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Presentation on health saving for parents. Presentation on health saving. relieve emotional stress

Natalia Bobrova
Presentation "Modern health-saving technologies in kindergarten»

Dear colleagues! Health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten what is it? Health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten are technologies education of valeological culture or culture preschool health which are aimed at preserving, maintaining and enriching health subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

Target health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions:

For children – ensuring a high level health of children's pupils garden and education of valeological culture.

For adults - the formation of culture health.

Kinds health-saving technologies in kindergarten:


Physical culture wellness;

Valeological education of parents;

- health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten.

Medical technologies- provide preservation and enhancement health children under the guidance of a nurse in accordance with medical requirements and norms.

Physical culture health technologies- focused on strengthening child health, development of physical qualities, motor activity and formation physical culture children.

Health saving working with teachers kindergarten:

Seminars: "Psychological teachers' health» ;

Consultations:"How to do gymnastics with preschoolers", "Prevention of fatigue in children in kindergarten» and etc. ;


Discussion questions health saving on pedagogical councils.

Interaction of teachers with parents on issues of protection and strengthening children's health:

Information stands for parents.

Inviting parents to participate in physical culture events kindergarten(competitions, sports events, open days, etc.);

Consultations, conversations with parents on issues health saving.

At present, one of the most important problems is the state children's health. Grow healthy child - this is the main thing that needs to be done by us, teachers of preschool institutions.

Related publications:

Modern health-saving technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions Health-saving technology is a system of measures that includes the relationship and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at.

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Generalization of the experience "Health-saving technologies in kindergarten"“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Pedagogical Council "Modern health-saving technologies in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions" Prepared by the senior educator Bekker Yulia Sergeevna Pedagogical Council: “Modern health-saving technologies in the pedagogical.

Health-saving technologies used in kindergarten in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard 1 slide Modern health-saving technologies used in kindergarten in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard DO 2 slide "Care for the health of children.

Message "Health-saving technologies in kindergarten"“I am not afraid to repeat again and again: taking care of health is the most important work of an educator. From cheerfulness, cheerfulness of children depends on them.

Modern health-saving technologies Modern health-saving technologies Co-author Yulia Parfenova 1. Technologies for maintaining and stimulating health: Stretching, rhythmoplasty,.

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Presentation on health saving in the MOU kindergarten No. 51 B performed by: senior teacher Belozerova L.V.

Goals and objectives: Goal: to preserve and strengthen the health of children through the introduction of health-saving technologies. Tasks: to stimulate the motor activity of children, using a differentiated and individual approach; - increase interest in physical education using non-traditional equipment; - Teach children to monitor and take care of their health.

What is health? Health is the state of any living organism in which it as a whole and all its organs are able to fully perform their functions; absence of sickness, disease.

Health saving technologies - methods, techniques aimed at solving the problem of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of children. Types of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions: medical - preventive; physical culture and health; health-saving, educational; technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child.

The most significant in terms of the degree of influence on the health of children are health-saving educational technologies - the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, and approaches. There are three groups of technologies: organizational and pedagogical; psychological - pedagogical; educational

Health-saving pedagogical process - process aimed at ensuring the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

Technologies used in MOU Technology of preservation and promotion of health: water procedures; morning exercises; balanced diet; physical education; hardening; gymnastics after sleep; outdoor games; finger gymnastics; dynamic pauses

Healthy lifestyle training technology massage; breathing exercises: gymnastics for the eyes

Water procedures

Morning exercises These are physical exercises that should be performed after sleep. During sleep, the child rests, after waking up, all organs slowly wake up. Performing physical exercises helps to bring them into an active state, which provides the child with high performance, gives him a noticeable surge of vivacity.

Balanced diet

Principles proper nutrition The first principle of rational nutrition: its energy value should correspond to the energy costs of the body. The second principle of rational nutrition is the correspondence of the chemical composition of nutrients to the physiological needs of the body. The maximum variety of nutrition determines the third principle of rational nutrition. Finally, compliance with the optimal diet determines the fourth principle of rational nutrition.

Physical education

Physical training!

Personal hygiene


Gymnastics after sleep These are physical exercises that must be performed after sleep. During sleep, the child rests, after waking up, all organs slowly wake up. Performing physical exercises helps to bring them into an active state, which provides the child with high performance, gives him a noticeable surge of vivacity.

Outdoor games Outdoor games are of great importance as a means of physical education. Outdoor games include basic movements: walking, running, throwing, climbing, jumping, balance, as well as special movements and strengthening and developing individual muscle groups. The movements included in the game, if they are given by the teacher in the correct dosage, develop and strengthen the body, improve metabolism, the functional activity of all organs and systems (contribute to more active breathing, increased blood circulation).

Massage Foot massage is an effective, versatile, affordable and safe treatment system by influencing active points and reflex zones located on the feet. On the soles of the feet, as on the map, there is a zone or point. Ideal for the prevention of flat feet in children.

Foot massage using non-standard equipment

Thank you for your attention!

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Goal: Creation of a health-saving educational space, where pedagogical technologies are used that do not harm the health of the child, contribute to the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle, develop health culture skills

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Tasks: 1. mastery and use of health-saving technologies by teachers in the educational process; 2. maintaining a favorable psychological microclimate in the school team; 3. organization of optimal motor mode, balanced nutrition; 4. creation of a rational regime for organizing the educational process at school, compliance with hygienic requirements for it; 5. shaping healthy lifestyle life as a style of behavior, lifestyle, development of hygiene culture skills, immunity to bad habits

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Mechanisms for the implementation of educational goals and objectives 1. Ensuring the quality of hygienic conditions, which in essence are of an objective nature (thermal conditions, the size of classrooms, lighting, design and quality of furniture, quality of food, the state of plumbing, the ecological state of the territory)

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2. providing educational and organizational conditions that are subjective and depend on the quality management activities(school management style, school life style, psychological microclimate, load volume, schedule quality, volume and quality of physical activity during the school day, week, medical and psychological support of the educational process)

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Health-saving technologies are implemented through: 1. teaching the elements of health culture; 2. introduction to the norms of a healthy lifestyle; 3. creation of healthy conditions for organizing the educational process; 4. use of active methods and forms of personality-oriented education and upbringing; 5. organization of complex monitoring: a) dynamics of the state of physical health; b) dynamics of psycho-physiological indicators; c) social support of the educational process

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1. Teaching elements of the culture of health conversation (class leader, school doctor) cool watch(class hands, parents) parent meetings interchangeable posters (canteen, classrooms, corridor, library, children's drawings) appearance of the teacher

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2. Familiarization with the norms of a healthy lifestyle classroom hours (class teacher, library, school doctor) recipes of parents gardening classes, corridors (class teacher, school staff) aromatherapy (class teacher, doctor, responsible for duty in classroom) health group for teachers and school staff (physical education teachers, initiative group) classes with children with scoliosis (physical education teachers, 1 hour per week) breathing exercises (physical education teachers, doctor)

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3. Creation of healthy conditions for the organization of the educational process gardening of classrooms, corridors daily walks, outdoor games (GPA, physical education lessons, sections) cleaning of premises, lighting, ventilation, sanitary condition of furniture and its quality (AHCh, class hands) balanced nutrition , vitaminization (canteen manager, doctor)

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OVSIENKO V. V. teacher of biology DELMUKHAMETOVA L. I. teacher of biology LEVKOVETS E. M. teacher of geography, secondary school No. 11, Kaliningrad, 2009

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The Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasizes that modern education should be health-promoting. The law of the Russian Federation "On Education" prioritizes the preservation and promotion of children's health.

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Child health is one of essential conditions success in learning and development at school age. Children's health is one of the criteria for the well-being of society. Today, among children entering school, no more than 10% are healthy and about 50% of future students do not have a functional readiness for schooling.

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1 Heredity. 2 Ecology.3 Socio-economic environment (external environment): - standard of living - degree of satisfaction of human needs; - quality of life - degree of comfort in meeting needs; - lifestyle - behavioral characteristics of human life.

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Causes of poor health of students.

4 Educational environment (external environment): - stressful technologies for conducting lessons and assessing knowledge; - authoritarian style of communication; - lack of physical activity; - overload curricula factual material and intensification of the educational process; - not always implemented individual approach in the process of educational and educational work.

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According to the WHO definition, “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being…”.

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The concept of "health" reflects the quality of the body's adaptation to environmental conditions and represents the result of the process of interaction between a person and the environment. The state of health itself is formed as a result of the interaction of external (natural and social) and internal (heredity, gender, age) factors.

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Currently, it is customary to distinguish several components (types) of health:

Somatic health is the current state of human organs and systems. Physical health is the level of growth, development of organs and systems of the body. Mental health is the state of the mental sphere. Moral health is a set of characteristics of motivational and need- information sphere vital activity. Moral health mediates human spirituality.

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All components of health interact with each other. Physical health affects the spiritual life, and spiritual control gives the necessary discipline to maintain health.

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for somatic and physical health - I can; for the psychic, I want; for the moral - I must.

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Children's point of view: health is

strength, intelligence, beauty, what needs to be protected, the greatest wealth, "you will be healthy - you will get everything."

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If we take the level of human health as 100%, then

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    Lifestyle is a biosocial category that integrates ideas about a certain type of human life and is characterized by its labor activity, way of life, a form of satisfaction of material and spiritual needs. Speaking about the way of life, it should be remembered that although it is largely due to socio-economic conditions, at the same time it depends on the motives of human activity.

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    Human behavior is always aimed at satisfying needs. Each person is characterized by his own, individual way of satisfying them, so people's behavior is different and depends primarily on education. The relationship between lifestyle and health is most fully expressed in the concept of a healthy lifestyle (HLS), the formation of which we can and should influence.

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    A healthy lifestyle expresses the orientation of an individual's activity towards the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health.

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    Unfortunately, in the hierarchy of needs, the satisfaction of which is the basis of human behavior, health is far from being in the forefront, but in essence it should be the first need. This is especially true for young people who are still healthy, do not think about health (there is no need to preserve and strengthen it), and only then, having squandered it, begin to feel a pronounced need for it.

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    From this it is clear how important it is, starting from a very early age, to educate children in an active attitude towards their own health, understanding that health is the greatest value bestowed on man by Nature.

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    People's knowledge of a healthy lifestyle should become their beliefs. And it is the school that should contribute to the education of children's habits, and then the needs for a healthy lifestyle, the formation of skills for making independent decisions regarding the maintenance and strengthening of their health. The issues of protecting the health of school-age children are successfully resolved if work is carried out in two directions:

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    1 creation of optimal external environmental conditions at school - health-saving pedagogy (this includes education of parents on health-saving issues); 2 education of schoolchildren in the classroom and extracurricular activities of a conscious attitude to the protection of their health - the greatest value given to man by Nature, the main condition for a happy life.

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    Having made the phrase “A competent teacher is a healthy student” the basis of our activity, we strive to use a variety of methods of health-saving technologies in the educational process to preserve and strengthen the health of children, and form sustainable motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

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    Principles of preserving the health of students in the educational process:

    taking into account the age and gender characteristics of students; taking into account the health status of children in this class; taking into account the individual psychophysical characteristics of children; structuring the lesson based on the patterns of changes in performance; training in small groups (individualization of training); use of visibility and combination various forms providing information; creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the classroom, as emotional condition serves as an indicator of the general health of the child; formation of positive motivation for learning (“pedagogy of success”); reliance in learning on the life experience of the child, the “attachment” of new knowledge to previous knowledge and experience.

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    Teachers, being carriers of a common culture, should also be carriers of a culture of health, promote a healthy lifestyle as the highest value, as the norm of everyday life, as a prerequisite for successful study.

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    Natural science teachers in their lessons have more opportunities to contribute to the preservation and promotion of children's health and to form motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

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    We set ourselves the following tasks:

    organize effective work in the classroom to maintain and improve health; increase learning motivation; to create in children a sense of joy in the learning process (the psychological climate of the lesson); develop creative abilities; foster a culture of health; teach children to live in harmony with themselves and the world around them.

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    To solve the first problem - the organization effective work in the classroom for the preservation and promotion of health - we use:

    change of species learning activities- 4-7 per lesson (reading, listening, writing, speaking, viewing, question-answer, problem solving); change of teaching methods every 10-15 minutes of the lesson (verbal-visual, audio-visual, independent work); various forms of educational activity (individual, group (in pairs), frontal); best practices for activating student initiative (research, role-playing game, discussion, etc.); TSO in the classroom (subject to a competent choice of place and duration); changes in the postures of students and physical education minutes to solve the problem of lack of physical activity, relieve tension in the organs of vision, and reduce psychological stress.

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    Paper simulators for the eyes (method of V.F. Bazarny).

    It is recommended to place various kinds of trajectories along which children “run” with their eyes along the perimeter of the class. Colored figures are depicted on a sheet of whatman paper, the thickness of the lines is 1 cm. A poster showing the trajectory of eye movement can be fixed above the board. Each trajectory has a different color: up - down, left - right, clockwise, counterclockwise, figure eight. Thanks to simulators, children's working capacity increases, a sense of visual coordination is activated, a visual-motor reaction and a distinctive color function develop. Recommended colors: red, blue, yellow, green.

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    Eye trainer

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    Color therapy.

    The game is colored dreams. In a sitting position after strenuous work. Students close their eyes, cover them with their hands and lower their head. The teacher names the colors, and the students try to “see” the given color in something with their eyes closed (blue sky, green grass, yellow sun). Selectively, the teacher comes up to the children, touches their shoulder and asks about what they saw. Then the teacher calls another color. The duration of the cycle is 15-20 seconds, the total duration is 1 minute. Yellow - stimulates mental activity; green - pacifies, soothes; blue - lowers blood pressure, soothes; blue - disposes to seriousness, strictness in behavior; purple - stimulates the activity of the heart and lungs, increases the body's resistance to colds; black in a small dose - focuses attention.

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    Physical education minutes.

    To stretch the spine. Tilts forward, backward, to the side. Head - to the chin, then we recline it as far back as possible, then to the right shoulder, to the left. We stretch as far forward as possible (the back is straight), back, to the side, each time returning to its original position, the head is straight.

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    Physical education minutes.

    Exercise to reduce fatigue. Exercise Tree. I. p .: standing, legs together. Simultaneously with a sigh, gently raise your arms up and fold your palms above your head. The chin is raised, the chest is deployed, breathing is free. Exercise to relieve local muscle tension. Personally-oriented lesson, which allows movement during classes, helps to relieve local muscle clamps. "Railway". Hands imitate the movement of a train on rails. The hands are clasped into the lock, the arms are extended and raised to shoulder level. The hands describe big eights horizontally and vertically. Change of static postures during the lesson: Listening takes place in the following position: relaxed, leaning back in the chair, hands hanging freely along the body or clasped behind the back of the chair.

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    Reflection in the lesson can be combined with finger gymnastics.

    Making massage movements along the fingers, the child answers the questions: LITTLE FINGER. What knowledge, experience did I gain today? NAMELESS. What did I do and what did I achieve? AVERAGE. What is my mood? POINTING. Who did I help today, how did I please, what did I contribute to? BIG. What have I done for my health?

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    To solve the second task - increasing the motivation for learning - we most often use the techniques innovative technologies:

    collaboration technologies; problem learning technologies; technologies for the development of critical thinking; technologies for solving inventive problems; technologies of research activity; information and communication technology; technologies for using game methods in teaching.

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    TRCM, syncwines.

    "Green" Interested, investigating Participate, observe, call Pupils of the secondary school No. 11 Ecologists. The Baltic Coast Beautiful, precipitous It is being washed away, destroyed, decreasing The Amber Coast of Russia Unique.

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    Why don't skunks mark their territory like dogs, cats and other mammals do? Water turtles cry while laying eggs on land. Large tears flow from their eyes. Maybe they feel sorry for parting with the eggs? Why do "proper" crackers have 13 holes? In the USSR, the largest number of laboratories studying corrosion was located in the city of Batumi. Justify their localization in this place.

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    To solve the third task - creating in children a sense of joy in the learning process (the psychological climate of the lesson), we use the following techniques:

    emotional release (aphorisms, anecdotes) - as a humorous component of pedagogical communication; teacher's posture (open, without "locks", palms turned towards the children, no "threatening poses" - hands in pockets, the pen in the teacher's hands is directed at the student, leaning on the table with both hands, the teacher looks importantly at the children); the psychology of cooperation with the "dress of benevolence" on the teacher with an open, sincere face; the teacher acts as an assistant and organizer of the educational process, where the student himself acquires new knowledge;

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    The teachers are joking.

    To the lesson about the origin of man: "Man sounds proud, and the monkey - promising." To the lesson on the adaptability of the organism to environmental conditions and its relativity. The conversation of a camel - dad and a camel: - Why do we need hooves? - Don't let your feet sink into the sand. -And the humps on the back? - We have a supply of food. -Are your lips so hard? - So that we eat thorns and do not prick. - Dad, why do we need these bells and whistles at the zoo ??? Geography lesson - and maps in your hands ...

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    game activity, which takes into account that - the game is an unreasonable manifestation of the child's activity - where there is no game, there is no development - learning without violence, learning with passion - there is a game - the game is the only natural form of child development - the use of different forms of lessons (KVN, quizzes , fairy tales, games).

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    We play in the classroom

    Topic: How man appeared on Earth. Grade 5 At one stage of the lesson, the class is divided into 3 groups. Group 1 - depicts Australopithecus and prepares a story in the first person; 2 - journalists formulate interview questions; 3 - Analysts evaluate "Australopithecines" and journalists. Then they switch roles.

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    Change in attitude to assessment and development of self-assessment skills among students: - orientation to an individual relative norm in assessment, taking into account the development of the child, the characteristics of educational activities, etc.; - score is used as Feedback, allowing the teacher to see their own and student problems and possible steps for successful correction; - the teacher includes students in evaluation activities, teaches them the ability to evaluate both their own work and the work of classmates. Evaluation should be done in such a way that the teacher's evaluation is preceded by the student's evaluation. - for evaluation, use not only a mark, but also a word. "The word can kill, the word can save, the word can lead the shelves behind it."

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    MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1"
    Presentation on the topic "Problems of health saving in educational institution» Imnadze G.M. - teachers of physical culture. Novomoskovsk 2013

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    results scientific research recent years indicate a progressive deterioration in the health of children and adolescents in Russia. Indicators of the physical development of children have decreased, the pace of puberty has slowed down. Modern adolescents also have reduced functional indicators (strength and energy capabilities of the body). Their physical performance deteriorated. The most serious and costly social and health problems currently prevalent are caused, as studies show, in more characteristics of behavior, lifestyle, formed in childhood. An important role in the current situation is played by the incompetence and inexperience of parents in matters of preserving and protecting the health of children.

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    Health workers note that most adult diseases are rooted in childhood, pointing out the special role educational institution in the formation of both the child's health itself and his attitude to his health, real actions and deeds that create the prerequisites for the formation of healthy lifestyle skills. As numerous studies have shown, the lifestyle of modern adolescents is very far from being assessed as healthy, and the analysis of negative components is the subject of study by specialists in various scientific fields.

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    Health-saving pedagogical process of an educational institution
    - this is a specially organized, developing in time and definitely within the framework of the educational system, the interaction of students and teachers, aimed at achieving the goals of health saving and health enrichment in the course of education, upbringing and training.

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    Types of health-saving technologies
    Medical and prophylactic Physical culture and health Educational support for the social and psychological well-being of the child Health saving and health enrichment of teachers

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    Modern approaches to the preservation and formation of the health of students in the classroom
    Health is: WHO is “not only the absence of disease, but also a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being” N.M. Amosov (1987), V.A. Lishchuk (1992), I.I. Brekhman (1987) - the realization of the specific specific abilities of a person to manifest the body's reserves, to stability, to resistance, self-preservation and self-development.

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    Health-saving technologies: essence, purpose, implementation features
    Modern system Education is undergoing a number of changes in the content of the use of pedagogical technologies. The leading goal of education is not the amount of acquired knowledge and skills, but the harmonious, versatile development of the individual and his potential-health. Health is considered as an important human value, both for society and for each individual. In pedagogical practice, various approaches to the implementation of health-saving activities have been developed, implemented in educational institutions: hygienic, differentiated, adaptive, systemic, complex.

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    Thus, the postagen and pathogenic factors associated with the school, the educational process, can be divided into three groups: those related to the hygienic conditions of the educational process; (hygienic), due to the organization of training (organizational and pedagogical) and directly related to the work of teachers, administration, employees of an educational institution (psychological and pedagogical factors)

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    Hygienic environmental factors
    Noise; Illumination; Air environment; The size of the premises (cubic capacity); Wall color design (video-environmental factors); Used building materials, paint; Quality drinking water used at school; Food unit (assortment, quality of food, catering); The ecological state of the territory adjacent to the school; Condition of plumbing fixtures.

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    Educational and organizational factors (depending more on the school administration)
    Volume study load, its compliance with the age and individual capabilities of the student; Schedule of lessons, load distribution by days, weeks, in the academic year; Organizational and pedagogical conditions for conducting a lesson (density, alternation of types of educational activities, conducting physical education sessions, exercises for vision, etc.); The volume of physical activity - by day, week, month; Features of the charter of the school and the norms of school life; Medical and psychological support of the school; Psychological climate teaching staff; The position and level of competence of the leadership on the preservation and promotion of the health of students.

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    Psychological and pedagogical factors (depending more on the teacher)
    The psychological climate in the classroom, in the classroom, the presence of emotional discharges; The style of pedagogical communication between the teacher and students; The nature of conducting surveys and exams, the problem of assessments; The degree of implementation by the teacher of an individual approach to students (especially risk groups); Features of working with "difficult teenagers" in the classroom; Personal, psychological characteristics of the teacher, his character, emotional manifestations; Professional readiness of the teacher on the issues of health-saving educational technologies.

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    As a result, it was concluded that health-saving technologies in education are a set of measures and systems of activities that provide a health-saving educational environment, conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of students and teachers, the formation and development of the value of health and healthy lifestyle skills. Health-saving pedagogy is an educational system that proclaims the priority of health culture and technologically ensures its implementation in the organization of education.

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    The purpose of the modern school
    It's about preparing children for life. Every student must acquire during his studies the knowledge that will be in demand for him in later life. Achieving this goal in today's school can be achieved with the help of health-saving pedagogy technologies, which are considered as a set of techniques and methods for organizing the educational process without harming the health of schoolchildren and teachers. The teacher, possessing pedagogical knowledge, in close cooperation with students, with their parents, with medical workers, with colleagues - plans its work taking into account the priorities of maintaining and strengthening the health of participants in the pedagogical process.

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    Health saving technologies
    these are many of the psychological and pedagogical techniques and methods of work familiar to most teachers, technologies, approaches to the implementation of possible problems or the constant desire of the teacher himself for self-improvement. Health-saving technologies must meet the following requirements: meet the individual and age characteristics of students, including "crisis" age periods, socio-psychological stages and learning characteristics, school entry, adaptation to learning conditions in the first grade and upon transition to high school, training in correction classes, professional self-determination students in high school; Rely on modern scientific knowledge in the field of health, ecology, hygiene when choosing various forms of practical activity;

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    take into account the regional climatic and environmental conditions of residence and the associated features of self-preservation behavior; take into account the conditions of learning and their impact on the health and development of students; proceed from the real life experience of students; pose a variety of life problems, with their gradual complication and the definition of moral, ethical, psychological, physiological and hygienic criteria for choosing self-preserving behavior; develop evaluative and self-evaluative judgments of pupils regarding the culture of health and self-preserving behavior; make maximum use of children's potential and children's readiness for their own actions to protect health, in every possible way encourage and support children's initiative in helping health.

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    Health-saving educational technologies (ZOT). They are divided into three subgroups:
    organizational and pedagogical technologies (OPT), which determine the structure of the educational process, partially regulated in SanPiNs, and contribute to the prevention of overwork, hypodynamia and other disappointment conditions; psychological and pedagogical technologies (PPT) associated with the direct work of the teacher in the classroom, the impact that he has for all 45 minutes on his students. This also includes psychological and pedagogical support of all elements of the educational process; educational technologies (ET), which include programs to teach students how to competently take care of their health and build a culture of health in them, motivate them to lead a healthy lifestyle, prevent bad habits which also provide for organizational and educational work with schoolchildren after school, education of their parents;

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    Today it is necessary not only to provide a health-safe education, but to form in children the competence of self-realization, i.e. teach them to manage their health and fully use their personal resources. Health saving is a key moment of new thinking, which requires revision, reassessment of all components of the educational process, putting the child's health in the center of attention. It becomes obvious that modern education cannot prepare a child to perform any social or professional functions without taking into account his physical, mental and intellectual health and purposeful work in this direction.

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    Health saving educational process suggests:
    new educational goals that prioritize life and one's own health; new content of education, in which the value aspect plays a leading role, and not impersonal information about the facts that affect health; a different, in comparison with the traditional, nature of communication, an atmosphere of mutual trust, dialogue; the choice of interactive forms and methods of teaching, involving the independent activity of students, focus on self-awareness and self-education; changing the content and methods of management at all levels: the introduction of reflective thinking in order to develop the abilities of teachers and students for self-regulation, self-control, self-organization of their own activities, which creates mental comfort for participants in the educational process.

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    The younger school age is a period of particularly intensive learning, which is of great importance for the further development of the personality, since all subsequent phases of development are based on this stage, and it is the ideas of health improvement in the younger school age that should occupy a leading place in the educational process of elementary school. Based on the foregoing, teachers should be able to organize their pedagogical activities from the standpoint of health conservation, adjust the content of curricula, demonstrate health-saving methods, forms of education, etc., so that children can properly distribute the intellectual and physical resources of the body during the school day, and at the end activities were upbeat and fun.

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    All pedagogical technologies used in the classroom, as a rule, must be considered in three health-saving aspects: technologies that provide hygienically optimal conditions for the educational process; technologies for the optimal organization of the educational process of physical activity of schoolchildren; a variety of psychological and pedagogical technologies used in extracurricular activities of the teacher. Health-saving technologies that the teacher uses directly when organizing the educational activities of students are divided into organizational and pedagogical, psychological and pedagogical (associated with the influence of the teacher on students), educational and educational (including programs for teaching competent care of their health and the formation of a culture of students' health) , socially adaptive, personality-developing (include technologies that ensure the formation and strengthening of the health of students, increase the resources of psychological and social adaptation of the individual) and medical and health technologies.

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    Ways to transform the most essential elements of a health-saving lesson
    The situation and hygienic conditions in the classroom: The teacher is working on creating optimal sanitary and hygienic conditions in the classroom: compliance with the standards for class lighting and blackboards, monitors the sanitary and hygienic condition of classrooms, students and teachers workplaces (correct arrangement of desks in the classroom), availability or the absence of monotonous, unpleasant stimuli. The fatigue of schoolchildren and the risk of allergic disorders depend to a large extent on the observance of these simple conditions.

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    Regulation of the duration of the main types of educational activities of students
    The duration of the main types of educational activities of students is regulated in connection with the development of fatigue, adverse effects on the senses. As a rule, these data are carried out when studying specific teaching methods: interviewing students, writing, reading, listening, storytelling, examining visual aids, answering questions, solving examples, etc. So, for children of primary school age, there are norms for continuous writing, reading, the volume of dictations at Russian language lessons is regulated, etc. the teacher needs to understand the significance of such regulation, based on learned physiological and hygienic studies, and observe them constantly. During the course, the number of lessons with the use of TCO should not exceed 3-4 times for younger students.

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    Change of activities in the lesson
    The change in activities is determined by the degree of concentration of students' attention. The monotony of the lesson contributes to the fatigue of schoolchildren, quickly cause boredom. At the same time, it must be remembered that the frequent change from one activity to another requires additional adaptive efforts from students. At the initial stage, the norm is 4-7 types of activities per lesson with an average duration and frequency of alternation of various types of educational activities from 3-8 minutes.

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    Number, alternation of types of teaching
    Types of teaching: verbal, visual, independent work, audiovisual, practical work. According to the norm, the number of types of teaching should be at least three, no later than in 10-15 minutes. Thus, choosing adequate junior school age lesson methods, teacher primary school takes into account the basic needs of students, focusing on exactly what age characteristics underlie a particular method. These are methods that transcend learners from “consumers of knowledge” into actors of action for their acquisition and creation. These are methods of free choice (free conversation, choice of action, choice of mode of action, choice of mode of interaction, freedom of creativity, etc.); active methods(learning by action, role play, discussion); methods aimed at self-knowledge and development (intelligence, emotions, communication, considerations, self-esteem and mutual evaluation).

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    Posture of students, alternation of posture
    Supervision of the teacher for the landing of students, changing positions in accordance with the type of work. Change positions every 10-15 minutes. So, for example, when working in the visual-spatial activity mode, it is necessary that children work in the far vision mode (“speech route” reading from the board step by step, approaching the text) Working in the far vision mode (plot, subject pictures, digital material from 1-3 cm are located on the walls).

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    Availability, place, content and duration of recreational moments in the lesson
    Physiologically justified is the duration of the lesson in 45 minutes. The only exception is 1 class, in which the lesson should last 35 minutes, according to the low stability of children's attention. For students in grade 2, it is recommended to use the last 10 minutes to relieve fatigue (reading literature, Board games, learning a set of physical exercises, etc.) It is recommended to conduct physical exercises at the 20th and 35th minutes of the lesson for 1 minute, which consist of three light exercises with 3-4 repetitions of each. Movements by their nature should be opposite to the position of the torso, legs, head, the movement of the hands of children during the lesson.

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    It is necessary to select such exercises, during which physical activity increases by 3 times. From the standpoint of health saving, the benefits of simply performing a few physical exercises are minimal if the following conditions are not taken into account: the composition of the physical exercises should depend on the characteristics of the lesson (what subject it is, what type of activity the students were involved in before, their condition); mandatory is the emotional component of physical education.

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    The presence of motivation for the activities of students in the lesson
    At the lesson, the teacher uses external motivation: assessment, praise, support, competitive moment, etc. Stimulates intrinsic motivation: the desire to learn more, the joy of adequacy, interest in the material studied, etc. The teacher states the educational process on the basis of motivating self-organization of students' activities, providing them with initiative.

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    Emotional discharges in the lesson: a joke, a smile, a humorous or instructive saying, a picture, a well-known saying (aphorism) with a commentary, a short poem, a musical minute, etc. are used. The moment of onset of fatigue of students and the decrease in their learning activity is determined during the observation by the increase in motor or passive distractions in children in the process of educational work. The norm is at least 25-30 minutes in grade 1, 35-40 minutes in elementary school. The pace and rhythm of the lesson. The end of the lesson should be calm, students are given the opportunity to ask the teacher questions, the teacher comments on the homework assignment. The teacher and students say goodbye. The detention of schoolchildren in the classroom after the bell (at recess) is excluded.

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