Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

The trade enterprise must have a sign indicating. Legal aspects of placing a trade organization sign. I. General provisions

If you decide to open your own business in the field of hairdressing and beauty services, on this page you will find everything technical requirements to the premises, equipment and personnel for organizing a new business

1. Scope and general provisions

1.1. These Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules (hereinafter referred to as the Sanitary Rules) have been developed to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious and non-infectious diseases (poisoning) among the population Russian Federation and determine the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, arrangement, layout, sanitary and technical condition, maintenance of food raw materials and food products trade organizations (hereinafter referred to as trade organizations), conditions for transportation, acceptance, storage, processing, sale of food raw materials and food products as well as working conditions.

1.2. Sanitary rules apply to trade organizations under construction, reconstruction and existing, markets, bases, warehouses of food raw materials and food products, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership (except for refrigerators and markets selling non-industrial agricultural products), as well as individual entrepreneurs.Information on changes: Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP, approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 3, 2007 N 26, clause 1.3 of these Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules are set out in new edition, which comes into force on July 1, 2007. See the text of the paragraph in the previous edition

1.3. The range of food raw materials and food products sold in a trade organization must correspond to the type and type of trade organization. The layout and technical capabilities of the organization of trade must comply with state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations to ensure the required conditions for the reception, storage, processing and sale of food raw materials and food products, and compliance with the rules of personal hygiene by employees.

1.4. In trade organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, production control is organized.

2. Requirements for the placement of trade organizations

2.1 of these Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules have been amended, which will come into force on July 1, 2007. See. the text of the paragraph in the previous edition

2.1. In the design and construction of new, reconstruction existing organizations trade, it is necessary to be guided by the current sanitary rules, building codes, technological design standards. Provision of land plots for the construction of trade organizations is allowed if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on their compliance with these sanitary rules.

2.2. Trade organizations can be located both in a separate building and in attached, built-in, built-in and attached premises to residential buildings and buildings for other purposes, as well as located on the territory of industrial and other facilities to serve the employees of these organizations. Placement of trade organizations in residential buildings and buildings for other purposes is carried out in accordance with SNiPs "Public buildings and structures", "Residential buildings". The activities of trade organizations should not worsen the living conditions, rest, treatment, work of people in residential buildings and buildings for other purposes. When placing trade organizations in the zone industrial enterprises and other objects, they should not have a harmful effect on the organization of trade. Supreme Court RF dated November 5, 2015 N AKPI15-1059 clause 2.3 of these Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules is recognized as not contradicting the current legislation in terms of the words "as well as stores with an area of ​​​​more than 1000"

2.3. It is not allowed to place specialized fish and vegetable shops, as well as shops with an area of ​​more than 1000 m2 in built-in, built-in and attached to residential buildings and buildings for other purposes.

2.4. Loading of products should be provided from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows, from underground tunnels in the presence of special loading rooms.

2.5. When placed in organizations of trade organizations Catering, shops for the production of semi-finished products and culinary products and other food products, as well as other organizations not related to the sale of food products, the requirements of the current sanitary and epidemiological rules and hygienic standards for these organizations must be observed.

2.6. The territory of the market is delimited into functional zones: trade, administrative and warehouse, economic, parking for vehicles.

2.7. Sheds for storing containers and areas for collecting garbage and food waste are arranged in the economic zone. For the collection of garbage and food waste, separate containers with lids (or specially closed structures) are provided, installed on hard-surfaced sites, the dimensions of which exceed the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base of the containers by 1 m in all directions. Garbage and food waste collection sites are located at a distance of at least 25 m from the trade organization. It is allowed to reduce the specified distance, based on the local conditions for the placement of trade organizations. Containers and garbage bins are cleaned when filled with no more than 2/3 of their volume, but at least 1 time per day. In the warm season, they are disinfected using products authorized by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the prescribed manner. The containers and garbage bins are removed by special vehicles, which are not used for the transportation of food raw materials and food products. In the case of centralized waste collection, waste bins must be delivered clean and disinfected.

2.8. The territory of the trade organization and the area adjacent to it along the perimeter is landscaped and kept clean. When placing a trade organization in a separate building, it is recommended to provide a site for temporary parking of personnel and visitors on the side of the roadway, which is not located in the courtyards of residential buildings. On the territory of the organization a device for storm sewers with an appropriate slope should be provided, as well as a device for watering taps for cleaning the area.

2.9. Distance from markets and trade organizations with total area more than 1000 m2 to residential buildings must be at least 50 meters.

2.10. It is not allowed to place stationary organizations small retail drinks on tap in non-sewered places and without running water.

2.11. The non-stationary trading network is located in places equipped with toilets.

3. Requirements for water supply and sewerage

3.1. Stationary trade organizations are provided with water supply and sewerage. In organizations of a small retail network, the conditions of water supply and sewerage must comply with the requirements of these sanitary rules.

3.2. The quality of water in trade organizations must meet the hygienic requirements for water quality in centralized systems drinking water supply and decentralized water supply.

3.3. internal system sewerage of industrial and household Wastewater should be separate with independent discharges into the on-site sewerage network. The level of production effluent discharge is equipped above the level of household and fecal effluents. sewers from all industrial premises regardless of the number of sanitary facilities, they must have devices for cleaning pipes. At the end sections of the horizontal sewer outlets, "breathing" risers are arranged to eliminate the suction effect during salvo discharges of wastewater from equipment.

3.4. Washing baths are connected to the sewerage network with an air gap of at least 20 mm from the top of the intake funnel. All internal sewage receivers have hydraulic closures (siphons).

3.5. The discharge of untreated sewage into open water bodies and the adjacent territory, as well as the construction of absorbing wells, is not allowed.

3.6. Laying of internal sewer networks is not allowed under the ceiling of premises intended for receiving, preparing products for sale, warehouses. Sewer risers are allowed to be laid in production and storage rooms in plastered boxes without revisions. it is allowed to lay in the premises for receiving, storing, preparing and selling products.

3.7. In trade organizations located in residential buildings and buildings for other purposes, household and industrial sewer networks are not combined with the sewerage of these buildings.

3.8. The loading room, food waste storage chamber, vestibules of toilets for personnel should be equipped with taps with a mixer at a level of 0.5 m from the floor for taking water intended for washing floors, as well as ladders with a floor slope towards them.

3.9. All stationary trade organizations are equipped with toilets and sinks for washing the hands of staff. Trade organizations with a trading area of ​​more than 1000 m2 are equipped with toilets for visitors. Toilets for staff and visitors should be separate. In all trade organizations under construction and reconstruction, toilet bowls and sinks for washing hands of personnel should be equipped with devices that exclude additional contamination of hands (elbow, pedal drives, etc.).

4. Requirements for ventilation, air conditioning, heating, lighting of premises and working conditions of workers

4.1. The indicators of the microclimate of industrial premises and premises for visitors must comply with the hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises.

4.2. Trading, warehouse, auxiliary and sanitary facilities are equipped with supply and exhaust mechanical ventilation in accordance with the requirements of the current norms and rules. Ventilation system openings are closed with a fine-mesh metal mesh. ventilation with natural induction, exceeding the air exchange rate of the main premises of the trade organization. Cooling chambers for storing vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs must be equipped with mechanical supply ventilation that is not connected with other ventilation systems of trade organizations. air and its heating during the cold season. Air intake for supply ventilation is carried out in the zone of least pollution at a height of at least 2 m from the ground.

4.3. Equipment and washing baths, which are sources of increased emissions of moisture, heat, dust, are equipped with local exhaust systems with predominant exhaust in the zone of maximum pollution.

4.4. The ventilation system of trade organizations located in residential buildings and buildings for other purposes is equipped separately from the ventilation system of these buildings. For warehouse food and non-food items in trade organizations, ventilation systems are equipped with separate ones. Exhaust ventilation shafts protrude above the roof ridge or the surface of a flat roof to a height of at least 1 m.

4.5. Supply air supply falls on the cleanest premises.

4.6. Trade organizations must be provided with heating.

4.7. Natural and artificial lighting in all commercial, warehouse, auxiliary and administrative premises must comply with the requirements for natural and artificial lighting.

4.8. Luminaires in the premises for the storage and sale of food products must have protective shades to protect them from damage and glass from falling onto the product. Window glass must be accessible for cleaning, sanitizing, inspection and repair. To protect against insolation, light openings are equipped with protective devices (blinds, cornices, etc.).

4.9. Permissible levels of noise and vibration at workplaces in premises must comply with the hygienic requirements for noise levels at workplaces, in the premises of residential, public buildings and on the territory of residential development and industrial vibration, vibration in the premises of residential and public buildings.

4.10. Sanitary provision of employees is carried out in accordance with the current sanitary rules, building codes for administrative and domestic buildings, and also corresponds to the type and type of retail trade organization.

5. Requirements for planning, placement and arrangement of premises of trade organizations

5.1. In trade organizations located in residential buildings or buildings for other purposes, it is not allowed to equip engine rooms, refrigerators, forklifts directly under (next to) residential premises.

5.2. In trade organizations, all premises should be located taking into account the flow, the absence of oncoming flows and crossings of raw and prepared food products, food and non-food products, staff and visitors.

5.3. Trade organizations, if they have specialized departments, must have isolated and specially equipped premises for preparing food products for sale: cutting for meat, premises for preparing gastronomic and milk-fat products, fish, vegetables, etc.

5.4. Premises for the storage and preparation of food products for sale should be close to loading and sales points and should not be walk-through. In trade organizations, it is necessary to provide separate packaging for different groups food products. Packing rooms for perishable foodstuffs are equipped with refrigeration equipment for food storage.

5.5. In trade organizations that work with containers, rooms are equipped for storage of containers and their sanitization.

5.6. In trade organizations, the sale of non-food products in industrial packaging is allowed. Warehouses for food and non-food products should be separate. In trading floors, separate trading zones (departments, places) are allocated for the sale of food and non-food products. The sale of non-food products should not be carried out in the immediate vicinity of departments selling food products. Packaging of non-food products in food trade organizations is prohibited. In trade organizations located in countryside, the conditions for the joint sale of food and non-food products are determined in agreement with the territorial center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

5.7. Reception and storage of glass containers is carried out in separate trade organizations, in isolated rooms with a separate entrance.

5.8. Premises for storage and preparation of food products for sale, refrigerated chambers should not be located under showers, toilets, washing and other premises with sewer drains.

5.9. For finishing, lining and painting the premises of trade organizations, materials are used that are resistant to moisture, temperature, detergents and disinfectants, approved for these purposes by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the prescribed manner. Asphalt floors are allowed only at sites for unloading food products from vehicles.

5.10. Floors in trade organizations should have a flat surface, without potholes, as well as a slope towards the ladders.

6. Requirements for equipment, inventory and utensils

6.1. Trade organizations must be equipped with trade equipment, inventory, utensils, containers, packaging materials made from materials permitted by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the prescribed manner.

6.2. All refrigeration units in trade organizations are equipped with thermometers to control temperature regime food storage. The use of mercury thermometers to control the operation of refrigeration equipment is not allowed. Cooled chambers are recommended to be equipped with a thermal relay and (or) systems for automatic control and registration of temperature and humidity conditions.

6.3. The deck for cutting meat is installed on a crosspiece or a special stand, fastened with metal hoops, daily after work is cleaned with a knife and sprinkled with salt. Periodically, as necessary, the deck is cut down and planed. 6.4. Control over the temperature and humidity conditions of food storage in refrigerated chambers, warehouses, storage facilities for vegetables, fruits, etc. is carried out daily with the help of thermometers and psychrometers installed in a conspicuous place, remote from doors and evaporators.

7. Requirements for the reception and storage of food

7.1. Trade organizations accept for storage food products and food raw materials that meet the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation and have documents confirming their origin, quality and safety for human health.

7.2. The quantity of accepted perishable, frozen and especially perishable food products must correspond to the volume of operating refrigeration equipment. Storage and sale of perishable products, with the exception of products requiring more stringent storage conditions, is carried out at a temperature not exceeding +6 ° C.

7.3. Food products are accepted in a clean, dry, without foreign smell and violations of the integrity of the container and packaging. Repackaging of food products from the supplier's containers into smaller containers is not allowed.

7.4. Labels (labels) on the supplier's packaging must be preserved until the expiration date (storage) of food products.

7.5. Storage of foodstuffs should be carried out in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation at the appropriate temperature, humidity and light conditions for each type of product.

7.6. When storing food products, the rules of the commodity neighborhood, warehousing standards must be observed. Products with a specific smell (herring, spices, etc.) should be stored separately from products that perceive odors.

7.7. It is not allowed to store raw products and semi-finished products together with ready-made food products, store spoiled or suspicious food products together with good-quality ones, as well as store containers, carts, household materials and non-food products in food warehouses.

7.8. All food products in warehouses, refrigerated chambers, utility rooms, etc. should be stored on racks, pallets or underwares made of materials that can be easily washed and disinfected and at least 15 cm high from the floor. Storing food near water pipes and sewer pipes, heating appliances, outside storage facilities, as well as storage of bulk products directly on the floor, in bulk is not carried out.

7.9. Chilled meat (carcasses and half carcasses) is stored suspended on hooks so that the carcasses do not come into contact with each other, with the walls and floor of the room. supplier. When stacking, for better air circulation between the boxes, it is necessary to lay wooden slats.

7.10. Chilled fish is stored in the supplier's container, the storage temperature should not exceed +2°C. Frozen fish is stored in boxes stacked in stacks with slats between the rows of boxes. In trade organizations, live fish is stored in an aquarium with clean water and aeration in the warm season - no more than 24 hours, in the cold - no more than 48 hours at a water temperature of not above + 10°C. GUARANTEE: See storage instructions fish products in warehouses (bases) and in stores of retail trade organizations, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health and the order of the USSR Ministry of Trade dated March 21, 30, 1984 NN 2977-84, 76

7.11. Bread and bakery products stored in clean, dry, well-ventilated areas. Storage of bread and bakery products in bulk, close to the walls of the premises, without undercarriers, as well as on racks located at a distance of less than 35 cm from the floor, is not carried out. withdraw such products from the trading floor and storage facilities. Rinse the storage shelves with warm water and detergents and wipe with a 3% solution of acetic acid. In order to prevent the occurrence of potato bread disease, it is necessary to wash the shelves for storing bread with warm water and detergents at least once a week, wipe with a 1% solution acetic acid and then dry.

7.12. Upon acceptance confectionery with cream, they are not transferred from the supplier's trays, as well as their sale in unpacked form according to the self-service method. Trade organizations are not allowed to accept cakes that are not packed individually in consumer containers, as well as cakes that are not packed in trays with tight-fitting lids. Transportation or carrying cakes and pastries on open sheets or trays is not allowed.

7.13. Storage of bulk products is carried out in dry, clean, well-ventilated rooms, not infected with barn pests, with a relative humidity of not more than 75%. cm.

7.14. In order to prevent yersiniosis and pseudotuberculosis, vegetables are periodically checked during storage and subjected to sorting and cleaning.

7.15. For trade organizations built-in, built-in-attached to residential buildings and buildings for other purposes, the delivery of products at night (from 23.00 to 07.00) is not carried out.

8. Requirements for the sale of food products

8.1. Food products sold in trade organizations must comply with the requirements established by regulatory and technical documentation, as well as hygienic requirements for nutritional value and food safety and food raw materials.

8.2. IN trading floor or a department that trades in new types of products should contain information about the consumer properties of food products, their components, food additives, as well as recommendations for preparation and use.

8.3. Preparation of food products for sale by cleaners or auxiliary workers is not carried out

8.4. Raw and ready-to-eat foods are prepared, weighed and packaged separately. The sale of raw products (meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, vegetables, etc.) and semi-finished products from them should be carried out in special departments, separately from the sale of ready-to-eat products.

8.5. When selling unpackaged food products to buyers, the seller uses inventory (tongs, spatulas, scoops, spoons, etc.). For each type of product, there are separate cutting boards and knives with clear markings, which are stored in the appropriate rooms, departments in specially designated areas.

8.6. Weighing unpackaged food products directly on the scales, without wrapping paper and other packaging materials is not allowed.

8.7. When organizing home service, delivery of food products to the customer must be carried out in conditions that ensure their safety, quality, safety and exclude their contamination and spoilage.

8.8. The release to buyers of food products that have accidentally fallen on the floor or otherwise contaminated (sanitary rejects) is prohibited. Further use of sanitary waste, its disposal is confirmed by relevant documents and carried out in accordance with applicable law.

8.9. Slicing of bread by auxiliary workers and buyers is not carried out.

8.10. In trade organizations, when selling cakes, cutting and selling them in parts is prohibited.

8.11. The release of unpackaged food raw materials and food products is carried out in packaging materials (paper, bags, etc.) or in a clean container for the consumer.

8.12. Perishable foodstuffs, the mass (volume) and consumer packaging of which do not allow their immediate sale (meat products in vapor-gas-permeable casings, vacuum packaging, weighing more than 1 kg, salads and ready-made chilled multi-component dishes in containers from 1 to 3 kg), it is allowed to sell by weight in departments. The sale of products from opened consumer packages is carried out within one working day, but not more than 12 hours from the moment the package is opened, subject to storage conditions (temperature, humidity).

8.13. Flask milk sales departments should have stencils warning about the need to boil milk.

8.14. When selling liquid food products (milk, sour cream, vegetable oil, etc.), it is not allowed to drain the products back from the buyer's dishes into a common container.

8.15. Trade inventory (spoons, spatulas, etc.) in a container with milk, cottage cheese or sour cream is not left; they must be kept in a special container and washed daily. All inventory must be used strictly for its intended purpose.

8.16. In places where eggs are sold, at the request of buyers, their quality is checked by the seller on an ovoscope.

8.17. The sale of eggs in departments (sections) of trade organizations selling bulk products ready for use is not allowed.

8.18. The sale of fruit and vegetable products is carried out in specialized fruit and vegetable stores, departments and sections specially designed for this purpose.

8.19. The release of fruit and vegetable processed products (fermented, salted, pickled, etc.) not packed in sealed containers must be carried out separately from the sale of raw vegetables and fruits using special equipment (spoons, forks, tongs).

8.20. In specialized trade organizations, it is recommended to wash root crops and pack them (after drying) in nets and bags.

8.21. In trade organizations it is forbidden to pack products under vacuum.

8.22. Automatic machines for the sale of drinks in bottling are provided with disposable cups.

8.23. In trade organizations, live fish are sold from aquariums or thermally insulated tank trucks equipped with a device for water aeration. Places of trade must have a place for a spillway in accordance with the conclusion of the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

8.24. In trade organizations, it is prohibited to sell products: - without a quality certificate (for products Russian production), accompanying documents, confirming their origin, quality and safety; - with a violation of the integrity of the package and in a contaminated container, without labels (or leaflets); - in the absence of the necessary conditions for compliance with temperature and humidity storage conditions; - meat without a veterinary brand, conditionally fit meat and meat products; - non-gutted poultry, with the exception of game, eggs from farms that are unfavorable for salmonellosis, as well as with contaminated shells, with defects (krasyuk, fog, blood ring, large spot, mirage), with a notch, "tech", "battle ", duck and goose eggs; - cottage cheese made from unpasteurized milk, milk and cream with high acidity (samokvass); - canned food with defects: bombing, crackers, smudges, holes and through cracks, deformed, with signs of microbiological deterioration (molding , fermentation, mucus), etc.; - rotten, spoiled, with violation of the integrity of the peel of vegetables and fruits; - defrosted and re-frozen food products and food raw materials; - home-made; - expired; - bulk and unpacked, except for groups products specified by the legislation of the Russian Federation; - without the presence on the label (leaflet) of information applied in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory and technical documentation; - in the dirty container of the buyer and printed waste paper.

8.25. Food raw materials and food products that are recognized as not meeting the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation, representing a danger to public health, are removed from sale. The decision on the possibility further use or destruction is adopted in accordance with the Regulations on the examination of low-quality and dangerous food raw materials and food products, their use or destruction, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 29, 1997 N 1263 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 40, Art. 4610).

9. Hygienic requirements for a small retail chain

9.2. The sale of perishable food products in organizations of a small retail network in the absence of refrigeration equipment is not allowed.

9.3. Storage of containers in the adjacent territory is not allowed. Revolving packaging after completion of work in organizations of a small retail network is taken out daily to basic enterprise manufacturer (supplier) of food products.

9.4. All stationary organizations of the small retail network are equipped with toilets and sinks for washing hands.

9.5. During the cold period of the year, the temperature at the seller's workplace in stationary organizations of a small retail network should not be lower than 18 ° C, in the summer - no higher than 26 ° C. Microclimate indicators in stationary organizations of a small retail network must meet the requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises.

9.6. It is allowed to sell a combined range of goods in tents, car shops, trailers, provided that there are appropriate conditions for their storage and sale. If an organization has one workplace, food products can only be sold in industrial packaging. Bread, baked confectionery and bakery products are sold in packaged form.

9.7. During the period of mass receipt of potatoes and fresh fruits and vegetables, it is allowed to sell vegetables and fruits from stalls, carts, etc., as well as at open vegetable markets. The sale of potatoes, fresh fruits and vegetables, incl. gourds in bulk, from the ground is not carried out. Sale of gourds in parts and with cuts is not allowed.

9.8. Hot finished products (patties, whites, chebureks, meatballs, etc.) must be dispensed from isothermal or heated containers, trolleys.

9.9. Mobile vehicles of the small-scale retail network are sanitized at the base organization at the end of the working day.

9.10. Storage mobile and portable commercial equipment and sold food products at home from sellers are not carried out.

9.11. The sale of eggs in a small retail network is carried out at an air temperature not higher than 20 ° C and not lower than 0 ° C.

9.12. The seller (owner) of the small-scale retail chain ensures: a) keeping the tent, kiosk, van, cart, tray, and the surrounding area clean; b) receiving and selling food products with documents confirming their origin, quality and safety; c) monitoring compliance with the expiration dates and the rules for dispensing food products (when dispensing, use tongs, scoops, spatulas, etc.).

9.13. The seller (owner) strictly observes the rules of personal hygiene, must be neatly dressed, wear clean sanitary clothes (including a special headgear), the organization's badge, its name, address (location), full name. seller.

9.14. The seller (owner) must carry and present to officials of the state sanitary and epidemiological service a personal medical book of the established form, documents confirming the origin, quality and safety of the products sold.

10. Requirements for the maintenance of premises and equipment

10.1. All premises of trade organizations, equipment, inventory, utensils must be kept clean. At the end of the work, wet cleaning and washing are carried out using detergents.In trade organizations, when cleaning premises, it is recommended to use modern mechanized equipment.

10.2. Conducted monthly spring-cleaning with subsequent disinfection of premises, equipment, inventory, utensils, etc.

10.3. Lighting, fittings, glazed surfaces of windows and openings are kept clean and cleaned as they become dirty.

10.4. To collect waste and garbage in the premises, metal or plastic pedal tanks with lids are installed. As they are filled, but not more than 2/3 of the volume, they should be cleaned, and at the end of work they should be washed with detergents and disinfectants approved for this purpose, then rinsed with hot water.

10.5. The mode of washing commercial inventory by hand consists of the following steps: a) mechanical removal of food residues; b) washing inventory with a brush with the addition of detergents at a water temperature of 45-50 ° C; c) rinsing inventory with hot running water at a temperature not lower than 65 ° C; d) drying on special shelves or grates. Baths for washing inventory are regularly washed with hot running water using detergents and disinfectants. Brushes and washcloths for washing inventory, dishes, containers are thoroughly washed daily with detergents, if possible, boiled for 10-15 minutes, dried and stored in a specially designated place. Isothermal containers used for the sale of kvass, beer, milk, etc., are sanitized at the manufacturer of these products. on their operation and sanitation. The mode of washing milk flasks and rubber gaskets: a) rinsing milk flasks with warm water at a temperature of 30-40 ° C; b) washing flasks with a hot washing solution at a temperature of 60-65 ° C; c) rinsing the flasks with water until the remnants of the washing solution are completely removed; d) after processing, the flasks are dried, stacked upside down on racks, with the lid open.

10.6. Toilets are washed and disinfected as needed and after the end of the work of the trade organization. For cleaning toilets, special equipment is allocated, which is labeled. Cleaning equipment for toilets and overalls are stored in separate designated places, isolated from cleaning equipment in other rooms. With each cleaning of the toilets, the valves of the water taps, as well as the handles and shutters of the doors, the trigger handles and other surfaces that the human hand touches when visiting the toilet, are wiped with a separately allocated cloth moistened with a disinfectant solution.

10.7. Trade organizations use detergents and disinfectants approved by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in accordance with the established procedure, which are used in strict accordance with the attached instructions and stored in specially designated places in the manufacturer's packaging. Detergents and disinfectants are stored in a dry, well-ventilated room equipped with shelving where food is not allowed.

10.8. Current repair of trade organizations (whitewashing, painting of premises, equipment, etc.) is carried out as needed.

11. Hygienic requirements for food transportation

11.1. Specially designed or specially equipped vehicles are used for the transportation of foodstuffs. It is not allowed to transport food products together with non-food products. For the transportation of a certain type of food products (dairy, sausage, cream confectionery, bread, meat, fish, semi-finished products), specialized transport must be allocated with marking in accordance with the transported products.

11.2. Vehicles used to transport food products must have a sanitary passport issued in accordance with the established procedure, be clean and in good condition. The inner surface of the car body must have a hygienic coating that can be easily washed and disinfected.

11.3. The driver-forwarder (forwarder), the driver-loader must have a personal medical book of the established form, work in overalls, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, ensure the safety, quality, safety and rules of transportation (unloading) of food products.

11.4. Transportation conditions (temperature, humidity) must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for each type of food products, as well as the rules for the transportation of perishable goods by different modes of transport. Transportation of perishable food products is carried out by specialized refrigerated or isothermal transport.

11.5. Loading and unloading of food products is carried out by personnel in clean sanitary clothing.

11.6. Bread and bakery products must be transported in trays, in special closed vehicles or vans equipped with shelves. It is not allowed to transport bread in bulk.

11.7. Cream confections should be packed in containers or trays with lids, cakes should be supplied in the manufacturer's standard packaging. Transportation of cream confectionery on open sheets or trays is not allowed.

11.8. Live fish are transported in thermally insulated tank trucks with a device for cooling water, as well as equipment for saturating the water with air. The temperature of the water in the tank must not exceed 10°C.

11.9. When transporting foodstuffs, the rules for their sequential stacking must be strictly observed, excluding contact between raw and finished products, contamination of products during loading and unloading.

11.10. Vehicles used for the transportation of food products and food raw materials are washed daily with detergents and disinfected monthly with agents authorized by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service in the prescribed manner.

12. Measures to combat insects and rodents

12.1. In trade organizations, the presence of insects (harmful arthropods - cockroaches, flies, red house ants, mosquitoes, rat mites; stock pests - beetles, butterflies, hay eaters, ticks, etc.) and rodents (gray and black rats, house mice, voles) is not allowed. etc.). To combat insects and rodents, modern and effective means are used that are approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner.

12.2. Measures for disinfestation and deratization are carried out constantly and regularly in the prescribed manner.

12.3. The methodology, frequency and conditions for carrying out disinfestation and deratization work are regulated by the hygienic requirements for disinfection, deratization and disinfestation work. GARANT:Sm. Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and conduct of deratization measures", approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of September 22, 2014 N 58

13. Personal hygiene of personnel

13.1. Persons applying for a job in a trade organization undergo medical examinations, professional, hygienic training and certification in the prescribed manner.

13.2. For each employee, a personal medical book of the established form is entered, in which the results of medical examinations and laboratory tests, information on infectious diseases, a mark on the passage of hygienic training and certification are entered.

13.3. All trade organizations create the necessary conditions to comply with the rules of personal hygiene of the staff (presence of soap, towels, toilet paper, etc.).

13.4. Joint storage of sanitary and home clothes in trade organizations is not carried out.

13.5. Employees of a trade organization are required to observe the following rules of personal hygiene: - leave outerwear, shoes, a hat, personal items in the dressing room; - wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before starting work, put on clean sanitary clothes, pick up hair under a cap or scarf; - work in clean sanitary clothes, change them as they get dirty; - before going to the toilet, remove sanitary clothes in a specially designated place, after visiting the toilet, wash your hands thoroughly with soap; - if there are signs of a cold or intestinal dysfunction, as well as suppuration, cuts, burns, inform the administration and contact medical institution for treatment; - report all cases of intestinal infections in the employee's family; - do not smoke or eat at the workplace (eating and smoking are allowed in a specially designated room or place).

13.6. Each trade organization should have a first aid kit with a set of medicines for first aid. medical care.

13.7. Students of secondary schools, vocational schools, students of special educational institutions and technical schools, before undergoing practical training in trade organizations, they undergo a medical examination and hygienic training in the prescribed manner.

13.8. Locksmiths, electricians and other workers engaged in repair work in production and storage facilities work in workshops in clean sanitary (or special) clothing, carry tools in special closed boxes.

14. Requirements for compliance with sanitary rules

14.1. The head of the trade organization ensures: - the presence in each trade organization of these sanitary rules; - the fulfillment of the requirements of sanitary rules by all employees of the trade organization; - the proper sanitary condition of non-centralized water supply sources and the quality of water in them; - the organization of production control; - the necessary conditions for compliance with sanitary standards and rules for the acceptance, storage and sale of products that guarantee their quality and safety for the health of consumers; - employment of persons with health permits who have passed professional, hygienic training and certification; passing preliminary and periodic medical examinations for all employees; - organizing professional hygienic training and retraining of personnel under the hygiene training program in the prescribed manner; - complying with the orders of the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service; - working conditions of employees in accordance with applicable law, sanitary rules, hygienic standards; - organization of regular centralized washing and repair of sanitary and special clothing; - proper operation and timely repair of technological, refrigeration and other equipment; - availability of a sufficient amount of production equipment and inventory, utensils, containers, packaging materials, detergents, disinfectants and other items material and technical equipment; - carrying out measures for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization; - timely garbage collection, disposal of used fluorescent lamps; - availability of first aid kits and their timely replenishment; - organization of sanitary and educational work with personnel.

14.2. Compliance with these sanitary rules is mandatory for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities(Article 39 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650).

These Rules define the basic requirements for the operation of a retail trade enterprise (hereinafter referred to as an enterprise), regardless of departmental subordination, form of ownership and organizational and legal form.

Each enterprise must have a license for the right to trade, if such a procedure is established in the given territory.

The main objective of the enterprise is retail trade in consumer goods in an assortment corresponding to its product profile (type), as well as other goods, providing a high culture of customer service with the least time spent on purchases, providing additional services observance of the rights and interests of buyers.

The product profile (type) of a trade enterprise is determined by the charter and agreed upon (for enterprises of municipal property) with the relevant bodies of the local administration upon registration.

The enterprise must have a sign indicating its name, profile, mode of operation, legal form (affiliation), legal address.

The mode of operation of state (municipal) trade enterprises is established by decision of local administration bodies. The mode of operation of enterprises based on other forms of ownership is determined by the owner.

When the company closes for a lunch break or at the end of the working day, the cash desks stop working in strict accordance with the established business hours of the company, however, all customers who have cash and sales receipts in their hands must be served.

In self-service enterprises, when they close for a lunch break or at the end of work, all customers located in the trading floor (department, section) are served.

Customers are warned 15 minutes before the end of service.

When an enterprise is closed for sanitary work, repair, re-equipment, in connection with its liquidation, the manager shall notify the municipal authorities in advance. Buyers are notified about the closure of the trade enterprise by a special announcement 5 days before its closure. The advertisement also indicates the address of the nearest enterprise selling similar goods.

Trading room and warehouses must meet the technical, sanitary, fire and other requirements established for enterprises of the corresponding type. The equipment of the enterprise and inventory must be kept in exemplary sanitary and technical condition.

Measuring instruments in accordance with the established requirements and in the prescribed manner must be subject to mandatory verification by the bodies of the State Metrological Service. Positive results of verification of measuring instruments are certified by the appropriate brand or certificate of verification.

Showcases must meet sanitary and aesthetic requirements

By the time of opening, the enterprise must be prepared for work: the goods are provided with clearly drawn price labels, their layout has been updated, the appropriate inventory and packaging materials, cash registers have been prepared.

The sale of goods in a trade enterprise is carried out to all citizens on a general basis.

Benefits in trade service certain groups of the population are provided on the basis of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, as well as on the basis of decisions of local authorities executive power.

For all goods sold, a trade enterprise must have certificates issued or recognized by an authorized body, regulatory and technical documentation certifying the quality of goods, their safety for human life and health, and ensure that the goods sold comply with the requirements of these documents, as well as the sources of their receipt.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" and the Fundamentals of Civil Legislation, a trade enterprise is responsible for the quality of the goods sold.

It is prohibited to sell goods with expired shelf life, storage, sale that do not meet quality requirements and standards.

Weighing and measuring of goods is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the use of measures and measuring instruments in trade and public catering enterprises.

Gastronomic, bulk, meter and piece goods that do not have factory packaging are released in paper, bags or other packaging corresponding to the properties of the product. The cost of cellophane and polyethylene packaging is paid by the buyer additionally. At the request of the buyers, the sellers must cut the sold gastronomic products.

Bulk liquid and semi-liquid products are released into customers' dishes by weight or using a standard measuring container.

In the trading floors of grocery stores, control scales, control measuring cups, beakers, an ovoscope should be installed at an accessible place for buyers, and control meters in enterprises selling fabrics and other dimensional goods.

By decision of local administration bodies, trade enterprises may introduce limiting norms for the release of goods to one buyer.

The sale of goods subject to excises, the list of which is approved by the government, is carried out only if there is a license for the right to trade in such goods, issued by licensing services in the prescribed manner. Goods subject to licensing by decision of the relevant authorities must also be licensed.

The sale of food and non-food products for which special trade rules have been established (alcoholic beverages, guns, self-defense equipment and cartridges for them, commission, mail order trade) is also carried out in compliance with these rules.

Sale of goods daily demand children are made only if they are able to independently make a purchase and pay for the purchased goods. Sale to minors is prohibited alcoholic beverages, beer, tobacco products, playing cards, lighters, pesticides and flammable liquids.

When selling goods in sets assembled in a trading company, the buyer has the right to demand, and the seller does not have the right to refuse, the sale of individual goods from the set (except for factory-made sets).

The enterprise is obliged to issue to the buyer, together with the purchase, a check for the purchase printed by a cash register, confirming the fulfillment of obligations under the purchase and sale agreement between the buyer and this enterprise.

When selling technically complex goods and other non-food products, which, in case of failure during the warranty period, can be returned to the store, the buyer is issued a sales receipt indicating the name (number) of the store, the name and grade (article) of the product, price, date of sale and the name of the seller. The sales receipt is issued in two copies, one of which is given to the buyer. The technical passport for the product also contains the date and year of sale, the stamp of the store, the name of the seller.

The exchange of non-food products of good quality purchased in a retail network or a refund to buyers is carried out in accordance with Art. 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights". In the case of the acquisition of goods with defects, their exchange is carried out in accordance with Art. 17-21 of this Law.

Food products purchased in a retail network are exchanged in case of revealing hidden defects (acidity, fat content, bacteriological contamination, the presence of impurities, salts heavy metals, voids in the section, etc.), inconsistencies with the name or grade for which they were sold.

Unpaid goods can be kept at the checkpoint for no more than one hour. In some cases, this period may be extended by the administration of the enterprise up to two hours.

Buyers should be given the opportunity to store paid bulky and heavy goods for a period of not more than a day, and Construction Materials by agreement with the administration - up to three days. These items marked "sold" are stored on a safe receipt separately from unsold items without charge for their storage.

Goods received in bulk are pre-packed depending on the properties of the goods and packed in polyethylene or cellophane film, parchment and wrapping paper, bags, mesh containers, boxes, etc.

The name and grade of goods, net weight, price (with packaging), packaging date are indicated on the packaging. On goods packaged on electronic scales, the price of goods and packaging are indicated separately.

If necessary, some goods can be sold in the self-service hall through the counter. At the same time, the seller indicates the purchase price on the package for subsequent payment in a single settlement node.

In the trading floor, goods are placed on slides, hangers, brackets, consoles, pallets, in containers - equipment, baskets, refrigeration equipment, cassettes and other equipment that provides a display of the entire range of goods and convenience for customers to review and select them.

Enterprises must be provided with the necessary equipment for the selection of goods by buyers.

In order to improve the work of retail trade enterprises and strengthen the protection of the interests of buyers, taking into account regional characteristics in the territories of large cities, regions, etc., the rules for the operation of enterprises engaged in retail trade activities have been approved and are in force.

They determine, in accordance with the current legislation, resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as resolutions and orders of regional authorities, the procedure for retail trade at enterprises engaged in trading activities in the relevant territory, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, forms of ownership and forms of trade.

The general provisions of these Rules define the main tasks of retailers, their obligation to have a license for the right to trade in certain groups of goods. A trade enterprise must have a sign indicating the product profile and its organizational and legal form, company name.

The rules of operation of retail trade enterprises establish that the product profile and type of enterprise are determined by its charter. Changing the product profile should be carried out in agreement with the local administration. In agreement with the latter, the mode of operation of municipal enterprises is also established.

When the company closes for a lunch break or at the end of the working day, cashiers stop working in strict accordance with the established business hours of the trading company, but customers who have cash or sales receipts in their hands must be served.

In a self-service store, all customers who are on the trading floor when they close for lunch or at the end of work must be served.

The closure of the enterprise for a sanitary day, repair, re-equipment and other similar events should be agreed with the local administration, about which buyers are notified in advance (usually 5 days) by a special announcement, in which the address of the nearest enterprise selling similar goods should be indicated.

Measuring instruments in accordance with the established requirements and in accordance with the established procedure must be subject to mandatory verification by the bodies of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rostechregulative) at least once a year and certified with a special brand and verification certificate for each device. Relevant documents must be kept by the administration of the store and presented at the first request of buyers, as well as persons authorized to check.

The store must provide the following information:

Pointers to the location of departments, sections or goods sold;

Surnames and initials of employees of the trading floor at workplaces or badges; list and cost of services rendered to customers;

The text of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights";

Rules Governing Trading Activities and Selling certain types goods;

On extraordinary servicing of certain categories of citizens;

Addresses and telephones of local organs of administration.

In a place accessible to buyers must be

book of reviews and suggestions, numbered, laced, certified by the appropriate signature and seal.

The rules for the operation of retail trade enterprises also define:

Basic provisions related to the acceptance, storage and preparation of goods for sale;

The procedure for the sale of goods;

Requirements for sellers;

Overseeing the operation of retail outlets.

Goods accepted in terms of quantity and quality are accounted for on the day they are received according to actual availability. If it is impossible to post the goods on the date of their actual receipt due to calling an expert, checking the price, quality, the goods report must contain a note on the receipt of the goods indicating the supplier, intermediary (seller), the total cost of the goods in selling (wholesale) or purchase prices, as well as the reasons for the impossibility of posting.

Storage of goods should be organized taking into account strict observance of the basic principles of the commodity neighborhood, sanitary and other rules, as well as relevant regimes.

Before entering the trading floor, goods must be prepared for sale. The sale of goods should be carried out to all citizens on a common basis. Certain categories of the population should be provided with benefits provided by law.

The sale of alcoholic beverages, beer, tobacco products and playing cards to minors is prohibited.

The sale of food and non-food products for which special trade rules have been established must be carried out in compliance with these rules.

In self-service stores (except for specialized bread and vegetable stores), the selection of goods by customers should be made only in inventory baskets and carts placed at the entrance to the self-service hall.

Employees of a store or self-service department are not allowed to require customers to present goods purchased in other stores at the entrance to the trading floor. You can not put stamps on them or make other marks, as well as oblige to leave personal belongings. If the buyer has expressed a desire to leave a shopping bag, briefcase, etc. at the entrance to the trading floor, then the store is obliged to ensure their safety.

For all sold goods subject to certification, trade enterprises must have certificates of the established form, issued by authorized bodies. They must certify the quality of goods, their safety for the life and health of people.

Selling expired products is prohibited.

Goods for which local administration authorities have set delivery norms must be sold in compliance with these norms.

It is forbidden to condition the sale of some goods on the obligatory purchase of others. In stores selling food products, control scales, control measuring devices (mugs, beakers, etc.) should be installed at an accessible place on the trading floor, and control meters should be installed in stores selling fabrics.

The buyer should be given the right to verify the correctness of the price, weight and measure of the goods sold to him, as well as the shelf life of food products and the availability of a certificate. The administration of the store is obliged to create the necessary conditions for this.

Non-food products selected by the buyer can be stored at the control (with a mandatory note in the sales receipt about the time of their discharge) until payment for no more than an hour.

The store must provide the buyer with the opportunity to store the paid bulky and heavy goods for up to 3 days.

Cash registers used in trade enterprises must be registered with the tax authorities in the prescribed manner.

In the rules of operation of retail trade enterprises, a special place is given to the requirements for sellers, who must be patient, attentive, helpful, polite and correct.

The seller must have a good knowledge of the range of goods, their characteristics, purpose, methods of use and care for them. He must be able to offer or help the buyer choose a product, etc. The rules also formulate other professional requirements for sellers, as well as a section on monitoring their compliance.

Special requirements are imposed by the Rules for the operation of a small retail trade network (tents, kiosks, pavilions, vending machines, mobile delivery and peddling trade vehicles). Each small retail trade enterprise is opened with the permission of the executive authority and in the place allotted to them.

Through the small retail network, food and non-food products are sold (except for goods of a technically complex assortment and goods requiring certain conditions- fitting, etc.), mass food products (bakery, confectionery and culinary products, semi-finished products, sandwiches, etc.).

It is forbidden to sell perishable products through a small retail network in the absence of refrigeration facilities.

Enterprises of a stationary small-scale retail network (tents, kiosks) must have a sign (or stencil) indicating its name (if any), profile, mode of operation, legal form (affiliation), legal address.

Mobile shops, trailers, tanks, carts, trays must have a clear inscription indicating their ownership.

All goods sold in a small retail chain must have documents indicating their source of receipt, as well as quality certificates (or documents replacing them).

Samples of all food and non-food products for sale must be provided with price labels indicating the name of the product, grade and price.

It is prohibited to retail food products using disposable tableware in the absence of containers for its collection.

Trade waddle is allowed melons, vegetables, potatoes.

Acceptance, storage and sale of goods in a small retail network is carried out in compliance with the current rules for the sale of certain types of goods, with which employees of the small retail network must be familiarized.

Cash settlements with the population at enterprises of a stationary small retail network should be carried out with the obligatory use cash registers, except as provided by applicable law.

Employees of a small retail trade network are required to:

Protect goods from dust, pollution, and food products should be covered from flies with plastic wrap, gauze or other white cloth;

Strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Employees of small retail trade enterprises selling food products must have a work permit issued by the sanitary supervision authorities.

6.1 At trade enterprises of all types and types, the safety of life and health of buyers and compliance with the current rules of trade,,,, must be ensured.

6.2 Trade enterprises must comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents of federal executive authorities, , , , , .

6.3 Trade enterprises can be located in separate buildings, on the first floors of built-in buildings, residential buildings or non-residential buildings, in a structure (composition) shopping centers And shopping malls, on the territory of industrial and other facilities, except for cases when regulatory legal acts The Russian Federation has established restrictions or prohibitions on their placement, including by types of products and services sold, working hours, etc.

6.4 Trade enterprises should be equipped with convenient access roads and pedestrian access to the entrance, have the necessary reference and information signs. The territory adjacent to the enterprise must be landscaped and lit at night.

Enterprises wholesale trade should have a developed transport infrastructure and convenient areas for settling, maneuvering and parking trucks.

All trade enterprises must have loading and unloading platforms or ramps for unloading vehicles.

6.5 Architectural and planning solutions and structural elements of buildings and structures of trade enterprises and the technical equipment used must comply with building codes and rules,,.

6.6 When designing, choosing a location, constructing and operating a retail facility, including retail chain facilities, the established requirements must be observed:

To the location and adjacent territory, architectural, planning and design solutions;

To the conditions for placing trade enterprises in residential buildings;

To engineering and technical support systems, including water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply, electricity supply, communications, informatization, dispatching, waste disposal, vertical transport (elevators, escalators);

For fire and security alarms.

6.7 At trade enterprises, emergency exits, stairs, instructions on actions in emergency, warning and fire protection systems, as well as high-visibility information signs that provide easy orientation for shoppers in both normal and emergency situations* .

6.8 Stationary trade enterprises must be equipped with engineering systems and equipment that provide the necessary level of comfort, including artificial, natural, emergency lighting, hot and cold water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation systems, telephone communications, a fire alarm system and an automatic system. fire extinguishing, burglar alarm and video surveillance system, , .

The temperature, humidity and illumination of the premises must comply with the standards that ensure the preservation of the health and performance of personnel at each workplace.

6.9 When placing trade enterprises in residential buildings, the requirements of building regulations for the level of noise, vibration and sound insulation according to,,, must be observed in their premises. Trade enterprises occupying part of a residential building must be equipped with a separate entrance (exit).

6.10 Trade enterprises selling food products and public catering products must comply with the sanitary and epidemiological rules for food trade enterprises, including having adjustable temperature and humidity conditions in the premises for storing and selling goods.

6.11 Workshops for the production of public catering products (semi-finished products, culinary, bakery, confectionery and dishes) operating as part of trade enterprises must comply with the requirements of the current sanitary and epidemiological rules.

6.12 Commercial and refrigeration equipment must comply general requirements safety and be used in accordance with the safety requirements and operational documentation of manufacturers.

6.13 The trade enterprise should be staffed with personnel with appropriate professional skills, knowledge and skills, who have been trained in labor protection and safety requirements.

The staff of trade enterprises selling food products and public catering products must undergo medical examinations, hygiene training and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

The staff of all trade establishments must be prepared to act in emergency situations.

6.14 At trade enterprises under construction and reconstruction, devices and information signs should be provided that provide the ability to move up stairs, elevators or ramps and use trading floors and premises for the provision of trade services to disabled people and other groups of the population with limited mobility in accordance with GOST R 51631 and. When trading floors of trade enterprises are located on three or more floors, it is necessary to provide for vertical transport: passenger elevators, escalators, tervalators.

6.15 Trade enterprises should bring to the attention of buyers in a clear and accessible form the necessary and reliable information about the services provided and the goods sold, ensuring the possibility of their right choice. Requirements for the content of information for consumers are determined by the current legislation and the rules for the sale of certain types of goods.

6.16 The trade enterprise must have a sign indicating the trade name of the organization, mode of operation, location, legal address.

6.17 The minimum area of ​​individual premises for the provision of trade services to buyers, except for the service for the sale of goods, is independently established by the administration of trade enterprises.

The width of the aisles between the equipment on the trading floor should provide customers with the convenience of choosing and purchasing goods. The width of the main evacuation aisles in the trading floor should ensure the safety of the stay of customers at the trade enterprise.

6.18 Organization technological processes and workplaces of personnel must comply with the rules of labor protection at trade enterprises.

6.19 At enterprises with a sales area of ​​2500 and more, public toilet rooms for customers should be equipped, with the presence of special toilets for the disabled and other groups of the population with limited mobility.

6.20 At trade enterprises, the style unity of the interior of the hall, furniture and staff uniforms should be ensured,

6.21 At specialized trade enterprises, more than half retail space should be set aside for trade in goods corresponding to the specialization of trade.

6.22 List of additional services provided to customers at trade enterprises various kinds and types, is established independently by the administration of trade enterprises in accordance with GOST R 51304.

6.23 Requirements for the design of signboards, shop windows, promotional materials, exhibition equipment and appearance The personnel of trade enterprises of various types and types are independently established by the administration, taking into account the provisions valid documents federal executive authorities and regulatory documents.


* Does not apply to mobile retail outlets.


the federal law dated December 28, 2009 N 381-F3 "ABOUT state regulation trading activities in the Russian Federation"
Federal Law No. 384-FZ of December 30, 2009 Technical regulation "On the safety of buildings and structures"
Rules for the sale of certain types of goods and a list of durable goods that are not subject to the buyer's requirement to provide him free of charge for the period of repair or replacement of a similar product, and a list of non-food products of good quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimensions , style, color or configuration. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.01.1998 N 55 with amendments and additions
Rules commission trading non-food items. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 6, 1998 N 569 with amendments and additions
Rules for the sale of goods by samples. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1997 N 918 with amendments and additions
Rules for the sale of goods remotely. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2007 N 612
Federal Law No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008 "Technical regulation on the requirements fire safety"
SNiP 31-06-2009 Building regulations. Public buildings and structures
SNiP 31-05-2003 Building regulations. Public buildings for administrative purposes
SNiP 31-01-2003 Building regulations. Residential multi-apartment buildings
SNiP 23-05-95 Natural and artificial lighting
SNiP 2.04.01-85 Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings
SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
SNiP 23-03-2003 Noise protection
SN 2.2.4/ Sanitary standards. Noise at workplaces, in the premises of residential, public buildings and in residential areas
CH 2.2.4/ Sanitary standards. Industrial vibration, vibration in the premises of residential and public buildings
SP, SP Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the circulation of food raw materials and food products in them with change N 1
SP Sanitary and epidemiological rules. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover capacity in them of food products and food raw materials, with amendments and additions
SNiP 35-01-2001 Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility
POT RM 014-2000 Intersectoral rules on labor protection in retail trade