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Creating a logo for business. Instructions. What do you need to know when creating a logo for a business? Business company logos

There are many myths that some entrepreneurs, especially newbies, perceive as an immutable truth and thereby make mistakes. What are the most common myths when creating logos and how to avoid mistakes - we will talk about this later.

Some of them are relevant even for companies with large budgets. But if you want to become a practical entrepreneur and use your money wisely, then perhaps this article from Logaster will help you optimize your budget.

Misconception 1: A logo should look cool and expensive.

It's not unusual that we all strive for excellence: a quality product, friendly service, intuitive website design - all this increases the chances of success.

But is it worth breaking out and throwing all your resources into creating another world-class masterpiece in graphic design?

Don't rush to answer. Perhaps you want a logo that will work great for your business, set you apart from your competitors, look great, and doesn't have to cost a ton of money?

The success of a logo does not lie in the expensive design, but in the quality of the logo creation.

For example, in 1971, Portland University student Caroline Davidson developed a logo for an unknown company for a modest fee ($35). It was Nike.

Did designing the Nike logo cost a lot of money back then? No. Does it work? Yes.

And there are many such examples.

Don't believe me? Well, let's look at the cost of logo design famous companies.

Cost of developing a company logo Coca Cola- $0, Nike - $35, Twitter - $15, but the Pepsi logo cost $1 million, and the BP rebranding cost $221 million. The cost varies, but all logos are successful in their niche.

Expert opinion

Olga Agafonova, Chief Designer at Ecwid:

There is a funny story on this topic in the TV series “Silicon Valley”. The guys wanted a “cool and expensive” logo, but as a result of a number of misadventures they came to the simplest option, which they could get immediately and for free.

Of course, the logo is by no means the most important thing, and it does not directly affect the success of the business. You can easily work without a logo at all, or with a very simple logo. However, an unprofessional and careless decision can ruin your reputation. So, it’s better to have no logo at all than to have a bad logo.

Therefore, directly answering the question of whether it is worth spending a lot of money on creating a logo at the initial stage of starting a business - no, it is not worth it.

Misconception 2: Success is only possible with quality design

Yes, design is important. For example, 80% of small business owners consider the design of a logo, website, and other corporate identity elements to be “very important” or “important” to the company's success. Only 3% believe that design is not important.

But should we rely only on quality design in a competitive race? Hardly. This is just one of the tools. You may get the customer's attention, but the long-term success of your company depends on your products, marketing, innovation, etc.

Sagi Haviv says a logo is a simple and functional signpost to help people find and identify your business. But for a logo to be successful, it must have a reputable and trusted brand behind it. A logo alone will not make a company successful.

In addition, no matter how sad it may sound, many companies do not bother creating a logo at all.

TJ McCue claims that about 50% of small business owners do not have a website, they do not have a Facebook page, or a LinkedIn profile. But many create profitable business without an Internet presence and through word of mouth. Some of them have a text logo created by services like Flamingtext. Of course, someday they will feel uncomfortable looking at their logo and will change it.

But at the same time, if you have a choice between improving the service, making a profit or taking care of your logo select the first two options.

Expert opinion

Nikita Obukhov, founder of Tilda Publishing:

Design, despite what many conversion and MVP proponents say, is very important. Another thing is how unusual it should be. Focus primarily not on the “effect”, but on the content. Explain in very simple and neat graphic language who you are, what you offer and why you are better than others. And then, once you receive the first feedback and money, think about the “creative component” of the design.

Misconception 3: I want the trendiest logo design

When you read another article about logo design trends for 201X, you really want to create a logo that will be on the wave of the latest design trends.

But, as he wrote in his book “Logo and form style. A Designer's Guide David Airey When it comes to creating logos and branding, trends are best left to the fashion industry.

Trends come and go, and what you definitely don't want is to invest a significant amount of your time and money into a design that will quickly become outdated.

Durability is paramount and a logo should last as long as the business it represents. From time to time it can be refreshed, some details clarified, but the main idea must remain intact.

Expert opinions

Vladimir Polonik,

Trends are things that come and go. I am sure that the logo is by no means the most important thing in the work of a small company. But for some business niches, the mere presence of a logo can increase trust in the company.

Misconception 4. My logo should be no worse than Apple and Starbucks

It's a worthy aspiration, but it's unlikely you'll be able to replicate the success of established companies. In addition, repeating someone else's concept is not the best choice. To attract the attention of customers, you need to stand out, and not repeat other people's ideas.

Therefore, it will be much more effective to analyze why the logos of famous companies have become successful and adopt their experience. For example, why the Coca-Cola logo has not changed since 1987, but the Nike logo is a great example of a strong, memorable logo that is effective even without color.

Misconception 5: By looking at my logo, everyone should immediately understand what I do.

This is one of the most common myths when creating a logo.

Most small businesses create a logo that literally depicts the products they sell using tired visual clichés.

How, then, will your business stand out from the competition if every company uses the same idea?

A logo does not have to literally represent what the company does. For example, the Audi logo is not a car at all. And the Hawaiian Airlines logo is not an airplane.

Expert opinions

Olga Agafonova, Chief Designer at Ecwid:

Trying to “explain” everything about your company’s activities with a logo is, to say the least, boring. The logo should only reflect what distinguishes your company from others. As we remember, the purpose of a logo is to increase company recognition.

Misconception 6: My logo needs to have a hidden message, like FedEx.

Yes it good idea– stand out among competitors and make your logo more memorable. But let's be honest, did your attitude towards FedEx change after you learned that there was an arrow hiding between the letters E and X?

Did you start ordering more products from Amazon after you noticed the hidden smile in the form of a line?

Hardly. Because this is not important for clients. They care about service, affordable prices, and product quality. For this, they will be willing to become a client of a company that may not have a very cool logo.

We don't mean to say that your logo shouldn't have hidden elements. But if you don’t know how to enter them concisely and clearly, don’t focus your attention on this. The logo can always be refreshed and turned into an advertising campaign.

Misconception 7: If the team likes the logo, the clients will like it too.

The logo is created for your clients, not for yourself, your colleagues or friends. You must develop a clear understanding of who your customers are and what they want.

To do this, decide on the qualities of the company that you want to convey to your audience, and try to create a logo that could do this.

Misconception 8. Logo first, then sales and branding.

What do many aspiring entrepreneurs do when they create a startup? That's right, they create/order a logo and corporate identity. But at the same time they spend a lot of effort and money.

Creating a logo is a creative process that requires a lot of resources. When you are working on starting a business, it is very important to save your energy and money for product development.

Therefore, perhaps in the initial stages of business development you should focus more on the product and sales.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't have a logo or it shouldn't be of good quality. There are many ways to create a nice logo on a small budget. For example, using online logo makers such as Logaster, or hiring freelancers.

Misconception 9: A logo is just a company element that needs to be created.

Many people underestimate the importance of a logo and view it as a picture that needs to be created and placed wherever possible - on a website, on social networks, on a business card, etc. - to be no worse than others.

But the problem is that you need to consider the logo as a tool with which you can gain benefits (although you should not rely on it 100%).

If your products are good, your prices are reasonable, and you're as good as your competitors from a marketing and business standpoint, then a quality logo can make you stand out and attract more customers.

For example, you buy milk in a supermarket and decide on two options - one package with a logo, the other without. Which packaging will you choose? Under equal conditions (same prices, volume and percentage of fat content), most likely you will buy milk that has a logo on it. Since the logo is also a symbol of quality, the face of the company. Packaging with a logo is more trustworthy than packaging without it.

Expert opinion

Olga Agafonova, Chief Designer at Ecwid:

The logo does not differentiate it from competitors. A logo increases company recognition. And the associations that the company forms through its work will “stick” to the logo. Of course, there are theories of color and shape perception that relate to logos, as well as to any other graphic objects. They are easy to find on the web. However, the company's reputation has no less influence on the perception of the same sign.

Misconception 10. If I don’t understand design, the designer himself can come up with everything right.

Logo creation is a field of graphic design. But this does not mean that if you don’t understand anything about design, a specialist will do all the work for you and create a working logo.

You, as a business owner, must understand the values ​​of your company and the characteristics of the niche as a whole. For this reason, you should constantly be involved in logo design. A good designer will always ask you a few questions to learn as much as possible about your business, industry, competitors, and you should tell as much as possible about your business vision and company values.

Only when the designer understands for whom the logo is being developed, who it should attract and what information needs to be conveyed, will he be able to translate this into graphics. Naturally, you don’t need to be near the developer for days. A constructive conversation should take place when drafting terms of reference. It is at this stage that you need to dot all the i's and give the greatest amount of information about yourself. Next comes work with clarifications and proofreading.

This way you will get a quality logo that will work for you.

Expert opinion

Vladimir Polonik, CEO of landing page designer

The designer must understand the needs of both the business and the future clients of that business. He must be able to look at the product both through the eyes of the business creator and through the eyes of future consumers. Moreover, the company will be recognized precisely by its logo, so it will have to be changed much less often than the website will have to be modified.

The logo is sure important element business. But remember that the quality of your product should be at the head of the table, since a quality logo is not enough for business success.

If I asked you to name a few logos that come to mind first, which ones would you name? Your list will probably contain brands like Apple, Nike, Windows, Google, etc. Why?

Think about why these names remain in your memory, but at the same time you cannot remember the name or any logo of the store next door?

The ideas behind such designs may be the reason why you remember them so easily. These logos were designed to remain imprinted in people's minds, while the rest were not designed from the perspective of potential customers.

So what can we do to create a logo that will remain imprinted in people's minds?

In this article, we will share some of the things you should consider before creating a logo for your business. We are sure that these tips will help both clients and designers.

1. Inspiration

You are not the first person who needs to design a logo. Thousands of people have already done this and managed to win the hearts of people around the world. You need to find a way to reach target audience your logo, which will become a unique identification of your presence on the Internet. So how do you approach this question?

Get inspired by others! People have ideas, why not take something from here and there, and then combine everything and put it on your wireframe, and then see what exactly matches your business.

I know what you're thinking! Of course, I don't encourage you to copy others! But, you could get help and inspiration from the work of other designers.

Inspiration is first and foremost research which is the most important thing and of course we all do a lot of research before we start working on anything.

2. Originality and uniqueness

You've done your research and collected ideas, and then put it all together to create a logo for your business. But, you don't use the same concepts!

A logo is a unique point of identification for your business. If you use the same logo as your competitor with some differences in color or design, no one will think about you.

All potential customers will feel is that they have visited your competitor's store again, for example. You don't want to lose your business to your competitors, especially when you're just starting out.

People will think that someone simply cannot even create a unique design for themselves, how can they then offer a product or solution that is different from their competitor?

Why should I contact him?

Believe me, we are all thinking in this direction.

Creating an original and unique style for your business is the most important aspect in winning the heart of your client.

3. Title

In the case of new entrepreneurs and startups, there is usually a lack of ideas on where to start when it comes to choosing a name. At the same time, they forget about other important tasks, racking their brains over the name.

You can think about whether the title could be “A” or “B” while working on other important aspects of your logo. You don't have time to waste thinking! You have to work before someone steals your business idea.

You can always find a title in the long run. Trust me, there are several successful businesses that have found amazing names while working on other important parts of logo design.

Remember: “Rome was not built in a day!”

4. Trends don't matter

Trends! There are people who think what will happen to their logo in 10 years? Will it still be relevant?

Certainly a great thing to think about! But do you really think you can find the answer to this question?

No, you can't!

Nothing stays forever on this earth! There is a rule of dynamism that connects us with the world virtual reality and the Internet.

Technology evolves because we don't support old and outdated things, and these changes happen all the time.

Why worry about the future?

Think about today and work on your design. Forget about old things and what is to come. Focus on what's trending and work on your logo.

Besides, there is no trend as such! It's your brain and innovative ideas that turn into trends! So, it's time to give your brain some serious work. Who knows, maybe your logo will be a trend setter tomorrow?

5. You should hire an expert to create the design.

You are drawing? Great!

But for now, keep your drawing skills aside! Don't put your business at risk just because you think you're a great artist!

I know you are just starting out and have limited resources. However, when it comes to logo design - it's great idea Hire an expert logo graphic designer because they have a very clear idea of ​​how you want your logo to appear in various media, including websites, apps, and devices. Moreover, designers know the ideal precision and size that your logo should have.

Spend some money and make a beautiful logo!

6. Cost

As we discussed in the previous point, you should not reconsider hiring a designer just because you do not have enough funds. There are a number of designers offering services at low and affordable prices.

But before you choose a designer, you need to find out whether he is really suitable for creating a logo and whether he can help you. Ask for references to other works and check if they match what you want, then negotiate a good price and move forward.

7. Logo colors and font

Experts say when choosing colors for your logo, never consider the colors your biggest competitors are using. Your potential clients have already seen it all, so nothing new will happen to them.

Also, make proper and smart color choices.

For example, if you have a brand that specializes in children's products, you might opt ​​for a light shade of pink.

If you specialize in products for women, never choose colors such as orange, gray or brown in a way that does not go well with the lady's look.

Again, font choice is just as important as the color of your logo.

In fact, the color and font of your logo can evoke both positive and negative emotions in your audience, but if people cannot connect with the logo, then it will never stay in their memory.

You must strive to reach your customers' hearts, and if the wrong choice of color or font upsets users, then there is no way to make them remember us the next time they think about our product or service.

8. What does the logo symbolize?

Have you noticed the Amazon logo? It says A to Z with an arrow underneath it.

It clearly conveys what you need!

A logo that shows the full range of products from A to Z stays in the minds of customers so they know where to look for what they need next time.

Now you know how beautifully your message can be conveyed using a logo. “A to Z” is simple and powerful. And of course, an arrow depicting a smile!

So creative ideas Only a graphic design expert can offer, so this is another reason to turn to a professional.

9. Which logo will do for your business?

If you ask if there is any specific type of logo that will fit harmoniously into your business, then you are unlikely to get even an approximate answer to this question.

It all depends on the idea itself, and again I repeat that in this case only a professional designer who has worked in various fields, and has sufficient experience in your specific niche.

Letters and alphabets are good! Let's remember the famous letter "F" social network Facebook is cool, isn’t it, and most importantly, we immediately associate it with the right brand.

Abstract types of logos are also a great choice if they can accurately convey what your business stands for, such as Mc Donald's.

10. Types of logos

Yes, there are certain types of logos that you should be aware of before you start designing your logo and make sure the type you choose suits your business needs:

Letter logos: What letter logos come to mind when you think of this? Of course, the same Facebook, IBM, CNN and so on.

Graphic logos: Symbols! They play an important role in logo design. Strong symbols can easily remain imprinted in people's minds. Think of Whatsapp, Instagram and KFC as some examples.

Abstract logos: In fact, if you ask what these abstract logos represent, they represent nothing. However, the famous Nike swoosh remains in our minds! Think about this when you're planning your logo design.

Word logos: Google is one of best examples verbal logos. These can be individual words or multi-letter abbreviations.

11. Readability

This is another important factor to consider when designing logos. It should be clear and clean. Don't come up with something excessive. People need to understand what the logo stands for and clearly see the message it conveys. It is most important!

Imagine if Apple superimposed its logo on a mango? How will you understand what it is?

So, let's focus!

12. Relevance

Another important thing to keep in mind when designing a logo is their relevance. Your logo is a representation of your business. For example, if you have a business that deals in women's cosmetics and you use images of tomatoes, then people will obviously associate it with a food brand and you will confuse your customers.

By the way, using your mascot in your logo can be as good an idea as Mail Chimp.

Do you need help with a logo design for your business? We can help you!

The logo is, of course, an important part any site. In this article our partner, online service Logaster, talks about the intricacies of creating a logo for a site on the Nethouse platform.

Why do you need a logo?

The logo is the first point of interaction between a visitor and your website. It helps to attract attention and increase recognition of the company in general and the website in particular. A logo helps you stand out from your competitors and can communicate your strengths. Therefore, if you don’t have a logo, or it’s made poorly, for example, made in Paint, then you look much worse than your competitors, and your customers really feel it.

Before giving any practical advice, we would like to mention how important it is to correctly assess your financial capabilities and determine the amount of budget that you are willing to spend on creating a logo. If you are a new entrepreneur, most likely you already have all your expenses listed. And the most important of them is “Promotion.” Attracting clients." That's why it's so important to get the highest quality logo possible at a reasonable price. After reading another article about the importance of a logo, you don’t have to break down and throw all your resources into creating another world masterpiece in graphic design. Most likely, you need a simple but effective logo—one that will work great for your business, set you apart from your competitors, look great, and won’t cost a ton of money.

Ways to create a logo

The choice of method depends on your design skills and budget. In general, a logo can be:

  • draw yourself (full control over the process, free, but time-consuming and requires certain skills);
  • order a logo from a designer (unique, but you will have to look for a suitable artist and allocate a budget for it);
  • order a logo from a design studio (unique, it is possible to realize any ideas in as soon as possible, but very expensive);
  • hold an auction-tender (it is possible to obtain original solutions for relatively little money, but it will take a long time and you will still have to face costs);
  • use an online service to create a logo (free or very cheap, you can get unique options by independently selecting the appropriate parameters).

As you can see, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, because not every entrepreneur or web developer is a specialist to create a logo on their own, and the services of professional designers are quite expensive. Therefore, online services for creating logos are often the way out of the situation; we will talk about them later.

General tips for creating a logo

Searching for an idea for a logo.

Finding an idea is one of the most difficult tasks at the initial stage. Many people face a creative block and simply don’t know where to start creating a logo, what elements to use - what icon, color, font. But if you use a logo generator, then creating one will be much easier. Below we have collected several ways to develop an idea for a logo:

Use online logo galleries.

Online galleries such as Logogala are great places to get design inspiration. Every day, such sites are replenished with dozens of logos created according to the canons of graphic design.

Online services for creating a logo.

You can try creating a logo using similar services and see what kind of logos they offer. Perhaps among these options you will find the desired logo or idea for it. Also, many of these constructors, for example, Logaster, provide search by tags.

Competitor analysis.

In the process of creative searches, it would be a good idea to analyze competitors’ logos. Take a closer look at them and note for yourself what you like and what you don’t. This doesn't mean you should just copy someone else's design and make changes just so your logo won't be considered plagiarized. Competitor analysis will help you identify common logo design trends in your niche.

Don't forget about the target audience.

This point, in general, also applies to finding an idea for a logo, because potential clients can also become a source of inspiration. Conduct a survey or imagine yourself in the shoes of your target audience and find answers to the following questions:

Who are your site visitors?

What do these people value in your company?

What do your customers like?

Once you have the necessary answers, you can have a clearer idea of ​​what feelings and emotions you need to evoke in people with your logo. And this, in turn, will help the right idea arise.

We hope that now your vague idea of ​​the future logo is gradually beginning to take on more tangible forms. But sometimes just a beautiful logo is not enough to achieve your marketing goals (attracting attention and increasing site awareness). To do this, many designers advise following certain guidelines when creating a logo. Many of them are very important, such as the principle of simplicity. Let's be honest, disaster will not happen if you cannot create a logo in accordance with absolutely all the principles and tips. However, here they are:

1. Simplicity. The simpler the logo design, the easier it will be to view, remember and recognize later.

How to make a logo simple and clear? Try not to use a lot of colors, fonts, or complex icons, as when reduced, details are lost, and an overloaded logo will be difficult to read and remember.

Look at the logos of Nike, McDonald's and Apple. Each of these companies has a very simple image that can easily be reproduced in any size.

2. Creativity. One of the functions of a logo is to distinguish you from competitors, make you different from everyone else, and attract the attention of future clients. This can be achieved in several ways:

  • use the icon as part of the logo text;
  • overlay the icon, making it part of the letter of your company name;
  • use the original font and icon;
  • make the letters part of an icon that illustrates the name of the company or the type of your activity;
  • make an icon into a silhouette, an image of something or someone, illustrating the type of activity.

Often creating such effects requires creative ideas and skills. Therefore, do not be upset if you fail to create such a logo the first time.

On the other hand, many of these methods are easy to implement. For example, effects 1 and 2 can be easily implemented using Logaster or a similar constructor.

3. Durability. Fashion and other short-term phenomena should not affect the effectiveness of your logo. Trends come and go. Don't create a logo that might become outdated in a few months. To do this, do not use the most fashionable things - fonts, effects, etc.

4. Versatility. A high-quality and effective logo should look good in any form and regardless of the environment - printed form or digitally, on a business card or billboard.

5. Give the logo more air.

Logo color

Color has psychological impact on human perception. For example, the color red for most people is associated with love, aggression, strength, and energy. Other colors work similarly. Therefore, when choosing a logo color, focus on the individual qualities of your company/website. For example, a holiday supply store with a creative and vibrant image would suit bright and rich shades of yellow or orange. Also, don’t forget about the connection between color and theme, which you can understand using the infographic below (click on the image to enlarge it).

Of course, using a certain color in your logo will not make your website, business better, make more money, etc. However, color can highlight and enhance the perception of the qualities that your site and business need.

Finally, think about what colors your competitors are using. They can give you a hint in which direction you should move in order to stand out from their background. And of course, we should not forget about the functional influence of color on such parameters as readability, attracting attention and visual tension. To ensure that your logo is adequately perceived by viewers, follow the recommendations below:

The optimal quantity is 2 primary colors with the possible use of their shades.

Provide enough white space so as not to overload the eyes.

Consider the color scheme of your company website. The logo should fit harmoniously into the website design and look good on any branded products - business cards, calendars, pens, letterheads, billboards.

How to choose a logo font

Like any other element of the logo, the font plays an important role - the readability of the logo text depends on it. In general, there are a number of recommendations that will help you choose the most suitable font:

The font must be readable.

The text in your logo should not only look good, but also remain readable at a small size. Website header, pages on social networks, business card, icon - regardless of where your logo is placed, the text on it should be easy to read. At the same time, when choosing a font, pay attention to the kerning (the distance between characters). Too much spacing can make the logo appear incoherent, especially when placed on a large surface area (T-shirt, banner).

Don't use too many different fonts.

Many different fonts will bring chaos and untidiness to the design. Plus, it won't help your logo be remembered. Use no more than 1-2 fonts - this is the optimal amount.

Having learned and remembered all of the above, we move on to the actual creation of logos.

Creating a logo using an online designer

As mentioned earlier, using an online service to create a logo is the best solution for those who do not consider it advisable to spend large sums on ordering a professional logo and are not a specialist to create a logo themselves.

Original, works great for your new business logo, you can create it yourself without the involvement of expensive specialists and in just a few minutes using the online service:

Before you read this instructional article, we suggest you decide on simple, but important for a new or existing business concepts:

1. Do you need a logo and corporate identity for a small business?Needed!
2. Is a company logo needed when starting a business?Needed!
3. Is the creation of such the desired logo a priority and important task, the solution of which requires spending a lot of effort, time and money?No.

What to do? What to do in this case?

Today, such a difficult task can be solved easily, quickly and without special material costs with the help of modern high-tech online services for creating logos and corporate identity.

And we will be helped in this not only by an online service, with the help of which even a non-professional, or even the owner of a new business, can create an effective and memorable logo, but also today’s trends in business design.

Today there is no need to “cram” into a small graphic image the entire semantic range and all the semantic loads that are characteristic of a particular business. After all, it practically doesn’t work.

Can you imagine a person standing in front of a store sign and trying to understand the meanings that the designer has put into the logo of the company? There are only a few such eccentrics.

Today's logo modern business– a simple, light, original and quickly memorable element.

An element that anyone can create on their own, and which will not differ from, and sometimes even surpass in originality, the “creations” of professional and expensive designers.

It’s possible to draw a logo online!

Let's consider the possibility of creating an original logo for a small business using the online service:

Why did we choose it?

Simple, convenient and most importantly – cheap. By the way, about the cheapness of the whole event. If you want to attract professional designer to create a logo, prepare at least ten, or even two tens of thousands of rubles.

You can save money by hiring a freelancer from the exchange, which will cost the budget of a start-up business no less than 4,000 - 5,000 rubles. Plus, add several days of work, the possibility of working with a non-professional and a poor selection of options for ready-made original layouts.

Turbologo’s online service will easily provide you with the opportunity to create a logo online yourself at a sufficient, professional level in just 10-15 minutes, with an unlimited number of options and, most importantly, for a “ridiculous” (compared to the salary of a professional designer) 490 rubles.

Important Note: The magic of words: “professional designer” and “freelance specialist” should not mislead the inexperienced. Many so-called designers and especially freelancers, who in great numbers “feed” on exchanges, create their “creations” with the help of online services and pass them off as their work. So why overpay someone when in 15 minutes of not the most difficult effort and our instructions, you can create an excellent logo yourself?

We haven't convinced you? Hard to believe?

Try it for free!

See what happens. We are convinced that in 99 cases out of 100, those who tried to create their own solution using Turbolog had a completely satisfactory result.

Examples of modern logos for small businesses

The picture is clickable. Turbologo is a true designer of successful design.

Create a logo online for free in good quality

Not all entrepreneurs are confident online users, which is why we offer step by step instructions on creating a modern and bright logo, written on the basis of simple and understandable explanations for everyone.

This will be an accessible guide to creating a decent logo for any small business.

Design a logo yourself online. How it's done.

Step #1.

Any user can design a logo independently online with the Turbologo service.

Right now, this active link takes you to the section where you can start creating your future corporate identity:

In the active windows located on the page, enter the name of your future company or business name and add a slogan. A slogan is a short (preferably) laconic, easy to remember phrase that expresses the essence of your future business.

For the sake of experiment and clarity, purely tentatively, we will name the company “Running Elephant” (and why not?), which will sell goods for animals (pet stores), and come up with a short slogan - “Always ahead”! Click the “Continue” button and move on.

Step #2.

On the second step page, select the color scheme that matches our future brand. It seems to us that the green color harmonizes well with the name “Running Elephant”.

By the way, you can skip choosing a color scheme now and choose it later. This is very convenient because when the logo is ready and can be seen in its finished form, it is easier to select a color for it.

Finding it difficult to determine on your own which color scheme is right for your business? No problem. Turbologo is a very smart service and will tell you which color is right for you. To do this, simply hover over the color rectangles with your mouse and use the hint.

Step #3.

The next step is selecting icons. Here you will have two options:

  • select a suitable icon from the attached list;
  • or skip this step and then select the appropriate icon.

Step #4.

Just a few more seconds to complete the simple, no-obligation registration process and you'll get some great results! Some possibilities are already visible behind the registration form.

Step #5.

We completed the registration in a couple of seconds and got these results:

At the first stage, we received 15 logos, which, in our opinion, were created at a fairly high professional level.

Step #6.

Was there something you weren't happy with? It doesn’t matter, Turboly has the opportunity to continue his creativity. To do this, activate the create more function.

Do you find it difficult to immediately create a logo that will fully meet your requirements? The creators of the service have provided a similar option and invite all users to first look at the gallery of logos already created by other members of the service.

Visit the page: "Gallery of works" and choose from a large list the direction that best suits yours.

In our case, the fictitious company “Running Elephant” plans to open a pet store. Great! Select the “Pet Store” link and look at examples of logos that were previously created in Turbologo by pet store owners.

Important Note: The author of this article worked for several years on the most famous freelance exchange in Russia, offering designer services. He has created a large number of logos, and he is ready to reveal the secret of his success: all his new developments are based on ideas already created by other developers before him. This is not plagiarism. But almost all designers look for and find new and successful solutions for themselves and their clients in the works that were created by someone before them.

In the Turbologo service database in this moment There are millions of fonts and icon collections that are created by professional designers from all over the world.

Your task is to create, based on these images, create your own unique logo, and based on this logo, the entire corporate identity of your new company.

And the last thing: To develop your first logo using the Turbologo service, it will take an inexperienced user a little more than 5-10 minutes (with repetition), and an experienced user – two minutes.

The main feature of the service is Affordable price

You can create an unlimited number of free variations. Pay only for the files you download.

The picture is clickable. The price of a successful logo.

It should be added that such a service, with which you can easily create a logo online, will be useful not only for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

It helps a lot:

  • individuals who have a small hobby-part-time job;
  • manicurists;
  • make-up artists;
  • photographers;
  • confectioners;
  • handmade craftsmen;
  • and to all those who want to save money and quickly get excellent results.

A logo is what is primarily associated with a brand. It reflects the company's values. The logo is the first acquaintance with the company, so its importance cannot be overestimated.

Who to entrust logo development to? Do I need to hire a professional designer? Is it possible to entrust this to a beginner? Or create a logo yourself? These questions are often asked by new entrepreneurs.

Now there are sites that automatically generate logos. With their help, you can create a logo with your own hands, even without graphic design skills. Many of them are only available in English, but these editors tend to be very simple and intuitive. And therefore more and more people are using these resources.

Despite the fact that during trainings we recommend NOT using such sites, we still decided to expand your horizons in the field of logo creation. Therefore, we have collected information about free editors logos, and then asked professionals to comment on the work of these resources. What can you do with them? What and why is it not worth it? Let's talk!

Logo editors

The free website builder Wix offers you to use its website design editor to create logos. Here you can select any geometric element, shape or line, you can also use a set of clipart. Once the logo base is ready, you can edit its size, color, and effects applied to it. Next, you can add a text part to the logo by choosing a font of your choice.

This service is very easy to use. Supports Russian language. Small logos are available here for free, but you will have to pay for full-size logos.

The interface of this service is also simple and clear. In addition, there are many options for personal settings.

On this service you can create a logo to your taste by choosing images in various categories. There is also the opportunity to order a logo from designers on a paid basis.

  • Tweak

There are many free logo design templates and paid services here.

Another very simple editor to create stylish logos in just a few clicks.

What do professionals think about these services?

Internet agency “DEV Company”,

We consider creating a logo on our own without the help of professionals a suitable option for new young companies, individual entrepreneurs who do not have the opportunity to invest in image and corporate style at the start of their business. For such companies, such services can be a good help in creating their first logo. When working with such services, there are many standard solutions for images and forms, and descriptions of the logic of creating a logo can help a person who does not have a design education “tailor” their corporate style. But still, such a logo in the future, as the company develops, will require rebranding and a fresh professional approach. Because you can give standard shapes, colors and solutions, but it is impossible without the inspiration of the artist and the professionalism of the designer to create a real image that your clients and partners will remember, and which can indirectly influence the entire life of the company.

Svetlana Belitskaya, designer,

I read the article and immediately went to see how these services for distributing free designer cheese work :) I followed three links and shared my observations.

Logaster and Logo Garden - give out low-resolution jpg for free, the rest is only for money. Zillion Designs seems to allow you to create something, but then it requires you to register, it buries what you have created in the depths and does not release it. I didn’t check further because the trend is clear.

The conclusion is simple: if you can’t hire a designer, don’t make a logo at all. At first, you can completely get by with a publicly available or system (pre-installed on your computer, standard) font. It is better to choose a sans-serif font (Myriad, Verdana, Calibri). In the site template, simply type the name in the font. A standard print layout will be made for you at a stamp manufacturing office, print advertising layouts will be made at a printing house, according to your wishes.

Another option is Adobe's free alternative, the GIMP editor, which partially supports vector graphics. Download, install, draw - all this can be done completely free of charge.

The third option is the exchange. On, for example, an ad like “need a logo urgently, budget 100 rubles.” - the reality of today. And there are those who do the work for this money. So if there is a desire, there will be a performer. Although the quality of the work performed will often not be up to par.

In any case, be prepared that after working with a “lean” logo for some time, you will need to rebrand and redesign. I hope by this time you will have already earned money on it :)

Personal experience of creating a logo

The “Marketing from the Basics” project began with a live magazine, on the basis of which the first year of work took place. The trainings were announced in LiveJournal, and a closed group worked there. There was no website. And there was no logo either. I can’t say that this interfered with the development of the project. On the other hand, a memorable graphic element was needed.

At some point, when we started making banners with announcements of webinars and covers for training recordings, we decided that we needed to somehow visually identify the project. But first, we did it ourselves “on our knees.” It turned out like this:

This red round thing appeared with different signatures: webinar recording, online training, open webinar, etc. And you know, it turned out that it works - it attracts attention and is remembered. That is, we guessed right with the direction of thought.

After that, we found a professional designer and gave him our red round thing with the wish to “make something decent.” The result is what you see now in the site header :)

We also had options with inscriptions about trainings and webinars, but they didn’t really catch on. The logo remains with us. I can't say he's super creative. But it evokes the necessary associations and is well remembered. And this is exactly what is required.

Still decided to use an online designer to develop a logo? Then pay attention to the tips

  1. Use colors that match your services or products and convey their essence. It will be useful to familiarize yourself with color psychology, and then decide on the choice of color scheme.
  2. Test your finished logo on screens with different resolutions. It should look equally good on both the big screen and the small one.
  3. Consider what size you will use the logo. It should look equally good on a business card, on a monitor, or on a large banner.
  4. Chances are your customers won't understand or even recognize you if you change your logo frequently. Try to choose an option that will stay with you for a long time.
  5. The logo should be clear and simple and convey the essence of your business. Don't use a lot of colors, don't use more than two fonts. Users are easily distracted by extraneous things. Learn which fonts go together. Inconsistency of fonts in a logo is one of the common mistakes.
  6. Create several logo design options (at least three), and then choose from them. Consult with other people, weigh the pros and cons, conduct a survey, and then make a decision.
  7. When designing a logo, use a transparent background so that it can be easily inserted anywhere on the page, regardless of its color or structure. For use on the website, it is better to save the image in PNG, JPEG or GIF format. For printing you will need logos in PDF format and EPS.