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Presentation on project activities in a dow presentation on the topic. Children's electronic presentations and clips Normative project in kindergarten presentation

Project activities in the preschool educational institution. Pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions. Method of projects in preschool educational institution. Research projects at the preschool educational institution. Design technology in the preschool educational institution. Organization of project activities in the preschool educational institution. design method in the activities of the DOE. The technology of the project method in the preschool educational institution. The method of projects in preschool educational institutions as an innovative pedagogical technology.

The method of projects as a means of introducing pedagogical innovations in preschool educational institutions. Using the project method in the educational process of preschool educational institutions. The system of work on the implementation of the project method in the educational process of preschool educational institutions. Methods of art therapy in the educational process of preschool educational institutions. Project activity in the junior group "Snowman". Mikhailova T. V. technology teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 2 named after.

Student-centered learning technologies project activities in preschool educational institutions. Project-based learning in primary, continuity in high school and propaedeutics in the preschool educational institution. Pedagogical Council "The method of projects in preschool educational institutions as an innovative pedagogical technology." Pedagogical project: adaptation of early childhood preschool age to the conditions of the preschool educational institution "My first steps".

A project to create conditions for the implementation of the educational area "Physical Development" with teachers of preschool educational institution No. 96 "The Way to Health". The project of the activity of the resource center of the preschool educational institution MSO “Implementation of FGT by means of the “Situation” technology at the technological level of the activity method of L.G. Peterson in the conditions of network interaction of DOU MSO.

Under methodical work today understood special kind educational activities, which is a set of activities carried out by the staff of an educational institution, in order to master the methods and techniques of teaching. Dhow project on beetles. Materials for labor activity in dow.

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Presentation on the topic: Projects in preschool educational institution

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RELEVANCE OF THE THEME On present stage development of preschool education, the issue of creating a system of work to introduce the method of projects into the educational process of preschool educational institutions becomes relevant. A project (literally "thrown forward") is a prototype, prototype of an object or type of activity, and design is the process of creating a project. The project method as a pedagogical technology is a set of research, search, problematic methods, techniques and actions of the teacher in a certain sequence to achieve the task - solving a problem that is personally significant for the teacher, designed in the form of a certain final product. In other words, the project method is the implementation of a plan from the moment it arises to its completion with the passage of certain stages of activity.

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Adults should not only pay attention to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of a preschooler and his adaptation to social life but also to teach through a joint search for solutions, to provide the child with the opportunity to independently master the norms of culture. Design technology is a unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation of children and adults, a way to implement a student-centered approach to education. Design is complex activity, the participants of which automatically: without a specially proclaimed didactic task on the part of the organizers, master new concepts and ideas about various fields life.

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Plan of work of the educator for the preparation of the project 1. Based on the studied problems of children, set the goal of the project. 2. Development of a plan to achieve the goal (the teacher discusses the plan with the parents). 3. Involvement of specialists in the implementation of the relevant sections of the project. 4. Drawing up a plan-scheme of the project. 5. Collection, accumulation of material. 6. Inclusion in the plan of the scheme of the project of classes, games and other types of children's activities. 7. Homework for myself. execution. 8. Presentation of the project, open session.

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Classification of projects Currently, projects in preschool educational institutions are classified according to the following criteria: By subject They differ in subject (creative, informational, game or research) and ways to implement the results. According to the composition of participants They differ in the composition of groups of project participants - individual, group and frontal. By implementation time By duration, projects are both short-term (1-3 lessons), medium-term and long-term (example: familiarization with the work of a major writer can last the entire academic year).

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Types of projects in the preschool educational institution: Creative After the project is implemented, the result is formalized in the form of a children's holiday. Research Children conduct experiments, after which the results are presented in the form of newspapers, books, albums, and exhibitions. Game These are projects with elements creative games when the guys enter the image of the characters of the fairy tale, solving the problems and tasks in their own way. Informational Children collect information and implement it, focusing on their own social interests (designing a group, separate corners, etc.).

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LIST OF USED SOURCES 1. Veraksa NE, Veraksa AN Project activity of preschoolers. A guide for educators preschool institutions. - M. : Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008. - 112 p. 2. Danyukova A. Do you like projects? //Hoop. - 2001. - No. 4. 3. Evdokimova E. S. The project as a motivation for knowledge // Preschool education. - 2003. - № 3. 4. Komratova NG The project method in the socio-cultural education of preschoolers / / Preschool education. - 2007. - № 1. 5. Komratova NG Project activity: culture and ecology // Preschool education. - 2007. - No. 2. 6. Educational projects v kindergarten. Manual for educators / N. A. Vinogradova, E. P. Pankova. - M. : Iris-press, 2008. - 208 p. – (Preschool education and development). 7. Project method in the activities of a preschool institution: A guide for managers and practitioners DOW / Avt. - comp. : L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina, T. S. Lagoda, M. B. Zuikova. - 3rd ed. pspr. and additional - M. : ARKTI, 2005. - 96 p. 8. Shtanko I. V. Project activity with children of senior preschool age. // Management of preschool educational institution. 2004, № 4.

  • Promotes the development of the ability to observe and analyze phenomena
  • Teaches to make comparisons, generalizations and the ability to draw conclusions
  • Develops creative thinking, logic, inquisitive mind,
  • Promotes joint cognitive-search and research activities,
  • Forms communication and reflective skills

  • Cognitive focus on results
  • Project activity is in the nature of cooperation between a teacher, children, parents
  • It is one of the integration options
  • Adults need to "direct" the child to the problem
  • The topic of the project can be a specific section of the educational program

Stage 1 - goal setting

Teacher activity

Children activities

Topic selection.

Formulates a problem (goal)

(When setting a goal, the product of the project is determined)

Topic selection

Getting into a problem

Introduces to the game (plot situation)

Living in a game situation

Formulates the task (not rigidly)

Acceptance of a task. Addition of project tasks

Teacher activity

Children activities

Helps in problem solving

Organizing children into working groups. Role distribution

Helps to plan activities: who to turn to for help (adult, teacher)

  • What sources can you find information from?
  • what items can be used (accessories, equipment);
  • what subjects to learn to work with to achieve the goal

Organizes activities

Teacher activity

Children activities

Practical help (as needed)

Formation of specific knowledge, skills, abilities

Directs and supervises the implementation of the project

Intermediate discussion of the findings

Teacher activity

Children activities

Preparing for a presentation.


The product of the activity is prepared for presentation. Present (to viewers or experts) the product of the activity

Collective discussion, results of external evaluation, conclusions.

Defining tasks for new projects

  • Topic.
  • Implementation period (short, medium, long term).
  • Children's age.
  • Relevance of the project topic (validity of the topic choice).
  • Methodological base of the project
  • Objective of the project.
  • Project tasks.
  • Stages of implementation.
  • Preparatory stage.
  • Main stage. Describe the organization sequence:
  • The final stage. Systematization of materials. Summarizing.
  • Expected Result.

  • Complex (exhibition creative works, holidays “My homeland is Russia”, “Cosmonauts live on Earth”, “Bird Day”, etc.)
  • Intergroup (“If you want to be healthy”, “Colorful flower bed”, “Together with dad”, “Peace is the main word in the world”, etc.)
  • Group (“We are not afraid on the street”, “We love sports”, “In the country of mathematics”, etc.)
  • Individual (“My Beast”, “My Family”, etc.)
  • Creative (performances for kids, vernissage "Autumn drops gold", "Mom - what a word"), etc.
  • Research (“Why do children get sick?”, “What do we know about water?”, “ healthy eating”, “Where did the bread come from”, etc.)

  • The material of the program is assimilated with high strength. Interrelation in the work of the educator and specialists is provided; children acquire stable skills, knowledge and skills in working on a particular topic

Topic: Project activity

Individual educational project "Compass"

"Compass" An individual educational project, the purpose of which is to get acquainted with the "compass" device and the rules for its use.

Individual research project"Where Does Electricity Come From"

Once I was playing with a balloon and suddenly my hair went up. I asked my mother how it happened, she said it was static electricity. It surprised me and...

Microbes - Who or What is it?

Mom very often says that you need to wash your hands with soap after the street, be sure to wash fruits and vegetables before eating. She warned that some bacteria would get into my body and...

Cognitive research project "What do we know about water?"

The purpose of the project is to form the ecological education of preschool children, to intensify the mental and search activity of children. - To form children's ideas about water. - To study the properties of water in different states.

Project activity "Introduction to dinosaurs"

As part of the conference for preschoolers "I want to know everything 2017!" to provide creative projects, Sergey L. (5 yo) presented his project "Introduction to dinosaurs and took 1st place in the district. Head ...

Project activity in the senior group "Safe Childhood"

The relevance of this problem is determined by the real needs of the preschool education system and early informing the child about the rules safe behavior in his environment, mastering the relevant skills; the needs of life in the accumulation of a child ...

Lepbook - Rules traffic

The didactic manual lapbook "Rules of the road" is an A3 cardboard folder glued with paper. The folder has various pockets, cards that contain information on the topic. Didactic manual lapbook "Rules ...

Belgian giant

Individual educational project about the Belgian rabbit

Everyone knows the onion. Who is a friend and who is an enemy? (project grade 3)

The relevance of this topic is that I will be interested to see the final result research work and tell your classmates about it. The purpose of this work is to study the conditions and dynamics of onion growth, ...

The influence of the Red Book on the formation of the civic position of a junior schoolchild

this work, presented by students of the 2nd grade at the city scientific-practical conference "Step into the Future. Junior" The purpose of the work: the influence of knowledge about the Red Book on the formation of civil responsibility for the disappearance of animals and plants. ...

How my cities smell (project)

Cities have their own specific smells. Inhaling the aroma, you keep the best memories of this city in your memory. My favorite cities are Moscow, Zheleznovodsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, each smells special...

Journey to Symmetry

The purpose of the lesson: to give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsymmetry, its types. Tasks: to form the concept of symmetry as the law of beauty and harmony; to acquaint students with a sign by which one can distinguish a “symmetrical object” ...

Project "Russian hut"

This project covers the topics: "Decoration of the Russian hut"; "The Way and Way of Life of the Russian People"; "Ancient Roots" folk art»; "Decorative and applied art in human life"; "Folk crafts"; "Folk traditions and customs of the Russian...

Bees are our friends

The purpose of the presentation is to study the bee from different angles: - as a species of insect, the history of its development; - as a character literary works; - as an object of medicine and cooking.

Dictionary word "cow".

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Workshop for educators of the Kostroma municipal district "Project activities of preschool educational institutions" Compiled by: Senior educator Borisova E.A. November 2015

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Relevance Intensive update modernization of all components educational process focuses teachers on innovative approaches to the organization of the educational process, requires an adequate perception of pedagogical innovations, awareness of their need. In the modern educational system, teachers of preschool institutions are involved in innovative processes related to updating the content of preschool education, forms of its implementation, methods and techniques for presenting content to children. Modernization concept Russian education requires teachers to improve the quality of preschool education, create conditions for the personal development of the child. Relevance

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“A project is any action done from the heart and with a specific purpose.” “A project is a set of actions specially organized by an adult and carried out by children to solve a problem that is significant for children, culminating in the creation of creative works.” “The project creates something that doesn't exist yet; it always demands a different quality or shows the way to obtain it. PROJECT - WHAT IS IT?

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this is a way to achieve a didactic goal through a detailed development of the problem (technology), which should end with a very real, tangible practical result, designed in one way or another. This is a set of techniques, actions of students in a certain sequence to achieve the task - solving a problem that is personally significant for students and designed in the form of a certain final product. E. S. Polat modern definition project method

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By dominant activity (Research, information, creative, gaming, practice-oriented) By the nature of the content (Child and family, child and nature, child and the man-made world, child and society and its cultural values ​​By the nature of the child’s participation in the project (Customer, expert , performer, participant from inception to obtaining results) By the nature of contacts (Within one age group, in contact with another age group, within the preschool educational institution, in contact with the family, cultural institutions, public organizations) By the number of participants (Individual, pair, group, frontal) By duration (Short-term, medium-term, long-term)

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Types of projects in a preschool educational institution (L.S. Kiseleva) Types of project Content Age of children Research and creative Children experiment, and then formalize the results in the form of productive activities. Senior group Role-playing Use of elements of creative games. Junior group Information-practical-oriented Collection of information, its implementation through social interests (group design). middle group Creative Result work - children's holiday, design, etc. Junior group Project Types Content Ages of the Children Exploratory-Creative Children experiment and then document the results as productive activities. Senior group Role-playing Use of elements of creative games. Junior group Information-practical-oriented Collection of information, its implementation through social interests (group design). Middle group Creative The result of the work- children's holiday, design, etc. Junior group

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Project structure: Stages of the project Teacher's activity Children's activity Stage 1 (organizational) Formulates the problem (goal). (When setting a goal, the product of the project is also determined) 2. Introduces you into a game (plot) situation. 3. Formulates a problem. Getting into a problem. Living in a game situation. 3. Acceptance of the task. 4. Addition of project tasks. Stage 2 (work planning) 4. Helps in solving the problem. 5. Helps to plan activities. 6. Organizes activities. 5. Combining children into working groups. 6. Distribution of roles. Stage 3 (project implementation) 7. Practical assistance (if necessary) 8. Directs and controls the implementation of the project. 7. Formation of specific knowledge, skills. Stage 4 (project presentation) 9. Preparation for the presentation. Presentation. 8. The product of the activity is prepared for presentation. 9. Present (to viewers or experts) the product of the activity.

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5. Presentation of results 3. Search for information 2. Design, planning 1. Problem 4. Product The project is five "P"

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