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Virtual book exhibitions in children's libraries. Creation of virtual book exhibitions. Virtual exhibition – review “together we will choose the winner of the “Big Book”

You don’t hear the groans of books, dusty and forgotten on bookshelves libraries? Useless, forgotten, rejected. They huddle forlornly together in the vain hope that someone will someday reach out to them, take them from the shelf and start reading again, thereby preventing the books from completely disappearing among their own kind, doomed to oblivion. Gradually these books acquire the status of “forgotten”. Most of them are rarely read, they have not been republished for a long time, but they are completely undeservedly forgotten...

The library collection of the State Educational Institution “Minsk Regional Institute for Educational Development” also contains such undeservedly forgotten books. We invite you to remember some of them by turning to the virtual book exhibition “We Cannot Forget to Remember.” The exhibition contains books of a scientific, artistic nature, literature for leisure; designed for readers of all ages. Thanks to the exhibition, it is possible to imagine the nature of the library's readership requests several decades ago.

Makarenko, A. Pedagogical poem / A. Makarenko. – Minsk: Narodnaya asveta, – 542, p. – (Library of domestic and foreign classics). “Pedagogical Poem” is one of the most significant works of A.S. Makarenko. It tells about the re-education of juvenile offenders in a children's labor colony, the creator and director of which was the author in the 20s. The description of the life of the colony at the dawn of its existence amazes the reader: several dilapidated buildings, thirty dacha beds and three tables in the only habitable bedroom, half-decayed outerwear, lice and frostbitten feet, half-starved rations - in a word, conditions where the education of a full-fledged personality, it would seem impossible...

Tolstoy, L. N. Pedagogical works / L. N. Tolstoy; under general ed. E. N. Medynsky, N. A. Konstantinov, N. N. Gusev. – M., – 398 p. : ill. This collection of works includes selected works characterizing the pedagogical theory and practice of L. N. Tolstoy. The publication reflects the views of the great Russian writer on issues of education, methods of teaching literacy, and provides professional instructions to the teacher.

Newton, I. Lectures on optics / I. Newton; trans., comment. and ed. acad. S. I. Vavilova. – [Moscow]: Publishing house Acad. Sciences of the USSR, – 295 p. : ill. – (Classics of science). Nowadays, Newton's Lectures on Optics are almost unknown. This is partly due to the fact that for a long time the “Lectures” in their entirety were published only in Latin and were not translated. Meanwhile, this publication reveals a lot of new and interesting things even for the modern reader. "Lectures on Optics" today is a document of paramount importance for the history of optics and for the biography of Newton.

Tarashkevich, B. Belarusian grammar for schools / B. Tarashkevich. – 5th issue, perarobl. and pashyr. - Fax machine. issued – Minsk: Narodnaya asveta, – 132, p. – (Belarusian language: history and reality). “Belarusian grammar for schools” played an important role in the emerging Belarusian literary language. It is important that the “Belarusian Grammar” of B. Tarashkevich, in practice, wiped out a number of documents issued and prevented the Belarusian language from suffering in all spheres. The most outrageous functions of the Belarusian language in the sphere of school education have been neglected. The connection with this book is important, and the book is important.

Ancient geography: a book for reading / comp. : prof. M. S. Bodnarsky. – M.: Geographgiz, – 375 p. : ill. This book is an attempt to give a summary of the ideas of Greek and Roman authors in the field of geography. In the publication, the texts of ancient authors are preceded by introductory articles about them; the notes provide explanations for individual geographical names found in the text. The book is intended for a wide range of readers wishing to acquire knowledge of ancient geography.

Magidovich, I. P. Essays on the history of geographical discoveries / I. P. Magidovich. – M., – 752 p. : ill. The purpose of the book is to show how the idea of ​​the physical map of the world developed from antiquity to the middle of the 20th century. The publication also describes the main stages of research in the Arctic and Antarctic, including the achievement of the North and South Poles. The book is intended for teachers and other people involved in geography and history.

Osipov, A. M. Afanasy Nikitin and his time / A. M. Osipov, V. A. Aleksandrov, N. M. Goldberg. – M.: Uchpedgiz, – 189 p. : ill. – (School Historical Library). The book introduces the reader to the outstanding Russian traveler of the 15th century. across the countries of the Middle East and his “Walk across the Three Seas”. The authors not only reveal the paramount importance of Nikitin’s travels and his notes for the history of geographical knowledge, but also briefly outline the state of Russian lands by the 15th century. and the history of medieval India.

Bogoslovsky, M. M. Peter I: materials for biography: in 5 volumes / M. M. Bogoslovsky; edited by prof. V. I. Lebedeva. – M.: Sotsekgiz, 1940– T. 5: Embassy of E.I. Ukraintsev to Constantinople, 1699–1700. – – 312, p. : ill. The fifth volume of the multi-volume edition presented to our attention remained unfinished due to the death of the author. It covers the period of life and activity of Peter I before the events of the Northern War. The publication is illustrated with portraits of Peter I, made from life, as well as those subsequently created by Russian and foreign artists based on originals from Peter’s time.

Lvov, V. Life of Albert Einstein / V. Lvov. – M.: Young Guard, – 318 p. : ill. – (Life of wonderful people). The book tells about the life and work of the famous physicist. Talking about the complex and contradictory life of the scientist, the publication introduces the reader to the world of the great discoveries of Albert Einstein.

Nikulchenkov, K. I. Admiral Lazarev / K. I. Nikulchenkov. – Moscow: Voenizdat, – 200 p. : ill. The book introduces the reader to the life and work of the outstanding Russian navigator Admiral Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev, who completed three circumnavigations of the world and participated in the discovery of Antarctica. Mikhail Lazarev made a significant contribution to the development of Russian naval art, which remains valuable to this day.

Kochin, N. Ivan Petrovich Kulibin, 1735–1818 / N. Kochin. – M.: Young Guard, – 237 p. – (Life of wonderful people). For many years, Nikolai Ivanovich Kochin worked on materials for the biography of his fellow countryman, Ivan Kulibin, a talented self-taught Russian mechanic. These materials formed the basis of this book. Page after page - and the tragic fate of a gifted self-taught man from the people is revealed to the reader...

Sklyarenko, S. Legendary division commander: an essay on the life and military exploits of Nikolai Shchors / S. Sklyarenko. – Simferopol: Krymizdat, – 112 p. : ill. This book is a biographical sketch of the life and work of the civil war hero Nikolai Shchors. The author talks about the glorious battle path, which the hero went through while fighting for his homeland. The book is intended for older children.

Jalil, M. From the Moabit notebook: poems / M. Jalil; translation from Tatar; edited by S. Shchipacheva. – Moscow: Soviet writer, – 115 p. “The Moabit Notebook” is a cycle of poems by the Tatar poet Musa Jalil, written by him in the Moabit prison. About a hundred poems have been preserved in two notebooks. They were first published in 1953 in Literaturnaya Gazeta thanks to the editor-in-chief Konstantin Simonov. In 1957, the author was posthumously awarded the Lenin Prize for this cycle of poems.

Dityakin, V. Leonardo da Vinci / V. Dityakin. – M., – 221 p. : ill. The book introduces the reader to the titan of the Italian Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci. The famous representative of his time went down in history not only as an artist and scientist, but also as an engineer, builder, writer and architect. The book is addressed to secondary school students.

Konchalovskaya, N. Priceless gift: romantic true story / N. Konchalovskaya. – Moscow: Children’s literature, – 393 p. : ill. The book tells about the life and work of Vasily Ivanovich Surikov, the great Russian painter. The author of the publication is the artist’s granddaughter, Natalya Konchalovskaya. It shows the most complex process of the birth of a painting inseparably from the life and everyday life of the famous master of the brush. The book is illustrated with reproductions of paintings and sketches by Surikov.

Stories about the Battle of Kulikovo: [texts, translations and notes] / ed. prepared M. N. Tikhomirov, V. F. Rzhiga, L. A. Dmitriev; [rep. ed. M. N. Tikhomirov]. – M.: Publishing house Acad. Sciences of the USSR, – 511 p. - (Literary monuments). The Battle of Kulikovo was of great national and patriotic significance. She was reflected in a number of historical stories. Ancient Rus'. The content of this book is presented by the poetic “Zadonshchina”, a sharply journalistic story about the battle on the Don, filled with military heroics “The Tale of the Massacre of Mamayev”.

Shevchenko, T. Kobzar: translations from Ukrainian / T. Shevchenko; [ed. comp. A. L. Deitch]. - Moscow-Leningrad: OGIZ, GIHL, - 686 p. : ill. A kobzar is a folk singer who accompanies his singing on a kobz (a plucked string instrument). At the same time, the word Kobzar lives in Ukraine (with capital letters). This word means Taras Shevchenko, only him and no one else. The most important thing that worried the poet in life was included in the poetry collection “Kobzar”. Thus was created a great literary monument, reflecting Ukrainian language in its historical development, people's destinies in all their gravity, patriotism.

Bianki, V. Forest newspaper for every year / V. Bianki. – Leningrad, – 360 p. : ill. Bianchi's most famous book was The Forest Newspaper. There was simply no other one like it. It was a poetic hymn to nature, a unique encyclopedia book, a calendar book, a game book, a book organizer of children's creative discoveries in nature, which had no analogues in world literature for children, subsequently translated into many languages ​​of the peoples of the world.

Baby food: a book on how to properly feed a child in order to grow him healthy and strong / [comp. : V.S. Weil [and others]; poems under photos and drawings: N. Konchalovskaya, S. Mikhalkov]. – Moscow: Gostorgizdat, – 239 p. : ill. Despite the imprint, the book can easily pass for a kind of culinary manual for a modern young family. It contains recipes for delicious and healthy dishes for children from birth to 7 years old, a lot useful tips, historical information, color illustrations and photos.

Aitmatov, Ch. Scaffold: novel / Ch. Aitmatov. – M.: Young Guard, – 300, p. The novel is based on the idea of ​​the contradictions of human nature. On the one hand, man subjugates and uses nature, consuming it through the fruits of his activity, and on the other hand, he destroys it through his transformations. Thus, the natural world turns into the human world. The novel makes you think about how we live, remember how short life is... The novel “The Scaffold,” like many other works by Aitmatov, warns that the Day of Judgment began a long time ago - you just have to force yourself to see it.

Ivanov, A. Shadows disappear at noon: a novel / A. Ivanov. – M.: Soviet writer, – 604, p. A father kills his own son. This is how their long-term blood feud is resolved. And yesterday’s laughing young lady becomes a devout sectarian, fearlessly burning dozens of people alive. Mortal enemies, hidden, are waiting in the wings... In the small Siberian village of Zeleny Dol, destinies are intertwined in a tight, inextricable knot. different people who know how to love recklessly and hate cruelly.

Ivanov, A. Eternal Call: a novel: in 2 books. / A. Ivanov. – Moscow: Voenizdat, – 847 p. The main historical upheavals and turning points of the 20th century dictate the plot of the poignant saga about the Savelyev family. All the difficult periods in the life of a vast country, all the troubles, like in a drop of water, are reflected in the Siberian Shantar and its environs. But the people living here are trying to cope with adversity not on orders from above, but with their own minds. The most beloved heroes of Anatoly Ivanov do not feel like cogs in a huge mechanism of power, trying not only to comprehend it, but, as far as possible, to change it in some way.

Vasiliev, B. And the dawns here are quiet...: story / B. Vasiliev. – M.: Children's literature, – 140, p. - (School library). The story of Boris Vasiliev “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” is one of the most poignant in its lyricism and tragedy of works about the war. Five female anti-aircraft gunners, led by foreman Vaskov, in May 1942, at a distant junction, confronted a detachment of selected German paratrooper saboteurs. Fragile girls engage in mortal combat with strong men trained to kill...

Bondarev, Yu. V. Shore: a novel / Yu. Bondarev. – M.: Soviet Russia, – 400 p. "The Shore" allows you to see with your own eyes the life of the war, its heroism, to evaluate its victims. The novel introduces the participants of great and formidable events, who, despite the cruelty of circumstances, remained people, dreamed, hated, loved, searched for the truth. Testing human characters and relationships with the standard of humanity, Y. Bondarev raises love to a particularly high pedestal, a feeling that excludes selfishness, cruelty, not to mention meanness and cynicism. Love triumphs in Bondarev's novel.

Bykov, V. Obelisk: stories / Vasil Bykov. – M.: Veche, – 381, p. The story "Obelisk" is one of Bykov's immortal works, which touches upon the problem of the continuity of generations, the inseparable connection of times, loyalty to the traditions of fathers and grandfathers. The writer raises a serious problematic question: what can be considered a feat, are we narrowing this concept, calculating it only by the number of downed aircraft, blown up tanks, destroyed enemies? Is the action of the village teacher Ales Ivanovich Moroz a feat?

German, Y. My dear man: a novel / Y. German. – M.: Pravda, – 621, p. Herman Yuri Pavlovich - prose writer, screenwriter. Herman’s most famous work is a trilogy about doctors and the choice of a life path. In total, he wrote it for about ten years. The first part of the trilogy is the novel The Cause You Serve. A continuation of the novel “My Dear Man,” in which the author traces the fates of his heroes during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war years.

Grossman, V. Life and fate: a novel. - Minsk: Higher School, - 670 p. "Life and Fate" by Vasily Grossman is a broad epic canvas, the center of which is the Battle of Stalingrad.

Lipatov, V. And it's all about him: a novel / V. Lipatov; [author of the introductory article A. G. Zhakov]. – Minsk: Yunatstva, – 447, p. Few people now remember the hero of the story “And That’s All About Him,” Vil Lipatov. If you re-read this story today, it becomes clear that many modern young people simply will not understand it. “There are no such things!” they will say. The very idea that a young man cared when others around him didn’t even break the law, but simply did not work at full capacity and received bonuses for it, will seem wild to them.... By the way, the hero of the book is not accidentally awaits a tragic ending. It seems that the author simply did not know what to do with him in the circumstances offered by the time.

Alekseev, M. The non-crying willow: a novel. – M.: Veche, – 560 p. - (People's novel). In the novel “The Uncrying Willow,” the author gives a broad picture of folk life from the pre-war period to the mid-60s of the 20th century. Central to the novel is the storyline associated with Fenya Gloomova, nicknamed the uncrying willow for her amazing firmness of character, the first soldier’s widow in Zavidovo with a small son in her arms. Ivushka the Uncrying, aka Fedosya Ugryumova, the long-suffering Fenya, with her proud, unyielding, courageous character, is Mikhail Alekseev’s greatest artistic success.

Leafing through the tattered pages of a book in the library or on your home bookshelf, you should remember that in our hands, perhaps, is a whole world of impressions and experiences that the book managed to evoke in several generations of people... REMEMBER it or FORGET it? The choice is up to each of us.

At present, there is no clear definition of what a virtual exhibition is. Tutorial N.V. Zbarovskaya “Exhibition activities of public libraries” gives following definition: “A virtual exhibition is the new kind information and library services to users, a synthesis of traditional (book) and the latest (electronic) methods of providing information."

A virtual exhibition is a public demonstration on the Internet using web technologies of virtual images of specially selected and systematized printed works and other media, as well as publicly available electronic resources recommended to remote library users for viewing, familiarization and use.

The virtual exhibition is positioned as a new, multifunctional information resource that provides a wide range of users with the opportunity to increase the efficiency of information search and expand the range of necessary materials(texts, graphics, audio, video, etc.).

The first virtual exhibitions appeared within the framework of the Internet resources project Trade - Chamber of Industry Russia. The resource involves posting information in Russian and English on virtual exhibition stands (mini-sites) for the promotion and exchange of business information about enterprises and organizations, their goods and services. graphic and video materials. In the context of the development of new information technologies, virtual exhibitions appear in the field of culture and education: museums, universities, libraries of all types.

Virtual exhibitions represent the library’s collections, contribute to the formation and maintenance of the image, development and improvement of library services.

Advantages and opportunities of a virtual exhibition:

1. To view the exhibition, the reader does not have to be in the library; an Internet connection is enough. The reader can view the exhibition at any time.

2. Possibility of exhibiting a larger number of documents compared to a traditional exhibition, without occupying real library space. A large number of books can be presented at an exhibition; You can change them at any time by removing unnecessary ones and putting in new ones.

3. Each document can be accompanied by an annotation, an abstract, a copy of the table of contents and/or fragments of text, illustrations, the history of the creation of the work, a description of the era, audio and video fragments. Computer technologies make the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic.

4. Documents presented at the virtual exhibition are not in danger of being damaged. You-bet on the Internet can function continuously.

5. The costs of creating virtual exhibitions are lower than those of organizing similar traditional ones.

Among the limitations of the use of electronic book exhibitions are the following:

1.Not every PC meets the requirements to view you-bets. In the event of technical problems, presentation and viewing of the exhibition becomes impossible.

2. Not every library user has the necessary skills to familiarize themselves with the electronic book exhibition

3. The book exhibition producer must have the necessary computer skills and artistic taste [savkina].

Typology of virtual book exhibitions

Virtual book fairs, like traditional ones, can be classified according to a number of signs::

By status - independent or accompanying a public event (for example, when announcing a book on the Internet);

For its intended purpose - to help study, to improve the general educational and general cultural level;

According to the time of publication and receipt of materials provided for them in the library - new arrivals, for different years, “forgotten publications”;

By terms of operation – permanent, long-term, short-term;

By type of publications - books, other types of publications (magazines or newspapers, etc.), several types of publications at the same time (complex), new media (CD-ROM, records, microfilms, video cassettes, etc.), multimedia applications;

According to the composition of the presented publications: an exhibition of one book, a series, a collection.

Virtual book exhibitions can be created using a standard set of MS Office programs, or in online services for subsequent insertion of their HTML code into a blog or link on a page on a social network.

There are various forms of presentation of virtual book exhibitions(programs and online services for creating an exhibition are indicated in brackets):

1. Presentation (Power Point, Slide Share)

2. Slide presentation (slide show) of covers and short annotations for books with musical accompaniment (Power Point, Photopeach, Photosnack)

4.Exhibition of books in the form interactive poster(Power Point using hyperlinks, ThingLink).

5. Exhibition of books in the form of a mental map, techniques for visualizing thinking in the form of a map, in the center of which is indicated main topic with keywords associated with it extending from it in different directions (Word, Power Point, Mindmeister, FreemindMap, Popplet).

7. Exhibition of books in the form of a 3D book (MS Publisher, Flip Book Maker, Flip PDF, ZooBurst Calameo Photosnack Myebook.

8. Exhibitions on a geographical map (Google Maps).

9. Exhibition - virtual board (Thinglink, Google Presentations).

10. Exhibition - poster (MS Publisher, Glogster, Thinglink, Playcast).

Approaches to organizing virtual exhibitions are very diverse: from the already traditional, conservative form - images of book covers and annotations of publications, to an animated journey into the world of books. Exhibitions of the latter type contain detailed information about authors, artists, bibliography, Additional Information from other Internet sites. Exhibitions no longer duplicate traditional book exhibitions displayed within the walls of the library. Often they start out as mini-sites.

When creating virtual exhibitions, design programs are used: Adobe Pho-toshop, FSViewer, Corel DRAW, ImageReady. When placing an exhibition on a website, blog, the HTML programming language is used. Scanning of covers, illustrations for text recognition and editing is done in the FineReader program.

Algorithm for creating a virtual book exhibition next:

1.Development of a model for an electronic book exhibition: choosing a topic, selecting documents, informational, illustrative, audio and video materials, drawing up a diagram of the exhibition (you can draw a layout of the exhibition on a piece of paper).

2. Technical training project: photo or scanning of covers, illustrations, searching for cover images on the Internet, preparing text materials, trimming audio and video fragments, saving preliminary materials in a separate folder.

3. Completing work in the selected program or online service:

3.1. Exhibition in MS Power Point using hyperlinks:

The first slide contains a thematic picture, the name of the exhibition, as well as control elements - transition buttons (i.e. books presented at the exhibition, which will be discussed in detail on the corresponding slide or topics, by clicking on which the user goes to a slide with a selection of publications on it).

Next, separate slides are created for each book (topic) indicated on the first slide. For example: Slide 1 - “Creativity of modern science fiction writers: Sergei Tarmashev, Sergei Lukyanenko, Maria Semenova.” Slide 2 – “Publications by Sergei Tarmashev.” Slide 3 – “Publications by Sergei Lukyanenko.” Slide 4 “Publications by Maria Semenova.

We create hyperlinks - transition buttons. The first transition button is the inscription “Sergey Tarmashev” on Slide 1. Select the text block “Sergey Tarmashev”. At the top, in the control panel, click “Insert” and select “Hyperlink”. Select “Link to”, then click on “Place in document” and select from the list on the right “Slide No. 2” - “Publications by Sergei Tarmashev”. Then, in order to return to the beginning of the exhibition and select the next book (topic) to view, we create a hyperlink to Slide 1 according to the following scheme: select a photo (or text fragment), which we will click on during the presentation to return to the beginning of the quiz. Next, right-click and select “Hyperlink” - “Link To” - “Place in Document” - “Slide 1”. We return to Slide 1 again and repeat the same actions with the remaining names - “Sergey Lukyanenko”, “Maria Semenova”.

Then we add design, animation (optional), set the display time: “Slide show” - “Setting times” and select the duration of display of each slide. Then press the F5 key and turn on viewing mode. On the page with the description of the publication, you can also record a short audio story-explanation or attach a melody or sound effects.

When you add a presentation to a page in in social networks, it is necessary to write a diagram for viewing the exhibition, and when showing it at an event, explain the rules and show it in the form of an interactive game. During the presentation, the reader selects a book, clicks on it with the mouse and is taken to a page with a description of the selected publication. To return to the beginning, he left-clicks on the slide and returns to the first slide. The reader performs the same actions to view other publications posted on Slide 1.

3.2. Creating a virtual book exhibition in the Thinglink online service for inserting into a blog / page on a social network:

Go to and click “get started”:

In the window that opens, select “Free” - the free version, and click “Start”:

In the form that opens, register the library: enter your data, name, e-mail, password. If you have a library account on Google, Facebook or Twitter, you can log in through them.

On the page that appears with the selected picture, we begin to create a virtual exhibition by clicking on the books with the left mouse button and adding annotations, descriptions of publications and other accompanying materials in the field on the left:

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

2 slide

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“A library exhibition is not just a collection of books that ended up together due to a number of random circumstances, but a meaningful creation designed to stimulate purposeful intellectual activity in the reader” N. V. Zbarovskaya A book exhibition not only reveals a specific topic or gives an answer to a specific question. Creation of a book exhibition exhibitions are a creative flight for a librarian who gives readers wonderful world, filled with exciting events and discoveries. Among the main requirements for exhibition work are comfort, visibility, accessibility and efficiency. A library exhibition should contain a certain idea and be unexpected for the reader in its form and principles of presentation of material. In this case, it is necessary to take into account such a requirement as the unity of form and content.

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“...Firstly, we must do everything in our power to help create the infrastructure environment necessary for normal cultural development, and, above all, in the Russian provinces. To small towns, towns, villages - where there are no modern concert halls, large libraries, theater and exhibition centers - it is necessary to actively promote information technology. They should become the basis for modernization in the cultural sphere. With their help, access to cultural values ​​will be opened for millions of our fellow citizens and, most importantly, for young people ... "Message of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev to the Federal Assembly Russian Federation

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“Choosing books for one’s own and others’ reading is not only a science, but also an art” N. A. Rubakin “Electronic exhibitions are an actual product of library activities. form and maintain the image of the library, contribute to the development and improvement of library services.

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The first virtual exhibitions were part of a large project of Internet resources of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia, the purpose of which was to promote Russian entrepreneurs, as well as their goods and services via the Internet to new markets. The virtual exhibition stand was a mini-site, which provides extended textual information in Russian and English about enterprises and organizations, their products and services, commercial offers, the latest achievements and successes, as well as graphic and video materials. This new form provided a number of advantages and almost no limited access information for all interested users. Later, this form of presenting information began to be practiced in a variety of fields, including library practice.

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"The library field is constantly evolving, embracing new technologies and adapting them to meet changing expectations, and it will undoubtedly continue to do so" P. Miller What is the object of a virtual book exhibition? Who are the users of a virtual book exhibition? What is the purpose of such an exhibition ?

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"...Sometimes it is useful to look at the purely professional problem of a library exhibition from the outside, from the perspective of another profession - a designer or theater director. After all, the task of creating a single, harmoniously integral work of art with the help of the creative organization of all its elements, essentially a director's task, should be set for oneself and librarians working on the exhibition" by S. G. Matlina Virtual book exhibition - an online service for a remote reader, i.e. reader who did not come to the library, but uses our services remotely, and, therefore, wants to receive some information service without leaving your computer.

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Traditional book exhibition Virtual book exhibition 1. Popularizes the library collection 1. Popularizes the book collection 2. Invites people to become interested in the topic 2. Invites people to become interested in the topic 3. Presents certain books 3. Presents certain books 4. Enables the devise to become familiar with the books presented at the exhibition 4. ---- 5. Gives you the opportunity to take book data for work directly from the exhibition 5. ----- 6. ----- 6. Gives you the opportunity to access other Internet resources on the topic 7. ----- 7. It has the ability to provide additional information about the document in text mode: which library to get, where to buy, it is possible to obtain an electronic copy, etc.

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Slide description:

“The exhibition is a social, cultural, scientific event for readers and at the same time professional holiday librarians, therefore it is a unique, extraordinary, one-time phenomenon" O. P. Zykov What are the advantages of virtual exhibitions and what opportunities do they provide to librarians and readers?

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Advantages of virtual book exhibitions First of all, the opportunity to present publications without removing them from the shelf. Provide users with the books shown at the exhibition, and not limit the duration of the exhibition. 1. use of information technology. Perception through a computer serves as a kind of bait for readers, especially children. Bright, colorful, with animation, using game moments, switching children’s attention from animated screensavers to a static page - all this makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic; 2. the use of the INTERNET makes it possible to get acquainted with the exhibition remotely, both en masse and on an individual basis; 3. mass participation. More books may be on display; 4. variability. At any time, you can quickly change slides and their arrangement, remove unnecessary ones or insert new ones, change the color scheme or overall design; 5. autonomy. The exhibition can be launched in automatic mode, equipping it with voiced text and demonstrating it without special accompaniment; 6. mobility. Most often, electronic exhibitions are developed (organized) as traveling exhibitions. It is very convenient to display them in different educational institutions, auditoriums, offices, classes; 7. profitability. Electronic exhibitions save space. There is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

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Restrictions on the use of a virtual exhibition 1. Creating and viewing EVC requires a computer. Not every PC meets the requirements needed to view the exhibition. 2. Not every library user has the necessary skills to become familiar with the electronic library. 3. In the event of technical problems, presentation and viewing of the exhibition becomes impossible. 4. The book exhibition producer must have the necessary computer skills and artistic taste.

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What is a virtual exhibition and what should it be like in a library? A virtual book exhibition is a public demonstration on the Internet using web technologies of virtual images of specially selected and systematized printed works and other media, as well as publicly available electronic resources recommended to remote library users for viewing, familiarization and use.

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The structure of the virtual exhibition consists of sections, accompanied by quotes, introductory articles, illustrative material, etc.

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The exhibition should be convenient for the user to perceive in the web space, and may contain the following types of information: Data on publications - visual (image of the cover, digitized parts of the book: preface, introduction, etc.) - bibliographic data (bibliographic record + collection codes library presenting the exhibition) - analytical information (annotations, abstracts for publications, reviews, reader reviews, etc.) - digitized parts of the book (chapters, the most interesting excerpts, etc.) - links or full texts of the book, if they are available in the library or on the Internet

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Additional materials on the theme of the exhibition, existing links to Internet resources (biographies, critical articles, reviews, feedback, thematic sites) information on the availability of books in other libraries, online stores, etc. images: portraits, illustrations, photographs of a thematic nature

Slide 17

Slide description:

Additional information provided by the creators of the exhibition, and information about the additional service; biographical, bibliographic, encyclopedic information on the topic of the exhibition (biographies of authors and other persons, bibliographic lists, historical information, etc.) an indication of the possibility of ordering an electronic copy; an indication of the possibility of ordering a book on the MBA , EDD.

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Traditional, conservative form - images of book covers and annotations of publications in the MS.Word document format - a catalog with hyperlinks with lists of references by section, filled with quizzes, competitions, games... The use of, among other means, the possibility of Web design is the next step in the development of the concept of virtual exhibitions mini-site - much attention is paid not only to traditional library techniques for disclosing information about a book, but the possibilities of virtual space to attract additional types information (digitized excerpts from the book, reviews, testimonials, interactive links, etc.).

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In what format can an electronic exhibition be created? A Master Class conducted by V.I. Verzhanskaya will help you learn how to create more complex virtual book exhibitions using OpenClass9 and Google services. and Glukhova A.S. To get acquainted, just follow the link:

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Virtual book exhibitions of the Children's Library named after. V.N. Orlova (; “To the mentors who guarded our youth...” virtual book exhibition of the Ural Scientific Library state university( A series of book exhibitions “The Universe in Alphabetical Order”, presented on the website of the Sverdlovsk Regional Interethnic Library ( in the “Electronic Exhibitions” section; Virtual book exhibitions organized by the Fundamental Library. Empress Maria Feodorovna Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen (; Virtual visits to exhibitions of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Moscow Kremlin" (; Project of the Tretyakov Gallery dedicated to the work of M. Vrubel (; Virtual exhibitions State Museum architecture named after A.V. Shchusev (

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We also invite you to familiarize yourself with examples of the development of a virtual book exhibition of the Lugansk OULB: And with the most interesting virtual book exhibitions on library websites Virtual exhibitions of the Rivne OULB http:// Virtual exhibitions of the Nikolaev City Library for children Virtual exhibitions of the State Youth Library of the Republic of Buryatia

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1. Batygyan, T. Our credo: there are no questions without answers: effective forms and methods of working with youth audiences as a reflection of the new capabilities of library and information centers / T. Batygyan // Bibliopol. - 2009. - N 3. - P. 20-26. 2. Berkutova, L. Internet in library work: technologies and methods of use / L. Berkutova, E. Pankova [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. – Access mode:, free. 3Vinogradova, E. B. About how a “minute” turned into an “hour”: new forms of work of the Moscow media library / E. B. Vinogradova // Media library and the world. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 17-20. 4. Vyatkina, V.V. Methodology of figurative-dialogue exhibition work in libraries for children [Text] / V. V. Vyatkina // School library. – 2006. – No. 2. – P. 77-81. 5. Golman, O.Yu. Non-traditional exhibitions [Text] / O. Yu. Golman // New library. – 2006. – No. 1. – P. 21-24. 6. Spiritual and moral education of children and adolescents in the modern library environment [Text] / author-comp. EAT. Zueva. – M.: RSBA, 2008. – 336 p. 7. Zhabko E.D. Internet as a medium of virtual communication /E.D. Zhabko //Library Science. – 2003.- No. 4. – P.45-50. 8. Zbarovskaya, N.V. Exhibition activities of public libraries [Text] / N.V. Zbarovskaya. – M.: Profession, 2004. – P. 118-128. 9.Zbarovskaya, N.V. Virtual assistants / N.V. Zbarovskaya // Library. - 2003. - No. 10. - P. 45 - 47. 10. Matlina, S.G. Book exhibitions - ordinary and unusual [Text] / S.G. Matlina. – M.: Chistye Prudy, 2008. – (Library “The First of September”. Series “Library at School”. Issue 19).

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11. Meshkova, N.O. A virtual reality one exhibition [Text] / N.O. Meshkova // Young people in library science. - 2004. - No. 5-6. - S. 108-110. 12. Poroschay, N. S. “And every reader is like a secret...” / N. S. Poroschay // New Library. - 2008. - N 9. - P. 25-29. 13..Pantyukhova, T.V. Bring the scenario to life [Text]: methodological material on organizing book exhibitions / T. V. Pantyukhova // Read, learn, play. – 2007. – No. 7. – P. 79-83. 14. Rozenson, I. A. Fundamentals of design theory: a textbook for universities: for university students studying in the specialty “Applied Informatics (by area)” and other economic specialties / I. A. Rozenson. - St. Petersburg [and others]: Peter, 2010. - P. 143-193. 15. Rzhevskaya, E. Formation of an information environment for children and adolescents [Text] / E. Rzhevskaya // Librarianship. – 2008. – No. 1. – P. 41-42. 16.. Ryabykin, N. Work not for show: bibliographic information, technology and methodology of book exhibitions [Text] / N. Ryabykin // Library. – 2006. – No. 10. – P. 49-50. 17. Savina, I.A. Bibliographic description of the document [Text]: educational method. recommendations / I.A. Savina; edited by N.B. Zinoviev. - St. Petersburg. : Profession, 2006. – 272 p. 18. Savkina, Svetlana Vladimirovna. Electronic book exhibitions: consumer properties, preparation technologies / S. V. Savkina // Library Science. - 2009. - No. 18. - P. 24-29 19. Librarian's reference book / Under A.N. Vaneev, V.A. Minkina. – St. Petersburg, Publishing House “Profession”, 2000. – 432 p. – (Series “Library”) 20. Ushakova, O. B. Experience in opening the fund of a scientific and technical library of an enterprise / O. B. Ushakova // Scientific and technical libraries. - 2010. - No. 12. - P. 35-41. - Bibliography: p. 40.21. Chizhanova, E.A. Virtual exhibitions: new technologies [Electronic resource] / E.A. Chizhanova. - Electron. Dan. – Access mode: http://...files/chiganova!1422.doc, free

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The presentation was created by the head of the school library of the Municipal Educational Institution Dmitrievskaya Secondary School Samarina L.G. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! “You lit a candle. Like a flash of lightning, It appeared in your palms” Matsuo Basho

We invite you to get acquainted with the encyclopedic series of books “Discover the World” by the St. Petersburg publishing house “Baltic Book Company”. These books are original guides on a variety of topics: history, science, natural history, literature, etc. The “Discover the World” series will become not only an indispensable assistant for schoolchildren in preparing reports and essays, but also a treasure trove of useful and entertaining information for the whole family.

We read, we think, we grow up

The exhibition presents the books of the publishing house "Aquilegia-M" of the "Modern Prose" series. The publishing house publishes fiction and educational literature for children and youth. We present to your attention books by the publishing house of writer Elena Gabova, written in different years: from the 80s of the last century to the 2010s. All these works are united by the recognizable images of the main characters, because issues of friendship and first love concern young souls at all times. The world in her works is recognizable, romantic, and filled with subtle psychologism.

Why chick's books

As you know, all children are naturally “why-minded”. Growing up and exploring the world, they ask adults great amount questions. In the Children's Library of the Republic of Karelia named after V.F. Morozov you will find books in the “Whychkin Books” series, in which everyone will find the answer to their question.

Poetic dance

How to diversify family leisure time and what useful things to do for your children, full of strength and energy? We invite you and your children to get acquainted with the virtual exhibition “Poetic Dance”. The verses of the best authors of children's poetry of the 20-21st century will swirl you to a fiery rhythm. As you read poetry, you will encounter kindness, humor, imagination, rhyming, and verbal creativity. The topics of children's poems are so diverse that they will allow you to unobtrusively, while reading fascinating books, solve many issues in raising and educating children: feeding a child, putting him to bed, helping him overcome fears, teaching him to speak and write, introducing him to the world of nature, technology, literature and art.

Walking into history

Do you want to know how people lived in different historical times? What games did they play, what did they wear, what did they eat, how did they study, what language did they speak? Answers to these and other questions can be found in the educational books of the Moscow publishing house “On Foot into History.” Each book in the series is dedicated to a specific era - from the Stone Age to the present day. Stock up on courage, patience, curiosity and go on exciting walks through ancient cities and countries. So, forward - walking into history!

We read, we think, we grow up

The exhibition presents books from the publishing house "Children's Literature" in the series "Laureates International competition named after Sergei Mikhalkov." These are novels and stories about teenagers that raise important questions growing up and personality development. They are recommended for reading by both teenagers (12+) and adults.

We invite you to read

In the sea of ​​children's literature, it is very difficult to find books for an older child. school age, especially if he is already an “experienced reader” and is familiar with many works of children’s classics, and the family has a tradition of reading together. The virtual exhibition will introduce you to books that will be of interest to both children 7-8 years old and preschoolers.

Artists paint a fairy tale

Did you know that “almost every children's book has two authors. One of them is a writer and the other is an artist." (Samuel Marshak). It is the artist who designs the cover and creates the illustrations that make the book come to life. We present to your attention new books from the NIGMA publishing house with illustrations by two wonderful artists Pyotr Petrovich Repkin and Anatoly Mikhailovich Eliseev. Young readers will enjoy meeting their parents' favorite fairy-tale characters.

Tuzik, Murzik and others...

2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology and the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas. This means that adults and children should pay attention to the protection of forests and parks, rivers and lakes, wild and domestic animals. We recommend reading books from the series “Tuzik, Murzik and others...”, the main characters of which are animals with their joys and difficulties. These entertaining stories and stories will help you learn to take care of the natural world and its inhabitants, take care of your pets, and be responsible for their lives.

From an early age, books instill in children good feelings and noble thoughts, encourage them to do good deeds, and make their lives fuller and more interesting. When choosing them, you should proceed from the age of the young reader, taking into account that the book should stimulate his development. The virtual exhibition will present an overview of books recommended for reading by children of primary school age by our library specialists.

The exhibition presents part of the historical collection of the Children's Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after. V.F. Morozov - books that turned 60 this year (published in 1956). They are the same age as the grandparents of today's readers! Here you can see books by such representatives of the immortal classics of children's literature as V. Bianki, Y. Olesha, S. Marshak, G. H. Andersen, etc. However, many names will be discovered by visitors for the first time.

2016 has been declared the Cross Year of Russia and Greece. Children's Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after. V.F. Morozova did not stay away from this event. We present to your attention the virtual exhibition “Once Upon a Time in Greece”, in the first part of which you will find a description of books dedicated to the role of Hellas in world history and culture. You will see that the echoes of this ancient unique civilization are still present in our lives, and its cultural heritage is incredibly large.

Myths and legends, what could be more exciting? Fascinating stories about deities and heroes that the ancient Greeks once believed in still occupy both adults and children. The virtual exhibition of the DB RK continues to acquaint the reader with books dedicated to Greece. In the second part you will find publications that tell about the mythical world of antiquity in an artistic and accessible form for children. The virtual exhibition of book presentations about one of the main traditions given to us by Ancient Greece - the Olympic Games - is coming to an end.

June 20, 2016 marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of the famous writer Markushi Anatoly Markovich. Anatoly Markovich wrote the bulk of his books for the younger generation. It is difficult to count how many young men, after reading his stories, decided to forever link their fate with heaven.

From an early age, books instill in children good feelings and noble thoughts, encourage them to do good deeds, and make their lives fuller and more interesting. When choosing them, you should proceed from the age of the young reader, taking into account that the book should stimulate his development. The virtual exhibition will present an overview of books recommended for reading by children of secondary school age by our library specialists.

75 years ago, on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. The list of references is intended for preschoolers and primary and secondary school students. The material may be of interest to teachers, educators, and librarians working with children. We hope everyone will find their book here. The books will tell the harsh truth about the war, about the terrible tragedy of the peoples and the individual who carried his share of the burden of those days on his shoulders.

The virtual exhibition presents books whose anniversaries we are celebrating in 2016. Works created hundreds of years ago and books that are only a few decades old are presented. But all of them entered the treasury of literature, passing from generation to generation. They imprinted the tastes and views of not only the authors themselves, but also the people for whom they worked...

The exhibition is dedicated to a review of the books in the “The Most Beautiful and Famous” series of the Avanta+ publishing house. Museums, treasuries, storerooms, priceless collections of precious items - the collection of books presented at the exhibition “Storerooms of Beauty” will tell you about all this.

Series of books "The most beautiful and famous". Issue 3

The exhibition is devoted to the review of the books of the series "The most beautiful and famous" of the publishing house "Avanta +". The books in this issue will reveal the secrets, tell about all the splendor of the most beautiful places on Earth. Each book is a professionally written captivating text in a highly artistic layout with magnificent illustrations.

Series of books "The most beautiful and famous". Issue 2

The exhibition is devoted to the review of the books of the series "The most beautiful and famous" of the publishing house "Avanta +". Visitors to the exhibition will get acquainted with the books of the series dedicated to the many-sided, amazing flora and fauna of our planet. Each book is a professionally written captivating text in a highly artistic layout with magnificent illustrations.

A series of books "The most beautiful and famous." Issue 1

By visiting a virtual exhibition, the reader will find out which books are the most interesting and in demand. according to our readers. Virtual exhibitions will soon be released, featuring titles recommended by parents and librarians.

Issue 1

These are novels and stories for teenagers and about teenagers, raising important issues of growing up, the development of a child as a person. They are recommended reading for both teenagers and adults. We hope that librarians and reading leaders will use this material in your work.

Issue 2

Swedish writer Annika Thor was born on July 2, 1950 in the small town of Gothenburg. I dreamed of becoming a writer since childhood. Some works of A. Thor are compulsory and are included in the school curriculum of many Swedish schools, and are also very popular in different countries, including in Russia.

May 9 - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945. The exhibition will present readers with publications devoted to the history of military operations and works of art reflecting the events of this period in the history of our Motherland.

War is not only "woe to the vanquished":
It’s enough for the winners too
Gives a storehouse of troubles and bottomless torment:
Forever be damned, war!

Alexander Dybin.
From the collection "Earthly and Heavenly Rus'"

A wide range of literature on Russian history is presented. The books introduce the most striking events of our country.

“ the sacred book of peoples...the mirror of their existence and activity...the tablet of revelations and rules, the testament of ancestors to posterity, an explanation and example of the future.”

Karamzin N.M.

The book exhibition consists of two sections. The first section, “Through a book - to peace and harmony,” contains books about ethnography and regional studies, as well as about some states (China, Vatican, Versailles).

The second section, “Other, others, about others,” presents books in the series with the same name ( children's project Lyudmila Ulitskaya). These are books about everything that surrounds a person: about family, about communication, about professions, etc.

The virtual exhibition is a review of contemporary literature for teenagers, revealing their inner world. These are novels and stories for teenagers and about teenagers, raising important issues of this difficult age. They are recommended reading for both teenagers and adults.

Issue 1

Several years ago a new name appeared in world literature - Jostein Gorder (JosteinGaarder), famous Norwegian writer and publicist, author of novels, short stories and books for children. Y. Gorder's books have been translated into many languages ​​and published in different countries of the world with a total circulation of more than ten million copies.

Gorder's books, originally intended for children, will also be of interest to adults.

The exhibition presents a unique series of books by Russian Geographical Society -

"Great Russian Travellers". You will get acquainted with the travels of famous Russian geographers to the Arctic and Antarctica, Siberia and China, the Tien Shan and other distant and unexplored lands. Books will tell you about how, over the centuries, new countries and entire continents were discovered, how the map of the world changed, acquiring its modern outlines.

What is a “virtual exhibition” and what should it be like in a library?

There is no single answer to this question. Some believe that a virtual exhibition consists of images of paintings, books, other resources, press releases, information about works and authors. Others that this is a 3D animated journey with detailed information about authors, artists, bibliography, additional information from other Internet sites. Third, that this is a synthesis of traditional, bookish and modern electronic ways providing information to the library reader (free form of presentation)

There is no clear definition of what a virtual exhibition is yet, but with a certain degree of confidence we can say that this is a new, multifunctional information resource that provides a wide range of users with the opportunity to increase the efficiency of information search, expand the range of necessary materials (texts, graphics, audio, video and etc.).

In other words, a virtual exhibition is a public demonstration on the Internet using web technologies of virtual images of specially selected and systematized printed works and other media, as well as public electronic resources recommended for viewing, familiarization and use by remote library users.

Approaches to the organization of virtual exhibitions are very diverse: from the already traditional, conservative form - the image of book covers and annotations of publications in the Ms.Word document format, to an animated journey into the world of the book. The exhibitions of the latter type present a variety of illustrative, audio, video material, bibliographic lists on the topic, etc.

The exhibition involves a virtual presentation of publications, revealing their content, as well as access to bibliographic, factographic, encyclopedic materials that exist in in electronic format and accessible via the Internet. Using, among other means, the possibility of Web - design - the next step in the development of the concept of virtual book exhibitions.

The exhibitions are no longer duplicating the traditional book exhibitions shown in the library, and are created specifically to be presented in an interactive form. Such exhibitions are made as mini-sites, where much attention is paid not only to traditional library methods of disclosing information about a book, but the possibilities of virtual space to attract additional types of information are widely used.

The advantage of virtual book exhibitions is the opportunity to present publications without removing them from the shelf. Provide users with the books shown at the exhibition, and not limit the duration of the exhibition.

Unlike the traditional one, the virtual exhibition provides librarians and readers with additional opportunities:

1. use of information technology. Perception through a computer serves as a kind of bait for readers, especially children. Bright, colorful, with animation, using game moments, switching children's attention from animated screensavers to a static page - all this makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic;

2. the use of the Internet makes it possible to get acquainted with the exhibition remotely, both en masse and on an individual basis;

3. mass participation. More books may be on display;

4. variability. At any time, you can quickly change slides (frames) and their arrangement, remove unnecessary ones or insert new ones, change the color scheme or overall design;

5. autonomy. The exhibition can be launched automatically, equipped with voiced text and demonstrated without special accompaniment;

6. mobility. Most often, virtual exhibitions are developed (organized) as traveling exhibitions. It is very convenient to demonstrate them in various educational institutions, auditoriums, offices, classes by simply downloading them to a flash drive;

7. profitability. Virtual exhibitions save space. There is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.

A virtual book exhibition, unlike a traditional one, does not have to consist of sections that are accompanied by quotes and introductory articles. The exhibition should be user-friendly in the web space and may contain the following information:

· visual (cover image, digitized parts of the book, etc.),

· bibliographic data (bibliographic record and codes of the collection of the library presenting the exhibition),

· analytical information (annotations, reviews, reader reviews, etc.),

You can also post additional materials:

· information about the availability of books in other libraries.

There is a certain set of conditions that ensure the user’s visual comfort when working with information in electronic form:

· the brightness of the object must be within reasonable limits;

· the contrast of the image relative to the background must be selected taking into account the size of the object: the smaller its size, the higher the contrast should be;

· the eyes have the greatest sensitivity to yellow-green radiation, the least to violet and red;

· the size of the symbol must be consistent with the visual acuity of the person; it also affects the speed and accuracy of information perception;

· since the space of a virtual exhibition is limited by the size of the monitor, you should not overload it with special effects and color variety - the user’s attention should not be distracted by distracting moments. The exception is exhibitions for children who are attracted by the colors and animation effects. But, nevertheless, you need to remember that the abundance of animation, photos, pictures increases viewing time, and therefore perception.

Algorithm for preparing and organizing a virtual book exhibition (using the example of Microsoft PowerPoint):

Table 1


I Development of a book exhibition model

Select an exhibition theme

Analyze what material you will need to organize an exhibition

Select the illustrations, music, etc. you need.

Map out the exhibition

II Technical preparation of the project

Scan illustrations, prepare text, sound and animation materials

Create a separate folder to store your pre-production materials.

III Design of works in PowerPoint format

Create presentation slides

Illustrate your slides using prepared materials and animation effects

Preview the exhibition

Correct any shortcomings you notice.

Prepare your exhibition for display

IV Conducting a presentation or publishing a project on the Internet

Publishing on the Internet

There are a fairly large number of services that can help create virtual exhibitions on their websites. Here are some of them (in most cases, instructions for working with services are presented on English language with the possibility of automatic translation into Russian):

1. PhotoPeach. The service is good for creating simple but striking photo exhibitions.

2. BannerSnack. Using this service, you can create a simple and bright book photo exhibition or “library banner” that can be edited at any time. In addition to pictures, you can insert videos into the banner.

3. Sharesnack. The service allows you to create a voiced exhibition on the work of one writer or on a specific topic. The product is created in a simple way: links to videos from YouTube are inserted into the proposed form.

4. Popplet. The service provides opportunities to create a more complex and extensive exhibition, even if it is an exhibition of one book. It allows you to create detailed exhibitions with sections, quotes, illustrations. Here you can insert video, audio materials and text in Russian. In addition, the service is ideal for organizing the collective work of readers to create an exhibition. Each participant can work on their own section of the exhibition.

5. Playcast. The service allows you to create a small exhibition - a postcard based on a separate work, using text, photographs, music.

6. Calameo. Service for creating an exhibition - books. You can create both individual books and entire virtual book exhibition shelves.

7. Dipity. This service is an ideal option for creating an exhibition chronicling the writer’s work. Such an exhibition can be supplemented with illustrations, video materials, links, a map, and the creation can be viewed in four modes to choose from: as a timeline; each event separately; list of events; locations of events indicated when creating the map.

8. Zoo Burst. Service for creating 3D books. As an option - joint creation of an exhibition - fairy tales. The ClipArt library is used to insert pictures, but you can also upload your own pictures.

9. Prezi. A service for creating an exhibition - a presentation of a new generation, in which you can collapse all the material into one picture, and by enlarging one or another slide, focus on a certain text, word, image.

More and more libraries, having mastered the traditional virtual exhibition structure, are trying to find new ways to publicly display printed works online in order to reveal their holdings. Currently, playcasts (see above) and book trailers are becoming popular.

A book trailer is a free-form miniature video telling about a book. It includes the most striking and recognizable moments of the work and visualizes its content. When creating a book trailer, you can use video, or you can get by with illustrations, photographs, scanned book spreads.

By presenting books to readers and promoting book reading in the global cultural community, book trailers have become a separate, distinctive genre that combines literature, visual art and the Internet. Since 2012, the All-Russian competition-parade of book trailers has been held annually in Russia, in which libraries also take an active part. So, on the portal “Wiki. SibiriaDa", created in 2011 by the Novosibirsk Regional Children's Library as a free resource for the collective work of librarians, teachers - local historians, children, teenagers and youth on the creation, placement and preservation of materials Siberian region, to date, distance learning “Training on creating book trailers” has been organized.

Virtual book exhibitions have become widespread in libraries of all types - regional, municipal, special.
