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Oil production industry. Russian oil industry. Oil and gas industry in Russia

Oil industry is a branch of the national economy and consists of several production stages: exploration, drilling, oil production (offshore and onshore), its processing, storage, transportation and petrochemical production.

The oil industry includes the main stages:

  • oil production
  • transportation
  • oil refining

In the fuel and energy industry, this branch is in first place. Has a huge impact on world economy, and leaves a significant mark on world politics. Its difference is a large capital intensity.

Oil production on an industrial scale began in the middle of the 19th century in countries such as Russia, Romania, and the USA. And by the beginning of the 20th century, 20 countries of the world were already engaged in its production, but the United States, Russia, and Venezuela remained in the lead. By 1940 - 40 countries, by 1970. - already 60 countries, by 1990. and at all about 100. Of course, oil production as a whole has also increased. In the 1980s, a crisis occurred that significantly affected world oil prices. However, thanks to the policies of some oil-refining countries, mainly members of OPEC (the main regulator of prices in the world oil market), by the 1990s, the price level stabilized. It should be said that 40% of the world's production is controlled by 11 OPEC member countries.

The geography of this industry is determined by the countries of the "top ten", in most of them the oil industry ranks first in the economy, sometimes even being the only main international industry specializations (Qatar, Iraq).

The geography of the oil industry has a significant distinguishing feature - the share of developing countries accounts for more than 4/5 of all reserves and ½ of total oil production.

The largest oil exporters are countries that are members of OPEC. These include Saudi Arabia, Libya, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Ecuador, Algeria, Russia, Iran, Nigeria, Norway, Mexico, Venezuela, Kuwait and Canada. Central and South America, Western and North America- regions whose economy is mainly based on the export of produced oil. 50% specific gravity volumes of all world oil exports are accounted for by members of OPEC.

About 40% of all world oil produced goes to international trade. The regions of production and consumption are not always located nearby, there is a significant territorial gap between them. Powerful ocean freight traffic is a created measure to overcome the problem that has arisen.

Major oil ports Persian Gulf give rise to the main ocean cargo flows of oil, and their path lies in Western Europe and Japan. Latin American countries (Mexico, Venezuela) give rise to somewhat smaller oil flows and lead to Western Europe and the USA. The Russian oil pipeline "Druzhba" plays a major role in the oil supply of Eastern European countries.

Most of the world's oil concentrated in the Near and Middle East, Asia, Kazakhstan and Western Siberia. North and South America, as well as the North Sea, have the largest oil fields.

The Russian oil and gas industry is not only the extraction of resources from the bowels of the earth, but also a system of complexes for fuel purification and production.

A huge role in the industry is given to specialized technical equipment and technologies. All this can be found on the annual exhibition "Neftegaz" organized by Expocentre.

During the exposition, more than 20 thousand representatives of the relevant industry segment, representatives of companies that manufacture equipment for the processing of minerals gather under one roof. It did exhibition "Neftegaz" not just the central event of the oil and gas industry, but also brought it to the international level. The event is attended by domestic and foreign companies that are leaders in their field.

About a third of the world's natural gas reserves are concentrated on the territory of the Russian Federation. By and large, the bulk of the fields are located in the eastern part of the country, which account for 84% of the produced gas.

For the convenience of transportation, a gas supply system was created in the state that combines compressor stations, a network of gas pipelines, resource storage facilities and deposits.

In terms of oil reserves, Russia is inferior to only five states. But even this is more than enough to develop this segment of production.

In the transportation of oil, as in the case of gas, a system of oil pipelines helps. Practice has shown that this is the most efficient transport complex in oil and gas industry Russia.

The role of the oil and gas industry in the Russian economy

In fact, many consider this industry to be a strategic outpost of the state: it is both the base that ensures the stability of the country and the basis for the development of its economy.

It so happened that modern world fuel dependent: vehicles they travel thanks to petroleum products, polymers are made from natural gas, some medicines, even a toy in the hands of a baby - the result of the processing of minerals.

All this, without exaggeration, makes gas and oil the most useful and valuable resources not only for the fuel industry, but also for other areas. Therefore, the oil and gas industry plays a leading role in the Russian economy.

The gas and oil complexes are closely connected with other sectors of the economy and production of the state. Commodity structure of domestic and international trade full of products of gas and oil processing.

Fossils are significantly ahead of other exports and imports. The commercial energy mix is ​​largely dependent on oil and natural gas production.

Thus, if converted to oil equivalent, gas and oil account for approximately 60% of the world's consumption of energy sources.

Thanks to all this, the oil and gas industry plays a key role in the Russian economy.

The main enterprises of the oil and gas industry in Russia

One of the main sectors of the exhibition is considered to be a line presenting professional equipment for mining and processing. Manufacturers of technical equipment for the structures of the oil and gas industry are very serious about exhibition "Neftegaz", so they present high-quality equipment.

All of it is used by the largest enterprises of the oil and gas industry in Russia:

  • "LUKOIL";
  • "TNK";
  • "Rosneft";
  • "Surgutneftegaz";
  • "Gazprom".

Each of the gas and oil giants plays an important role for the country. At the same time, all companies are able to solve the most complex tasks at the state level. But at the same time, their activities are not complete without the support of small enterprises that are engaged in intelligence, installation work, and companies that deal with after-sales service and construction of new towers, laying and repair of pipelines.

Without exaggeration, the largest oil producer in the country is this moment Lukoil. The company is engaged not only in exploration, resource extraction, but also in the processing of fossil fuels and the sale of petroleum products.

The Russian brand was included in the list of the largest brands on the planet. At the same time, in terms of oil reserves (according to internal sources of the company), LUKOIL ranks first in the world.

But in the field of gas production, OAO Gazprom currently dominates. The organization is considered the world's largest structural entity for the production of natural gas.

It should be noted that the monopoly provides the country with fuel by about 94%. OAO Gazprom is rightfully considered the largest gas company in the world. At the same time, it owns the longest gas pipeline system.

Development of the oil and gas industry in Russia in the 21st century

According to the state energy strategy, the long-term development of the oil and gas industry in Russia involves the solution of the following issues:

  • Rational consumption of existing mineral reserves;

  • Expanded use of the raw material base of the oil and gas industry;

  • Development of an energy-saving structure;

  • Rational transportation and conservation of resources;

  • Maximum use of all useful components in oil and gas processing;

  • Construction of new mining centers.

At the moment, the Russian oil and gas industry is a powerful conglomerate that spreads its influence not only on the territory of the state, but also far beyond its borders. But even being a fairly developed structure, the Russian oil and gas industry requires development and capital investment.

You can learn more about the role, trends, and development of the oil and gas industry in Russia and other countries at the annual Neftegaz exhibition.

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In the list of the 20 largest enterprises in Russia, almost half are oil companies. The largest companies in terms of profit: Gazprom, Rosneft, Surgutneftegaz, Lukoil, Tatneft, Rusneft, NOVATEK.

The oil and gas industry in our country is the main source of state budget revenues. Short review shows that the largest oil companies in Russia are operating at a profit, despite the fall in world prices for hydrocarbons. The list was compiled on the basis of Expert RA (RAEX) data, the rating is based on the amount of net profit for 2015 (Fig. 1).

1. PJSC Gazprom

  • Legal address: Russia, Moscow (Gazprom Neft - St. Petersburg)
  • Information about the owners.Russian Federation owns a controlling stake - 50.2% of the global energy company, including 95.7% of the shares of the Gazprom Neft subsidiary. In American depositary receipts - 27.7%, and other persons - 22%.
  • Capitalization -$44 billion as of December 2015 (MICEX - Moscow International Currency Exchange).

Gazprom produces 72% of gas in Russia, the share in world production is 11%. In terms of reserves, it ranks 1st in the world. It has a monopoly on the export of pipeline gas. Gazprom Neft ranks 4th in the production of liquid hydrocarbons, and is among the top three in terms of refining volume. The consolidation of Gazprom's assets was carried out by the Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov, thanks to whom in 2007 the company was included in the list of 100 largest companies peace.

2. PJSC Surgutneftegaz

  • Legal address: Russia, KhMAO, city of Surgut
  • Information about the owners. Information about beneficial owners is not directly disclosed. In indirect sources, there is information that the main part belongs to to CEO Vladimir Bogdanov, but he never officially confirmed it. In the list of affiliated persons, he has only 0.3% of the shares.
  • Capitalization -$18.2 billion as of December 31, 2016 (LSE - London Stock Exchange).

The company is engaged in oil and gas production in Western and Eastern Siberia, on the Timan-Pechora Ridge (67 fields in total). It is known for keeping most of its profits on deposits (at the end of 2014 - about 2 trillion rubles). Surgutneftegaz is not interested in the growth of shares, and pays very small dividends. He invests in non-core assets, is the owner of the air carrier UTair (75%).

3. PJSC NK Rosneft

  • Legal address: Russia Moscow
  • Information about the owners. As of December 2016, 50.1% belong to the Russian Federation (OJSC Rosneftegaz); 19.75% - British BP; 19.5 - joint consortium (Switzerland, Qatar); 7.5% - circulate in the form of global depositary notes.
  • Capitalization -$57.6 billion as of December 31, 2016 (MICEX).

Rosneft entered the list of major oil companies Russia after the purchase of TNK-BP (2012), one of the main owners of which was Mikhail Fridman. $54 billion was paid for the new assets, and 4 years later, the full cost of Rosneft dropped to this figure. In October 2015, as part of privatization, it acquired a 50.08% stake in NK Bashneft (state-owned stake), which in 2015 ranked first in terms of production growth (+11%).

4. PJSC Oil Company LUKOIL

  • Legal address: Russia Moscow
  • Information about the owners. For 2015, the company's managers consolidated more than 50% of the shares. The largest stake belongs to President Vagit Alekperov - 22.96%, Vice President Leonid Fedun - 9.78%. Subsidiary "Lukoil Investments Cyprus Ltd." owns 16.18%, the rest are in free circulation.
  • Capitalization -$35.5 billion as of December 31, 2015 (according to LSE).

The structure of over 45 subsidiaries in almost 20 countries, including Iraq, Egypt, Iran, countries South America, Europe. In 2009, on the orders of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the FAS paid a fine of 6.5 billion rubles for actions that led to an increase in wholesale prices for gasoline, kerosene and diesel fuel. In 2012, at the auction for the right to develop fields in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the company paid almost 51 billion rubles, beating major competitors: Gazprom and Rosneft.

5. PJSC Tatneft im. V.D. Shashina

  • Legal address: Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, city of Almetievsk
  • Information about the owners. Largest owner The government of Tatarstan - 35.9%, the Ministry of Land Property of the Republic of Tatarstan - 30.44%, Russian citizens own about 9% of the shares, 5% is owned by Taif LLC (controls over 95% of the petrochemistry and oil refining of Tatar oil).
  • Capitalization -$9.8 billion as of December 31, 2015 (according to the company).

The main resource base of the company is located on the territory of Tatarstan. Outside the republic (Syria, Libya) in 2015, less than 1% of the volume was produced. Tatneft is actively developing refining production. Over the period from 2010 to 2015, the share of refining in relation to production increased from 0.8% to 34.1%. Nizhnekamsk Tire Plant, owned by the company, provides 72% of the total volume of tires produced in Russia tires SMC.

6. PJSC NK RussNeft

  • Legal address: Russia Moscow
  • Information about the owners. According to the company, as of November 2016, 60% of the shares belong to Mikhail Gutseriev and his family, 25% to the Swiss trader Glencore and 15% are in free float, traded on the MICEX.
  • Capitalization -$2.5 billion as of November 25, 2016 (MICEX).

RussNeft is the only oil company in Russia, which was established in 2002, having nothing to do with privatization, but by consolidating the assets of a number of small enterprises. From 2006 to 2010, she was persecuted by the FAS. In November 2016, she held an IPO on the Moscow Exchange, placing a 20% stake, and raised about $500 million. It develops deposits in the Volga region, the Orenburg region, Azerbaijan, and Western Siberia (123 licenses in total).

7. PJSC Novatek

  • Legal address: Russia Moscow
  • Information about the owners. The founder of the company, Leonid Mikhelson, owns a 24.8% stake, 23.5% - oil trader Gennady Timchenko, Gazprom - 10%, 15% - Total E&P Arctic Russia.
  • Capitalization -$28 billion as of April 22, 2016 (LSE).

The company has 36 licenses for gas fields in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and is among the 5 largest companies in the world in terms of gas reserves. Currently, he is implementing a global project for the construction of a plant for the production of liquefied gas, from where it will be sent to China, Korea, and Japan. A cargo port is also being built there. About 22 thousand builders and 3.6 thousand units of equipment are employed in the construction of the complex.

In 2015, almost all the largest oil companies in Russia showed a decrease in net profit. Exceptions: Gazprom and Novatek: they have grown many times over.



Department: Economics and Management

Discipline: macroeconomics

Course work

On the topic: Placement and development of the oil industry

Faculty student

Economics and management

2 courses, 2 groups

Vedeneva V.O.



Date of_____________________


Introduction.. 2

Oil and its main characteristics.. 6

Composition of oil and its properties. 6

The problem of the origin of oil.. 8

Oil industry.. 10

Its definition and composition. 10

Problems of the oil industry. 12

Development of oil production. 15

Causes of the decline of the oil industry. 17

Features of the location of the oil refining industry. Main locations. 19

Oil transport. Main oil pipelines. 21

Export of oil. 24

Consequences of intensive mining. 26

Russia-Opec: the problem of the price war.. 31

The reaction of the Russian Federation to the proposals of OPEC.. 35

Russia's offer on the world market. 36

Conclusion. 39

List of references... 43

20th century full of many events that excited and shook the earth's civilization. There was a struggle for the redivision of the world, for spheres of economic and political influence, for sources of mineral raw materials. Among this, bubbling with passions, human society, one dominant stands out: the desire to possess the resources of "black gold" so necessary for the progressive development of industry.

Truly it was coveted by all the industrial powers of the world. A person fell into a cruel dependence on this mineral raw material. This was especially acute during the "fuel crisis" that erupted in the early 1970s. Raw material prices skyrocketed, causing an increase in the cost of living throughout the world.

If in middle Ages, when people were attracted by the brilliance of gold and diamonds, individual people were drawn into adventures in the extraction of these minerals, and only as an exception, some states, then our days almost all industries are involved in the pursuit of "black gold". the developed countries peace.

Oil has been known for a long time. Archaeologists have established that it was mined and used as early as 5-6 thousand years BC. The most ancient crafts are known on the banks of the Euphrates, in Kerch, in the Chinese province of Sichuan. It is believed that the modern term "oil" comes from the word "nafata", which in the language of the peoples of Asia Minor means to seep. Oil is mentioned in many ancient manuscripts and books. In particular, the Bible already speaks of resin springs in the vicinity of the Dead Sea.

No problem, perhaps, worries humanity today as much as fuel. Fuel - the basis of energy, industry, Agriculture, transport. Human life is unthinkable without fuel.

Developing, humanity begins to use all new types of resources (atomic and geothermal energy, solar, tidal hydropower, wind and other non-traditional sources). However the main role in providing energy to all sectors of the economy fuel resources play today. This clearly reflects the "receipt part" of the fuel and energy balance.

The fuel and energy complex is closely connected with the entire industry of the country. More than 20% is spent on its development Money. The fuel and energy complex accounts for 30% of fixed assets and 30% of the cost of industrial products in Russia. It uses 10% of the products of the machine-building complex, 12% of the products of metallurgy, consumes 2/3 of the pipes in the country, provides more than half of the export of the Russian Federation and a significant amount of raw materials for chemical industry. Its share in transportation is 1/3 of all goods in railways, half of maritime transport and all pipeline transport.

The fuel and energy complex has a large regional function. The well-being of all Russian citizens is directly related to it, such problems as unemployment and inflation.

The greatest importance in the country's fuel industry have three industries: oil, gas and coal.

The oil bases were the backbone of the Soviet leadership. Cheap oil provided a delay in the restructuring of the energy-intensive industry of the USSR. This oil tied the countries of the eastern bloc. Foreign exchange earnings from its exports made it possible to provide the consumer market imported goods.

A lot has changed since then. Radically rebuilt internal structure states. The process of reorganization of the Russian administrative space is unfolding. New regional formations are emerging. But oil is still the most important source of currency for the country.

Indeed, the fuel and energy sectors provide at least 60% of foreign exchange earnings to Russia, allow you to have a positive foreign trade balance, support the ruble exchange rate. Revenues to the country's budget from excises on oil and oil products are high.

Velika the role of oil in politics. Regulation of oil supplies to neighboring countries is, in fact, an important argument in the dialogue with the new states.

Thus, oil is the wealth of Russia. The oil industry of the Russian Federation is closely connected with all sectors of the national economy, has great value For Russian economy. Demand for oil always outstrips supply, therefore, practically all developed countries of the world are interested in the successful development of our oil industry.

Russia has not yet acted as an active independent subject in world energy policy, although the slightest socio-economic and political aggravations in Moscow or Tyumen are immediately reflected in the price of oil on the stock exchanges in New York or London.

Until now oil policy was determined by two cartels - western and eastern. The first unites the 6 largest oil companies, which account for 40% of the oil production of non-OPEC countries. The combined sales of these companies in 1991 amounted to nearly $400 billion. The eastern cartel (OPEC) includes 13 countries that provide 38 percent of all world oil production and 61 percent of world oil exports. Russia's production is 10% of the world, so we can say with confidence that the country has a strong position in the international oil market. For example, OPEC experts said that the states that are members of this organization will not be able to make up for the shortage of oil if the world market leaves the Russian Federation. .

In addition, there is nothing to replace oil in the foreseeable future. Global demand will grow by 1.5 percent a year, and supply will not increase significantly. Prior to the energy crisis in 1973, for 70 years, world production almost doubled every ten years. However, now of the OPEC member countries, which have 66% of the world's reserves, only four countries can significantly increase the volume of oil production (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Nigeria, Gabon). The role of Russia becomes all the more significant, otherwise a number of experts do not exclude the possibility of another energy crisis coming soon.

So, oil and the Russian oil industry are of the utmost importance for our country and the world as a whole.

Having started the exploitation of oil and gas fields, a man, without knowing it, let the genie out of the bottle. At first it seemed that oil only brings benefits to people, but it gradually became clear that its use also has a downside. What does oil bring more, benefit or harm? What are the consequences of its application? Will they prove fatal to humanity?

No dispute: Oil and gas are the most efficient and most convenient fuel today. Unfortunately, more than 90% of the produced oil and gas is burned in industrial furnaces and in car engines. In this regard, and in the coming decades, hydrocarbons will account for the lion's share in the fuel balance of mankind. Is it reasonable to use oil and gas only as a source of energy? The statement of D.I. Mendeleev that burning oil and gas is the same as melting a furnace with banknotes. Experts are returning to this idea even now. The American scientist Ralph Lapp writes in one of his articles: “I consider it barbaric to burn the unique heritage of the Earth - hydrocarbons - in the form of oil and natural gas. Burning these molecular structures just to generate heat should be considered a crime.” Nothing more eloquent.

Composition of oil and its properties.

Oil is rock . It belongs to the group of sedimentary rocks along with sands, clays, limestones, rock salt, etc. We are used to thinking that rock is a solid substance that makes up the earth's crust and the deeper bowels of the Earth. It turns out that there are liquid rocks, and even gaseous ones. One of important properties of oil- the ability to burn. A number of other sedimentary rocks have the same quality: peat, brown and coal, anthracite. Together, combustible rocks form a special family, called caustobioliths (from the Greek words "caustos" - combustible, "bios" - life, "cast" - stone, i.e., combustible organic stone). Among them, caustobiolites of the coal and oil series are distinguished. series, the latter are called bitumen, and oil belongs to them.

All caustobioliths contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but in different proportions. Chemically oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons and carbon compounds, it consists of the following main elements: carbon (84-87%), hydrogen (12-14%), oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur (1-2%), the sulfur content sometimes increases to 3-5%. In oil, hydrocarbon, asphalt-resinous parts, porphyrites, sulfur and ash part are isolated.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

GAPOU "Leninogorsk Oil College"

Abstract on the topic:

"The main oil and gas provinces of Russia"

Completed by: student of group B-1-14

Lebedev Dmitry

Checked by: teacher of Geology

Badrtdinova. E.R



1. The oil industry and its importance in the country's economy…………..3

2. The main oil and gas provinces of Russia. Features of the development and location of the oil refining industry…………………….4

3. Russian oil pipeline system………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Contemporary Issues and the main directions for the further development and deployment of the oil industry in Russia…………………………………6

5. Ecological problems related to the extraction, transportation and processing of oil…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

List of used literature………………………………………………...12


The oil industry is integral part The fuel and energy complex is a diversified system that includes the extraction and production of fuel, the production of energy (electricity and heat), the distribution and transport of energy and fuel.

Oil industry- a branch of heavy industry, including exploration of oil and oil and gas fields, drilling of wells, production of oil and associated gas, pipeline transportation of oil.

Purpose of oil exploration- identification, geological and economic assessment and preparation for the work of industrial deposits. Oil exploration is carried out with the help of geological, geophysical, geochemical and drilling operations. The process of geological exploration is divided into two stages: prospecting and exploration. The first includes three stages: regional geological and geophysical work, preparation of areas for deep exploratory drilling and search for deposits. The second is completed by preparing the field for development.

Oil has been known for a long time. Archaeologists have established that it was mined and used as early as 5-6 thousand years BC. The most ancient crafts are known on the banks of the Euphrates, in Kerch, in the Chinese province of Sichuan. It is believed that the modern term "oil" comes from the word "nafata", which in the language of the peoples of Asia Minor means to seep. Oil is mentioned in many ancient manuscripts and books. In particular, the Bible already speaks of resin springs in the vicinity of the Dead Sea.

No problem, perhaps, worries humanity today as much as fuel. Fuel - the basis of energy, industry, agriculture, transport. Human life is unthinkable without fuel.

Developing, humanity begins to use all new types of resources (atomic and geothermal energy, solar, tidal hydropower, wind and other non-traditional sources). However the main role in providing energy to all sectors of the economy fuel resources play today. This clearly reflects the "receipt part" of the fuel and energy balance.

The oil industry and its importance in the country's economy

The fuel and energy complex is closely connected with the entire industry of the country. More than 20% of funds are spent on its development. The fuel and energy complex accounts for 30% of fixed assets and 30% of the cost of industrial products in Russia. It uses 10% of the products of the machine-building complex, 12% of the products of metallurgy, consumes 2/3 of the pipes in the country, provides more than half of the export of the Russian Federation and a significant amount of raw materials for the chemical industry. Its share in transportation is 1/3 of all cargo by rail, half of maritime transport and all transportation by pipelines.

The fuel and energy complex has a large regional function. The well-being of all Russian citizens is directly related to it, such problems as unemployment and inflation.

The greatest importance in the country's fuel industry have three industries: oil, gas and coal. The branches of the fuel and energy complex provide at least 60% of foreign exchange earnings to Russia, allow you to have a positive foreign trade balance, maintain the ruble exchange rate. Revenues to the country's budget from excises on oil and oil products are high. Velika the role of oil in politics. Regulation of oil supplies to neighboring countries is, in fact, an important argument in the dialogue with the new states.

Thus, oil is the wealth of Russia. The oil industry of the Russian Federation is closely connected with all sectors of the national economy and is of great importance for the Russian economy. Demand for oil always outstrips supply, therefore, practically all developed countries of the world are interested in the successful development of our oil industry.

For the economy of any country, oil is one of the most important products; it serves not only as a raw material for liquid motor fuel, but also as a source of a large number of valuable chemical products. Russia has significant oil resources - approximately 13% of all world oil reserves. Their estimated cost is more than 4.5 trillion. USD.

Russia ranks second in the world in terms of oil exports. Together with other leading oil suppliers, it is trying to solve the problem of how to deal with the decline in production.

Just like Venezuela and Mexico, Russia is highly dependent on oil - it provides the government with more than two-thirds of the income and accounts for 30% of gross domestic product, writes Christian Science Monitor (full test Online

In the context of market development large enterprises, which retained the status of state associations for the most part, produce almost 95% of Russian oil. They are converted to joint-stock companies or are included as subsidiaries in joint-stock companies with the state retaining a controlling stake. At present, oil production is carried out by such oil joint stock companies like: Lukoil, Yukos, Surgutneftegaz, etc.
