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Skype interview with employer reviews. How to pass an interview on Skype? A video interview for a job will necessarily include

Now is the time when more and more people are interviewing via Skype. It is much cheaper to chat on the Internet than to travel to another city or country for a 30-minute interview. Plus, you can snuggle up in your favorite plush slippers to feel more comfortable and confident.

Although we are accustomed to face every day modern technologies, a Skype interview is not as easy as it seems at first glance. To feel more confident in front of the monitor screen, follow our tips and before you know it, your dream job will be in your pocket.

1. Prepare in advance

Select an appropriate account name and avatar. Try to avoid internet hits like badguy99, hotchick35, sunshine, etc. The more concise the better. Make sure you have an internet connection, that your camera and microphone are working, and that your phone, tablet, or laptop has enough charge for the interview. It's better to use headphones to avoid hearing echoes during a call. Be prepared for any unforeseen situations and think about what to do if your laptop or other gadget suddenly fails.

2. Try yourself in action

If Skype interviews are new to you, ask a friend to help. Organize a dress rehearsal: set up the lighting, dress appropriately, choose a convenient location, prepare files that you may need during the interview, both printed and electronic.

3. AtmosphereAlsoimportant

The interview should take place in silence, without extraneous sounds. Close the window first, turn off the phone, close your room for a while to be completely isolated. Clear the room in the background and wipe the camera screen so your opponent doesn't think you've recently had an LG earthquake. Check the lighting again so that your possible future colleague can easily see you.

4. Clothes are the key to success

Many people think that since this is a Skype interview, there is no need to dress decently. This is not true. Treat it like you're going for a personal interview. And don't forget to wear pants or a skirt! You never know when you'll have to stand up. And if there is nothing on you at this time, an unpleasant situation may arise. The best style is formal. You should look pleasant and win over your interlocutor.

5. Look the camera in the eye.

Try to look directly into the camera or into the eyes of your opponent. If you look at the profile picture, it will look a little distant. If you want to take notes, use a regular notepad. This way, the sound of the keyboard will not distract your colleague.

6. The ending is also important

After the interview is over, many people relax and forget important details. Talking on the phone and talking through a camera are two different things. Try not to make your farewell abrupt so as not to leave an unpleasant aftertaste. First turn off the camera, and then hang up.

How-how... Just like a regular interview. After all, the essence is the same, only the form is different.

Not true! Anyone who has ever been interviewed via Skype will confirm this to you. Job seekers who are poorly prepared for a “meeting” with an employer will tell you a lot of interesting things:

  • how at the most crucial moment a cat jumps on the table and drops the laptop on the floor;
  • how, five minutes after the start of the conversation, the applicant notices that the employer sees his unmade bed;
  • how, due to a poor connection, it is difficult to understand an interlocutor speaking English (who is difficult to understand even with a good connection due to a monstrous accent).

But this is not a threat to you. Because in 5 minutes you will know all the nuances of the topic “How to pass an interview with an employer on Skype” and you definitely won’t end up in a puddle.



“I’ll put on a shirt, and let my feet remain in shorts and slippers, because it’s hot, and I’m too lazy to iron my trousers/skirt.” Seductive, right?

Now imagine that during an interview the employer asked you to show some diploma. And the diploma is in the locker. Which is at the other end of the room. You won’t refuse an employer, right? And you will have to parade in shorts to the locker and back. The shape of your legs is the last thing an employer is interested in, so it’s better to dress “in shape.”

This is also useful from a psychological point of view. When you wear business clothes, you feel collected and serious.

And one more nuance for the ladies. Choose your blouse with extreme caution. Let’s say there’s a nice blouse and the neckline seems to be small... Stop! Please note that the interlocutor will only see the upper part of you, that is, the ratio of the length of the neckline to the length of the body will be slightly different than if you saw you at full height. Will the neckline look too deep in this blouse? No? Then put it on.

Make up

For those with oily skin, it is better to apply a light (light!) layer of mattifying powder to your face so that your employer does not see your face as shiny as a billiard ball. For those with dry skin, it’s best to apply a little moisturizer to keep your skin looking healthy and fresh.

If you haven't gotten enough sleep and your face is adorned with blue circles under your eyes, use a primer and hide the signs of fatigue. It is not a fact that the employer will attribute the blue under the eyes to an indefatigable ability to work: he may decide that you are a fan of incendiary parties until the morning, or you have insomnia, or you were on vacation five years ago and were very tired. All of the above are arguments not in your favor (and who will understand that they are imaginary).


Groom yourself as carefully as you would for a face-to-face interview. That is, five-day stubble, unwashed and tousled hair, unkempt nails - a decisive “no”.


This is important because poor lighting can play a trick on you.

If the room is dark, you will look like the hero of a mystical thriller. And if there is too much light, you will feel like you are talking from the operating room. If the light falls only from one side, the interlocutor may think that you have a flux, or that you are a one-eyed pirate.

Ideally, the lighting should be like this. Three sources of soft light (lamps, sconces); one on the right and left, and one behind you.

“Live” image

How to behave during an interview via Skype?

The employer sees a picture, and this picture is alive; you need to make sure that it reflects you most adequately.

This effect is difficult to achieve if you are constantly staring at the monitor. Remember? When communicating, eye contact is important; It is also important when interviewing on Skype.

From time to time you need to look at the camera - then the employer will think that you are looking at him. Here is advice for people who find it difficult to look into a small “eye” and portray real emotions (this happens; in fact, in fact, the interlocutor is physically absent).

If you know who you'll be communicating with, and you have a photo of this person (let's say you found him on LinkedIn), print out a small image of the person you're talking to, make a hole in it for the camera, and hang it on your monitor. This should help create an immersive effect.


It is clear that the place where you will be during the interview should be quiet and calm. Ideally, this is a work office. If you find it difficult to create a business environment at home, go to a coworking space. After all, for an important conversation, you can rent office space for an hour (or ask someone you know to host you and your laptop in the office).


It would be great and very correct if you ask someone you know to chat with you on Skype as a simulation of an interview. Record this conversation and review it. What do you look like? What does your voice sound like? What do gestures look like?

It is unlikely that you will like everything in the resulting picture. So much the better – there is room for growth! Think about what needs to be done with your voice, gestures, and surroundings to make you look as presentable as possible.

Secret trick

When meeting in person, you have the opportunity to shake the employer’s hand. There is no such option when interviewing via Skype. Or is there?..

Eat! The role of a handshake can be a nod when greeting. After the employer greets you, nod and smile. That’s it, the “handshake” has taken place, you can start the conversation.

Everything you need should be at hand

Again, so you don’t have to run to your locker to get your diploma.

There aren't many things you need to keep on hand:

  • diplomas, certificates, diplomas, medals, Oscars and other insignia,
  • printed resume,
  • a list of questions that you plan to ask the employer,
  • notes you made when preparing for an interview and researching information about the employing company (for example, a best-selling quote from a top manager that you deftly insert during a conversation).

Force majeure

No one is immune from “pleasant” surprises during a Skype interview. Let’s say a minute after the start of the meeting you realize that you can’t hear your interlocutor well. Or the quality of communication deteriorates in the middle of an interview. Or some other trouble happens (for example, you hear that a cat has fallen into an aquarium, or you feel that your youngest is up to no good).

In all cases not provided for by the protocol, it is better not to remain silent, gritting your teeth and pretending that everything is fine (leave this to the superheroes of American films).

Explain that you need to take a break and that you are ready to continue communicating in 1-2-5 minutes. This is smarter than being nervous and confusedly answering questions, glancing towards the drowning cat.

We hope our tips on how to successfully pass an interview on Skype will be useful to you. We wish you as many successful interviews as possible, regardless of the form of communication, and the most tempting job offers.

How to pass a Skype interview with an employer was last modified: September 3rd, 2017 by Elena Nabatchikova

Nowadays, when technology is developing more and more rapidly, the popularity of Skype interviews is growing noticeably. If you have technical difficulties during a Skype interview and look unconvincing, then you will not have a chance to meet with an HR employee face to face.

However, despite the obvious importance of this format of interviews (most candidates are eliminated at this stage), many, oddly enough, do not prepare for them at all: it seems to them that it is enough to turn on the laptop and adjust the sound. In fact, in order to make a good impression and secure a personal interview, you need to take your preparation as seriously as possible and plan everything carefully. You need to keep in mind that a video interview is the closest option to a personal interview, the only difference is that the interlocutors are not in the same room.

The only way to avoid embarrassing mistakes during a video interview is to prepare properly. In this article you will learn:

  • What is a Skype interview?
  • How to fill out your profile correctly?
  • How to prepare and how to behave during a Skype interview?
  • How should it start and how should it end?
  • What techniques will help you successfully pass this interview format?

Skype is a free and accessible resource for all users and is attracting more and more supporters of this form of interviewing. Successful Skype interviews require special skills and tactics that are different from those you learned in a telephone interview.

A complete guide to preparing for a Skype interview

Correctly registering your Skype account

Username. If you have never used Skype before, then you need to download the application from the Internet, install Skype on your desktop and register. To register, use your first and last name as your login. Don't come up with ridiculous nicknames like svetlanka.22, tanechka, etc. Remember that you can register multiple Skype accounts depending on your goals: business conversation or communication with friends and family. The best option for a nickname would be your initials, for example, raisasorokina

Photo. In your Skype profile, or another social network There must be a high-quality photo that emphasizes your business qualities. Stop your choice for account on Skype using a photo from your resume.

With a professional photo and a serious username, you demonstrate your skills to the HR manager business communications and make a favorable first impression even before meeting you via video call.

Keep up with the times: install latest versions all programs, use the Internet channel with maximum throughput. Be sure to check everything before the interview. software. Your job is to position your seat in front of the screen correctly to avoid blurry images, lagging audio, or improper framing that cuts off your ear or chin. Don't let outdated technology ruin your chance of getting a job. To do this, it is necessary to provide a suitable setting and background, good lighting and high-quality sound.

  • Lighting. Place two lights behind the camera: one on the right, at an angle of 30º, and the other on the left, at an angle of 20º. Place another light source behind you. The light should not fall from above - this creates unwanted shadows.
  • Selecting a background. First of all you need to choose the background, on which you will “go live”. The most the best option for this purpose there will be a wall with plain, dim wallpaper that does not catch the eye and does not distract the recruiter’s attention from you. You can also buy a roll of background paper in a neutral shade. The most acceptable colors are light brown, light gray or ivory. A snow-white background is undesirable because it tires the eyes. The influence of color should never be underestimated. Both the background color and the color of your clothing should create a feeling of calm and harmony. Securely secure the background paper so that it does not fall during the interview (this usually happens at the most important moment).
  • Interior. The office is the best place to conduct interviews. Sit at your desk and create a business environment.
  • Camera should be at your eye level. Your head and shoulders should be included in the frame - this is the best angle. Remove all foreign objects from the camera's field of view - they can serve as a psychological barrier between you and your interlocutor. You can leave only a pen, a diary and a resume on the table.
  • Clean lens. Dust or a smudge on your webcam lens will ruin all your careful preparations. Wipe down your camera immediately before your interview.
  • Blank screen. Close all extraneous programs, windows and tabs on your computer so that email notifications do not pop up on your monitor during the interview.
  • Tags. When implementing any theatrical production Markers are placed on the stage floor to indicate where the actors should stand. You also need to mark in advance, for example, the place where your chair should be during the interview. This way you can achieve optimal lighting and angle.
  • Power supply. If you have a laptop, it is advisable that it be connected to the network. Battery power is an unreliable option; but if there is no other option, make sure the battery is fully charged before starting the interview. Make sure all cables are securely connected and the system is functioning. Don't let your interview get ruined by an unexpected equipment failure. Spare equipment should always be on hand.
  • Overlaps and glitches. Be prepared for interference. During a Skype interview, there may be connection issues that may prevent you from hearing or understanding the question. In this case, ask the speaker to repeat his question.
  • Force Majeure. If in last moment something happened: you suddenly fell ill, or the Internet connection was interrupted - cancel the interview, explaining the reasons and offer to set a new date.
  1. Appearance

You should pay enough attention to your appearance. Since the screen size in Skype is limited, the video close-up your head and shoulders will be visible, that is, the upper part and, therefore, it is on this that you need to focus. All you need to do to look respectable on Skype is to focus on your hair, makeup, blouse and jacket. You will find tips on the dress code in the article:

2. “Quiet, filming is in progress!”

This is the kind of note that should hang on the door of the room from which you are conducting the conversation. Ask everyone not to disturb you and to be as quiet as possible.

3. Teleprompter

Go to an office supply store and buy some presentation sheets. Write your main points on these sheets and post them behind the camera; they will serve as a teleprompter for you.

4. Don't miss your turn

Be prepared for the interview a few minutes before it starts: take a place in front of the camera and wait for the interlocutor to connect. Look straight ahead, do not make sudden movements, demonstrate calm and confidence.

5. Smile! You're on air!

The very first thing you should do before you start speaking is smile. A smile removes the main barriers and threats that may come from a stranger. The human brain registers a smile instantly, and you will be able to connect with the interviewer from the first second of your meeting.
Your smile should be sincere and natural. If you don't smile during an interview, the interviewer will assume that you are unhappy, anxious, and uninterested in getting the job. The smile on your face indicates that you are an affable and friendly person who will be a pleasure to work with on the same team.

6. Time zone

Greet your interlocutor based on what time zone he is in, not you. For example, if it’s eight o’clock in the evening for him, and it’s seven in the morning for you, then tell him: “Good evening!”, not “Good morning!”

The impression of you largely depends on how your voice sounds. In order to convince your interlocutor of anything, you need a deep, pleasant voice, and it should not let you down. To soothe your throat, eat a teaspoon of honey about an hour before your interview.

8. Control your body language

  • Don't forget that you are live. Throughout the interview, the employer's representative sees you on his computer screen. Therefore, avoid unnecessary movements - do not straighten your clothes, do not smooth your hair - these little things can damage your professional image.
  • When you start answering questions, help yourself with your hands. It's best to keep your hands open and use them to explain key details as you talk.
  • Nod when you are listening to the other person. Every person wants to feel that they are being listened to carefully and that what they have to say is valued. The interviewer is no exception. Nodding your head is a great way to show the other person that you are an active listener.
  • To feel natural and comfortable and at ease during an interview, rehearse - sit in a chair in front of a webcam and say something.
  • I recommend that you record yourself on video several times in order to see yourself from the outside and understand what you are doing wrong. Some gestures that are not noticeable in person may look inappropriate on video and distract the attention of the interlocutor. Such gestures include: frequent hand movements, “playing” with hair, touching the face, etc. By observing your behavior on video, you will be able to further control your behavior during a Skype interview.

9. Eye contact

Everyone knows how important it is to make eye contact with the interviewer during an interview. It is much more difficult to do this on a Skype interview. When you're talking to someone via video, your eyes naturally want to focus on the other person's face. Depending on where the person's face is on the computer monitor and where the webcam is located, your gaze may be directed either to the side or down. You can avoid this by resizing and moving the person's "window" up, as close to your webcam as possible. These actions will bring you closer to real eye contact.

N!B! When you start answering questions, you need to look not at the person on the screen, but at the camera located at the top of your laptop. However, many do the opposite, and this is a grave mistake that job seekers make. In order to avoid such an oversight, all that remains is to accustom yourself to look at the camera lens and not at the laptop screen, and this will require practice.
I recommend practicing this with friends or family members.

10. Distribute your attention correctly

If you are participating in a video interview with a whole group of representatives of the employing company, each of them should be the center of your attention for some time. Find out which interviewers are most likely to help you and spend more time with them than with others. Make a table in advance (if possible) in which you list all the participants in the online meeting and indicate what each of them does and what influence they have in the company.

11. Keep track of the time

Don't forget about time, but under no circumstances look at wrist watch. Put a clock behind your webcam and watch how wisely you spend your time.

12. No installation

The video interview takes place online, and, alas, it will not be possible to cut out bad parts. If you are asked an unusual question, do not rush to answer; an experienced interviewer understands that you need time to think about the question in order to give a good answer. Keep in mind that recruiters may use certain techniques to nudge you to answer. Listen carefully to the interviewer, and if you do not understand the question, ask for clarification or clarification; If you say something wrong, don't panic or worry - just keep talking. If you handle a difficult situation calmly and wittily, your slip of the tongue may even benefit you.

13. Final chord

As with any type of interview, end the interview by thanking the interviewee for their time. Clarify again why you want to work for this company and what exactly you are willing to do for it.

Try to interest the manager so much that he can't wait to meet you in person. Let him be excited about the prospect of how the company will benefit if you are hired.

14. Rehearsal

A Hollywood thriller or a Broadway musical is the fruit of the efforts of a whole team of professionals. You should also have your own “expert” who guarantees you that everything is going well and you are performing brilliantly. He can, for example, listen to the speech you have prepared, check the lighting, your appearance, picture and sound quality. Ask someone you trust to help you rehearse the interview and then give you an objective assessment of your performance. You need a sensitive but honest critic who will tell you straight out what you are doing wrong.

Consider all the recommendations for preparing for a Skype interview and do everything possible to ensure that your online meeting with the employer goes 100%. Remember the words of Coco Chanel: “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression”

If at home you have risks that something may not go according to plan, then you can use renting the most suitable premises for an interview via Skype. For example, use a loft, coworking spaces, meeting rooms, a quiet cafe with good internet. Of course, the main emphasis when checking a candidate is on knowledge and experience, but if the level of companies is high, then a business environment and thorough preparation will be an additional advantage.

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Coach for job search and career building. The only trainer-interviewer in Russia who prepares for all types of interviews. Resume writing expert. Author of the books: “I'm Afraid of Interviews!”, “Destroying #Resume,” “Destroying #CoverLetter.”

But is everything so simple when applying for a job via Skype? Is this method suitable for everyone and which companies can offer you such an alternative to a face-to-face meeting?

What is it and who can it be offered to?

A Skype interview is an Internet version of the usual conversation with a manager or HR, when both parties, being remote, conduct a job interview via video link.

Why choose this particular method of communication? There are two possible answers here:

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any type of communication, Skype interviews have their own strengths for both parties, and those shortcomings that I would like to eliminate in order for this option of communication between employer and employee to be ideal.

Let's start with the advantages of this type of interview:

However, if everything were so smooth, everyone would be happy to use these types of communication, and in Russia only 15% of companies are positive about Skype interviews. It’s interesting that in the US, ¾ of all interviews are already done this way.

What are the problems with this method of communication?

This type of interview will seem new to someone and may take them by surprise. To prevent this from happening, below we will give recommendations to both the employer and the candidate.

To the employer

It would be naive to assume that all you need to do to have a successful interview is run the program and talk to the applicant. Like any type of interview, communicating on Skype requires preparation and knowledge of how to make such a conversation successful.

  • Outwardly, such an interview is no different from the usual face-to-face interview: the same questions are asked, the communication itself takes place in an official business format.
  • The employer should note how the applicant behaves and looks. This interview can relax a person, so it is important to note how he behaves in conditions where he has a certain freedom.

    Also pay attention to the applicant's surroundings: the background of the interview can tell a lot about a person's personality.

  • Just like the applicant, HR needs to create a calm environment for the interview so that no one and nothing distracts his attention from communicating with the candidate.
  • Ask the applicant in advance to provide all the necessary information about him, have all his data with you so that you do not have to leave the computer.

For the applicant

Now, let's talk about how to interview a job seeker on Skype? For those who are trying out for a job via Skype, there are several tips that will help you communicate successfully and easily.

Specific questions

No, nothing special, no matter what they ask you in person, they won’t ask you on Skype either.


HR specialists are confident that we, following the United States, will come to the point where interviews will most often take place on Skype, since most people are familiar with these technologies, and they minimize both the time and cost of interviews.

The only problem may be the technical quality of the connection, and if it is good, then the the interview will take place exactly the same way as a face-to-face meeting would have gone.

Good day to you, dear friend!

“No one can hear me on Skype, why?” - “97 percent of problems are half a meter from the computer” - “Yes? Perhaps the speakers are faulty?” I believe you have already realized that today’s topic is Skype interview tips and tricks.

Main advice: tune in the same way as on. A Skype interview is essentially no different from a face-to-face meeting.

For some reason, many people think that interviewing via Skype is easier. Where did they get this from? Because you can sit in your underpants? I don’t recommend it, otherwise if you forget about it, and you will definitely forget about it, you may find yourself in a rather piquant situation. For example, when you get up to take some document.

Dress as you would for a real meeting. This will cheer you up and put you in a working mood.

Speaking of documents

Candidates often ask: Should I put it in front of me? I don’t know what’s causing the frequency of this question... then I realized: experts give different recommendations.

Some people think that a resume is distracting and does not allow the candidate to open up.

  • First of all, this is the rule good manners, I assure you as an experienced recruiter.
  • Secondly, during the conversation questions may arise that need to be clarified, including wording. And in order not to blink your eyes and wrinkle your forehead trying to remember the right point, it is much easier to just look in front of you.

Let's not forget that an interview is stressful, for some more, for others less. And stupor can easily overwhelm you when you feel as if what you need right now has completely flown out of your head.

In addition to the above, you can put any other cheat sheet in front of you, for example, a printed story about yourself. If so, take a look. Just don't abuse it.

However, even without my abstruse speeches, it is clear that there are differences between an interview on Skype and a personal one.

Technical points

Prepare your computer in advance by paying attention to the following technical points:

1. Account

Change your account in advance if it has a name that is inappropriate for the image of a reputable applicant. We talked about similar things with email in this . There shouldn't be any fish, bunnies or 1234.

2. Image

Sit in front of the camera and look at yourself. Evaluate the image quality. Your face, even if it looks like Mona Lisa is resting, should not fill the entire screen. Leave room for other body parts. I think you can guess which ones :)

3. Sound

Sound Special attention. These are not small things. Check the microphone and everything else for sound. Test how you sound. Adjust the volume.

After starting a conversation, make sure you can hear the other person clearly. It is very important. Some candidates do not attach importance to this or are embarrassed to say so. As a result, something out of place can blur the entire impression. You should also make sure that the interlocutor can hear you well.

4. Communication reliability

Try to ensure an uninterrupted Internet connection. If you have a modem for mobile internet, — insert to quickly turn on in case of problems with the main one.

No one should distract

According to the law of meanness, at the most inopportune moment, someone in the household may need you. This is especially true for children and animals.

If your Barbos is in the room during communication, you can be sure that he will try to join the conversation in all ways available to him :). So put everyone out the door and close it tightly.

Background and lighting

Of course, the sight of your grandmother’s carpet behind your back, even if it’s handmade, is not the best frame for the face of an ideal applicant. What should be there? Decide for yourself, remembering that this is part of your image.

The lighting should be optimal - not too bright, but enough so that your face is clearly visible. The face is practically all that the interlocutor sees. Where else should he look? Treat this “tool” of your promotion with due attention.

Order on the table

As the unforgettable professor Preobrazhensky said, devastation in the country is caused by devastation in the minds. Following the logic of the authoritative luminary, we can assume the opposite pattern: a mess on the table speaks of... disorder in thoughts. This is not always the case, of course, but the recruiter may not know about it :)

Your humble servant deliberately spoke in this article about things that are quite obvious. So much so that you can blame me for it.

But the fact remains that many candidates forget about these simple commandments. Spicy clothing attributes and dusty grandma’s carpets are not at all the fruit of my wild imagination.

One of my employees even had the good fortune to observe a battery of empty dishes from under the “capital” in the background. Perhaps the familiar surroundings are relaxing. The devil is in the details, be careful and fate will reward you for your patience and composure.

On this “optimistic” note, let me take my leave for today.

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Have a nice day and good mood!
