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Business plan for breeding fish in a pond. Fish farming business - how to organize a profitable fish farm. Fish farm products can be sold

  • How much can you earn
  • Which equipment to choose
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Today in Russia there are a large number of unclaimed reservoirs, from which one can turn into a real fish farm. Fish farming is perhaps one of the few areas Agriculture, which is least exposed to the risk of adverse weather conditions. Thanks to this, the profitability of carp breeding remains at 20%.

The most difficult thing in organizing such a business is the administrative barriers. Getting a pond for rent turns out to be not so easy. It is necessary to go through a series of approvals, paperwork and competitive bidding for the right to rent a specific body of water. Contact us about rent water body necessary to the local administration.

It is important to know that not every body of water can be rented. The restriction by law is imposed, first of all, on reservoirs with the status of a natural monument. It is also difficult to rent ponds that are located near dacha areas and cities, since complaints from the population against the tenant will come immediately.

When choosing a reservoir for fish farming, you should pay attention to its area, depth and type of bottom. Thus, the optimal size is considered to be a pond (lake) with an area of ​​20 to 100 hectares. This will allow carp to be bred and paid fishing services provided. If the reservoir is smaller, then it will not be possible to grow large volumes of marketable fish, much less serve fishermen.

If renting a pond serves exclusively for paid fishing services, then the distance to the nearest large cities is important. Large settlements and cities should be located within a radius of no more than 50 km. In this case, it is important to take care of the availability of good access roads to the reservoir.

The carp pond must be equipped with a drainage system. For this purpose, a special outpost or gateway is built, which serves to lock the water in the inlet ditch and control the depth level in the pond. A sluice is necessary not only for the ebb of water, but also for catching marketable fish. Many collective farm fish ponds are built using this principle.

The depth of the reservoir should be at least 1.5 m, otherwise the fish will not survive the winter. The bottom of the reservoir should be muddy and soft. The optimal temperature for the growth and reproduction of carp is from 14 to 24 degrees. Carp feed only in the warm season, and in winter they hibernate and do not eat anything.

It is impossible not to say something about the methods of feeding carp. There are two main methods of growing carp - extensive and intensive. With the extensive method of cultivation, carp feeds only on natural food that is available in the reservoir. This method can only be used in large reservoirs. The growth and development of carp directly depends on the natural food supply. The main advantage of this method is the low cost of carp maintenance (or rather, its complete absence). The main disadvantage is the low growth rate of fish.

The intensive method of growing cyprinids involves creating a system for feeding fish with a rich food supply. With this method, fish are fed at least 2 times a day. As a rule, planting material is purchased in early spring, and fish are caught in the fall. Thanks to multiple feeding and maintenance high density You can get up to 6 t/ha of marketable carp. The disadvantage of this method is high feed costs. But they are more than compensated by the speed of fish growth and the rapid turnover of invested funds.

Stocking of cyprinids should be done at the rate of 250 kg of fish per 1 hectare of pond area. The fish grows very quickly. And in general, carp is considered one of the most unpretentious, which cannot be said about trout or sturgeon. For example, 10 tons of carp in three years will turn into 100 tons - the weight will increase 10 times! Carp is also distinguished by its fertility. One fish can produce from 200 to 300 thousand eggs, which will produce tens of thousands of individuals.

After stocking with carp, a small part of predatory fish - pike or pike perch - should be released into the reservoir. This is done in order to knock out trash fish from the reservoir, such as bleak, ruff and top fin. You need to be careful and not allow many predators in, otherwise they will eat the fry of cyprinids. Therefore, it is recommended to stock carp fry from 1 year of age. The predator eats them much less. In this case, the survival rate of the fry will be at least 80%.

According to experts, the amount of investment in a business depends on the size of the reservoir and the ambitions of the businessman. Thus, a fishery with a reservoir area of ​​100 hectares will cost about $80 thousand. The main costs include construction works(creating the relief of a reservoir, building sluices, etc.) and purchasing fry. The cost of carp fry, weighing 100-150 grams, starts from 70 rubles/kg. In order to stock a reservoir with an area of ​​100 hectares, it will take about 1.5 million rubles to purchase fry.

The cost of growing fish using an intensive method is 40 rubles/kg. And the wholesale selling price is about 60 rubles/kg. A businessman’s profit increases significantly if the fish is sold alive - in special vehicles that transport live carp to retail outlets. In this case, the selling price of fish is at least 90-100 rubles/kg. Marginal income per kilogram is 50-60 rubles.

From each hectare you can get up to 1.5-2 tons of marketable fish. Income from a reservoir with an area of ​​100 hectares, less wages and taxes, can reach 4-5 million rubles per year.

In addition to selling fish, paid fishing services can provide additional income. The cost of such pleasure in the Moscow region starts from 500 rubles per person. And in “elite” ponds stocked with sturgeon, trout, carp and silver carp, the cost of a ticket is at least 1,500 rubles per person. In order for fishermen to know when to stop, a limit on fish catch is set. For example, over 5 kg of catch, each subsequent kilogram will be paid, depending on the type of fish. If the caught fish is smaller than the established size (25 cm), it is released back into the lake.

Fishing areas should be equipped so that the distance between fishermen is at least 50 m. Interest in fishing in this case will be much higher. If investments allow, then a good solution would be to build summer houses for vacationers, a store, a kitchen, a fishing house, and a toilet. The fisherman's store sells fishing gear, bait and feed. All of this is in great demand. The presence of a summer kitchen with a chef allows you to accept orders from those who want to taste their own catch.

If you also build a beach, then fishermen will come with whole families, which will only increase the income of the entrepreneur. However, you need to make sure that the rest does not interfere with the main process of fishing. Therefore, the beach should be located at a respectful distance from fishing grounds - at least 100m.

The construction of such infrastructure works well not only near large cities and megalopolises. Residents of the periphery and small settlements are also willing to pay for such a service. There are still not enough picturesque and well-groomed places in our country, and the demand for leisure is growing every year.

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

To open your carp you need Special attention devote space to fish breeding. A small reservoir or pond is suitable for carp. It is advisable to first monitor and analyze the activities of competitors and establish connections with sales points. You cannot do without a clearly verified business project, taking into account preliminary costs and expected profits. The profitability of the business in the first stages will depend on this. Having improved the reservoir and the surrounding area, you can begin purchasing necessary equipment, fry and food for them.

How much can you earn

Before we get to the profit, let's look at the costs. If you grow carp in a natural reservoir, then the main expenses are associated with the purchase of food, about 20 rubles per 1 kg. For a small fish farm, this will cost up to 5,000 rubles per month. Purchase of fry: 100 pieces = 400 rubles. This should include the costs of equipment, transportation costs, insurance premiums etc. To reach marketable weight, carp need 2-3 years. Thus, there is no need to expect quick profits. You can sell fish at a price of 80-100 rubles per kg. An additional income channel is provided by paid fishing, along with the rental of fishing rods/boats, paid parking and other equipment. The profitability of the business, taking into account a well-established sales market, is at the level of 10%. The profit received can be used not only to expand the business, but also to acquire profitable assets. There are many possibilities for this, for example, investments in apartment buildings. This is a time-tested method that works.

How much money do you need to start a business?

Start-up costs for such a business depend on the breeding method. If you create an artificial reservoir with a closed water supply device, you will need up to half a million rubles, and in some cases more. Breeding carp in natural reservoirs will significantly reduce this figure, approximately 10-20 times.

Which equipment to choose

To effectively run a carp farming business, you will need to purchase fishing rods, boats, camping tents and other equipment for paid fishing.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

To register a business, you must indicate OKVED Code 03.2 - Fish farming.

What documents are needed to open

A novice businessman will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, which will require a passport, a copy of the ID code and a receipt for payment of the state duty. It is worth paying attention to the grants existing in Russia from the Ministry of Agriculture. Upon registration of which, there is a chance to receive a significant start-up capital or half of the funds invested in the business.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

To do business the best option There will be taxation of peasant, farm, economy with a loss of 6% of profit.

Do I need permission to open?

To stock a reservoir with fish, it is mandatory to obtain a special veterinary certificate, which is issued by the epidemiological committee. Moreover, renting a territory from the state will require several additional papers related to maintaining cleanliness and environmental safety. Are you thinking about making quick money or dreaming of owning your own home? Does your mortgage seem unaffordable? Find out about the mistakes of the mortgage recipient and how how to do it right. Don’t lose your nerves and money by giving the bank more than 10 years.

The fishing industry attracts many budding entrepreneurs. This is a fairly promising area of ​​activity that requires serious investment. In addition, you need to have certain knowledge in this area. So that fishing as a business brings good profit, you need to carefully understand all its features.

Choosing a location for the pond

Fish can be bred in any reservoir, even those intended for watering livestock or irrigating fields. But, nevertheless, it is advisable to build a special fish pond.

The first option can be used if you want to get a source of additional income and increase the profitability of your livestock farm. The second option is an independent type of business that brings good profits. A special fish pond differs from a natural reservoir in that all biological processes can be easily controlled in it.

So, where to start fish farming? Of course, from choosing a place for a pond in which you will breed fish. Regardless of whether it is a natural reservoir or an artificial one, certain requirements are imposed on it. Pay special attention to ensuring that the farm has well-developed infrastructure and good access roads. The area of ​​the pond must be at least 1 hectare. A pond that is too large does not have high fish productivity. In addition, you will have to spend a lot of money on caring for it. The most expensive option is to build an artificial reservoir from scratch. When choosing a site for construction, you must take into account that on swampy soil you will have to make a pond from monolithic reinforced concrete.


The main equipment for fish farming is a gravity filter, which is designed to purify water. All other technical equipment is chosen depending on what types of fish you are going to breed.

If you cannot choose equipment yourself, seek help from specialists. In addition, manufacturers of such equipment can give practical recommendations. Many aspiring entrepreneurs attend various seminars and training courses before starting work. IN Lately The development of fish farming in Russia is carried out at the state level, so find necessary information won't be difficult.

Fish farming technology

Among all existing species fish farming, you should choose one that brings good profits and does not require large investments. Most often, entrepreneurs engage in trout or carp breeding.

Carp is a hardy fish. She is unpretentious to the quality of food. Shallow bodies of water are suitable for growing this species. The depth of the pond should not be more than two meters so that the water in it can quickly warm up to +25 degrees. In addition, the water should not contain any harmful impurities.

It is quite difficult to create everything in a small body of water the necessary conditions. The water in it heats up quickly and, at the same time, cools down quickly, so maintaining the necessary temperature regime almost impossible. Therefore, in order to grow 10 tons of carp in a year, you need to use a reservoir with an area of ​​at least 5 hectares. The pond must be equipped with a drainage system so that you can catch fish from it at the end of the season.

The fry will quickly gain weight if you provide them with regular feeding. When using high-protein feeds, 2.2 tons can be obtained from 1 ha finished products. Natural growing will provide only 120 kg of fish per hectare. Since the difference is quite large, the cost of feed is quite justified. Do not forget also that if you overfeed the carp, the excess food can significantly deteriorate the water quality and the fish will begin to die.

Breeding Features

Each type of fish has its own specific breeding characteristics. They must be taken into account when developing a business plan for fish farming. As mentioned above, it is most profitable to breed carp. If you create all the necessary conditions, the growth of this fish increases significantly. Also, a lot depends on what kind of food you use to raise your fish. It differs in composition and content of nutrients. There are special feed mixtures for adults and fry.

For trout, a different fish farming technology is used. Growing this type of fish requires the use of more expensive feed. Their cost reaches 70-80 rubles per 1 kg. If you use cheap feed, the meat will be white, not red. Many consumers believe that trout is a red fish. In fact, this color is achieved as a result of the use of special feed additives.

At home

If you want to start fish farming at home, you need to choose the most valuable fish species in order to make a good profit. Brings a good income. Beauty salons are happy to buy such fish at a good price. You can do it at the same time. Restaurants and other catering establishments are constantly in need of such products.

Home fish farming is great option for those who are interested, . Such a business can bring good profits and over time will turn into the main source of income.

Sales channels

To supply fresh live fish to restaurants and shops, you must have your own, specially equipped transport. The tank should be maintained at a constant temperature and good air exchange. If the product spoils during transportation, you will be in serious trouble.

Not all commercial enterprises have aquariums for selling live fish. They need to be kept perfectly clean, so the owners retail outlets They don’t want to deal with such a product. IN shopping centers that have equipped aquariums, you can sell 200-300 kg of fish monthly.

Another problem that many entrepreneurs face is the delay in payment for goods. Typically, stores pay for a batch of fish after they have fully sold it. Therefore, fish farms often have accounts payable.

It is best to sell the fish yourself. This can be done in the market directly from the car. If you breed different types of fish, you can find out. This will allow you to quickly sell finished products and immediately receive money for them.

It should be noted that many fish farms have recently had problems with the sale of finished products. The reason for this is high competition in this area, as well as low purchasing power. Due to the economic crisis, the demand for live fish has decreased significantly, since people simply do not have the money to buy such a product. In this regard, fish farming in Russia is experiencing temporary difficulties.

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Financial investments

If you decide to start industrial fish farming, you should first calculate all the costs and future profits. For example, one kilogram of trout fry costs 250–400 rubles. When calculating the required number of young fish, it should be taken into account that losses during transportation and release of fry into the reservoir will be approximately 10%. After 2.5 years, the young animals grow up and gain weight of about 800 g. One kilogram of such products can be sold for 150–170 rubles.

Some entrepreneurs who are engaged in fish farming in natural reservoirs use fertilized eggs to breed fish. This allows you to save a decent amount. To increase income, you can organize paid fishing. Such an event will bring approximately 5–6% of the gross profit to the fish farm.

Main expenses:

  • Purchase of fry – 10.5 thousand rubles;
  • Workers' salary – 30 thousand rubles;
  • Feed – 7 thousand rubles;
  • Additional expenses – 20 thousand rubles.

In total you will have to spend 67.5 thousand rubles. The total profit from such a business will be 100 thousand rubles. If you subtract all expenses, you will reach a net profit of 32.5 thousand rubles.

Fish products are always popular among buyers. This is why fish farming business is a promising direction in farming(especially in conditions of limited import of imported products). Breeding fish in artificial reservoirs as a business will bring good income to beginning farmers.


To create a fish farm you will need:

  • creation of a reservoir - 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​245 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of fry – 10–11 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of feed – 7 thousand rubles. for 100 fish per month.

The cost of feed depends on the choice of breeding technology. If you refuse to purchase specialized feed, this expense item will be significantly reduced.

Setting up a farm will cost at 562–563 thousand rubles.


Stable profits can be expected only 2–3 years after the creation of the farm. In the first year, the profitability of the farm will not exceed 9–10%, but by the third year it will be at least 30%.

Advantages and disadvantages of a fish farm

Fish farming has a number of advantages:

  • it is easy for a farmer to find a market;
  • organizing a business does not require major investments;
  • the enterprise generates income from the sale of fish, from the organization of paid fishing, recreation on the shore, and a mini-snack bar.

There are also many disadvantages to a fish farm:

  • payback – 2–3 years;
  • fish are caught only in autumn;
  • the fish population is declining as a result of epidemics and the influence of negative factors;
  • high feed costs.

Conditions for keeping fish

If you decide to start fish farming, you need to equip an artificial pond for it. Fish are grown in pools, aquariums or cages, but an artificial pond own plot- perfect option.

How to make a fish pond?

Choosing a location for a pond

The site where you will arrange a pond for fish may be located in a populated area. G The main thing is that its dimensions allow the construction of a reservoir measuring from 30 to 50 m2. It is advisable to build a road to it to make it easier to export finished products.

Do not place the pond in a lowland: during spring floods it will flood. It is ideal if part of the pond is in the shade, since fish do not like excessive heating of the water.

The area should not be completely covered with bushes and trees. Their roots can deform the bottom of the pond, and their leaves will pollute the water in the fall.

Pond requirements

In order for an artificial reservoir to be suitable for breeding and keeping fish, it must meet the following requirements:

  • depth - 1.5 m (in the southern regions the depth may be less, in the northern - more);
  • size – 30–50 m2 (at the rate of 10–15 cm per individual);
  • bottom topography – the presence of thresholds and ledges, alternation of shallow and deep areas;
  • clean bottom without silt and peat;
  • varied soil and the presence of aquatic plants at the bottom;
  • water temperature – 24–26ºС (for carp), 16–19ºС (for trout);
  • in winter, the layer of non-freezing water should be about 1 m;
  • the water must be clean, saturated with oxygen.

A reservoir that meets these requirements is suitable for fattening and growing adult fish and for incubating young fish.

How to make a pond at your dacha with your own hands step by step: instructions

If the site does not have a natural reservoir suitable for growing fish, they do it themselves.

Stages of making an artificial pond:

  1. You need to dig a round pit, compact the soil at the bottom and fill it with cement.
  2. A plastic film should be placed at the bottom, and then water should be poured into the pit 1/3 full.
  3. Then soil and river sand are placed in the pit, underwater plants are planted, and water is added to the required level.

Types of fish: which one to choose?

The choice of fish species for farming depends on consumer demand. If you live in a large city where residents can afford expensive fish, feel free to start breeding fish of the salmon family. Otherwise, opt for the carp family.

The two types of fish that are most popular among farmers are carp and trout.

Carp require much less care than trout. They feed on everything: algae, aquatic microorganisms, roots of coastal vegetation, insects. To accelerate growth, they will have to be fed with compound feed, but this will cost a minimal amount of money.

Trout is a predatory fish. She requires a special diet. Large offal is used to feed this fish. cattle, shellfish, small fish, bird eggs. You will have to spend a lot of money on fattening trout.

Carp weighing 1.2–1.7 kg and trout weighing 0.8–1 kg are on sale. Trout acquires this weight in the second year of life, and carp in the third.

Raising fry

Experienced farmers say that it is better to hatch fish yourself - from larvae. This method allows you to reduce the cost of purchasing fry, but is not suitable for novice fish farmers: if the conditions are incorrect, the fry will not hatch.

Therefore, it is better to purchase grown fry from trusted fish factories. In this case, losses will be no more than 10–15%. The amount of planting material depends on the size of the reservoir (keep in mind that the fish will grow over time). Fry are purchased in the spring so that they gain weight over the summer.

How to breed crayfish at home and how profitable it is this type business, you can find out

Fish grow in a pond for 2–3 years. During this time, she gains sufficient mass. Breeding fish at home for sale is possible in two main ways:

  1. Traditional technology. This method is very labor-intensive, since it involves regular movement of fish from one pond to another (from the incubator to the feeding pond, from there to the wintering pond). After each transplant, the water from the pond is drained. Such a multi-stage technology is fraught with large losses.
  2. Continuous technology. This method involves raising young animals in a separate pond up to 1–1.5 kg and their subsequent transplantation into a feeding pond. The fish live in this pond for several years and gain weight. Now this technology is used on most farms.

The pond should be kept clean. To do this, install filters that will clean the water from fish waste products.

If you don't clean it regularly, the fish in your pond will get sick. And any disease turns into an epidemic, as a result of which most of the inhabitants of the pond die. This is why you need to monitor the condition of the fish every 10 days.

Sales of products

Fish are sold 2–3 years after the start of fattening. During this period, she reaches the required weight. You can also sell one-year-old fish, but this will bring little income.

Fish farm products can be sold:

Fishing in our country is exactly the niche that makes sense to occupy, because This direction is not yet actively developing.

Meanwhile, more and more people prefer fish over the meat of birds and mammals. Partly because fish meat is dietary, partly because of moral considerations - the number of vegetarians in the world is increasing every year.

Our fish, compared to other countries, is quite expensive - this is due to the cold climate and the corresponding difficulties in breeding.

Someone does not want to accept live fish, someone pays for the goods only after sale - these nuances must be reflected in the resume when drawing up a business plan for growing fish.

How to organize a home fish farm?

It is worth noting that raising fish is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance. Some breeders admit that this is even more troublesome than raising pigs or poultry.

Unpretentious, at first glance, creatures, in fact, require constant care and attention, monitoring the water temperature, proper feeding and monitoring the ecosystem of the reservoir as a whole. It is necessary to regularly check the health status of individual fish because a viral disease can quickly spread throughout the entire pond.

First of all, for of this business It is preferable to have established distribution points. Practice shows that problems with buyers in the fishing industry arise extremely often, especially if we're talking about about chain stores.

If you decide to seriously plunge into this area, you should be prepared for a lot of time and effort. Neglect of these small factors will lead to dire consequences.

It may make sense to hire help or run the business as a family.

Is it profitable? Example financial settlements to start.

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Arrangement of the reservoir

  • To create a fish farm, many people prefer rent a pond.
    This is really beneficial because, in addition to direct breeding, it can be used as a paid space for fishing. But at home this is not always possible.
  • As a less expensive alternative swimming pools are often used.
    They are good because they are equipped with devices for regulating water temperature, oxygen levels and other indicators. And in general, it is much more convenient to observe fish in them: you can track emerging diseases and protect the “baby” from attacks by predators.
  • Third option - creating your own small ponds in the garden.
    This path is attractive because in such a reservoir it is easy to plant plants that will later serve as food for fish. In this case, there is no need to constantly take care of the feed yourself and calculate its quantity. The construction of a pond is also more economical - after all, the cost of pools is quite significant.

The issue of feeding is of fundamental importance, since overfeeding fish is harmful not only for their development - the remains of rotting food in a reservoir do not contribute to a favorable microclimate of the entire ecosystem.

To equip a pond on the site, it is necessary to dig a pit and provide a layer of bottom. To do this, alternate clay, asbestos, expanded clay and sand. You can also use concrete as a covering, and pour soil on top.

The only inconvenience of an artificial pond: It is advisable to plant plants at least three months before fish appear in it to form the desired ecosystem. Otherwise, if you start the inhabitants earlier, you will have to feed them yourself for some time. It is better to clear the pond of vegetation in winter.

The disadvantage of natural reservoirs is that the water there is often not warm enough, and when the fish are cold, they stop gaining weight, and food goes to waste. Swimming pools can solve this problem almost completely.

Choosing a direction

This depends on many factors: region, climatic conditions, interests of buyers, etc.

It’s up to you to decide which type of fish to choose for your business:

  • Carp is considered one of the most profitable breeds for breeding - it is not too whimsical, and the meat of this fish has an extraordinary taste.
  • Trout on the market is valued three times more, but it will require more effort from you: this fish is unusually fastidious in its care.
  • Other species are also bred - tench, sturgeon, pike, etc.

The first two types of fish are mainly in demand. When choosing, you also need to remember - the larger the fish, the more in demand it is on the market, and the higher your future profit.

It is worth remembering, however, that it is not always possible to keep different fish in the same body of water: these creatures have their own hierarchy, and collisions are best avoided if possible.

Is it profitable to engage in this branch of livestock farming?

While ensuring normal growth, established sales and active sales, fish farming business can be very profitable.

But achieving such a result in the current conditions is not very easy for several reasons:

  • Compared to the 90s, the demand for fish in Russia has dropped noticeably; many people cannot afford to buy it.
  • Another a significant disadvantage is that the payback period is quite long.
    Fish grow extremely slowly, and some species even grow throughout their entire lives. In order to achieve your maximum weight, carp takes three years, trout – two and a half. Not every breeder is willing to wait that long, so some buy “young stock,” although this is much more expensive than buying fry, but here you have to choose.
  • The “capriciousness” of the fish also plays a role.
    For example, carp can be fed very well using special ready-made mixtures, but the taste of the meat will leave much to be desired.

For fish to be tasty, it needs a lot of attention and a special diet.

Fish may lose its taste, including due to improper maintenance during transportation. In this case, the buyer has the right to return the entire batch, declaring it “defective”.

On the other hand, high fish fertility and excellent profitability with well-established channels can compensate for all the shortcomings.

Farm equipment

If you decide to breed fish in pools, for this you will need a room with an area of ​​50 sq.m.. It should be well heated, equipped with electricity and running water.

You can use containers of varying depths: many small pools (about 1 m deep) or several deep ones. But it should be borne in mind that the larger the volume of the “dwelling” for fish, the more electrical power you will need to operate the equipment.

To equip swimming pools you need the following:

  • Pumps for pumping water;
  • Filters that purify water from germs and contaminants;
  • Oxygen generators;
  • Thermometers and other devices for monitoring temperature, water level, etc.;
  • Incubator. If you have it, you will be able to purchase not fry, but caviar, and breed the offspring yourself, thanks to which you can save a lot.

At the very beginning of your activity, it is better to try to save on equipment - for example, use plastic containers, or even self-made ones, rather than inflatable pools.

In the future, after the project has paid off, you can think about more expensive equipment: special swimming pools, automatic systems feeding, etc.

According to experienced entrepreneurs, significantly increases business profitability using fish farming modules. In this case, the fry are raised in special containers equipped with tap systems for collecting and draining water, aeration, filtration and UV sterilization.

For information on the experience of using production fish hatchery modules to organize a sturgeon farming business, watch the video:

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Sample financial plan

Provided that you organize a small home farm on which you do not use a third-party labor and keep costs to a minimum, you may end up with the following business plan:

  • Fry - 300-500 rubles per kg.
    When deciding on the number of fry, keep in mind that approximately 10% will die and only 30% will be able to reach full weight. Accordingly, if conditions permit, it is better to purchase as much as possible.
  • Pool for growing fish - from 4 thousand rubles per piece;
  • Equipment for swimming pools – from 50 thousand rubles;
  • Compound feed for fish – from 10 thousand rubles per ton.

With maximum savings at the starting stage, you can meet 100 thousand rubles.

It is important to remember that trying to save on fry and, for example, catching them in a pond is not the best best idea. There is a high risk that the fish will be sick.

In the future also It is worth considering possible unforeseen costs, for example, for treatment.

The average market value of a kilogram of fish is 200 rubles.

By purchasing fry for 15 thousand rubles, you can get a ton of meat per year from one cubic meter of water, leaving t how to annual profit of 200 thousand rubles.

The business is profitable, but we should not forget about its long payback period. However, the wait is worth it if you subsequently regularly receive stable profits.
