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Job description of the foreman of the complex brigade. Job description, Master - foreman (foreman). The brigadier has the right

The Job Description section contains the necessary information on how a job description is written. Here you can find typical job descriptions for various specialties. Our bank of job descriptions includes more than 2500 different documents. These job descriptions were compiled and edited in 2015, which means they are relevant today.

From this article you will learn:

  • what duties, powers and rights reflect the job description of the foreman of the cleaning team;
  • what provisions are included in the standard job description for the foreman of the cleaning team;
  • for which areas of work under this job description is responsible this specialist in your organization.

Society with limited liability"Alpha"

General manager
_________ A.V. Lviv

Job description № 6
cleaning team leader

Moscow 01.10.2015


1.1. The foreman of the harvesting team belongs to the category of workers.

1.2. The foreman of the cleaning team is hired and dismissed by order CEO by the object manager.

1.3. A person with an average professional education and work experience in the field of communal (cleaning) services for at least one year.

1.4. The cleaning team leader reports directly to the facility manager.

1.5. During the absence of the foreman of the cleaning team, his duties are performed by another employee appointed by order of the general director of the organization.

1.6. In his activities, the foreman of the cleaning team is guided by labor legislation, the norms of GOST 51870-2002 “Household services. Services for cleaning buildings and structures. Are common specifications”, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation, regulatory documents on the work performed, the charter of the organization, orders and instructions of the general director, instructions from the facility manager, internal labor regulations, this job description.

1.7. The foreman of the cleaning team must know:

– technological process of complex cleaning;

– requirements of GOST 51870-2002 “Household services. Services for cleaning buildings and structures. General technical issues”;

– requirements for the sanitary maintenance of the territory of the facility;

- the basics of labor organization;

- purpose, device, rules for the operation of cleaning equipment and devices;

– purpose, properties, concentration of disinfectants and detergents, rules for their safe use and further storage;

– ethics business communication;

– local regulations of the organization;

– rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire safety.

1.8 The foreman of the cleaning team must be able to:

- organize the work of the team;

– perform all types of complex cleaning;

- Conduct induction training for new employees production process;

- control the quality of work;

- prepare daily reports on the work done;

– prepare the object for delivery to the immediate supervisor, and, if necessary, to the representative of the customer.


The responsibilities of the foreman of the cleaning team include:

2.1. Organization of the work of the team for complex cleaning at the serviced facility.

2.2. Identification and placement of each member of the team in the places of work.

2.3. Conducting training for employees on safety and regulations technical operation equipment for industrial sanitation.

2.4. Organization of obtaining consumables, chemicals, equipment, inventory and other means of labor necessary for work.

2.5. Keeping track of consumables and supplies.

2.6. Checking the members of the brigade for the presence of uniforms and neat appearance, compliance labor discipline.

2.7. Quality control of work performed and compliance with the complex cleaning technology.

2.8. Ensuring the safety and maintenance in good condition of the property located at the facility.

2.9. Production periodic inspection object.

2.10. Control over the implementation of sanitary requirements and fire safety rules.

2.11. Substitution, if necessary, of the members of the brigade.

2.12. Ensuring the fulfillment of the main planned tasks of the brigade.

2.13. Preparation of daily progress reports.

2.14. Passing in the prescribed manner periodic medical examinations.

2.15. Informing the management of the organization about the existing shortcomings in the maintenance of the facility, about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurred at the serviced facility.

2.16. Ensuring polite communication with staff and visitors of the serviced facility.


The foreman of the cleaning team has the right to:

3.1. Require the members of the brigade to observe labor discipline, and in case of its violation, provide explanations.

3.2. Claim from technical service timely purchase of consumables, equipment, fixtures and other means of labor.

3.3. Receive from managers and employees of all structural divisions of the organization the information necessary for the performance of official duties.

3.4. Submit proposals to improve their work for consideration by their direct management.

3.5. Report to the management about all the shortcomings identified in the process of work and make proposals for their elimination.

3.6. Undergo retraining and advanced training in the manner prescribed by labor legislation and local regulations organizations.

3.7. Handle minor administrative issues independently.

3.8. Interact with all functional departments of the organization and officials on issues professional activity within its competence.

3.9. Require the management of the organization to provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties, as well as assistance in ensuring the rights provided for in this job description.


The cleaning team leader is responsible for:

4.1. For poor-quality and untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by the job description within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For causing material damage within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For offenses committed in the course of their activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


5.1. The job description is reviewed, amended and supplemented as necessary, but at least once every five years.

5.2. With the order to make changes (additions) to the job description, all employees of the organization who are subject to this instruction are familiarized against receipt.

The job description was developed in accordance with the order of the General Director dated November 01, 2015 No. 55.

The main tasks of the head of any level of management are the fulfillment of planned targets at the lowest cost of resources. The head is fully responsible for the work of the team he leads. The specific responsibilities of the manager depend on the level of the link he manages.

The primary production construction team is a team that unites workers of various qualifications and professions.

This team is headed by a foreman, who is appointed by order of construction organization from among the advanced, skilled workers with organizational skills. The approval of the foreman requires the consent of the brigade. He can be relieved of his post at the request of the team. The foreman works in his specialty, performing the duties of the head of the brigade and submits to the foreman.

The foreman must have an understanding of the technology construction industry, the basics of the organization of labor and the production of work, the rules for the operation of construction machines and equipment, the procedure for the delivery and acceptance of work performed, the rules for labor protection. The foreman must be able to read working drawings, use the norms and prices for work performed, and be able to measure the volume of work performed.

Receiving a task from the foreman, the foreman brings it to the workers. Together with the foreman, he organizes the work of the team, arranges the workers along the front of the work, monitors the quality of their implementation and compliance with safety regulations. The foreman daily, together with the foreman, prepares construction production, ensuring the uninterrupted work of the brigade during the shift, achieves the rational use of the resources allocated to the brigade. After the brigade completes the task, the foreman measures the work performed and hands it over to the foreman.

The foreman completes the brigade in terms of numerical, professional and qualification composition, gives the workers a task. Together with the master makes perspective plan brigade work. In case of violation of safety regulations, it suspends work and informs the master about it. Makes proposals for employee promotions qualification categories, on the reduction of the amount of the bonus, on the imposition of disciplinary sanctions.

Next structural unit construction organization is the site of the master. It is headed by a master, appointed from among persons with higher or secondary specialized education, by order of the head of the organization. The foreman reports to the foreman and is the leader in his area.

The main duty of the master is the organization of jobs. He carries out the preparation of production, controls and regulates the work of teams, promptly eliminates problems that arise.

The foreman distributes planned tasks for the site to the teams and individual workers in a timely manner, takes measures to provide workers with materials, equipment, overalls, etc. The foreman is responsible for observing the rules for the technical operation of machines, tools, scaffolding, as well as for ensuring labor protection measures. He instructs the workers on these issues, controls the progress of production and accepts the work performed.

The duties of the foreman include arranging workers in accordance with the technological process, taking part in the work of commissions to improve the qualifications of workers, making proposals for moral and material incentives and punishing workers.

For the successful implementation of construction processes, the division of labor between workers in accordance with their qualifications and the organization of their joint work are necessary. Therefore, construction processes are carried out by units or teams of workers. The team consists of a large number of workers. The numerical and qualification composition of the brigades is established depending on the complexity of the scope of work and the complexity of the processes.

Brigades most often work by the in-line method, the essence of which lies in the uniform and continuous operation of all production links, teams of workers and construction machines with uniform use of materials, semi-finished products and products.

An important influence on the efficiency of the team has a rational organization of the workplace. Workplace should be prepared in such a way that all the material elements necessary for the execution of the process and technical means were located taking into account the reduction of unproductive movements of workers and would not interfere with the performance of work.

The dimensions of the plots and grips should be such that workers can perform a shift or half-shift task without moving to other areas.

One of the most progressive methods of labor organization is a team contract.

In the case of a team contract, the administration of the construction and installation organization instructs, and the team performs the work within the time limits established by the contract.

At the same time, the construction and installation organization must organize the work of the team as follows: provide the construction of the facility with technical documentation, construction machines, tools and accessories, materials, structures and parts in a timely manner; introduce progressive technology and organization of production construction works, scientific organization of labor; create conditions that ensure the safety of materials, structures, parts and tools; carry out engineering and technical management of construction; carry out labor protection measures.

Also, the brigade should be informed about: the timing of the scope of work; estimated cost of work; the amount of wages along the line; the estimated amount of the bonus for the reduction of standard time. A bonus is paid for the savings achieved by the brigade.

Job description for the site foreman

1. General Provisions

1.1. The foreman at the main production sites belongs to the category of workers.

1.2. The foreman at the main production sites is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by the director of the enterprise upon presentation


and reports directly to __________________________________________.

1.3. The foreman at the main production sites should know:

Technological process of production and manufacture of products;

Refueling cards and technological instructions;

Device, types technological equipment and its purpose;

Technological, organizational equipment and devices, their purpose and procedure for use;

Requirements for raw materials, semi-finished products, materials;

Types, properties and purpose of processed raw materials, semi-finished products and materials;

Defects and flaws in products, their causes and measures to prevent and eliminate them;

Consumption rates of basic and auxiliary materials;

Operations performed by workers;

Time standards used in the calculation of technically justified production rates;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures and industrial sanitation;

Rules and methods for providing pre-medical medical care;

Internal labor regulations;

1.4. During the absence of the foreman at the main production sites (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner.

2. Job responsibilities

Foreman at the main production sites:

2.1. Organizes work on the timely provision of workers with the necessary semi-finished products, materials.

2.2. Puts the workers in their places.

2.3. Controls the quality of products, compliance with technological process, the contingency of operations, the correctness of keeping records of the production of workers.

2.4. Takes measures to eliminate downtime of equipment and workers.

2.5. If necessary, replace workers.

2.6. Eliminates the causes that cause a decrease in product quality.

2.7. Ensures the fulfillment of the main planned tasks of the brigade, conveyor, flow (site).

2.8. Supervises the timely and high-quality correction of product defects.

2.9. Instructs workers on safety precautions and the rules for the technical operation of equipment.

2.10. Conducts an inventory of work in progress at the beginning and end of the shift.

3. Rights

The foreman at the main production sites has the right to:

3.1. Receive from the employees of the enterprise the information necessary for the implementation of its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals on issues related to their activities for consideration by their direct management.

3.3. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties.

4. Responsibility

The foreman at the main production sites is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties under this job description - in accordance with applicable labor legislation

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - in accordance with the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation

4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law.



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4. Main duties and rights of the foreman*

* The foreman, who is entrusted with the leadership of the team, along with the rights and obligations provided for by the Model Regulations on the foreman, performs the duties of the foreman and enjoys his rights in accordance with this Model Regulation.

4.1. A foreman who is not exempted from performing work in his profession (position) along with the knowledge provided for in his profession (position) in the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers or in Qualification Handbook employees, must additionally know the production technology, organization, norms and procedure for remuneration used in the brigade; requirements for product quality, as well as for raw materials and materials used; rules for the operation of production equipment assigned to the brigade, instructions for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety when performing work assigned to the brigade.

4.2. The main responsibilities of the foreman as the leader of the brigade:

to ensure the fulfillment of the production plan (task) established by the brigade and the planned technical and economic indicators, the coordinated and rhythmic work of the brigade based on the uniform workload of all its employees, mutual assistance and interchangeability, compliance during the change of work and rest;

timely bring production tasks to the employees of the brigade, arrange them in accordance with the technological (production) process, work organization maps and qualifications ( official duties), control the performance of the assigned work, make their acceptance (in those industries where such a procedure is provided for by the current regulations);

ensure that the brigade complies with the technological process, the requirements provided for in the labor organization cards, instructions for the operation of equipment, labor protection and safety rules;

check the availability of jobs with raw materials, materials, tools, fixtures, technical documentation, take the necessary measures to prevent and eliminate downtime, accidents, equipment breakdowns, correct detected defects and shortcomings in work;

actively participate in the introduction of a scientific organization of labor, the combination of professions, multi-machine (multi-unit) service, the introduction of other progressive forms of organization and advanced methods of labor, the introduction and development of brigade cost accounting and contracting, to achieve on this basis the rational use of equipment and all types of production resources, increasing labor productivity and reducing costs;

Develop and support the initiative of the workers of the brigade to take personal production plans and socialist obligations, reduce the labor intensity of products, carry out measures to ensure the introduction of technically justified labor costs, make proposals for the revision of labor standards, taking into account the opinion of the collective (council) of the brigade, help the members of the brigade learn new norms, explain to them the terms of remuneration;

systematically improve their professional skills, ideological and political, cultural and technical level. By personal example, to instill in the workers of the brigade a communist attitude to work, a thrifty attitude to socialist property;

together with the trade union group organize socialist competition in the brigade, strengthen labor and production discipline, promote in every possible way the improvement of the skills and economic knowledge of the brigade members, the development of mentorship, invention and rationalization.

4.3. The brigadier as the head of the brigade has the right to:

To take part in the development of current, long-term and counter plans, as well as the socialist obligations of the brigade;

require the administration to timely provide everything necessary for the normal course of the production process and the fulfillment of the plan (task) established by the brigade;

give the workers of the brigade the necessary instructions for the production of work that are binding on them, demand from them the timely and high-quality performance of the assigned work, compliance with technological discipline, labor protection and safety rules, labor discipline and internal labor regulations;

To present directly or through the foreman, the council of foremen, claims against adjacent brigades, through whose fault the fulfillment of the plan (task) of the brigade is disrupted;

receive clarification from the administration labor law, rationing and conditions of remuneration accrued wages and other issues related to the brigade;

make proposals to the administration on improving the organization of the work of the brigade, its structure, increasing shifts, improving technology and working conditions, changing the conditions of its payment in order to increase labor productivity;

Prepare and submit, taking into account the opinion of the foreman and the trade union group organizer, for approval by the team (council) of the brigade, proposals for establishing the size of the labor participation rate for members of the brigade, submit them together with the trade union group organizer and taking into account the opinion of the team (council) of the brigade for promotion;

make proposals to the administration on the enrollment of workers in the brigade and exclusion from it, taking into account the opinion of the collective (council) of the brigade;

sign, after approval by the collective (council) of the brigade, an agreement on mutual obligations of the brigade and the administration when working on a brigade self-supporting basis, a contract or in other cases;

suspend work in cases where a violation of safety regulations may pose a threat to the health or life of workers, do not allow a team member who is in a state leading to the same consequences (drunk state, illness, etc.) to work, immediately report about these cases to the master or other leader;

submit, together with the trade union group manager, taking into account the opinion of the collective (council) of the brigade, proposals from the administration on the application of measures of public influence or the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on individual members of the brigade for failure to fulfill their duties, violation of internal labor regulations;

represent the interests of the team at production meetings, general meetings, meetings of public bodies and the council of brigadiers when summing up the results of socialist competition between brigades, considering issues of moral and material incentives, discussing other production and social issues relating to brigades, to take part in the work of public bureaus of NOT, labor rationing and other public organizations.

4.4. The brigadier carries out his work in close cooperation with the brigade council, submits for its consideration critical issues the activities of the brigade (implementation of the plan, the state of labor discipline, the presentation of brigade members to the establishment of allowances and surcharges, determining the size of the KTU, etc.).

In order to enhance the role of foremen, their certification may be introduced with the assignment of the titles "Foreman of the II class" and "Foreman of the I class" in accordance with the Model Regulations on the certification of foremen, approved by the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

4.5. Failure to perform or improper performance due to the fault of the foreman of the duties assigned to him entails the application of measures of public influence, the imposition of a disciplinary sanction in accordance with the law, or release from the leadership of the brigade. The release of the foreman from the leadership of the brigade is carried out, taking into account the opinion of the members of the brigade, by order (instruction) of the administration.

In many organizations there is such a position as a foreman. This employee has his own rights, duties and responsibilities, which is recorded in a special document. The job description of the foreman includes all the nuances that this staff should work on. Read more about the document in the article.


The job description for the foreman of the site indicates the requirements for this employee:

  1. Vocational education.
  2. Knowledge of occupational health and safety regulations.
  3. Organizational skills.
  4. Ability to work with people and equipment.
  5. Responsibility, care, diligence.

Due to compliance with the requirements, the employee will perform his work qualitatively. They are presented at most enterprises. Depending on the area of ​​activity of the organization, other requirements may be necessary.

Main responsibilities

The brigadier is not a separate profession, but the lowest leadership position, duties are established by the direction of production where the employee works. It turns out that an employee of one organization performs specially established functions.

The duties of the Brigadier include:

  1. Team management.
  2. Quality control of activities.
  3. Ensuring labor discipline.

A complete list of duties is indicated in the job description of the foreman, which is valid at the enterprise. This document is different for each organization, but the main sections are usually the same, as they allow you to take into account all the important points. labor activity within a particular production.

Instruction Structure

The job description of a foreman usually consists of the following sections:

  1. Basic provisions. This part of the document contains conditions on education, work experience, rules for admission, dismissal, replacement, position in the state, boss. There are no special requirements for the level of education, since people with the same education as the main team that will have to be managed are accepted for this position. For employment, you need 1-3 years of experience in a lower position.
  2. The rights and obligations of the foreman. This section includes the basic nuances of what an employee should and can do. The rights include the possibility of getting acquainted with the decision of the management on their activities, reporting to the management about the shortcomings, obtaining the information required for the performance of labor functions.
  3. A responsibility. The position of foreman is responsible. This part of the document specifies general provisions law relating to the punishment of an employee for violations that occurred during work activities. The employee is responsible for failure to perform duties, causing harm, offenses.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is impossible to toughen penalties in internal documents, if this is not provided for by law.

All duties

The list of duties of the foreman may vary depending on the direction production area where the company operates. But there are a number common functions that this employee has. The production foreman must:

  1. Provide subordinates with tools and materials.
  2. Distribute subordinates in places.
  3. Replace employees as needed.
  4. Monitor the quality of products, performing production technology, the sequence of activities.
  5. Eliminate the causes of deterioration in product quality.
  6. Take action to correct deficiencies.
  7. Control the accuracy of accounting for created products.
  8. Ensure the implementation of the plan.
  9. Take action to correct deficiencies.
  10. Conduct safety briefings.
  11. Participate in inventory.

The list of the head of the construction team may include other duties. The main thing is that they are clearly and in detail defined, as this increases productivity and also makes it easier to complete tasks.


The job description of the foreman specifies not only rights, but also duties. This employee can:

  1. Coordinate and put forward proposals regarding production, discuss the qualifications and the number of teams.
  2. Provide management with proposals for receiving categories for tariffs, depending on the order, registration of awards.
  3. Introduce incentives for those who were the winners in competitions, as well as assign titles to employees.
  4. Influence violators of order in the brigade, take measures to punish.
  5. Participate in work meetings.

The foreman is the main specialist in drawing up plans for improving the organization of work in the group and developing them. He constantly monitors the implementation of planned tasks.

A responsibility

The Brigadier is responsible for:

  1. Inappropriate performance of the duties specified in the instructions.
  2. Offenses committed during the period of its activity.
  3. Causing material damage.

Workers join the construction team for the joint and coordinated management of production tasks. The foreman is a worker, but basically his job is related to leadership and control. It is thanks to his activities that the established production will be ensured.

The level of income for all foremen is different, it all depends on the area of ​​the enterprise. Salary is determined by what duties the employee performs. There is the possibility of career advancement, for example, you can become a foreman, boss, foreman. But for this you need to get a specialized higher education.

Sanitation and occupational health

The foreman needs to be aware of these factors, they are necessary to study the impact on the person. Depending on the conditions, industrial sanitation is created. The safety instructions include the rules for ventilation, placement of workplaces.

Hygiene and sanitation extended to equipping a safe workplace, providing a positive environment. V working conditions equipment with a certain noise and emitted negative factors is used. Without them, the workflow fails.

But with the help of safety measures, the harmful effects on the worker are reduced. Specialists must use a special protective form. In addition, a person needs to be at work no more than 8 hours a day.

Occupational Safety and Health

The law approved many measures to organize labor protection at enterprises. Most of the measures apply to non-production organizations. Civil servants working in offices have their own instructions. Safety measures are implemented by engineering and technical staff.

There is a department that is responsible for ensuring sanitary and hygienic working conditions. Occupational safety is the responsibility of the management of each group of specialists. Managers must conduct briefings with employees, monitor compliance with all rules.

Safety training

Training is essential in manufacturing. Safety briefings are primary, repeated and unscheduled. The first type of event is held with an employee taking office. If the employee does not follow the precautions when working with the equipment, the training is repeated.

With the advent of new equipment at the enterprise, an unscheduled briefing is carried out. Employees are told about the operation of the equipment, safety rules and other nuances that will make the activity efficient.

Thus, foremen are responsible persons in many industries. It is important for them to remember their many duties and rights, which are fixed in the job description.
