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Pasternak Igor Veniaminovich Pasternak Igor Georgievich Approximate word search

For many years I have been conducting various seminars and trainings. Despite the apparent external difference, all of them - component large project, and united by one common task - unleash the potential of man, inherent in nature.

Within the framework of this task, the methods of work, different in form, are connected by the principle of complementation. What does this mean? This means that it is impossible to open all the doors with one key, since there is no universal way to solve EVERYTHING. In one case, one method works better, in the other, another. Therefore, a variety of tools are used to solve the basic idea of ​​spiritual development.

The events that have developed over the years can be divided into three groups:

  • Holotropic Breathwork Training.
  • Energy training workshops to turn personal limitations into personal strength.
  • System constellations according to Hellinger.

In general, work in these three directions completes the work of self-disclosure to the whole.


  • bring clarity and conscious changes to life;
  • shape your own life;
  • be an active participant social processes and, at the same time, follow your deep destiny, which, with practice, becomes more and more conscious;
  • life path become more and more precise.

This work involves a large, self-reliant, personal practice.This position is fundamental!

Indeed, in a difficult life situation, as a rule, there is no consultant nearby, and you have to rely on yourself. Therefore, the ability to get out of complexity, not just without loss, but with gaining strength and useful experience, is difficult to overestimate. The participation of a consultant or trainer is kept to a minimum: namely, at the time of the seminar or training. There, a person acquires certain skills. (program "The Art of Living"), releases hidden resources (holotropic training) brings order to your system (groups by constellations).

This is followed by a very important stage - the deployment of the experience and knowledge gained directly in life contexts. Realize in practice the revealed potential and turn it from just great opportunities (in the absence of action, they will remain great opportunities) into the reality of being - this is a worthy task on the scale of all life.

Despite the difference in approaches and forms, these seminars, trainings and working groups are united by the following principles:

  • The world is an amazing mystery with incredible possibilities. And a person, as a part of this world, also has all its properties and capabilities;
  • To organically fit into this world, it is important to have necessary knowledge and skills;
  • Each phenomenon of life is unique and requires a unique, only inherent action;
  • We are surrounded by a field of power. It is important to be able to feel this field, and, realizing the influence of the world on us and us on the world, enter into correct interaction with it;
  • Nothing can be got rid of. Everything that we have has a meaning that requires understanding and correct response.

IBS announces the appointment of Igor Pasternak to the position of Consulting Director. Igor will lead IBS' consulting practice in the area of ​​production systems and supply chain management.

Igor Pasternak is known for Russian market consulting as the founder and leader of one of the leading operational consulting practices in Russia at Aksion BKG (CenterInvest Group). Under his leadership, about 30 consulting projects have been completed for the largest manufacturing companies Russia in such industries as: oil production, oil refining, chemistry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy and mechanical engineering. Many of these projects have been implemented in partnership with specialists who are part of Igor Pasternak's team at IBS.

The product line of manufacturing systems and supply chain management practices includes following directions consulting:
Reformation of production systems using the tools of Lean Production, Six Sigma (6 sigma), the theory of constraints, business process reengineering (BPR), etc.
Improving System Efficiency Maintenance and repair of equipment on the principles of TPM.
Improving the efficiency of the supply chain management system.
Creation of an optimal model for the consumption of services.
Reforming the capital construction management system.
Development and implementation of an environmental management system, etc.

The active development of the new direction is connected with the desire of IBS to expand the range of tasks to be solved in the field of production management, equipment maintenance and logistics, as well as to significantly improve the quality of the results of the company's complex projects.

Commenting on his transition to IBS, Igor Pasternak notes that he was primarily attracted by the possibility of achieving a synergistic effect through the symbiosis of business consulting and IT implementation: “Experience shows that the consulting solutions being developed by themselves increase the efficiency of reformed business processes by at least 30-40%, and fixed in information systems, they will give even more impressive results,” he says.

The validity of such statements is also confirmed by the Director of the IBS Management Consulting Department, Dmitry Sadkov. According to him, the example of IBS financial and HR practice shows that combining traditional business consulting with implementation consulting within one company creates a fundamentally different quality of project results for the company's clients. However, such an association is a complex process that requires a strong and experienced leader. “Now we have found such a leader in the field of production systems and logistics management, and we hope that his arrival in the company will take us to a new level of management tasks to be solved,” Sadkov notes.

Igor Pasternak. Biography

In 1985 he graduated from the Ufa Oil Institute with a degree in Technology and complex mechanization development of oil and gas fields"
In 1998 he graduated from the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, having received a diploma of a manager of the highest category and the right to manage professional activity in the field of enterprise and organization management
In 2006 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Organizational and managerial directions innovative development coal mining enterprises"
From 1985 to 1992, at OAO Yuganskneftegaz, he went from foreman in oil and gas production to deputy head of the central engineering and technology service for technology
From 1992 to 1998 in the position Director General headed CJSC "Engineering of new technologies for well operation"
In 1999, he began his career in consulting, moving to the CenterInvest Group (Axion BKG) as Managing Director for the Development of Production Systems (operational consulting), where he worked until joining IBS.
From July 2008 – IBS, Management Consulting Department, Consulting Director.

For many years I have been conducting various seminars and trainings. For me, despite the apparent external difference, they are united by one common idea; they are all integral part a large project to unlock the potential of man laid down by nature. Within the framework of this task, these methods of work, different in form, are connected by the principle of complementation. What does this mean? This means that it is not possible to open all the doors with one key. In one case, one method works better, in the other, another. There is no universal way to solve all problems. Therefore, a variety of tools are used to solve the basic idea of ​​spiritual development.

The events that have developed over the years can be divided into three groups:

  • Holotropic Breathwork Training.
  • Energy training workshops to turn personal limitations into personal strength.
  • Systemic family constellations according to Hellinger.

In general, work in these three areas complements the work of self-development to the whole. This allows you to: bring clarity and multidimensional changes to your life. This opens up the possibility of consciously shaping your own life. To be an active participant in social processes and, at the same time, to follow your deep purpose, which, with practice, becomes more and more conscious, and the life path is more and more accurate.

This work involves a large, self-reliant personal practice. This provision is fundamental. Since in a difficult life situation, as a rule, there is no consultant nearby and you have to rely on yourself, therefore it is difficult to overestimate the ability to get out of difficulty not just without loss, but with gaining strength and useful experience.

The involvement of a consultant or trainer is kept to a minimum: namely, at the time of the seminar or training. There, a person receives certain skills (the "Art of Living" program), releases hidden resources and opportunities (holotropic training), brings order to his system (constellation groups).

This is followed by a very important stage - the deployment of the experience and knowledge gained directly in life contexts. Realizing in practice the revealed potential and turning it from just wonderful opportunities (which, in the absence of actions, remain wonderful opportunities) into the reality of being - this is a worthy task on the scale of a lifetime.

Despite the difference in approaches and forms of work, all these seminars, trainings and therapeutic groups are united by the following principles:

  • The world is an amazing mystery with incredible possibilities. And a person, as a part of this world, also has all its properties and capabilities;
  • Each phenomenon of our life is unique and requires a unique, unique solution;
  • We are surrounded by a field of power. It is important to be able to feel this field and realize the influence of the world on us and us on the world, entering into the correct interaction;
  • Nothing can be got rid of. Everything we have has a meaning that needs to be understood;
  • It is important to have the necessary knowledge and skills to organically fit into this world.

For many years I have been conducting various seminars and trainings. For me, despite the apparent external difference, they are united by one common idea; all of them are an integral part of a large project to unlock the potential of man laid down by nature. Within the framework of this task, these methods of work, different in form, are connected by the principle of complementation. What does this mean? This means that it is not possible to open all the doors with one key. In one case, one method works better, in the other, another. There is no universal way to solve all problems. Therefore, a variety of tools are used to solve the basic idea of ​​spiritual development.

The events that have developed over the years can be divided into three groups:

  • Holotropic Breathwork Training.
  • Energy training workshops to turn personal limitations into personal strength.
  • Systemic family constellations according to Hellinger.

In general, work in these three areas complements the work of self-development to the whole. This allows you to: bring clarity and multidimensional changes to your life. This opens up the possibility of consciously shaping your own life. To be an active participant in social processes and, at the same time, to follow your deep purpose, which, with practice, becomes more and more conscious, and the life path is more and more accurate.

This work involves a large, self-reliant personal practice. This provision is fundamental. Since in a difficult life situation, as a rule, there is no consultant nearby and you have to rely on yourself, therefore it is difficult to overestimate the ability to get out of difficulty not just without loss, but with gaining strength and useful experience.

The involvement of a consultant or trainer is kept to a minimum: namely, at the time of the seminar or training. There, a person receives certain skills (the "Art of Living" program), releases hidden resources and opportunities (holotropic training), brings order to his system (constellation groups).

This is followed by a very important stage - the deployment of the experience and knowledge gained directly in life contexts. Realizing in practice the revealed potential and turning it from just wonderful opportunities (which, in the absence of actions, remain wonderful opportunities) into the reality of being - this is a worthy task on the scale of a lifetime.

Despite the difference in approaches and forms of work, all these seminars, trainings and therapeutic groups are united by the following principles:

  • The world is an amazing mystery with incredible possibilities. And a person, as a part of this world, also has all its properties and capabilities;
  • Each phenomenon of our life is unique and requires a unique, unique solution;
  • We are surrounded by a field of power. It is important to be able to feel this field and realize the influence of the world on us and us on the world, entering into the correct interaction;
  • Nothing can be got rid of. Everything we have has a meaning that needs to be understood;
  • It is important to have the necessary knowledge and skills to organically fit into this world.

Copied from the site ""

  • Specialty HAC RF08.00.05
  • Number of pages 104

Chapter 1. Conceptual Foundations innovation activities at the enterprise.

1.1 Concepts of "innovations" and "breakthroughs".

1.2 Methodology for assessing the potential impact of an innovative breakthrough solution

Chapter 2. Management and organization of innovative development of the enterprise. Comprehensive redesign of business processes.

2.1 Development strategies as an initial basis for current organizational innovations.

2.2 Analysis of the possibilities of intensifying production at the enterprise.

2.3 Search and mobilization of production reserves in order to reduce costs. Comprehensive redesign of business processes.

2.4 Personal qualities, the role and interaction of participants in innovation.

Chapter 3. Experience in redesigning enterprises in coal mining and other industries

3.1 Experience in business redesign by INTES.

3.2 Comprehensive redesign of production at the enterprises of the coal industry.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Improving the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of coal mining enterprises 2007, Candidate of Economic Sciences Svinarev, Alexander Alexandrovich

  • Socio-economic adaptation of a coal mining enterprise to an innovative model of technological development 2008, Doctor of Economic Sciences Galkina, Natalya Vladimirovna

  • Economic prospects for the integrated use of coals of a low stage of metamorphism 2006, Candidate of Economic Sciences Artemyeva, Natalya Pavlovna

  • Development of guidelines for improving the economic management of coal mining in the context of its restructuring 2000, Candidate of Economic Sciences Petrov, Vladimir Filippovich

  • System management of business process transformation at an industrial enterprise: concept, implementation mechanisms 2007, doctor of economic sciences Kutelev, Pavel Vladimirovich

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Organizational and managerial directions of innovative development of coal mining enterprises"

The relevance of research. Almost all the forecasts made in recent years predict a significant and steady increase in the needs of Russia and the world in coal fuel and growth in coal production. Against the background of the accelerating depletion of cheap oil reserves, and partly of natural gas, coal really has reason to become their substitute in the foreseeable future to an increasing extent in the prospective fuel and energy balance of many countries, including Russia.

The Russian coal industry, according to many analytical sources, has a fundamental opportunity to cope with the tasks assigned to it. This will become possible only in the case of a deep restructuring of the entire technical, organizational and managerial potential of this industry. Practical experience such restructuring has been accumulated over the past 10-15 years in the course of restructuring coal industry Russia and a number of other coal-producing countries. However, the conditions for the functioning of the coal industry have already changed, and in the future they will change radically. Simply using the experience already accumulated in the industry is not enough and new scientific research is needed. Moreover, their main thesis, which is clear even now, is the need to search for radically new, larger-scale and integrated innovative solutions.

The life cycle of an industrial and economic facility consists of successive phases of initial development, stabilization and extinction. The attempts made during the period of extinction to keep the falling potential of the object become gradually less and less effective. When their further futility becomes clear, the idea arises of implementing more radical measures to radically upgrade the object, or replace it with a new object that already belongs to a new generation of technological and management tools. At this point, it is especially important to find the most effective replacement, since the decision made in this moment, will predetermine the operation of the object throughout the entire beginning life cycle new object.

The most revolutionary transformations of any systems during this period can lead to a radical change in their structure, which occurs in the form of powerful shifts, called innovative breakthroughs by the dissertator. Search for breakthrough organizational management decisions is an important but difficult task and does not yet have a generally accepted methodology.

Within the framework of the above, the study of organizational and managerial directions of development of coal mining enterprises is quite relevant.

The degree of development of the problem. Separate aspects of the problem studied by the dissertation researcher are studied in the available publications with unequal depth. Basics of the theory modern management laid down in the works of F.U. Taylor, F. and JI. Gilbreth, A. Fayol and others. A significant breakthrough in management theory over the past couple of decades has been made by the founders of new schools A. Deming, M. Hammer, T. Ono, T. Peters. The concepts and methodology of strategic management were introduced into wide circulation by A. Fayol and JI. Gyulik and became the subject rapid development in the works of I. Ansoff, P. Drucker, etc. The works of the founders of the methodology of system analysis K. Boulding, F.E. Emery et al. A large number of scientists have worked on the broad issue of efficiency scientific and technological progress, intensification and innovation. t

With regard to the coal industry, A.S. Astakhov, I.V. Granin, N.B. Izygzon, A.A. Petrosov , V.P. Ponomarev , S.S. Reznichenko. A number of works by A.S. Astakhova, N.B. Izygzon, M.A. Yastrebinsky. The development of the main directions of the theory and practice of restructuring the coal industry was successfully carried out by SLs. Klimov, A.B. Kovalchuk, CH. Krasnyansky, V.E. Zaidenvarg , V. M. Zykov , Yu.N. Malyshev, A.B. Yanovsky. The contribution to the development of economic and managerial science was made by I.E. Bogopolsky, Yu.G. Gribin, R.V. Orlov, E.V. Petrenko, A.M. Pyatkin, V.P. Sokolov, Yu.A. Chernegov, G.G. Yakubson.

The purpose of the study is to develop methodological prerequisites and principles for a breakthrough strategy for the long-term development and operational management of coal industry enterprises.

In accordance with the goal set, the following tasks are solved in the work:

The definition is formulated and the role of organizational and managerial innovations of a breakthrough type in the enterprise development management system is substantiated;

The main principles of the methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of breakthrough organizational and managerial decisions are proposed;

A detailed methodology for the search and implementation of organizational and managerial measures in the development of strategies for long-term development and ways of current redesign is proposed. production processes;

A methodology is proposed for generating innovative alternatives for intensifying production processes, based on the study of the technological chain of an enterprise;

A system for solving enterprise management problems is proposed, aimed at finding and implementing hidden intra-production reserves (resources) to increase the efficiency of the enterprise.

Dissertation idea. The initial premise of the study is that the transfer of the coal industry to an intensive path of development requires the widespread use of innovative organizational and managerial measures of a breakthrough type.

Methods for doing work. When performing the work, the theoretical provisions of system analysis, the principles of assessing the economic efficiency of investments, scientific management and a number of provisions of labor psychology.

The object of the study is the enterprises of the coal industry and individual objects of a number of other branches of the Russian industry.

The subject of the study is the conceptual provisions of the methodology for substantiating effective organizational and managerial directions for the innovative development of coal enterprises.

New scientific provisions developed personally by the applicant:

The essence is revealed and the interpretation of innovative breakthroughs as the highest level of innovative activity of an enterprise is substantiated. Showing negative consequences narrowed and strong-willed interpretation of the concept of a breakthrough. A system of signs is proposed that determines the attribution of technical, organizational and managerial measures to the number of breakthrough ones. It is possible and necessary to search for breakthrough opportunities not only in relation to very large problems, but also for relatively small tasks, involving the entire team of the enterprise in the search for breakthrough solutions.

The concept and principles of the methodology for assessing the potential effect of an investment breakthrough solution have been developed. An important distinguishing feature of most breakthrough investment decisions is the presence of large indirect structural-type effects brought about by radical restructuring. internal structure processes. the concept and initial methodological principles of system "redesign" of enterprises were created. The idea of ​​redesign is based on an innovative breakthrough approach to the whole complex of enterprise management tasks. The essence of these breakthroughs is that the integration of separately considered small effects gives a large structural effect, which does complete solution breakthrough problems.

A procedure for searching, mobilizing and integrating hidden intra-system reserves to reduce costs at the enterprise has been developed and proposed. An original system of "redesign" of business processes at the enterprise has been built. The main approaches and principles of redesigning business processes are described.

The scientific significance of the study, in the opinion of the applicant, is determined by the fact that it creates a methodological basis for the systematic development of organizational and managerial breakthrough solutions and projects for the medium-term development of coal industry enterprises in Russia.

The practical significance of the work lies in the creation of an apparatus business cases activities of coal companies to search for and implement intra-system reserves to reduce costs. The effectiveness of the methodology is confirmed by the examples described in the paper of carrying out work on a comprehensive redesign of technology and organization of production processes in the coal industry (“Raspadskaya Mine, Sibirginsky Open Pit”) and at dozens of enterprises in other industries.

Implementation of practical conclusions and results of the work. The results of the study at various stages were taken into account when developing the operating strategies of ZAO INTES, OAO Yukos, OAO BEMZ, OAO SUAL.

Approbation of work. The main results of the work performed were presented at the scientific seminar "Reengineering of business processes" (ANX under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 1998); scientific-practical conference "Redesign of oil production processes" (JSC "YUKOS", Moscow, 2003); scientific seminar on the program "Leader in market conditions" (ANX under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 2005).

Publications. The main results of the research are presented in 4 published papers.

Work structure. The dissertation work consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, contains 15 figures, 2 tables and a list of references from 49 titles.

Similar theses in the specialty “Economics and Management of the National Economy: Theory of Management of Economic Systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics”, 08.00.05 code HAC

  • Structural reform of coal mining enterprises as a factor in increasing efficiency: methods and tools 2006, candidate of economic sciences Nozdrachev, Sergey Anatolyevich

  • Development of guidelines for the formation of an effective in-house management system in coal mining organizations 2005, Candidate of Economic Sciences Krivko, Petr Aleksandrovich

  • Socio-economic strategy for the transition of the Russian coal industry to an innovative type of technological development 2006, Doctor of Economic Sciences Tolchenkon, Yuri Alexandrovich

  • Economic assessment of the prospective development of coal mining enterprises 2000, Doctor of Economic Sciences Trushina, Galina Semyonovna

  • Methods for substantiating innovative directions for the development of coal companies: on the example of Eastern Donbass 2012, Candidate of Economic Sciences Popova, Ellada Mikhailovna

Dissertation conclusion on the topic “Economics and management of the national economy: the theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics”, Pasternak, Igor Veniaminovich

Chapter 3 Conclusions

1. As a result of many years of work of the applicant on the practical implementation and improvement of management procedures, the system of which became the basis of his dissertation, he managed to create an integral system of deeply structured management decisions, which, taken as a whole, can be considered as a management breakthrough.

2. The experience of practical implementation of the scientific provisions of the methodology of breakthrough solutions for the redesign of enterprises by the company INTES (Engineering of new technologies for well operation) is described, in which the dissertator was directly involved. The redesign of business processes at these enterprises revealed the presence of large intra-production reserves, ways to mobilize them, efficiency and high efficiency.

3. Examples of work on the complex redesign of technology and organization of production processes in the Russian coal industry are considered. An example of assessing the possibility of increasing the efficiency of using the main mining and transport equipment of the Sibirginskiy open pit (Kuzbass) is given in order to intensify the coal mining process by sequentially eliminating bottlenecks in the technological chain of the open pit. As shining example innovations in the coal industry, a comprehensive redesign of production carried out at the Raspadskaya mine in the Kuznetsk coal basin is described.

4. According to the experience of the work carried out at the surveyed and other enterprises, the effect of innovative redesign can be: in terms of an increase in the production of a coal enterprise - up to 2 times, an increase in the load on the production face - 3.5 times and labor productivity - 1.4 times.


1. In the dissertation, which is a completed scientific qualification work, a new solution to the current scientific task on the development of organizational and managerial directions for the innovative development of coal mining enterprises, which is important for increasing the efficiency of coal mining.

2. An innovative solution of a breakthrough type, according to the dissertation author, is considered to be a qualitatively new solution to a major problem that has objectively faced the society (collective, individual), who has realized the need to solve it. These decisions break the outdated, previously established structure and the amount of resource consumption, which brings a significant integral effect.

3. The concept and principles of the methodology for assessing the potential effect of an innovative breakthrough solution have been developed. Its main provisions are set out in paragraphs. 3-8.

4. The methodology as a whole is based on the principles of system analysis.

5. An important distinguishing feature of most innovative breakthrough solutions is the presence of major effects of a structural type, brought by a radical restructuring of the internal structure of the process and its external links.

6. Breakthrough solutions are possible in both big and small cases. The defining feature here is not absolute, but relative scales of significance within the framework of a specific problem being solved. The subject of the search are completely non-traditional methods for solving traditional problems. First of all, the very philosophy of seeing the essence of the problems at hand, and, consequently, the principal ways of solving them, is unconventional.

7. The characteristic features of an innovative breakthrough solution noted above can only be taken into account in a multi-aspect and multi-criteria assessment. Purely economic evaluation in these tasks, as a rule, is insufficient. In addition, a thorough and reliable economic evaluation of the effectiveness of breakthrough solutions is in many cases difficult, and does not have the decisive role in decision-making that it plays in evaluating traditional-type solutions.

8. Calculations related to the multi-criteria evaluation of breakthrough solutions are carried out with the wide use of group examination methods and the construction of final integral criteria.

9. The presence of breakthrough-type solutions in a project or enterprise redesign program is one of the main indicators of the quality of the project as a whole.

10. The initial basis for the development of any current organizational and managerial decisions of a breakthrough type is the development strategy of the enterprise (company) in the future. Development strategy takes into account internal capabilities and changing conditions external environment and, above all, the market. Its development is based on general scheme strategic management adapted to the conditions of the coal industry by the dissertation student.

11. Current operational activities on the management and organization of the production process is considered in two directions: a) measures to intensify production and b) finding in-house reserves to reduce the costs of the enterprise using the methods of "comprehensive redesign" of business processes.

Measures to intensify production are based on the methodology for generating innovative options for intensifying production processes. It allows you to perform the entire sequential series of analysis and calculations of the capacity and load of the links of the technological chain of the enterprise, identify bottlenecks, generate options for intensifying the most logical alternatives, numerically evaluate their economic efficiency indicators and justify the choice of the most profitable option.

Studies of the problem of finding and implementing hidden intra-production reserves (resources) to improve the efficiency of an enterprise show that these reserves, upon careful study, are very large, are available at all enterprises without exception and remain untouched for a long time.

12. Typical management problems of the enterprise and some measures for their solution, the main reserves for reducing the costs of the enterprise are considered.

13. The dissertation outlines and analyzes the principles of reengineering, which is one of the modern, wide-ranging and fairly well-developed methods of business management. Accepting a number of important provisions of reengineering, the dissertation notes its role as the next stage in the development of management science.

14. The dissertation student develops a number of fundamental ideas of reengineering and builds his own, in many respects, original methodology for “redesigning” a business process in an enterprise. The idea of ​​redesign is based on an innovative breakthrough approach to the whole range of enterprise management tasks. The main directions of measures for redesigning business processes are described.

15. The personal qualities of the leader have strong influence on process efficiency. The strength of this influence is no less than the impact on the efficiency of technological factors. The challenge is to maximize the mobilization of all currently unused resources of this type. The role of the leader's personality in the development of breakthrough-type decisions is especially important.

16. The experience of practical implementation of the scientific provisions of the methodology of breakthrough solutions for the redesign of enterprises by the company INTES (Engineering of new technologies for well operation) is described, in which the dissertator was directly involved. The redesign of business processes at these enterprises revealed the presence of large intra-production reserves, ways to mobilize them, efficiency and high efficiency. The effect of "redesign" of various enterprises was different, but almost everywhere it exceeded 15-20%.

17. Examples of work on the complex redesign of technology and organization of production processes in the coal industry of Russia are considered. An example is given of assessing the possibility of increasing the efficiency of using the main mining and transport equipment of the Sibirginskiy open pit (Kuzbass) in order to intensify the coal mining process by sequentially eliminating bottlenecks in the open pit technological chain. As a striking example of innovation in the coal industry, a comprehensive redesign of production carried out at the Raspadskaya mine in the Kuznetsk coal basin is described.

18. According to the experience of the work carried out at the surveyed and other enterprises, the effect of innovative redesign can be: in terms of an increase in the production of a coal enterprise - up to 2 times, an increase in the load on the production face - 3.5 times and labor productivity - 1.4 times.

List of references for dissertation research Candidate of Economic Sciences Pasternak, Igor Veniaminovich, 2006

1. N. I. Garkavenko, V. D. Grun et al. Socio-economic dictionary-reference book.

2. Coal industry. M.: 2004.

4. Vilensky P. JL, Livshits V. N., Smolyak S. A. Evaluation of efficiency investment projects. Theory and practice: Textbook.-pract. allowance. M: business. 2001.

5. Astakhov AS Dynamic methods for assessing the efficiency of mining production. M., Nedra, 1973.

6. Astakhov A. S. Linear programming in mining. M., Nedra, 1964.

7. A.S. Astakhov. GEOECONOMICS (system economics of industrial subsoil use). M.: LLC "MIGEK", 2004.

8. Henry R. Neave. The space of Dr. Deming. Principles of building a sustainable business. Alpina Business Books, 2005

9. Malyshev Yu. N., Zaydenvarg V. E. et al. Restructuring of the coal industry. (Theory. Experience. Programs. Forecast.). Moscow: Rosugol company, 1996.

10. Astakhov AS Experience and lessons of restructuring the coal industry in Russia. economic science modern Russia, 2001, №1.

11. Kreinin E. V. Coal as the main organic fuel XXI century. Environmentally friendly technologies. Coal, 2003.

12. Ansoff I. Strategic management: Abbr. Per. from English; Scientific ed. and ed. forewords by L.E. Evenenko M.: Economics, 1989.

13. Yakovets Yu.V. Patterns of scientific and technological progress and their planned use. M.: Economics, 1984.

14. Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management. Per. from English. M.: Delo LTD, 1992.

15. Thompson A.A., Strickland A.J. Strategic management. The Art of Strategy Development and Implementation: Proc. for universities: Per. from English: M.: Banks and stock exchange. UNITY, 1998.

16. Astakhov A.S., Krasnyansky G.L. Economics and management of mining production. -M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Mining Sciences, 2001. Book 2: Fundamentals of mining management.

17. Optimal planning on a computer in the coal industry. Astakhov A.S. and others. M, publishing house "Nedra". 1971.

18. M. Hammer, J. Champy. Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for a Business Revolution. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Publishing House. 1997.

19. Astakhov A.S., Golovko N.K. Technology of breakthroughs and the school of Erhard. M., Knowledge, 1989.

20. Granin I.V. and others. World strategy for the formation of coal production. Scientific reports of the NSC of Mining IGD im. Skochinsky, vol. 311/99.

21. Izygzon N.B. Strategy for the investment policy of the Russian coal industry. M.: Nedra Communication, 2000.

22. Ponomarev V.P. Economic fundamentals strategic development coal industry in Russia: Dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Economics. M.: MGGU, 2000.

23. Petrosov A.A. Basics of forecasting mining production: Tutorial. -M.: MGI, 1980.

24. Reznichenko S.S. and other Economic-mathematical methods and modeling in planning and management of mining production. M., Nedra, 1991.

25. Yastrebinsky M.A. Efficiency of investments in mining enterprises. M.: MGGU, 2001.

26. Klimov SL. Justification of the effective functioning of vertically integrated coal companies (taking into account coal mining enterprises). M.: Publishing House AGN, 2000.

27. Kovalchuk A.B., Ponomarev V.P. Economic situation Russian coal industry after the first stage of restructuring (1994-1998) and for the long term. -M., 2000.

28. Krasnyansky GL. Design economic mechanism functioning of the coal industry in the context of industry restructuring. Abstract doc. dissertations. -M.: MGGU, 1994.

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