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What are the internets. Selecting a method for connecting to the global Internet. Video: Create a Static and Dynamic Connection

Almost every owner of a personal computer, almost immediately after buying it, thinks about the issue of connecting to the World Wide Web, which makes it possible to communicate with people from all over the world, download and search necessary information, using all kinds of services (e-mail, streaming media) and services (web forums, blogs, online stores), and much more. Of course, the user is faced with the question of how to connect to global network And what are the ways of this connection? If just a few years ago, the majority of network users in Russian Federation, in fact, there was no other choice but to use a modem connection via a telephone line (Dial-Up connection), now the situation on information market services have changed significantly. This material is designed to help you understand among the multiple options for connecting to the network and choose the best one for you.


At the moment, the most common methods of connecting to the World Wide Web are:

  • Ordinary modem connection or the so-called dial-up access (Dial-Up)
  • Modem connection via asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL)
  • Broadband leased line access (Ethernet)
  • Access using Mobile WiMAX technology
  • Access via Wi-Fi technology
  • Mobile GPRS/3G access
  • Satellite network connection

They differ from each other by the principle of operation, the speed of sending data, reliability, the difficulty of setting up equipment, and of course, the cost.


Separately, it is worth talking about the fundamental characteristic of each connection to the worldwide network - the data transfer rate, which is determined by their number transmitted to the user per unit of time (per 1 second). Typically, the amount of data transferred is defined either in kilobytes/second (KB/s) or kilobits/second (kbps). For ordinary users, the measurement in bytes is more understandable, since it does not contain cumbersome numbers. Remember that 1 byte = 8 bits, while this ratio remains true for values ​​\u200b\u200bwith prefixes: kilo, mega or giga. Knowing how to translate bytes into bits will come in handy when you start studying the tariffs of Internet providers who are very fond of indicating the Internet connection speed in bits, since in this case the figure is more impressive (8 times). Also keep in mind that for channels with a high connection speed, the measurement is already in megabits or megabytes per second.

To make everything clear, let's look at a small real-life example. If the provider promises you a speed of 5 Mbps, which is equivalent to 0.625 Mbps (divide 5 by 8), this means that you will download a 100 Mb file at best from the network for a little less than three minutes (100 / 0.625 = 160 sec).

The use of the Internet for each user can occur in different ways, for some it is associated with receiving a large amount of Internet traffic, for others it is not. For example, for ordinary web surfing (browsing pages of sites), the speed of an ordinary dial-up connection is sufficient, but given speed will not allow you to comfortably download large files from the network - high-quality music or movies, software distributions and other "heavy" content. To fully utilize the capabilities of the Internet, you will need access with a higher speed.

So, having dealt with the connection methods and the concept of connection speed, let's move on to their description.

dial-up access (DIAL-U.P.)

This is the "oldest" and widely used method of connecting to the global network using a modem and a telephone line. However, in our time, it is being actively replaced by more modern methods of connection and is now used either in rural (remote) areas where there is no possibility of connecting to the network using high-speed lines or by users with a very limited budget.

At this method connection, the user, every time to enter the global network, will have to dial through the modem over the telephone line in order to "get" to the provider's modem pool. Following this, the provider checks the account name (login) and password of the user. In case of successful processing of the entered parameters, the subscriber is assigned a free IP address, with the help of which he gets access to the Internet.

The advantages of such a connection are: ease of setup and installation of equipment (only a modem is needed), low cost of equipment.

There are many more shortcomings in the modem connection. Occupancy of the telephone line at the moment when you are online, low information transfer rate (usually 3-5 kb / s), poor quality of communication and data transfer due to wear and tear of telephone lines and outdated equipment at the PBX. It is clear that at the speed provided by a modem connection, it is impossible to download large files from the Internet - videos, software distributions, etc.

To connect using this method, you will need an internal analog modem if your phone line is good, or an external one if your phone line is poor.


A much more advanced and modern connection method compared to Dial-up connection. Literally, the abbreviation ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) can be translated as: “asymmetric digital subscriber line”. This technology allows you to provide high-speed access to the worldwide network via ordinary analog telephone wires (lines) using a special modem. Unfortunately, this connection method has one significant limitation - ADSL equipment (multiplexer) must be installed on the PBX serving you. And if in large cities this is not a problem, then on the periphery for many users such a connection may not be available.

The main advantage of this method is the ease of installation and connection of equipment, as in the case of dial-up access (only a modem is needed), and the maximum bandwidth of such a connection reaches 8 Mbps (up to 24 Mbps in case of ADSL 2+). This is quite enough for effective work with various kinds of data and multimedia content. In addition, the technology does not load a regular telephone channel, and the subscriber does not need to dial up to the provider, since the connection is permanent.

It must be said about the possible disadvantages of this method of connection. Not every user can be satisfied with the connection price and the subscription fee charged by the provider for their services. And if in many European countries ADSL is the de facto standard when providing the population with inexpensive and fast enough Internet, then in Russian conditions, a lot will depend on the region and the number of competing providers. In the absence of any competition in this area, you may face grossly inflated rates.

There is another negative point in ADSL technology that all fans of peer-to-peer networks that use torrent clients to download information from the network should pay attention to. When using this type of connection, the speed of receiving (downloading) information from the Internet is much higher than its return, which violates the basic principles of file sharing in such networks.

Required equipment:

  • ADSL modem
  • ADSL splitter (usually included with the modem)


It is the optimal connection, as it can provide the most high speed receiving and transmitting information in the global network (up to 100 Mbps). Broadband access makes it possible to use the Internet, its services and services with full efficiency and efficiency.

In this case, the connection is made by the Internet provider, which leads to the subscriber computer (apartment) a dedicated line (usually a cable twisted pair) and issues a range of IP addresses for the subscriber to access the Network.

The obvious advantages of this connection method are not only a high speed of information exchange, but also a free telephone, constant interaction with the network, and excellent communication quality.

The only obstacle for many users may be the price of installation and configuration of such a connection, which directly depends on the distance of your computer to the connection point of the provider. Most likely, it will be higher compared to other connection methods. True, it is worth noting that: firstly, this is a one-time payment, and secondly, many providers, in order to attract customers, carry out a free connection.

To connect one computer, the user only needs a network card. Currently, it is built into almost every computer. If you are deploying a home network for multiple wireless-enabled computers, you will need an additional wireless router.


This technology is used to provide wireless broadband Internet access. WiMAX is a long-range system that covers kilometers of space and allows the user to receive both fixed access (similar to the usual xDSL only without wires) and mobile access, allowing you to connect to the network from anywhere within the coverage area. As a rule, fixed access is used to deploy small office and district networks, while mobile access is aimed at the end user.

The first and largest mobile WiMAX network in Russia was deployed by Yota. The maximum data exchange rate in such networks is up to 10 Mbps, which allows you to comfortably download large files, watch videos or participate in online games. The connection to Yota itself is carried out using a special modem (usually made in the form of a USB key fob) in a matter of minutes.

Unfortunately, the main disadvantage of such a connection is its very limited distribution on the territory of the Russian Federation. At the moment, Mobile WiMAX from Yota is available only in eight cities of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Sochi, Ufa, Vyborg, Luga and Serpukhov), and even inside them in many areas the signal level leaves much to be desired.


Unlike WiMAX, Wi-Fi is a system covering much smaller spaces (no more than 150-200 m with one access point) and is usually used by users to access their own local networks, which, by the way, may not be connected to the Internet. This is an excellent solution for simultaneously connecting multiple computers to a network without wires, both at home and in small offices.

The access point itself, which broadcasts the Wi-Fi radio signal, connects to world wide web using a wired connection. Wi-Fi networks are also often used in restaurants, cafes, shopping malls, airports and railway stations, through which visitors to these places can access the Internet for free. Thus, we can say that this technology is an auxiliary tool that allows many users to use the capabilities of a single point of broadband Internet connection at once.


Due to very rapid development mobile communications in the Russian Federation, probably, every adult already has mobile phone. And if desired, it can also be used to access the global network. In fact, all providers today offer the service of using a cell phone instead of a traditional modem, creating all sorts of special tariffs for this. In addition, almost all operators now offer independent solutions in the form of specialized GPRS / 3G modems or routers c WiFi support capable of providing access to the Internet through mobile networks.

As a rule, this type of connection is the prerogative of users of mobile computers (laptops, netbooks), allowing them to use the Internet at any point where there is cellular. It is also suitable for poorly accessible areas and places with poorly developed cable networks. For example, using mobile connection can be very useful in the suburban area.

Compact 3G modem in the formUSB key fob

The main advantages of this connection method can be called high mobility and virtually ubiquitous connectivity in cellular coverage areas. Under favorable conditions, using modern 3G routers, the speed mobile internet can reach 7 Mbps, and support for Wi-Fi technology will allow you to organize a connection to the global network for several devices at once.

But as always, there is also a fly in the ointment, which may make it inappropriate to use this type of connection as the main one at home. The speed of such a connection is highly dependent on the mobile operator and becomes acceptable only in 3G networks, the coverage density of which, so far, is not very high in the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, in many cases (lack of 3G networks, poor signal level), the speed of the mobile Internet leaves much to be desired and is slightly superior in its characteristics to dial-up access (Dial-Up). And this, in turn, imposes certain restrictions on its functionality.

We also note that with limit tariffs (imposing restrictions on the amount of information received from the Internet), which allow using the mobile Internet at maximum speeds, the cost of such connection traffic for many users will be quite high. In the increasingly popular unlimited tariffs, as a rule, there is a serious limitation on the connection speed, which can be imposed after exceeding the implicit limit on the amount of downloaded data from their network.

Required equipment:

  • Cable for connecting the phone to the computer when using the phone
  • GPRS/3G modem or router


This method makes it possible to permanently connect to the network computers that are far from telephone lines at considerable distances (suburban area), and will also be useful in hard-to-reach areas with poor cellular signal reception.

Satellite connection is asynchronous (one-way) and synchronous (two-way). The second connection method, due to the high cost of equipment (here the bill goes to tens of thousands of rubles), we will not consider.

The most commonly referred to as satellite Internet is an asynchronous (combined) access method - this is when information comes to the user through a satellite dish, and the traffic request from the user is transmitted by another connection - for example, via GPRS, ADSL or Dial-Up. It should be noted that the main requirement for the request channel is the reliability of the connection.

The data transfer rate with this connection method can range from 256 to 4000 Kbps and strongly depends not only on the provider, but also on the selected tariff plan.

The main advantage of satellite connection to the Internet is the extremely low price of traffic (from 10 kopecks to 1 ruble per 1 megabyte), the ability to organize connections in remote areas, due to independence from land lines and the availability of satellite television.

The disadvantages include: the need for a channel for outgoing traffic - as a rule, a cell phone with GPRS support and a rather high cost of equipment and its installation.

Required equipment:

  • Satellite dish with bracket
  • DVB card for satellite signal decoding
  • Converter


So, having considered all the main ways to connect to the global Internet, let's summarize. Undoubtedly, the fastest and highest quality connection to the global network will be wired broadband access. Data exchange through peer-to-peer networks, IP telephony, IP television, local resources local networks, deployment of your own wireless Wi-Fi network and of course the full use of all kinds of services or services of the Internet - all this will be available to you when using this high-speed connection. Unfortunately, this type of connection is available only in large cities where fiber optic communication lines are laid.

A good alternative to broadband access is ADSL technology, which also allows high-speed network access (up to 8 Mbps) and quite effectively use all the possibilities of the Internet. True, fans of exchanging files using torrent clients may face serious troubles due to the peculiarities of this technology, and as a result, the low upload speed. It should also be remembered that the presence of a telephone line is not yet a guarantee that you will be able to use this connection method, since another necessary condition is to place special ADSL equipment on your PBX.

The use of mobile technologies to connect to the network at home is most appropriate in areas with low cable coverage, as well as highly inflated tariffs for wired Internet services. But remember that comfortable work in the global network is possible only in cellular networks of the third generation 3G. Otherwise, the speed of information exchange will leave much to be desired. And of course, this connection method is most in demand by owners of cell phones, tablets, netbooks and other mobile devices who want to have access to the Internet anywhere in the cellular network coverage area.

If you plan to connect the Internet in a place with a low level of cable coverage, where there are no fixed telephone lines or local PBXs are not equipped with specialized equipment, and there are no 3G mobile networks, then satellite Internet will be the best solution. Low cost of traffic, acceptable data exchange speed and the ability to watch satellite TV are the main advantages of such a connection among wireless solutions. True, you will have to fork out for the purchase and installation of equipment.

The promising MobileWiMAX technology has an undeniable advantage in the form of high speed and ease of connection to the network. In fact, this is the Internet in your pocket. In a matter of minutes, almost any computer can be connected to the World Wide Web using a miniature modem, made in the form of a USB key fob. Only now the coverage area of ​​​​such networks in Russia is now negligible, and the thick walls of your house can become an insurmountable obstacle to passing weak signal. So before giving preference to this method of connection, check out the coverage area in your region and in general its availability.

Connecting using dial-up access (Dial-Up) today can be considered completely obsolete, and its use can only be presented as budget option on telephone lines that do not support ADSL technology.

In conclusion, let's say a few words about prices. In the big cities of Russia, due to the growing rivalry of Internet providers, and the massive development of local networks, access to the worldwide network is becoming less and less expensive. From the point of view of choosing a tariff plan, unlimited Internet access with a fixed monthly subscription fee can be considered the most profitable. For example, in Moscow for 400 - 500 rubles a month you can connect to the network at a speed of 8 - 10 Mbps, the cost of unlimited mobile Internet will cost you 390 rubles, and connecting to MobileWiMAX at maximum speed - 1400 rubles. But in provinces or small towns, prices for services providing access to the global network can be greatly inflated due to weak competition among providers or its complete absence. In such cases, pay attention to mobile connection tariffs or satellite Internet, in which pricing does not depend on the region.

That's all. Successful connection to the global network!

The user, as a rule, does not care what types exist for connecting his devices to the Internet, since the consumer always only cares about the convenience, quality of communication and its cost.

But there are situations when you need to be able to answer this question, for example, if you need to independently configure the operation of your home router.


Currently, various types of Internet connections are used, in order to accurately determine your own, that is, the type of connection provided to the user by the provider, you need to read the contract or study the instructions below.

On a larger scale, connections can be classified by dividing them into three main types:

  1. Connection by local network;
  2. Connection via virtual private network;
  3. Using different variations 1st and 2nd type, i.e. combined connection.

The local network

The subscriber connects using an Ethernet LAN network and there are no additional connections.

Just a computer is connected with one of two types of cable:

  • Optical;
  • twisted pair type.

It should be noted that this type of connection has the following two subspecies:

  1. Dynamic - DHCP, which can be referred to as simple species, since the user does not need to enter settings parameters. It is enough to insert the wire into the PC and that's it desired characteristics will go to automatic mode.
  2. Static - IP. In this case, the IP address is fixed and you must manually enter the network settings. The settings are specified in the contract documents of the communication service provider with the client. You must specify the following mandatory configuration characteristics: IP, subnet mask, DNS and gateway.

On a Windows computer, these settings are entered in Internet Protocol Properties version 4.

In this menu, you can easily change the characteristics in accordance with the data specified in the contract with the provider.

Note: Often in these two subspecies, binding to the MAC address is used.

Today cable type connecting to the Internet via the WAN connector still occupies a leading position in the popularity rating among users.

The main advantage is high speed with relatively low prices service company rates.

Providers connect clients in this case in the following ways:

a) using fiber optic cable;

b) through a twisted pair.

Optical cable

If the user is connected to a fiber optic line, then he gets an advantage in the data transfer speed over the network (capable of reaching impressive values, reaching a value of 1 gigabit per second).

In the case when the subscriber, in addition to the usual access to the Internet, also uses additional services provider. Many people watch interactive television, use telephony, and so on.

There is no problem with laying additional wires. Services are provided via a single optical cable.

twisted pair

This is an outdated version, but still common. For its implementation, copper wires are used. Outwardly, they differ from fiber optics, since they have a smaller cross section, by this criterion it is easy to determine the type of cable brought into the user's home.

It is enough to look and compare their external thickness (optics is much thicker than twisted pair). It should be noted that in speed this type of connection is much inferior to optical. It, as a rule, does not exceed even one hundred megabits per second.

Virtual network

In this case, the subscriber connects using a VPN with the mandatory entry of a name and an access code.

This view is divided into the following connection types (encrypted communication protocols):

  1. PPPoE. This is one of the most common types. In order to provide access to the World Wide Web, click "Connect to the Internet" in the settings wizard. Next, click "Set up a connection manually", specify the connection type of the same name.
  2. PPTP. To connect to the global network, you just need to click "Connect to a workplace" in the setup wizard. After that, select the column "Connecting to a virtual private network". Then enter the address of the VPN server.
  3. L2TP. Many modern providers now use this type of connection, so it has also become widespread. To connect, you must first follow the steps described for the second type and then open the properties and go to the "Network" tab, where you specify in the VPN column: "L2TP with IPSec".

To find out what type of VPN is used on a PC, you need to click on the connection icon in the right corner of the taskbar and enter the "Details" section.

The method is almost never used anywhere in the world, with the exception of the Russian Federation. This type is complex and implies dual access "Dual access" with a combination of connections through a local and private network.

This provides simultaneous access to external global and internal channels of the Internet provider (interactive TV, peerings, etc.).

Various options are also used using local and VPN connections, for example:

  1. Access to the global network is carried out using the PPPoE protocol and the address for working in the LAN network is assigned automatically, and access to the outside is performed with dynamic distribution of routes.
  2. Routes and address for connection via PPPoE are organized using statically defined parameters.
  3. Internet access is carried out using PPTP, while the internal IP is assigned automatically, and routes are distributed using the DHCP option, which can be specified independently or issued automatically.
  4. This option is similar to the previous 3rd type, but the addresses are static, that is, they are set manually.

The above combinations can be used in options for providing Internet via L2TP.

Telephone line

If it is not possible to connect a subscriber to the network through "optics" due to its remoteness, then a common telephone network is used. Connection is carried out using ADSL or Dial-up technology.


This connection has a drawback in the form of a low speed, estimated at ten megabits per second.

However, it is economically justified when it becomes impractical to pull an optical cable over long distances.

In order to implement this option, you need:

  • telephone cable;
  • Modem;

The splitter ensures the simultaneous functioning of the Internet in the PC and phone.

A router and a telephone are connected through it, and a signal enters the computer through the “LAN” port of the modem.


This technology has long been outdated, which is characterized by the inconvenience of not being able to use the phone and the Internet at the same time on the computer.

The transfer rate does not exceed 60 kilobits per second, so you can forget about watching online video. At such speeds, the user can only surf the Internet and view pictures.


Although the Internet speed over such a cable is low (not higher than 300 megabits), it is more convenient for users to pay for the services of one provider for both Internet and television. The signal is transmitted via a coaxial cable using DOCSIS technology.

A modem with a built-in network bridge is used, which transmits a signal over a television cable.

The main drawback of the technology is the use of a common channel between connected clients, so the speed may fluctuate depending on the load on the line.

Satellite Internet

It refers to an expensive type of connection, but provides access to the network from any remote location where there is electricity.

Connection equipment also has a high price, but in the absence of alternative sources of Internet access, some users decide to install a special satellite dish with blocks for receiving information transmission.

WiMax and WiFi

Wi-Fi routers are used by many users at home. These networks are also common in in public places: railway stations, cafes, parks, shopping malls etc.

Telecom operators rarely use this technology because of the small coverage area.

Providers organize Wi-Fi coverage using WiMax technology for large areas, for example, areas of cottage settlements.

This technology covers large areas, the radius of which is calculated in kilometers, but for this the operator installs base stations.

The average speed for WiMax technology does not exceed 70 megabits.

The user, in order to connect to such a wireless network, needs a receiver, but if he is at a considerable distance from the nearest base station, an additional purchase of a special antenna will be required to increase the signal reception power.

Both Wi-Fi and WiMax technologies are wireless and this is their main advantage, which allows solving a wide range of tasks.

How to find out the type of connection?

Perform the following steps using the Windows tools:

If you need to find out which provider provides communication services, then you can visit one of the resources on the Internet to analyze the ping.

After waiting for its completion, information about the provider of the World Wide Web will also be available.

23. 05.2017

Blog of Dmitry Vassiyarov.

Types of the Internet - what are they?


Are you going to change your provider or get another access point to the World Wide Web? Then you should know what types of the Internet there are, or rather, connections to it. The speed and convenience of work, as well as the amount you spend on connection and use, will depend on your choice.

The Internet has become so familiar to modern man that few people think about what varieties of it exist and how it improved to the result that we have now. Interesting to know? We read the article.

Wired connection

Let's start with the fact that you can connect to the global network using wires or without them. The first option, as a rule, implies a higher speed and stability of the connection. But, as you understand, it is suitable if you are going to use the Internet stationary. And there is? For you, I will talk about modern types of wired connections and what preceded them.

dial up

One of the most internet connections. Remember the times when users were on the Internet, and because of this, it was impossible for them to get through to a landline phone? They had a dial-up connection.

Physically, it looked like this: the subscriber had a modem that, when connected to the Internet, dialed the pool number and connected to the device at the provider's station.

The speed of such a connection was 56 kbps. Moreover, the tariff was determined not by the services provided, but by the time spent on the network.

It could even be half an hour.


The first broadband internet. What does it mean? This type of connection is also implemented through a telephone line and a modem, or rather two. It is faster than its predecessor. Also, when a subscriber is surfing the Internet, he is also available by phone. This was made possible by separating frequencies for data transmission and conversations.

In the name of a family of technologies, the symbol "x" conventionally denotes the first letter of a particular subspecies. DSL with of English language stands for Digital Subscriber Line, which in translation is a digital subscriber line. Connection types differ in information encoding and data transfer rate. It is considered the most high-performance - up to 24 Mb / s.

As you understand, this connection no longer meets modern requirements, so now it is practically not found.


This type of connection is the next stage in the development of broadband network after xDSL. It works in the following way: apartment building or a switch is placed near private houses, connected to the provider's station using a fiber optic wire; a twisted pair cable is connected to the client's house, inserted either directly into the computer or into the router.

Under the abbreviation FTTx, a family of Internet types is collected. It stands for "fiber to the x", which means fiber to the point "x". Instead of the last character, different letters can be specified:

  • N (node) - network node.
  • C / K (curb / kerb) - means: to the quarter, microdistrict.
  • DP (distribution point) - distribution point.
  • P (premises) - in general: before the premises. The most common option includes 2 subspecies: B (building) - the cable reaches the border of the building (foundation, basement, technical floor), H (home) - directly to the apartment or house.
  • D/S (desktop/subscriber) - optical fiber is pulled into a media converter or terminal located near the subscriber's desktop.

E/Z (telecom enclosure/zone) - connection from the server room to the workplace.

The FTTx family is popular these days because it assumes normal video quality. reasonable price. Do you want to get high-speed Internet, television and telephone communications in one bottle? Choose this option. If all 8 cores in the cable are used and good equipment, your connection speed can be up to 1 Gbps.

Take a look at the alternative. With the help of fiber optic and twisted pair connection is made to the global network and through another technology - Ethernet, which also provides high-speed data transfer at speed. By the way, Ethernet subtypes have already been developed with indicators of 2.5, 5, 10 Gb / s and higher.

Another family of broadband connections modern type. Depending on the connection method and Internet speed, other letters are written instead of “x”. The abbreviation contains the phrase "passive optical network", which translates as "passive optical network". In fact, it looks like a tree-like fiber-cable architecture with passive fan-outs at the nodes.

Simply put, one transceiver module is used for many subscribers

The cable is laid directly to the client's home and is included in the media converter, terminal or sfp module of the switch. Hence, all its resources are used by one person. Therefore, Internet failures due to network congestion are excluded.

By connecting xPON, you will be able to use gigabit internet and other Tripple Play services (cable TV and telephony).

Satellite Internet

This type of Internet is also becoming a thing of the past, because it requires high connection costs. Judge for yourself: the subscriber needs to have at least an expensive satellite dish and receiver, as well as pay a lot to the provider for the provision of services. Although in return you get unlimited in tandem with digital television.

The organization of satellite Internet is carried out in two ways:

  • Unilateral (asymmetric). Data is received via satellite and transmitted via either 3G/4G or cable.
  • Bilateral (symmetrical). Reception and transmission of information is carried out through a satellite channel.

Nowadays, you can consider the option of connecting via satellite if the Internet is required, for example, in a remote village or a house in the forest. That is, where there is no opportunity to spend and poorly catches mobile communications.

Wireless connection

With the regular release of new products among smartphones and tablets, it has gained popularity wireless Internet. Compared to a fiber-optic wired connection, it eliminates being tied to one place, but, as a rule, is inferior in speed.

This type of Internet can be divided into two main categories: the one provided by mobile operators and home or public through a WiFi router.

Mobile connection

It all started with GSM technology, which was developed for telephone conversations. When it was necessary to transmit data, an add-on for this channel appeared - GPRS: information is collected in packets and sent via unoccupied voice channels at a speed of 171 Kbps.

Very slowly, right? The developers also understood this, as a result of which they came up with another add-on - EDGE, which allows you to exchange data with maximum speed 474 Kbps.


The needs of users were constantly growing, because of this, EDGE resources became insufficient. Thus, a technology was born that remains popular today. It provides speeds up to 3.6 Mbps.

To connect, you need a modem that is inserted into a computer or distributes the Internet via. Many gadgets have a built-in device for 3G. Services are provided, as a rule, by the same mobile operators.

This technology combines 5 data transmission standards, but CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) is the most widely used.


An advanced technology that has not yet displaced the previous generation due to insufficient number of coverage points and high cost. In 4G, the data transfer rate has been increased to 100 Mbps when traveling with a gadget, and up to 1 Gbps for landline subscribers.

This became possible due to the fact that communication is not divided into voice and Internet - only the latter is valid. In this case, there are also several standards: WiMax and LTE.


Many people use this term daily, but few people know what it actually means. The abbreviation was formed from the English phrase "wireless fidelity", which translates as "wireless fidelity".

But now “Wi-Fi” is used as a separate, independent concept.

This is most likely not a species, but a subspecies of the connection. Since this is a connection to an access point, or a communication transfer.

Among the wireless types Wi-Fi Internet is the fastest (up to 100 Mbps). It is based on radio signals: they are supplied by the provider, and you only need to have a receiver. It can be a router, a special module for a stationary computer, a smartphone, a tablet, etc.

That's all.

I wish you pleasant communication and fruitful work on the Internet, no matter which type of connection you choose.

This lesson is the second part of the Peripherals topic started by . And today we will look at the devices with which we can access the Internet.

Ways to connect to the Internet

First, let's look at the most common ways to connect to the Internet:

1. Local computer network or ethernet(sometimes called fixed Internet access);

2. Through a telephone line(ADSL and Dial-Up);

3. Mobile access(GPRS, EDGE, 3G);

4. Through cable TV(DOCSIS).

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.


In this tutorial, we looked at the main devices for connecting to the Internet. I did not touch Satellite Internet and other, more exotic options, so as not to overload you with specific information (the lesson turned out to be not small anyway).

If there are any unclear points or additional questions, write in the comments, we will try to figure it out.

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In today's world, it's hard to argue with the importance of a constant, reliable, and affordable connection to . Now access to the Internet is needed not only at home, from a stationary computer, but access to the network from mobile devices is also of particular importance. Provide a comprehensive connection of the device with the Internet, Internet connection technologies. Today, these are six actively used technologies.

Sustainable Internet Connectivity Technologies

Today we can talk about several used technologies for connecting devices to the Internet:

  • – access via analog cable;
  • DOCSIS - connection via coaxial cable;
  • FTTB - twisted pair connection;
  • PON - optical fiber;
  • Internet of mobile devices;
  • Internet via satellite.

For example, technology is common in homes home internet FTTP, and mobile Internet transport.


ADSL technology refers to wired Internet connection technology. The essence of the technology is to separate the signal passing through the electric telephone (analog) cable by means of a splitter and a modem device.

The splitter acts as a separator. The modem adapts the signal to send the signal over the broadband connection.

Main plus ADSL technologies, its availability. To connect the Internet, the user does not need to lay new engineering communications. All Internet connections are made through existing low current lines.

However, this feature of the asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), in addition to plus availability and low price, gives two huge minuses - low speed and low quality.

The speed of such a connection will not exceed 15 Mbps.


With a big stretch, DOCSIS technology can be compared with ADSL in terms of the principle of signal transmission, only a telephony cable is not used, but a coaxial cable of a television signal is used.

DOCSIS technology was developed for digital television and has evolved from the DOCSIS 1.0 standards to the EuroDOCSIS standard, squeezing 70 Mbps out of the latter.

This standard is suitable for apartments in an apartment building, with a small number of gadgets. However, for a private home, the use of such technology is too expensive.


FTTB (Fiber to the Building) is a special case of FTTX (Fiber to x) technology. FTTX is a broadband network architecture in which the backbone is made by fiber optic cable, and the branch from the backbone to the consumer is made by twisted pair cable.

For example, an ISP office is laying a fiber optic cable from the office to apartment buildings. Then offers residents an Internet connection to their apartments. Connection of apartments is done by twisted pair cable.

Depending on the length of the twisted-pair local network, the generalized term - FTTX technology, differs in technologies denoted by:

  • FTTN: optical fiber to an outdoor cabinet, perhaps a few kilometers from the customer's premises. End connections are made with twisted pair copper cable.
  • FTC: optical fiber to the cabinet located driven from the client's premises.
  • FTTB: optical fiber is led to a cabinet located inside the client's premises. The client connection is made with a twisted-pair copper cable.
  • FTTH: the fiber reaches the edge of the living space, such as boxes on the outside wall of the house.
  • FTD: simplistically, the fiber reaches the room where the computers are installed. (fiber on the table).
  • FTTE/FTTZ technology does NOT apply to FTTX. Denotes bringing the optics to the computer.


PON technology is the most advanced Internet signal transmission technology. In this technology, the signal is adapted by an OTN terminal, which is installed for each end user, for example, in an apartment.

This technology has no restrictions on the data transfer rate, but is divided into classes:

  • APON / BPON (Broadband PON) - 155 Mbps round trip. Uses ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) protocol;
  • EPON (Ethernet PON) 1000 Mbps. The Ethernet protocol (IP) is used;
  • GPON (Gigabit PON) - speed from 600 Mbps to 2.5 Gbps. TDM, SDH, Ethernet, ATM protocols are used.

Wireless internet connection technologies

All of the above applies to wired technologies, in which the signal is transmitted over electrical cables. The second group of technologies refers to wireless Internet technologies.

Mobile Internet

Well-known to all owners of portable gadgets, the mobile Internet provides access to the network through mobile communications.

Mobile Internet technologies 3G, 4G and LTE. The speed of mobile Internet connections is up to 10 Mbps.

The relatively low speed of a mobile connection somewhat limits the possibilities of using the network, but it is quite sufficient for mobile access and communication.

Internet connection technologies: Wi-Fi

About WiFi

Wi-Fi technology (Wireless-Fidelity, Wi-Fi) allows you to create a local wireless network Internet, receiving it from the router and distributing it through an access point to mobile devices operating in the IEEE 802.11 standard.
