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General rules of merchandising in a pharmacy. Fundamentals of merchandising in pharmacy organizations. Effective merchandising in a pharmacy with a closed display

The display of goods on showcases previously had to comply with the requirements of the OST "Rules for the release (sale) of medicines in pharmacy organizations" (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 80), currently the order has been canceled.

Displayed in windows medications over-the-counter products and samples of available products. Medicinal products are displayed separately in showcases: medicinal products for internal use and medicinal products for external use. Within groups, drugs are arranged according to their pharmacotherapeutic characteristics.

Showcase classification:

1. According to the location, the following types of showcases are distinguished:

Facade windows ("look" at the street);

Outdoor showcases (street);

Intra-pharmacy trade showcases;

Demonstration showcases (in the trading floor).

2. According to the trademark, the showcases are divided into:

Showcase-warehouse, catalog;

Air showcases - with a small amount of goods, they are better perceived visually;

Thematic (demonstrate medicines, medicinal herbs, medical devices used in certain diseases);

Combined (drugs of several pharmacological groups);

Specialized (demonstrate drugs of one pharmacological group, parapharmaceutical products, sanitary and hygiene items).

For the correct formation of the calculation, the principles of shelfing are used. Shelfing - presentation of goods in a showcase.

There are different ways to present a product in a storefront:

1. Horizontal - the goods are presented along the entire length of the shelf at one or two levels.

The most effective in terms of sales are the places in the center of the shelf. Worse sold goods, exhibited to the left and side of the center of the showcase.

It is preferable to use the "pyramid principle" - in the center drugs that give the greatest profit, to the right of the leader - more expensive, to the left - cheaper.

2. Vertical - presentation of goods in the entire height of the equipment. Here the “strong” places are at eye level and at hand level. "Weak" - at the level of the legs and at the level of the hat.

3. Block - a certain type of product completely occupies vertical or horizontal blocks. The color scheme of the packages should change from light to dark, in the direction in the direction of the movement of buyers.

4. Frontal - the first sample of the product is displayed so that it can be seen in full, the rest, following it, may be partially visible or not visible. This type of display is usually used for self-service pharmacies.

There are four levels of presentation of goods on the showcase (Figure 2):

I. Hat level (above 1.7 m). It is placed on the product, the packaging of which is attractive enough to be seen from afar (for example, teas, cosmetics, small packages), so that it is more convenient for the buyer to view and get the product. It is not recommended to put bulky heavy goods on this level. This level provides 10% of sales.

II. Eye level (1.1 - 1.7 m) - the most favorable level, provides 40% of sales. Impulse products, novelties, well-known products, as well as products with the most attractive price for a pharmacy visitor are placed here.

III. Hand level (0.6 -1.1 m). Here they place goods of seasonal and spontaneous demand, widely advertised goods, essential goods. This level provides 30% of sales.

IV. Leg level (0.2 - 0.6 m). Provides 20% of sales and is designed for bulky, bulky, heavy products, the inscriptions on which are better read from above (water, juices, diapers)

When moving goods from the level of the legs to the level of the hands, the implementation increases by 10%, from the level of the legs to the level of the eyes - by 45%. When moving goods from the level of the hat to the level of the hands, the volume of sales is reduced by 45%, and from the level of the hat to the level of the legs - by 80%.

Also, when laying out goods, it is advisable to be guided by the principles of merchandising.

1) The rule of trade stock. The formation of the required level of stock of a pharmacy, sufficient for the constant availability of the selected number of assortment items, should be carried out taking into account an integrated approach. Trade stock - a set of drugs and other goods stored in a pharmacy to cover future needs. Too much inventory worsens the turnover of goods of running groups and financial resources, and a lack of inventory leads to the loss of customers and a significant decrease in sales.

2) The rule of product rotation in the pharmacy and the shelf life (FIFO rule).

The movement of goods from the warehouse to the trading floor, as well as its sale, must be carried out according to the FIFO principle “First in, first out”, i.e. depending on the timing of their delivery and storage, the first to be transferred to the trading floor or the product that arrived at the pharmacy first should be sold. Incoming batches of goods must be sold only after the previous ones have been completely sold out. Controlling the order of receipt of goods and their shelf life, as well as FIFO rotation of the displayed drugs, is useful not only to increase the profits of pharmacies, more precisely, to prevent losses, but also for the convenience of the first-timer. In the self-service department, goods coming from the warehouse are placed at the back, as customers first take what is closer.

3) Submission rule. Items displayed on the shelf or advertised by POS must be available in sufficient quantities to meet demand. Encouraging a customer to first buy something and then deny him this opportunity is at least not ethical. In the absence of drugs or goods actively advertised in the media or on the sales floor itself, the pharmacy not only misses out on possible profits, but also undermines the trust of customers. Before posting a promotion, make sure that the pharmacy has sufficient stock and that the wholesaler does not run out of stock. Before placing a POS material, check if the exact dosage form or product form that is depicted on it is in stock.

4) The rule "Facing the buyer". The product must be located frontally, taking into account the angle of view of the buyer. The main information on the packaging should be easy to read, not obscured by other packaging and price tags. The packaging of a drug or product is a unique carrier of information designed for promotion. By closing this information, the pharmacy loses a powerful advertising tool. It is better to have fewer drugs on the shelf than to put them in a dense mess. To correct the position of preparations relative to the angle of view of the buyer, you can use stands, slides.

5) The rule for determining the place on the shelves. When distributed retail space experts start by assigning each product a place in accordance with the volume of sales. The share of the product on the market should correspond to the share of the product on the shelf. If the drug has a pronounced therapeutic effect, high sales figures and active advertising support, then it should not be removed from the window, citing the fact that the product is already selling well. On the contrary, he should be given Special attention by prioritizing it. If the drug brings 30% of the profit (100% - all the profit from this therapeutic group), then it can be assigned 30% of the shelf occupied by the therapeutic group.

6) The rule of priority places. Products that bring the greatest profit and have the best sales figures should be in the best places on the trading floor and on commercial equipment. best selling and profitable production should be given priority. It is necessary to analyze sales figures and select priority places accordingly. Demand must be determined in monetary terms, and not in the number of packages sold. For example, a drug worth 100 rubles, which is sold 1 pack per month, should occupy a large share on the shelf, and not a drug worth 5 rubles, which is sold 10 packs per month. For a pharmacy, the lack of a profitable product on the shelf is a waste of money. In accordance with this, the location of the product on the shelf should take into account the sales performance of drugs in the pharmacy.

7) The rule for placing price tags. The average buyer will not buy a product if he has no idea about its price.

· The price of the product should be clearly marked and clearly visible to the buyer, the price tag should not cover the packaging of the drug or product.

· Price tags should be arranged in such a way that it is extremely clear to the buyer which price tag refers to which product.

· The location of price tags should take into account the angle of view of the buyer.

· All price tags in the pharmacy must be designed in the same style, it is allowed to change the background and some details to draw attention to certain drugs or products.

8) The rule of optimality. Intra-pharmacy advertising should be placed for no more than 15-20% of drugs or goods. In the same way that a pharmacy defines its assortment, a pharmacy must select POS materials for the most profitable part of the pharmacy assortment. The manufacturer always strives to place the maximum range and promotional material in pharmacies with a high level of sales. Thus, in the pharmacy it is necessary to single out a person or group responsible for the work on registration trading floor.

9) Buyer Assistance Rule. The task of advertising in a pharmacy is to ensure that the buyer meets the product. A buyer considering a product is more likely to buy if he receives the information he needs about the drug or product. Information in the pharmacy should be presented in such a way that customers with different individual characteristics it was easy to get it.

10) Rule KISS.KISS - (short for Keepisshortandsimple) -Keep it short and simple. It must be remembered that POS materials are made by people, even with a special education, it is human to make mistakes. Therefore, before placing an advertisement in a pharmacy, think about how it will be perceived by pharmacy customers and how it will affect sales.

So the phrase "Doctors and pediatricians around the world recommend ..." led to the fact that pediatricians stopped prescribing this drug, as they were opposed to doctors. Look at the promotional material like an ordinary pharmacy visitor and decide on its placement. Another important point of application of the KISS rule is the name of the therapy group. It is not necessary to use professional pharmaceutical vocabulary in appeals to the buyer. Labels intended for buyers must be understandable to a person without medical or pharmaceutical education. So, it is advisable to replace Antipyretics with Antipyretics.

2. Do not overload the pharmacy with POS materials.

3. POS-materials should be placed only on the most profitable drugs or goods, i.e. on those drugs that "are already selling well."

4. POS materials should be placed next to the drug or product, or on the way to it.

5. Do not use old and damaged POS materials. POS materials should not interfere with first-timers or buyers.

12) The rule of cleanliness and neatness. Shelves, products, and promotional materials must be kept clean and undamaged.

Most often, in the pharmacy you can find damaged wobblers, worn and deceived stickers, and mobiles that have faded in the sun. All these promotional materials must be replaced with new ones or removed from the pharmacy. Due to the rapid wear of wobblers, many pharmacies refuse to place them. Another problem is traces of adhesive substance for fixing POS materials. Before attaching POS materials to the point of sale equipment, make sure that no marks are left on the point of sale equipment after removal. Pharmacy customers will appreciate the cleanliness and tidiness of the pharmacy, spend more time shopping and come back for repeat purchases.

13) The rule of figure and background. The selection of one drug (the leader in the group) against the background of others increases the sales volume not only of this drug or product, but also of the group as a whole. A person always singles out one object from the environment, while other surrounding objects become the background for some time. We use the Rule of Shapes and Backgrounds when we want to focus the buyer's attention on a particular drug or product to promote it.

The selection of a figure against the background can be achieved by:

1. quantity or size, for example, the quantity of one item is larger than the other, or the item is large in size.

2. bright colors. Red, yellow, orange colors are recognized by a person faster. Also, a person pays attention to shiny or luminescent paints. A product with brightly colored packaging is more likely to become a figure.

3. non-standard form of goods or packaging. In this case, the effect of novelty is triggered: a person tends to quickly notice everything new and unusual in his environment. Therefore, a non-standard, original product or packaging will be quickly noticed by the buyer.

4. backlight. What is well lit is better seen. Used when trading in goods that the buyer should consider carefully.

5. POS materials. Properly placed POS materials are designed, firstly, to draw the attention of the buyer to a particular product, and secondly, to separate it from other similar products.

Within the framework of the Rule of figure and ground, we also find the answer to the question of why a person pays attention to what is in the center. It automatically starts looking for a shape in the background, even if it is not selected.

14) Eye Level Rule. In the zone of the greatest concentration of human attention are objects located at eye level, more precisely, in the zone of ± 20 cm from the eye level of an adult of average height, which usually means the second and third shelves from the top with a standard five-six-shelf rack. Items placed at eye level sell much better than other shelves. When placing products that are designed for children, you need to take into account the level of the child's eyes.

15) Dead Zone Rule. Everything that sees around it is motionless standing man is called the visual field. Objects that fall into the lower part of the visual field are often left without attention. At the same time, the lower left corner is the most unfortunate - there the person's gaze stops least of all. Accordingly, the lower shelves, as the least inspected, should be occupied by large packages (for example, baby diapers) or inventory.

16) The rule of switching attention. In addition to the fact that a person is inclined to single out a figure in the visual field, he needs to switch attention, i.e., to search for the next figure in the background. This means that it is impossible to place the same type (even bright) product in a long, strict line without visual accents. In such cases, switching attention can be provided by POS materials: vertical delimiters, shelf talkers, etc.

The other extreme - too much product of different shapes, colors and sizes in one place - also does not allow a person to easily switch from one item to another, accounting for only 5% of sales.

17) Grouping Rule. The Grouping Rule reflects the peculiarities of a person's perception and the peculiarities of his thinking. It is easier for a person to perceive information if it is grouped. Ideally, a product should be grouped on several grounds at the same time, for example, by therapeutic group, brand, type of product, method of application (external, internal), etc. the main task- lay out the product so that the buyer can easily navigate it.

18) Rule 7 ± 2. According to research in the field of psychology, the scope of a person's perception is limited - at one point in time he can "grab" and remember only five to seven, a maximum of nine items. In a pharmacy, this number is reduced to 3-5, because during the purchase process, the buyer performs several actions at the same time. It can be recommended that the number of products, brands or POS materials in one row, on one showcase does not exceed five. For example, five remedies called "for diseases of the veins," five kinds of toothbrushes, and so on.

19) Rule of visual perception of color. Color has a strong emotional impact on a person. Not the last role is played by the saturation of the color, its shades or combination with another color. Bright, saturated tones attract attention much faster than pale ones. Light shades are more pleasing to the eye than dark ones. A person's perception of color and attitude towards it also depend on what kind of object is in front of him and what function the color carries. Using the same color scheme when decorating the interior of a pharmacy, creating an advertisement or drawing attention to a particular drug or product does not always lead to the same desired result. Successful lighting increases sales, and unsuccessful lighting reduces sales of even in-demand goods. People tend to fix their eyes on those objects that are well lit and, accordingly, clearly visible. The general level of illumination that creates mood and affects the desire of the buyer to approach and examine the product. The low level of lighting in the sales area, combined with spot lighting of individual products, creates a cozy atmosphere in the pharmacy, conducive to a leisurely choice of drugs or goods. A high level of illumination has an exciting effect on a person, causes an atmosphere of celebration, celebration. Accent lighting highlights individual elements/showcases and draws attention to them. When there is insufficient lighting, customers will tend to quickly walk through the pharmacy, they are not inclined to stop at the windows and examine the goods. Some pharmaceutical companies use this technique with success, placing flashing lights next to the drug or embedding them in a product packaging sample.

Merchandising is a system that creates an environment in a pharmacy that maximizes profits.

The setting includes the following elements:

Merchandising standards regulate the rules, control of compliance with the rules, technologies for making changes in the environment and evaluating the results of these changes.

Merchandising standards are aimed at maximizing pharmacy profits.

Merchandising rules

1. Atmosphere

General idea- to draw maximum attention to the pharmacy on the street, to cause a desire to enter, not to create obstacles on the way, cleanliness, order, comfort.

Rule 1.1

The sign is clearly visible from a distance of 100 m on both sides of the street. The sign is illuminated during the operation of the pharmacy, the light-dynamic elements are turned on. It is advisable to leave lightboxes, volumetric letters, cross turned on and at night. The sign is in good condition. The entrance to the pharmacy is clearly marked.

Rule 1.2

The entrance area is clean and tidy. The entrance is lit. Entrance doors transparent, there are no ads and advertising information on them.

Rule 1.3

Shop equipment is clean and in good working order. Everyone works lighting on the shop floor and equipment. The hall is clean. There are no unpleasant odors. Advertising materials are placed neatly. There are no foreign objects on window sills, cabinets, in the checkout area.

On the counters in the checkout area, the goods are laid out only using special commercial equipment (trays, coasters, racks, baskets) or under glass. Goods are not placed directly on the cash registers.

Rule 1.4

The uniform of the staff is made in the same style (fabric, color, style, finish), with embroidery in the form of a butterfly.

Rule 1.5

Sound accompaniment is included in the trading floor, it creates a comfortable feeling.

2. Placement of commercial equipment

Terms used:

Target demand goods- goods for which the buyer purposefully comes to the pharmacy. Their placement helps to set the movement of buyers on the trading floor. These are all prescription medicines, as well as over-the-counter medicines (for example: colds, painkillers, antipyretics, antiallergics).

Impulse goods- goods that are bought along the way, the decision to purchase is made on the trading floor. They are placed next to the goods of target demand, in the centers of attraction in the trading floor, on the way of the buyer along the trading floor. This includes almost all parapharmaceuticals, including hygiene products.

You can increase the size of the purchase at the expense of goods of impulse demand. The longer the path of the buyer through the hall, the more goods he will see and buy.

Buyer on the move more looks to the right. Therefore, he will see more goods if he organizes the movement counterclockwise.

In addition, you can increase the size of the purchase by zoning the trading floor by customer segments.
In each pharmacy, it is possible to single out 2-4 main segments of buyers. Items characteristic of a group of buyers should be placed side by side, this increases the likelihood of a complex purchase.

3. Examples of customer segments and product categories

  • baby food
  • diapers
  • children's hygiene
  • children's cosmetics
  • children's tableware
  • toys
  • products for nursing mothers
  • goods for pregnant women

Vitamins, women's hygiene, inexpensive cosmetics, weight loss products are placed next to goods for Moms.

2. Pensioners.

  • medicinal herbs
  • external means
  • inexpensive dietary supplements
  • medical equipment
  • medical products
  • balms, syrups, elixirs (healthy lifestyle, folk remedies)
  • healthy, dietary, diabetic nutrition
  • inexpensive cosmetics

Markers - External

Nearby - popular drugs.

Nearby - expensive dietary supplements for skin care, hair, nails, etc., expensive aromatherapy, oral care.

General idea- to lengthen the buyer's path along the trading floor, ensure free movement, clear orientation, organize the zoning of the trading floor according to customer segments.

Rule 2.1

Merchandising loop

The path of the buyer to the prescription department and the cash register is organized as long as possible, directed counterclockwise.

Rule 2.2

The width of the passages is not less than 0.9 m.

Rule 2.3

The trading floor is viewed from any of its points. The inscriptions on the island slides are installed no higher than eye level, the display of goods on them does not interfere with the view of the hall. The prescription department is visible from the entrance and stands out brightly in the sales area.

Rule 2.4

All racks are equipped with headings. The rubricator on the rack and the exhibited goods correspond exactly to each other. The names of the product groups for the inscriptions of racks, island slides, shelves are taken from the "List of groups" table. Depending on the area of ​​the trading floor, the appropriate level of detail is selected.

For a small area, the rack names are listed among the category groups. For a sales area with a large area, category names can be used.

This makes it easier to move the goods, does not limit the search for the optimal display. This is especially true for a small room.

Rule 2.5

Goods for customer segments are placed in separate areas of the hall. Cosmetics of different price categories (elite and cheap) are not placed on adjacent racks and, moreover, adjacent shelves.

Display of goods

Terms used:

Best Places- these are racks in the trading floor or separate shelves, which buyers always pay attention to. For example, the checkout area, the area near the prescription department, the racks opposite the entrance, the area on the right along the way, the shelves at eye level and outstretched arm.

The best places on the trading floor are the hot zones.

In cold zones, the goods are noticed only if they are specially approached.

You can draw additional attention to the rack by placing a display of medicines nearby.
The best shelves are called gold. These are the shelves at eye level and outstretched arms, as well as the upper shelves on the island slides.

A hot item is an item with high weekly sales, by amount, not quantity.
Medicines are almost always hot commodity, but these are targeted purchases, they will be made regardless of whether there is a display on the trading floor or not.

It is important to put in the best places a running impulse product.

General idea- the goods are placed according to the principle “improve the best”, the layout has an emphasis on medicines, all goods are clearly visible, convenient to take from the shelf, easy to find and choose.

Rule 3.1

In the best places, in hot zones, there is a running impulse product. In cold zones, strictly targeted goods are laid out, goods with low demand, sales are also organized there.

Rule 3.2

The most popular goods are placed on the golden shelves. On the upper shelves, above the gold ones, expensive mid-market goods are laid out. On the shelves below the gold ones are cheap hot goods. On the lowest shelves there is only large-sized goods that do not need to be looked at. There should be no empty spaces on the shelves.

Rule 3.3

The trading floor should be recognizable at a glance as the premises of a pharmacy, and not a beauty salon. Therefore, emphasis on drugs is needed. Medicines on the trading floor are laid out in prominent places, as Business Cards pharmacies, as well as in cold areas to draw attention to neighboring racks.

The rear wall of the prescription department is decorated with bright large packages famous brands OTC drugs, market leaders. Large bright packages are laid out in open access. The buyer simply will not understand the small ones.

Rule 3.4

The goods in the open display are aligned along the front line of the shelf, laid out in one row in height. Do not stack packages one on top of the other. Exception - it is allowed to place vitamins in 2 rows if these are products of the same
names, but different packages, for example, Vitrum N 30 and Vitrum N 60. The product is placed in one row in depth so as not to overlap the information on the packages. The product is easy to remove from the shelf, while neighboring packages do not fall.

Rule 3.5

Goods in closed showcases are placed so as not to overlap the information on the packages.

Rule 3.6

The sub-product in the free display area is put on the showcase exactly behind the exhibition sample. Mixing of sub-products is not allowed. The order of laying out sub-products is “first in, first out”.

Rule 3.7

Complementary product categories sit side by side, such as toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Rule 3.8

Branded expensive goods from the categories Vitamins, Cosmetics, less often Hygiene are laid out in corporate blocks. This allows you to increase the purchase amount, the buyer considers the entire product line. Additional attention to the corporate block is attracted by the layout in several faces - 2-5 identical items side by side. As a result, a large color spot stands out brightly on the rack. The rest of the products are laid out according to the spectrum of action.

Intra-pharmacy information

According to retail statistics, up to 50% of purchases are not made if the price is not indicated on the product.

The buyer on the trading floor is not able to remember several things at the same time, he thinks about the shopping list, holds a bag or wallet in his hand, a basket, perhaps a child. The buyer will forget the announcement of the competition when moving from one rack to another.

General idea- information is located near the place of its use, that is, next to the product or place of payment, the price tag on the product is required.

Rule 4.1

Items displayed on the shelves are provided with a price tag. The price tag (barcode) is pasted on the packaging in the upper right corner, so as not to cover the name of the product, manufacturer, expiration date. The price tags are designed and placed uniformly.

Rule 4.2

In the trading floor there is information about passing in this moment marketing promotions. Information about the product, if possible, is placed next to the product and duplicated in the checkout area. Advertising information does not cover the information on the packages.

Rule 4.3

The pharmacist informs the buyer about current and upcoming marketing promotions that may interest the buyer.

Display optimization technology

The market is not static, the structure of buyers is gradually changing, as well as consumer preferences. In addition, there are seasonality factors, new items regularly appear in the assortment of the pharmacy. Consequently, the optimal layout changes and cannot remain static.

As a tool for finding the optimal display, Accounting for Sales from Shelving is used. Relevant software should be in every pharmacy.

In each pharmacy, the binding of goods to the racks is organized and kept up to date - that is, each product on the trading floor is correlated with the place on the shelf where it is located, the place is indicated in the pharmacy program.

The analysis of the report on the layout in the pharmacy is carried out at least once a month.
Based on the results of the analysis, the calculations are changed.

Most competent pharmacy workers from the first steps try to set the buyer in a positive way and avoid any manifestations of negativity. Incorrect placement of goods is a costly mistake, so preferences for a medical representative must be approached with caution. To understand how fair his arguments for expanding the company's assortment are and whether it is worth responding to a request to rearrange the drug to a better place, the pharmacist and pharmacist need to have basic merchandising skills.

What does merchandising do?

As you know, there are different categories of goods on the pharmaceutical market. All marketed products, and there are about 30 thousand of them, can be divided into three parts:

1. medical products;
2. cosmetics and dietary supplements;
3. medicines.

As for the latter, as you know, prescription (ethical) drugs should be dispensed only on prescription. OTC group (OTC), which is on free sale, without the obligatory presentation of a prescription. However, we all understand that de facto the pharmaceutical market in Ukraine is OTC.
In addition, dietary supplements, skin care products and other parapharmaceutical products are beginning to take up an increasing share of the domestic “pharmacy basket”. By increasing the promotional activity of manufacturing companies, the share of medical cosmetics is gradually increasing in the total volume of pharmacy sales. This is also facilitated by the growth in the number of pharmaceutical markets, where the likelihood of committing spontaneous purchases significantly higher than in traditional pharmacies. That is why merchandising events are of particular importance in our market.

What is merchandising?

It seems that one of the most successful definitions of this term was given by the American Marketing Association (American Marketing Association - AMA): “Merchandising is an area marketing activities aimed at focusing the attention of buyers on certain products. In essence, merchandising is the ability to maximize your turnover without changing the topography of the pharmacy.
Here is another definition, synthetic: "Merchandising is one of the components of marketing aimed at improving products and increasing sales of a retail enterprise." In other words, merchandising is a set of activities that includes the development and implementation of methods, as well as all kinds of technical solutions, the purpose of which is to promote goods and attract customers to a particular outlet to increase its profits.

Historical reference
For the first time, merchandising was discussed in the United States during the Great Depression (1930-1935). It was a difficult period for the country, one of the most severe crises hit the population. The struggle for the buyer has increased a hundredfold. Merchandising has become one of the ways to improve competitiveness. Thoughtful placement of goods contributed to increased sales. Soon, pharmacies also took advantage of new technologies.

What is the role of merchandising in a pharmacy?

Now in Ukraine in many pharmacy chains there is such staff unit like a marketer. The task of a marketer is to make more people enter the pharmacy with the help of promotional, promotional, advertising and other events. And merchandising activities affect the potential buyer already inside the pharmacy, as soon as he crossed its threshold. Whether a person who comes to a pharmacy is “converted” into a client depends on the internal harmony of the pharmacy and on the professionalism of the pharmacists of the first table.
One often hears from the directors of pharmacy chains: “I took a marketer, but there’s no sense!”. I ask: "Why not?" “Yes, sales are not growing!” - they answer.

It is advisable to deal with this issue.
The foundation for the success of a pharmacy is based on three pillars: positioning, including price, service, work with personnel. Still, it is very useful to find out where the chain breaks in a well-established customer-oriented pharmacy work. At the stages of attracting people to the pharmacy? Perhaps leaves something to be desired better job personnel or insufficient level of services provided to customers? Or maybe the pharmacy itself does not pay due attention to merchandising activities. The importance of using these techniques is confirmed by a number of indicators (studies by the Point of Purchase Advertising Institute):

3 purchases out of 10 are made thanks to a well-designed storefront;
drugs displayed in a well-designed showcase sell 6 times better than those displayed in traditionally designed showcases.

It would be appropriate to quote the well-known motto of the merchandiser, which reveals the connection between merchandising and commercial success.

The absence of goods on the shelves is suicide for the institution; the usual arrangement of goods on the shelves is just a defense against competitors. And only the correct placement of goods is an attack and success.

Proper arrangement of goods of different types of demand

Pharmaceutical products divided into 3 groups have their place. The purchase of a number of goods is a rather intimate matter, such as the choice of feminine hygiene products, products for the care of problem skin, and dietary products. Some products, such as antifungals or lice medicines, seriously lower the status of the buyer, and if such products are in a crowded place, many will prefer to go to another pharmacy.
A shelf organizer is often used, for example, to separate prophylaxis from flu medicines. In pharmacies, the allocation of zones is possible in groups of over-the-counter drugs and related products. Many buyers do not know that homeopathic medicines on the trading floor are separated into a separate group, and do not understand the principle by which groups are broken, for example, cold, cough, flu remedies. The most persistent customers immediately ask in which department the desired product is located, while the polite and shy ones, having stood in one line, go to the tail of another. Or they leave without even making the planned purchases.
Pharmacies located in business districts can create a special “office” zone, where there are means to reduce psychological stress, fatigue during sedentary work in the office, work with a computer, to quickly eliminate the first signs of colds, restore voice for those who often speak at meetings. Such accents help the pharmacy to acquire the image of an assistant to business people.

Do not forget that merchandising also includes such activities as the timely introduction of drugs into the defect and the competent placement of POS-materials (POS - point of sale - point of sale). By the way, this is not the last tool that can increase sales of your product.
Here are some features of the display of drugs and the placement of POS materials in a pharmacy:

Increasing sales volume when moving goods from the dead zone and from hand level to eye level; decrease - from eye level to hand level.
The most effective is the placement of drugs at eye level. So, by simply rearranging a product from shelf to shelf, you can significantly vary the volume of its sales, up to 80%.
On the lower shelves, which are considered a "dead zone" for an adult, it is advisable to place goods for children, then they will be at the level of the child's eyes, and he will be able to pick them up. Creating a sense of multiplicity of goods also leads to an increase in turnover. And again, let's recall the locomotive rule we have already considered: in the vicinity of the leading brand in this group, you can place a drug that needs to attract attention.

Do not forget that a properly organized retail space allows the visitor to fully realize all the motives for making a purchase, both rational and emotional. Maximizing the turnover of a pharmacy by optimizing the use of its resources - material and human - is the main task of merchandising.
The principles of merchandising are based on the basic physiological characteristics of human behavior and perception environment. Speaking about the placement of the drug at eye level, it is important to emphasize the need to provide the buyer with ease of perception. The same purpose is served by the arrangement of drugs in groups. After all, a person begins the search for the right drug, having decided on the localization of the group to which it belongs. Creating a sense of the multiplicity of goods is achieved by placing several samples of goods side by side and reflecting them in mirrored showcases. The multiplicity effect of a product can be enhanced and its recognition increased if the display is carried out around the leading brand.
A good solution is "locomotive principle" when not the leading, but the most advertised brand is used. At the same time, they proceed from the following considerations: the buyer will certainly pay attention to the advertised drug, but there should always be a choice - because if it turns out that it does not meet all the requirements (for example, the price does not suit you), the client will automatically switch his attention to the neighboring drug. This layout is also appropriate for new drugs.
There is an opinion that the most expensive goods of the group should be placed on the “hottest” places. This is true, but we should not forget about the calculation by type Price Leader. It can become optimal for pharmacies whose target audience is the population with low solvency, when the price of the drug, rather than brand awareness, may be a more significant factor in making a purchase decision. This is a very important point. Preparations according to this principle should ideally fall into the assortment taking into account the needs target audience this pharmacy.
It should also be remembered that seasonal drugs should occupy the best places in the windows at the peak of the season (for example, in spring - antihistamines, in winter - colds, etc.), and out of season they can be moved back. Often in pharmacy supermarkets you can observe the layout “under the ruler” or, even worse, pyramids and other geometric shapes from packages. Visually, this seems to be beautiful, but psychologically, most people do not want to break the existing symmetry. In some cases, window display design is worth sacrificing expediency. When there is a gap in the row of standing drug packages, it creates the illusion of a brisk trade (someone has already bought this drug or product) and emotionally stimulates the acquisition.
The task of merchandising is not only the placement of goods, but also the effective use of advertising on the trading floor. Five years ago, pharmacies were happy to place on the sales floor all the promotional materials that medical representatives brought to them, and even asked to bring more. Today, too, you can sometimes find pharmacies that are abundantly and unsystematically filled with promotional products. However, the placement of POS materials will be most effective at eye level near the cash register or in places as close as possible to it. The buyer often studies promotional items, bored in line when there is simply nothing to do.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that most people are right-handed and have a fairly standard type of behavior in the room, that is, after a short rectilinear movement, they turn their attention to objects located on their right hand in a clockwise direction. Thus, it is possible to place promotional materials opposite and to the right of the entrance to the pharmacy.
Of course, there is no universal way to place products and visual support. It all depends on the characteristics of a particular pharmacy (the shape of the trading floor, the location of the entrance, etc.). You can accurately determine the direction of customer flows by observing the movement on the trading floor for 30-40 minutes. It's also worth putting yourself in the buyer's shoes and considering how your products and POS materials will be placed most appropriately in your particular case.

Pharmacy merchandising is a set of measures for placing goods and promotional materials on the shelves and shop windows of a pharmacy in order to sell the goods as soon as possible. Speaking more globally, this concept includes not only the display of goods in a pharmacy, but also the planning of a trading floor when a pharmacy opens, when it is necessary to determine: where the pharmacy display cases will be located, how customers should move around the trading floor, etc. Kugach V.V. Merchandising in a pharmacy as an integral part of pharmaceutical care / V.V. Kugach // Recipe. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 26-32.

The main goals of merchandising in a pharmacy are:

The first goal of merchandising is to increase the convenience of buying (increasing customer loyalty).

The main goal of merchandising is to facilitate the search for the goods necessary for the client in the pharmacy, to make the purchase process convenient and even enjoyable for the buyer. It should also be remembered that the pharmacy does not sell drugs as such, but a complex of medicinal products + trading service - in other words, "service". If the process of making a purchase meets the needs of consumers, then the buyer gradually develops loyalty to this particular pharmacy. And next time he will go to your pharmacy.

The second goal of merchandising is to increase the completeness of the display of the assortment.

This goal is due to the fact that the consumer rarely pays attention to all the goods presented in the pharmacy. An increase in the number of goods not just displayed on the trading floor, but that have attracted the attention of the buyer, can significantly increase sales.

The third purpose of merchandising is to draw attention to individual products.

An important goal of merchandising is not only a general, but also a selective (selective) increase in the sale of certain pharmacy products. Most often, the pharmacy has to achieve:

  • - increase in the turnover of the promoted product or group of products of a certain brand (for example, when promotion manufacturer);
  • - increase in the sale of "quiet liquid" goods;
  • - promotion of new drugs or products on the market.

The fourth goal of merchandising is to increase the time spent by the buyer in the pharmacy.

Each commercial enterprise interested in lengthening the time voluntarily spent in it by the buyer. With each additional minute, the probability of the buyer making a purchase increases. Kugach V.V. Merchandising in a pharmacy as an integral part of pharmaceutical care / V.V. Kugach // Recipe. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 26-32 ..

Merchandising is based on the study of the psychological characteristics of the behavior of buyers at the points of sale of goods. As a result of such studies, the factors that can influence the customer's decision to purchase were identified. Among these factors may be the format of the pharmacy, and the planning of zones, and the placement of advertising materials in the pharmacy, and the design of pharmacy windows, i.e. how exactly the drug packages are laid out on the shelves in the pharmacy, etc.

Merchandising can stimulate unplanned purchases, as well as influence the choice of the buyer in favor of more expensive drugs (with partially planned purchases). This, by the way, facilitates the work of top managers to increase the average check through the use of sales skills. But merchandising (in terms of the power of influence on the buyer's decision to purchase) of course will never be able to compare with the influence that a first-timer can have using sales skills in a pharmacy, thereby stimulating the purchase of expensive drugs, related purchases, etc. Slavich-Pristupa A. WITH. Advertising and merchandising in a pharmacy / A.S. Slavich-Pristupa. - St. Petersburg: Littera, 2006. - 88s. .

Thus, the pharmacy organization must have a clear policy regarding merchandising in the pharmacy. Those. we need to clearly understand what needs to be done, and what we will get as a result of these actions. And for this it is necessary that the head of the pharmacy, as well as ordinary employees, be trained in the skills of pharmacy merchandising, i.e. knew the rules for displaying goods in a pharmacy.

Pharmacy merchandising has two features in the presentation of products in a pharmacy:

  • 1. The presence in the field of sale of medicines and dietary supplements of a number of requirements of regulatory documentation for storage, display and sale, which the merchandiser must adhere to in his practice;
  • 2. The lack of accurate information from the buyer, why one or another drug is better than another, which does not give him the right to choose.

To date, the current legislation clearly prescribes the possibility or impossibility of laying out one or another commodity unit of the pharmacy assortment. According to the regulatory documentation, namely, the industry standard OST 91500.05.0007-2003 "Rules for the release (sale) of medicines in pharmacy organizations. Basic provisions", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 80 of 03/04/2003, the entire pharmacy range can be divided into:

  • 1. Assortment available on prescription;
  • 2. An assortment sold without a doctor's prescription.

This document clearly states "6.1. Dispensing (sale) of medicinal products is carried out by prescription and without a doctor's prescription…". It is also clearly stated that "...6.11. For information about medicines and other products authorized for dispensing from pharmacies, various types of display cases can be used, where medicines sold without a doctor's prescription and samples of available goods are displayed ... ". The list of over-the-counter drugs is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 578 dated September 13, 2005 "On approval of the list of drugs sold without a doctor's prescription."

With regard to the display of prescription drugs, Order No. 80 of 2003 does not clearly prescribe a ban on the display of this group of goods, although it is implied.

When laying out medicines and other products of the pharmacy assortment, the storage of the latter becomes. As you know, in the trading floor, on the windows, not dummies are often laid out, but the drugs themselves, as well as other pharmacy products. In this way, display cases also become storage equipment to some extent. The main documents for the storage of medicines is the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation 377 dated November 13, 1996 "On approval of instructions for organizing storage in pharmacies various groups medicines and medical products" and the industry standard OST 91500.05.0007-2003 "Rules for the release (sale) of medicines in pharmacy organizations. Basic Provisions", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 80 dated March 4, 2003. According to these documents, the entire range of medicines and goods sold in a pharmacy can be roughly divided into:

  • 1. An assortment that does not require special storage conditions;
  • 2. Assortment requiring special storage conditions.

But on the other hand, showcases cannot ensure the fulfillment of all storage requirements, namely, protection from light, high temperature, moisture and other aggressive factors prescribed in the current regulatory documentation. It follows from this that only those assortments that do not require special conditions can be laid out in the windows.

For the most part, the assortment requiring special storage conditions includes:

  • ? Medicines and dietary supplements that require storage in a place protected from light;
  • ? Medicines and dietary supplements that require storage at low temperatures;
  • ? Medicinal plant materials;
  • ? Rubber products;
  • ? Dressing material and aids.

These groups of the product range cannot be displayed on the showcase, because showcases will not be able to provide any protection from light or from low temperatures. With regard to rubber products, in addition to all other requirements, storage at a relative humidity of at least 65% is added; some of them must be kept hanging. Speaking of dressings, the regulatory documentation does not state that they should be stored in a place protected from light, but it is indicated that the racks should be painted over with light oil paint from the inside.

There are two ways out of this situation: the first is to clean everything in the cabinets. But then the meaning of the shop windows is lost, because. the range that does not require special storage conditions is quite small. Another way out of this situation is to lay out dummies instead of medicines and biologically active additives, i.e. empty secondary packaging. Those companies that care about the promotion and sales of their products are willing to provide models for pharmacy organizations. Or you can do without representatives. Regulatory documentation does not prohibit the storage of a medicinal product or biologically active additive in accordance with the specifics of storage without secondary packaging. These secondary packages can also be used as dummies.

Showcases are also perceived as storage equipment and are subject to the same placement requirements as shelving and cabinets. According to paragraph 2.8. order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation 377 of November 13, 1996 and clause 3.20. industry standard OST 91500.05.0007-2003, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 80 dated March 4, 2003, the entire pharmacy assortment should be stored:

  • ? at a distance to the outer walls of at least 0.6-0.7 m;
  • ? at a distance to the ceiling of at least 0.5 m;
  • ? at a distance of at least 0.25 m from the floor.

Accordingly, showcases must be designed and placed in compliance with these conditions.




1.1 History of merchandising……………………………………………...7

1.2 The current stage of development of merchandising……………………….9

1.3 Goals and basic rules of merchandising………………………....10


2.1 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the most important elements of visual merchandising in the pharmacy market………………….25


BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………….33


IN modern world there are a huge number of manufacturers, sellers, distributors of goods and services. At the same time, any enterprise representing and selling products is interested in a developed and stably functioning sales system. The better and better the marketing strategy is thought out, the more products will be sold and the more profit the company will receive.

Global changes have taken place in the Russian pharmaceutical market over the past decades: property privatization, an increase in the number of pharmaceutical market entities, price liberalization, an increase in the range of goods and services sold by pharmaceutical enterprises. All this leads to the fact that supply is ahead of demand, that is, the seller's market has transformed into a consumer's market. The realities of the economy require a scientifically based approach to the organization of sales and the acquisition of new knowledge in a competitive environment. How did merchandising emerge as a response to market demands? discipline that develops a set of measures to increase sales at the point of sale.

Object of study term paper? merchandising and its impact on purchasing power. The subject of the course work is the methods and techniques of merchandising used in the pharmacy business.

The purpose of the course work is a multilateral disclosure of the concept of merchandising, identifying the nuances in the application of merchandising in the activities of a particular pharmacy organization. To achieve this goal, the following tasks should be performed:

· consider the general provisions of the scope of merchandising;

· to study the ways and means of applying merchandising in the field of pharmacies;

· consider the procedure for forming a positive image of the pharmacy;

· try to justify and recommend ways to improve the use of merchandising.

The work consists of two chapters, which consider the relevance of the work, goals, objectives and general rules merchandising, a specific area of ​​application in pharmacies, the formation of a positive image of a pharmacy in modern conditions is studied and the psychological aspect of the sale of goods in pharmacies is considered.

In this regard, the relevance of this work leaves no doubt. The studies carried out in this topic are of considerable interest to representatives of the pharmaceutical industry.


Experts call the XXI century? century of consumption of goods and services, which is due to scientific and technological progress and raising the standard of living of the population in both developed and emerging market economies. Come out in first place marketing strategies that focus not on similar products from different manufacturers, but on the services that the purchase of these goods will provide to the consumer.

Not so long ago, the pharmaceutical enterprises and organizations of our country were perceived as the last trade establishments. Pharmacies were, first of all, a place where medicines were distributed at symbolic prices. This situation changed with the introduction of a market economy. Firstly, a part of the pharmaceutical enterprises passed into private ownership, and the enterprises that remained in state and municipal ownership were transferred to self-sufficiency. Secondly, the rapid growth of the pharmaceutical sector, the opening of the market for Western and Eastern companies has led to increased competition, both between manufacturers and between wholesalers and retailers. As a result, while maintaining the role of pharmaceutical enterprises as, first of all, healthcare institutions, the issues of managing the market activity of an enterprise are becoming increasingly important.

Merchandising (from the English word "merchant" - merchant, merchant)? it is the art of trading.

Some sources claim that the word "merchandising" comes from the name of the god of trade and commerce in Greek mythology? Mercury, which implies the ability to carry out productive trading activities with the achievement of good financial results with concomitant luck and creativity.

With the constant growth of competition, merchandising is becoming increasingly important as a new concept for organizing sales activities in present stage. The following are some definitions of the concept of "merchandising", found in various sources devoted to this marketing specialization.

Merchandising? This:

· An integral part of marketing, activities aimed at ensuring the most intensive promotion of goods at the level retail;

· An integrated approach to the design and arrangement of the trading floor and the choice of an outwardly noticeable style of the enterprise used to maximize the rapid promotion of goods in retail;

· A set of activities aimed at increasing sales;

· A tool for promoting goods at the point of sale by creating an atmosphere conducive to purchases in the pharmacy organization;

· Principle of five "H"? the right product in the right place, at the right time, in the right quantity and at the right price.

In some foreign sources, the word "merchandising" has two meanings: actual merchandising and visual merchandising.

Merchandising in a pharmacy? This is an area of ​​marketing activity aimed at advertising over-the-counter drugs by attracting the attention of visitors to certain products at the point of sale in order to increase sales. Merchandising elements: the concept of the place, the appearance of the pharmacy, organizational design, equipment and equipment for workplaces, placement of goods.

The importance of OTC merchandising is determined by the development of self-medication, the possibility of choice, the availability of many identical drugs at affordable prices, and the majority of purchase decisions are made directly at retail outlets and pharmacies. Basic requirements for merchandising in a pharmacy? this is convenience, sales promotion, compliance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.

The benefits of merchandising are felt not only by the pharmacy, but also by the customer. The buying process becomes easier and more enjoyable for him. The buyer has the opportunity to immediately see all the goods on the showcase and choose what he needs.


Merchandising was born in ancient times, when people did not yet use money. Already during barter trade, the ability to beautifully and correctly lay out your goods, organize your trade and barter place gave good results to the first merchants. In ancient times, it was much more difficult for them than for our contemporaries, also because merchants often spoke different languages ​​\u200b\u200bwith their customers.

Since then, one of the rules of merchandising has become: "Everything should be clear to the buyer with minimal explanations from the seller." The scale of trade of the past centuries allowed the owner of a trading enterprise to personally control merchandising, think over its strategy, but the most important knowledge of the owner merchant was the knowledge of the favorable ratio of short-term and long-term profits.

Happened at the end XIX century, significant changes in the world economy, during the industrial revolution and the formation of machine production, mediated changes in merchandising in the form of its certain degradation. On this stage The development of machine production in the field of trade attracted more people. People "from the outside" became sellers and managers of goods, i.e., this kind of activity ceased to be an intra-family affair. There was a decrease in the training of sales personnel, but it was no longer required to the same extent. Despite the growth in the volume of commodity mass, the commodity units themselves became impersonal in a certain way, as a result of which it was necessary to have only samples of batches of products in retail shops. Since production took place in monopoly organizations, no one was interested in the personal interests and needs of the buyer, he had to adapt to the consumption of mass-produced goods, because there was no other alternative.

Thus, the need for merchandising has ceased to be relevant. In the dawn of machine production, in the absence of a consumer market, both manufacturers and sellers felt completely confident and did not need additional sales promotion tools.

By the beginning of XX century, it became apparent that efforts to reduce costs without improving appearance and ergonomics of the goods are not able to give the desired result. Producers of goods began to pay increased attention to their aesthetics, such changes intensified the development of marketing communications, gave a great impetus to their development, and thus merchandising gets a "second life".

The rapid post-war (1950) growth in the number and size of commercial enterprises and the emergence of retail chains led to the need to train salespeople in the art of merchandising. Specially trained employees began to stand out? merchandisers. The tasks facing them are becoming more and more complicated: large areas of new shopping centers make it difficult to analyze the relationship between layout, distribution of retail space and profitability of sales. To maintain the possibility of managing the sales process in the new conditions, special methods and programs are being developed. The constituent elements of merchandising are beginning to include various methods of influencing the psyche of potential consumers, stimulating them to make a purchase.

As a result of evolution, merchandising has become a sales tool that provides significant competitive advantages.


How often do they joke about fashion: “New? it's a well-forgotten old one." The importance of merchandising is growing not only in connection with the strengthening of the role of retailers. There have been major changes in the motivation and behavior of buyers. These today include the formation of a generation of "mature" consumers and the absence in the eyes of consumers of a significant difference in the properties of brands on the market. These two factors are inextricably linked. Features of "mature" consumption consist in the full awareness and use by the consumer of his rights to information when choosing guaranteed access to a variety of goods and services at competitive prices. Buyer start XXI century tends to weigh options more carefully and make acquisitions in accordance with the overall life strategy. He is not easily convinced by advertising and promotional methods, and is more knowledgeable about the retail industry. The main deficit that he experiences, ? it's a lack of time.


A well-thought-out merchandising program should help increase profits and increase the competitiveness of a pharmacy organization. The result of merchandising is to stimulate the desire of the consumer to choose and buy the product being promoted and sold.

Merchandising Goals:

1. Improving the convenience of buying (increasing customer loyalty). What is the main purpose of merchandising? facilitate the search for the goods necessary for the client in the pharmacy, make the purchase process convenient and even pleasant for the buyer.

2. Increasing the completeness of the assortment display. This goal is due to the fact that the consumer rarely pays attention to all the goods presented in the pharmacy. An increase in the number of goods not just displayed on the trading floor, but that have attracted the attention of the buyer, can significantly increase sales.

3. Drawing attention to individual products. An important goal of merchandising is not only a general, but also a selective (selective) increase in the sale of certain pharmacy products.

4. Increasing the time spent by the buyer in the pharmacy. Every commercial enterprise has an interest in extending the time voluntarily spent in it by the buyer. With each additional minute, the likelihood of a buyer making a purchase also increases. There is a rule in merchandising: "The time we have is the money we don't have." Therefore, merchandising efforts should be aimed at making buyers make conscious choice for a short period of time.

Thus, in order to get the consumer to make a purchase, it is necessary to go through all the previous steps step by step, and for this, it is first of all important to develop an action plan and strategy.

Pharmacy atmosphere

It is desirable that the pharmacy evokes associations with life, light, health, cheerfulness. If it is pleasant to be in a pharmacy, and it cheers up even a person with poor health, then it will leave a good impression in the visitor's soul, and his interest in the pharmacy assortment will increase.

The atmosphere is made up of several factors:

Of course, the pharmacy begins with a sign. And also from the street showcase and the facade as a whole. The original solution for the appearance of the pharmacy will arouse the interest of a passer-by and turn him into a curious visitor. It is good if, starting from the facade, the pharmacy is designed in the same style (company logo on the sellers' badges, corporate colors for the design of the hall, branded shopping bag, etc.). This improves memorization. A pharmacy or a pharmacy chain that has its own individual style inspires confidence, a sense of responsibility, good organization, and professionalism.

Another component that forms the atmosphere of a pharmacy is ? lighting. It should be optimal so that the buyer does not have to strain his eyes or squint from too bright light. It is desirable that the light has a warm tone or be neutral white.

The color scheme of the interior also affects the perception. Studies show that warm tones (shades of red and yellow) and cool tones (shades of blue and green) have the opposite effect. Are warm tones exciting? even the physiological parameters of the body change: the heartbeat, breathing quickens, blood pressure rises. Cold tones, on the contrary, soothe, help the buyer to concentrate.

You can draw attention to a group of products using color contrasts:

Place next to packages of contrasting colors;

Place in the center of the group a product whose packaging uses the strongest contrasting shades;

Place the product on a contrasting background.

Contrasting colors? yellow, red and blue. Weaker and less annoying contrast: orange? violet? green (Appendix tab. 1).

However, the contrast should just attract attention, and not make it difficult to perceive. The indiscriminate use of contrasting tones only confuses.

Another rarely used component of the atmosphere? smells. What does the pharmacy smell like? Usually drugs. Customers are used to it, but it's important that the smell doesn't get too strong and evoke unpleasant associations with a hospital room.

And, of course, we should not forget about the convenience for visitors. Goods that are relevant for the elderly and disabled should preferably be located near the entrance and? if the pharmacy is two-story? only on the first floor. If the size of the room allows, put a couple of chairs, ? there will be somewhere to seat the restless baby while the mother chooses diapers for him, the elderly, frequent visitors to pharmacies, will have a place to relax. Plants and, of course, cleanliness create coziness and a homely, trusting atmosphere in the pharmacy, in which the visitor will want to linger.

Pharmacy layout

In a modern pharmacy, two main types of layout are adopted: a counter (closed) type pharmacy and a market pharmacy (with a display of goods on the trading floor).

An innovation has appeared in a pharmacy with a traditional counter: glass display cases in human height, where drugs are usually located on two levels: the first? at waist level, second? at eye or chest level. Such a showcase increases the product display area and brings it closer to the buyer.

When planning departments, it is necessary to take into account some patterns of customer behavior. As a rule, the buyer wants to find what he needs without traveling long distances and without returning to the same place several times. Most buyers? right-handers; they prefer to go straight ahead and tend to look and take goods on the right. When going around the hall, do most customers turn left? counterclock-wise. In this regard, the location of goods in the pharmacy can be divided into two main categories? strengths and weaknesses. (Appendix fig.2)

The space near the entrance should be as free as possible, there should not be any large advertising materials ( billboards, large posters), equipment, large plants, etc. But it does not at all follow from this that all goods must be placed in the most accessible places directly opposite the entrance. It is not necessary that the buyer, as soon as he steps on the threshold of the pharmacy, immediately sees the goods in the window. It is important that from the first steps in the pharmacy, the buyer is informed about where to buy it. And then even a "weak" place will attract the visitor's attention.

Merchandising rules regarding product display

"Merchandising Loop". It seems to the buyer that he independently travels around the supermarket. In fact, he is "led". So, for example, when entering a pharmacy with a spacious trading floor, most customers tend to turn right and then move along the hall in a counterclockwise direction. Without noticing it, the buyer goes through almost the entire trading floor, making, in addition to the planned purchases, a lot of impulsive ones (Appendix fig. 1).

The purpose of merchandising at this stage is to direct customers to the most expensive and cost-effective products in the first place. And not only direct, but also keep them at these windows for as long as possible, attract attention, form positive associations and the desire to definitely buy these goods right now.

Laying out methods. When laying out horizontally, goods of the same name are placed on one or two shelves along the entire length of the showcase. This method is effective for selling large packages.

With the vertical method of laying out the goods of the same name are laid out on the shelves of one showcase in several rows from top to bottom. The advantage of this method? good visibility and a clearer differentiation of the laid out goods. Such a layout contributes to good visibility, better orientation of the buyer when choosing a product and speeds up the sales process (Appendix tab. 2). The data in the table show that buyers most actively perceive goods located in showcases at eye and hand level.

Most often, in practice, a combined layout method is used, combining horizontal and vertical. It allows you to make the most efficient use of the area and place more goods on the trading floor.

Rhythm in the layout? this is a repetition of goods of a similar size and other elements (price tags, decorative details, etc.) with an equal distance between them. Rhythm also helps create a sense of order. In addition, a good way to draw attention to a particular product (if the area allows)? is to put several packages this product so that it alternates with others? and forming a rhythm in the calculation, and more often catching the eye of the buyer.

Since the pharmacy? it is, first of all, a healthcare institution that operates with the permission and under the control government agencies, then the display of goods should be carried out taking into account their requirements. Today, there is a list of prescription drugs (Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated April 22, 2014 No. 183 “On approval of the list of medicines for medical use subject to quantitative accounting”). In a pharmacy organization, the merchandising system is applicable only to over-the-counter medicines and other pharmacy products.

Merchandising rules regarding POS materials

· information display informs the buyer about the goods available for sale. The product is accompanied by brochures and posters;

· layout-consultation introduces the quality and methods of application;

· reminder display reminds you of related products, creates an image of the product.

Special advertising media help to create an advertising layout. Their purpose is to direct the buyer to the product he needs. Compared to other ways of promoting a product, informational materials are relatively cheap and can partly compensate for the shortcomings associated with a lack of sales staff in the hall.

1. Rule of "Optimality". Intrapharmacy advertising should be placed for no more than 15-20% of drugs or goods. An excess of advertising tires and confuses the buyer. In the same way that a pharmacy defines its assortment, a pharmacy must select POS materials for the most profitable part of the pharmacy assortment.

2. Buyer Assistance Rule. Information should be easily accessible. It is desirable that the buyer can obtain most of the information on their own by studying the packaging, price tag or advertising poster, and would not push in line in order to get an answer to an elementary question, for example, about the price of a product. Today, especially in a metropolis, it is easier for a person to visit another pharmacy than to endure inconvenience.

3. Rule "KISS".KISS ? (abbr. from English. Keepisshortandsimple) Keep it short and simple. Advertising appeals to the buyer should be simple and unambiguous. It is desirable that the advertising message evokes understanding from the first reading and is well remembered. Another important point of application of the KISS rule is the name of the therapy group. It is not necessary to use professional pharmaceutical vocabulary in appeals to the buyer. Inscriptions intended for buyers should be understandable to a person without a medical or pharmaceutical education.

4. The "Clean and Tidy" Rule. Shelves, products, and promotional materials must be kept clean and undamaged. Pharmacy visitors will appreciate the cleanliness and neatness of the pharmacy.

Merchandising rules regarding the product

1. The rule of "Assortment and trading stock". Trading stock? a collection of medicines and other items held by a pharmacy to cover future needs. Too much inventory worsens the turnover of goods of running groups and financial resources, and a lack of inventory leads to the loss of customers and a significant decrease in sales. One of the most important factors in the formation of the optimal set of goods? demand. It is necessary to create a stock level sufficient for the continuous presence of the assortment in the pharmacy.

2. Presence Rule. Products displayed on the shelf or advertised by POS materials must be available in sufficient quantities to meet demand. Encouraging a customer to first buy something and then deny him this opportunity is at least not ethical. In the absence of drugs or goods on sale that are actively advertised POS -materials or in the trading floor itself, the pharmacy not only misses out on possible profits, but also undermines the trust of customers. In the absence of the drug in the pharmacy, it is not necessary to leave its sample on the window, as the consumer is irritated by the lack of the product he has chosen (he understands that he was deceived, misled and he just wasted his time).

Recall that currently the main regulations regulating information and advertising of medicines in Russia are federal laws: “On Advertising”, “On Medicines”, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 17, 1995 No. 161 “On Guarantees of the Right of Citizens to Health Care in the Distribution of Advertising”, as well as additions to these documents.

3. Rule of rotation of goods in a pharmacy and shelf life? "FIFO". Control of expiration dates of products is to first sell the product, the remaining expiration date of which is less. In the practice of trade, there is even a stable abbreviation for the definition of this rule, which can be translated into Russian as follows: “First came,? the first to leave” (Eng. FirstIn ? FirstOut!). Incoming batches of goods must be sold only after the previous ones have been completely sold out. In the self-service department, the product coming from the inventory department is placed at the back, as customers take what is closer first.

4. The rule of "Determining the place in the window". When distributing retail space, specialists begin by assigning a place to each product in accordance with the volume of sales. If the drug has a pronounced therapeutic effect, high sales rates, active advertising support, then it should not be removed from the window, citing the fact that the product is already selling well. On the contrary, it should be given special attention, placed in a priority place. For a pharmacy, the lack of a profitable product in the window? it's a waste of money.

6. Rule "Placement of price tags". Appointment of a price tag? provide the buyer with price information. The average buyer will not buy a product if he has no idea about its price.

Visual merchandising rules

1. Figure and background rule. Highlighting one drug against the background of others increases sales not only of this drug or product, but also of the group as a whole. A person always selects one object from the environment, while other surrounding objects become the background for some time. We use the figure and background rule when we want to focus the buyer's attention on a particular drug or product to promote it.

The selection of a figure against the background can be achieved by:

· quantity or size, for example, the quantity of one product is larger than another, or the product is large in size;

· bright colors? red, yellow, orange colors are recognized by a person faster. Also, a person pays attention to shiny or luminescent paints. Drugs with bright-colored packaging are more likely to become a figure;

· non-standard form of goods or packaging. In this case, the effect of novelty is triggered: a person tends to quickly notice everything new and unusual in his environment. Therefore, a non-standard, original product or packaging will be quickly noticed by the buyer;

· product illumination. What is well lit is better seen. Used when trading in goods that the buyer should consider carefully;

· POS materials for the goods. Properly placed POS materials are designed, firstly, to draw the attention of the buyer to a particular product, and secondly, to separate it from other similar products.

2. The rule of "Switching Attention". In addition to the fact that a person is inclined to single out a figure in the visual field, he needs to switch his attention, that is, to search for the next figure in the background. This means that it is impossible to place the same type (even bright) product in a long, strict line without visual accents. In such cases, switching attention can be provided by POS materials. The other extreme? too many products of different shapes, colors and sizes in one place? also does not allow a person to easily switch from one subject to another.

3. Grouping rule. The grouping rule reflects the peculiarities of a person's perception and the peculiarities of his thinking. It is easier for a person to perceive information if it is grouped. Ideally, drugs should be grouped for several reasons at the same time, for example, by therapeutic group, brand name, method of application (topical, internal), etc. The main task? lay out the preparations so that the buyer can easily navigate in it.

4. Rule "7 ± 2".According to research in the field of psychology, is the scope of human perception limited? at one point in time, he can "grab" and remember only five to seven, a maximum of nine items. In a pharmacy, this number is reduced to three to five, because during the purchase process, the buyer performs several actions at the same time. It can be recommended that the number of brands or POS-materials in one row, on one showcase does not exceed five.

5. The rule of the "Dead Zone". Everything that a stationary person sees around him is called the visual field. Objects that fall into the lower part of the visual field are often left without attention. In this case, the lower left corner is the most unfortunate, ? where a person's gaze stops least of all. Accordingly, the lower shelves of showcases, as the least inspected, should be occupied by large packages (for example, baby diapers).

Goods? "magnets"

The route that customers take around the pharmacy can and should be adjusted to ensure that all areas of the hall are visited from high frequency. This is achieved through the so-called bait products or magnet products (products that are most often sought after by buyers: for example, the same diapers in a children's pharmacy). By placing a popular product at the end of the hall and at the same time, indicating its location using “silent help” and other merchandising tools, you will “force” the buyer to go through the entire pharmacy to the cherished product. Along the way, he will get acquainted with products that he had simply not seen before.

Pharmacy signs and signs

The so-called “silent help tools” help to regulate the flow of the customer flow by indicating the location of product groups and settlement nodes. Pointers are made in the form of inscriptions or symbols. Symbols, as well as inscriptions, should be easily recognizable. The color scheme of the pointer should contain no more than three colors. It is desirable that all signs be made in a single format and consistent with the style of the pharmacy. The pointer should be large enough to be noticed.

It is necessary to know all of the above merchandising factors and not to miss any of them, that is, you need to clearly understand what needs to be done and what we will get as a result of these actions. And for this it is necessary that the head of the pharmacy, as well as ordinary employees, be trained in the basic skills of pharmacy merchandising and know the rules for displaying goods in a pharmacy, otherwise the maximum possible profit will not be achieved.


After studying the theoretical material, we will consider the use of visual (demo) merchandising in a pharmacy. "Avicenna"? a pharmaceutical network that has been on the market for a long time and has managed to win the trust of regular customers. Pharmacy establishments of the company are located on the territory of the city of Gelendzhik and the Gelendzhik region.

To date, LLC MFO "Avicenna"? this is a whole network of pharmacy enterprises; highly professional team of pharmacists and doctors; own staff training strategy; unified pricing and assortment policy; automated business process and inventory management system; opportunities for career and professional growth for employees; round-the-clock or extended hours of operation; information and reference center.

Organized and headed LLC Medico-Pharmaceutical Association "Avicenna" Ledin V.O., candidate of medical sciences, neurosurgeon.

On July 17, 2007, he opened the largest pharmacy-market in the city of Gelendzhik on Polevaya Street, 29a. The concept of the pharmacy assortment policy is completely unique. A person who is puzzled by the preservation, maintenance or restoration of healthy body functions will certainly find here not only the right drug, but also receive the necessary recommendations from an experienced consultant. Convenient location, as well as a wide range of medicines, the presence of a prescription department quickly gained popularity among the population. In the same year, on August 20, a pharmacy branch opens at 125 Lunacharsky Street.

A year later, Avicenna Medica No. 1 was opened on the second floor of the pharmacy on Polevaya Street. This is a medical center with

opportunities for high-quality examination of various categories of patients in the main modern and progressive areas of laboratory diagnostics. The center produces a huge list of studies, from simple clinical blood and urine tests to the most complex studies (hormones, tumor markers, allergens, infections, immune status, genetic passport, osteoporosis, diagnosis of rheumatoid diseases, etc.).

In 2010, a pharmacy was opened in the village of Divnomorskoye. In May 2011, a pharmacy was opened in the city of Gelendzhik on 16 Pervomaiskaya Street, socially oriented towards vulnerable segments of the population. The pharmacy is designed for people with different incomes, including minimal. The social orientation of activity is determined not only by low prices, but also by a fixed minimum premium for the most popular medicines, the so-called "drugs of the first demand". In addition, the system of discounts on discount cards. All this ensures the availability of goods for all categories of citizens.

On June 26, 2012, a large modern pharmacy was opened on Griboedova Street, d. 29, focused on the needs of children, pregnant women, women in the postpartum period and newborns. The pharmacy, in addition to the standard assortment of the pharmacy market, offers customers a wide range of medicines for children, children's cosmetics and hygiene, baby food, products for pregnant women and nursing mothers. There is also a children's corner in the pharmacy, where children can play under the supervision of qualified specialists, while parents choose a product or receive advice.

July 1, 2013? opens a pharmacy in Gelendzhik on Mayachnaya street, 1. In the same year, on October 8, the opening of Avicenna Medica No. 2 took place? second medical center with a range of high quality medical services And the latest equipment, which is located on Griboyedova street, 29.

This year, on April 6, it is planned to open a large pharmacy market at 67 Ostrovsky Street.

Such dynamic growth and successful development of the company depend on the skillful management of personnel, the culture of the pharmacy organization, planning economic activity, strategy, marketing, including merchandising.

The Avicenna chain has a single standard for external and internal design, merchandising elements, and packaging material. One of the principles of the organization is the creation of spacious, convenient for visitors, decorated by designers, automated modern technology pharmacies.

To maintain a high level of service and improve the skills of employees, the company has a training center where permanent basis training courses for employees are conducted. To improve the quality of services provided and increase the efficiency of work, the company regularly conducts marketing activities together with manufacturing companies.

Special software preparations are actively used to ensure the activities of the stock department and various pharmacy divisions, allowing you to build the necessary financial and analytical reports. By the way, modern information systems make it possible to conduct competitive purchases of products. From here, it becomes possible to sell goods at the lowest market prices, which has already been repeatedly noted by many visitors to the network.

Currently, the trading floors of the pharmacy chain are represented by two types: traditional? with the allocation of full service departments and the type of supermarket? with partial service and more self-service. Each of these types has its own specific merchandising features.

There are no universal methods of merchandising in the pharmacy chain "Avicenna", for each pharmacy the display of goods is selected individually. If there is sufficient space, an additional display of “travelling”, but not leading in terms of profitability positions for the most “profitable” goods is made in order to draw the attention of the buyer to them.


The essence of visual merchandising is to stimulate retail sales through drawing the attention of end customers to certain brands or groups of goods at points of sale without the active participation of special personnel.

Among the most important aspects of visual merchandising in this pharmacy are the following:

1. Management of consumer attention. Behavior management activities are effective and do not lead to irritation on the part of the buyer, the natural human system and its components are taken into account: reflexes, attention, perception, as well as perception illusions.

2. Internal layout of the pharmacy. To attract maximum attention to the pharmacy on the street, to cause a desire to go in, a bright luminous signboard, as well as a landscaped adjacent territory, can cause. The pharmacy sign is clearly visible on both sides of the street, it is illuminated around the clock, and is in good condition. The sign of the entire Avicenna chain is made in a single corporate identity, which subconsciously evokes a sense of solidity and sustainability of the company in buyers.

3. Placement of inputs and outputs. This pharmacy has only one entrance and exit. The entrance to the pharmacy is clearly marked. There is a ramp and railings. The entrance area is clean and tidy. Entrance doors are transparent, there are no ads and advertising information on them.

Pharmacy market "Avicenna" on Griboedova street, 29 specializes mainly in the sale of children's goods and baby food. Product range: medicines, cosmetics and hygiene products for children, baby food, products for pregnant women and nursing mothers, cosmetics for body and face care, oral care, soap, shampoos, bath foams, orthopedic products, children's orthopedic shoes , children's toys, goods for newborns.

4. Accounting for the degree of novelty of equipment. In this pharmacy, from the equipment: double-sided open racks, showcases, slides, stands, trade inventory, cash register equipment. All equipment is new, clean and in good working order.

5. Neatness. The hall is clean. There are no unpleasant odors. Advertising materials are placed neatly. There are no foreign objects on window sills, cabinets, in the checkout area. The shelves where the goods are placed are clean. Slides and shelving have a neat appearance.

6. Intra-pharmacy information is located near the place of its use, that is, next to the product or place of payment, the labels on the product being sold are well fixed, there is always a price tag. The price tag (barcode) is pasted on the packaging so as not to cover the name of the product, manufacturer, expiration date. The price tags are designed and placed uniformly.

7. The uniform of the staff is made in the same style (fabric, color, style, finish), with embroidery of the pharmacy emblem. The style of clothing allows the organization to create a single image.

8. Equipment installation system and placement of calculation nodes, in this case, ? the layout and arrangement of equipment is done correctly, buyers move around the entire perimeter of the pharmacy's trading floor, which makes them look closely at the goods and make purchases. The cash register is located in the center, which is very convenient for customers.

The path of the buyer to the prescription department and the checkout (“merchandising loop”) is organized as long as possible. The route of the buyer's movement is adjusted so that all areas of the pharmacy are visited with a high frequency. This is achieved through the so-called "goods-magnets" and a convenient navigation system.

The existence of "cold zones" and "hot zones" indicates a fairly rational distribution of operating space in this pharmacy. In the best places, in hot zones, there is a running impulse product. In cold areas? strictly targeted goods and goods with low demand.

Moreover, the pharmacy has significant competitive advantages in relation to other pharmacies: there is only one in this area, and therefore buyers prefer to go here.

9. Display of goods. In the practice of visual merchandising of this trading enterprise, two ways of displaying goods are combined. Is the distribution of goods of the same type strictly observed in the vertical layout? from smallest to largest. The smaller product is located on the upper shelves of the showcase, respectively, the larger one? on the lower, for example, hygiene products.

With a horizontal display, one or another product is placed along the entire length of the equipment. The layout takes into account that on the lowest shelf of the showcase, goods of large sizes or cheaper ones should be placed.

The product in an open display is aligned along the front line of the shelf, laid out in one row in height (packages cannot be stacked one on top of the other, an exception? It is allowed to place products in two rows if they are of the same name, but different packaging, for example, infant formula.) The product is placed in one row in depth, so as not to overlap the information on the packages and is available at arm's length, it is easy to remove it from the shelf, while adjacent packages do not fall.

The goods in closed showcases are placed so as not to overlap the information on the packages. The goods are facing the front of the package to the buyer. Display shelf space is distributed in such a way as to attract the attention of pharmacy visitors, ensure quick sale of goods and increase sales efficiency.
