Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Volitional component of psychological readiness to choose a profession. Formation of readiness for a conscious choice of the future educational profile and future profession in adolescence. to choosing a profession

In order to decide on the choice of a profession, it is necessary to correlate many different factors: your needs, self-esteem, dreams, interests, temperament, abilities, health status and others. Choosing a profession is a rather difficult task. We can say that any profession is a complex world that needs adaptation, years of study, adaptation to various factors and conditions. If you look from the other side, then before choosing any profession, you must already know in advance what to choose from. Thus, ignorance of the world existing professions is a difficulty and the most important problem of professional self-determination for modern teenagers. A teenager should not just choose a profession, he should like it, he should take into account the needs of the profession in the region in which he will live.

Career guidance performing the functions vocational training involves two ways to obtain it - self-education or training in educational institutions vocational education or the success of vocational education determines such an important psychological moment as readiness (emotional, motivational) to acquire a particular profession. Let's consider the concept of professional self-determination. Professional self-determination is a person’s attitude to the world of professions in general and to a specific chosen profession in particular. Professional self-determination takes place in several stages:

Stage 1: The emergence of professional intentions in accordance with public and personal needs;

Stage 2: Targeted professional training for specific activities. At this stage, professional self-determination of the individual occurs;

Stage 3: Entering the profession. This is direct acquaintance with working conditions, with official responsibilities, and entry into collective relationships;

Stage 4: Realization of professional aspirations. Attitude to work, level of skill, creative approach.

We propose to consider possible mistakes made by a teenager at the identified stages in relation to the problem of professional self-determination.

Stage 1. The first mistake is that the teenager first of all looks for Educational establishment, in which he would like to study, and then only begins to choose a profession in this institution. The second mistake is the untimely choice. This means that the teenager does not have enough time to choose a profession. The third mistake is that the student does not feel the need to choose a profession. For example, a teenager’s relatives are all teachers, this profession is a tradition in this family group. Naturally, parents force the teenager to maintain the tradition, despite the fact that the teenager may not want to go in this direction.

Stage 2. Great value When choosing a profession, a teenager’s self-esteem plays a role. Self-esteem underlies the level of aspirations, that is, the level of difficulty of those tasks that a person considers himself capable of accomplishing.

Stage 3. One of the main stages in deciding to choose any desired profession is collecting the necessary information about it. In this case, errors and difficulties may arise, at this stage, which are due to three reasons: personal characteristics, the role of family and peer influence.

Stage 4. At this stage, typical mistakes may be associated with the teenager’s insufficient level of criticality. A low level of criticality does not allow one to fully identify and give an objective description of one’s own situation.

There are many factors that influence the choice of profession, but we will consider the most basic:

1.Personal professional preferences- what is the need of a teenager;

2.Parents' position. Often parents encourage a teenager to choose a profession according to their preference;

3.Peer position. Sometimes teenagers choose a profession “for the company”, or according to the location of the university or enterprise;

4. The position of teachers, who can also influence a teenager’s choice with their authority;

5.Abilities are inherent in a person by nature and they should be developed so that they contribute the best choice professions;

6.Level of claims. Often teenagers are focused on professions of the highest category, “fashionable” or highly paid, which do not correspond to their inner world, nor abilities. As a result, she becomes disappointed...

7.Awareness plays an important role in choosing a profession. After all, a teenager has a small choice of professions in sight and hearing. Studying profession charts helps you navigate the world of professions. Thus, interest in other, previously unknown professions also increases;

8.Inclinations are a selective orientation that encourages one to engage in a certain activity. It is based on the desire to improve the skills and abilities associated with this professional activity. Career guidance is a set of psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at optimizing the employment process in accordance with desires, inclinations and developed abilities, as well as taking into account the needs for specialties in the labor market. Nowadays, there are many different career guidance methods and a wide range of practice in their application. Let's consider a block of techniques that are most often used to help teenagers make their professional choices.

The most common psychodiagnostic techniques aimed at providing assistance in making the professional choice of adolescents are:

Differential diagnostic questionnaire by E. A. Klimov (DDO). The methodology was developed in accordance with the classification of types of professions by E. A. Klimov (man-nature, man-technology, man-person, man-sign, man-artistic image). The questionnaire asks you to choose among 20 pairs of answers, one in each pair. The results show which areas a person is most interested in.

- “Map of interests” by Golomshtok. The questionnaire includes 174 questions reflecting the orientation of interests in 29 areas of activity. After analyzing its results, we can conclude about the priority sphere of interests of a teenager.

J. Holland's method of professional self-determination (Holland Test). Identifies correspondence between the type of personality and the type of professional environment. In the methodology, 43 pairs of professions are proposed, in each of the pairs the teenager is asked to choose one, the most preferred one.

Psychodiagnostic method of “Professional Association”. Based on the associative method. The teenager is offered stimulus words, in response he names the profession with which he associates them. After processing the results, professions are highlighted, the interest in which is most pronounced. Professional readiness questionnaire (OPQ). Includes 50 questions, the results of the answers to which can be used to diagnose the desire and ability of a person to engage in one or another type professional activity. The questionnaire is based on a person’s self-assessment of his inclinations and capabilities.

These methods are suitable for vocational guidance for both adolescents and adults; testing can be carried out independently using the Internet resource on career guidance sites online.

Choosing a profession is such a significant action that can make a person happy in life and successful in professional activity, or it can darken his whole life, upset his plans and make him unhappy. Ideally, two main factors determine the choice of profession - self-improvement and benefit to other people. That is why the choice future profession It is worth preparing in childhood and adolescence, providing career guidance to schoolchildren.

Psychology identifies three main factors for the right choice of profession:

1. Correct self-assessment of your personality, your abilities, interests, inclinations, capabilities, desires and limitations; the presence of initial knowledge and skills in the field in which the chosen profession is located; the ability to soberly correlate the results of self-assessment with knowledge of the requirements that certain professions impose. Remember that proper career guidance is one of the main indicators of human development.

2.The second important point of career guidance at school is awareness of what other people are doing. Practice shows that the most common difficulties and mistakes of schoolchildren, adolescents and young people during professional selection are: guidance in selection based on information from incorrect or biased sources of information; incorrect analysis and systematization of information received about a particular area of ​​activity.

3. Overestimation or underestimation of individual individual psychological characteristics of a person, incorrect self-esteem; incorrect assessment of one's abilities, substitution of their moral qualities; an erroneous idea of ​​the possibilities of mastering the chosen profession; guidance during career guidance with an emotional component, pressure from people who are authoritative for the teenager and schoolchild; the presence of stereotypes; inability to change an erroneous decision in time upon receipt additional information; career guidance of a schoolchild based on sympathy for certain personal qualities of a representative of a certain profession, glorification, imitation of transferring one’s personal attitude towards a person to the profession.

Various problems of behavior and formation in adolescence. Inability or unwillingness to take career guidance tests or consult with a psychologist. Position of parents, peers, teachers.

In conclusion, we can conclude that for adolescent children, the task of choosing the right profession is put to the fore. This is not easy to do, and therefore, on the path of a teenager’s professional choice, there are various difficulties and mistakes that need to be overcome by studying the world of professions from an earlier age and passing various career guidance tests, studying oneself.

WITH Best wishes, TsPSM specialists

Material: Kostyunina E. A., Ageeva L. G. Difficulties of professional self-determination of adolescents // Young scientist. - 2015. - No. 20. - pp. 530-533.

T.N. May, A.E. Popovich

Fundamentals of formation of readiness of senior schoolchildren to choose a profession

The article examines the problem of forming the readiness of senior schoolchildren for their professional self-determination. A structural model constructed on the basis of educational, educational and pedagogical systems is presented. It includes the following components: goal, objectives, content, methods, means, organizational forms, results, which contribute to the organization, stimulation and correction of the system of formation of readiness to choose a profession among the younger generation.

Key words: readiness, choice of profession, modeling, professional self-determination, pedagogical influence.

the main objective professional self-determination consists in the gradual formation in a high school student of internal readiness to independently build, adjust and realize the prospects for their development (professional and personal), readiness to consider themselves developing over time and independently find personally significant meanings in specific professional activities.

The key point of professional self-determination is the readiness for a person’s conscious independent choice of profession, ensuring the manifestation and disclosure of his individual characteristics, interests and inclinations of the individual, focused on the immediate future of personal and professional development.

The concept of “readiness to choose a profession, professional self-determination” in pedagogical science is considered as:

A stable state of a student’s personality, which is based on a dynamic combination certain properties, including the orientation of interests and inclinations, his practical experience and knowledge of their characteristics in connection with the choice of profession;

Inner conviction and awareness of the factor in choosing a profession, awareness of the world of work, what physical and psychological demands the profession places on a person;

The ability to recognize individual characteristics (the image of “I”), analyze professions and make decisions based on a comparison of these two types of knowledge, i.e. ability to consciously choose a profession.

We consider readiness for professional self-determination as a stable characteristic of an individual, which specifies their goals and preferences, being a solution focused on the near future, and including personal-target, information-gnostic and reflexive-evaluative components that meet the requirements of the content and conditions of the future. professional activity.

The methodological basis of our research was developments in the field of systems approach, modeling, mathematical statistics (V.P. Bespalko, I.V. Blauberg, V.M. Glushkov, E.V. Ilyenkov, V.V. Kraevsky, V.I. Mikheev, R. S. Nemov, D. A. Novikov, Y. P. Sokolnikov, E. N. Stepanov, E. G. Yudin, etc.).

Domestic scientists highlight the principles of modeling educational, educational, pedagogical and other systems, primarily from the point of view of holistic, systemic, personal and activity-based approaches and name the following: the principle of integrity, the principle of communication (connection), the principle of structure, the principle of controllability and purposefulness, the principle development

Our research shows that in practice, the formation of readiness to choose a profession among senior schoolchildren is carried out as interaction between students and teachers additional education, production specialists, psychologists, as well as with subjects of work, during which their professional development occurs.

Solving the problem posed in our study required the development of a model of a system for developing readiness for choosing a profession among senior schoolchildren. V.V. Kraevsky, for example, characterizes

pedagogy and psychology

Current problems of pedagogy

modeling as cognitive reflection based on concepts, principles and patterns.

The practical value of a model in any pedagogical research is mainly determined by its adequacy to the studied aspects of the object, as well as by how correctly the basic principles of modeling (visuality, certainty, objectivity) are taken into account at the stages of constructing the model, which largely determine both the capabilities and type of the model, and its functions in educational research.

The object of our modeling is the system of developing senior schoolchildren’s readiness to choose a profession in the educational process of a comprehensive school during its specialization.

The model of developing readiness for professional choice of high school students in the process of specialized education is an integrative scientific and theoretical structuring of the process comprehensive support, built on the principles of a systems approach (integrity, connections between elements, orderliness of the system, expediency of functioning), including functions, components, educational environment, results and criteria for the effectiveness of pedagogical management, reflecting the specifics of specialized education as an option for creating optimal conditions conducive to professional self-determination high school students.

Before constructing the selected model, we determined its type, basing it on a structural model that simulates internal organization original structure.

The central system-forming component of the model is its goal - the formation of readiness in older schoolchildren to choose a profession. In our opinion, senior students should: a) have positive, sustainable motivation for specialized and vocational training; b) be aware of professional work and make volitional efforts to perform forced work; c) have developed logical and abstract thinking, be creative, erudite, with adequate criticality of their capabilities and abilities; d) show initiative and activity aimed at success, allowing you to complete the work you have begun; e) take an active civic position, be endowed with the ability to work productively and creatively in a team; f) respect other people, take care of national traditions, demonstrate a culture of communication, behavior, mental and physical work.

The purpose of the model defines the main tasks: a) assisting high school students in identifying their cognitive and professional

interests, inclinations and abilities; b) systematic influence on the consciousness of students in order to expand and deepen their knowledge about professional activities, about the world of professions and the requirements for each of them; c) inclusion of students in activities that are as close as possible to professional ones.

An important factor in the education of the individual in the model we have developed is the team. As you know, a team is a collection of people united by common goals that have a social and value orientation, general activities to achieve them and certain relationships that arise in it.

It seems to us that these content components can be successfully developed in older schoolchildren within the framework of the educational process of a comprehensive school.

In our model, the tools for organizing, stimulating and adjusting the system of developing readiness to choose a profession among senior schoolchildren are presented by general methods, organizational forms, and means of a holistic educational process.

General methods education, being ways of achieving a set goal, act as ways of organizing joint activities teachers and students, as ways of their interaction. Their use is determined by the tasks and specifics of the role played by the teacher and students in the process of developing their readiness to choose a profession.

In the educational process, it is necessary to involve three factors of personality development: the social environment, activity and the reciprocal-evaluative influence of the teacher. They determine the methods of our model: methods of influencing the consciousness of students, practical activities, its stimulation, organization of the educational environment and understanding of the environment and one’s own life.

The method of educational interaction with the environment in our study was predominant in the implementation of various forms of the educational process, such as excursions, tournaments, Olympiads, competitions, i.e. where there is: a) interaction of students with nature, society, material production, spiritual creativity, with another person; b) studying, understanding the life around us, considering differences

pedagogy and psychology

Current problems of pedagogy

in views on the world and the structure of life; c) actions that presuppose an active position of a senior student in professional activities, independence and responsibility; d) the choice of values ​​in the life unfolding before them: good and evil, truth and lies, beautiful and ugly.

The method of organizing educational activities will be leading in theoretical and practical classes, trainings, professional tests, i.e. where there is an opportunity to involve older schoolchildren in various types of activities, giving it social and value-based features and through this establish an active attitude to reality. Specifically, this is done by answering the questions: For whom? For what? (value motivation); What did you feel? What did you like? What did you find? What did you discover? (living relationships); What's in my life now? What will I try to change? (connection of activity with life); What will this do for others? (social result of activity); How did I feel? How did I work? (self-analysis).

Awareness of oneself and one’s capabilities is formed in a senior schoolchild when comprehending life and the personal and value meaning of one’s activities. The formation of an autonomous inner “I”, the development of an individual’s ability to choose his life position, the ability to take responsibility for choice constitutes the pedagogical essence of the method of organized comprehension by students of the life unfolding in front of them. This method permeates the entire system of developing readiness to choose a profession, is built on subject-subject relationships and manifests itself in three forms: rational (this is necessary, necessary); emotional (living emotions); practically effective (we did it or are doing it).

The listed three forms of relationships give rise to three methods of pedagogical influence necessary when developing high school students’ readiness to choose a profession in a secondary school. The rational form of relationships through logic and reason gives us a method of belief. This method is implemented through such forms as judgments, argumentation, opinion, message, dialogue, discussions, exchange of impressions, advice, recommendations. In preparation for professional activity, this method allows you to organize training at a high level.

The emotional attitude gives rise to an assessment method, which can be open or closed. Thus, open pedagogical assessment is reward or punishment and involves direct expression emotional state. In the system of formation in high schools,

it is used to provide a strong emotional impact in order to obtain the desired result of pedagogical influence. Closed evaluation is expressed through the communication of one's own state, the supposed state of another person, the delegation of evaluation to another, or evaluation extended over time. It is used with a soft impact on students in order to give an opportunity to comprehend the event and draw their own conclusions.

Practical-effective relationships determine the impact that is produced by the real activities of students, and this method, which in the literature is called the exercise method, plays an important role in the system of nurturing the professional interests of senior schoolchildren. The exercise method includes demonstration instructions, rules established in collective activity, career guidance games, etc.

The means of developing readiness to choose a profession include objects that are tools of labor or imitate them, educational means that carry certain elements of work culture, as well as devices necessary for carrying out various types of labor and professional activities, for example, volumetric (models, collections) and printed (tables, pictures) manuals, TSO.

The choice of means in various aspects of education depends on its objectives. When used, they acquire specific content. This selection of tools with appropriate content also occurs when preparing senior schoolchildren to choose a profession.

Organizational forms of education are understood as the external expression of the joint activities of educators and schoolchildren.

In school practice, various organizational forms are used to develop high school students’ readiness to choose a profession, for example, a career guidance lesson or its fragments, a school elective class, a club, associations, Classroom hour, career guidance meeting, career guidance excursion, evening of defense of professions, competitions and competitions in labor all-around “Know and be able”, lectures “Professions in new socio-economic conditions”, “My profession is my pride”, career guidance weeks, months, competitions “Best by profession”, “Who knows more professions”, conducting professional tests, role-playing games etc. Labor associations of schoolchildren, career guidance local history, KVN, TV shows “Clever Men and Clever Men”, patronage work, etc. can be successfully used.

pedagogy and psychology

Current problems of pedagogy

Such forms of work as theoretical and practical classes, professional tests, trainings are associated with the method of educational activities. Conferences “The Facets of Professions,” tournaments for young mathematicians, olympiads, and professional skill competitions are determined by the method of the educational environment, although, like excursions, they can also be associated with the method of comprehending the unfolding life. The organic interconnectedness of methods of education and influence and the means and forms of work resulting from them contributes to the process of transition of external action into the internal state of the individual, acceptance of it as a value and formation of personal professional quality. The complex of these qualities determines the result of developing readiness for choosing a profession in high school students.

In the developed model, by the results of developing readiness for choosing a profession in high school students, we understand the achievement by students of a high level of preparedness for choosing a profession.

Thus, the presented model of the functioning of the system of forming readiness for choosing a profession in senior schoolchildren can serve as a guide for school teachers in the professional guidance of senior schoolchildren when choosing their future.


1. Kraevsky V.V. General Basics pedagogy: Textbook. M., 2008.

2. Makarenko A.S. Choice of profession // Makarenko A.S. Op. M., 1958. T. 5.

3. Mikheev V.I. Modeling and methods of measurement theory in pedagogy. M., 1987.

4. Sokolnikov Yu.P. A systematic approach to the education of schoolchildren. M., 1990.

5. Stepanov E.N. Theory and technology of educational system modeling educational institution: Author's abstract. ... Dr. ped. Sci. Yaroslavl, 1999.

O. A. Kapina

The article is devoted to the analysis and clarification of the concept of “readiness to choose a profession” and the specification of the structure of this type of readiness. Various types of readiness are considered: readiness to study at school and at university, readiness to choose a profession. Analysis of approaches to determining the structure of readiness made it possible to identify two key components in its composition: personal ( internal position) and operational.

Key words: readiness for activity, readiness to choose a profession, structure of readiness, internal position, operational component of readiness.

A Structure of Psychological Readiness to Choose a Profession

The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept “readiness to choose profession” and structure concretization of the given type of readiness. It also considers various types of readiness: readiness to study at school and a higher educational institution, readiness to choose the profession. The analysis of approaches to determine the structure of readiness allows to single out two key components there: personal (the inward position) and operational, and to specify their content.

Key words: readiness to work, readiness to choose a profession, a structure of readiness, the inward position, the operational component of readiness.

The demands of society and the labor market on modern teenagers place them in the situation of choosing a profession quite early. Previously, the general secondary education system was structured in such a way that decision-making could be postponed until the 10th-11th grades. Today, in connection with the intensive modernization of the general secondary education system, the urgent need to decide on the choice of profession arises already in the 9th grade, and from the 10th grade specialized profile preparation for entering a vocational school begins. educational institution, preparation for the Unified State Exam in major subjects that provide the possibility of admission. At the same time, age-related needs remain relevant for a teenager: communication with peers, finding oneself, personal searches. Thus, having not fully realized the needs of adolescence, the subject finds himself in a difficult critical situation of choosing a profession, which he is not always ready to overcome constructively and make an informed choice. This determines the relevance of the problems of research and formation of readiness to choose a profession.

Readiness for activity is a concept that has been sufficiently studied in the psychological literature.

tie. IN general view readiness is a synthesis of psychological phenomena, such as the mood of the individual before carrying out an activity, the internal position of the individual, and preparedness for the activity. Let's try to take a deeper look at this concept.

S. L. Rubinstein presents readiness as an attitude of the individual. “The attitude of a personality,” writes S. L. Rubinstein, “is the position taken by it, which consists in a certain attitude towards the goals and objectives at hand and is expressed in selective mobilization and readiness for activities aimed at their implementation... This is adaptation to activity. The formation of an attitude presupposes the subject’s entry into a situation and his acceptance of the tasks that arise in it; it depends on the distribution of what is subjectively significant for the individual.”

This definition, in our opinion, is very close to the concept of the internal position of the individual, which was studied by L. I. Bozhovich. An analysis of the concept based on the works of L. I. Bozhovich shows that by internal position she means single system actual motives in relation to the environment or any of its spheres, self-awareness, as well as attitude towards oneself in

© Kapina O. A., 2011

Structure psychological readiness to choosing a profession

context of the surrounding reality. Thus, D. V. Lubovsky concludes, the internal position is the unity of three components - reflexive, emotional and motivational. In addition, in the studies of L. I. Bozhovich, devoted to psychological readiness for school, the internal position is recognized as the lowest actual level of mental development, necessary and sufficient for starting schooling.

Internal position is closely related to voluntary self-regulation of activity. Thus, N.I. Gutkina, analyzing readiness for schooling, notes: “In order for behavior to be consciously regulated, a person must want to do something, or understand why he needs it.” L.I. Bozhovich also writes about this, characterizing the process of self-determination of older adolescents: “... the presence of stable personal interests in a teenager makes him purposeful, and, therefore, internally more collected and organized.” As E.M. Borisova notes, older teenagers mainly choose those types of activities in which they have achieved certain progress. This speaks, according to the author, of an attempt to direct their interests to those areas of activity in which they have certain achievements and therefore it is possible further progress.

In addition to the internal position and the associated voluntary self-regulation of behavior, an important component of readiness for activity is the general abilities of the subject, his knowledge, skills, and experience. This point of view is shared by A.K. Markova, V.D. Shadrikov, S.N. Chistyakova, M.V. Retivykh, N.F. Vinogradova.

As convincingly proven in the studies of V.D. Shadrikov and Yu.P. Povarenkov, any activity is mastered on the foundation of general abilities. It is the abilities and experience of the subject that determine the effectiveness and success of the activity. An integral manifestation of abilities, knowledge and skills, according to V.D. Shadrikov, is intelligence, the level of which is determined by the level of development of individual abilities, the presence of knowledge, plans, programs and their connections and the holistic nature of functioning.

In domestic psychological science, the intellectual properties of a person are most often

are interpreted as mental development, which depends both on the maturation of the organic basis, which creates the prerequisites for development, and on the assimilation social experience. Based on the opinion of L. S. Vygotsky, one can even say that the most significant is the ratio of the level of training and development of the subject to the level of requirements imposed by society. Such requirements in domestic science are represented by socio-psychological standards. So, for example, K. M. Gurevich characterizes the socio-psychological standard of schoolchildren as a set of specific requirements curriculum which are presented to them at a certain stage of training.

Thus, in the structure of readiness for activity, two main components can be distinguished - personal (internal position of the subject) and operational (voluntary self-regulation of activity, mental development and experience). Besides, in various types readiness can be identified specific components, depending on the characteristics of the situation in which the subject finds himself. For example, N.V. Nizhegorodtseva and V.D. Shadrikov in the structure of readiness for learning at school identify 5 blocks of educational important qualities: personal-motivational, acceptance of the educational task, idea of ​​the content of the activity, informational, activity management. E.I. Rogov includes a socio-psychological component. Considering readiness to study at a university, S. N. Kusakina includes in its structure motivational-professional, cognitive-tempo and volitional components.

Analyzing the readiness to choose a profession, N.V. Nizhegorodtseva and O.A. Tarotenko define it as an integral property of individuality, the structure of which includes individual qualities that motivate, guide, regulate real activity, which develop unevenly and heterochronically. S. N. Chistyakova defines this concept as a stable, holistic system of personality personal identity, which includes a positive attitude towards the chosen type of activity, the presence necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

M. V. Retivykh understands it as an integral personality property that contributes to the conscious and independent implementation of a strategy of professional choice, which manifests itself in moral, psychophysiological and practical

O. A. Kapina

technical readiness for the formation and implementation of professional intentions.

Based on such ideas, readiness to choose a profession can be characterized as a systemic quality and its structure can be assumed as follows. The content of the internal position includes the motivational aspect - professionally oriented interests, inclinations, preferences, and values ​​of the teenager. The reflexive aspect presupposes, first of all, awareness of what a teenager wants and what he can actually achieve, criticality in assessing his capabilities and awareness of personal responsibility for the events of his life. The emotional aspect characterizes the subject’s attitude to the choice of profession, emotional acceptance of this situation, and a positive attitude towards activity.

In the structure of the operational component of the subject’s readiness, we consider the features of self-regulation of activity, in particular, the ability to set a goal, plan activities for choosing a profession, the ability to make informed decisions, and search for the necessary information. Of no small importance are the level of mental development of adolescents, its compliance with socio-psychological standards, as well as training and learning ability, which characterizes their readiness to master a specialized or vocational education program.

This approach to understanding readiness to choose a profession suggests that it is a system in which the immaturity of one of the components can lead to a failure of the entire system. This, in turn, can make it possible to individually describe the problems of adolescents who are in a situation of choosing a profession and find an individual way to accompany the subject, based on the specifics of his problems.


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The structure of psychological readiness to choose a profession

Introduction………………………………………….... ...........................3 Chapter I Theoretical basis formation of psychological readiness among senior schoolchildren to choose a profession in educational schools
1.1. Specifics of choosing a profession by high school students.……………….10
1.2. The problem of psychological readiness for choosing a profession among high school students in the psychological and pedagogical literature ……..…….17
1.3. Means of forming the psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession ……………………….… ………..27
Chapter II. Experimental study of the psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession
2.1. Diagnostics of the psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession …………………………………………………………………………39
2.2. Organization of work on the formation of the psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession …………………………………… …47
2.3. Checking the effectiveness of work on the formation of psychological readiness for choosing a profession ………………………………….……….55
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… …………………61


At present, due to the change in the socio-economic situation in the country, the issue of professional self-determination of high school students, the conditions and factors contributing to the success of this process has become especially important. Professional activity in a person's life is the main one in ensuring his social claims, self-assertion and self-realization.
The transfer of the senior level of a comprehensive school to specialized training confronts graduates of secondary school with a serious choice - preliminary self-determination regarding the choice of a profile of study and the major direction of future professional activity. If the key idea of ​​specialized education is the idea of ​​significant opportunities for choice, then it is obvious that the student must be prepared for such a choice. The possibility of preparing for such a responsible choice determines the serious importance of pre-professional training in the basic school. Practice shows that already at the stage of pre-profile training of students, a negative trend has clearly emerged: the psychological unpreparedness of high school students for a conscious independent choice of a further educational trajectory. Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in the primary school should ensure the formation of a motivational-required sphere, identify the interests, inclinations and abilities of students, as a result of which, it can contribute to making the best decision regarding their future professional activities. Thereby preparing students for a professional start.
Today, school graduates are more serious about choosing a profession of the new century, the question of self-determination in modern socio-economic conditions is more acute. The school is designed to ensure readiness to choose a profession, develop professional interests and inclinations of the individual. At the final stage of schooling, high school students should be ready to choose a profession and continue to receive education.
The problem of forming the professional orientation of students in the theory of professional orientation is considered in the works of A.E. Golomshtok, L.A. Yovaishi, E.A. Klimova, E.M. Pavlyutenkova, K.K. Platonova, V.A. Polyakova, N.N. Chistyakova, S.N. Chistyakova, which determine the conceptual provisions, conditions and pedagogical technologies for preparing students for life and choosing a profession. The development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of career guidance is presented in the works of P.P. Blonsky, S.I. Vershinina, V.I. Zhuravleva, E.A. Klimova, N.N. Chistyakova, S.T. Shatsky and others.
Humanistic ideas of personality development and the formation of a growing person’s readiness to make decisions about professional choice are reflected in the works of A.G. Asmolova, K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyeva, S.L. Rubinshteina, B.M. Teplova. The ways of vocational guidance of students in a secondary school are revealed in the research of M.A. Dobrynina, N.K. Elaeva, V.V. Krevnevich, V.R. Lenguinas, P.T. Magmuzova, G.P. Nikova, A.P. Seishtev and others, which define the content, forms and methods of career guidance work.
The possibilities of specialized training aimed at personality-oriented preparation of students for choosing a future profession are discussed in the works of L.M. Abolina, E.A. Aksenova, L.K. Artemova, I.S. Artyukhova, L.V. Baybrodova, A.I. Vlazneva, B.S. Gershunsky, M.I. Gubanova, V.G. Katasheva, V.S. Ledneva, P.S. Lerner, N.F. Rodicheva, M.M. Firsova, A.V. Khutorskogo, I.D. Chechel, S.N. Chistyakova and others.
Many researchers (V.G. Kuznetsov, M.A. Palamarchuk, A.K. Markova, etc.) note that the leading component of readiness for professional self-determination is psychological readiness, which is understood by scientists as a complex psychological education, as an alloy of functional, operational and personal components.
However, as practice shows, schoolchildren are poorly prepared to choose a profession. The most common difficulties and mistakes young people make when choosing a profession are: overestimating or underestimating the role of certain individual psychological qualities when choosing a profession; inability to correlate one’s capabilities with the requirements of the profession, inadequate self-esteem; misunderstanding of abilities, substitution of their moral qualities; misconceptions about the possibility of developing professionally important qualities, about the ways and means of mastering a profession, and developing an individual style of activity; the predominance of emotional components in the decision-making process; inability to change a decision when receiving new data; submission to “pressure” from others; choosing a profession based on sympathy for certain personal, non-professional qualities of representatives of a certain profession.
The relevance of the problem, therefore, is determined by the need to provide high school students with effective assistance in choosing a future profession in the light of the new requirements of the political, socio-economic and personnel situation.
The current realities of Russian education require an active search for new forms, methods, and means of developing psychological readiness for choosing a profession among schoolchildren.
An analysis of the practice of general education institutions shows that high school students experience significant difficulties when choosing a future profession due to ignorance of the technologies of professional self-determination and the inability to design their life and professional path in modern market conditions. The professions chosen by graduates do not fully correspond, on the one hand, to the needs of the labor market, and, on the other, to the personal psychological qualities of the students themselves.
Thus, contradictions have been identified between:
- the need for self-determination of high school students in relation to the formation of an individual educational request, personal need in choosing a professional activity, readiness for professional self-determination and subsequent self-realization in new economic and sociocultural conditions and insufficient development of schoolchildren’s psychological readiness for professional self-determination;
- the need to develop psychological readiness for choosing a profession among high school students and the insufficient development of effective means of implementing this process.
All of the above is the rationale for the research problem, which is to identify effective means of developing the psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession.
The topic of the final qualifying work is “Means for developing psychological readiness for choosing a profession among high school students.”
The purpose of the study is to scientifically substantiate and experimentally test the means of developing the psychological readiness of high school students for professional self-determination.
Object of study: psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession.
Subject of research: means of developing the psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession.

    To analyze theoretical approaches to the problem of forming psychological preparation of high school students for professional self-determination in modern conditions.
    To reveal the essence of psychological readiness of high school students for professional self-determination, to determine the criteria and levels of its formation.
    Identify and implement means of developing the psychological readiness of high school students for professional self-determination; check the effectiveness of this implementation.
Research hypothesis: we assume that increasing the level of readiness of high school students to choose a profession may be facilitated by special training sessions designed taking into account the personal characteristics of the participants, the level of their psychological readiness for a professional choice, and the most common mistakes made when choosing a career by schoolchildren of a particular group.
The methodological and theoretical basis of the study was the works that define the conceptual provisions, conditions and pedagogical technologies for preparing students for life and choosing a profession (A.E. Golomshtok, E.A. Klimova, N.N. Chistyakov); theoretical and methodological foundations of career guidance (P.P. Blonsky, S.I. Vershinin, V.I. Zhuravlev, S.T. Shatsky); studies that highlight the structure, the main components of psychological readiness to choose a profession, and build ways of its formation (V.G. Kuznetsov, M.A. Palamarchuk, A.K. Markova).
Research methods: methods of studying literature on this topic (analysis, generalization, deductive, inductive method, systematization); psychological and pedagogical experiment; testing; qualitative and quantitative data analysis; graphical display of research results.
Research stages:
The study was conducted in three interrelated stages.
At the first, search and theoretical stage, an analysis of the literature on the research topic was carried out, the goals and objectives of the study were determined, the subject, object, and hypothesis of the study were formulated.
At the second, exploratory and empirical stage, the actual experimental study was carried out, where training sessions were implemented aimed at developing the psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession.
At the third, final stage, the results of the study were summarized and discussed, their quantitative and qualitative processing was carried out, a theoretical interpretation of the conclusions and provisions of the study, and literary design of the work were carried out.
Research base: the study took place on the basis of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1
including 20 11th grade students. The age of students is 16 – 17 years.
The scientific novelty lies in the development of training sessions aimed at the formation of psychological readiness for choosing a profession, compiled taking into account the personal characteristics of the participants, the level of their psychological readiness for a professional choice, the most common mistakes made when choosing a career by schoolchildren of a particular group.
The theoretical significance lies in the generalization and systematization of the material on the research problem, clarification of the concept of “psychological readiness” in relation to the choice of profession for high school students.
Practical significance - the results obtained can be used by teachers and parents to develop readiness among high school students to make the right choice of profession.
Approbation of the work was carried out in the form of a presentation on the topic “Means for developing psychological readiness to choose a profession among high school students” at a methodological association at the Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School
settlement Golyshmanovo.
Structure of the work: the thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography, and appendices. The work contains 4 tables, illustrated with three histograms. The total volume of work is 68 pages of computer text without applications.


      Specifics of choosing a profession by high school students
Youth is the age when a worldview is formed, value orientations, attitudes are formed. In fact, this is the period when there is a transition from childhood to the beginning of adulthood, a corresponding degree of responsibility, independence, the ability to actively participate in the life of society and in one’s personal life, to constructive solutions to various problems, and professional development. Career choice in senior school age becomes perhaps the most important, urgent and difficult matter. Psychologically directed towards the future and inclined to even mentally “jump” over unfinished stages, the young man is already internally burdened by school; school life seems to him temporary, unreal, the threshold of another, richer and more authentic life, which both attracts and frightens him. He understands well that the content of this future life, first of all, depends on whether he will be able to choose the right profession. No matter how frivolous and careless the young man looks, the choice of profession is his main and constant concern. In senior school age, the individual image of each young person becomes more and more definite and distinct, those of his individual characteristics that in their totality determine the make-up of his personality become more and more clear.
High school students differ significantly from each other not only in temperament and character, but also in their abilities, needs, aspirations and interests, and varying degrees of self-awareness. Individual characteristics also manifest themselves in the choice of life path. Self-determination and narrowly practical motives in choosing a profession acquire decisive importance in educational activities.
Choosing a profession and mastering it begins with the formation of motivational factors. At this stage, students should quite realistically formulate for themselves the task of choosing a future field of activity, taking into account the available psychological and psychophysiological resources. At this time, students develop attitudes towards certain professions and select educational subjects in accordance with the chosen profession.
At high school age, children's dreams of a profession are replaced by reflections on it, taking into account their own capabilities and life circumstances, and the desire to realize intentions in practical actions appears. However, some high school students live entirely in the present and think little about their future profession. High school students are interested in the plans of their classmates, discuss doubts, hesitations, they abandon their previous dreams as “childish”. Many people tend to succumb to the influence of authoritative or older friends. From time to time, disputes and disagreements arise regarding different professions and where exactly to continue studying. Right choice profession is a complex and lengthy process covering a significant period of life. Its effectiveness, as a rule, is determined by the degree of consistency of a person’s psychological capabilities with the content and requirements of professional activity, as well as the formation of the individual’s ability to adapt to changing socio-economic conditions in connection with the structure of his or her professional career.
Thus, the choice of profession is one of the moments that determines a person’s life path. Firstly, this is a long process, stretching over several years, and secondly, an event included in the chain of events of a person’s professional biography.
According to D. Super, a person must choose a profession taking into account his image of “I” as the actual image of a person, the way he thinks about himself and evaluates himself; intelligence, as a structure of general abilities and abilities for learning and learning; special abilities, interests, personal values, both internal (substantive) and external (accompanying the labor process), attitude towards work, work and profession; needs that determine the motives for choosing a profession and success in this profession, personality traits, as the most general models of human behavior, professional maturity, understood quite broadly.
The success of choosing a profession is largely determined by the student’s psychological readiness to choose a profession related to:
    with the formation of the professional orientation of the individual;
    adequate self-assessment of abilities;
    realistic level of aspirations;
    stable professional intentions;
    sufficient awareness of professions.
Professional self-determination is a long and multi-stage process of choosing a profession by an individual, reflected in his professional plans. This is one of the main components of individual socialization.
Therefore, at the school level, work on studying and developing psychological readiness for choosing a profession should be systematic, that is, school administrations, teachers, school psychologists, social educators, and, of course, the students themselves should participate in it. In addition, parents of schoolchildren should actively participate in career guidance work.
The problem of choosing a professional and life path arises before a person at an age when he is not fully aware of all the distant sequential life choices related to work, starting a family, social advancement, material well-being and spiritual development. It is the beginning of a person's independent life path. The first, very important and independent decision has to be made, relying not on life experience that comes over the years, but rather on ideas about their future, the society in which they will live.
In this regard, when making a professional choice, high school students often experience negative emotional states, in particular states of abandonment, confusion, and coercion, which determine the desire to avoid solving the problem of professional choice, postponing it indefinitely or shifting responsibility to others: parents, friends, acquaintances.
F. Sedlak, H. Breuer, T.V. Nester identifies 4 types of adolescents choosing a future profession:
Type 1 - indifferent, mercantile;
Type 2 - indecisive, fantasizing;
Type 3 - obedient, irresponsible;
Type 4 - purposeful, confident.
Common mistakes when choosing a profession for high school students:
1. The teenager’s orientation immediately towards a highly qualified profession (scientist, diplomat, director, bank manager, etc.).
2. Disdain for professions that are not prestigious, although significant in life.
3. Lack of your own opinion in choosing a profession and making a decision not of your own free will, but at the request of parents or other people.
4. Transferring the attitude towards a specific person who is a representative of a given profession to the profession itself.
5. Passion for only the external or one side of the profession.
6. Transfer of attitude towards a subject to a profession related to this subject.
7. The choice of profession associated with the choice of this profession by friends.
8. Lack of ability to understand, evaluate one’s abilities and opportunities in the chosen profession;
9. The choice of profession, determined by material considerations of the family and the child himself.
10. High or low self-esteem of one’s own personal qualities, which creates inadequacy in choosing this or that profession.
Thus, the peculiarities of choosing a profession among high school students are that high school students strive to choose the type of activity that would correspond to their understanding of their own capabilities. Since schoolchildren’s understanding of their own capabilities is often not adequate to the indicators, failures await them along the path of choice.
High school students are not able to objectively and fully evaluate themselves. Every year, hundreds of thousands of young men and women who have completed their schooling begin to seek the use of their strengths and abilities “in adulthood.” At the same time, as statistics show, most young people face serious problems related to the choice of profession, the profile of further education, subsequent employment, etc. and the reasons are not only the “closedness” of the labor market for the young and inexperienced, but also that the overwhelming majority of high school students have very rough ideas about modern market labor, existing professions, are unable to correlate the requirements presented by one or another sphere of professional activity with their individuality. Due to a number of objective and subjective reasons, modern youth turned out to be insufficiently prepared for the new demands of the political, socio-economic and personnel situation. There is no single tendency in self-esteem among high school students: some tend to overestimate themselves, while others do the opposite. Timely assistance provided to a schoolchild in choosing a profession not only helps him organize direct educational activities (when he consciously studies school subjects that may be useful to him in his future adult working life), but also introduces elements of calm into the student’s attitude towards his future (when he is optimistic life and professional perspective protects a teenager from the temptations of today's life). Such work encourages the student to think about himself, about his future, gives impetus to the activation of self-knowledge, and contributes to the formation of motivational factors for the student to choose a profession.
Thus, we have identified specific features of the choice of profession by high school students. They are that the decision to
High school students make their professional and life choices based not on life experience, but on ideas about their future. The peculiarities of choosing a profession for high school students also lie in the fact that high school students are not able to objectively and fully evaluate themselves - schoolchildren’s understanding of their own capabilities is not adequate to the indicators, which leads to erroneous professional self-determination.
Typical mistakes when choosing a profession by high school students have also been identified: the teenager’s focus immediately on a highly qualified profession; neglect of professions that are not prestigious; lack of opinion in choosing a profession and making a decision not of one’s own free will, but at the request of parents or other people; passion only for the external or any one side of the profession; transfer of attitude towards an academic subject to a profession related to this educational subject; choice of profession associated with the choice of this profession by friends.
To prevent and eliminate the above errors, the professional activities of teachers, school psychologists and social educators, who are called upon to provide high school students with effective assistance in choosing a future profession in the formation of psychological readiness for professional self-determination, become important. We will consider this issue in the next paragraph.
      The problem of psychological readiness to choose a profession among high school students in the psychological and pedagogical literature
Before considering the problem of psychological readiness to choose a profession, let us turn to the essence this concept. The concept of "readiness to choose a profession" was considered in the studies of N.N. Chistyakova, T.A. Buyanova, E.M. Borisova and others. Readiness to choose a profession is complex, including physiological, psychophysiological, psychological, and social aspects.
In the psychological dictionary of I.M. Kondakov’s readiness for action is understood as “... a form of attitude characterized by a focus on performing a particular action. Readiness implies the presence of certain knowledge, skills, abilities; readiness to counter obstacles that arise during the execution of the action; attributing personal meaning to the action performed. Readiness for action is realized through the manifestation of individual components of the action: neurodynamic formation of the action, physical readiness, psychological factors of readiness.”
Readiness for professional activity is defined as a mental state, pre-start activation of a person, including a person’s awareness of his goals, assessment of existing conditions, determination of the most likely courses of action; forecasting motivational, volitional, intellectual efforts, the likelihood of achieving results, mobilization of forces, self-hypnosis in achieving goals.
K.K. Platonov, M.A. Kotik, V.A. Sosnovsky, R.D. Sanzhaeva, L.I. Zakharov understands psychological readiness as a mental phenomenon through which the stability of human activity in a multimotivated space is explained.
According to O.M. Krasnoryadtseva’s psychological readiness for professional activity is manifested by:
- in the form of attitudes (as a projection of past experience onto the situation “here and now”), preceding any mental phenomena and manifestations;
- in the form of motivational readiness to “put in order” one’s image of the world (such readiness gives a person the opportunity to realize the meaning and value of what he is doing);
- in the form of professional and personal readiness for self-realization through the process of personalization.
In the studies of L. A. Odintsova and S. V. Zavitskaya, the following definition of psychological readiness is found:
“Psychological readiness for professional activity is characterized by a personal and pedagogical orientation, which is manifested in the understanding and acceptance of oneself and another as a unique entity, as well as a motivational and value-based attitude to the learning process in which subject-subject relationships are realized.”
N.V. Kuzmina believes that psychological readiness for professional activity is characterized by the presence of knowledge, skills and abilities in a specialist that allow him to carry out his activities at the level of modern requirements of science and technology. A.E. Steinmetz defined psychological readiness for professional activity as the process of forming a set (system) of mental formations - ideas and concepts, ways of thinking and skills, motivations, personality traits that ensure the motivational and semantic readiness and ability of the subject to carry out professional activities.
ON THE. Aminov and T.M. Chepygov define readiness for professional activity as a combination of a person’s professional orientation in a certain field with the real ability to carry out professionally significant skills in this field. The level of professional orientation is understood, according to N.A. Aminova and T.M. Chepygova, the degree of correspondence of the leading motive of preference for a profession (hence, personal meaning) to the objective content of the profession. Without a sufficiently high level of professional orientation, optimal interaction between a person and his chosen work is impossible. Only under this condition can one predict the successful development of the creative and moral forces of the individual in the labor process. E.I. Medvedskaya suggests that the basis of readiness is a system of attitudes towards non-judgmental acceptance of another person. “This means the representation in the professional consciousness of a psychologist of another person as a potential object/subject of his professional activity, or the focus of his professional consciousness on the Other.”
K.K. Platonov, P.A. Rudik, D.N. Uznadze, V.I. Shirinsky define readiness as concentration or instant mobilization of personality forces, aimed at the right moments to carry out certain actions. V.A. Malyako defines readiness as a complex personal formation, a multifaceted and multi-level system of qualities and properties, the totality of which allows the subject to successfully carry out his activities. A.A. Derkach, M.I. Dyachenko, L.A. Kandybovich consider the problem of readiness for professional activity in the personal-activity plane as a manifestation of all aspects of the personality in their integrity, providing the opportunity to effectively perform their functions.
P.A. Rudik considers readiness as a complex psychological formation and highlights in it the role of cognitive mental processes that reflect the most important aspects of the activity being performed, emotional components that can both strengthen and weaken a person’s activity, volitional components that contribute to the performance of effective actions to achieve a goal, as well as motives behavior
T.I. Shalavina understands readiness as an individualized reflection of reality, expressing the individual’s attitude towards those objects for the sake of which his activity and communication unfold. This interpretation presupposes the creation in the educational process of situations that provide meaning-creating activity, as a result of which the subjective appropriation of the content of professional training and the holistic personal development of the future specialist occurs. As a result, a high level of training is achieved. From this position, readiness is considered as an integrative professionally significant property of an individual, providing him with a developmental transition from the system of university training to the system of professional activity and including a set of professional knowledge, practical skills, personal experience, and personal professionally significant qualities.
Despite some differences in views, it is possible to identify something common in the interpretation of the concept of “readiness” - this is a personal form of interpretation of the content of education, a system of integrative properties, qualities and experience of the individual, which has signs of general theoretical and methodological readiness for professional activity. At the same time, readiness has a certain specificity - it is professional skills and skills, and the individual style of their implementation, practice-oriented experience, reflection on professional activity.
As can be seen from the literature review, the concept of psychological readiness in modern psychological and pedagogical literature is interpreted quite broadly, and for our work it is necessary to specify this concept and highlight the aspects that are significant for our work.
Thus, by studying the psychological and pedagogical literature, we found out that scientists, summarizing various approaches to characterizing the concept of readiness, identify three main directions: readiness as a special state of the individual, which manifests itself at the functional level; readiness as an integrative manifestation of personality, that is, at the personal level; a special psychological state of the individual, which can manifest itself both at the functional and personal levels.
Based on the research of T.V. Nester, in our study we consider readiness to choose a profession from the point of view of the personal-activity approach and believe that the signs of readiness to choose a profession are: the presence of the subject’s motivation to achieve and a specific idea about the upcoming activity of choosing a profession; the ability to draw up an algorithm of activity and determine methods for its implementation; Confidence in your strength; the ability to manage activities of self-analysis, self-assessment, analysis of professions and adjust it in the process of choosing a profession.
The leading component of readiness for professional activity is psychological readiness, which is understood by scientists as a comprehensive psychological education, as an alloy of functional, operational and personal components. Psychological readiness is traditionally understood as a mental phenomenon through which the stability of human activity in a multimotivated space is explained.
Depending on the definition of psychological readiness for professional self-determination, various authors highlight its structure, main components, and build ways of its formation.
Thus, M. M. Kashapov believes that its defining component is professional thinking, therefore, the formation of psychological readiness is built through training in analysis techniques.
V. G. Kuznetsov, M. A. Palamarchuk, S. F. Stupnitskaya believe that psychological readiness is determined by professional orientation and the formation of professional abilities (professionalism).
A.K. Markova determines that professionalization, which also includes psychological readiness, as a multi-channel process proceeds in several directions at once - through training and education, the motivational and operational spheres are formed. Psychological readiness for professional activity in this case is characterized by the dynamics of changes in the motivational sphere of the individual, the formation of professionally significant attitudes in it, and changes in the value-semantic structure of the individual’s worldview.
V.V. Sogalayev notes that the structure of psychological readiness includes motivational, orientational, emotional-volitional, personal-operational and evaluative-reflexive components.
IN AND. Bidenko, speaking about psychological readiness for professional activity, uses the concept of “basic skills” as “personal and interpersonal qualities, abilities, skills and knowledge that are expressed in various forms in a variety of work situations and social life. For an individual in a developed market economy, there is a direct correspondence between the levels of basic skills available and the possibility of obtaining employment."
In the list of basic skills, in accordance with the definition, the authors include: communication skills and abilities; creation; ability for analytical thinking; ability for creative thinking; adaptability; ability to work in a team; ability to work independently; self-awareness and self-esteem.
Thus, psychological readiness to choose a profession is a complex process, including physiological, psychophysiological, psychological, and social aspects. Based on an analysis of studies of psychological readiness to choose a profession among older schoolchildren, we identified the most important, in our opinion, components of this phenomenon: cognitive-evaluative and regulatory-behavioral.
The cognitive-evaluative component includes: the presence of stable professional interest, awareness of the requirements of the profession for the individual, adequate self-esteem, compliance of abilities with the requirements of the profession.
The regulatory-behavioral component includes:
- availability of an initial professional plan;
- understanding the social significance of the chosen profession, responsibility for choosing a future profession;
- the desire to realize one’s educational and professional choice, the presence of meaningful life orientations;
- the presence of emotional-volitional self-regulation of behavior.
Based on the work of famous psychologists related to research in the field of psychological readiness for activity (B.G. Ananyev, L.S. Vygotsky, S.N. Chistyakova, etc.), psychological readiness for conscious choice the future educational profile and profession in adolescence is determined by: the formation of information; motivational-value and practical components of this readiness.
Information readiness includes students’ awareness of:
- about the world of professions;
- about the labor market;
- about the presence of one’s own practical readiness and abilities to master the chosen profession or profile of the chosen education;
- about ways to plan and implement your professional plans;
- about ways of making decisions in a situation of choice.
Practical readiness includes:
- availability of practical knowledge and skills necessary to continue training in the chosen profile;
- the ability to make choices (selecting alternatives for obtaining specialized education that meet one’s own needs and capabilities; assessing their advantages and disadvantages; choosing the best from the available options).
Motivational-value readiness is understood as:
- emotional involvement in the selection process;
- desire and desire to make your choice;
- formation of self-esteem adequate to personal abilities and capabilities;
- the presence of value orientations and goals related to the further profile of education and future profession.
In addition to psychological readiness (the internal state of the individual) to choose a profession, the readiness of high school students is manifested in the form of knowledge, skills and competencies required in the profession, in studying the requirements that the profession makes for a working person, in the awareness of high school students of themselves in this profession. N.E. Kasatkina attributes such readiness to external readiness or to its pedagogical aspect and believes that such readiness is a prerequisite for successful choice of profession.
We agree with the opinion of researchers who believe that the concept of “psychological readiness to choose a profession” includes:

Thus, the analysis of the problem of psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession allowed us to formulate the following conclusions:

- a stable state of the student’s personality, which is based on a dynamic combination of certain properties, including the orientation of interests and inclinations, his practical experience and knowledge of his characteristics in connection with the choice of profession;
- inner conviction and awareness of the factor in choosing a profession, awareness of the world of work, what physical and psychological demands the profession places on a person”;
- the ability to recognize individual characteristics (the image of “I”), analyze professions and make decisions based on a comparison of these two types of knowledge, that is, the ability to consciously choose a profession.
In this regard, the issue of choosing effective means of developing the psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession seems very important. We will consider this issue in the next paragraph.

1.3. Means of developing psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession

By means of developing readiness to choose a profession, we mean subjects that have three important characteristics:
- firstly, in order for this or that object to play this role, it must contain human culture, and this is natural, because the process of education is the process of its transmission and assimilation;
- secondly, this culture must be contained in them in a concentrated form, because only then can they be used effectively in the educational process;
- thirdly, the most necessary condition for this effectiveness is the pedagogical processing of the culture embedded in educational means, otherwise its assimilation will be inaccessible to students with their specific age and individual characteristics.
The choice of means in various aspects of the formation and development of a personality depends on the tasks of this aspect; when they are used, they acquire a specific content. Such a selection of means with the appropriate content also occurs when organizing the formation of psychological readiness for the choice of a profession among older schoolchildren - means that can influence the formation of readiness for professional self-determination of the individual come to the fore in it.
The task of the psychologist in this situation is to give the student psychological means of resolving his personal problems associated with determining the versions of further education. Based on the diagnosis of these psychological problems, psychologists can help a student make a choice of a profile class or provide prerequisites for making a professional choice.
Before providing this assistance, it is necessary to realize the purpose and meaning of its provision, to clearly understand the prospects and limitations of personality development, depending on the choice of further training profile.
One of the main goals of modern vocational education, according to L. M. Mitina, is the development of interest and the need for self-change.
The modern conditions of society require a change in the strategy of professional adaptation to a strategy of professional development. Society needs a professional who knows his business, who is able to independently make decisions and be responsible for these decisions, for himself, for others, for the country, who knows how to take risks, create, create.
But in order to become such a professional, many young people at the stage of choosing a profession, and before the profile of training, need psychological help, psychological support.
L. M. Mitina in his book “Psychological support for choosing a profession” distinguishes two main forms psychological work with an optant: adaptive and developing. The most common types of adaptive are diagnostic, behavioral and psychoanalytic professional consultations. Diagnostic professional consultation is based on the three-factor theory of career guidance by F. Parsons, the main provisions of which he formulated back in 1908. He proposed to distinguish three phases of career guidance work with an optant: the first includes the study of mental and personal characteristics, the second involves studying the requirements of the profession and formulating them in psychological terms, and the third involves comparing these two series of factors and deciding on the recommended profession. Thus, it is assumed that there is a strong relationship between human characteristics and professional requirements. The choice of profession itself is considered as a search for a match between the requirements of the profession and individuality. The attractiveness of such a scheme is in its external simplicity and, it seems, logicality.
At the same time, according to N.K. Martina, adherents of the diagnostic approach make a significant miscalculation when they undertake to decide the fate of a person, choosing for him who he should be, thereby excluding the optant himself from the decision-making process. The researcher believes that it is unlawful to make a decision based on the results of a diagnostic examination alone without taking into account changes in the world of professions and the prospects for personal development.
The behaviorist (educational) concept of professional consultation is based on the idea of ​​a more or less unambiguous conditioning of human behavior by a set of external influences. According to supporters of the educational concept, any person can be trained in any profession, you just need to choose the right one effective methods vocational training. Hence the main goal of the consultation is to study the individual characteristics of the optant and organize the most optimal conditions for training. This concept is more attractive because it to a greater extent takes into account the enormous opportunities for developing abilities. But she completely ignores the data obtained in the theory and practice of differential psychophysiology. Existing natural and little-changing individual differences between people can be favorable for the formation of professional suitability in some professions and become an insurmountable obstacle for others.
Psychoanalytic consultation is based on the principles of identifying a person’s subconscious impulses and selecting professions in which they could manifest themselves to the greatest extent. The main principle of such consultation is the complete rejection of any methods of self-education and self-development. The main thing is to accept yourself as you are, unconditionally and calmly, without dramatizing the need for self-restraint when refusing those professions that require “remaking” yourself.
The classic types of other forms of career counseling are humanistic and developmental (activating). Humanistic professional consultation is based on the principles common to humanistic psychology of creating a special situation of interaction between the optant and the consultant (client-centered approach), including complete “acceptance” of the person being consulted, the possibility of free statements about oneself and one’s problems, which allows one to approach conscious and independent decision-making. Despite all its external attractiveness, such a scheme did not take root in practice. Firstly, because professional consultation of this type requires significant time to carry out, and secondly, in the course of such consultation its subject is most often lost, the main goal becomes working with the individual, providing psychological incentives, conditions for its development, which in itself extremely important, but does not have direct access to the choice of profession. However, some principles of humanistic psychology are included in counseling by proponents of a developmental approach to counseling, allowing for optimal opton-consultant relationships.
Developmental (activating) professional consultation is devoid of the main drawback of adaptive consultation - it does not exclude the activity of the subject himself from the process of solving a vital problem, but is considered as the main factor in the right choice. Its main goal is to activate the process of forming the student’s psychological readiness for professional self-determination, unobtrusive psychological support for choosing a profession and preparing for it.
The main principle of developmental professional consultation is the implementation of a new approach to the use and interpretation of psychodiagnostic techniques. It is necessary to give new meaning to this work. Along with the traditional task of psychodiagnostics - determining the current state of development of the student’s individuality, one should:
a) use its results to stimulate the student’s needs for self-knowledge and self-improvement in preparation for his professional work in the future;
b) to identify shortcomings, gaps in the development of certain qualities and abilities that are important for future professional activity;
c) to decide on the nature of correctional and developmental work in order to prepare for a future profession;
d) to exercise control over the development of the required qualities and abilities after correction or training;
e) to determine restrictions in the choice of a field of professional activity that imposes strict requirements on the psychophysiological characteristics of the individual.
The second principle is the refusal to build up the arsenal of psychodiagnostic methods and focus on the development and application of special training and correctional programs, psychotraining systems, problem-game and educational-professional situations.
And finally, the implementation of the principle of cooperation between the optant and the consultant by introducing elements of a humanistic approach to career counseling. The success of the consultation largely depends on whether it is possible to establish a trusting relationship with the student. Any pressure, directive tone, or imposition of one’s opinion is unacceptable. The emphasis should be on explaining that the choice of profession will only be correct when it is conscious, independent and when it is preceded by a lot of painstaking work on self-knowledge and studying the world of professions.
Psychological support for choosing a profession should be based on the norms and laws of human mental development. One of the fundamental categories for developmental psychology is the category of age (L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin). Psychological work with an optant is designed to create the opportunity for students to productively solve the central problems of age and psychologically competently introduce them into the meanings, purpose, values, content of professional activity, features of its development and implementation, to ensure the transformation of the student from an object of pedagogical influences into a subject of professional education, and therefore, provide conditions for professional development of the individual at all stages of life.
Having studied these psychological forms of work, we came to the conclusion that psychological support for the choice of a further educational profile for high school students should be based on the norms and laws of human mental development, while strict consideration of changes in the world of professions and the prospects for personal development is necessary, the study of the individual characteristics of children, their training methods of self-education and self-development. In our opinion, a student who is on the verge of choosing a study profile must be actively involved in the process of solving this vital task, and the results of psychodiagnostics must be used to stimulate the students’ needs for self-knowledge and self-improvement in order to prepare for their professional work in the future. Thus, we agree that in general educational institutions the process of forming students’ psychological readiness for professional self-determination should be intensified, and psychological support for choosing a further educational profile should be carried out unobtrusively.
Readiness to choose a profession is, firstly, an internal awareness of the very fact of choice and certainty of professional interests, and secondly, the student’s awareness of his abilities and what physical and psychological demands the profession places on a person. In this regard, an important role in solving the problems of career guidance for schoolchildren is played not only by diagnostic methods, but also by methods of psychological correction, during which the student’s inclinations, on the one hand, and his capabilities, on the other, become obvious.
The specificity of the difficulties associated with professional self-determination, obtaining an education and further employment of young people in modern conditions requires the search for new forms of work to solve these difficulties.
One of the main areas of work of a psychologist with high school students is carrying out career guidance work and developing readiness for professional self-determination. The main goal of psychological support for the professional self-determination of young people in a market economy is, in our opinion, young people’s awareness of their autonomy and their acceptance of responsibility for their educational trajectory and career. An autonomous person has an idea of ​​his abilities and interests, advantages and disadvantages, possible objective obstacles and ways to overcome them. In general, it is distinguished by its active life position and a mindset to achieve success.
The basis for choosing a profession today is the individual’s ideas about the future, which take him beyond the current situation and are a program for his development. An autonomous person navigates the world of professions: he understands the meaning of professional activity, knows the requirements of professions and the prospects for their development, and is able to coordinate professional activity with other important life contexts ( family life, hobbies, etc.)
The behavior of an autonomous individual in the labor market presupposes a general orientation in the socio-economic situation, knowledge of vacancies, as well as the skills of searching for a job, writing a resume, passing an interview, etc. A person who is not ready to meet the requirements of reality turns out to be unclaimed. A relative balance between labor supply and demand can be achieved with professional competence. Thus, the vector of career guidance work should be shifted from the position of “Who should I be?” to the position “What should I become?”
So, in addition to the individual’s own social experience, an attitude can be a product of spontaneous or purposeful communication, especially those types of mass communication that involve a high degree of empathy for current events.
Professional attitudes express the personal activity of the subject of activity and relate to semantic attitudes that arise in the course of general and professional development.
Effective professional choice requires: differentiation of the self-concept of the subject of professional development, self-confidence; rationality of solving life problems; achieving autonomy; future orientation; formation of professional interests and general work skills; some practical work experience. Based on the description of mature professional attitudes, diagnostic tools for their individually specific manifestations are constructed.
Thus, the personal professional plans of a school graduate, his abilities and inclinations are often not taken into account when choosing a specialty. The greatest influence is exerted by the opinion of relatives, the position of friends, comrades, and the presence of a particular educational institution in the locality. Few people can make an informed choice of specialty and educational institution. For most young people, the choice of profession is based on existing stereotypes in society, which makes it difficult to find oneself in the world of professions and creates psychological difficulties.
Choosing a profession presupposes that the student has two kinds of information: about the world of professions as a whole and the opportunities and requirements for each of them; about yourself, your abilities and interests.
Career guidance correctional and developmental work with high school students can be carried out in various forms: in the form of educational games and exercises (they are carried out throughout the academic year, during class hours and extracurricular activities); in the form of large games and trainings for professional self-determination.
Psychological training as a means of active social and psychological training is currently one of the most popular and dynamically developing types of psychological work. The trainings are widely used in providing psychological assistance to adolescents in professional self-determination. Training sessions allow you to effectively solve problems related to the development of communication skills, self-control and self-knowledge, and the activation of creative potential. The noted aspects are very relevant in adolescence. This is not only a period of problems and contradictions, but also a time of increased mental plasticity, readiness for development and receptivity to influence, and maximum openness to new life experiences.
Training is a special type of learning through direct “living” and awareness of the experience arising in interpersonal interaction, which cannot be reduced either to traditional learning through the transfer of knowledge, or to psychological counseling or psychotherapy. With such training, the student directly comes into contact with the reality being studied, and does not just think about meeting it or reflecting on the possibility of “doing something with it.”
We believe that psychological training is an active means of learning through the acquisition and comprehension of life experience, modeled in interpersonal interaction. The training allows you to gain experience, on the one hand, in the most “concentrated” form, and, on the other, in psychologically safe conditions that make it easier to comprehend. Training as a means of developing psychological readiness to choose a profession is aimed at helping participants master any activity. The subject of the work is the system of a person’s relationship to professional activity, as well as the communication skills necessary for becoming a professional.
Thus, in this paragraph we have identified such means of developing psychological readiness for choosing a profession as professional consultation, professional diagnostics, games and trainings for professional self-determination. In our study, we highlight training as a possible effective means of developing psychological readiness.

Conclusions from Chapter 1:
The specific features of high school students’ choice of profession are that high school students make decisions about professional and life choices based not on life experience, but on ideas about their future. High school students are not able to evaluate themselves objectively and fully - schoolchildren’s understanding of their own capabilities is not adequate to the indicators, which leads to erroneous professional self-determination.
Typical mistakes when choosing a profession for high school students are the following: a teenager’s focus immediately on a highly qualified profession; neglect of professions that are not prestigious; lack of opinion in choosing a profession and making a decision not of one’s own free will, but at the request of parents or other people; passion only for the external or any one side of the profession; transfer of attitude towards an academic subject to a profession related to this educational subject; choice of profession associated with the choice of this profession by friends.
The concept of “psychological readiness to choose a profession” includes:
- a stable state of the student’s personality, which is based on a dynamic combination of certain properties, including the orientation of interests and inclinations, his practical experience and knowledge of his characteristics in connection with the choice of profession;
- inner conviction and awareness of the factor in choosing a profession, awareness of the world of work, what physical and psychological demands the profession places on a person;
- the ability to recognize individual characteristics (the image of “I”), analyze professions and make decisions based on a comparison of these two types of knowledge, that is, the ability to consciously choose a profession.
Psychological readiness to choose a profession in adolescence is determined by the formation of the informational, motivational-value and practical components of this readiness.
We have identified such means of developing psychological readiness for choosing a profession as professional consultation, professional diagnostics, games and trainings for professional self-determination. In our study, we highlight training as a possible effective means of developing psychological readiness.
The theoretical analysis of the research problem allowed us to formulate a hypothetical assumption: we assume that the increase in the level of psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession may be facilitated by special training sessions, compiled taking into account the personal characteristics of the participants, the initial level of their psychological readiness for a professional choice, the most common mistakes allowed when choosing a career by schoolchildren of a particular group.
The second chapter of the final qualifying work is devoted to the experimental verification of the hypothesis put forward.


2.1. Diagnostics of psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession

The purpose of the experimental study was to test the hypothesis that an increase in the level of readiness of high school students to choose a profession may be facilitated by special training sessions, compiled taking into account the personal characteristics of the participants, the initial level of their psychological readiness for a professional choice, the most common mistakes made when choosing a career by schoolchildren. specific group.
The experimental study was conducted on the basis of 11 classes with the inclusion of 20 students (10 - control group and 10 - experimental).
A list of students participating in the study is provided in the appendix.
The experiment consisted of three stages:
The ascertaining stage - the diagnosis of the initial level of formation of the psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession was carried out.
The formative stage included work on the formation of the psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession using special training sessions.
The control stage is devoted to the analysis of the results of the study of the effectiveness of the formative work carried out.
To diagnose the levels of formation of the psychological readiness of high school students to choose a profession, the following criteria and indicators specifying them were used: cognitive (information), motivational-need, activity-practical:

    cognitive – the degree of students’ understanding of individual psychophysiological qualities; the degree of familiarity with the content of the chosen professional activity; the degree of awareness of the possibility of obtaining advice from career guidance specialists about the paths of necessary education and places of work; the degree of students' awareness of general and special professionally important qualities;
    motivational-need – the nature of students’ motivation and activity; awareness of the personal and social significance of the future profession; connection of interests with value orientations; intensity of emotional experiences, volitional efforts, attention;
    activity-practical – the ability of students to correlate their individual characteristics and the professional requirements of a given profession; mastery of basic work techniques.