Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Transport facilities of the enterprise. Transport management Organization of transport facilities in the department

Tasks and functions of transport farms at the enterprise . The work of a modern machine-building enterprise involves the movement of a significant number of various cargoes both outside and inside the plant. Materials, fuel, components and other items are delivered to the plant's general plant or workshop warehouses. material values, and finished products and production waste are removed from warehouses or directly from workshops.

The following is transported inside the plant:

Materials, components and other products from general plant warehouses to workshops;

Blanks, parts, assembly units - between workshops;

Finished products and waste - from workshops to their respective destinations.

Inside the workshops, workpieces, parts and Assembly units during the manufacturing and assembly process, they are transported between storerooms and areas, from one area to another, and in areas - between workplaces.

The main task transport sector enterprises is the uninterrupted movement of various loads in order to ensure rhythmic flow production processes in all departments of the enterprise.

Transport operations are the most important integral part production process, and the conveyor, as a vehicle, even regulates the flow of basic production processes. A large volume of loading and unloading operations is a reserve for increasing production efficiency due to their mechanization and automation and reducing the number of workers. From 30 to 50% of auxiliary workers are employed in transport and loading and unloading operations.

Optimal organization of in-plant transport helps reduce production cycle activities and accelerate turnover working capital, increasing labor productivity, reducing production costs.

For effective management Transport management at the enterprise creates a unified transport service that performs a number of functions

- movement function: carries out acceptance and dispatch of rolling stock, delivery for loading and unloading at loading and unloading points;

- cargo and commercial function: is in charge of loading and unloading operations, draws up transportation documents, keeps records of incoming and outgoing cargo, as well as settlements with external carriers;

- function Maintenance and repair: Responsible for the maintenance and repair of rolling stock and lifting equipment Vehicle, for the provision of spare parts and fuels and lubricants;

- road management function: is in charge of the maintenance and repair of the factory road facilities, including transport highways, engineering structures, communications and signaling equipment, road markings and pointers.

Organization of the enterprise's transport facilities includes the implementation next works:

1. strategic planning vehicle fleet renewals;

2. analysis of the efficiency of using vehicles in time and productivity;

3. selection and updating of vehicles;

4. calculation of the need for material resources for the repair and maintenance needs of the transport sector;

5. drawing up cargo turnover balances;

6. design of cargo flow diagrams;

7. operational calendar planning of transport operations;

8. dispatching the work of the enterprise’s transport;

9. accounting, control and motivation efficient work transport sector.

Structure of the transport sector at the enterprise. The structure of the plant's transport facilities depends on the nature of the products produced (overall dimensions, weight); composition of workshops; type and scale of production.

Vehicles used in factories are classified as follows (Table 7.2):

Table 7.2 - Classification of enterprise vehicles

End of table. 7.2

- airports - river and sea ports and other enterprises 2.2. In-plant(for moving goods between workshops, sections, workplaces): - inter-shop transport - intra-shop transport (for moving goods between sections and workplaces) - interoperational transport (for moving goods between workplaces)
3.Type of vehicle 3.1. Wheeled transport: - railway - automobile - forklifts - electric transport 3.2. Transport conveyors 3.3. Monorails 3.4. Pipeline transport 3.5. Pneumatic transport 3.6. Robots 3.7. Special transport
4. Direction of cargo movement 4.1. Horizontal 4.2. Vertical (elevators, lifts) 4.3. Horizontal-vertical (crane beams, forklifts) 4.4. Inclined (monorails, conveyors)

At large and medium-sized enterprises, a transport department is created, subordinate directly to the deputy director for general issues or for marketing and sales.

Bureaus (groups) are usually created within the transport department: economic planning, dispatching, technical, accounting, etc.

Economic Planning Bureau develops a production plan economic activity(transtechplan), determines the turnover of goods at the plant and the volume of loading and unloading operations, calculates the need for transport and loading and unloading equipment, the need for personnel and funds wages, draws up cost estimates for the transport sector and calculates the cost of certain types of services.

Dispatch bureau carries out operational and production planning of transport work, which boils down to drawing up quarterly, monthly and daily transportation plans and the operational regulation of transport work. Methods for constructing plans are determined by the degree of stability of cargo flows at the plant.

Technical Bureau carries out technical training production for the purpose integrated mechanization and automation of loading, unloading and transport operations; develops transport and technological schemes that ensure the connection of individual links of the enterprise’s transport network and technological equipment; creates albums of drawings for each type of lifting and transport equipment for the manufacture of spare parts and repair work.

Accounting Bureau maintains certification of all types of vehicles, carries out accounting and reporting of transport operations.

Transport workshop is the material base of the transport sector. The workshop, as a rule, is equipped with various vehicles for inter-shop and external transportation of goods.

For external transportation, as a rule, automobiles and other non-rail vehicles are used. For inter-shop transportation - electric cars, robo-electric cars, carts, etc. For intra-shop transport, conveyors are used various designs, electric carts and other special vehicles assigned to the relevant workshops of the enterprise.

Organization of transportation and calculation of cargo turnover. The basis of transportation organization cargo flows lie And freight turnover workshops and enterprises.

Freight turnover─ this is the sum of all cargo moved in an enterprise over a certain period of time (or the sum of all cargo flows of an enterprise).

Freight flow─ the amount of cargo (t, pcs., kg) moved in a certain direction between workshops and warehouses over a certain period of time.

Freight flows are calculated based on:

Types of transported goods;

Departure and delivery points;

Distances between points;

Volumes of transported goods;

Frequency and regularity of transportation.

For each point (workshop, site, warehouse) cargo flows are distinguished arrival And departures .

Freight turnover at the point of loading and unloading is equal to the sum of arrival and departure cargo flows.

To determine the total cargo turnover of the enterprise, it is compiled chess table(statement) of cargo turnover (see table 7.3).

A simplified chess table shows the daily turnover of a plant as an example. Shippers deliver a certain amount of cargo to recipients, and they, in turn, are recipients of other cargo flows. Outgoing cargo turnover must be equal to incoming cargo turnover, adjusted for the amount of irretrievable losses (for example, metal waste).

Based on the checkerboard sheet, a cargo flow diagram is developed (Fig. 7.2). The diagram indicates the distance, directions of cargo flows, their capacity and the nature of the goods transported.

Table 7.3 - Chess sheet of plant turnover

Fig.7.2. Enterprise cargo flow diagram (example)

Transportation is divided into one-time and route transportation.

One-time transportation─ transportation for individual non-recurring orders (applications).

Route transportation– permanent or periodic transportation along certain routes.

The route of vehicles is chosen to ensure their rational use.

Distinguish pendulum, fan-shaped And ring systems for organizing transport routes (Fig. 7.3).

Pendulum Fan Circular

Rice. 7.3. Systems for organizing transport routes

At pendulum route the vehicle serves only two points. In this case, the movement of goods can be carried out in both directions or in one direction:

A variant of a two-way pendulum, that is, the return of a vehicle with a load;

A variant of a one-sided pendulum is the return of the vehicle without a load.

Fan route provides for the sequential transportation of goods from one point to a number of others. It is used when the point of departure of goods is connected to several points of receipt, and the capacity of cargo flows in each direction is relatively small.

Ring system differs in that the vehicle sequentially serves a number of points of departure and receipt of goods during the cycle. This system is the most effective.

Based on the diagram of cargo flows and the volume of transportation for each group of goods, vehicles are selected and their needs are calculated.

When choosing vehicles, it is necessary to take into account the compliance of their functional characteristics with the nature of the goods transported and transportation conditions. The selection criterion is the minimum transport costs.

Information needed to select vehicles includes:

Characteristics of transported goods, based on their classification ( What are we transporting? );

Route information ( where are we transporting? ): distance between transportation points, features of routes (width, coverage, angle of inclination, etc.);

Data on traffic volumes and mode of transportation (how much and when do we transport?) : cargo turnover, cargo consumption mode, cargo delivery locations, etc.;

Data characterizing transport and loading and unloading devices ( What do we transport it with? ): operational characteristics of vehicles and data on the costs of their acquisition and operation.

The calculation of the number of intermittent vehicles (cars, forklifts, electric cars, etc.) is carried out on the basis of the daily cargo turnover, taking into account the characteristics of the vehicle and its operating conditions (daily productivity of the vehicle; cyclic productivity of the vehicle; rated load capacity of the vehicle; utilization factor carrying capacity; number of transport cycles; actual operating time of a vehicle during a day, etc.).

Organization, planning and dispatching of the transport sector. Organization of work of in-plant transport includes: selection of a transportation system, implementation of appropriate preparatory work, establishment of a certain procedure for the operation of vehicles and loading and unloading operations.

Enterprises use two main transportation planning systems: transport operation according to standard schedules and transport work according to orders.

Options for organizing loading and unloading operations:

– escort of the vehicle by loaders;

– organization of loading and unloading operations at the points of acceptance and departure of goods;

– carrying out loading and unloading operations by the driver.

Preparatory work when organizing transportation according to standard schedules, they include:

1. choice rational types route transportation;

2. development of vehicle traffic schedules;

3. determination of the procedure for carrying out loading and unloading operations;

4. technical equipment of loading and unloading areas.

Transport planning is divided into technical and economic And operational scheduling And dispatching.

Technical and economic planning consists of developing an annual plan broken down by quarter. Typically this plan includes:

Freight turnover and volume of loading and unloading operations,

Labor Plan;

Limits on logistics;

Plan for the cost of transport work;

Plan of organizational and technical measures.

Summary of technical and economic indicators.

Operational scheduling The work of the transport sector consists of drawing up monthly programs and daily shift assignments for transportation and loading and unloading operations, as well as the current regulation of the operation of vehicles. The monthly program is drawn up on the basis of the quarterly plan and additional monthly requests for the transportation of goods received from workshops, warehouses, departments (supply and sales) before the start of the planned month.

The organization and operational production planning of the transport sector depends on the type of production.

IN large-scale and mass production Freight flows are relatively stable according to the checkerboard. This makes it possible to organize the transportation of goods along regular routes, and the operation of vehicles according to a constant schedule (standard plan for inter-shop transportation of goods).

IN serial production, cargo flows are less stable than in large-scale and mass transport, so cargo transportation is organized both on permanent and one-time routes. For one-time routes, workshops, warehouses and departments, on the eve of the planned day, submit requests to the transport department for the transportation of goods (on account of the monthly plan), which must be completed during the next day. Based on these requests, the dispatcher draws up a daily shift assignment for the transportation of goods for the next day, indicating in it the distribution of vehicles for individual work areas and one-time routes. No applications are submitted for transportation on regular routes, and vehicles operate on a regular schedule.

IN single And small-scale In production, in the absence of stable cargo flows, cargo transportation is carried out mainly along one-time routes. The daily shift assignment is compiled on the basis of requests received by the transport department from the main workshops of the plant, warehouses and departments.

The work of external transport is planned based on information about the receipt and dispatch of goods sent by the supply and sales departments.

Dispatchingtransport work consists in drawing up, operational regulation and control of the implementation of schedules and shift-daily assignments for the transportation of goods. In his work, the transport dispatcher is closely connected with the plant dispatch service and workshop dispatchers. The technical means of a transport dispatcher are dispatch panels, diagrams, graphs, radio and telephone communications, alarms and other means.

Operational accounting of the work of the transport sector is carried out in daily and monthly sections: a daily report on the work of the transport department and a monthly report on the production and economic activities of the transport sector as a whole.

Basic technical and economic indicators of the transport sector. The main technical and economic indicators of the transport sector are:

1. volume of cargo transportation (implementation of the cargo transportation plan);

2. cost of 1 t∙km;

3. labor productivity;

4. cost of 1 machine-hour of vehicle operation;

5. the share of transport and storage costs in the cost of production.

Vehicle efficiency characterized by:

1. operating time utilization factor vehicle (the ratio of the actual operating time of the vehicle in a year to the calendar fund of working time in a year);

2. capacity utilization factor vehicles (the ratio of the average load of a vehicle to its carrying capacity);

3. mileage utilization rate vehicles (the ratio of the length of the run with cargo to the total length of the run).

The main directions for improving work efficiency transport sector are:

1. economic justification choosing a vehicle;

2. optimization of cargo flows;

3. reducing the average age of vehicles with increasing specific gravity progressive transport;

4. increasing the level of mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations;

5. improvement of the transportation planning and dispatch control system;

6. improvement of technical maintenance of in-plant transport;

7. introduction of a unified production and transport (integrated) technology;

8. organization of container transportation;

9. introduction of automated transport management systems;

10. improvement of regulation, accounting and control of the use of vehicles, motivation to increase the efficiency of their operation.

design of cargo flow diagrams;

operational calendar planning of transport operations;

dispatching the work of enterprise transport;

accounting, control and motivation of high-quality and efficient work of the transport sector.

The main directions for improving the quality and efficiency of the transport sector, in our opinion, are:

  1. deepening the subject and functional specialization of production, developing cooperation;

    increasing the level of automation of production and management;

    reducing the average age of vehicles and increasing the share of advanced vehicles;

    improvement of regulation, accounting and control of the use of vehicles, motivation to increase their efficiency;

    analysis of compliance with the principles of straightness, proportionality and continuity of production processes, development and implementation of measures to comply with them.

The structure of the transport economy is determined mainly by the volume of cargo turnover, the characteristics of cargo and the volume of production. The transport facilities of the plant may include railway transport with access roads and depots, wheeled transport with garages and repair shops, water transport with berths, overhead roads, etc.

On large factories with large cargo turnover requiring the use of all types of transport, specialized workshops for railway, trackless (road) and water transport are organized. Transport facilities at such plants are headed by the transport and technical department. At medium-sized factories, a single transport workshop is created, which includes several sections by type of transport. For small factories with a small cargo turnover, but requiring the use of all types of transport, united transport facilities are created for several enterprises. These farms can be created at the main plant or separated into independent transport farms of a departmental nature.

Transport workshops include a number of services and sections. Thus, a railway workshop has a movement service (operation), a traction service (rolling stock), a track service, and a loading and unloading service. Trackless transport workshops usually have an operation service (transportation organization) and technical service to maintain rolling stock in good condition. The transport workshop (department) carries out planning of all transportation and cargo operations, organizing the production of transportation, operational management of the operation of transport and its repair, accounting for the work of the transport sector.

Chapter 2. Organization of transport facilities at the enterprise.

2.1. Calculation of cargo flows.

Calculations for cargo turnover and cargo flows of the enterprise and its workshops are drawn up in the form of a checkerboard sheet (table). It shows all the movements of cargo carried out at the plant, which makes it possible to determine the external cargo turnover and the corresponding external cargo flows of arrival and departure, all internal (inter-shop) cargo flows and the total cargo turnover of the plant.

Figure 1 Plant turnover table

According to the chess sheet, workshop layouts and master plans of enterprises, a diagram of cargo flows is drawn up (Fig. 2), i.e. graphical representation in the appropriate scale of all cargo flows on the plant master plan diagram. Analysis of the freight flow diagram helps to identify irrational transportation and establish an optimal transport scheme, which is the basis for all calculations of transport operation.

Figure 2 Diagram of plant cargo flows

Based on cargo turnover and cargo flows, the type and structure of the fleet of transport and handling vehicles, the number of loading and unloading posts, the type of routes of intermittent (cyclic) means - pendulum or circular, providing a large load of vehicles - are established.

2.2. Selection and calculation of vehicles.

The choice of type of transport means depends on the volume of cargo turnover, dimensions and physical and chemical properties of cargo, distances and condition of roads, directions of cargo movement and method of loading and unloading, purpose of transport, design and layout of buildings, and the topography of the plant territory.

When choosing vehicles, it is also necessary to resolve issues related to the use of lifting equipment and returnable packaging. The selected means must involve an end-to-end transportation method based on a unified transport and technological scheme that ensures the connection and continuity of individual links in the enterprise’s transport network. In this case, inter-shop transport transfers cargo in standard containers to intra-shop transport with minimal overload.

The technical characteristics of the selected vehicles are supplemented by calculation of their economic feasibility using the following indicators: hourly productivity of transport, cost of transporting 1 ton of cargo, costs per trip, mileage utilization rate, average technical speed, etc. The selected type of vehicles must correspond to specific production conditions, ensure coordinated work of all departments of the enterprise in an established rhythm with minimal acquisition costs and operation of transport.

Calculation of the number of vehicles with general view is made based on the daily cargo turnover, the carrying capacity of the transport unit, the utilization rate of the carrying capacity and the number of flights per day:

The number of vehicles can be calculated based on hourly or daily productivity.

Number of vehicles of intermittent (cyclic) action:
wtr = Qc / qtr.e, where Qc is the daily cargo turnover, t; qtr.e - daily productivity of a unit of transport equipment, i.e.

The daily productivity of a unit of transport equipment is directly proportional to the number of working cycles mc and the productivity per cycle qc, i.e.

mc = Fd.s. / Tts.t.,

where Fd.s is the daily operating time of transport equipment, min; Tts.t - transport cycle, min (in the general case Tts.t = Tpr + Tp + Tp, where Tp is the travel time, Tp is the loading time and Tp is the unloading time).

Then wtr = QsTts.t / (Fd.sqts).

The number of means of continuous transport required for a given cargo flow, for example, conveyors: wtr.n = Qch / qch, where Qch is the hourly freight turnover, t; qh - hourly productivity of the conveyor, i.e.

2.3. Transport technology.

The nature of the vehicles must correspond to the technical and organizational features of the production being serviced. This is achieved by the development and implementation of technology for transport, loading and unloading and warehouse operations as an integral element of the complex technology of the production process as a whole.
Integrated technology of the production process provides for the organization and mechanization of all work carried out at the plant, without exception, from the receipt of raw materials to shipment finished products. Integrated technology connects together all the links of the main and auxiliary production and makes them equivalent elements that are taken under technological control.

The development of a comprehensive production process technology begins with drawing up a transport and technological scheme of the production process. It graphically depicts all processes (operations) and indicates the sequence of their execution. Then the composition of individual operations for cargo flows is established and the transport and technological process is developed. The main technological documents are standard and group operational flow charts compiled for cargo that has the same processing conditions. Route maps of transportation technological processes are also drawn up, indicating routes, transported goods, vehicles, operating time, performers, etc.

Thus, the integrated technology of the production process significantly expands the range of regulated and controlled operations, predetermines the need for mechanization of cargo handling, provides more accurate and complete accounting of labor costs and creates the necessary prerequisites for the introduction of automated control systems in the transport sector.

2.4. Planning and organization of transport work.

Planning the work of the transport sector consists of drawing up an annual (quarterly) plan for production and economic activities, breaking down the main indicators by month. This plan provides for the calculation of the production program (transportation plan), the volume of loading and unloading operations, the number of vehicles and mechanisms, the number of workers, the wage fund, cost estimates and other indicators of the transport sector.

The transportation plan is drawn up based on the structure of cargo turnover and cargo flows in tons by sending workshops, type of cargo and type of vehicles. When planning external cargo turnover, calculations are based on logistics and sales plans and reporting data on waste removal. External transportation is planned by enterprises together with railways and road transport companies. Internal cargo turnover is determined by the volume of inter-shop transportation. The calculations are based on production plans for workshops and plans for the delivery of materials, semi-finished products, fuel, etc. to workshops, as well as the removal of finished products and waste.

Drawing up a reasonable transportation plan ensures the most rational distribution and use of vehicles in strict accordance with production needs.
To carry out operational scheduling and regulate transportation, work plans are drawn up for shorter periods (month, day, shift).

The organization of transport work includes the organization of external and internal transportation of goods. External transportation (import of material resources and export of finished products) is carried out by rail, road and by water transport and are subject to regulations of the relevant departments.

The operation of transport during intra-factory transportation is determined by the type of production. In conditions of mass production, inter-shop transport works according to schedule, i.e. Each transport unit is assigned a specific route and a schedule is established for it. These are the so-called route transportation systems; they can be pendulum or circular.

Pendulum routes are routes in which the movement of vehicles between two permanent points or from one to several points (radial system) is repeated many times. They can be one-way, when transport goes in one direction loaded and back empty, two-way – when transport is loaded in both directions, mixed – when moving with or without cargo in both directions. The one-way pendulum system is uneconomical, since it includes a reverse idle run.

The ring system provides for sequential regular communication between a number of points. It can be distribution (from one point the cargo is transported to a number of workshops), assembly - cargo is collected from different workshops and transported to one place, mixed.

In serial production, transport work is organized according to daily shift plans, drawn up on the basis of pre-submitted requests from the clientele within the framework of an enlarged monthly transportation plan. Shift daily plans are drawn up by type of transport, assigned to certain cargo flows and indicating the type, quantity, location and delivery time of the cargo. In single and small-scale production there are no constant cargo flows and transport work is organized on one-time requests.

Intra-shop transportation is also determined by the type of production. In single and small-scale production, transportation between technological areas is carried out by general shop transport through an interoperational storeroom. At subject areas, transport is secured for interoperational transportation. In mass and large-scale production, intra-shop transportation is carried out by transport assigned to the supplying areas, and interoperational transportation is carried out by conveyors of various types.

Operational management of transport operations is carried out by the dispatch service. Dispatching of transport work consists of drawing up, operational regulation and control of the implementation of schedules and shift-daily transportation plans by eliminating emerging deviations in transport operation.


In almost any industry, the functions and means of organization are the same, but there are slight differences determined by the characteristics of production and technological processes and the organization of production.

Transport is, without a doubt, very important for an enterprise in any industry. Without it, it is impossible to move materials and products around the plant, deliver raw materials and semi-finished products and send finished products to the consumer. Therefore, rational organization of transport operations is necessary for the profitable operation of an enterprise. Large plants and factories still have a fleet of vehicles purchased during the Soviet era, and they also have the resources to purchase new ones. For small or newly formed enterprises, it makes sense to rent a vehicle or join several enterprises to purchase it.

Currently, fuel and transport maintenance costs are constantly increasing, which naturally affects the cost and price of products. Therefore, it is necessary to find reserves to reduce the share of these costs.

The priority direction in the development of the transport sector is their mechanization and automation, the introduction of new equipment and working methods. All this will help reduce the cost of its maintenance and increase labor productivity, and, accordingly, the profit of the enterprise.

Currently, with the increasing pace of the production process, an important direction in the development of in-plant transport is to increase the importance and scale of use of its continuous types, such as conveyors and transporters.

Improving the organization of transport also involves the elimination of excessively long-distance transportation, counter, return, empty and not fully loaded vehicles.

List of used literature:

    Bakanov A.L. Organization of transport at an enterprise. - M.: 1999.

    Vashukov E.M. Organization of transport facilities at the enterprise. -SP.: 2001.

    organizations transport farms on enterprise The following issues are resolved: - cargo turnover is determined...

  1. Organization energy farms on enterprise (on example of PJSC "TAIF-NK")

    Thesis >> Economics

    Aspects organizations energy farms on enterprise 1.1 Energy farming enterprises 1.2 Organization ... enterprises, dispatch service, repair plants, construction organizations, transport(road and railway) farms ...

  2. ... measures to improve operational efficiency transport farms industrial enterprises (on example transport-expeditionary enterprises OJSC "NefAZ")

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    In our graduation project we looked at organization transport farms on enterprise OJSC "NefAZ" Company is a mechanical engineering complex...

  3. Organization warehouse farms on separate enterprise and directions for its improvement

    Abstract >> Logic

    Warehouses, transport workshop, mechanical repair service). 2.2. Warehouse work farms on enterprise Administrative building...

One of the criteria for effective organization of production is the minimum possible and shortest flows between production departments and the minimum required stocks and reserves. The system for organizing the transport and storage facilities of the enterprise must meet this criterion. The main task of the enterprise's transport sector is the uninterrupted transportation of goods with full use of vehicles and minimal cost of transport operations.

The structure of the transport sector depends on the volume of internal and external overloads, the composition of workshops, type of production, dimensions and weight of products, and the level of cooperation with transport organizations.

Vehicles are classified according to the following criteria:

    by purpose - external, inter-shop and intra-shop;

    by modes of action – intermittent and continuous;

    by type of transport - rail, trackless, hoisting and special transport;

    in the direction of cargo movement - horizontal (conveyors, roller tables), vertical (lifts, elevators), horizontal-vertical (forklifts, beam cranes, overhead cranes), inclined (cable cars and monorails).

In flexible automatic production, automated and automatic transport and storage systems of various levels are used - shop, inter-shop and local. To complete them, automatic racks, stacking cranes, conveyor devices, and robots are used.

Vehicles and services that organize its operation form the transport sector. Small and medium-sized enterprises have a transport workshop with areas specialized by type of transport. At large enterprises, specialized transport workshops are organized, which are under the jurisdiction of the transport department.

It is advisable to create a specialized department at the enterprise, which includes transport shops and storage facilities, which allows for centralized management of all material flows.

The rational organization of transportation is based on the calculation of cargo flows and turnover of the enterprise and workshops. Freight flow is the volume of goods moved per unit of time (year, month, day) between two points. The sum of cargo flows forms cargo turnover. The calculation of cargo turnover is carried out in the form of a checkerboard “sheet”, in which the sending workshops and warehouses are listed in rows, and the receiving workshops and warehouses are listed in the columns. The total of each column determines the volume of goods received by a given workshop, and the total of the line determines the volume of cargo sent from a given workshop. The sum of the totals of the columns and rows shows the amount of cargo turnover of the enterprise.

Based on the data from chess tables and shop floor plans, cargo flow diagrams are drawn up, the type and structure of vehicles, and the type of routes for intermittent means are established.

In organizing transportation, a decentralized and centralized system is used. The decentralized system does not allow efficient use of vehicles and achievement of high technical and economic indicators. Centralized transportation can be carried out along one-time routes in single and small-scale production and along permanent routes.

When choosing vehicles, it is necessary to ensure that they comply with cargo flow indicators, ensure maximum productivity, and coordinate vehicles in related operations.

Calculation of the need for vehicles is carried out based on the daily cargo flow
and productivity
for discontinuous means and hourly freight flow and productivity for continuous transport (conveyor).


The basis for organizing the work of transport workers is the development of service regulations that ensure a reduction in cycle time and continuity of the production process.

Regulations mean the establishment of a certain order and sequence of transport work in accordance with specific production conditions and the intended purpose of the equipment.

The main task of the organization and functioning of the transport sector at the enterprise is the timely and uninterrupted servicing of production by vehicles for the movement of goods during the production process.

Types of transport

According to their purpose, vehicles can be divided into internal, inter-shop and external transport.

External transport provides communication between the enterprise, its material and technical warehouses, finished product warehouses and supplier enterprises, contractors, railway, water and air transport stations.

Inter-shop transport acts as a link between the workshops of the enterprise, its warehouses, services and other production facilities.

Intrashop transport mixes cargo in the workshop during the production process, moving raw materials, materials and components and components not only from the warehouse to workplaces, but also between workplaces, as well as control posts.

Enterprises use various types of vehicles, starting from railway, automobile, hoisting and transport and ending with conveyors of various types, types and purposes.

The structure of the transport economy depends on many factors, the main of which are the following: the volume of internal and external transportation, the type of production, the weight and dimensions of manufactured products, the level of cooperative relations. These factors influence the composition of the transport service departments of the enterprise. If, for example, during production there is a need to frequently use railway or automobile vehicles as non-production transport, then the corresponding workshops should be created separately; in addition, it is advisable to create workshops or sections of trackless transport and electric transport with the appropriate repair base, maintenance and refueling .

Continuous vehicles include conveyors, which are widely used in enterprises involved in mass and large-scale production. The transport department is subordinate to the chief engineer, and in addition to the above-mentioned workshops, it includes a dispatch bureau and an accounting group.

Freight turnover and cargo flow

Organizationally, the work of the transport sector is based on the use of concepts such as cargo turnover and cargo flow.

Freight turnover represents the total amount of goods moved on the territory of a plant, workshop, warehouse per unit of time during the accounting period. Freight turnover consists of individual freight flows. Freight flow is the amount of goods transported per unit of time between two adjacent points.

The magnitude of cargo flows depends on the organizational and production type of production and can be calculated under conditions of constant nomenclature and production volumes by an analytical method based on material consumption rates and quantities production program. In conditions of rapidly and frequently changing nomenclature and production volume, it is possible to apply the method of special survey and accumulation of statistical information on cargo flows with their subsequent processing or by selecting a typical representative of the goods being moved and calculating the cargo flow indicator based on it. Ultimately, no matter which of the above methods is applied, data on cargo flow and turnover should serve to determine the required number of vehicles and achieve their constant load. The rationality of the functioning of the transport sector can be judged on the basis of uniform cargo turnover. Serves the same purpose cargo turnover chess table And cargo flow diagram.

A chess table of cargo turnover is constructed in the context of individual workshops and warehouses, and then a summary table is made for the enterprise as a whole based on data on the mass of cargo received and exported, taking into account waste, losses, damage, etc. In turn, the chess table, taking into account the spatial layout of the enterprise, is the source material for drawing up a diagram of cargo flows.

Analysis of freight flows and cargo turnover for the accounting period provides the basis for improving the organization of transport facilities, eliminating excessively long-distance transportation, counter, return, empty and not fully loaded vehicles.

Organization of in-plant transportation

If there are stable, sustainable cargo flows, and this is typical mainly for mass production, then transportation is carried out according to a schedule along constant routes and with the same intensity. In case of unstable cargo flows in the conditions of serial and individual production, the movement of goods is possible on the basis of one-time tasks or an enlarged shift schedule.

Inter-shop transportation can be carried out using one of the schemes. The first scheme is called “pendulum” or “fan”, and the second is called “ring”. The first scheme is characterized by one-way, two-way and fan-shaped movement of vehicles. One-way traffic is characterized by the fact that transport moves cargo in only one direction, for example, parts are transported from a galvanic shop to an assembly shop. Two-way traffic is carried out through the interaction of workshops - for example, transportation of parts from machine shop to thermal and back. The actual pendulum scheme, or fan-shaped, is applicable when a warehouse is included in it and materials and parts are supplied through it to the workshops. It should be noted that there is one significant drawback of this cargo movement scheme. Vehicles leaving the warehouse for the workshop have a maximum load and return empty. This reduces the efficiency of cargo transportation according to this scheme and forces attention to the ring pattern of vehicle movement. Its essence is that the route of movement is drawn up so that it is possible, having loaded up at the warehouse, to go around the workshops one by one and return to the warehouse for a new portion of cargo. This type of scheme is called “ring with decaying cargo turnover”.

In principle, such schemes can be used when carrying out both inter-factory, inter-shop and intra-shop processes of cargo movement. As an example, we will give the organization of the process of moving packaged cargo, which is typical for most engineering enterprises. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to select means of mechanization and automation of the processes of moving packaged unit cargo.

The choice of means of mechanization and automation of the processes of moving packaged cargo is an integral part of the development of movement processes and is carried out on the basis of the accepted technological process production and economic assessment comparable options.

The selected means of mechanization and automation of the processes of moving packaged unit cargo should ensure:

  • reduction of direct labor and material costs for moving operations;
  • improvement of production organization;
  • expedient use of means of automatic control of movement processes;
  • reducing the time lost by production workers and increasing the utilization rate of process equipment;
  • minimum number of overloads;
  • the optimal combination of mechanization and automation at individual stages of the movement process;
  • flexibility of the production process and the ability to rearrange the route, route, pace of movement when production conditions change;
  • maintaining the constancy of an expediently enlarged cargo unit during the movement;
  • necessary reserves bandwidth, as well as the formation of reserves and backlogs determined by production conditions;
  • elimination of heavy physical labor;
  • safe working conditions.

The main indicator when assessing comparable options for mechanization and automation of cargo movement processes is the lowest value of reduced costs.

The choice of means of mechanization and automation of the processes of moving packaged unit cargo is carried out as follows. First, an analysis and consideration of factors influencing the choice is carried out, and then the selection and determination of vehicles and the economic justification are made.

When choosing means of mechanization and automation of transportation processes, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the transport properties of cargo (dimensions, weight, susceptibility to damage, fire and explosion hazard, the need to maintain spatial orientation when moving). In addition, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of movement, which include the amount of goods being moved, the route and distance of movement, the construction characteristics of buildings, special conditions movement of goods. These factors should be taken into account for all types of transportation. However, it is necessary to point out the features of the choice of means of moving goods during transportation between enterprises, workshops, and during intra-shop and warehouse transportation.

The choice of means of transportation during inter-factory movements should pursue the goals of reducing the cost of transporting goods, preserving them, packaging, reducing cargo weight, and rationally organizing labor at unloading sites.

The cost of transporting goods can be reduced due to the efficient use of vehicles, their capacity and carrying capacity, compliance of the cargo unit with the size of the vehicles, acceleration of their turnover, and safety of cargo in transit.

Inter-shop transportation requires compliance with such conditions as the presence of the required volume of cargo accumulation at the beginning and end of the routes, the relationship and consistency of the movement technology with the associated intra-shop or warehouse operations, ensuring the loading and unloading front and the rational organization of transport workers’ jobs.

When organizing warehouse transportation, it is necessary to take into account the range of stored materials, the turnover of goods, the frequency of their arrival and release from the warehouse, the performance of picking, packaging, and sampling operations in the warehouse, the type of transport that delivers goods to the warehouse and from the warehouse to the workshops.

When choosing vehicles for intra-shop inter-operational transportation, one should keep in mind the production technology and structure of the production process in the workshop, the influence of the choice of mechanization and automation means on the creation of production and mechanized lines for processing and assembling products. In turn, the rational organization of the workplace should ensure the least expenditure of effort and time for the worker to move goods during the production process.

The organization of in-plant transport and its operation influence both the progress of the production process and the cost of production. The operation of transport depends on:

1) rhythmic work of workplaces, sections and workshops, as well as uniform production of finished products;

2) the time spent on intra-shop and inter-shop transportation affects the duration of the production cycle;

3) the cost of maintaining the transport facility is 10-15% of the amount of all indirect costs in the cost of production.

The main objectives of organizing the transport sector are:

1) timely and uninterrupted delivery of goods;

2) the fullest use of vehicles;

3) reduction of time and costs for transportation.

To solve these problems, a transport sector is being created (Figure 10.1).

Figure 10.1 - Structure of the enterprise transport service

At large and medium-sized enterprises, a transport department is created, the head of which reports to the deputy director for general issues or for marketing and sales (supply, transport).

The transport department includes the following bureaus:

1) planning and dispatch bureau;

2) planning and regulatory bureau;

3) technical bureau;

4) accounting bureau.

The main functions of the enterprise's transport service are:

1) transportation of goods, loading and unloading and forwarding operations;

2) planning needs for all types of transport based on calculations of freight flows and turnover;

3) operational planning and dispatching the provision of the enterprise with all types of transport;

4) provision of production processes with vehicles;

5) organization of technical maintenance and repair of transport;

6) organizing the acquisition of new vehicles, obtaining licenses for the transportation of goods and people, decommissioning and disposal of vehicles.

The plant's transport facilities include:

Plant vehicles performing external and internal transportation;

Devices for general plant use (garages, repair shops).

Vehicles used in factories are classified as follows (Figure 10.2).

Figure 10.2 – Classification of enterprise vehicles

According to the mode of action they distinguish the following types Vehicle:

1) continuous vehicles - mass and large-scale production;

2) discontinuous vehicles – single and small-scale production.

Based on the nature of cargo movement, continuous transport vehicles are divided as follows:

1) conveyors;

2) gravity vehicles;

3) special transport.

Based on the nature of cargo movement, continuous transport vehicles are divided as follows:

1) railway vehicles;

2) trackless vehicles;

3) handling equipment

There are external and internal transportation of goods. Internal transportation is divided into inter-shop and intra-shop. Intra-plant and partially external transportation of goods is carried out using various vehicles belonging to the plant (Table 10.1).

Table 10.1 – Types of cargo transportation

Routes for enterprise vehicles can be of two types (Figure 10.3):

2) ring route.

Pendulum routes are established between two points. They can be:

One-way, when vehicles move in one direction with a load, and in the other - without a load;

Bidirectional - cargo is transported in both directions;


Circular routes are established when servicing a number of points connected by the sequential transfer of goods from one point to another. A circular route can be with a uniformly increasing and decreasing volume of cargo.

Figure 10.3 – Vehicle routes at the enterprise

For the correct and uninterrupted movement of goods, it is necessary to provide the main and auxiliary workshops and the transport workshop with the required number of vehicles. The need for certain types of vehicles is determined by calculating the following indicators:

1) nomenclature of transported goods;

2) cargo flow;

3) cargo turnover of the workshop and enterprise.

Freight flow is the amount of cargo moving in a certain direction between loading and unloading points.

Freight turnover is the amount of cargo to be transported over a certain period of time (year, quarter, month, day, shift). The plant's cargo turnover is equal to the sum of the individual cargo flows.

The enterprise's cargo turnover is calculated on the basis of the cargo turnover of workshops and general plant warehouses in the form of a checkerboard sheet. It gives a clear picture of freight turnover and serves to determine the number of vehicles on the corresponding routes (Table 10.2).

Table 10.2 – Chess sheet of enterprise cargo flows

Recipient Sender
Railroad station General plant warehouse Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Waste warehouse Total sent
Railroad station - 10 000 - - - - 10 000
General plant warehouse 7 500 - 2 000 8 000 - - 17 500
Workshop 1 - - - 1 500 - 2 000
Workshop 2 - - - - 7 500 2 000 9 500
Workshop 3 - 7 500 - - - - 7 500
Waste warehouse - - - - - - -
Total received 7 500 17 500 2 000 9 500 7 500 2 500 46 500

The checkerboard reflects all movements of cargo:

Sending workshops and warehouses (railway station) are listed vertically;

Recipient workshops and warehouses (railway station) are indicated horizontally in the same order.

Thus, each workshop and warehouse is represented by a column and a line. The column totals show the total receipt of goods in a given workshop, the row totals show the amount of cargo dispatched.

The sum of the totals of columns or rows for all workshops and warehouses reflects the amount of internal cargo flows.

Based on the pattern of cargo flows and the volume of transportation, vehicles are selected for each group of goods and the need for them is calculated.

The number of continuous vehicles n n (units) is determined by the formula:


where Q day – daily freight traffic, t;

P day – daily productivity of a unit of transport equipment, i.e.

The daily productivity of transport equipment R day (t) is calculated using the formula:


where F day is the daily operating time of transport equipment, min.;

T c – duration of the transportation cycle (loading time, travel time and unloading time), min.

Transport planning involves three levels:

1) technical and economic planning;

2) operational scheduling;

3) dispatching.

Technical and economic planning consists of developing an annual plan broken down by quarter. In this case, the following indicators are determined:

1) cargo turnover and volume of loading and unloading operations;

2) the need for vehicles;

3) the need for personnel and wage funds;

4) the need for fuel (fuel) and lubricants;

5) the volume of repair work and the need for spare parts;

6) shop expenses.

In addition, cost estimates for transport facilities and cost calculations are drawn up. transport services.

The cost of transport services consists of two indicators:

Cost of transportation of 1 ton of cargo;

Cost of loading and unloading 1 ton of cargo.

Operational calendar planning (OCP) of the transport sector consists of developing monthly programs and shift-daily assignments for transportation and loading and unloading operations. Depending on the type of production, the organization and daily shift planning of transport work changes (Table 10.3).

The work of external transport is planned based on information about the receipt and dispatch of goods sent by the supply and sales departments.

Dispatching of transport work is as follows:

1) drawing up schedules and daily shift assignments for the transportation of goods;

2) operational regulation;

3) operational control of their implementation.

Table 10.3 – Features of the organization of OKP at the enterprise

Type of production Characteristics of cargo flows Forms of organizing operational calendar planning
1 Mass and large-scale production Freight flows are relatively stable. Transportation of goods is organized along regular routes, and the operation of vehicles is organized according to a constant schedule (standard plan for inter-shop transportation of goods).
2 Serial production Freight flows are less stable than in large-scale and mass production. Cargo transportation is organized both on regular and one-time routes. For one-time routes, workshops, warehouses and departments submit applications for the transportation of goods to the transport department on the eve of the scheduled day. On the basis of which the dispatcher draws up a daily shift assignment for the transportation of goods for the next day. It specifies how vehicles are distributed among individual work areas and one-time routes.
3 Single and small-scale production There are no sustainable cargo flows. Cargo transportation is carried out mainly on one-time routes. OKP is carried out as in mass production.

Solving the problem of increasing production efficiency requires improving the organization of the enterprise's transport facilities. The main directions for improving transport facilities at enterprises are:

1) mechanization and automation of transport operations;

2) use of standardized packaging;

3) introduction of a unified production and transport technology;

4) specialization of inter-shop transport means based on the cargo transported;

5) widespread introduction of container and package transportation;

6) implementation of automated transport management systems.

The main indicators of the transport sector include:

1) vehicle fleet utilization rate by time - number of hours actual work park to the park's working time fund;

2) mileage utilization factor - the distance traveled with a load in kilometers, divided by the total mileage with a load and empty;

3) tonnage utilization factor - the actual amount of cargo transported in tons, divided by the nominal depreciation of the equipment, multiplied by the number of trips;

4) the cost of 1 machine-hour of work and downtime;

5) energy (fuel) consumption;

6) consumption of lubricants and cleaning materials.
