Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Job responsibilities of a marketer in trade. What are the responsibilities of a marketer? A short list of responsibilities includes

To achieve success and prosperity, any company must be consumer-oriented, understanding and satisfying their needs and requirements. Marketing theory and practice today are built on creating customer value and customer satisfaction. Marketing has become an important component of the activities of any company, whether it produces consumer goods or provides services. Even specialists who are engaged in private practice began to use his techniques.

Marketing and Marketer

Since the goal of modern marketing is to satisfy consumer needs, you first need to understand these needs, then create goods and services that best satisfy them, set a reasonable and reasonable price, properly distribute the product and, last of all, effectively advertise it. After all, goods that the consumer needs and exactly meet his requirements sell themselves.

A marketer studies supply and demand for goods and services and, based on the information received, plans activities to increase business profitability. At manufacturing enterprises, long before the start of production, the marketer determines which category of consumers the product will be designed for and its competitiveness. The concept of the product is built on this data, its appearance, the price is set, promotion and sales are organized. In trading companies, such work is carried out before a decision is made to purchase a particular product.

Marketer's tasks

The main goal and task of marketing activities is to increase the consumer value of the product, that is, through a whole range of measures, mainly correct advertising campaign, the need to convince the buyer to pay as much as possible for the product. The specific goal is profitability, sales and profit growth.

The task of marketing activities for market analysis and selection of target markets is the regular collection of primary information about competitors, market dynamics, key drivers (parameters for evaluation) of the market. The goal is to increase sales volumes outpacing the growth rates of the markets in which the company operates.

Marketing objectives also include working with consumers to increase the volume of purchases, their frequency and growth in the number of customers; developing a strategy for promoting the company’s products and increasing their competitiveness; assortment management, pricing and profitability control; organizational, management and control functions.

Functions of a marketer

A complete list of professional marketing functions in an enterprise cannot be contained in any one job description marketing manager. Functions are divided into four groups according to types of activities. Job descriptions for a marketer vary depending on what industry the company operates in and the specifics of the company itself.

Information and analytical activities consist of studying market conditions, consumer behavior and possible ways to influence it, the potential of the enterprise and its competitiveness; selecting target markets and their segments, developing recommendations for selecting markets; formation of consumer demand, forecasting sales volumes; analysis of the competitive environment.

Commodity production activities include the development of ideas for the creation of new goods and the organization of their production, proposals for the formation of an assortment of goods.

Sales activities consist of developing sales strategies, determining product and pricing policies, and creating a marketing communications system.

Economic and managerial activity consists of participating in the financial and economic analysis of the enterprise; ensuring investment and risk management; participation in the development and economic justification current and long-term plans activity of the enterprise and increasing its efficiency; management marketing activities enterprises.

Requirements for a marketer

The job description of a marketer at an enterprise determines the list of knowledge that a specialist needs.

Firstly, it requires knowledge of marketing theory obtained in higher education. educational institution by specialty. A marketer also needs knowledge in mathematics, computer science, economics, sociology, history and philosophy in order to be able to manage products and the sales market. To manage consumers, a marketer must know the basics of psychology, logic, cultural studies, and communicative influence.

Secondly, a marketer needs to know foreign languages, and not only for working in large companies with foreign capital. After all, it is foreign companies that have extensive experience in organizing market research and promoting products.

Thirdly, it is good if a marketing specialist has a basic knowledge of programming and computer disciplines. He must know not only standard office programs, but also special ones.

Personal qualities of a marketer

Job descriptions for a marketer do not specify the personal qualities of a specialist. But for efficient work A marketer must have a whole set of qualities.

Analytical thinking and logic associated with mathematical abilities are needed to analyze sales dynamics, manage advertising budgets, correctly calculate the effectiveness of investments and select the best solution from several, and establish cause-and-effect relationships in consumer behavior.

Creativity, the ability to generate ideas, creative potential and a willingness to perceive new information are needed to generate new ideas and find several alternative solutions to one problem.

Communication skills, diplomacy, and emotional stability are very important in the work of a manager, who must be able to competently and coherently express his thoughts on paper and out loud, find contacts with people, study their needs and be able to promote a product on the market in a competitive environment.

The job description specifies the scope of duties and work that must be performed by a person holding a certain position. The job description in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation, or OKUD, OK 011-93 (approved by Gosstandart Resolution No. 299 of December 30, 1993) is classified as documentation on the organizational and regulatory regulation of the organization’s activities. The group of such documents, along with the job description, includes, in particular, internal labor regulations, regulations on the structural unit, and staffing.

Is a job description required?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not oblige employers to draw up job descriptions. After all, an employment contract with an employee must always disclose his labor function (work according to his position in accordance with staffing table, profession, specialty indicating qualifications or the specific type of work entrusted to him) (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, it is impossible to hold the employer liable for the lack of job descriptions.

At the same time, it is the job description that is usually the document in which the employee’s job function is specified. The instructions contain a list of the employee’s job responsibilities, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor and management, the rights of the employee and his responsibilities (Letter of Rostrud dated November 30, 2009 No. 3520-6-1). Moreover, the job description usually not only reveals the employee’s job function, but also provides qualification requirements, which are presented for the position held or the work performed (Letter of Rostrud dated November 24, 2008 No. 6234-TZ).

The presence of job descriptions simplifies the process of interaction between employee and employer on content issues labor function, the rights and obligations of the employee and the requirements placed on him. That is, all those issues that often arise in relationships with both existing employees and newly hired ones, as well as with applicants for a certain position.

Rostrud believes that a job description is necessary in the interests of both the employer and the employee. After all, having a job description will help (Letter of Rostrud dated 08/09/2007 No. 3042-6-0):

  • objectively evaluate the employee’s activities during the period probationary period;
  • to reasonably refuse to hire (after all, the instructions may contain additional requirements related to the employee’s business qualities);
  • distribute labor functions among employees;
  • temporarily transfer the employee to another job;
  • assess the integrity and completeness of the employee’s performance of his or her job functions.

That is why drawing up job descriptions in an organization is advisable.

Such instructions may be annexed to employment contract or approved as an independent document.

How to draw up a job description

Job descriptions are usually drawn up based on qualification characteristics, which are contained in qualification directories (for example, in the Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated August 21, 1998 No. 37).

For workers who are hired by blue-collar professions, unified tariff and qualification directories of work and blue-collar professions for the relevant industries are used to determine their labor function. Instructions developed on the basis of such reference books are usually called production instructions. However, in order to unify and simplify internal documentation in an organization, instructions for blue-collar professions are often also called job descriptions.

When drawing up job descriptions, organizations are also guided by


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"_____" _______________ 20___



1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the marketer [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. A marketer is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position as established by the current labor legislation order by order of the head of the Company, on the proposal of the commercial director of the Company.

1.3. The marketer belongs to the category of specialists and reports directly to the head of the Company's marketing department.

1.4. The marketer is responsible for:

  • timely and high-quality performance of tasks as intended;
  • performance and labor discipline;
  • safety of information (documents) containing information constituting a trade secret of the Company, other confidential information, including personal data of Company employees;
  • ensuring safe working conditions, maintaining order, following rules fire safety on department premises.

1.5. Persons with a higher professional (economic or engineering-economic) education and work experience in a specialty in the field of marketing of at least 1 year can be appointed to the position of marketing specialist.

1.6. IN practical activities A marketer should be guided by:

  • legislation, regulations, as well as local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the organization (enterprise), regulating the work on marketing, the activities of the sales service and department;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions from the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.7. A marketer must know:

  • legislation, regulations on organizing marketing and advertising activities;
  • the organizational structure of the Company, the product sales system, the procedure for its functioning, the organization of the department’s work;
  • current and future resource needs of the department, methods of their planning and forecasting;
  • the tasks of the department to meet the Company’s needs for marketing support, its capabilities to solve these problems;
  • methods for analyzing marketing activities;
  • the procedure for organizational and information interaction of the department with other divisions of the Company;
  • procedure for developing marketing plans;
  • organization of operational accounting of the results of marketing activities;
  • criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the department;
  • advanced domestic and Foreign experience in the field of marketing;
  • composition and structure of department documentation;
  • means of computer technology, communication and communications;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection.

1.8. During the period of temporary absence of a marketer, his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities

A marketer is required to perform the following labor functions:

2.1. Ensure timely and high-quality completion of daily tasks assigned to him in strict accordance with the approved procedure (regulations) and work technology.

2.2. Regularly analyze the consumer properties of the Company’s products, forecast consumer demand and market conditions.

2.3. Take part in the preparation of promising and current plans production and sales of products, identifying new markets and new consumers of the Company’s products.

2.4. Ensure coordination of activities structural divisions department for collecting and analyzing marketing information, creating a data bank for marketing the Company’s products.

2.5. Organize a study of consumer opinions about the Company’s products and monitor the timely elimination of deficiencies indicated in complaints and claims received from consumers.

2.6. Submit proposals for the formation of corporate identity Companies and branding of products.

2.7. Study, summarize and apply advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of marketing in the daily activities of the department.

2.8. Timely and fully process and submit reporting and other documentation to officials with appropriate authority.

If necessary, a marketer may be involved in performing his job duties overtime, by decision of the head of the Company, in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

3. Rights

The marketer has the right:

3.1. Make decisions in order to properly organize marketing, ensure the daily activities of the department - on all issues within its competence.

3.2. Prepare and present to your immediate supervisor your proposals for improving marketing and department activities (its additional personnel, material and technical support).

3.3. Participate in work collegial bodies management when considering issues related to marketing and department activities.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The marketer bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Violation of the provisions of legislation, regulations, as well as local acts and organizational and administrative documents on marketing issues.

4.1.2. Failure to follow the instructions of the immediate supervisor regarding the organization of marketing, the activities of the department and the performance of its tasks.

4.1.3. Failure to comply with requirements to ensure the safety of information and documents containing confidential information.

4.1.4. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.2. The marketer’s work is assessed by:

4.2.1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily exercise of his powers.

4.2.2. Certification Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of a marketer is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his completion of the tasks provided for in these instructions.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The working hours of a marketer are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. Due to production needs, a marketer can travel to business trips(including local significance).

I have read the instructions ___________/___________/ “____” _______ 20__

Conduct a preliminary assessment of advertising materials developed by third parties. 3. Rights The marketer has the right: 3.1. If necessary, represent the organization in relations with other organizations in order to promptly resolve issues of production and economic activity within its competence. 3.2. Request from the heads of the company's structural divisions, specialists and other employees information and documents necessary to perform his job duties. 4. Responsibility The marketer is responsible for: 4.1. Improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties, which are provided for in this job description. 4.2. Causing material harm and damage business reputation organizations. for disclosing trade secrets. 4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from management. 5. Working conditions 5.1.

Marketer: responsibilities and required skills. job description of a marketer

That is, many potential clients simply cannot use the company’s services, because they are at work at the time. Almost any service area can be improved by adding a range of improved customer service options.

A marketer can find, analyze and highlight what will be economically justified and beneficial for the enterprise. Not all services directly bring profit, but the quality of service and customer loyalty always increase.


Financial Analysis The last major responsibility of a marketer is dealing with money. A competent marketer is able to calculate the approximate turnover of the company, competitors and the market as a whole.

Particular attention should be paid to:
  • Market dynamics, ups and downs.

Job description of a marketer

In particular, it indicates the possibility of making independent decisions and taking various initiatives, permission to communicate with other structural divisions and the company’s management, as well as the right not to perform one’s work duties if a danger to life or health arises. Responsibility of the marketer for offenses The section “Responsibility” specifies all errors, violations and offenses for which disciplinary punishment is possible.

When developing this paragraph, it is necessary to strictly rely on the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation, since neglect of them is fraught with sanctions against the organization itself. At the end, the document must be certified by an employee whose competence includes monitoring the performance of the marketer’s duties, as well as by the marketer personally.

Functional responsibilities of a marketing assistant


Do not perform your job duties if there is a danger to life or health. 10. Enter into communication with employees of the organization’s structural divisions on work issues.

11. Inform the immediate supervisor about identified shortcomings in the organization’s activities. Make proposals to eliminate them. 12. Submit proposals to management to improve your work and the activities of the organization. I V. Responsibility The marketer is responsible for: 1. Illegal handling of trade secrets, disclosure of personal information of employees, confidential information.
2. Causing damage to the organization, its employees, contractors, or the state. 3. Quality of reporting documentation. 4. Unauthorized representation of the interests of the organization. 5. Violation of etiquette norms, business communication. 6.

A marketer is a specialist who ensures the company’s maximum operating efficiency, a person who increases its output with the help of a marketing mix. The position of a marketer is indeed a very important and responsible one.

Of course, one person is not able to ensure complete high-quality completion of all assigned tasks. Large companies Mostly they have their own marketing department, and small ones have one specialist who manages the key aspects of the company.

Marketing is a very promising profession. A talented specialist may in the future hold the position of director, including a commercial director, as well as a top manager of a company.

What should a marketer be able to do?

First of all, you need to know a good theoretical basis, since you should understand all the principles of marketing in order to carry out correctly various studies, develop concepts for an advertising campaign or draw up a clear marketing plan. Also required higher education in this specialty, knowledge of psychology, sociology and legislative framework.

What qualities should a marketer have?

In addition to special education, you should have such important personal qualities as communication skills, creativity, logic, analytical thinking, emotional stability, diplomacy and the ability to find mutual language with many people.

A marketer must have an excellent understanding of office programs, such as Word, Excel, Access. To effectively compose marketing strategy, it will not be superfluous to know mathematics and draw up mathematical models.

The responsibilities of marketers largely depend on the direction of the company's development.

The marketer must:

  • develop product promotion plans
  • determine marketing budgets
  • analyze target market or audience areas
  • predict fluctuations in supply and demand
  • organize various events, research, advertising campaigns, promotions
  • form an assortment
  • coordinate the work process advertising agency or just a specific specialist (copywriter, designer).
  • Pricing is also often included in the list of responsibilities.

Main tasks of professional marketing

Information and analytical activities.

  • Market segment analytics.
  • Study of influencing methods on consumer behavior.
  • Formation of consumer demand and identification of their requirements for the features of services and goods
  • Analysis of the competitor environment, taking into account changes in customs, pricing or tax government policies, sales profits, turnover volume, and sales speed.

Commodity production activities:

Sales activities:

  • Development of a sales strategy.
  • Carrying out product policy.
  • Sales system organizations.

Economic and managerial activities:

  • Risk and investment management.
  • Development of strategic and operational plans for activities on the international or national market.
  • Conducting financial and economic investigations.
  • Control and management of the organization's marketing activities.