk began developing the VD-4K engine (designer V.A. Dobrynin) for the Tu-85 strategic bomber and mastering the serial production of the ASh-73TK piston engine (designer A.D. Shvetsov) for the Tu-4 long-range strategic bomber. But the plant was not limited to the aviation theme. It also produced the D-36 diesel engine for the Belarus tractor, and the ML-20 Chaika outboard motor, and even trolleybus parts and assemblies. However, the jet era was inexorably approaching, which required the creation of technologically completely new production facilities at the plant. In 1955, the production of turbojet engines of the VD-7 series (designer V.A. Dobrynin), created by Rybinsk designers, was mastered, which were subsequently installed on 3M, M-50 strategic bombers, and Tu-22 supersonic bombers.

The first tractor "Belarus" with a Rybinsk diesel engine, 1954

In 1960, P.F. was appointed director of the plant. Derunov, and the chief designer of the design bureau P.A. Kolesov, whose names are associated with the most glorious years in the history of the Rybinsk enterprise. Serial production of AL-7F-1 turbojet engines (designer A.M. Lyulka) for Su-7B fighter bombers and Su-9 fighter-interceptors began. Under the leadership of Kolesov, unique aircraft engines were created for aircraft that were ahead of their time, such as the T-4 Sotka bomber-missile carrier, the Tu-144D (Dalniy) supersonic passenger aircraft, the Yak-141 multipurpose VTOL fighter and others . At the same time, the production of diesel engines is expanding. Products with Rybinsk diesel engines are supplied to 53 countries of the world. In 1966, the merits of the plant were awarded the second Order of Lenin.

The 70s - another significant milestone in the history of the enterprise - the development of the production of engines of the Perm Design Bureau under the leadership of P.S. Solovyov D-30KU and D-30KP for long-haul passenger aircraft Il-62M and transport Il-76. In parallel, parts were also produced for engines submarines, and products for helicopters, and snowmobiles "Buran". The 1980s were marked by the start of serial production of the D-30KU-154 turbojet bypass engine (designer P.A. Soloviev) for the Tu-154M medium-haul passenger aircraft, the creation of the RD-38 engine (designer P.A. Kolesov) for the Yak-38M carrier-based attack aircraft , and other engines for advanced, including unmanned aircraft models.

However, at the end of the 80s, the enterprise already noticeably felt a violation economic relations in the country. And the subsequent collapse of the USSR raised the question of survival in the face of political and economic instability before the plant staff. February 17, 1992 by the meeting of the Council labor collective It was decided to transform the enterprise into a joint-stock company. In the same year of 1992, the Rybinsk Engine Building Plant and the Rybinsk Engine Design Bureau were transformed into Rybinsk Motors OJSC and RKBM OJSC, respectively. The latter was later determined as the main base for the creation of domestic marine gas turbine engines. A new area of ​​activity of the Rybinsk plant was also the creation and production of gas turbine engines for generating electricity, which is one of the main activities of the enterprise today. The production of gas turbines of small and medium power for the energy and gas industries has begun.

In 2001, Rybinsk Motors OJSC (which at that time already included RKBM OJSC) and Moscow-based A. Lyulka-Saturn OJSC merged, and NPO Saturn OJSC was formed. Today, NPO Saturn, in cooperation with other UEC enterprises, is implementing a number of large-scale projects in the civil and military spheres. The company is the parent company of the Civil Aviation Engines division, a business unit of the UEC. Jointly with Safran Aircraft Engines, a Russian-French SaM146 power plant for the Sukhoi Superjet 100 passenger aircraft is being produced in Rybinsk. To implement the project, in 2005 VolgAero CJSC was opened, a joint production venture between NPO Saturn and Snecma Moteurs. The Russian PJSC NPO Saturn is responsible for the development and production of a low-pressure fan and compressor, a low-pressure turbine, general engine assembly and testing, Safran Aircraft Engines is responsible for the high-pressure compressor, combustion chamber, high-pressure turbine, gearbox, ACS and power plant integration.

SaM146, created on the basis of a combination of experience and new technologies of Russian and Western engine building, is the first gas turbine engine produced in Russia to receive an international EASA type certificate. Today, the possibility of participation of NPO Saturn in the program for the creation of the PD-35 engine is being considered. Also, the enterprise continues to produce D-30KP engines for aircraft of the Il-76 family. KB NPO Saturn has developed the AL-55I engine, which is installed on the Indian combat training aircraft HJT-36. Another line of work of the Rybinsk engine builders is small-sized gas turbine engines installed on air- and sea-based cruise missiles. Within the framework of the UEC, NPO Saturn was also identified as a center for offshore gas turbine construction.

General Director of JSC "UEC" Alexander Artyukhov: “The century-old history of NPO Saturn inspires respect and sincere admiration. The enterprise has gone through a difficult but glorious path of formation of the domestic engine building industry. Behind the development of each new brand of unique equipment is the hard work of many generations of specialists - designers, engineers, workers, who often completely subordinated their way of life to the interests of production and strengthening the country's defense capability. So it was during the Great Patriotic War, and in postwar period when our country was striving to take a leading position in this high-tech industry.”

Now the enterprise produces about 600 gas turbine engines a year of various subjects - for the sky, land and sea. The geography of customers of the company's products covers 30 countries of the world. In general, in the business structure of PJSC NPO Saturn (according to the results of 2015), 70% is occupied by aviation products, 6% - products for ground-based industrial applications, 20% - R&D, 4% - other products. In total, over the history of its existence, the Rybinsk engine-building complex has designed about 40 types of products, produced almost 50 thousand aircraft engines for fighters, bombers, transport aircraft and passenger liners. Today, the enterprise includes: a production serial site, an experimental design bureau and a pilot plant in Rybinsk, an engineering center in Perm, branches of the Scientific and Technical Center in St. Petersburg and the Scientific and Technical Center in Omsk, as well as subsidiaries and joint ventures within the framework of international programs .

In recent years, the enterprise has carried out a whole range of measures for technological modernization and technical re-equipment of production. Thus, new production units engaged in the processing of compressor blades, turbine blades using progressive technological processes and modern equipment. NPO Saturn pursues an active innovation policy - additive technologies, 3D modeling are used, parts made of polymer composite materials are being introduced, etc. NPO Saturn has created an innovative Center for Additive Technologies (CAT). It presents all the most promising and industry-demanded areas of additive technologies.

This year, NPO Saturn put into operation a system developed by one of Russian companies a new specialized software and hardware complex (SPAK) with a capacity of 114 Tflops. Total volume random access memory of the SPAK supercomputer is 14.5 TB, the total number of processors of the computing field is 204, the total number of cores is 2808. By combining high-performance computing resources - AL-100 clusters (in 2008 this supercomputer was recognized as the most high-performance in the industry of Russia and the CIS) and of the new SPAC into a single computing cluster, a unique supercomputer center has been created at NPO Saturn. It will be used to implement complex, time-consuming, resource-intensive calculations, to optimize the design development of the main range of the enterprise's products.

And, of course, it is worth mentioning separately the contribution of factory workers to the development social sphere, and not only factory. In addition to its own developed social and sports infrastructure, thanks to the enterprise in Rybinsk, social programs: the plant built a palace of culture, football and water-skiing stadiums, a swimming pool, kindergartens, recreation centers, millions of square meters of housing and many other objects of the social and industrial infrastructure of the region. Today PJSC "NPO "Saturn" is more than 12,000 employees, 12,000 pieces of equipment, 1 million square meters. meters of production space. In total, the number of employees, taking into account subsidiaries and dependent companies is 14,000 people.

According to strategic plans development and the corresponding planned need for personnel, NPO Saturn implements plans for interaction with specialized educational institutions and career guidance programs in order to attract potential future employees. Every year, the enterprise employs about 200 young specialists (of which 66% are graduates of higher educational institutions). Currently, young employees aged 16 to 35 make up about a third of the company's employees.

Deputy General Director - Managing Director of PJSC NPO Saturn Viktor Polyakov:“Behind this impressive anniversary date are tens of thousands of produced engines, the fate of several generations of people, their everyday great work for the good of the country. The activities of the Rybinsk Motor-Building Plant have repeatedly been awarded the highest state awards of the Soviet Union and today receive the highest rating. Russian state for the contribution to strengthening the defense capability, energy and transport security of our Motherland."

The editors of the portal congratulate the staff of NPO Saturn on the anniversary
and thanks the press services of the UEC and the enterprise for their help in preparing the material.

OJSC "Rybinsk Motors" is a Russian engineering company that specializes in the production and development of gas turbine engines for civil and military aviation, as well as ships navy. The main production and head office are located in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region. This is the only company of the Yaroslavl region, which was included in the List of backbone organizations of the Russian Federation.


  • Design department
    • The first experimental design bureau in Rybinsk;
    • Technical and Scientific Center in St. Petersburg;
    • Engineering center in Perm;
  • Production sites
    • The first production site in Rybinsk;
    • Pilot plant in Rybinsk;
    • Tool production of CJSC "Saturn - Tool Plant" in Rybinsk;
    • Manufacturer and developer of small-sized gas turbine engines OAO OMKB in Omsk;
  • Joint ventures to implement international programs
    • Design and engineering works of ZAO Smartek;
    • Program management SaM146, SA "PowerJet" in France;
    • Manufacture of SaM146 engine components and parts, VolgAero CJSC;
    • Testing of aircraft engines by CJSC Poluevo-Invest;
    • Joint Russian-Czech venture for the modernization and repair of equipment CJSC ReMO.

The total production area is over 1 million square meters. More than 12 thousand pieces of equipment are involved in the production.

The number of employees at the enterprise as of 01.01.2006 is 17.9 thousand people. The volume of production sales in 2006 was 8 billion rubles, the net loss was 183 million rubles.

In early 2011, the American newspaper "Fast Company", which specializes in the topic modern technologies, published a rating of the leading Russian companies in terms of innovative technologies; OJSC Rybinsk Motors took the ninth place in this rating.

The company's revenue in 2012 amounted to 13 billion rubles. The number of employees at this moment is 12 thousand people. Consolidated revenue (including affiliates and subsidiaries) is about 20 billion rubles.

In 2008, the enterprise launched AL-100, the most powerful supercomputer in the industry not only in Russia, but also in the Commonwealth of Independent States. The name was given in honor of the centenary of the birth of the founder of the company, designer and scientist Lyulka Arkhip Mikhailovich, whose engines were also called "AL". The operation and launch of a supercomputer with a capacity of 14.3 teraflops (14.3 trillion floating-point operations per second) is the result of the joint work of IBM, Intel, CROC Incorporated, American Power Conversion and NPO Saturn OJSC.

Abstract on the topic:

Saturn (NPO)


  • 1. History
  • 2 Owners and management
  • 3 Structure
  • 4 Activities
  • 5 Products
  • 6 Supercomputer
  • Notes


OAO NPO Saturn (OJSC Scientific and Production Association Saturn) is a Russian engineering company specializing in the development and production of gas turbine engines for military and civil aviation, navy ships, power generating and gas compressor installations. The headquarters and main production is located in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region. NPO Saturn is the only company in the region included in the List of backbone organizations in Russia.

1. History

In 1916, on the basis of a state loan, an automobile plant was created in the city of Rybinsk - Russian Renault JSC. In 1918, the plant was nationalized, in 1920-23 it was listed as the State Automobile Plant No. 3, specializing in the repair of vehicles. In 1924, the plant was transferred to the system of aviation industry enterprises and a year later received the name "Plant No. 26". In 1928, the production of the first series of M-17 engines for reconnaissance aircraft R-5 and heavy bombers TB-1 and TB-3 began; repair and testing of aircraft engines "Loren-Dietrich".

In 1935, the design bureau was created under the leadership of the chief designer V. Ya. Klimov. In 1938, a series of engines M-103, M-105 (chief designer V. Ya. Klimov) was developed for the Yak-1, Yak-3, Su-1, Su-3, LaGG-3 fighters and bombers SB-3, Pe -2, Ar-2.

In 1939, the design bureau of V. A. Dobrynin was created. In 1941, the Rybinsk Plant, V. Ya. Klimov Design Bureau and the Rybinsk Aviation Institute. S. Ordzhonikidze evacuated to Ufa. In 1943, the Design Bureau of V. A. Dobrynin was transferred to Rybinsk. In 1944, serial production at the plant was resumed. A design bureau was created under the leadership of A. M. Lyulka.

In 1945, production of the ASh-62IR engine for the An-2 multi-purpose aircraft and the Li-2 military transport aircraft began in Rybinsk. In 1947, the production of the first Soviet turbojet engine TR-1 began, and the production of the ASh-73TK piston engine designed by A. D. Shvetsov for the Tu-4 and Tu-70 aircraft began. In 1949, the VD-4K engine designed by V. A. Dobrynin was created for the Tu-85 strategic bomber. In 1954, the serial production of turbojet engines designed by V. A. Dobrynin began: VD-7B for the 3M strategic bomber; VD-7M for supersonic bombers Tu-22 and M-50. In 1957, under the leadership of A. M. Lyulka, the AL-7F-1 turbojet engine was created for the Su-7, Su-9 and Su-17 fighters; was mass-produced in Rybinsk in 1960-1974.

In 1960, P. F. Derunov was appointed director of the plant. In 1961, P. A. Kolesov was appointed chief designer of the design bureau of engine building in Rybinsk, under whose leadership a series of RD aircraft engines was created. In 1963, the RD36-35 turbojet engine was created for the MiG-21, MiG-23 and T-58VD aircraft. In 1968, serial production of the RD36-51A engine for the Tu-144D passenger supersonic aircraft began. In 1970, under the leadership of A. M. Lyulka, the AL-21F-3 engine was created for the Su-17M, Su-20, Su-24 and MiG-23B aircraft. In 1972, serial production of P. A. Solovyov D-30KU engines for the Il-62M and D-30KP for the Il-76 began in Rybinsk. In 1976, the AL-31F military engine for the Su-27 was created (chief designer A. M. Lyulka). In 1979, the RD-38 engine by P. A. Kolesov was created for the Yak-38M carrier-based fighter. In the 1980s, the RTVD-14 turboshaft engine and the TP-22 turbodrive were created, which passed flight tests in the Energia-Buran rocket and space system. In 1983, the serial production of the D-30KU-154 engine by P. A. Solovyov for the Tu-154M medium-haul passenger aircraft began. In 1988, the AL-31FP engine was created (general designer V. M. Chepkin) for the Su-30MK, Su-30MKI, Su-37 fighter-interceptors. In 1990, the creation of the RD-600V engine for Ka-62 helicopters and the TVD-1500 engine for local airliners began.

In 1992, the Rybinsk Engine Building Plant was transformed into an open joint-stock company "Rybinsk Motors". In 1997, the merger of OAO Rybinsk Motors and the Rybinsk Engine Design Bureau was completed. The production of gas turbines for the energy and gas industries has begun. In 1999, the Rybinsk Volzhsky Machine-Building Plant became part of Rybinsk Motors OJSC. In 2000, tests were successfully carried out and certificates of conformity were obtained for the GTES-2.5 thermal power plant and the TVD-1500B turboprop gas turbine engine. In 2001, the 36MT engine for unmanned aerial vehicles was successfully tested.

In 2001, Rybinsk Motors merged with A. Cryulka-Saturn, OJSC NPO Saturn was formed. In 2002, the SaM146 engine was selected for installation on the regional aircraft RRJ (Sukhoi Superjet 100). In 2003, a joint venture between NPO Saturn and Snecma Moteurs - PowerJet was opened to manage the marketing, production, certification and after-sales service of the SaM146 engine. In 2003, GTE-110, the first Russian gas turbine with a capacity of more than 100 MW, was tested. In 2003, certificates were obtained for the RD-600V helicopter engine and for the D-30KU-154 engine with a low-emission combustion chamber. In 2003, tests were carried out for the GTA-6RM power plant; in 2004 - the GPA-4RM gas compressor unit. In 2004, the AL-55I engine was selected for installation on the HJT-36 training aircraft. In 2005, VolgAero was opened - a joint production venture between OAO NPO Saturn and Snecma Moteurs. In 2005, a scientific and technical center was opened in St. Petersburg and an engineering center in Perm. In 2005, PJSC Inkar became part of OAO NPO Saturn. In 2006, the GTA-8RM power plant and the first Russian marine gas turbine engine M75RU were tested; in 2007 - gas pumping units GPA-6.3RM and GPA-10RM.

In early 2011, the American edition of Fast Company, which specializes in innovation, ranked the leading innovative companies in Russia. In this rating, NPO Saturn took 9th place.

2. Owners and management

84% of the shares of NPO Saturn are owned by the state, 16% - by individuals.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2008, JSC NPO Saturn is part of the engine building integrated group being created by the defense industry complex Oboronprom - the United Engine Building Corporation.

Managing Director - Ilya Fedorov. General designer - Yuri Nikolaevich Shmotin.

3. Structure

NPO Saturn building

  • Centers for the creation of gas turbine technology
    • Experimental Design Bureau-1 (Rybinsk)
    • Experimental Design Bureau-2 (Rybinsk)
    • Scientific and Technical Center. A. Lyulki (Moscow)
    • Scientific and Technical Center (St. Petersburg)
    • Engineering Center (Perm)
  • Production sites
    • Production site No. 1 (Rybinsk)
    • OAO Saturn - Gas Turbines (Rybinsk)
    • Lytkarinsky Machine-Building Plant (Moscow Region)
    • PJSC "Inkar" (Perm)
    • JSC "Russian Mechanics" (Rybinsk)
  • Joint ventures within the framework of international programs
    • JV "Smartek" (design work)
    • Powerjet JV (SaM146 program management)
    • JV "VolgAero" (production of parts and assemblies of the SaM146 engine)
    • JV "Poluevo-invest" (testing aircraft engines)

NPO Saturn owns 19.98% of the shares of the Ufa Motor-Building Production Association (UMPO), with which it is connected by a partnership agreement.

4. Activities

The total production area is about 1 million m². More than 12 thousand units of equipment are involved in the production.

The number of personnel as of January 1, 2006 was 17.9 thousand people. The company's sales volume in 2006 amounted to 8 billion rubles, net loss - 183 million rubles.

Revenue (RAS, 9 months of 2008) - 4.8 billion rubles, net profit - 218.9 million rubles.

5. Products

"Product 117C", a 4 ++ generation engine, one of the latest developments of the company

  • military engines.
    • Aviation IV generation: AL-31F, AL-31FN, AL-31FP, Product 117C.
    • Aviation V generation for a promising aviation complex of front-line aviation (PAK FA).
    • AL-55 engine family.
    • Engines for unmanned aerial vehicles: 36MT, 37-01E)
    • Marine ship engines: M70FRU, M75RU, M90FR.
  • Civil aircraft engines: SaM146, D-30KP Burlak, D-30KU, D-30KU-2, D-30KP, D-30KP-2, D-30KU-154, RD-600B, TVD-1500B.
  • Energy equipment.
    • Gas turbine engines for the power industry: GTES-2.5, GTA-6RM, GTA-8RM, GTES-12, GTE-110, PGU-170, PGU-325.
    • Gas pumping units: GPA-4RM, GPA-6.3RM, GPA-10RM.
    • Pipeline accessories.
  • Engines for snowmobiles "Buran": RMZ-640-34.

6. Supercomputer

In 2008, the enterprise launched the most powerful supercomputer in the industry of Russia and the CIS AL-100. The name was given in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the company's founder, scientist and designer Arkhip Mikhailovich Lyulka, whose engines were traditionally assigned the AL brand. The commissioning of a supercomputer with a capacity of 14.3 teraflops (trillion operations per second floating point) is the result of the joint work of NPO Saturn and CROC Incorporated, IBM, Intel, American Power Conversion.


  1. NPO Saturn - //
  2. Yandex, ABBYY and Rosnano topped the rating of innovative Russian companies | News | News feed "RIA Novosti" -
  3. 1 2 3 Alexey Nikolsky. “The state has all the levers even now,” - Yuri Lastochkin, CEO NPO Saturn // Vedomosti, No. 243 (2017), December 24, 2007
  4.!new/index.php?pid=51 -!new/index.php?pid=51
  5. Russian industry news - IN HONOR OF ARKHIP LYULKA -
This abstract is based on an article from the Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed on 07/10/11 21:12:43
Similar abstracts: Minsk Motor Plant, Perm Motor Plant,

JSC Rybinsk Motors is a Russian engineering company that specializes in the development and production of gas turbine engines for civil and military aviation, and naval vessels. The main main and production management are located in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region. This is the only company in the Yaroslavl region, which was included in the List of System Organizations of the Russian Federation.


  • Design department
  • The first skillful design bureau in Rybinsk;
  • Technical and Scientific Center in St. Petersburg;
  • Engineering center in Perm;
  • Production sites
  • The first production site in Rybinsk;
  • Skillful factory in Rybinsk;
  • Tool production of CJSC "Saturn - Tool Plant" in Rybinsk;
  • developer and manufacturer of small-sized gas turbine engines OAO OMKB in Omsk;
  • Joint firms with the aim of translating into the destiny of international programs
  • Design and engineering works of ZAO Smartek;
  • Program management SaM146, SA "PowerJet" in France;
  • Production of parts and assemblies of the SaM146 engine, ZAO VolgAero;
  • Testing of aircraft engines of CJSC Poluevo-Invest;
  • Joint Russian-Czech venture for the repair and modernization of equipment CJSC ReMO.

General production area amounts to more than 1 million square meters. More than 12 thousand pieces of equipment are involved in the production.

The number of workers at the enterprise as of 01.01.2006 is 17.9 thousand people. The number of production sales in 2006 was 8 billion rubles, net loss - 183 million rubles.

In early 2011, the American newspaper "Fast Company", which specializes in the topic the latest technologies, published a rating of the leading Russian companies in terms of innovative developments; OJSC Rybinsk Motors took the ninth place in this rating.

The company's revenue in 2012 amounted to 13 billion rubles. The number of employees at the current moment is 12 thousand people. Consolidated revenue (including affiliates and subsidiaries) is about 20 billion rubles.

In 2008, the company launched the AL-100, the most remarkable supercomputer in the industry not only in Russia, but also in the Commonwealth of Free Countries. The name was given to him in honor of the centenary of the birth of the co-founder of the company, scientist and designer Lyulka Arkhip Mikhailovich, whose engines were also called "AL". the launch and operation of a supercomputer with a capacity of 14.3 teraflops (per second, it performs 14.3 trillion floating-point operations) is the result of the joint work of IBM, Intel, CROC Incorporated, American Power Conversion and NPO Saturn.

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