Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Ways to improve the financial condition of the organization. Improving the efficiency of an agricultural enterprise based on an analysis of the financial condition Ways to improve the financial condition of an agricultural enterprise

Kovalenko Elena Valentinovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, accounting And financial control FGBOU VPO "Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin, Omsk [email protected]

Golubeva Galina Alexandrovna, 2nd year master student of the Department of Economics, Accounting and Financial Control, FSBEI HPE “Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin, Omsk [email protected]

Ways to improve the financial condition of the enterprise SPK "Pushkinsky"

Annotation. The article is devoted to the analysis of the financial condition of SEC "Pushkinsky". Based on the results of the analysis, the article provides recommendations for improving the financial condition of the enterprise, their economic efficiency is calculated. Key words: analysis, financial condition, financial stability, liquidity, profitability, business activity, profit.

The correct determination of the real financial condition of the organization is of great importance not only for the business entity itself, but also for shareholders and potential investors. Therefore, in a market economy, the financial condition of the organization is of paramount importance.

In addition, the financial condition of the enterprise is constantly changing and therefore the analysis of the financial condition should be carried out regularly. It is also necessary to identify financial problems, their causes and take timely measures to eliminate them. Thus, in connection with these circumstances, the analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise is of particular relevance. The object of observation is the enterprise SEC "Pushkinsky" of the Omsk district of the Omsk region, which specializes in the production of milk and potatoes. Every year, the cooperative achieves high performance in agricultural production and occupies leading positions in the district and region. The scientific novelty of the results of the study is as follows: 1. the concept of "financial condition of the enterprise" has been clarified; 2. A model for analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise is presented. The practical significance of the results of the study lies in the development of recommendations for improving the financial condition for a particular enterprise - SEC "Pushkinsky" of the Omsk district of the Omsk region. Under the financial condition, we mean one of the characteristics of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, determined by a high proportion of equity, growth in profits and cash, as well as a decrease in the company's liabilities in dynamics over a number of years. To analyze the financial condition of enterprises, we proposed a model for analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise in the form of a structured sequence of actions, based on the relationship of key blocks of analysis and allowing us to identify the causes of changes in the financial condition of the enterprise in question (Figure 1.). Based on the proposed scheme, we will analyze the financial condition of the SEC " Pushkin. First, let's analyze the structure and nature of the changes that have occurred in the composition of the property of SEC "Pushkinsky" (table 1).

Rice. 1. Model for analyzing the financial condition of an enterpriseTable 1 general characteristics property of SEC Pushkinsky for 2010-2012, thousand rubles Indicator 2010 2011 2012 Growth rate, % 2011 to 2010 2012 to 2011 Total property 237289275288285676116.0103.8 incl. h:. Non-current aktivy107484158073166796147,1105,5iz them: basic sredstva97706148295157018151,8105,9dolgosrochnye vlozheniya191919100,0100,0prochie financial non-current assets aktivy975997599759100,0100,0Oborotnye 12980511721511888090,3101,4iz them: accounts zadolzhennost2937213587651446,348,0zapasy9254997756104521105,6107,0 cash 78845872784574,5133,6

From the data in the table, we can conclude that the value of the property of SEC "Pushkinsky" for the period under review increased by 48387 thousand rubles. rub. This increase was mainly due to the growth of non-current assets. The value of non-current assets increases significantly due to the increase in the value of fixed assets. The amount of current assets of the enterprise fluctuated during the analyzed period. To study the sources of formation of the enterprise's property, the data of the balance sheet liabilities are used (table 2). Table 2. General characteristics of the sources of property of SEC "Pushkinsky" for 2010-2012, thousand rubles. 0103,8Sobstvennye sredstva216585255892263480118,1103,0iz them: charter kapital110641107211078100,1100,1pereotsenka noncurrent aktivov226122261222612100,0100,0rezervny kapital154088181164219317117,6121,1neraspredelennaya pribyl288214104410473142,425,5Dolgosrochnye obyazatelstva111328244851574,1103,3iz them: borrowed sredstva91176574719172,1109,4prochie obyazatelstva20151670132482,979,3Kratkosrochnye liabilities95721115213681116.5122.7 of which: borrowed funds422842284488100.0106.1 accounts payable534469249193130.0132.8

During the analyzed period, the total amount of sources of the enterprise SPK "Pushkinsky" increased by 20.4%. This was mainly due to an increase in own funds, namely, an increase in reserve capital. In borrowed sources, there was a decrease in other long-term liabilities. The growth of short-term liabilities was mainly due to an increase in accounts payable.

Current assets exceed short-term liabilities, which provides a reserve to compensate for losses that an enterprise may incur during the placement and liquidation of all current assets, except for cash. However, the excess of current assets over short-term liabilities by more than two times is considered undesirable. This indicates an irrational investment by the enterprise of its funds and their inefficient use. Next, we analyze the financial stability of the enterprise SPK "Pushkinsky", for which we calculate the absolute and relative indicators. To characterize the sources of formation of reserves and costs, we define three main indicators (Table 3). , % 2011 to 2010 2012 to 2011 Presence of own working capital 10910110606310519997.299.2 Availability of own and long-term borrowed sources of reserves and costs 12023311430711371495.199.5 Total value of the main sources of reserves and costs 12446111853511820295.299.7

From this table it can be seen that all the calculated indicators have a positive value, which indicates the presence of an enterprise of the total value of the main sources of formation of reserves and costs. Let's evaluate another aspect of financial stability by finding out how the enterprise is provided with sources of reserves formation (Table 4). By 2010 2012 By 2011 Surplus or shortage of own working capital 16552830767850.198.2 Surplus or shortage of own and long-term sources of reserves formation 2768416551919359.7955.5

The enterprise SPK "Pushkinsky" is provided with sources of formation of stocks, since. there is a surplus of own working capital, long-term sources of stock formation and the total value of the main sources of stock formation. Thus, the company corresponds to absolute financial stability, the three-dimensional indicator of the type of financial stability has not changed in dynamics. The company uses mainly its own sources of financial resources and fully covers reserves and costs, which is the main condition for absolute financial stability. The analysis of relative indicators. The values ​​of the coefficients are presented in Table 5.

Table 5 Financial stability ratios of SEC Pushkinsky for 2010-2012 Indicator 2010 2011 2012 Growth rate, % 2011 to 2010 2012 to 2011 Financial independence ratio 0.910.930.92102.198.9 Financial dependence ratio 0.9 090,070,0877,7114,070,0877,7114,070,087,0613,1911,87126,089,1911,87126,089,08,900,88107,197,0,900,88,107,197,40,882,097,500,410,4082,097,0,960,098,960,95100,098,960,95100.098.c .3782.697.3

In general, it can be seen that all coefficients correspond to the normative values. The decrease in the coefficients turned out to be insignificant and did not affect the level of financial stability of the enterprise. The coefficient of financial independence is quite high, which undoubtedly strengthens the financial stability of the enterprise. The next step in the analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise is the analysis of liquidity and solvency. To begin with, let's draw up the liquidity balance of SEC "Pushkinsky" for 2012. (table 6).

According to table 6, we obtain the following correspondence: A1 P2, A3 > P3, A4
AktivAbsolyutnye value th. Rub.Udelnye weight% PassivAbsolyutnye value th. Rub.Udelnye weight% or over Billing nedostatokA1 78452,7P1 91933,21348A2 65142,3P2 44881,62026A310452136,6P385153,096006A416679658,4P426348092,296684Balans285676100,0Balans285676100,00Ne despite the decrease in liquidity ratios, their values ​​remained within the normal range, which indicates the solvency of the enterprise.

The next step is to determine the main indicators of profitability of the enterprise SPK "Pushkinsky" (table 8). .to 2011 Total profitability12,916,03,7124,023.1Product profitability15,720,22,5128,712.4Sales profitability21,323,26,9108,929.7Return on equity14,117,44,0123,423, 0 Return on current assets25,033.08.9132.027.0

In general, the company in 2011 saw an increase in profitability due to an increase in all factors affecting the value of these indicators, and in 2012, due to a sharp drop in the amount of net profit by 74.4%, there was a decrease in the profitability of the enterprise. The decrease in the company's profit is associated with a drop in product yields due to adverse weather conditions (abnormal heat and drought). In addition, there was a drop in prices for grain and potatoes. Let's analyze the business activity of the enterprise SPK "Pushkinsky". The obtained data on the dynamics will be presented in Table 9. Table 9. Business activity indicators of SEC "Pushkinsky" for 2010-2012 total capital 0.610.70.54114.777.1 Turnover period of total capital, days 59152266988.3128.2 Turnover ratio of equity capital 0.670.750.58111.977.3 Turnover period of equity capital, days 54048161989.1128.7 Turnover ratio of working capital

1,171,421,28121,490,1 Working capital turnover period, days 30625428283,0111,0 Cash turnover ratio 22,1125,6922,0116,285,6 01107.6182.6 Accounts receivable turnover period, days 47442497,654.5 Accounts payable turnover ratio 23.9128.818.72120.465.0 Accounts payable turnover period, days 3 Duration of the financial cycle, days 27522624682.2108.8

According to Table 9, it can be seen that in the analyzed period there was a decrease in the turnover of assets, which, first of all, is associated with a drop in the company's revenue. First of all, it should be noted the acceleration of the turnover of accounts receivable and, accordingly, the decrease in the average term of settlements with debtors from 47 to 24 days in 2012. In addition to all this, the turnover ratio of accounts payable for the entire period of the study decreased by 21.8% due to a drop in revenue enterprises. In this regard, the period of settlement with creditors has increased from 15 to 19 days. The duration of the turnover of accounts payable is less than accounts receivable. This means that the outflow of funds to creditors is more intense than the inflow of these funds from debtors. The duration of the operating and financial cycle fluctuated, although in general for 2010-2012. there was a decrease. In the end, we will carry out a factor analysis of profit from the sale of products. Profit from the sale of products as a whole for the enterprise depends on four factors: the volume of sales of products, its structure, cost and average selling price. Let us consider the influence of these factors on the profit from the sale of products of the SPK Pushkinsky. The initial data for the analysis are shown in Table 10, the results are in Table 11. Table 10 Initial data for analyzing profits from the sale of products of SEC Pushkin

for 2011-2012 Indicator Value of the indicator Change in 2011 2012 Absolute, + / Relative,% Sales volume (VP), c.:



261.147.1+6.4 Product structure (di), %:


247.449.4+1.8 Cost price (Ci), rub/c:





79.2+58.7+6.2 Average selling price (Ti), rub/c:




Table 11 Results of factorial analysis of profit from the sale of products of SEC "Pushkinsky" for 2011-2012 (Ci) 6929.2

The calculation results showed that the amount of profit from the sale of products in 2012 decreased by 50598.9 thousand rubles. This happened due to a change in the structure of products, an increase in cost and a decrease in product prices. The growth in the cost of production reduced profit by 28697.9 thousand rubles, the fall in prices for grain and potatoes reduced the profit of the enterprise by 6929.2 thousand rubles, and the change in the structure of products contributed to a decrease in profit by 17292.7 thousand rubles. The volume of product sales is a positive factor, which increased the profit from sales by 2320.9 thousand rubles. Thus, the analysis showed that the company has some financial problems. These include: a lack of funds to pay off the most urgent obligations and a decrease in profits. To improve the financial condition of the enterprise SPK "Pushkinsky", the following main recommendations can be proposed (table 12).

Accounts payable exceed cash1) Development of a system of discounts / surcharges due to the payment period.2. Decrease in profits (resulting in reduced profitability and business activity)

Decrease in the volume of manufactured products due to a decrease in yields associated with adverse weather conditions;

falling prices for products.1) Crop insurance with state support.2) Provision of sowing/harvesting services.

Let's take a closer look at the proposed activities. 1. Development of a system of discounts / surcharges due to the payment period. Table 13 shows the scale of discounts/surcharges due to the payment term. Table 13 Scale of discounts/surcharges due to the payment termPayment term Type Size, %1. Prepaymentdiscount

1.1. in 30 daysdiscount51.2. 15 daysdiscount32. Payment on the day of deliverydiscount23. Deferred paymentsurcharge

3.1. for 15 dayssurcharge23.2. for 30 dayssurcharge3

Thus, this event will make it possible to interest buyers to pay for products earlier, which is undoubtedly beneficial for the enterprise, because. it will receive the funds earlier and the receivables will be less. 2.Crop insurance with state support. There are various insurance programs: sum insured -100%, 90%, 80% of the insured value; participation of the insured in risk insurance (unconditional deductible - covering part of the risk by the insured independently) - 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30% of the sum insured. Rates insurance rate vary from 2.5% to 7.2%. The enterprise pays only 50% of the insurance premium (contribution) under the insurance contract, the rest is paid by the state. Let's take a look at the spring wheat harvest insurance calculations. The initial data for the calculation are given in Table 14. Table 14Initial data for the calculation of spring wheat insuranceIndicatorValue1. Sowing area, ha 30002. Average yield, c/ha 21.83. Average price, rub./c357.14. Sum insured, % of the insured value805. Participation in risk insurance, %106. Insurance rate rate,% 51) Calculate the insured value of the crop: 3000 * 21.8 * 357.1 = 23354340 rubles Sum insured = 23354340 * 80 /100 = 18683472 rubles 2) Determine the amount of the insured's participation in insurance: 18683472 * 10 / 100 = 1868347.2 rubles 3) Calculate the amount of the insurance premium: 18683472* 5/ 100 = 934173.6 rubles 4) Calculate the amount to be paid to the company: 934173.6* 50/100 = 467086.8 rubles The remaining 50% The authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation transfers the accrued insurance premium on the basis of the enterprise's application to the insurer's settlement account. In the event of an insured event - a shortage of spring wheat harvest as a result of drought in the amount of 30% - the insured received a yield in weight after completion of 17.5 centners per hectare. The cost of the resulting crop will be 18,747,750 rubles . (17.5 c/ha * 357.1 rub. / c * 3000 ha). The damage will be equal to: 23354340 -18747750 \u003d 4606590 rubles. The amount of the insurance payment. The insurance payment is determined as the product of the amount of damage by the ratio of the sum insured to the insurance value minus the amount of the unconditional deductible from the resulting product: (4606590 * 80 / 100) - (18683472 * 10 / 100) = 1816924.8 rubles. Economic efficiency of the measure: 1816924.8 -467086.8 = 1 349838 rubles. This measure allows to reduce the risks of loss of income in the production of agricultural products in the event of adverse natural events. 3. Provision of services for sowing / harvesting. The essence of this event is as follows. Because SPK "Pushkinsky" is one of the leading enterprises not only in the region, but also in the region, so it finishes both spring field work and harvesting before the rest. In this regard, the enterprise has the opportunity to provide services for these types of work to other enterprises in the region. Table 15 shows the cost of the service. Table 15

Calculating the cost of services for the planting / harvesting wheat yarovoy№ n / pNaimenovaniya and types rabotStoimost services rub.1boronovanie rannevesennee7182boronovanie rannevesennee8723boronovanie rannevesennee23604vyvoz grain sklada9205podvoz water and yadov8006protravlivanie semyan6627podvoz semyan783,528posev236obrabotka1406011obrabotka2442

Let's calculate the economic efficiency of this event: the service is the sowing of spring wheat for 10 shifts for 1 agricultural equipment 1 worker, the enterprise provides only agricultural equipment and a worker (table 16).

Table 16 Calculation of the economic efficiency of the event providing services for sowing / harvesting spring wheat Indicator Value, rub.1. Salary118002. Deductions for social needs35403. Depreciation48614. Total costs 202015. Results (revenue)236006. Economic efficiency3399

The economic efficiency of the event is 3399 rubles. As a result of this event, the company will be able to receive additional revenue and increase its profits. Thus, the proposed recommendations will help to overcome the factors that negatively affect the financial condition of the enterprise SPK "Pushkinsky". As a result of these measures, there will be an increase in the type of liquidity of the balance sheet, an increase in profits and, as a result, an increase in the level of profitability and an acceleration in the turnover of the company's assets.

Links to sources 1. Golubeva G.A. Financial stability of enterprise as the basis of its viability // European student scientific journal. -2013. – No. 2; URL: (accessed 03/17/2014).–[Accessed 03/16/2014].

2. Golubeva G.A. Analysis of financial results from the sale of products on the example of SEC "Pushkinsky" of the Omsk district of the Omsk region // Contribution of young scientists to innovative development Agro-industrial complex of Russia: collection of materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. -Penza: RIO PGSKhA, 2013. -S. 4951.3. Tyutyunnikov A. Insurance programs for the risk of loss (death) of agricultural crops, carried out with state support in 2012 /A. Tyutyunnikov // Agraria. Let's save the harvest. –2012. – No. 04 (April). P. 58. URL: –[Accessed 03/16/2014].

Kovalenko Elena ValentinovnaCandidate of economic sciences, associate Professor, Economics Department, accounting and financial control Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin, [email protected] Galina AleksandrovnaSecondyear Master’s Degree studentof the Department of Economics, accounting and financial control Federal State Budget Educational Institutionof Higher Professional Education «Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin, [email protected] improvement in the financial condition of the company APC "Pushkinsky"

Annotation.The article is dedicated to the analysis of financial condition APC «Pushkinsky». By results of the analysis in article provides recommendations for improving the financial condition of the company, calculated their economic efficiency Key words: analysis, financial condition, financial stability, liquidity, profitability, business activity and profits.

3.1 Reserves for increasing the profitability of the capital of an agricultural enterprise PC skha (collective farm) "dawn"

Profitability indicators characterize the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole, the profitability of various areas of activity (production, business, investment), cost recovery. They characterize the final results of management more fully than profit, because their value shows the ratio of the effect to cash or consumed resources. They are used to evaluate the activities of the enterprise and as a tool in investment policy and pricing.

Profitability indicators can be divided into several groups:

    Indicators characterizing the profitability of the main (operating) and investment activities;

    Indicators characterizing the profitability of sales (turnover);

    Indicators characterizing the profitability of capital and its parts.

Profitability of production activities (recoupment of costs) - R3 - is calculated in the following way:

R3 \u003d Nprp / Zrp, (32)

where, NPR - net profit from the main activity,

Zrp - the amount of costs for sold or manufactured products.

Profitability of sales - Rrp

Rrp = Nprp/Vrp, (33)

where GRP is sales revenue.

Profitability (yield) of capital - Rk

Rc = ChP/KL, (34)

where KL is the average annual cost of all invested capital.

These indicators determine the level of profitability of the business, characterize the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. For this enterprise, these indicators are given in the table below.

Table 16 Profitability indicators



Profitability of the performed activity

Profitability of sales

Return on equity

return on assets

capital intensity

The profitability of the activity of the enterprise falls in dynamics. This means that the costs of production and sales of products exceed the profit of the enterprise from each ruble, this indicates that production costs are not paid back, and therefore the profitability of sales has also decreased.

The return on capital has been declining year by year. This negatively affects the rate of capital turnover in the enterprise and its increase is required to ensure the planned sales volume.

There is a decrease in capital intensity. In 2006 The rate of return on assets has not changed, while the capital intensity has decreased. This indicates an inefficient use of fixed production assets. To increase the profitability of products, it is necessary to reduce the unit cost of production.

The profitability of an enterprise depends on very unstable parameters or factors. After all, the value of current assets, i.e. working capital and own working capital is very mobile and depends on many factors - the size of the business, industry affiliation, i.e. type of activity, growth rate of product sales, structure of working capital, inflation, accounting policy of the enterprise, settlement system. Thus, the stability of development becomes a derivative of the stable current economic activity of the enterprise. this must be taken into account by the entire enterprise and conduct economic activity with a profit. It is necessary to take into account the following factors for increasing profitability (Figure 3).

Figure 3 Factors for increasing profitability

If we consider the increase in the volume of production separately for crop production, we can see the following changes.

Table 17 Crop production indicators

Let's follow the dynamics of changes in the volume of production.

In fact, it will change by 3.4 shares

V / Spos \u003d 2431/1040 \u003d 2.3

V / C lane \u003d 2431/423 \u003d 5.7

△Pf = 5.7 - 2.3 = 3.4

In the future, it is possible that the volume of sales will increase by 3.9 shares

V / Spos \u003d 2478/1040 \u003d 2.4

V / Sper \u003d 2478/395 \u003d 6.3

△Pf \u003d 6.3- 2.4 \u003d 3.9

Therefore, we can say that by increasing the volume of sales of crop production by rubles and reducing the cost, the amount of revenue will increase.


To improve the financial condition of an agricultural enterprise, many measures can be recommended. For our enterprise - PK SKHA (kolkhoz) "Dawn" - the following reserves will be most suitable: in crop production - to expand the sown area, improve the structure of yields, in animal husbandry - to increase the number and productivity of animals. In general, for an enterprise, this is an increase in the price of its products, in connection with this, it must also monitor the improvement of product quality, reduce costs and increase the volume of product sales.


The purpose of the course work was to assess the financial condition of the PC SHA (collective farm) "Rassvet" since 2004. to 2006 Based on the findings, provide recommendations for improvement. We have done a lot of work and we have established the following.

The production cooperative agricultural artel (collective farm) "Rassvet" is a legal entity. It is located in the village of Mari - Kupta 10 km. from the regional center of the village of Mari - Turek and is engaged in the processing and marketing of agricultural products.

The enterprise carries out the following activities: wholesale and retail trade in food and non-manufacturing goods; breeding of cattle; cultivation of cereals and leguminous crops; cultivation of fodder crops; preparation of vegetable feed; pig breeding; meat production; wholesale trade in grain, seeds and feed for farm animals; other activities that do not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation on the principle of differentiation.

After analyzing the main financial and economic indicators and analyzing the financial condition of an agricultural enterprise, it can be noted that due to the growth in the production of unprofitable products and its sales, the net profit of the enterprise is falling. Consequently, the level of profitability and solvency decreases, the financial condition of the enterprise worsens. This is clearly evidenced by the unsatisfactory structure of the balance sheet. In dynamics, there is an increase in borrowed funds in the formation of equity capital; the growth of receivables and payables and their freezing, which adversely affects the speed of movement of working capital; the indicator of current liquidity decreases, the solvency of the enterprise worsens significantly.

The type of financial situation was determined as a result of calculations as a crisis state of the economy. Based on calculations to determine bankruptcy using the Beaver method, the enterprise is in the risk zone and there are 5 years left before the bankruptcy of this economy.

To improve the state of the enterprise, the following measures were proposed: an increase in the price of its products, in connection with this, it must also monitor the improvement of product quality, reduce costs and increase the volume of sales.

PC SHA (kolkhoz) "Rassvet" must pay for its obligations to suppliers, for taxes and fees. An enterprise can pay off its debts by selling stocks and receive income from a financial investment.

In general, it can be noted that the PK SKHA (collective farm) "Rassvet" in the future can improve its financial condition if it rationally and skillfully uses its resources.

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Dear Chairman and Members of the State Attestation Commission! Your attention is presented to the thesis on the topic: Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise and ways to improve it (on the example of LLC "Guryevsk-Agro").

The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that at the present time in front of employees Agriculture The challenge is to meet the food needs of the population. Therefore, the most important task of the agricultural producer is to increase the efficiency of crop production.

The object of the study is the agricultural enterprise Gurievsk-Agro LLC.

The subject of the study is the assessment of the financial condition of Gurievsk-Agro LLC.

The purpose of this thesis is to assess the financial condition of the enterprise and ways to improve it LLC "Guryevsk-Agro".

Sales revenue in 2011 increased by 50,680 thousand rubles, which amounted to 252.13% compared to 2009. Sales profit in 2011 amounted to 25,679 thousand rubles, which is 18,374.10% more than the previous year. The net profit indicators of Guryevsk-Agro LLC in 2011 amounted to 26391 thousand rubles, which is 2573.86% higher than the indicators of the previous period. The return on assets for 2011 increased by 236% compared to the previous year. There is an increase in profitability in 2011, which amounted to 36%, which is 35.3% more than in 2010. The total number of employees of LLC "Guryevsk-Agro" in 2011 increased by 19 people compared to 2009 and by 16 people compared to 2010, due to the involvement of permanent employees in production, as well as specialists engaged in other activities. Seasonal and temporary workers have also ceased to be involved. They are involved in production, since it has a seasonal nature of work and in different periods the need for labor resources fluctuates sharply. Especially during periods of the most intense work, such as: sowing, harvesting.

The obtained profitability indicators show the success of Guryevsk-Agro LLC, as well as possible main directions for increasing the efficiency of its further activities - ensuring financial liquidity, by building the most optimal capital structure and attracting long-term loans.

Based on the results of the analysis of the production, economic and financial activities of Gurievsk-Agro LLC, measures were proposed to improve the efficiency of crop production, namely:

Improving the structure of crops;

Reducing product losses during harvesting;

Expansion of the sown area;

Additional fertilization.

As a result of the introduction of the proposed ways to improve the efficiency of crop production, gross output will increase and amount to 79856 centners /

The revenue of Guryevsk-Agro LLC from the sale of crop products will increase by 8419 thousand rubles, which will amount to 79200 thousand rubles. The total costs after the implementation of the developed recommendations will decrease and amount to 36,808 thousand rubles. Profitability will increase by 23% and amount to 59%, which indicates the efficient operation of the enterprise.

Also in this thesis measures for life safety and ecology were developed in Gurievsk-Agro LLC.

The report is over, thank you for your attention.


The agro-industrial complex plays an important role in the development of the Russian economy, on which the general condition of the country, its food security and the well-being of the population depend. The grain product subcomplex occupies a leading role in the agro-industrial complex of the country. High nutritional value of grain, good transportability, and the possibility long-term storage determine the advantages of this product compared to other agricultural products. It is no coincidence that grain plays a decisive role in ensuring stability in the country, and bakery products historically make up a significant share in the structure of the diet of the Russian population.

Agriculture, in the economy of any country, has a number of features. The most important of them is that the conduct of production is organically connected with the use of land and the natural environment; while the land is the main means of production. Agriculture is based on the use of plant biological factors, which predetermines the discrepancy between the period of production and the working period. Agriculture largely depends on climatic and weather conditions, and is characterized by a large territorial dispersal of production; in agriculture, to a greater extent than in other industries, products are used in the reproduction process own production(seeds, feed, etc.). That is, in essence, the level of development of agriculture largely determines the level economic security country. It is difficult to find another branch of the economy that would have such a wide and varied impact on the economy, social relations and the state of the environment.

Agro-industrial policy today is aimed at making agricultural products highly efficient and competitive, significantly increasing the reliability of providing the country with these products, and improving their quality. The task is to carry out a radical restructuring economic relations in agriculture, the meaning of which is to give rural residents opportunities for self-reliance, entrepreneurship and initiative.

The transition to a market economy requires enterprises of the agro-industrial complex to increase production efficiency through the introduction scientific and technological progress, effective forms of management and production management, overcoming mismanagement, enhancing entrepreneurship, initiative.

Plant growing is one of the main branches of agricultural production, it includes the cultivation of crops in field crops, vegetable growing, melon growing, fruit growing, meadow growing, floriculture, etc. A person receives from him food, raw materials for light and food industries, animal feed, etc.

An indicator that can give an idea of ​​the effectiveness of this type of agricultural production is the profit from the sale of crop products and, as a derivative, an indicator of the profitability of products.

Dynamics and rates of crop production, the level of provision of the population with crop products, and processing industry raw materials, is determined by the development and distribution of crop production in the country. The successful development of crop production depends on the availability labor force, transport routes for the transportation of products, guaranteed close to the sales markets.

In modern conditions, the relevance of the problem of substantiating the main directions of resource saving and increasing the efficiency of production is due to the low level of efficiency, both in terms of the scale of agricultural production, and from the standpoint of the rational use of resource potential.

The main purpose of this work is to study and develop proposals for improving the financial condition of an enterprise using the example of a specific enterprise - Gurievsk-Agro LLC, to achieve which the following tasks were considered:

Consider the theoretical aspects of improving the financial condition of the enterprise;

Consider general information about the enterprise;

Conduct an analysis of production and economic activities;

Conduct an analysis of financial activities.

When writing the work, normative and legislative acts, comprehensive methodological guidelines for writing a work on an agricultural enterprise, economic literature on the problem under study, as well as the annual financial statements of the object under study were used.

In the thesis work, the annual reporting of the enterprise LLC "Guryevsk-Agro" for the periods from 2009 to 2011 inclusive, as well as the charter of the enterprise and all the documents necessary for work, is used.

The diploma consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, an appendix. The introduction reveals the relevance of the topic under consideration, sets tasks, and defines goals. The first chapter deals with the theoretical aspects of the financial condition of the enterprise. The second chapter provides an analysis of the production, economic and financial activities of Gurievsk-Agro LLC. In the third chapter, ways have been developed to improve the financial condition of Gurievsk-Agro LLC.

1. Theoretical aspects financial condition of the enterprise

1.1 The essence and concepts of the financial condition of the enterprise

Financial condition is a set of indicators reflecting the availability, placement and use of financial resources.

The purpose of the analysis is not only and not so much to establish and evaluate the financial condition of the enterprise, but also to constantly carry out work aimed at improving it.

An analysis of the financial condition shows in which specific direction this work should be carried out, makes it possible to identify the most important aspects and the weakest positions in the financial condition of the enterprise.

The assessment of the financial condition can be performed with varying degrees of detail, depending on the purpose of the analysis, available information, software, technical and staffing. The most appropriate is the allocation of procedures for express analysis and in-depth analysis of the financial condition. Financial analysis makes it possible to evaluate:

The property condition of the enterprise;

The degree of entrepreneurial risk;

Capital adequacy for current activities and long-term investments;

The need for additional sources of funding;

Ability to increase capital;

Rationality of attraction of borrowed funds;

Validity of the policy of distribution and use of profits.

The basis of information support for the analysis of the financial condition should be financial statements, which are the same for the organization of all industries and forms of ownership.

results financial analysis allow you to identify vulnerabilities that require special attention and develop measures to eliminate them.

It is no secret that the process of making managerial decisions in more art than science. The result of the performed formalized analytical procedures is not or, at least, should not be the only criterion for making a particular management decision. The results of the analysis are the "material basis" of managerial decisions, the adoption of which is also based on intelligence, logic, experience, personal likes and dislikes of the person making these decisions. All this once again indicates that financial analysis in modern conditions is becoming a control element, a tool for assessing the reliability of a potential partner. The need to combine formalized and non-formalized procedures in the process of making managerial decisions affects both the procedure for preparing documents and the sequence of procedures for analyzing the financial condition. It is this understanding of the logic of financial analysis that is most appropriate for the logic of the functioning of an enterprise in a market economy.

Financial analysis is part of a general, complete analysis of economic activity; if it is based on data only from financial statements - external analysis; on-farm analysis can be supplemented by other aspects: analysis of the effectiveness of capital advances, analysis of the relationship between costs, turnover and profit, etc.

Financial analysis of the company's activities includes:

Analysis of the financial condition;

Analysis of financial stability;

Analysis of financial ratios:

Balance liquidity analysis;

Analysis of financial results, profitability ratios and business activity.

Efficiency financial condition of an enterprise of an economic entity in agriculture, the ability to achieve high levels of productivity, efficiency, profitability, product quality - production efficiency

The essence of the efficiency of agricultural production is the central link in the economic strategy of the market system at the present stage of its development. The solution of this important problem can be carried out in the present conditions by switching to a predominantly intensive direction of development of the entire social production. This, first of all, requires the restructuring of the economic base in accordance with the conditions and requirements of scientific and technological progress, the search for and implementation of production reserves in each industry and at individual enterprises. To determine the correct approach to solving this problem, it is important to correctly interpret the essence of the concept of production efficiency in theoretical and practical terms.

Efficiency can be defined as the ratio between a result and the cost of that result. Economic efficiency is used to evaluate the performance of all social production. From the point of view of the entire national economy, such a state will be considered effective when the needs of all members of society are most fully satisfied with these limited resources. More precisely, this provision can be formulated as follows: the economic efficiency of the economic system is a state in which it is impossible to increase the degree of satisfaction of the needs of at least one person without worsening the position of another member of society.

The effect (result) of industrial capital investments on the scale of the national economy, its branches, as well as individual sub-sectors, is manifested in the growth of gross and final output, as well as net (i.e., national income) in value and in kind; efficiency is measured by the ratio of the result (product) to the costs (investments) that caused it. In those sectors and sub-sectors, as well as in enterprises (associations), where net output (national income) was not calculated, profit was used as an indicator of effect, and efficiency was taken as the ratio of profit to the value of funds or the ratio of profit growth to the increase in the value of funds (or capital investments). Quantitatively, this indicator does not reflect the entire economic efficiency; does not include a significant portion of the net product ( wages, public consumption funds), but allows us to judge its dynamics.

The growth of production efficiency requires such management of the economy, in which each ruble invested in the production facility, spent on raw materials, materials, fuel and energy, wages of workers, would give the maximum return, so that the volume of finished products would increase rapidly, and the total cost per unit products decreased.

The increase in the efficiency of agricultural production is not accidental, but a natural, stable, repetitive and causal process that operates objectively. At the same time, it should be noted that the more civilized the society, the more important it becomes to increase the efficiency of production, since the need and understanding of the need to save social costs of extremely increased production increases; the purpose of production is to satisfy the needs of all members of society, and at the same time, priority is given not to the material, but to the social result. All this allows us to say that the increase in the efficiency of social production acquires the features of an economic law, which can be formulated as the law of increasing production efficiency. The law of increasing efficiency of production is a law-tendency, since counteracting factors often impede the growth of the efficiency of total social labor. The greatest increase in production efficiency is achieved with an intensive type of expanded reproduction, which is typical for modern stage development of society and economy developed countries.

To clarify the essence of the economic efficiency of agricultural production, determine its criteria and indicators, it is necessary to distinguish between the content of the concepts of "efficiency" and "effect".

The problem of efficiency is always a problem of choice, for example, what to produce, what types of products, in what way, how to distribute them and how much resources to use.

The definition of the efficiency of agricultural production as the relationship between society and enterprises regarding the most rational use of natural, industrial and financial resources is also incomplete, since it does not reflect its specifics. The main drawback of all broad interpretations of the category of production efficiency is the inclusion in the definition of the category of a number of elements that are not directly its essence. Each economic category should be considered as the basic concept that reflects the most general and essential properties, aspects of the phenomena of activity and cognition.

Economic efficiency is a complex category of economic science. It pervades all realms. practical activities of a person, all stages of social production, is the basis for constructing quantitative criteria for the value of decisions made. Such most significant characteristics of economic activity as integrity, multidimensionality, dynamism and interconnectedness of its various aspects are reflected through the category of economic efficiency.

A correct and unified interpretation of production efficiency acceptable to all levels and sectors of the economy is of great interest. However, it should be understood that the essence of economic efficiency is not at all in digital relative values between costs and results, but represents the very relations of production, distribution and exchange, causing cost reduction to achieve a beneficial effect. Production efficiency is an economic category and it is wrong to understand it only as a category of a commensurate or quantitative order, intended to compare costs with results. Increasing the efficiency of production has been and is of great importance, both for the entire national economy and for each enterprise. This is due to many factors.

First, the growth of production volumes in conditions of limited resources contributes to a more complete satisfaction of the population's needs for food products.

Secondly, with the efficient use of labor and material resources, production costs are reduced, which affects the level of retail food prices.

Thirdly, the increase in production efficiency ensures the growth of enterprises' incomes, the allocation of more funds for economic and social development labor collectives.

The basis of the economic progress of any society is the increase in the efficiency of social production. The specific content of production efficiency in each economic system is determined by:

social form of production;

target orientation of production;

The peculiarity of the factors inherent in this system and the results of production.

The efficiency of agricultural production is a complex economic category. It reflects one of the most important aspects of social production - efficiency. When characterizing the final result, one should distinguish between the concepts of effect and economic efficiency. The effect is the result of certain activities carried out in agriculture. A more complete answer to this question is given by the indicator of economic efficiency, when the results of production are compared with the costs of material and monetary resources.

Economic efficiency shows the final beneficial effect from the use of the means of production and living labor, in other words, the return on cumulative investments. In agriculture, this is obtaining the maximum amount of production per unit area at the lowest cost of living and materialized labor.

In agriculture, the criterion of efficiency is the increase in net production (gross income).

To compare production results with costs, the following types of economic efficiency are calculated, which are presented in Figure 1.1:

national economic efficiency;

The efficiency of agricultural production;

The efficiency of production in farms (collective farms, state farms, joint-stock companies and etc.).

Rice. 1.1- Types of economic efficiency of agricultural production

Efficiency of individual industries (livestock, crop production);

Efficiency of on-farm subdivisions (teams, units, farms);

Efficiency of production of individual crops or products (grain, potatoes, vegetables, meat, milk, etc.);

Efficiency of measures (reclamation, chemicalization, scientific and technological progress).

All these types of efficiency are inextricably linked. The final economic effect in agriculture as a whole depends on the rational use of all resources, the systematic struggle for economy and thrift, the reduction of production costs and the increase in labor productivity.

The essence of the economic efficiency of agricultural production can be expressed through its criteria and indicators. The criterion of efficiency is a sign on the basis of which the evaluation of efficiency is made. He points to the most effective method achievement of the goal, the means by which alternative options for the development of production are measured and selected. The main (general) criterion of efficiency is the universal law of economy of time. The presence of various types of efficiency and economic interests in society predetermines the presence of other criteria that are subordinate to the main one and are its modification.

The criterion of economic efficiency of social production can be formulated in general terms as the maximum effect from each unit of social labor costs or the minimum cost of social labor per unit of effect. For individual commodity producers, the maximum profit is a criterion for the economic efficiency of their economic activity. For businesses the main task which - to stay on the market, the criterion can serve as competitiveness.

Indicators serve as a means of quantitative measurement of the level of production efficiency; there are usually several indicators for the same criterion.

Improving the financial condition and economic efficiency of the agro-industrial complex makes it possible to increase the production of the final product with the same resource potential, to reduce labor and material costs per unit of output.

1.2. Features of increasing the efficiency of crop production in modern conditions

Each branch of the national economy is characterized by specific means of production, the labor skills of workers, manufactured products, and production relations. Agro-industrial production has its own specifics, which must be taken into account in the implementation of entrepreneurial activities. A specific feature of this industry is that its effectiveness largely depends on the timing of certain events. labor processes or individual works, the quality of their performance.

The first feature of agriculture is that the land is the main, indispensable means of production. Unlike other means of production, when properly used, it does not wear out, but retains its qualities.

Land resources used in agriculture vary greatly in fertility and location, resulting in differential rents; commodity producers with better soils and located closer to sales markets receive additional income (profit).

The second feature is that living organisms (plants and animals) that develop in accordance with biological laws act as specific means of production in agriculture. The economic process of reproduction in agriculture is intertwined with the natural, natural.

The third feature is the spatial dispersal of agricultural production; it is carried out in various soil and climatic conditions, and this must be taken into account when choosing means of mechanization production processes, selection of varieties of agricultural crops and animal breeds, chemicalization and melioration.

The fourth feature is that the results of agricultural production are highly dependent on natural conditions, while on industrial production this factor does not have a significant effect. In addition, natural and climatic conditions have a significant impact on the location and specialization of agriculture. Many agricultural crops can be cultivated only in certain climatic conditions.

Weather conditions also have a strong impact on market conditions. The fifth feature is that in agriculture the working period does not coincide with the period of production, which leads to a large seasonality in production, primarily in crop production. This is most clearly manifested in the cultivation of winter crops. The period of their production begins in July-August, from the moment of soil preparation and sowing, and ends in July of the next year with harvesting. During this time, the working period is interrupted and resumed several times, while the production period, which is determined mainly by the natural conditions of plant growth and development, continues uninterrupted. This has a significant impact on the organization of production, the use of technology and labor resources.

Seasonality is also characteristic of the processing industry, since agricultural raw materials are supplied very unevenly throughout the year. For example, sugar factories are most loaded in September-November, during the harvesting of root crops and their delivery to the plant; dairies - in the spring and summer, the volume of milk production in the farms usually increases.

The sixth feature of agriculture is that the products created in it often continue to be used in the industry itself (seeds, feed, young livestock, organic fertilizers, etc.); on the contrary, industry receives its main raw materials from enterprises in other industries. The specificity of production technologies is also associated with this feature. In agriculture, the technological process is based on biological factors characteristic of living organisms, while in industry, the technology is based on chemical, physical and mechanical processes.

The seventh feature is the high capital intensity of the industry, the low rate of capital turnover, which makes agriculture less attractive for investment compared to other industries and objectively increases the need for government assistance.

The eighth feature is related to the conditions of use of technology. In agriculture, as a rule, the implements of production (tractors, machines, combines, and other agricultural machinery) move, while the objects of labor (plants) are motionless. In industry, on the contrary, objects of labor (raw materials) are usually moved, and equipment, machines, machine tools are fixed in place.

Agricultural machinery is very specific, and many machines can be used to produce one type of product. In fact, each sub-sector has its own set of machines. Therefore, the total need for machinery per unit of output is much higher here than in industry.

The ninth feature of agriculture is that the social division of labor here manifests itself differently than in industry, where enterprises are usually highly specialized. Most agricultural enterprises produce several types of marketable products, simultaneously developing crop production and animal husbandry. This allows the efficient use of by-products (such as grain waste and manure), as well as land resources unsuitable for field crops.

The tenth feature is the price inelasticity of demand for agricultural products; the elasticity coefficient in this case is much less than unity (in most developed countries it is 0.2-0.25). This means that the price of agricultural products must fall by 40-50% in order for consumers to increase their purchases by only 10%. This significantly worsens the financial conditions for the development of the industry, requires great efforts to stabilize the market.

Finally, the eleventh feature of agriculture is the presence of a large number of similar producers, which creates conditions for high competition in the market. This makes it impossible for an individual agricultural enterprise or a group of them to influence the market price; there are no conditions for creating a monopoly here.

The above and some other features of agro-industrial production must be taken into account when analyzing and evaluating the functioning of agro-industrial enterprises.

Stabilization and increase in the economic efficiency of grain farming will be facilitated by further intensification of production, one of the main factors of which is the improvement of the technology of cultivating grain crops. Modern technologies suggest:

Optimization of the nutritional regime of plants by applying fertilizers in strict accordance with technological standards and terms, which guarantees a programmed harvest;

The use of high-yielding varieties and hybrids of grain crops that are resistant to lodging, diseases and pests;

Application of optimal plant placement schemes according to the best predecessors in crop rotations, allowing efficient use of land and equipment;

Reducing the number of agricultural practices based on their combination in combined units (pre-sowing preparation of soil, crops and fertilization, etc.);

In-line execution of operations within individual technological stages (harvesting, cleaning fields from straw, etc.);

Application of integrated plant protection systems against diseases, pests and weeds;

Timely and high-quality implementation of all technological methods based on integrated mechanization production.

The experience of advanced farms shows that the use of intensive technologies for the cultivation of grain crops, even in conditions of inflation and price disparity, is economically beneficial.

An indispensable condition for achieving high yields is the use of mineral fertilizers. Unfortunately, most farms now do not have the funds to purchase them. Required governmental support so that soil fertility does not decrease, and grain production increases.

The yield of cereals from 1 hectare also largely depends on the quality of the seeds. Now farms mainly sow seeds of one class, but at least 10% of them belong to the second class, with a lower germination rate (92%). Hence the constant overspending of seeds in the amount of 5 ... 10% of the seeding rate. Sowing only with conditioned seeds that meet the standard will reduce seed consumption and increase yields by 20-25%.

A significant increase in yield and gross grain yields can be achieved as a result of reducing losses during harvesting. As the experience of leading grain-producing farms shows, harvesting at the optimal time (10-14 days) can prevent losses of 15-20% of the crop.

An indispensable condition for highly profitable grain farming is the rational use of grown products on the basis of agro-industrial integration. In the current economic conditions, when the market infrastructure is not sufficiently developed, there are difficulties with the sale of products, non-payments, it is advisable to sell not raw materials, but processed products. The processing of grain in the places of its production is economically profitable, as it allows the rational use of all grown products and, by processing them, to involve them in trade.

The market economy requires any manufacturer to pay the most serious attention to the marketing of their products.

It is expedient to create appropriate services, firstly, at large agricultural enterprises producing a wide range of products; secondly, in farms that sell a significant part of it outside their administrative district or region.

However, under the current conditions, when economic situation the majority of agricultural enterprises is close to critical, the development of the grain industry is impossible without state support. It is necessary to provide them with compensation for part of the costs of purchasing mineral fertilizers, plant protection products, petroleum products, agricultural machinery, and electricity.

State regulation of agricultural production should be based on the principle of providing all normally operating farms with a minimum profitability sufficient for their further development.

In the first group (agrotechnical and biological factors), the most important is the use of promising, zoned varieties and hybrids of grain crops, the use of a scientifically based and effective system of soil cultivation and a system of measures to combat diseases and pests.

In the second (technical) - a system of machines for tillage and harvesting.

In the third (organizational and economic) - the organization of labor, material incentives and government regulation. Fourth, labor motivation.

Between all agrobiological, technical, organizational, economic and social factors, directly or indirectly characterizing the conditions of production, its effectiveness - productivity, gross output, labor productivity, profitability, etc. there is a close relationship.

The economic efficiency of agricultural production is mainly determined by two groups of factors.

At present, the economic efficiency of agricultural production is largely determined by the factors of the first group. With a well-established economic mechanism, the second group of factors to a greater extent forms the level of economic efficiency.

The main indicator of the economic efficiency of agricultural production is the amount of profit from the sale of products. The latter depends on the amount of proceeds from the sale of agricultural products and the costs associated with the production and sale of products. In turn, the selling prices of a particular type of agricultural products are formed under the influence of supply and demand and largely depend on the ways and channels for the sale of products.

1.3. Methods of economic evaluation and indicators of the financial condition of the enterprise

Transition to market relations requires profound shifts in the economy - a decisive sphere of human activity. It is necessary to make a sharp turn towards the intensification of production, to reorient each enterprise, organization, and firm towards the full and priority use of qualitative factors of economic growth. A transition to an economy of higher organization and efficiency with comprehensively developed productive forces and production relations, a well-functioning economic mechanism. To a large extent the necessary conditions for this creates a market economy.

The efficiency of each branch of agriculture is determined by its own system of factors. The efficiency of grain crops cultivation is influenced by a system of factors that can be combined into four main groups: agrobiological, technical, organizational, economic and social.

In modern conditions, the main reserve for improving the financial condition of an enterprise is the growth of crop yields and livestock productivity. For this, it is necessary to constantly improve, develop and implement agrotechnical, zootechnical, veterinary measures. In a well-organized production, all its constituent elements are interconnected and the violation of one of them leads to the disruption of the other. It is especially important to determine the economic efficiency of the proposed measures.

In crop production, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness various structures acreage, new varieties of agricultural crops, progressive technologies and individual agrotechnical measures (methods of tillage, sowing, harvesting, fertilizing, etc.).

The economic efficiency of agrotechnical measures is expressed in the growth of crop yields, an increase in the gross harvest of crop production, an increase in labor productivity, a reduction in the cost of a unit of production, and an increase in profitability.

At economic evaluation the structure of sown areas, it is necessary to determine the volume of production of all products in physical and value terms, to establish how much it corresponds to the specialization of the economy and market demand for products, and also to calculate labor costs as a whole for the year and for individual periods, to determine material, monetary costs. The criterion for a comparative assessment of the structure of sown areas is the maximum yield of products from 1 hectare of area at the lowest cost of labor and funds per unit of production.

The structure of sown areas is closely related to crop rotations, so their economic assessment is carried out simultaneously.

The economic evaluation of crop rotations consists in comparing the following indicators:

Gross output per 1 hectare of crop rotation area in natural, fodder units and value terms;

The cost of labor and material and monetary resources per 1 hectare of crop rotation area and for the production of a unit of output;

Gross output per 1 ruble of production costs and per 1 person per hour;

Profit (net income) per 1 hectare; cost recovery;

distribution of labor costs by periods;

Land use coefficient (ratio of crop rotation area to arable land).

At the same time, the products are evaluated at the current average selling prices; comparable prices, as a rule, are lower and it is inappropriate to use them for estimating crop rotations. The main criterion is the maximum yield of crop production from 1 hectare of crop rotation area at the lowest cost of labor and funds per unit of output.

An important reserve for increasing production volumes and improving its quality is the introduction of new intensive varieties.

The economic efficiency of growing new varieties of agricultural crops is determined by comparing them with zoned ones accepted as a standard. To do this, the yield increase of new varieties is determined in comparison with previously cultivated ones, as well as the actual indicators of economic efficiency (labor intensity, production cost units of production, profit per 1 hectare of crops, level of profitability). The costs of buying seeds, both already cultivated on the farm, and a new variety are also compared. This is important because the cost of acquiring high-class seed of basic conditions (or new varieties) is usually higher.

The assessment of varieties should be comprehensive, since crop breeding is now carried out in various directions (for example, breeding high-protein varieties of wheat, barley, etc.).

An economic assessment of progressive technologies (intensive, resource-saving) is carried out by comparing their performance with those obtained using traditional (conventional) technologies. If a new technology is introduced only in some part of the area, the results are compared with those achieved in the remaining areas. If all crops of this crop are transferred to the new technology, it is advisable to compare with the data for the previous 3-5 years, excluding years with extreme weather conditions. The main indicators in the comparative economic evaluation of technologies can be yield, product quality, labor costs per 1 hectare of crops and per 1 centner of production, the cost of gross output and its growth per 1 hectare, production costs per 1 hectare, unit cost of production, additional costs for increasing the yield and their payback, profit (net income) from 1 hectare of crops, profitability level, annual economic effect.

The financial condition of agricultural production is mainly determined by two groups of factors.

External factors that do not depend on the economic activity of the enterprise - pricing, taxation, lending, inflationary processes, subsidies and compensation, agricultural legislation, etc.

Internal factors - crop yields, animal productivity, production costs, technology and organization of production, specialization, etc.

At present, the financial condition of agricultural production is largely determined by the factors of the first group. With a well-established economic mechanism, the second group of factors to a greater extent forms the level of economic efficiency.

The main indicator of the financial condition of agricultural production is the amount of profit from the sale of products. The latter depends on the amount of proceeds from the sale of agricultural products and the costs associated with the production and sale of products. In turn, the selling prices of a particular type of agricultural products are formed under the influence of supply and demand and largely depend on the ways and channels for the sale of products.

An important factor influencing the increase in sales proceeds is the improvement in product quality. Its quantity depends on the quality of products put on the market, since non-standard and low-quality products are sold at lower prices or are generally excluded from the total volume of goods sold. Particular attention is paid to the quality of grain, sugar beets, vegetables, milk and other agricultural products. Thus, a decrease in the protein content in grain, sugar content in sugar beets, and dry matter in tomatoes leads to a significant reduction in the selling price of products and large losses to the economy as a whole.

The factors influencing the amount of profit are closely interconnected with each other and a change in one of them leads to corresponding changes in others. Thus, the total amount of products sold affects the amount of profit and cash receipts. At the same time, the amount of cash receipts depends on the amount of gross output and the level of marketability.

Identification of the entire spectrum of these and other factors, their correct consideration and use in production will allow us to outline a specific set of measures that ensure the efficiency of the grain industry and its stability.

One of the most well-known methods for assessing the financial condition of an enterprise is the profitability method, which characterizes the amount of profit received depending on the volume of sales and the value of the company's assets.

To determine the level of efficiency of the enterprise, the profit received by it must be compared with the corresponding costs.

First, the costs can be considered as the current costs of the enterprise - the cost of products (works, services). Here, various options for determining the current costs and profits used in the calculations are possible.

Secondly, the costs can be taken as an advanced cost (advanced capital) to ensure the production, all financial and economic activities of the enterprise. At the same time, various options for determining, calculating the advanced value and determining the profit accepted for calculations are also possible.

Profit is a part of the newly created value and is one of the forms of the net income of society, which is formed in the sphere of material production. The enterprise makes a profit after the value embodied in the created product, having completed the stage of circulation, takes monetary form. It is part of the proceeds from the sale of products (works, services), which remains after the deduction of taxes paid from the proceeds and production costs. Unlike profit, the income of the enterprise is the realized newly created value (the part of the proceeds that remains after deducting the material costs of production from it).

As a target of the enterprise;

Efficient performance indicator of the enterprise;

A source of enterprise development and financing of its activities.

Being an estimated indicator, profit characterizes the total efficiency of using all the resources of the enterprise.

The presence of profit allows you to satisfy the economic interests of the state, enterprises, employees and owners.

The availability of profit to satisfy the economic interests of the state is ensured through the payment of taxes, which the state then uses to solve social problems.

The economic interests of the enterprise are to increase the share of profits remaining at its disposal and directed to its development.

The interests of employees in increasing profits are associated with the creation additional features for their financial incentives.

The owners are also interested in the growth of profits, since the growth of profits means an increase in the resources of their property and an increase in the dividends they receive.

The essence of profit can be considered from various positions. - The most common is the consideration of profit from a functional point of view and from a position of origin.

Minimum, normal, maximum profits are associated with different levels of production volume and indicate in which area the enterprise is located (break-even, profitability, unprofitability). The minimum profit is considered to be the one that provides the enterprise with a minimum level of return on invested capital. The value of the minimum level of profitability is taken equal to the average percentage of the bank's rate on deposits that has developed over the study period.

Normal profit is the minimum income or pay required to keep a business in a particular industry.

The maximum profit determines the target setting when planning the activities of the enterprise. Achieving it means reducing production and sales costs to a minimum.

The volume of production that maximizes profit is set at the point at which marginal revenue equals marginal cost.

Consolidated profit - profit free from accounting reports on activities and financial results separate parent and subsidiaries. The profitability of using consolidated profit is determined by saving on tax payments and reducing the negative consequences of risky activities.

Economic profit is the difference between revenue (gross income) and economic costs (the sum of explicit and implicit costs).

Accounting profit - the difference between the revenue received and accounting costs (explicit). Its value is identical to the balance sheet profit.

The sources of economic profit are the sale of products, other sales, non-sales operations, innovation, monopoly situation, non-insurable risks (changes in market conditions, tax legislation, the risk associated with the development of new commodity territorial markets, the risk due to the presence of inflationary processes in the national economy) .

Sources of accounting profit are sales of products, other sales, non-operating transactions. Profit at the enterprise is considered not only as the main goal, but also as the main condition for its business activity. Assessing the level or change in business activity, a distinction is made between the concepts of expected profit (which may be received in the future as a result of management) and actually received.

With this in mind, distinguish following features arrived:

Investment - since the expected profit is the basis for making investment decisions;

Productive - actually received profit evaluates the efficiency of the enterprise;

Financing - the part of the received or expected profit is determined as a source of self-financing of the enterprise;

Incentive - part of the expected or received profit can be used as a source of material remuneration for employees of the enterprise and dividend payments to capital owners.

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In the process of implementing the financial strategy of an enterprise, much attention should be paid to improving the financial condition of the enterprise, namely, increasing liquidity, solvency, financial stability and business activity.

The analysis of the financial condition of the SUE Severny enterprise, carried out in the second chapter, revealed rather low indicators of the financial and economic activities of this enterprise. According to the results of the analysis, the enterprise can be characterized as financially unstable. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the factors influencing its unfavorable development.

Specific ways out of the enterprise from the crisis situation depend on the reasons for its insolvency. Since the majority of enterprises are ruined due to the fault of inefficient state policy, one of the ways for the financial recovery of enterprises should be state support for insolvent business entities. But due to the state budget deficit, not all enterprises can count on this assistance.

Since stocks and costs at the enterprise occupy a large part of current assets, in order to improve the financial condition, it is necessary to achieve a reduction in the value of stocks and costs. To achieve this goal, the following measures can be proposed:

1) inventory of stocks in order to identify in them illiquid, not needed by the enterprise, but burdening its balance;

2) reducing the need for these reserves and costs, including by reducing the consumption of materials, energy intensity of production, and other measures.

An increase in the volume of production and sales provides an increase in cash received from the sale of products, i.e. an increase in absolutely liquid assets, and hence liquidity itself. To this end, it is necessary to identify groups of goods that bring the greatest profit, analyze the price and volume of products sold to determine the most reasonable compromise that will help the company, despite the decline in sales, increase the flow of additional cash by increasing prices or trade margins.

A significant factor in the deterioration of the financial condition of the enterprise is that, in conditions of inflation, there is, in essence, a withdrawal of part of working capital. In order to eliminate such an unjustified withdrawal from the enterprise of working capital, it would be necessary to reevaluate inventories and work in progress on a quarterly basis. This will reduce the taxable base and help prevent the withdrawal of working capital as part of the income tax.

If the company makes a profit and is at the same time insolvent, it is necessary to analyze the use of profits. If there are significant deductions to the consumption fund, this part of the profit in the conditions of the enterprise's insolvency can be considered as a potential reserve for replenishing the enterprise's own working capital.

One of effective methods updating the material and technical base of the enterprise is leasing, which does not require a full one-time payment for the leased property and serves as one of the types of investment. Using accelerated depreciation leasing operations allows you to quickly update equipment and conduct technical re-equipment of production.

Attracting loans for profitable projects that can bring high income to the enterprise is also one of the reserves for the financial recovery of the enterprise.

This is also facilitated by the diversification of production in the main areas of economic activity, when forced losses in one area are covered by profits from others.

Great help in identifying reserves to improve the financial condition of an enterprise can be provided marketing analysis on the study of supply and demand, sales markets and the formation on this basis of the optimal range and structure of production.

One of the main and most radical directions of the financial recovery of an enterprise is the search for internal reserves to increase the profitability of production and achieve break-even work through a more complete use of the production capacity of the enterprise, improving the quality and competitiveness of products, reducing its cost, rational use of material, labor and financial resources, reduction of unproductive costs and losses.

An increase in crop production is possible by increasing crop yields.

Table 13 - Increasing the volume of crop production by increasing yields

While maintaining the sown area, but increasing the yield of the main crops of SUP "Severny" to the indicators indicated in Table 13, the volume of production increases from 31,720 centners to 43,050 centners, i.e. increase in production volume by 11330 centners. And this will bring additional income to the enterprise.

Yield growth can occur due to: increasing the dose of fertilizer application, increasing their payback, introducing more productive crop varieties, reducing product losses during harvesting, improving hayfields and pastures, and other agrotechnical measures.

Table 14 - Reserves for increasing production through a more complete use of land resources

Note - Source: own development

In order to obtain an additional 217 centners of rye, it is necessary to increase the area of ​​crops by 10 hectares (grow up bushes). This result can be obtained with a yield of 21.7 q/ha.

Table 15 - Generalization of reserves for increasing the production of rye


The analysis carried out at the enterprise showed that the organization is in a financial condition that is far from ideal for normal functioning. This is largely due to small profits, a low level of profitability, a large amount of long-term loans.

The organization is engaged in various activities (production, provision of services), one of which is agriculture, which occupies the most significant share in the structure of production. Despite the widespread development, unfortunately, agriculture in our country is, in most cases, unprofitable (for state-owned enterprises), especially for the livestock sector.

In the analyzed organization, the level of profitability by various types activity is positive and quite high, and in agriculture - negative. Livestock and crop production costs are high, and revenues are constrained by the level of purchase prices set by the state. In general, the loss of agriculture is covered by the profits of other activities. but specific gravity agriculture in overall structure production is very high (more than 50%) and with full coverage of losses, the profit remains low.

To solve this problem, it was decided to reduce the volume of agricultural production. In 2007, the livestock farm was closed and the entire livestock of a large cattle. Every year, by a joint decision of the management of the organization and higher authorities, the area under crops is reduced, and more highly profitable crops (rapeseed, sugar beet) are grown.

In the future, the management of the organization plans to completely stop agricultural activities. Due to this, according to economic calculations and business plans, the profitability of the organization will increase significantly, which will bring the commercial structure of the organization to a new level, the level of stable financial stability.

However, since agriculture is a real sector of the economy for our country and confidently occupies a large niche in the structure of the country's economy, liberation from agriculture is completely impossible. In order to reduce the cost of agricultural production, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures:

Purchase of imported agricultural machinery, which is characterized by high productivity and lower consumption of fuels and lubricants, labor costs and more often requires repairs

Revise the wage system, increase the share of incentive payments, carefully select workers, set up strict work schedules to avoid production downtime.

Taking into account the seasonal nature of production (the main work falls on March-April, when sowing takes place, and July-August, when harvesting takes place), carry out seasonal reduction of workers while maintaining jobs.

Also, in order to make agricultural production profitable, it is necessary not to sell raw materials to the side, but to establish processing production. The established state purchase prices are valid for the sale of raw materials. However, in the production of products from agricultural raw materials, its cost is included in the costs at the actual cost, which makes it possible to recover the costs in full.

A stable financial condition is achieved with the sufficiency of own capital, good quality assets, a sufficient level of profitability, taking into account operational and financial risk, liquidity adequacy, stable income and wide opportunities to raise borrowed funds.

The study made it possible to make a number of proposals aimed at improving and restoring the financial condition of the enterprise. In order for U "RTsOP KSiK" to further increase its solvency, the management of the enterprise needs to take a number of measures to improve the enterprise:

Based on the results of the analysis of the financial condition of the RTsOP KSiK, the following recommendations can be made to improve the qualifications of the financial position of the enterprise:

if possible, reduce the company's debt, both accounts receivable and accounts payable: somewhat tighten the company's policy towards large debtors, freeing up funds, look for new sources of own funds to pay off accounts payable, without resorting to borrowed funds and without dragging the company into a debt hole.

monitor the status of settlements on overdue debts. In conditions of inflation, any deferred payment leads to the fact that the company actually receives only a part of the cost of the work performed, so it is necessary to expand the system of advance payments.

strive to accelerate the turnover of capital, as well as to maximize its return, which is expressed in an increase in the amount of profit per ruble of capital. An increase in the return on capital can be achieved through the rational and economical use of all resources, preventing their overspending and losses. As a result, the capital will return to its original state in a larger amount, i.e. with a profit.

the most efficient use of computing technology and implementation software most suitable for the given enterprise.

Thus, the above activities will contribute to the establishment of a stable financial condition of the RTsOP KSiK, which is of undoubted interest to potential investors; for banks providing credit; for the tax service; for management and employees of the enterprise.
