Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Business plan for asphalting roads. Registration of an enterprise for the production of asphalt concrete. - Financial plan

year 2009. My friend and I decided to do own business, because graduated from the university, but the work has not yet begun, and here the crisis helped. We have always been interested in business, so much money to have enough for a prosperous life, we could only earn in this way.

I was interested in the public sector, because this is stability, because even in a crisis, the state invests in maintaining infrastructure, in particular in the road sector, maintenance of housing and communal services. Also, this direction was interesting for us, because there was a construction education. Interested in construction related to state and municipal orders.

Our village is small, we found out whether funds are allocated for the amount of work we are interested in and in what amount. Having met with the head of the municipal settlement, we discussed the problems and funds that are allocated this year and which are planned to be allocated. The head said that there are certain quotes on which work can be organized, in particular, this is the repair and improvement of the territory. There are also tenders in the field of housing and communal services, namely the repair of adjacent territories. The problem was acute in the housing sector, no one has done anything in this area for many years. The condition of the housing stock was critical, to say nothing of the local area.

He told us this because money is constantly being allocated, and the materials that are needed to carry out these works have to be bought through intermediaries. For example, we were interested in tenders for asphalt patching, repair of blind areas, and landscaping. We started counting. There was a desire to produce asphalt on their own. A bold decision and absurd at first glance. How can young guys do this? This business is not available without serious investment. You are right, but there are many solutions for every "but". Let me tell you in detail how we did it.

In our village, which is rather remote, there is an asphalt concrete plant, a branch of a regional road enterprise, from which local municipalities bought asphalt, because. it was not possible to produce asphalt on its own.

We began to study the market and found an asphalt regeneration plant, i.e. from the old asphalt, she produced a new one. Due to the fact that there was plenty of old asphalt, due to the fact that the adjacent territories are being destroyed, the old asphalt laid in Soviet time flakes off and can be recycled.

Also at the road enterprises there was asphalt crumb, which lay in whole mountains. This crumb is formed by removing the old asphalt with a special road mill before laying the new one. Further, the road builders either dump this crumb as garbage, soil, or use it partially in the preparation of new asphalt.

This opened up a field for the use of waste, which was essentially given to us for free, and from this we can make finished material. Another would be to receive money for waste disposal, but so far the question remains open.

What is asphalt regeneration - if you take old asphalt, heat it up, add bitumen in a quantity less than in traditional asphalt. As a result, an asphalt concrete mixture of limited use was obtained, for example, for the installation of blind areas, landscaping of adjacent territories, for patching, but not for loaded areas! As a result, there is no need to buy crushed stone, no need for sand, bitumen is used less, and bitumen is an important component in the cost of asphalt.

We decided to purchase a mini, mobile asphalt plant, or as it is also called a mini ABZ, which will allow us to be independent, autonomous, and serve our area. Autonomy, this is the presence of a built-in generator, so as not to look for a source of electricity. The mini asphalt plant had to be mobile, i. on wheels for on-site repairs. Preferably with a container for bitumen heating, i.e. it is necessary to maintain the temperature of the bitumen so that it does not freeze. It is very expensive to buy bitumen capacity separately. Heating bitumen in barrels on the spot is very long and inconvenient. The built-in heated bitumen tank helped us out.

We had a truck, to which the installation was attached and at the same time they transported raw materials for regeneration, fuel, tools, shovels.

The cost of the equipment at that time was about one million rubles. We started looking for funding opportunities for this project. At that time there were programs to support entrepreneurs, maybe they are still working.

Finding funding

The state allocated subsidies in the amount of 58,800 rubles. We made two business plans for different types of activities i.e. my friend and I made two business plans, as if he and I were independent entrepreneurs. We consulted with the employment service, which helped us in preparing required documents. We made business plans in such a way as to get funding, for this you do not need to make a business plan for real activity, i.e. asphalt production. It is necessary to do so that they are allocated, but how to spend it is the second question. We received almost 120,000 rubles. Then we had the right to employ up to three people. The state provided workers with a minimum wage of 58,800 rubles, but at the same time they had to work for at least a year, i.e. not be listed as unemployed.

They hired their relatives. The state has allocated 58,800 rubles as part of the support. Thus, thanks to state support, we received half a million rubles. 240,000 rubles for each.

In addition, the regional authorities created a guarantee fund, according to which we could, with a minimum interest, without collateral, i.e. without any property, take out a loan. Having negotiated and fulfilled the conditions of the guarantee fund, with a minimum package of documents, in a short time, we received another 200,000 rubles. It was possible to take more, but the amount of 200,000 rubles was enough for us. This amount was just like an airbag.

We had IP, i.e. entity, it is necessary to work with the budget.

Then we began to look for a leasing company that would allow us to buy equipment. Having sent out information on this topic, we received a positive response from one of the leasing companies. As a result, we made an initial contribution of 30% of the cost of the equipment, about 300,000 rubles, and the leasing company bought it for us. Consequently, having 30% of the cost of the equipment, we were able to buy it.

Let me remind you that at that time we had 700,000 rubles: a loan of 200,000 rubles and 500,000 rubles from subsidies. We saved 400,000 rubles as insurance after the contribution to the leasing company.

The equipment was available. IN short term they brought him. The productivity of the asphalt plant was small, about 3-5 tons per hour. We were told the new advantages of the installation, its capabilities, what can be done with this equipment, what limitations, nuances, and disadvantages. In general, we received very competent advice. For our own safety, we have reviewed the information on service and maintenance, on the availability of spare parts. Everything suited us. Additionally, we found an outsourced instrumentation engineer, i.e. not in the state to help us in case of emergency.

Business plan for road repair services

The economy was not difficult to calculate. In any case, the funds allocated under the tender were intended for the purchase of asphalt, and the cost of our asphalt was very low, we did not buy crushed stone and sand, we had to buy only bitumen.

There were quite serious problems with bitumen, because you can’t buy it in small volumes, no one will bring it to us for little money. We discovered that there is briquetted bitumen, we found a company that deals with such bitumen, i.e. not in barrels, namely BND 90/130 in briquetted form. As a result, we bought a batch of bitumen at a low price. He was available to us. They divided it into parts so that the bitumen could be placed in the smelter. The unit we bought had a bitumen heating tank, which is also a bitumen melter. We did not need to buy a bitumen tank, it is quite expensive and comparable to the cost of the equipment itself. On the market, such containers are only large in size, there are no small ones, and making them yourself is difficult and expensive. Melter gives unique opportunity, melt the bitumen and maintain the desired temperature automatically.

The head of the district supported us, we received the first payment of 30% for materials, started work and started laying asphalt. Laying took place by conventional tamping, without special tools, the initial stage of work. We did blind areas, adjacent territories, patching.

Further, we began to develop, bought rollers, jackhammers, compressors. They did landscaping. The power source for additional equipment is the mini asphalt plant generator, it can be connected to a compressor, a jackhammer and other equipment. We worked with management companies, individuals, with the budget. They have earned the trust of the authorities, they have already given real jobs.

We have already begun to consider a small mobile asphalt plant for 6.5 million rubles, which has already made it possible to ship asphalt to dump trucks, win and participate in tenders in other areas, lay asphalt in a continuous layer, and not separate small repaired areas.

Also, there was a small business support program where it was possible to compensate for half of the leasing costs. This means that if you buy equipment for 1 million rubles, you could receive compensation in the amount of 500,000 rubles. This maximum amount, but it is enough for a small business. Also, there were programs for compensation of interest on loans, and we compensated the interest paid and repaid the loan.

  1. Money is lying around, it is important to see it and be able to pick it up. Learn to lift and notice.
  2. You don't need money to start a business. If you think that money is needed, then you are not yet ready for business.
  3. Establish contacts with people, administrations of districts, cities, regions, businessmen, deputies, chairmen of homeowners associations, directors of management companies, leasing companies, with heads of state, federal institutions. Connections are needed, they will give you additional resources and opportunities.

This is how we set up our small business business from the ground up with no money. If you have questions please contact.

High-quality asphalt for roads of various purposes is always in high demand. For this reason, the financial resources invested in an asphalt concrete mini-plant quickly pay off. This is facilitated by preliminary detailed marketing studies of the raw material base and the availability of consumers with whom long-term projects can be implemented.

Features of the production process

In its composition, asphalt is a mixture of several components:

  • crushed stone of different fractions - small and medium;
  • sand;
  • bitumen as a binder.

Comparing the production method, three types of asphalt can be distinguished:

  • cold;
  • warm;
  • hot.

Simple things - Asphalt

Warm and hot types differ in the temperature of heating the mixed components, which are then introduced into the binder - warm or hot. Getting cold asphalt implies that only one component is heated, that is, cold crushed stone is mixed with heated bitumen or vice versa.

If you decide to purchase a mobile asphalt plant, then you need to analyze several of their varieties. IN general view The production of hot mix asphalt has the following sequence:

  • sifting sand;
  • separation of crushed stone into fractions;
  • loading materials into the drum for heating up to 200°C;
  • heating in another bitumen tank;
  • mixing of all components at a temperature reaching 160°C.

A feature of the production of hot asphalt is the need to store it at high temperature– not lower than 150°C, if it is not possible to immediately lay it on the prepared roadway.

Depending on the structural formula, asphalt is divided into three types.

  • Fine-grained. The main purpose is the arrangement of the surface of the road surface.
  • Sandy. This type of asphalt has found application in paving footpaths and sidewalks.
  • Coarse-grained. Used for the bottom layers when creating a pavement.

Difference from large-scale production lines

A small asphalt plant has a number of positive characteristics that distinguish it from a large-scale stationary production.

In one installation, the entire technological process for the production of required type asphalt - loading raw materials, supplying the required amount of bitumen, mixing and unloading the finished product.

Due to the fact that all units are mounted on a chassis, they can be quickly moved to a new location.

A mini-factory is popular, where it is possible to produce asphalt not only from basic raw materials, but also to process old, outdated material. This allows, with a small financial investment, to restore or lay a new asphalt pavement in the territories of various enterprises, in large warehouses and garages.

The advantage is the ability to adjust the amount of asphalt produced depending on the orders. Since a large staff of workers is not required, such a business project becomes economically profitable.

Scheme of a continuous asphalt mixing plant

Necessary equipment

The main purchase for profitable business for the production of asphalt is a mobile mini-plant. Many companies supply similar equipment.

QLB-8 (China) is a mobile plant with a capacity of 8 t/h with a separately installed binder bitumen dosing system at the facility.

QLB-8 (China) is a mini-plant with a capacity of 10 t/h.

QLB-8 mini plant stationary

ABZ - an asphalt production plant directly at the site where it is laid. Productivity — 3-5 t/hour. The manufacturer is the Dalsnab holding, he organized a joint venture with China, which also produces a mini mobile asphalt plant with a capacity of 10 t / h.

ABZm-30t (VolgaStroyTech group of companies) attracts with its high productivity - 30 t/h.

Business plan

Since the mini-factory will require a significant financial investment at the initial stage, a serious preparatory work. The developed business plan should contain several main sections.

  • Marketing justification, including an analysis of the consumer market and the establishment of basic sources of raw materials.
  • An analytical review of the mini-plants offered by different companies, focused on the organization of a small mobile production of asphalt of a particular type.
  • Studying the competitive environment.
  • Technical planning, which aims to justify the choice of a particular installation, based on financial capabilities.

cost, payback

For example, an asphalt mini-plant ABZm-30t is taken. The productivity of the plant with an 8-hour shift and 21 working days per month will be:

30 ∙ 8 ∙ 21 = 5040 t/month.

Equipment costs will be (thousand rubles):

  • asphalt plant - 7500;
  • bitumen storage system - 2100;
  • installation - 200.

Total: 9800 thousand rubles.

Material costs per ton of asphalt produced (thousand rubles):

  • bitumen - 0.72;
  • crushed stone - 0.54;
  • sand - 0.12;
  • mineral powder - 0.1;
  • diesel fuel - 0.1.

Total: 1.58 thousand rubles. Taking into account that the monthly productivity of the plant is 5040 tons, we get the cost of production:

1.58 ∙ 5040 = 7963.2 thousand rubles.

Salary costs for three employees will amount to approximately 60,000 rubles per month.

Additional costs per month (thousand rubles):

  • electricity - 53.8;
  • advertising - 30.0;
  • other expenses - 30.0.

Total: 113.8 thousand rubles.

Total costs, taking into account capital investments in equipment per month, will be:

9800 + 7963.2 + 60 + 113.8 = 17937 thousand rubles.

If the average cost of a ton of asphalt is 2.5 thousand rubles, then the monthly income from its sale will be:

2.5 ∙ 5040 = 12600 thousand rubles.

Profit is:

12600 - 7963.2 - 60 - 113.8 \u003d 4463 thousand rubles.

Net profit after taxes (6%):

4463 - 267.78 = 4195.22 thousand rubles.

The payback period of the funds invested at the initial stage:

9800 / 4195.22 = 2.3 months.

Video: Asphalt production at a mobile asphalt plant

  • Raw material
  • Clients
  • How much money do you need to start a cold asphalt paving business
  • Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for laying cold asphalt
  • What documents are needed to open a company that lays cold asphalt
  • Do I need a permit to open a cold asphalt paving company?
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If you live in Russia and not somewhere in Berlin, you do not need to explain the situation with our roads. Most road sections, especially inside settlements, are in a deplorable state, and in some cases even dangerous for the movement of vehicles. Pits, potholes, cracks are a normal attribute of most Russian roads. Cold winters in most regions of Russia, a sharp temperature drop, lead to the fact that even new asphalt wears out quickly. This suggests that the amount of work for road companies is not that big, it is almost endless ...

For some, the state of the road surface is a constant headache, if we talk about the state. For others - a large field for profitable activities, if we talk about small business. It’s good that today you don’t need a lot of money to create your own “small business”, in the field of road repair. How do you like the business idea of ​​​​creating a team for the repair of pavement using cold asphalt technology?

Cold asphalt technology

Cold asphalt is a modified polymer-type asphalt, which includes many frost-resistant additives and plasticizers. The technology of laying cold asphalt involves preliminary cleaning of the road surface from dirt, debris, snow, as well as cutting off the exfoliated edges of the pothole. After that, the mixture of cold asphalt is simply poured into the pit. Compaction of the repaired area occurs both with the help of special manual equipment (vibrating plate), and by natural compaction due to the movement of vehicles.

The cold asphalt paving process eliminates the need for heavy machinery that is required for traditional asphalt paving. Using this technology, it is possible not only to repair pits and cracks, but also to create a coating for adjacent territories, the garage sector, parking lots, parking lots, sidewalks, etc. Jobs and clients - a great many.

No more than 2 people are involved in the repair workflow, and in some cases even one person can handle a small volume. Business does not require the search for a large number of qualified personnel. The laying process is so simple that you can understand it in a few hours of work.

Raw material

The composition of cold asphalt includes bituminous emulsion, crushed stone, sand and a complex of special additives. Cold asphalt is sold in packs of 50 kg. The cost of one package is from 350 rubles. One bag is enough for about 1 m2, with a coating layer thickness of 50 mm.

What equipment to choose for road repair

Add to list necessary equipment for minor road repairs, a gasoline vibrating plate, a joint cutter, as well as improvised equipment (buckets, shovels, etc.) are included.

The cost of the entire set will be about 100 thousand rubles. This will be enough to complete a team of 2 workers.


The main clients are the private sector (adjacent territories), HOAs, management companies, city/village administration. The very first orders can be obtained by contacting the housing and communal services department of the city administration. Road repair is one of the most painful issues of the administration, which it solves almost all year round as funding comes from the budget. A lot of money is spinning there, and if you manage to get an order for patching or the construction of a sidewalk, the price of the contract can be several million rubles. The only difficulty in working with the state is the mandatory procedure for bidding and auctions that you need to be able to win.

A good amount of work can be obtained from the private sector, enterprises and organizations, if you properly advertise your business. This will help posting information on bulletin boards, in the media, the Internet, direct communication with potential customers.

How much can you earn on laying cold asphalt

The cost of repair work in the summer period is from 1400 rubles/m2, in the winter period from 1800 rubles/m2. The main costs for asphalt laying per 1 m2:

1. Material costs (raw materials) - 350 rubles;

2. Wage workers - 200 rubles / m2 (piecework form of wages);

3. Other expenses (fuel and lubricants, depreciation) - 100 rubles.

TOTAL - 650 rubles.

It turns out that the profit from 1 m2 in the summer is: 1400 - 650 \u003d 750 rubles. With a daily volume of work of 10m2 (300m2 per month), the average profit per day will be 7,500 rubles, per month - 225,000 rubles. Good performance for small businesses.

Which taxation system to choose for road repairs

No licenses or permits are required for minor repairs to the pavement. All you need is to register individual entrepreneurship in the local tax service, switch to a simplified taxation system (STS), employ a team of workers and register with extra-budgetary funds (PFR and FSS) as an employer.

A step-by-step plan for opening a company specializing in laying cold asphalt

One of the main features of this direction commercial activities is the first step in organizing a business. Future Entrepreneur should conduct preliminary negotiations with representatives of local authorities in order to resolve the issue of granting orders for road repairs. In our conditions, a rather difficult task, but quite realizable.

The following stages of organizing the business line under consideration include:

  • Studying the situation with potential orders in the private sector and analyzing the activities of competitors. Marketing research should show what chances you have to occupy your niche in the market of road repair services.
  • Registration with the Federal Tax Service, extra-budgetary funds and Rosstat.
  • Organization of advertising events.
  • Recruitment of employees and purchase of equipment.
  • Conclusion of contracts with suppliers of raw materials and consumables.

If you are planning to work with government agencies, then, in addition to solving the listed issues, it is necessary to open a bank account and make a seal.

Today, the most demanded are in the field of business and production. Consider such an option as the manufacture and laying of asphalt.

For the arrangement of road surfaces, asphalt is used, made from sand, mineral powder, crushed stone of medium or fine fraction and bitumen (this is the binder between the other components). Bitumen occupies about 6% of the total volume of the asphalt mixture, 85% is gravel or crushed stone. Production is not only the process of joining and mixing the aforementioned components, but also the instantaneous laying of the paving.

Bitumen is a binder only when hot. If you prepare an asphalt mixture, but postpone its laying for a certain period, then such a mixture will lose its properties. It will not be compacted to the required state, such a negative factor as fragility will appear.

Analyzing the state of Russian roads, we can conclude that you will never have a shortage of consumers. Even the highest quality asphalt mix lasts 10-15 years. Taking into account the climatic features of the country and the intensity of road use, several years can be discarded from this period. Despite the annual repair of most of the roads, the main scope of work is the replacement of the old coating. If you plan your business well, you will definitely reach heights. Before starting your own business, read about the success of people like And .

Varieties of asphalt and categories of consumers

For the arrangement of road surfaces, a composition of three types is used, each of which has its own purpose:

  • Sandy. This type of asphalt concrete is used for laying sidewalks and footpaths, it consists of sand, crushed stone with a fraction of 5 mm, mineral powder and a binder.
  • Fine-grained. This one is mainly used for laying the carriageway. If a two-layer coating is planned, a fine-grained one is lined as the top layer. For the preparation of the mixture, crushed stone with a fraction of 5-15 mm is suitable.
  • Coarse-grained. Designed for laying the bottom layer of the road. During cooking, crushed stone of a larger fraction (from 20 to 40 mm) is added.

Your clients will be organizations that are responsible for the condition of federal and municipal roads, companies involved in their repair, as well as entrepreneurs who ensure the good condition of access roads, parking lots and sidewalks.

The production and installation of this coating are integral elements of the business. If you decide to open this business, purchase a set of equipment for asphalting roads in order to expand the scope of activities and not only engage in manufacturing for provision to contracting organizations that carry out laying, but also carry out the entire range of work on your own.

Mix production

Each type differs in the method of production, it can be hot, warm and cold. The main difference is in the temperature of the components during mixing. Heated components are added to the warm or hot binder to produce a heated and hot paving material. For the manufacture of cold-type material, only one component is first heated: cold crushed stone is added to the heated bitumen, or vice versa.

Hot mix preparation steps:

  • drying or heating up to 2000C inert materials (sand, gravel, crushed stone);
  • cooling of components up to 1600С, addition of bitumen and mineral powder;
  • storage of finished asphalt, temperature 150-1800C.


To start a business, you need to buy equipment - mobile mobile units. Their use is due to the ease of use. For example, there is a mini asphalt concrete plant with a capacity of 3-5 tons per hour (price - 1,176,600 rubles), a mobile mini asphalt concrete plant with a capacity of more than 10 tons per hour (price - 375,000 rubles). These plants make it possible to produce asphalt of all types directly at the place of its further laying.

To organize your own production process for the production of asphalt you need to buy front loader used to load raw materials into the bunker. This is an expensive type of special equipment (price from 2 million rubles), so at the stage of establishing a business, you can rent it, because high costs are one of the main ones.

Economic nuances of the project

Opening own production asphalt mix of minimum capacity (about 3-5 tons per hour) requires high costs, namely:

  • purchase of equipment - more than 1,176,600 rubles;
  • delivery - 250,000 rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - 500,000 rubles;
  • transport costs - 100,000 rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses - 20,000 rubles.

You will need 2,226,000 rubles to organize your business. This is a large amount, incomparable with the opening of a business with minimum investment. There is also good news: the payback of the project is 6 months, and over the next six months you will earn at least the same amount.

Asphalt production occupies a high position among profitable types of business. There are always problems with roads in Russia. Although high-quality asphalt has a lifespan of about 15 years, roads deteriorate much earlier due to negative impacts. environment. Asphalt is changed annually in certain areas. Therefore, there is always a demand for it.

  • step by step plan starting an asphalt business
  • We get acquainted with the range and types of asphalt plants
  • What profit does the asphalt production bring to the organizer of the business?
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • What equipment to choose for the production of asphalt?
  • OKVED code for asphalt production
  • What documents are needed to open?
  • Asphalt production technology
  • We select personnel
  • Where to sell asphalt?

Asphalt, which is laid on roads, is a mixture consisting of the following components:

  • sand;
  • crushed stone (of varying degrees of grinding);
  • mineral powder;
  • bitumen (binds the above substances).

The largest share in the mixture is crushed stone (85%), and the smallest share is bitumen (5%). The last component has binding properties only when melted. Therefore, the mixture, which was prepared, but not laid in the near future, deteriorates. Such asphalt loses all its qualities and breaks easily. This refers to the hot kind. Therefore, the production of asphalt is not only the preparation of the mixture, but also the timely laying of the road surface.

But there is also the manufacture of cold material, which can later be sold through specialized hardware stores.

Step by Step Plan to Start an Asphalt Production Business

This type of business has its advantages:

  • stable income;
  • demand for asphalt;
  • support from the state;
  • year-round production (in the case of cold asphalt production).

We get acquainted with the range and types of asphalt plants

There are three types of asphalt:

  1. Sand. It is made on the basis of sand and is used for laying sidewalks and footpaths.
  2. Fine-grained. It is laid on the main roadbeds. It differs in composition from the first one only in the crushed stone fraction, which is 10 mm.
  3. Coarse-grained. It is needed to create the bottom layer of the road. From the name it is clear that for its manufacture they take crushed stone of a large fraction (from 35 mm.).

There are two types of asphalt plants: batch and continuous.


They are located near major cities and produce a small amount finished products, depending on the needs of customers. They are good because they produce different types of asphalt.

There are also disadvantages. As a rule, few goods are produced in cyclical factories. Also, enterprises are stationary.


This is a type of factories with minimal technical equipment that provides mobility to the enterprise. They produce asphalt non-stop.

Cons: none special apparatus screens and towers with which mineral elements are sieved. As a result, the finished product deteriorates.

What profit does the asphalt production bring to the organizer of the business?

Asphalt production in our country is a highly profitable business, regardless of its scale, location and other factors affecting the profit margin. The economic indicator depends on:

  • Equipment used for the production of asphalt.
  • Production and administrative costs of the firm.
  • demand for asphalt.
  • Asphalt prices.
  • The number of competing businesses operating in your area.

If we take as a basis the average cost of asphalt, which is manufactured at a small enterprise, as well as the current prices for these products, then, subject to the availability of reliable distribution channels, you can earn about 330 thousand rubles per month.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To open a business, considerable funds will be required, which will be directed to the purchase of:

  • equipment (more than 1 million rubles);
  • delivery and installation of units (250 thousand rubles);
  • transportation costs (100 thousand rubles);
  • other expenses (200 thousand rubles).

In total, you will need at least 2 million rubles. But there is also good news. The business will pay off in about 6 months.

The asphalt production business is a profitable project that will bring a stable profit. This is due to the high demand for paving material.

What equipment to choose for the production of asphalt?

For mobile production, you will need the following equipment:

  • mini asphalt plant - produces 3-5 tons per hour (1 million rubles);
  • mobile asphalt concrete plant - produces 10 tons per hour (4 million rubles);
  • front loader (2 million rubles).

They are suitable for work on site laying the roadway.

In a batch plant, a tower and a screen, which is a sieve and a crusher, are installed. With the help of a rumble, high quality finished asphalt, as the crushed stone is separated into fractions, preventing large particles from falling into a fine-grained form and vice versa.

OKVED code for asphalt production

According to the all-Russian classifier of types of activity, asphalt production belongs to the group with the OKVED code 26.82.2 (production of asphalt, bitumen, pitch in blocks).

What documents are needed to open?

To carry out legal activities, you must register a business as an individual enterprise or company with limited liability. The second option is more profitable if you are going to enter into contracts with legal entities.

The upside is that no licenses are required. This is due to the lack state standards. Therefore, the owners have the right to choose the production technology themselves.

Asphalt production technology

There are three ways to make asphalt:

  • hot;
  • warm;
  • cold.

They differ in temperature technological process. Below is the technology for preparing hot asphalt.

We select personnel

In order for the enterprise to function effectively, the owner must hire qualified personnel. If the management plans to lay the asphalt immediately after it has been prepared, this will also require trained staff. Key workers:

  • operators (maintain equipment);
  • loaders;
  • handymen;
  • drivers;
  • accountant;
  • manager.

At first, the founder will be able to take on the duties of a manager. And the conduct financial statements enterprises can be entrusted to an outsourcing company.

Where to sell asphalt?

You can offer your products:

  • organizations involved in the construction and repair of federal and municipal highways;
  • companies responsible for the condition of sidewalks, roads at the entrances to houses, parking lots, roads for pedestrians.