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Presentation. The Preschool Time program is designed to prepare children for school who have not attended a preschool. Pre-School Project Presentation Sports Equipment Pre-School Presentation

Relevance of the program: The compilative course of developing classes "Rostok", for children 6-7 years old, aimed at the comprehensive preparation of children for school, involves not only the development and availability of certain knowledge, learning skills, but also no less important personal indicators, which are universal educational -important qualities (UUVK) of a future first grader are the ability to interact in a children's team and with a teacher, understanding and following the rules and norms of behavior at school, the ability to regulate and control one's emotions in and out of the lesson, and most importantly, desire, motivation to learn.

Personal-motivational readiness: includes mastering the skills and abilities to get in touch, the ability to interact with other people; distinction of social status (respectively, relationships): parent, child, adult, teacher; motivational readiness lies, first of all, in the fact that by the time a child enters school, the dominant desire to play should “grow” into a desire to learn new things, to learn something, a desire to accept educational tasks, to fulfill the tasks of a teacher, i.e. study.

Emotional and volitional readiness: at school, the child is waiting for intense educational work, he will be required to do not only what he wants and is interested in, but also what the teacher requires, the conditions of the school regime, the training program. It is especially important for the child to understand the concepts of “good”, “bad”, “possible”, “impossible”; understanding of the appropriateness of certain actions in various situations, formed arbitrariness, that is, the ability to act according to the rule, model, instructions of the teacher - these are the components of the emotional- volitional readiness.

Intellectual readiness: it is important that by the beginning of schooling a child has a certain level of mental development corresponding to the age norm of development of a preschooler (harmonious development of higher mental functions of memory, attention, thinking).

Program objectives: To develop spatial representations of preschoolers and motor skills. To expand the ideas of preschoolers about the requirements imposed by the school on the student, to instill the skills of self-regulation and self-control. To develop students' skills of constructive communication with future classmates and teachers.

Forms of education: 32 lessons per year (1 time per week); Duration of classes (25 minutes); people in the subgroup aged 6-7 years.

Forms of control: Testing method. - Express diagnostics of school readiness Varkhotova E.K., Dyatko N.V., Sazonova E.V. - Express diagnostics of readiness for school: a practical guide for teachers and school psychologists. – M.: Genesis, 2003).

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The program of education and development of children "Pre-school time" 2011-2013. Authors-compilers: Zhidkova N.I., Kireeva O.V., Kuzminova N.V., Panina L.V., teachers primary school Pavlovo, 2011
Organize the learning process taking into account the needs of children of this age;
Work out the content of children's education, which will ensure the preservation of the inherent value of the development period;
To form the social traits of the personality of the future student, necessary for adaptation to school;
Goals and objectives. Objectives: social - ensuring the possibility of a single start for six-year-old first-graders; pedagogical - the development of the personality of an older child before school age, the formation of his readiness for systematic training. Tasks:
Form a UUD system that creates equal opportunities for success primary education;
To develop personality traits, mental processes, activities for the formation of sustainable cognitive interests.
Real consideration of the features and values ​​of the preschool period of development, the relevance for the child of sensory impressions, knowledge, skills;
Taking into account the needs of a given age, relying on gaming activities;
Ensuring the necessary level of formation of the mental and social qualities of the child, the main activities;
Preservation and development of individuality;
Ensuring progress in the development of the child, his readiness to study at school, to accept new activity;
Development of erudition and individual culture of perception and activity of the child, his acquaintance with accessible areas of culture.
Organization of training
Duration of training: 10 weeks. Total number of classes - 10. - 10; - 10; "Learning the native language" - 10. Daily routine: first lesson: 10.40 - 11.00 second lesson: 11.10 - 11.30 third lesson: 11.40 - 12.00 Lesson mode: 1 day a week. The duration of the lesson is no more than 20 minutes. The break between classes is 10 minutes.
Program Structure
“Knowing other people, ourselves and the world in which I live”
"Learning to think, reason, fantasize"
"Learning the mother tongue"
“Knowing other people, ourselves and the world in which I live”

Forms: - the child's understanding of himself, his characteristics, abilities; - aimed at expanding knowledge about the surrounding objective world, natural and social environment; - development of skills to manage their emotions, control and evaluate their activities and behavior. One of the tasks is to prepare for the study of subjects in elementary school "Mathematics", "World around"
class number
Form of occupation
“This is me and my family!” Introduction to full names and some derivative forms. Determining your role in the family team and the role of other family members.
Story-role play.
Cognitive UUDO to navigate in their system of knowledge: to distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher.
"We are together!" Participation in joint activities with adults and children.
Role-playing game
Communicative UUDObserve the simplest norms speech etiquette: say hello, say goodbye, thank you.

"Learning to think, reason, fantasize"
Includes knowledge and skills that are a means of developing thinking and imagination. Special attention given to children's awareness of some of the available connections (causal, temporal, sequential) between objects and objects of the surrounding world, as well as the development of modeling activity as the basis of visual-figurative, and then logical thinking. This section presents knowledge and skills that provide special training for educational subjects elementary school, primarily to the "Russian language", "Mathematics", as well as to the "World around".
No. p / p
Forms of holding
Number of hours
1. Finding out the simplest numerical representations in children, the ability to distinguish objects by color, shape, location. Game "Tangram". 2. Development of speech, attention, observation Game "Bee".
Didactic game Attention game
Cognitive: general educational - formulating answers to questions; description of the subject, determination of its properties; logical - building reasoning about the meaning of the concepts "object", "square", "circle", "triangle", "quadrilateral", "rectangle", "sign of an object", about the need learning activities. Regulatory: accept and save the learning task; plan your actions Communicative: build communicative and speech actions aimed at taking into account the position of the interlocutor Personal: an adequate idea of ​​behavior in the process of learning activities.
"Learning the mother tongue"
Provides enrichment of the child's active vocabulary, coherent speech, the formation of skills to compose a descriptive, narrative story, story-reasoning. Particular attention is paid to preparing for the study of the Russian language at school, teaching reading and preparing the child for writing.
No. p / p
Forms of holding
Universal learning activities(UUD)
Speech. In a world of silence and unknown sounds. Why are we talking. Description of the picture. Vowels and consonants. The game "Half a word for you." Trace patterns around the office.
Didactic game.
Cognitive: general educational - understanding the process of communication as a way and transfer of information; description of the subject; logical - constructing reasoning about the meaning of the concept of "communication"; description of the picture.
Cooperation between teachers and parents
Purpose: prevention of possible difficulties that a child may have when adapting to school.
Increasing parental competence in matters psychological readiness children to school, their socialization in relation to the school environment;
Coordination of organizational and educational actions of parents during the period of preparing children for school;
Providing recommendations on issues of interest to education.
Thematic planning of classes with parents
Features of the development of children of 6-7 years of age -1h The role of the family in the moral and volitional preparation for schooling - 1h Leading motives of behavior and relationships - 1h Interaction of the child with children and adults -1h Features of the development of cognitive processes - 1h Book in the family. Education of curiosity - 1h Development of creative potential - 1h The role of the family in raising independence - 1h Play as a means of child development - 1h Daily routine and its importance at the stage of preparation for school and schooling - 1h

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Given the variability of preschool education and the lack of common ideas about school readiness, children come to school with reading and numeracy skills. 35-40% of them do not have fine motor skills - 60% - oral speech 70% of first-graders do not have the ability to organize their activities Situation at school NO

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“Pre-school education is the senior stage of pre-school, usually lasting two years and designed to soften the transition of a child from kindergarten (as well as any other pre-school institution (organization) or from a family) to school. But this should not at all turn into the same coaching of children on first-class material. What is preschool education

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Statistics show that 31% of preschool children remain outside the education system Coverage of children aged 5-7 years old by preschool institutions in urban areas is 65% Coverage of children aged 5-7 years old by preschool institutions in urban areas countryside is 30% Causes: shortage of vacant places in preschool educational institutions; lack of financial resources of parents; an increase in the number of children with poor health.

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The goals of pre-school preparation at the "School of the Future First Grader" are the creation of optimal pedagogical conditions to ensure a unified start for children of senior preschool age upon entering the first grade and their successful adaptation to school.

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Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, the formation of a value attitude towards healthy lifestyle life, creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort. The development of the personality of a child of senior preschool age, the formation of social personality traits of the future student, necessary for successful adaptation to school, preparing him for systematic education. Promoting appearance in children value orientations, social and cognitive motivation of learning, the formation of the ability to arbitrarily regulate activities, the foundations of the safety of one's own life, the foundations of environmental consciousness, a responsible attitude to solving the problem. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, cognitive interests, elementary mathematical representations, broadening the horizons of the child, the integrated development of oral speech, preparing children for mastering the written form of speech (writing and reading), promoting the intellectual development of the child. Creation of conditions for the development of children of senior preschool age, allowing them to successfully master the role of a student in the future. Tasks of pre-school preparation

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Evaluate the stage of learning and the level of formation in each child necessary knowledge and skills. Take into account the need to return (repeat) what has been learned in new learning (game) situations. Provide for different organizational forms of conducting classes (pair, group, collective), individual work with each child. Use problematic dialogue technology (children participate in the discussion). Organize the relationship between classes and free play activities. Actively include health-saving methods and techniques in educational and gaming activities (finger gymnastics, physical minutes, visual gymnastics, psycho-gymnastics, etc.). Organization Requirements educational process What is different about today's children? Awareness Poor health Looseness

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Organization of the preschool stage in the "School of the Future First Grader" Stage III - analytical and generalizing (May - June) Stage II - implementation (September - May) Stage I - preparatory (June - September)

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compiling a data bank of children of senior preschool age; selection and placement of teaching staff; interaction with parents on issues of pre-school education of older preschoolers; compiling a list of children of senior preschool age; coordination with parents of the mode of functioning of the short stay group; selection of program and methodological support for teaching children; scheduling classes with children; organization of the developing environment. Stage I - preparatory (June - September)

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Stage II - implementation (September - May) long-term planning (by months); diagnostics of the results of pedagogical activity; providing methodological assistance to teachers; psychological and pedagogical support for children and their parents; control over the implementation of the educational process.

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Classes of a teacher-psychologist in the "School of the future first-grader" Diagnosis of the level of psychological readiness for learning at school: Stage 1 Stage 2 No. Types of activity Terms Responsible 1 During the year October-November January-March educational activity (study of the motivations for the teaching of future first-graders) September-October. Educator-psychologist 3 Diagnostics of the study of the level of development intellectual abilities(database creation) November Teacher-psychologist 4 Diagnostics of the dynamics of learning motivation January-February Teacher-psychologist 5 Monitoring of prerequisites for learning activities and motives for learning April-May Teacher-psychologist

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analysis of the results obtained for the past period and conclusions; generalization of experience in pre-school education; progress report; determination of the prospects for work for the next year, taking into account the results obtained. Stage III - analytical and generalizing (May - June)

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Getting an initial idea about various forms communication, the ability to listen and speak; word games; preparation for writing and reading; writing stories; formation of ideas about the world around (main questions: who? what? what?) Learning to count; formation of spatial and verbal-logical thinking; familiarization with geometric shapes and some of their properties, with the simplest measuring instruments; familiarization with models, compiling and solving simple text problems mobile role-playing didactic games for games games games attention Sections of the program Development of speech and preparation for teaching literacy The world Mathematical development

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Development of speech and preparation for teaching literacy “Find similar”, “Chain of words”, “Sound songs”, Games: “Catch the sound”, etc. “Echo”, “On the way to the ABC”

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Author's developing recipe for children of senior preschool and school age / first graders Kudryashova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, primary school teacher Task 4. Take a green pencil and paint over those parts of the picture in which you see the letter "A" and "a". Be careful not to paint over the extra parts. Task 5. Find the same groups of letters and underline them. Aaa aaAA aAa Aaaa aaAa Aaa aAa - (Developing exercises for children from 2 to 7 years old)

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1. Didactic game that creates motivation for the lesson (3-5 minutes). 2. Difficulty in a game situation (1-3 minutes). The teacher identifies children's questions and together with the children determines the topic of the lesson. 3. "Discovery" of new knowledge or skills (5-7 minutes). 4. Reproduction of a new typical situation (5 min). 5. Conducting a game where children use new knowledge or skills. 6. Performing work in a study book (2-3 minutes). 7. Creation of a game situation that captures the individual development of new material by each child. 8. Repetition and development tasks. 9. The result of the lesson. Children fix in speech: a) what they learned new; b) where the new will come in handy. General scheme classes at the "School of the Future First Grader"

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Preschool preparation "Rainbow"

OBJECTIVES: to help parents ensure the child's functional readiness for school; ensure continuity in the education and upbringing of preschoolers; create conditions for favorable adaptation of preschoolers to school; to promote the development of cognitive activity in children, individual intellectual and creative abilities.

main lines of pre-school preparation general development child's ability to arbitrarily control himself Formation of a positive learning motivation

detection individual features each child, the formation of readiness for schooling.

formation of positive educational motivation; development of the basic mental functions necessary for successful schooling (attention, memory, thinking, etc.); development of elementary mathematical concepts; development of speech, phonemic hearing, familiarization with the basics of literacy; development of fine motor skills; the formation of skills of manual labor and fine arts; development of a creatively active personality.

Intellectual readiness Socio-psychological readiness Speech readiness Readiness of children for writing

Literacy education. Preparing the hand for writing. Formation of mathematical representations.

The main objectives of the program: Creation of the most favorable conditions for the early detection and development of the child's abilities. Development of memory, attention, imagination, variability of thinking. Strengthening and development of the child's emotionally positive attitude towards school, the desire to learn.

The main objectives of the course: Enriching the consciousness of children with new content, which contributes to the accumulation of the child's ideas about the world, prepares him for an elementary understanding of concepts. Acquaintance of children with specific signs, symbols, sign systems; systematization of the accumulated and received information through logical operations (analysis, comparison, generalization, classification). Based on the experience of children, to form in them a personal interest, a desire to learn.

Main objectives of the program: Development of visual, auditory and semantic memory; Development of imagination and logical thinking; Formation of the ability to carefully and accurately follow the instructions of an adult, act according to the model; Expanding the general outlook; building a positive attitude towards school.

Basic abilities and skills at the end of the pre-school training course to follow the rules of behavior at school, to show their communication skills; freely count within 10 and vice versa; compare numbers within 10, call the "neighbors" of the number; decide simple tasks; perform graphic dictations; identify sounds in words by ear, give them a description; compose a story based on a picture of 5 - 6 sentences; retell short texts; correctly use a pencil, pen, other graphic materials; listen to and follow the instructions for the student; put into practice the simplest ideas about the world around us, use their knowledge to protect their health;

Educational programs Educational subjects Full name teachers Study load teachers per week "Continuity" Learning to read and write Preparing a hand for writing Formation of elementary mathematical representations 2 2 2 Acquaintance with the outside world The world around us 1 Educational games 1 Curriculum of the pre-school "Rainbow"

Tuesday, Thursday 1. 17.00 - 17.25 2. 17.35 - 18.00 3. 18.10 - 18.35 4. 18. 45 - 19.10 Bell schedule.

Tuesday Thursday 1. Learning to read and write Mathematics 2. Preparing a hand for writing Learning to read and write 3. Math Preparing a hand for writing 4. Educational games The world around us Class schedule

"Pre-School Preparation"

Prepared by:

primary school teacher

MAOU "BSOSh No. 96"

settlement Beloyarsky

Tretyakova Maria Sergeevna

  • By goals : development of qualities that determine the formation of a sustainable cognitive interest, the success of schooling
  • By content:

The program defines the knowledge and skills that every child must master for successful intellectual development. social development, adaptation to schooling.

  • By form: reliance on the main activity of a child 5-7 years old - a game

  • preserve and strengthen the health of children preparing for schooling;
  • ensure continuity between preschool and primary education;
  • Eliminate multi-level training for training;
  • exclude duplication of the school curriculum in preparation for school;
  • to form the skills of educational activities, interest and desire to study at school.

  • Accounting for the features and values ​​of the preschool period of development;
  • personal orientation of the process of education and upbringing;
  • Preservation and development of the individuality of each child;
  • Ensuring progress in the development of the child, his readiness to study at school, to accept new activities;
  • Development of erudition, individual culture of perception;
  • Integrated approach to content selection knowledge ;

  • physiological(sufficient development of all organs and systems of the child's body). "A healthy child is a successful child";
  • psychological(awareness of oneself as a future student, desire and desire to acquire new knowledge and develop skills);
  • Necessary and sufficient level skills development for learning (development of attention, memory, thinking, ability to work in a team).

  • ability to concentrate,
  • the ability to build logical connections,
  • memory development,
  • fine motor skills

  • motivation for learning
  • ability to concentrate
  • emotion management

  • need for communication
  • behavior modification in the team
  • ability to learn

  • The development of speech with elements of literacy.
  • Development of logical thinking using mathematical material.
  • Synthesis of various components of natural science and ecological knowledge with the inclusion of available elementary information from the field of astronomy, physics, biology, ecology.

  • Didactic games
  • Compiling text from a drawing
  • Memorizing poems
  • Reading conversations
  • Sound analysis of words

  • Item Count
  • Games for the development of mental processes ( attention, memory, thinking, imagination…)
  • Tasks with geometric shapes
  • Tasks for finding patterns, comparison, classification, generalization

  • child development;
  • Formation of their interest in the natural environment;
  • Systematization and scientific correction of the accumulated diverse natural history ideas.

  • pregnancy and childbirth proceeded with complications;
  • the child suffered a birth injury or was born prematurely;
  • the child suffers from gastrointestinal diseases, enuresis, is prone to frequent colds, there is a sleep disturbance;
  • the child hardly finds contact with peers, is emotionally unstable;
  • you notice motor retardation or hyperactivity.

  • intellectual readiness;
  • motivational readiness;
  • volitional readiness;
  • communication readiness.

involves the development of attention, memory, formed mental operations of analysis, synthesis, generalization, the ability to establish connections between phenomena and events.

By the age of 6-7 years, the child should know:

  • his address and the name of the city in which he lives;
  • the name of the country and its capital;
  • names and patronymics of their parents, information about their places of work;
  • seasons, their sequence and main features;
  • names of months, days of the week;
  • main types of trees and flowers.
  • he should be able to distinguish between domestic and wild animals, understand that the grandmother is the mother of the father or mother.

In other words, he must navigate in time, space and his immediate environment.

implies that the child has a desire to accept a new social role - the role of the student.

  • To this end, parents need to explain to their child that children go to school to gain the knowledge that every person needs.
  • Only positive information about the school should be given to the child. Remember that your grades are easily borrowed by children. The child should see that the parents calmly and confidently look at his forthcoming admission to school.
  • The reason for the reluctance to go to school may be that the child “has not played enough”. But at the age of 6–7 years, mental development is very plastic, and children who “have not played enough” will soon begin to enjoy the learning process when they come to class.
  • You do not have to develop a love for school before the start of the school year, because it is impossible to love something that you have not yet encountered. Enough to let the child know that learning is the duty of every person, and the attitude of many of the people around the child depends on how successful he is in learning.

suggests that the child has:

  • ability to set goals
  • make a decision to start a business
  • draw up a plan of action
  • accomplish it with some effort
  • evaluate the results of your work
  • as well as the ability to perform for a long time is not very

attractive job.

Contribute to the development of volitional readiness for school visual activity and construction, as they encourage long periods of concentration on building or painting.

It implies the ability to join the children's community, to act together with other children, if necessary, to yield or defend one's innocence, to obey or lead.

For Development communicative competence you should maintain a friendly relationship with your son or daughter with others. A personal example of tolerance in relationships with friends, relatives, neighbors also plays a big role in shaping this type of readiness for school.

  • Inspire confidence in your abilities;
  • Talk with your child more often, build dialogues, be attentive to his questions and problems;
  • Take care of his health;
  • Read children's books with him for at least 15 minutes daily.

If all the above conditions are met, the work carried out will give positive results.

  • Children easily and painlessly

adapt to school

  • Can avoid overload

Maintain children's health

  • Change of shoes is a must!
  • Folder or backpack
  • ABC and workbooks
  • Pencil case: 2 simple pencil, colored pens, eraser, ruler
  • Colour pencils
  • Colored cardboard, colored paper, scissors
