Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Profession "hairdresser": description, pros and cons. Familiarization of children of senior preschool age with the profession of a hairdresser through the role-playing game "Hairdresser's Presentation at the competition of a children's hairdresser's

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 160, Cheboksary


"Introduction to the profession of a hairdresser"


Gunina Tatyana Ivanovna

middle school teacher

group number 3

Cheboksary 2016

Project content

1. Project passport

2. Relevance (problem)

4. Goals and objectives of the project

8. Project Implementation Plan

11. References

12. Application


1. Insufficient knowledge among children about the profession of "hairdresser"

2. The reluctance of some children to monitor their appearance, in particular, hair

Objective of the project

To acquaint children with the profession of "hairdresser", to educate neatness, the desire to take care of their hair.

Project objectives

1. To instill interest in the profession of "hairdresser".

2. To instill in children the desire to monitor their appearance.

3. Draw the attention of parents to appearance, children's hairstyle.

Project implementation timeline

Medium duration - (from a month to several months)

January - April 2016

Expected results

2. Relevance (problem)

In the middle preschool age, further familiarization with the world of adults and objects created by labor is of particular importance for the full development of the child's personality. Familiarization with professions ensures the further entry of the child into modern world, attaches to its values, directs to the development of cognitive and gender interests of boys and girls of the middle preschool age. An in-depth study of professions contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work. Right choice profession determines life success each person.

The theme of the developed project was chosen taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, the age characteristics of the middle preschool age and the amount of information that can be learned by them.

3. Analysis of the environment (external and internal)

A developing environment has been created in the middle group. On the this moment the group has furniture for playing in a hairdresser's, hairdresser's toy tools, aprons, dolls.

4. Goals and objectives of the project

Project goal: Creating conditions for the development of cognitive and creativity children in the process of implementation educational project"Profession - hairdresser."

Expansion and generalization of children's ideas about professions, tools, labor activities.

Development of interest in various professions, taking into account gender education.

Project objectives:

Expand knowledge and ideas about the professions of their parents (place of work, the importance of their work, pride and respect for the work of their parents).

To ensure the activity of the child in the complex process of becoming him as a person.

Develop figurative and spatial thinking, encourage children to be creative and independent.

Generate interest in the environment.

Develop communication skills;

Activate attention, memory, vocabulary enrichment, develop speech.

Help parents to properly organize joint family leisure.

5. Participants and their role in project implementation

children middle group, parents of pupils, educators, narrow specialists (music director).

6. Resources (material, informational, personnel, technical)

7. Project implementation mechanism

Search work on the selection of illustrative material and photographs on the topic "Profession - hairdresser".

Registration and equipment of the corner "Hairdressing salon".

Making attributes for role-playing game"At the hairdresser's.

8. Project Implementation Plan

Viewing the presentation "Profession - a hairdresser."

Family collaboration:

Consultations "Introduction to the professions of mom and dad", "How to organize an excursion to the hairdresser."

Involving parents in participating in the project, organizing excursions, designing an album with drawings and photographs.

Interaction with specialists:

Musical leisure "Merry hairdressers".

Physical entertainment "The most dexterous hairdresser".

Viewing the presentation "Profession - a hairdresser."

Competition on art activity "Young stylist".

Product project activities:

1. Multimedia presentation "Profession - hairdresser";

3. Role-playing game "Hairdressing";

4. Exhibition of photographs about the professions of the parents of the group;

5. Didactic games "What is superfluous", "Who will collect faster";

6. Exhibition of children's works "Young stylist";

7. Synopsis of musical leisure "Merry hairdressers";

8. Synopsis of sports entertainment "The most dexterous hairdresser";

9. Album for the development of speech "Profession - hairdresser."

10. Synopsis of the GCD on the development of speech "Profession - hairdresser."

9. Expected results. Criteria for evaluating effectiveness.

Children learn about the professions of their parents, in particular about the profession of a hairdresser. They will replenish their vocabulary on the topic, and will actively use the learned vocabulary in speech.

Children will develop knowledge and ideas about the profession, the tools of the hairdresser, his place of work, equipment, and the creative component of his profession.

Parents will have an active life position on the issue of early career guidance for children.

An exhibition of children's works "Young stylist" will be arranged.

An album will be compiled on the development of speech and familiarization with the environment “Profession - a hairdresser”.

Will be developed multimedia presentation on the development of speech "Profession - hairdresser."

A photo album will be presented on the joint work of children with teachers at the stages of the project "Profession - Hairdresser".

Musical leisure "Merry hairdressers" will be organized.

10. Prospects for further development of the project

Continue to develop children's interest in role-playing games

Involve parents in organizing a subject-developing environment at home

Continue to develop children's interest and knowledge about others important professions

Involve parents in the manufacture of attributes for role-playing games with their children.

11. References

12. Application

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 160"

city ​​of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic

Role-playing game project


(In the middle group).

Compiled by:

Tutor Gunina T.I.

February 2016

Project objectives:

    To develop interest and respect for the profession of a hairdresser.

    Familiarity with the rules of conduct in the barbershop.

    To develop the ability, together with the educator, to develop the plot of the game, coordinate the topic, distribute roles.

    To promote the establishment of role-playing interaction in the game and the ability of role-playing relationships. Build good relationships within the team.

    Recognize items by characteristics.

    To cultivate the ability to find an object by its characteristic features, to develop observation, resourcefulness, to cultivate endurance.

    To consolidate the knowledge of children that various "smart" machines, tools of labor help people in their work, to cultivate interest in the work of adults, the desire to work themselves.

The project is being implemented: informational and practical. Collective. Long-term.

Main stage-cycle practice games: Play various scenes.

Project content:

Playing with children didactic games:

    Children's game "What will the object tell about itself?"

    Children's game "What do you need for work?"

    Children's game "The Fourth Extra".

    Children's game "What is beautiful and what is not?"

    Board game: "What did the artist mix up?"

    Children's game "Name the profession."

    Review of the album about professions.

    Production of attributes for the game

    Drawing: "Decorate the comb."

    Application: "Decorate the headband for the doll."

    Table theater: "Like a lion cub did not want to wash his hair."

    Dramatization: "Forest Barbershop".

    Excursion with parents to the hairdresser.

    Conversation: "Rules of conduct in the hairdresser."

    Conversation on life safety: "Dangerous items in the hairdresser."

Game-situation: "Beautiful haircut." Methodology.

Educator: (the teacher takes a comb and runs it through her hair)

Today my hair is badly combed, I need to do a new hairstyle. - I'm going to the hairdresser. (Suitable for a child playing in the barbershop).

Marina are you a hairdresser?

Please do my hair.

I want my hair to be beautifully combed, can I wash it with shampoo? (washes)

Will you paint?

Dye my hair to make it darker.

Dark hair suits me. (beautiful). Now let's dry our hair.

All hair is dry.

Master, brush me please.

Thank you. (I look in the mirror)

Who else wants to do their hair, come here a good master works.

Olya, will your daughter do her hair?

Lisa, go get your hair cut.

Role-playing game: "Brought new shampoos."

The teacher takes the shampoo and says that new shampoos have been brought to the hairdresser, which make the hair soft. Children one by one approach the teacher, who plays the role of a hairdresser, he “washes” their hair with new shampoos. Children bring their dolls to get their hair cut. The educator shows how he acts with scissors, with a comb, how he washes his clients' hair, puts their hair.

Role-playing game: "Haircut for the dog."

The teacher brings a toy dog ​​with a bow and says that the dogs also go to the hairdresser. The educator - the hairdresser puts the dog on a chair and cuts it. Then invites children with their pets. Each child tells the hairdresser what hairstyle can be done. The teacher asks the owners to talk affectionately with their animals so that they are not afraid to get their hair cut.


Game actions:

    Putting on


    A haircut

    brush off your hair

    Washing head


    Drying with a hair dryer

    Hair coloring


    Perfume cologne

    Roll hair into curlers

    Braid pigtails

    Make a parting in your hair

    To dry hair

    Coffee while waiting

    Viewing Logs

Items and accessories for playing hair salon:

Mirror, combs, shampoo, curlers, scissors, hair dryer, brush, hair coloring bowl, hairdresser's apron, hairpins, rubber bands, magazines.

Lesson summary

"Profession - hairdresser"

Purpose: to introduce children to the profession of a hairdresser.


educational: to expand the idea of ​​professions, tools, ore activities.

developing: to develop visual perception, attention, memory, thinking.

educational: to cultivate respect for the work of adults, curiosity.

Equipment: a picture on the theme “In the hairdresser”, pictures depicting the professions of people, items for a role-playing game (scissors, hair dryer, comb, varnish).

Lesson progress

    Organizing time.

Guys, tell me, where do your parents go every day? Where do they work?

Let's remember what professions we have already talked about?

    The main part (pictures are displayed on a typesetting canvas - a teacher, a salesman, a cook, a driver, a seamstress)

Didactic game "Who's doing what?"

The doctor - treats, the teacher - teaches, the seller - sells, the seamstress - sews, the cook - cooks.

Now try to guess the riddle.

Who will do the hair

Hairdryer, brush and comb

Magnificent curls will curl,

Whip the bangs with a brush

Everything in his hands is on fire

Who will change the look? (the hairdresser)

Today we will talk about the profession of a hairdresser.

Profession story . Hairdressers work in barber shops and beauty salons. The client is seated in a comfortable chair, their shoulders are covered with a special cape, their hair is washed with shampoo, and then they are cut using a comb and scissors. For a female client, a hairdresser can style her hair with a hairdryer and brush, or curl her hair into curls and cover with a special hairspray.

A hairdresser must have good health (after all, he has to spend the whole working day on his feet) and love for people, have a desire to bring joy, to make people more beautiful.


Where does the hairdresser work?

What does a hairdresser do?

What tools does he need to work?

What should a hairdresser have?

Finger gymnastics

Give scissors, comb
He will do your hair

Master by all means

Gives you a modern cut.

Guessing riddles about the tools of the hairdresser.

    Two ends, two rings

Carnations in the middle (scissors)

    In this little thing

Settled a warm wind (hair dryer)

    I walk - I wander not through the forests, but through the mustache and hair

And my teeth are longer than wolves and bears (comb)

Guys, well done, guessed everything correctly!

Look, the boy Petya came to visit us, who will tell you how he went to the hairdresser.

The poem "About the hairdresser"

Hair became like a mane

Looks like it's time to cut...

The barbershop is beautiful

Lots of light, mirrors...

They pointed me to a chair

I didn’t have time to say: “Oh!”
Flashed, flew

Scissors above the head.

I came there shaggy

And not a sheared sheep,
And I left neat

And a handsome little boy.

Hairdresser Uncle Sasha

He told me: "Do not forget our hairdresser, do not overgrow"

The hairdresser knows everything:

If you want, she will shave her head or remove her bangs,

Or trim the temples - as you want, cut it.

He his knows the job,

Who wants a haircut

Those will help no problem.

    Summary of the lesson.

What profession are we talking about today?

Now I suggest you play the role-playing game "Hairdresser's".

Toolkit to the project "Profession "Hairdresser""

The project is intended for music directors and educators of middle and senior groups of preschool age to conduct an introductory or final lesson on the topic "Profession "Hairdresser"".

The project consists of 17 sheets.

For ease of work on all sheets in the lower right corner, the picture "Baba Yaga" is used, which is a hyperlink to the next page, and the picture "Vasilisa the Beautiful", which is a hyperlink to the previous page.

If you move the cursor over the sheet, and somewhere appearspalm with a chain of two links instead of a blue arrow-cursor, then therehyperlink, star shows animation,triangle is a sound file.

Necessary equipment: interactive device MIMIO , computer, screen, music center, musical instruments.

1 sheet. Project name: “Profession “Hairdresser””

2 sheet. Listen to music. Who is Vasilisa talking to?

Click on the treble clef, listen to music. Guess the piece of music. (“Children's album”. “Baba Yaga” by P.I. Tchaikovsky)

Test yourself by clicking on the animation area to the right of the treble clef.

3 sheet. What does a hairdresser do?




    sews clothes

    Does hair

Click on the line with the answer.

4 sheet. What tools and devices does a hairdresser need in their work?

Click on the tool. With a correct answer, an animation appears - a “green checkmark”, with an incorrect answer - a “red cross”.

5 sheet. In what order to do the hair?

We put the objects above the numbers in the right order.

We check ourselves by clicking on the triangle on the right (animation)

6 sheet. What is the riddle about the hairdresser?

We check ourselves by clicking on the curtains (animation)

7 sheet. Put the words in the proverbs in order

8 sheet . We master the profession. Attraction "Do your hair":

Boys do hairstyles for girls with an average long hair. The boys have elastic bands, different hairpins, combs.

The ride is accompanied by music.

9 sheet. jigsaw puzzle

10 sheet. guess fairy tales

Check yourself by clicking on the triangles (animation)

11 sheet. Find modern women's hairstyles

With a correct answer, an animation appears - a “green checkmark”, with an incorrect answer - a “red cross”.

12 sheet. Find modern men's hairstyles

Check it out by clicking on the picture.

With a correct answer, an animation appears - a “green checkmark”, with an incorrect answer - a “red cross”.

13 sheet . Distribute the names of haircuts

We check ourselves by clicking on the triangle (animation)

14 sheet . Distribute the names of haircuts

We check ourselves by clicking on the triangle (animation)

15 sheet. Arrange the furniture in the barbershop

16 sheet. Cartoon "Aunt Owl's Caution Lessons. Appliances"

17 sheet. Cartoon "Aunt Owl's Caution Lessons. Sharp objects»

Hair stylists

Music "Barber"

Nikita All professions are needed,

All professions are important!

Even if you are a cook, even if you are a doctor,

Hairdresser, caretaker, baker...


You really liked

Or else you will experience

Trouble in fate!

Nikita At least a teacher -

This is a baby shower sculptor

He is a creator, a sage, a teacher...

For some children - a tormentor,

For others - the standard!

And from us to him - bow!

Ilya Or here's a musician for you!

He has natural talent!

If they don't have talent,

It's not a problem guys!

The producer helps them

And solves EVERYTHING!

Nikita Or here's a hairdresser for you ...

No, don't rhyme!

He is capable of mood

Provide you a five!

Or maybe four

If suddenly he is not in the spirit ...

We smile wider

And send him a bow!

Ilya How to choose what you need,

To love the profession

So rich, but not boring

And to live a worthy life?

It takes a lot of effort

To understand in your interests!

Nikita If you see in the apartment

Pile of scissors on the table

Ilya Il shampoo in a large decanter,

Nikita Or supra in crystal,

Ilya 8 varnishes,

Nikita 5 combs,

Ilya 20 hair colors,

So the stork came to you on purpose

Bring the hairdresser!

Lera - From childhood she cut everyone in a row -

Dolls, mom and dad,

Everyone in the house tells me

Hairdresser right!

Max - Mother, again shampoo in borscht,

Tired more...

Aysel - I'm afraid to walk myself,

Don't step on the hair dryer!

Max - To me again

If you don't get poisoned,

We need a daughter soon

Send to learn!

Aysel - Hair dye everywhere,

Heaps of scissors at home ...

Here is the college, there it is

Great to learn how to cut!

college of hairdressing art №315

Moscow, Nizhegorodskaya, 98

495) 278-30-64, 278-61-54

Music "Barber" (instrumental only)

Sim Masters will explain to you

All in order:

How do you hold scissors

Make it as a styling…

Anya To wind the curls

Take curlers

To style your hair -

Wet the foam!

Katya Give me scissors, a comb,
I'll do your hair.
I promise: definitely
I'll give you a modern haircut!

Asya Everything, now I'm with a diploma

And I work in a salon!

Music "Barber" (instrumental only)

Zhenya - Hello, Mikhail Alekseevich, come in!

So tell me, how are things at school?

Lenya - Oh, yes, everything is fine! .....

Zhenya - Well, how do students behave at school?

Lenya - Thank you, everything is fine! .....

Zhenya - Are you preparing for the school attestation?

Lenya - Well, why are you so worried about this school, or what?
Zhenya - No, I don't care in general ...
Lenya - Why are you asking then?
Zhenya - Yes, it’s just that at the word “school” your hair stands on end,

It's more comfortable to cut...

Sbivka from "Yeralash"

Aysel Haircuts just "with a bang"!

Well, it's time for the competition!

Not dancing, not vocal -

Professional Competition!

Dasha Song to the motive of "Songs about the sword":

Scissors clinking and noise from hair dryer
From childhood, I was caressed by the look,
For laying lan and foam,

For styling varnish and foam -
I'll cut everyone.

Who is new, who is new.

Come closer, come closer
I'll give you a haircut
Where to cut, I immediately see
Where to cut, I immediately see
In the ear or on the nose.

Whack, whack, take away the finished one,
Whack, whack, who's new,
Who's new
Well, who's new.

Here dangerous job,
It's hard for us, like in a war,
And maybe soon someone
And maybe soon someone
He will cut off my ear too.

Whack, whack, take away the finished one,
Whack, whack, who's new,
Who's new
Well, who's new.

Sasha - Oh, I go to such a cool hairdresser! All the stars are there!

Vika - Oh, that's not enough current! I do not trust you!

Sasha - Yes, I myself saw how Pugacheva and Kirkorov swore.

Ruslan - Alka, I'm divorcing you!
Marina - Well, who will need you?
Ruslan - Everyone will need me, I'm a megastar!
Marina - Who are you? Without me you will be forgotten tomorrow!
Ruslan - And who will be a megastar then?
Marina - Yes, anyone I will promote. Yes, even this hairdresser ...

... The life of Sergei Zverev began to improve ...

(Zverev "More glamour")

Vika Kol career went up,

So you are already a stylist!

Lyosha Valom let the people run

in a TV show

Picks out their clothes

Your glamorous macho.

Sasha You come to the stylist

Auntie and Uncle

We will look at you

In the front and in the back.

Alena If your appearance is unsightly,

The haircut is indecent

The stylist will help you

Look great!

Lyosha Come, gentlemen,

To Zverev Serezha -

He will comb you then

Help with image!

Arthur - Someone would help me,

poor boy!

Asya - You will look like God

After our haircut!

Ksyusha If the image let us down,

So-so figure -

Can we make a model

Even from Arthur!

A screen is taken out to the music, a beautifully dressed “model” is hiding behind it.

Various things are thrown out from behind the screen in the process of reading.

Alyona - the shirt does not suit you,

Sasha - Take off your pants!

Vika - We must "back to front"!

Katya - Turn around here!

Anya - You need a stylish jacket!

Lyosha - Better with lace!

Anya - Here we comb it like this!

Sima - Maybe with a mustache?

Asya - You definitely need flared trousers!

Anya - Maybe leggings? -

Sasha - He will have an image

Slim man!

Ksyusha - Put on a Gucci tie!

Sasha - Boots from Prada!

Vika - Everything! Ready! Release!

All - It turned out what you need!(in the process they change Arthur to Laura)

Lyosha - Star in shock!

(to the music of Moscow Never Slips, the model poses for photographers)

Nikita It can be difficult, it can be a lot

Talk about professions!

But someday the solution

We have to accept!

All professions are important!

People are always needed!

Only we are all for our choice

Must be responsible!

Music "Barber" (instrumental only)

I always wanted to become a writer, but life decided in its own way and instead of writing novels, I cut people's hair. But I didn’t forget my dream, so I remember all sorts of funny scenes and I write them down on a computer in order to subsequently publish my own humorous collection. I will share with you some funny stories that happened in my hairdressing practice.


A man comes to me to get a haircut, sits down in a chair, as usual, I cut his hair and, having reached the bangs, I ask:

Man, do you bangs, oblique?

The man looks at me with a surprised look and answers:

Why do you cut with a scythe, with scissors, with scissors ...

Bad shave.

While working as a hairdresser, I realized simple thing, one must always work in good mood. Otherwise, it will always work out, as I did with one client. At the end of the shift, when I was already very tired and in no mood. A man sat down next to me and asked me to shave him.

Through force, I began to shave his cheeks and, naturally, cut him a couple of times. Seeing that the client was not satisfied, I decided to soften him a little and started a casual conversation with the man:

Your face is familiar to me, have you visited us before?

The man looked at me with displeasure and said:

No, I was not. Big scar on my forehead, I got in a car accident!

I didn't continue the conversation.


An intelligent-looking man came to our barbershop, chose my chair, and I began to cut it, as he explained to me. After I cut it off, the man turned his head in front of the mirror and said:

Russian is the richest language in terms of words and definitions compared to other languages ​​of the world.

So what? - I did not understand.

Never mind. It’s just that I don’t explain to the hairdresser what I need, he still cuts my hair the wrong way!

Long haircut.

I cut my regular customer. I take my time and try my best to make him happy. At the end of the haircut, I notice gray hair on his head.

Do you know that you have gray hair? - I inform the client, unpleasant news.

So right, you have been cutting my hair for the second hour, until you finish, I will turn completely gray! - the ungrateful client answers me.

Curious client.

Sometimes you come across clients who, in order to pass the time while they are getting their hair cut, start asking stupid questions. I also somehow got a client who, having nothing to do, became interested in:

But tell me, could you cut a client's hair if you drank a glass of vodka?

I could. - Without thinking, I answered.

What if we had two drinks?

I still could.

And three glasses? - The client did not let up.

And after three shots, I could cut my hair too.

The man sat silently for a minute, thinking about something of his own, then with a challenge asked:

Well, after five glasses, surely you couldn’t cut the client’s hair?!

Well, I'll cut you off!!! - I said with a smile, under the general laughter of visitors and masters of the hairdresser.

These are such hilarious stories where the hairdresser is the main character.

Psychologists say that when meeting people, first of all, they pay attention to the condition of shoes and hairstyle: it is these two criteria that we subconsciously follow when assessing someone's appearance. Hairdresser - a simple, at first glance, profession. But is it really that simple?

There is a certain specialization in the profession of a hairdresser: some masters are engaged only in men's hairstyles, while others, on the contrary, only women's. There is another category of specialists who work only with children - they are called children's hairdressers. Of course, there are also universal hairdressers who are ready to cut anyone’s hair, but in recent times this is quite rare. A good hairdresser is always a sought-after specialist, who can only be seen by appointment.

HISTORY OF THE PROFESSION HAIRDRESSER The word "hairdresser" is of French origin ( perruque) - an overlay of hair, and in the theater - one of means of expression makeup. Our ancient ancestors knew about the profession of a hairdresser. At different times and different countries she was called differently: hairdressers were called barbers, barbers, shearers. In addition to haircuts and hair styling, hairdressers were engaged in shaving, manicure, and often performed the duties of doctors, exposing their clients to simple medical procedures. In Russia, hairdressers were called a barber. A large number of people came to the barber to shave, cut their hair or do their hair. And only in our time, the specialization of hairdressers has narrowed - now they are engaged only in hairstyles. The profession of a hairdresser has always been and will be vital, as a person has an inherent desire for beauty and self-care.

HOW TO BECOME A HAIRDRESSER In order to become a good hairdresser, you need to feel the desires of customers, be able to find with them mutual language, be aware of all fashion trends, have special knowledge, experience and skills. Perhaps, a hairdresser is one of the few professions in which education alone is not enough - you need to have a certain talent that allows you to create harmony in the client's hairstyle with his general appearance, and the courage that will allow you to realize the author's intention.

Nowadays, it is possible to become a hairdresser upon completion of appropriate courses or specialized schools for hairdressers. As a rule, basic training lasts no more than a year, and its cost is low. There are no special requirements for applicants, so you can become a hairdresser at almost any age. But the most difficult thing is to become a Master. But having gone from an ordinary hairdresser to a real Master, you can achieve a stable job, wealth, and even fame.


Give me scissors, a comb,
He will do your hair.
Hairdresser by all means
Gives you a modern cut.


In this clean bright room,
With a sense of joy always
The old walks and the small walks,
So I will go there too.
If I'm too overgrown,
I will sit boldly in a chair,
I need a haircut
The master will do it skillfully.
Silently I look in the mirror:
Scissors fly fast
I follow the master
How does he change his hairstyle?
With a neat head
(Master did a great job)
I return home.
What was the name of this master?

Development of the propaganda team "It's just that I work as a magician"

(I am a hairdresser)
As part of the school KTD for career guidance of 9th grade students.

The true treasure for people is the ability to work.

Purpose: to acquaint school graduates with the world of professions, features, purpose, importance of each of them, using various forms activities; develop curiosity, broaden horizons, encourage conscious professional choice in the future, educate respectful attitude to any work, to form a positive attitude towards work, to professional growth, to encourage students to search for information about professions.
Equipment: costumes of the king, princess, royal throne, work clothes of hairdressers; newspaper "Beautiful masters of their craft"; photographs, posters, ICT.

1st: Hello!
2nd: Hello!
All: Hello!
3rd: You are welcomed by the propaganda team "What do you need?"
4th: What do we guys need?
5th: It is necessary to understand: who to be, what to be?
6th: Where to go, where to go, so as not to hang around idle?
7th: And how old are we?
All: Fifteen.
1st: Is it a lot or a little?
2nd: In life, fifteen is only the beginning.
3rd: In life, fifteen is not much.
4th: You are just standing at the threshold.
5th: You are just getting ready for the road.
6th: Still, it is difficult for one to decide: should I go to the tenth or still to the vocational school?
7th: And, maybe, which technical school to choose? I can't decide, guys, alone.
1st: So we came here with you to choose together
All: When and where!

The royal mansions are on stage, the king is sitting in an armchair, his daughter Masha is lying and looking at magazines.

Host: In the palace of Tsar Ivan
A whole drama happened:
The daughter began to grow up
Throw smart thoughts
And dad said:
Masha: Dad! I want to study!
King: What?! I read magazines
Did your head hurt from idleness?
Look, I wanted to study.
Well, tell me, the king,
Did you see this thing
For my daughter to sit
There at the desk in the 23rd with biologists, geometers?
Masha: I want to study!
Look at the magazines
What is written here in them:
ball invitations,
Competitions and festivals
Look at urban hairstyles.
To participate in them
But without knowledge, nowhere
Neither here nor there.
King: What do you want to become, Masha?
Masha: Hairdresser, dad.
You will be proud of me.
I won't be lazy
I will study books
I will go abroad
And I will return with a victory.
The world will recognize your daughter.
Yes, the profession is good
But we don't know a damn thing
We are with you about her.
I'll probably contact
In the service sector.
I will invite the masters
So that they tell you from the basics
They told what's what
They gave food for thought.

The king is on the phone.

King: Hey, barbers, come here,
Come gentlemen
To teach our daughter
Hair cut, and shave, and wash,
To make a hairstyle
Show your imagination.

Hairdressers (barbers) appear.


We shave, we cut with a beaver, a hedgehog.
- We treat the lousy.
We make bald people out of bald people.
- We curl the curls, we direct the corrugation.
- We comb the curls, comb them in the middle.
- Wash the wig, open the blood.
- We will cut the corn, buy a braid and cut it off.
- We glue the flies, cut and shave.
- Banks, leeches, a set of pectoral steppe grass!

Hairdressers bow to the Tsar and daughter Masha.

- Hello, Tsar, Princess Masha.
- What happened in your kingdom?
Tsar: The daughter wanted to study,
Is this thing conceivable?
And I called you for business:
Tell me Masha
What and how in your profession?

Hairdressers sing: (to the melody of T. Khrennikov's song "A long time ago")

I'm a hairdresser, hairdresser
This profession is known to everyone, friends.
We were called barbers in Russia
And we were proud of it, yeah!
2. This work is not easy.
The master must stand on his feet the whole shift,
And have a conversation with a client
And at the same time smile sweetly at you.
Hairdresser 1: Before, working in white coats,
We were like doctors, guys.
Hairdresser 2: Well, now we have new form.
Look how it suits us.
Hairdresser 3: Come on, you, Princess Masha, and you, our King, dad,
Guess the riddle:
"What makes a person beautiful?"

The king and daughter think, then list.

King: Dress?
Masha: Shoes?
King: Ornament?
Masha: Makeup?
Hairdresser 4: Oh, your answer is wrong.
Comb in the hands of a virtuoso.
Hairdresser 5: The hairstyle is of such great importance that no matter what golden dress with jewels a woman wears, no matter what she decorates in the world, if she hadn’t put her hair in order, she couldn’t be tidy, ”wrote the Roman writer Apuleius .
King: I listened to you attentively,
I, like a king,
There is a question for you.
Hairdresser 6: Ask, you are our King and sovereign,
We will try to give you an answer right away.
King: What should a barber still be able to do?
- Cut and shave and curl.
- Bring joy to people.
- Smile to all customers.
- Fulfill their desires.
- Create hairstyle style.
Masha: Where will I have to study,
To become a sorceress
Create a mood?
- You can get the profession of a hairdresser:
- At the hairdresser's school (training period 6 months),
- In the Code of Criminal Procedure consumer services(training period 7 months),
- In vocational schools (on the basis of 9 classes),
- At paid hairdressing courses.
We need hairdressers
- All people - adults, kids,
- We need it everywhere and everywhere,
- Both in the city and in the countryside.
Masha: Well, I'll finish, gentlemen, I'll study, what then?
Where will I work in our city? Here's the trouble!
- Our profession has great opportunities:
- You can open your own barbershop,
- You can open your own beauty salon,
- Can be done at home labor activity.
- We want to invite you, Masha, and you, our king, dad, to get together on an excursion,
- Walk along Kovrov,
- Admire the signs
- Look how many there are.

Hairdressers raise posters over their heads with the names of hairdressing salons and salons.

In our city of Kovrov, you can visit hairdressing salons: - "Beauty" and "Kovrovchanka",
- "Cleopatra", "Magic",
- "Style", "Katrin", "Karina",
- "Charm", "Curl", "Person".

Video of the facades of hairdressing salons and salons of the city.

Everywhere you will meet professionals - masters, fans of their work.
- Well, are you ready, Masha, and you, dear dad, to visit one salon? "Kovrovchanka" he is called.
- This tower is on Lenin Avenue.
- The house is high-rise and storey, and below there is an important salon.
- Salon We can't drop in here for a minute or five.
- Here we have to sit not as long as we can, but as long as necessary.
- And now we want to show you how the masters work in the salon.
- You, having evaluated the work of the masters, will understand how necessary and how important this work is for everyone.

There is a video about the work of the masters of the salon "Kovrovchanka".

Hairdressers sing: (to the melody of a song from the movie "True Friends")

We will tell you how we sat down
We are in "Kovrovchanka" as if aground.

Wow, we want to be here again.
Here you will be served in the highest class,
Here they will cut your hair and even shave you.
You are sitting in a chair in front of a mirror,
And, of course, look at yourself.
Chorus: Here's a haircut for you, and styling for you,
Here is a perm for you, and a color for you.


And now we, friends, will show you a parade of hairstyles,
- Look, evaluate, you choose for yourself.
- And you whisper to your girlfriends,
- Let them come to our salon,
- He will gladly accept everyone.

A hair parade takes place against the musical background. (Students themselves take part in the hair parade).


Here hairstyles sea, darkness.
- The choice here is huge.
- Can you cut your hair to zero,
- You can increase the braid,
- You can curl a bang,
- Change your hair color
- Or shave your eyebrows,
- Paint your nails,
- Decorate your hair with a flower,
- Here we meet different styles now:
- Something from the years of the 20s,
- Something from the years of the 30s,
- 70s here bouquet,
- And the 21st is a new century!

Hairdressers sing: (to the melody of a song from the movie "True Friends")

Well, hairstyles, you are like from a book,
Fairies, princesses, all the boys will die.
Chorus: Wow! Oh you! Here is beauty!
Wow! We want to be here again.
For all people to be beautiful
They work here just like in Hollywood.
Chorus: Wow! Oh you! Here is beauty!
Wow! We want to be here again.


We are grateful to all masters
Because they help us all.
- Be always on top.
All hairdressers: The work of a hairdresser is appreciated everywhere!
Tsar (scratches his head): You know, Masha, I'm very tired.
From everything I saw here today and learned.
See, I got a headache again.
Yes, and you, I see, again thoughtful.
Oh, how much do you need to know
To become a master.
Why will you suffer so
Go abroad, my daughter.
Rest, you will find a groom for yourself,
And forget about studying.
Masha: Fi, dad! Are you in your mind?
Apparently he got sick.
You forbid me to study
And that's something you don't know:
The time is now, that's the trouble,
No paper anywhere.
Well, well, what is the king's daughter,
And I don't mind learning.
I will overcome all sciences
And I will achieve my goal.
In general, I'm going to study.
Period, dad, it's decided.
Grooms now need
A very smart wife.
King: Well, okay, daughter, I agree.
I won't say any more.
Go ahead and study
Look, don't be lazy.
Don't waste royal money.
And the diploma to be on "5".

All participants in the performance sing:

Every person needs a job.
And it will seem the most interesting.
If you, if you, if you
Wonderful person.
If you love the 21st century
You are in love with your proud work forever.
If you, if you, if you
Wonderful person.


There are many professions on earth
- But you still need to choose one,
- So that I would like to go to work as a holiday in the morning.
- To be proud of yourself.
- No wonder you live in the world!
- Bring joy to people's hearts
All: And you create the mood!
